atOM IRELAND. -iC REBELLION. tfRlMr. BATTLE iS ITALY, The Cambria brings intelligence of an un successful outbreak in Ireland, We of course hare to rely opon- the English version of the matter, for. -the Irish papers friendly to the Irish cause have been mostly suppressed. This will account for the ridicule thrown over die movement. A collision had taken place, between the police and the insurgents 5 thd latter have been worsted and the leaders are fleeing from arrest." The immense prepara tions rmulo by the English government seems to overpowur all idea of effectual resistence. A continued stream of forces, consisting of cavalry, infantry and artillery have poured into Ireland, and an immense fleet of war steamers encircled the whole coast. The Felon, Nation and other papers were seized) the types carried away, and effectual steps taken to prevent their re-appearance. Nine counties were further proclaimed under the Anns Act, including Kerry, Gulway and sev en baronies in Cork county, Wexford, Queen's county, Cailow, Kildure, Wieklow, and eight baronies in King's county ; Westmeath, Louth, nnd four baronies in Clival) ; Farney, in Mon aghan ; two baronies in Armagh, and the ba rony of Newry, in the county of Down. Meantime numerous arrests have been made in Dublin and in Various counties. Patrick O'Higgins, the leader of the Dublin Chartist?, was the first person sent to Kilrnaiiiham jail on a charge of high treason. From the latest advices received from the disturbed districts about Ballingarry, where General Macdonald has established his head quarters, every thing continues peaceable, with the general impression that the moment the troops were withdrawn, dissatisfaction would again .show itself. O'Brien is suppo sed, by.the most cool-headed people writing from the sot, to be concealed in some of the mines in the neighborhood. Wilmor and Smith's European Times says: "It is quite evident, from all that has oc curred, that the movement has totally failed. The most sanguine of the Confederates must now be aware that there never existed the smallest chance of successfully coping with the British arms." France is quiet. The Paris papers an nounce the death of Gen. Dumesme on Satur day. A portion of the French squadron had sail ed from Naples for Ancona. . From Spain there is 110 news of any impor tance. In Portugal all is quiet; the last dates from Lisbon are to the 39th tilt . The nows from Morocco is that the people are again rising in insurrection. There lias been a long and close battle le twecn the Austriana and the l'iedmontese, and victory has finally declared for Kadetz ky, who has succeeded in effecting the ob ject he had in view, and in forcing Charles Albert to retire iteyond the Mineio. AWFIX FirtK IX ALBAKY, NEW YORK Fivt Hundred Houses Destroyed Loss, Tito Millions Ten Persons Killed. A lire broke out in the city of Albany, on Thursday afternoon, nnd before the flames could be arrested, five hundred houses were destroyed the loss estimated at two millions of dollars ! . The New York papers of yesterday contain the following telegraphic report 'of this terrible conflagratian : Alianv, Thursday, Aug. 17 U P. M. A destructive fire is now raging in this city. It broke out in some out buildings in the rear of Broadway and Herkimer street. It has already crossed Lydius street, sweep ing all before it on the east side of Broadway to the steamboat landing. Ithasalso crossed Lydius street in the direction of Church and Green streets. Under the prevalence of a strong galo from the south, it is spreading fearfully north, east and west. The loss of property must bo immense. The roofs of the house are so dry for want of rain, that fire is communicated from the sparks to houses in the neighborhood of State street It will be the most serious fire wo have had for years. The firemen of . Troy, West Troy, and Schenectady were here in full force. The conflagration in Liberty street, was stopped by blowing up houses. It is feared that sev eral lives were lostrumor says as many as ten, but there is no positive information. The Museum aud o'.hr places of entertainment are closed. UEW. TAYLOR STILL ANOTUER LETTER. The Charleston Evening News publishes the following extract of a letter from Gen. Taylor to a friend in Charleston. The letter is without date, but by its reference to the Philadelphia Convention, it will be seen that it was written recently : ' ' l never had any aspirations for the Presi dency, nor have I now, farther than the wish es of my friends are concerned in the matter nor would I have it on any other terms than I stated when the subject was first agitated, which is, that my acceptance must be with out pledgor of being trammeled in any way, so that I could be tho President of the whole Nation and nut of a Party, "I have accepted the ' nomination of the Philadelphia Convention, as well as the no mination of many primary assemblies gotten up in various selections of the Union, in some instances, irrespective