Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 15, 1848, Image 3
SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUltNAL. ' VALUABLE FARM -.. . For Sale. 'W THURSDAY, the lOih of AUGUST ' QD nctt, ii a o'clock. P. M. will bo rxpoeej to ' fMk sale, at Ibo Coail House In Ibe borough of rMntnr-e, valuable farm, loctioj upon Ida bonk of too Seeqoebenna river, (ha North Branch ' Canal, the poblk rood from Northumberland to ' Wirieeharre, an-l within four toilet of the flourieh - tag town of Danville, in Point Township, Nor ' Ibiraiberland County , In oil abnul 430 acres, more ' or lew of which there ere about tOO or SfS9 arm ' rfivasW lend, end tte rest wrR timbered Tho ' groator part la Aral rata bottom land. The ad ran. 1 tagea are superior to thoae of most farma the soil boing well adapted to either (rain or grass, and Is lee welt watered, having two atreama of water running through h. and a nnmbor of rieellent , prit apon it. It ia in a rood state of etilii ' lion and under pretty rood fence the improve. " mania anon It consist of a lara two-story FRAME 'HOUSE, a large LOO BARN, a largo Frame ' Wagon Honaet also, a largo two story snd a ha'f brick House. There V also upon thia trscl a good, eicrd frame Hoaie, a good at able, and a 8iw Mil. Any quantity losuit ibe purchasers, in pan or whole, will be add, Possession can be obtained nest epring. An Indlsputsble title will he given. For further par iculara, enquire of the subset!! eis reading upon the premises. BENJAMIN PFOUT8, JOHN PF0UT8. Aminialratora. July , 1848. 4t ; EXECUTORS SALE. George Reed's Estute, WILL be exposed to public sale, on Friday tho 18th day of September heit, on the premiere, in Jackaon lownahip Northumberland County, Ibe following valuable real estate, vitt A tract of Land, containing 88 acre, mora or 'lees, a-ljoinirs; lands ff Michael Ferst, Peter Kiehl and John Kerfer, lite ibe estate of Geo. Bred, Esq., dee'd, The im prnvrmenta coniist of two Log Houses and a good well at the door, a swisa barn, and also, a 8 aw Mill. Tbi-re ia alao on the premires. a good orchard, containing different kinds of fruit. AL80,at the same lime and place, a tract of of woodland adjoining land of S.imuel Maliirlt. F. Jones, dec, eonta'ning seventy-six, scire, and running onto Jacob's Mountain, About thirty acres of said land cin be cleareJ and cultiv.ile.l, - and i well timbeied with excellent pine, chrnnut die. The terms and conditions will be made In wn on the day of sale by PETE II HEED, Ex'r Jackaon lownahip, July 8, 1848 ts TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTV. FELLOW CITIZENS Encouraged by ma ny of my friends throughout our county, I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, at the next general Election. Should my fellow citizen favor me with a majority of their votes, I should spare no exertion to filfill the duties of eaid office with fidelity and to the satisfaction fall. MARTIN IRWIN. Senbury, June 3, 184S. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BER LAND COUNTV. THE subscriber offers himself to the electors of Northumberland County, as a candidate or the office f PROTIIOXOTARY, &C. 'Should he be favored with a majority of votes, he will spare no exertions to rentier general satisfaction. JOHN FARNSWOR TH. June 17, 1848 To"tHE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BER. LAND COUNTY. Ftcutow" Citizens' By the encouragement of my friends. I am inrdured to offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER, & RECORDER. Should I be elected, I shall make eveiy effort to render general satisfaction. ' FREDERICK II A AS. Upper Augusta, June 21, 1818. G. M. YORKS RESPECTFULLY offer himself to the el.c tore of Northumberland County as a candi date f r the office of SHERIFF. And ill endeavor, if elected, to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully and impartial ly Sunbury, July 1, 1818. Tnvur ri rrrnns rp vntiTiirTunrTr laier-i r-nlTVTV AT tho earnest solicitation ol a large num ber of bis friends the subscribe! hereby of fers, himself as a candidate for Register and Recorder Sec. for NorthnmberJand Cou ty. He promises, if eleeted, to discharge the duties uf the office, with fidelity and promptness, and he trust, with entire satisfaction to the community- JACOB HAAS. Sbamokin, July 1, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTV. AT the solicitation uf a number of my friends I hereby offer myself as a candidate for REGISTER & RECORDER A Nil Clerk oft be Orphan' Court. Having bad several years experience in the du- ' ties of the office in this county, I think I shsll be able to discharge the duties thereof with entiie satisfaction. JOHN P- PURSF.L. Sunbury, June 17, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BKIl LAND COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY inform you at a citizen of Northumberland county, that my friends ia the four lower townships, made a solicita tion, or call, these three years, to offer myself to the eitixent of our county, at a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, and! flatter myself capable of fulfilling the du. ,ties of amid office according to law. Aa I am disabled to do any thing else but teaching school. wub I followed seventeen years, and under atand botn eliafaa and German, which ia ne cessary, &e, ' . taOHNHENRY KREBS. Upper Mahonoy, May 3. i8 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHIIMB2S- LAND COUNTY Fxllow Citixinb i Through the encourage ment of my friends, offer myself as a rsudi. date for tba office of COUNTY COMMlSSfoNER. boa Id I be so fortunate as to receive the of fice, I shall endeavor to give general satisfaction. FRANCIS BUCHER. Sonbary, Jane 94, 1848 TO THE ELECTORS OF N-iRTHUMBER. LAND COUNTY. Fxllow Citixana Encouraged" by many of tny friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration as candidate for the OFFICE OF SHERIFF t tba approaching elect;on- ShoulJ I be so fortunate aa to receive a majority of your votes I shall esdesvor to rerder general satisfaction. HENRY J. READER, Delawara Uaroahip. J 84. 1648. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH0MBER ' LAND COUNTS. , , B7IELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ana ay ofaay frieadt, I retpectfulljr offer my i aa a candidate for tba oAca of . REGISTER AND RECORDER, a (Mi ctork fth Orpb' carx, a. .l. cUetioa. Should I be fa roros) with a aaajority of your votee, I will tpaa M exert tons to leaaer g aaorai s. "- GEORGE OYSTER ' " Pais wart lowtbip, May 1, l$t. : : Notice. . Fii S hereby given load legatees, creditors, and other nersons interested in the estate of John ilkinson. dee'd. settled bv bis Adm'r Abraham Shipman or John KetTer, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Samuel KeiTer.ofrhristopher Wood dee'd settled by his Ahm'r II. R. Wsggoner, of Daniel Lahrriec'd, settled by his Adm'rs Joseph Lahr and George Brosioos, of leaae Stahl, dee'd, set tied by his Adm'r John Gibson of Howell Good rich, dee'd, settled by hi Adm'r Robert David, eon of John Seibert, dee'd settled by hit Adm'rs John Seibert and David 8 Maekey of John Gosh, dee'd, settled by bis Adm'r Christian Gosh, Jr. of Wm. Moritt, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Jonathan P. Phultx of Frederick Tschopp, dee'd settled by hit Adm'r Andrew Tacbopp and Philip Tsehoppof Jamee Barret, dee'd, aettled by his Adm'rs Hugh McF.lrath and John Barret of Ceo. Geiaf, dee'd. settled by bis Adm'r Geo. Kramer, of Geo. Snyder dee'd., settled by hia Adm'r Jacob Snyder of Sarah Osmen, dee'd, settled by her Ex', trix Hannah Osmen of Jonathan Fetter, dee'd. set tled by hisAdm'r Henry Fetter, of Jacob Welker dee'd, settled by bis Adm'r John Fegrlyof Chris tisn Snyder, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Jacob Snyder of Jacob Arnold, dee'd. aettled by hia Adm'trix Elizabeth Dressier of James Crassley, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r John Crassly of James Lemon, aenr., .dee'd, settled by his sur viving Adm'r Robert Curry of Wm. Lemon, dee'd, settled byoneot his Ei'ra, Hugh VcWil lisms of Salathiel Sober, dee'd, aettled by bit Adm'trix Racbael Renter Of Jacob Oberdorf. dee'd, aettled by hit Ex'r George Weiser. The sccount of John Peiffer, Guardian of Iaaae Peif. fer. The account of Peter F, Zimmerman, Guar lian of Henry Malirk. The account of Adam Zartman, Guardian of Rebecca Mayant and Han nah Reitx. That the Executors, Administrstors snd Guardians of the ssid dee'd eststes have fi'ed their accounta with the Recister of the County and that they will be presented to the Orphans otiri oi said county, on Tuesday the 8th cay or August next for confirmation and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER, R.g'r. Register office I Sunbury, July 8, 1848. COMMISSIONERS SALES OF UNSEATED LANDS. The following tracts ofunseated lands, having been purchased by the Commissioners of Northum berland county, and remiiuing unredeemed hy tho owner., for more than five yeninf;er sites there of to the Comnrssioners, will be offered for sale at the Court House, in the Borough if Sunbury, Nonhumberland County, on Friday the 1 1 h day uf August, at lOo'chxkA. M. (1848 ) COAL TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Kama. lioyd William, ling ir John, Hrnsinita Peter, Boyd William, Buvd William llimmilrlch Henry He ah Philip, I.eich Christian Murvine Jacob, Zigenfue Peter, Aeres. 361 370 60 99 S'JS 378 IA 363 5 81 1(17 19 117 95 342 408$ Ziten'u. Peier, Zigenfiia Peter, IJmhnlt Jnenb, 8miih Mtlchor, COAL dc SHAMOKIN. feoti Abraham, Tifswnrth J hri SHAMOKIN TOWNSHIP. Irvine Charles l.ewia James, Htcwsrl Delurah, Wilson John, JACKSON dc AUGUSTA. Smith Danul, LOWER AUGUSTA. Illairi J lin. 103 021 204 J 299 200 LITTLE M All ANOY dc LOWER AUGUSTA. D.wnJohn, 3!)5J Dewarl William. 3'-' CHII.ISQUAQUE. POINT dt J URDU 111 .ir William, 300 Burton John, jr., Cr.iige Joseph Confer la.,ac Fisher John Or fl Henry Hall William lours Ann Lew Aaron Milnor El ward Moriirnn George M .rVrv John Rogers Michael, Shaw William, MAHANOY A. BueMer George, Be a ea Pel- r. fJro.l Thcmas, 410 2S0 200 300 162 300 61 200 300 300 227 150 6J JACKSON 100 103 300 102, 3t5J I "tie. (leorue, Heiruu Fieileiick Henii g Fiedirick. 247 H.-doo'l Jsmea, SI44J Moyer George, I"0 Miller John, "t'i M.ii r Christian. 147 MmUII. t .wn David. ?S SerlyJonrs. 1 36J ii on Alexandei, 428 Tolaue ILnry, O1 Wat..nJoh. &8 PETER VANDI.ING, WILLIAM FOI.MER, JACOB HOFFA. Committiontrt Suiihuty, July H, 1848. Notice To nil wlioni It may Concern. rMIE Subscriber bas purchased of Isaxc Moore - the following property which he bas left in the po session of said Is c. until such time as he thai I see cause to remove the tame, to wit: 3 head of horned Cattle. , 1 grev Mare. 6 Hogs. I two-horse 'agon. 9 acret of Rye in the gronnd. A acret of Corn. I I acret of Oatt. 1 Plow. 1 wood Sled. 1 wooden Clock. DANIEL ROATH. Shamokin, July 1, 1848 3t Wardrobe of Fashionable CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, A'o. 194 Market Street. Firtt Clothing ttortbe low bixla, Philadelphia. VIIERE they are constantly engaged in get. ting up from the best French, English and met ican c oth. clothing cut and made up in the moat superior and fasbioaable sty e. 1'ersons who buy to sel1. will find a Urge and excellent stock at tba lowest city pricet. C'otbing made up to order, ina auperior atyle at the abortett nut ice. N. B Odd Fellow t Regalia, a large assort ment alwayt on band. Orden from Lodges and imlmdua t promptly attended to ou tba most rea tnnab'e termt. Pbilade'pbia, Juna 3, 1848 ly. THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. IMPORTERS OP 3F3r CE3 3X1 X3& S3 a Paled and Brilaoaia Ware, Cutlery, and Taney Goods, and Manufacturers of Jew airy and Stiver Ware, l Cbesnul street, Phila delphia; have received by lata arrivals a large and bandsaoM atotk of English and Franco Watches, and Marble, Porcelain and Fancy Clucks. Platad Uma, Caatora. Cake Baskets, High and UbsmtMruaadiostMke Boup Lad lea, Btiooos and Pawka, Aha a good aaaortoaeot of Britannia Wan sod Fin Caller. Their stock of JEWELRY ia large aadofthe anal fashionable kind, and Ibe an wall euDollad itb Silver 8poona. Farka, Mags, Napkin Rings, Butter Knivoa, aVa., and wlibom aaaking any aW ola of Diicee is the rMiblie nrinla, ttsay are pro- pond lo aall aa soar as toss who do, and isvtto oeraone wishrnx to purcbaaa teealU Pbiladelnliia, June 10, IMi-Sei FRENCH REVOLUTION. TYRANTS aa well aa Monopolies must rait, to mutt prices. That tbia la a fact can be proved by calling at No. 73 North 2d street, above Arch, P8II.ABaX.VHSA. E.E IICRAY, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, . UAeto anet Uttmil, . The atoek consist! In part of Gold and Silver Levert ; I'Epinet and Quartier Watchet ; Jewel ry of the newett and most fashionable patterns. SILVER SPOONS, . Particular attention paid to these articles, tba oiarr ofwhirh it No. I, and workmanship ditto. Tba establish ment or LE HURAY hat been well known FOR FOVRTY YEARS, in SECOND Street, and baa made a character which needa no puffing. Silver TEASPOONS aa low aa 84,50 per sett can be made for lesa if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain. 10 ett.; Patent, IS ; Lunette. SO eta ; other articlei in propor tion. Remember, you can boy her below any pub lished list of pricet in this City or New York. . Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to give satisfaction. N B. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No.72) North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 25, 1847 lyc. May 6, 1818. OAKEORD'S GREAT HAT, CAP, AND FUR ESTABLISHMENT' ZVo. 104. Chestnut Street, Between Third and Fourth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. THE Advertiser baa constantly on hand .and manufacturing, every description of HATS and CAPS, of the latest and most approved fash ions, consisting of YOUTHS' HATS AND CAPS, In variety, among which is new arti cle for Spring and Summer wear. MILITARY CHAPEAUX CAPS ect, made according to the Army and Navy re gulations and for auperioity ot finish and mate, rial, have never been surpassed THE SUMMER FASHIONS For gentlemen, consisting of FineRockey Moun tain Beaver and Gossamer Hats, (very light,) Panamas, Leighoriit. Fine Cobourgs, ect., ect. Also, fine Straw, Braid, and Hair Cloth Caps; Ladies Riding Hats and Caps of entirely new styles, in fact the largest assortment ever before offered to the public ; being at low in price at any Establishment in the country Remember CHARLES OAKFORD, A'o. 104, Chrnnut utrert, between Third and Fourth ttrcet l'hilndelphia June 2 1, 1818 ly 1ML SMITH, I'ocket Hook nntl Morocco Case 91 aiiiifact urcr , Has succeeded B P. SISTY, at the Old Stand 51 i CHF.SNUT Street, Philadelphia Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases and Portfolios of every description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tablets Card' Caset, Dressing Cases, Segar do', Writing do., Backgammon Boaidt & Chessmen, Gold Pens. Snyder't, Chapman's, and Saunder't Razor Strops; Penny's Tally ho Razors, Rodgers's Wsde k Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Egyp tain Razors, Pen Knives snd Scissors, of every description, Bowie snd Dirk Knives; also, a large assortment or Fancy Stationery, at the lowest rates. Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. Philadelphia, June 34, 1848 3m KNOW AM. MEX THAT BENNET & CO. HAVE REMOVED from 192 Market Street at then New Splendid and Immense Estah lithment to be known at the 1 oner Hull Clotblng Ilazaar. A'o. 182 Market Street, bctteeen fifth If sixth t HlLADfcLI'Hl . The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration or some in (he trade, but will beg leave to quote the following notice from one ol our city papers; One of the greatest curiosities tl at our City affords to the stianger. is BENNETT & CO't great clothing store. No. 182 Market Street, be tween Fifth and Sixth, which has been styled 'Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building is an immensa one, con taming seven capacious rooms, all of which are stocked with every variety of seasonable gar ments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleasure in showing their building and contents to the citizens, particularly strangers, and to those co ming from the country we know of no place more worthy of a visit. I btladelphia, May 27th, 1848 3m. CUTLERY. AN enennive Stuck of Packet and Table CUT LERY, for sale by JVnr. 33 nnrf 31 ARCADE. an,t 0) North THIRD Strert, C mp iing 3flU0 dozen Penknives, Scissors and li i' re. Also, a cjiidce sssoitmcnt of Ro lgers A "Ions, Wos'enho'm's, (Siravc.'s, W, k S, Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery. Also, Spanish, Ui k and Hunting Knives. AIo, Ouns, Pstols, snl Bowie Knives. Ale -, The Amtrieun Itutnr Strap, a superior ni lo, wo ly I hi- alu-iili in of Duller i'sHti Ur-ulirs in (hiiIciv, wi I find the ah.ive Stork worthy tiieir at'rniton, as the Sulircrikri's chief bus lie is irii,iiiriiiig and arlling cutlery. I'hil .dwlj.lii:!, June 10th, 1848 ly. A Tuoussau DoLataa Wsvsa I ASHBY & ROCAF, Hal and Cap Manufacturers, South East Corner of 4th and Market Street, tiavmenl iforu. PHILADELPHIA, HAVE constant y on lmt full and conplete aa.orin.ent of HA T8, CAPS, antl KUItS AUu an elegaul aasortmfiit of mtcn' anJ boy Leghorn, Funamt, and Polm-tfaf Hati. AH of which by aavina of $1000 in rtni. will ha aolil, wholesale and r?tail, at the vi ry lowvat price. Country dealers would d i well lo call, aa hy ronomy and low rem, we-are eo-tbleJ to Mil at very low rates. Juna lOih. 1848. ly CHEAP 1TEW GOODS. John W. Friling, KESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and customers, Ibat he has just received and opened a splendid astortment of GOODS, eoniii. tint of DltY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queemware, &c. Tba public are invited to rail und examine for themaeivea. . ' Sunbury, May 0, 1818 tf JACOB KECK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND LIQUOR DEALER, JVs m Market Street, Below Eighth, North tide. x PaiLAatLraiA. Keeps constantly en band all kind of old Li quor, vis t Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, ate. Alto white brandy for preter vine., Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. Philadelphia, June 3, 1848. If S. J. MEGAHGEE & CO. iairosTiia Air cammusio! MERCHANTS, And Dcalen in Paper, and Paper Manufactu re' Material. No. 39 Coasnseree at., PHILADELPHIA. TfT" EP constantly on band Urga asaort lt. "ent of pr'iritiBg and other paper. News papers in tba touatrr. cast ba auppiiad at all tiraaa, with paper of any aisa and quality, at too towaai pricea. fhiUdrlphia, June ITth, 18 DR. TOWflSBflD'S COIPOGM EXTRACT OF SA.I1SAPA1ULLA. Tltlfl Extract la put np In quart hottlee. It Is aix times cheeper, plaiartnter, ami warrants superhir to any M. It cares diseaai a wit hoot vumitinf, porcine;, airli ner, or debilitating Um patient, and is particularly win plod fur a FAI.I. AND SPRING MKBtCINB. Tin gnat oeanty and superiority of this ftannrairMla over , other nmeriiea ia, whilst it enrdicateedisaaae, It invigimes the body. Consumption eurad.. Cleanse and 0tnsna1hn. Cunsnmption can be enrnd. ' Bronchitis, Coiinimptlm, Uver Gomplahit, CoMa, Conglia, Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, 8.renc in the Cheat, Hectic Plnah, Night Sweats, DiibV euK end Profuse Expectoration, . and Pain in the Bide, c, Ac, . nave and can be cored. Probably there never was a remedy that baa been t suo ecaarnl in desperate cases of eonaumptwn'aa this j it clean, ses and strenalhens the system, and appears to heal the ul cers on ths lungs, and patienta gradually regain their nsual health and strength. " CURIOUS CASK OF CONSUMPTION. - There is scarcely a day passes bin thore ire a number of eaaea or consumption repurted as cured by the as ot Dr. Towneen's Sarnpariua. The Mknving was recently re eeived : Dr. Towrrsexn Dear Sin For the hut three years 1 have bean afflicted with general debility, and nervous con. aumption of the hist stage, and did not expect to ever gain my health at all. After going through a con me of medicine under the care of arnie ot tlie rrvwt dietinguiehnd regular physiciana and member of the ftwird of llenlth In New York and elsewhere, and spending the m-wt of my enruinga in attempting to retrain mv health, and after rending in ecmie paper of your ftimiparilla I resolved to try it. Aflcr using six bottles I fonml it done me gmtt g ml, and called tusee you at your office! with your advice I kept on, and do most hmrtfly thnnk yon for your advice. I persevere in taking the Hnrmpnrilln, and have been able in nttenil to my nsnrtl labors fur the knrl (not months, and I hope hy the blessings of God and your ftirmpnrilla to omiinno my health. It helped me beyond lha expeetrttinna 'f all who knew my case. CHARLKS QUIMDY Orantre, Kmkx eo. N. J., Aug. 9, 1847. fMatc of New Jersey, Kssrx county, ss Charles Quint ov f"'n mt'v sworn aeconling to law, on his rath Kith, thnfthe foregoing statement Is true accorriinf. to the best ot his kimwredieand belief. CHARI.KS QI IMBV. Sworn and subscribed to before me at tinuipe. the 3d August, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN. Jnstice of the Peace. 8P1TTINO BLOOD. Read the following, and say that consumption is in incu rable if you con : New York, April , tt7. Dr. TowKsaifD t I verily believe thnt your Snrmparilln baa been the means, throiiKh Pnividcnce, uf saving my life I have for several years had a bad cough. K liecuuie worse and worse. At Inst I raised tanre quantities of hlo-Kl, had liiglit iwrnli antl wni grcntly dehilitntiHi and rrHliiffrt. Rtid din itH export to live. I have only uxd yftir Pnriiirill)i but a hurt time, and there hnit a wnmlert'iil elinnip- bwii wrought in m. 1 am now able to walk till over the city. I rniw no blond, and my enith htm left me. Ym can well Imagine that 1 un tliankful i t these renilta. Your rihetti cnt aervant. WM. IM SSKMe. OS CnUiarinc at. LOST HKK HPKKCII. The nnnexed rertificiAie tctla a aimple and truthful atory of anfTeriiikT and relict'. There are thiHimnda nf imilar ai aea hi thia city and lJrooklyn, and y4 tliera are llitmantHla ot' purenta let their children die tor four of bcinif ht.itibugg-'d or to aiive a few ahilliuga. Urooklyn, Hept. 13. 1847. Dr. Towitf-msD. I Uikc ptenmire in Ktiting, fur the Irene fit uf thoae whom it inuy concern, thnt my dn 111 it it, two yenra and aix mnitlm )kt, waa iiltlictrd with jrnipnd di biiity and loan nf aneech. Hw wiin frtven up ns pmti je coverybyniir fninily pltyaicum ; but I'ortuimtHv I wna re cunmendM by a friend to try your ttirKtptiri.l.t. Iti-f ire hnving nned nne bottle ahe rvovrrfI her apffeli mid wja enabled tn walk alono, to the iuturiisbtiii-iit fif all wha w;ro acquainted with the circumstnitfea. She ia tiow quite well, oih! in much Itrttcr h'ilth th;ui ahr hna Ik-vii f ir 1H montha puat. JOHKPII TAYItOH, 128 Yftrk at., Ilronktyn. TWO CIIILUKI'.N HAVKD. Very few ftuniliea Indenl in fnet we hnve u A hisml of nne thnt uwd Dr. Townatfiid'a S-irciHirilln in lime, l-it any children the pant Summer, while, tlnw did not, aickeued and died. The cercilicule we publish iHtt-nv ia conrhiBive evidence v( ita viilue, hik! iaonlj uuotlier iiirtlunrti of ita mvino; the Uvea of chililrcu : Dr. ToWNsatf d Dear Sir : I had two children cured by your ftiraaparilla of the an minor cotn liiinl and dywntnry j one wua only 13 month old ami tbv nthcr H yira. They were very milch reduced, and we expected they would die ; they were Riven up by two reiipeetnble phviicnuia. When the doctor infiirmed ua thnt we mnat kae tlani, we resol ved to try your Buraupnrilla we lmd henrd ao itiiteh of, lait Imd little con6dcwe, there beiuo; an imtrh atutT advertiaed that ia wnrthleaa: but we are tlumkfui that we ilid, for it uudiHibtedly anved the liven of bull. I write thia tint oth era may be induced to uae it. Yours, reapectfiiltv, JOHX WlIsSON, Jr. Myrtle-avcnuo, Drooklyn. tViit. Iff, 1h7. TO TMK LADIKM. GRKAT FKMALK MKD1C1NK. Dr. TowftaitN Sarsapaiiilla iaua.iveriiiirnnnd npcedy cure for incipient consumption, and for the gehertd pnnitru lion of the ayatem no mutter whether Ibe rcatdt nf inhe rent caubc or cauaca, produced by irregukirity, illucaa or ac cident. Nothitwcan be m ire aurprinitiff than ita invltr-tratintz cf foclaou the human fmme. IVrsona all weakliest! mid lua aitiide, from tnkins: it at once lec nne r lmat and lull of mterjrv imdcir ita in tin ewe. U initntititt'ly c nnttracta the imrvfloiwiMiaia of the fcmnle frame, which ia the great vuuat iNirrenneaM. It will not be ex pee ted nf ua. in cuaea of iki dtlicute a na ture, lo exhibit certilicntea of curca perforuifd, hut we can assure the afflicted tliat hundretU of uuatM have lefn repor ted to us. Da. TnWKaRirn: Mv wife belnjr arrently distressed by wenkneiw end (tenerul debility, and suffering Cuntinuully by pitiu and with other didicult ieti, rtnd luivinij known c:isra where your medicine biia eft ect cd Krcut cures; mvd ulao htfirinit it nci'nunciideil for audi cases ns I hnve dcacrild, I obtnined r bottle of your Kxtnict of Kirsjipririllu and fol lowe.i the directions you jruve me. In a short period it removed her eoinplaiut and reatored Iter to health. Heitiff prrJitt'ul for the hcnefita slic received, I tuke nlenaure in thus iiekuowleilg'mg it, and reommendinii it to the public. M. D. MMOKK, Alhony, Aug. 17. Ml. cor. Grand Sc Lydiu ata. DYHIKISIA. No fluid or medieiiM hna ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gnatric juice r saliva in deeitnpoaing fxd and BtreiigtheiiiiuT the oriranaof diirttutu aa thia nre- paratiou of SurmpnrilUi. It taitively cures every cuae of uysjacpajin, wirvo r;i arvcrc r cnrtniir. 1 lit nk Dcnnrtincut, Allianv, Mnv 10, Dr. Towtiaend--Sir t 1 have been afflicted' for aevcrul yenra with dyspepsia in ita worst frm, attended with a-mr-neaa nf atomach, loaa of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a rreat averainn to all kinds of food, ami for weeks, t whnt I could eut) 1 have been unntde tn retain but a annul port i an on my atomnch. 1 tried the uauat remedies, but they lind but little or no en ect in removing the compitunt. l wua in duced, about two months aince, to trv vonr Kx tract of rtur- ss par ilia, and I must any with little coufisVnce ; Utt after sing nmny iwu wniirs, iiainu my aprteiue resutrtsn ana tha heartburn entirety removed ; and I wmi1I earnestly re- eoaimeiM the use of it to thoae who have been amieted as 1 have been. Yours, Jtc, W. W. VAX KANDT. Agent for SunUiry JOHN W. PRIMNO: Nof thumherland, MARY A. McCA Y t Danville, AVM. A. MURRAY CO.. April 99, 1W8. ly rbllaM, anil lo(U llle Uall Hond. SUMMER ARRANGKVIKNT -CHANGE of Honrs, and two Trains Daily eacn way, except Middays. On ami after Momlay, May 1st, 1848, two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila and Pottsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 7$ A. M daily except Sundays. Pastea Reading at 10.45 A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sundays. Passea Reading at & 10 A. M. The above Line stops at all way alations ou tbe road at formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FAST TRMN. t Train, Down Train, Leaves Philadelphia at 2 P. M .daily except ' Sundays. Lesves Pottsville at 2J P. M , daily except Sundays. Leaves Sen Haven, 3 37 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading. 3 50 " 1'ottitown, 4 30 " rbrcaixville, 5 00 Wrives at Slate Leaves Pho?nixville 3 45 " Potlstown, 4,15 " Resding. S.00 " Port Clinton. 5,45 " Scb. Haven, Arrives at Potts 6.10 ville, 6 20 Road, 5,50 The afternoon train will stop only at tbeabove named stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the Morning Line Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine Streeta. No Passengers can enter tbe Cars unless provided with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines ; and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel which will ba at the risk of its owner. No freight will be taken by these lines. By order of Board of Managers 8. BRADFORD, Secretary May 8, 1818. If Pictorial Edition or d'Aublgae'ti great Work on the Hel'uriualtuu OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MAN V, SWITZERLAND, ItU. Will be published otor about tha 1st of April, 1848, by JOS. A. SPEEL, No- 88 Cherry at. above 6th. hia splendid 12mo edition of tha above tumed work, with 18 engraved illustrations front ori ginal designs; 4 vols in 9, bound ia extra cloth and library sheep. Tbe publisher respectfully calls lha attention of tha trade and tha public generally, lo Ibia work being the only illustrated edition published in tha United Statee-r-He trusts that the beauty ef ita etDbellithms.ats, the strong and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in eenjubstioa with tba known popularity nf lha work itself, will ba anra rscoromsodstion to public, revot. .. M. sV SPEEL, Cherry tt. above 6th. I. A baa alao tare I y published, a new and beautiful Edition of Bargeont Ball's Rare Show, euitaWie bonk far MldrM, neatly rlonn up in extra alotn. ( Pbiajdelphia, April l', OXYGENATED ' A adVERfctGlv HEMEDY FOR . .DYSPEPSIA, : PHTHISIC, AND OENEHAX JlSBILrTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Pbopibtoii. ' H'tndsor, Vtrmoitf. " If a Suvarelen rerrmhr firr DYBPEPBIA, In tnany of lis forms, such as pain In the Stomach, Heartburn, habitual 'ver'ess. Acid HKmawh, Haadaehe, Uiaa at Appetite, Piles. Night Rweats, and even Cnisnmpiiun (Dyspeptic Phthisic.) nnd Asthma, Phthisic attendetl with ieraiifje mant of the Htumach (ur Dyspeptic Asthma.) Ditficult Bros thing, which often results from imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic ejvspma,) la relieved by these Bitters. In short, their use has been proved In the relief of almost all tha symptoms thnt proceed from a debilitifted nr atonic condi lion .if the 8tnurh also in general debility arising from age or frwn the cflrcla nf Fevor, particularly Fever and Ague. Femnles surTcring under any uterine derangement snsing from weakness, will And the "OsrosiiTin Hit. tus" an excellent remedy, and not surpasacUby any medl cine In use. Ths history of this medicine Is pccnllar. It has made Ita wny to public favor solely by the force if Ita own intrinsic pjerits. No artificial means hava been nsed to give it no toriety and thrust it upon public attenliipu. It 1ms never before even lieen advertised, but having first shown its re markabia efficacy in the family of the proprietor, and by him afterwarda administered to hia afflicted f riends and ac qu'iinbincfe with a like result, its reputation gradually ex tended nntil it ia known In the most diMnt purls of the Union, ns a medicine of unrivullcd virtues in the enra of Dyspepsia in all ita dinerent forms, and also for the enro of Aslhma or l'lithisic. Ita only lientkl and its only eulogy has been the story of lis wonderful efllmcv, aa told from month to month or by letter from friend to friend. In eve ry instance where thene Hitlers have been nstxl, anil the re. suit made known to the proprietor, they huvc proved a re medy. Numeroua ccrtifienles, nttcating Ihc elngulnr eftlency of the "Oxtoxkatkd HiTTxn.," nre in the possession ot the Croprietort many of them signed hy persons already widely nowti to the public. r.KO. B. ORn:, proprietnr. WINDSOIt, Vt., Octol r 3, lisWS. The following Certiflcntes have recently been received WHijrnTON, D. C, Jurrx 10, IN a. Hiivlng made use of tlei 'Oxvgennl. d Bitters" prepnrcd hy Dr. t.eo. B. (Ireen, of U'imlsor., Vt.and fnmi kinw ledge oltain-d of tiieir efTieaey in othir cnw. we cheerfully recommend them to thepul.lie, believing Ihntthey will fully sustnin the rer.Mmmeudli iii of the I'ropriet r. We hope that this vnlnalile remedy nuiy be n gciHTnlly riUMscd throughout the cmnlry Hint it mnv be aceessililc toifj the afflicted. SAMI'F.I, rilKUK, ., - , WII.I.IAM I'l'HAM. J U-" ' JAM KS F. SIMMONS, Vi. S. Sen . Senator from Verm-ait. ieluitor from R. tslnnd. T. Mt)lti:ilKAD. t t. Heuator ami formerly Uovem- or of Kentuckv. I,. II.TAIlNtl.n, Manlier of Congress and formerly Oo vemor nf 11. I. WM. WriormniDtiU, It. S. fVimt.iraud f.rrmerly Oi vern r of Mifltiaiiii. M. I..M AHTl.N, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsiu Territor)-. l-'rom Hon. II. D. Fostkr, Meuibcr of Congress fnun . Pennsylviiiiin. Wasiiixotos. D. C, Jt:xrt in, 1fM0. Dimr Sir. I Imve Iwimi a dysieptic surlerer fir nlmut ren years, nnd have res.irtul to various medicines relief wilhout sueeeMi, until 1 tiui le uwi of vour "t)xveuated Hitlers." I have used nlioiit two bottles, ninlliiiilinya. il rcstoretl to pcrfeet hivilth. The ftinns in whieh the 'dis eUfle showtl itself, in my case, were, treat neidily of the stoiuneh, 1-iK!. ol iippctite, extreme liataleiK'e, severe connii. Miti'u of the bowels, rind violent lieailaehe. Kreliuir deni rons that n knowledire of your valuable reaiedv may reach oIIiits siinilarly alilieteil. 'I take great pleaHiire in record. Inir mv te.liin aiy to its crtmlive ivcr; nnd would also remntir. that while on n visit fit home a short time since, I ndininistereil a irt of n li iltle hi a niiuilier of my nlDietnd ineittis, wini renl snci'sii. 1 hey nre desirous tlsit ymt should establish nn iiireney nt I'iitslinrir. or inl' irm them where the ruedieine can Im obtained. With an inrnest de sire for your prosperity anil happiness, I sulis"rile nivself, irioy your iiin.i j, j, Y tn If lIHk't. rKO. n. liltFXX.M IIMls vr, Vt. Slid Wh ileKile and Relnil liv Oreen A Fletcher. No. tMSnith Sixih Street, Phtlailelphin. Agenr tor rtuiiiurv n. 11. 31 .r!-,i-;n . Agents for Millon MACK.VV 4 1IAAO. April IS, lfilS , In presniiing the public with n remedy for the tntilineut and cure of t'evKB anu Aoca and iKlier bili ais diseases, no iisiliiiry is needt-d. Ynst uuuiliers in the loutivl Stales, who snlfer from these iifTiTtions in their varied forms, are c niiiielluil lu MMk relief' from other sources than the iinuio dlutc preserijitloiis of the r;giilur physician. It U-comcs therefore an object of liumauiiy, us well us of public uiler est, to bring liefore them a remedy pretareil fuau uineli ex- pci lenee, Ullil Wllieu liuty always ih; relied llp-ai us sack, Kl-'rxCTL'AL, AN U IIAHMI.KS To 'tiIK CONSTITI'TION. That such is ths true chametia' of the INDIA Clltri.AliOtil'i;, is amply sttesled by the universal success -villi which it luis been employed. V9 I'Ltmct from a coiiiiiuiuieation of the Hon. Wil liam WooliliKllsiK, of the 1'. 5. Mcnulc, lulc Governor of Michigan. Dktkoit, Oct. il, 1H10. Doctor Ciiarlks Osoooo. Dcur Sir, I Imve reud with iiiueh interest, your little Tkakatiak upon the "causes, trejituii-nt uud cureM of tha febrile diseases which have si extensively prcvaiM in our country during the last few m aillis un interest increased no doutit. bv tha fuel tliat I have individually siillercd so much from them. Th'smh I feci myself very inc uuietciit lu juilge sately Um)ii a sulijeel so entirely professional, yet your llicn y seems to me well renamed, und your conclu sions just, nnd 1 think williul. Iliut your immphlet is catcu kited to nroduee much uruelieul mind. Speaking of the medicine he suvs : It fully justified your nutiermg caiwciuiious, aisi us a sine, CMSiveiueni, ana po liir remetly, mv own cAnerienee, i fur. iisluecs me to lieve thnt it will prove a grcut imblic btuebt. I am pleased to learn tliat yim liave rw-eutly estublished sevend, usneies f,w its disposition though I regret that, Willi a view ts a inM general flisriilnaliui ot it, you slionld have liamd it necessury to remove from y.air present resilience uinoiig us. With much respect 1 have the honor to be, sir, Your obliged servant, W11 1.1AM WtHfDHKIDOK. tV From Hon. Stkciik.'. V. K. Tbowubidgi, ui' Michi gan ritule Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. BiRMi.KiiiAM, Uailand Co., Dec. tn, 1RI1. Sir you wish me to inform you wlsst 1 know ol' Dr. Osg.iod's India Choljg gue, or ujiti-biliotx meilieiiie. I dii believe thnt if the virtue and ethcacy of this medicine were generally known, the vvvxa and auck would disappear in Miehignn. I prisaireil a lsitlle in the spring of 111, ami have gimd reason lo lielieve Iliut myself mul family escaped the ague lust aensiai in consequence of its use. l'erliup in li i summer since the settlement of this fine peninsula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the last. 1 have reooimueinled this medicine ui numerous in stances, and when the disease lind liecome fixed und halned the skill of physicians; und I liave never known il fail. I- has universally prislaeeil the ru'ist happy effects, und I bet lieve it hna never been exeeeded by any medicine in remo ving the bilioua diseases of the clinutre. Yours, resLMN'li'nllv, srci'iiKX v. n. trowiiridok. Agnt for Sunhury II. B. MASSKR; Northnniberiiuid, WITIIINCroM A Cn.; Milton, I. II. ItASI'.lt ; Sclias grovc, MAY ft KI.OtSK. Mayfi, lH4b II'. Ult EAT NATIONAL WOltK. A History at the Revolution and I.Ives at the Heroes of lha War el Independence. BY CHARLES J. PETERSOS. An elegant volume with 18 fine Steel Plates, and tuarly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings. 'Thia is a s.ilciKlul book. A valuable addition to the Historic Literature of our country. We are much mista ken if it d' cs not take runk with the works of Irving and Prescoll." Kraukford Herald. It surpasses any similar work yet offered tu the Amen, can pulilie." Neul's l.axetle. "It iiiuv he nronerlv e-aisidered a popularised Military History of Ibe Kevolution, extremely well and judicious written." N. American. "Tlie present work ou the Revolution atul its Heroes, is snpeh'H', Isilh in extent nisi design loany tlsit hus hereto- lore e sue uisler air ikhiiv.' liu. A well cismectcd Ilist,ry uf thut eventful neri.d. ld- aer. "Decidedly the best popular History nfthe war of tha Revitlutioii him! its Heroes, tlisl Iihs yet been given to the country." pnonniny r.veiiing 1'iaii. 1c AtiK.N'lD WANTlil) to convass for the above ele gant Work, ill every C'hiiiiv uud Towu in tbe I'uitcd Kales, to wrsNii the naiat liberul inducements will be offer, ed. Price onlv . . Address (post-istid) WM. A. I.F.ARY. No. 138 N.u-th HKi'f IXU . 'HltAbKl.l'liU Philadelphia, May SO, IMS am THE CHEAP, Comb and Variety STOKE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, Bltt'SH MANUFACTURER. AND DEALERS IN COMBS tV VARIETIES No 98 North Third, below Raet St. and North Em! eonner of Third and Market ttrcet, . VHXX.ADBX.PHXA. WHERE they offer for aala a general assort ment of all kinds of Blushes, Combs and varieties which they ara determined lo eell Lower than can ba purchased e'eewhere. Country Merchants and olheia Purchasing in Ibe above Una will find it to their advantage to rail before parebasing elsewhere aa tha quality and pricea will be fully guaranteed against ill competition. Philadelphia, Juna 3, 1S48 ly. 1 m 4 THK ONI.T RADICAL CURE FOR, ' CONSUMPTION f! Prmfuta or Kiii', Ilheumntitni, Obntinate Cntaneoitf Kntitionn, Himpkior IVrtuIra on (hi Inc, HrHrht, Bilcn, ('hrufiie & F.yrs, King Worm or Tetter, ttroM Ifmd, KiilnrKTrtiirfit mirl Pnin Mlhm Jititand J-intii,M'iW'rii t k-ern, Hyphi IHir HymptiHtiit, Hcintlm or ltnnlangi.. diarMMei ariititig fnun fln htjiiill cioin me ot' Mtcur, Drop y, Kxpnure or J'mpru denrfl in life) lat ChMtiie Omitti tuti'tnal . onltr. In this medirine UrTrml innorvnl Imt trT potent o.rl.fle of the vettetfthle kmrd im nre tiiittMl, fiirnmiff enmponnd entirely dilTerent in it" rl.snirler and propertieii fnnn miy other prepnmtinn, mxt nnrnnlltMl in Tin ipentinn on the ytrm when tahoriitg nmfer dinrniie. It hould bo tn the hfliwhi of every person, wh t, by buiineM, or freneml conrne of lile, ii prMitpf(1 to the very tnany iiilinieMU thnt ren der life a ciirffo. uirtend of a bletwiiig, and t oltcn n suit ill denth. FOR ftCIlOFlTLA. nr. Pntke't Pniiaoen ! rrornincitded a certain remnly. Nirt miry infltnnre of irnfttilure. lm ever orrnrred whrn fret-, ly used ! It euro the illneaar nntl nt the mine time impurta vigor to the uli'lc syntriu. !Vrtfiif ma prrii ins tain never piiy I'M mnrh n(tentin to Hie state of' their hltmd. Jin p ri fit-Hi inn shunld lc tiieir first aim ; for pf'rstfverajicu will uccomplinh a euro of bvrx iikkkpitah v disease. FOR KlU PTiO.NS OF TIIK SKIN. Jj'tirvy. fi.-lmtio AtTwtions, Tinnri., "While fwrlling, KryBiMlait, rrn, ('uncern, Kuwiitig tvmy Hcshs iiixl Hiles. Dr. Dnikf's VnnnriM ciniti 't lw t x highly cxtnllud; it seun-hts out the very rin.t f the die:isp, and icriimiioiit. INDlrii;TH)Ti7l nvJ!KlsiA. Nomrdiinn pt:rlmii lms ivt In-en dine nfied whit-h gives srnmirh ttme MtheMain'h and rnnm-s the nc n tion ot n hdthy fitstric juice t.j thv ttiinnne the to hI iin Vr. Drake's PimnrMi RIin:MATilM. Dr. flmko's Paimrrn in nsed with the grentett rtut-rt-Fa, n Klieuinutic O.itnpluiiiln, espwiijIlysiM'h us rhnHiii. It enrm by Hriviim ""l "'I impurities nnd toul lititti urs which Imve art umubtiH) in the syrttrm. which nre ttie vunan of Hhu nuiliKin, tl Mit. and SwilliugMf the h.imn. Other reineditu itDielinies give tetnpmry relief; this entirely erudimtes the diMetise trom thesystein, evenvUen the limbs nnd huiies nrenlreuiliuliy swollen. h CON'SL'Ml'TioN. roNnjM!Tiox CAf.E ct RRo. C'uuhs, Oihirili. Hr n rhilis, Hiitting if Hi-fid, Asthmu. Diitieult tr proline Kx peet iriiti-in. Ilf.-fie Flusli, Nitrht Swits. I'hhi in the suit! vc. Imve been rured, ttt enn Im with in iiuieh cvrtuinty us any other disease. A speiutie h;is I ng Ihh-ii Rrtught lr, hut in vu in uuiii um uiMvivery 01 jir. uruKirs I'unueuu. ill iiiihI and sule but certinii und eirieuthms in its operulnm. and ennn'tt poiwibly injurs the tn ml deliertte eniNlituti -n. We would eurnrslly rw-iumend th-.-se ntliieted to give it n triul atmd we believe they will nut have iK'eitMion tn regret it. The system is ctennsH und Rlmnrthemtl. the uleers on the lungs are healed, snd the putienls grmlunlty regain their nsuui iieuuu aun Nueugin. p;HU the liliowing : Phil., Deo. Hth. 1I7, Dear Sir : In reply to your uueMi 'ii reHeliiig the use 01 wr, unmr i i auinren, i wm miy, uiiii iiiiuiigii n port itntlreliever in the enntenee ot a I'axai'F.a, or eure lor all ilisetirfes, however vduuhle it mnv he in certuht v iidifious ot the system, still 1 hnve belie veil thnt n cure f r C'limitnjr- tit.n wouul te discovered sooner or later, tint) eutiositv led me Ui try your medicine in two very inveterate eners, They were proii mneed hy the iitteuding phyxieiiuis t lie 1TL.WISAKY I'OMHJMI'THIS, llfKI III Ml Ml It UlCtl MV theill HS IN ct'KAHLK. One of the person h id lieeu unifer the treat ment ot several very able praefili meis tor n iuuiiIkt of yonrs. nnd they kiiiJ she hud "old tiishi metl O iuifiuuptiiin eoiiiiutie wiiii r-vmnuu," nivt mat siiemigliT linger lor some lime, imt eoniii u it be periiiuueully relievetl. In botheasel the ell ect clthe rimaeeu luis m-wi grulilViug. Only : itnir or live u 'men were uiwii nv one oi me pers tus trcioru she begun to improve mindly. Tim other took uh-iul ten, I will only ud'lihat fniniliar ns I um with roiummpt.i.ii hy miieriumce uihi uy exiensive onservtiti n ns i si inly, nnd know lug uls; the injurious rtfeet tn mne ranes nut ol ten ol far, boneset, and other vegetable tonius, us vvHl n t' many ot the exireetorantstuul seilatives. 1 hhould never luive reeointnendf d tlie nsn of Drake's V:inaei!;i if J had not been acquainted with tho ingredients, Surtuw it tn say thnt these nre iccommeu'ieii uy our m m popular anil scu-ulmc physi cians, am) ill their present onuliined state, form pr-balrly the I rest Hllertitive unit luis ever ik-lii tuaim. 1 lie cure is in with a theory of O luituiuption hnHwhett in t ruiia! a iw years ago, ny one ih ner inowt eminent wai ters on medicine, mid now esUt'linhetl by fuels whieh ad- mil of no 4iispine. Very Respectfully Yours, . L. C. GVSS. To use the buuuage of ui lot her, '!. Drake's Vanuccn in ulways salutary in it effectM never iniurious. It is not hs Opiilte it IS not It Hi I I'.Xpeeloi'iiut. It i n t intruded to lull the mvuliit into n la mi secnrilv. li is n naiiedv gmml healing uud eumtive c anp iuul, the grent and onlv remedy which uiedictil setence nnd kill luis vttt tr dneetl lor the treatineut of this hithert i uneonfiiiereil malady. And no peram alllieteil with tins dread tlisease, will In just t himself and his friends, if he go itnvn to thu grave witleait testing its virtues. A single b ttlc. in most eases, will pr rtuce a tavorahle clinnge in the cii'litl'')! oi any juitient. nowever low." Ti) Tin; i.ADir.ri. Indies of pule complexion illi'l e. illKlltnptive such its nre debiliated liy those obstructions which females me liable to, ure restored bv the use ol n hittle or two. t bls un vigor, It is by tar the Is-st reinnly ever discovered for weakly children, and such ns hnve Uel humors ; being piensuiir, iney niKe ii. ii tltiuieiuateiy restores tlie appetite strength und color. Nothing can be more surprising than ils invigorating ef. fects ou the human frame. Persons, ull weakness and his. situde before biking it, at mice Imvoiho rolaist and full of energy under ita litrlueiiee. It iiiuiiedmte ifouutemcts the liervelessttess ol the tensile frame. CAUTION". He careful nnd sec thut you get the genu me ur. lfkakk s I'anacca it lias the signaturem I, so. t aiToaRs ou rbe wrapper mid also the isuiie "Da. Uxxke' Panacka, Phils." blown in the glass. Prepared only by Hroun. A Co., Druggists, No. ill North nixjn I'liiiuileipiiw. Agent for ftintairy II. M ASSF.R. hVrldalrtbv Wm. A. Mviirax A Cii.TVinville 11 flit ir ta, MilKai; Mar MrCnv, Nonliuinls-rlaiid,' K. IM.vtx, uioiaiisnuig. April I, IMS ly SALAMANDER, FIRE AND TUIEF PROOF ('IIKKTH, F1KK PROOF DCMJIIA FOR HANKS AND tf'PORK! Seal anil Lettpr-Cnpyinr 1'rciws, 1'att'iit Slute-Lined Ui'friirir.ittir. Wuti'r Fil lern, 1'utent Portable Water Clo set s. intemleil fur the Sick ami Iiilirin. KVATSIS & WA'I'SOX, 7 South Third Sir&l, OPPUMTK Till: PIIII.AIir.l.I'lUA KXfllANC.K. .TV. Maiiulai'tureuiidkeeneiHiiiUut ly ou hand, u large ass .rtmeiit ol vali tir nlKivf Hiiital'a t-Hieiher uilli m I r ""', Uiir t'ut-nl tinprnvwt S.ilniiiniHlt'r IrSt !' I U II-1' H I 8 A K KlS, w liicU are i omstnu-ttiJ utt U wl ut nut Irfinie rtrit-tly tirf-nn-H". mid thiil tstmf tuty w iu n-itt tiiv nre n any thfam fViiVa am iiHMietri b ikr irn( ttit; le ian.r' u M'siif, Hurt Irrt wet ii tlitt (Hittrr w mi I iniicr rtxr t P a ot' iu thrtts imh thick. uihI intilUtl in with iiHxtrur lililri iii'ittTiul, a tt imtke il mi niiimilittily U Uim nny !' tho ci mt tni iiisUttf ui (li' I'hfHt. Them I pt-i4i Ki luiniiKlni wes nre iretirvt! autl tl cliaHr-iifTf tltc w trW t pnitiitt'e nny articl hi tbe u)vh H" H nk nV will Uu ui m niiii'h hat, and wo li-.kl i ; i't-ti ivnalv nt hII tiiiifs ti lt:ive thriii luirly tti-ttt. by pultlic Itoiiiin, Wf olavj enitiuue tit niainuttrtiire h lurkjf tunl tfiii-ril uw nt inuut I imr Frfinium Air-titrlil Kin- tv it' iiiri m' wliit'U there art; nvtr WW now in um1. mul in every iiitunrf tlVv have fien fnlim ailimiu'tiou tn the rtirt'lutTii- whit'ti wo will refer the puUic I ' IV w yt nlU uifn w hu Itivv ihmn in um. llnywxxl h finltr.' 4uvill't Jip)i C. ImwUhi p.ttttiviUf ; Mi, Will in in Tim. J)vl wlwn, IV N. A 1. 'ftiykir, l-j,, n ilh :kl nt.; A Wriuhl A N!i'W Vitus nt. wlmri'; Alpxitmlrr rr.r, rtrnvsiyjiiH'tT, turii.T i" Kilb. rl and (till .: Jtihn M. I''rd. :W u rih :kl nt.; M vfiit Haah, t north aim.; J:unr M. I'nul, Hl mh 4lli at.; Dr. lvid Javiif. 8 mli ;kl .t.; Mmht-wT. MiHt. Jt mill 3.1 at.; aiwl w wU iutnn amw hiimlrflu rt" titli.r II it wrrviiotvatwiry. N'w we invHf the intent um the lul Jif. and partMuiarlv lliai in wmtl ol Fire Pnnn' Hii'f, U call at our W-trt" before t kMwhere, aial we ruu mtialy Ihem they will nH a hruec and i;hearr article at our store tliaii at any other eattuhlnihiiinnt in tho city. Wa aUn nmiiulaclnre the ivntm irv t'ite Vn' rheata, at at very k-w prira. chraner thau tltrjr eau ba tahHiarhl at any other or, in Phihsletpliu.. vjn JHIIA.NXE8 WATSON. Philadelphia, April 8, IMS Ijr George J. Weaver, HOPE MAKSB aV SHIP CHANDLER. No, v Water Street and No. II North Wharves Philadelphia. TaA9 roneianlly on bandl, a funeral aaaort II ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, he., vis: Tar" Itopca, Wishing Kopaa While Kopee, Manil la Ropea, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Alao, a complete assorOnent of Heine Twhwa, A e, auch as Hemp Kharl anil Herrlha Twine, Itart Patent (Jill rNel Twioa, Cotton Shatl and Harriot Twine, 8hoe TtireaJa, ate. ore. Also, Bed Cords, Hough Linaa, Hahara, Traces, Cotton and Llnan Carpel Chains, 4tc, all of which be will d'wpnsa of on reasonable terms. Ph iladelphia, Juna 84, 148. ly IC1 AviUGirrs. ... .. Indian Vegetable I. This meillehie is cunpouisled on rreneral nrinciple, frem the pnre, timdnrfeTated fieri nf Ibe Indian. Although here are marry meihcinea mllrxl hy (he same name, evarr one Is atvare Ustt there Is a very treat difference among Ihsin. Thoae uf them tint are called "Indian," hare stolen the name from us, who were the Drat tn Introduce e preps-. red Indian mertipine tn the A tnerlean public. Of emrrss a shnilarltjr of imrne does not create a slmilsrily la the flvsr- aeter of the medielns. ... ... , Wright's Indian Verntahle rilis are dimliuililshed fr tiieir perfect adaptation to the human bufy In their riper. atlon, they do eiaelly what railnre does, and renMnf arore. Tliey hare a rmra-rnLa scnoa, Upon the Nrnes, atin, kid. neys ann nowele. Hence their aeeuliar power srrrteM Ily proinotint perspiration, they break up Colas Cotuns,' iraustsTic Complaiht, tun in ttra Bac, CRorvu, itssrjts Rummi, Pianu. Bivrmls. PawriLaa. KavsiraLAs, Ac. .... The action of lha Pills on the kidneya is anch aa tu make them a valuable llthuntriptle. Duirot, Oaavtx, and Fe MLa Complaints, arisirnt from attractions at eenaia periods, are speedily rem eyed hy Uierr sap, . i .f A free hxracmatTio frrm tlie hmcs is earitcd bv, the nse of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, thna removing; Pnhrmnary Coniplniiils, rrn-h as AstriaiA,' flaoircmTis, pViamass amd TiniiTHKss or rut Bbsast, Oonghs, &ne Throrrt, . . By tiieir action on the Ptohich and Bowros, the Pills enre IlrspcrstA, I.ivna Covplaist, PALrirATioa or m HkST, FLATrl.ancT, rosTrVKxea., Favaas of all kinds, Pleurisy, lleudanhe, Giddiness, Dysentery, Piles, and all isnrdera of the intestines. . Taken In small doses, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills' become an ALTenrrtTivs mdicine, of great searching ef ficacy, for Die cure offoans of all kinds, TrrTl(g, Toaoas, Auanics. Lmrniu or friniTs, Nkvhalu, Sash,' Pains t? Tna Boxes, c. These Pills also thoroughly break Bp IrmxrasA, in whieh complaint they are extremely valuable. In BiLtnt's CoMPt.AtiiTs, these Pills exercise a eomplets mnsterv. IleiK-e Favxa Ann Anra is speedily cured by tha of them, In the Wintern and Sutheni States, where this disease miitly pn'vnils, these Tills go like an Avalanche.' While they are cheaper than the fever and ague . remedies in general, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills hare been pr ti"unced superior to all of them. Indeed, it would ap, pear that if there is one complaint over which these Pills have m ne p wer tlmn another, it is Favza and Aoca. For destroying ami expelling WcsSs, no Vermifuge is superior to these Pills Although we have not taken pejus to make this fuel public, Hie merit of the medicine itself has ac'iiircil for it an extensive repu'tati ai ami sale for 'the re moval of Worms Administered to adults or children,' Uie effect of the Pills is equal! mff'cal and decisive. All who sulfer from Worms should "y all means, use Wright's lna lian Vegetable Pills. u fact, no one can tr i amiss in the use of this rmjdicine. They are uatunil to the b"dy ns food Is. A triuf wif convince the skeilicul thnt Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills far from being a common "quack n.mtrum," are decidedly the ni'iat viiluulile mulieinc everoffensl to the public.. Ocv. are of .Sugar Coated Counter- . ftlln. Itetiieuilier that the original und only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have tlie wi itten signature of Wm. Wrighi n the topl tltcl ol each Isix. roa Wright' Indian Vegctablo VllU: Henry Masser. Sunbury, E. Sc 1. Kauffniari, Augusts losrnshf; John II. Vine Dt, lliilhsiUsi7ue, Knse & ltergstresser, Klysliurr). Siinnol Herb, Little Mahon.iy, William Ueppen, Jackson, Ireliml and llaynes, McE wernsitte. William lleinen V Brother, Millort. I'oNVIhe, vvilsori Si Co., NuitbumberlanJ James Ki ed, Potlsirrnve. (1. W. Scnlt. Ru-hville. V. & R Fegely. elhamokintiiwn. IJhoJes ft Fairow. Bnyilcrstown.' ' Amos T. lleisell, Turbutsville. Urnneville Hnlshue, Upper MalioiVoJ, hit l. Kenn, do du. E. I. Ii er, Watsontnwn. . . Wliolesalc, at the office anil general depot, 169 Rare St., rtiilddrlpliia. July 8, 1848. -ly aw 2V-a f WESTEIl KEW YORItt " CULI.GGROF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. YV DR. G.C. VAUGIIN S Vegetable LUhontriplie Mixlarc".' . ; rpillrt eelehrnted remedy is constantly increasing its lame X uy the many cures it is nuikiug ALL OVER THE WORLD'. It luis now hecomethe only incdicins fur finnily use, and is iKirtieulurly recommended tor DROPSY : all suures ol' this c miplaiul iuiiuedialely relieved, ao matter ol h iw I n staiHliug. tee Phnmphlet lor trstiutonr. GRAVEL, !... ... and all diseases uf the urinary organs ;' for' th'aaa distreW iiiK e siiilunils it stands alone ; no other article can relieve you ; and the cures testified to will eonviiH'e the most skep tical ; see pamphlet. Liver Complaint, Uull jus diseases, FEVER & AGUE. To I he lireut West esieciullr, and wherever these cou pluiiils prevail this medicine is oflcred. , NO MINERAL AGENT, no tlrlt'tcrioua p,miiouimI ia a part of tbia mixture, it, cure thirtie tliaeuaea with certainty and celerity, am) duaa not leuve the avxtcui tftil. rVe Pauiplilel. 1'ILES, a c Hiijtliiiiit ol' a m at nuiiii'ul chnrwter, ia . lAlMEDIATELY KELIEVED,; . uisl a euro 1.41 ws hy a lew days use ol' tills article; k la far hef ru any other piepnratiou lor tins disease, ut for any other diseusu ori;iiiatiiij. from iinuore laVsal. pVe psiu- phlel. . DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM,; . weak lack, weukness of the Kidney., Ac., or niflamrW ti in oi suuie, is immediately relieved hy a few days use. of this medicine, und a cure is ulwuys a result ut' ils us.' Il sunsls us A CERTAIN 11EMEQY, .. ' I" or such couipluints, and also for denuigcnieiita uf the le lisile fniine. 1 RK EG U L.VRITI KS, SUITRESSIOS, . pitiiit'dl inenttriuili'Hia. No urtit-lr liaa ever been inFi-re.! extv4 thia whit-h wmittl t'Hiob tliia kind t drianiiigeineiita. ii nny isr reiieti iiwm aa a anru antl outMruve remedy, kiki ilij we lVH iiennittnl t do i c mKI eive A TIUH'SAND NAMES, aa iif ntt'oi' rurea in I hia riiatreatviiur claaa m ,c-Hnpbtita. Set; uinilieet. All hri-teii down, deliilitnted c matitutiiHia ir-in the rilW't o menniry, will find the braciiatf j-wer,of thu iirliclM to art ininiottintcty, and the p.iaou .tia uiuieral' erailutilod tr-iii tlieaviHem. ' EIU'I'TIVF. DISEASES. will timl the nltemttve nrotrertlea of thia article.' 1TK1KVTHK BI-OOU. ' hih) driven auch Ui-eiie t'roni the ayatein. Sea paunpldet for teatiiuony ol iitn a in ull diatettar. whk-b tbe litnita m an itttvertiaeiiu iil will not t:mut to ue luuxxj bare. Afa.taV pivr thein away ; they r mtain 33 (wtg'ea certincatva o' liiifh charueier, ai-l a airoit'er ARRAY OF PROOF . ... H th Virtiii-a ot a medicine, wever aiNtirctl. ' Il ia taw nt tin HMulmr iVvituruaoj' ttwa nrt.-le thai it aever taiaj (to trciiftil In any ea-. am) il aial muaett' lire ivt to buikr un vi kt tbu eiuariatctl and hntreriinr invalid UOl'EO.N aist keep tiikin? the iiieilieine us ttur ns there is an im Koveoivul. Tlie iir.ipri.Hor would I'ALTION TIIK PUBLIC MiriitiHt a nuiiits-r iU' artiefca whieh come iHit uisler tha huud i . . SAUSAPARILLAS, SYKUl'S, . . na ciina l T lroiay, (imve), Ac: They are g'jod ! u--ttiiuK, and cJiaiet'il to putt tlie unw:irv ; TOl'CH THEM Not . 'Hieir iiiventora nei'er thHi;hl ol'rurhitf Au h diaenaea till IhiaartiiJe bud done ii. X ttrtivulur aliatly ut t'w au .hlet ia euriieatly ilicitol. ( A genu antl all who a-II the article nre GLAD TO CIRCULATE , 5rutuililr. Put up ui :m ns. bottles, al rfj; li'i'i doal I men the Lrnrrr buktiraj 6 os. more than two email Ut iles. Issik out and ffel imposed upou.. r.very bottle fear "tan. rs Vt-xetHlo tJUsaiirnSM' .tnxture." (sown u,s tae alaaa, the writteu surrssti ss, the writteu siataslur ot "Li. C VssssssiU ea th dir.-cti.ais, and "O. O. VaeVtm, Uurrali staiMfed our la. c irk. Niaia otlmr ara rciimiim. Prepared be tar. 6. Vanvhii, uisl aildal tk Prus'iisil tltfiee, an7 Maiu esn HulliUv at wholesale and retaif No altenlaai fives to lers uiuesa poat Mir--uruesa 4ruu stariusxiy ounauisaas Airetus execptud; tsat paid lelleni, ta verbal eoainmnici li ms adieiuiif advica, piamplJy atleisiWd lu jpiatie. trlicee devtHl esrlusively lo toe aala of Una article-. IM Nassaa at. New YorkcMy; 9I Kaaexat.PaNsra, Mass and by the principal Drugg-su Ioiuui'ImjuI tha Vmtidsaali and Canada, aa Agenui. List of Aajents. Swrrrs saw WVdeasle A aenl rilarW paM J. W. KlilluD, huijo Isaac Oswsasrt, SMbosarov O A. WyUi, Iowluii-AH. I slsvaasas, Milsrss ITavi A MvOmuuk, McKwmmsvuIs Miss MeCty,eUsaaaBSi bsnd. Apiil I, bVy .TUSTICES BtAXSS FOB SALE AT THIS OFFICE. mmrnmmi