Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 15, 1848, Image 4

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    From the Cincinnatti Sipnal.)
John Van Buren is the incarnation of the
pirit of the radical Democracy J witty, elo
quent, aerere, honest, and brave, he fitly re
presents that great party. Among literary
men, a scholar ; a lawyer at one bar ; a b'hoy
. rd another ; before the poople an orator in
the parlor, a dandy, he is all things to Ell
men, and has well learned to act at Rome as
the Romans act j to do in Turkey as the tur-
klesdo. - . . '
John is mentally omnivorous, an intellec
tual cormorant. His mind consumes greedily
and with pleasure, all things ; from Coke
,.' upon Littleton, and Edwards on the will,
down to Dombcy and Son, and tho Albnny
Argug. In this recoct, ho is like tho late
Judge Story, of whom an eminent Rhode Is.
land lawyer remarked, "tlint all his law ho
knew by Intuition, as ho appeared never to
bare read anything but Cicero do Ofiieiep;
and the Pickwick Papers'."
John is the second son of Martin Van llit
ren. In England, the properly of a family
all coes to the oldest son, and as the second
on has nothing but his wits to live on, he is
supposed to engross all the talent of the Inmi
ly; a supposition which is strikingly borne
out in tho case of the Van Ilnren taniny
The oldest son, Major Abraham Van Bnreii,
U Pavmnnter in the armv. and married a
rich wife, and beyond this he can never go.
The younger sons are simply worthy younp
John must be now nearly forty years of
age. Ho graduated at Yalti College, some
twenty years ago, with n high reputation for
genius, wit, idleness, and deviltry ; lm was
loved by all the school girls, haled by nil the
orderly, and envied by all the mischievous
snirita in New Haven. He was a worker of
mischief, confusion and disorder, but he pos
sessed too much ingenuity to be caught, am
in great tribulation, we doubt, at sending
forth so unquiet a spirit, the Faculty granted
him a degree.
He studied law under "Stated Preaching,''
(Hon. B. F. Butler. at Albany, and Judge
Vanderpool, the Kinderhook Roarer, in New-
York, and the perfection with which he can
- both preach and roar now, attests tho ability
of his instructors.
Shortly after his admission to the bar, he
went to England with his father, who had
just been appointed Minister at the Court of
Saint James and in 1833, after his father's
rejection by the Senate, they returnj to
gether. John then went quietly to work at his pro
fession, at Albany, and succeeded in getting
fame and clients. His course of life was un
ruffled, save by an occasional speculation in
stocks and spicy correspondence with Jesse
Hoyt, not remarknble for elegance of lan
guage. John proves the truth of the new
definition of man "un animal that swears."
In 1838, John went to England again, and
. by the use he made of the fact that ho was
the President's son gained the soubriquet of
'Prince John.' It is not nn appropriate title,
however, for John is a trump card, a good
deal higher than the king. The hunters call
him the Knave of Trumps. Ho bears
some resemblance however, to Shakspeare's
Prince Hal and is by no means, a poor
"King of good fellows." The arrows of his
wit, like those of Robin Hood, are employed
in the just and righteous cause of Truth, a
gainst the plunderers of the people.
While in England John made the best of
his time. He drank good brandy, danced
early and late, and made love to Queen Vic
toria. Tho polish of hi, manners, the charms
of his conversation, and the elegance of his
breeding opened all doors and all hearts to
John went over to Ireland, and gained
there the name of a "rollicking boy." Able
to use a shillelagh or his tongue with tho
best of them, he became a great favorite with
. the Irish people.
After his return h devoted himself exclu-
. lively to his profession, until 1845. The death
of his wife, not many years after their mar-,
riage, about 1843, assisted in keeping his
restless spirit quiet. He has one child, a fair
young daughter' to cheer his widowed heart.
In 184S he was elected Attorney General
of the State of New York, and succeeded in
this office, the lamented Barker. His nomi-
nation in caucus was effected, after a severe
struggle, by a majority of one vole over Ru
fus W. Packham, (Hunker.) On him was a
chievad the first victory of the Barnburners,
and he, their leader in their struggle, is their
captan still.
As Attorney General he "came out," as nn
Eastern editor says, "like the lrith rebellion,
unexpected, and forty thousand strong." The
marked ability displayed by him in the Su
preme Court of the United States on the Alien
question, and in the trials of the Anti-Reuters
and of the murderer Freeman, in the Courts
of New York, have given him a proud posi
tion at the bar of New York.
John was at the Albany county Democratic
Convention, at New Scottland, in 1846. Cros
well charges him with a profuse use of the
shillelagh, and profuuo use of language on
that occasion, but there is no proof of his guilt
There is no doubt that Croswell and Coming
Hot credit marks in red on their noses, and
that their rear guard was not sufficient that
day, but John well answers, 'thou canst not
say I did it." He did not grieve over it.
John was not admitted as a member of tho
Syracuse Convention. The Barnburuing de
legation from Albany county were rejected
and the Hunkers admitted ; but the speech
which John Van Buren made there, Croswell
will not soon forget. '-The assassin" recei.
ved a heavier blow than ever he gave to Si
las Wright.
John has been on the stump ever since.
"A good hater," lie is making his hate tell.
We have all read his speeches. To call'him
the) best stump speaker in America, would
not ba stretching the truth very far.
Jbhn Van Buren stands at the head of the
rating men of the couutry. They all go with
lira for the great principles of Freedom
tea toil, free labor, free speecht free press,
re trade. John says with truth, that if he
rat an Old Hnuker) and shonld see so many
oung Barnburners springing up around him,
"should feel as a dead man might be sup-
Md to feel, while the young bladesof grass
t spring from bis grave." ,
Jt th Niw Stoat No 79 ArtS street,
htlween id and id Nsrth tide,
THE subscriber Invites particular attention to
hit lart- and intendiii assortment of new and
choice ttyle of Dry Good, comprising a general
. - -1 . ii - 1 r r -
Vinery oi iae most oesirsoie ma oi trew ma
terial; Shawl. Glove, Honery, vnsnrmKaoie
Flannel, Worked Collar. Cambric, Jaconet,
Mutt, Nantooh. and Plaid Muslim, Linen Cam'
brie and Silk Pocket Hdhfi, Black Italian Cra
tat, others too numerous to adveitiae.
P.t;n1r attention It iven to Linens and Fur
nishing Goods, generally the stork is Urge, and
the prices will be found much lower than uu
I, having been purchased it Auction it sacrifi
ced rates. The fabrics ire warranted pure flax
and from the beat makers.
P. S. Peraons wishing Plain and Medium
tylc of Dreu Good and Shawl, will find a
choice variety.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1818
"BUST received, it the store oi Hrsrv Mas-
J sei, a choice assortment of DRY GOODS,
Gnicerie. Liqut, Valmltaf and other huts, c.
all of which will be told it the loweat prices.
Sunbirry, June 3, 1818.
Commission and Forwarding
Nn 48 Commerce Street llharf. BALTIMORE,
Will receive and tell all kirn's of Country Pro.
dure Flour. Grain. &e.
N. B. Particular attention given to the sale
of Lumber. And cash advance made on con
ignmenta, when required.
April 1, 1818. 4in
Ettr.blished 16 year age. Ay Dr. KINK E UN.
The oldest, surest and lest hand In cure all futms
of eccn t disease, disease of the skin and
solitary hahila of youth, is
A'. W, turner ofM and Union tlx-, between Spruce
and Pine,' nutircs from the Exchange.
YOUNG MEN! if yon vnlue your life or your
health, remcmlier, the delay of a month, nay,
evrn a week, may prove ynur ruin, both of body
and mind, Hence li t nn false modesty ilelei ynu
from making ynur rase known to ono who, from
education and respectability, em alone befriend vnn.
He who places himself under l)r KINKKLIN'S
treatment, may religiously confide in hia bnnnr as
a grnieman, anJ in who-c bosom will be furcver
locked the secret nf the patient.
Too m iny lliink the) will hug the secret to their
own heart i, and euro themselves, Alas! how of
ten is litis a fatal delusion, and how many a pro
mising young man, who might have been an orna
ment to society, ha faded from the earth.
finding it inconvenient In make personal applica
ti n, ran. by stating their case explicitly, together
with all their symptoma. (per I. tier, pout-paid.) have
forwarded to them a client containing Dr. K's me
dicine appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Medicine forwarded to any part nl
the United Slates at a moment's notice.
fj Post ram iKTTias, addressed to Dr. Kis
kf.lis, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oc. 30lh, 1847. ly
Ko 199 Cliesnut Street,
Smith East Corner of Eighth it, Philadelphia.
PORTRAITS from the smallest breasti in to
the largest size, singly or in group. The
Proprietor are warranted in aiying, lhat their
work has gained a reputation second to none in
the world. Extracts from Ihe Preas :
Life-like in the expression, chastly correct in
the shading. Ledger.
"The ait ha arrived at gnat perfection, and
none understand ii better than McClee A tier
man." Haiti more Iri.
Admirable! nothing ctn exceed their exquisite
delicacy." U. S Gazette.
Extract from Ihe report of the Judges, at the last
fair of the Franklin Institute Daguerreotypes
in this department there are some very excellent
specimen in the exhibition, and the Judges think
they see progressive improvement in Ibia branch
of Ihe art They have not recommended an
ward in favor nf any of tbe competitors, but lie
iti-p.sed In rank as firU in order, the collection of
McCLEES & GERMON, as containing ihe tar
gest number of superior specimen."
I lulitdelphia, r eti 1, 1818. 6m
riHE children began to cry for Sherman's I.o
JL senges. The noise waa not ao loud al that
lime, but it has kept inereaoing ever since, and P w
haa become an great thai the mouths of ihe little
one can scarce he topped. Dr. Sherman sympa
thise with Ihe little snlfi rers, and viry much re
re a that any nf Ihem should tie disappointed.
Knowing the vast benefit w hich ha been confer
red upon the community ly the introduction of
hi infallible
lie has entered into arrangement for enlarging bis
Manufactory, hy means of which he thinks he will
be able to supply the demand. And tbe same pains
and care will he taken, that lhee Celebrated Lo
zenges he made a Ihey have always been, in or
der that llioe who dejiend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hope. He knew when be
commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lozen
ge, that they would super dc the use of every
piber vermifuge, the Lozenge is very pleasant
10 the taste, sxfiy in itai flet'U. a well a certain,
nd Ihe qu.ntilv required lo efll-ft perfect cure,
is very small. These properties, in connexion wilh
the ft that they an sold for 25 cent per box, thus
pi icing them in the teach of the poorest man in
the laud, haa not only caused them to take the
place of every other vermifuge aver offered, but al
ao rendered them popular to the community.
Or, lierman'a '
continue lo curl Cough, O. ld, Consumption,
Asthma, ahorlneaaand dillicutty of Breathing, and
other iliaea-ea of the Lung, with the same facility
they did on their first introduction, and the xoplc
have now become perauaded hy aclualeipetience,
that on the acccasiun of a .light cold, they have
only to atep to either the Dr's. nflice, or one of the
Agents, and obtain box of hi Cough Loienges,
which are very convenient to carry in the pocket,
and lu lake i few through th day. By purauing
ihia course i cure i nfien erlected in 24 hours, and
ihe patient about hi business. So great is the ce
lebrity of the Lozenge, lhat thousands of persona
who have used them, and I ncome icquainted with
Ibeir rflccu, will never be without them.
haa cu'ed more caaea uf Kheumalism, I'ai i in the
Bark, Hide and Chest, Lumliago and Wiakueaa,
than any application that ha ever been made. Aa
the celebrity of ihe Plaster haa increased, hundreds
of unpiincipled raacals have attempted lo counter
feit it, ami palm it nil upon ihe community is tbe
genuine. qf Bewail nf Deception. .0 Remem
ber that lh true and genuine Plaaler is spread up
on reddish paper made epre.-ly for the purpose-,
and in every esse lha signature of Dr. Shot man i
P'iut.d upon th lck of lha l'biei, end tlx whole
ecuied by Copy Kighl. Nona other are genuine.
Thuef ire wino yon want real good fcberraan '
Poor Man'i Plaster, call it Ihe office, 106 Numb
street, acd you will not be disappointed.
Remember th number, 106 Na-sau at., whirl
II Dr. ShernWi Loztogee in sold. Hia Agent
an Mr. Hve, I3 Fulloe .!, Brooklmt
11 memo, WUIiim.burgi and Redding dr. Co.,
Boatoo, ind JOHN YOUNG, Bunbury,
M. A. McCA V, Northumberland.
September I lib, 1647 ly.
T has towr ia etoss sit hthiii 80RES,
OIRONOU8 W0UKD8 to discharge theit pu
trid matters, and then heals them.
It I richly tamed All-Healing, lor liters is scare
ly s diseass. external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it for tbe Isst fourteen years
for sll diseases of the cheat. Consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger and responsibility,
nd I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one single ee his it failed in benefit when the pat
tienl was within the reach of mot tat mean.
I have had Dhvaiciana. learned in the profession.
I have had ministers nf the gospel, Judge of lbs
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
est erudition, and multitude of the poor uas it in
every variety of way, and there haa been but one
voice one universal voice laying : "M'Allister,
your Ointment is GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Sores, Erysepela. Tetter Li
ver Complaint, 8or Eye, Quinsy, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Uroken or Sore Breast, Pile, all Chest
Diaeasra, such is Asthma. Oppressions, Pain
Alsn, Sore Lips, Chapped Hand, Tumors, Chil
dren' Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Disease,
rid nf the tfpino, there is no medicine now known
as good.
SCAM) HEAD. We have cured cases that
actually defied every Ihing known, a well aa the
ability nf 16 or 20 doctors. One man told us he
had spent 1300 on bisrhtldien without any bene
fit, when a few boxes uf t liniment rund them.
UALDNESS 1 will restore the hair aoonei
than any nther thing.
HLAUAL.H1S I he salve haa cured peisons
nf the headache of 13 years' standing, ind who
had it regular every week, ao that vomiting often
tank place. Drirnraa, Eaa Acsa, and Anoi 1ST
tbk Fr.r., are cured hy thia Ointment with like
RURNS. It is one of the lest things in the
world for Hums. (Read the directions around the
lUlKlIM ATISM. It removes almost immedi
ately the infl imation and swelling when the pain
cea-es. (Rel thu Directions around the Box.)
COLD FEE T, Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Pain in the cheat or side, railing off of ihe
hi. ir, one or ilie other always accompaniea roll
feet. (Thia Ointment is the true remedy.) It is
I sure Hirn nf disease to have cold feet.
TETTER. There is nothing better for Ihe
cure of Tetter.
IMLE3. Thousands are yearly cured ly thia
('CRN'S. Occasional use of the Ointment will
always keep Coma from growing. People need
never be troubled with them if they will use i'.
Head the following Communication,
Riccivcd liom an nld, respected and well known
citizen of I'hiladalphll. and then judge for your-
Philadelphia, 10 mn 13th, 1818
To T. II. Peterson, Having been requeued
In Kive my opinion on the merits of M'Al.l.IS
TEU'8 SALVE, I am willing In enumerate some
of the brm fits which 1 have expeiieuced in the use
of the article.
In the spring of 1845, I had an attack of Ery
sipelas in my which became very painful, and
extended into one nf my eyes, being attended with
fevir, my distress was great and I began to be fear
ful nf I. wing my eye.
Aittinugn not mucn oi m-uever in what ia
commonly called quack medicines, I purchased
box and made an'spjdicati, in to my fare. To my
suipiire Ihe p-iin soon nh .ted, and in a week's time
it was entirely currd, and I firmly believe that it
was the salve, under Providence thai cured me.
, From thai time, to the prearnt, I have used Ihe
article a occasion required, and in every case wheie
I have u-ed it, I have found decided benefit.
At one time, nn going to bd at night, my throat
was an anre that I swallowed with difficulty, hut
by an application of the salve I waa relieved l efore
I have uaod it in rase of burns, hruisra. sprains.
and Rest! cuts, all with the happiest effects, and
one ease nf poisoning hy wild vine in the woods,
has been dried up and cured bv I few application,
From my own experience, I would strongly re-
coiuneittl It to all, a cheap, convenient, family
I h ive become an partial In it, that I expect to
Keep it constantly in my lamily.
Though not anihitiou to appear in print, yel
cannot rifue to have this commnnice'ion made
puhlic if judged best In serve the e iue nf humani
ly, l!eeclfully thine,
No. 26, Old York Road.
r. , T "1 , a ......
ii.iin.v iv, . mnimeni will tie genuine
unless ihe name or James M A Ulster, or Jame
M A Dialer A Co., are written with a pen on eve
ry latict. JAMES M'ALLISTER.
Mule proprietor nf the a'ove medicine.
Akst : J. VV. FRILIXn. Sunhury,
Dr. WM. M. BICKLEY, Danville,
J. i. UKt)l!E. Seltnsgrove,
P. C. 8HF.LLER, Lewisburg.
WM. F.NAGLE. Milton,
Feb. 19th, IMS. cow! y
COMPOUND, for the cure of
Ac. This Medicine is otlercd to the puhlic under
ine a.suranre that there ia no article in existence
having stronger claim lo their consideration. Be
ing compounded by a regular Oraduate nl J, Her
sun College, t'hiladi Iph a, and a practising physi
cian of twenty yeara' standing in Philadelphia, hi
long experience has confirmed him in Ihe opinion
lh it i compound medicine wax required to prevent
nil remedy the tlehililalion pr ducrd by residing
in low, mia-niAtic climate, ami In counter irt Ihe
pro trating infloince of many nerv.nia disorders
with which Ihe human firmly are afflicted.
Dlt. ALLEN ia well known phj sicim, and
has used Ihe abeve medicine in hia practice for 8
yeara wtih the most a.tunishing effect, having tes
ted it qualm, m ahnve
" Nn medicine ever received more flattering re
commendations from pbyi iciana nf eminent stand
ing th in ha been beat iwed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. Ao eminent Profes.
or ys: It chiefly arise in p. i son who lead
either very aedenlary or irregular life. Although
not regarded as a fatal disease ; yel if neglected or
nnpropeily treated, may bring on incurable Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veiligo, Palay
and Apoplexy. A great aingularity attendant on
it is, that it may and often dors continue a great
lengih of lime without any remission uf Ihe svmp
CAUSE Grief and uneeinea of mind, in
teme tudy, piulu'c evacuations, excess in venery,
rxcoi-sive use of spirituous liquor, tea, tobacco, Q.
plum, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion,
over oistention ol the stomach, I deficiency of tbe
secretion of the Hie or giiric juice, exposun to
t uiu sag u.imp air, an the elm I causes of litis d
6 YM I'TOMS. Loss uf apielite, nause i, aeart-
nutn, arntiiy, and lost id eructations, gnawing of
me inmen w nen empty, uneasiness in the thro it
pain in the aide, cosliveneas, chillne, I nguor,
lowneu u spirit, pilpitatiom, and dicurbed
lee p.
I kkai mkin r.lR. ALLEN'S VEGE-
J ABLE UV.VruUlUb, never failed In afT..,
ding iimnediali relief, and cute for Ihia
(Tr Thia Medicine can be bad of II. B Maaser,
Sunhury J. C. Merlin, IVtl-ville, Medlar cV
nicKel, Urwigaburg ; aod or Druggists generally,
ALLEN V WARD, Proprietor,
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 cq ly
THE subscriber ia prepared to receivi ind ie
commodati few transient or permaneit
Boarder, it her reaidenei ia Sunburv. Th lu
cation ia in btndsom ind pleasant part of (hi
town, commanding tint view of tbe Susouehau
m, Northumberland ind tfai icenery adjacent
lo person from the eity, who wish to spend
few month during the summer season, Sunbury
flbrdi delightful retreat.
April 6, 1848 6m
The following lie! show the current value of all
fennnlvanla Bank Notes. The moat ImDtioit re
liance may be placed upon it, is It la every week
xsrefolly com pa rad with and corrected from uica
osll's Reporter.
Hank! lu Philadelphia.
n u...,.
Bank of North America' ,
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Dank of Penn'a. .
Firmer' end Mechanic' Hank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia Bank' . .
Schoylkill Bank
Snuthwark Bank
Western Bank .
Mechanic' Dank .
Manufacturers' St Mechanics Bank
Dank nf Penn Township . .
Oirard Bink . .
Bank nf Commerce, late Moyamensing
Bank of Pennavlvauia .
Country Hank.
Bank of Cheater County
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantnwn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dnyleslown Bank
Easton Bank
Farmers' Bank nf Bucka cn.
Doy lest own
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank It 11 ridge co.'Cnlombia par
Farmera Bonk of Lancaster Lancaster par
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmera' Bank nf Reading
Office of Bank of Pcnn'i.
Office do do
Lancaster par
Lancaster ptr
Reading par
Harriaburg! These
Lancaster I officea
Reading J do not
Eastnn j issue n.
Philadelphia 17
Potlaville par
Lewistown failed
Middletown 1
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg 1
Hollidnyaburg I
Harriaburg I
Lebanon par
Pittsburg I
Pittsburg I
Willtamapnrl 1J
Wilkesharn I i
Allenlown no aale
Reading failed
Pitlaburg ' failed
Erio do
New Brighton do
Chtiinhershurg 1
Gettysburg 1
Montrose 2
Erie 3
Wyn'csburg 2)
Washington I)
Iloncsdnlo I J
Brown rille I
York 1
Office do do
Office dn do
(tank of the United States
Miner Bank of Potlaville
Bank of Lewistown -Bank
of Middlctown
Carlisle Bank -
Exchange Bank
Do dn branch of
Harriaburg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' ii Manuf. Bank
Bank nf Pittsborg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Beik County Bank
Office of Bonk of U. .
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamheridinrg
Bank of (ieltyiihurg
Bonk of Susquehanna Co. Bank
Farmer' tt Drover' Bank
Franklin Bank'
Honcsdale Bink
Vlonongahela Bank of II.
York Bank
N. B. 1 he notca of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute dash ( ) are not
purchased hy the I'hllailelphta broker, with th
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
U It O K E I
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia J, oan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ina.
Kensington Sav, Ina. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank ( T. W
Towanda Bank
Alleghany Bank nf Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
Cily Bank
Farmers' tt Merh'ra' Bank
Farmera' & Mech'ca' Bank
Farmera' & Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank nf Pa. ,
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of I'enn'a.
Westmoreland Bonk
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Philadelphia failed
do failed
do failed
Dyatt, prop.) failed
Bedford no aale
Reaver closed
Harriaburg closed
Washington fiihd
Bellefonte closed
Pittsbuig no sale
Pittsburg failed
Fayette co. failed
Greencastle failed
Harmony no aale
Huntingdon no aale
liewistown no aale
Warren failed
Dtimlnff no aale
New Hope cloved
Milton no sale
Meadville closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Unionlown failed
(ireeusburg closed
Wilkesharre no aale
try All notes purporting to be on any Peunsvl
vania Bank not given in the above lil, may be set
town as irauus.
Bank of New Bi una wick
Belviden Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Oommerciil Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmera' Bank
Perth Amboy
Bridget on
Mount Holly
Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick failed
Farmera' and Merchant' Bk Middletown I't. 1
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed
tloboken Bkg 6l Giazing Co Hoboken failed
leraey City Bank
Jeiacy City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturer' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mvchanica' and Manuf. Bk
Morris t'aiul and Bkg Co
Pot Notea
Newark llkg & Ina Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufac ami Bkg Co
I allerson
Jersey City
. i
no sa
no aa
Lamberts villa
N J Proteclon & LomUrd bk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
PaterMin Bank I'ateraon
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
State Bank Elixahethlown
Slate Bank Camden
State Bank of Morria Morristown
State Bank Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Dank . Dover
Washington Banking Co, Hakenairk
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do bunch Milford
Farmera' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do branch' Wilmington
Do branch " Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
QT Under 6'a
QJ On all bank niaiked ihua () then in .
ther counlitfeil or altered Hole of the variou d.
nnnunatUMia, in nreulallua.
Time uud UlHtauc-e Saved I
rilHK subscribers having leased the Suubury
JL Ferry, beg leave to inform tbe public, that
Ihey in preinred to convey Teaiua, Pleasure
varriage ana root passengers icrois tbl river
win safety ana without delay. They hive pre
viuea ineniaelvee wilh new and commodious
crafta, which wilUlwaya bi attended with abli
iuq ciriiui ninni.
Piiiom travelling to ind from ind through
Sunbury la New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Hartleton
ind ethr placee, will find It greatly to their ad
vantage to cioas st this Ferry instead of th
Bridge, they would aave from two to four
mile ia diitiac. JOHN SPEECE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1848
, No. 40.
South Fousth Btbsbt, Aaova Cmmttiivt.
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness,
Measles, Ball Rheum,
Heart Born. Worm,
Choler Morbus, '
Cough, Quinrey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fit,
Liver Complaint,
Erisiprlaa, Deafness,
tichinga of lha Skin,
Colds, Gout, Grsvel,
Nervous Complaints,
Kheumalism, Pile,
Dyspep-ia, Seuivy,
Small Pot, Jaundici, '
Pains in the Back, " '
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of the Hurt,
Riaing In tbl Throat, .
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fever of ill kinds,
Female Complainta,
Ato k VAiiaTT or otsik nnsaau saisiKO
rnosi isiroxtiTias or thi noon, as as.
TStJCTIOBS in thi osaasi or ti
IMTIOS. Rxneriene has proved tht nearly iverv Di
oVigintlM from Imporitie of thi Blond or de
ringement of thi Digestive Orgin nd lo secure
Health, we must remove those obtracttoni er re-
tore ths Blood to lis nstursl state.
The aversion to taking medicine ia most effec
tually removed by Clicksxs's Vsoktails Pus-
stivi Pill, being completely envclopea wilh
roattnir of sure white Suear, l whien I iimct
from the internal ingredient aa nut shell from
the kernell is hits ao tibts or amicus,
Uut sre ss eaat v awa lowed a Due or ranuy.
. ' . . ... . ,
Moreover thev neither nauseate or gripe in the
slightest degree, hut operate equally on all the dis
eased parla of the system, instead of confining
themselves In. and racking sny particular region,
Thus, if tl.o l.iver be affected, one ingiedienl will
operate on that particular organ, and, by cleansing
it of an Excess of Bile restore it to it nnturn
state. Another will onerate nn the B'ood. and
remove all Impuiities in its circulation ; while
third will rffectuallv expel whatever impurities
vnay have been discharged into the atnm ich, and
hence Ihey rrniKit at tsjs soot or ni?sis, re
move sll Impure Humors from the bodyt open
the pore externally and internally sep.trato all
foreign and ohroitoua particles from the chyle, so
that the blood may be thoroughly pure thus secu
ring s fiee and healthy action to the Heart, Lung
and Livet; and thereby-thcy hto hsslth k-
The entire truth of ihe above can be ascertained
by the trial of a single box and their virtues are
so positive and certain in restor'ng Health, that
the proprietor binds himself to return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do not gi'C
universal sitia'action. ,
It ctall Price, 25 cl,. per Hox.
, Principal office No. CO Vesey si., N. Yoik.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Noilhumholand.
(Tj" Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener ia the in
ventor of the Sugar Coated, and that noth'ng
of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced
them in June, 184.1. Purchaser should, therefore,
slways ask for Cliekcner'a Sugar Coated Pills, and
lake no others, or they will le made the victims of
sfroUd. Sept. 18th, 1817. ly cow
roi e.ii ! thk
testis aiik i n Iv
ors, THK WOIIK Or Tll
UKsTiiorin has mr.x hioi-m.
ARK YOU A MOTH Kill Your darling child,
your idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold hi r
pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the
hold disease haa already gained upon h'tr -the
round nf her sepulchral cough pietcea you" soul.
YOUNG MAN, when just about to en!r life,
disease sheds a heart rni-hmg Might over the f.iir
prospects of the future your hectic cough and fee
ble limb tell uf your loss and hope, but you need
not despair. There ia a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it ia
Mrs. ATTREE. Ihe wife of Wm. H. Attree.
Esq. wsa given up bv Dr. Kewall of Washington,
Die. Roe and McClellan of Philadfli.hia, Dr. Hoe
and Dr. Mott of New Yoik. Her friends all
thought she must die. She had every picarance
of being in consumption, and was so pronounced
by her physician Sherman's Balsam waa given
and il cured her.
Mrs. GAIIRABKANTZ, of Bull's I'eiry, was
a'ao cured of consumption by this 11 1'sani when
all other remedies faded to give relief she was re
duced lo a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist.
241 Broadway, haa witnecsed its effects in several
caea where no other medicine alToided relief but
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. alro
witnesaed iia wonderful i tf cts in curing Asthma
which it never fails nf doing. Spitting lllon I, alar
ming aa ii may be, ia effectually cured by thia Bat
earn. It heal the ruptured or wounded bluod
vessel, and makes the lungs anund again.
Itev. MCINKV JU.K3, 11)8 Eighth avenue,
was cuied of cough snd catarrhal affctions el 50
year (landing. 1 hi first dosi gave him more re
lief than all Ihe olhei medicine he had ever taken.
Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 Do'ancy street, gave it lo
airter-in-law who waa laboring under consumption.
nd to another aorely affix ted wilh the Asthma.
In both eaera, tta effect were immediate, soon re
storing Ihrm to comfortable health.
Mr. LUCRE TI A WELLS, 05 ChrUie afreet.
suffered from Asthma ii yara. Sheim ill's Hal.
aam relieved her al once, and hS is comparatively
wi II, being enabled to subdue every attack by a
timely use uf this medicine. This indeed ia the
great remedy for Cougl's, Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaints, slid nil the all rlioin of the
throat, and even A.t'unu slid Coiuinp ion.
Price 23 cents and 1 1 I cr botil...
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and
Poor Man IMaeter sold a above,.
Dr. Sherman' office i al 106 Nassau st. N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M. A.M. CAY, Northumberland
September 1 lib. 1847. I y
Vegetable I nl versa I Pill,
The only known Medicine that at the tame time
purge purifies and strengthens the tyslim.
Losnoir, July 7, 1M6.
DR. I.E ROY S rill are a new medicine
which hi just appeared, anJ i f;t taking
lb places of sll others uf tho same class. These
pill an composed of many ingredients, but the
two principal ones sre claraaparilla and Wild Cher
ry, so united lhat they act together; iho one,
through tie admixture with other sub.lktrta, pu
rifying and purging, while Ihe oiher ia lrent;lhen
ing Ihe system. Thus those pill are at Ihe aam
lime tonic and opening j a desideratum long and
eagerly sought lor by medical men. but never be.
fore discovered. In other words Ihey do Hie work
of two medicine, and do il much better than any
two we tnow of; for Ihey remove nothing from
the system but the impurities I so that while thev
purrje tbey strengthen; and hence they cauae no
debilitation, and are followed hy no re-ac'.ion. Dr.
Li R oy' pills havi a wonderful influence on the
blood; they not only purify without weakening il,
but ihey letnove all ijoih.u particles from the chyle
befbie il is convened inio fluid, and Ihua make im
pure blood in utter impoa.ihiliiy. As there i no
debilitation, so then ii no nause or aicknr at
tending the opaiatiuna of Ihia most excellent of me
dicines, which never strains or tortures the diges
tiv (unction, but cue Ihem to work in s per.
. l .
leeuj natural manner ana neuce peisons Using
them do not become pale ind emaciated, but tbe
contrary for wbili it ia the properly of ihe Sarsa
psnlla, united I il i wilh other ingredients, lo
reuiovi ill ibat ia foreign and impure, il m equally
Ibe properly of lbs Wild Cherry lo retain all that
a natural and aouud; and bancs a robust alaie of
bealin le the certain result of their united opera
liona. fj- Price S eenU per BOX,
Agent for Le Roy' Pill.
Ml.''! J- w. PRII.INO. ) '
; , . ' ; john young, s ""
M. A. McCAY, Irorthumberl'd.
August list, 1M7. ly
A LL persona indebted to thi subscriber, by
- BOta or book account, are hamhv nntiriA iA
call aud settle (he same without delay, in order
tesav casts. IRA T. CLEMENT.
Bunbuiy, April!, ll 4
2T . CS3
rBTlHIS Medicine is warranted, on oath, not ta
eontsin t particle nf Calomel, Corrosive Sub.
limatr, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or iny delete
rons mineral.
The principle upon which Ihia Medicine acts, ii
by issisting and harmonising wilh nature; it
drivel out ill foul icrimotiinui bumora from the
blood and body, and by issimilsting with and
strengthening the gastric juici of tha itomicb, It
(ists digestion in short then l noi a vain, arte
ry, mucl or nerva In lha human body, inai i
not trergthened by thi PANACEA, and il alo
possesses the rimirkania properly ei removing
mercury from thi hones ind joints.
Scurvy, 8corbutic Affection, Tumor, Bcroful or
King' Evl . White Swellings. Ervslpela, Ulcer.
Cancer, Running Sores, Scib and Bilee. lime
nd determined perevernc in V . BWtlSI
SER'S PANACEA, will effect cure.
Rejection of food, Nause, Vomitings, Nervous af.
lectiona, Billiooa complaints, Head ache, Paten' ss,
or Femal Irregularities, Dr. SWEETSEIt'S PA
NACEA will aoon effect a cure ; bul if obstinate,
or attended wilh griping, living peine, Ibe doee
should be increased, and the cure will soon be ef
fected. I.ct not Ihe patienta frighten themselves
with the idea thai they are too we.k to lake much
medicine; but bear in mind that thia mi'dly opera
ting med cine put not weakness into ihe frame, but
mort certainly drawa weakntsi out, leaves strength
in it place, and by giving composed sleep at night,
and an appetite lo relish sny food, te-anime'es the
whole frame with vigorous action, clearing the
mind and Improving the sight.
TIONS. Scrofula i said to be heriditary. the infant re
ceiving from its parent the aeeds of thi dineas.
which increases with ita yenta, if neglected and
not submitted lo frequent puriflctinn with Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The gland are pla
red in the corners of the body, and out of the way
of direct communication ; their real ue I- a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevails; il
suiTici us to know lhat when in a diseased s'ate,
they are capable of being purified and cleansed hy
. I C Tk. U 17 1.- f'l'w L- !-, n . K. .
a i"oh i"uiB in vi.uiiiiiiiisaao I Alia.
CEA, which restores them to sound and proper
action. Scrofulous person can never pav loo much
attention to their blood, ita purification should be
their first thought, for aflrr a long course of perse
verance, they will ever cure hereditary disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled ; it scaiches nut Ihe very root nf the
disease, and hy removing it from the Blood make
a cure certain and perminenl.
r or diseases nf the Bladilcr and Kidney. Stric
tures. Gravel, Stone, Piles, Fistula. Urinary Oli-
strurlions and Extreme Cottivcncst Dr. SWEET-
SEIi'S PAIMCBA is Ihe best remedy ever tr.eJ ;
it removes all those acrimonious humor from the
Blood which give rise to the above diseasea, and
hy keeping Iho blood in a pure condition, insures
1 in nn r lies of the lilnod. Mercurial Taint, W'rnle-
neat of the Spine Flow of lllnotl to the Head Gid
diness, Si-iging and lliizziwr No:se in Ihe Head
and Ear, Dr. SWEETSEU'S PANACEA will
give certain relief; in all severe and chronic case,
Ihe patients cannot be loo often reminded that lar
ger doses and perseverance will effect a cure.
l'i Vhillsana ferert. isilinus t ever. Affection
of the F.tfC and Ears, Spongy and Bleeding
Gum Bmnchiti anil recent Couch and Colds,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be found
perfectly aure and certain in its effect'.
Thoe enmp'ain's sre generally attended widi
the most fatal consequences, and are seldom or ne.
ver rmed by the piesetit m id- of treatment ; tliy
usinl y accompany Ihe p,lient t Ihe grave, alter
suffering Ihe mnsl excruciating pain and Inrture.
The cause uf these coinplaiu a are the same as all
others the dio ol the blood I'ccnm. s enrrua'ed on
the finrst narrow passages, whence ar s morbid
secretions and toppagia of U'ine. You will find
the most p iwerful diuntic uf no iiii,n4 they only
increase the qu antity of urine and do not pmify
nd ftrenutlu ii lh'1 part. Bv purifying the Mood
wiih tr. S KKTSHK S l'AAi;i5A, mil re
move the caiii-enf lhedieic, consequently il ca
not exist any loujer, nfur sufficient pi'isociarii-p
in its use has deprived the blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and incrustation.
Thia ia a erv prevalent and fatal disea-e ; it re
subs mostly from neglected coughs, colds and bron
chitis also from impioper treatment in many other
case, such aa measles, fever, inflammaii n and
small pox, snd a host of other badly treated disease;
where ihe cause, instead nf having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only been
palliated or removed from one pirt lo break out in
another. By iliveating your bodies nf all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA, the cure ia at once rendered certain
and pormanrnt. Ri collect, while there is acrimo
nious humors floating in the circulation, it is as apt
lo settle ou Ihe lungs as any other part of the Imly
this is the reason that consumption is so prevalent
Which you aee on the exterior, come from ami
have their source in, Ihe iuleiior, and might just as
well have Milled uu ynui lungs, liver, nr any other
pait; which we know they frequently do, and pin
due most violent iliAainuinUii) disorder. The
humor which occasions these lore is of a highly
crimonions' burning nature. We know it from
the pain it gie in forming, and afterward it ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding the flesh and skin
of ihe pait where it break out. This show the
necessity nf frequently puiifying the blood wilh Dr.
SWEETSEK'S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humors in ut jection. Should you have
a bile or ulcer, be thankful lhat nature haa taken
trouble lo want ynu of the dangei your life and bo
ly ia in, for il ia a warning that Ihe blood is foul.
Had this iame acrimony (circled ihe lung inetead
of Ihe surface nf ynur body for its seat, consump
tion of the lungs would have been ihe'conaequenee.
Delay not then, to puiil'y and cleanse with Dr.
Sweetsrr' Panarea.
SPINE DISEASE. affections, inlaigemenl of the bonee and
joints, white awellinga, hip joint roinplainl, rup
luies, falling of ihe bowel and wom'i disease, will
find a eedy oure in Dr. SII'EETsEK S PA
NACEA. Where the disease has been of long
standing, the lime required lo make a cure will le
longer ; bul the patient may r at assured B
determined perseverance will effect it,
These diseases proceed from tha aeriosity or
eorruptliumura of the blood, having a t'.led itself on
Ihe throat aud lunga, and slopped them up, ao lhat
Ihey cannot draw sufficient air in' fbi respiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give imme
diate relief, and to make Ihe cure perfect and car
lain, il ebould lie continued some liaie after, In
free ihe system of all bad liuuore.
find a Mf and speedy cuie in Dr. SWEET
SEN'S PANACEA. It cores by aearching every
blood faaet and arry, and driving em all impu
rilie and bul humor accumulated therein, which
a the cause of rh-umali, goui and welling of
the joint. Tbl deleterous iWts of calomel and
olhei mineral poisons, readily yield lo it sovereign
influence t indeed, when iu val jabla lirilMrliaSASi kaa,.
com fully known, the us of sll mineral poison will
o coosigned to 'lbs tomb of all the Cepulets,' sod
eoly be lh ought af aa a by-gone custom of lh dar
ker ages. Dr. 8weWe Panacea ia also a sax
eon for dyppia, pilea, enlivened, vert, bnd
chi, pain U lha brsaat and liver complairrt.
- , FEVER a"niJ AtJUE.
rr I alwaya caused by a disorderly move
mem of lha blood, struggling left as baSlf of sortie,
thiol thai aiicaimbara it; in teat, ovary kind af fe
ver is nothing aaorl thin retrain between the
bleod and cerrtrUt hiUMrs. aud .sja aaea aa tha cor.
nipt humors an ex (relied, you have no nort lev?
When Patient with fever submits lo ba bled, at
have hi blond poisoned with mercury, it wsateni?
hi frame lo such degree that if ha enrviree lha
process, it slwiy leaves him auhtect to distressing
chill, when 9 times out of 10 he resorts lo ague
puis, pnwuers, ot Ionic mixtures; Ihia ii going from
bad to worse, a these vegetable pill, powders, etc.
am miming nut mercury inu quinine In disguise,
wmcn may lor a time drive thi dieests so ier into
the body as not lo ba perceptible, but very soon K
nm again with reariul violence. To cure
ague and lever, tha cause of tha dure moat ba re
moved out of tbe blood and body, which can ba ef
fectually done by uaing Dr. SWEETSER'S PA-
n Aci, wnicn purifies, cleanse and strengthen.
It contain nothing lhat can possibly injurs, and ita'
uas is slsrsys a safeguard sgalnst chin snd fovars..
PILES. '" '
In Alt Cash of Piles, Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It re
moves from tha blood, stomach and bowete all
those foul scrld burning humor, which an' the
cause of Piles snd Costiveness, and by strengthen
ing the digestive organs, improves every part of the
entire body.
These disease in caused by Ihe stomach ind
bowel being choked up with vicid (limy milter,
th tir which enters them e innot ercsp until forced
by ome contraction of tbl Homich to expel it ;
urnrn inn cause ol pain. A lew dOSC of IJr
8WEETSER'S PANACEA will convince thi
ufferer that relief is sttained.
Parents will find Ihe PANACEA a valuable
medicine for their children, keeping their bodies in
a healthy condition, thereby existing their g'owth;
children or grown peunni, after taking it, are not
liable to be attacked with an epidemic as before, aa
it alwaya leave the blood in a pure condition, and
the i ntire system in a strengthened state ; it drive
out a'l kinds of weakness from the body ind leaves
all bcol hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE TSER'S PANACEA a medi
cine purely adapted to their use. Most ladiea du
ring the period of pregnancy ire afflicted with pile.
Dr. 8weetcr't Pioacea, by regulating thi bowel,
will entirely obviate thia, and it purifving croDCt-
lie nn the Mood and fluids, insure to them heal
thy off-pring. No one who is a mother ahouM ba
without it, and those who sre nursing will find it
of gteat benefit to the health of lhe infants.
Foi barrenness and all diseasea ofYhe. (tank (
is without a rival in the entire hisloiy and catalogue
of medicines; hy its extraordinary strengthening
power, it stimulates and atrengthens Ihe womb, a
weaknesa of which ia the cause of failure to have
Under this bend may he claased Palpitation of
the Heart, Tic Dolnreaux or Facceche, Neuralgia,
tndigesiion, Toothache, Melancholy, Hysterics, and
in fact, every disease caused by the aharp, biting,
acrimonious humnra irritating the nerve ; the
nerves receive the morbid impiessinn from the sto
mach, or rather from the blood through Ihe agency
ef the stomach and dige.-tive organ, nd although
other parts of the body are apparently the seat nf
ihe ilisease, still it Is rausttl by the morbid impres
sion conveyed from t1 e Monti bv the nerves. In lhat
pait. A few doses nf Dr. SWEETdEK'S PA
NACEA will soon assuro the patient lhat he has
the cure in hia possession. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE.
This ia an inflammatory disO.uVr, alw .ya attend,
ed with m 're or less pnin. It proceed from tho
foul, acrimonious humor lodged in the blood snd
fluids, settling nn the l m1 and face, causing ex
treme pain and fever ; sll applications on the ur
fare are worse than useless, aa Ihey only tend to
throw the disease in some other part, and perhaps
ratie deith. Bleeding is likewise improper. To
cuic the di-ease you niu-t gel rid of the cauao ; on
ly manage t get ihe foul humors out of y ,r blond,
and vou will he well in s day. Dr. SWEET
SKIfS PANACEA, a thorough purifier of tha
blood, will arch out every impurity in the more
remote pirt of the luidy nd expel jt through th
medium nf the bouel. There it not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or organ of rh entire framewoik nf
man, lhat Dr. SweitserV Panacea doea not im
prove. To take it when you are well la to keep
well ; and when aick to become well.
posed only ot a v. g.-tul.le matter, or medical ncrlie,'
and wairanied. on o nil. es rnnlaiuii g not one par
lirl.t of mercurial, mineral, or chimical substance,
ia found lo be i eil. ellv harmless to the inn-l tender
n ago, or the ne.iko-t fiaine, under env st,gouf hu
man suiieimu; tt niii-i p!ta nr apu henign in its
oper.itinii lhat was eer off. red In the world; and
at the same lime Ihe moat certain in searching nut
the ronl of any ciuplair, however deep, and of
perf .rtn mif re.
Price f I i cr Ii. tile, or six hot I s for J5. For
sale, and retail, at ihe corner nf
CH ARLES ind i'K TT Streets Babimore, and
Nov. H IH47. ,y 8unbury.
Dttrns, Scald, and mil kind of Inflamed
Sore Cured.
X Ihe mostcomple'e Burn Anlidoteever known.
Il instantly, (and aa if by Magir) atop pain of tha
moat desperate Burns end Scalds. For old Sore,
Biulses, Cuts, Sprat.i, dec, on man or beast, it is
the heat application that can be made, Thnus.inds
have tried and thousands praise it. It is Ihe most
pirfect master ol pain ever discovered. All whe
use recommend it- Every family ahould be provi
ded wilh it. None can tell how aoon some of the
family may need it.
G3" OIerve each hox of Ihe genuine Ointment
ha. the name nl 8. Tni'sr.v written on the oulaide
label. To imitate this i forgery.
lloitmeo, Liverv Men, Farmei, and all whoa
Horses, will find thi Ointment the very best thing
tin y can use fur Collar Galls. Scratches, Kick, cVe.
&c, nn thrir animals. Surely every merciful man
would keep his animals as free from pain as poeei-hie-
Tousey's Universal Ointmeut is all that ia re
quired. Try it.
Ill PES OF INSECTS. For the sling or bite
of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is unri
vailed. Hundred have tried h and found It good.
PILES CURED ! For the Pilea, Touaey'e IJ
niveraal Oin'ment is one of tbe beat Remedies lhat
can be applied. All who have tried il foi thi Pile
recommend il.
OLD SORES CURED. For old ohttinati
Son , then is nothing equal to Toueey' Oint
ment. A person in Msnlius had, for a number . ;
year. I oi leg thai IvffleJ the skill nf u ' "f ,
Touaey' Ointment wt rrcom- -.edoclorj.
ihe visiting physicians. -tended by one uf
ndlwoboxev . "ew it gnat virtues,' l t
lien' 1 r"wuiii iniiiv i.riirni ms ma pa-.-
.. uad received from sny ind a niavisus rems
dies, Ii all irv it.
of cases nf Bums and' Scald, in all parla of the
country, have beon cured by Touaey' Universal'
Ointment. Certificate enough could be bad to fill
the whole of thia aheei.
nn testimonials, in favn, ,,r T.,.,ur. i hna...,
for curing Bruie. have been offered the propiie
toia. Hundrda in Syracuse will certifyHo its great1
meiit m relieving the pain of tha most Severe Bruise '
Ail person should try it. . . i
SCALD HEAD CURED.' ftiree of ceee of
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Byracuar. For aale by
. JOHN" YUNO.Bonowry, . "' :"
fcpt.lltli.lW.-lji TT!