T"'1T,''"" "r-rweaw - - -- w .....; i ,1 d ' Or', Kriifl vT," A . - : ! ., i . ., nie' I - . n ! ' ", '.! . rV ; "" fl ""V. 'i ' "TTl T"f tT "V ffT T i r"i?P - "s'fc'!- , i ajji i v am'f I v. 1 ... t A 1 A A - V 10 - . - ,NKf;Snnins VOL. 1,-NO. TKnMS Or THE AMtRl(:i. THI! AMERICA! ia put'llstied evert Halurdny at TWO DOLLARS a-ammM to b pud half yearly in advance. No puper discuminued until all arrearage are pun). All curamiinjcaiions or letters on business relating to the tflice, to insure attention, mint he POST PAH). "' "; " TO CLUBS. Three copies to nnfl atMrew, " St'Vrn ' 1 Do ' . Do rn'tcoi . Do Do i oim tive dollori in ailvaiire will nv for tlirm vi.r'ni,l. suoo tion to the American. 1 Oi Square of 10 line, 8 lirmui, Ivrrv i!weqiiPiil inaertUTni ne Square, 3 montlm, ix motitht! , )ne year, Jlminen Carclt of Five Hncat per aniiinn, nf crehanta and othera, adrrtiina by the vear( with the privilea;e of Inaertieg dii- tercnt ail-ertimmients weekly. IT Larger AJvcrticnieuta.'5 per agreemept tlQO ii am H7I AtlO 300 tATTORN E Y AT LAW, '.. SDXTBVRV, PA. ' IlnnlricB'0 aiirndctl to in the (.'uuntina or Nor tliuirl rrlanJ, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. Refer to I ? I". & A. RoTOODT, "j hi t ' lxw & Biaiton, Somkri & 8trunaaii, l'Ma l. Rstkolds, McPahlaki) & Co 8ram,OooD Sc, Co., . & E1TGLISH, tiROCERS COMMISSION MKRCIIAKTS ' - and Dealera in Seedn, JVe. 3, Arch St. PHILADELPHIA. Conitantly on hand a general astortinrot of GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, SEEDS, LIQUORS, &c. To which tbey respectfully invite the attention of the public. All kind of country produce taken in exchange for Groceries or.sold on Commission. 'Philad. April 1, 1818 TUB C1ISAP BOOK STOKE. 15 AITXELS &. SMITH'S ' Cheap Nbw & Seconp hand Boor Stoke, North Wat corner of Fourth and Arch Slreeli Philadelphia. 'Law Books, Theological nnd Classical Hooka, IVIBDIOAI. BOOKS, li lOi RAP HICALie HISTORICAL HOOKS, '' v SCHOOL UOOKS. "SotKhTiFie and Matheatical Bo k. Jumnil Boolcs, in great vnriefy. Hymn Rooks and Prayer Books, Cililr-a, all sizes .' and prices. lilank Tinots, Writing Paper, mid Stationary, HVial. t'c and Mtrtatl. tTf Ooa prWra are uiurh lower tlinn the rklilah prices. I7).iuluric ald Rillall piirrtdK of h'Mk purrlriK.-tl. l Rinks imported to order from lMidon. Phrkulclphia, 'April 1, imsy eftnvi. si;a17 V:tiUAvixc;. VM G MASON. 4G Chesntttitt.3 doort aboreHiid st., Pliiludrlphia. tUtlfrnYir of IUMMKS Ar VISITIX1 CARDS, 'Watch papers, Labels, Dnnr plutes. S'-als and "MnmpS for Odd Feitwa, Hjiis of Teinp-ratice, hr.,ts.t. Always on hand a general assortment ' of Vine Fancy (Jooils. Gold pens olVvery quality.. Soa Collars in Jfeat variety. F.ngravers tools and materials. Azency for the Manufacturer of (ilaxitTs Dia- iTlOllds. Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually attended to. Philadelphia, April I, 1RJ8 y "basket'- MANUFACTORY, A. - S'uiilh Rcei'nd ttrtit r.nxl ridt, dtton stars, PHU.AHF.I.V!tl.. ;'.'." HENRY COULTER, RKSHKfTKULLV inroims hia fri.ndsantl Hie pub ic, that he constaut'y keeps on 'hand a lare assoitment- of chi drens wilow. Cyachrs CLairss Crad es, maikrt and tinvi-l-ling baskets, and every variety of, basket wuik manafactnred. . Country Merchants and others who with to purchase such attie'es, good and cheap, would do well to call on him, as they are at innniilnc tured by him inthe best manner. Philadelphia, Jui.e 3, 1818. ly . con tkv ,iu:ict:ii vm . .!, Cast sure from li te per Cent. BY purchasing their OIL CLOTHS direct from the. Manufacturers. POTTER & CAUVICHAF.L Have opened a Warehouse, No. 113 Norih Thiril Street above Race, second door South of the l'.u gle Hotel, , v, , rillLAT)ELPHI, where they will always keey on hand a complete assortment of Patent liluttic Csrriuge 1)4 Clolhu. 28, 30, 40, 48 and 51 inches wide. Fi gured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Mus Jjn Drilling and Linen. Tutdt Oil Cloths of the most desirable patterns, 36, 40, 46 and 34 inches wide. Floor Oil Clotis, from 28 inches to 21 feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style of patterns, all of their own manufacture. Trans parent Window Shades, Carpets, &c. All goods warranted. Phila. May 27, 18J8 3m ; "mttDE3sr jbbz jol mm' FIRST PHEMIUM PIANO FORTES. rVHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed agent A. for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE BRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PIANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, mas sive and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth of tone, and elegance of workmanship, are not snrpassed by any in the United States. These instruments are highly approved of by 'the most emihent Professors and Composers of Music in this and other cities. For qualities of tone, touch and keeping in tone upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sue pas sed by either American or European Pianos. Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, W. V Wallace, Yieut Temps, and his sister, the cele. brated Piaaist, and many others of the most dis tinguished performers, have given these inttiu meats preference over all others They bare also received the first notice of the bree last Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal by the Frenklin Institute in 1843, was awarded A them, which, with other premiums from I be aarne source, may be seen at the Ware-room No. a south Fourth st. Another tsilvar Medal was awarded to C. Meyer, by the F'ahklia Institute, Oct 1843 for lbs best J' is no in the chibition. Again et ti tithibitioa of the Fraaklin Insti tuU. Oct. 1840, the first premie u and medal was awarded te V. Meyer fur 4ia Pianos, although it had been awarded at the exhibition of the year te fare, oa lha v-maA thai ka had made still s;rat ier improvements in hie InAtxunafji svUbio the jdut II Biootbs, ' Agaui at the last etffcrbitUo of the Fraaklin inaliUrt. 1847, ajiothef Premium was awarded to C. Meyer, (of tbefeest Fiacvo in the exhibition. At BwUMt. at their last exhibition, Sept. 1847, C. Meyer received the diet silver Medal and Di plpma, for the beet square Piauo in the exhibition These Pianos will be told at the rr.anafocta rer's lowest Philadelphia priees, If not something lower. Pereenl are iqsMU4 tm ee.ll and Mam ine for ' themselves, at the residence of the sub scriber. L . MA55ER. cunbuiy, April 8, lbt. - GEMS OF POESY. BUEPtA VISTA. BV CHARLES FeNNO HoFFMAN. Supposed to be written by a Mexicnii pri soner within tho American linpsalSitliillo.) We saw their watch-fires through the night Light np the far horison'e verge; Wo heard at dawn the gathering fight, Swell like the distant ocean surge The thunder-tramp bf mountain hordes Frru distance sweeps a bodine souiitl. As Aztec's twenty thousand swords And clanking cliarges shakes thur ground. A fnm ! now all is hushed again How strange that lull before tho storm, That fearful silence o'er the plain Halt they their battle line to form ? It booms it booms it booms again, And through each thick and thunderous shock The war screams seems to pierco the brnim As charging squadron interlock. Columbia's sons of different race Proud Aztec und bold Alleghan, Are grappled there in death embrace, To rend each other, man to man ! The storm-clouds lift, and through tin; haw Dissolving in the nnnu-tido light. 1 see the sun of Aztec blaze Upon her banner broad and bright ! And on slill on, her ensigns wave, Flinging abroad each glorious fold ; While drooping round each sullen slave Cling Alleghan's but half unrolled. Rut stay ! that shout has stirred tho air; I see the stripes I see the stars O God ! who leads the phalanx there, Beneath those fearful inrleor bars ? "Old Ziick" "Old Zack-' the war-ery rat ties , Amid those men of iron tread, As rung "Old Fritz" in Europe's battles, When thus his host great Frederick led ! Like Cordellieres snow-fed flood lis torrent-track through forest reiulerins, Like Sanligo's crashinir wood Through which it whirls, in form descend ing. So Taylor's power in that wild hour Upon our central might is thrown, So round his dread resistless trend Our bleeding ranks are rent and strewn. Oh! hardly from that carnage dire We drag our patriot chief away Who, crushed by famine, steel nnd fire. Yet claims as his the despemte day ! That day whose sinking light is shed O'er Buena Vista's field, to tell, Where round the sleeping nnd the dead, Walks conquering Taylor's sentinel. While the battle was going on, there came up a thick black cloud while extended itself across tho valley, immediately over the two armies, entirely concealing them from my view, from which I could henr peal after peal of heavy thunder, and see tho sharp lightning descend. At the same tiniH I could heai tho roar of the cannon of both armies, then engaged in deadly conflict; as though heavons'e artillery was contending ugsiinst that of feeble man. . Letter front an Oilicer, iu the Knith rtiothr. ARRIVAL OF Til K XI AG A K A. SKCKX DAYS LATER . FROM EUROPE. LM POIItANT NEWS ! ItLOODV CONFLICT IX PARIS. C'averniuent Triumphant LOSS OFl.lFETi T Oio,0(i0. The Arch llWhup of I'urU, six Deputies uuil lour, leen