of party, and would kave accepted Ik nomination of the Baltimore Contention, ha I it been tendered on tke same terms. I am now fully, if not fairly, before the country as a candidate for the Chief Magistracy ; and if it should b my good or bad fortune to be elected, I trust my course will be such for the most part, regards the management of our National affairs, as .will meet the approbation of my fellow-citivtens. Should they fail to do to, they will,' I natter myself, have the charity to attribute my er rors to the head and not to the heart. Very respectfully, your friend,' Z. TitLo. TEE AlIEniC AIT. SUNBURY. ftATl'RDAY, AUGUST Bit, 184H, M. B. MAIMER, Editor mm Proprietor. F.. W. OARR. ftiin huiLlin. M. P. Corner of ad and I'rk streets. PhiMelnhia. la rvmihrrlv aiithorind to receive advertisements and subscriptions for thla paper, and receipt for the aame. Democratic National Nominations, for president, GEN. LEWIS CASS, of Michigan. . ., FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, OBIT. WW. O. BTJTX.SB, of Kentucky, ELECTOR!!. SENATORIAL. - WILLIAM BIGLLR, of Clearfield. DAVID D. WAGKNER, of Northampton. REPRESENTATIVE. 1 II. t.. Hcnncr, Pliilad. eo. II. It. Kneoa, ' city 3 Isaac !hiink, ' 4 A. L. Rimifort, e i. li J. 8. Yoat, Montg'cry 6 R. K. Wright, Ix-high " 7 W. W. Dowiiinjr, Cheater 8 H. IlitldeirKiii, MneMcr " o P. Kline. Herka 13 1. C. King, Clinton m. 14 J. Weidmnn, Iehnn"M " 15 H. 1. Fisher, York " 1 V. Smith, Franklin " 17 J. Crwwell, Hlint'dou " 18 C. A. Ulack, Orcenc, " III ft. W. Bowman. Bedf'd ll J. R Shannon, Braver " 81 ft. V. Hamilton, AlW-g'y W.H. Davis, Crawf'd " 03 T. Ives, Potter 21 J a. Campbell. 10 -H. 8. Rclinnnover. Mi nroc 11 w. mvr-tlnnn, yom'g iu mcwsicr, noga Democratic State Nominations. ' Far Governor, WILLIAM niGLER, of Clearffld Cotinly. Subject to the decision of the Plate Convention. For Canal Commissioner t ISRAEL PAINTER, of Westmoreland 'County, Democratic County Nominations. CONGRESS. ALEXANDER JORDAN. SENATOR. EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. ASSEMBLY. GEORGE A. FRICK. Sheriff. JAMES COVKRT. PROTIIONOTARV. JOHN FAUNS WORTH. RElilSTKR & RECOIlDf.ll, joiin p. puusiii.. Commissioner. CHARLES WEAVER. Al'DITOR. DANIEL 1. OAUL. Coroner. FRANKLIN A. CLARK. C7 The ticket, generally speaking is a good one, and will, no doubt receive the support of the party. OIF" W e refer our readers to the pro ceedings or the Democratic County Con vention of delegates held at this place on Monday last. A large number of candi dates were before the delep-ates for nnmm.i- tion, and the excitement was considerable. The balloting for Sheriff and Register and Recorder were close and warmly contested. Until Mr. Yorks, withdrew from the con test for Sheriff on the seventh ballot, there was no more prospect of making a nomina tion than on the first ballot. For Register & Recorder, the ballotiifg were still closer, and on the fifth ballot the candidates were a tie. Mr. Covert, who has been nominated for Sheriff, hardly ex pected such a result, from the appearance of things at the commencement. K?" Nomination for Congress It willbo seen by the proceedinjs of the con vention, in another column, that Alexan der Jordan, Esq., has been put into nomina tion, as a candidate Ibr Congress of the 13th district, by the democracy of this county. This district, though democratic, has been for six years past represented by a whig. Our whig friends hud the tact and good sense to unite on an able and efficient member. If we wish to redeem the dis. trict, we must present a candidate equally able and unexceptionable. Such a one we present in the person of Mr. Jordan. Independent of these considerations we think Northumberland county entitled to the candidate. Union, Lycoming and Clinton, have each had a trial and it is now the turn of Northumberland. Sullivan county has just come into the district. As a new county with a small population, it of course, presents no claims for the candi date. K7" Governor: The State Convention will meet at Harrisburg on Wednesday tho 30th inst., for the purpose of nomina ting a candidate for Governor. A large number of candidates were named but the contest we presume, will be narrowed down to Wm. Bigler, Judge Eldred, Mor. ris Longstreth, and Judge Black. Bj? The Democratic Convention of Clinton county met on Tuesday last and nominated for Governor Wm. Bigler: Congress Allison White ; AssemblyCol John Smyth ; Sheriff James Catham. Congressional Conferees J I. L. Dieffen bach, W. W. Morrison. The Whig Convention assembled on the same day and nominated lor Governor W. F. Johnston; Congress No nomina tion: Assembly Capt. W, P. Brady j Sheriff Thomas Gallauher. Congressional Conferees L. A.Mackey, Alex. Hamilton.