fFror J" N - Picayune, 7th ittst J , 1 LATER FROM MEXICO. , Pronwwm,nl f fendtoPTOgrtU of tht fotlutionSiiiuri of tht Mint at Guana totaThi St. Patrick Legion setting upon the CanductaA Motional Convention tallti byPartdu. I. By the hip Coustantine, Capt. Smith, we have received our c6rrnpo;,dence and papei from the eitjr of Mexico to the 24th of June. The news is impirtant to those who take an interest in Mexican politico, but we moat be brief. We commence with ft translation of the letters of our correspondent : Correspondance of the Picayune.) Mexico, June 24, 1848. Tim revolution, or rather the pronnnda ' mnfo of Paredes, is developing itself day by day. The troops sent by the Government, under the command of Gens. Minon, Busta mente and Pedro Corlizar, against the pro nunciados, are deserting as fact as they come in presence of the insurgents. But one hope remained to the Government to extinguish thfl revolutionary fever which has attacked the greater part of the Republic ; orders Iwve been issued by Gen. Arista, Minister of Wan to shoot at once every superior officer who may be. taken with arms in his hand. But let the Government do what it will; it is lost. The Republic is nmiin delivered over to the most complete anarchy. You will find in El Monitor of this day the plan of Paredes, which has so long been anx iously looked for. tt is signed by three hun dred officers, of all ranks. We have just learned, too, from the first sources that Pare des has taken possession of the mint at Guan ajuato, from which he has drawn 600.000 for the expenses of the troops under his com mand. The advanced guard of Paredes, command ed by Jarauta, has entered Queretaro, where they have added to their supply of arms and money. By the last diligence Irom the in terior we learn that there was a slisrht skir- mirth between the Government troops and the J prominciados, ami that the latter had the bet terof it. ! There was a runmr current yesterday that the po.-it of the ' Foreign National Guard"' was to be attacked by the Pino of Mexico, who for a long while have only waited for an opportunity of raising the standard of revolt, and are now openly enlisted with he pronun dados. The prompt rallying of two or three hundred men belonging to this Guard pre vented the execution of the plot. should mention on passant, that this Guard was or ganized solely with the view of maintaining order in the city and providing for the public security. We can now perceive, however, that it has already exceeded these li-nits. It has mixed itself up with the political ques tions which divide the country, and takes the part of the Government, and we know posi tively that ils commander has made proposi tions to the Government for mutual defence ! ! 1 cannot repeat too often that Paredes is but the echo uf the clergy. The clergy fs strong and powerful. Its inclinations lean towards a foreign prince upon the throne. Of this no doubt can be entertained, and the in tention will be canied out at whatever cost. On the other hand, we have a strong party, powerful in men of talents and very niimcr- on, which prefer "foreign occupation, '' whatever nation it may be. This party however, has little money the nine qua mm for the success of its plans. The Americans, more than any other people, can take advan tage of this slate of affairs, by embracing the' opportunity now presented. This should "be done before the most formidable foreign influ ence which now prevails in Mexico can be brought to bear. By another letter from this correspondent we learn that the condiuta of specie from Queretero for the capital had at last reached its destination in safety, to the infinite gratifi catiod of the foreign commercial houses to which tho money was consigned. It was e8. corted by the St. Patrick Legion, who pro tected it very faithfully till they reachad Tu la, about fifteen leagues from Mexico, when they took it into their heads to lay their hands upon ij, upon some pretext of unrequited ser vice. Word reached Mexico of the proceed ing, and troops were at once, despatched to prevent the consummation of the scheme. Precisely how it was thwarted we are not old not by force, we feel assured but the noney did nt last reach Mexico, as we have, tated above, to th infinite relief of the Pre ident, who is said to have been in the uf lost distress while the safety of the money ras doubtful. Correspindenca of the Public Ledger LETTER FROM PITTSHIRG. Hi Pennsylvania Volunteers Lieut t. Hare anil Dutton again Payment of the Yolun leers Pittsbiro, July 14, 1848. fter I closed my letter yesterday, Lieuts. tton and Hare, of thu Second Pennsylvania imant, arrived here, and took lodgings at Merchant's Hotel. The Hppearance of ir names upon the hooks of that house, of rse, attracted some attention, while the i themselves became the objects of much ark. The landlord, at first, scarcely knew cause of this littlo excitement, but on ing to his regiMer discovered the secret, immediately addressed a polite note to Jistinguished gentlemen, requesting them ek other quarter, which they did. It is y these men will thus obtrude them- in public places, and court a notoriety h cannot but pive them pain. On the in coming up from New Orleans, they dismissed from several boats as soon as jrere discovered and known, and yet larade their names and titles as if they returning from the war with all the t due heroes. It would be wiser in '.o change their names, diveat them of every appearance of having served dco, and to seek some quiet corner in tat West, where they anight, by good t, force their way to the esteem and nee of new friends. i Anna's brother and secretary arrive J Orleans oa the Sth,. from Bermuda, i (or Vera Cruz. rep fit poaches thw acasou promises usual abundant. i TEE AIORXCAIT. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, JULY M, IMS. M. B. MASKER, Editor seal Frearleter. E. W. CARR. Ban building, N. E. Comer of M and etreete, PklMMphn, in regularly atrtborieed to receive rtieemema and eubarriptiona for lata paper, and receipt Docki edvertiaemeiiU i for the DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, ' GEN. LEWIS CASS, i of Michigan. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, OBW. WW. Ow BUTLBX. of Kentnrky. Far Canal Cemealaateaier I ISRAEL FAINTER, of Westmoreland County. We are indebted to the Hon. James Pollock, for a valuable public document. !E7" The canvass for the Presidency will be conducted with more decorum and less vio lence than usual, this fall. The candidates are men of most unexceptionable private character. In public life they have both been distinguished, and their conduct has been above reproach. Gen. Cass and Gen. Butler, have both distinguished themselves as Mili tary men and yet both are eminent for their civil qualifications. Gen. Cass, particularly, occupies a high position as a statesman. Against Gen. Taylor no good democrat will say one word. His good judgment, his hon esty and integrity, as well as his distinguished services, have often been acknowledged and extolled by the democracy of Pennsylvania. Thne who prefer Gen. Gass on account of ,js democracy, may nevertheless entertain the warmest feelings for Gen. Taylor. Hrti'Rnino VotVNTRKRs. The fol lowing companies of the 2d Pennsylvania Re giment arrived at Pittsburg on Tuesday last. The Wayne Guards, Capt. McKennan; The Columbia Guards, Capt. Frick ; The Reading company, Capt. Loeser, and the Cameron Guards, Capt. Williams. This detachment of the regiment, is under the command of Lieut. Col. Brindle of Lycoming county. The citi zens of Danville are making great prepara tions to receive the Columbia Guards, now commanded by Capt. Frick. This company have with them the remains of Capt. Wilson their former captain, who died in Mexico. Dv The election of a Governor imposes a new duty on the democrats this fall. The discrepancy between the constitution and the act of Assembly, will not be serionsly urged. Governor Johnston will be in Harrisburg in a few days. He will, it is said, issue a procla mation immediately for an election. Jfis whig friends at Harrisburg are in favor of this course. A large number of candidates are already named as the successors of Gov. Shunk. The Harrisburg Keystone contains a list ot nearly sixty persons recommended. The names most prominent are Win. Big, ler of Clearfield ; Judge Eld red of Dauphin ; Monis Longstroth, our present Canal Com missioner ; Gen. Keiin of Reading. In addi tion we also find thu names of Judge Bell of Chester ; James Buchanan and Judge Champ neys of Lancaster ; Lewis Dewart of this county ; Judge Anthony nnd Win F. Packer of Lycoming. We have no idea who the Convention will most probably select. We trust that this body will choose a candidate who will be enabled to unite the entire strength of the democratic party. Zy Wm. M Meredith, Esq Among the distinguished members of the Bar, attending the Supreme Court, now in session at this place, was Wm. M. Meredith, Esq., of the Philadel phia Bar. On Tuesday and Wednes day last he was engaged in - arguing an im portant case. Rose's appeal, from Susque hanna County. Mr. Meredith, has the repu tation of being at the head of the Bar in Phi ladelphia, and most probably justly so, if we may be allowed to judge by his argument in the above case. It was a splended speci men of forensic eloquence, brief, but com prehensive, occupying about forty minutes in ils delivery. 11 in powers of condensation, or rather concentration, were such, that he seemed to embrace the whole, as it were, in a nut t-hell. Not a word was out of place, ond every sentence was full and effective, bearing with great force on the leading fea tures of the case. His manner is impressive. his language chaste, and his sentences so well arranged, that if reported verbatim, they might pass for the most finished compo sition, with but little altoration. Pv A boat containing the committee of reception, and a large number of persons pas sed opposite this place, on Friday morning, to meet the Danville Company, at Duncans Island, on its return from Mexico. (TT" The Democratic Club held a meeting on Thursday evening. Speeches were made by Isaac Slenker and Geo W. Youngman, F.sqis. 7" Governor Shunk at the last dates, was gradually sinking. He cannot last many days longer. 3y The meeting of the Barnburners in New York, the Herald says, ended in a great row between the Hunkers and themselves. K? The Senate Committee on the slave ry question, will probably report a bill with out either the Wilmot Proviso, or Missouri Compromise. O" A MmcaT. Whether the postage law, in relation fo newspapers, passed both Houses of Congress, is involved iu a cloud of mj.tery. A member of Congress informed us that he thought it had, but was not Mr tain. Members may probably bare their memories refreshed at another election. , 7" The Bradford Reporter has not taken down (he flag of Cass and Butler, at least our copy ef the 19th, had no such alteration. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N ttv" Fin at WitKMAaai. A correspon dent from Wilkesbarre, has furnished us with the particulars of several alarming fires in that town, the work of incendiaries. We hare since teen a letter from that place, sta ting that the Catholic Church had been strip ped by the Catholics and that it is now aur posed that arms had been concealed in It, for the purpose of rescuing a prisoner con fined in Jail for murder. '.:) " O" The Barnburners have had a large and enthusiastic meeting at New York, as will be seen by the following account of the proceed ings. They declare their attachment to the democratic party, but do not consider Gen. Cass fairlv nominated. This division of the party, will of course, give the-etate of New York to Gen. Taylor. New Yorr, July 18, 10 o'clock, P M. An enthusiastic meeting of the Barnburn era was held in the Park this evening, at which about 5000 persons were in attendance Stephen Allen presided, assisted by 108 Vice Presidents, and 36 Secretaries. The address was read amid much enthu siasm,' and the resolutions adopted by accla mation. The resolutions declare that they adhere to the Democratic party, but that the Baltimore Convention was a fraudulent pro. ceeding, and therefore they repudiate its nominee, Gen. Cass. They declare that Gen. Taylor is not experienced enough to be trust ed with the Executive power. They ratify Van Buren's nomination, and declare that Congress has the power to pro. hibit slavery in the new territories, but not to interfere with slavery in the States. They denounce Messrs. Dickinson and Bright ; they declare themselves in favor of giving the public lands to actual settlers ; say that Government ought to improve the rivers and harbors; rejoice over peace and deplore the war, and admire the spirit and earnest solici tude of the Buffalo Convention, in endeavor- ing to advance freedom and secure its tri umph. A band of music was in attendance The meeting adjourned about 9 o'clock.- While the meeting was in session, Mike Walsh collected a crowd in front of the Hall of Records, and addressed them from the steps. He denounced the Barnburners, Whigs, and everybody not like himself. The assem bly soon broke up. Jcrx.E Lewis in an opinion published in the American Law Journal, has decided that a devise by a husband to his widow, of all his real and personal property, provided she did not marry again, is a condition in re straint of Marriage and therefore void and that the second marriage of the widow did not divest her estate. K7 We have no desire to prolong a useless controversy with the Miltonian useless be cause we cart hardly expect to convert the editors to a course of honest and fair dealing Their quibbling and perversion, can have but little effect, except probably with a few who have no higher ambition than to read the Miltonian. We presume no one .ever found fault with the editors for publishing commu nications from democrats. Yet, for some sinister purpose, they would create an im pression that we had done so. (TTT" A writer in the Union Times, recom mends our old friend Capt. Hummel as a candidate for the Legislature in that county. The Captain is of the true grit, and pluck to the back bone. The Baltimore Clipper withdraws its fa-J vorable opinion of the great calculating pow ers of Deshong. The editor says he has found him out to be an arrant humbug! Spirit of the Times. dT" Deshong was here a few weeks since, and exhibited, in himself, some wonderful powers of calculation. He could add up a column of figures, a page in length, almost in an instant. This faculty we do not be lieve he can impart. He undertook to teach us the art, but we were satisfied that it Was not the means by which he arrived at the result, and told him so. He said he would send us a book that would explain the modus operan di. We predicted that he would do no such thing, and our predictions have been verified. We concur in opinion with the Clipper, that he is an arrant humbug. Correspondence of the American Wii.kesbarre, Pa., July 17, 1848. H. B Masser, Esq. I take the liberty of informing you of a great calamity which has fallen upon our town, in the shape of fires. On Saturday night about 13 o'clock a fire broke out in the extensive stables attached and belonging to Mr. Puterbaugh's tavern, on the east side of the public square, which was reduced to a heap of ashes, 10 or 13 fine horses, cows, hogs, carriages, grain, oats and hay, all destroyed in the flames. The back parts of 4 or 5 houses including the Tavern, dest royed . Puterbaugh's house nea rly dest roy ed, Dr. Boyd, also, widow Overton and Mr. Garretson and Mrs. Judge ScoU suffered se. verely, not only iu their dwellings being so dreadfully shattered, but their furniture and household effects, burnt, broken and thrown upon the public square. Such a scene of distress and Iocs as was presented on Sunday morning rarely occurs. P. S. Another and more destructive fire, about 13 o'clock on Sunday night broke out in the stables attached, and owned by Mr. Bacon, who keeps the Tavern the east side of the publio square, and south side of Market street, and directly opposite Mrs. Judge Scott. The stables, lame Tavern. Helm's large chair manufactory Tin manufactory, Sloeum's Law office and brick dwelling, all in ruins and ashes. The Jail was on fire sev eral times, but by great exertions ir was saved. A strong guard was posted in every corner of the Jail, to prevent the rescue of the Prisoners, 10 or 13 in number, one ac cused of murder. 1 The stable had been set on fire in three places by incendiaries, their object being the reseue of the prisoners and plunder. The distress and loss of property is sickening. We are about 200 yards south of the fire which is still burning in the cel. lars.. I have been up and out nearly two nights assisting in arresting the flumes. , Respectfully yours J. L. i fiy The following are the resolutions pas sed by the Democ ratio State Central Com mittee convened at Harrisburg, on the 13th mat., for the purpose of calling a convention to nominate a candidate for Governor : '. JUseiW, That, in common with our fellow citisens throughout the Bute, the resignation of Got. Srvmk, under the peculiar and 1m. pressive elroumstanoee that have produced it, has filled us with an awful sense of the unsubstantial tenure of our hold on earth, and that we deeply mourn the dispensation which has deprived the State of his services. In the spirit of a true patriot, whose heart beats till its last pulsation reponsive to the cause of popular freedom, he has, by this crowning act of his life, and with-his parting breath, sanctified the sacred principles which have distinguished him through . a virtuous and eminently useful career. Resolved, That history will regard, as we now do, the administration of Francis R Shunk as one of the purest ablest, most use ful, disinterested and patriotic, with which our good Commonwealth has been favored, and his voluntary relinquishment of the seals of State was in beautiful harmony with the long record of faithful service by which his history has been signalized and adorned. Resolved, That to fill the vacancy which has been thus created in the Executive office of Pensylvania, it is the duty of the Demo. cratic paity, at the earliest practicable period to present a candidate for the public suffrage who, we trust, will be found a successor wor thy of Francis R. Shck, and in every respect able and willing to follow his illustrious ex ample. Resolved, That we recommend to the Democratic citizens of the several counties, to meet according to the usages of the party in the respective counties and districts, and appoint the usual number of delegates, to meet iu State Convention at HARRISBURG, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1848, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the oflice of Governor, to be supported by the party at the ensuing election. On motion of MrTPelouze. Jfrsoired. That these proceedings be pub lished in all the Democratic papers of the Slate. Adjourned. K. VV. HUH til, CAmrmoti. Isaac G. M'Kinlev, John C. Myers, Secretaries. George Putt, Correspondence of the Public L.'dger. FROM HARRIRBVRK. Governor Shnnk Gov. Johnston Indepen dent Meeting, te, HtRRisBl'Rfl, "July 17, 1848. Dear Sir On Saturday, about noon, Gov ernor Shunk had a severe attack of hemorr hage ; he bled about a pint before it was ar rested. To-day at noon he had a sinking spell, but has rallied somewhat this evening. He has taken no nourishment for four day s. The end is not yet, but very soon will be. "A letter received from Governor Johnston dated at Pittsburg, on the 15th, informs that he will not be here before next Saturday or Monday. . The news of the resignation first reached him whiio attending Court at Greens burg, Westmoreland county ; from thence he proceeded to Pittsburg to superintend the obsequies of his brother, R. H. L. Johnston, a gallant officer of the army, who fell in Mexi co. He had as yet not received the official notice of the resignation, which is no doubt awaiting him nt his residence in Kittanning. GENERAL CASS. Ilia faithful blada he hivercd there Reinonatrance wmM not hear ; He would not atrike ail country'! thg Till MA VI OU YOLVSTSSB. We copy the following from the Zanesville (Ohio) Aurora, it being the testimony of a brave man whd Was present and witnessed the heroic conduct of Geo. Cass, at the time of Hull's surrender : Let the Whigs repeat their foolish false hoods against Lewis Cass! The most silly one is, that he did not break his sword on hearing of Hull's surrender. ' Below we have a letter from Squire Willis, an old and highly esteemed citizen of this county, on the sub ject. We can get letters from others, we think, who were eye-witnesses of the" trans action. This abuse of Gen. Cass is not at all detrimental to his prospeets of election to the presidency. The enthusiasm and support of old companions in arms is called out by those cowardly attacks : Zanesville, Ohio, June 19, 1848. To the Editor of tin Aurora : Sir : In the Zanesville Courier of this date I noticed an article headed. The Bro ken Sword,1 in which it is stated that tho honor of breaking his sword is 'borrowed, or rather stolen capital ; that it was Gen. Mc Ar thur, and not Gen. Lewis Cass, who broke his sword at the time of Hull's surrender. Now it may be that Col. Mc Arthur did break bis sword, for he was a patriot and brave man ; but if he did, the writer of this did not see or hear of it at the time. But I did see Col. Cass break his sword at the pickets where Gen. Brock the British commander met Colonels McArthur and Cass above the Well Springs below Detroit.' I was standing with in six feet of Col. Cass at the lime ; and I never will forget the indignation and morti fication he exhibited at the time. These silly attempts to deprive Gen. Cass of his patrotism and courage made by men or the sons of men who kept shady in those dark days, will only have the effect to rally to his standard all tho soldiers of 1813. Col. Cass was loved by all his men. It could not be otherwise, for he loved them all, and did all he could to promote their comfort. My voice and my vote, are for Cass and Butler. WM. WILLIS. ' Thi Southern Crops, to There have been fine showers this week, says the Alex andria (La.) Republican of the 1st instant, but they did not affect the crops materially. Cotton is getting along very well generally, though we hear great complaints in some quarters of the mat. From present appear a noes we shall turn-out a splendid crop of Sugar. A Bayou Rapids planter told us yes. terday that hi eaoe was higher than h)s bead, en horseback and he's a tal) nun, and rides, a UlJ, hjrse. ' " JOURNAL. Correspondence of the Public Ledger. FROM WASHINGTON Washington, July 15, 1848. The Senate have spent their whole time in Executive session, and have not, at the time I write, (half past tt o'clock.) adjourned tt is said that Gen. Pillow will be hauled over the coals to-day ; and that several Sena tors will violently oppose his confirmation. Brigadier General Kearney will be opposed only by a single Senator; and hence my con- notion that he will pass. There is no more gallant officer in the (J. 8. Army. If an offi cer, who has borne himself gallantly in bat tle, is to be sacrificed to the resentment of individuals whose displeasure he may have incurred, then the army will be obliged to study politics for the sake of promotions. The House is still hammering away on the Civil and Diplomatic, bill in Committee of the Whole. The probability is, it will be taken out of committee on Tuesday or Wed. nesday, unless some of them fancy to keep up the sport for another week. After they shall have disposed of the Omnibus bill, the Military Appropriation bill will come up and then I think the House will have pretty well got through all the business they mean to do this session. It is confidently expected here that the Buffalo Convention, which is about to meet on the 9th proximo, will nominate Martin Van Buren for the Presidency, "if," as a wag abserved, "Mr. John A. Dix will decline the nomination." Otherwise politics are flat here instead ol any positive enthusiasm, peo ple try to show the strength of their respec tive favorites by proving the weakness of the opposite party. Mr. Botts, of Virginia, of "head him or die" memory, sticks to his bet that the election will go into the House, and that there the members will not be able to agree, so that the Vice President, who is elected by the Senate, will be iu fact the President. Tho Senate being largely De mocratic, there can be no doubt of the . elec tion of Gen. Butler. Obskrvkr. Washington, 16th July, 1S4R. ,1 have sent you a telegraph despatch ear ly to-day, but know not whether it has reach ed you, as I understood the wires were out of order. Its purport was the court of inquiry in regard to the charges brought by Gen. Scott has been abandoned; and that General Pillow has left the city. I have written you some threeor four days ago that the charges brought against the war worn veteran chief were all of a frivolous character, and this presumption is now fully sustained by the President refusing to order their investigation. I understand, too, that General Pillow did the handsome thing in the premises, and so this most agreeable af fair is now happily disposed of. I now trust that tho hero of so many buttles, whose name history will cherish, when all the charges brought against him, will be forgotten, I trust 1 say, that General Scott himself will now allow the matter to rest, and not insist upon the trial as he now has a right to do by the articles of war. The abandonment of the charges is a sufficient