General Officers among Ike sliiln. The Arch Bishop slain while Proposing Peace to tin Insurgents! HORRIBLE BARBARITIES. Boston, July I. Tho steamship Niagara arrived at Uoatou this morning at 7 o'clock. Sho briir-a news of ono of the most terrible and bloody con flicts iu Paris ever known. It listed four days, and resulted iu the triumph of the Go vernment. The loss of lifa is estimated at from eight to teu thousand. Six deputies and fourteen general officers were among tho killed. The Archbishop of Paris also lost his'life. Tho following is a summary of this san guinary affair. The strife began in conse quence of a misunderstanding of a phrase used by the Mayor to a deputation of work men' A person who had taken a prominent pait in the affair of May, was acting as spokesman for the deputation, when the May or asked them if they were slaves; which being reported served as the signal for the outbreak. On Thursday night, barricades were erect ed and the National Guard turned out. The insurgents seized all that portion of the city about the Fanbourg St. Antoine, and threat ened the Hotel de Ville. On Friday, there was some fighting, in which the insurgents were successful. Lam artine rode with the staff of Gen. Cavaignao to quell the insurrection, but. without effect. - Artillery was used, but at night the insur gents had gained ground and strength. On Saturday, the Assembly declared its session permanent. The Government 're signed the supreme executive power, which was given to Gen. Cavaignae, who decla red Paris in a stale of siege. - V . . '. : ( The whole day was spent in fighting,' exc ept a lull during 4 thunder storm '' The war of artillery and musketry w terrible. : JL sVltJHj ,T!?:!iRw n county; pa!, sATunbAY; iiii.Y siPiTJsT , ' On Saturday night the state of the capital wasawiul. Troops were pouring in fuim the -viiiuuruig apartments, lite red tlagol tlio socialists was raised, and the lighting con tinued. On Sunday, the President of tho Assembly announced that the Government had com pletely succeeded in suppressing the revolt on me left side of the city, and that Gen Cay aignac had given the insurgents on tho right name 01 the Ieuie till lOo clock, to surrender If they did not do so by that hour, prepara tions nad been, made to bring tho heaviest artillery to bear upon them, and no doubt remained that the insurrection could be put down. Tho hope, however, was not realized. The fight continued during Sunday with fearful loss of life. The last band took refuge iu tho Cemetery of Pere la Chaise. A commission has been appointed to try those taken with nrms in their hands. The insurgents, and especially tho women etiiragnd in (), affair, treated the nrisoners with unexampled barbarity, cutting oir their hands and feet, and torturing them iu every conceivable manner. FURTHER DETAILS. TlIK DlMTIIS OF T1IK AltCHBlSHoP AM) M. La rociie. We copy from tho New York papers re ceived hist eveiiinjr, the following additional details of the dreadful intelligence received from France. On Saturday, lite 24th, the National Assem bly declared itself iu permanence, and Paris was declared 11: a state of seize : tho execn. ve power was delegated absolutely to Cav aignao, and at half past 10, the members of the executive had resigned They declared that they should have been wanting in their lulies nnd honor, had they withdrawn bc- lore. As sedition is a public peril, thev only witinirew nelore a vote of the Assembly. nrports poured m every hour to the As sembly and as tho iutelligeiiDe arrived of the slaughter of the National Guards, und the fall of one general after another, who was kille.t or wounded by tho insurgents, the sensation became deep and nlarmiiiir. During tho whole of Fridny night, nnd un til 3 o' clock 011 Saturday, tho roar of artillery and tho noise of musket wore incessant. In this frightful state of things, the Assembly oetraycu not a little alarm.. A deputation from the Assembly was proposed to go and entreat the combatants to cease this strife, but nil the successive retxirts proved that the insurgents were bent 011 only yielding tip the struggle with their lives, and their valor was only surpassed by tVir desperate resolution. On Saturday ni"hl at 12 o'clock tho cunilal was m tin nwlul slate, righting continues with unabated fury. Large numbers of troops poured in from all the neighboring de partments, but still the insurgents, having rendered their positions almost impregnable, resisteil more or less effectually all the force that could be brought against them. The red flag, the banner of the P-tpxiblique Demo cratiave et Svcia'e, was hoisted. The fighting continued the whole of Sun day, with a fearful loss of life, especially to the National Guards. 1 On Monday the reinforcements Gen. La moiiriere had received from Cavaignae ena. bled him to route tho insurgents iu the eastern part of the city, and although redu ced to extremities they still fought with in credible valor. It was thought oa Monday morning early that Iney would surrender, but tho hope thus held out of the termination of tho insurrec tion was not immediately realized. At about half-past ten, the lighting was re. sinned, and it was only aftera frightful strug gle of about two hours that tho Government troops every where prevailed, and the insur rection being broken the insurgents were ei thcr shot, taken prisoners, or fled into the country in the direction toward Vincennes The Eastern quarters, comprising the fou- bourg St Antoine, due Temple, Meuilmoutant and Pepingcourt, were the last subdued. On Tuesday the insurrection was definitely quelled. The loss of life has been terrific, no fewer than fourteen general officers had been put hors du combat greater loss than in the most splendid engagements of Napoleon. The Death or tub Archbishop. Four or five members of the National Assembly are among the killed, and as many more wounded, but the most touching death of all is that of the Bishop of Paris. The venerable prelate on Sunday . volunteered to go to the insurgents as a messenger of peace. Cavaig nao said that such a 6tep was full of danger, but this Christian pastor persisted. He ad vanced, attended by his two vicars, towards the barricades, with an olive branch borne before him, when he was ruthlessly shot in his groin add fell mortally wounded. The venerable patient was ordered by the insur gents to the nearest hospital in St Antoine, where he received the last sacraments, lan guished and has since died. . The editor of the Pere Ducherse, M. La roche, was shot in the head at the barricade Rochechoart, where, in the dres of a work man, he was fighting at the head of insur gents.', It will probably never bo correctly ascertained to -what extent this sacrifico of human life in this frightful struggle has reach ed. Some compute the loss on the side of the troops at from 9000 to 10,000 slain, but we hope this is exaggeiated. 4 The women were hired to poison the wine sold to the soldiers, who drank it, reeled, and died.' h seemed to be believed generally, (hat if the insurgents had succeeded in fol the arts, aarttulturr, ittarftets, amusements, re. lowing up their admirably concerted plan of Operation, and having advanced, tlirir limy Mid possessed theniFolves of, the Hotel do ille, had followed up the river, the whole city would nave been given np to pillage indeed, the words "pillage" and "rape" are soid to have been inscribed on ono of their banners. Not less than 30.000 stand of arms have brcn seized and captured in the fan bourg St. Antoine nlone, The streets wero barricaded, the windows wore lined with mattresses ; behind which murderous fire was poured down on the troops mm gangways of internal communication had been opened from house to house, which sup plied ammunition or means of escape to the besieged. On the left bank of the Seine the left wins extended to the Pantheon, by the steep and narrow line of tho Rite St. Jacques, which was completely barricaded, nnd even fortified with cannon. The attack on this portion n lone cost fifteen hour's hard and uninterrun fil.i: ;. ., : ... 1 -. Hominy, ji-iu was ine iirsr. wnicn was reconquered. The attack on the right winr which ex tended to the Clos St. Lazare,vn conducted by Lamoriciere, who gradually forced hi way on tho third day, to the barriers, nnd there effected his junction with the central division of Gen. Duv ivier. Prom Second Kdiiion of Ixinj) n CI iln-, June 30 The new ministry does not now civc inii ;i.-tti suusiuciinii, 01 course, iwuny pursous complain of the retention in power of four of the old ministers, viz: Recttrt, Cnrnot, Belli iiiwui mo'j uasutir, ana asKea wny jl. Thiers II .11- I L 1 I - . ... . . is not named. ; - They also complain that what is called the clique of the National, ' has still ihe nseen deney, and mention as a proof thu' nomina tion of admiral Le Blanc as minister of the marqne. As to the composition of the new ministry, tho only Teally bad nomination is that ofCarnot. This man is almost ns objectionable as Ledru Rollin, for his circulars when they were in power together before the election were as violent as those of Ledru Rollin, nnd seemed to huve been written by the same hand. , As to Recurt, he is really an honest, well meaning republican ; for 2f years he has had an unsullied reputation in private life, and none of his public acts lmve brought odium upon him. Bcthmout. the Minister of Justice is also an honest man and a moderate repub lican. . . v ; Bastille, the Minister of Foreign affairs, al though long suspected of a tendency to red Kcpiililicuuism, behaved nobly in tho affair of l.ouiti Rhino. Ho was tho only Minister who had the courage and tho honesty to de mand the arrest and trial of tluit mad deina- Froui the John Donkey. Extract from a New axu ixtehestixu Pi.ay called, m ho killed (oik rodin ? , OR THE COURT OF INQUIRY. Characters The members of the Court Judge Advocate General Spottv, General Bellow, General Dins, Colonel Donkcan, Captaiii Dar, Colonel Yawnev, and Colonel Breaknap. Act V. Scene 5f!th. THE COURT-ROOM. Judge Adv. dipt. Dab is called us a wit. ness. Capt'Dar. Here! Gen. Spotty. I object to Capt. Dar. Ho will tell what he knows, and a great deal more besides. G'eii. Bellow. This is too bad it's just like Spotty its Ccii. Spotty. As a'distinguished civilian once said, on a memorable occasion, you go to home, where you belong. It's a pity you ever joined the army. Gt i. Bellow. To this, I will make oiw om phalic remark Sok .' The Court. The Generals are out of order. The objections are overruled, and tho witness must be heard. fudge Adv. Captain, you will bu pleased to state emphatically, categorically, paronri- cally, and diaphoretically. "II ho killed Cock nobbin?" iPfojiiiul j.vi- safion.) Capt. Dar. Gen. Bellow with his bow and arrow ho killed Cock Robbin ! With my little eye 1 did spy and I saw him die. Gen. Spotty (excited.) May it please the court this is all my eye. I will prove that Captain Dar is The Court You are out of order. You may cross examine. Gen. Spotty (sneering). The court will ob- servo that tho witness is a dragoon, with his long sword, saddle bridle, as an immortal poet says. Gen. Bellow It's of the right size for you. Gen. Spotty The witness will state w he- ther it was a long bow used by Gen. Bellow in killing Cock Rubin, and whether the wit ness himself is not fond of drawing the long bow, The witness will appreciate my kind ness and courtesy, in asking him, as a branch of the latter part of my query, to state ' whe ther his system of taotios is not fibulous. Derived from Fable, Fib, ko. ' '" ' Capt. Dar. Gen. Bellow used a bow just about as long as you are. The second part of this question is unworthy the big officer that put it, and is an insult to me in general, and the whole army in particular. , Ct. Spotty. I will prove it. . " Gen. Sellout'.. Yon can't come it. , Gen. Spotty. Go to grave--in Tenneese. Gen. Bellow. Soup ! OFFICE, CORNER OF. CENTRE ALLEY ( Court. Order.Call ..Gen. Digs and Col. Breaknap. . '' 1 .-, , ! Gft. Digs. 1 don't kiiorv that Capt. -Dar is whrtt-d'ye-ctill it tibulons. , , Col. Breaknap.' 1 know. Capt. Dar. , His tactics are not. fibulous. Gen. Spotty.- Pleuse call Yawney, Col. Yaieney (airuking.) Augh-wah! I've been asleep no fight going on. I understood the question. I believe 1 think, that Capt. Dar is fibulous, and has been so on former occasions. Gen. Bellow. When, where, how and on what occaaious ! Col. Yaicncy. I di n t recollect have a bad memory (trocs to sleep.) Col. Bellow. Call Col. Dunecnn. Co'. Donecan. Here! I have knou n Captain Darr uboul twelve yais, and have often had social iiequniiitunou wi ll him. IU is not fibulous. : Get). Spotty. Tin Court will understand that this witness graduated at West Point as an engineer, and fought his battery of light artillery nt Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and in all tho. battles from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. , It is asserted tliat he really made the practical reconnais- anees which enabled me to turn the heights of Cerro Gordo, nnd the south of Lake Chal- co, ending in the capture of the City of Mex ico. Now, he must understand arithmetic, as ho can make his guns talk so well, I want to see how his tongue will-talk. Gen. Bellow. Botheration ! f ten. Spotty. Leoiiidas! Leoni.las! ft cm. Bellow. Soup ! 01 tp The Court. Order ! Put the question. Gen. Spotty. As 12 years is to C'.i weeks within a fraction, and as "often'' is to "social acquaintances," the witness will state how many 75, 50. 40 or twenty weeks, plus or minus, having special relation to leap years and deflections of the comets, 'and also considering the planets generally, he had social ncquuin tance with Capt Dar. Supposing mush to be A, mmtstick to be B, and molasses to bo C I further wish the witness to state, what sel entitle relations thesu elements bear to each other. Col. Donecem (wide.) Whew ! Here's a go! Nothing about snap! Old story stick wheelbarrow cart load, &c. (To the Court.) As the General is so good at his ci phering, I leave him to resolve the problemus for himself. ' Gen. Spotty (repeats the question) Co. Donecan (repeats the answer, adding.) The question is "sassy!" , Gen. Spotty. Tho Court will protect mo! Col Donecan . Me too ! Gen Spotty. If I catch the witness outside the Court, just around tho eorner, I'll larrup him. Col. Donecan. (Makes no reply but smiling ly looks -'try it.'') The Court. The Court will adjourn until to-morrow. In the mean lime, it will call to the assistance of the Judge Advocate the celebrated John Donkey, of whom it has heard, and then with their advice, will de termine how far the question is intelligible, nnd how far the witues-ies nre bound to an swer it. (Exeunt omnes.) The Indians ol Mexico Their Affection far the Americans. On the departure of our army, from Mexico, tho Indians who constitute nearly the whole laboring population exhibited their sorrow and regret in the most striking and affecting manner. Tin sojourn of our army in Mexico has relieved these poor and interest ing people of many oppressions and taxes to which they have long been subjected. They are the producers and industrials of the country, ami hitherto have contributed, through tho Aha bala, and other taxes, to support tho extrava gant government of Mexico. Intercourse with our soldiers akuowleJge of tho kindly dispositions, as well us of the bravo hearts and strong anus of our countrymen have inspired the descendants of Montezuma wilh a profound respect nnd warm affection for tha American people. There is ono single trait of our countrymen which lias aroused the liveliest admiration of the poor Indians. It is their behavior to female. Tho lower class of tho Mexicans treat their women luirahly. As for the poor Indians, of both sexes, the Mexicans treat them like dogs. When they contrasted the kind and poli,te consideration of our soldiers towards their women with the brutal conduct of the Mexi cans, when they saw an American suldiel turning out of ihe way to let a Mexican wo man pass, they could scarcely understand, much less express their gratitude for such un expected kindness. As our Army passed out of their towus, crowds of these poor people surrounded our troops, and threw bouquets and fruit to the soldiers, and many of them wept most piteouly, crying out that they had lost their only frieiuU. This feeling will inevitably arouse the In dians, who compose tiix-eights of the popula tion of Mexico, to resistance and rebellion against the anthorittesof that country. These effects have! been manifested throughout the country, The power of the whites can 00 more resist' the overwhelming force of the Indians than a dry reed could stand against a tornado, .They will be driven to the sea shore, aye, into, the sea, and compelled to leave the country, Foreign assistance alone oan save Mexico from relapsing into the hands of the Aborigines. -W Oniv laiAomB It ! Nearly ten years long er of life, if you rise for forty years at Jive in stead, of seven, A; M. What a deal might be learned in that lime.' 1 ' " THE DISCOVERY. , , 8 V THOMAS HOOD, " -, , , , . "It's a nasty ''cveiiing,'-soil) Mr. Dornton, tho stock-broker, a? ho settled himself iu the last inside place of the .last Fulliam, coach, driven by our friend Mat an especiul friend in need, be it remembered to the fair sc.t. "I wouldn't be outside," mid Mr. Jones, another stockbroker, "for a trifle," "Nor as a speculation in options," said Mr. Parsons, another frequenter of the Alley, "I wonder what Mat is waiting for," snld Mr. Tid well, "for wo arc full, 'iusido and out." Mr. Tidwell's doubt was soou solved the coach door opened, and Mat somewhat osten tatiously inquired, what indeed ho very well knew "I believe every place is took up in side!" . . "We ure all here,"' answered Mr. Jones, on behulf of the usual complement of old sta gers. "1 told you so, Ma'um," said Mat, to a fe male who stood beside him, but still leaving the door open to an invitation from within. However, nobody spoke 011 the contrary, 1 felt Mr. Hindmarsh, my next neighbor, dila ting himself like the frog in the fable. "I don't know what I shall do," exclaimed the woman ; "I've 110 where to go to, and its raining cats and dogs!" "You'd better not hang about anyhow," said Mat, "tor you may ketch your death and I am the last coach aint I, Mr. Jones" "To be sure you are," said Mr. Jones, ra ther impatiently, "shut the door." "I told the lady the gentlemen couldn't make room for her,' answered Mat, iu a tone of npology. "I'm very sorry, my dear," (turning towards the female,) you should hnve wi y sent, if you could hold the ribbons but such a pretty one as you ought to have a coach of her own." He began slowly closing the door. "Stop, Mat, stop!" cried Mr. Dornton, and the door quickly unclosed again ; "I can't give tip my place, for I am expected home to dinner; but if the lady wouldn't object to sit on my knees " "Not the least in the world." answered Mat, eagerly, "you wont object, w ill yon, ma'um, for once in a way, with u married gentleman, and a wet night, and the last coach on the road?" "If I thought I shouldn't uiicoinmode," said the lady, percipitately furling her umbrella, which she handed iu to one gentleman, whilst she favored another with her muddy pattens. She then followed herself, Mat shutting the door behind her, in such a manner as to help her in. "I'm sure I'm much obliged for the favor," she said, looking round; but which gentleman was so kiudj"' "It was I who had the pleasure of propo sing, Madam," said Mr. D.imton ; and be fore he had pronounced the last words she was iu his lap, with an assurance that she would sit as lightsome ns she could. Both parties seemed very well pleased with tho arrangement ; but to judge according to tho rules of Lavatcr, the rest of the company were but ill at ease. For my own part, I candidly confess I was equally out of humor with myself and the person who had set me such an example of gallantry. I, who had read tho lays of Troubadours the awards of the "Courts of Love" the lives of the "preux Chevaliers'1 the history of Sir Charles Grandison to bo outdone in courtesy to the sex by a married stockbroker! How I grud ged him tho honor ulie conferred upon him how I envied his feelings ! I did not stand alone, I suspect, in this un justifiable jealousy ; Messrs. Jones, lliud marsh, Tid well, and Parsons, seemed equally disciplined to forgive the chivalrous act which had, ns true knights, lowered nil our crests, and blotted our escutcheons, and cut off our spurs. Many an unfair jibe was launched at tho champion of the fair, and when lie1 at tempted to enter into conversation with the lady, ho was interrupted by incessant ques tions of "What is Stirling in the Alley?"' "What is doing in Dutch?" ' How are the Rentes 1" To all these questions Mr. Dornton incon tinently returned business-like answers, ac cording to tho last Stock Exchange quota tions; and he was iu the middle of mi enu meration, that so and so was very linn, and so and so very low, and this rather brisk, and that getting up, nnd operations, und fluctua tions, and so forth, when somebody enquired about Spanish Bonds. "They are looking np, my dear,'' answered Mr. Dornton, somewhat abstractedly; und before the other stockbrokers were done lit tering, the stage stopped. A boll was rung, and Mat stood beside the open coach door, a staid female in a calusdi and clogs, wilh 11 lantern iu her hand, came clattering pomp ously down a front garden. "Is Susan Peggo come?" inquired a shrill voice. "Yes, I be," icplied the lady who had been dry-nursed from town "are yon, ma'am, number ten, Grove Place?" "This is Mr. Doruton's," said the dignified woman iu the hood, advancing her lantern "and mercy on us! you're in master's lap!" A shout of laughter from five of the inside passengers corroborated, trie assertion, and like a literal cat out of the bag, the ci-devant lady, forgetting her umbrella, and her pat tens, bolted out of the coach, and with feline celerity rnshed up the garden, and down the area of number ten. . :.. .' . r. "Renounce tHe woman said Mr. U. ton as ha scuttled out of the stage "Why the devil didn she tell me he was the new cook?" &! MARKET STREET. OLD SER1E8 VOL. 8, NO. 43. DAXIKL WEBSTER'S) FARM. . The great "Defender of the Constitution,!' it is well known, prides himself as much. upon his skill and ropu'ntion 1 s a Farmer, "an 1 .... . J no uoes upon all the lume which he has ac quired as a Lawyer, Statesman, or Diploma tist. Every body has heard of his great Farm, of one th -insaiid acres or more, at Marshfield; so they have tf his oK( home stead at Franklin. Moth afe among the very best in Now England; and the only wonder is that a man possessing two such pleasant retreats, should cons-nt to spend half his time from them) among the dust und diri, the knavery nnd intrigues of Washington.' But 11 is 01 neither ot