- 1 i" ' v Or. Lamb, of Indiana, has been appointed Governor of Oregon, in the place of Gen. Shields, declined. ' ' SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN FREE BOIL MEETING. A free soil, or Van Burcn Convention is to bt held in Reading shortly when, we presume, an electoral Van Buren ticket will be formed. '., A number of these, meet, ings have been field throughout the State. The free soil men are sanguine that they will carry New York, and entertain, they say, strong hopes of Ohio and Masnechu setts, certain it is, that this Van. Buren movement has of late made no little con sternation in the whig camp. Tho whig papers are beginning to attack the Van Bu ren movement with great vigor and no lit tle violence. They find in it a two edged sword that is calculated to cut both ways. In the Northern and Western counties, Gen. Cass will no doubt loose a goodly number of votes, but there is a strong prc sumption that Gen. Taylor will loose a greater number In the Eastern counties, where a large proportion of the whig vo ters are qunkers, who are opposed in prin ciple, not only to slavery, but to military men generally. The object of the Van Buren party prevent an election by the people, and thiow it into congress, where they feel confident they will be successful. Mr. Van. Buren may carry New York, but we very much doubt it. II the late state elections are a criterion, the friends of Cassand Butler have strong hopes and encouragement. O Hon. John M. Read, of Philadelphia is recommended in a number of papers as a candidate for Governor. Mr. Read, is a stead and consistent democrat, an able statesman, and ranks as one of the best law yers in Philadelphia. Tub Irish News. The news of the at tempted insurrection in Ireland produced much excitement in this city among the 11a tives of that country. Disappointment was felt by all that the insurrection should have begun so iiiauspicionsly, and all seemed to feel disheartened at the result. The befrin- ninp, it is true, is not very promising, but the defeat of two or three hundred persons hastily collected together cnn by 110 menus bo considered the crushing of n rebellion, ns the English journals delight in enlling it. Six or eight millions of people, suffering the most intolerable of grievances-, and goaded to the point of insurrection, are not to bt put down by the triumph of a few police, men in a fight, which, though for a pnr pose ludicrously dignified as a battle in the exaggerated reports of the English papers, can scarcely be considered much more in importance than an ordinnry row. The Eng. lish journals may laugh and lidicule the matter as much ns they please, but it is evident, that the English government looks upon it as a much more serious mutter, one that requires the most vigorous efforts on its part, and tho most formidable array of strength to crush. Ilenco it is crowtliiii; troops into the country, nnd every way pre paring by timely und, prudent precaution to meet tho genenil uprising which is appre hended. Whether tho Irish people nro pre pared at this time to cope with so formida ble and well prepared a foe, is doubtful. A few days will determine tho matter, for tho acts of the English government will now precipitate events, and the sons of Ire land be forced into open rebellion or obli ged to abandon the unequal contest alto gether. Phil. Ledger. The New York Tribune's News from Ireland. Tho news from Ireland, which we find in the New York Tribune, is totally different from that in the English journals, and we can scarcely believe that a light, at tended with such results, could take place and not a word of it bo mentionn-.l in ihosn journals. The other New York journals, of last even ing, receive this intelligence in in the follow, ing manner. Tho Journal of Commerce says: "From a careful examination of our files by tho Cambria, including journals and ex tracts of journals of every shtido of opiouiou, from ultra-tory to ultra-radical, and from con versation with passengers by the steurner, we are convinced that the whole story of the battlo of Slieveiiamon is a barefaced false hood, having not a shadow of foundation even in ignorant public rumor," The Mirror says: "The letter containing the intelligence is dated at Dublin, August 3d, and is one of tho most atrocious fabrications that we have ever seen in a American newspaper." We might multiply comments of this kind from the Tribune's contemporaries, but it is scarcely necessary. Phila. Ledger. The. Disaster at Albany.