vindication of his honor and ought to satisfy him. I think that lli Select Committee of the Senate, to which have been transferred the Territorial bills, Wilmot Proviso, Missouri Compromise, &c, will report to-morrow or next day; but t have not the slightest idea that their report will !e unanimously adop ted. The short armistice may bo followed by a re-commencement of hostilities; but I can assure tho frightened readers of the Led ger that the South will not immediately be arrayed in glistening bayonets, and that the "Union," (I mean the confederacy ofStates.) is not in the slightest danger. Tho eagle will not lose its feathers, and the stars will not fall, even if the Missouri Compromise should full through this session. The South will retreat fighting, as may be expected, when a question is up which involves not only their property, but their personal safety. I understand that the committee itself will not report in favor of the Missouri Compro misea majority being not in favor of it but in favor of one of two things, vix: ei ther to fix the period when ull three territo ries, Oregon, New Mexico and California i-hall come into tho Union us independent Siatesf and investing tfte President, in the meau time, with the power of establishing a gov eminent in each of them or to leave out in each of these territorial bills each and every thing relating to slavery, except the clause that slaves carried their by their masters shall continue to be slaves to their masters, though they thall not be bought or sold in the teiritory. This, says Mr. Calhoun, is the only compromise to which he will agree and Mr. Underwood thinks just as his master. Gen. Pillow, it is whispered, received last Saturday some very hard knocks in secret executive session of the Senate ; but he still survives the furious onslaught, and what is more, he will be confirmed. General Kearney will share the same fate. He will be taken to pieces by a very great Sanator, and then put together again by that Senator's colleagues of the same and the opposite party. Gen. Kearney will not only be confirmed, but also retained in the army by the House refus ing to agree to Senator Benton's amendment to the bill reducing the officers of the army. . A Dr. Clinton, of Virginia, an assistant ex aminer in the patent office, made a highly calumnious statement in regard to his chief the able and indefatigable Commissioner of Patents, who appointed Mr. Renwick, brother to the celebrated architect from New York, an examiner under the new law, allowing the patent office two additional examiners and several clerks. The Doctor, it seems, applied for promotion, and was quite nettled at the idea that a more perfect scholar, and practical as well as scientific man should be appointed over hie head. He first lodged his charges with the Secretary of Bute, who would not receive them, hot Mr. Burke, ton Commissioner, invisted,, himself, on a trlct investigation of them, and the President at last consented to appoint Mr. Giliet, the Soli, citor of the Treasury, and Mr, McCullough, Comptroller of the same department, a Board of Commissioners for hat purpojM. Clinton appraredw'th hi eouaaeh, and desired tq know whether the Board should have the privilege to tend for persons and papers, and to administer oaths. Hereupon Mri Burke volunteered to produce all the records of his office, and to pay, himself, a magistrate who shall administer oaths to all his clerks and other witnessess that may be produced. The Board, however, dismissed the ease, when the Doctor filed a bill with the Grand Jury, (all composed of political opponents of Mr. Burke, and having the President of a. Bank for foreman, who owes Mr. Burke no parti cular gratitude fotfaving, while a member of Congress defeated the recharter of the District Banks.) The Grand Jury found no more cause of action, after examining sever, al clerks of the office, than the Board appoin ted by the President himself, and now the jewel of a Doctor has memorialized Congress. Observer. COXORESSIOtVAL PROCEEDINGS. Washington, July 18. In Senate The Senate assembled at the usual hour, and proceeded to the prosecution of business. The Vice President laid before thu Senate a report from the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the imports of coal and iron, which was ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi on Conference, in relation to the bill reducing the number of General Officers in the Army, reported a bill repealing the act upon this subject which was ordered to be printed. Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Military Affairs, made a report recommending that the Senate agree to the amendment made by the House to the bill granting half pay to the widows and orphans of soldiers who had been killed or died of wounds in Mexico. After some debate, the amendment was adopted On motion of Mr. Benton, the Senate went into Executive session. After the doors were re-opened, Mr. Clay ton from the Select Committee reported a bill to establish territorial governments in Oregon, New Mexico nnd California, which was read twice, nnd made the order of the day for Friday next. The bill leaves out the slavery question altogether. Mr. Clayton said that the Committee had adopted the bill with great unanimity, only two of the mem bers dissenting, Messrs. Clarke and Under wood. Adjourned. Hocsr. or Representatives. Mr. Botts, from the committee of Conference, reported a bill agreed upon with the committee on the part of the Senate, and recommended to both houses. It repeals the law of 1846, requiring the reduction of the officers of the army to the foimer standard. It also allows three months' extra pay. Tho question upon a dopjing the report of the Conference commit tee was then taken by yeas and nays, when it was adopted by a vote of 149 to 30. The Ci naro Steamers. The last steam ers built are realizing the prediction that the Atlantic would be crossed in a little over a week's time. Tho American made the trip from Liverpool to Boston in ten days, and the Niagara a voyage from Boston to Liverpool mid back 5000 miles in less then twenty four days. Still greater dseds are expected of the Europe, under Capt. Lott's guidance, and he is expected to be th first to piss from England to America in es than 10 days. If he doe not do so some of the American built steamers now running to and from Europe will beat. The "United States'' iu her last trip out made a better passage than the Can ard steamer. Gen. Css' Personal Character Abbot Lawrence, the great Massachusetts whig, iu a speech at a Taylor meeting in Burlington, last week made this remark of the Democ ra cratio candidate for the Presidency : "I know him well. I have broken bread with him in his own house, and he with me in mine. He is a gentlsman a man of un blemished personal character, against which nothing can justly be said." Democrats Rkmcmser. By a law of this State, any person who bets even a dime on the result of the Presidential election is de prived of his vote. It was so hot in New Orleans by the last accounts, that the Cresent says the people there have beeu compelled to draw their breath with cork-screws. This is entirely too hot. The quantity of the present wheat crop in Western New York is excellent. Last Thursday was observed at Charleston, S. C, as a day of fast and thanksgiving for peace. IH7 The estimated loss of the fire at Wilkesbarre. is about (12,000 partly insured. Wm. Young, a pedlar lost 81200 or 81500 in horses, wagon, &c. A number of arrests have been made. DIN D, At Northumberland, on the 17th inst., ELIZABETH CHAPMAN, daughter of Chas. H. and J. E. Kay, aged about 11 months. PHlLw&EX.PHXA ZIABEET, TvtsDAY, July 18, 1848. Flocr Is rather more inquired for at $5 25 a 5 31 for common Penna extra 51, 86. Corn Meal Is worth about $2 44 a $2 50. ltvr. Flocr Is scarce at about S3 94 a 84. Wheat Prime white SI 15 a SI 18; old red is worth SI 10 a SI 12; new Southern SI 10 a SI 12. Hve Penna. is worth about 68 a 70c per bushel. Copn Southern yellow is quick at 51 a 52c, weight. Oats Are steady at about 38c for Penn.; Southern 35. Whiskey Sales in bbls at S4c, in hhds 23lc. iLTIBIORB MARKtT, OJIta if thi Baitimsbs Amsbicas, July ), GBIN..-There very little Wheat at market to-day, and pTiees advanoed some 1 or 4 cts, per bushel. Sales of Rood to strictly prime reds were) made at lOAaua cts. and Vamily Flour white at IStalM ets. Corn is also is small supply and prices are a ahade higher. Salee of yellow at 43a44 ets. and of white at 4 8a 50 ets. We quota Oats at Staid ets. WHISKEY. There is a fair demand, but the asuele is aeeroe, M salee of hhds. have been made at t2feX3 cta. w) of bbls. at 3a 21 ets., which Is an advance A STEAK XXOXISZ2. CfME to the premises eflhe subscriber, in Lower Auftorte hwvnahip, Itorthomberlane! county, en Pundaj evewint. ibe I Ath inst.. e dap. l4a Orey Hons, sbent 16 hands hih and prsba. bty nvs yaarsoM. His bind left fiom the kaee dawn are white Ms fare (art while and end ef tail whits. The horse if s loud ene end when be etme was tired end sonaawhat atiaC The owner la rraaaetfd le corns forward, prsvs property, pay cbsrseaaad iske hisj awaf. ,juna mm mm. Lower Aufosta, Jaly 18, IMa. LIST Or OAUCZ3. IfOK trial In lbs Court of Camoaas Pises efflar lbnmlriand Ceenty, el Aet Tarsal Hit commanding the 8m -Monday, being the Ttb.. William Simooloa s J Shipmen ds B OiaifR Benjamin RoMne vs Valentiae Ktete Charles H Trick v William frisk . Hanre Mssr vs H B Msaaer at Jeaapb Btaatf Jacob Hard vs D N Lakt et si . Freeman H Clark vs John Sebrinar D At P Railroad co vs Havwood efc Snider Wm A. It Freely tk to vs Geores Horksn Harlow Prior . va Hugh McFall Diaries Plraaanta a l.rwia Dewart William Murray a Bol'trr Gsmhart Flrlclier Mathrws ' v Daniel Weldocr raid Gutrliun John Porter Reth I Comly rt al re David M .rr dr, lees Btewn Daniel Millrr and wife Philip Heckert Jacob Irfiiaenring va William Depney Hush Bellaa ti KaW Fegely Klijih Crawford tiMtF Billmyer Wm H Frymire va Samuel Hrndereoer William Starke va John McGinnie Brauiiiram dc Wapptea vs G H and Wm Frirk Henry Keiter ' Vs Henry Yoltbeimer Hank of iSotihumbrilaad vs Philip BiembecR Gideon Market va J.ihn J WaifiirJ Ueorge II ileman va Mardn dc Wm Readele John Diebl et al vs Prter Lezoroe el si Frederick Keener vs William Ayrae Forajthe, Wj)on Ax eo va J C Bryant dt I T Cle ment Wm Patieaann'a airai'neo va W MrC'y'sedmrs.dfc Mahsn for Simon ton s Hackenherg dt RisheJ Hugh Itellaa va James Rose et al Jnhn G irner's heirs vs Leah Stroreker Andrew Garner et al vs Bams Jacob H Rhoad. Ac vtifa va Jamea dt Wm Roes Rulieit M CI irk va laaac Brown Andrew Cmene'a ad i or a vs David Stahtnecker ' Henry H Burr D inul Unset Thomas Allen Cbarlrs Doeberty John Wolf Jacob Swenk John McGinnie John O Montgomery & J. llihler Samui'l Yount va Wm McCaj'a admrs va I) "liter Garnhart va James Cumminga v Samuel Caldwell va Charles Ruucl va Samuel Hrnderson va William 8nrke va Thomas Llnyd va J Ac 8 KeMrtter Ac e School Dirrctore of Kurh th va Wm II Kaee Francie (iihaon va John M Huoiwl Daniel P Caul va Dentlrr Ac Montague Jonathan Furman va Samuel Forman (iiorr-e Kline et al va Daniel H-rhe edmr's Lrnie Creesman Guar- , ..... .lian ..f Ann Slower ' J,wb Rhn, Grshama Heire va H. Bellas. J. Porters! el l.eeh 8trorcker va Jacob Hnfliuen lvi llotterteadm'ra va A. C. Barrel Jacob Hnueeld; "ife va Philip Houeal adatto Jnnvhvn Puraell Ar. wife va Jacob Ac J-e, KHae John Marti va , eama v. Alhert D. Bradtotd va Jamea Cmerl va Jaenb Weik v.. Ja De Normandta Joreh Unci Elijah 8 arch Eleanor lire la a In.'ra TV lor Paulding W.al AtC Mary M.;Cy Landaw, K milalla Ac HarriiHin Daniel Hat A; C '.for Joa. Ilowni .tomtha i P. Shulli v. Wm. McCay'a edm'rv va Get man Rtfurme.t- Church va D. S. H iiinit wAt C' (iiltiier va Jamb Weik JOHN FAIIN8M ORTrT, Pinthan.itart funinirv, July, ""i . PruAy- 1 3 as LIST OF JURORS OF iNorthum Vrland Coiimy, f. Augitel Trtmfc A. U l4f. ('r.iud Juror. Sunburn. Mtinn hor.tirr. Upper Auzuila. Charle.. E kmara Lower A ugusta. H n y l!ei. Rush. Donliain It. Kae, Th'. Va-line, David Fau. Shnniiitt n.- i I.i'i-enpo,, O itM Urymire. Colli. John I'layrr. J jrol. Wagoner. Jacktitn. V. -r mil O't , A. Fejrlt, J ihrt Milli e. Upper j1.'cfnr.ii,v John Ur vrn. I'bili Mover. Little Mal.onoi.- -niurl 'l iou'nian. Lower IHniimny. H mu I lrfa Vrtawnre -M . O.atti. J. H.uT an tt. Ubtr. Chilltsijunqm , do. Hoop. Win. Hi ikti ism Brbmin 'IV el. Mi Hon. Wm. S im-r. , Trnrrrsc Juror. Sunbury.H. H- upt, John l.afirtaer. Jehu Kaav dalle. Pater l.asirue. s Lower .lugtuta. Himccl K 'Refer, DevM (I 4. ahall. J.ihn Fa h.dJ. . ' Upper Autputa.Wm. IteeJ " ' Kuth. Cha.lee Folk, Alet. Caesprelt " 8 hamokin. fieu l'eneyl,Edierd Kocfce. Jab) Eeri. Abr. Aochmrji;, Hamuat Eot, A area Seber, A bribers 1- ich. ' ' Coal. tflenhen E abael. Jiekum Mirhael Tieon, Wm, Hrnk, Baxji. min Trrnii, Win. Kare. Wm. Ntr-i cker. Upper Nahonoy. tint. Hain, Wm. Sherry. . Lower Malionny. Dai iel 1). Mar. um Philip l.'ni jr. Tb,.. It .rr, Aaron B. Annan. Me-henl R.'fd.'r. Turbut Anil'CW Fullmer. Vouvire lien. Mjahll.r, Divid Wa'en, Jia. Ihtka, Hohcrl tt. Waieon, Philip Brceelrr. Ch'ia'iati Goeh, Amir w (Suffy. Jti-lhm l.yman Vil.n, Win. C. Wtlena. CliHinquaqut lie Frederick, Thus. Kitler, John U. McUee, Kcrlhumber.amLOeo. Apaley, Dinial Mar .ball John Leieeniinf . yjori.--AiiUlua IJgbon, Wm. Venklrk. ' Equitable Life Insurarsee, Aamtt and Trust Compaay. OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PHlLADEUm. Capital eaW.OOO. Caaavsa PBararrAi.. rl'HK Company are now prepared to nrvv. tka moat liberal ana adrantai iceraa tenae. Tbar i) "to make a ana are author ileal bv their charter faeet 3 every imuranee appertaining to In a riaka of wbauver kieat or nature, and In receive and execute truata, aaake endow menta, and to (rant and purchaaa anuuitiaa." Tto Coav pany acll aanuitlea and endow inenta, and eel aa Ttoateas tor minora and beira. .... Table of Preiniuma required for the AaBnranoa of an OS lee the whole term ot Ufa. age. I 3 38 .u t 77 ti 4M 41 4 71 If M 5 TK 03 1 ne premium are leaa thaa any other enmpany, and the pnlKiea adord greater advantagee. Tabtra of hair-yeare and quarterly preiruuma, hall credit ralea of premium, ahon terma, joint uvea, aurvivorahipa and endowment!; a Lao, form ot Applioan m which Ibera are blank eheeta) ar to be had on application at the oScc, or by enter W the) Ageut, J. H. rl'KUY, Bunbory. RATSa ro imdiim SluD oa S auigle Ufa. ' Age. M tt 40 40 a Age. IPrem. I Ag lPrem. IS ISO i7" tOo l3 S4 ll 18 I AO 33 ( an '0 to 31 7 !m 3$ 133 l 1S3 M 9 40 M . IBS 37 47 S3 l0 3D est SI IN 3g S 63 1 76 4U TO I 84 41 S 81 lee 41 So lei 43 3 Si S til 44 SIS UU S04 44 3 S3 For Ufa. Itt ire as tixAHHM k eeee-agea- tt ream birth day, hr pari" U- Coaapa v a oaa wooat eaeeaa to kis fcaaje orUli S1UU ahouaf he die ia i oa year I or lor aVS be ee erwv i v vi. iawir iur ha eeeuree lo theaa Slow anottM aa Ota w aavajn years i for $m, patd aneaally duruif Rfe he aetata RleO la I eaed when aa ataa. m by theduTeranaeieaa by other aHinai Pur For I year. For 7 yaaie. iS hoard he die hi noe year. Porau efaepMoatna end el eaniealaea ra seal u bajra-e. J CuaqjjoILN, PreaaM. TBSAavaaa VsAKCie W. Kawls. H. 6. Taokatt, heereaary. . . . i CeeieeiviM Pwriieite Pr. J. B. Meaeet, ehaabaav. J. H Pobjt, aWaary, Aat fai Nonhuaabecaiad aou Siuteury, ity S, IS44W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers