SUNBURY AMglUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. jKT tWl KTIIOMIMI W0gl!C0 . THE XillllO WOHAWI PilVATK MEDICAL COMPANION. . , ,. ... BY IMI. A. M. MAURICEAU, , nornm i With' Edition. r diseases or WOM, Mono, pp. S0. Price 01 ' at la Tare Meatkat MM Ceelee VitkaraiMM. of nhysloel and mental anculsa to tnany M aVMaM wife, and peceniery dieVultiea to tha aaaeana, uugui aevs many - ate Il ia an I eerjeeUnv tot the raarrtc, or those contem- nam sag i aa a euaci loess laiiumi ani whieh knowa e taeai paraoaawnr. Tratf, lopoww. it w aaatta, The lovaattitxss inesiinil la lia para tilaalial te thcaaserls, 4a th InaeaaeraMe .1 Jtoro, eleo, very ssaeel-a4n wife, taa nwthw, tka ana aitpar budding into womanhood or the om ia the decline of years la whom nature oonlempartea aa Important ehenge aa dissever tka eaaaee, symptoms, and the aioat efkieirt rsseedise, and moat certain mode ef core, la every com staled to whieh ket au la subject. Ceptee will aa east aaaU tree el poeta tetae par. chaser. " Oret tea thuueiaxd copies hare been tent by mail within tkraa month, with perfect safety and certainty. Oa the rereipt of One Dollar, the 'Married Woman'! Private Medical Companion" will be ernt (MAiLee pan) to any part of the United States. Al letter moal he posl paid (except thnee cootainine a remittance) and addreeeed to Dr. A. M Maurireaa, Box 1294, New York City. Pub liahing Office, 19o labcrtv-st.. New York. The "Married Woman' Private Medical Companion" ia Krid by bookeellere throughout the United Statu. Jan a, me. VATJTA WTC "FA TIM" For Sale. N THURSDAY, tha 10th nf AUGUST next, at S o'clock I. M. will r egpeeed to public nU; at tha Cou't Hoqi in thi' borough of ttdnhury, a ealuahle firm, locateil upon tha hank of tha Susquehanna river, 'he North Branch 'Canal, tha public road" from Nor'hnnihe'land lo Witkeeherrc. ant) within fonr mile of the II .Uriah ing Uan of Danville, in Point Townrh'-p, Ncr tbnralrUnd County, in all about 430 acta, mora or lew of which thcra ara ahoot 900 or to9 crr -of cleared lend, and tha real wrll timbered Tha fieater part ia Brat rate bottom land, Tba adven. tag ara aupetior to thnae of mal farms the aoil being well adapted lo either grain or gra, and i alaa well wetrrrd. having two atrrarna of water running through it. and a number rf rxeellmt apting upon it. It ia in a good atata nf rnliive linn and under ptelly tood fence the improve, mem upon it consist nf a laree two st uy FRAME HOUSE, a large LOO BAHN, a large Frame Wagon House; also, a Urge two story and a half brick House. There i alw upon this Inct a good, eittd frame Houe, a good .table, andaS.iw Mil'. Any ,ujntity lo auit the purch in pari or whole, will lie a ild. Possession can be obi lined next apring. An indisputable title will ha given. Fur futlber par icu'ara, enquire uf the aulnrri' ei residing upon the ura.nisea. hf.xjavin pfoi;ts. john pfouts ' Antinistralnra JulyS, 1S48. 4t BARGAINS ! BARGAINsTbARGAINS SELLING OFF! WM. H.THOMPSON, will offer Mr axle, at hi. Cheap Store in Sunhury, hia emirs trk nfgnnds, being the largest end mot varied a eirl- nl in thia ctioo of country, at coal and iin.let for caah or produce, troin tin d.ile lo the first o' tteptemt r next All petst-os aiahing In buy Cheap ara invit d te ca I. taunbaty, Jtjly i, 184) 3t TO THEELECTORS Of'nORTHCM BKR LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma ny of my frienil, I leanectfully offer my aelf a candidate fur the ofhea of HF.niSTER AND, nnd Clerk of! ho Orplmns' Comt, At the appio.iclting etet tinn. Should I be l.i orrd with a majority uf ynut votrt, i will pnie no axertioni tn render general atifaction. GEORGE OYSTER. Delaware township, May 1'J, 1818. t6the ELEtrroliToF Tjort H v m be r LAND COUNTY. FF.LLOV ny of t LOW CITIZKNS Encouraged by ma- ' mv Irtenda throughout nor county, I off..r myelf to your roiiaideration a cumliddtc fur the omce of REGISTER AND RECORD Bit, at the next general Election Should mv fellnw citizen favor me with a majority nf their vote. J aho'tld ppare no rxrtini: tofilfill the dutie of said office with fidelity and to the (Mitfurtion .ofall. MARTIN IRWIN. Sniibnry, June 3, ISIS. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rjHF. subscriber nfTera himself to the electors 1 ef Northumberland County, aa a candidate for the office of FROTHONOTARY, &C. Should bah favored with a majority afvataa, ha will spars no exertions to render general oatiefactma. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Jeae 17, IMS TO THE ELEUTORSOF .NORTH UMBER. V . LAND COUNTY. Fttxew CiTizitis' By the encouragement of my frienda, I am induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER RECORDER. Sheuld I be elected, I shall make eveiy effort reader general 8ti faction. FREDERICK HAAS. 'Upper Augusta, June 34, 1818. XjTmTyorks """" RESPECTFULLY olrs himself to the elec tors of Northumberland County aa a randi Isrtajf tko-ofliee of SHERIFF. And will endeavor, if elected, to discharge the ltrtie of the aaid o&tt faithfully and impartial f 6onoury, tVly t, 1648. TO THE ELECTORS OF NOllTHUM BOR LAND COUNT V Fkllow CmxaNa t Tbrongh Hie eacouraga asiant of my friends, t offer nvyaokf aa caudi. date for tha office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 4haa44 1 he ao fortunate aa to receive tha of Ace, I eha.ll oadesvor to give gaaoral aatisfactioa. FRANCtS BUCHER. anbury, Voae 14, (4 TO THE ELECTOR 8) OP NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FxLtow CrmeNS : Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your constdeiatiou a a candidate (or the OFFICE OF SHERIFF at the approaching election- Should I be ao fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes I shall endeavor to render general eitiefaction HENRY J. READER, Delaware tewnehip, June 34, 1848. . TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. AT tbe earnest solicitation of l'ga num. her of hia friends the subscriber hereby of Jers himself as candidate for Eteglcter and Uecorrfcr ale. Jar Northumberland County. Ho promiaea, if elaatad. to discharge the duties of the oflco, with aWelity ana) proaaptaeaa, aad ho Uaar, with entire Mtiaiactioo to the community. JACOwlMAi. thaaMk'-o, My 1, 1M. TO Ttm SsVECTOM OF IfORTlTUMBEK . tUU COUNTY. ATwatawlUiMiMaaaaawhoror my frioejda 1 hereby oaVr kayeasrsa v aawx idMe m KEGISTBR afr RECORDER AND Rtviac had several yaara eaaorteas la the da ciaa of tha eBca ia thia county. I think I shall be ahle aa diatharg the aWiiee thavawf with entu oaUetwiwa. , jwrtrr r runsEL. luah-Kjr; Jgaelt, 1IH TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. T RESPECTFULLY inform you aa cititcn A of Northumberland county, Ibat my frbntda ia the four lower townabipa, mad tolicita tion, or call, tbna three year, to offer myiell to the citixen of our county, at t candidate for the office ol REGISTER AW0 RBOORDER, and I latter myaelf capable Of Mailing the da. tie of aaid oaico according to law. Ae I am disabled to do ant thing alaa oat teaching ecbool. which I followed eeventeea yaara, and aadar atand hath English, and German, whieh ie oa. ceaaary. fce., OHIf HENRY