--The fire which has prostrated a large portion of the city of Albany, is a sad calamity to its in habitants. Tho number of houses destroyed is nearly 500. The lire commenced about 1 o'clock in the day, and continued until 4 o'. cloi-k, when the wind turned completely, its course from south to north, a heavy shower followed and checked the progress of the flames, which could not be stayed before by all the exertions of the citizens and the blow ing up of buildings. The (ire originated in a very singular manner. It appears that while a woman was washing, a spark set fire to her sun bonnet. Without a moment's thought tho jerked it from her head ami threw it she know not where, unfortunately it slighted in the stable of William Johnson, which in a moment almost, was enveloped in flames. Presidential Election Law By the aot of April 11th, 1848, Assessors are required to open their books immediately after the second Tuesday of October, and are required to assess any white freeman making applica tion to them at any time within ten days of the lime fixed by Uw for the election of electors for President and Vice President, and to make out lists tor the officers of said lection, and deliver the same to them 011 or before eight o'clock on the morning of the election. !',; , - 1 1 mi-U mu DBMOOHATZO COUNTY CONVENTION. The Democrat lo Convention of Northum berland county met in the Court House, at Sunbury, on Monday the 21st instant, when, on motions, LUTHER BASSET of Rush town ship was elected President ; Valentine Klasb, of Shamokin and James Oases, of Uelaware, Vice Presidents and Jaeob Baker and John Ytrdy, Secretaries The list of the townships was then called over whon the following delegates appeared, presented their credentials and took their seats in tho Convention. Lewis township. William Wilson, Jacob Kerchner. Delaware. John Unused, James Oukes, John Work. 7Vrfcf. William Waldron, Daniel Foll mer, Milton. William O. Wilson, Thus. Strine. Chilisquaqne. Daniel 1. Caul, William M. Anton. Poinf. Anthony. Watson, John Hammer. Northumberland. William Wilson, George Everhart. Sunbury, Jno. B. Packer, J. M. Simpson. Upper Augusta. Peter Cnlp, Dennis Wol verton. Lower Augusta. John Yordy, Esq., Thus. Snyder. ' Little Mahonay. Jacob linker, Esq., EliaR Peifer. Jackson. Wm. D. Hoffman, Benj. Hine. Lower Mahonoy. Elijah Byerly, Jacob Bingemnn. Upper Mahonoy. John K, Miuirer, Peter Brosius. Coal. Jonas Gilger, Joseph Zitern. Shamokin. Samuel Hummel, Samuel Ent, Valentine Klase. Rush. James Eckman, Luther Basset. On motion tho Convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for Senator. William M. Auten nominated Edward Y. Bright, Est , of Sunbury. Thomas Strine nominated H. A. Kerr, of Milton. The Secretary then read a letter from Mr. Kerr, addressed lo the Convention, in which he declined being considered ft candidote for nomination, whereupon Edward V. Bright was unanimously nominated. The Conven tion then proceeded to nominate a candidate for the House of Representatives, when Sam. uel T. Brown, Esq., came into the Convention and declined a nomination, whereupon Geo. A. Flick, Esq., of Northumberland, being tho only candidate named, was duly nominated. . The Convention then proceeded to ballot for candidates for tho remaining otlices when the vote were ns follows : CONGKESS 1 2 3 Alexau.t.T J.irriuti 16 17 '.'I Htcphrn iliMtn 4 4 'I mn-ry II II Itf Whereupon Alexander Jordan, Esq., of Sunbury, having received a majority of all the votes polled was declared duly nomina ted. SHERIFF. Balloting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gideon M. York 8 7 7 7 S 5 witliriirw William It. KiM, 7 7 H 7 q illiclr' DnvKt MnrU 5 5 6 7 H 5 1 Jainm Covert 9 7 0 7 S 10 15 AO Henry J. Kuuiler 8 10 9 8 f, (I 11 16 Whereupon James Covert, of Milton, hav ng received a majority of the whole number of delegates was declared duly nominated. John Farnsworth, of Sunbury, was unani mously nominated for Prothonotary, Clerk of Quarter Sessions &c. REGISTER & RECORDER Balloting 12 3 4 5 6 John 1. rurwrl 10 g II 18 In 18 Jaobllwia 3 4 .1 Juinei D. ISnrr l;l II I J 17 IH 16 .Man in Irwin 8 1 w ilMrrM- Pi ter llixlcr 3 3 3 Frcdcrirk Ilnaa 3 3 Henry J. Kreppn 3181 1 Whereupon John P. Purse), having receiv ed a majoi ity of the votes polled w as declared duly nominated. COMMISSIONER. Peter Hmitrliuwont reeeivi-d 7 v tea. ('Imrlca Weaver " ai ' Fruiieia Huelier " 0 , ' Whereupon Charles Weaver was declared duly nominated. Al'DITOR. Daniel P. Cuul reeeived SI vot. J.D. Armatriiim 11 ' Whereupon. D. P. Caul was declared duly nominated. CORONER. I-'runklin A. Clark rweived J I vle and was declared duly iwiiiimted. REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE To 30th of August State Convention. Joliu B. Packer received 31 votea. Jeu M. Killlpanil ' 11 ' Whereupon J. B. Packer was declared duly elected. Wm Forsythe was on the second ballot re commended upon the part of this county, as Senatorial delegate to the State Convention ; and Jacob Raker, C. J. Bruner and William Wilson appointed conferees to meet those already appointed upon the part of Dauphin county, to elect a Senatorial delegate to said Convention. Isaac D. Raker was then elected Represen tative delegate to tho next 4th of March State Convention. On motion George C. Welker and Johu W, Miles, were elected congressional conferees to meet those appointed by the other coun ties in this congressional district. On motion J. II. Zimmerman, Isaac D. Ra ker and William M. Auten, wore appointed conferees to meet those appointed by Dau- pliui comity,-to nominate a candidate for Senators. On motion, the following persons were du ly elected the Democratic Standing Commit tee, for the ensuing year : Felix Muurer, William Waldron, John C. Morgan, Daniel P. Caul, Jacob Raker, Abra ham Shipman, William Wilson, C. J. Bruner and John Yordy. The following resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted by the convention- WucacAi, We, as members of the great demooratie party of the Union, and as repre sentatives of the democracy of Northumber land county, in County Couventioo assembled, deem it proper to express our own, as well as wtaat we believe to be our constituents views upon the political affairs of the country, and '"LiiJJi.LllL"" JOURNAL. to testify our own and their attaqhment to the democratic faith and adherance to the candidates in nomination as our standard bearers in the coming contest. Therefore : Resolved, That the democracy never had more reason to be proud of their position before the country than now :At a time when their opponents have no principles which they dare to avow, they remain firm and steadfast in their faith and clinging to the immutable political doctrines they have ever advocated, challenge a comparison, and rely upon the intelligence, patriotism and discri minating justice of the American people, "for a right result." Resolved, That regarding "measures and not men," as of the cardinal principles of the democratic creed, and as vitally necessary to the perpetuity of our institution, wo con sider it equally insulting for any party to ask, nnd degrading for an American freeman to yield his support, to any candidate for the chief magistracy of tho Union, who is willing to secure the good opinions of others by con cealing his own. Resolved, That the unquestioned integrity, great ability, long experience in affairs of State, devoted patriotism and sound unflinch ing democracy of our candidate for the Presi dencyGen. LEWIS CASS, of Michigan, just ly entitle him to tire confidence ami support of his fellow citizens and eminently qualify him for the discharge of the high nnd important duties which will necessarily devoted upon the incumbent of the Presidential chair. Resolved, That in Gen. W.m. O. Butler, of Kentucky, wo havo a candidate for the Vice Presidency whose extensive acquirements as a scholar, eminence ns a statesman ami dis tinguished services, both upon the field and in the legislative halls fit hiin for the dis charge of nil the duties of the station for which he has been nominated, and commend him to the democracy of the country as wor thy of their united und zealous support. Resolved, That the patriotic and consistent course of the Hon. Simon Cameron, mid the Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, in the Senate of the United States meets our cordial and unquali fied approval. Their steadfast adherence to the true principles of democracy, unwaver ing attachment and fidelity to the best inter ests of Pennsylvania, their individual integrt ty and sterling worth entitle them lo our warmest confidence and firmest support. Resolved, That we have full and entire confidence in the competency nnd democra cy of Israrl Painter, our candidate for Canal Commissioner, and will give hiin our hearty support und a true old fashioned democratic majority on the second Tuesday of October next. Resolved, That we congratulate the coun try upon the return of Peace; and that our brave soldiers both officers and men, who so nobly fought in defence of their country's honor and who, by their valor and heroism, accomplished tho honorable result, are richly entitled to the warmest thanks of every pa triot as well for the unequalled skill and dauntless bravery they exhibited upon the Jield of battle as for the humanity and mag. nanimons clemency, uniformly extended to the vanquished foe. Their brilliant achie vements have shed fresh lustre upon the A merican arms, and "The luurelK wreullM tlml deck tlieir br. , Kiiciicle Itie win ite luml with glory." Resolved, That in view of the increased number of applications for new banks and for tho re-charter f old ones, our Legislature should direct its best efforts, "to secure the solvency of those which already exist," and, before creating any new ones, exact sufficient guarantees to make their circulation "sound and reliable." Resolved, That in the demise of FRANCIS R. SHUN K, the people of Pennsylvania lost one of their truest friends the democratic party, one of the fumest and most fearless supporters of its cherished principles, and society, one of its brightest ornaments. Resolved, That our delegates to the SOlh, of August stale convention be instructed to vote for WILLIAM BIGLER, for Governor. Resolved, That tho delegates of this con vention pledge themselves to use till fair and honorable means to elect the candidates this day nominated. Resolved, That the proceedings of this Convention be signed by the ofiicers and published in the democratic papois of tho county. Adjourned. LUTHER BASSET, President Valentine Klase, Vice Pi James Daks. i t's t. Jacob Raker, ) . John Yordy. ) fH'cr' etaries. The following article from the New Orleans Delta of 9th invtant confirms tho statements which have heretofore been mado respecting tho project for the erection of a new Repub lic out of the western states of Mexico ; The Republic of Sierra Madre Col. Kinney This gallant and distinguished gentleman, so well known to the whole country as the only American who could maintain himself on the west side of tho Nueces, whore, for many years, his celebrated Raucheros defied the whole power of the Mexicans, and sur vived a thousand perils, is now in our city, enjoying a little quiet after the active scenes of the war in which he has been a participa tor from its commencement. ' Colonel Kinney is a master spirit. His courage and coolness in battle, his skill in the use of arms, his energy, tact, and judg ment, point him out ns a leader, a chief, worthy to direct tho dillicult ensorprises. I hose of our readers who feel an interest in the success of that great enterprise which we had the honor first to developo and advo cate, by which the beautiful region north of tiro Sierra Mad re will bo redeemed from Moxican misrule and mado un independent republic, modelled on that of our own, will be gratified to learn that Colonel Kinney has engaged in that movement with ail his ardor and great resources, and has already collec ted at Corpus Christi abundant means to sup port the stand whioh, it is calculated and or ranged, will be made by the Mexicans in this territory. And doubts which we ever enter tained of the practicability of this enterprise and we never had quite as many as some of our eontomporarias, who have treated it with remarkable skepticism, are now dissipated by the fact of Col. Kinney's co-operation. MILTON DKMOCRLTIC C LXB. 1 At a meeting of the Democrats of the bor ough of Milton on Monday evening the 14th inst., for the purpose of organizing a Demo emtio Club, J. H. McCormich was called to the chair, and S. D. Jordan appointed Secre ary. t.; V. . 1 After the adoption of preliminary mea sures, the "Milton Democratic Club" was duly organized by the election of the following gentlemen, as permanent officers: Presi dent: Maj. JOSEPH RHOADS. Vice Presi dents : J. II. McCormich, Hugh M. Darison, Francis 0. Donnell and Thomas Strine. Re cording Secretary : C. A. Kutz, Esq. Corres ponding Secretaries : Dr. E. D. Hammond and Henry J. Sheafer. Treasurer: Samuel T.Brown. Executive Committee: William Heiner, John E. Gehrig, Dr B. Y Shelly, James lluoy nml Samuel Blair. The Club to meet every Friday cveuinrr until tlm 1'resi. dentin) election. Tl... r ii . luiiowiug preamble nml resolutions were submitted by 11. A. Kerr, and unaui mously adopted : Whereas, The importance of the approach ing election to the democracy of this county, the State und tho union i, manifest to all ; and whereas, it is the duly of every good emoi:i.u io auopi all honorable means in his power, to promote the success of tho niinei pies laid down and advocated by that great u,n,Bllu in inericaii rociety, Thomas .leller son, and believing that by unitiii'Miud or-mi, izing ourselves into clubs, we can aid "the cause we advocate. Then fore Resolved, That we organize under the suit and title of the "Democratic Club," of tin borough of Milton, of the purpose of taking such measures as will tend lo ensure the suc cess of democratic principles at the coining election. Resolved, That we will meet once a week until the Presidential elrctiou. Resolved. That we recognize in tho Demo cratic nominee for the Presidency LEWIS CASS, a statesman well tried in the service his country, ami not found wanting. A pub lic man against whose moral character the tongue and slander has not dared to rain a whisper and a representative of the prop!" who has never yet been found taking sides with tho enemy, whom our country w-ts en gaged in maintaining her rights, abroad or al home. Ri solved. That in the democratic candidate for the Vice Presidency, Gen. WM. O l'.l'T LER, we have embodied the hero ami the statesman, a man whose gallant conduct in the field, course in the halls of legislation, has gained for him a name which endears him lo the American people. Resolvd, That we consider it a duty as well as a pleasure to use all honorable means to assist in elevating to the highest otlices in the gift of the people, Gen. Lewis Cass and Gen. Win. O. Butler, gentlemen worthy the support of every democrat in the laud. Resolved, That in selecting a candidate for Governor the democratic State Convention should choose a man matured in the demo cratic ranks, possessim; talents of a high or der unblemished character, anil of l.unirn imlliueliing firmness in his views, in favor of making stockholders liable in tho individual capacities for the debts of corporations in w hich they hold wtoek, Resolved, That iu Israel Painter, the do niocrutic candidate for Canal Commissioner, we have a gentleman on whom wo can rely to carry out all measures necessary for the well government of our public works, that appertain to tho office, and lhat his character and course iu tho legislature, is a warrantee that he will prove trim to iho democracy un der all circumstance. Resolved, That we believe the candidate for Congress iu this district should be selec ted from this county according to rotation w hen he is selected, that tho democracy of tho 13th Congressional District should span neither time nor trouble to redeem it f rom the: rule of whiggery. Resolved, That the great number of appli cations advertised to bo made at tho next session of the Legislature for Bank Charters and re-charters (being about 40) is truly a larmiug, and that it is the duty of democratic County Conventions lo see that no man is put on the ticket for tho legislature who is at all suspected of being unfavorable, lo tho indi vidual liability clause, or who may refuse to pledge himself before nomination. Resolved, That in forming the county ticket, due regard should bo paid to the claims of each section of the county, ami that uuno but tried nnd worthy democrats be selected. On motion. Resolved, That tho proceed ings of this meeting be published in the Dt' mecralic newspapers iu this comity. Signd by the officers. Expknsk at Saratoga. We givo below, from a correspondent of Iho New York Ex press, a bill of( fare or extract from tho ('expense book'1 of Iho Tinted States Hotel for a single day ; They use over 100 dozen of eggs just for breakfast ; and in one week they use two barrels powdered white sugar, two barrels Porto Rico brown, do.; ono barrel brown Havana, and two boxes Stuart's or Wool soy's best double loaf, do. They use 340 quarts of milk, daily, 60 lbs. of salmon for dinner $36 worth of vegetables, 275 lbs. of beef, and 250 lbs. of lamb, mutton, veal, &c. Of tho other et ceteras I made no memor andum, but they are all in proortiou, I'll warrant you. Remember, this is only tho account of ou house, and there are two oth ers that use nearly as much, besides a host of houses, using from one-fourth to one-third as much down to tho house that aoeommo. dates only its ton to twelve boarders, Nink Miles or Flour. The quantity of flour burnt up on tho Pier was about 15,000 barrels, which being placed endwise would extend over uine miles, the same being two feet deep and as many ale, - Albany A'nici, erboker' Wb asked a returned volunteer, the other day, if he saw the elephant in Mexico : and he solemnly assured us lhat there were -no animals of the kind iu the country. No thing," said he, "was ever seen there that earned a trunk with it." Na VY AND MaRINK Corps. Thfl fnllnurinrr information is gathered from an analysis of 1 II' T 1 r a. .. . . meosnn ana winners ueneraiKegtslerot the Navy and Marine Corps, exclusive of the civil uuivcrs, irom me commencement ot the Wavy to the present timt! compiled from the offl- :..i I. JL v.. icuurus oi uie wavy Department: uvea, Kitted m action, 52: killed in duels, 21 ; killed by accidents 7 ; drowned, . V.. i" r " " ' i muniereo; o; resicneo. 1.645 : dlSmisapH. Jno . Li 7 a-' t. I I wut!ini 111 UIS- charged. 100 ; last nppeainnce unknown, 434 ; deserted, 8; in service, 1.B05 Total 6,758. Eatafe of Catharine llournc, dee'd. "pVOTICE ia hereby airn. that leitrn of sJ 11 minntra 1 n har bean grnntrrl lo the auti.,l. brr, on the rstnte of (J abs-inn Unuri e I ts of 3un b tr-, itcc'J. All p"i na ini'eMtd to said raistf, nt hsmni rl lints igni.ial the an me, are rrqueated lo es I on the su'.'Srril'rr f t i-f oh m n'. jnilX BOURNE, AJtn'r, Kin, bury, Auinst 26, 1848 fit ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN t'Ursunnro of an nnler of the Otphana' C v of Narthum) ednni routiiv, will tie bm, at p.i,. lirvenilue nr ou'rry, on Monday the 2d tiny of October, A D. 184. On the i.remisca to witi A C ertain Truct of Land i-itnn'eil in U'nr Augusta t'mtiahip, in aaid eunty. ni!j lining landa of Philip Hile, IVtrr O'erilo f. Benj min Knttprman and others, ('on Mining ahoul One Hundred Acres more or das. Win toi.n me eroded a Log Hmi-c and Log Uarii, fee Tl.ete ia. alro i.n eice.lent Orchard, and a tiood opting of V a'rr on li e mIob prriniai-H. Late ilir ent.ilo oT lac Vnnsick'e uVcM. Sale t coinn.eme t 11 o'clmk, A. M. tf mid dny when the t rtns of .ilo will be made known by JOHN H A I JO H A W OUT, Adm'r. Ity ntder or the (".inrt. EDWARD OYSTER, Cl'k. An list 2fi, IMS ts NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, SS. In the Orphans' Court afraid County, August Term, 1848. J' IN the matter of the Pa 1 1 it ion of the ettate of HANNAH RKED, dcl. August II, 1818 The court grant an vi ae rule on the heiri and leiial representative! to be and appear on the first tidy of next term to accept or refuse the es tate ut he valuation or ihew cause why the aatne shall not be sold, and the ceurt direct that ser vice of this rule be made personally on all the beirs and legal representatives residing in the counties of N'ni ilium tier land am Columbia, and on the others by publishing the same for four successive weeks in the ''Sunbury American," a Newspaper published at Sunbury. per curium. Certified from the records of our said court at Sunbury, this 11th day of August. t r- , i). isis- EDWARD OYSTER. Clk per John Pursel, pep. Riinlitiry August 10, 18JS 4t ( ISviI WATCHES & JliWKKRY, .l.&AV. L. AVAIvI), :Vi. 100 t lli:SM T street, I'hllalelliln, Opposite the Franllin lions', EXTORTERS of Oold and Silver latent Le ver Watches, i ml Manufacturer of Jewelry good asoi I iriei.t always on hand. Hold Pa tent Levels. l."J j w-.-U SoS : Hlver do SISIm ft); Cold Lepin.f ::0; filler do. 512 In 1.1; CI cks and Tune Pieces, Oulil Pencils, ft 2.1, upwaiils; Diau.oriil Pointed Gold Pel. i", Sl.,1(i; (old Piiieeliils .Hid Breast Pins, in ere t variety; Eur RitiBS ; Miniature ( ases ; u. id t bains, SI'-' lo $-23; Int. a Tea i"ets. Castors. tike Baskets. Candlesticks. Piritatuiia Ware, Fine Ivo. ty Handled Tabl ( u lery, and a general assott men! of Fancy fj oiU AMT.31TO tIT SttVElt. FOIIK AND SI'UU.X MANUFACTORY. .. J.&W L WARD. No 108 CHE.-NUr M..' Philadelphia, opposite the Kiatiklin House, Manufacturei of all kinds of Silver r-pootis. Forks, 'Pea vets Ladles, Ac. All work made by us is stamped with nttr name, and warranted to be made ol purely American coin. Philadelphia. August 12. 18186 mo KEVKH ANl) A(H K!!! Cr-TJIO noun IILY ERA I) ICA 7'K J01 BY ROWAXD'S TONIC MIXTURE ! ! rpH VT great National, Old Favorite, and Ster A I rig Remedy!! ! of EIGHTEEN Y 'ARs STANDING mill unnpproached in its wonder fill success, ceitainiy, n i! suf ty, inthe it as or WUKTC.UKll CO.lll't.AIM ! ! ! Qy If you would trcupe the arsenica' (pirson. oto) counterfeits take not a bottlerow a it uie. tha' is n t iftiurJed by t' c ' written i:tn'nturr'' of tho ot iginal inventor and proprietor, John U. Row.iMi, on i7 p pir Ltel, cruts'ng the mntlh und eork. This remedy has never been bolstered up by faUeiini! decet till pud', but bus won its way In Ihe ct'nlidence'and univi -sal ado tiou of Ibe in habitants ol Fkvkr ano Aunt: Pin-i imi Ts fl V ITS coon wouK.s.isn fruits jlo.:, to whiih all theauents, and every person whohtv.i used it, well t-stifv. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 113 Anh Street Philadelphia. Ai.kvis for ti bin yIia T Clement. J. Y. Friling, H. M sfer-tind Geo Rright. Ai; lor Northumberland Forsythe, Wil. son A Co., R M. M'Cay. AuguM 5, IS 13 Ki ' &s3 so- oa sioi slp a I'alcut Aii-Tiht SI'MMKll AND WJYJ'Eli CCOKJXC; STOVES. fpHK uluve St.ive. wliiili is equally well adapted to Wood X or I.' ut, Iiiim rw..-i el uli er iiiedub) at tlie luira of tba American liislitnle, New York ; it the Muchauica1 Invo lute, B wton ; of the I.'niukliil limtitute, lMillnitelpkia J ait of the Mei'liunirs' luMitute, Wihuiiiiit'iii, Debiwure. It ia callable, if mperlv uanl, oi' dnuif Ukore work, wittr kiw fuel, Ibau any other Miive yet tillered to tha nulilic: u winter it will warm the largest kilehen, while in summer, with the summer dreaaaiUiehed, it throws out no more heal Uiuu a diureou! luriuieef and I'or Uiiliiig, UroUimr, ba kinir. or nustiiur, it cannot be surpassed by any other Si n e, open lire, or brick oven. KKCO.UMKNpATtOXS. OcRTIFICATK OT TIIKJt'DnES 0 TBI MkCUAXICs' IST1 TUT, BlMTOK. We. the sulwrriliers. being- eliuaeu JiKhrm by the Maaaa ehuetts Charitable Mechanics' Am.ieuilliiu ill Hoston, on sloven, furnaces, rui(ca, ir. wuukl inl.irin the public, lhat after lentiiiK all the cookiiur stovea that were put into tha Fair l'v exhibition, arid letting each mull uuuuiu;e hia own atova with the same kind ol imuI, in order to aacwruiiu whieli woulil do the mile work with the least fuel inthe aume time, anil do it beat, we fiial thut rHewnrt'a Patent Hummer and Winter Air-Tiaitl Cooking Stove, mnualueliir etl hy the paleulee, of Troy, N. V., to be the best, as tl look but i3 iniiiutee to boil two irullous of wuter aiul Istks biscuit in the emue tune, end broil heel' atenk, ami all done in Ihe best maimer with seven pounds ol' cmal, ia Unity minutea from the time the tire was put into tlioatove, 'fik wrucb. we awarded the silver medui. J AMKS (Kiri.D, WAt.TKR OORXEIX, Tlltt.MAt MOt'l.TO.V, A. 1. WKBHKtt, awl J AM l'Af. K, Ji ixiks. The MilMcrihere resiollully uivlle the attention of oowi. try dealers, to our of the 'unseat and lies! selected atoek of . Moves, ever offered in thiscit) , anewf whieb are tliv ful, luwiiur t liases, Sereen Cy lenders. Oven Stoves. Washington Ait-Tight Cooks, Vulcan da do Kurekss da do Ltrge Oven do do Albany do do Willi do da McGregor Mammoth da Premiums Cook S oves. y Natjoaal Air-Tight Cooks. Psrlor Stoves. o touts Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. 130 Charles tba 1st Ait-Tight do SOOl.aily Washington. Air-Tight Psrlor, , 130 Washington Alt-Tight - do 300 McGregor's Ibrea days Parlor Air-Tight Cost Stoves, burning Urea days without stun- tion. .. .i : For sals wholesale and retail by North, Hani. son Is Co. No. 390 Market street, Philadelnbis. . , rbilaSelphia, July 18th, 184s