THE NEW LETTER-WRITE. r The Philadelphia jJisjxifcX'thiulcs that tha new law securing to- married women their rights to property, is destined to.rovolutionixe tho hymeneal relations in this Stale. The rich wife, instead of being now , at the mercy of hr lord, in a thousand matters touching her corhfoft, may rigidly enforce a performttnee of the courling-timo vows, by simply tauten ing the purse-string.,. Sliawk, bonnets, and new dresses, she may bny as many as alie pleases whether het huabhnd grumbles or assents j and, if unable to pay, she may en joy the delightful privilege of a personal in troduction to sheriffs and constables. ,The subject is suggestive of many drought and among them is one touching I he change that will now ensue in martial epistolary li teratureThe modern complete letter-writers have no provision for bis emergency, and the Dispatch bostons to supply tho vaciim. We deem It importont to copy a few sprci tnens of these model epistles. Here they are : Letter 1. From a husband to his wife, ask ing foj it cool fifty. ''From file Store, Market St, 1 1 1 o'clock. J "Dear June I'm confoundedly '.short' to day, having Jenkins note to take up, and am deueedly ufraid of a protest, l'leaso send me a check for $50 by bearer. 1 expect money from Muddle's draft, next week, -and will therl refund it. I wait, J ' "Yours dearest, CHARLES." Letter 2 From a wife, who knows her rights to a delinquent husband. "At Home quarter before two. ' "Drar Charles I am astonished that you should come lo too for money, after the man ner you have acted. I loaned you t'.-n dollars last week, which you were to return next day. I did not hear a word from you for three days afterwards. Besides that I gave you fifty cents yesterday to get tobacco, which you promised to repay at evening 1 have not seen it yet. I should judge, from these facts, that you aro "hard up" and not to be trusted. If you are failing circum stances, I've no disposition to loose by you. If you are much iu wanlaf money, I'll shave your note with a good endorser, at three per cent., a month. If you like this proposition send up tho nolo with an endorsement say Snook's; I suppose he'll endorse for you're always together. Lrt it be done right away, for I've got my bank-book ready, and want to make a deposite. "Yours, Jane.'' Letter 3. The Husband's Reply. "From theStore 2 o'clock. "Dear June This is no timo for jesting. If I do not' gel the $50 to-day, I shall be ru ined my credit will bo gone, and every thing brought to the hammer. Tho very house will bo sold over our heads. Please send mc the money immediately. This is a poor fulfilment of tho love you pledged at the altar. "Yours, dearest," Letter 1 Tho Wife's Answer. ' "At Home quarter past two. "Dear Charles As a friend, I'm heartily sorry to hear of your troubles. However, it's liolliing more than 1 expected. If you do tail, my advice (o you is, lo bear up under your sorrows; there is nothing like a stout heart to buoy one up in nfllictiou. ff the house is sold by the Sheriff, ' I have one con Milation, that I enn remove to ' my own. Iu regard to your unkind insinuation, about the love which 1 nledsred at the altar, I hex lo remind you that I promised to love ymt accord- ing to law and 'tho law allows 1110 to manage my; own property in my own way. However, as you can't get an endorser, I won't be hard upon you. Send ine your note for $50 at sixty days, and S100 worth of silks as collateral, and I'll send you the $00. . Hurry home dinner's waiting. ."Yours, JANE." Letter 5. From a "responsible" wife lo i Tailor. ' "Saliinhnj, May 27. . Mr, Shears Sir: The bearer of this is my husband, who wants two pair of spring panta loons. Please let him have them, and vhnrjo the same to my account. MARY SILVER. 'N. B. I'll not pay higher than $12 for the two, If you allow him to exceed that amount, you do so 011 you own risk. The New Ficuke or Gen. Jackson has arrived at tho Boston Navy Yard, for the fri gate Constitution. As tho General is dead, and political hatred against him subsided, it ii probable that it will be allowed to remain here unmolested. It is eight feet high. A LeciD Interval. Tho best toast of tho season was given at the celebration of the 4th in the Lunatic Asylum, at Uticn, by one of Iho patients, viz: "The Revolution in En rope While in tho old world the people aro trying to mould governments after ours may we lake caro that wo do not spoil (he pat tern." A certain Cure for consumption has been found in Alleutown, I'a., 10 the paper say. The artielo Ii u l with the most un bounded succeM. The Celebrated ex-minister Guizot and Metternieh are said to contemplate the pub lication of a newspaper, to be called Z7ie Spectator of London. Another Cure. A write in the New Yoik Ihrald, eaya that a vapor bath, raised i a very intense heat, is a positive cure for hy drophobia. . , A locenl Philosopher discover a method to avoid being dunned! "Howl how? how!" we hear every body asking. Never trait in new. r 1oino Aheab? They are laying raiU 011 tbe Pennsylvania road, on thn section between lLtrriebUrg aud lha bridge), t : t- . ', ' -.. MiaRlED lu Buffalo, oi the loth nil Mr. J. R. Drowning oMary A. SiruifjJ'hus i vaiified the old adayi, that i'a diowning man will catch at traw " s " . CHEAP 1T27T GOODS. John W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and customers, that he bit jutt received ind opened a splendid assortment f GOODS, consis ting of. j unv GOODS, I Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, Sec. The public are invited to call and exsmin for thpmtelvee. : ' "' -.; l- - Suntiury, May 0, 1818 If ' - CUTLERY. AN extensive Slock of Pocket and fable CUT LERY, for mlo by ' ' . '. JOH1T M..COLEKCA1T, Nos. 39 and 3: ARCADE, and 8 J North THIRD Street, , . Comp long nOOO doxen Penknives, Scissors ami ltaxors. Also, a choice sssoitmeot of Rodger & Rons, WoslenhoW, Grraves's, W. & 8. Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery. AIo, Spanish, Diik and Hunting Knives. AIo, Ciiinx, Pistols, an I Howie Knives. Alsr, Tlit Amtrican Razor Strop, a superior anirle, woity the attention of Dealers. CAitn Dealera in Oullciy, wilt find the above Slnek worthy their attention, at tho Subscriber's chief business la importing and selling cutlery, Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly. GIESE e& SON. Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, Avi AH Commerce Street Wharf. HAl.TIMOtlK. Will receive and sell all kinds oft'ountry Pio (luce Flour, Grain, ec. N. B. Particular attention given to the sale of Lumber. And cash ailvaticcs made on con signments, when required. April 1, 1818. 4m P II I Ii A 1) E I, P II 1 A MEDICAL EOTJSE, Established t5 years ags, by Dr. KINKELIN. Tho obtest, surest anil best hand to cure idl form, of seen t diseases, discuses of the skin and solitary habits of youth, is I) 11. KINKKMN, N, W. earner o3( nnif Union sis-, between Spruce and I'ine, 1 J squares from the Exchange. YOUNO MEN I If you value your life or your hoallh, remember, iho delay of a month, nay, even a week, may prove your ruin, both of body anil mind. Hence let no false modesty doter you from making your rase known lo one who, from education and respectability, cm alone befriend you. Ho who place himself under Dr. KINKELLVS treatiiieut, may religiously confidii in his honor a a gentleman, ami in who-e bosom will be forever lurked Ihc arrrcl of the patient. Too many think they will hug the secret lo their own henrti), and cure themselves, Alas! how of ten is this a fatal delusion, and how many a pro mising young man, who might have been an orna ment lo socitty, baa failed from the earth. COUNTRY INVALIDS, (hiding it inconvenient lo muko personal applica tion, can, by stating their case explicitly, together with all Ihcir symptoms, (per Ii Iter, post-paid, hnve fnrwarjed lo them a chest containing Dr. K's me dicines appropriated accordingly. Packages of Medicines forwardej to any part ol the United Slates at a moment's notice. fjj Post rain lrttsrs, nddiossed lo Dr. Kia KKtitt, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended lo Oc. 30th, 1847. ly M'CLEES & GERMON'S DAGUERIlliOTYPE ROOMS, No 198 Clicsiuit Street, Smith East Corner of Eighth tt , Philadelphia. 1-9ORTRAI I S from the smallest breast-1 in to the largrat size, singly or in groups. The 1'ioprielors are warrutited in siying, that iheir woik has gained a reputation second lo none in the world. Extracts from the Proa ; "Life-like in the egression, chaotly correct in the shading. ledger. The ait has arrived at great perfection, suil none' understand it belter than McClccs & tier mm" Baltimore hi. Admirable! nothing cin cured llirir exquisite delicacy. ('. 0. (,azelle. Extiact from the report of the Judges, at tho lat fairof the Frtuklin Insiinno Daguoircotypes in this department ihero are aomo very excellent specimens iu the exhibition, and (he Judgra think they see a progressive improvement in Ibis branch of the srt. They have not recommended an a ward in fivor of any of the enmpetiloia, but are ili-poseil to rank as firit in order, the collection of McCLEES & (iEKMON, as containing the lar gesl number of inferior tpf cimem." I hihidelpliiu, Kill 19, 1818. 6m SIX YHAItS AUO rilllE children began lo ciy for Sherman's Lo. 1. xenees. Tbe noiso was not ao loud si (hal lime, but il has kept increasing ever Mure, and now has becomo so great that the months of ihe little ones can wnrc be alopprd. Dr. Slieimnn aympa tliijrs wilh thn little snll'i rers, and viry much re ere a that tiny of Idem should bo disappointed. Knowing thn vast benefit which has . been confer red iipmi the coin mini ily ly the introduction of hit infallible WORM LOZINQBS, he bus erilrred into sir ihRi'nienta for enlarging his Mannf ictory, by means of whioh I o thinki be will be nble to supply the demand. And tho i-ame pains and caie will lie taken, llic.-e cilcl, rated Lo yengea bo made as they liave always been, in or der lhal llio-e who den-nd upon tlii'm, may mil bu disappointed in ihcir hopes. He knew when be commenced tbe mnnufnr'uru of Ihe Worm Loicn 2re, ihl tiny would supersede tho use of every oilier veniiifuge, as iho L07.1 ngo ia rxry pleasant to the taste, tttedif in its eflects, aa well as certain, and ihc quantity leuiicd lo effect a perfect cure, is very small. These prnprriics, in connexion wilh Ihe f rt that ibry are sold lor 25 cents per box, thus 11I icing lurin 111 too react) or the pooteet man in Ihe lanil, has. not only caused them to take the place of every other vvnuuuge ever offered, but at so rendered them popular to tho community. Dr. bhrrmsii'. COUGH LOZENGES' continue lo cure Coughs, ('olds, ('onsumption, Asthma, shuilncMaud diflicully of Breathing, and oilier ilisea ca of Ihe Lungs, with the aame facility lliey did on tlx ir first introduction, and tbe moplc have now becomo persuaded by actual expeiionce, on Ihe acersxiuii of a light cold, they have only to step lo either llio Dr'a. nllice, or one of the Agents, ami olitatn a Imx or his Uougu hoxengea, wlnrh are very convenient to carry 111 tbe) pocket and to lake few through ihs dy. By purauing this course cure ia often effected iu 24 hours, and ihe patient about bis business. Ho great is the ci bibrily of the Loxeuges, lhal thousands of persons who have used Ihem, and become acquainted with their cnect, will never l wiluout iheui. fiii:it.ii4'.s FOOB MAM'S FLAITJIB has cu'ed moie cases of Klieumatism, Pai 1 in the Itark, Bide and Mieal, Luiuliago and Wtakneas, than any application thai hss ever been mad. As Ihe celebrity of Ihe Plastor baa increased, hundreds 01 unpiincinlrd bavs allemnted la cuunlr ih 11, tail palm it on upon ihe community a. the genuine, rrj Uewaie) or Deception, jp) Remem- uci tuaiuMi true and genuuia f'laater is spread p on redJub papei made eiiius-ly for tbe Duipoae. .. ,u. sianaiureoi vt. Btieimau ia punt, d upon the hack of Ihe Pla.tei, tod lb whole rcu.ed by l"'PJ Bight. None others are g. nuioe, I beicifiiie when yo. , rr4, oo4 HUcimu; " ' '""r'- "e uOica, 106 H rfitol, and jou will be disappointed. ucoieintcr in. number, lna N. . l all Dr.,, . Loioge, , wUL llu Af.n ruii.Ni sural, J),ooklyn i.nirw.u, wnuaainura; and iUddine V Co Boston, end JOHN VOUNO. Bunh-.. ' M. A McCA V, NorlbuuiUrland. utiaiuuti nm, leir. ij. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOldN 4... . j- ICVrlLLXSTBllVS E a S2r tp S3cc aa a T hse power to eaose all Taai 8ORE8, I BCROFULOU8 horaors, 8KIN DI8EA8E8. POI6ONOU8 WOUNDS lo discharge Iheir pu trid matters, and then heels them. . ' :i It is richly termed All-heating, for there is scsic ly 1 disease, exterasl or internal, that it will not benefit. -1 have need it (r Ihe Inst fourteen years for all diteasrs of ihe cheat, consumption and liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that not in one aingle ease has it failed In benefit when the pa tient 'was within the reach ,i mottal mean. ' I have had physicians, learn, d In the profession, I have had ministers of Ihe gospel, judges of the bench, aldermen, lewyers, gentlemen of Ihe high est erudition, and multitudes of the pnor usa it in every variety of way, and there has been but one v$ce one universal voice saying : "M'Allister, your Ointment is GOOD." . . In fScrofula, Old Bores, Erysopelna. Tetter .. ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, 8ote Throat, Bronchitis, Broken or 8ore Breast, Tiles, all Chest Diseases, such as Asthma, Oppressions, Pain Also, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Tumors. Chil dren's Cutaneoua Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine, there ia no medicine now known aa goed. ISCALD HEAD. We havo cured cases that actually defied every thing known, aa well aa the ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told us he had spent 300 on his chtliben without any bene fit, when a few hours of Ointment eurul them. BALDNESS It will icstore the hair sooner than any other thing. HEADACHE The salve has cured prisons of Ihe headache of 12 years' standing, and who hid il n t vciy week, so lhal vomiting often took p'ncn., Eaa Aciia. and Anita tn Tits Kit i'., aro cured by Ihis Ointment with like success. RUHN8. It is one of Ihe best things in the world for Bums.' (Read the directions sround the box.) MIEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi ately the infl imalion and swi llinu when the piin cc:es. (He:,d the Diiections around the Box.) I. I) 1' LI, I . Consumption, Liver t'om plaint, Pain in the rhrat or side, falling off of the h:,ir, one or the other always aecornpauiea roll feet. . (This Ointment is Iho true remedy.) It ia a sure mi;ii of disease 10 have cold feci. TETTER. There is nothing belter for ihc cure of Teller. PILES. Thousands ate yearly cured by Ibis Ointment. ( CORNS. Occasional use, of the Ointment will alwiys keep Oo-na from growing. Puoplo need never be troubled wilh them if they will use i', I Head the following Communication, R.rvycd liom an old, respected and well known ritizi n of Philadalphta. and then judge for youi- self: Philadelphia, 10 mn., 13ib, 1818. To T. B. Peterson, Having been relucted In civo my opinion on the merits of M'Al.l.M TER'8 SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some of the Li 1,1:0 la which I have txpeiicnced in Ihc use of the article. In the eprlng of 1815, I had an attack nf Ery siprlas in my f.ico which became very painful, and extended into one i f my eyes, being attended with frvi r, my distress was great and I began to be fear ful of liis'n g my eye. Although not much of a believer in whsi is commonly c.ilbd quack medicines, I purchased a box and rni'ile an application to my face. To my su prise the pain soon abated, and in a week's time it was ent rely currd, and I firmly believe that it was tho salve, under Providence lhal cured me. From that timo lo the present, 1 have used the article aa occasion required, and in every case whete I have Orcd il, I have found a decided benefit. At one lime, on going tn b?d at night, my throat was so sore that I swallowed with difficulty, hut by an application of Iho salvo I was rolieved lefore morning, I havo uihm it in ease of barns, bruises sprains, snd flesh cuts, all wilh tho happiest effects, and nne case of poisoning by a wild vine in tha woods, has been dried upend cured by a few applications. r rom my own expeueuce, 1 would strongly re romii.end il to all, as a cheap, convenient, family iiieiiii'ine. I hjve heroine ao partial lo it, lhal I expect to keep it cou-lnnlly in my family. I hough not uiul'ilious lo 11111 ear 111 print, yet I cannot nlu.B lo have litis connnnnira'inn made public if judged best to serve the ciUse ol liuinuui- Respectfully thine, VM ADAMS, No. 26, Old York Ro:.d. CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine unless Ihcnannaof James M'Allister, or I M Altixier eCu., are written wilh a pen on eve. 1 ry lahc'. JAMES M'ALLISTER. einle proprietor of Ihe a'wve medicine. ' 07 VR1CE. 2.1 CENTS TEH UOJC.Jj Aufc.vis : J. W. KHII.IMi, Kunliurv, KOIiNVTH, WILSON A. Co.. NorthiiinlHilaiid, I)r WM. M BICKLE V, Dauvil'e, J. O. CHOUSE, Helinsgrove, P. C. 8HF.LI.ER. Li v.iburg. WM. P.NAULE. Milton, JOHN 8HARPLEKK, Cattawissa. Fch. Iflth, IK49. cuwly ... , TENI. VIUI, VICT Dr". ALLEN'S V Kti E. V 'I'A m.B COMPOCND. for tho cure ,,f DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. Ac. This Medicine is olTered lo tbe public under the assurance that there ia no article in exiteure having stronger claims lo Iheir eonaidcislion. Be ing cmioundiid by a tegular Craduate 01 J' ITcr aon Cnllege, Philadilph'a, and a practising physi cian of twenty years' standi, 'if in Philadelphia, his long rxH rience has eouflrnied him in iho opinion in 11 a C'lmpouuil medicine was required In prevent and remedy the 1I1 bililation pr duced by residing in low, miasmatic climates, and lo counter srt Ihe pro Irnlii'ff influence! of many nervous duoidcrs with which tho human family aro uHlirloJ. Ul. ALl.LN ia a well known phi sin in. and has tisml thn aliuve medicine in bis iiiaclke fur B yeaia wi'h tbe most astonishing effect, having tes ted its qualities in bIhi'O r f VK TIIOC8AND t;.SRS. Nrt medieino ever icnived more llitierine ro- coinmoiidiiliiina from physiciana of eminent stand. lux thru has fueii bot iwcd oil this. UVSPEPSIA OR INDKjf.STION AM) ITS CONftEQCENt-ES. An eminent Pn.f.s. snr s.ys: "Ii chiefly arises in prisons who load either a veiy sedentary or lin gular life. AltliouKh not regarded as a fatal disease ; yet if negtecli d or iinpropeily tret red, may bring on incurable Me- Isoehiily, Jaundice, Madness, or Veilig.i, Palsy and AKplexy, A great aingutarity attendant on it is, that it mnv and often dots continue a great length of lime without any leinis-iuii of ilu- ry , i- toms. CAUSE'', Criefand uneasiness of nvnd. iti- tense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery, excessive use of spiiiluous liquors, tea, tobacco, o pium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficieucy uf Ihe secretion of ihe I do or giairic juice, eipo.uie 10 cold and d unp air, are ihe chief causes of ibis dis ease. h VM PTOMS. Loss uf appetite, nause 1, aeart. bum, acility, and fort id eructations, gnawing ef Ihe etiiiiiBch when riupiy, uneasiuesa in ihe lliroil, pain iu the aide, cnsliveneas, chillmas, I mguor, Iuwneas el sputts, pilpilalinns, and dis uilJ sleep." TREATMENT. DR. ALLEN'S VEUE TAHLE COMPOUND has never failed iu afli.r- ding iunnediate relief, and a ladicat cuie for I his i f 1 . erj- This Medicine can be had of II. B Mas-cr. Suutiury; J. i;. Martin, Toll-ville , Medlar & Hicket, tJrwIgsLurg and or Druggists generally. ALLEN & WARD, Proprietors. Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847. cq ly BO.LXIDZNG. f flHE aubsenbsr it prepared to receive and ac- Jl commodata a few transient or permanent Utardert, at her reaidoncsj ia Kanbury. Tbe lo cation is in a uatluni and pleasant part of lb towo, eoinmaadiog fin view of tbe Susqaajtaa na, Norlbumberland and lbs scenery adjacent.--1 0 persona front tbe city, wao wish la spend a few snoDlhs during tb suoainer Maaoa, Sun burr . .l:.L..r..l . . ' uuiwiflHviii.iu, virei. . . . ANN C. MOKRIS! April 8, 1818 Cm , ' ST. " '. PaSWKSYIaVAHllA. '. . The following list ahows tha current value of til ennalvanla Bank Notes. Tha most implicit re liance may be placed upon it, aa l ia every week jarefiilly compared wlin ana correciea irom iiici nell's Reporter, - linnkn in riiiiadvipnin. NaIR. Locxtiow. ' Diae. in Paitan. NOTES AT PA R. Bank nf Noilh Americ, . . ' I"' Bank of the Northern Lil-erl'tes . , . ... , , par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . i-." , par Parmera' and Mechaniea' Bank . par KensineliHi Bank , .,. par Philadelphia Bank' i . 1 par Rchoylkill Bank ' , " . . far Snuthwark Bank ! , , , par Western Bank par Mechaniea Bank ' . . par Manufacturera nt Mechanics Hank" par Bank of Penn Township . . par Oiranl Bank . . p: Bank nf Commerce, late Moyameuaing par Bank of Pennsylvania . . par Count i-' nnnua. Bank of Cheater County Westchester par Bank of Delaware County Cheater par Bank of Oermsntown uermanlown par Bank of Montgomery Co. ' Norristown par Doylrstown Bank Doyleatnwn , par Easton Bank Eaaton par Farmers' Bank nf Bucks ro. Bristol par Bank of Nnrthumbetland Northiiintserland par ITolnmbia Bank cV flridge co. Columbia par Farmera Bank of I.anrastei Lancistei par Lancaster County Batik l.nncastcr Bank Farmcra Bonk of Reading Oflice of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Oll'tco do dn Lancaster . par Lancaster par Reading par Harrishurg These Lancaster I others Reading f do not Olfico ' . dn dn Easton j issuon NOTES AT DI8COIINT. tank of tho United ttalcs Philndt Iphia Miners' Bank of Potlsvillc Poltsvillo Bank of la?wistnwn lwistown Bank of Middlotown Middletnwn Carlislo Bank' Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg Dn dn branch uf Hnllidaysbuig Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg Lebanon Bank Lebanon Me'ehanta'cV Manuf. Bank' Pittsburg Rank nf PilUburg Pittsbuig West Branch Bank Willinmspnrl Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarie t7 par failed 1 1 1 1 I par t Northampton Bank Alloutuwn Berks County Bank Reading nih'ce of Bank of V. S. Pittsburg in sale failed failed do Dn dn do Erie Do do dn Now Brighton Bank of Chambcrsbuig Chnmhcrshurg Hnhk of (fettysburg (trltysburg Bank nf Stisipicbanna Co. Monlroso Erie Bank Erie Farmers' A; Diovers' Bank Wayisesburg Franklin Bank Washiuetnu llonrsdalc Bnk Ilonesduli) MoiiongHlieli Bank of B.s Browin, rille York Bank Yoik do 1 I 21 n u 1 I N. B, Iho notes of those banks on which wo nmil quotations, and substitute a d.i-'i ( -) are not purchased by the Philadelphia hri.kers, with the BROKEN II Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loin (' Schiivlkill Sav. Ins. Kensiutjlou Nbv, Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank ( T. W Towauda Hank Alleghany Bank nf Pa. Bank of Beaver Dank uf Swalarn Bank of VVasbiugtfiu Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' cV Met li'rs' Bank Farmers' rV Mrcb'cs' Bank Farmera' At Mech'es' Bank Harmony Instill, to Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'a. New Hope Del. Blidre Co. Norlhumb'd Union Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Pa. A N K S. I'lulad. I, l,ia failed du failed do f.iiled do dn flyolt, prop.) failed Towaudti Iledfnrd no sale Beaver closed llsni.iliurg closed VVa-l,ii,gton failed Bel), foule closed Ptttsbutg nn sale Pittsburg failed Fayelte co. failed (ireencastle failed Harmony 110 sale Huntingdon no aale Lewistown no sale Warien failed DuudafT nn sale New Hope closed Millon no sale Mcadsilio closed Port Carbon j Carlislo failed Montroso closed Unionlown failed j (ireenaliurg closed I VVilkeabarre nnaala I Office of Schuylkill Bank j Pa. A nr. &. Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Pcnu'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkcsharre Bridge Co. (Tjj- All noles purporting tn bo on any Pennsyl vania Bank nol given in the above list, may be sot lowu as frauds. 11 kw .n:itsi:r. Bank of New Biunswiek Bruusuiek Belvidere Medford Perth Ambuy Bridgeion failed i par i par par Uulvidcic Bank llurlinglon Co. Bonk 'Jnmmercial Bank uuinlrland Bank ?armera' Bank Mount Holly farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav J r'armcrs' and Mechaniea' Bk N. Biunswiek failed r armers and Merchant Bk Middleluwn Pi. r raiiKtin Hank n: rv. j. Jersey Uity failed failed . failed filled tilled 4 failed 4 par nn sale no sale llotioken Uugdr, Uiaztug Uu HolHiken lersey City Bank Jeraey Cily Mechanics' Bank , . Pattirsou Mauufnclurera' Bank Belleville Morria County Bank Morristowu Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bk; Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & lua Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co l.auili.-rtsville N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken failed fulled J failed 4 par par I i par 1 failed failed i failed N J Proleclon & LtuuliHid l,k Jersey City Orange Bank Orango I'uicrsou Bunk Paiersuu Peoples Bank do Priuccion Bank Priuculou Soli in Bunking Co Salem State Bank Newark State Bank Elixahctlilnwii Stale Bank' 1'uiii'loii Slate Bank of Mimiis Murrialowu State Bunk Trenton Sulcm end Philad Manuf Co Saletu Sussex Bunk Newluu Trenton Baukiug Co Trentnu Uniioi Bank Dqver Washington Banking C'o. Hackeusack Bk of WilmoV Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmingt.iii Dank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Miltord psi iar par par par par par par par Farmera' Bk of Male of Del Dover Do . branch' Wilniinnlor. Do blanch tiemgelnwn Dn branch Newoasllu llnioi, Bunk' Wilmington ay l luiler 6's cry On all banks maiknl thus () there are ci ther counterfeit . altered noles uf ihe various da ii.minaliiMis, in eireulstinn. Time and lltlanct Saved t SUNBURY FEXIRV. rilHE subscribers having leased the Suubury M, Ferry, beg leave lo iufuiiu lb public, that Ihey are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure Carriages and Foot passengers across Ike rivsr with safely and without delay. They have pro vided themselves with new and commodious crafts, which will always be attended with ible aud careful bands. Peisons travelling to and from and through Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburg, Hartlelun and other places, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cvots at this Ferry instead of tha Bridges, as tbey would save from two to four miles in distance. JOHN SPEEC'E. . " LEWIS LENHART. Sunbury, April I, 1848 ' BOOT MA'KiSr, , -e.'i No. 40.' ir ' ei .', BOVTN FOUBTBI 8tBBV, AsjOVK CltTIUTf, - VHif.Antti.euf a Jan. S'Jih, 184a , TT , JOmtNAlf; Tlic Grand purgative FOR TBI C Tin 13 OP 7 Headache, Giddiness, , Measles, Sail Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heart Burn, Worms, Dyspep-U, 8cuivy, ., i Cholera M or baa, : . Coughs, Quinscy, ' , Whooping Gouuli, Consumption, Fits,, Idver Complaint, t' i Eriaipelaa, Deafness, Dchinga of the Skin," ('olds. Unlit, Oravel, ,, Nervous tomplaints,' Small Pox, Jaundice, . Pains in Ihe Usrk, . . Inward Weaknesa, Palpltstion of tne Heart, Rising in tbe Throaty ' Dropsy, Asthma, r ever sot all kinds, . . Female ComplaintaKt, , Ann aivvrx.or irnii maiasxs aaisitvs rnost iMPORiTixa or tri aioon, Ann oa . , ,r tTanevMoat in th ooass or m. '., ..-. 1 i " 1. , -RSTIOW,'. ' ., Exprrlenes) hss proved thai nearly every Die oase orisinaies from Impurities nf the Blood Or de rangemcnls of th Digestive Organs and to seen re Health, we must remove those ohstruclions or re store the Blood to its natural atate. . .. 1 The aversion to taking medicine is most riTeea tuallv removed bv CuicKurn's Vkoktari Pun oativx Pn,i.s, lieiz cnmpltlelt, enveloped tvilli a rooting of pure white Sngar, (wlm-n is as instinct from the internal ingredients as nut shell from the kernel) ann vvi aw tastii or Mrntems, But are as eaaily awallowed as bits of candy Moreover they neither nauseate, or gripe lu the aliahiest denrce. hnt opera lo equally on all the me. eased parts of the system, instead of confining themselves tn. and raekini any particular region. Thus, if tl c Idver be afTected, one ingiedienl "ill operate on lli it particular organ, and, by e'eansing it of an Excess of Bile restore it toilsnaturtl state. Another will operate on the B'nod. and remove all Imputities in its circulation; while a third will effectually expel whntever impurities may have been discharged into the stomicli. ami henco they mm at thk boot or piskv-e, re move alt Impure Humors from the brnlyt op.n the purrs externally and internally; scpualo all foreign and obi oxious particles from the chyle, so that the blnoil may be thoroughly pure thus seen ring n fee and healihy action lo tho Heart, Lungs and Livei ; and thereby they rkstiibb iikalth k VSI WBKH ALL OTH SR MXAMa ravx rAii.rn The entire Iruih of the above can be asri'itjineil by the trial of a ainlu bos ; and Iheir virtues ere s i positive and certain in rrs'or ng Health, that the propiietor hinds himself lo return the money paid for them in all eases where they do not gie universal s itis'oction, Retail Irl , ir, 1h. prr Jt. '.' oflieo Nn. IT, Vi-ry St., N. Vo k. Sold hy JOHN VOUNti, Soulmry, M. A. McCAY. N, ithuiui c land. (Jj-Remember Dr. CV. f'tiekener is the iu venior nf the Sugar Coated Pi Is, anil l!,t 110th nrj rf the a.'rt was ever heaul of until he inimduci d them in June, IHtd. I'lirclmscrs slmuld, tin r for'J, always ask fur Clii kenci's Sugar t.'onled P, :ls, and lake 11,1 others, or they will be made, the victims id a fraud. Sept. IRlh, IstlV. ly cow SILENCE Til IT tint inrtr. corn 11 ! tiik 1. in 11 a iht iv iiii- (1KB, TIIK WOIIK or TIIX nr;sTiioyxa ins hkkv ntnrx, thk ronco or cnvsiiMrTiov iiatii iv it a sorsu or in nn. A RE YOU A MOTHER ! d:i,!injebil,l, your idol and earthly j iy, is u perhaps conlincd to her chamber by a dangerous cold In r pnlo cheeks, her thin sliiunk n fingers, tell the hold di--ease has already g'liiud upon he the sound of her seputchro.1 cnuch ii tei s y,.nr soul, YOUNO MAN, when just ab-nt tn eiilir life, disease sheds a heart rin-hmg llijlil over the fiir prospocta of the fuluie your liectic couith "lid f, 0 hie lltnlia tell nf jour loss and h "" ''U' y"" need not despair. Them is u bul:n which will hnil the wounded lungs, it is SHEIIM A X'S ATX IICALINC. UA1.SAM. Mrs. ATT It EE, the wife of Win. II. Allree, Esq. waa given up by Dr. S, w ill of Wa-hinut oi, Dn line and Met I, ll in ol 1 hlla,l -l, lna, Or. line and Dr. Molt of New V. ik Her friends nil thought she must die. She'!, ad cverv uppi-ar inee nf being in consumption, nn I was sn piottnu' red by her ph siei ins Sheruian's Balsam ., yiveu and it cured her, Mrs. (jAIIRABR.VNTX, -r Bnli's F.iry, was alsi cured or cousump'i 11 by this ll i'snn when all other remedies failed to uic u liuf slie was re duced to o skelct in. Dr. A. C. C is'le, 1). nli.-t, 2 si 1 Broadway, has witnessed its eff eta in s. e,:l ca-cs whero no other nnd cinc alfoidcd re'ief hut the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. V. alo j witnessed i'a wonderful elf, els in curing -th.n i. which it nev.'r fails ol ihiinu. Spilling lll.a. l ,r- i ming as it may be, is effectually cur. d hy this H il- sim. It heals the ruptured or wounded I Ijo I ! vi sai ls, and makes the limes a iilt'd agntn. - ' I Kev. Mri.ttni, 11m r-iu!ih avenue, waa cuied i f CJUgh and catarrhal ull'cti"ns I rtl year a anding. 'The iirsi ilnse gave him m ire r,- lief than all Ihe othei nsedieiun he bad rvi r tak n. Dr. L. J. !J, aN, II) LVaucy strn l, gave it to a sister-in-law who was la'miing iindi r cin-iniptinu, aud to another sorely all! 'ct d with the At'ima. In both cases its effi-cts were iioo.edia e, sum re storing Ihem in eomf 'rinliV health. Mrs. LCCIiETI A WELLS, 0.', Chri tie st,ei t, sulTired fiom Asthma 44 yi.-rtr. Slnni ti's f'al. sam relieved b r ul once, and she is compar it v !y wi ll, being lli.bVJ lo silt-due " veiv e.Hai k hy a timely use of ibis ined 't ine. This in.l-u .1 is the great remedy f,. f' ug' , C..l.!s, Siiii. g lt!.i,.d. Liver Coinplointa, end i ll I'r ll i I ons nf the throat, aud even At,iifa "lid t'n'i-uuip i.-n. Price 25 cents and ft er - 1--. Dr. Sherman's Couuh and V'niiu L iene-, and Poor Man's Plaster sold as bhovo. Dr. Sherman's i ffice i. al Klti .Nassau si N. Y. Agents, JOHN YOL'NU, Sunhure. M. A.M. C V. N.irihuiul.'cUud September 1 lib, 1HI7. ly Yt'gt'lable t'iiirvial rill., The only knotlm NeiPeiue that at the tame time purges purifies and strengthens Ihe system. -Los mix. July 7, Is16. lt. LB ROY'S Pill a new medicine which bus just apieared, and is fast inking the places nf all ulhrr. uf the anna class. There pill are composed of many ingredients, but Ihe two principal ones are Saraaparilla and Wild Cher ry, ro united that ihey act together; the one, through i'a admixture with other suh.tii.etB, pu ilyii.g and purging, while Ihe other ia slreilheu iug Ihe system. 'Thus those pill, us at tho tsui" liiue Ionic and npeiiiug; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for by medical men, but never bo fore discovered. In ether words they do Ihu work of two medicines, and do il much better tl, in any two wo know of; for Ihey romovu nothing fmm tho system but the impurities so that while Ihey purge ibey strengthen ; and henco they cause un debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le R..y' pills have wonderful influence on Ihe blood; they not ouly purify without weakening il, but they lemove all i-otiuus particles from the chyle bcfiue it is convened into fluid, and thus make im pure blood an ulter iinpoaihility. Aa there is nn iluliililation, o there ia no nausea or sickness at tending Iho operations of Ihis mewl excellent of me diriues, which never .Iraina ur tortures the diges tive (unctions, but causes them lo work in a per fectly natural manner 1 and henea peisons taking Ihem do not liecome pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; fur while il ia the properly of the Ssr.v paidU, united a il is. with other ingredient, .lu remove all lhal ia foreign and impure, il ia equally the prowrty of tba Wild Cherry lo retain all lhal is natural aud sound; and hence a robust sa.te of health ia tha certain result of Iheir united opera tion.. fry frloa SA cents pet BOX, 1 f Agents for La Roy's Pills, ' ' - J. W. FBI LINO, , V, JOHN YOUNO, $ """bury. -V M. A. McCAY, Norlhambecl'd. August gist, 1847, ly ' . !f.- ' !'i ' jsi.-'i; i an i' '" 1 1 : . e.v (o-acsaaaa, . A LL persona indebted to the subscriber, try - note or beok account, ar hereby notified to call and settle tbe same without delay, in order (e save coals. IRA X- CLEMENr. Sunbuiy, April J?, U48 ' , DR. SWBETSER'S ' OP j-'t csa . HIS Medicine lar warfuntcd, on oath,' not In contain s panicle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub limate, Arsenic, phloride of Oold, or any dclele roua minerals. 1 ., . Th nrinclnle nnon which this Medicine acts, is by assisting and ' harmonising with 'nature f h drives out all foul aerlmoninns humors from Ihe blood end body, and by asalnrilaling with ami strengthening Ihe gsstrte juice bf Ihe stomach, il assists dicesrtoB t in short there s iwt a vein. ane ry, muscle or nrva l ihe homsii Imlf , thai is not strengthened by thn PANACEA, and il also possesses the-renwlrkable "property of removing mercury frpnithe hones nd Joirys. , . FOR. ERUPT! O'NS OF, THE SKIN, Pcurvy, Scorbutic Affeclinst Tumors, Scrofula or. Kings' Evi While Swellings, Erysipel is, I j leers. Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Biles, lime and a determined perseverance in D . SWbEI SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure. POR INDIOESTION. Rejection nf food, Nsuea, Vomitings, Nervmisaf lections, Piillinus complaints, Head art e, Pa'eni ss, or Female Irregularities, Dr. SWEETSRIt'S PA- NACr,A will anon efTecl a cure ; hut if olivtiraie, or attended wilh griping, flying pains, Ihe dose should be increased, and the cuie will soon be ef fected. Let not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that ihey are ton wci.k to lake much medii-ne; but benr in mind that tbia mi'iHy opnrr ling med cine put not weakness into ihe frame, hut mut certainly draws weak in s nut, leaves strength in i's place, and by giving composed sleep at nigM, and an appetite lo relish any fond, rranirna'ca the whole frame wi h vigorous nc'ion, c'rarkvs the mind and improving Iho sig',1. ' SCROFULA AND CLAN DIM. Ml AFFF.c- " TIo.NS, Scrofula is said fo be hcriililary, the infant rr eeiving from In parents the seeds nf this discus ', which incrensis with its yews, if neglected and not submitted lo frequent purifir. lion with Dr. SWEETS PR'S PANACEA. The glands sic pla ced in the corners of the body, and out nf the way ofdirecl communication ; their rent tlo i. a subject on which much difference of opinion rev.iils; it sufiVes us In know that when iu a diseased stale, they are capahlc of being purified and cleansed by a course of Dr. WEE TSER'S PANA CEA, which resioies them tn sound and pmp, r a.-tioii. Scruuil. us persons can neve, nav 10, 1 much nt I 11 1 in 11 to Iheir blood, its purifii otion sli, u d he their firsi tlmuglit, for nft, r a h ug e, nr-e ,,f pir-- v, ranee, tiny vtill ever curt beied.t iry iliscase. In eases of J A CNl'ICE. ASTHMA. LIVER COMI'I. IISTS, TIC hUl.OHEUX RIIEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC C OUT, Dr. I.I I S15K IS ran At;KA cannot lie loo Inch ly extolled ; ileeauhi s out the vi ry mni nf the ilisi'sse, and hy ri moving il frmn the Blood makes a cure crilain and perm menl. Fi,r diseases of the Hlndilrr tinil Kidneys. StriC' lures. irnrcl. Stone, I'ilrs, Eitltilit. Uiinuri Oh slrucliimtnnd Extreme Cot-tirenrss Dr. SWEET S BK'S PANCEA is Iho best retnulv ever Ir el ; it r. n.ovcs all thn-'e acrimonious htitno s the llleoil wbirh give r se to Ihe almve. diseases, and by keeping ihe blood in a pure condition, iu-ures health. For DROPSY, F LLIXfJ erTiir. BOWnLS, Iinpur ties nf thg liliml, Mrmirinl Taint, Wrnlt ncsy of the Sp'ne Flow if Itlmdtofhe llend (lid d'tir, Si-'!'ing and Hii?ziw? Nirsr iu Me ftr-nl mid Ears, D-. i-WER'I'SEU'S PAN ACEA will uive rert on rrlief; in oil severe ut.d chronic cases, the paii'i,ts ciunot be In.) ofti n reminded that Inr lrr doses and pei srvc ranee will 1 fiVcl a ru e. In Chills an J l'rrrrs. Ii liojt I'mrs. AJfert'o'is of the Eyes and Ears, Spongy mid lilre'ltng (luins llmmli lis anil remit Coughs and Cold's, Dr. KWEBTSER'S PANACEA will h. f und icifictty surp an.l cert iin iu it- effects, CI! WEL AND URINARY COM I LAIN I'S. Th-ire cotnp'atu's ate genendh iil'.'i.-led nib the in-, si ful-il . oiisuptences, and ate -i ll, or. or ue. ve, 1 ti ed hy the , es , I in ,d. nf t I'ltiu, 10 ( th y ti-u I y neroiuj any the pnieul I Ihe ur ,ve. ufti r -litl'i-riiig the most excrurialing pain and torture. 'I'll.- caus: ,,f tb'se c-.n. plain a ate Ihe same as all tints the din-s 1 ihe blood l eri.tii eu'-ru'cd on ihetiui Sl n.iirow passag, s, ars inorlt:.! sei rel nua und sl,,ppagi s of uiiun. Y, u will find ho m .at p wrrful d un ties nf nn use.ns Ihey only incn a-e the nil intity rf urine snd .1 1 nol i.util'y ! nd -Ireiiiltn n th- mrls. IS v purifying the him .1 I with Dr. SVVEEI'sEK'S PANACEA, vou re move. Ihe cau-e 1 I the disit .se, eu,s, rpienliy It cm,, not exist any lonaer, at'ti r siillieieut peistnprauee iu its use has deprived iho hh-od and hod) nf a'l arriuimiou- humors und incnistatioii. ; u:Ni-coNsiiMpni)x. I h i is a pnv.letl mid laial discs. e ; il re- sill's n.o-tlv IV, ,tii 1, rule, led e. nmhs, colds and limn chili-, alsu from itntuper treattnerit in in.,y ut er, such is !n.-..e!es, f. vers ii il imnviM n nd mull p,ix . and a h i-l ol 1 tin r I a llv Irea'ed disrates; will re the rause, iitsl, od of having I ern ihornughly icnorcJ from the blond and hody, hare only palliated or n moved from one put In hre.ik out ill another. Ity dives;ini y nur hilie uf nil foil hn nio's, i,rniig!i the medium of Dr. SWEETSER's PANACEA, the cure is at once rendered certain and 1 erinam tit. ' R .rolled, while there is acriini- nlous huiciirs II laliog iu ihe ciieu'a ion, it i- as apt to settle un the lung- a- any other part nf le body ; i this is tin- reasii'i th ,t cousunip'ini. is an prevalent. ' BILES MORES W'D I'l.CV'fJS Wh, h v. u sc.- o , tl,.. ex eri .,. come frmn and h-ne O.cir sinin c in, lite iuleiinr. and mi jld ju-i a 1 well hnvo M-i I. d 011 yi.tu lungs, l,w",n, any other 1 pill; wtititi p know iti.y In-I'f'i'Hv ,1 ', and u,. .lure 11. -t viofo,.t inn mi oait.iy d surder. I he humor whict, oecisions these sons is uf a highly acrimonious burning inline. We know it fnni the pain il RKCs in funning, and nl'n raards its ra pidly u'eera'.iitg and coir, ihug the flesh and skin ol the pail whi te il breaks out. This shows Ihe necessity uf frequently puiifying the blood with Dr. SWEr.TSER'S PANACEA, uud keeping such malignant hit rs in su jictiun. ShoulJ you have bile or ulcer, Im thinkful tint nature has taken trouble In warn you of ihe danger youi life and bo ly is in, f ir it ia a warning t' al ihe blood is foul. Had this same scritnony a. bc'ej ihe lungs in-tead uf the surlnce f your body for its seat, consump tion uf the lungs would have been ihe'conBequenre. D. lay nol then, tn puiify and cleanse with Dr. Sweetscr'. Pan irea. SPINE DISEASE Sitn,il alT. ci on-, . iilargement of the Kres an.l joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, rup lutes, falling of the bowels and wotn'i disease, will lin l a speedy nu.e in V. Sit EETXER .H PA NACEA. Where the disease fas been uf long standing, the lime required lo mats a cure will I longer; hut the patient nny rest as.urcd lhal a i!e:ermtiicd perseverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA au DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. 'These tli-tasri proceed from the sorinsily or corrupt humors of ihe blood, having a 1 led iuelf un ihc throat and lungs, and .topped Ihrm up, so lhal ihev cam. ut draw sullicieitl air in for respiration. Dr.' SWEETSER'S PANACEA w.H give imme. diulii relief, and to make the cure h rl'ect and cer lain, 11 should be continued wimu liiue all, r , to free the system uf all bad humors, RHEUMATISM, RH EDM TKi tfOl'T AND . MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a safe and speodr cur in Dr. SWEET Sr.H'S PANACEA, It curve by searching every blood ves-el and artery, aud driving out all impu rities and fnul humors accumu'aled therein, whieh is the cause of rheumatism, gout and swellings of Ihe joints. The deleterous effucts of calomel and other mineral poisons, readily yield to its soscieign influence; indeed, when iU ssl jable properties ba come fully known, the use of all miner , I pUn wiU br consigned to 'the tomb of all the Capuleis,' and only be thought of as a by-gone custom of the dar ker ages. Dr. Bweelser's Panacea is also sure cure fpr dyspepsia, piles, costiveuesa, vertigo, head ache, pain iu the breast and liver eomplsint, ( ' 3 FEVER AND AGUE. ! Fever Is always caused by a disorderly move ment of tha blood, struggling lo ftee Itself of some, thing that encumbers It ; In fact, eve,y kind of fe ver ut nothing mora than 1 struggle between th bloud and coiiupt humots, aud aa soon aa tha cot- nipt humors are rxnel'ed, yon have nn more fever. When t patient with fever submits lo he Wed, or have his blood poisoned with merenry, it weakens his frame In such a degree thai It he survives inn process, it slways leaves him subject to distressing chills, when 9 times nut of 10 he resorts to ague pills, prrwdert, or tonte mixture, this is going from had to worse, as these vegetable pills, powders, Ac, are nothing bnt mereory snd quinine In disguise;- , which may for time drive the disease o far Inbi,' ,; Ihe body as rx. to J perceptible, but very soon it ' will break rent g,in th fearful vlntanr. T car j ague and fever, the tanse of the disease must be ri moved nut of ihe bl.Hd ami body, which mn lie et-' r rieliislty done l,y using Dr.'SWpf, PSRR'S PA NACEA, Which mif1e,c,1can6s and strengthen. ;i Il ronteins nothing thai can poesiWIy injure, and it a. use Is always safeguard against chills and fever; : - PILES. .t'I.f a,.'. Iii t.t Casis or Pins, Dr. 8WEETSER t : PANACEA will effect a vory speedy cure. It r' ' moves from ihe blood, slnmach end bowels nil those foul scrid horning humors, which are lb ' cause of fibs and Cnslivene, and by strength' n ing Ihe diges ivg organs, improves every pert of llie entire body. FLATULENCY AND WIND. These diseases are Cau-ed hy ihe stomach an I bowels being choked up wilh viscid slimy mare , ihe air w hit h enters ihr m cmnot e-cvpe until forr I by aoine rontnelion of the s'omach In expel i ; heice the eause uf pain. A few doses ,f It SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince f d sull'eier that relief is attained. f.'l.'EAT MEDICINE FOR CHfLDRKv i Pereiiis wilt find the PANACEA bj vahjall'o meiliiine f Iheir chilitren, keeping their bodies h a beat hj condition, thsrchy assisting iheir g cwih; I children or grown prisons, after lading it. are not i Jia' te to be attacked w ill) en epidemic as br f-rA, t j n niws- s tcavi ll,c jn ; j. ,; ropjiiion, ami j iho , ntire sylem in a strengthened stale ; it drives j out a'l kinds of weakness from tho body and leaves, nil heal. Ity within. . .... MARRIED LADIES Wdl find Dr. 8 WE TSER'S PANACEA a c ite purely ad ipled to Iheir use. .Most Isslies du-: ring the period nf pregnancy are afflicted with piles. . Dr. Snrctscr's Panacea, hy regulating the bowel,. 1 j v. it, entirety onviaie mis. and lis purifying proper ties nt, ihe blond and fluids, insures tn them In al thv off pring. No one who is a molhor should be without il, and thnan who are nursing will find it of b. l.i Ihe health of ihcir infants.' Pm barrenness end all diseases nf the womh it j 18 willi.iut a rival in the entire hirtoiy and catalogue I of niedieiurst by its exlrsordinary rlengthening 1 power, it hi miniates and strengthens the. womh, ' ' weakness of which is the cau-e of failure to have j "If iin). . j NERVOUS DISEASES. Under this head mnv lie classed IVpimtinn of me lioati, 1 ic uoiore iux or t ae. ache. Neuralgia l"il B'S i in,Tiiiiili;.rhe, MelaiichoU.Hvsierics.nnd in tail, ev. ry ibsea-e caus..,! by trie slurp, filing, seriinouioua humors irritating Ihe nerves ; the nerves teceive ihc morbid impression from ihe sto mach, or rather from the blood through the agency, i f the slinnseh and dige live organs, mid atili.tuch other parts of thn l ody sre sppirently the seal nf the ilise sse, slilt il is caused hy the m nid in,,T.. si m ciuveyeil from f e hlmsl hv -hr n. , v.-j to lliat pait. A I. w i,,sn of Dr. S WEETHIK'S I'A. NACE ill hiiiiu assure lite patient tit. t he h.ia the cure in hi possivsio-. ERVSU'EI. mi SI'. ANTHONVK FIRK, This is nn infl I'niiiat iry ill n der, Uv rsal eml cd with tic r.- r hss pain. Il proceeds froiu ihrr' foul, ncriinotiious humors lodged in the uud flu'd-, se'llii g 1 it the Im's and face, causing , , ..' treme piitnn I f, v rs; all appln a'inna or. the siir fi e are W 'lse than useless, hs ihey only . ml I , throw t' e ibsei-e in smnn other part, end a rhans raitse ileith. Bleeding ia lilewiKe improper.. To ruie the di cjse ynu it'll t grl rid uf the C 'use ; mi ly manace t . gel the foul hiim,,rs out nf y ur blond, and von will he well in a ibiv. Dr. SWEET. SEK'S PANM'EA. a thnroujl, 1 of e M. o', will s a-ch cut ivrty impurity in ,r m -o remote p. rs of dv and exp I it ls,au', tl, ui'iliu n of the lo-cls. i'heip j R"t 3 veil!, iTc rv, ,1,1 se!e i.r nrgau ,.f ihe entire fm ii. w,. k i,( man, thai Pr St. i , Tana, ea i!n 11, i in,. prove. I . like .1 n yen sir wel is In ke w I ; and l,i 11 stik l i l cjme well. I DR. S W'EETSEi S l'. SA CE I, h. i n, cm. ; pn-ed ni lv id a v, g, 'al l,, matter or me tical ileitis, and VMiira.rcd. mi o oh as cnniiiini ?,l"lotn ur nrl .! .if mer, tiri ,1, niineriil. r chioitc il subsianees. sfiund lulc Ci.ellv funnies I-, ihr oiit,,id,r ago, or the e.,ke-l f.ain... under unv -lige of hn uian sulle ine ; I e in H plea- lit mil brmgii tn is 0 er linn lit 1 . as e er olf r. d the w .rid; and at Ih s un ; time lb inns: reri.iin in se .r. hi, 2 mn herooli fjty c n-.p'a 11 , how. ver d ep, and .,f p. rf nn ti : 1 c r Prl-n it : er h Ml.., or ijt !., I s f r f ,r sale, wiiin-s:e and, at 'be ririr ,,f C'HM!l.i:s ..,1 ;'U'IT llal.imur.-j . il-oby ( Of.niitiE BliKillT. Nov. 6 117.- ,y Sunl urv, IT. WtMCJif. SMSAISU IT! Iliitns, Scolds, ..1,2 Had of Iiiflumed ' tinrct Cured. rpOUSEV'S UNIVKHSAL OINTMENT, la I ihe mu-1'e e Bum Aniidnlrever knunn. I II i. slim ly, (or, I as if hy Magi, ) slops pains of the nmi ne.einle Hums and Seal, I'. . For old s,irear Iliu ses. ttiis, Spruius, &c, 011 man or is 'he liesi Mpi'l.calion lhal can lu- made. Thousiods have tried and thiols mils prii it. It is ihe innsl i I"1"" master el pain rvrr il'scuwred. All wht pufict masier ef ps,n ever diseui-ered. , " '" r.oUn, ly should be prnv .led wdl, 11. None run lell bo.v m m some of the f.iuilv ni .y nerd il. Cy-O'wrve eich box "f the seuui. e Ointment ha- tin1 name, ,, S. Tot s, r w. It, n ihi the outsid-v lull, I. To imitate this is f..rgery. Bo linen. Liv rv M.-n, Farmr s, and all nhuUia4' Horses, will fluj Ihis Ointment the vny it, ,,k l!,.y c,n use for Collar Calls, S rati lies, Kicks, A c. &c., nn tlnir animal. Surely every merciful man would keep hi, animals as free fmm pain as possi. hie- Tousry's Universal Oiulmenl is all that ia re quired. 'Try ii. Ill PES OF INSECTS. For the sling or bile of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is unri vulle.l. Hundreds have tried il and found il good PILES CURED I For the Piles, Touaey'a L'' niveisal Oin'menl is one of the beat Remedies that can 1.8 applied, All who have tried il fut ibe Pile -recommend il. OLD SORES CURED. For old otiint,.' Sor.s, there is nothing equal to ToUaey's Oint ment. A person in Maniiua h.d, for a number of : years, a sore leg that l alllod lbs skill of lbs ooolor j. J 'Tousey's Oinlmenl was recommended by one of the ti-iling physicians, (who knew its great virtues.) and two boxes pmduced more benefit lhan the pa. ticui had received from any and a'l pievious rcme. dies. Le' sll Iry it BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. 1 housan.'a of cases cf Bun s and Scalds, in all paita of Ihe country, have Icon cund by Tousey's Universal . Ointment. Certificates enough could be bsd lo All the n hole of ihis shi e. VIOLENT BRUISES CURED." Teslimoni ..Is n testimonial-, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for cuiing Biuises, have laren offered ibe pruptiew. lots, Hundreils in Syracuse will cerlity lo its greal merits in reli, viug the pain uf iho laoul severe Bruise All person should try il. SCALD HEAD CURED. Sires of cars of Scs'd Head have been cured by Tou-ey's Oiut- -menl. Try it il seldom fills. - , . - 4 SALT RHEUM CURED. Of l ihe y ever discovered for this aittdisnirel lcco,Udmti. t Tousey's In vffl Oinlmenl is the must eompleta-, -Il ner kn wn 1 fait - ' CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CURED.1; T0US17S Univeml IMriHsyeul will always euro the. wor.1 esses of Ctiapprd. llanis, Bcorea of prraon-' will state thia. . '-c'-i i J --leaj SORE LIPS Ct'HSD. For ihe cure ef Sora -Lips, there was uever aiiyibing made equal m Taws ary's OiotawiiL . In is sure taenia Ikeu,' T'y il.TTll , Il is a scieuiilisi eiAiouii d, warranted not tn con.' '.aiu any ptepstaiion of Mercury. ery Piica till ornla'pe box.. ' Pol further particulars owe, earning Ihis really valuable IMntmewi, Ibe smblW ar srier.' red to PaoHfblrts, h4 gratis, of raaprclabl ,( Diuigistaaiu. IsVacchanto ibjiouahutii lhs JJoilvJ ' Utalas. . tu fared by EU.TOT A TOUSET.'Drtgiifs. Syracuse. Forselsby - - ' JOHN rOUNO,tSvjBbory.c! M. A. McCAY. MarwiirsibarUniLJ4 asxpl, I u, soar fi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers