Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 05, 1848, Image 4

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    Professor Longfellow, of Harvard Universe
If, it hf rnany persons considered the best
Foot of the ago. Ilia poems entitled 'Voices
of the Night,' are among the most solemn
and truly instructive compositions extant
ret some ffraoeless wair has written the fol-
lowhur Parody. He hrs done it so wcl, that r
wo cannot resist the inclination to re-publish
his waggery.
1 the voice or thk night-"
A r-"i
- . . mofesso HoTrtLtow
Tirad ef reading, tired of writing, tired of
copying and inditing,
And the, bed looked so inviting, as if courting
me to sleep,
That I folded up my paper, and extinguishing
my taper without cutting up a caper,
Softly to my rest did creep.
Soon I fell into a slumber, and had dreaming
without number,
With no nightmares to encumber, the bless
ings of my rest,
When a sound beneath my "winders," burnt
my visions into cinders
Knocked my sleep all into flinders, so that I
got up and dressed.
Such another horrid squalling, and infernul
Never could be so appalling, as to me it seem-
' ed that night,
The Thomas cats of all creation, were let out
upon probation,
And were scratching "liko the nntion," in an
everlasting fight.
Hastily throwing up the sashes, I mnde di
vers frantic dashes,
Of shovelsfnll of fire and ashes, on the mad
den'd brutes below.
Quick the fiends began to scatter, and tocease
their tamal clutter.
Having settled thus the matter, I again to bed
- did go.
But if I should live forever, it were all a vain
And I'm certain I conlJ never forget the hor
rid fright,
Which came o'er me through tho sashes(
when I threw the fire and ashes,
In some half-a-dozen dashes, on the "voices
"Rich widders are about yet," said Nicky
Nollekins to his friend Bunkers, "though they
are snapped up so fust. Rich widders, Bill,
are special providences, sent here to pick up
deserving chaps when they can't switn any
longer. When you've been clown twys't,
Billy, and ore jist o(T agnin, then comes the
widder float in' along. Why, splatlerdocks is
nothin' to it, and a widder is the best of all
life-preservers when a man is 'amost swamp
ed and sink in', like you and mo."
"Well, I'm not partic'Iar, not I," replied
Billy, "nor never was. I'd tike a widder,
for -my part, if she's got the mint-drops, and
never ask no questions. I'm not proud
nover was harrystocratic I drinks with any
body, and smokes all the segars they give
me. What's the use of bein' stuck up st iff!
Its my principle that other folks are nearly as
good as me, if they're not constables nor a!d
dermen, I can't stand them sort."
"No, Billy," said Nollekins, with an en
couraging smile, "no, Billy, such indiwidooals
as them don't know human natur'.
A Drunkard on Fire. Dr. Nott, in his
lectures, gives the following account of n
young man, about 25 years of age :
"He had been an habitual drunkard for
many years. I saw him about 9 o'clock in
the evening on which it happened, but he
was then as full as usual, not drunk, but full
of liquor.
"About 1 1 o'clock, the same morttinjr, t
called to see him. I found him literally
roasted, from the crown of his head to the
soles of his feet. He was found In a black
smith's shop, just across from where he had
been seen. The owner, all of a sudden, dis
covered an extensive light in his shop, as
though the building was in one general flame.
He ran with great precipitancy, and on throw
ing open the door, he discovered a man stand
ing erect in the midst of a widely extended
silver colored flame, bearing, as he described,
exactly the appearance of the wick of a burn
ing candle in the midst of its own flame. Ho
seized him, (tho drunkard,) by the shoulder,
jerked him to the door, upon which the flumo
was instantly extinguished. There was no
fire in the shop, nor was there any possibility
of any fire having been communicated to him
irom any external sources. It was a case of
spontaneous ignition. A general slough soon
came on, and his flesh was consumed or re
moved in the dressing, leaving the bones and
a few of the larger blood-vessels' the blood,
nevertheless, rallied around the heart, and
maintained the vital spark until the thirteenth
day, when he died, not only the most loath
some, ill-featured picture that was ever pre
sented to the human view, but his shriek,
his groans, and his lamentations, also, were
enough to rend a heart of adamant. Ho said
he was suffering the torments of hell tliat
he was just upon its threshold, and would
soon enter its dismal cavern; and in this
frame of mind he gave up the ghost Oh !
the death of the drunkard ! Well may it be
said to beggar all descriptions ! I have seen
other drunkards die, but never in a manner
so awful and aflectina."
In the year 1005, some soldiers of the com
monwealth of Modena, ran away with a buc
ket from a public well belonging to the Slate
of Bologna. This implement might bo worlh
a shilling ; but it produced a bloody quarrel,
, which was worked up into a bloody war.
; Henry, the king of Sardinia for the Empc.
ror, or Henry the second, assisted the Mode,
nesa to keep possession of the bucket ; and
' ill one of tho battles he was made prisoner.
His father, tho Emperor, offered a chain of
- gold that would encircle Bologna, which is
. seven miles in compass, for hi sou's ransom,
. but iu vain. After twenty-two years impri-
cnont, and hi father beiny dead, he pined
way and died. His monument is still ex
tant in the church of the Dominicans. This
fatal baoket is now exhibited in the tower
of the cathedral f Modena, emWd in an
iron cage.
John W. Friling,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
easterners, that he has Inst received and
opened splendid assortment of GOODS, consis
ting, or
UHY UfjajafS,
Groceries, Hardware, Queetuwart, SfC.
Tbe pnblic art invited to esll and examine for
themselves. '
Sunbury, May 1848 tf
AN extensive Stock of Pocket end Tsble CUT
LERY, for est by
Not. 33 and 88 ARCADE, and 8 North
THIRD Street,
Comp istng 5000 doten Penknives, Scissors smt
Also, s choice sssottment of Rotors tk Rons,
WoetenhotmV, Greavrs'e, W. 6t 8. Bulcher'a and
Fennry s Cutlery.
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, snl Bowie Knives.
Alee, The American Razor Strop, a superior
rttrle, worty the attention or Unalrrs.
Card Dealers in Culleiy, will find the above
8tock worthy their attention, a the Suhscribrr's
chief business Is importing end telling cutlery,
Phil.det'hia, June 10th, 1848 ty.
Commission nnd Forwarding
No 48 Commerce Street Whavf BALTIMORE
Will receive and sell all kinds of Country Pio
dure Flour. Grain. &C.
N. B. Particular attention given to the sale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con.
signments, when required.
April 1, 1848. 4m
Ettr.hlulied 15 years ag; by Dr. K1NKELIN.
The oldest, surest and Its! hand lo cure nil forma
of seen t disease, disease of (he skin and
solitary habits of youth, is
I) It. KINK K 1i I N ,
N. W. turner of 3d and Union tin., between Spruce
and Pine, 1 tquaree from the Exchange.
YOUNG MEN ! if yon value your life or your
health, remember, the delay of a month, nay,
even a week, may prove your ruin, both of body
and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter you
from making your rase known to one who, from
education and respertobilily,cm alone befriend von.
He who places himself under Ur KINKELIN'S
treatment, may religiously confide, in his honor as
a gentleman, and in who-e bosom will be forever
lucked the aeerct of the patient.
Too many think thoy will hug the secret to their
own heart, and cure themselves, Alas! how of
ten is this a fital delusion, and how many a pro
mising young man, who might Imve been an orna
ment to society, has failed from the earth.
finding it inconvenient to miikc personal applica
tion, ran, by elating their ease explicitly, togeihrr
with all their symptoms, (per I, t'rr. post-paid.) have
forwarded lo them a chest comninir.g Dr. K's me
dicine appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part ol
the United Stale at a moment's notice.
rj Post rrn litters, addressed lo Dr. Kir
hi d, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oc. 30lh. 1847. ly
No I9S Clicsnut Street,
South East Corner of Vtghfh mt , I'hlliitkjihta.
I PORTRAITS from the smallest hreaat-in to
the largest size, aingly or in groups. The
1'ioprictors are warranted in aiyinp, that their
work bss gained a reputation second to none in
the world. Extracta from the Preaa t
l.ifc-lika in the expression, chaatly correct in
the shading. Ledger.
The ait haa arrived at p- rfccnoo, and
none understand it belter than McClee & Ger
mon." Baltimore lri:
Admirable! notliing cm exceed their exquisite
delicacy." U. S Gazette.
Extract from the report of the Judges, at the last
fair of the Franklin Institute Daguerreotypes
in this department there are some very excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and the Juilgrs think
they are a progressive improvement in thia branch
of the art. They have not r commnnded an a
ward in favor of anv of the rompeiiiors, but are
ili-posed to rank as Jint in order, the collection of
McCLEES & UEKMnpi, aa containing the lar
gett number of niperior tptcimcni."
I hiludelphia, Feb 19, 1848. 6m
fTHE children began to cry for Sherman's Lo
X sengo. Tho nniso waa not no loud at that
lime, but it has kept increasing ever since, and n. w
haa Income so great that the mouths of the little
nnea ran scarce be atoped. Dr. Sherman aympv
thises with the little sutf. rer. and viry much re-
are s that any of them should be disappointed.
Knowing the vast hencht which haa been confer
red upon the community by the introduction of
his inlalliMe
won iff I1OZEHOE8,
he haa entered into arrangnmenta for enlarging hi
Manufactory, by means of which I e thinks be wi
tic ante to euppiy me tit-maml. ami lite ame pains
and eare will bo taken, the-o clebrnted Lo.
tengea be maJe as they h ivo always been, in or
dcr that lhoe who depend tipn them, may not he
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he
commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lozen
ecu, that thry would atipewde the use of every
other vermifuge, aa the Lozenge la veru pleatnnt
lo the taate, tpecdy in its rflectx. aa well aa certain,
and the quantity required to effect a perfect cure,
ia very email. These proprrlies. in connexion with
the f cl lhai they are sold for 26 cents per box, thus
lMcmg uirni in me react) or the poorest man in
the lami, baa not only caused them lo take the
place ol every other vermifuge ever offered, but al
so rendered them popular to the community.
Dr. Sberman'a J
continue lo cure Uouglis, (J. Ida, tionsumption,
Asthma, shortness and diflicully of Breathing, and
other discs ea of the Lungs, with lha aama facility
they did on their Aral introduction, and lha
have now become persuadej hy actual eirwiionce.
that on the accession of a slight cold, they have
only to atrp to either the Dr'a. office, or one of the
Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough I.oxenges,
wnirn are very convenient to carry in the pocket
and to lake a few through the dy. By pursuing
thia rouiae a cure is ofirn effected in 84 hours, and
ths patient about bia hutim ss. 80 area! is lha ee.
lehrity of the I.oxenges, thai thouaanda of persona
who bave tiaej them, and become acquainted with
their effect, will never be without them.
haa cuied more cases of Rheumatism, Psi 1 in 1I10
Back, Side and Chest, Lutnl ao and Wtaknes,
than any application that haa ever been made. Aa
the celebrity of the Planter haa incieased, hundreds
of unprincipled rascals have a 1 tempted lo counter
feit it, and palm it off uput tho community a the
genuine. fj Bewaia nf Deception. .TJ) Remem
ber that the true and genuine Plaster is spread up
on reddish paper made eprealy for the purpose,
and in every ease tbe signature of Dr. H her man is
piiot' d upon the back of the l'. ster, and the whole
secured by Copy Right. None others are genuine.
Therefore when you want a real good Bhrrman'a
Poor Man'a Plaster, call at lha office, 108 Naasau
alreet, and you will not be disappointed.
Remember the number, 10S Nasau at., where
all Dr. ethermao's Loaengea are sold. Hia Agenta
re Mrs. Hays, 130 Fultoa street, Brooklyn
If meson, Williamsburg t and Redding Co,
Boatoa, end JOHN YOUNU, Buobgry,
' M. A. McCA V, Northumberland.
September I lib, 1817. ly.
CD 11 JOT O? JBCE 03 S3" "Q
T has power to cans all tTTawt SORES.
CM ' RUT UIjUUO nuivi, uuiii asivunojuo,
OI8ONOU8 WOUNDS to discharge their pu
Hid matters, and then heals them.
It Is richly termed All-nealtng, for there la scare
ly a disease, external or internal, that it will not
benefit I have need it for the last fourteen years
for all diseases of ths cheat, consumption and Her,
involving the utmost danger and responsibility.
and I declare before heaven at.d man, that not in
one single ease haa it failed In benefit when the pa.
lirnt waa wbbin the reach of mortal means.
