SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ITEMS EDITORIAL aid SELECTED. PEBUtSYLTAftl A CULTIVATOR. We have received the first number of monthly publication with the above title, which is published at Harrisburg, by Foster & Co. at $1 per year. Each number will contain 32 octavo pages of Agricultural reading. It is a well printed, and judging from the present number, an ably conduc ted publication. It is handsomely illustra ted and contains much valuable information. E""The nomination ofV. E. Piollett, as Pay Master in the Army, it is said has been confirmed. IE7" The Democrats of Columbia County held their convention at Bloomsburg on Tuesday last. The following ticket was adopted : Congreu Hendrick B. Wright ; Assem bly Stewart Pearce; Prothonotary Ja cob Eyerly; Register & Recorder -Chas. Conner ; Commmissioner Harman La bour ; Auditor Benj. F. Stamm. Gubernatorial Delegates. Senatorial John McReynolds ; Representative-Ste-phenBaldy. Instructed for Morris Long streth. Congressional Conferees. Dan itl Sny der, Coorge Smith. Instructed for Hen drick B. Wright. Democratic Jtemlnatlens la Schuylkill Congress 1. S. McMicken. Assembly C. Fnger Jackson and Win. PoMiiim. Prolhonary JohnM. Bickel. Recorder David Klock. Commissioner J. Ege. Pittsburg, Aug. 13. The owners of the factories say that I hey intend to suspend operations until next Spring. A Van Buren Convention in Penksvlva nia. The Delegates trom Pennsylvania to tht Buffalo Convention, have resolved to call a Convention at Reading, on the 13th instant, and nominate an electoral ticket in favor of Van Buren, Adams, and the Buffalo platform. N. P. Tit ist, has written a letter to Con gress making charges of corruption against President Polk, and asking for his impeach ment. The letter is a strange document, as difficult to understand as Mr. Trist hm Hf. . MOCK OYSTKIIS OF CORX. We published last summer the following recipe to make mock oysters of green corn. They proved soacceptable to those who tried them, that we have been requested to pub lish it again. We prefer them to the genu, ine article. It is prolwbly better to add a little more flour, to make the batter some what stifler: 'Take a dozen and a half cars of lare young corn, and grate all the grains oil' the cob us fine as possible. Mix the grated corn with three large table spoons of sifted Hour, the yotks of si eggs well beaten. Let till lie well incorporated by hard beating. Have ready in a frying pan an equal propurtoin of lard and fresh butter, hold it over the tire till it is boiling hot, and then put in portions of the mixture as nearly as possible in shape and size like fresh oysters. Fry them brou u tud send them to table hot the- should Le :iear an inch thiek." I K I, In this place, on Monday roaming last, Mis. :ATItAlUXK BOURNE, aged 56 years. In this place, on Wednesday lust, ELLA IOlTR.E, daughter of Conrad Kerschuer. aged I years and 2 months. rmonrauL mabket. TtikSDAV, Aug. IS, 1848 Wheat Prime white SI 05 a SI 08; irime Southern red is worth SI 00 a $1 02; irdinary new Southern 95 a 98. Rye Penna. is worth ubout 68 a 70c per uhe.l. Corn Sales of Southern yellow 60c ; Penn. il a0?c. Oats Are steady at about 28c for Penn.; Kwitlieru 25 4- Whiskey Sales in Mils at 24c, in hhds 3'c. BIL riflORK MIRKET. )Juxofthe BiiTineaa Aunaicis, Aug 15. GRAIN. The supplies of Wheat have not een quite so full as for some days past, and rices have advanced. We note sales of ood to prima reds at 90 a 100 cts, and of or inary to good at 65 a 90 cts. Sale of white Cheats, not suitable for family flour, at 95 a 05 cents. ' Corn has improved. Sales of white to-day t 48 a 50 cents, and of yellow at 65 a 56 cts. Oats are also a shade better. Sales of old 33 a 34 cts., and of new at 24 a 27 cts. WHISKEY. The demand is rather limi td, and the stock is extremely light. We ite sales of hhds. at 23 cts. and of bbls. at t a 24 cents. VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE. a (he Electors e! BiorlhumberlaBd foamy. t T the solicitation of a number of my friend f offer myself as a volunteer Usnumai mr e ( EIIEIUFr Northumberland County. Should I be elected, pledge myself faithfully to perform the duties said office. SAMUEL 8AVIDGE. Augutta townthip, August 8, 1848. 0 THE ELECTOR OF NORTHUMBER. LAND COUNTY s VT the tolicitation of a number of my friendt, I offer mytelf at a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER t the entuing election, and promise if elected, 1 discharge the dutiea of said office with fidelity. PETER H AUG H A WOUT. Ruth tp., August 19, 184& JOSEPH CA.321T, Attorney at Isaw, NEW ERUN, PA. NPORMS tha citisens of Northumberland .....t. th.t ha will hereafter regularly at j il ..luri. of aaid count v and will promptly m an huaiuas entrusted to his care. Ho y ho consulted at tha Hotel of Pster Laierua Suabuiy.July 89tb, 1S4S- TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER land rnniJTT. AT the solicitation of a nnmbsrof tn fladt. I offer myself as a candidal for thteffleeof register' and recorder and Clerk of the OrpkaM' Crt, for Northumberland eonntjr. BhonM 1 be fleet d, I promise to ditchers the duties of said of fico either, and nd..i.r.jAMEgl)BARR Lewis towntblp, July 89'h, 1848 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER- LAND UUUH I I. fELLO 7 nvoft elf as a ram ELLOW CITIZENS Eneouraf ed by ma mv friends, I respectfully offer my- elf as a ranaiaate tor to omce oi REGISTER AND RECORDER, d Clerk of the Orphans' Court, At the approaching election. Should I be fa vored with a majority of your votes. I will apart . . . ... - - - no exertions to render general satisfaction.' GEORGE OYSTER. Delaware township, May 13, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS Encouraged by ma ny of my friends throughout our count v. I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the omce of REGISTER AND RECORDER, at the neat general Election. Should my fellow citizen favor me with a majority of their votes, I should spare no exertion to filfill the duties of said office with fidelity and to the satisfaction of all. MARTIN IRWIN. Sunbury, June 3, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. IP HE aubicriber offers himself to the electors 1 of Northumberland County, at a candidate for the office of PROTHONOTARY, &C. Should he be favored with a majority of votes, he will spare no exertions to render general satisfaction. JOHN FARNSWOIU'H. June 17, 1848 TO THE ELECTOR8 OF jVORTHLMBER. L-ND COUNTY. Fn.t.ow Citizkns By the encouragement of my friends, I am induced to offer myself at a candidate for the office of REGISTER RECORDER. Should I be elected, I thall make every effort to render general satisfaction. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, June 24, 1848. G. M. YORKS RESPECTFULLY offers himtelf to the elec tors of Northumberland County at a candi date for the office of SHERIFF. And wilt endeavor, if elected, to discharge the duties of the taid office faithfully and impartial ly Sunbury. July 1, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHITMBER. LAND COUNTY Fellow Citiikss: Thro'itjh the encourage ment of my Mends, I offer myself as a caudi. date for the olGre of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Should I be an fortunate as to receive the of fice, I thall endeavor to give general latitfaction. FRANCIS BUCHER. Sunbury, June SI, 1818 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : Enroursged by many f my friends, I herewith offer myself t your consideration aa a candidate for the OFFICE OF SHERIFF t the reproaching elect-on- Should I be so fortunate at to receive a majority of your votea (.hall rente ior tn render general sit tfaction. HENRY J. READER Delaware township, June 34, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LND COUNTY. Ja T the earnest tolicitation of a la ge num. Iwrof his friendt the subscribe! hereby of left himself as a randidate for ICrgistcr and Recorder A c. far Nerthoinberland Con ty. He promises, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office, with fidelity a d promptness, and he trust, with entire ta'.'ilac ion to the community. JACOB HAS. Stismok n, July 1. 1818. r TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. T the solicitation of a number of my friendt I hereby offer mytelf at a candidate for IIEGISTER & RECORDER AND Clerk of I be OrpkasM' Uourl. Having had teveral rears experience in the du ties of the office in this county. I think I thall be able to ditcbarge the dutiee thereof with entiie satisfaction. JOHN V. r UKSKu. Sunbury, June 17, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY inform yoo ss a eitircn of Northumberland county, that my friends in the four lower townstiips, tneae a twitciia- tiofi, or call, these three years, to offer myself tn the citnens of our county, aa a candidate tor he omce ol REGISTER AND RECORDER, and I flatter mytelf capable of fulfilling thedu- tiet of said omce according to law. As I am disabled to do any thing else but teaching school. which I followed seventeen years, anil under stand both English, and German, wbieh it ne cessary, fcc, JOHN HENRY KREBS. Upper Mahonoy, May 27, 1848 EXECUTORS SALE. 4Berse Reed's Estate, WILL be eipoaed to public sale, on Frid .y the 15ih i'sy o( September neit, on the premises, in Jackson township Northumberland County, the following valuable real eeUtr, via: A tract or Land, fl conuining 82 acres, more u leas, sdjoinii t Itmle .if Michael Ferat, I'eter Kiehl and John Keefer. lata I he estate of Geo. Rred. Esq.. dee'd. The i'U prnvrmi'oia consist of two Log Hoi aes and a g.Hxl well at lbs do tr, a iwisi barn, and elan, a 8 i Mill. Thi ie is also on Ihe premirea. a g od reliaid eontaininc different kinds of frui'. ALSO, at the same lima and place, a liaet of of woodland ailioining lands of Bamui-I MaMrR. F. Jo ra, dec, eon'a ning seventy-sit, aoiee, and running onto Jacob's Mountain. About thirty acres f add land can bo cleared and cultivated. nd ia well timbered with excellent pine, cliesnul fee Tha terms and conditions will be malokn iwn ou the day of sale by PETER REED, Es'r Jacksoo township, July 8, 1848 ta THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. IMPORTERS OF w aua. s 1 n 1 " 1 VSU S "b aled and Britannia Want. Cutlery, I Fane Goods. and Manufacturers of Jew. elry and BtUei Ware, IIS Cbasnul street, Phila delphia; hate received by lalo arrivals a largo and handsome atock ol English and French Walebos, and Marble, Porcelain and Fancy Clacks. Plated Urns. Caatora. Cake Baskets. High and CbsmberCandleeuckt 8oop Ladles, 8poooe and Forks, Alao a good eeaonmeal of Biilaaoia Wars and Fina Cutlery. Their siock of JEWELRY is large and oftbe moat fashionable kind, and tkwy ore wall mi railed with Silver Spoons. Forks, Mage, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, aV., and wlinooi tnakinsi an dis play of piicee in the public prints, they are pre pared to sail as low as tkosn wan do, and invito psieons w lea tag io purcnaaa io can. rkiUdelpnia.Jouo 10, (as Wardrobe I Fanbloaable CLOTHING. J. W. ft, E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, No. IM Market Strttt. First Chthing thrt be low Sixth, PfMLADELrniA. 117HERE tbey are constantly engaged In get- ting np from the best French, English and American e'olh. clothing cut and made np in the mott superior and fashionable sty'e. i'ersons who buy to set', will find a large and excellent stock at the 'owett city prices. C othing made up to order, In a superior stylo at the shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia, a large assort, ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and individua's promptly attended tooa the most rea sonable terms. Philadelphia, Juno 3, 1848 ly. FRENCH REVOLUTION. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, must fall, so must prices. That this it a fact can ba proved by railing at No. 72 North 2d street, above Arch, FBlLASItif HIA. LB IIURAT, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, v tVWvsrf smt tut mU Tbe stock consists In psrt of Gold and Silver Levers ; I'Epinet and Quartier Watches ; Jewel ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns. SILVER SPOONS, d)c. Particular attention paid to these articles, the quality ofwhiek is No. 1 and workmanhip ''. The ettablith. ment of LE HURAY hat been well known FOR FOVKTY VEAKS. in SECOND Street, and hat made a character which needt no puffing. Silver TEASPOONS as low as $1,00 per sett can be made for lets if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain, 10 ctt ; Patent, IS i Lunette. 20 ctt; other articlet in propor tion. Hrmember, you can buy here below any pub lished list of pricet in tliit City or New York. Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to give satisfaction N B Old Gold and Silver bought for cash or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No 78) North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1817 ly c. May 0, 1848 OAKFOIIDS GREAT HAT, CAP, U FUR ESTABLISHMENT 2to. I04, Chestnut Street, Between Third and Fourth St s. PHILADELPHIA. THE Advertiser has constantly on hand and manufacturing, every deter ipt ion ol HA I S CAPS, of the latest and most approved fash inns, consisting of YOUTHS' HATS AND TAPS, I l,i if.ri.IV imnlld which 1ft flew Mtt'l. cle for Spring and Summer wear. MILITARY CHAPEAUX CAPS ect, made according to the Army and Navy re filiations and for tiiperioity ot finish and mate rial, have never been surpassed THE SUMMER FASHIONS For gentlemen, consisting of FineRockey Moun tain Beaver and Gosaamer Hats, (very light.) Panamas, Leghorns. Fine Cobourga, ect., ect. Also fine Straw. Braid, and Hair Cloth l'apt ; Ladies Riding Hate and Caps of entirely new styles, in fact the largest assortment ever before offered to the public ; being as low in pike at any Kitablithment in the country Remember I'HARLES OAKFORD. Aii. 104, ChrMnut ttreet. between Third and Fourth ttrrett I'h'lmtdpha June 2 1, 1818 ly V, II. SMITH, I'ocket Book aad Morocco Case MaaMtactarer, Has succeeded B I. SISTY, at the Old Stand .11) CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia Pocket Hooka, Honkers' Cases and Portfolios of every description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tableta Card Casea, Dressing Cases. Segar do. Writing do., Backgammon Boaidt He Chessmen, Gold Pent, Snyder't, Chapnian't.uiid Saunder's Razor Strops; penny's Tally ho Razors, Roilgert't Wade & Botrhei't Jackson. Chinese and Egyp tain Razors, Pen Knives and Srissors, of every detrription, Bowie and Pirk Knives; alto, a large assortment of Fancy Stationery, at the lowest ratea. Jobbing done with i.eatuess and despatch. Philadelphia, June 24, ISIS 3m KSOW AM. MKS THAT BENNET & CO. HAVE REMOVED fiom 102 Maiket Street, at then New Splendid and Immense Ettab- isbment to be known at Ihe Tower Hall Clothing linzaar. So. 182 Jlariet Street, better fifth If sixth, I nlLADbUl til V. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration of aome in (he trade, bill will beg leave to quote the following notice from one of our city papers; One ol the greatest curiosities that our City affords to Ihe stranger, it BENNETT & CO a great clothing store. No. 182 Market street, be tween Fifth and Sixth, which has been atyled Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of lb front. The building is an immense one, con taining seven capacious rooms, all oi which are stocked with every variety ol aeatonable car ments, arranged in tbe moat perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleature la t bowing Ibeir ouilding ana contents io me citisens. particularly strangers, and to those co ming from the countiy we know of no place more worthy of a visit. Philadelphia, May 27th, 1848 3m. A Tnorsun Dontas riavso ! ASHBY & XIO CAP, Hat and Cap .tlaiiufacltirerii, Soulh Fatt Corner of 4 and Market Street, Hat'menl irory. IBIIiiDELiRIA, IT AVE enstsnt'y on hand a full and complete LA- aeortm"nt nf HATS. fJAI S. ami FUKS. Also an elegant aaaortov nt of mens' an t boys' Leghorn, Panama, and Plm leaf HaU. All of wl.ich by a eavinj of (1000 in r. nl, will he aol.l, wholesale and retail, at ihe v. ry lowest prices. Couniry dealers wuuM oi well to call, as by e eonomy and low lent, we eie en itle I to tell at very low rates. June I0'h, 1848 ly ANS TcllEA!7 JUST received, at the store of Hknbv Mas. tsa, a choice stsortment of DRY GOODS, iwroeerie. Liqutrt, Faint leaf and other hat, arc all of which will be told at the lowest prioea. Sunbury, June 3, 1848. JACOB KECK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HIE AND LiqUOR DEALER. N. 193 Market Strut, Below Eighth, North tide raii.ABii.rBi a. Keeps conttantly on band all kind of old Li quor, vis t Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, fcc. Alao white brandy for preser ving, Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. Philadelphia, Juno 3, 1848. ly S. J. MEGAItGEE & CO lntroRTiia and commission MERCHANTS, And Dealert in Paper, and Paper Manufacto ry' MaunaU. No. 33 Commerce st, PHILADELPHIA. "KIT EEP constantly on hand s largo assort, lia. ment of printing aad other paper. News. papers w tu country, caa M ssppilea at su tisaas, with paper of say sis and quality, at we aawnsr ntwoa. rhilaeMfdiia, Jaaa 17tk, l4g. DR. TOWRSRRD'S COMPOCKD tXTRACT OF SA.R8APAR1LLA. THIS Extract la pat ap In quart bottles. It la ait timet ehaapsr, ptaaaantar, and warranted superior to any kl. It earaa dninn without vomitiagi punrina;, aick neaa, or debilitating tha patient, and ia particuiarl) adapted FALU AND SPRINO MF.DICINK. The great lieautjr id aupariority of this Hanmrarilln over other remedies is, whilst it emiliraies riinne, It Invignratna the borly, CtrtiMimption cured. Cleanae and rjirengihen. Consumption eon Im enrol. BroiH-hitis, Cotinimption, IJver C implaiat. Coats, Cawlie, CaUrrh, Asthma, Hniiting of Blond, Roranaw in tha Cheat, lleelie Flush, NirM Swaata, DlAV cult and Profuse Kapeetoeation, and Pain in tbe Side, 4te., e, , , , , "ave and eon be cured. Protauly there never waa a remedy that ha. been an eue eeaaful in desperate eases or' eonmmptiou as this it elcau aea and stretigthens Ihe ieem, mid aipsars to heal the nl eera on the lungs, and potienta gradnalia regain their usual health and strength. CtKIOlIS CASK OP CONSUMPTION. There is seareety a day pauea but there are a number nf eases of consumption reported aa cured by tha aae of Dr. Tewiiseii'a Haraaparilla. The following was reeenlly re enved: Dr. Towmain Dear Sirt For Ihe kvt three yeara I hive been artlicted with general debility, and nerroua e.m atiinption of tha last stuge, and did not expect to ever gain my health at all. After aoing through a course of men trine under the eare of emn ol' the m n iliwiiif ni.h"d regular physicians and members of the Board of Health in New York and elsewhere, and spending the smwf of aiy earnings in attempting to regain my health, and after reading fat some paper nf your Sersaprilta I reedved to try it. After using six bottles I found It done me areat md. and nailed to aee you at your office ,- with your advice 1 kept on, and do mort heartily thank yoo for your advice. I persevere in taking the Sannparilla, and have been aula to attend to my anal labora f the kut foar months, and I hope by the hleaalnga of God and your Snranporiila to continue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations of all who new my case. CH AKl.KS UIMBY imnure, t.mex eo. n. J., Atig. , 1H47. Stateof New Jerscv. Kasex ciaintv. aa.-47hiir1ea Onim- hy being duly sworn ncconling to law, on his oath auiih, thit the foregiHinr arntement is true acemting ttt the best ol' hMkiewleduenml belief. CHARIJ OI.IMIIV. Pwurn and anbac-ribed to before me at Ormiae. Ihe 9J Ailgust, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN. Justice of the IVare. spirnvo ni.ooi). Read the ftllowins. and siiv tluit ctnsumotion ia in Incii ruble if you can : new vorn, April an, 1.H17. Dr. Towx.exd : I verilr believe Hint vmir Adrmairilb ns licen the means, throuirii I'rirtridence. tfi'ftuviiie mv Hie 1 have for several venrs Imd a bed comrh. It Imm-iiiiic v.rse and worse. At lust I ruianl Infer duaiitities H' bloxl. hnd iglit su-ents mid warn grail I)- debilitated awl reduced, nml id 11 it expect to live. 1 have onlv tleorl HirmiMirilU but a shirt time, and there hus n wonderful ch:uive been wnniirht in me. 1 am n nv able to walk nil over the city. I raise nti b)o.jd, and my c-Ufrh tins left me. Ytm can well iinnirine Hint I am tlinnkrul hr iheee rrmlts. irnt obedi ent servant. WM. RtMICLL. Oi Catharine st. LOSTIIKR 81'KKCH. The annexed certificate tells a .imnle and truthful ature of sniTcriiig and relict. There are thonmnila of similar ea ses in this city and Brooklyn, and vet there are th moulds of parents let their children die I jr fear of belli humbugged or to sire a few shillings. iwo in, rwi. is, ii7. Dr. ToW.NsraD: I take uleusure in aLiline. ftir the liene. fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, twn years and six nonius old, nlliictcd with general de bility and loas of speech. She was given u as past ic- very ty our tnmiiy physician i but l.irtunatelv I wns rc- coinniendod by a friend to try your Hunaparilla. Bef ire mviiix upeu one noiiie ane recovereu ner spei-en ana was enabled to wnlk alone, tn the nst aiislinient 14' all win were aeanaiiited with the circumstance.. Site is now ipute well, and in much better health tliuu she has been f it 1H in mtlui pas.. JOHF.l'll TAYI.OIt, l& York st., Brooklyn. TWU t.llll.UKI .X .VKII. Very few families indeed in fact we have 11 it heard ol' one that used Dr. T.iwnsend's SarmiKiriUa in time, I m any cnimren tne post miinmar. While those that did 11 t, sickened and died. The eereificate we publish belnw i m-Juaive evidence of it. value, and is onlv another instance of its anving the lives of children : Dr. Towxsxxd Dear Sir : I bad Iwo children cured by ur Saraanarilki of the summer cnmnl lint and dvscntarv 1 one waa only 15 mouth old and thj iithiT 9 yeurs. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die j tliey were given up by Iwo respectable physician. When tbe duct informed u that we mut l.ethcm, we res. li ved to try your Saraaparilln we liad beard . much 01. but had little confidence, there being ei much stud' advertised that is worth lew, : but we are llinnklul that we did. it uisloulelly saved the lives of b'lh I write this thai oth ers may be induced to ue it. . Y.mrs, remio-tfiilly, juii, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Rrooklvn. Seiit. 15. h?. TO THE I.ADIKN. GREAT FF.MALK MlvDirlN'l. Da. Towxscxds SAKSAesaiLLA is a a-'ereivn aiet soceilv cure fn incipient ciaisumplMHi, and fiv tbe general pr-ietm- 01 the system nn matter wheiher the rewilt ia mile rent cause or cauaea, imitluced by irreuuluritv. ilbicss iw at- eileni. t- Nothine can be more surDrisine than il. luvitftrntine ef fect, ini Ihe human frame. Pensma all wmknee. aiallH.-.ilwh-, fnn taking it at once become mIhh and full of y under ita innnence. It initneitiately cnititrroela tlie nerveleawu'M 4 the lemwe iraaie, wtm-li w-ttH arent cause hnrretiucM. It will int tie canceled ih' us. in oaaes nf ik-lientc a in- lure, in exhitet eertihoHte. e cure. ierl'.a-inil, but we can aMure the afflicted that hundred. 01' cases have been repur- let 1 v 11.. Da. Towsamn: My wife being areatlv dieircHnl bv weakltcM and general deliility, aial surieriiut e-aitinunlly by win and with other diracukiea, and having known caeee where your metllullie lie. eflectul great cures t and nl. I henrinir it recommended for such case. a. I have deih-riiied. obtained a butle of vmir Extract of narsaiMrllui and fol lowed the direeti'ina you gave me. In a .hurt period it reiifived her complaints and restored her to health. Being preatlu! for the benefit, .lie received, 1 take pleasure in thus aekuowledgiiuj it, and recjmmenduig it Io the public. M. U. -VIOUKI., Albany, Aug. 17, '44. cr. Grand & Lydia sts. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or mediciua hns ever liecn disem-ered which so nearly resemble the gastric juice or saliva iu decompogitur toon alio strengrneninir uic organs 01 aipcttiou as tfti. pre of SarHupnrilla. It ptwitively curea every case of nyKpcpwa, nowerer severe or enrteue. 11.111. uemriment, Aiixinv, mav 10, leia. Dr. Townsend Sir : 1 have been afflicted for pevenil nr. with dvsnensi. tn us nea. of MiHiioeh, lis. of appetite, extreme hcarttiuril. and a great avenriou to all kinda of food, and I'.N weeks, ( what 1 C'HjId eat) I have beeu unable to retain I Hit a small piurtion 011 mr atomuch. I tried Ihe usual remedies, hut they had tail little or no efleet in removing the c-unpuuMt. I w.. in duced, abiml two mnutlia since, to try your Kxlmct ol' Hnr anrsirilki, and 1 must aay with little confelenee ; Isit after uminr nearly iwu w.i i, iniii my tK-iiir re.ujreii anil tha heartburn entirely renewed ; and 1 wiMikl eanieiitlv re commend the use of it to those who have been afflicted as I have been. Yours, Ave., W. W. VAN 3ANDT. Agent for Sunbury JOIIN W. FRIIJNfl : Nor thumberland, MARY A. McCAY; Danville, WM. A. MURRAY it Co., Apni aa, ims. iy Pblla., KeadlnB;, and Foils llle Itull lload. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT HANGE of Hours, and two Trains Daily each way, except Sundays. in and after Monday, May lat. 1848, two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila and Pottsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 74 A. M daily escepl Sundays. Passes Reading at 10 43 A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 71 A. M. daily except Sundays. Pa use t Reading at 9 10 A- M. 1 he above Line ttopa at all way stations 011 the rotd tt formerly. AFTERNOON LINE F ST TR IN. I'n Train, Down Train. Leaves Philadelphia at Leaves Pottsville at 24 P. M , daily except Sunday!. Leaves sVh Haven, 3 .17 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading. 3 30 " Potlttown. 4 30 " I hcLaixville, 3 00 Wrivea at State 3 P M .daily except Sundays. Leaves I'hcenixville 3 43 Potlttown, 4.13 Reading. 3.00 Port Clinton, 3.43 Sen. Haven, 6.10 Arrives at Potts ville. 8 30 Road. 3,30 The afternoon train will stop only at the above named stations. Psttengert for other points mutt therefore take the Morning Line Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Uroad and Vine Streett. No Psttengert can enter the Cart nnlett provided with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bsgsage will be allowed Io each passenger in theae linea ; and patsengert are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel which will be at the risk or itt owner. Ko freight will be taken by these lines. By order of Board of Managers S. BRADFORD, Secretary May 8. 1818. If Pictorial Edition of d'Aublgne's great Work on tlte Hcloriuallon OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY. SWITZERLAND, kC Will be yubliabed on or about tha lat of April, 1848, by OS. A. SPEEL. No. 86 Cheiry at. above 6th, bit splendid 18mo edition of tha above named work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth and library sheep. The publisher respectfully calls the attention of tba trade and tbo public generally, to thia work being tbe only illustrated edition published In tha United States He truats that tha beaoty of its embellishment!, tbe strong and substantial manner in which it la bound, in conjunction with tha known popularity of tba work itself, will be sure recommendation to public nor. JOS. A. SPEEL, 86 Cheiry st above 6th J. A. baa als lately published, now and beautiful Eaittoa or Sergeant Ball's Xarts Show, a suitable book fog children, neatly dona an is extra cloth. PkiUdalphia, April I, 1648 OXYGENATED A SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR . 1 2TSFEF3XA, PHTHISIC, AND aBNBBA.X.pBBXLZTT. (iKORGE B. GREEN, Propietor. Windsor, Vermont. IS a sovereign remedy forDYSPKPSIA, In many of sit forms, such as pain In the Stomach, Heartburn, habitual Uosliveness, Acid Stomach, Headache, Imeaof Appetite, Pilea, Night Sweats, and even Ciaisuuiptinn (Dyspeptic Phthisic.) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with derange ment of theSUanach (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) Difficult Breathing, which often resulu from Imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Syspnosa,) ia relieved by theae Hitter.. In short, their use has been proved In the relief of almost all the symptoms thst proceeo from a debilitated or atohic condi tion of tha StonaM.h t als in general deliility vising from are or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and Ague. Females suffering under any uterine derangement arising from weakness, will find the "OiroknSTiD Bit. Tias' an excellent remedy, and not aurpasaed by any medi. Cine In use. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made Ita way to public favor solely by lha force of Its own intrinsic merits. No artificial means have been ased to give it no li iety and thrust it upon public attention. It lias never before even been advertised, but having first shown its re markable efficacy in the family nf the proprietor, and try him alter waul, administered to his altlkted frieuds and ac quaintance, with a like fwuM, ita reputation gradually ex tended niitil it I. kieewn in the most distant parte of the Union, aa a medicine of anrivaUed trlrtaea in the cure of Dyspepsia in all ila different forms, and alao for the cure of Asthma or Phthisic. Its only herald and iu only eulogy has been tbe story of ita woiKlerful effjeacv, aa told from mouth to mouth or by letter from friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitlers have been used, and the re sult made known tu the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy of the "OiToasATxn BiTrxa.," nr. in the nuaaeeskm of the proprietor j many 01 them signed by person, already widely known to the public. GKO. B. ORKKN, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt CM'iliera, Ift3. The following ( ertilicales hare recently been received 1 Wsmiisotos, D. C, JXE 10, IB40. Having mmlc use of the ' iTvsenated Hitt.T," prepared by Dr. Geo, It. Green, of WiiHlsur., Vt. and from know ledge obtained of their eJTieacy in oilier cases, wvclieerl'ully recanmend them to theMllilie, believing Unit they willfully silMain the ret? snuieiHlali'ai of the Pnuiriet r. We hope that this valuable remedy may be su generally diffused throughout the camtry Ihat it tuny lie neiwnililv to all the affiielcd. WILi7MV"lLM; I tf.S.Scinb"r front Verm-uit. JAMfisj.'. SI.MitlNS, I'. S. Senator from R. Inlainl. J. T. MOItLIIK.M), I. S. Senator ami I's-iiurlj- Govern or of Kcnlneky. L. II. AKN'X.D, Memlier of Congress and f innerly Go. vcmor of K. I. WM. WunnilRIDUK, I-. S. Seinkn- and foruicriy Go-Vcrn-r ol' Miehigan. M. L. MAH'I l'lcgate in Congress from Wisconsin Territory. From lion. II. D. Fo-tes, Member of CoiigreFS from I'eiinsylvmiia. Wa.hixiito. D. C, Ivkk 10, IfMO. Dear Sir. I have tieen a dyspeptic smTrrcr i'..r nlwul ten years, and have res rti.d t van ais medicines !': relief williout succew, until I muJe use of your "Oxygenated Hitters." I have used about two bottles, and ruiifmyself restored to perfect health. The forma iu which Ihe dis ease sh iwed itself, in nfy case, vcre, great acidity of the stmuich, I -ss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe consti-puti-ai ot'the biwel., and violent headache. Feeling desi riNis that n kn m-lcdgc nl' ymr valuable remedy may reach other similarly ulllieted. I take great pletinure in record ing mv leim iiv t its curative power; ami would uls reinaik. that while on a ut home a slirt time since. I ndiuiiiiatereil a part ih' a b itile to a niiuilier 01' my atflicted I' with ureal miecm. Thev ure desirous that vou sh alld estublisli nuageni-y at Pittslairg. or inform them where the medicine can be olitained. With an earnest de sire for yiuir oT'Siperily and happiness, I suljecrilie nivseh', trulv y air friend H. D. FU8TKR. D-cl. Uro. R. GaKN.Winds , Vt. Sdd Whaemle and Retail bv Green k Fletcher, No. SO S aith Sixth Street. Philsdclphia. Agent f r Sunlairy II. B. MAHSKR. Agent, for .Millon MACKAY HA AG. April IS, IS1H Tn presenting the public wiih a remedv for the treatment M. ai.l cure 01 I kvku n Ancic and other tub sis diiwsiee.. no nuotocy is needed. Vast numbers in the United Mates! wlio muter from thewaffectiiai. in their varied forms, are e 'niiielled to eek relief fr.un oilier sounv. ihuu Ihe imme diate preaerliai'in. m' lite regular phvsician. It Imm-ouic. theret ire an object oi humanity, a. well a. f public inter- est. tii bring lici'ore llwni a remedy prepared fiom much ex perience, and which may alwuy lie relied up hi uh i.asr. XrvEI'TlUk, 11 UAKMI.KS, TO Till COXSTITl TIOX. That such is the true eli.ira.ter ih' Hie INDIA I'lKiLAiiOGl'l. is amply utterled by the mieceiw Willi which it ha. been employed. t? I-.xtrait fr.mi a communication of the Hon. W11.. liah WooihikiduU, 01 the I'. S. SiMiuie, Lite Governor of Michigan. Dktkoit, CM. 31. Islfl. Docron Ctusi.n P.jnon. D.yir Sir, I have rul with mui-h interest, your little TRAKiTtHii iiai ihe --causes tre;ilni''ut and cure" of the febrile riiiicaiie. whieh have . i extciiMVcly prevulliat ill our country during tht few m aith. an mtereHt ini-rcuM-d n- fliaiU, by the fjel tiiul t have individuallv snUere.1 s I much iiint. TIkhikIi I feel myself very uh- mpetcut to judge vilely unm a subject s 1 entireiy profwi.aial, yet ytsir ibciry will. t- me well rra. ami. ai.l yiuir e-mclti-siiai. jn.4, and I think withal, that yiair inmidilct ia cuk-u- tateii to pnidiice umch practu-al gsid. Speaking of the medicine be nys : Il fully justified your nattering expectuti. n, arsl aa a aafe, eiaivenient, and piinu lar renmly, mv own exiieriei.-e. . 1 far, induce, me b, be lieve tlial it will prove a grevt pnlsie benefit. I am pleased to learn thai y.iu have reeenlly establiidied several ageiK-iea for iu di.po.iiio th-mgh I regret that, with a view Is a more general uihuuiiwicoi oi it, you wioniu laive louun it mcenary to reruove from your preoeiU reaidence among us. .run imicn mpeia I iimvc ine iraKW w lie, Mr, Vour obliged senmnt, Wl! LI AM WOODBKIDGF.. ty From lion. Stethex V. R. TNowaiiiuuK.01' Michi gan Stale Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. HiaMltr.HtM. (Iaslssd Co., Dee. 13, 1841. Sir you wish me to inform val what I know of Dr. Osgooirs India Cholag 'gue, aa- uuti-bilious medicine. I do believe that if the virtue ami efficacy of this medicine wen generally known, the rrvca ko aorx would disappear ia Michigan. I procured a bottle in the spring of 1841, and have good reason to believe that myself and family escaped tbo ague last seaam in eaiacquence of its use. Perhapa in no summer since the settlement of thia fine p-ninsiiki, has the fever ami ague been so prevalent as the last. 1 have reo unmet led this medicine in numerous in- ataneea, and when the disease had become fixed and bullied the akili of physician. ; and I have never known it fail. I baa universally produced the m au happy etfeda, and I bet lieve it hns never been exceeded by any medicine iu remo ving the bilioue disease, of the climate. Your., respeeli'tillv. STKIMIKN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Agent for SiuilHiry II. B. MASSKR ; Northumberland, WrrillNGTOM A C i.; Milton, J. II. RASHR j Seliua gmve, MAY sV Kl.t)tK. May 6, Irttf tl". ( 1 It E AT NAT ION . vT. VI (11K. A llifttorr r tbtp nrvoliitltt nitl l.lvr ( thr llrrr ! Ihr XV nr of IndrituilfMt't. BY CHARLES J. PETERSON. An elrnut volume with 18 fine Steel I'lulis, and nearly 200 beautiful l'ooil Engravings. -Tliis is a aplendid liok. A vutnatila uddiiion to the IlisS-a-ie laterature ol'iKir country. We are much uiiidu keu if it does n a take nink with Ihe works ol' Irving and Preum!.'' Fraukfonl llta'akl. It aurpuncs any .inutar work yet offered to the Auieri euu public." Near. Gaxelle. "It may tie properly iiuudefed a pOiuluriael Military Hist'S-y of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious written." N. Ainerksni. "The present work on tlie ReviJulioo and ita Hemes, ia superi w, bolh in extent ami ilesigii to any Halt boa hereto, f. e o ane uielef our notice." Inq. A well conuccted llutory of that eventful period. Led ger. "Decidnliy the best popular History of the war of tlie Revohitiai and its Hero, tlwt has yet been givcu to the couulry." Saturtlav Fvening IVhiI, It" .MiKM-S WAN ri;i) to eiNivasa for the above ele- Ent Work, in every County and Town in the t'uiinj lea, tn the lieot Ubefal iuduccmenla will be offer ed. Price only tf l. Aiklresa (post-pui.1) WM. A. I.EARY. No. IM North 8KlHll St. rillLADKLPlilA rhiladrlphia, May -Jn, I IS An THE CHEAP Bruls, Comb an4 Variety STORE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, BRUSH MANVrACTVREKS, AND DEALERS IN COMBS VARIETIES No 0ft North Third, below R- St. and North EjuI earner of Third and Market street, eTHTT.APBTJPHIA. WHERE they olTer (or sale a general assert ment of ail kinds of Brushee, Combs and varittiea which tbey nro determined 10 sell Lower than can be purchased a'sewhere. -Country Merebanla and others Fnrcbaaing ia lha above line will And it to their advantage to call before norchasiag slaawbera aa tba quality aad pricaa wiU bo fully guaranteed agala.t all competition. rhiUdelnhta, June S, llts-ly TUB ONLY RADICAL CUItB TOR CONSUMPTION ! f Scrofohi or Kiiif Evil, RheiimnlimTi. OMhmte OitnnftnuA Krupliona, PimplcRtH' PeHtiilen cm tht Inct?, Ilkiu-htu, Ilii, Chronic ort Kvr& Ring Wnnn or TctlT. -nW Head, KntorfVcwtit Bird fuin of tlib ftmcsaiHl joint n, rll.hftii Uirem, Svplii litir Sympttatfift, Hetntirti ur I A) ml i pro, diftfaMR tiriftiiijr fnim nn injntti ciotn we ol" Mcicurr, Tri)' y. Kjcptfurf tr ljirti Oervrtj in Itlej aln-t, ChroiUp rcnnnll tutio'ill)i 1 ni.i j ordssrii. Anitil! bti vrry potent artirlttfi entirely diflemit in it. cilmmrtrr mid irrpmlea fnnn any other prepornlion, ami in it on the ytem when snlx-ring unritrr fliwnr. It fllioukl bf in Uie -"J." f every peratHi, whu, Uy lnimnn,-i.r aRtipml ronrne ot life, ii prediarinfird to the very many aiUnif-atn tliat ren der life curae. instead of a blrraiug. nml a i often re mi It in death. FOR 8riU)Ft'tA. rrr. Drake'a rnnnecft if rrciMnmciifM an a eertnin remly. Not one infitnnreof itufnilure han ever orcurred when frfe ly un it 011 it the (liseaur nut I nt the mine time iunrtn viT"r ttfllie w1h1 ftyrtteni. iHcntfutoiin pern 'iia enn never pny t- miit'li nllfiition In the ntate oi their blond. Ita pu rifimtim th inld he their firnt aim : lor m'rivenii.c will oeeoinpliRh a cure of kvkx iikrkiiitahv dimwiitf. FOH F.UI PTIONS (F TIIKSKIX. Heitrvy, Sorbntic AiTwti mB, TuiiiofK, White Sweiiinif, KrymiielHF, 1 It-era. t.aneerjt, Itininin S re. Sailia nitd Hilfn, Dr. Untkf'a piiiitiecu mmiot be t n hij:hlv extolled; it oenrt'lua 4m the very r Mt thr dmeano, and permanent. INI)lr,KPTHNTi7t nVSPKPSIA. Nomeiliciiie perh ipn ever been ttiw v;ret whieh piven aiinneh t ine to the nt nim h inn! iMttrtea tin aeere tim ot a henlthy Ruflrir juire t dec omvw the fo-nl uh jr. L)ruke?ii I'mimtii riii;i:mTt(sm. Dr. Drjke m runnren in ut with the prenteHt ftuccew in Rhemiwtio CoiniiLiinti, eHjuftillv sni-li tin etir-nne. Il cnreM by driving unt nil immiritiea mid'fuul hum ur.i wliir li huve oeruniulnted in the fytemt which art the caue oi Rheit- inntifim, i Hit. uiui rvelluii;" l the .hmift. ttttu-r reincdiea nnelhneti give temporary 'relief thin entirely enuliniten the diaeaw irom the nynteiu, ev en when the liinbA and buiies are ttreadiully nwollen. CONSUMPTION. CoXrHrnPTloN can BR ci'HED. Gittu.ifl. Catarrh. Brn- chitin, Hpiiiing ot Blood. Attbin.i. Dnln ult r proiutc Kx- MH?trntloii. Hecic I until, .Nurht fve,itHt Hum 111 the Bide JUc. hnve iMU'iienred. tutd phi Ip with an much rertiituty an any other duwnne. A ttpecifie littH I nn Imvii tt-Miht lor. Lint in 'vniu until the dincjvery of Dr. Drake paineci. Ii in iniUl and !fe but rerUiin nml cliieiilioiin in ite ojiemliun, and cannot powftibly injure the iiHent delienie c niitntion. We would eumefitly reuunmifiid tli e oitiieted to give it a trial nid we believe they will not have ire.iri.ii to regret ll. i ne nymeni meieanrteti nml ftrenictlieneil. tlie iiiintk n the lungaitre healed, and the imlientit Vnitl unity re-run their uauai huulth and utrenjrth. Head the lollownii; : TESTIMONY. F111..A., Dec. llth. K-17. DkaI Sir : In reply to your qitentioii retpeetiitf the nc of Dr. Drake Funaeen, I will av, that although a terliil dinbtiiever in the existence of a FAX ii EA, or eiire l.-r all diaue, howevei -nluntile it may In in certain e iii.lilituti in me ymem. niii i twve tK-nevetl that ti rure i t V otiKiiuip tit in would be diiH'ivere! arnHter 4r bier, and euiioBity led in ttt try y.Mir iiitlieine in Iwj veiy itivticrtt vah. They were prunoiUK'ttl by the attendm phvKietaiwt t be riTLMoxAKV cnxorairTiox. mid iikitulone.l y tlieni is rpKAttLK. Oih-it the penwHm lieasn uikler the treat ment of pevenil vry nlrle pra ltd -iieis foi n miiulicr of yeur, ami I hey mid he had "okl fimlii. ihnI t iutiiiitioii C Miibme with rrV'rot'ub," ami that nhemtlit liui;erfor nuc time, hut (MUM n t lie wrniuiieinly r-luvel. In IfitheawA the etl'ect il the Puiuieea ha lntn in ft enilifviiiff. Ouly 1'inir or five Utttlea were used by me ol llie MTitin before alie bfgun to improve rapidly. 'The tit Iter took uh ut ten. I will only mklllwit ftiindmr im I am with f'.'ummiptiou by iuheritanee oihI by extensive ohaervuii n n a ntinly, and knowinft alt the iujurion etlVelfi in nine vttHtt i-titoi tni f tur, IfHienet, Hinl istlier vetretbh touie. tm well uiof inany ot tlie exitnioRmfKaiHi tibial iveit. I nb..nM never hnve rmmiimided the utie im Dtnke! Ianaea if I I mm) nt tieen aeiimiuteil with tin- injiredi-iili. Suihee it to iriy that thecc are re&nuiniitletl by our mont pHilar aial iei'itihe phytfi riHitii, ami in Iheir preneiit e-mif-iunl Mate, lorm probably llie beat alterative thut hue ever Iwen m:ide. The eure in in aeconlaiiee wilh a thery of l''UitmiiptiHi broaehett iu France a few yeava tfo, by otw f hr in emineut ri tera on medieine, nnd n w eabdilixhed by faets whuhasl imtof nodiftpntr. Very Respectfully Your, I.. C. fil'NN. To ne the hiiunire nf another. 'Dr. Drake' Punaeen In always ttalutury in iit elf v IF never nijnriwiiis. Il m n t m Opi.ite it is not tutd Kxpveiornnt. It ic n t inteinletl to hill the invalid into a fatal security. It i it treat ivtueily u grand heahiur ul curative e nipiui)l. il-.e creat a tut tnilv remedy winch Hi-ient'e and idull Iuim yet protlneed for the treatment t f t!iiii tiithtTl i unrt)ivuere.l in tb !y. Ami n ier n nt!iiftfd with ihip ilrvad dirHxiMe, will Ite just to nmiieii invi niK i ri nan. 11 ne o wn i t'le jrnive wili ut testing itn virn. A tingle b 'tile, in m mt nwn, will pr -iluee u fiiv-irablf ehirtijie m the c-'U.lition of uny i-utieiit. h wi ver I TO Till: I.XDII3. 1st iltesot pate e i:iili-.n ;tu l e ii-inn;iive It iliitn. nnd tmt'ti -nn whieh V-uuleH aneh n are debilinied bv ih He ol ftie liable to, ore rest. Tit I bv !ih use of a b -ttle nr two, to Uooui vigor. It ia by far the t- reunslv rver tline n-erel for we-akly fhil.lren, und im1i hm liave had huniont ; being ItJeiiHint. I hey take it. It imuieiliately ntiTen ttieappetile, atrength and etdtMr. otlHM!i eau b more PurnriFUie than itn invnoratiiiT . fceuou the human frimie. Perttonn, nil weaklier and kut aitude lieiore tnking it, ut niiet beeonm r -t-nut ami full of energy under ita in Huenec. It immediate couuterueta the nerveleamieM of tlie female frame. CAUTIOX. Re careful and nee tlwt von rM the friiti. ine Dr. Dears' Pasacxa it h:w the ttignuture ot fivn. F. Stork on the wrapper 4ind nUn the nunc "Dr. Drake's rAXACKA, fHII-A. mown tn tliegl-nx. Pman-ediHilvhvSroRRA: C i.. Dru.'-itM. Vo.l V.irtls. Sixth St.. PluUlelphiu. Agent for SunNiry II. M ASSF.R. Soldahnby W'st. A . Mrun Co., IVniville I.Smkp k, Mi lion; May Mit'ov, NorthumtN-rLiufl ; K. P.Ltiat, BloiMiwtHirg. April I, 1819 ly SALAMANDER, FIRE AM THIF.F PROOF rillIS, FIRE-PROOF IX KIRS FOH HANKS AXD STOIIIX SpbI ami Lftter-Cnpyiim I 'rouses, l'ali'iit Sliite-Liiicd Hel'rip-inlors, Water Fil ters, ratent Portiible Water Clo sets, ititemli-il for the Sii-k uml llllillll. EVAISIS & VA TSOX, 76 South Third Street OrPOSITi; Till? PIIILADKI.PIII A KXCIIAXtiK. Mminlueture and keepe mstuit ly mi ham), n larue a rtmenl f tlie uliove uriieleit, t'etlter with their Patent Improve) S tlamaiiiler KIUK-Plt(MK SATI.S, whieh arc m i I'otmtnietetl aa to tM'l nt rert all in miter .-f dnlit aa l tle-ii being Kt.i.'tly tiie-proi', unil that they ill ret. i j.t the fire of uny Iriiil.ting. Tin tuiKitbi raatea t"f Ihetu Safe are mode of boih-r cn, the int-itle ease of a kip. t'kiie, un I between the outer e ie an. inner imkk in a npnee H aome threti Uteheft lliiek. id ii tiM-d in dli imleitlrue til 'le naitial, vi u tf make it tin imp toilnlity to burn any it' the content inaile of Ona t hfl. Tben.1 S ipttt4ie Sci kuiwndtjni we ore pren ired am l eh iilt-ue t!m world t pr.Rtuct any nrtiele in the aliiseif llntkSile th:.t Will atmul aa imieh heat, ami wu h M iurlvesj ready ut all time to liave thein fairly tested by ('iiMie Umlirn. We alevi e Hitinue t. iiuinutneture a birg ami re m -rat aji ti inent oi'our Prenuuni Air-tiuht Tire Pre f Saiei of whieh there are over nun now in ue, tmtl in every iuftaitce td-v have given eutiia ;itit;hti.m I Ihe pttnhai-m of whieh we will refer Ihe public a few geuiU-inru vh have them in ue. Iluywoaal Snvder. pottuville; Joaeph fi. Iuwt n P.vtisville; Mi. Willunn fair, D.vletown. P. N. tfc tJ. Tuyl'N, I'j.) north :VI at.; A Wright d Nephew Vine at. wliari ; Alexander Oina. C Hivoynuivr, ctviier tM" Filbert and nth at.; John M. Ford. :W north :U t.; Miera Huah, Jo ii wth Jd at.; Jame M. Paul. MH a nih Ith at.t Dr. lovid Juvne. H axuli M vt.; Mathew T. MiUer. ' a-mlh 'Al at.; and we c mid mute nne hundred nl' nthera II it wenMireeaarirv. Now we iuvit'i the attenlion nf tba puhlie, and particuiarly thtiae in wmU at Fire PrwH Safe, to call at our atore betoro pureliaing i-Utewhere, ami we mn attuly tii-iu they will get a better aiat cheaper articia at our attre than at any tlier enUililiahnient in tha city. Va alau niauuiaclure Uie nrduinry Fire Vt4 C'heaU, at at very hiw priet. cheaper Uuui they can be bught at any oU -ore ia Ph.tade.,J.u.. KVAN'f. JOHANNA WATSON. Philadelphia, April , tMSly Georg-e J, Weaver, BOPa MAKER Is MB O HANDIER. No. Ill tVoier Strttt and No. 1 1 North Wharves Philadelphia. ff AH constantly on hand, a tneral eeeort tl mem of CorJege, Heine Twinee. Ae., is: tar il Hopes, Pishing Koie, White Hopes, Manil la Hopes, Tom Lines (ot Canal Doata. Alao, a eaenuUta aaaortmenl of Seine Twines, die. such as Hemp Bhatl and Herring Twine, Beet Patent Uill fitt Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Tnreade, aVa. aVa. Abo, Bed Cords, Plough Linea, H altera, Traoee, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains. aVc, alt of which ha will dispose ' rrsMoaable Fhiladalphia, JunSI, !4. Ijf W1UG1ITS Indian Vegetable I'tlU. , This medicine ia eomHiinJeil ur) fftneral pi iiinptn freni the pnre, uiwilnllarated hcrlnt (if llie liidisn. AlUamtth there are many itiedirines rnlfitl hy the snme nnme, everf one la atfare tint there is a Terjr prrttt nifTereiice ainona them. Those of I hem thai nre called "Indian," have slot Die name from ns, who were the first to inlMdeee a prepo red Inditin meilicine to the Ainericnn puhlie, Of eonrse a similsrity nf nnme dies not create n siiniturity in the char aeter of the meilicine. Wrinlifa tiKlion VeeetoMe Pills ore dislingiilshed f' their perfect ilnIlml m tn Ihe liiltmn hmly- In Ibeii oper atiiai, thry do exnelly what nature does, and nothint; more. Tliey have a roi a-roLO actios, upon the lungs, skin, kal-nej-a and bowels. Ilenpethcir pceulinr power over disease.. My promotion perspiration, tliey break upCnttis Cnt-aHs, RnunXATio Complsikt, Pais in tint Bscit, CoriLA, Ci-TAJtots EncrTio.r, Pimi-lks, Ulotciiks, raaeKLRs,, Ac. The no' ion of the Pills on the kidneys Is such as ki make them a valuable lithoutriptie. Dkorsr, Gbavrl, and Pa ai. CnapLAixT., arising from ohatraclioua at oartaia periods, are speeilily rciiKn nl hy their use. . , ' A free ExfRcToa atior from the lunm is excited h tha use of Wright'. Indian VegetaMe Pilts, tluia removing, Pulmonary LVanplainls, such as Asthma, Hsocntn., Sorrxess AMD Tiuiitness of trfi' Brrast, Coughs, Bore Thrcsit, te. ,.. ... ',. ; f Uy their action on Die Fvroa rn and DcnrRt s, .th. PUte cure DrsrErsiA, t.tvRn CoMriaixi, Paipitatiox ot tub IIrart, Fi.atclrxct, CmTirRxR.., Fevrrs nf allJunde, Pleurisj-, llimlnclic, Giildiiu ss, Dysentery,' Piles, and all divinlersof the intnuiuea. Taken in small d isc, Wright Indian Vegetable Pilla lwcome en Alteiixath-r mnlirine, of grrat senndilug ef Seney, for the cure of ("oar. of all kimls, Trttrh, Tsxtoas,' Jai-xmck, loxyxmsor 8piiiit, Nei raloia, Kasii, Paixs m the lltixE, ftc. , 4. These Pills al-n tlior mplily break np IxntiiXZA, in which ci.iilpluiiil thoy ure exlri-mrly vulnalile. . ' . . In Ttll.uu . CVMPJ.AIS.S, tlicsc Pills exercise a ootnplet, mastery. Hence hitvi.B ami Aot t ii sjieeilily cured by the use of them, In the VcerH nml ft uithcm flute., where thi. diw-ase inoMly prerail.. thine Pills go like nn Avalanche. WhHethcT ore chinpor llian tlie iuvw and ngne remedied in general, rights liuluui V. gituhle Pilla have tieen prononnciil superior to nil of them. Imlced, It would ap pear tlint if there is cue coinplniut over which theae Pillg luiVB in tc power tlmn niiothcr, It is Fever axu Auur. For de-itroying and cXM-Uiug AYoii.un, no Venuifuge i superi r to them- Pills Althoueh we have not taken pains to mikelhi. fact public, Ihe merit of the medicine itself ha. iicpiired for it tin cxtcniiive repulnlitai nudisilc (or the re moval of Worm. Administered Io adults or children, tlie elltH'l ol'thc PilU is e.pi:illy nitlitnl :iud divisive. Alt who stiller from Wurmh rhnuM hy nil liifnn, hps Wright's In, ditlll VeeelaMe Pili. In l":iet, no one can go .-ini'ma in the aw of line medicine, They are nnhinil to Ihe lis i.. A wil' C'NivillCtt the keitie:il Hint Wright'. Indian Vegruiule fur from being a c.siiiMon "ipiuek noairuiu," tire ducidudlr the ui 'st vnlunhle medicine to the putiltc. flcvrnre orsnsur Coaled Counter rolls. neinmiiber lint the original nntl only genuine Indian VoHCtaMf Villa hnve the wiitteiiiiiruutiiro ol Win. Wright on the b.p lalict f each li-'X rnn ITi lnltfsi Intli-.tii Vrgetnlsle IMIU. Henry Mssaer. Stinbuty. E. Sl .1. Knillmiti, Ausnnta tonr..lii. lohu II. Vine hi, L'liillisqii.iue, Kase & Rcrgstresser, t,ilylUrx. Snnuel lletli, Little Mation.iy, William lepu-n. J.n k"n. Irclitiil aril II iv lies. MrEwi n-ille, Willi.un llciniii ck Ttmiher, Millnn. t I'liirythr, Wilson & t'o., ISoitliuiiilicilan.l Ihuo a Ifieil, PotNgrove. V.. W. Scott. H.l-heilK W. A- I! Fi g. lv, Kli im.ikii'-Vn. Khodt's & Farrow, ttriyilprstown. Amos P. Ueisi H, Tiiibutevilln. Hi niirvilte Hidtiue, l'iier Mahonoy. J. Iin O. Iteun. do do. K. I. Ptr, Wnlonlonn. tVholp. le, Mt llie oflice ami general depot, 169 Hire fl l'lul i.U Iil,ia. July H, ISIS. ly r.r.i AarlfAUffcj I tvr.sri:u sew yorh t CD 1.1. no n OF II E ALtl, ! C07 Main street, Buffalo, S. Y. j Dli. G.C. VAr'fiHX S I VigiliiLle Lilliontriitie illixturr. rpillS eelebrnti-d remedy iscinslanlly mcruuslhg it. lame J. by tiie inniiv cures it m innkiii!; . ; ALL tiVFKTMR WORLD.' ; '.....-. : It tin now tr"iiMTtht on'y ! t1!" (W fu'ndjr nt and ia i iHiriii'iitirK retMiiiineinletl i-ir ! Dlttil'SY: . . .., nil ttn'-H of tliit r lf.i1:tiut 1 1 ii met) lately relieved, no mat let ol ii"v l U'; mitii.iiuj:. -e I'lnmitiiiet tot teUiiKny. ckavkI,, and nil diseases of the iirinnry org;ms; fiir these distress ing eompliiiii it stand ;1 ne ; u" 4her article can relieve you ; and the cure, te.--iilit.ilto willc-iuvim-ethe most skep tical; set-pami.hlcl. l.iv.T Complaint, Utllioiia qi.ea.aa, FEVKH &AGI K. !' the. Ore'it Vti 'KtTiulty. nnd wherever thcaa aotn pin i nl j prevail this ninlieitfe in' iiterett. ,. r NO MIXKI5AL ACK'XT, it dt leU'ri-siia e HittMiniitl ia a pdit tt thia tmiltire, it rureatheifilittetiHi'ii wiih eerhiiilty and cekrily, and aVea lai leave uie nxMieiu i rpui. ruuipidct. rn.Ks, a c unpin int f a mrt ptitihil eltimrter. ia I .MM F.DI ATKLY KF.LI KVED, anil a cure .ll nv hy u lew tkiyii uae ol thisartiele; it ia lur U-i'ttre any other prepjinitiu lor Una diatnae, v iitr aay ttilienliseiiH) on:i'mtiii in mi inipnro HnhI. teu ptuu lhltft. ' DKI5I1.1T V OF THE SYSTEM. weik Inek. Vfikmi" h the Kkliut, Ve., or iiiflanun-t-li u ol -iiik;, iii iinitieiliulely ndieved hy a few itua whs aT thiM im dioiiie, and a eure is alwuya a reault ol' IU uae. I( KUtinIri ua A CURTAIN REMEDY, f ir sueh eiHiiptuuts, uud nli for ili-nuigeiiK-nla of lha le-' male inline. . . - ... lUUKtil LAmTIl-.s, sriTKESSiONS, t piiiitul menslru iti.inii. iiiliel.- Itui ever l.-en isferrd eee I in a h hieli woubl U Ii Una kind H tleraiigenHnit.. Il ui.iy Im- relieil iijem ;i. a nuro tut I cilW-iivc ruiiuily, aud did we uvl p-'riHito.l li d.i i e ul. give A TIKU'SAM) NAMES, - H r H H rurea in Ihia ttuiretnis rkiHS o C sU4aUUtl.. rV HllUphlel. All lM'-tke d.'U'H, dehllltiltett C-siiBliliill'tiif' lV itn llie elleel oi imiriirv, will Hi id the Inieiiw nower ot linn nriieif t'tnri imui' ih: lel , ami the i ituui. uiuicral eraihcutetl iVoiu the nyvI'-iii. KKl l'llVF. DISEASES! wilt fimt tho idttnitu e iiMperiiea ol thut miitu'. I'l HI FY THE BUM)H. iiihI tlti-en aneh die:in iVuti tht) ayfteiu. Se ninishrtt I ir i'Mf iii-Hiy l eurest in ull diM;iteai wha-h the hintia nt an itttvertim-iiis'iit will ul term it io lie iiiiUMtt nitre. Aftetila uuv litem nw.iy ; lliey r iit.nii ;W pttrii tf tertitieuU il )n!i I'iiur.ieu-r, jiimI m mr"iii;tT Aliii.VY OF I'KOOF iH lhe viruiea o'a ineiheuie, never nptvirel. It w mie f tie ptvuliiir leu urea of tin miiele iluil it never liula t h -us'ftt in any ini-e, und il ifiiti uiiJ iuuele ar tofi U btiild uiwu let tht eiiLicuUtl :uid Ine.eri a .11 a'd ttl'l'KOX .m l kep l-tkin the lii'-ttii uic it hjij as there ia an lai-' 111 'ti:itnt- The .r -priei r W' tilil l AI TltiN THE lTRLir itpiiiieit a uiuuIht 4-1 urtiejes whit h euue ink tinder tha ItLMsl ol' SAPiSAPAIIILLAS, SYIUTS, &C, as cure. l)rtiy, liravel. Ac: They aie good or e lliiug, aisl eiNK-ocled to trull the iim-;ir' ; TOUCH THEM NOT Their invent ir. never thouiiht ol'ciuiug such diseases tilt thia arlicla hiul done it. A pirlK-ulur study m lbs psiu plilet 1. eururtUy hciu.l. Agenu and ull h-i wit the nrliele are (JLADTO CIlitT'LATE gratuilinuly. Put np in .10 ox. botikie, nl8J; loa doaf Sl each the lari direolKms, and '. O. Vauglui, HufTiin," ataiiHieo oa cork. Niaie iher are t-'iiuiiie Prepared by ! Vauahn, and 'UI al tlie Principal lllbce, 907 Mia SlriS, Buir.lo, at wlsdiwde and retail. No aUentl Vl JrU lerauiileM rl reu.1 order. Inaa regular.y reeelilulail AgouU excepted ; pal id MH, T vertsil romtasuuea lion. Iiciiiiu: ailviiw. iwiuuptly "'tended t''"- IHIii-esdevoUNl exi-iuivtly ihe anle of Shis artsme-u. IJ NaiMiu St. New Yorkclb'! Su-' l-JX st talem, Mas. ; . eud hr the pruK-ipal UnuviMstlmaigleiuitlie I nitedfttaiea and Caisuta, as Agenls. Ual ol AgenU Sfra eo . WaotcMle Agent Phlktdel piu. I v. Fnlmg. tnmhnry t"siae liearhart. fVheegmea Le A W-lh. Iwedmig II I Mieater, alittoaJJayea MeCornuck, McKwensi ute Miss McCoy, Nankuwbet bumI. - I AssU I, if-y JUSTICES' BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. rw-v - a.Vi- lT-: ir-Tav rer bohutig u ox. nyfo uuui iwi m. U.. Ijk out and gel uunoeori np-m. l-.very iraiie aaa "Vsiurlui'a VegeiuUe jlU..i.lriilie Mixture," likierii unoa ik. ..!,. ih. u..i,i .J - (I 1' Vmichn'on Ika