SUNBU11Y AMKIUOAN AND S11AJMOKIN JOU11NAL IT?" MOST EXTRAORDINARY W0RK1.O THK MAHBtBD WOMAN'S NUTATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY DR. A. M. MAl'iltCRAti, . mormaos! or maataaa or wtma!. Sixth Milton, tamo, pp. Ml. Vrice M M,OWO C'eplee Mid In Three Mentha I Year! rf siirlerins:, of physical and mental onrush to MMv an afTpelinnate wife, and necuuinrv ililficultiee to the hnabend, might hav been spared by l timely possisloii of ' intended esrMSciallr for the married, or time eontrm. ilatlng marriatre, it diieloeee important secrete which shmtkt be known to mem particularly. Truly, knowledge ! power. It ia health, happiness, alrlu MM. The revelations enntninat in Ita ptitcs lave proved n blearing to thmianiidB, aa tbe Imtuincmblo letters received by the author will attrat. Hern. nlao. every fomale-tha wif. the m-aher. the one either buddiiur into womanhood or tbe one in the dii-line of reara In whom tintnre enntemptatea an Important crwnsr an diacovcr the cniisee, sympbina, ami the mast erliei.ail remeuiea, and mnat certain mode of cam, in every ilaillt to which her aei ia enhject. L'eplea will be tent ntnll free at posfliiie to the pur. , rhnacr. Over ten thousand e.piea Imve been sent liy moil within hrce months, with pericct safety anil certainty. On the receipt of fine Dollar, the "M11rrl.1t A omnii'a Private ModicanMnimnlon'' will be aent (MAiu-n raKK) n any port of the I'uited Stalea. All letters must lie posl aiiil (cept those eoiitaining a Tcinittaner) anil a.klrewd 0 Dr. A. M Mnnrh-enn. H.x 1521, New-York City. Vub iahing Office, 1 l.ilierty-at., New York. 'Hie "Married Womnn'a Vrivntn Medienl Companion" in 10I1I by bookarllcra tlifotiglimit the I nitcd States. June 3, ltd". wniAmiu FAiLM For Snip. f"VN THURSDAY, the 10th of AUGUST 1 P in XI, at oVtock P. M. will bn exiirseil in tililir. sale, at tin) CoU'l Huusa in lh.' borough n( lunlmrv, valuable . farm, locate I upon ic ank rrTtrra 8nqiiehannn river, theN.irlh Urnnch 'anal, the public road from Nnr'humbe liinil In Vilkeabarrr, anil wilhin four mile of ihe 11 ursli ng town of Danville, in Point I'nwnt-lrp, Nor liumheilanil County, in a!l aboul 4.1(1 acre', more r less of which there are ahum 200 or 2.r9 acres f cleared land, and lha real will t mbrrrtl The realcr part ia first rate bottom land. The silvan gea aro aupcrinr lo thnao of meat farms the soil eing well adapted lo cilher groin or Rfas, and ia lao well wati red, having two stream of wait r tinning throuith it. and a number if eireclhnt ntinga upon it. It is in a rood slile i f n.I'ivn. on and under pretty cood fence ; Iho improve, lenla upon it conaial of a lame two FI5AMK KHJSE. a large LOU D A hN, a huge Prime Vagon House; also, a large two stury anil a half tick House. There ia aim upon I!. is ir ict a rioi!. zd frame House, a good liable, anil a N iw M l', ny i,ujntity to auil the pnrrh irvt, in p-irt or hole, will be a ild. Pospaint! can bo nl'tiinrd 3t apring. An indiiputabln title will bn uiven. or fuilher panreulare, cnittire of Ihe auliKi ii' era aiding upon1 tke-pro nisea. 1IF.N.IAMIX PKOJ.'TS, JUM. PKtXJTS AniiniKliaiora. ibly P, Mt AWAINARINSniAUCJAINS sELttiNa orn M. H,TlHJniPSO, will olli-r for ml.-, ut hU'Cheapt-'tore in Hunhury, his rniirn rk jtnmls,'ti,'iu th' l.irgrsl end InO't vaio-l a a rt nl irt'tlii a ctioti ot 'country, ' col and under Sir cash or produce, Irmn llua u ite lo I hi' lifsl ol :'trrl-cv next. All peiai iim ivi.-hiiv lo I uy "li j inv't d !'!. Kunlutiy,' July S, 1SH Ht J 'i'fii'.' F.LF.CIXIUS OF NOR I IIL'.MHKU- I.V.XD COUNTY. "jV'.f.f.O'Sri1?Z!'N I'.nronrna."l by ma " fiyfcf my ffittuls, 1 i hsju'l-i ful ly ollir my f a a -candidate (oi Ihe iillice ol Kf.rSTKIt AN I) IM.(()I!!)KII, un tlcs-K tf (lie Orphans t.'o'.irt. At ltn"flfiro-it'iiina rlection. Should I be fa red with a mirjviity of yum vnt.'s, I n ill S'iiu' txi'ittrns t iind.'r ti-u.-ra I s;iti-l.n lion. OFUIUS OY.STKIi 'Vh'.03T5 rriwr.ship, M.iy 11, lilS. )'TH!7 r-LF.CTOilS OF NOIM UL'.Ml'.KIi- ..J.V.Nl) COUNTY. jF.I fjrVA (tlTIZENS i:m niir.ic. d hy ma ' ny'iif'in .-ieml.4 llirmiahout mn rnuuiy, I r myaeHptn -;our coiniJi rulion a a cuikI . the olfice-n;' MiGISTKll AND UHCOUDRIJ, hi inr-jt-iioral Flection. Should my f.dlnw zn favnr nie with n majority ofthrir vote, hu'jld ep'ce no exert ioi: lolillill th ilutiranf I olRce 'with fidelity and In t hr s;i t i l,n t mn ii. martin- i;:vin. iMrlmry, .time .1, ISIS. TI1K KM'CTORS OF NoilTHU.MHi: LAND county. II1F. auhacriher offera himself to the electora of NorilniTilierland County, us u raudululH tlia olhce nl FliOTIlONOTAItY, &.C. nl I lie be favored wilbo majority of votea, will ipare no exerlinna lo ren li-r rennrul ! .faction. JOHN FAUNSU'OIi I II. j inn 17, IS 13 THE EUKOTiiKM OF NOK I'll I'M HKH. LAM) COUNTY. ! f.i.i.ow ClTtZKNa- Py llm ciicouriiL'emi'iit j iy friend. I ain induod to oil. r ni)arlf a.u lidata for the office of KEUISTKK fc KKCOIJDKIJ. I lotild I be elected, I fhall make evoiy elforl snder general aaliafai'tinn. FRKOF.niCK II A AS. pper Augusla, June 3 I, ISIS. G. .M. VOIiKS CSPKCTFULLY idH-ra liimaell to the elec lura of Norlbumbeilund County as a cuiitli 'tr the olhce of SHERIFF. will eudeavor, if elected, to discharge Ihe a of tte said office faithfully and impartial- ubury, July 1, 184S. I'll 13 El.ECTOKS OF NOKT11UMDER. LAND COUNTY .ixw-"CiTizENa Through the encoiiraie. of my friends, I offer myself aa a ruudi. ' or the office of "OUNTV COMMISSIOXKIt. uld ( te a fortunate aa to receive the of ahall endeavor to give general tatiafactiou. FlUNClS BUCUF.R. bury, June 21, ISIS HE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMUEK- LAND COUNTY. Low CiTi.iNa : Enenuraged by many frienda, I herewith offer myself la your eiation aa a candidate lor the Ol-'FICIS OF SUKUIFF approaching election. Should I be t-n tte aa to receive a majority of your voles. endeavor to render general siflarlio . HENRY J. READER, iwtra township, June 24, 1818. TH rT IeL rXTORS OF NORT HUM BER LAND COUNTY. 1' Ihe earnest solicitation ol a large num- her of his frienda the subscribe! hereby of himself as a candidate for rffiMlcr and Itccordur A:c. lortbnmberland He promises, if id, to discharge the duties of tbe office, wilb vy aod promptness, and he trust, with entire tc'joo to tbe community. JACOB HAAS. umokit), July"!, 1848. 1 IE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. t ia solicilalion of a number of my friends a irtby oOer myself aa a candidate for I STEU & HECOUDiill AND 'kofttie Orpliann' Court. ai ad several reara experience in the du- hi i office in this eounty, 1 tbink I ahall b ' (charge tbe duties thereof with entiie St. JUH. ". rUKStL. Juua 17, 1118. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY inform you aa a eitixen of Northumberland county, that my friends in the four lower townships, made a aolicita tion, or call, these three yeara, to ofTer mysell to the citizens of our county, as a candidate for the office ol ltrxiisTEit aij nEcoiinnn, and I flatter myself capable of fulfilling the du ties of aaid office according to law. Al I am disabled to do any thing elae but teaching school, which I followed seventeen years, and under aland both English, and Herman, whirh ia tie ceaaary, Ac, JOHN HENRY KRF.BS. Unper Mabonoy, May 27, 18-18. "executor Cacorgo ltceU' I'xtnle, WILI, ho exposed to puh'li; aile, on Friday the 15th i'ny of 8i'plrmlnr nexl, on ihe premiaia, in Jackson township Nnrlhumbeilmd County, Ihe following valuable real ralate, viz: A tract ofl.antl, conlninitig 82 acrca, more i r Icaa, sdjoiniitg l-inda of Michael Feral, Peter Krehl and John Keifi r, late theestate of (!eo. I!ced,E dri'd. The i-n-provimi-nls consist rf two l.oj; Hoi.aea and a .io. I well at the do r, a swixa b in, and ala.i, a SiwMill. Thi re ia a!ao on Ihe (ireinin a. a g od orcha'd conlainiuj difiernnt kit da of fruit, ALSO, al the n ne lime and placo. a t nc.t of of woodland adjniniiif of SS ,mil. I Mai irk. F. Jiiura, &c, con n ning acveniy-aix, Bl-ick, and rui.i.init ontii Jacob's Mountain. Atmul thirty acres of siid hind cm he cleared and cultivate i. and ia well tiinbeie.l with excelleul pine, cbeanut &.C. The icrma and coinlitiona will he ma e I- n n n on Iho .lay ofaa'o by PETER REED, Ex'r JarkSiin township. July 8, 1818 Is iVoticc. S hereby given to all legatees, creditors, and other persons interested in the estate of John Wilkinson, dee'd, settled by his AJm'r Abraham Shipman of John KefTer, dee'd, settled by his Adtn'r Samuel KefTer.of Christopher Vo d dee'd settled by his Ahm'r II. U. Waggoner, of Daniel I.ohr dee'd, settled by bis Adm'rs Joseph Labr ami George lironioua, of Isaac Stahl. dee'd, set tled by his Adm'r .1 hn Gibson of Howell Go d rich, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Robert David, son of John Seibert, dee'd settled by his Adm'is John Si'ihi'it and David 8 Mackey of John Goh, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Christian Gosh. Jr. of Win. Moiitz, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Jonathan P. Shultz of Frederick Tschopp, dee'd settled hy his Adm'r Andrew Tschopp and I'hilip Tsrhnpp of James Barret, d 'd, settled by his Adm'is Hnuh VcKlratb and John llacri t r, f (i.-o. Geisf, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Geo. Kmnifr, of (eo. Snyder dee'd , settled hy his Adm'r Jacob tSnydt-r ofJ-'arah Osmen, dee'd, settled by her Ex'- tnx Ilnnnah Ostr.en of J or nl linn letter, dec il. art- tied hy hiaAdm'r Henry Fetter, of Jacob Wi Iker dee'd, settled by his Adm'r John Fegrlyof Chris tian iSnyder, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Jacob fnyder of Jacob Arn dd, dee'd. settled by his Adin'trix Elizabeth Dressier of James Crassley, dee'd. fi'llli d by his Adm'r John Cias ly nf James Lemon, aenr., dee'd, settleil by his sur. viving Adm'r Unbelt Curry nf Wm. I.i mon, dee'd, settled by one ol bis Eia, Htiuh Vc Wil liams of Snhithii'l i-'oher, dei-'d. settled by his Adm'trix Uachael Ileplcy of Jarob Obeidorf, drcV, aett'ed by his Ex'r Genign Weier. 'I'he nccouut of John Peiller, Guardian of I -une I'til fer. 'I he account of I'eter F, .immunuiii, Guar dian nf Henry Alal.i'k. The neeonut nf dam Xartman, Guardian of Rebecca Mayant and Han nah I'eitz. 'l'bat tha Executors, A iltui n ist rn t n ami Guardians of the said dee'd estates have fi ed lln ir accounts with the R, eister of tin- County and that they will be presetred to Ihe Orphans I'ourt of said county, on Tuesday the St Ii day of August next for confn mat ion anil ''1'iuvitiiee. EDWARD OYSTER, K-s'r. R 'ViiMer office ( Kunbury, July 8, HI9 J 'o.ini t ss 1 1 r.iis s a i.iw rXSKAt KD LAXbs. 'IT i f dlowii-g ir.icts of unae:.ted l.ind'. I.nv og ' e.-n p iu-hi a Miy Ihe Coinmi-ioiijr'i of N nt'iUin bi r.iunl eo;;ijtv. hii.I tern .iuiog ituriMb eoi 'd by Ihe ownei, toi more thin live er a ,le lii.-re-of In t! r Coinm tiffoiieiH, will bo nirered for sain al lb-:..urt Houae, in the ISoronuh ' f s hu y, Nmiltundierlaiid Coimiv. on Frid iv t'.e ll b day il Aujurt, ul III o't-l.i. k A. M.(HIS) COAL TOW.NSH1I'. ir,7i-wi'ee .Yi'hcs. Hoy. I Willi, m, I',, a ir J. hu, IJr.,f i.m I'e'er, Hoj.i Wii'uitii. Itovd William 1 1 1 no i, ' ri i!i ll. niy He i-h' Philip. I.eich Cbria i .u Muivine J.ic.1.. ig.Jil'ua l'e er, n'ua Peler, ', .j, rf : Pen r, li'n.holi -I .icl, !S,ni:, M. I. I or, ( t)l. .V.-ll Mn'olN. Seoll Abiatl "III, Ti an.utli J ho M!( MOKIN TOWNSHIP. f:!i.i (Tinier Lew's J.lilll'4, 'tiirl llel.l-.Il. 'ileuii John, JACK-ON A. AL'GL'wTA. -'ui, ill Dallitl, Hil :i7S (ii) .l!l :i:ir :i7:i in atii 5 81 107 III 117 j: ;tt.'l sum 1 in so-il :sl.- L-iWER AI.'GUSTA. Hb.ii! .1 .hn. 2(10 I.I n i.E MA II A.NOY & LOWER Al'GII VI A. D wan John, lb wail Wdlum, . CIlII.I.-SUUAliUE. POINT iVTLIIBUr- HI iir William, .100 4 It) 230 Villi :(iu n;i :ioo ot aoo :ioo :ioo J'i7 irni tiH) H.nou John, jr., I'r.iige JesepU f'ooper U.iae Fi.-hcr John Cir II Henry Hail William I. .IP's Ann Levy Aaron Miluor Edward Mori bon Georgo M ickey John U irra Michm i, Whaw William, MAHANOY liuehler (ieorge, 100 ll):ij JDO yi5j 5! 17 :illl 100 Mil) 117 1731 136 38 S 158 l-HTKR VANDI.INU. Ilea es fib r, Gr .nl T hi inm. 0 iges f I.nire. Ileinn; 1 irdeiiek llerrii g Ficdnick. Il .dil i l Juuin, Moyrr George, Miller John, M . n r Cbrialiiin. M di!. town David, SeUy Join a. Si oil Alexander, T'olaiu' Henry, V .ilxvui Job, WILLIAM FOl.MUII, JACDU HOFKA. Cumiiiistiuneri. yuul.uiy, July 8, 1848. THO.MAS C. GARRETr &. CO. IMPOHTl'ltS OF 0 Li I2JGS33 siej anil Britannia Ware, Cutlery, all J Fanay Ciuotla, anil Maiiuficlurcr of Jew. elry anil Stiver Wara, Uhrsnul slrcet, Pliila dvlpliia; haa rerrivetl by late arrivals a U'fje aiu handsome a'oik of English and French Watches, and Marble, I'orcolsin and Fancy Clucks. Plalcd Urns. Castors, Cuke Uavkels, High and Chamber Cdiidleslicks Woup Ladles, Mi.oona and Forks. Alae Rood asaortinenl of Uiiiannia Wara and Fine Cutlr. Their siorji of JEWKI.HY j. arge and of tho mnat U-bioi)able kioil, anil Itiey ire well suiiiilled with Hilver Hpoons. Foika, Mugs, Napkin Kings, U utter Kinvea, eve., anil wi nuui mating any aba Dlav of piicea in the nuhlic prima, ihry are uie- pareil in acll as luw as lboe who du, aud inviie ,.iaiMia wubm i lu puicliaaa lo can. 1'udsdtli Ilia, Juiltt It), I818.-C.ll Vn drobe ot Ftiflhloimblo CLOTHING. J. W. &, E. D. STOKES," CLOTIUNG WAREHOUSE, Kit. 191 .Market Strrel. Pint Cliilh!tg tturthc me Si'xt A, ' rHII.ADEI.rillA, Y1HERE they are constantly engaged in get ting up from the beat French, Eng'ih and American coth. clothing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable sty e. Persons who buy to sel', wiM find a large and excellent atock at Ihe West city prices. . C olhing made up to order, in a superior style at Ihe shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Rega'ia, a larse assort ment always on hand Orders from Lodges and individual promptly attended to on the most rea sonab'e Terms. Philado'phia, June 3, 18 IS Ir. FRENCH HRVOf.UTION. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, "must fnlt, so must prices. That this is a fact can be proved by calling at No. 72 iNorlli 2d slrcct, nliovo Arch, PHIL A DELPHI A. 1.1: in it iv, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. LOWER Til AN EVER OFFERED, Wholesale end itrttit The slock consists in part of Gold nnd Silver Levers j I'Epiues and CJim rt ii-r Watches ; Jewel ry of the newest nn-.l most fashionable patterns. ' SILYl-Ul .S''OfA'V, .Vc Particular attention paid to these articles, the ftial Ii; nf win h in Aii. I. anil workmanship lilln. The establish ment of LE HL'RA Y has been well known l-'Ot t'OL'HTY YiiJHS, in SECOND Street, and has made a character which needs no pulling. Silver TEASPOONS as low in 5 1, .10 per Sett can be made for less if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain, 10 cts ; Patent, 15; Lunette. 20 els; other articles III propor- tion. lirmrmbrt you can buy here below any pub lished list of prices in this City or New York. Watch Repairing particularly attended lo, and warranted to ive satinliietion N I). Old Gold ami Silver bought for cash or tnk- n in exchange nt (don't forget the No 72) N01 lh Second Sirei t. above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 'J.j. IS 17 ly c May 0, ISIS OAKFOHD'S GREAT HAT, CAP, AND FI R ESTABLISHMENT, IV o. 10 1, Chestnut Strrel, liittrrra Th inland Fonrlh S.'.. I'll I L.I 1)1' Will.!. flTI'.E Advertiser has constantly on hand nnd A innnulartiiring, every description nl HA IS ami CA PS. ol tlie latest and most approved fash- consist in of v; TI1S HATS AMI t APS, In vaiiety, ani.11.1! which is new arti cle lor Sjiri'iir ui:il Stiiiiniai' wear. v'-M.ll'ARY CIIAPEACV CAPS eel, mail.' accr.rd.nj to t!i Army nnd Navy re. uuiat ions and lei suprioity ol finish and inute rial, have never been sutp;ise.l Tin-: si-MMi:n fax. tics Tor gentlemen, cm-ii-ting: of Fine lloek-y Moun tain Reaver ni.d Gusramer I!aU, (veiy linht,) Pauiiinas, l.eehi.rns. Fine Col,mire, ect , ect. Al-o fin" Straw. I'inid. end Hair Cloih I'.ips; La lies It.diiig II. .Ii nnd Caps of entirely new stle, in fact I In- largest assortment ever before offered t Ihe public ; being ns low in ptiie as onv Esliil-lishini-i't in the country Ueinember CHARLES OAKFORD, A'.i. 1(1-1, Clirxnnl ttrrrt, lie'n-eni Ti.'nl itiltl FdwI.'i ulrirtt l'h luihlra JuneSt. ISIS ly V. If. S3I1T1I, roilict 15;;uk and ItSoi'occo Case ns muw.U! V. SISTY, at Ihff OI.l Slam! r 1 i CIIKSMJT Sfrcet, I hi!aWihi.v I'tn'kft Kotik.' lidiilc.'rs fuses ami I orHolioaof t vim y icjvriitton, Coit .M.intiart, 1 1 in y Tttblnts Card Cnsf-s, ). 1 ssinj: Cush, Sr'sar do, Wriiini; du , :;n k lifittitruni I'luidi cc Ciicimfn, (.ld !ftnj. f-nvdcr'ft, Ch:ii:ii!Uis nnd Sduml.'r's K.rnr Mi op ; Kt-rii.y'i Tlly ho Rhzois, IIoiIims's Wade St Dtiit'iin'r, ,l.u rvoit, Ctiiii8t! and Kryp liiwi n.!7.i)is, IVn Knives and Siisors, ol every disruption, Iouu' nnd l'uk Knivef; al-o, a Uitf tisRoMnit'ijt of Fancy Stationery, at I he lowest rates. .fiddling done with r.atnrss and despatch. I'htlddelplitu, .fun.2l, 18. S 3m KMI'iV ALL .11 UN TI! T SSBNNUT & CO. HA VI'. RKUOVr.D fiom 132 Mai kit St reet, nt lln u New Si!eiuli'l nn I Immense Katub. linhiiieiit to be kno .vii as I ho lower I Jail lotklaff ltu.uar, .Yu. IS J Shwt. b'-tiece fifth if firth. . llil.Alir.l.l Hl . Th-! 'roprietnrs I'eel a relurt.ince in promul i;nliui! w l,.it iu any w.iy uiihl appear like Ihe usual liiiinb.istic ex-iunFratinn nf some, in the trail.-, but will bett leave tu ipinle the following notice I'roin one of our city pupers; 'One ul Ihe sr tea I est cm ioities tliat our Tily iili'orils In the ttrnni; t, is HKNWF.TT ft COV s-iet rlnlliii'X store, Nj. I si M.iiket street, be- l.veeu l ilih an.l fiixlli, wlilth bus been slyleil l'u.i.i ll.ill," lium tl.u peculiar finish of the front. I'lie li iii l-ni is un im:nens one, con- lainiri seven edp:ii-nus iimmiih. all oi which are storked wit!) ev.-iy vuiiity ol seii.iiublc gar ments, arrange. I iu Ihe moat perfect order and regularity. The pmprittors lake ureal pleasure in showing their bn'ljin nil I cnnteutH lo Itie citizens, !y stran gel s, anil to those co- mini; fiom the countiy we know of no place mom worthy of a visit. Philadelphia, May !i7lh, IS 18 Jin. A Tiiuraisn Uoi.Lius Hvin ! AGHB1T & ROCAP, SB.-it anil Tap Tlanulhtliirer!, .SimA F.usl Curmr nf 4th and Muru t .Street, lin menf Hfnri. PHILADELPHIA. nAVU ci.natant'y'oii t an. I a full and complete asiurtm. nt of H A'I'S, C Al'.S, aud FUIH. AU.i an cb ttunt acaorlni. nt of ojen.' an I boys' Leghorn, P.ilianu, ami l'..lm-. at" Hula. All of ivl ich hv a s.iviiu n fllllHI m r. nt, will he aold, whole ale and rilai', nt iho v iv Inwcsi piicc. t.numiy ileulers woul.i d well In cull, as by e. eotioiuy an.l low lent, wu me en il leJ tu it'll ut ve,y iw rates. June 10, h, 1HH. ly NEAV AND ( I I E A I da. UCIj HfEjjj W HST received, at the store ol Hkkky Msh- tj) seu, a choice assortment of DRV (JOODS, Uniterm. LniWirt, I'ulnilriif anil oilier hut. ., all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. NuiUury, June J, ISIS. JACOB KECK, WliOi.r.SALK AMI IlKTAIb wii: aki i.Kttou uru.v n, A' SU:l Market Street. Iltlvio Eighth, tiurlk tide. 1'iiinniLniii. Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior llrandy, uin, &c. Also white brandy for preser ving, Wild t 'berry and Blackberry biandy. 1'hiladelphia, June 3, IS 18. ly s.j.rixiAiicTrica 1UPOUT1X. AMI rOIMISMO.N MERCHANTS, Aud Dealers in Paper, nnd aKr Mmntfactu rer1 Materiid. No. 32 Commerce tf , PHILADELPHIA. KEEP constantly on hanJ a large anort ment of printing ami olbtr paper. New. paier in the country, can be aupiiieil at all 1 1 niw, wilh paper ol' any sue and quality, at Ili lowest price. I'htLU luiaj, Juue I7lh, DR. TOWNSESD'S COJirOLXD EXTRACT til' SVliSVPAUIUsA. rpillfl Kafrnrl in prtt up In n"nrt UHtkn. It i fix tiniMi h tltl. It ptin-it tlifttfiin'-d wilhnnt vmitinir, piiritifs icK iirias, ordchilimihig thr palient, ami Is purtteitlui lyl:iptcd fVira FAhh AND BPIilNrt Ml-UHChNX. The greit Iwinfy rnul mtperi "Wt f of this i;irHi:iiilln ovit tthT rcnipilicn i, whiHtit eriJilKMU-aiiiBijiiyc, it iiiviirirntfS the b'Hty. tJoiiintptioii ntrcil. riiiiiinf inifl tiren!hen, CoiiviiimiU in mn l etireil. HiiiiK-liilix, r M'inniti.m, IJver C ttuplaiiil, C l-i, V li-diu, LiU iii li, A-iImii;i, Sj.itlintz ol' Hlwnl, Kucir-jw in Uiu Clicm, thftir Fluh, Night Didi cuit oml Pnn'nufl Kxf'rinUiii. ami 1'nin in Hie Hide, Ac, A e., htivn mill em he niTed. PmUihly (here never wun n miieilr hni hern net ttc rfnnfiil in tt. . r ilc r-isiii m c ui'iimplntn nn thin ; it eleui iiiiI rtiP'imihi nn t' tyMmi. imil iij)n'mii to Inuil Ihr ill-et-rn "ii 1 lit liuijif, nnd pi'tient pr;ulnully rcgum their umml health ihkI wlrcHufh, ii nuns casi. op roxHrMl'Tio.x. ThiTe in wnrecly tl;iy (Ktitsi-n ttit tin-re yre a mil til wr if i-iiMn irtMii.-niiiii tinii r'.riit nn mn i bv tho ni-u ni" Dr. 'j"vnBci,',j H.irNiKuiilu. Tlio loll wim( eim rwcntly re. eeiveH : Dr. TowsMv-Dnr Pin For llm list threo yearn 1 Imve bii-n ii!lic"ti with p-ncral iMnhly. and iiitvihc e.'ii Miiinpti'tn ( the liifft fitiifft-. fiittl 'till imt i-.ptit lo i-vrr iin my (trail h ul till. Alter n"iu Ihroiifth n nmrfM-oi nieiiirine uiifh-r Ihe e:ne i'f tt nmi ol" lUn uvm itis.tnni.ihrd n-unhir physiriinin iitnl ihmiiiImtr ul" the Hmnl m" llrtilth in Nt-u Voik hik) r-lat-where, mul npchtlin!; the ih 'W nf niv e-tniiiiirn hi mtrnipiin Ut rtvim Iny hwilih, inn I nnVr ri-iHrnir tu l me p-tptT .f yi'lir S:irf 'ip:ii'il.i 1 rm lvil t try il. Al'fer tmiiif; mx I Ii'n I I'liiml it (I in" lr. mit fr.nHl, mid mlli.t1 t'i dee you ut ytrtir uliici-; with ytir ; lvie I k''tt en, find il-i iin-wt heirtily tlntiU yi'ii yonr tulvh-n. I prrrvvrre in Inking Ihf Sjrsni-iiriiH, "nn, hnvo Im-cii ttUlc? t i uttrnd t.i uiv iifti.-il iiilxtr 'ir Ihr L-iki iniir ni-iaths, h-ipi hy ih'i hlfMetiiign nl' (!(k! mn! v tiir Kirwipunlln t.i e'lilitmc iny hciilth. It helped ina (ny. m1 iho fxp'ftmit'ns ut' nt) w'iu kte wniy nw. rilAKLKS (.il LMWV Oraii'."', l-'-rw-x r. . .1.. An?. "2. 117. Stair i r" i w Jcifj'-y. K.-'X m il y, f. 1 li:irT'? (Juim hv In-ill daly Fwni firtrilin Ut Ifiw, on Ihh nn'h miih. Unit Hn- i'uri'-i Atyj; Flitieincnl irt true urf mlm to tin beat, ul' hitikn m-liilynniel h.-hei'. CIIAIM.i:s ll'IMin . Sworn mel mihuerilKvi tit befon; lire nt (ir:mf. thr'Jtl AugH5l, 1MV. CVKl ! HAl.lAVi.N. .luslic' u the Pearc. spirriM. i.looi). Hciid Ihe f.'ll.iwbiif. mid s;iy tluit crnsninjitioti i in ineii nilile it" you cm : y, w York, April ?:!, 1-17. IV. Towr:-n : I vcrilv believe that v-mr S.n'H.i! iiriHn uhiis - hern the unfinn, tlmiiuii 'r .viHwe, u" mviiiii niv Ihe 1 li.ive tur 8(;vrr;t yciirsi hau n b.ul euimh. It b -e-mie w ie ii'hI worw. At lit'nt I rnit itime qn.-niliii. ot" h r. hnl nii(lit mveam nnd wan i'tv;ttly ilcbilit.ttwl and r t!.i"-d. nn l iti'l a t cxpe t t.i livr. "l ha-e only vo ymir S.irwiiriit.i but n !hirt luiir, and 1him Inn u woiideri'itl cli;mirr lu en wrunalil in iin 1 mn a-iw ahlc t w.ijkall .vcr tlieeiiy. I rnifc ii pI-i.hI, nnd my e myb firn h-i't m: 'n ran w II in vini' ili it 1 am t!tnnfMl t -r ihew rii'. .!" Il eal Kervrint. VI. Ii I S ;U,. (U Ct!eiriiu st. I.osr hkh sim;i:ch. Tiir ieih''X'il ri't'iiiiciiji' ti titii:lr iiiitl ti ullil'iil .n-v i.f tiitlt-riiiii and relirt". Tliere :in tli mia-iihIh d' finiihrr... pe in ibift riiy nnd Hri.'klyii. Hint yi ih-Te-iie tliif-in.ts o' p-m-ntu Irt (heir rhiMrni'ilir t' u i'rar nt' b. Iai' lniaiitii!.r;i' I or l nave a few rhiliin'rw. Itnt iklyn, fv;;t. t-ij;. Dr. Tiuvskmi: I Ink-1 ptc imnc in m ninir. i" r Hi.-(wur- h( of th .e whom it nuy eo rn. that my il ii-uht' t. iw.i yrars mid mx in uihs old, wm allliftcl wi;h !ti ner:il ,- nnny anil iiiHini njiw-'M. .i..; w:ih i,-iveu uji r.s p:t jr- j c 'Vrry by our family phviri:m ; but ior)tia:iii I ,- 1 w.m re- 1 e uiiiifudrd by a fn't-ndtto try your M .ik iH'.illa. ,Vi're I h'i injusrd rue Imtilr x)v rt'iMVet-itl Ji-r t pTli and w.r ' eiiMbhil to Wiflk al.iin. to (he '! uiliTini of p!l wh wu i ur.u:iinttM with ihr eir-'uiiiyia'c-cn. S!:r is now tmi:e vt !l. ' nnd III hlll-'!i lie'!cr li -il ti lli ill Plir h:: her n f r I in ri; L:( ! pant. JOSKIMI TA i A lt. York rt., Iir nthlvu. TWO flllLllKI'.X SAYKD. ' Yrrv 0'v fnniiii"- i?i'!"i-l in t.i -r w- , i . a i b-trd of i (m th;it ii- I Lr. T' was inf : S a fS'ifii ii! 1 ii liuit. I t-j j tuiv rhil li'r'i llir piiFt Saiiiril'-r, while th !' t'i tt iti I ,i t, ' ; nifiirii' d an I .lird. 'J'hr rerri'i-'-il' - pnlitMi ! d iw n ! j r iifUiKi r r 1 f i, v diii-. mid i:i only an it! at inci n;r j f hp imr thr Uv-t of r'lil hen : 1 Dr. Tiov-nn !)-irSi-: I !ii!lw. e,;t '.-.-i rr-r-.M.v ! 1 y ur r- ir ipnrin.1 l in' s iuimit c.-fii'i 1,111 .mm o nl.- r. ;ith .-I.l mi I ill . T w. re V I v iii't.-li I -.1.1 -e l, II. I 1 we l-s i Hi .jii-.-n i '.V . i . W! Ihe .1 . V.-.I lo r inf nii' it nt I !.n ! In- II .1 ;;.r s; ) tl"l"! I!i imi'i;I Ci i ni.i.-h i :::ll' iimV w.- ,h.l. .!.:. IV i'. hut rti;l 1'iir Ii i! .--!.- h ul lilll.- eoMt.iii-. lli.-i'i i.i w Hiltl. s: I .it IVl? lit) l -lil.'.-.H) - i IV.-.1 tie- li.'i -rn in i . 1;.- iu.i u .1 lo i!-.- Ii lh. I wiiv t! .nm wu itr.i.iijvn. s.-Mi. t.i. i-;r. :). Jr. Mvnle-nv.' id rm: i.MJir.s. c;iti:.v r n:i.i.K Mi;tii iM. Vu. ''& Si.; p vim. t. v m n s vs"t-iLf i eurt' f-ir tin-i ;i t:i imiir tnt.iti"ii. in. I f aFT .i'tt III. I ! '.-1' nl or -ni-.:lt . I' inlle- Mn.-i'i or .-:(- ti utiif llie Hjtcu, md niiiiit wieiii -r tl:-- if.--j n-iit r;mn..' ur c.niin. iir.nltiec.1 t'j iivi yu;:iril . i t eie.-iiT. ; i-i!tin run 1" m t,.' b ir;ir't in llmi i:r. ;-.' ir.i: wt; i-f-i fat: a on lip' liiiinriil lYiil I'. 'H. I. II V":iki:cs fiinl Lis t y'til 1 , (Vtiiti I ilii:.' it nt uiipp -;'.hti r ! -in :i:i.t lilil nl' rticryy uii Iit i;x iml'tfni i!. It iujnH'ilui'' Iv r v i,it;ii;j' tin nirv'!.-s.-iKv i.f tin: lViimlf fr.uii". w'iicli i.: rt:;tt imiiw i Ijiri'mifRH. It Wlil It 't Ii" ex;i.'ct' I ot ll, ill f.iK.n 1 !. hf:it 9 in tiiTi. (t cxiiil-it vt i itifult ! t'f euri-it pel tWm'-'t, lint wf r.nt iiatanrf tin? iittlic'.i! l!uit lmll.lrts i ens s tt ive Im-. ii nym- ll'il l l D. TiiWN'sEMi : My win- U'in jiri'ntly (linln l.y WiMkn "s .iii'l -iiir:il il'-l'ilil v. Hint c.uf' iin r 'iilii:u:iitj lv jwiui mil! with nl Iter diitiriilHi'M, nrut lr iiifj kn-wit i-'i-i-n wli'.vi; our ine'Iii-iiM In eilVriiT frMl eiir.-H: nmi nl tn-ii in.r it !,.,"iinui,lnlM for fueli,e:iw nt I liv. i iU"H',-rft s-;1. I iitit-ii.i. i a !i "I tli; nl y nir l-'.xuarl nf S irsi;nri.l i un.l fnl I ! iln' ihri't'ti w y-'ii tt'iv' nif. lu a i: jit-ri-vl il. i vi;..'. ".I Ih.t -"!iipl;:iiii mul n-ion-l h-r l ImmnIj, t-htff 'nil f r t'n lii iii-iits f)ic r- efivi-1. I laUif (.Jivifure in lieiis :t 'Ull wl''tluriii it, mi. I reiMitiiiieailiiiti it l 1 ln public. M. J. MdOKi:, At'weiv, Anj. IT. ' 1 1 . r ir. Oraa 1 1 .vIl:i ,. 1 SIMM'S! A. N i Haiti or i:iiliii. inn i-.-rr Nvti ilIMverfl vlii'!i R ii'Mfly riHtm!il'M tin u utrie juiec or K-iliva in tic- iiihs fo' nl mul mrruullii'iituir the orif ms nf .tiiri-t i-m ha tlita (Tt parati n of S.11 s:iKiriil:i. I: p-miiivt'ly carts e; ery e.isr ef ilvji'i)!4ui, liiiWfV'-r i Vi-ri' or riir.'iiii. II ink Ur-uriint iit, AlUmy. V.iy 10, 11.1. IV. Townwntl Sir : I liava lici'ii miliflf I for wvfinl year wilh ilyp.RM'" ' wrnt fitriii, iii'irlnl wiili nir wr nf nt mvu-h, l-iM of a;t,trtiti fxtrnii" h-;irthiirii. tni-l n great iivtTiiii la all kiiiiltiof 'oh. rut'l for u'i'''!1, (what I con Itl tut) 1 have hern imiiMc In nMiiin Imt n Miriil vnim im mv ftoiu ieli. I trittl tlie nntial rrftitilifn. hut- they liul hul littli ur ii t'tfcel in rinoviiiK I lit eonihmi. I win in ihi (?'!. itli. mt lw iii'nthi nia'i, I i try your I-.xtrael of S;ir Kipurill i. ini.1 I tieist my with liulf" r ni!il'ie'f ; l:t nfti-r uiiiiir! nnrly iw h ti ir. I foaii I my npjwtii ri-ftorftt ami Ilia hiMrtlmiii riitirrly rt'in vnl ; ami I wut-i c-irm-Htly rt. e n ni a 'in) the u nl' it to thorn who have ttllic!if n 1 hiv' teu. Vnitm. &e W. V. V V V. M1 Anenl for S.inhiiry JOHN' W. KRII.INii : Nor IhiinilrlMii.l. MAIIV A. MeCAY: D;mulU't WM. A. Ml It It AY A Co.. April I?JM. Iy IMiila., Uoarilntr, aixl rollKvlUo essa t&&- SI.' .t M l".!t A U K A NG K M KNT HANGK of Hotira. and l o '1'riiins Paily each way, exceiil Sim la) s. On and alter Momhiy, M:iv l-l, IS, two trains will run each way, daily, bet ween Phi la am! I'littsville. MOIl.MNfi I.IN!'. ACCOM MOHATKiX. . Leaves I'hilddelpliia at 7 A. M daily except Sundays. Passes Keadinj at 10 11 A. M. Leaves I'oltsvillH al 7J A. M. daily entept Snn.lays Pusses K-uil.l.? al ! 10 A M. The above Line stops ut all way stations on Ihe road as formerly. Al' IT. H NOON' LINT.-r ST TU MN. t'p 'train, Leavrs Philailelpliia at 2j P. M .daily except Sundays. Diitnn Trr.iil, Leaves Pultsville at 2J P. M , daily except Sundays. Leaves Sch Haven, 2 ,17 " Port Clinton, :) 00 " Ueudinu, ;t .10 " I'ottttown. I " I'hu-Nixville, 3 00 Nriivt-s at State Leaves Phu-iiixville " Pottstown, " Keuilina. " Purl (Minion, " Seh. Haven, A f rives at I'otts- I. 1,1 'i 0(1 .1.11 G 111 Vllle. C 20 K', fl,50 The afternoon train will stop only ut Ihe above named stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take lh .Voniiug I. in Hepnt iu Philadelphia, corner of Uroad and Vine Streets. No Paseneia can enter the Cars unless provided wilh Tickets. NOTIi'K. Fifty pounds of baugajje will be allowed to eaiii pasaenger iu these lines; and passengers are expressly prohibited fiom taking anything aa baggage but Iheir wearing apparel which will be at the risk of U owner. No freight will be taken by these lines, liy order of Duard of Munageri. S. BUAUl'ORD, Sretary May C, 1818. tf rit'ioi'inl Cdllloii of P AublruCs Ki'oat ork ua Iho Itc-I'oi'instllou OK THK SIXTEENTH CENTURY IX GER MAN V, feWlTZEULANP, &!. Will be published or. nr about the 1M of A pi il, ISIS, by JOS. A. SIT. EL, No 08 Cherry st above Gib, his aplendid l'-'ino edition of the above named work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vol. in 3, bound in extra cloth and library aheep. The publisher respectfully calls the' attention of the trade and the public generally, tu this work being the only Hlustrated edition published in the United States He trusts that the beauty of its embellishments, th) slrou and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunctiorf with tbe known popularity of tbe work itself, will be a sure recoiumeHilalion to public favor. JOS. A. 8PEEL, 06 Cheny at. above 6tb. J. A. 8. haa also lately published, new aud beautiful Edition of Serfleanl Hell's Karee Show, a suitable book for cbildien, neatly doue up hi elite rlolh. riitladclpbia, Apnl I, 1813- OXYGENATED 333 a 5CL 1X1 52) A HOVI It KKIN RKMEMY lOK riiTinsiCt AND QENEnALDE3ILITT. GEORGE H. GREEN, Pnorir-Ton. Windsor, Vermont. 1! n ikrt ereiirn reineile f..r T)Vfl'l-;i'iIA, In many nr its r.iruia, aiu h ua puiii in the SI mum-Ii, llimriburn, liahitliul It'isliveiieaa, Acid Mtniuaeh, Hen.lnehe, Ij.,.r Aiwtite, Piles, Midit Sw.mta, nil. I even Oiieminplimi (lypeMlc nmi A "Ilium, in- I'hlhiaic allemleil nUh ilerimae liieilt of Ihe Stouiiieli (.ir Dyaie-ptio AbiIiiii-i.) IJilheiill llrejitliiiii?. which nlen r.-eultn rr.ini Imprrl ec-L iliitenlinii (or )iKie.tie Syapiern,) la relieperl hy lle'Re Hitters. liiMxtit, their iiie hue In-eii prm-eil in the r.-li.-l ef nil the aympl'iina llinl ir.neeil t'mlil a il.-hililnl.-il nr iitonic cunrli li.ill til the S..iiiiieli ; n1 in Bjr-nt-i-:il ilel.llity iirinini; f'rntn nireur I'ntlil the ell'.-ela itt' I'ever. Mirtleillnrly Fever luul Amie. l-'i-iniilea atnleriug iiiuler nuy uterine (leriineenient iirii(iiir l'rui wiiikiu-w. H ill fiinl Ihe '-(Ixmiknatku IIit Tl:n.'' an exeellent reiuiHly, ami ihK surpawnil hy any nu.-di-cine in use. The hirt'iry nrihia mclicine Is peculinr. It Ima inutle lla w-ny tu pnl.lic liivor a-ik-ly by the Ibrce i.l' its own iutrinaic merits. No nrtihV inl menni hive Iw-eu lteil hi frive il lai biriety anil thnial it iuioii public attention. It hna neer before even lH!eli a.lvnrliMitl, hut having tirKt fhown its re nrirkiiMe etiiiney in the tiitnily ol' the proprietor, anil hy him nt' fiihuiliit.-reil to his tilliieleil fl ii-lnla nmi iie qu.iinl.'ineea wilh n lilte reniilf, ilarepnt;ili n gniihinlly ex-t.-n.l.-.l iiitlil il ia known in lh'- iiemt ilidlant pnrts i,t the I'tii in, as 11 neilieine of unrivtilli.-tt virtues in Ihe cure nl" Oyi.p..w.ia in nil in dill', rent 1'oruis, nmi nlrfo fir Ihe euro nf AhiImiu nr rhlhiflic. lla only ln-nilrl nii.l its only eul'.iry li:is been the alory of ila w.-il'lenul eilieney. lis t'ohl frolii in mill to month iir l.y i.-tt.-r Ir.'in lii.-u.l l-i t'ri.-nil. In eve ry instnnee where the.. Hitt.-ra h;ive Iktii nsetl. null Ihe re sult liui.!.' known lo thu pr .prii.-tor, they Imve provt-il a rc lilly. Numerous cerlilieiilea, nlli fitin;r the aimruhir eilieney ol Ihe -'OxvoK-i TKn Hittkii.." nr.1 in tie- ....-sv.ion ol' Ihe pr in.-.ny ot thi-'ii ;iniri hy pi rs mn :ilri-;uly w iih-ly U11 iwn t the pu!l;. ni'.d. II. Clti:i:., WIMisnit. Vt., fVt-.-r3. Il.-,. 'J'lle fiillowtii- Ccrtili.-tite have recently been vei-eiveit i Vi-.uii:to, II. C, .Il s 10. IMll. It-il imr in-ute use ,.' lh,. ( ixyjii-niitt-il llill.-r'1 pr.-pnreil tiy lr. lie .. II. ('.r. '-n. I' W'iii'l. r.. VI. .-in.l Ir .in kii.v fil;e ..hlniu.-l .-I tln.-i.1 I i!ie.-tel in oilier i-ll.'s, w.ieh'-eil'nlly ree 'tnnii-i.l tliein t . the (.ul. lie. Ih-Iu-i iii libit they ili tally ant:iin Ihe r.i'o.n u.-irti'i n .,' the I'r..pri.-.'r. We ti 'pe l!i:it tl.i.. viil.rib!.- r.-m. ily innv be a:t jri-n'-riilly ililfimil tliroii:;hou1 llie country lii'it it .nuy be :it-ei."ilile to ull the n"lii'i.'!i. SAMI l'T. l'lU'.I.PS". , MI,I.I..M I I'll Wl. S JAMi'.S I'. S'.MMuNS, f. .1. r. aii ut I'll i'.a i), r. s. or ol' Ki-nlnelv. I., il. AUXOI.f', .M."..!,.-r -.-in r 01' It. I. wm. v nMi:i:ii!:::. r ernor ot' Ali.-I ir ui. .M. I-. .M T. rril ir,-. I t". S. Seirit T from Verm mt. S. r I'rom It Isl nnl. S-uulxr mi.i i -rui.tily lioyeru- '1' Coiiri-FM nii.l ('..rtneity 11 - r1. S,-ii:it r mi. I i'.r.ueviy (o- ill I' 'nj.rre..:a 11 Mil Vileo;i V'r.iii II ii It. I. porri:, Moiiiher of r.'nTremi frnn i'eiiirvvU'nHta. V.V!nl'..f, I). C, .Iv 10. 1m Irt. Penr ?!r. I h.iv' hf'n ti ilj'fpptie witlW.T fir ntnul tnt yi-aic. an I liavo tva I :iriita Tne.lieiii-i f -r r-.-licf w ithon! Fne''?-f, ttntil I hii It use of ymr- Oxirf,n't''l Ititti r'.'1 I have hnciI ab ill! twa -Ixittte. nint lurl niywll ii'storcd tti pi'iiivt. health. 'I'lio forins in whiWi iho ili-?-raft! r!i iH'i l i(M'li'. ia my rin ww. ,yiv:jt m-iiliiy of the stoma;!, 1 'sm i f tit", exlnviir H ittiti-iii'i', iyt-trf'ciinsti-pati -it of th; Ii lUi'.y. iiii'I vilt?iit hi'ii'lat'lii. I't-'litiif ilesi ron; Mn! a Kn t.' i ;: nf j' ar v.ilimlitt r.'ai"ity may rearh nilii-vM.Hiiiil.iriy mlli.-tivl. I i.i'-:c pli-annr,- in Vt'r.irtl inj: my tt'ct'in jiv t iin c!ir;iiw vivr; nn 1 vniiiM nisi ri'ia.ui;. l! while i-ti a visit ul h iin- n f'-i-ut liuii iafc. I n-l ait.ili-t'.'il a pl.t of a h. 1 1 1- t.i namN'r ot in, iililictr-'l Irii-iiil:. wi'a i;i-' il fu".'. Tl:y nre (Irsirnnn tliat vmi shiil-l rf! i!ili-'li :m art-tit-v at I'iits'mrL'. or inf uiu tlifni wli'Ti- tie ini- lt iai' '-nil In' o'tt iin-' I. Willi aa i-.ine'ff ilr-si.-.' f n" V itr pr -:-jr: , a;i-t h.iiviarf.'1. I m!i! nivtrli', truK vi.r hifii'l ' II. 1). I'OSTKH. I) i t. t.Ko. . i;ur:;.V;:i :. ir, Vt. S -W Wh 'l-ml.- lt. '!.v liivrn A Vl 'lch-r, .. .MSmlh Si'.!1! St i t. I'.i-h .-!,.:.i.i. At-ii' f ir S .f.ii -v tl. It. MASi:i(. Aavw.n for Milioji ,l ACKA V U II A At... April I j. 11- :n. kiau:iit:!' taw n-A. It . . ' 1 'J, -.,lfli;illW. Tu pi'fc'ii; in.; lln pit'.iie wi 'i arivii".!.- t" -r I ;l nit'i I n:t-t i-iirt' o 'i y i a A.xp .i;i K :;i 1 i i e.- II i up tlnyy in iii--.h-J. V:iM uitiiih rn in til.- t 'uii -I S ili-f, w'.t i jM!l--r fii'Ui li.. s.' i-iioiin ia tin .r .i'i-l f '.aii -. ait c ia;w n-.! lo sf a t. i---: f,-. in t i!i t-r r -iir s 1 !i;ni t'jc jmiiie illatf i'fi x-rijit ; ;- l'w n - -A it' ( lu v.'-i .i.l. I d. .' iin,i' tlii-rff.-i' nn ; .!'.' !..:m imr v. w -:! ;is l' p !-l.t intri--eit. lo hiiatf lii t'. H- ili ai a ma.- pr. ,;inil in m nii'i-li -pfi iflH'i. nut Wi.irli pi.ij nlwius i flu-. I u ,i a as VK. KI'KKt'TI V II y. Ml.t;.-' T 'MIK (MST! I !' fj". 'i iial i"h ii llm true ch iia.'U-r (.f V.w IM1 V l l U 'I. i 1 i I I', Ik am,.ly Mile .fit I Ia lln- ii'iivfi':-.'! mi wilh w uil it Ims htfii rnpl' ) l. IV I'vlrael fr ni :t e.n.ii.i-!i.l "ili n - f tin- II a. A'.'ii. I.! vl ooiuifti,H,i:. of lie- I". S. S -n ili. 1 : iMi iru- .' nf .Miflii-;..H. l)i:ri:.iit. kk -:. .!. .-ln. PoCToll (tl vll!-w l.'-i.oo a. Lt-ar Sir. t hii rm 1 wilh nn; Oi iat.rsf. v.-iir Ink- ; TIMKMlKK UjrOll (ll.J MII!ts-iP, I I'im! IIK'ilt llinl 'lit'" of lIlV I fi'lHiliMhwMUL'-i which have h i t-xli'ioivt ly piv niL-il in our I enu;ilr durum lh-li!t fi-w ta nrli. an itiii-n-fi inrri-ict . ; M il niht, li the far' ih it I ha (! in.liv 'uhrilly tiit-rt-:l n i niiH'li fr mi ilnau. 'I'i'hiii 1 it'J ni.-!wf vir in: 'iMps'ti'iil i ti ju h'r ml'Hy tip-m :i wiltji.! h e.ilir' lv prof -ci 'ii tl, yrl vmir tluMry n-iint 1 tie v'H rt-ts 'ti'ii. ami your eon.lii- . ri m.s insl. mul I lliiak willril, lit it otir pniiMl.I t is fah u Ulfd t ja.'tlur.' lunch 't.:t'ii:Ml tt -otl. SjM-akin-; of the m - lit H In s.iy.i : It fsilly jtifUfi 1 your M. dter ns;: t-,ni't aii it.-, ruil im n Mtr, eonvcinrit, turJ jiopu lar rtMiii'-ty, niv own cxpi-rirn-i-. sit u-, iaHutv-s iutM'hc live that it will ir iveii jn-at pit! tie UaM-lit. I mil planned to h-arti that you h:ive n-fntU rftahliIi'd fVi-nil mtiaicirii f ir itH dip sition Ihottu'h 1 ri'zict lhat. with a vewti a in te ffftunal dinHaieuaiiou ,t it, you Kh uld have I utu I it nti'.!!')' to reinoc from your pn-ikul reM-lewe hiiioh ui. Vi tiiuch reipeel 1 Ii li e tie- h to Im, :iir, our oMirrtd trvaiil, vir i.iam wiioixftMiini:. W Krom II iu. Stkpiien V. II. Txowkkiu.e, nf Miehi tiaii Stuli St int to ihe Am ut ul Uttmit. ItiitMiM.iiAM. Oakland Co., Dee. 1, Ml. Sir ynt wUh me lo inform you what! kirwof Ir. 4 . atli India rho triple, or attli-bilimtx itiediriiiH. I do U-lii'Ve I Vat if the viiiut! inn) eliieoey of thia mndieiuu were jfiirrally ku wn, ttie KfVKai axu aulb would disap-KKir iu Alirhiv':iu- i prtM'tirc l ii Imtlle iu tin' apr'iiiT of WII, mi;! huve if'Nl r'-iKHi t th'lii-v that invKih a.i I fuuiily teainxl Ihe rniue la5t firtrt Ml iu f ll!''"'rUt'IU,''r its ll-ii". Iim!j ii in it mnntii'T hiiici tie -'Mcmetit of thin fine t-'uiiiala, hau th'1 fv'r uud aeuf Immi i i jin'Tth'nl n the ml. I h ivi' r. Himi.-n h-tl thi-i iintl.ri:ir in miitifr ti( hi- teanv. and wnu lh-' sJiwj-Hf had Ix-eonin hi'd mid lnUlh-d Ihf nVill ot phi.ian: mid I have twi-r k;i wu il Iin I. I ha univiTiully produeJ the ni't happy rff-!i. mul I N't lii've it h.i u.-vi-r lici-n i-xiTt d-'il hy nuy luedieuie in roiitiv ing hiiiona diHi aM a of tliv eliiimte. ) otirst, riLfpi-iiMi'. STi.i'iir.N v. it. Tiuwimii)tii;. Ai'Mit for S tu' urv II. II. MASSKR; Norih'iinlnrhnd. WITIII V.TU.M Hi l' . ; MM-nt J. 11. KASKU; SeliHS- .Miiy tt, 1-1- it . (UIKAT X.V TIDXAI. YO!!K. A HUlury of the Itrvolutiuii und Live ot the Hro of the Win f ludepriuleiiee, nYCUAHLUS J, PETERSON. An eh'iutiit Vitltnnc with IS fine Steel Plates ait I nearly '200 bca-itifal M'vthl Engravings. 'Tlii in a is-.lfii'Ud ht'W. A vuluatile idliti-ii to the tliat) rte I .itrraturr ol' our eounlry. i Hre fii'tcli tt inta ke:! U il l -t it i tnliL' ran); with Iho woika of in ing aud lrte 'i!." l-'rauAord lliratd. It mi. Kt.')Ma miy Minilar wotk yt offfritl to thu Atnvri- ll nuy t tuop.'iiy e nMj -mi n popiiiuruiei .Military llis' iry tj'llie lU'V il'iliou, i-xtieuicly Well nud juiliiaoua wrilt.-ii.- . Aiieru-im. 'I'he o.ail work oti th Rfvlutioit Mini ha Ht-riHn, ig mi pen r, hoi'n in exicn! and tloia tmny Llial haa herrU fo re uoiut; imilt-r ur n liee.'' lu. wt ll v iniieetesl 11 ibt uy ot lhat cveu'Tul nert-jit. jxl- BL'r-.. .. .... , ... 'jM'i'iu.' uy un.' ihm ipiiiar inquiry hi ui war 01 ine Krv'oluli 'll nod tti Uitos-s, luit luta yet hcvu gU iil M tho anuiirv." Siirurd 'V V. .nintf lt. l-'At.KVrS VA'ri:i lo ronvnM tor the hIv i le pituL Work, iu evrry t'-muty and Town in tho l uitml St ilff. lo whom thu iu-tft hbtiul iu.tuvt uieia wiu lo od'r v l. 'rie onlv Ad.ln-Mi (iH;t-iut.l) WM. A. I.HArtY. No. .orth Slit 'M Kt. I'llil.ADHhrillA rhilatlrlphia, May IIS 3in T33C CHEAP IJriisii, t- "d Variety STOIJK. J10CKIUS AND UUOT1IEK, II it t S II M A X l' I' Al T I R Kit M. AND DKALURS IX COMBS & VAniKTIUS A'.i y t ,ViW Third, hi lnut Knee St. and Nirlh Vi'.l,- confer nf Third and Market ttrrel,, PIIIIiADELrillA. A f IlliRK Ihcy ort'-r lor sate a eeneial assort ' ment of all kinds of I)iuhes, Combs anJ varieties which they are ileleruiineil lo sell Lower than ran be purchased sewliere. Country Merchants and others I'urcha.inij in Ibe above line wili liinl it to their advanlaua lo call before purchasing e'sewhere as the iulily and piicea will be fully j;uaiaulecd aamsl l coiniielilioi) I'biUdl IpIilsW 'nne 1, ISIa -ly tt)nii$k, t'A ji s i n "M it f j; T. , 3 sXj:MJ:lll5T fe--" - -- ir.'i-.' W .ji-'- TIIR ONLY IlADIl'AL fl' It 15 FOtl CONSUMPTION ! ! fe'tttfiiki or Kiug'Ji I'Ail, Hhentnatinn. Ohfthmtf ('iit-ineo(f Kruptionn, I'ifnptiHaior IVtHiih-ii on the ltn. lllo(rin, llilra, i'hrouie S re Kyr, Iliiifi Vj-rm or TtttiT, ri'idi! IIimI, I'nhirfretnciU uud I'uiu of iho II 'Ufa nud jointn. Stulh"ni 1 leer. Srphi litie Symptomv. Scintiet T ieumtingtij dipenneii nrihiug fn-in on injudi cious) ii. of Mfteury, Drop ty, V'7(wipurf! or lirtpru ' (Ii'nee iu life; ttli, Chrouie 'ouiti tiiti n d Din. , . onh-rii. Ill thin imalirine Hevprnl iiinrM-cnt tntt very potent nrtielen ol the veifftnllB kuiird nn an; united, formiii a c impound entirely (lilhTcnt in il rlmraeti-r nnd proprith-K I'roin m.v other prepamtesn. nnd nuriifdh'd in its opati",, thii m-rtem whi n tuhsiriup mid-r di)ie. It nh nld In in Ihe hniida oi evrry th wh , hy huniih , or cm-rel eoure ot hie. in prrdisponed to tlm v.ay many nilimi-ulA that ren der Jin- n curse, inslrnd of a hhwing. IMid Monm rt-ault in death. Toil Pl UfUM-I.A. rrr. Drnke Piniiicea in reeoutinendt'd up a ecrtuin r.-umly. Not one iuieauee il it milim. Ii.ik ever iM-iairrel when trii--ly ufMI ! It eun Ihe diwrn-' mul at theKim time impartn viffr io un- n mi- pyfi.riu. ri'roiin-un pern mn r:n never pay too much titteuti 'ti to ihe M.ttfl nt tlu-ir lit hI. Itp pu rifinitiat fthould he. lltrir firt uiui ; fir ptritrrmunee will nee uuplifh u cure of ttvr.s HKUitiT.i:v diw:ue. roil r:i!trTU).r; oktukskin. S-urvy. S.'.'rl-iiiie Airet'tioitH, Turn tj. White Swi'llin-r. r,ryip'laf. I leerP. t'aiirer.-, Liiuuher S 'ir5t, Si'alw and lUlvH. )r. Inik"'n Paiian-a i-nni 't h.- t highly extolled; il mtirchf!! "at the wry r-t-'t of Ihe il.fir.itt-, nnd pertuuil' ut. iMjU;i:sTiu:x m uvsi'i;psia. No iiie'li'-iitf perhnps h;iw ever h'-at diiM tviitl whi- h ivci h i mi u'h tuif to tlit! M miaeh tuid e.iusi'd tin! M.-ere-ti iti of 11 );:- ilili R-itrie juie.j t dee-.r,.- se tin- l' d :ut Dr. r.tkt:s I'.ina'-i a " i:in i;.i at s.m. Ylt. PrikrV liu:i:e:i if UM'd Willi t!'i jn-ille.-! HueeevK in Hhemnatie ( 'oinpl-iiuts. -spiv-iaHy each an ehronie. It eann hy driviui; i ul till iaipuiiii.-it an I foul hnat mi is whieli have tieeuuiul.tted in tin fvfleui. whi-h niv Ihe cause nf Kheu man cm. (hait, uud SVfllni;Mil ihe .itiiim. titlu-r reniedieii Mmtiiiteu tjrive leinintmry relief; Hum entirely erudirnten Ihe iltsia."iT from ihcMyMeiu, cm wlvn th" lituhn :ukI Unim nre ilieathutly fW-'lli n. .COsr.MlTil). (-oi-mptiox pan r ri ti ko. C"U'j!if. 'at.irili Hr n chilis. Spitting of Ul khI. Asihtu.i. Uiiinailt or profuse l',x peet nili- u. Ileelie riush, i-:lit Sweats, l,iin in IheKide le. have heeueureil, mi l cm he with as iiutrh eertiiiuty un any other dim-ace. A epeeilie h;n I nif ln"ns niht for. hut iu vain mild tin dim- 'v-ry of Dr. Dra!.t:'a I'anaee.i. it in until and Kite hut rvitain ami edtcttiouM jn iiM operation, nmi emin 't potidily itijui' ihe itto.-st thiieate c iitituti n. Wo would earn- sily ree 'inm -iitl lh st t give it a t'iid nmi we hi li. ve they win not have cccani n to re;rret it. Tlie Ksh'ui in cleauKi 1 an ! Jtr nlhcm-d. (he tiieuH on tin' hmuT nre heiijeit, imil the patient 'ri'iuhrilly r i,':iiu their liquid heidtli uatt stii aijth. I!e:nl t!i-. t 11 r, inV ; TKSTI.MON V. 'it:i... Dee.llth. I-ir. Ih'.vti Sit: : In r.-jily t- your tit.-.-ii n repri')uiu the uxt! of Dr. Dm.fV I'm aaeei. 1 ill a.iv. lhat Milion-h a perfect diMhe.ievcr in lln exiKien -e of a l or cure tor am disea-e., huWVei v-t!uali!e it may he iu certain e u.h;t mn i'f tlie system, flill I Imr l.eiun eil a en-e f. r C'ousump lii n would he discovered "iier or i.i.-r. and can.ity led ni" ti try your luedietue. in iwi very iuvelemte cams. They Weft- pi'.jll illlieed hy I It. itlteadoi;' h Mel lll 1 ( IM LMoai;v tuvr'dl'il,i, and 1'haa I im. iV Iheiu :m I'. ci:iMia.K. Uiie oi the pers lu:4 hit I mi it Under the uieiii of kvevcr.d very iihle pr.iefiti ihmm for n niimlicr of e:trs, and they cud hhe (ui-1 ".-Id t:(viu n, t'..ny.miptiou v -mhine wil!i SiT oiula." an. I I ..' .-ite m-.-lit haifei l-- a lite lime, hut could M h penir!iieat!y r U-y d. In h ilhcaei the clfeel i.l the rmifiet ri hns hee'n ui"Kt -ml i i in.. I July ft 'Ul' or fl'e Ii 't I' fl Were m-ed l t 'lie of tli" peiH u hafott hhf Ir-.ia t i iinir 'e ntpi.ily. 'Tlie 1. 1 i . ik ah-nl ten. I wdl only ;!.! i!i:it as I am wii !i e uMiaiplioii hy iulieritance and liy -tmMve olt-i'vaii u nn .1 s'ludv, anil ku iwii'jj u"i t iln iiijioion cileetis in nine imii n mil cf ten of tar, h Jtiej-fl. nud other veiretahte ti.hien, tu well an i f iu uiy o( he ripPctoriu!fiuid f.-d e ivcf, I sh 'illd le ver have r e imniendi tl tac due . Urake's I'lin-'trei if I had u 1 I wen ii"-pi.iinted with the inuredieul . S.itfi -e it r my that these are ice iuii!i.ttd''d hy mtr 111 1st p 'pnlnr nud sei.utith phpi-ein"-. find in Iheir pi- .-nt cotahiie-tl stale, form piohaliiy llie 1't-st tdtciMtl'.e thai has ever heeu made. The cure is in ncc 'l.mce wt!h a llt.vry of t'onsu.uptioii hr. kh!h d iu I'r.iuee a lew imi's m. , h flit- o ie r most eniiiu-til wii trrs on ine.Iteiee. tuid 11 w es!:ih!iIied hy facia , which ad mit of 11 1 diiemlc. i-i-y itesp.-t li'uily oitrf, I. C. lil'W. T.i mi- ill Imi'.-ii i..-.- i.i':ni.!l:-r. --Ui. lit ilvi-'s V.m:,.- -n i,i j :ii,. .1;, s .-.Un;,. . In il-. . '.Ii-.-;; a.' . i-r iirliri. -lis. IT is n it :.e (l,.i.iii I it. 11 1 e,. l-:xi t'.r.'iil. ll i 11 .1 iiili ii.l.-il t . I. ill j l!ie iuvaii.l ml 1 it lutai ily. ll a ii.-.-al r.-iii.-.l a j yiaii.t h.-.ilia an I i-ur il ivi- e .nr. ai!..l. ll .- i;r,-al a i. ',,1, . ivai l wl.i -h nn-1; .1 ' i -a.-.-a i.l si. ill h;is y, r pr-.ila.-,-'l 1 l-.r t'i.- I, .-;.'..i.- T.t I l.ilh.-rl . llii.- .ti'a,-r.-,l' An.l j 11 1 1'i-rs .a a'lu.-li-.l ii'illi llns ,h im.I dib'-iKe. w ill lie jusl t.i lillilM-n an 1 !i..s 111: liilv. li lie y 1 il .iva In lh ;.rave w .th telinir Um i-tin iha-e a fit' il ll UlVil I w KHeMe h !! 1.1 tilt Ul-. in 111 hi 1 v til p. . '1 p-.Ieat. rn Tin: 1, iu s I jidiert t.f pain e uilpiexion mil Hfililipi i e hn!.tt?, mid Klleh nu u,'. .l; i ili:ited hy ill ne . -tsi 1 i llfl 1 -i: t !liel Icilialet roe h -i!'!" t . nr. rt-M..rcl hv the us. of a Ulih or two, lo l.lmiiMior. It i hy i;ir llie U'M reuie.l, ever disiMven,! for wtakty children, uud miiHi ;in have kid In t morn ; hcimx pleasa-il, they Ink v. a. U imilieduitely re-d iiv tlicitjipetlte. htreeiiih and e.dMi". '4!'iiu:cni iM'iii ire fuirprisim; llnu iin in; ioruliit f-fi-efi on tiM human frame. r.i,t.iin.. till weakueM and lai. pillule hf ne lakiuir it. at ouee hce.oinn rohust niitl full of energy ua Ier itM iuilnt-uee. It iuiiuediutu p.unleruetii llm iiervcleMaiteMi nf iho female frame. l'ArT!V. Tie careful and net tint V n pet the jjciiu. iue lr. iHttKK' I'AN ArKA it Inm the munatuie of Cko. I. Sioiatrt on ihe wruppor and nln the uaiuti "Ok. UttAKK' lViN-iCKV, MLl.r hi own in the ! leW. Prepared onlv hv Sroiti;.. V I'.i., Ur iKui-tf. Ni.JI North Sixili St.. 1'hiLuJclphi.i. Airt I'orPuuhury If. Mi:i. fnild ulati hv Wm. A. .Mr mt ax To., Danville U.SirxKP eh, Milton; MAttv Mcfov, J. IMatTz. IlI'MIIIIHhtll. April I, 1HI? ly SALAMANDER, fihk and thii:k vuoor uiksts. FIlir.-VIHKIl- lHIOItS Volt HANKS AND kvori-x Si-nl mul Li'lltT-Copviiw l'ri'ssvs, l'ali'tit Sliiti'-Liiii'il Ui-fi imTiitor.-, Water I'il-ti-rs, I'iitont I'm lull!,-Witter C'lo sets, intitiiiU'il lor llie Sick nn. I lnlirni. KVAS & WA I SOX, 70 South Third Street, OI'VCSlTr. THK V1II1.AI)15!.1'III. KXl'llANtli:. .p;---- .Miiiiiilii.-tnreini.l iill nt-iuii.-r . f .1 .iiliL ns to lli.-u beinif strielh liie-ir.s.f. and that t!i.-y wiil r. fii4 the i'n'o nf any I'lliKlinir. Tin, (.iit?-i.Ul eaa,'S ..f Ih.-se lire made of b"il'T irmi, tin- itisi.le eas.-.if a kijw at. ne, mul lie! ween the nut. r eie an I inti-T ease ia a iu-.. .f Anne three iiichi-s thii-k. na.l is tillt-.l in with iiidatrue tilile iiititt-riiil, a.) ns t.i iirik.' it mi iuiii,ihtv ! bui'u tuiy nf the euiiti-llta inside ol lliu t 'h--st. Tli.-s-i r i!pl.n..- Si Inmaiulera we are prejuir.-d im.l .1) eh ill -n-je tl..: w.irlil ! priNliif-i, uuy iiiti-le ill Ihe h!i;ie of Hs.kSif.-a that will anuid aa niul-li heat, luid we la. -1 1 mir-i-lvis r.-iily ut all lliilest'i have theiil fairly It-iJ.-.l l.y pil'ilie b -nfire. We also c .iilimie t', nuiiiiil'tietiire n tir-je mul eem r.d na rl lllellt of .rtir Vreiiiilllll Air-liiri:t Vir- 1'io.f riil'ea .if whiell there lire over MSI now in lo-e. nii.l in ei-.-ry insluiiee lii.-y have jiiceii entue satlNlttt-lli'ii 1 1 the pun-aas.-r nl wliu-tl wu will refer llio public t.i a few uvuth-iueil wli liave Ihelll ill lis... Ilayw.asl Pnvder. V 4laville; J..aeph O. Ijiwtmi Vi'tlaville ; Ml. William t'arr. lli.vli-at.iwn. Va. N. II. TaiH-, lii le.rlii II I at., A Wright & epli.-w Vine at. wharf; Alexander, C.Hlve-inw-i-r. corin-r of l-'ilU-rt end )lh ala.; Join! M. l'..r.l. :)- n ull, :H el.; Myers Hash, l a .rtli 3d at.; J ini-s .M. I'.iul. 101 a mill till at.; Dr. lJnvid Jayue, H a null ill vt.; Matliew T. Miller. -.11 a Mitli :ld at.; and we c .old luime a me h.uidreiU of olliera II it wereneersaary. 'w we invito the Hlteiithal of tlio imhtie, uml iiirlieularlv those in i-aut ia" Vtre 1''HHfea, 1 1 cull at ..ur alnru lH.-1'.ire pnr.-liii-.iiiK eleivht-re, ami wo can aaliat'y thrill they will net a l.-tt.T and clieii-a-r nrliele at oitr att.ra tliull tit Qliv .aher i-alal.lialitn.-ilt in Iho elty. We nla i the nnluwry I'ire Vnsa' I'lieata. al at very low prii-ea, eheaia r lluul lliey c-ui lay bmght al auy oiht-r sliiio in Vhi adrli.lnii. I1AVII) KV AN. JIIIANM WATSON. VliiU l.-lphia, April , lil-J ly 7 ticovg: J. Weaver, core biaeek & snir cir andleb. S'o, IU Water Slreet and A'u. 1 1 Kitrth Wharvct Philadelphia. IfVAH constantly on band, a general aeaorl Q B ment of Cordsfe, Heiua 'I'winca, Ac., six : I'ar il Hopes, fishing Itopca, While Koiea, M mil la Kopoa, 'l ow Lines for Cinal lloata., s coQudcle aaaortiuenl of St-iiM) 'I'wiiioa, Ac, eueh a Ileum Kbail and Herring Twine, Boat Vatnnl (Jill Nel Twine, Uolion Mhad and Iteriioa I wire, Hhoe Thresils, Ac, Ae. Abo, lied Cords, Clou-ill Lines, Mailers, 'l'ratoa, Coltou and Linen 'i'el Chains, Ac, ail of M.RM tt he will dia--t "I on i sum ible Icini -. IMnUlclpUia, June 21, IMS.-ly ;JY)r.vstlr""ai V nu liau.l, it I tiue usa .itnlent i.f i!lej'i'S(e il V-H ani.-l.-s. I s-eih.-r with a-'. UliViS tl ""'ir I'aleut liiii.r.ive, VSi-iV -' -t l-u;i:-l-ll MAVI-US which B'l .)l ''.C nn- . niiifliu. 1. I ii.l irl at I'.i-t AVJUGlirS Iiidi.iii Vt'setable I'ill.i. This niolieine ia oinnrMmiil(d na jrcueral f rineiple, fr'nd Iho pAre, nuniliillemtiiil lu rl a of Ilia In. llnu, Alllr ui'li Ibere arc ninuy lucilicinea culHil by the atiuie iiauie, every nne ia aware tint there f a rcr' areiit rlifliTeuee aimmn I Iii-iii. Tlinee of lliein are culled "Irslmii," liave atulnu Ilia niinio froin ua, who were the first tu introduce a prepa-rr-t lialinn rnnllciiie to llm Ani.-rieaii .uNie. (If cnrao a similaritr of name il ea mit create a aimllarity in the cliar fteter .if tbe tmlieiiie, Wriitlit'a lmliiiii Vegeuil.le Tills rlro ilistlniniishixl f.T lle ir perffi-t to tlie hunmn haly In Ibeir ojier ati.111, liipy il exactly what reilure slues, ami reliinR uaae. They Imve a rot u-riiM) ctiii, upon tlie lonee, skin, kid neya mul bowels. Ilmiec their peculiar power overilisease. Il- proiiKKinn 'rirali..ii,tl,,-)-t,renk up (otl). Collins, ' Itiim-MATic I omplmnt, t'tiy is tuR Bsf a, CanrvLA, riTAsnn a KncrTiox., 1'i.Mit.ita, UuiTrnn, Kurrun, l:iilirm.s, Ae. , . The 11c: i .11 of llio Villa en the kiduejra la such na to rrmlie ilii-maV!ilunblcliiliilripn. l)i:.r.r, Gaavtx, aial Fn mii.k rn.Mri.AiMTa, nriaiiiK fr.Mii at certain ert.!e, are speedily reuhiveil by Iheir use. A free KxrrtcToitATiox I' the lungs hi rwital by the nae of Wrljilit's Imliaii Viri-lnble Villa, thua rcnioviiiji l'lilmnimry l'..uidainta, inch aa Asthma, 1Ihoi inru, SnltRNR... AMI TlullTM:as or TUB llRBAST, Couglia, Sore 'i'lirnot, Ae. ... Hy th-ir net,.n n llie Stum veil anJ IlownLs, the Villa cure )?pi!r.iA, I.tvi:a rnnFLAtxT, ValpiTatioh ok tuk Heart, Klati-i.knct, C'iwtivkxks., Fxrima of all kimlv, Vleuria),. Ileailnelie, (iiilliiiea, Dysentery, Vilea, and all ilia mlera nf the intialinea. Tnkeai in airnn, Wright's Imlhn Vcpet.iMa Pills lieeninean At.TK.nNA l ivk nuilieine, of BTWit am-ltiiii; el lleiiey, for the cure 01 rfoa j... of nil kiiala, TaTTira, Tl una, jAt-xnu-K, I.owsE.o:- naiT, .Si:ra.Lut,,'RrH, V.ffa IX tuk Hikes, Ac. TIicko Villa uKi t.renk up I.if ti'tijA, in' liii-li tMinj.liiiiit lliey nre exlrem.-ly ulu:ihle. I11 Jlii.u.r. roni'LAixTs, theee Villa exercise a c-'mi t inii.lrry. Il.-iu-i- Pei-i;ii axd Am a ia sjieeilily cured by lle u- "I' lli-in, I11 the Wealern unit f.mtlicrii filiil. a, where thia m allv ,irt-v.iila. I lice Pill. tfr. like nn A,nt,..,r-I,n Inlethi lire,icr llian ihe fever ami nffuc reliieitiea in aenend. Wriahfa Imlimi Veir-table Villa luive been pr -i uii.-.Ma.i... ri,.r b. ull oi i-,ii. tmlwl, it weukl an iir that il tie-re ia , ne eoiuluuit oyi-r which these Vill" Imve 111 .re puier Ihnn iim ili.-r, it is I-'bvmi axo Amu. l-'nr .lesiruying nmi i x lling Wonvs, no Veniiifii(ro ia siijK-ri ir t.i these Villa Al:li.mii!i we Imve not tuken painato iil.-il,e this faet pul.lie, Ihe merit of the lllotlicinc ilaclf lata ne ;nir,il f..r il nu exlensive repulnti'iii itielaule the ro- 111 ..f WiuiMs A.lniiiiistertl t.i nilulis or eliildren, Ihe 1 ll'.-et nl'lhe Vills ia i:tllally nilienl anil d.-ciaiv. All wlei suil.-r iV-hii Woiims hliiul.l hy all means, uro Wright'a In- ilitilt V. .i-l:il.le Vill.'. Ill l';n-t. iMone enii it 1 aiuiit. in the use of this nic.licim,. Tin y tire n t , tlie ln'v is f,a ia. A Iriiil wil, e un inee the akeilicsil Hint Wrifhfa lmliiiii Vfpetnble liAa (iir ir nu h'-iiifr a enuiiiuni "quni k nostrnni," are decidedly the 111 ..! v.ihl.'ilile iiiiili.-iuc tiernireriil to the public. ISvxvare orsiinr Coated Couiilcr feltN. Remember lhat the nrijiiunl nnd only ireiiiiiiia luli.ui VeudiiLle Vills Imve the wi it ten yiiriuit lire of Wia. Wright nn the t I.iIh I ol'eneh b'X. Wi Ishl'si IiitUaii Vegetable rills-.' Henry Messer, Sunbu.y. FI. it .1. K iiiiTinnii, Auirustn tiinnehi. Inliii II. Vine nl, ChilliMiti.que. Knse A Iteicslrpiaaer. MlvIilirii. Annuel lli ib, I.itllo Mahnn.iy, U'il'niui Deppi n, J.ickann. In l mil :ii il ll ivne-i, McE i nsvllli. William lleiiu n rV. llrother, Millen. I'in.-y'hi'. Wilson oV (Jo., .Noitliitinberl'in.l .lillllea It. el, I'.itlstrrnve. (i. W. Scut, lidi-livillo. V. K F 11. Iv. Sli un ikintown. li'lioiles oV l-'arrow. Snvilertiivn. A tuns T, II, Turbutsville. II, lii.evil e llolshue, I'ppcr Mah.mny, .1. hn (,. I'emi, i!o d.i. V.. 1, l'i or, Wutporilnivi,. 'Vho'c.;.!.-, -it the office ami peneril .lepnt, lf& Rate si., I'hil.uli Iplna. July 8, IS4S. ly . WKSTEIIX XEW YORK COLI.KCtPa OF IIEAIni, 5i7 ilitn street, lhiffnh, A. Y. 1-ii. (i.C. VAl iaiN S Vrgrtalile Lilliontrlptie Kixlnrf. rpilitfeelebniieil ia eni.timtlj- inireiiciii" its laiuo L l.i tin- iiauiy cures il is iiuikni(r ALL OVER THK WORLD. It has ii v hn- mell uly iiii-dii-iou f.,r laiaily irse, uud wjf imrlicultrii rec-.liiiu.-iuled l.r DlilU'SV: . . , all sia;-.... ,.f this ! im; luint imitii-iliatelv Mievial, no nailer I ll .v I - slalidia.;. Si-i- I'liiiiiii.hlet l..r lelllnii nv. uraveL, .i, nil I a.'l ilise!,a.-s . a' llie urinary orjlans; for lliee' rliJtress iii.; ,-. .mpL-.inis it slan ts id nr j in .ahrr nrtiele tan rt-hare y.ll ; llli'l the imvs t.M M iHc .livlneelltc fuoat akeH li.-al; s. e Kuiiplil. t. I.iei-r C inplainl, liillii ua diwusev, FEVER & A(,TE. Tj the tireat Went esp.i-ially. :m, wla-revcr these com pkiiut pit-vail thia m.sheiiie la .ilb-red. NO MINKUAL AG EXT, ii il I. tt ii iiii iiiiupoimil in a jwrt of thia niiUiro, it eiircii thew UiueuM-ai wilh ecrlnfnly nud cclcriiy, onii iioe not lunve the rtcin larohl. N-p I'tuiipliict. l'ir.Es, a tfoniplaiut of q m t vitiilul elianieter. in I:1MEDIATELV RELIEVEOT nud il cure I..II .w by a lew itiva use wl thiaartlele ; il is' far le-lnru imy oilier thia ,tisnsr, or La-any other di.-iisu .rigiiiuliiuj lrin iinpioo blit.-uio nam. 1'blet. . OEUlLITV()FTIIESVfTEM, i , weak Isu-k, weakii.-Ki i.f tl,o Kidiurva, Ac., hiliainnias li-hi .a s..i,ie. ia immediately r.-ln-vi-d liv a few lai um ta' tin. luedieuie, ami a cure ia alwuj a a feaiitt of ua uae. It stands na A C ERTAIN' REMEDY,' f a- sueh c nni'liiala, hiul nla.) fur derangeuieiits of Ilia l' IKi;KiaLi:iTlES, SrPl'RESSIONS- . painful lllciistrimli ma. ,i arlii-lr has ever la-ell ist'ert-d ex -epl thia wl.ii-b w.iuld Una kiml of din-anireiiieiila.' It may lie retted iis.ii na a Mire un.l rll'.vtive roiueity, aial h.l wo l'.".-l H-rntillixl t nil ail cx uld uii e A niurSAXDNAAJES, itx proof of ciirr iu th i; clui of c impluml'. Sec wimphlet. All hroki-n down, ik-lahtuted e-atiatitutiomi froin the t ifect of mercury, wili IuhI Ilia ineiiijr power ot lius iiitu'lt! tti net iuiuieilritely, tutO tlw poi.umii mineral eradicated Ir lil Iht n'Keiii. KRL'rilVE DISEASES will liud the iill.-iative i.riiiierliea of this article. l'l'KU' V THE BLflOD. . ' - and driven uuch iIum4uicii from the y;tejii. pVe pMaap(ilptf tor lentiiiiouy of enrci iu ull Uui-i( whkh llw Umiln t , tm inlvertA'iiit'Ut will not perniit to ti itaugtstl berm.Atjiili pi v i hem n way j they c inlaiu iti (-"gen of ucrt'r!tuU iTi nyli cliaracur, and a aflronger AlUlAY OF PROOJi .: , of the virtucrof n iiiudieine, never iipunrtu?.'' , It i ono of the peeuliar fciiiurcs oi tin artu tb tlmt it' never I'mla t- iH'iH-lil iu uuy cajiisaud ii Uim auil niUBd tr left to buiid Uii lei the iiiiiemtot uud hnttmu iuvuLd. KUl'KOX uml keep tali it 13 the tncdieine tx as lhi-r i u iui provemcnt. Ti pr vtn-vr wmlit or titwt 11 nuuUxx 14' urtiito whioh anuu wit wider the llCaHl ot'AKlLLAS, SVRUI'S. LC. aa cures far Unyey, llravfa, ta: 'I'her aro g.ajd lot iai Ihlw, amil- i. n-i.I i.i unll kne-ituiawy ;- "till llir,.U,AUl IlK-ir invent. .ranovBf Urai'-bt ol eiiriiuf an.-hrtia.naea till tlimitriivle kadikaioit. purlieu ku stiaiy ot lbs paui- pUlel hi einmHlly a .it-ltttl. -tittaiia aiu an wia, a. a iho arliHe or CI LAD TO UliATLATK (rmliWbiUaly. I'm im in 30 n. botllea, at (fj ; ft " -! ail Bleh Ike Ur-vr hokluif ttoa. mure Uain la Jfiwl le.l Ilea. I.ak nut and iet iiiii.-a.Hl u.m. V.verv lnile (na -Vaiuthn'a VeMlala I.iih mirip'lt- Mutiir,-," 'll-ani un" fh-: jclaaa, tho wtiieii aiaiailuru i'l'---t Vu.liu" ve li, aaal -tl. t. Tauiik,- IJuit-.i.e.," aliun.sro in eirk. Noon ul her aio euauuio Vretiaee.1 U l)r Vainhu, uista. Idal the Piiiki.iI lllhee, mi; Mam strvsH, lliillulo, al wh.h.vnl.- iaal rvtaU. No ricnlKa gri en lo art lera unkaaj p. a ai;a -.Kil. ro fnau ntrularly "ualllll Aat-nls esc-jaial ; ivl piuit IHIera, or veisl namuuKlca lion, a.h.-iii.ia wUiee, urHiiSiy muoaksl irnitia. Olli.-ailov.ile.l eehl.iv.-M ia il" "na rli.-tte. ft! al. New Wkitiy; l !, at. He lent, Mass j ' anil by Ihe prua-lpid lJiwifUUIbnUlinullb i uUekaMa and C'auaila, ua Areola. ' . '.' l.lsl m As.nla -M.-rra t CO, Vi.iiass Ays fl.iavboV plus I. W. Knliiii;. Kuaburyiaitaa, trtu,rr, b, lini.,va I' A. velh. I.rvvi.hurc il LSIicaaar, Milton ilayne A MeC-'Wiiuek, M.-KwumaV-1.Mia floay, NwttmusbM-. kind. - - Ail I, l(le y ' . .nfiCKS BLANKS H)R J- M E AT THIS OFKirK