these larms-wc now sp-jak. About halfway trom Meredith Bride to Mere dith Village, on the old stage road, ncttf what is called the "Parade," Mr. Webster has an other farm, which is undoubtedly to him "an older" if not "a better," possession, than ei ther of the others. And there is a story about ' it, too, which is worth repenting. Somo thirty-live or forty years ago, when Mr. W. was a younger man than he is now, ami a practising attorney in Portsmouth, he held an execution against an individual on the "Par ade," in satisfaction of which a "nice littlo place" "live acres more or less" ns it was represented, was set off to him. Sometime after, while journeying with his family in tho interior, Mr. Webster concluded to ride up and see his "nice little place," wilh the ten ant who occupied it. Climbing over the long hills, which intervene between tho "Bridge" and the "Parade" he nt length reached it, when he found a log hut with about half nri acre of the veriest trash in the shape of rocks and bushes to be seen anywhere in the Gran ite Stale ! This was the extent of his "nice littlo place" very nice, undoubtedly, to hold the word together, but of no conceivable utility for any other purpose. Without aligh ting from his carriage, the "Lord of tho Ma nor" called the old lady, whom he found irf possession as tenant, to the door and after sundry queries as to whether she paid her rent regularly, and if not, whether she should not bo turned off the place, &c., and the old dame protesting that she was poor and unabld to pay that she had heard that the owner was n ('..nrv i-lover aimt " mul .li.lti'l lu.li.'n he would be so cruel ns to turn hrr oiit of honso and home, &e. &c. Daniel pulled a sum of money from his pocket, and assuring his tenant that he knew the owner very well, told her to occupy the premises as long A' she could afford for the money he gave herf and be sure to take good care of th'em ! Whether Mr. W. has ever visited his "nice little place," since, we know not; but it still remains in his possession, nnd is known iu the region around about ns "Daniel Wehtcr't Farm." Doi-cr (.V. .) Enquirer. Oddities. Cist, of tho Cincinnati Advertiser,' fishes up the following oddities : Copy of a warrant issued by one Hihomlf and Indian Magistrate at Plymouth, in the year 16S5, to a constable named Peter Wate- man, lor the apprehension of an offender named Jeremy Wicket : "I, Hihondi you, Peter Waterman Jere my wicket, quick you take him straight you bring him. Before me. HIHONDI.' In 1693, tho town of Plymouth agreed with Abraham Jackson, to ring the bell and sweep' tho meeting-house and see to locking the doors and fastening the windows, for one year for seven dollars. Li the yearof 1613, at Plymouth, Joanna, wife of C. Mosley, was presented for beating her husband and getting her children to helj her, and bidding them knock him on tin head, and wishing his victuals might ehoki him. The NiTMt'.d Tree. The nutmeg tie 1 1. 111 rishes iu Singapore, near Ihe eqtiator -It is raised from the nut in nurseries, whet it remains until the tilth year, when it pti forth its blossoms and shows its sex. It th-'ii set out permanently. The tress u p'anted thirty feet apart, iu diamond order, a male tree in tho centre. They begin bear iu tho eighth year, increasing for ma years, and they pay a largo profit. Theie no nutmeg season. Every day of tho yi shows buds, blossoms and fruit, ia cvi stage of growth to maturity.' The uiitme: a large and and beautiful tree, of a thick liage and a rich green color. The ripe I is singularly brilliant. The shell is gl black, and the mace it expisas whe bursts, is of bright scarlet, making the one of tho most beautiful objects of the v table world. Ges. Cass. The Po?to! Statesman Gen. Cass has never lusted spirituous li ia his life. From 1S00 to the present he has been intimately connected with j life,' iii tho field,' tile camp,' the court through every variety of social, mililar political relation, ajid yet Lewis Ca: never broken the abstemiousness of 1 in this respect Hence the vigor of h slitution and Ihe clearness of his unc intellect. Greek meetino Greek. A Was! correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, u he has hoard that Robert .Tyler Esq , the Ex-President, will follow Mr.'Jo -Buren through Pennsylvania, and b opposite side of the argument. Tl both' goo) stump speakers, and it Prince Bob'afjHuist Prtnce John, ' Ah iutiueraut preacher, whoramb sermons; when requested to click tc replied, that scattering shots won) mosl birds.' ; . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers