Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 19, 1848, Image 4

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    Gek. Bptisr'h Poetrt. The imwspapcrs
say the Louisviilo Journal, a whig paper, ate
now re-publishing some poema of more than
ordinary merit, written several years ago by
Oeneral Butler, the Democratic candidate for
the Vice-Presidency. The following, writ
ten by him for a lady of this city just before
his last departure for Mexico, has been kind
ly handed to us for publication. We think it
uncommonly pretty:
I beg the wear this simple ring
For one who oft will think of thee,
And feel most happy should it bring
Some passing memory of me.
Not when the smile is on that brow,
Tho' then thou seem'st some spirit bright
Not when the tears of sorrow flow
To chase away that spirit's light ;
Not in the crowd, that hollow cheat,
Where the grief is decked in festal flowers,
And the free heart forgets to beat,
And folly draws insipid hours;
Nor would t have thee think of me
When morning wears her robes of dew,
And wild birds wake their reveille,
And thou hast caught the morning's hue.
No! let it be the twilight hour,
When musing, mem'ry loves to reign
- And gather up each germ and flower
That scatter'd o'er life's travell'd plain.
No matter where my steps might stray,
Or dark or bright my fate may be,
Yet still through life's unmeasured way
Believe me a true friend to thee.
"Sir, bring me good plain dinner," said a
melancholy looking individual to a waiter at
one of our principal hotels.
The dinner was brought and devoured, and
the eater called the landlord aside, and thus
addressed him.
"You are the landlord."
"You do a good business here !"
"Yes!" (in astonishment.)
"You make, probably, ten dollars a day
clear 1"
. "Yes."
"Then I am safe. I cannot pay for what
I have consumed ; I have been out of em
ployment seven months : but have engaged
to go to work to-morrow. I had been with
out food for four-and twenty hours when I
entered your place. 1 will pay you in a
"I cannot pay my bills with such promi
scs," blustered the landlord, and, "I do not
keep a poor house. You should address tho
proper authorities. Leave mo something as
"I have nothing."
"1 will take your coat."
"If I go into tho streets without that, such
weather as it is, 1 may get my death."
"You should have thought of that beforo
you came here."
"Are you serious Well, I do solemnly
aver that in one week from now, I will pay
"1 will take the coat !'
The coat was left, and in a week after
ward redeemed. Seven years after thai, a
wealthy man entered the political arena, and
was presented at a caucus as an applicant for
congressional nomination. The princijwil of
the caucus held his peace j lie hoard tho his
tory of the applicant, who was a member of
a church, and one of the most respectable of
citizens. He was chairman. The vote was
a tie, and he cast a negative, thereby defeat
ing the applicant, whom he met an hour af
terward, and to whom he said
"You don't remember me V
"I once ate a dinner at your hotel; and al
though I told yon I was famiishing, aud pled
ged my word and honor to pay you in a week,
you took my coat and saw me go out into the
inclement air at the risk of my life without
"Well sir, what then!"
"Not much. You called yourself a Chris
tian. To-night you were a candidate for
nomination, and but for me you would have
been elected to Congress."
Three years after, the Christian hotel-keeper
became bankrupt, and sought a home in
Bellevue. The poor dinncrless wretch that
was, afterward became a high functionary in
Striking Comparison. Tho N. Y. Tribune
ays, the following beautiful comparison was
made by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in tho
course of hi sermon, on Sunday morning
"When the chain of the surveyor strikes
the oak in the forest he is followed by the
woodman with his axe, who pauses era ho
gives the blow. Ho beholds the noblo tree,
which has stood for a century, with its bran
ches spreading far and wide, and yielding a
grateful shade. He looks not upon it in ad
miration, but sighs and exclaims: "Ah! how
long will it take me to cut it down!" And
so in party strife, men behold in their way a
nobleman of humanity, they pause not in ad
miration, but exclaim : "How soon can wo
cut him down 1"
A Horse Barnburner. A correspondent
of the Boston Chronotypo, writing from
Chambereburg, Pa, tolls the following curious
story of a horso recently turning "barnburner:"
A largo and destructive firo originated in
the town of Rockaburg, a few miles from here,
a wee or two ago. A man having a sick
horse, took h m into a field, and placing some
dried herbs in a tin pan, tied the samo very
securely to the horse's under iuw.and set tho
herbs on fire, that the poor beast might en-
hale the fragiuiit odors of the burnt ottering,
and to be cured of his ailings. Unfortunately
not only the odors, but the flame also, ascend
ed the horse's nostrils, which caused him
to break from his owner, and in mad fury he
galloped away to his stable, the door of which
was open. The fire of the herbs was in an
instant conveyed to the dry hay, and in one
hour the barn a large and valuable hotel, and
"F seven other buildings, were levelled
viU) the ground. So much for scorching a
noise's nose.
ii a person fau(0n you when vp, he
will most assuredly trample on you when
. John W. Friling, .
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
customers, that be bis init received and
opened splendid assortment of GOODS, consis-
tint or , .
Groceries, Hardware, Queetuware, Src.
The public ars invited to call and examine for
Sunbury, May 6, 1848 tf '
AN extensive 8lock of Pocket and Tsbte CUT.
l.ERY. for site by ,
Aor. 33 and 83 ARCADE, and 8 J AbrM
THIRD Strtt, , , Ising 0000 down Penknives, 8cietors and
Also, s choice sssoitmenl of Rotlfreri & Rons,
Woelenholm', Crraves's, W. & 8. Butchei'ssnd
Fenney'e Cutlery. ,...
Also, Bpanisn, uns anu iiunung nmvea.
Alto, Run, Pietuls, and Bowie Knives.
Als--. Tht American Rasnr Strop, a superior
rticle, worty the attention of Dealers.
Caen Dealers in Gulleiy, will find the abovo
Stork worthy their attention, a thn Subscriber's
chief business Is importing and Killing cutlny.
Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly.
Commission ond Forwarding
No.da Commerce Street Wharf. BALTIMORE.
Will receive and tell all kimJs ol Lountry no
duce Flour, Grain, tie.
N. B. Particular attention given to the aale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
aignmenta, when required.
April 1, 1818. 4m
P II I V. A 1) E I. 1' II I A
Established 15 years az. bu Dr. Kl'KELIS.
Tho olilest, surest and I'CKt hand ti cure nil forms
of seen t disensos, diseuioa ofihc akin and
solitary haliits of youth, la
K. W. earner of 2d and Union sis., between Spruce
and Vint, 1 squares from the Exchange.
YOUMi MEN! if von value your life or your
health', remember, the delay of a month, nny,
even n week, may prove your ruin, both of body
and mind. Hence li t no fulsn modesty Jeter you
from mr.kini; your case known to one who, from
eilurntinn and respectability, c m a'nrio befriend you.
He who places himself under l)r KINKELIN'S
treatment, may religiously cufiilo in bis honor as
a gentleman, anil in who-c hnsoin will bo forever
looked the serret of the pa'icnt.
Too many think they will bus the secret to their
own heart, and euro Ihcm-clvcs, Alas! how of
ten U thia a delueir.ii, and how many a pro
mising you'g man, who nvglil time been an orna
ment to society, baa failed from the earth.
finding it inconvenient to nmkc personal applico.
li n, can, by statins; their ease explicitly, toen'her
with atl their syenptomn, (per I Per. post-paid.) have
forwarded to them a chest containiLg Dr. K' me
dicine appropriated accordingly.
Package of Medicines forwarded to any part ol
tho United Stales at a moment's noiiee.
trj' Tost ruin iKTTms, nihbessed to Dr. Km
artix, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oc. 30lli, 1847. ly
No 19S CIic-miiiI Street,
South East Corner of Eighth it , Philadelphia.
I PORTRAITS from tho smallest hreasl-i in to
the largest size, singly or in groups. The
Proprietors aro warranted in siyinir, that their
work has gained a reputation second to nono in
the world. Extracts from the Press :
-Life-like in (be expression, chastly correct in
the shading. Isdrcr,
Tho ait has arrived at greal perfection, and
none understand U Heller man IHcvlccs . iter
mon." Baltimore Iris.
"Admirable! nothing can exceed their exquisite
ilclioacy." V. & Gazelle.
Lx tract from Ihe report of the Juiljes, at the lest
fair of the Franklin Institute Daguerreotype.
in this department there are some very excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and Ihe Judges think
they see a progressive improvement in tbia branch
nf the art They have not r commended ana-
ward in favor of any nf the eomctilois, but are
ili-poscil to rank wfint in order, the collection of
McCLEES & GERMON, aa containing the lar
gest number nf superior specimens."
I hlltidclpliiii, f eu IS, 1818. Bra
THE children began to cry for Bherman'a Lo
zenges, The noise waa not a.i loud at that
time, but it has kept increasing ever rince, and nnw
haa bieumo ao great thai tho moulba of the tittle
ones can force be atopped. Dr. Sherman sympa
thises with Ihe little suffi rers, and virv much re-
arc s (hat any of them should be disappointed.
Knowing the vast benefit which hsa been confer.
red upon the community by tho introduction of
bis infallible
he has entered into arrangements for enlarging his
Maniif. ctory, ny means nf which I e thinks he will
he able to supply the deinai d. And the same pains
and care will be taken, llut t!iee c- lebrated Lo.
xenges be made aa they h ive alnnys been, in or
der that thive who drpend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he
commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lozen
ges, that thiy would supersi de ihe use of every
other vcimifuge, as ihe Lozenge ia very pleasant
in the taste, speedy in its elled. aa well as certain.
anu Ihe quantity required la cllect a perfect cure,
is very snull. These, prnprrlies. in connexion with
Ihe f.ct that ihey are sold for 25 centi per box, thus
placing them in the reach nf the poorest man in
the laud, has not only caused them to take the
place of every olher vermifuge ever offered, but al
so rendered them popular to the community.
Dr. Sherman
continue lo cure Coughs, C I Is, Consumption,
Asthma, shnrlnejs and difficulty of Breathing, and
olber discs es of the Lungs, with the same facility
Ihey did on their first introduction, and the luonK
have now become persuaded by actual expeiience,
that on the accession of a ;ghl cold, they have
only lo step to either the Dr's. olliro, or one of the
Agenla, and obtain s box of bis Cough Lozenges,
wncn are very convenient lo carry in the pockot,
and lo take a few through ih" d .y. By pursuing
this course a cure is ofien clleited in 21 hours, and
ihe patient about his basin- sa. So cleat is the ce
lebrity of the Lozenges, that thousands of persons
wno uava uaen mem, ana neemne acqiuiiiteu with
I Heir illects, will never lie without theui.
haa cured more cases of Rheurnalisru, l'i i in the
Back, Side and Cheat, Lumlao and Weakness,
than any application that has ever been msde. As
the celebrity of the Planter has incieaned, hundreds
of unpuncipled ra-culs have altuuipled to counter,
feit it, ami pilm it off upon ihe community as the
genuine. rTT Beware of Ueceptiou. Jn Keniem
ber that the true and genuine Pluatur ia apread up
on reddish paper wade expressly for the purpose.
and iu every ca.e the signature of Dr. Sherman is
P'iniia upon tlie t acit or tho risier, and the wbole
secuieil by Copy Right. INuuo uthers are genuine,
I beiefore when you want S real good Sbermsii'a
Poor Man'a at lbs office, 106 Naassu
atreel, and you will not be disappointed.
Remember the number, 106 Na-sau at., where
sll D'. Sherman's Louugaa are sold. His Ageuls
srs Mrs. Haya, 13 Fulloa at reel, Brooklyn I
Hineaoo, Williaaisburg j and Redding tt Co.,
Boston, aud JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
.. M. A. McCA Y, Norlhuuibeilsud.
September t,, 1847. ly.
CD LE S2T "Q1 SXI 32a S2T Q?
T has power to tvm all itTiasn BORES.
POISONOUS WOUND8 le discharge their pu
tiid matters, and then hears them.
It ia richly termed All-beating, lor there is scare
ly s disease, external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years
for pll diaeases of the chert, consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger and responsibility.
and I declare before heaven and man, thai not in
one aingle case haa It failed to benefit when the pa
tient waa within the reach nf moital means.
I have had physicians, learned in Ihe profession.
I have had ministers of the suspel, iuilres of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
est erudition, snd multilinles of the poor use it in
very variety of wav, and there has been bat one
voiee one universal voice saying : "M Allister,
your Ointment is GOOD.
In Scrofula, Old Bores try sereins, letter Li
ver Complsini, 8ore Eyes, Quinsy, Pore Throat,
Bronchitis, Broken or Bore Breast, riles, all lnesl
Diseases, such aa Asthma. Oppressions, Pain
Also, Sore I.ipx, Chapped Haml, Tumors. Chil
dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervnua Diseases,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
as snid.
8CAI.D HEAD We have cured cases that
actually defied every thing known, as well sa the
ability of 16 or 20 doctors. One man told us he
had spent f 300 on his childien without any bene
fit, when a few boxes of Ointment en rid them.
BALDNESS h will restore the hair sooner
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The aalve has cured person
of the headache of IS years' standing, and who
had it every week, so that vomiting often
took p!ace. DicirsKss, Eta Aetis, ami Amis if
Tna Pack, are cured by thia Ointment with like
UUUNS. It s one nf the best things in the
world fur Hums. (Itead the directions around the
box )
HHEUM ATISM. It removes almost
ately the inflomalinn and swelling when Ihe pirn
cevrs. (Renl the Directions sround the Box.)
COI.D. FEE I'. Consumption, I.iver Com
plaint, Pain ill tl.e cheat or side, falling off of the, one or the other alwaya accompanies cold
feet. (Thia Ointment is the true remedy .) It is
S turn siirn of disease to have cold feei.
TETTER. There ia nothing belter for the
cure i f Teller.
PILES. Thousands ate yearly cured by thia
CORNS. Occasional use of the Ointment will
always keep Co ns from growing. People need
never le troubled with them il they will ue r.
Itead the fallowing Communication.
R.ceived from an nd. repce'ed snJ well known
eiiiu n of Phi'aJutphu. and then judge for youi
Philadelphia. 10 m-, 13th, I8lfi.
To T. B. Peterson, Having been reiitnMeil
to ti'O niv opinion on ihe merits nf M'ALI.IH
TEH'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate soire
of the In m fits which I have i xpeiicnccd in the use.
nf Ihu article.
In li e spring of 1815, I hud nn nttack i f l"rv- in my f.ico which became very painful, and
extended int.i one i.f my eyes, being attended with
fever, my dif tress was great aud I began to he f ar
ful of lusii g n.y e)e.
Alit.mitr'i not much of a nelieier in what is
commonly r-dl d qneck medicines, I purchased a
Imx ami ruiitle an apiilientiou to my fire. 1 o my
surprise the p iin sunn ah .ted, and in a we;k's time
it waa ei.t ie!y cured, and I firmly believe that il
mi ihe saltr, under rrnvidcnce that cured me.
Prom that tiino to the present, I have used the
article as occasion required, and in every case where
I have ui-ed It, I have found a decided benefit
At m e time, en going tob?d at night, my throat
was so sure that I ma lowed with difficulty, hut
by an application of tho i-alvo I was ralieved Icfute
I have usod it in case nf burns, bruisca sprains,
and II eali cms, al with the happiest eflcctx, arid
one faae of Hisnning by a wild vine in the woods,
has b.en dried np and cured by a few applications.
From my own expedience, I would strongly re
eoiinijeriil il to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
med'n ina.
I hive become so partial to it, Ihut I expect to
keep il cn-tanlly in my l.imily.
I hniigh not ninl limns lo api car in print, yet I
cannot nlu e to Inive tins cnininii.icainn math
pulli.- if jtiitgud lie-l to serve ihe c ,u nf humane
ly. Respectfully ihine,
No. 20, Old York Komi.
r t "-. . a- .....
''li'ii'M. uiuimeni will lie senuine
linhss the Harm s of James M'Alliater. or J:,min
M Abisler Co., are written with a pen on eve.
ry lulic'. JAMES M'A LUSTER.
eole proprietor nf Ihe a'-ove meilieinc.
A iii ii : J. VV. FRII.INff. Sunbury.
Dr WM. M ItlCKLEY, Danville
J. f . CHOUSE. Sebnsernve,
P C. tsHRLl.ER. Lewiid.urg, .
VI M. F.NACLK. Milton,
JOHN SHARP LESS, Cattawinsa.
Feb. 19th, I84S. cow l
TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of
&c This Medicine u olfered to the public under
the ilial there is nn article in rxutenco
having ttronser elainia lo iheir B
ing c mi ouriih-,1 by a regular Graduate ol J. Der
ail n tv.-llego, I'liilaili lnh a, and a practising phvat-
cian nf taenty years' stanilirji- in Philadelphia, his
long exp rienee itn continued him in the opinion
th il s Ciimi'Oiind medicine was required to prevent
and remtdy Ihe debilitation pr dueed by residing
in low. nvn-niMic climalia, and lo counter ict Ihe
pro trating infliienei a of many nervous disorders
with which Ihe liuman family are aOlicteJ.
DR. ALLEN is a well known pbisiciio, and
has used the ahdve medicine in his practice for 8
years wbh the most aitonUhing effeel, having tes
ted Its qualities in anove
Io medieine ever reenved more lUiiering re
commendaii -lis from phy-icijns of einiiient jnd
ing th in bus hi en bestowed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prof.
aor s-iy: "Il chiefly arises in persons who lend
either a very atdenlary or irregular life. Although
not regarded as a disease; yet if neglernd or
linpropeilv Ireared, may bring on n cur.ible M.
Ian-holy, Jamnliee, Muduess, or Veilig i, Palsy
and Apoplexy. A gr. at aingutarby attendant on
it is, llmt il may and often doea continue a great
lengthof nine without any rcuiisj-ion of ihu syinj
toms. '
jn iai',-1 line! sun unealne.s ol m ud, in
ienc nuuy, proiu-e cvacuannna, excesn in veucry
excessive uo ol (pinluoua liquors, let, tobacco
plum, and other nurcolita. iininndcrnte renlelion
over diateiuinii of the stomach, a deficiency of the
cc"'1 ' ine i-iio or gisirtc juice, exposuio lo
ruiu anu Udiup sir, are Hie I causes of IMs dig
SYMPTOMS. Loss of appetite, nausea, acart
oiini, uciony, anu iietui erurUiions, gnawing
I lie siooiacli wlieu empty, lloeailnei-a in ilia Ihro.l
pain in ihe aide, co.i.yi uis-, ebillunw, l.nuuin
lowing , spiiils, ptlpitalious, au.l disturbed
i-AUI.K rUMI'lH'M) has never failed in all,.,
uing iiuuiedialo leliel, and a ladical cu e for this
nr-:- Tl,;., ttf ...i:..T... I I tr .
. niruiiiii, mi, uv usu Ol 1 , Il Al SH. CT,
nuiinuryt J. IJ. Martin, I'ott-ville, Medlar t
Uickel, Orwigsburg ( anil af Druggists generally.
ALLEN et WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 cq ly
fNHE aubscriber ia prepared to receive snd ac
-- comruouais lew transient or permanent
Bttrders, at her residence in Sunbury. The lu.
cation is ia a hauiUome and pleaaant part of lbs
town, commanding a fine view of the Suaquehau
ns, Northumberland and tbs scenery adjacent
a v iwraaiia iron ins ciiy, wno wish lo apend a
few months during the summer ecaeoo, Sunbury
uvims uviiutioi rairaai.
April 8, 1848 6m .-
The following iist'ahowa the current value of all
Pennsylvania Dank Notes. The moat implicit re
liance may be placed upon it, as it Is every week
sarefully compared with and corrected from Biek
nell's Reporter. '
Unnlis In Philadelphia.
Nsajs, UesTioit. "'"iJ".
Bank of Nnilh America , , pat
Bank nf tho Northern Liberties . par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a . , par
Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bank . .
Kensington Bsnk . . , pal
Philadelphia Bank . . I par
Schuylkill Bank . . . sf
Snathwark Bank . p'
Western Bank , af
Mechanics' Bank pal
Manufacturers A Mechanics Bank par
Bank of Penn Township , . pr
Oiranl Bank . . pa
Bank nf Com meres, late Moyamrnsing v'
Bank of Pennsylvania . par
C'otiutry iiuiikh.
Bank nf Chester County1 Westchester pr
Bank nf Delaware County Cheater par
Bank nf Cer mantnwn Oermanlown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrristown par
Doylestnwn Bank Doylestown par
Rastnn Bank Easton par
Farmers Bank of Bucks en Bristol par
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank A Ttridge rn.Columhia
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancistet
ancestor County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bank of Reading
Dfliea of Bank of Terin'a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
llarrishurg These
Lnnc.istcr I offices
Reading ( do not
Eastnn J issuon.
link nf the United Slates Philadelphia 17
Miners' Bank of Potlaville Pntiavillo par
Bank nf Lewistnwn Lewilown failed
Bank of Middlntown Middleiown 1
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittdmrg I
Do do branch of Hollidaysbnrg I
Harrishurg -Bank Harrisburg I
Lebanon Bank Lebanon p ir
Me'chanls' tt Menuf. Bank Piitshurg - 1
Dunk of Pitttburg Piitabuig I
Weal Branch Williainnporl 1
Wyoming Bank VVilkesbarre ij
Northampton Bank Allentown nn sate
Berks County Bank Reading fuile I
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erin do
Do do do New llriuhton do
Bmk of Chamliersbnrg 7bambersburg I
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
Bank nf Sii-iiiehanna t'n. Montrose ' 2
Erie Bunk Erie .1.f
Farmers" & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 2
r'liink'in Dank Washington l
lloie.-dole lldik Hones. l.ihi I
li.i.oniVihe.i llnnk of It, llro vns rillc I
York ltanh Yoik 1
N. I), 1 he miles of those bunks on which we
entil quolaiions, and substitute a ila-.h ( ) aro not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh tho
exception nf llmse wbii h have a leitt-r of r- It-rence.
II It O K K N II A -N K S.
I'liiladrlpliia Sav, Ins,
Philadelphia Loin (' i.
S-'iuxIkil! Sav. Ina.
Dvolt, prop.)
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
Penn 'Town-ship S.iv. Ins.
Mnnu il Labor Bank ( T. W
Tnwamht Itnnk
Alleghany B.iiik nf I'.i.
Bank of Beaver
llnnk of Swatara
Bank of Washing! hi
no sale
Hell, finite
Centre Bank
no sale
mi sslo
City Bank
Farmers' & MeehW Bank
Farmers' ft Mecb'cs' Bank
Farmers' ft MeehVs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Pill-lung rg
Fayette co.
Huntingdon no sain
Lowistovvn no sale
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen Bank
Northern Bank of I'.i.
New Hope Del. Ilri.lmi :.
Norlhunib'd Union Cnl. Ilk.
Ninth Western Hank of Pa.
Dliice of Sebnylkill Bunk
I'a. Afir. &. Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
I mon Bank of Penu'a.
V estnuiielanil Bank
New Hope
Port f iirhiin
nn sale
no sale
Wilkebarre Biidge Co. Wilki-shnrrc no sale
Cfj- All notes purjiortiug lo be on any Pemnsyl
vania Bank not given in the alwve list, may be set
town as frauds.
Bank of New Biunswick
Delvideic Bank
llurlinglnn Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
farmers' Bank .
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
farmers' and Mechanic' Bk
farmers and Merchant.' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Perth Amlaiy
Bridget nn
Mount Holly
N. Biunswick failed
Middtctown Pi. 1
Jersey City
no sale
uo sale
Hoboken Bkg&. dazing Co Hols .ken
lersey City Bank
Jets-y tJity
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmniilh 13 k of N.J.
Michanica' Bank
Mechanics' aud Munuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notes
Newark Bkg fi In Co
New Hope Del Undue Co
N. J. Manul ic and Bks Co
N J i'rulecloa) & Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank
I'aterson Bank
Peoples' Bank
Princeton Bank
Salem Banking lot
State Bank
diaic Bank
Si ale Bank
State Bank of Morns
Mtute Bank
Salem and Philad Menuf Co
Sussex Bank'
Trenton Banking Co
Union Buiik
Washington Hanking ("o.
I 'muuIi-n
I lover
Isl'.I.AtV ARI
Ilk of Wilrn ic Brandy wine Wilmington
Hank ol Delaware
Hank of Smyrna
Do brunch
Farmers' Bk of ritate of Del
Do branch
Do brunch
Uo branch
I jiion Bank'
aj- Under fl's
(J7' On all banks untiled thus () there are el
liei counterfeit or altered notes of iho various da
onininaliona, in cireulaiion.
Tlm ami IHklum c Kat etlt
HIE subscribers having leased the Sunbury
Ferry, beg leave to inform the public, thai
they ara prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure
Carriages and Foot passengers across the river
with safety and without delay. Tbey have pro
vided themselves with new and commodious
Crafts, which will always bs attended with able,
and careful hands.
Persons travelling to and from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lawiaburg, Hartleton
and other places, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to crosa at Ibis Ferry instead of ths
Bridgea, aa they would aavs from two to four
miles ia distance. JOHN SPF.F.CF..
Sunbury, April I, 1848
: No. 40. -South
Foubth Stbst, Abovk Custhvt.
Tlie Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddinesa, .
Rheumatism, Piles,
Dyspep-I, Scuivy ,
Small Pox, Jaundice, ,
Measles, 8alt Rheum,
Heart Burn, Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughe, Qulnaey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint,
Erisiprlaa, Deafness,
Itchinga nf the Skin,
Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaints,
rains in the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of tho Heart,
Rising In the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers or sll kinds,
Female Complaints,
An vasiktv or OTBKa nistssis aaisiae
raoN inrvniTits or tss Btoon, sn oa
Riperienee has proved that nearly every Die
saas nrlllnains from Impurities of the Blond or de-
rsngements of the Digestive Organs; and to secure
Health, we must remove those obstructions or re
store tho Blood to lis natural slate.
The aversion to laVIng medicine Is most rfTe
tually removed by Cmcksks a VoiTiai.a Pun
n ATI vs Pitts, being cnmplitilu tnrtlnped with i
eoriiiiir of pure while Sugar, (which is aa distinct
from the' internal ingredients as s nut ahell from
l ie kernel asn Mats so tastz or mkdiciss.
llut ara sa easily swidlowril as hits nf candy
Moreover they neither nmrneide or gripe in the
slightest d 'uree, hut operate equally nn all the dis
eased parts nf the system, inslesd of confining
thtmelves lo, and raeking any psrticnlir region.
Thus, if tl 0 Liver I affected, one iniedienl will
operate on lint parl:cular nrgm, snd, by cleansing
it of an Excess of Bile realoro it toilsnaturd
atate. Another will operate on the B ond, and
remove all impuiitiet in it" circulation; while a
third will effectually expel whatever impurities
may have been discharged into the alnmach. and
hence they sthikk at ths hoot nr nissi-z, re
move all Impure. Humois from tho body; op-n
tho pores exi.ernally and internally ; eepiratt all
foreign and obi nxiotis particles from the chyle, so the blond m iy be Ihorough'y pure thus secu
ring a fee and healthy action lo the Heart. Lungs
and Livei ; and thereby they smtiix iir.tTH a-
'The entire truth of the above csu be ascertained
by the trial of a simile box ; and their virtues are
s i positive and certain in rea'or ng Health, that
the proprietor binds himself to return the money
paid for them in all cascj where they do not give
universal s ilia action,
Kctitil Price, 2." c. ior fton.
. Princip.d office No. tifi Vescv si., N. Yo k.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, NoiibumSciland.
Ttetneml cr Dr. C V. Clickcncr is the in
vennir of the fuanr t'oated Pills, and that nnih'ng
tf the s rt was ever heard of until he introduced
ihcm iu June, IH13. Pmch.itf is flmnlil, Ihi n ir,
always nsk for Cliekenci's Sugar t'oated Pills, and
luke no others, or they n ill he made the victims of
a fraud. Ifcpt. inih, IMI7. ly eow
Til IT
enroll ! tiif.
ni n, run woiik m "I ir k
lirisTllllV Rtl HAS II' KN llir.l:,
thk citron or cnNsrMCTinx iiatii
f it a sot-sii or nun n.
RU YOU A MOTHER? Your .lariinc child,
your idol and e:irth!y i iv, i nnw perhaps
confined lo her chamber by a il.muerous cd.1 In r
pale cheeks, her Ibin shrunken finijera. lell the
hnl.l tli-easo has already cained upon her- the
sound of her scpult hral emieh 1 ieieca your soul,
YOUNG MAN, when just about In enter life,
disease shed a hearl rru-lmg lliitlil over tlie r.ur
prosneels of the fiiline vnur hectic cough iind h e
iile lell nf vonr los and h ipe, bill v hi need
not despair. 'Them is a halm which will heal the
wnundtd lungs, it is
S II Kit .11 A N'S
AI.Iilir-ALINf! n.-VLSASI.
Mrs. ATTRF.E, the wife of Wm. II. Allree,
Esq. was uiven up bv Dr. S,-val of Wa-biiiuion,
li s. Roe and MeClellan nf Philad d.hia. Dr. Roe
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friemla all
thoughl she uitisl tlie, She had every npear ir-ee
of being in consumption, and w-ts so prnunui ct-il
by her phvsi i ins's Balsam w;,s given
ninl it cured her.
Mr-. GARRARIIANTK, -f Bull's Fciry, as
als cured of consuinpii .il by this Balsam nhen
all other remedies faded to give relief 'r was re
duced to a fkelet -n. Dr. A. t!. C is le, 1). mist.
2X1 Broidway, has witnessed its effects in several
ca-es where no other med.eine all'oded relief but
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. V. also
tiiness-d its wonderful rlT els in curing Asthma,
which il nevei fails of doiim. Spittim. Ill, m l, alar
mins as i' may be, is effectually cured by this Bal
sam. It heals Ihe ruptured or wounded blood
vessels, and makes the limes sound agsin.
Rev. .MENU Y JONES. ll8 Kiuhih avenue,
waa cunil of cough and catarrhal all. ctiniis . I 50
years a anding, Tho first dose gave him more re
lief than all the othei medicine he had ivir ink'n.
Dr. L. J. Seals, 19 De'aney strict, gave it to a
si-ter-in-law w ho was laboring under con. uin. lion,
and to another sorely affl ct d with tho Asthma.
In both rasra its effects were immedia e, soon re
storing lb. m to eomf..riah'e health.
Mrs. LU;i:E Tl WELLS, 0 Chri.tic suecl.
-nil. red from As'hma 42 y-nrs. Mietin n's llab
Minn re!i. ved In r at once, mid she is compnrat v, ly
well. Iieine rimli'e.1 lo mi1-i!u everv nliaek l-y
liinely use of this medicine. This indeed is the
crest r.iiKil f.r dug'-s. folds, Spiliir g III ',
Liver (.'ompla'iiis, and r. 11 t' e r tl Minns of the
throat, and even A!h'i a und t 'on-unip ion.
Price iiS rents and 1 cr bolile.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm le zenges, and
Poor Man's Plsster sold as itbnve.
Dr. Sherrnan's . Hire is at 1 0ft Nassau st. N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M A.M. C Y, Norlhuinbeilarid
September llih. 1817. ly
YtgetuMc l Iill,
The onlu known Medieine Hi nl at the some lime
purges purifies and strrm;lhrns the system.
Lonox, July 7, 1N40.
nli LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine
whiih has pist appealed, and is fast inking
Iho lace ef all others of ihe sane class. These
pills are composed of many ingn-diciiis, but the
lw. principal onea are Sarsapanlla and Wild tJhor
ry, so iiniit-d thai ihey act together; the one,
through lis admixture with olher suh-l.tcts, pu.
rifying purgina, while the oiher is sirens iheo
ing Ihe system. Thus those pills are at the sain -lime
Ionic and npening ; a desideratum long and
eageily soii!lit f.r by medical men, but never fco.
fore discovered. In i ther words ihey do Ihe work
of two medicines, aud do it muth better than any
two wo know of; for ihey remove nothing IV nn
Ihe system but the impurities; so that while ihey
purne Ihey strengthen; and hence Ihey cause no
debilitation, and aro followed by no rc-aclun. Dr.
Le Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the
hloed; Ihey not only purif without weakening il,
but ihey remove all jj nious particles from the chyle
hefoiu il is convened into fluid, ami thus make im
pure blood an utter impns-ibiliiy. As Iht-ra is uo
delimitation, so thrie is no nausea, or t-ick.icss at
tending ihvopeiulioiisuflhu must excellent pf me.
.In ine-, which never strains or tortures the diges
tive (untiioiis, but cau-es Iheui in wink in a per.
fi'clly natural manner ; and hence peisnns taking
Ihem do not become pale and enucisled, but Ihe
contrary ; for while il is iho properly of ihe tiarsa
panlla, uinled as il U with other ingredients, to
remove all that ia foreign and impure, il is equally
the prorly of the Wild Cherry lo relsin all ihsl
ia natural and aound; and hence a robust stale of
health is the ccrtsin result of iheir united opera
tions. rj- Price its cents per BOX.
A genu for l.e Roy'a Pills. ,
; i;NrY!S!
M. A. McCAY, NonhumberTd.
August 81st, 1847. ly
ALL psrsoas indabtsd to ths subscriber, by
(tots or hook secouut, ars karaby notified to
call aud sattls ths same without delay, in order
Is save coats: . IRA T. CLEMENT.
Sou bury, Apiil 3J, 1618
THIS Medicine is warranted, on oath, not to
contain panicle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
roua minerals.
ThS principle upon which this Medicine acts. t
by assisting and harmonising with nature ; it
drives out sll toul acrimonious humors from the
blood snd body, and by assimilating wilh and
strengthening the gastric juice of lbs stomach, it
assists digestion In shnrt there is not a vein, arte-
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, (hat is
not strengthened by the PANACEA, snd it slso
possesses the remarkable property of removing
mercury from the bones and joints.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, Scrofula or
Klnss' Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers.
Cancers, Running Sores, Scab and Biles, time
snd a determined perseverance In D . SWEET
SER'3 PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection of food, Nauea, Vomitings, Nervous af
fections, Fiillinns complaints, Head set e, Pa'em ss,
or Female Irregularities, Dr. SWEETSEIt 8 PA
NACEA will soon effect s cure ; but if obstinate,
nr attended with griping, flvinz pains, the dose
should tie Increased, anil the cure will snnn be ef
fected. Let not tho patients frighten themselves
with the idea that they are ton wei-k to take much
medicine; but bear in mind that this mi'iHy opera
ting med cino put not weakness into ihe frame, but
moil certainly draws wcakni a out, leivcs strength
in its place, and by giving composed sleep at nigbt,
and an appetite lo relish any food, re-anirnaies the
whole frame wrh vigorous nc'ion, clearing the
mind and improving the sight.
Scrofula Is said to be her'nlilarv. th" infant re.
eeiving from its parents ihe seeds of this ilisens -.
which iiicreas.-s with its years, if neglected and
not submitted to freouent purification with Dr.
SWT.ETSEK'S PANACEA. The glands are pla.
ccd in ihe corners of the body, and out ol the way
of direct communication ; their real u-e is a subject
on which much difference nf opinion prevails; il
suffices us to know that when in a ilisensd slate.
they are capsMe of being purified and rlrnnscd by
a lung cour-e ol Jlr. SWKB I .sun "5 l'A.A
CEA, which restoics them to sound and pmper
action. Scroful. us persons ran never pav loo much
nltention lo Iheir blnod, its purification shou'd be
their first thoughl, for afn r s long course f prrse
vi ranee, they u ill ever curt hcicdil .ry disease.
In cases of JACNmcn. ASTHMA.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot betnohigh
ly extolled -, itseaiches ont thn very roo' nf the
ilis".ise, and '.y n moving it fr mi the Bio d makes
a cur.- eriltin and perminent.
For ilio'isfs of the Wad'frr n-i-l Kid'try. Sir'c.
lures, (Intnl. Slnur, fitt'ili. f'..;.";rv 'M
slrnrlinnii and Extreme Cmtivtuess Dr.SWKHT.
SEK'S l'AM'I'.A is the best remuly ever tr e I ;
it removes all thn-o acriinoniou- Into.o s from lln
Blood which i;ive r!so lo the nt av d sea-cs, and
by keeping the hi mil in a puie coniitinn, in tir.s
For Dltt)i'e.Y, F VLL1NG or thk BDWEI.s,
linpurliiHi.f I lie ItliHiil, Mirrtiriul TuUit. Wink
nev, of Ihe .'rue I'li.irtf lUmi I In Ihe I'umt fllil
d'tiF?, Si-'ging and lttizinr .YoiVe i ihe Ile.ul
and Ears. 'IK.' M WE ETSE R'S I N.CEA w II
cite cerl on relief ; in nil si ve-e u il cl-.r.-ii e case.,
the patients cinnot be loo often reminded ill it Arc
lrr daws and peitn'truncr. ill t lied a cu e.
I-i Chills and Fevers. Bilious 'ci'ers. A ffections
of the V.iies find Ears, -'oi."i,7 aud I'lrilotr
(iums Brunei) lis anil ('uuhs and Colds,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACU V will b-f utid
perfectly sure and certain in its ilVects,
Thoc comp'atn's are gcnci'lt attended i -1 1
the most f.iltl i onsi iptei ees. and nn seldom or nr.
ver i n ril by lln- pn's-i.t in ,.l- i f t i-aliin m ; 111 y accompany '.he pttient t -the erave, alter
-1: iT.r in u the iiiosl excruciating pain and tor.ure.
'The rails-. uf th' se c iniplaiii s mih the same as all
i tilers the diuss i t llit- blond hecmiv s eneriisted on
Ihe lin'St inrrnw passagi s, whence nr:s- rnorhid
se. ictioiis ninl l 'ppaeisof u-ine. You will find
die in. si p iwerfnl d ur. tics nf no n-.a- l! ey only
increao the ipi mtiiy of urine and d.i mil pinify
lid strentilhen th - parts. Bv pmifving the blord
wilh Dr. SWEETnER'S PANACEA, ou re
novo Ihe cause,. I the ilise isc, cmseipieiii'v it ran
not exist any longer, afn r snll'n ieiil persi . nan. e
ill its use has deprived the blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and inerusMlion.
This iaa 'cry prev denl and latal di-ea-e ; il re
subs mostly fr.on ueleeied eiiughs.eolils and bron
chitis, also from iinpinpir tie'inni ni in many ot t r
cases, such as measles, fevers, ii 11 immati .ns and
small pox, and a ht of other badly treated disca-ivs;
where the cause, instead of having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and bidy, have, only been
palliated or removed Irom o:ic put to break uutin
another. By divesiing your bodies or all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. H WEET&Elt'H
PANACEA, ihe cure is at once rendered certain
and l ormanenl. Ri collect, while there ia acn'iin
i.ioua numora lloating in the circu anon, it i as apt
to ret lie on the Innct as any other part of the body ;
J l,,u lh'' "ason that consumption is so prevalenr.
Whi.-h you se no llv ex'eri .r. c.uiie fio-n and
have their sunn e in, the inimior, and nii-hi just a
well have ieie.l on youi lungs, Ine, or any oihe.
pail; which e know liny freipieuily do, and put
ituue nnisl vtiilont iiid.iiiioiaiiiry d sonlers. Tlie
humor which occasioes these aorta is of a hiuhlv
acrimonious burning nature. We know it from
the pain it gites in lur nine, and aftern arils its ra
pidly ulcerating ami corraling ihe flesh and skin
of Ihe pail wbeie it brtaka out. Th s shows tbe
necessity nf frequently puiifyiog (he blood with Dr.
8 WE ETSE ITS PANACEA, and keeping such
mslignsiit humors in su jiclion. Should you have
a h lo or ulcer, be thankful that nature has taken
trouble In warn you uf ihe danger your life snd bo
dy is in, for it is a .w arning l! at the blood is foul.
Had this same acrimony s. bc'cd the lungs iu lead
of the surlnce nf your body for its seal, consump
tion of the lungs would hava been the 'consequence.
D-lay not then, lo puiify and cleanse with Dr.
Swet tsi-r's Panacea.
Spinal affection, inlargenient of Iho hones and
joints, while swellings, hip joint complaint, rnp
luirs, falling of tht bowels and wom'i disease, will
fin I a sedy nure in Or. SH'EETsEH'Sl'A.
NAf'EA. hefo the disease. I at been of I ng
slainlint:, the lime reipiired to nnke a cure will be
longer ; but the pi'lent nny r, si assured that a
determined perseverance Will efTcc! it,
These diseasei proceed from Ihe seriosity or
corrupt humors of the blood, having s l ied itself on
Ihe llirosl and lungs, and stopped them up, ao thai
they cannot draw suHicient air in for n spiiation.
Dr. MWKE'TSEK'.S PANAt'EA will give innne.
bale relief, and lit make Ihe cure per feel jnj ,-er
lain, il should ho continue. I some timu after, to
free tho system of all bid humors.
.f;p-.iTF AND
rind a safo and
V A- IJ k It A Ki A . I .. t I.
in Dr, SWEET.
blind v-. ,nJ altera, f',,,'?' Vr,,
ri.ies and foul buUMr- 'V't t. 7.? ' "1""
i .l . . accumulated therein. ih ,.h
Ih ioints. T. ,'1,1,'"u'"'-. f-ui snd swelling.
the jo,, ts. 1 U, jBlt,,Btuuii .,
oihwmin.,.1 . calomel and
In l uene. " ; T . 7 ' " ywXi lo iu "ign
cotr,-' , ' L",J''I, n ,U V,la,,l P" PSrUe. U
f.ily known, the uainl , Mli, .(, wM,
or.,, U tbought of .. . by-gon. custonr of ,h. ,1.
k" "-, ' 8W. Psnsce. i. also, sure
euro for dyspepsia. p,w, eosii.ou,,, ,errt,0 DMj.
sche, .ain in the tuna and life, complaint.
rsvsr is always caused by a disorderly move,
meni of the blood, struggling lo fies itself of some.
Ihlng tbat sneumlwa it in f.a, every kind of fe
ver hi nothing mora loss a snuggle between ihe
blood sad coiiupt humors, snd as soon ss ths co-
rupt humors are rxpelleJ, you hsf s no mnrS fever
When s patient wilh fever submits to bs bled, or
have his blood poisoned wilh mercury, it weskens
his frame to such s degree that if he survives Ihe
process, tt alw ays leaves him Subject Is distressing
emus, when V limes out of 10 be resorts lo ague
pills powders, or tonic mixtures; this is going frosa
bad to worse, as these vegetable pills, powders, cVc,
aro niuning nut mercury snd quinine in disguise,
which may for s tims drivs the disease so far into
1i'i?l3r M nr ,0 l" lytept'Mi hot very soon is
"'"" "gain wnn fearful violence. To ear
aguo and lever, the cause of the disease must be res
moved out of the blood and body, which ran be ef- '
fectually done by using I),. SWEETSER'S PA
NACLA, which purifies, cleanses and strengthens.
It contains nothing that can possibly injure, and its
uss is alwaya a eafeguard again- chills and fcvers.
In sir. CAars or PitKS, Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect s very speedy cure. It re
moves from the blood, stomach snd bowels,
those foul acrid burning humors, which are the
cause of Tiles snd Cosfivcncs, and by strengthen
ing, ihe digestive organs, improves every part of the
entire bod v.
Tha-e diseases are cau-ed by Ihe stomach and
bowels being choked up wilh viscid alimy matter.
me air wnien eniers int m cannot crape until forced
ny aome contraction or the emmach to expel it ;
hence the cause of pain. A few doses of Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will Convince the
suffeier that relief is attained.
Parents will find the PANACEA s valuable
medicine for their children, keeping their bodies in
s heal by condiii ni, thereby assisting their g'owth;
children or grown persons, after taking it, are not
liable to be attacked n ilh an epidemic as before, as
it always leaves the blood ill a pure condition, and
the t ntire system iu a strengthened stale ; it drives
out a'l kinds nf wc iknrss from the body and leave
nil heal hy within.
Will find Dr. SWE TVER'S PANACEA a medi.
rne purely adapted to thoir ote. Most ladies du
riim Ihe period of preonancy arc afflicted with pil,
Dr Swcctscr-s Panacea, by fegulaline Ihe lw-els'
will entirely obvve ;'. ,1 iu pfvir,D; t.ror!
lie on he mood snd fluids, insures lo them heal
t..v off nrintf. TVo one wlin i. ..,r,n. t t ,
wii'inut it, and Ihos- who are nursing will find it
of e eat bent fn to the health of their infants.
F. r barrenness and all diseases of Ihe womb, il
is without a rival in the entire histoiy and entnlotjim
ef medicines j by its extraordinary slreniitheniiig
power, it stimulates and sir. iiglheus the wiiinh, a
weakness of which is tbe caue of failure to have
Under Ibis he ,,! tnav be classed Palpitation of
Ihe Heart, Tic Doloreiux or Faeeache, Neuralgia.
Iiul pes i in, Toothache, Melancholy, Ilvleiics.nii.l
in fact, every ibsea-e Caused by ihe sharp, httinaj.
aciimonious humors irr taling Ihe nerves ; tho -nerves
receive iho impiession linrn the slo-nn.-h,
or rather fr tm fan blood thrnuch ie agency
..f Ihe sionnrh mid diite live o:L..iris, mid altlioiii;ti
t ,cr pirls of the body nr.- apparently the seat of
.he di .. use, still ii i- itios'd by tit,. m.irSid imprea.
. i .n convi vcd from I' e blood by ihe nerves to llmt
n i t. i. w d ..-. of Dr. SWE E Tsi: It'H PA
NACEA will soon assure the piticnt llmt ho has
ih-. cure in hi po-s -.-suit'.
This is an intlan.niaiory di o.der, alw ysat'cml
i.l with in r- nr bss pain. It' the
foul. ..cii ii.ii,ioi.s hum irs Indeed in iln hfioil ninl
fin d-. se;tli. g , ii lie I m a i.nd face, causing ex
treme pain and fivers; all spph, ations on the sur
fi e are worse than useless, ,Py ony ,,
llirow the d:sca-e in tome olher part, and perhaps
fans- de ilh, llh-c 'ing is likewise improper. To
run? Ihe di ease ynu mu t gi I r'd of ihe cause; on
ly inanmc I i et the foul out of y nr blood,
and vou will be we'd iu a dav. Dr. WWEET
SKK'S I'AN WT.A, a ilnrotiih pnrifi. r of the
hlool, will s aich enl iteiy impiirtly in the more
reunite p ns nl ihe body and exp- it through lbs
nndin-n of the hovels. 'Theic is not a vein, arte
ry,'e or i.ijm ..f ihe entire frumework of
man, ibat lr. Sam In, i' Panacea does not iin
prnve. 'To lake il wh-n you are well ia lo keep
we I ; i.nd when sick to Iu come well.
posed only ol a vegetable matter, or medical nerbs,
and wnirsnlril. nn o ith, as containing nol one par
iicles i.f mercurial, mineral, or chi.nical substances,
i found tube perfectly harmless lo Ihe mo-t tender
ace nr ihe weiike-l f ame, under onv si ige f bil
man sullii int.. ; t e m t-l p'ca- nl .nd lenli;n in i'a
oei lino ilit as e tr uT ml I i the world; ami
at the same lime ihe nuts' re ruin in searching out
'he rout of any c uiipla n however deep, and of
ierfru na a c re.
Price f er b il!.-. or six boUbs f.r $5. For
sale, whol. sale and retail, al die corner of
CHARLES n. d I'R TT Streets B aliimore, an
abo by GEORGE BRIGHT, 1SI7. .y Sunbury
ITS won us ritAiM;; I T!
Hums, .VcuWi, o;iif alt kinJs nf lnjlumed
Sort s Cured.
L the mustcompVe Burn Antidote ever known.
Il iislan'ly, (and as tf by Magic) stops pains of the
mot desperate Burns and Scalds. For nlj Sores,
Bm ses. Cuts, Sprains, Ac, on man or beast, il is
the best application that can be n a-le. Thousinils
have tried and thousands prtise il. It is the must
ptif-ct master nl pain ever discovered. All who
n- rec mend it. Every should be provj.
tied with il. N ine nn lell how soon some of the
f tinilv oiav reed it.
G. J- Ol si rve eich box of iho Kniiii, l)i.,iment
ha- the name ol .N. 'Tocski wrill- u on the outside
label. To unit. le this is forgery.
Bo, linen, Liverv Men. Karine.s. and all who use
Horses, n j fim litis I t.inn-rit ihe very Iwsi thing
Ih. y cm u-e for Cnlia. ti .lis, Scraiehes, Kicks, 4e.
Ac, on Ih ir animals. Surely every merciful man
would keep bis animals as free from pain aa poasi.
hie- Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is re
quired. Try it.
BI TES OF INSECTS. For ths sling or bile
of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment ia anri
vailed. Hundreds htve trie! it snl found il good
PILES CURED ! For the Piles, Tousey's lj"
nivemal Oiu'menl is one of ihe best Remedies that
can lw applied. All who have tried it foi the Piles
recommend il.
OLD SORES CURED. For old obstinate
Sorts, there is nothing equal to Tousey's Oint
ment. A person in Manliua had, for a number of
years, a sore leg that balHeJ the skill of the doe',.
Tousey's Ointment wa recommended bv onl"
the visiting physicians, (who knew it grsaiVj.- r
and two boxes produced more benefit lb '"
lieni hud received from sny aud s" "n
dies. Lei all try it. - ?' lcu
BURNS AND SUA! o f.,.-,
of cas-'s i f Bum. . ,j 'S 'hEIX'fiftauaarids.
Viin ry, hve boon eurrd fciV ' ,
Oinliiii nt. Certificate 1 J1 JUBy
the whole f (hi. ,S," 'r-8-0lJ .
VIOLENT D'.'C.tjVh priien v
- la ,m luimo" . ' ISrh! CJ "b0' , T"t.moni
for cuiing '" '"'t Tousey's Ointment
l,llgi t- jiuises, have been ofleretl the propiic
in'ri1 ' ,,n,Jre,'', ln Sracu-- will certify toils great
, J n reli. vinu the pain of the muet severe Hruue
.ii iersona should try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. S.tiea of csaes of
cald Head bavs been cured by Tousey's OirnV
inent. 'Trv il it st l oui fails.
SALT K HE I'M fUUEl). Of a! Ihe remedies
i ver discovered f r this nm.-t iliigft'nl eomplainr',
Ti'Usey'a l inverMil tlinlinrnt is ihe luo-l couipltlc.
Il niitii was ktt'Wii la fa:,
Tousey's I'uiversil Diiiliuent will always cur ihe
wor-t rases of Chspped Hands, Scores of persons
will slate lit i.
SOKE LIPS CURED. For Ihe cure of Sore"
Lips, there was never anything made equal io Tun -sey's
Oinimeiil. It is sure lo curs Ihem. Try if.
Il ia s scientific compound, warrauted not to con
tain any pupiraiion of Mercury. Pi ice 35
rents ter box. Fur further pariiculsra ooncasrninu
this really valuable Ointment, Ihe public ars icfrr
r. d lo Pamphlets, lo lw had gratis, of resprclattie
Druggists and Merchants throughout ths Urilled
Pr. pared by ELLIOT & TOUSEY, Drug(Uils,
Syiacnar. For sale hy
M. A. McCAY, NcuihuaxbrUnI.
fcspt. nth, ui7.-i, h '