I have had physicians, learned in the profession.
I have had miniatera of the go-pel, judges of tbe
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
rat erudition, and multitudes of the poor ue it in
verv variety of wav. and there haa been but on
voire one universal voice aaylng t "M'Alliater,
your Ointment Is GOOD."
In Scrofula. Old Sores. Ervsepelas. Teller U
vrr Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quini-y, Sore Throat,
Bronchilie, Urokm or Sore Breast, Tiles, all Chest
Diseaees, rueh as Asthma, Oppressions, Pain
Also, 8ore !.ip, Chapped Hands. Tumors. Chil
dr, n's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Di.rnves,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
8CAI.D HEAD. We have cured casea that
actually defied every thing known, aa well aa the
ability of IB or 20 doctora. One man told o he
had erenl $300 on his rh Idien without anv bene
fit, when a few boxes of Ointment rund them,
BALDNESS It will rratore the hair sooner
than any other thiHg.
H EAliAUHIS I he salve has cured persons
nf the headache of 12 jear standing, and who
had it regular every week, so that vomiting often
took p'nee. Ilxarsxaa, Eaa Acns, and Aetis
the Face, are cured by thia Ointment with like
RIIKN8. It is one of the best thing in the
world for Burns. (Read the directions around the
iHbU.MA I ISM. It removes almost Immedi
ately the tnflimation and swelling when the ptin
cea-cs. ( Read, the Directions around the Box.)
I r bb I . Consumption, l.iver Com-
isitit. Pain in the cheat or side, falling off of the
hiiir, one or thn other always accompanies roM
feel. (Thia Ointment ia the true remedy.) It is
a ni'c sign ot disease to have cold teet.
TETTER. There ia nothing belter for the
cure i.f Teller.
PILES. Thousnnda aie yearly cured by this
CORNS. Occasional use of the Ointment will
always keep Coins from growing. lVopIo need
never be troubled with them il they will use V,
Head the fulluwmg Communication,
R, ceived from an old. respected an J well known
citit' n of r hradalphta. and then judge for your
self: Philadelphia. 10 mo., 13th. 1846.
To T. B. Peterson, Having been requested
lo cio mv opinion on the morits of M'ALI.IS
TEK rl SAI.VE, I am willing In enumerate some
of the hrm fits which I have expeiieuccd in the use
f tho article.
In ti e anting nf I81!, I had an attack of Ery
sipelas in my f.ico which became very painful, and
extendi d into one nf my eyes, being attended with
U vi r, my distress was great and I began to be f.-nr
ful of lnhii-g my eye.
Although not much of a believer in a hat is
commonly c-illi d quack medicines. I urcha-ied a
lnix and an application to my fare. To my
sut prise the piin snnn abated, and in a werk'j time
it was ent rc:y cured, and I firmly brlievo that it
sm ihe salve, under Providence that cured me.
From that time lo the present, 1 have used the
article as occasion required, and in every case whore
I have u-Cil it, I have found a decided benefit.
At one lime, on going to brd at night, my 1 limn I
was so sure that I swallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the salve I waa relieved lefore
I have us.ul it in rase nf hums, bruises sprains.
anil n sh ruts, an wnn the happiest elTrcix, and
ne case of poisoning hy a wild vine in the woods,
has Ixen dried up and cured by a few applications.
From my own experience, I would atronutv re
commend it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family
mcitii-ine. .
I h .vc heromn so partial In it, thai I expect lo
keep it con-tnntly in my family.
I hugh not sml'llioue to appear in print, yet I
cannot nfu.e in bave this rommnnira'ion made
public if judged best to serve the c use of bumani
ly. Respectfully ihine.
No. 36, Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will be rennine
unless (he nam' s of Jamea M'Alliater, or Jumna
M A luster At Co., are written with a pen on eve
ry labe'. JAMES M'ALI.ISTER.
Side, proprietor of ihe aSive medicine.
Auknts : J. W. FRIMNO. Sunbury.
Dr WM. M HICK LEY, Danvil'c.
J. n. CROU8E. Selinserove,
P. C. 8HKLLER, Lewi-burg,
WM. F.NAOLE. Milton.
JOHN SHARPI.ESS, Cattawissa.
Feb. tilth, 1619. cowlv
ABLE COMPOUND, for the cue of
eVe. Thia Medicine i offered to ihe public under
tho atsuranre that there is no article in exmlenre
having stronger claims lo Iheir consideration. Br
ing C'-mpnunded by a rrgular Graduate of Jrflrr
son C. Ilege, Pbiladi Iph a, and a practising physi
cian nf twenty years' standing in Philadelphia, hia
long experience hat confirmed him in Ihe opinion
Ih il a cm otind medicino was rrquired to prevent
and remedy tbe debilitation pr dueed by ri-siiling
in lo-v, miamatic clnnati s, ami to daniirr ict the
pro Iratirs iuflumcie of many nervmia disorders
with which lha human lamily are Minted.
DR. ALLEN is a well known i hisirim. and
he usivl tho abeve mrdirine in his practice for 8
years wi n lie most astonishing ellcci, having lea.
led ita qualities in above
No medii'ine ever rcet ived more Haltering re
riimmei'datinna from physicians of eminent stand
ing than has b, en bestowed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prof..
aor eays: "Il chiefly arises in persona who lead
either a very sedentary or irregular life. Althouuh
not regarded as a fatal disease ; yet if neglrcd d nr
Improperly licarrd, may bring on ircurablo M
Isneholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Vetligi, Palsy
and Apoplexy. A grist singularity a'teiidanl 011
it is, that it may and often doea continue a great
length of time without any remission of the symp-
nfttcc,-, umi ami unra-lmua 01 m nd, in
terne study, pr,.fuc eval uations, excis in venery,
rxceMive use of rpirilunun liquors, !. tohsreo. o-
pium. and other narcotics, iiumotlerato repletion,
over uiaisnuon 01 me stomach, a deficiency or Ihe
accretion of the t ile or giatrie juice, expnsme to
loiu auu u.imii air, sre the chie f causes of lus d
"ii w.vici. i.oss or annvliix .i,.a ,
burn, aciiliiy, and feeiid erucUlion gnawing of
... niinarii nurp empty, Uneasiness in ihe Ibroit.
pan ins sine, coalivrneas, rhillinaa, Imguor,
townrss il spinu, p.lptlatiuna, and dia uilied
TABLE CUMVOVNU has nev. . fi.,tl in .11:...
ddij iniuialiate ivlitf, and a cuie for ibia
(Xj- Tb;s Medicine ran be had of II. B Mas-rr
ouiiuury 1 j, j. nisiuii, rnlt vdle, Medlar dt
uicaei, urwigsliurg and el Uruggiats generally.
ALLEN it WARD, Proprietors.
Philadclphis, Nov. 87, 1847. rq ly
THE subscriber is prepared to receive and ac
commodate a few transient or permanent
Bwnltr; at her residence ia Sunbury. The lo
cation ia in a handsome and pleaaant part of lbs
town, commanding a fins view of Ihs Susquehan
na, Northumberland and tbs scenery adjacent
To persons from ths city, who wish lo spend a
few months during las summer season, Sunbury
affords delightful retreat.
April 8, 1818 em
Ths following Hat shows the current vales of all
aanalvania Bank Notes. Ths moat ImpHeH re
liance may I placed opo" H la erer tose
tarafolly compared wiui aria cor reel ea irom dsi
nell's Reporter.
uanKi in I'niiaaeipnia.
iriac. in
Bank of Nntlh America , , par
Bank nf the Northern Liberties , . par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . par
Farmera and Mcchanice Bank , , par
Kensington Bank par
Philadelphia Bank , . I par
Schuylkill Bank " . . par
Uouthwark Bank . par
Western Bank . par
Mechanics flank . par
Manufartnrera Mechanics Bank par
Bank of Penn Township . . par
Oirard Bank . pa:
Hank of Commerre, Isle Moyamensing" par
Bank of Pennsylvania . . par
Country Itniika.
Bank of Chester County"
Bank of Delaware County
Cheater .
Hank or UcrmantownS
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doylratown Bank
Kaston Bank
Farmers' Bank of Burks ro Brivtot
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank A. Ttrnlge co.t;olumhia
Farmera' Bank uf Lancaster Lancislci
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bank nf Reading
Office nf Bank of Penn'a.
Office do do
Offire do do
Office do do
Harrisburg These
Lancaster 1 offices
Reading do not
Eastnn Jiseuon.
nnk of the United States
Philadelphia 17
Pottsville par
IrfiwistowQ failed
Middletown 1
Carliale 1
Pittsburg 1
Hollidaysburg I
Itarrisburg I
Lebanon par
Pittsburg 1
Piilebuig 1
Williamsport 1
Wilkesbarre IJ
Allentown no aale
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chambereburg 1
Gettysburg 1
Monlrose 2
Erie 3
Wayncsburg 2J
Washington Ij
Honcsdule 1 1
Browns rille I
York I
M mere Bank of Pottsville
Bank nf Lewistown
Bank of Middlotown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch or
Itarrisburg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merbants'& Man 11 f. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
Weal Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamhershurg
Bank of Gettysburg
Bank nf Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Furmc rs' St Drovers Brink
Franklin Bank
Hoiiesdulo Bnk
MonnngaheK Uank of B.
York Hank
N. B. Tho notea of those banks on which we
limit quotations, and substitute a d.i?h ( ) aro nol
purchased by tbe Philadelphia hmkers, with the
exception nf those which have a letter nf reference,
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Lo in Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
Philad. I, hia
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed
1 owauila naiiK I nvranila
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no aale
Bank of Beaver Beaver rlosed
Bank nf Stvatara HanUburg closed
Bank of Waxbiiigtuii Washington failed
Centre Bank Belbfoiile closed
City Bank Pitisbuig no sale
Farmers' &. MerhW Bank i'ittsburg failed
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fayette co. failed
Farmera' & Mecb'ra' Bank Greencaatle failed
Harmony Institute Harmony uo sale
H uliliniidnn Bank Huntingdon Mnt
Juniata Bank Lewislown no aale
Lumbermen's Bank Warren failed
.Northern Bank nf Pa. Dundaff no aale
New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hoe closed
Norihumb'd Union Col. Ilk. Milton no aale
North Western Bank of Pa. Meadville closed
Offire of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon
Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Bank Carlisle failed
Silver Lake Bank Montrose closed
Union Bank of Penn'a. Unionlown failed
V estmoietand Bank Grrenaburg closed
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no aale
(Xj- All nolea purporting to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
town as frauda.
Bank of New Biunawick
Urlvidrte Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Jmnuiercial Bank
Jumlierlaiid Bank
farmers' Bunk
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
farmers' and Mechanic Bk N. Biunawick tailed
harmers anil Men hanla Bk Middletown Pi.
r ratiKiin liana o; iy. j. Jersey City
no sale
no sain
iiiiiinaen UKg oi inuxing vo Hotuken
lersey City Bank Jersey City
Muclianii' Bank. Patterson
MauiifacturerH Bank Belleville
Morria County Bank Mornstuwn
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freeh.dd
Mechauica' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Pout Nolea t
Newark Bkg &. Ina (To Newark
New Hope Del Bridge Co LainbertHvilla
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Iloboken
N J Proteclon &. Lombard I'k Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Palermo Bank Patciaon
Peonies' Bank do
Piiiiceion Bank Prinecloa
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Stale Bank ElizahcuVown
Stale Bank Camleii
Stale Bank of Morris Morrbitown
Slate Bunk Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Uo Trenton
Union Bank Devrr
Washington Banking Co. H ar ken sack
Bk of Wilm St Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Hank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Milford
Farmera' Bk of rUate of lb I Duvet
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch firorgetown
Do branch Newcistls
Union Bank Wilmington
rjj- Under 8'a
(I J' On all banks marked Ihua () there are eh
thrr rounlerfeii or altered notes or ihe various ds
nominal inna. in rirrulaiion.
Time uud IMNtaute Snvedl
TIHK subscribers hsving lessed Ihe Sunbury
A Ferry, b'-g Iravs to inform tbs public, that
Ihey are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure
Carriages and Fool passengers across lbs river
w ith safely and without delay. They bavs pro
vided themselves with naw and commodious
crafts, which will always be attended with able
and careful hands.
Peisona travelling to and from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Hartleton
and other places, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage tocroas at Ibis Ferry instead of ths
Bridges, ss they would sav from two to four
miles ia distance. JOHN SPKKCE.
Sunbury, April I, 1840
No. 40.
South Fovbtm Srsnrr, Aanvi Cucstnut.
Jau? SOih,
The Grand Purgative
em or
Measles, Ball Rheum,
Heart Bum. Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quinsey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits,
l.iver Complaint,
Erialpelas, Deafness,
Itchinga of the Skin,
Colds, Gnui, Gravel,
Nervous Complaints,
Headache, Giddiness,
Rheumatism, Piles, .
Dyspep'la, Sen ivy,
nmall fox, Jaundice,
Pains In ths Back,
Inward Wesknees,
Palpitation of Ihs Heart,
Rising In Ihs Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
revere of all kinds,
Female Complaints,
abb vaaisTT or ornaa ntaaasKS aaistno
mom laroaiTias or tss atoon, xsn oa.
STaccTiosa is Taa oaoass or nt-
Experience has proved that nearly every Dis
ease originates Rom impurities ot the Wood or de
rangrmrnts of lha Digestive Organa 1 and to secure
Health, we must remove thoaa obstructions or re
store the Blood 10 iia natural atate.
The aversion lo taMng medicine ia most rffe
tuslly removed hy CucKsaa's Vxor.TASts Pfa
etTivx Pitt, being completely enveloped with a
mating of pure white Sugar, (which is aa distinct
from the internal ingredients aa a nut ahell from
the kernel) sn aavs rn tastk ov naniciss,
But are as eaaily ewallowed as bits of csndy.
Ikforeover they neither nmitenlf. or gripe in the
slightest dearer, hoi operate equally on all ihe die-
eaaed pane of the system, instead nf confining
themselves lo, and racking ny particular region.
Thus, if II e Liver be affected, one ingiedient will
operate on Ihit particular organ, and, by cleansing
il nf an Exceaaof Bile restore it toitsnn'uril
atate. Another will operate on the Blood, and
remove all Impuiitiea in ita circulation; while a
third Vill effectually expel whatever impiiritie
may have been discharged into the stomacl, si"1
hence they rraixx at th. hoot or tiir.t-k, re
move all Impure Humors from the body: op n
the porea externally and internally J sepirat all
fore gn and obi oxious particles from the chyle, so
that the blood may he thoroughly pnre thus secu
ring s free end healthy action lo the Heart. Lungs
and Liver; and thereby ihey assToss mkltr r
vaiv whist Att OTifta insane aavx Vsitsn.
The entire truth of the shove can he aureitnineJ
by the trial of a ainglo box ; and Iheir virtues are
so positive and certain in rra'oring Health, that
the prnpiielor binds himself lo return the money
paid for them in all casea where Ihey do not gie
universal satis: action.
Rctnll Price, 25 eta. per Ttox.
Principal offire No. (16 Vcsey si., N. Yo k.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Nnrthuml o.lnnil.
fcj" Bememher Dr. C. V. Clickenrr ia the in
ventor of the Sugar Coated Piils. and that nothing
of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced
them in June, 1843. Purchsaera should, therefore,
always ask for Cliekener's Sugar Coated Pills, and
lake no olhrra, or they will be made the victima of
a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1817. ly eow
cot'r.n ! tiik
texna inn y nav
nun, ths wortK or Tim
tiRSTitorxrt has sritv nrntrv,
tiis cornu or coxsunrTinv hath
IV IT A SOIJStl or H14T11.
A RE YOU A MOTHERt Your darling child.
your iitnl and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined lo her rhsmher by a danpernns cold hi r
pale cheeks, her thin shrnnUm fingers, tell the
hold di-ease haa already gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchral cough iiiees your eoul,
YOUNG MAN, when just about lo enter life,
disease sheds a brarl rru-hing blinht over the fair
prospecta of the future your hectic coua.h and b e
ble limbs tell uf your loss arid hope, toil ymi nerd
not despair. Thrru ia a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, il is
Mrs. ATTREE. Ihe wife of Wm. II. Altree,
Esq. waa given OP by Dr. Senall nf Wa4tei;ton,
Dis. Roe and MrClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends all
thought ahe must die. She bad every appearance
nf being in consumption, and was so pronounced
by her phyairiana Sherman's Balsam waa given
and it cured her.
Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull's Feiry, waa
alao cured of consumption by Ihia Balaam when
all other remedies failed In give relief ahe was re
duced to a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Demist,
281 Broadway, haa witnessed its effects in several
ca-es where no other medicine affoided relief hut
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. O. also
witnessed ita wonderful effects in curing Asthma',
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Bloo I, alar
ming aa it may he, ia effectually cured by thia Bal
aam. It heala the ruptured nr wounded blood
vreeela, and makea the lunga anund again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenne,
waa cured nf cough and catarrhal affctiona 1 1 511
years e'anding. The first dose gave him more re
lief than all the nthei medicine be bad ever taken.
Dr. L. J. Heals, 19 De'anry street, gave it 10 a
sistrr-in-lsw who was laboring under rou-umpi ion,
and lo sriother eorvly sfll etvd with the Asthma.
In both casta its effects were immediate, aoon re
storing Ihem lo eomf.irtsb'e health.
Mrs. LUCRETIA WELLS, 9 Christie sum.
suffered from Asthma 43 yeara. Sherm.n'a Bal
aam relirved hrr al once, and she ia comparatively
well, being rnahlrd In subdue every attack by a
timely use nf Ibis mrdirine. Thia indeed is the
rrai remedy fur Cnugt a. Cnlda, Spitting BIoihI,
l.iver Complaints, and all H e all rtinns nf the
Ihrnat, and even AstWa snd Cnn-utnp inn.
Price SS cents and ft per bnltb-.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Woru Lozenges, and
Poor Man's Plaster sold as abovo,
Ur. Shrrman'a office is al 108 Nassau at. N. Y.
Agenta, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M. A.M. CAY, Northumberland
September llih, 1847. ty
Vegetable 1'iilversal Pills,
The only known Meitieine that at the some time
purget purifiet and itrengtheiu the lytem.
Losnoa, July 7, 1846.
DR. I.E ROY'S Pill, i,e a new medicine
which haa juat appeared, and is fast taking
the places of all others of ihs aarre class. These
pills are composed of many ingredients, but the
two principal onre are Saraapariila and Wild Cher
ry, so united that they art together; Ihe one,
through its sdmixture with other suhstaccta, pu
rifying and purging, while Ihe olhrr ia alrrngtbeij.
trig the system. I bus those pills are at the Siine
lime tonic and opening; a desideratum long and
B"..j swugni mr oy medical men, bill never be
fore discovered. In nher words they do Ihs work
of two medicines, snd do il much better than sny
two we know of; for Ihey remove nothing from
Ihs system but the impurities ; so that while they
purge they strengthen; and hencs Ihey cause no
umimsuuQ, auu arc lonowru by no re-acliun. Dr,
is. noy a puis nsvo a wonderful influence on the
Wood ; they not only purify without weakening it,
luoy nswii an uoxioua panicles from the cbyls
belbie it is converted into fluid, snd thus make im
pure blood so utter impossibility. As there is no
debilitalioa, there ia no nausea or aickneaa at
tending ihe operations of this moat excellent of me
dieines, which never straina or lorlurea Ihs diges
live (unctions, hut causes them lo work in a per
feclly natural manner ; snd hencs peisona taking
Ibem do nol breams irale and emaciated, but the
contrary ; for while il ia lha properly of ihe Saraa
panlla, united as it is with other ingredients, to
,mn.a all !... l e . ... '.
" lureign ami impure, 11 is equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry to retain all that
ia natural and sound; and hence a robust state of
hrabh ia ths eetlain rsaull of Iheir united opera
110ns. qO- Pries tS cents per BOX.
A genu for Le Roy's Pills,
M. A. McCAY, Northumberl'd.
August alst,
A IL peraoaa indebted to the subscriber, by
aotc or book account, arc hereby notified to
call and settle ths same without delay, in order
to aavccoala. IRA T. CLEMENT.
. Sunbury, April 33, 1818
LP 4Cw k C23 3JB V
THIS Medieins is warranted, on oath, not lo
contain a panicle nf Calomel, Corrosive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
roos minerals.
The principle upon which this Meiliclne seta, la
b atttaina' and harmonising with natural h
drives out sll foul acrimonious humors from the
blood and body, and by sssimilsting with and
strengthening Ihs gastric juice of Ihe stomach, it
assists digestion ; in short mere is nni a vein. arm.
ry, muscle or nerve in Ihe human body, that ia
not strengthened by ths PANACEA, snd il slso
possesses the remarkable property of rrmoving
mercury from ihs bones and joints.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affeelions.Tnmora, Scrofula or
Kinea' Bab. While Rwellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers,
Caneera, Running Sores, Scabs and Biles, lime
and a drlerndned perseversnce in D . SWEET-
8ERH PANACEA, will effect s cure.
Rejection nf food. Nausea, Vomitings, Nervous af
lections, Rillious romptuinta, Head arl e, Pa'cm ss,
or Female lrtegtilariliea. Dr. S WEE 1 StiK o
NAUEA will soon effect a rure ; but if ohstmsie,
or sltended with griping, flying pains, the dose
should be increased, and Ihe cure will sonn he ef
(retell. 11 not the patients frighten themselves
with the idea thai they are ton wenk lo take much
mrdii-ine; but bear in mind that thia mi'illy' opera
ting med cine pat not weakness into ihe frame, but
mm I certainty drawa weaknrs out, leaves strength
in its plsce, and by giving composed s'eep at nig! I.
snd an appetite In relish any food, re-animara the
whole frame with vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the sight.
TitiiNS. ,
Scrofula is said In be heriditary. ihe infant re
ceiving from its parents ihe seeds nf ill's iliseas-,
which increases with ita years, if neglected anil
not siibmittrd lo frequent purification with Dr.
8 WEET8ER'S PANACEA. The glands are pis
red in the corners of the body, and nut nf Ihe way
of direct communication ; their real n-e i- a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevails; il
au (Tires us to know that when in a diseased slate,
Ihey are eapsMe of being purified and elit msed by
a long rour-e nf Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which restores them to sound and proper
action. Scroful. us persons can never pav too much
attention to their blood, its purification ehou'd be
their first thought, for after a long oniric of perse
verance, thi y will ever cure hereilit iry disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be 100 high
ly extolled ; it seatchre out the very root of ihe
disease, and by removing it from the Blond mokes
a cure certain snd permanent.
For diseases of the Bladder ami Kidnrtt, Strie
turet. Gravel. Stone, I'ile.n, Fintula, Un'nari ()l.
ttrucliant and Extreme Coilirencse Dr. SWEET
SER'S PAKCEA is the best remuly ever trc.l;
it removes all lho?e acrimonious homo a from the
Blood which give rise to ihe above dis-e.-is-rs, and
hy kerptng the blood in a pure condition, injures
Impur lien nf the Blood, Mercurial Taint. Weak
nest of the Spine Flow of Blood lo lite Head Gid
d ue. Signing nnd Buzzing No'se in the Head
nnd Enrt. Dr. rAVEETSBU'tf PANACEA will
give rcrliiti rellcT; in oil severe and chronic cns-e,
the patients cinnnt be loo often reminded that lar
ger riMes and pemrreraner, will effect 9 rurr.
I-i Chills nnd Frrrrn, Bilinut Fererx, Affecl'nnt
of the F.iies end Eon, Sjmngy and I'Urding
GumK Bronch ti and rec-nl Cmipa and CW,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be f.,und
erfcclly sure and certain in ita effects
Thore cnmp'&inta are generally attended wi b
the most fatal rnnsrqncncrs, and ate seldom or nr.
ver CU'cd by the prrant mode nf treatment ; llvy
usunl'y nrenmpsny Ihe pilienl I . the arrive, after
suffering ibe mot rxcruiiating pain and tiirinre.
The cause of these complain s are the same us all
others, the dross ol the blood becom" s rncrusred on
Ihe finest narrow passages, when nr.s nioibid
seciettnns and sloppagiaof U'ine. Y. u will find
the moat powerful d un tie of 110 ue.a-i they only
increase the quantity of urine and do not pinify
ml strenslhen lb' prt. Bv purifying the blued
wiih Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, vou re
move Ihe cause ol the disease, consequently it can
not exist any longer, afiir sufficient p 'lsrirrani-e
in its use has deprived thn blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and incrustation.
Thia ia a erv prey-lent and fatal disea-e ; it re
subs mostly from neglected roughs, rolda and bron
chitis, also from impioprr treatment in many ot'ier
cases, such aa measles, fevers, it fl.iniiinti ns and
small pox, ami a host of olhrr badly treated diseases;
where the rails', instead nf having liern thoroughly
removed from the blond and body, have only been
palliated nr removed from one pirt to break out in
another. By divesting y ur hodics of all foul hu
mors, through ihe medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA, the rure ia al onre rendered certain
and permanent. R. collect, while there is scrim)
nious humors floating in the circu'aiiun, it is as apt
to settle on the lungs as sny other parbof the body ;
this is Ihe reason that consumption ia so prevalent-
Whirh Jfou aee on Ihe exterior, come from and
havel'ncir source in, the inleiior, and might just as
well have rrliled on ynui lunga, liver, nr any other
part; whirh we know they frequently do, and pro
luce nnl violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which occasions these sores ia of a highly
acrimoninns burning nature We know il from
Ihe pain il gies in forming, and afterwards its ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding the flvah and skin
of Ihe pa l where it breaks out. Thia shows Ihe
necessity of frequently purifying the blood with Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humors in sut jiction. Should you bave
a bile or ulcer, be ihuiikful that nature haa taken
trouble l warn you of the danger your life and bo
ly ia in, fur il ia a warning thai the blood is foul.
Had this aamr acrimony aelrc'rd the lungs in-trad
of Ihe surface nf your body for ita seat, consump
tion of Ihe lungs would have been ihe'consequenee.
Di lay nol then, lo purify and cleanse with Dr.
8we iscr's Panacea.
Spinal affections, mlargemrnl of Ihs bones snd
joints, white aweilinss, rip joint C0ir-.;,,ni, rup
Uiss, falling of I he bowels and worn', disease, will
fin 1 a Sredy oure in Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA. Where the disraso ha been of long
standing, the lime required lo mako a cure will be
kwger ; but the patient may real assured thai a.
determined perseverance will ellect it.
These iliseasei proceed from the aeriosity or
corrupt humors of the blood, having ai Hied itself on
Ihe throat and lunga, and slopped ihem up, so thai
thry cannot draw sufficient air in for respirstion.
Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PANACEA will give imme.
diate relief, and to make the cure per feci and cer
tain, il should be continued some lime sft-r, to
free Ihe system of all bad humors.
Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SER'S PA NA CEA. It cures l y aearching every
blond ves-el and arlrry, and driving out all impu
rities snd foul humors accumulated therein, which
s Ihs csuae of rheumatism, gout and swellings of
tbs joints. Tbs dslelerous effects of calomel and
other mineral poisons, readily yield lo ita lov.K-ian
influence ; indeed, whan iu valuable properties be
come fully known, the use of alt mineral poison will
be consigned to 'lha tomb of all the Capuleia,' and
only be thought of ss a bv -sona custom nf lh .tar.
ker ages. Dr. 8areetser's Panacea ia also a aura
cure for dyepepala, piles, eostiveness, vertigo, hsadr
ache, pain in Ihe breast and liver complaint.
Paver is always caused bv a disorderly move-
seat of the blood, struggling to frse iteeff of some
thing thai etieombere il ; la fact, every kind of fe
ver is nothing more than atruggle between ibe
blood sud corrupt humors, and aa aoon as tho cur-
nipt humors are expells l, you have no name fever'
When s patient with levrr aubmita lo be bird, nr
have hia blood poisoned with mercury, H wesVrne
his frame to s-ch a degree that if ha survives sw
proesss, it alw ys leasee him subject i distressing
chills, when limes nut of 10 ha resorts to agne
pills powders, or Ionic mixtures; this is going from
bad lo worse, as these vegetable pills, powders, Ac,
are nothing but mercury snd quinine in disguise,
which may for a t'mvs drive tbs disease so far into
Ihe body as not to be perceptible, but very soon is
:ll I L. .... . 1 . L r r .
' "u saairr wnn irarrui violence. TO cars
apuo and fever, ihe diMse nf the disease must be re
moved out of the blond" and body, which ran be ef
freltially dons hy using f. SWEETSER'S PA.
NACE A, which purifies, cleanses amd strengthens.
Il contains nothing that can pntfribly injure, and its
use Is always s safeguard agalnM cYdHaod severs.
In Att Caara ov Pitaa, Dr, Irttttft SKW9
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cur. ft ro
moves from the blood, stomach and bowels sll
those fout acrid burning humors, which are' tin
cause of Pilea and Costivenra, and by atrerrgtben
ing Ihe digestive organs, improves every part of th
rntire body.
Thee diseases are caued by the stomach nmi
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy matter,
he air which enters lhm eannnt cope until form!
by some contraction nf lbs a omach to expel il f
herce the caum .if pain. A few doses of Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince U
sufferer that relief is sttaincd
Parents will find Ihe PANACEA s valtiibfo
medicine for their children, kerping their bodies in
a hrabhy Condition, thereby asiating Iheir g owth;
children or grown peisona. after taking it. are not
list lo to be attacked with an epidemic as before, aa
it always leaves Ihe blood in s pure condition, and
ihe nitr rwirm in a strengthened stste ; it drives
out a'1 kind's of weaknf M frPm h bo,J, tn, I
ill heal hy within.
Will find Dr. SWE TVER'S PANACEA a mc.ll.
c;ne purely ad ipted to their use. Most ladies du
ring the period nf pregnancy are afflicted with pile.
Dr. Swrelsrr'a Panacea, hy regulating Ihe bowels,
w ill entirely obviate this, and its purifying proper
ties nn the blood and fluids, insures to Ihem heal
thy off prtng. No one who is a mother should bo
without it, and thoaa who are nursing will find it
of E'cnt hem fit lo the health of iheir infanta.
For barrenness and all diseases nf the womb, il
is without a rival in the entire hislmy and ciinlogun
of medicines ; by its extraordinary strengthening
power, it htimulatrs and strengthens the womb, a
weakness of which is the cause of failuro to have
Under ihis head may be clascd Palpitation of
the Heart, Tic Dolore-iux or Faceache, IVeuraleia,
tndigea'ion, Toothache, Melanchol) , Hysterics, and
in fact, every disea-e caused by the aharp, biting,
acrimonious humors irritating the nerves ; the
nerves receive the morbid impies.ion from the eto
mach, or rather from the blood through ihe agency
uf ihe stomach and dige-tive organs, and although
other parts of Ihe body sre. appucutly the scat of
ihe disease, still il ie caused by ihe morbid imn-rs-
si 111 conveyed from t1 e blood by the nerves, to that
putt. A ii-w doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon assure the pitient tit -1 bn Ins
the euro in bis jaws-'ssion.
nnvsirr.T.As, or sr. anthonyvs fire.
This is an ir.fljmm.i'ory di-o-dcr, alw ysat'end
ed with m -te or I'M pain. It proceeds from tho
foul, ncriiiiiviious humors lodged in tbe blond and
fluids, settling on the I m'i and face, raming ex
tremis puiii and fi vers j all appln stions on the ur
iVe arc wnrc than useless, is tliey only ! nd to
throw ll .0 disea-r in some other part, and perlnp-i
rouse death. Dice. 'ins; is likewise itnj roper. To,
me Ihe di ease you niu-t gi t rid ,.f ;hc C"US0 ( on
ly manage 1 1 get ihe foul hum "T.5 Out of y ur bbol.
ai d vou will he wetl in a d.iv. Dr. wVBET.
SER'S PANACEA, a ihoroiinh punfi.r of tbs
bloisl, w ill s. arch out every impurity iu Ihe mnro
remote p rta of the body and rxp. I it thrnugii lha
m, diutn f Ihe t'owels. Thrre m nol a vein, vie.
ry, niusrle or orgin of ihe rnlire framewoik of
man, that Dr. Swe.-taer'a Piin.ii-ea dors nol im
prove. To take it wh-n you are welt hi le keep
we;l ; and when sick to Income well.
posed i.nly ol a vegetnldo matter, or me Ileal nerba,
and wairanlnl, on oith, as containing not one par
licl.i of mrrrnriii), mineral, or chimieal substances,
a found to be perfectly harmlma to Ihe mo-t lender
age, or the weakest frame, under any stage nf h
man suffeiinc ; Hie mo-l and beniim in iff
oier iltoii (ImI u er offr. J . the world; an.f
al the rain- lime ihe most certain in sear hing mil
the root nf any cunpla n', bowever deep, and of
prrf rm:n a c ire.
Puce f I per botllr, nr six Inilibs f ,r $ For
sale, wholikalo and mail, at 'he corner ,.t
CHARLES mil PR TT Stn-rls. Il!,, , f
also by GEORGE BKIUHT, 1817. .y . Sunbury
its ivcihiislriKAisB'i
Burns, Scald, and all kinds of Inflamed
Sorct Cured.
the most com p'e'e Bum Antidote ever known.
!t instanily, (and as if by Magic) stops pains of tho
most desporate Burns and Scald'. For old Sores,
Biu'ses, Cut', Sprains, Ac, on man or is
the best application that can be made. Thousands
have tried and thousands pr.iise it. It ia the mwl
ptif. ct master of pain ever discovered. All who
use recommend it Every family should be prove
de.l willi it. None can lei! bow aoon some of the
fimily may need it.
Q3 Observe each box of the genuire Ointment
ha- ihe name ol S. Tnueur wrilt. n on the outside
tabid. To imitate thia ia forgery,
Bo.lmen, Livery Men. I' ., and all whouso
Morse', will find this Ointment the very hel lhin
Ihey cm Up for Collar G!ls, Scratches, Kicks, etc,
dec, on til. ir animals. Surely every merciful mart
would koep hi animals as free from pain as poesi
ble- Touaey'a Universal Ointment is all that ia res
quired. Try il.
Ill PES OF INSECTS. For the sting or b!H
of poisonous Insects, Tousry'a Ointment ia unri
vailed. Hundreds hve tried it and found it good
PILES CURED ! For ths Pilea. Touaey'a U
niversal Oin'ment is one of Ihe best Remedies thai
can be applied. All who bave tried it foi the Pilea
recommend il.
Sons, there is nnh:.n r -'. -n J". "
. ' I"" 1 ousry a 1 rint-
. po-, m Mamma had, for a number off
;:rs, a soie leg that bafllej the skill
I'ousey's Ointment was rrcommrnda.1 h. n..
ibe visiting physicians, ( who knew its great virtues.)
and two boiea produced more benefit than Ihe pa
lient had received from any and a I pisvious reme..
dies. Lei all Iry it.
U U RNS A N D 6C A LD3 CURED. Thousands
or ruses of Bun a and Scalds, in all parts of the
country, have been cund by Touaey'a Universal
Ointment. Certificates enoegb, could be had to fill
the w bolo of thia shi
sis nn testimonisls, in favor of Tousey's Ointment
for curing Bruises, have been offered lha propiic- .
tore. Hundreda in Syracuse will certify lo its great
merita m relieving the pain of lbs most severe Bruise
All persons should try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8oree of cieee of
Scald Head have been cured by Tou.ey'a Oinl
ment. '1'ry it il arlilom fiils.
8AI.T RHEUM CURED. Of all lha remedies
ever discovered for this most disagrceahle complaint, -Tnuacy's
Universal Ointment is tbe moot complete. -It
naer was kn iwn t fail.
Tousry'a Universal Ointment will alwaya cure lha
worst rases of Chapped Handi, Scores of peraona
will state Ihia.
SORB LIPS CURED. For the cure of Sore
Lips, thrre was never anything made equal 10 Tou
aey'a OiulmeuL It is sure lo cure Ihem. Try il,
Il is a sciennlie compound, warranted not to eon-
sin any pteiuration of Mercury. Price t&
rente er box. For further particulars concerning
Ihia really valuable Ointment, Ibe public are refer,
red to Pamphlcta, lo be bad gratis, of rcapectablo
Druggists and M en hauls throughout the United
Prepared by ELLIOT efc TO USE Y. Drua.iata..
Syracuse. For aale by
JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury.
M. A. MaCAY, NeribusabeilaniL
Kept. 1 lib, 1817. ly sow