KREBS. Upper Mahonoy, May 97, ld$. . Z2XDOUTOH0 OALZL Bmwf RtMMPt Exlatc, WILL be eipoead to pablle oala, oa Frid.y the 16th day ofSept'mbat Beit, on the premiere, in Jackann lownehlp Northumberland County, the following valuable real estate, ah t A tract rLantl, containing RS acre, more r Iras, adjotnii g lands of Michael Fetal, Peter Kiehl and John Keefer, late the aetata of Geo. Read, Eeq., dee'd, The im provrmenle consist of two Log Houses and a' good well at the do r, a awisa hntn, and als-t, a SiwMill. There iaaleo on the premirea, a good orchard, containing difTtirenl kinds nf fruit, ALSO, at tha rame lime and place, a t-acl of of wooJIand ailjuinmg land of Samuel Mai irk. F. , dec, con-a ning aeventy-six, aoten, and running onto Jacob' Mountain. About thirty acrra of aaid land can be clearad and cultivated, and i well timbered with excellent pine, cliranut dec The terms end conditione will be ma le an wn on the .lay of sale hy PETE R REED, Ei'r J ark eon lowhahip, July 8, IMS la Notice. TS hereby given to all legatees, creditors, and I. other persons interested in the estate of John Wilkinson, dee'd, settled by hia Adm'r Abraham Shipman of John Keffer, dee'd, aattled by hia Adm'r Samuel KefTer.ofl'hriatopher Wo d dee'd settled by his Abm'r H. R. Waggoner, of Daniel Lahrriec'd, aettled by bia Adm'rs Joseph Lahr and George Broaiott, of Isaac Stahl. dee'd, set fed by h's Adm'r J hn Gibson of Howell Good rich, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Robert David, aon of John Seihert, dee'd settled by his A.lm'is John Seibett and David S Msekeyof John Go,h, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Christian Gosh. Jr. of Win. Moiitx, der'ri, settled by hia Adm'r Jonathan P. fhttltx of Frederick Tichopp. dee'd settled by his Adm'r Andrew Tschopp and I'hilip 'I'schoppof James Parrel, da 'd, settled hy hia Adm'i Hugh McElrath and John Barret n G. o. Ge-st, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Geo Riamtr, ol Geo Knydi-r dee'd , settled by his Adm'r Jacob Snyder ofSarah 0men, dee'd, settledby her Ex' trix Hannah 0men of Jonathan Fetter, dee'd. set tied by his.Vlm'r Henry Fetter, of Jacob Welker dee'd, settled by his Adm'r John Fegelyof Chris tian P nyder. dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Jacob Snyder of Jacob Arnold, dee'd. settled by his Vlm'tnx Elizabeth Dressier of James Cratsley, dee'd. aettled by his Adm'r John- Cras-ly of .lame Lemon, senr., dee'd, settled by his sur viving Adm'r Robert Curry afVVm. Lemon, dee'd, aettled by one of his Ex'is, Hugh Me Wil liams of Salathiel Pober, dee'd, settled by bis Adm'trix Rachael Repley of Jacob Oberdorf, d-c'tJ, sett'ed by his Ex'r George Weiaer. The account of John PeifTer, Guardian of laaac Pail fer. The account of Peter F, Zimmerman, Guar dian of Henry Mai irk. The account of dm Kartman. Guardian nf Rebecca Mayan! and Han nah Reitx. That the Executors, Administrators and Guardians of the said dee'd estates have ft cd their accounts with the Register of the County and that they will be presen'ed tn the Orphans t'otirt of said county, on Tuesday the 8th day of August next for confirmation and ellnwanee EDWARD OYSTER, S g'r. Reenter office I Muiibtiry, July 8, ISIS (OMMISSIOtERS SALES OF UNSEATED LANDS. The f.ll.iwii'g trscla nf undented land, hav ng I een piitcha-a I by the Commlionera of N illiuin. brrliind county, and rem lining unredeem-d by the owneta, for morn than five years, afer sde th-re. nflo ftifj ('mnm'snioners, will be offered for ssle at theCnurt Houae, in the Borough of nimbu y, NoKhumlierlanil t'nunty, on Friday the 1 1 a day . fAuijii-t, at lOn'cl.KkA. M. (1848 ) CO A I, TOWNSHIP. Warrantee fi'u'ttct. Iloyd W.lliim, ftngt John. Urohina I'e'er, Uoyd William, Iloyd William Himnv'rlrli Henry Ha ah Philip. I.eich Chris'lm Mu'vine Jac b, Zigrnfua Pi, Zigenfu. Peter, Zieenfue Peter. Aerrt. a 361 379 60 99 335 373 16 363 6 St .107 It Umholt Jacob, U Smith M.k-hor. i COAL dtHAM 'KIN. cotl Abraham, SO Titawnrlh John 40ot 8HAMOKIN roWNUHlP. Irvine C'hatles Lewie Jamee, Ktewart Delunh, Wilaon lohn. JACKN .Util-8TA. Xinnb Daiiul. '' LOWER AUGUST. Illnin J .hn.. 20 I.HTI.B MAHANOY it LOWER AUit:.tTA. ) warl John, ' 3USJ Dawarl William, 993 CHIU3UUAQUE. POINT cVTUKUUr 11 air William, 300 Barton John, jr., i'uiga Joseph Cooper Fiahnr John Grfl Henry Hall William Jonea Ana Levy Aaron Mil'ior E lward Morrison Oeorga M.'ckey John Koge.e Miheel, 8baw yilh:am, J1AHAN0Y Buohler George, Uea oa Paler. Grant Thomas, Gage George. Heirtnj Fiederick ' Henti g F'etlriick. Hodiinit James, Mover George, Miller lohn, M ."f r Chriatian, M ldl.tWD David. tin It Jiinra, -rkotl Alexander, T.dane Henry, 410 tso 300 300 163 300 61 300 -300 300 837 160) M & JACKSON. ion 1031 300 1MJ 346 347 344J 100 140) 147 1 72 136J 436 388 168 PETER -'O.' W .taoa Job, WILLIAM FOI.MEJl. JACOB HOFFA. Commutioncri Bunhuiy, July 8, 1648. THOMAS C. GARRETT .& CO. 1V1PORTEH OF "3Jsy .An. tl? CS3 IXX OS 93 's'ad and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, ana) raaav Ooodaw and Manufactarara of Jaar. airy ai and Silvet Ware. 133 Caaonut etreet. Phibv aWlphia; have received by late arrival a largo and baadaooi . of English and Franoh Walchaa, and M arid. Porcatam aad Fancy Clucks. Plated Uraa. Caatora. Cake Baskeu. High tad CkambatUaodUatiok Sup Lsdlaa, Spaoaaaoi fork. Ahn good aeeartnal of Bthasuia War and riao Cutlery. Thaw alack of JEWELRY l largo aad of tho mm Mkioaablo kind, aad they are weil aoafaaal kh Bilver Byaaas. ferae. Mega, Nepkm Riage, totter Knivee. m-, aad ari houi makiag aay dia aly of P'ieae ia I tie ahlst prima, dvey era pre. aarod loaail as loar a those who da, and iavite eetsoaa wish in j-to pureaaae local), Fhilkdr!'yhiahutio 10, l4aV 103 6i 204 Wardrobe of FMhloMbfe CLOTHING. T ' J i J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Vs. IM JWorJref SfreW.Tirsf Clothing tiortbt , ... Ann SixlHt ' ' PaiLSMLrniA. 1 " tlHERE they are constantly engaged id gel. ting up from the beat French, English and amariran e oth. clothing cat and made ol ia the moat tnperior and fasbioaable ety'e. Persons who buy to Sel' will find a large and Oirelleat stock at the lowest city pricee. C othing mace opto order, la a aaperier otylo at the abvrteat aotiee. N. B Odd Fellow Retail, a large aesert- ment alwaya on hand. Ordera from Lodge and Individual promptly attended to on the moat rea sonable term. Philade'phia, June 3, HI8ly. FRENCH REVOLUTION. TYRANTS as wall Monopolies, must fall, so must prices. That thia ia fact can b proved by calling at No. 72 North 2d street, above Arch, FHIIADBLPRIA, E,E IIURAY, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, tlAorracf Kef off. The stock consists in part of Gold and Silver Levers : I'Epinea and Qusrtier Watches ; Jewel ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns. SILVER SPOONS, de. Particular attention paid to these articles, the qual lv ofwhuh u No. l.anif vrorkman.hip milo. 1 be estabtisn- menl of t.E HURAY has been well known FOR FOVRTY YE A KS, in SECOND Street, and has made a character which needs no puffing. Silver TEASPOONS s low as 34,30 per sett can be made for less if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain. 10 eta.; Patent, 13; Lunette. 30cts; other article in propor tion. Rtmtmbtr, vou can buy here below any pub lished list of prices in this City or New York. Watch Repairing particularly attenuea to, ana warranted tn give satisfaction N B Old Gold and Silver bought for rash or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No 73) North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia. Spt. 83. 1SI7 1 y c. May 6, 1848 c)AKr()iti);s r.nn.T n.T, cap, axd fir establishment' o. lO-ljf IteNtiiut Street, lUUrcen Thirdaml Fourth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. riMlE Advertiser has constantly on hand nnrl J. manufacturing, every description ol HATS anu CAPS, of tha latest and most approved fash ions, consisting of YOl'TIIN' HATS AND CAPS, In variety, among which ia new arti cle for Spring wilt Summrr wear. MILITARY CHAPEAUX CAPS ect, made according to tha Army ant! Navy re gulations and lousuperioity of finish and mate rial, have never uern surpassed TIIK SUMMER FASHIONS For gentlemen, conaiating of Fine Rockey Moun tain Reaver and Gossamer Hals, (very light,) Psnamas. Leghorn. Fine Cobourgs, ect., ect. Also, fine Straw. Ilraid. and Hair Cloth Cap; Ladies Riding ll.ts and Caps of entirely new styles, in fart the largesl assortment ever before offered t, the public; being aa low in price aa any Establishment in the country Remember t'HARLES OAKFORD, fin. 1 04, Chtunut tlrefl. between Thiriiand Fourth tlrreti) l'hlhillphm June2l, 1818 ly i II. smith, I'ocket Uttok a ittl Morocco Cane Maiiurartiit'cr, Has succeeded H P. SISTY, at the Old Stand .11 CHESXUT Street, Philadelphia Pocket Unnks, Hanker' ("uses and Portfolios of every description, I'oat Manuare, Ivory Tablets Catd Csaes, Dressing Cases, Segar do , Writing tin , Backgammon Itoatds & Chessmen, Gold Pens. Snyder's. Chapmnn's. and Ssunder'a Razor Strops; Fenny's Tally ho Razors, Rodgers'a Wade & Dntcher's Jackson. Chinese and Egyp tain Raznta, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every description, Howie and Dirk Knives; also, large assortment of Fancy Stationery, at tbe lowest rates. Jobbing done with r.eatness and despatch. Philadelphia, June 34, 1818 3m KttOW ALL MEN THAT SENNET & OO. HAVE REMOVED from 193 Market Street, at their New Splendid and Immense Estab lishment to be known aa the inner Hall ?lothl Bnw, So. 182 Market Street, between fifth tf sixth, i H1LADELPHIA. - The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like tha usual Bombastic exaggeration of soma ia in trade, but will beg leave to quote the following notice from one of our city papers ; One of the greatest curiosities that our City afTords to the sttanger, ia BENNETT fc CO'a gieat clothing store. No. 132 Market Street, be tween Fifth and Sixth, which has been styled "Tower Hall," fiom tha peculiar finish of the front. The buiditig is an immense one, con taining seven capacious rooms, all of which are stocked with every variety ol seasonable gar ments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The piopritfors take great pleasure in showing their building and contents to tbe citizens, particulat ly strangeis, and to those co ming from the eonntiy we know of no place more worthy of a viait. Philadelphia, May 27th, 1818 3m. A Tnocaaaa Doiiisi Haven f ASHBV ROOAP, Hat and Cap Manufacturer, South Ea$t Corner nf ilk and Market Street, Barmen! ttory. ' VHXX.ADELFHXA. HAVE constantly on hand a full and complete eeaortment of HATS, CAPS, and FURS. Also an elegant eeoortuient of ajen.' and boys' leghorn, Panama, and Palm-leaf Hata. All ef which by aaving of (1000 in rent, will he sold, ohnleala and retail, at tba very loweat price. Country dealera would do well lo call, aa hy a ronomy nJ low teat, we era enaldeJ to ell 4 very low rate. Jon lOih, 1848. ly yEwTvNDcllTE,Ur It' ST received, at the store ol Hsaav Mae sag, choice assortment of DRY GOODS, Urnetriet. Liquwe. Falmlenf and other hub. Me., II ef which will be sold at Ihe lowest prices, gunbury, June 3, 188. WHOLESALE AMD SET AIL mE AND LIQUOR DKALER, JVe 833 Market Street. Below Eighth, Nurlk tide, fatiaaairaia. Keep constantly aa hand all kind of eld Li quor, via t 5aniriar rye wniseey euperior Braadtr, Gia. he. . Alao whit Waadjr for preeer. viaf. Wild Uaarrjrsna oiacaaerry oranoy. fhitadelphi. Jan 9, lsi. ly S. J. MEGABGEE & CO. dni Dtaltrt m Pacer, tmi Ppr Matwjactur rri Material. II. M Caasawr t, FHIXADILVHIA- KEEP caasttoatly aa haad larg aaeart. bmbI a arialusg ad ataar paper. Newe. epa' l taa aaMtrr. aa mm aspfiieal at U Uaaa. with paper aay iM d ajuaJity, at Ik kaWaat price. Pbtlidelphl. TtBe ITthtl. DR. TOWNSEKD'S COirOUM EXTX1CT OF SARSAPAKILLA. THIS F.srraet la pnt up tn ajnart bottle. It Is sis times cheaper, planaiiter, ami warranted superior to any M. It enrea dtaeaeea without vomiting, purging, nick neat, or debilitating the patina, ao la parlkmairly adapted FALL AND SPRING MEIMCINR. ' Tba great beauty and eaperiority of thia Huraaparilla nvef other remedies la, whilet it eradirntea diseaae, It Invigorate the .ly. - tmauiDptton cured, , Osenee an tit rang! hen. Consmeutlon aan be cared, rma-hitia, CoiMatatlon, Livw Cuaiphuiit, OuMe, Cough, Catarrh, A el h ma, "jpiulng of Blood, Boraaeaa la the Cheat, Hectic phwh, Night INraata, DuV rnlt and PWaa KipeFtoruioa, Bad Paia ia tee tW , aerate., . . tJ . have aad em b. cured. IrobaWy there never was a remedy that has been aa Su eeaafal in aVapente eases of sxawampeiaa ee tWa i n aleen see and atrengtnene the aysteia, and appears to heal the ai eare. the lullgs, and patianu) gradual regain their aaual health and strength. " CUR1UUA CARR OF'CtWSUMPTION. Tbera ia anreely a day paaao but there are a number of rosea ofeonaiirriptlon reported as eared by the use of Dr. Towoaen'a Baraapatllla. The following waa reeauUy re ceived I Dr. Dear Siri For the laat three year, i have been alflictcd with eenaeal diiliiv. .iwl iMfinm m. sumption of the leet stage, and did not expert to ever gain my health at all. After going thrctogti e eonraeof medicine under the care of aim of the moat diatiiMniiahed regular physicians and membera of the Baud of tlealth in .New York and elaewhere, and ependlng the nStitt of my earning ... .,iniinnv w imui my poiiin, n,ra aiier rmuuig in some paper of your Harmpnrilla I reajlved to try it. After itiing six bnttlca 1 found il done me great gnud, and called to see you at your office i Willi your letiice I kept on, and do moat heartily thank yon for your advice. I persevere in taking fhe 9araau-iUa, ami have been able to attend to my usual labor, the fast four months, and I hone br the bleraingaof God and your flarmparilla to eiaitintte my health. It helped me beyond the expectati'Nia of all who knew my case. CIIAIlbliS CjLIMUV Orange, )an en. N. J., Aug. , 1S47. rVateof New Jersey, Eiieex county, s. Charles Qutm by being duly sworn according to biw, on hia oath aaith, that the foregoing statement is trite according to the beat of hi. knowledge and belief. CIIAHI.EH QLIMBY. worn am! auliacribed to. before me at Urange. the 8d August, mi. CYRUS BALDWIN. J native of the Peace. SPITTING H!OD. rtctn) the following, and say that c-tumplt ia in Incu rable if you can : New York, April 93, 1817. Dr. TovnsssxD : I verily believe tint your rximparill haa been the means, through Provideare, ol anvh: m;' lite I have fin- aeveral year had a bad cough. It became tT'iri and worae. At htat I raised large qaanUttea of bkixl, IuhI nicht aweata and was arcatlv debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only aeed your HanaiusrilU nut e ahnrt time, aial there hne a wonderful elnnge been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. 1 raiee no blood, ami mv cough has IcA me. You can well imagine that 1 am tliaiikfiHMnr thrnie reautl. Your ntmli cnt aervant. WM. RUSWF.1.1,, 8 Cathatineet. liOSTHER SPEECH. The annexed certificate tell, a aimplc and truthful nmf of suffering and relief. There are thouffiiula of similar ca aea in this city and Hiwklyn. and vet there tire tboiiKiud. of parent, let their children die for fear being huiuburgvd or W rave a few shillings. rtro-iklyn. Sept. 13. 117. Dr. Tow.r.rn : I take plca.ure in auting. for the bene fit of those whom It may conrcrn. that my ilnugmor, two veara and six m.mtha okl. wm. nlBictcd with genend de bility nod hiaitof aeecU. She ia given up ua mtU je. cover) bv our family physician ; but iWtmiately 1 wna rc ciMnnicuded by e friend to try your Sarwi;ori'll:i. Iti-f ,rc having iiiieil cine bottle she recovered her apceel, and H'aa enable,! to walk alone, to the ful'inUlttncnt !' nil win were nonuaintcd with the circumstances, rtlte is noiv unite w ell, and in much Itcttcr hcttlih thtnt ahe tin. been 1H nl-.itlia past. JOSEPH TAYLOR. 148 York rt., Itmukiyu. TWO CJIIII.DUEN SAVED. Very lew famthra intleeil in fact we hnve n it hcurJ ol ona thnt used Dr. Townsend's S.rmiarilla in time, I M any chiMrcn the neat Summit, while those Ihit did n-it, aickened and died. The ccrcincotc we publntli below ia conclusive evidence ntita value, and iaonly an it her insUinv of ita saviinr the livcafaf children : Dr. Towmind Dear Sir : I had two chiklren cured by ymtr fnnaparilhi of the aummer comphint and dywtunrr; one WTia only IS mouth old and tha other 3 yeara. They were very much reduced, and we expected they woukl rtw j they were given up by two respectable phyaicuins. When the d)ctor informed us that we must lose llieui, we resol ved to try your Snrsaparilla we had heard so much of, tmt bad little confidence, there being ao much atiuT advertised that ia worthies: but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly anved the lives of both. I write thia tliat oth era may be uiduccd to uae it. Your, rcapectfullv, JOHN WIUSON, Jr. Myrtle-Dvenue, Brooki, Sept. IS, 1H47. TO T'HK f.ADIES. fiRGAT FE.MAI.E MEDICINE. Da. Townskkd's S.asAPAaiu.. is a sovereign and speedy cure for incipient e-msumplion, and f,a the general prostra tion of the B)'atem no matter whether the result .if inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, iUncm or ac- cioeni. Nothing can be mire surprixiiig than its invigorating f feclaon tlie hninan frame. Ierata all wejikoris and las- aitllde, from biking it at otH-ebeenne robust and lull of energy umler its inrliiem. It immediately e wuteract. Hk iwrvcieiviica of the fentule frani'., wlii'.-h U tlie gteu uuuae mrrenneK.. It will not lie expected of ua, in ouw. .if ao delicate a na ture, to cxhitiil eertihcale H cures psrf.iriHf!, but we enn aMaiire the afflicted that huiidreda at' caswa han-e beeii repor ted t us. Da. Towa.atin: My wile being greatly di.trewed by tvetiknea. and general rlelulilv, mid snlftTius ctaitiiuuillv bv pain iiihI with oilier iliUHiiliiea, ami h:ivinr kieiwu rm where your medicine h'ia eil'ected great curea: ami nl., henrius it riicoiiuuended lor Mieh citaeii a. I have desrrilicd, I obtained a bottle ot your lxtract ol' Sarin pririlki and fi4 hnvft the directions you gave me. lu a .lHrt icriorl it removed her complaiuts and reKtored her to health. Heing greatful for the benefits .he received, I take pleaaure ill thus acknowledging It, and recuiniueudlng It to the nnlihe M. D. MOORE, Albanv, Aug. 17. 'It. cor. Grand l.ydia a!a. DYSI'KIHIA. No fluid or mediciiu haa ever been discovered which ao nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decompoaing fond and atrenetheninff the rirvana of diaeetitai aa thia pre paration of Sarasoarilla. It po.itlvely cures every case of uyspepsia, oowwct aeveie or cnronic.. Bank Department, Albany, Mav 10, If 15. Dr. Townserta- Sir : I neve been afflicted for several yeara with dyapepaia in its worst form, attended with air- ness of stomach, loss of epuetite, extreme heartburn, awl a great s version to all kinds of fond, and fur week., (what I coast eat) 1 have been unable to retain bat e small portion on my stomach. I tried the nsaai remedM, hut they had hut little or no effect in removing the complaint. I was in. deced. about two months ainre, tn try your Extract ef Har Bspariua, and I must ssy with little eonhdenee t but after aang nearly two bottle, I found my appetite restored and the heartburn entirely removed ; end I would earnestly re commend the aae of it to theae who have been a (Hided aa I have teen. Voura, te w. w. VAN ZAND T Aaent for rVinlwrr JOHN W. FRIIJNG: Nor. thomherhmd, MARY A. McCAY Dan v die, WM. A. niLiitrtAY t io., April K, 1848. I y ' ' Fklla., RcMdln;, and Pot(a llle Rail Road. rri- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT jflHANGEof Hour, and two Trains Daily m eacn way, except sunnaya. On and after .Monday, May 1st. 1848. two trains will run each way, daily, between Phi la ant! Pottsville. MORN I NO LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 7) A. M. daily except Sundays. Passes Heading at 10.43 A. M. Leave Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except sundaya. I'astes ueaaih at lu a. M. Tha above Line atopa at all way nations on the roed aa lormeriy. AFTERNOON LINE F ST TR 'IN. Up Train, Down Train, Leavra Philadelphia at 2 P. M .daily except Sundays. Leavea Pottsville at 2) P. M , daily except Sundays. Leaves Phainixville 3 45 Leaves Sch. Haven, 3 37 " Pottetown, " Reading. 4.1.1 3.00 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Heading, 3 50 " Potlstown. 430 " Port Clinton, ..,45 ' Sch. Haven, 8. 10 " Phtreixville, 3 00 Arrive at I'otta- rnves at btate ville. 8 20 Road. S.S0 Tba afternoon trein will stop only at Ike above named atattons. Passengers for other points must tberefore take the Morning Line Depot in Philadelphia, corner of I) road and Vine Streeta. No Passengers can eulet the Car unless provided with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines ; and paasengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything aa baggage but their wearing apparel which will be at tha risk of it owner. No freight will be taken by theae lines. By order of Board of Manager. S. BRADFORD, Secretary May 8. 1848. If , Pictorial Edition r tVAiibl,rie'a great MfmrU. on tho Kcforniatlon Of THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY, SWITZERLAND, fcO-VVtll b yubliabed oc or about tha 1st of April. 1848. by OS. A. STEEL. No- 88 Cherry at a'a. hi splendid lime edition of lb above aaaaed week, with 18 engraved illaatratioa from art 8iaal dif m ! 4 vol la 3, hound ia extra cloth and library sheep. Tha aublteher respectfully rail th attention f lb trad aad th aubli generally, to thi work beiof th only illustrated edition published ia tha Uaited Slat He truat thai tha beauty fit aaWelltehmentt. the tranf nd aubetantlal aaaaaar ia which it i bad. iaraejaactien with tba kaawa pepalarir af Mm ararb iiaatt will he ear reeaaaassadsliaa a snihlk lhr. - JO. A. tPEEb. N Cherry al abov ib J. A. eV ha alaa lately published, a aew aae) beaunful Ediliaa af aWrgeaal tell1 Rare hw, autubl bawk W kiUraa, aeatly dea ia air aiatm. rildelhia, Jtyti 1 184eW ' OXYGENATED . A BOVEREION REMEDY FOR . . 1D78F2CF3IA) . PHTHISIC, . - ' ' AND ' OBNBSAI. snUITT, GEORGE B, GREEN, Pbopietor. Wtndtor, Vermont. 1a 1 for sreign remedy fot DYSPEPSIA, in esany of Ha sera aa nain In the Stomaeh. Hearthurn, haMtaei cnetiveneaa. Acid mnmecn, Heasasehe, lea of Apeetne, Piles. Night Bwsela, and even CunMHnptioa (Dyspeptic Phtklaie.) and Asthma, or Phthisie Mtanded vrltk derange ment of the egnrnach (. Dyapeptie Asthma,) Dilfiratt Breslhiag. which oftra remits from rmpvrfect digestion (or Drapeptio Syspnoea,) is relieved by these Bitters. In short, their use has been proved in the relief of ehnoat ell the symptoms that proceed from e debilitated or etonie condi tion of the Stomach I aaw ia general debility arieing from age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and Ague. Femalce sufteriug under any uterine derangement arisiiut from wea knees, will find the "Oxtomatxi, Hit teas'' en excellent reniedy, and Not surpassed by any medi cine in use. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made K way to public favor solely by the force of its own intrinsic merlta. No artificial means have been oreri to give II no toriety end thrust it npon public attention. It lms never before even been sdvertised, but having first ahown ita re markable eflicaey in the fkmilv nf the pniprietor, and by him aflerwaid. adminbitereal to his alHieted I'rieists and ac qunintances with e like n'sull, its repntati.m grmhmlly ex tended until it is known in Hie most distant parts of the union, esameilicinc of unrivalled virtues in the cure of Dyspepsia in all its dilTernnt t'orins, and alw for the cure of Asthma or Phthisic. It. only herakl and its only enl.igy hsa (wen tho story of in, w.mderful efijeacv, as told from month to month or bv letter from friend o 'friend. In eve ry instance where them. Bitters have been used, and tbe re im nude kuowu lo the proprittor, lh.y have proved a re- Nltmeriins certificates, ntteirfiiig the rtfrntry of the "OxToaxATEO niTTras," are in the piaBMssion ot the Eroprletof i many of thi ui aigueil by ncrauua already widely nown to tlie public. ..... .. r'EO- B OREKN, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt., Ocbiber a. ifsw. ' v The following Certificate have recently been receive i WASttlWToK. D. C, Jf! 10, IMS. ITaving made use of the "Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, f Windsor., Vt. and from know ledge nNnined of their cificncy in other caaea, wechecrlully recommend them to the public, believing thnt they will fully sustain the reconiineislation of the Proprietor. We hope that this valuable rrinedv mny be ao generally duTuacd throughout the country that it irmy be acccmiMc to ell the afflicted. 'AMUEI. rHEI.PS, . WliVJAM tPHAM V 9 '" (tMn Vermmt. James Simmon's, t. s. 8emt, from R island, J. T. MORlIMEAD, I;. S. Seuabir and furnurlr Govern or of Kentucky. 1.. n. nie.:-uvr oi v ungree. anu lormcny go vernor of K. I. WM. WOODItniDCE. t . S. 7cnat'jr nnu I irmerty Go vernor of Michicun. .M. I.. MAII l lN, Dcleg-ilc ill Con,.rc li"1! Vt iwonsin Territory. Fruni 11 n. H. D. Fo-rntt, Muiuber ol Coiwrrv i,':'m PciitiavKauia. W.iMiixoTox, D. C , Jcxi: 10, 1810. Di-or Sir, 1 lcive been a dviineniie auff'erer for ntitil 1,-n ynara. and have res Tted to VHrion. merlicinci, lor relief wilbiiul mccc, until I iii- u.c of vour "OxtgeivUeil Uittcrs." I have lined nlait two'cs. and fuiduivsclf rcMored 1 1 perlcel holih. The f,M-uw in which ihe ilifc eiu. ah i-.1 itwlf, in mv we. were, areat nciiliiv tit the at.muieh. I sea of opiet ite, extreme (Intulenee, wvere'consii pnlion ol the b iwel., and violent hendache. Feeling desi roil, that n kn iwlntge of vour valuable remedy nay reach 'hers similvly ollli.lixl. I lake great pleasure in record ing mv testimony to it. curative power; ami would also remmk. Hint while on a tit home a short lime .inee. I a.lininndcre.1 s jrt of n bittle to a nilmlr ,H' my alHieted trierinis v.TiH greai mieca.. j ney are neairona tliat you sit. tiki estnlili.h mi new y at I'iltsbure, or Int'orm them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire f( yiair prosperity and happiness, I subserihe', truly yiair friend H. D. FOSTIiR iict. lino, u l.tnvtvniilt it, Vt. UM Wholesale and Retail bv Green t rietelier. No M Swth Sixth Street. Philstlcliihis. Aaeut f t Snnlain- H. B. M ASSKR . Agents for MilUni MACKAY A IIAAG. April I.'., 18IH Ill presenting I lie pnhltc Willi a remedy for ihs Irentmrut and cure ol I-'kvvu ami Aors and other bili'.i. diaea, no Hpolttfy ia iienleil. nut umber, in the loiil.l rnatas, who mirier from these iillct-lion. in their varied forme, are c mpcllet! to .t-K rell. l In mi ,.l her a.iurc.s titan the itume. dlslc preaeriptionii of the regular phy.ieinn. It liecomes est, to brine In-fore them s nrenured fi om inufh ...... n.. ..ujvti ... uhmiiih y. u.wntMIR nillHIC IIIIIT penenec, si id which may akvttys lie relied upon ua .akk, Wru-TCAL, A!ID HAaMLK.. TO TIIK CO.N.TITI TIOX. That such ia th true character of the INDIA i'lrtil.At;illil ' la oiuuly attested bv the universal success with which it lu,. been employed. . w, i if in m itlllllimil .11 ILl II. 11 Oft- ,v J,. liam Wuoubbiour, the I'. S. Senate, site (Juternur of Michigan. Dktroit,' ffrt. a'l, 1810. DocToa OUAftLKs Oauooti, ear Sire I have read with much interest, your little tKAEATiaa upon the '-causes, trcutuKul aiul cure" of trie febrile which have an exleuaivdy prevailed in our country during the last lew months an interest increased no douht, by the fact that I have individually aiuTered so much from them. Tliough I feel myself very int-anpetent lo judge safely upon e subject entirely pnifeaaionel, yet your theory eeema to me well reasoned, and your eonelu sions just, and 1 think withal, that your pamphlet ie calcu lated to produce much praelirad good. Speaking uf tbe nndieirM be eaya : It fully justified your flaturing expectations, add aa a sale, amvailent, end popu lar remedy, my own experience, ao far, haiucea me lo be lieve that it will prove a great iwlilie heneut. I am pleased to leaf a that you have recently established several agencies its disptaution though I regret that, with a view Ie a m.r general dissemination of it, you should have found it uecesasry tn remove from your prrseut reeideeee among us. With much respect 1 have the honor to be, sir, 'Your obliged servant. Wll MAM WUOUBIIIDGF.. 17 From Uou. Itki'ii(X V, R. TaowaaiDnx, Alichi guu Stste ttcnnle, bi tile Agent at Detmil. - BiaMtNnUAM. Dahla.o t'o., Dec. 13, IRtl 81r ymt wish me to iiuortn y.m what I kisiw uf Dr. Ong.aid's India t'lail:ig ajue, ur anti-bile ma medicine. I ri bvUeve tltal it' tlie virtue and efficacy of this uiediciiie were Senerslly known, Ihe mt anu aoci would dimppear iu lichiran. 1 procured a boule in tlie apring a" lull, atwl have good reason to belie)e that iityneh' ami family eseuicd the ague Ism aetuum in ciaiaeuuence of it. use. Perliaps in no .iiiiiiner aiiHl the settlement of this fine ncniiiMil, bus tbe fever end ague been au prevalent aa the List. have rtv ,uiinetidl thi. medicine ui liuiuerous iu stancce, and when Ihe dieense hud become fixed und hntlltl Ihe skill ot' physicians; and 1 have never known it fail. I bus uuiveraally pmduced the most happy effects, and I bet lieve it baa never been exceeded by any medicine iu remo ving the bilimis nf the climate. Yours, resierlfully. STKPIIKN V. R. TBOWUR1DGK. A rem fnr etuuhury II. B. MAAKlt ; Norihimilierland, W1T11INGTO.M a Co.; Milt-u, J. II. IlA!l:K ; Meliaa. cnve, MAV It KMISK. Maya, llt '. A II I tury th It'vejlutlun and LUrt f Ike llrrn fth Wtr ( iMdrprndrncr BY CHARLES J. PETERSOS. An elrgaut volume irith 18 fine Steel Plnles, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engraving. -Tbis is a splendid hoik. A valuable addition to tlie Hist vie I jtcraluet m iui country. We ara much mia ken ii it iknat take rank with Ihe works Irving ai.l PeMSl."-Kn.iikford Herald. It surntuues any siniilar work yet offered to the Anieri- CUII li!lC." NiStl'S littsrlte. I v I. nrouerlv e .u.Klered a r uoiUirieeil Militorv IliMorytlf the ltevolutbsi, extremely well tux I judiciou. writt,.!." N. Aiueriin. -The nrejnwl wek Ihe Revolution and its Heroes, is siiieriir, both in cxienl tutd ilciicu to any tlwt bus hereto fore e mie under our n.siee." Inq. A weU connected History i4' tlmt cveitlful pcri'ld. Led ger. ..flecidtxliy the best popular HisUvy of the war oftlie Revtilution and ita, tlial has yet been given b the eooiilry.w Stlunhiv Kvcning INaS. IV AliK.N T WA.NTKO to eouvsas for the above ete. gaiU WeW, in every t'oitnty antl Towu iu tlie 1'nil.d Kale., to whom the nest liSsral iudueeuwuta will be udcr ed. Price isily svt. Adtlrew (miat-uald) - W.M. A. I.F.AltY. No. 15C North BKl tINU tM. PHIL,ADF.i.PHU Philsilelphui, May DO, leMB 3nl Drttth, Comb and Variety STORE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, BRIM! HANirACTlIRUlS. AND DEALERS IN COMBS ek VARIETIES M 08 North Third, btluw Ran St. and MM Rut confer af Third and Market ttroet, fHlXAOeiZlBXA. WHERE they offer for aate a general assort meat af all kindaaf Brnbee. Comb aad varieties which they ar determined la ll Lower Ibaa can be purchssed e aewhere. Ceuatiy Merchants and other Parebasin( ia lb tin will tod it la their advantage ta rail before petcbasiag lwher aa th quality ad pric will be ful'y guaranteed against all am petit iaa. Phtladehit, June 3, 11181). J s ) '.f Panact a4! I L . THE ONLT RADICAL CCRC f0 CONSUMPTION!! rVmfula or King's Evil, Rhenmatism, ObstiiMte Cutaneous Kruplions, Pimpleaor Pestulea on the lace, Beaches, ainea, unroriic Dore r.yra, mng vrorramr seller, Scakl Head, Enlargement nnrl Pain of the Bone, and Joints, llulihora fleers, (typhi litie Syrnptoma. Huiatiea ur Lnmbagu, diseases arising from an Injudi cious use of Mctcury, Dro sy, Expi.isure or Inipnt deuce in life; nUi, Chnmic Consti tutional Dis orders, In this medicine several Innocent Km veft potent article. n.n .eHciaiite Ktinrnoiu are nnueti lorilllng n cmipotinu entirely diflercnt iu its eburotfer and nrrmcrtics from snv other pre ne ration, and nnrlralled in its operation on' the system when laboring nndcr diseate.. It sIhiuM be in the nnnns ot evcrv person, who, by btiMiiam, or general coumo of lile, is prediieosed lo ihe very ntnnv ailimeats thst ren der life acuriw, instead ot n lilcmiig, and in ten result iu ucnin. - FOR SCROKI'lJl. Sr. Diake's Punatea is reeommeisled m e certain remedy, ot one instance of its failure haa ever occurred when free. ly used ! It cures tbe dmenw antl al the same time imparts vigor to the whole system. Hcrofulous pentm. can never pay too much attention to tbe stntc nf their blond. In pa. tificstion should bs tlieir first nun ; lir persri'crsuce will nccompinn a cure ot ivti berxditakt uiscsse. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THF. SKIN. Scurvy, fk'orbutie ARcctions. Tumors, White Awcilim:. fcrysljieUis, L leers, Cancers, R minim; 3jtcs, r?.-al) mst Hue, lr. urake's Pansce.1 c.muot be t- highly extolled; it searches out the very root of the rtinease, and permanent. INTtlfiF.rVriON OR DYSIF.PSIA. No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which give, s.1 niuen lone to tnc st nuaeli and causes the .cere tion iH a healthy gastric Juice to dwtnipi.sii the lojtl a I)r RHf K.MATiSM. lit. nritkc .: I'tuiiicca is uM with the grtxitet nvrrss ill Illieumnlle I. olnpliillit., cpf-iully .ttch tiHchniine. It cure. tiy driving tiut Mil unpuritie. and tool limn ur. which hnv aeeilniul:itcd iu the Mysteui, which aru the vuusc of Rlicu tmo'"U fiout, and Sucllluit. ..i the joint., llther reineth Oulftiniuc ,v temporary relief; entirely erndicalea the dica"cTrin theayatein, even whi the limb and bone arc drcudfuily rwoilcil. C0Nv.'MPTlO.'. t'o.s'M'MrrioN- can te ci-nnn.--roughs. Catarrh. Ilrw chilis. Miittlitg of HIiksI. A.thuin, Dti,'. -1111 or profuse Kx iwct'irution, lieclic FIiikIi, Niphl Sweats, I"in in fheside Ac. have heen cured, and can Tie Willi rut much c?rtainl s any other diKcase. A speejlic Iuh long heen sought to.', but in vain until the discovery of lr. Drake's Panacea, 'ft 1.-, mist end safe but certain and eiKcutioue in ita operation. end cannot possibly injure Ihe most delicate coiwtitntioii J .ve wimiu earneauy rwotllllieiia inn. niniciea to give 11 a trial and we believe they will not huve occasion to rs ;ret it. The system is cleansed ami atruicthened. the ulcer. 011 the lung, are heeled, and the patient, gradually cegiuii their u.iuU health and strength. Read the following : testTmonv. PlIlUA., Dcchllth. lrH7. Deab Sib In reJy to your quc.tion re.,eciiiig the use of Dr. Drake'. Panacea, I will any, thut although a iK-rlecl disbeliever ill Ihe existence of a PaxaIiu, or cure tor am di.caircs, huwevel valuable it mav be iu cerlsin c uidilious of the system, slill 1 have believed tint a cure f. ,r ( 'ointuinp. tion woukl be discovered s toiler or kiter, mid cull ily kl me bi try your medicine iu two very invetorate". They were pron.ninceci by the nllci.lluit nhtrsicrmis to lie rcLxoxAUT coxsimrriox. end abandoned by tliriii n. l t'uaABLa. One of the persona lvel twen under the treat ment ol' several very able prat1ilineis for a iiuiulivr ol' years, and they aaid .he had "oH lanhioned oi.iimpliioi ennbine with Senititla," nisi tlmt hc might linger fa- s mie time, but could not In? pcrmaiumlly relieved, lu burhca.s thecfTit of the Pan iiti hns Ikhii iuoi iimtii yuig. tluly four or live bottle were used by one of the pevou.i before .he liegnn t improve nipidly. The other trnk sbml ten. I will only mid f Itat faiuiluir iia I am with cotiKiimliou by inherittUKH. nntl hy extciiKive ulntervnt i.n uk n .tuily, uml knowing al. i the injiirioii. cllect. in nine citl ol' len if tnr, tameaet, anil other vegetable tonics, a. well as Of many ol the cxlieclorsulsanditedativeit, I .lemlfl ucvit have rectMiimemled tlie mm of Drake's l'nnucci if I had n4 been acipiuuited wilh the iiurmlieiit.. Sullk it to any that 11kc arc iccomuiendcd by our nitait p iHil.-ir and M-ientibe phy.i riuiM. ai.l iu their ivcM-nt c Muhincd .tuile. form probuUy the best alterative Dint has ever been made. The cure 1. iu accorikuiRO willi llioory 01" CiHisuutirii m Itrosched iu Trance a few year, airo, bj one iu" Iter tti'wl etui t ni- tera on medicine, and now CHtubliilied by facts which ftd nut ol' no tlittnule. Very niMpectfiilly Yours, I, C. CI N.. To iw the tinputtge of another, "III. Drake's Pimnceii in always Kiliilary ill it. cll'ect. never injurions. It is led us Opiute it i. not mid Kxpccloriint. It i i:'it iutuitlil to lull the invalid into a fatal security. II i.;t great reuulv a grand healing mid curative c iui;, nlnd, the grettt ntsl only reniedy which medical science and .kill hits yet ,ioducil fta the Irt'Sttnciil ,4' this hitherto imtoli(lierctl maUlilv. And no perasi aflltetetl with thi. drttid thuettM. will be jut to himie-lf ami hi. friend., if he go down to the grave wilhtnit testing ita linn. .. A .ingle billle. in in t nw., will oro dtice e fnvoniblc change iu tlie condition of any pslient, however low.'' TO THE I.aDH'js. lAtlies ih" rnle complexion tlnd einsiuilplive liol.tts and such as sre debilinted by those oletructinns which feiuabt tM Ualile tn, ere restored by I lie use of a bottle or two, to bloom vigor. It Is by far tlie best remedy ever discovered foT weakly chiklren. end such as have bud humors ; being pleasant, they take it. It immediately rest.ire. tlie appetite, strength end color. Nothing can be more surprising titan its invig,irating ef fects on the human frame. Per.c, all weakness aial las situde bet. we taking it, at once become rotmat and full 01' energy Under its influence. It immediate counteracts ths nerveleasueas uf tbe female frame. CAUTIOS. Be corefid and see tliat you get the germ, ine Dr. Dsaxs's PaSacjTa il hsa the itiiturr of ;ko p. Sroas. on the wrapper ami al-t the uauie "U. Drau's Panacxa, lun.A." lilown Tn the vlnii. Prepared only bv Hroxu.ft Co., lifupx'f.tTs, No.'JI North Sixth St., PhiUiik-lidiia. Agent for Suubury II. M ASSKH. Sold also bv V.m. A. Mi'Rrax k rn..Uauville II Siiaep ra. Milton; Mart McCoy, ortlniiii!; ft. P l.vis, BkannsUtig. Airil I, lBlSly SALAMANDER, I I RK AMI THIEF PROOF t'HCSTH. FlRF.-PR.OfJF DUtsRS FOR It.VNKS AND STORl'S Si'til ntitl Lpttir-Ciijtyiiij l'riwos, I'atitiit Sluttt-Lintitl UelriifOiitlors, Water fil ters, Patent Porliililf Water Clo sels, iiilentleil lir llir- Siek and Ialinii. EVANS & WATSOX, 76 South Thir'l Street, OPIIrSlTK T11U PlIlI.ADIil.PIIIA I'.XCII M;'. nluuufatiure aiwl keep iNNUttaitt ly on IuukU a h.rge ia .rttueia a' theuUtve article.. t-Hicther with their I'ateul Improvtl SiLtntnniler Kllil;.'ltt)tlK SAFES, which are si coiuUui.tnl u. biret at retd ull uiuiuicr of doubt as lo Iheii U-iug stricily firc-orNf, uutl ttud they will Ihe lite id' any iMiildiiie. The ouuide onsca ut these S:ifes are inatle ttf boiler iron, the inyi.le cue 01 s-ait. suaie, and between the outer cise tuvl utner cm i. a .;uce ot'eane three inches thick, and i. bllcd iu with indeisrue tllae inateriat, ao aa to trtnke it nn iiii.mibijy to l.irn any H Ihe eiattViile iuside ol' Ihi. I heM. These. S ;ato,ie Ki. tun. ruler, we are prepared ami do clcitlcne titc! M iri.tuii any article in tbo shape ,H" H..kSif.'B tint will stand aa much heat, ami we holt tmrs-lvcs re-idy at nit times b have theiu fairly Icted by public t-suue. Wv alicntinue to iitinuftu'ture a lire ttud ifcucr:il tu. rl ntent of our Preniium Air-tiifM Fire te H' Site, of wliich there are over Mill now in use, itntl in every iutaitce ilicv Itsve given entile satisnietiou lo the purcli:uwrsof winch we will refer the public I e lew gcnilt'iiieu who huvo them in uk. llH) K-e-A; Stivder. P 4!vill : Jowph O. Iiwbm Pottsville; Mr. W illiuiu t'arr. I k-slo wn, Pn. N. Ai (j. Tnyl w, I'Jp n irth ;H A Wrihi & Nephew Vine trt. whttrt'; Alcxni.h-r I'.tror, f .Mivvyaucer, ciwiter m' Filliert and ih si..: J.1I01 M. Kied. :hl north M .t.; Mrer. Hush. u n irth Udat.) Jmiies M. Piinl. IUI s m:h Ith at.t Dr. David Jayue, M snilh ad St.; Mulhrw T. Miller. 9U s Mith 3d St.; aud we e mid nnuie .mie hundreds 01. others It it were necessary. Now we invite the stlenlioti ot' the public, atul particularly thtate hi want ot' Fire Prt.u Ktl'e., to call at our atore before purciai.iug elsewhere, and we can satisfy tbera they will get a better and cheaper article al nor store than at any other establishment in lbs eity. We akv manufacture tlie ordinary Fire Pn Cheata, at al eery low prices, cheeper thtui they con br braght at any other store ia Philadelphia. DAVID F.VANS, JOHANNES WATSON, nilvkdphie, April 8, 1813 ly Cieorg el. WcnTcr, OP MJUUS UHtF cnANOZ.CS. No. IS Wafer Street and No. 1 1 North WA arses Philadelphia. ITTAS conetantly on hand, general aaanrt. jtm ment of Cordage, Seine T wince, dm., viat TarT Room, fiehlng Ropes, WbH Ropes, Mantl. la Rope. Tow Linee rVw Canal Doats, Also, a complex aeeortnsesnt of sMna Twine, die, sura, at Hemp (had and Herring Twine, I trial I'slrwl Ca all Net Twine, Coltoa Hhad and Herring Tut,rihiw Tb reeds, Ac dec Alao, lied Cords. I'Uviigh .u. Halters, Traoua, Cot too and Linaa Csipoi Chaiu. eVc-, all of wbicb ba wiil diapos uf oa reatriQibla arm. Ph ild.!Dhi, June' W 148'. T Indiaii Vegetable ti w Thia medicine la efltn pounded on general ermcipte, Itxfm nnre, eneduttuiaM here of the Indiasi. Arthrmgh there are many ragdieiraa) oxled try the asms naaier sverr . one ia swar that there ie a very great taerence asaong . them. Those ot them tnat are ceueo "inoiaa," nave araea the Annie frVeri us, who were fhe Irst so mtroduce praaa ' fed InVUeV medKffis to tmn saHjlic, Of eoures a : Similarity of Bsree.doe not areata ensfiiy la the eaar- scter or the snediclne. , . 1 . . Wnchp IiMien Vegetatn Pins are distinguished, lot 1 (licFf perfect ariapNKaj M the buaasa Body In their Oftr. atlrat, they an exactly waa aatare does, aad nothing aseee.' , They hare a roca-ret. ATia, apue the htnes, akm, UaV neys end brrwebi. Hence their necallar arrwer over dtsees. By promoting praniraiioa, they treek apCoLDs Coeeaa, RntTssATte Coisnjimt, Fata 1 tifir. Bscs, .CaorLa( CcTAHMfs EavfTtoas, Pixmm, RLoiruas, raaraLaa, EattiFELxs, 4c. The action of (hi t ids ob ine iidnevs is such as lo make litem a vahmbV iniwritrtsitf?. Daofav,' Caava, and Fa- male ComKairts, arising frufn ,obstriieuew at certaia periods, are speedily retnoved by their oee. M A free ExrarroasiioR from the lung, ii excited by lbs use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pins,' thus rerhorlrej Piibmnairf Complaints, aieh ea Aatuma, BaoKcairts, Sorrxkm axd TiuttTxsss or tux Breast, Conghe, Sore Throat, te. ( . (- , By their action on the SroMACR and RoWKL., tlie Pine cure Dr.rtrstA, Liver Cosi-laist, PAirtTATtos or Tax IlnAitT, Fl.ATrtExrr. Costivenesi, Fevexs of all kinds,( Pleurisy, 1 letulnijlic. (Ibkliness, Dysentery, Piles, an all disorders of tlie Autrstiue... Taken in .unll dc., Wtight's Indian Vegetable rills become nn pin,Ilcjne, of great eearcaiug ef ficacy, for the cure ofSoaE. of all kind., TtTTxa, TcMoaak JAmntra, Ivxis or Snrit., Neuralgia, Rasb, Pai5s 1st tua Bo, Ac. 1. .. , Thee Pills also thoroughly break np iRnrctza, in which complaint they arc cxlrcmcty valuable. . In Ramus Complaiuts. the.c Pills exercise a comple:,' runrtery. Ilcncc Fever AMD Aorx ie speedily cured by the use of them, In the Western end Southern Slatss, where this ilisenac room ly prevails, there Pills go like an Avalanche. While the)- are cheaper jkui the fever and ngue remedies in general, Wright's Indinn Vegetable Pills have been pforftnrired superior to aU of them. Indeed, Il would ap pear Hurt if there is one over which thes Aihs have mire pnerer titan irnothsr, it is Fever a so Acea. For dettroyiiig ami expeiUng NVphm., no Vermifuge ia superior tu these Pills Although vrc have not taken prima lo make thi. fact puMIe, Ihe niVri of tfiw Miedirine ilaelr tk( acrjuiretl for it an extensive rrjlntatlon and sale for the re- mfrvnl of Worms Administered to adults or children, the eil'cct of lite Pills is equally radical anil detisivs. All who' .uncr fnmi WortM-t riiould by all iiuvil.. use Wright's In. di.n VegctaluV PilN. Iu fact, no one can g 1 amiss in the u .e oi" tnis tnediclrf Tliey ore naturtil to tlie bxly as food is. A trial wil ejiuince the skeptical tliat Weight's lisliau Vegetable pills' far from being s common "quack liostruin," are decidedly ihe mutt v:i!o-iole medicine ever offered to the public. BeWrirc of Sugar Coatea Counter- fettk. ... rlcu;?uibcr t'nat the o'lginoland only gcuuine Indam Vi'gutablc Pills have the xn its'? sig'aittire of Wm. Wright on the tophufl of cat.1: hus, roa Wi Itflit'a Indian VecelaM Pills. Henry Maaaer, Sunbu'y. E. i J. Kaufl'msn, Augusta township, lohn, Chillisqusque. Kase & Ilcrgslressrr, Etyaiiurg. S.muel Heth, Little Mahon.iy, Wi.lltam l?eppcn. Jackson. IreU'Ad.ifiii ffsynes, McEwrmvioc.' W illinin Hcinrii & Brother, Milton. Foisyibe, Wii.on 61 Co- Noithumborl.n'.r James Rted, I'nllsgrnre.' II. W. KcoH. Itj.hvillc.' .,, . W. dr R Fcgclr. SUatriitiiiplown. Rhode. A Ksirow. JSpyJeiitowu. Amos T. Bcisell, Turbulsv ilia. . Dtnneville Hol.-tttie, I'pper Mahopoj ,' J. hn U. Kcfin, ilo do. K. I.. er, WuUnntnern. , , Wlni'Cr..c, nt tlie office nml genriul dennt, lf9 Rice St., Philadelphia. July 8, IS48. ly w J-e V weste5 liwxt fonts. COL IjEtiti OF HEAlflV 207 3t'ti street, Huffulo, N. Y. pp. .C. VAUGHN S Vegetable Lilhoatriptit lixlnrr. rpillS celebrated remedy Is constantly increasing ita fame X by the utauy curea It it making ALL OVER THE WORLD". 1 1 hu now bee. ne the only medicins tW faSfly rAe, ttf ia particularly rccoiumcudcd for DROPSY: all stages of this c uiplaini immediately reheved, no maft'er m b-jw Ian,- lau.litM. ewe Puaupulel tor lestuuoer. GRAVEL, and sll diseases of the urinary organs; for these distress ing c otnpLuiii. 11 Maier. si-hi. ; no other article eau relieve y mi ; and the rules totifiedui willeonvineetlie most sk.e rlcnl f ec pnwpMet. Liver Couidainl, Bilhuus dissssss. ,. FEVER & AGUE. . "I o Ihe tlrcut Wet eAHet,il)., aial wherever llirss eoui- pluiul prevail thi. uiclicitir ta ..llcred NO MIXMJAI. AGE'T, n tlcleteri.iu. c..iiuiiid 1. a part of this niTsture, il cures these d.aiscs vfnh .crtaiiiiy and celerity,' end euee u leave tlie .v-lt lii l lipid. See Pajlliihlct. PILES, a e Miid;iintit" in'?l iwnnVvl chamber. -ia . lAlMF-DIArELV RELIEVED, .. , 1 nn I a cure loll w by a few laya use ot tin. article ; it U ir l.- en's ot'iuf piviairaikiu lor Una disease, 01 lor any other tl ieue urn; nun wj fr,n impure Itiuud. Sec paw ptrt. I' ' .-. . .t .. . LEIULU V OF TU.E SYSTEM, vrats ! k, wenkncMt of the Kiducv., 4c, or luflsiru ns-' ti at mum. i. iiuiiHnlialuly rulieved by a lew days use of. tin. nicbciiie, iuiiI a cure is ulivtt a result of its use. It maud, us A CERTAIN RKMKF'Y, I ncb eiiuiliiut., aud ul f tleriL,'!geiriciils of tits is ' Utah mime.' . . . , . . lUKEGtLARITlRS, SUPPRESSION!; luinfiil imwuiulci.. Nogrliek b-af eves been ufferml' llil. which would ban a a,i. kicil 01 tlcraoeeme.V' It iiuy U relie.1 utun e e we and ticctiv reiuedv, aret did u'e Icel jK.ruiittetl d 1 an rulil give A TMOl'SAND NAMK$, n pr.ari trt our' iit lliia diattreiiviiif chw ot t xnphvit St:- ihtuiiphM. All brttkaui tkwii. dcbititatud omtatitutioiui ir.HU lUt- t'llrrl i iiivri'iirv, wiil AihI ihr bnnn Hvr cH Itiiei urUi'ln to not itniuetlinti-ly, ujhI the jKiiiLiui ouiieral cntUttnitvJ ir 'in Ilii" etvtutMii. KRL'PTIVK DISEASES w ill bittl ttic altr-mnvr irjiicrtiL-ti i iluo artitU. J'LKIFVTIIE LlLlXJI). atrl .hivcu stu-h diw-to.. frau the system. See tamphlet t. I, Military ol cur, s iu all disease., which Ihe liiaiuot' ail atlvertiH.iieut will le. ntiui to be milled here. Agnus give them sivny 1 lliey ci.ut.jii, M pages 01' ccrlihcales o high eliaractcr, im. a Mf.11 r ARR.VY OF PROOF 01 the virtue, m nebcin,., never apiaernt. It r"p' ll.e -nliur Vttires ,w tlti. article Unit it nei-cVfails to helM-tlt III UtlV C.l..., UU.I it I.MK- ai.l llltllicH IC 111 Ul blllld Hm kl Ihu luiaciuttxt ai.l liiririiurtii Aha HOPE ON: int'l keep takini: the tiH-diciue' oa 1 .111; as there is uu im irovciiicut. The Tr iiirictor vcm 1 ... ! I'AITION THE PUBLIC Uinin4 a uiuoher ut articlca which cue toil under tit's Lead til SAIISAPARILLAS, SYRUPS. &C, a.enre..Dr.1My, tiravel, They ere ..d l'trirV' thuig, and uuueocte 11 villi the unwnrt : . 'J'Ol't'H THEM Not . hirl?Y1!fVrt,,,,rf,WM d"W" I'H tin. article bail don's tl. f partHiuer study of ll, psm Agent and aU who sell the article are iLADTO CIRCULATE grutuitonaly. Pol up in 30 oa. bottles, at eat; ltd deal .ii ""V" aohl' ox more than two small Int. IT' Vi.?lt,", el impoaed upou Kveey elis. has eiighn a Vegetable I albontnplic Mixture." blows upon the glues, the written signature 01 '-G C. VeughnV oa the eWuone, and -Hi. C. Vaughn. truMOVI. sumped en tha cork. .None other are stuniuw. Prpered bv Dr O. C Vaughn, aod 4 at tba Principal 0aTrr Uia etraet1 Biututu, al whakwic en rsuiTNs eneaiiou green to hn. tera unless post paid orders -from rsguierly eomsttuts Agents excepted ; poet paid letters, or verbal easnuuHav ' Uoci . aicnuig advioa, promptly erUMased ta grene. , , ..rc0,ot,, txelinusxiy aa tha axle ef eata easaao-' m Nuaaii at. New V01T1 any; Btee at. Mesa, Mast . an by Ihe pnaeipal DruniauUwaKhaxitlhe VaaMStaM and Canada, aa Agcnla. , . J ... Lm of .gsrutorrs e, taeleJLftrsdsl. Frilln,, uaauitaa Goxroairf hus -C. A yeUJll t-hjVc,, jAoae-Weyea MuCoriiuoa, M-TwenrA-Pl. JTtss SftSey, Ncetaisaaber- April I, Wlr'y JUSTICpS' BLAKKS POR ?al at this office. wmmmwm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers