Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 08, 1848, Image 4

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    SIOS9 of nix.
Addressed by Dr. Jenner in 1810, to A
young lndy who asked hiin if ho thought it
would rain to-moorrow :
' "The hollow winds begin to blow,
The clouds look black, the glow is low :
The soot falls down, the spaniels sloop,
And spiders from their cobwebscreep.
Lost night the mm went rule to bed,
The moon in halos hid her head,
The boding shepherd heaves ft sigh,
For see rainbow spans the"sky ;
The walls nre damp, the ditches smell,
Closed is the pink-eyod pimpernel.
The squalid toads at dusk were seen
Slowly crawling o'er the green ;
Loud qunck the ducks, the peacocks cry,
The distant hills aro looking nigh.
Hark, how the chairs and tables crack,
Old Betty's joints nro on the rack,
And see yon rooks how odd their flight,
They imitate the gliding kite,
Or teem precipitate to fall,
As if they felt the piercing ball.
How restless nre tho snorting swine.
The busy flies disturb tho line,
Low o'er the grass tho swallow wings,
The cricket, too, how loud she sings ;
Puss on tho hearth, with velvet paws,
Sits wiping o'er it's whiskered jaws:
'Twill surely rain, 1 see with sorrow,
Our jaunt must be put oil to-morrow."
Hosonr.n be woman ! Shnmo on those
who would speak to her, or of her in other
than terms of kindness nnd respect. A gal
lant cotempornry thinks that this world would
be hardly worth living in, were it deprived
of woman. Listen to his rhapsody: Who
would remain in a garden from which the
(lowers have been taken, or in a grove from
which tho birds have departed, or beneath a
sky that tho sweet stars had forsaken 1 Let
cynics prattle as they may, our existence
here without tho presence of tho other sex,
would be only a dark and cheerless void.
Tho light, tho smiles and affections of wo
man, aro tho bow of beauty and promise,
which spans tho life of man from his cradle
to his grave.
Another writer says, Gk.ohcr Ca.nnino al
ways cherished ihe teiulerest love for the
humble mother that bare him. So soon as
his resources would permit, ho made ample
provision for her support ; and for years after
ho entered Parliament, and even when a
foreign embassador, ho wrote her a weekly
epistle, breathing the kindliest affection.
Though he eoidd never elevate her tastes and
associations above the connections of her
youth, he used to throw aside tho carea of of
fice, that ho might visit her and tho humble
cousins with whom she dwelt, at Bath, unit
there, when in tho zenith of hid fame, would
walk out with his plebeian relatives, and re
ceive tho homage of his lordly visitants at
that fashionable place of resort, in their com
pany. This makes him a noble man. He
delighted in literary pursuits wasa brilliant
essayist and wrote Latin and English verses
with much grace and beauty.
How entwined around tho hearts of tho
best and greatest men, are tho thousand re
collections of maternal 1 ivc ! In looking puck
thro' tho desert of years, to the first years of
life, the rosy spring-timo of existence, the
soul beholds a mother's form shining like an
nngel in paradise. Aroumt her clusters nil
that is beautiful and holy she is tho child's
divinty : and the memory of the man re
cognizes and recalls all that was heavenly
and pure in past life, by reverting to the dear
thought of mother.
Larmatim:, in his 'Voyaqt en Orient,''
touchingly adverts to his mother's teaching.
"My mother," he says, "had received from
her mother, ajiatulsomo Bible of Koyouniont
from which she taught mo to rend when 1
was very young. This Bible had engravings
of sacred subjects, on nearly every page.
When I had read half a page with tolerable
correctness, my mother allowed me to see a
picture ; and placing tho book upon her
knees she explained tho subject to me, ns a
recompense for my progress. She was ninst
tender and afTectionato by nature and tho
impressiveness and love, which still resounds
in my heart, after that voice has, alas long
What born wonder is it that tho child who
listened to such teachings, from such a teach
er, should have bocomo the great nnd good
man Lamartine? Our own Washington
had likewise such a mother. Never can the
soft, gentle whisper of a mother's early teach
ings be forgotten never can her influence
bo overrated. Well answered Madame Cam
pan, to tho question, ,:Vhat is needed to edu
cate a nation ?" when sho replied in one
word "Mothers !"
Richtkr says: ,No man can either live
piously, or die righteously w ithout a wife."
A very wicked old bacheloj of out acquain
tance says to thit : (iOh, yes ! suffering and
severe trials purify and chasten -the heart."
An Iuimi Invention. An honest Hiberni.
an recently invented a teapot with two spouts
the one exactly opposite tho other, for the
convenience 0f pouring out two cups at the
awo time !
A Bill. A grave-digger, who buried u
Mr. Button, pkeed tho following item iu u
bill which ho sent lo tho widow of the do
ceased :
"To making a Buttou-hule 2S."
An iutinerant preacher, ho rambled in
Ins sermons; when requeued to slick to his
text, replied, "that scattering shot would hit
tho most birds."
A Schoolmaster in Vermont, lately re
commended to his pupils a very fine edition
of Cumbe on the head.
CaU me cousin, but cozen me not,
Faiut praise is derangement, ,
Ask thy purse what thou sliouldst by.
Si-KATOBiAL Ttanscenuentalism. A Sen
Ul iu Congress say that meu are uot born,
neither are they created. This beats the re
fined, spirituality gf Berkley, who denied the
existence of the corporeal worU and main
tained that it was only phenominal.
Kinhlithed 18 tteart "r. hv Dr, K1NKELIN.
ih oldest, ureal and tent haml tutors all forms
I 0recr t itiecf, unesaes oi ids sum nu
' : . solitary habits of youth, la o.: ''-
j dii. kinkelin;
JV. W. turner of 3d and Union tit., between Spruce
and Pine, 1 ) tquwret from the Exchange. '.
YOUNG MEN I ir yon value your life or your
heslth, remember, the delay of s month, nay,
even a week, may prove your ruin, both of body
and mind. - Hence let no falaa modesty Jeter you
from making; your ca known to one who. from
education and respectability, can alone bifrtend toil
He who places hlm-clf under Dr. KINKELIN'8
treatment, mar religiously confide In his honor a
s gentleman, and in whoso bosom will bs forever
lurked the secret of the patient.
Ton many think tho.v will bug the secret to their
own hearts, and rure thcrosolvrs, Alas! how of
ten i tliiaa fatal del listen, nnd how many a pro
mising young mnn,tho nvghl have been an orna
ment to aociitv. has faded from the earth,
finding It inconvenient In miike personal npplica.
ti n, can, by slating their case explicitly, together
with all their sytnptoma, (per litter, post-paid,) have
forwarded tu them a chest containing Dr. K's me
dicine appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Mi dtcincs forwarded to any part ot
Ihe United States at a moment's notire.
(Xj Post ram lkttxhs, addressed to Dr. Kis, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oct. 30ih,' 1847. ly
No IDS CliCHUtil Street,
South Eaut Corner of Eighth if., Philadelphia.
jrjOKTnAll'8 from the smallest hrcast-in to
E. the largest size, sinpty or in groups. The
Proprietors aro warrunted in tying, that their
work hai gain. d a reputation second to none in
the work.'. Extracts from the Trcs j
" Life-lit a in Ihe expression, cliaslly correct in
the shading. Linger.
'The att has arrived at oe.t p. rfecrion, nnd
none understand it belter than McClte Si Cier
tmn."Iialtinwre hit.
"Admirable! nothing c in exceed tin ir exquisite
delicacy."!. S Cazcltc.
Extinct from Ihe report of the .Indues, at tho last
fair of the Franklin Insti'uio Di;uotreolvpet -in
tlii department Ihere are sumo very excellent
sprc '.mens in the exhibition, and the Judgia think
t'liy pie a pingrraidva improvement in this brunch
if tiie nrt They have not p commended ana
ward in fivurnf onv iif the cninociilois. but me
'i-P' pod to Bilk n first in tmf.r, tl.e collection of
MtCLEES & GEKMON, na containus the U:r
g'.:l nawhrr of ' tuperiar fpfc'mnis."
I hibdclphiu, I'll) 10, ISIS. Cm
No. (SO Market Street, five doors below
Third, .Soulli sido.
IiiijiorJers & lYlio.'.i.f: Healers iu
WATCHES, VVi.teli mm and Muioriiil.
Jewelry of nil ile-en ti hi. , qualities nnd
s'yles, comprising ull the articles connected
with the Trade,
Dix-oii V fun's IJiiinnni i, ti mi hi silver and b'd
ver-I'lited Wnris.
Kheliieltl and liirinini;h nil I'l.i'e.l Iinry Article.-.
Kudi;ei8 & Son's nnd WoM. nliolm's Cutlery, llu-
xors. Sc ssorn. Era-eis, lU ik Kniirs, ie.
Ivory Iliindlcd Table Cutlery, of tin; fun at, medium
and common qiutitit s.
A Imgc iisnoilmeni of CiuKI I'ens.
I'enfociil ISprctai'li a.
I'apier M.iclie und J ip'iim.'J Triiys, vurious thupe.n
and iit:ililicH, nt ivilui-cd Kites
Cold Watch Cases, Dials und Silver-Ware, of ull
descriptions, uiunufaclureil to order.
DICKSON & CO., haviup, recently removed
into tho biru and commodious w.nelnlose formerly
occupied by Meatrs. I!. Aniii nT it Sons, arid
moro recently by Asiiiiuii-t it Kkmisiitox, Imr
have to iuloiiu Wutcli U. ill r-, Cuntry Mt rr hauls
and others, that they iles gn having at all limes a
large a-Koitnunt of (iooda, of their own importa
tion, which tliey aru detennined to ell at tbcluivcst
Cj" Every attention will be paid lo llio I'aekina
of (iiioils, and ill the exi cut ion of Onb rs, the qu li
ties nod piicca will be folly gti iruiitiuj ugjiol ull
I'hib.delpliia, Juno I'J h, 1 8 17. ly
six i:ae:n auo
riHE ebildrrn bet;uti to cy f.n iSherin iii'k I.ii
iL 7.1 tiges. Tho noise was not ao loud nt that
time, but it has kept increasing ever rioee. and n v
has hicoino so great that the mouths of the little
ones can i-caice be stopped. Dr. Sliennan sympa
thies with the little sulIVrera, and viry much re
are a that any of them should be ilisuppointed.
Knowing the vast benefit which baa been confer
red upon ihe community by the introduction of
bin infallible
he has entered into arrangements for enlarging his
MuiinfiClory,by moans of which belhiuki he "ill
be Hide lo Uily the demand. And the same pains
and caro will be luken, that lhee Celebrated l.o.
.ences bo made as they huve always been, in or
der that tbo-e who depend upon them, may not he
disiippniu'ed iu their hopes lie knew when he
commenced the innniif.iciure of tho Worm Lozen
ges, that ih' V would supi mide lite use nf rverv
other veimifuce. n die I,on nge is tv.ry jthmmit
lo the tieedu in its . tloiU. us uell as certain,
and the (un;titv lequiied to elleet perfect cure,
is very atnull. These propntiea iu connexion wiih
the f cl thai they are sold for '.Ti ci ills per box. thus
pbicing them in the teach of lite poore-t man in
the laud, has not only caused tlieih to t;d.e I lie
place of every ether veiinifiia eier nlli red, but al
so rendered them popular to (he community.
Dr. Billrritirtii'B
continue to cure Coughs, ( Ids, Consumption,
Asthma, shortness and dillu-ulty of Urealhing, uml
other diseases of Ihe Eiings, with the same facility
they did on thiir first introduction, and the ptople
have now become persuaded by actual expeiieuce,
that ou the accession nf a hghl cold, they have
only to step lo either the DrV idlire, or one of the
Agents, and obtain s box of bis Cough Lozenges,
winch are very convenient to carry in the pocket,
and to lake a few through the d ,y. Ily pursuing
ibis couite a cure is ofien efiecled in 21 hours, and
Ihe patient about his buin ss. Ho great is Ihe ce
lebrity of the I.ozengea, that thousands of persons
whobave used them, and become acquainted with
their effect, will never he without Ibein.
lias cured more cases of Itheumatiam, I'ai i in iho
Hack, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Weakness,
ihun any application that bus ever been mad a. . As
the celebrity of Ihe Pla.ter has incieased, hundreds
of unprincipled rd-cals have attempted Jo counter
feit it, and palm it niV upon the community as the
genuine. cj- Lteware of Dtception. itcmeui
ber that the true and genuine Plaster is spread u li
on redduu paper madu expressly for the puipose,
and in every rare the signature of Dr. Khoiman is
print, d upon the back of the I'Ustei, and the w hole
secuied by Copy Itighl. None others are genuine.
Theief rie when you want real good Sherman's
Poor Man's Plaster, cull at the office, 100
street, and you will Uot lie disappointed,
Rememlier the number, loll Na-sau st., where
all Dr.' Lozenges are sold. His Agents
are Mis. Hays, 139 Fulton s'reet, Brooklyn;
Hineson, Willianinburg ; end Nedding Sc. Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A McCA Y. Northumberland.
September II th, 1817. ly.
Another Farm
rilHE bcirs of John Yocum, dee'd.. offer for sale
JL all that Farm of ihtjrs situate in bhamokin
lownsbip, NorlhuuiberUnd county, near 8nuH
town, and adjoiuing ihs old fciambJcb. stand in
said township, containing about two hundred aeies
more or leas, in a good slate of cultivation. Tbo
Kail Road from Sunbury to Shsmokintnwn parses
through it. Kor partial! irs ennulre of
' BVGH H. TBATM. HnuOtowri. ' -'
D.c II, 147, or any of the hens.
.u ull.i.j.. -i .num.i-.i ' -
1ALLX3TEP,.3 ,
CE) 1 5C2T "CP SXE IS3 32 "Q?
IT has power to eauss all mmmt 80RES,
POISONOUS WOUNDS lo discharge their pu
trid natters, and then heals them.
It la richly termed All-healing, for there ia scare
ly t disease, external or Internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years
for all diseases of the chest, consumption snd liver,
involving ths utmost danger nnd responsibility,
and I declare before heaven ard man, that not in
one aingie e ie has it failed to benefit when the pa
tient wi wirhin the reach of mortal .means, ,
I have had physicians, h aimd in Iho profession,
t have had ministers of the go-pel, judges of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
rat erudition, and multitudes of (he poor use it in
every variety of way, and there has been but one
voire one universnl voice sajing s "M'Allister,
your Ointment is GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Sores, Ery-opelne. Teller Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Cjiiin-y, Soro Throat,
Bronchitis, Brokrn or Sore Breast, Piles, all ('best
Dtaensra, i-uch as Asthma, Oppiessinna, Pain
Also, Sore Lips Chapped Hands, Tumor. Chil
dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Di-cofen,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
as good.
SCALD HEAD. We have cund cnFea lb. it
acliinlly defied every tiling known, aa well i.s the
tibility of 15 or 20 doctors. - Ore man told us he
bad spent 15300 on bis thildreu without nny bene
fit, when few boxee of Ointment run d them,
BALDNESS It viill lestore the hair sooner
than any cither lliiotr.
HEADACHE The salve has cured peisons
of the headache of 13 jears standing, and who
hil it Kgtil ir every week, so that vomiting often
took poice. Dkjuskrs, Ear Aciir, and Anca is
Tim Fack, nre cured by this Ointment with like
RUWNS. It u one of the ben thingi in the
world for L' urns. (Head the directions around the
RHEUMATISM. It removes -Inio.t immedi
atf ly the iull nnntion and suilling when the piin
cea-en. (l!-d the Diiections sround the Uox.)
( )1. It FEG I'. Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, J'uiu in the fill's! or tide, fulling off of ihe, one or the other always aecompaniea cold
leel. ( This Ointment is the tru remedy.) It in
a ta p r-tL'ii of diense lo have cold feet,
TETI'EH. There is nothing better for the
cure of Teller,
PILES, -Thousands ate yearly cured by this
(.GUNS. Occikion il use of (he Ointment ni!
ntwiys keep Co-ns from giowiug. People need
nrvor be troubled wiih them il tliey will u-u i',
Haiti Ihe fi)ll;icing Ciimmwiletitiiin,
il'Ceived liom mi old. Nir-pce'rd nnJ well known
ritiz. n of Philailulphtii. and then judge for your-
sell :
Philadelphia. 10 m".. tilth, 18IG
To T. II. Peternon, Having li. en rr(oi-l. d
In cim inv otiniou on the merits nf M'ALLIS
TUIi'rt SALVE, I am willing to i numerate smi.e
of ihe In in fits winch I have r xpeiieueed in Ihe use
nf tho article.
In II e spring of IK 15, I hud no nil oik if Erv in my f. ee which heciima very t niiifiil. and
exlenibd into one nf my eye, bring attended with
fi v r. my d.lies was gteal und I beou to be f. ar
ful i f I. if.ii g my eye.
Although mil much of n believer iu wh at is
commonly c dli d ipnck InciliciiiCH. I ptirchaM-d a
lu x and ini dii an upplienlioii to niy fin e. To my
sin pi i?e the riiu soon nb.ited, and in a nei k'. time
it w is ml rely cured, and I firmly believe that it
vuh th.) s-ilvc, under i'mvidence that emed me.
From that time lo the prist nt, I have m-cd the
uriicle as uecisiou required, nud in everv cnee where
1 h ive u-ed it, I have found a derided lu nelit
At oi e time, mi going lo b?d at i.iul.l, my thrcHl so siTo ' I snallowi'i with iliHieiilty, but
by an application of the falve 1 was relieved lefoie
uiornit g,
I huve tisod il ill ruse of hums, bruism. npriins,
and lb nil cuts, n l with ihn hnppie-t elli-el, and
nno euso nf poisoning by a ild vine in the woods,
h.i h en dried lip and cured by a few applications.
Friim my own experience, I would slronely te.
conin,end it In all, as a cheap, convenient, laini'y
nc Initio.
1 h ive become no partial to il, th .t I expicl lo
keep il ruu-tanily in my family.
'I hough not uml ilioiia lo apj car in print, yet I
cannot r lu-e in Imio this coiuiiiui ira imi made
puldii: ifjudged hot to scree the c.ite uf bumaui
)' liesportfully thine,
No. 2(J, Old Koi.d.
CAUTION. N.i Ointment will be genuine
unless the rinni 'S of James M'Allister, or .Linn
M'.Allimer &. Co., nro written with h pen i n eve
ry lbe JAMES M'ALLISTKU. propriitor of tho a'.oe niediriue.
(j.J I'll ICE, 55 CEKTS VEIt lil)X.z
AofcNis : J. W. FWLINfS. Stinluirv,
Dr WM. M. BICKLEY, Danville,
J. i. CKOUSE. Sehn.-aiove,
P. C. SHKLI.EIt. Lewisburg,
M M. F. NAtil.E. Milton,
Feb. I!)th, le'4S. cowly
' TABLE OOWFOUM). for tl.e cine of
&e. 'J'his Medicine is offered to ihe public under
the at.suraiK-0 lhal there is no nrtielo in existence
hnvii g idrouiier claims lo t hair cunndeintinn. He.
ing e i inpouuded by a u-gidar (iraduate ol J. ller
sou ('..liege, Pliiludi Iph u, and a iiiactiaiiig physi
cian i.f twenty years' stnndii g in Philiilolpht i. his
long ex rience has ennllrmej him in the opinion
lhal a c iini'iiuiid medicine was required to prevent
ami lein.dy the J. bilitation pr doenl l y n.iibng
in low, nra-inalic rliuuilis, and In counter id H e
pto (rating iiifltn no s of ni 'iiy nervous duorders
Willi whieli l lie buiuiiii f.iiinly are ullllclod.
DI(. ALLIEN is a wi ll known hi nit i in, and
has used tl.e uvo inedieine in his piaetite foi 8
years with H e most aMunishiug effect, having les
led its qualities in alue
No ine ever leu ived more fl iticiing re
coniiiieudaiioiis from phyieiai:a nf eminent tend
ing til hi has been bestowed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An t,iulllt ,..(,,. '
aor a ys: "ll cbitlly arise in persons who lend .
either a very sedentary or irregular life. Althoutiu j
not regarded ns a fatal disease; yel if uegleclid or !
impropeily tieared, may bring nil incurable Mr. 1
luneholy. Juundire, Madness, or Yeitigo, I's'sy 1
and Apoplexy, A gMt aingulurity attendant on '
it is, that it inuv and often dues continue a great
length of tune without any remission ot the syinp-
toins. j
CAUSE-'. Grief und iini a-iness of nviul, in. j
lense siijjy, pmlu.e evacuaiions, excess in veuery, j
excefsive use of spiiiluous liquors, ten, tobacco. u. I
pium. and oiher nurcollcs, Irnmod. r.itu teplelion,
I'i.icn.iou iii ma iioin ,en, a deficiency of Ihe
secretion of ihe bile or g.strie juice, exposuie to
i old and damp air, are th chief cause of Ibis Jj.
SYMPTOMS, I,om of ppctite.neusei. aeart.
bum, aridity, and fuitid erucutious, gnawing ol
the woinuch taheu empty, Uiieaamr.s in ih throat,
pni.i iu lbs .de, CsMivem s, chilliu, Luguor!
lowuess il spirit, p ilpiUilons, uud d.siuilwd
slei p."
T4ULE COMPOUND hs nrv,r failed in allor
din imineJiatu mlief, and ludical cum for this
dj" Thi Medicine ran be had of II, B Mseer,
Sunbury; J. C. M.itin, I'olt-ville, Medlar h
Bickul, Orwigsburg ; end of Druggist geuerslly.
ALLEN & WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, No. 87, 1847. tq ly
A GENTfc to canvas for some New sod Poru.
rir1" v'0""' v,r' CQUiiTtr throughout
thUn ited States. To Agent, tb most liberal
encouragement i offered with a imsll capital
of from 823 to $100. A chance i offered, where
by an Agent can make from $10 to $33 par week.
$T For further particular, addrvs (post
JVo. 1 38 North Second SI. '
PhiUiielpliia, April 1, 1848 3rn.
li i turfi"JMLijLim i jj uma
The following list shows the currenlalue of all
ennsylvania Bank Notre. The most implicit re
liance may he placed upon It, ss It is every week
isrefully compared with snd enrrected from Biek
ncll't Reporter.
Hanks In Philadelphia.
' , ' Diae. is
Ns. LocATimr. .Hll4.
Bank of Nnith America ., ...
Bank of the Northern Liberties , .
Conrmereial Bank of Penn'n. . ,
Formers' nnd. Mechanics' Bank . ,
Kensington Bank . . .
Philadelphia Bank . . i
Schuylkill Bank . . .
Snuthwark Bank .
Western Bank .
Mechanics' Bank .
Manufacturers' V Mec.hnnins' Bunk
flank of Penn Township1 . .
tiirard Bank . .
Bank nf Commerce, Into Moysmrneing
Bank of Pennsylvania ,
Count ry flanks..
Bank of f.'hfst-T County1 W estchi-ster
Hank nf Delaware County Chester
Bank of (iermnntown Ocrmantown
flank of Montgomery Co. Norristown
Doyleslown Bank Doyleslown
Eastnn Bank Eiaton
Farmers" Bank of Bucks en. Bristol
Bnnk of Northumberland Norlhtimberlaud par
Columbia Bank Sr Fridge en. Columbia par
Farmers' Bunk of Lant-aatet I.nncitei par
l.nnenster County Bank
Lancaster Bunk
Farmers' Bnnk of Reading
flffire of Bank of Perni'a.
Offce do ilo
Olllee do do
OH!c.o do do
'tank nf tho United States'
Lancaster par
Lancaster pr
' Reading par
Marrisburg"A .These
Lancaster I offices
Reading f do not
Eastnn J issue n.
Philndrlphia 17
Pottsville par
Lewi-town failed
Middletown I
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg' I
llolliduvshurg 1
Harrishtirg I
Lebanon par
Pittsburg I
Pittshuig 1
Wiiliiunsporl I J
Wilkesbarra 1J
Allenlnwn no sale
Miners' Bunk of Pottsvillt
l!ink of Lcwisintvn of Middletown
I'nrlislo Bank
Exchange Bnnk
Do do brunch of
llnrrisbutg Bank
l.ebnnon Bank
Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank
Hank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bunk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Baiik of V. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Hunk of Chambershurg
Hunk of Gettysburg
Hunk of Susquehanna Co.
L'rie 1! ink
Farmers' & Droveis' Bunk
Franklin Batik'
HoiicmMc II-nk
MoiMiinralieU Bunk of B.
Vork Hank
luili d
Ne.v Brighton
BniAiis Hie
A 1
I j
N. I). 'Ihn notes if those bunks on which wo
mil quotations, and KiiU-litute a dah ( ) are mil
liurehnscd by the I'biludelpl.ii brokers, with Iho
ncrj lion id thiuio which have a letter of n li. relief.
B I! O K E N II A N K s.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Piiilad. l,.hia failed
t'liiliidelphia Loan Co. do I tiled
ichuvlkill Sjv. Ins. do filled
Kensington Suv. Ins. A do
Penn Township S ,v. Ins. do
Manual Lulmr Buna. (P. W Ilyott, prop.) failed
rowatiiln Bank Towanihi
Mleal.iiny li;ink of Pa. Bedford no sale
Hunk nf Beaver Heaver closed
Hunk of S.mtara Hanishurg rinsed
Hank of Wilmington Wnshiiigtoii failed
Centre Bank llellifotitu ebwed
City Bank Pitl-buig no sale
Farmers' iV Mei liYx' Bank Pittsburg fulled
Farmers' & MeehVs' Bunk Fuyclteco. failed
Farmers' e: Meeh'ea' Bunk t.'reencastle fulled
Hainuinv Iiisiilute Harmony no sale
lliiiilingdon Bank Huntingdon roi sjle
Jiiiiihta Bank no sale
l.lind.ermeii's Bunk W arren l.i.le I
Noilliern Bunk of I'u. Dundu!!' no sale
New Hope l-t. Uriilise Co. New Hope closed
Nonhiinih'd Union Col. Bk. Milton no sale
North Western Bunk of Pa. Meadaiilo closed
Office nl Schuylkill Bunk Port Cmbon
I'u. A sr. & Maniif. Bank CuriUIo fulled
Silvei Lake Bank Mnulrose rimed
Union Bnnk of Penn'a. I 'iiioiitown failed
S estniorclnud Bank - tircoiioburg closed
Wilkesbnrro Biidge Co. Wilkeslnrre uosalo
(J"j- All notes putportiut; to be on any Pennsyl
viiin i Bunk not gitun in the aluvo Ii4, may be set
low ii as frauds.
AliW JCHSKV. k i if New Brunswick Brunswick
l.'elMilne Bank Bolvitleie
Unrlinglon Co. Bank Medfnrd
Jommercial Batik' Penh Amboy
Juiiik-rlaud Bank Bridgeton.
?armi is' Bunk Mount Holly
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Itahway
Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswitk
'Farmers' and Men limits' Bk Middletown Ft.
Frunkliu Bank of N.J. Jersey City
no ilo
no aulii
iiiti'OKen DKgc (naxing c-o Hotiokcn
lersev City Bank -Jifraev Cltv
Mechanic' Bunk Pntierson
Maiitil'ueturirs' Bunk Belleville
Mi.nis (bounty Bunk Moms-town
Monmouth Hkof.N.J. Freeh dd
Merlianica' Bank Newark
.Meeliunics' and .Munuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Post Note
Newmk Bkg Si In Co Newuik
New Hope Del Undue Co Lainhcruvilla
N. .1. Muliul'uc. and Bkg Co Hobuken
N J I'iOlecton & Loini'uid bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Orange
1'aiers.ui Buiji' Pateisou
Peiqdes' Bunk' do
Priuceiiiii Bunk Princuion
Salem Bunking t.'o Sulem
Mute Bank Newark
Htaie Bunk Eliidlwililown
Slate Bank Cum. Inn
Slnte Bank of Moms' Morrislowa
SiHie Bunk Trenton
Sultan and Philad Munuf Co Salem
Susan Bank Newion
Trenton Banking Cu Trunton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Ilsckeusuk
Bk of Wilin & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank uf Delaware Wilmiuetou
Uuuk of bmyriia Smyrna
Du blanch Millord -
Fanners' Bk of Slate nf JV I Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Ceorgetown
Do brunch Newcisile
Union Baiik Wilmington
(Tj Under fi's
iJJ- On all banks marked Ihua () there are ei
Hicr countarfeil or altered note of ths various d
.lOiiiinaiiiMi. in etreulsiinri.
l9cacc with Mexico !
Tf vT C-33 r?Ty
8NFORM3 the pul.l c that in otder to biiug u.
boul peace with Mexico, he manuficturea all
kind of Rifle, Double ami Single Barrelled Shot
Cutis, and Double Barrelled IUvulWng Rifles, at
his manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au
gusta township, Northumberland county, all uf
which he will wsrraut for en month. Those
who want first raw srticls ia his line, can bs ac
cumuiodaictl si lbs shurtsst notice and on Ihe most
resaouablo terms. Lover of spor, give him s call.
Lowsr Augusta, Jan. H, I84rj 6in.
No. 40. .-,. to
South Kot'gi H-rusrr, Asovt CiiesTNUT 1
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddinssa, Measles, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles,
Dyspep la, Sciiivy,
Heart Burn. Worms, .
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Qnlnscy, .
. Whooping Cough, '
Consumption, Fits,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Pains in the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of ths Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising fn Ihe Throat, Erisipelaa, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, ' Itching of ihe Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Grsvi I,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaint,
sun a tahutt or ornan nraxxsia saisit-o
bom ttsrcsiTirs or ths blood, ann oa. :
TaocTiot-a tn tub oroars or m.
i sxaTiow.
Experience haa proved that nearly every Dis
ease originates ftom Imputitle. of the Blood or de
rangements of the Digestive Organs i and to secure
Health, we moat remove those oli (ructions or re
store the Blood lo its natural stale.
The aversion to taking medicine is most i flee
tnally removed by Click: Mi's Viohtablk Puh
oativk Pills, being enmplelily enreltipcd wi'h a
rooting of pure white Sugar, (which la as di-U .ct
from the internal ingredients a a nut ahell hum
the kernel) ash hatk "o tarts or Minieijiii,
But am as easily swalloneil as bits of randy.
Moreover they neither nautente. or gripe So the
slightest degree, hut opciato equally on all the dis
eased parts of tho nys'em, inste il of confining
themselves lo, and rai king any pntticubir region.
Thus, if tl 0 Liver be affected, one ingteilient "ill
oprrate on th it parl eular organ, ai d, by c'eansiuK
it of an Excess of Bile restore it lo its na'tir d
atntc. Another will operate on the D'ood. and
remove nil lintiuiitie in its rircul dion ; vibilo a
third will rfftielnolly expil whatever inipiiiilies
may have been discharged into the atoruie,i. nnd
hence they struck at thk hoot or nisKin. re
movo nil Impure Humors from tho body t iqi n
the pores externally and internally ; sepirat" all
fore gn and obi nxious pnilicles fron tho chyle, so
llist the blood may be thoroogh'y pore thus secu
ring a foe and healthy action lo the Heart. Longs
am! Livei ; and I hereby 'hey iiktihk iiraltii r
The enliie Iruih of the above can be nro-cit. lined
l y the trial of a single box ; and their vr'nes are
a.i positive and certain in resw ng Health, that
lhi propiielor hinds himself to ri torn tl.e money
paid for them ill nil case where they do not ghe
univc rsal s ilis uclion.
llcfatl Price, z." per l!tx.
. cillice No. Vesi v St., N. Yo k.
Sold by Jf)IN Y'H.'Ni';, Sunbury.
M. A. McCAY, N- iihuin! oil.iml.
(Jj" Bemem'ier Dr. O. V. (Jlii l.mer is the in
vi nnir of the Simur Coaled Pi Is, nnd ih-l noih ng
of the s Tl wis ever heaid i f until be intti.tbie. d
them in June, I M1 :l. I'oiclr ser-i shou'd, lb. n for .-,
always aik for ('li. ki ner's ugur I'oute I I'il!s, uml
tnke no others, or they will be in n!e the victims nl
a fraud. Sept. IS'li, Is 17. ly emv
r:i at
Il It K A 111 1. 1.
ciii iiii ! tiir
Iil.n, TtIK Wllllli OP 'lllf.
Ills T HOT Kll IKS 111 l.v 1III.I-.
tiik rni oii or i iisi "i'Tiiii ii 1 1 u
l IT 1 All VX II or II i A I II.
HE YOU A MO I II E 1! ? Your dar liin child,
your idi.l nnd eurlhly jo., is now p.-ioans
ronfiiied to her chain!. rr bv a d in'ji'roiis c-M le i
pule elie. ks, her l!iin -stirtrrik. i fingeis. tell 'lie
boll di-ease has nlrenly guiio.l upon hei the
sound of her sepuli brnl roiii'.h pieici s y ur soul.
YOUNti MAN, when ju.-t ud u.t lo . nl. i lite,
ili. -ease sheds n heart ciu-h nu I Iml I over Hie fiir
prospects of the future your hectic couch and f. e
h'e limbs tell nf your loss uml h .pe, but y.oi need
nut despair. Tin re is a b.ilin wbicii will heal the
wounded lung, it is
s si i: i: M a n ' s
Mis. AT riiF.E. the wife uf Win. II A 'tree .
Rsq. was given iii by Dr, Sewatl of Wasbinioii,
D a. Roe and Mel'lell an of Philad-Inhin, Dr. Roe
nud Dr. Molt of New Yoilt. Her fiiends nil
lliotiiiht he in. 1st the. She hud ceerv iippeariuce
uf being in consumtitioti, nud was so pionoui-red
by her phi siiiuis Sherman' Balsam ttu given
un.l it cured Iter,
Mr.. OAUUAIIi.'ANTZ, of Bull's Furv. nns
n'si cuied of consuoipiioii hy this D.i'b.iiii when
all oilier leinedies faded lo give rebuf a'ie was re
duced lo a skeletin. Dr. A. C. (Visile, I). mist.
US I Ilioadway, ha witnessed its effects in several
cu-es where no other m dicuie nfloided relief hut
the lis I sum opt ruled like a charm. Dr. C. n'so
niine-sed it wonderful iff eta in curing,
which it nevi-i f.ols of dniuu,. Spittnni Htoo I,
miug ns it mav l-e, ia effect unlly cured by ibis Bal
s mi. It heal the ruptured or wounded blood
vi ssf Is, and nnke the lunirs e niud again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, I OS Eighth av.nue,
w.i end nf rough and catarrhal all". etions . I 5(1
years a andii.g. The firsi dose gave hiin in re re
lief than all ihe olhei medicine he had ever taken.
Dr, L. J. !). als, 19 De'aucy street, gave it to a
si.ler-in-law who was Inhering under consuiiipiion,
and to another sorely afll ct d with iho A-luua.
In both casta, its effect weiu itnnicdia e, soon re
storing tin m In eoniforiub'e lieu I lb.
Mrs. LUCRE I I WELLS, OS CJiiitie enect.
mllVri d fiom Asihuia 43 y.nrs. Sbenn iri's Hal.
sain relieved her ul once, mid she is compuriit v ly
well, being tu aided to subdue every utiai k Ly a
timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the
ureal r dv for Cougl , t 'old, Siiittii Blood,
Liver (.'nmpluiii's, nnd nil I f nil clions if the, mitt eti'ii Asthma und Cnmump ion.
Price cents and ?l ir buttl,-.
Dr. Hieiman' Cmigh mid Worm Lozenges, nud
Poor Man's Fluster sold .is above
Dr. Sherman's .-fl'ice i hi liKi Nassau st N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNti, Sunbun.
M A. M. C Y, Nortl unibeil ind
Seplendier llih, 1817. ly
Vt'StUiblc l iiivei'ttnl lill,
7Vie only knuwn MiJicine that ot the. tame time
purget jmrifie and klrengthent Ihe tyltm.
Loxnox, July 7, If 40.
DR. LE ROY'S Pill aie a new inedieine
which baa put appealed, and is f..t mking
the places of all olher of the sun.e class. These
pill are compos. d of many ingredients, but iho
two principal one are Sraparia and Wild Cher
ry, so united thai ihe . i.,nn,i... . .1... ... .
' - j - . tu,vuiii 1 i,(- woe,
through i s admixture with other tub.tsi.ct. pu
rifying nd purging, while the other is sirenuihe.,
ing Ihe system. Thus those pills are at Ihe snni
lime tonic and opening ; a desideratum long ami
eagerly aought for by medical men, but never be
fore discovered. In ether words they do Ihe work
of two medicine, and do it much better than any
two we know of; for Ihev remove nothing from
Ihe system but the impurities; sj thit while ;hey
purge they stieogtheri; and hence they cause no
debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr,
Lo Roy' pills have a wonderful influence on the
blood; they not only purify without weakening ii,
but ihey lemove all particle from the chyle
befoie it is convened into (lu d. and thu make im
pure blood an utter impoa-ibility. A Ihere ia no
debilitation, ,0 tbeie is no u -nisei or sickness at
tending Ihe operation ur thi most eiccll. nl of me.
dieines, which never strain or torture the dige.
live (unction, but cause thein ly w,,, j , (,er.
feelly natural manner: and hence pe,on. tukiug
hem do not become pale and emaciated, but the
contrary ; for while it is th property 0f ths Sums.
psr.lla, united as it is with olher Ingredients, to
remove all lhal 1 foreign and impuie, it i. equally
Ih property of the W.ld Cherry tu Bl lU.t
1. natural snd sound; and hence a lobu.t slate of
health ia the certain result of their united opera,
none, rry Price 2 eenta per UOX.
Agente for Le Roy'a Pill.
i. W, FRII.IXO, J .
John youxu. $ ''
M. A. McCAY, Northumbeil'd.
August list, 1847. ly
ALL pertnns indebted to the subscriber, by
Ola ar hnnb ... Lu.k iii -
call sud settle th sams without delay, in order
to savs coat, v IRA T. CLEMENT.
Sunbury, April ?1, IS IP
CP -4Ci ST 5iw C3 t2fj a
THIS Midicine is warranted, on oath, not to
contain a panicle of Cab'tool, Corrosive Suh
Innate, Arsenic, Chloride t,f Gold, of any delete
roua minerals. . '
The principle upon which this Medicine acta, l
by assisting nnd harmonising with nsinret i
drivea out all foul acrimonious humors from the
blond and body, and by assimilating with nnd
strengthening the g islric jnieo of tbo stomach, it
assisti diges ion ( in short there is not vein, ar'e
ry, musclo or nerve in Ihe human hody, thai is
not strengihened by the PANACEA, and it also
possesses the remarkable property of removing
mercury from the hones and joints.
Srnrvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors. Scrofula or
Kinga' Evi , White Swelling. Ery-ipclis, Ulcere,
Cancers, Running Sores, Senbs and Biles time
ami a i(leimini d perseverance in D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection of fooj, Nausea, Vomitings, Nervous nf
h ritons, billion complaint". He nl net e. IVcm ss,
or Female Irregularities, Dr. SWEETKER'S P.
NACEA will soon eflicl a cure ; but if oli.tirnlo,
or attended with griping, living pains, tl e
should be increased, and the core will ..!; h if
feetcd. Let not the p.i'rents frig 'len iherns. Ives
wuh the idea that they nre too we k to trtke inueh
mrdi -ine; but hear iu mind shut this mi dly fillers
tii2 mrd cine put not Wi into lli frame, but
niort certainly draws weiikin p- out, leaves s'r ng'h
in i's plare, and by giving c un j o-i d s'ei i at nig t .
and in nppeti'e to relish nny food, le-nritma'es tin
whole frame will vigorous actio::, c!cuiin the
mind nnd improving t!,e sig'il,
TIONfs. Scrofula is said to lie heri.lit.iry. th infuit r.
reiving from its parents il'e arid of ill's i! .-'.is .
which increases with its years, ii riivli cli d and
not snbmit'ed lo frequent pnrifi lion wiih Di.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. Ti gl., ,dsa-ep'e.
ced in the eoitierf of tin- bo H , a; d om i.l ihe way
of direct communication ; tluir res! u-e i4 n subject
on which much difference of opinion rev ils; i:
soffe-rs us to know ill it w hen in n ibsi asi d slnte.
liny are capa'de of being purified nnd e'l-.'iised by
a long rour.o nf Dr. SWKETsKR'S PAN A-
tf. A, wtiieti restores tin m to sniimt end plop.
-I i mt. Scroful. us persons enn rover nav loo'tuuch
ulti lUion to their blood, its pur fn ntiou sb u d be
their I'ir'l Ibnucht, for nllrr a Ions e. tir-e i.f prre.
viriiucc, th y i!l ever curt hend.l ry ilisease.
coMi'r.Aisrs. nr. iwi.oheux uiiev
MAT1S.U (Hi Ml EV VATIC Col'T. Dr.
! SWEI'.TSER'S PANACEA cannot be mo hh '
ly ex'olle.l ; it fea'ches out ll;e nrv ro,r nf tin
j ilisense, nnd '-y r'm.icg it from the iloid
: n rnr.' eeit-iin nnd .i Tin mi-nt.
J For disc is. s nf the Hirnl lie a id Kiilofn. Side
j Cifivj. t travel Stniie, I'll'-.t. '..'(,; I', .-
,'lrui Hum tinil Extreme Ctisirrnn Dr SWEET
j SKIi'S l'N('i:. is tin' best lone dv ever ir e I ;
J it ri o.ovi'.s nil tlui e rcrirnoniinis hti'iio s tr im tin
III. .o.l which give r se to i d soa-cs. nnd
by keeping the blood iii n pure condition, in urn
j henhh.
For DIMiVY, FM.LINt! . fiuk PoWET.-s".
i Impur t'C.i if the i'we. M' rc trittl Taint . W' .'
j if lit- Sjhiie. Tlnioif lilnwl to the. Haul C if
j il ttrs. Si- yi'to" ami tti:?iiiif AVi'se lit the it :oi
und E-ir. Di. WL' ETSEK'.S l'VNCE. ,.
tiite i ert tin relief; in nil sit e-e i d cl r. ire cri-e.,
the a h Ms cjtinot be i.i.i oi'ti u j.-ni nb .1 ilia!
irrrrov' S ami i.e? sirfni'ir" oili t if.-i-i i t it e.
i I i Chilli uml i'Yrf It'in'i I'-vcr A fP i7'.m
! I'f the. '.'I'd if CrlC.V, Kptm;;1 III. I lit t'J.Kf
I (limit llruiic't l,n ami rrrnit Puiifn mid C (. .
1 Dr. SWEETSER'S PAN ACE Vwill he f.oiud !
! leifcclly sure and cett.iiu iu its l ilects.
j (ill YEL AND URINARY ('()'' I LAIN t's
I Tho-e coii'p niire :ne gern i.ii! nl i rn'ed e i I.
' the lie s' t il .ons.qoei ees. il ne -i I ' o -o n-'.
1 ttl i u I'll t'V ill'' p es i I m d ot i e 1 1 i'u ; l'. y .
il n. l y i.icuiiii'iiny li.e p.ln-i.l t Hie jlave, 'iii. r
j siifienug the ino-i cxetu. iating p un un.l iiir.nie.
j The ciiiise of ihise c nu lain s mo the same is hi
' ill, IS the .l o-- . I ill. hi. .o.l I i voi.l s Cli r J .1 i.l.
the tiiKSl tiiirnw p.-fs ig. s. wl.enct: ur s t
. secietions anil t-toppagi a of U'ine. Y'-u will find ;
die in st p wi iful d nretics of no use. a- tl ey onU
inerenstt the qu .nlliy of urine "il l i not pu ilv
j .ud siienullii-ii tic p-.rts. Bv punfvino the bbn d ,
1 with Di. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, m o ie
! move the c iu.-e i-f ihe iliso.ise, imiij-i ipteut 'y it t an .
j not exist any longer, ulnr atilf.t-ienl p isetei un e ,
i in its use has deprived Iho blood and body of all
j acrimonious hiiinois nnd incrustation.
j !
j This is a erv pri v dent and dial disea-e ; il re- j
1 subs u.o.tlv from n le.-ied cougtis, colds nnd bron
chitis, ulso from lin iioper lieatuieni in inn y uf rr
tvu-es, such as meusles, fevers, ii.fl imi.i.ili us and
I sninli lint . and a ll it of otllt r I adlv treated dise ises:
j win re ihe cause, insp ad of having I e. n thoroi'gh'y I
re.noied from iho blood and hody, have only In en j
palliated or removed from one put to brenk out in
another. Ily dives inn your bodies nl nil lot. I tin- 1
mors, through the medium of Dr. s ELTsEU S
PANACEA, ihe cure is al once ruidend crtaii
and permanent. !. colled, while there is nciiui".
nious humor floating in die riicu aiinn, it i- as ni l i
o settle ou the lungs as any nl! cr art ul I' e betly .
I lis i Ihe reason thjt cousuinpiion in so prt vu t in
j Whi -li yi.u see on Ihe ex't'tior. couiu I'roni and
I h ive liieir sourio in, ibe ioleiior, and might jus' a
! well have M illed 101 0111 lungs, li ei.or any other
! putt; which we know lliey lieipti-otiy do, and u,i
I ilucu. mot tiotei.t mil tiii'uniniy ib-nnlcr.s, 'i'be
' humor wlncli oi-c.i-iou Hies.: soi. s is ol bigiily bur. dug inloie. e kuo il lroui
I Ibe pain il giies in lorn. ing, uud ufi. its r 1
i 1 idly u'ler.i iiig and coir, ibng the ll-s!i Un I .kin
I of tl.e pa. I wli.oe it brinks out. This shows the
! necessity of fiequc ntlv innifyiog the blood Willi Dr.
SWEET!" EK'S PANACEA, on I keeping euch
niuligiiutit humors iu s u j. emu. Should you huve
a bile or ulcer, lie ihnik.'ul liatuie has takeu
iroubl.i to wnrti you of the dunei youi life and bo
dy is in, for it 1 a wuiiui.g ti i H a blood is foul.
Had ibis sun.' uciinonv ibc id die lui.s in tend 1
of the surface i f your body for us . ai, coiitump- -lion'
of the lungs would bay.' been llie'cousequi in e.
I), lay not tl en, to putily and tii with Dr.
Sit ether's Panacea. I
Spin it affec:ions, 1 iilnrgemenl of the bores and j
ioinu. while autdlincH. bin iomt coiiinlaint, iui. 1
Hires, tailing ol ihe bowels uml noin time ire, will
fin I asiuedyouie in Vr. Ml EETEK .S PA
NACEA. Wheie the di.ease t . been of ..ig
st.iudiiu', the lima icquired lo mike cure will ie
longer ; but Ihe puiieul ninv n st assured Ihul a
dt'.eimiucd peiseverance w.ll ellect it,
Tluse ili-rusei procetd f.oin the seiiosily or.
f.n opt tin mors of ihe blood, but ing . t lei it, elf on (
ihe tliro.l uud lungs, and l ' ed them up, so thai j
they cannoi draw sufficient air in for respiration, 1
Dr. SWELVI SER'S PANACEA will give tmuif
bile relief, and to make the cure per lei I sud car
lam, il shoubl be eonlniueJ soiuu lima uller, to j
five ibe system uf ull bad l.umois.
Find a safe and speedy cure ill Dr. S WE '."'
SIIH'S PA.S'ACEA. It run s by searching every
Id nd ves el and artery, and driving nut all impu
rities and foul humor accumulated therein, which
ia the cause of rle umalism, goin and welliug of
Ihe joint. The deleleroua effects of raloinel and
olhei mineral poison, readily yield lo il roveirtii
influence; indeed, when it valuable propeilie b
come fully known, tb use of all miner.) poison will
le consigned lo'ihe lombof all the Cupuleis,' and
only be if ought of a a by-gone custom of the dar
ker age. Dr. Hwretser' Panacea ia also a sure
cure for dyspepsia, pile, coiiiveuc, vertigo, head
ache, pain ia the breast and liver compluiul.
Fever i alway caused by a disorderly mart.
nienl of ths blood, strugelina to fie iiaelf of sum.
thing that encumber it ; iii fact, every kind of Ie.
ver i nothing mors than snuggle between the
I loud and corrupt humors, and ouo s Ih cui-
-11 J.i
nipt humors are rxpcl'ed, you have no moro fever.
When a patient with fever submits lo be bled, or
have bis blond poisoned with merrnry, It Wesk-nl
his frame lo such a degree lhal if he survives the
proeen. It always leaves him subject In distressing
chills, when 9 times nut nf 10 he report ( to agito '' '
pills, powdera, or lonie mixtures; this ja going frnei '
bad to worse, as these vegetable pills, powders. Sit, '
are nothing bnt mercury and quinine in disguise,
which may for a lime drive Ihe disease's far into '
ti n body t.a not In be perceptible, but rrti soon It '
will brek nut ngvn with feaiful violenre. Torure
acne snd (es,, ,he tmw nf the disease must bo re
moved i f ,,e ,n(, h,,v wh.rh Mn
Vl'ri-. ,,"nhTu'ng Dr.8WEET8ER'8 r'.
IN ACE A, which purifies, and strengthen.
It contains nothing that can poiMy injure, and its
us u ulwaya a safeguard against chill, and fevers.
pllirr'n ir .'""' Df' 8WEET3ER'3
PANACEA will eff, ct a very apaedy cure. It re.'
tniives from the blood, stomach and bowels, nil
those foul acrid burning ho mors, which are' the
c icsn of Pili a and Costivcm', and by strengthen
in Ihe digi s ive organs, improves every part of the
nine body.
The e discuses a e e,u-ed by (he stomach and
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy matter,
i be air whh h ent rs t'ni m cninnle cipe until furred
by some enntrietinn of the oinacli to expel il 'he rinse ,.f pain. A few oVes of Dr'
SWEETsBlf.s PANACEA will convince tho
sulfeicr that iclu f is a t lim d
Pnrniils will find the PAACEa vuluablu
nieilieine foi their oluliberi, keeping their bodies in
n In c. .iiili;i..ii, thereby a-sisting their g o.v;h;
children or grown prisons, after Inking it, nre not
l:a! lc lo he nitucked with an epidemic as hi fore, as
I it nlwiivs eav. s tin- Mood ill a pure Condition, and
the i mire system iu a strengthened slnte ; it drives
' out a i kinds of we..knras from the body and Icav
1 nil heal liy witliin,
! Will find Dr. SWETsER'S PANACEA a mrdi.
I c lli' purely ad iplcd to thoir Use. M.t ladies du
ring tl.e peri.'d nf pregnarry ate afilicted with piles,
j Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, by regiibiiing Ihe bowels,
I !! entirely i bvia-e this, nud Us purifying proper,
j lies (.n 'be Moral and fluids, insures tri them henl-
thy off pring. No one who is a motiier sl.ool.l lm
I without it, noil thus who nre nursing will find it
I ol In m In lo tlie iie.ii'ti nf their infants.
!. r Inirieiii.e-s -ud a'l Irs-n ,.f tl v. ,, ,!, ii
is with, ot a livnl iu tbeentiie histoty ami ii
uf tin dieines ; by its extraordionry ptreiiiit! coir
power, it htiuiiil it, nud sir. I'gtiien the wouili, a
weakness f (vhicli is the cau-c i f fu'luro lo hv
Unt'.r ibis ,,. ) mav be cl is-rd Pu'pitation of
the Ht-i.Tt, T c D .dineiitx or FueiHche, Neuralgia
I nd u-s i hi. Tool : , Melancholy, IIys:e:ie. and
in I n I, ev iv il si n-e cusul hy iho ahurp, biting,
nciinionioiis hu ems ng llio nertes tl,t
turves iieeito the inoibid m.jin su fiom the to.
to ti ll, ..r rutin r lroui I'ae blood tbroogh the naencv
' file .-! oo.ii'h an I dt.;e liv.- orii'ius, und ullli ,iieli
nt'.cr purl-of tl.e lo l, n.pirei.y lli- M-it of
ibe iU....e, t,!il. ii i- ru, d hv the i.-i .rLi.l imp es
i o coin, ted from t e blood Lv 'bo in rv,... to that
p- t. i.w il. -es of Dr. SWllI' I'.M'U'.S ' .
X.M'i; "ill ; .on ;.-,:o:t tV p ,...l;t tlwt ho h.u
-li cure in l.ii j. i-m''vi ,
I'.KY.-'II'ELX-'. ,,ii si'. ANTiiONYV Finn.
Tl.i - .s an il,f, i..:. i.. , ,i ,!, i, i,;,, ,- , .. ,.,,,.
id -v I i i.i r,- .r I ss ;.,t,,. Ii ,r,.,.iv,ls from llio
I'm.!. !, rinion'ous humors lo.lji d in the blond and
Mo d . se'tli il 'U t ' e I 10 s s, 1 ".,-.t e.l..s':uS ,.x.
line piinnnd livers; nil apph. u'lons on the sur
1 1 o are w .re limn useless, mh llev on'v ! ml l i
I now t' e ibsea-e in some oilier part, end peihms
lui.s- de . ill. Illeei'iug Is likewise imi n per. T,
Hue the ill ease you inii-t gel rid nf the rmisii ; ,n
!y in maje to get ihe foul humors out of y .,,r hio...,
iml ton will bo well in n dny. Dr. sWF.l'T.
M' i'S I'AN ACEN, n lhnrnn,t!i purifn r of tho
blool, will s an' ' :i: .very impurity in Ihe moro
remote p r:s of ihe body and cv.e I it t' rou'i the
in tbu u ef (he bo.M ls. 'I'liere is not vein, arte
ry. in se e or t.rgi-i i f ihe entire frn ncwoik of
ni :o, 'l it Dr. Sv.e. tsn's Paua.ei .!.. not iui.
p'ov.-. To lake it win n you -re well Is to keep
tve I ; ami tttu'ii sick to b. coiue well.
.' SWEETSEVS l-AXACEA, hei li, com
posed .0 Iv ot in aoinble matter or ineiicu neibs,
nud wair.iiited. mi o oh. as conlnii ii n n(. j,ar.
I cl.' of mereiiri.d, tniiieral or cbi;nic il subsi niees,
s f nnd to be pe't-etlv liunnle-s I i tbe out 1 1. ii,,.r
,'. "r 'he tve.ik-l fr iine, undr nnv .1 .e ,,f hu
maii MilVe iiiu ; IT iuo-1 pi. a- nt -.,! b,..,,, mi's
nrer tio'i tint ttus cer off n d to the world; and
ul lb sun., time the inns: cen ini in scr bioj oui
be in.. t of.n y c N.j'iu;, bo.tetcr d.ep, and of
perf rm n : if r.'.
Pnee 1 st h.ttle, or six lol'l s f,r JS. Fur
ssie, who'., ile nnd retail, at the corner of
CHARLES and PR T'P Sireel Biliimtre, -n I
il'Oby CEORUE BliKiHT.
Nov. 1H47. .y Sunbury.
its uosjfts ia:iii; in
limn, Sculdt, and uU kinds of Inflamed
Sores Cured.
L the most coinp e e Bum Anlidoteever known,
ll it st.tnily, (and as if by Magic) stops pains nf ihe
1110-t desieiulu Burns und Scalds. For old Sores,
Bui ses. Cuts, Spruins, Ac., on man or beast, it r
ibe besi epplteation that can be made. Thousands
have tried nnd lliousu ds pr.iise it. It is the moat
pi if-et iiiasn r of pain ever discovered. All who
use r.eommeml it. Everv family should be provi.
led with ii. N me rau ull how soon aome of ths
f imilv ni.iy need it.
tXj' O' serve e ieh box of the cenuii e Ointment
h is n... nunie ol S. Tut ski written on the outside
lale 1. To unit. ite ihis is forgery.
Bo linen. I.iv.rv M. n, F.,ruie s. and all who use
Hum.' , will find this Ointment the veiy liest thing
fi. y r 111 u-o for Collar li tils Strati lies. Kicks, 4c.
Sec, on tilt ir auim .!. Surely every merciful man
would keep hi. nuiinal as free fiom pain a possi
bit- Tiiutey's Universjl Oiutuieut is all that ia re
quired. Try il.
Hi I'ES OF INSECTS. For tho sting or b'tit
of po.-uiiou lined, I'ousey's Ointment i ueri
vu lei Huudr.ds tried il an I found it Ro.h
PILES CURED ! For tl e Piles, Tousey ' U
iiive'snl Oiiiiinent is one of ihe !est Item, dies that
cm be applied. All who have died it foi the Pilea
reC"in rieinl il.
OLD SORES CURED. For oil oN.ti,.
Sons, iheie is nothing e.u .1 to Touaey'a Oini.
menl. A per.on in Manlius had, fir a numlier of
yvar-. a sore leg that balllej the skill of ihe.loclor
ous.y a uiiiuneni wa rec niiuii nJed by one uf
the vi-iting physicians, (who knew its great virtues.)
and lo hnies protluesd more benetit thin the pa."
limit bud received fiom any and a I pietioue remeiT
dies. Lbi nil iry it. :
nf cse ,,f Burn and Scalds, in all part of the
eoun'ry, hate been r.ur.d by Tousey' Universal
liniment. CertilicuU-s enough could be bad Iu fill
the tvbole nf this sbie'.
ds on te-nmoniab, in tavoref Tousey's (J i.lim-nt
for rutin, h.iv8 ln ,,ir. red ih.i propiie.
tors. Hun lie ls in Syracuse wdl certify lo its great
inetns n ieli. vmj ibe ,; ,.f ,n,, ,,,,, wvefB Urait0
All per..'iis should try it
SCALD HEAD CURED. S .res of cises of .
N-uld Head havs Iren rort-.l hy I'ou ey's Oint. ,
menl. Trv it it s,,,,u, fn's.-
SALT RHEUM CURED. Of a'l iho remedies
ever discovered for this 11101 .lis loreeiii.le complaint,
IVu. ' I'u Oiutuieut is the most coinptoie.
Il lis-.'! wa. kn 'Wu ' tail
Toufiy' Universal Ointment wdl a'wuvs cure the
Worst eases of Chupped Hands, Scotra of peion
will stile thi.
SORE LIPS CURED. For the rure cf 8o-a
Llw, there was never anything made equal 'o Tou
sey's tinliaent. Il is sure 10 cure tin 01. Tiy it, .
It is s cienulic compound, wairauted not to con
tain any piep.isiiou of Mercury. Piic Sft '.
cent per box, Fur further particular eoneeriiiitg
lbi leully valuable Ointment, the public a lff :
red to Puiuplib is lo be had guti, uf rsspuHaM
Diuggim aud Merchant throughout th Umitsl
Fn pared by ELLIOT Sl TOt'SKY, Druggiel, .
Syracuse, ' For sale by . . at
JOHN YOUXU. Huubury, v , .
M. A. McCAY, NurihumbaiUn!,
siepl. I lib, 1817. ly h