SUNBURY. AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. r COMMISSIOiEBS SALES or UNSEATED LANDS. The following traete of uneested landa, biting been purchestd by the Uommlsaionert of N'Htlium brrland county, end remaining unredeemed by the owner, for mow lhn Bva yesrs.afier eale there, oflo the Comm'ntioncre, will b offered for tale ot the Court House, In the Borough of 8ui.ury, Northumberland County, on Friday thu lib day nf August, at lOVcloikA. M. (1848 ) . COAL TOWNSHIP, Warrantee Name, Boyd William, Tlngar John, fjrosiona Paler, Boyd William, Ttnyd William lllmmilrlcli Hi nry l?eah Philip, I.aich Chrirl.rt Vunrine "c"b, J 7. tnfua Peter. Zigrnfus Peter, Zierhfus Pelrr, I'mholt Jacob, Smiih Milchor, COAL & SHAMOKIN. fcotl Abraham, Titsworth J -hn 8HAM0KIN TOWNSHIP Irvirf Chtrles l.iwis James, tev,ert Ucluruh. Wil.un John, ... JACKSON & AUGLSIA. Cmiih Doniil, LWER AUGUST A. 111.. en l..rin cre. 361 379 60 P9 8.1.1 373 in 803 A SI 107 19 117 95 343 406, 1(13 804 j 295 200 1.1 ITI.E MAUANOY & LOWEIl AUGUSTA. D.w.ri John, " Drw.rt, a-7ltft.laiJlla.QCE. PO l V I timu 300 IU, k William. Bm.n John, jr., Cr.iiga Jnteon, Cooa?r Isaac Fisher John CJr fl Henry Hal! William Juwra Ann Levy Aaron Milnor E Iward Mnrrirou Oeorgn M .rlz-v 1 lingers MaJtaaei, Miaw William, M AH A NOV A. JACMON. 410 25(1 300 300 loS 300 CI 200 300 300 227 loOi ofJ I!t)i titer Geoige, 100 Ilea ee reti-C. IJrmt Thm, i i tiiea (!'r..'e. Ilcirini! Firdeiiclr. Heirii g Ficilirick llrjnoil Jamei, Mover George, Miller John. Mown r Christian. M .dilli town David, Seely J our a. rSrotl Alexander, Tolnne H-nry. Wni.ion Job, 300 345 217 44 i 100 not, 147 72l laiii MA FBTER VANPMNfi. VVII.I.IAM FOl.MER, JACOB HOFFA. Com miaannera ulv P,iei(. Fut btiiy, J TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHDMliKR LAND COUNTY. I7lF.LLOW CITIZENS F.ncouraged Lyme- riy of my frieihds throughout our county, I offer myaelf to your consideration at a cancuUte lor the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, at the next general Election. Should my f"Ho citizen favor trie with a majority of their votes. I should spare no rxertion to (illill the duties o said office with fidelity ant! to the satiH-ti.ii ofall. MARTIN IRWIN. SunUry, Juae 3, ISIS. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY iaform you as a citizen of Northumberland county, that tnv friends in the four lower townships, made a solirita- I lion, or call, these three years, to orTer mysell i to the citigens of our county, at a candidate for the olhce ot REGISTER AM REC'OltnER, I and I flatter mytelf capable of fulfilling the du ties nf said olhce accniding to law. Aa I am disabled to do any thing else but teaching sclmol which I followed seventeen years, and under stand both English, and Oerman. which is ne cessary, fcc, JOHN HENRY KREBS. Upper Mahonoy, May 37, IStS TO THE ELKCTOUS OF NORTH17MBER LAND COUNTY. fELLOW CITIZENS Encnnragp'l by ma ny of my frieinU, I respectfully offer my j elf iia candidate Sot the olfice of j jn-.cisricn and recordrr, i And Clerk of the Orphans' Court , j At tha approaching election. Should I be fa Aored with a majority of your votes, I will spare io exertions to render general satisfaction. GEORGE OYSTER. Delaware township, May 13, 1816. 'Mi l HE ELECTORS OK N' HM IIU.M UEII LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : Enerursged hy many of my Iticnds, I herewith offer myte'f tn your CO' tide at o i at a candidate lor the OFFICE OF SI1E1UFF at -nbe approaching election- Should I be so lortiMiate aa to receive a majority of your votea. I shall endeavor t rei.der general satisfaction. HENRY J. READER, Delaware township, June St. 1818. TO TUB ELECTOSR OT NORTH1TMUER LANUCmJNTY FV.i.low Citizens: Through the encouraie ment of my friends, I offer myaelf at a candi. date for the olfice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Should ( be is fortunate at ta receive the of fice, f thatl endeavor to give general satisfaction. FRANCIS BCCHER. Banbury, June 21, 1848 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. AT the earnest tofieitation of large num. Iier of hit friends the tubtcriber hereby of fers bimaetfet a randidate for Ilegtatcr AntT Recorder &c. fnr Northnmberland County. He promises, if eleeted. to discbarge the duties of the office,, with fidelity ai d promptnett, and he trust, with entire satislaciiotl to the community. JACOB HAAS. Shamokin, July 1, 1848. G. M. YOKKS RESPECTFULLY offert himtelf to the el'ef. tort of Northumberland County at a candi. date rr the office of SHERIFF. And will endeavor, if elected, to ditcharge tbe dutiea of the aaid office faithfully and impartial ly Sunbury, July 1, 1848. TO TBE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rT"HE eubaeriber ofTera himtelf to tbe electors 1 ef Northnmberland County, aa candidate or tbe office of PROTIIONOTAnY, 4tC. , houU bt be favored with majority efvotat, be mSU apart no osertioat to render geaertl wtiafaclUa. JOHN f ARNSWORTH- Jane )7, Ull . TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNT. AT tha solicitation Ufa number ef my frienda I hereby offer rnytelfat I candidate for REGISTER & RECORDER AND Clerk of the Orphans Court. Havint had several yeara experience in " ' tiea of the office in thia county, I think I ihall be tble to ditchsrge the duties thereof with entue satisfaction. JOHN P. PURSEL. Sonbnry, June 17, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF INORTHUMUER. LAND COUNTY. Fatt.ow CiTirans By tha encouragement of my frienda. I am induced to offer myarlf as a candidate for the office of REGISTER fe. RECORDER. . Should I be elected, I ihall make every effort to render general satisfaction. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, June 24, 1818. Notice To nil whom It may Concern. TMIE Subscriber lias purchased of Isaac Moore A the following property whir1 he has left in the possession of said Is ac, until such time as he shall see cause to remove the same, to wit: :i brad of horned Cattle. 1 grey Mare. 6 Hogs. 1 two-horse Wagon. 0 arret of Rye in the ground, ft arret of C rn. 1$ acres of Oats. , 1 Plow. 1 wood Sled. I wooden Clock. DANIEL ROATH. Shamokin, July 1. 18IR 3t Notice. rPHI3 unilcrsigned appointed Auditor, hy the Orphan a1 Court of Northumberland County, in the matter of the exceptions to tho arrount of Catharineanil Rebecca Painter, eX'-rntort of Va y Painter dee'd, hereby notifies a I i ersons int-rested in said mntter. that he will attend to the duties of hit appointment on Wedneta v, the 12th i'bv of July, at 10 o'c ork A. M. at the of fice nf Pr wart ft Bruner, where they may attend if they see proper. CHARLES J. BRUNER. Auditor. Siiiihnry, July 1. 1818. Wardrobe of Fashlouable CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, N. 191 Market Street. First Clothing tl.ircbe t'nw SU-lh, 1'llll.APRI.PHIA, tT'nrRE they are constantly enzaged in get- j ' in up from the b-'ft French. Kngtish and ' , , : Amerh-an c oth. c othtng cot and made up in the most son.-rior and fashionable tly e. l'crtoiis who huy to ael1, wil' find a large and excellent stock at the 'owest city prices. C othing tnai'.e ip to onler, ina enpxrior style at the shortest notice. N I! Odd Fellowe Regalia, a larg.' asort. ment. always on hand Orders from Lodges and individual promptly attended In on the most rea conah e terms. I'hiUdcphia. June 3, IS18 ly FRENCH REVOLUTION. rPYR ANTS aa well as Monopolies, must fall. an must prices. That this is a fact ran be proved 1V calling at 'No. 72 Niiilh 'Jil slreet. aliove Arcli, rillLASDIiFniA, ' FINE COLD AND SILVER WATCHES LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, The sMtk onneteU in part f GnM an! silver i Lever ; TKnine. am! Quaftier Watch ; JuwH- ' I a, : ty of th- newest and mnsl Imhionable paltema. 8!L VKH SrOGNS, $-r. Particular attention nai.ldi thHi artirlei. the nuut-tu of whtth in Afi. 1 ami workmanship tWtu. 1 tie estaniiRn merit ol LE HURAY hat been well known FUlt h'OVKTY YEARS, in SECOND Street, and hat made a rharacler which tieedt no pulling. ! Silver TEASPOONS aa low aa $1,50 per tett i can b" ni.iiltf for lets if wished I W.U'I'A GLASSES Plain. 10 cts ; Patent, ' IS; Lunette. 2Uctt; other article! in propor I tion. Rnnnuher, you can buy here helow any pub ' lUhed list nf prices in this City or New York. I Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to eive sausiactinn N B. Old Gold and Silwer bought fur cah or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No VI) North Second Slreet, above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1817 ly c. May 6, 1848 tiiomas c7garrett & CO. IMPORTERS Of 2 C21 133 9 a'ed and Rritannta VVi.e, Cutlerv, and I'.ins; Oo.nU. and Manuf idurer i.f Jew. eiiv anil HI er v are. iza tiiiesnui nre i, rnna- delnhia: hae reci ied by laie arrivd a I lie, and hand mie t o. k of En'ii-h nrd French Welches, .! d Murtde. I'oicelam ami Fanry (!.'k. I' I'm. Colors tJika HiketB. H-gh an.l Clinmh rUindlfS i -k Soup I. idlej. H, o ios a ul F rk. Also a S)"d tssorliiicnt of Hit aiinij Ware and Fine ("utl r. Their itiirk of JEWELRY is l-irge and nf the moat f i-honslile k-nd, and ihey are well npplled iii Silver 8 i.ions. Foiks. Mub, Napko- Kmirs Butter Knives. Arc , and wi bout in .kino; ny die p ay of piicea in the puMie print, they , re ptc. pared to eell tt I iw as llio-e ho do, and invite p. rsnna wishing to purchase lorall. PlnUd.ihia, June 10, 1843 6m OAKFOlaD'S CHEAT lUT, CAP, AND FIR ESTABLISHMENT, Xo. IO I, Chestnut Street, Bfftcrcit Thirdand Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA. rilHE Advertiser hat conttantly on hand and L inaniilacturing, every detcription ol HAfS and CA PS. of the latett and moit approved fash ions, contitting of YOUTHS' HATS AXD CAPS, In vtriety, among which ia new arti cle for tyring and Summer wear. MILITARY CHAPEAUV CAPS eel, made according to the Army am! Navy re gulation! and for superioity ot finish and mate rial, have never been aurpatted THE SUMMER FASHIONS For gentlemen, consisting of Fine Rockey Moun tain Heaver and Gossamer Ilatt, (very light,) Panamas, Lethornt. Fine Cobourgs, ect , ect. AUo fioe Straw, Braid, and Hair Cloth taps; Ladies Riding Halt and Capt of entirely new styles, in fact the largest assortment ever before I offered tn the public ; being at low in price ,at i any Establishment in tha country Remember t HAHLtS OAKKOuU, No, 104, Cheanut itrtrt, between Thirdand Fourth itreelt Philadelphia June 54. 1848 ly F. II. SMITH, rocket Hook nnd Morocco Cao Manufacturer. Ua succe?dt1 B P. SISTY, at the Old Stand 514 CHESNUT Street. hbiUdelpbir focket Bookt, Bankers1 Cnei nd I'orUoUoi of every detcription. Port Mannare, Ivory TttbleU Card Cetee. DrfitinK Caiei, 6rgar do ', Writing do., Jbckctmrnon Boaidi tt Chessmen, Gold Pens, Snyder's, Chtpmsn's.siid feiumrer's Razor Htrops; Fenny's Tally ho Resora, Rodgers's Wade k Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Kgyp tain Rsxors, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every description, Bowie and Dirk Knives; also, a large assortment of Fancy Stationery, at tha lowest ratea. Jobbing dona with r.eatnese an4deepaub. Philadelphia, June 34, UsaWam CUTLERY. AN exten.ive 8tork of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, for aale by JOH1T Irl. COLE16A1T, A'ot. 82 and 89 ARCADE, and 8 Nnrlh THIRD Street, C mp i ing 5000 dotea Penknives, 8e': rs and R t rs. Alao, a choice aaamtmcnt of Ro lgera cV Hone, Wos'enho'm', Ureases', W. & 8. Bulchci'e anil Fenney'a Cutlery. Also, Kpaiiisli. Di'k ai;d Hunting Knives. Aim, Gun, Patla, an I Bowie Knives. Ala , The mrriciin Rotor Strop, a auprrior nrtirle, wo.ty the atunti in nf Detlers Caan Dealers in Cullety, will 6nd the an .ve Slock worthy their attention, at tha Sulcnhir'. chief I ua n--e la im.toriing and selling cutn-iy. Philadelphia, Juua 10th, 1848 ly. A Thousand Doiiiih SaVso ! ASHSV & ROCAP, lint nml Cap .nauiifacliirers, Sou h East Corner of ilh and Market Street, Barment ntnrif FHILaDSIiFHIA. HAVE c- natalit y on Imnd a full and complete atsortm-nt of HA I . CAPS, and FURS. A h i an eli Rsut iMOrtm-nt of nien an I hova' Lectiom, Piinaint, and Pjl-n haf Hsta. All nf w ich bv a saviiiL' of $1000 in r. nt, will he aolil, wliote-ale t il relai', at the viry lowest price- Cnunity dealerA woul I (I i well to rait, as by C roiiomy, an I low tent, we are en idled to t-ell ut v.-ty low ratea. June IOiIi, ISIS. ly DR. TflWSSESD'S I'OflPOIND EXTRACT OF " SAltSAPAUlLLA. rplllr F.xtrnH is put up in quart hot t leu. It it pix timm X cbrapor, pltniHauttT, nii'l wurrniitpi) mpiiir to any fcrltt. It curm r1iatfivN wii limit Vtinitinir, purKiiif?. nick nciw, ur tlel'ililiiting the piitivul, and it pnrticuliirly uilaptetl fur a FALL AND HIMtlNO MKUlCiNK. The gniit lw;mt' niul uppririty nf thin Stirreijinrillii over other rcmotim e, whilst it rnniirntcn d i;cji Jo, it invig tmtrti the h rt)-. (?iiuiiipti tn cured. rir.-inrx juid iStmilhcn. C'naiiiHipti n ran te ctiwl. HrHidiitiK, C iiKiimiri'in. Liver C 'mplnmt, Ci!d, C"iighi, Cttttirrh, Asthitri, Spitl inif Itlixid, S lrenffR in I he Chrsl. llerlir KlushNiyht gwaitft. Difli ciilt nml I'rui'nRf l'.XH'c1nriilinii, mi'l I'm in in the iide, Ac, Ve.t linve tiiid r?n Im cured. IVnlcthlv tlu-rt' never w.m a renutlv tlmt linn N-en m Pile- rewt'ul in tlenpernte eam's " c-.iitmt)ptim on thin ; it clean- ; ifnuii'l rttri'iiu hens the : r.'aiii, and niienr8 t" henl the ill- rem m the I1111119, titit pntietil grottnully reguin their uriuiI t IHUIIII unit rer'iiilll. I Cl UlDL'St CAIi OF CONSUMPTION. I Then i ixtireclv n dm- piifnen hut there are u mmilwr if , :() f e iiiniiiupti'in n p trtcd tm eun tl by the ute o( Ur. i T twiijt-n'e Sirn.ip.n ill.i. The f ll 'Wing wan reeenlly re reived : Dr. '1ovi:n Derir ir: Fur the kirt three year I ; Iiiivj I'tt'ti niilifteil wilh fr.'iiend ilehhity nnd nervnun roil ! uin,)ii hi of the L-ist ftiee. nml did n t ixpeet to ever jruin my hnlth nt nil. After it iin ttimuirh n riiitrnenf ni'tlii'ine ; nndr the enre of rune nf ties m ml diMinfrtiiKb! rtvxnlnr iilivmci m iiittl iii' iiil-.-rn tt the It'iirtl ti Htnltli in New l York nnd i-l vhtr'. nnd upending tin in xt of my e;irnhmi in liMi'iniitiii'j tit ri'if'ini n tv hnilUi, und mtcr riMthng urn- ivip,.r of v -ur iMraajsifillo 1 ro Ava to try it. After ""S ' '"'- ' ' "" '"' utkii t ' e.-.- . nt ill v.'iitr i- i..;: with voiir ailvire 1 kept on, nml , 1,.:,u i,,-,,, v n tor vlmr odvi. e. I p. r. in tii!iii! Il.t' .ir iin:i i. nrn I hiivr lieeti nhle to nttend tn my ii:rd .ihxftf .r lh. lmtfnr ui'inilm. nntl I hoje hy the hlftwi.ijiH of (J 'd ni. I v inr S irn-ijiunHu to v. iiiinne my hesiHh. It hi'liH-d me U v.nid the expfetmi-'iift f rill who kn-w my cip-. niAHLKH qt'lMUV ihiiinre. I'W'X en. X. .T., Anjr. i, le 17. Stii'e tf S"v Jfifev, l-tssex cmnl v. C'hiirlctt (Jniiii- hy ht'i'ifr duly mr. rii nlinir l biw. on hie tt)i Kiiih. ! tli it tie fii'i'fi 'ins tf.V'Miieut if tm' neeonlitiff tulhe Im-!i i f ! hifkn ' lllMi'. 4'JlAKI.KS (fl I.MHV. t Sw tti mid nit!rri,i-" I ! Iief-tre me nt Onmse. the 2d ; Auyiinr. CVKt n MVI. i J notice nf the Pence. SPirriNG I.O(. ! Ke:tl tin f Hi-win, und Kiy t lint c-iiifUinpU'in in in incii- ralile if j-'Ui c;ui : New Vnrk, AirilA kl7. Tit. rovEii : 1 verily lielieve thnt ymir Sirmnrill:i , liitn Itren the hu mid', thr Miiilt Tri'VideiK-e, nf ku tuff my liie ; 1 hnvef tr sevr:d yenrn h:id il Ink) coupli. It Iter.une w rie j und worse. At hist I raiwnl Inrfrt imaniitUn nf Mini, Imd niuht hve:itH nnd wan jrri(y dtiiili:iteil iiihI ret hi ceil, nnd didn't r Xpert to live. 1 have only nveil ymir Siirmpnrillii but o fhort lime, mi l there rem it wtintlt-riiil rluniue hen wrouirht in me. I inn inw nhh t i walk till over the city. I riie no IiIo.hI. inn I my e tit htm kit me. Ytm ran well i iiiiuine that 1 am tlnnM'ul f r lltee remillii. Vnnr itbeili- 1'iit wrvimt. VM. It SSI-.lal,, a Cuthnrine nt. ! Tli RiiMiel fendime iuii minpi hihI imthftd nnry j of "'r;7"r -H Ur ...Kind., nf nin.iinr e. 1 es iii thin eit v iintl Uro tklvTi. mihI vi thereiire th hwuhI i ilf irrtlll, i.t tltair eltdtlreu'die i..r ienr Ir-iub Im.nlH.i-ff.M i ir tmivc n few hiiiinus. I m .... ir..K.yu. epr. i-i. iy. Pr. TnvKM: I tnkt tiliiiniiri in flutinir, for ihi Immii- fit of th 4h win -in it ni.iy t'tiinvni. Unit my tluimhlt-r, two ' vt'.irn mill nix ni uitli! nttl. uim nitlitiitl willi ( tk- tiility mil lwM" niMifli. Slit wan pivmip im pum if t c ivry I tv our t":mitlv nhveik-iiiii ; Init liniiimitflv I wn rc- ; cuutui'iitlt':! Ity it fncinl tti try ymir KimtpuriJIii. IUftre ; ttaviiu iimhI m- UtMlt fiif riviivt-rcd li-r njHifli hihI wii i cimltlftl tn vrii nl'iiic. to lli niititiiilitiitiit t ;ilt wli wrti , Hr.itiniuitMl wilti the t'irriiuistHiit t . Sht i ihuv aiiitr Vf!L nml in niui-li IrfdtT ln-nlii ili;iu k)h Iuin Ufii t r In m 'tilha iMHt. JOSKIMl 'I'AVI.UU. Vnrk t., Br.niklyii. I TWO ClllLl)Iii; SAVKl), j Very f-w fniiiilifi iinlfrtl in t'wt wh Ihiv tvM hcnnl nf ilia' uiii'il lr. Ti'Wiittt'inri' SirKiiiirilsii in tiiii, I 'ft liny clitMtvii I In itiift iiintiKT, wliilt llrw that ilitl ii'tt, mrkenct Hiitl ilitil. Tli- riTfiticiitf r puMiHh Ih-Iv ih p mriiijiivf rviili'nce ! it v:iliu und ittoiily aiMthfr iiiaii(.ac ol" ilK irivine tin livn !" chililrni : lr. Townt!m Dtiir Sir : I h:ul two rltililrra piml Ity ( y mr t-irKiiirilh "f tlif fuimnr miiiplaint hihI tlyin'iitnry ; (iir w:ih only 15 ni'Hiili M nml tlw tttlitr 3 ynirV They were vt'ry miirli rt'iliwitl, nml we rxpectiil tlny wntikl ilie ; they wiTP jf iviii up hy tw renietH'tiihlf pliyiu'lmui. WliPti , tlie il ict-r infinin tl u tlmt we uiiiMt l.iw tliein. wp rr4 ; vr1 tn try y mr Rirmii-nrillti we Imil lumnl nn imirh ot', hut I li;ifl Hull ptiiirulence. iliere lifiiu: much stuiT ndvcrtiiioxl tlrtt i wnrtlileMti : hut we tire lliniikful tlmt wp iliil, fur it j iintl'-uUtilly tvivpil Hie livt-M l" h t!i. I write thin tliut otli , r hitiv In iiiilupvil t xiHr it. V'iiku, rrnrMN'tt'iillv-, ! Jul I.N WIOU'N.Jr. I Mvrtlp-uvpiHir, i:.- v.klv!i. P.-it. l. l-t7. TO THi: ! (lltKAT KKMALK MKUICIXR. ! lK.TnwKM.rriARsiApUHXA it a Kovpreitfn oihl ipepily i pure l' r iiiriinl p m!im;iliiiii. und fur tltp (jf ikthI pr-wtru-j ti ni nl' the Kyxtftil H i mutter wlietlier (lie nunlt nf inhe- rent p.iiiau nr nmnt-tt. pr ultieed hy irrtfjrulurity, iHmchm or np-riJt-iit. ' .tliintf p;m he m tp Fiirprinini; tltttu iti invi(jonitinjr pf , fpplnni the Imiiimi Trame. Periuiiii all wenkneiw himI kis i fitii le, from taking it at imee Irpcome rohiiftt hihI lull ttf I puervt muler il iiitii'iwe. H iiiimliiitely pnuiilenieiji thp ! iierveleisni'ii(i of Hip female t mine, which in the grcnt niiio I Uirreiint'iM. j It will ii' t lie pjeetf'.i of nn, in cartel of an (M irate n na- tiire, to pxhihit pertthetitee m ciiren perfnrmeil, hut we can I hkmikp the alllictetl tliat huiithttlu of cane have lieeu repor- lt t i ii. Du. TowKxn: Mr wife Uinjf if rent ly tIitrpMeil hy Wi-tikntiw iiihI nent-nil ihhiitfv, and mtft-riiiK ponliiimilly hy pain mid with oilier diiuVultu-ii, mid lia iutt known tnic where your mtslieine lum pffeeteil frreut rurei; and nis i iR'ariiu; it reetimu lent led for iieli panel n I have ileierilied, 1 ohtniul a h'tlleol y.uir Kxtruet of SariMiiiirillu und fol lowed Ihp direetioii you (rive me. In a hort eri'id it rputoved her c implaiuti and restored her to health. Heiiur irrKiMul f r the leiiefits she receive!. I take pleasure in thus at k ii lwledtfuiff li, uimi reoHuneuumi: u ui ine puniic. M. D. MOOHK, Alh: my, Auk. 1? 'ti r ?mnd fc Lydia Ms. OYtPKlSIA. N fluid or metltpiiw lias ever heeii disptweretl wliieh so nearly renpnihles the ausiric juice or saliva in dec iiiiniug food and stremrtheniiiir the orjnuis of dip-tion as this pre paration of HarmiMcilui. It Mitively curui every rase of ilvspeimi.1, however severe or chronic. Ituiik Deitfuiinent, Allsiny, May 10, Ht5. Dr. Towneil ir : 1 linve lieen alHicletl for leveril yuiri with dys)Mpriia in its worst form, atlemlrtt with ur iiis uf tomiK-u, aOs of nppctite, exlreine heart hum, and a great avprsion to all kiiHls of (ohI, ami for wpekn, (what I e mid eat) I have been mm hie to retain hut a small trrtion on mv si' h uar h. I trieil the muud rvineilipa, but they hod hut little or no effect in reiii'iviug the eoinplaiut. I was in duced, iilwmt two int Hit lis since, to try your Kxlract nf fttr riiturilbi, ami I must any with little ponhdruce ; lait aftpr iinina; nearly two b Miles, 1 found my appetite re Mitred and tha heartliuni entirely reni'ved; audi wuld earnestly rv r miiiend the use of it to thnae who have been arfl icteil tu 1 have lieen. Yimra, fcc., W. W. VAX ADT. Atfent for Sui.lmrv JOM W. FKII.ING : Nor- thumlserland, MARY A. McCAY i Puitvilie, VM. A. MUtRAY A Co., April tti, lb4N. ly S.J.MmAKGKK&CO. lMPORTIV(i AM) t OMMISSION MERCHANTS, And DeaUr in Paper, and Paper Manufactu rers' Materials. No. 38 Commerce tt., PHILADELPHIA. 'BjT'EEP conttantly on hand a larga assort it ment t printing and other paper. Newt. papeit in tbe country, can Da auppueu at an timet, wilh paper of any size and quality, at tbe lowett pricrt. I'hiladelphia, June 17th, 1848. George J. Weaver, HOPE MAKES 4V ship chandler. No. 19 Water Slreet and No. 11 North Wharve$ Philadelphia. nA8 rontiantly on hand, t lanertr aaaorU meat of Cordage, Seine Twinee, Ac, ,iii lar d Hopes, Fishing Kopee, White Ropea, Manil la Rnpea. Tow Lilies for Canal Doata. Alao, a eomplele assortment of 8rine Twinee, dte. tucb at Hemp 8had and Herring Twine, Deal Patent Oill Net Twine, Cotton 8haJ and Herring Twine, Shoe Threada. it, tec. Alao. Bed Cords, PUuah Unas, H altera, Tracaa, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, etc, all of wbick be will darpoae at on raa saibte terms. (1UEAT NATIONAL WORK. A Hl.l.rr al tha Revalatlaai ami Llvea t tha l the War ( InaVpetidraee. BY CHARLES I. PETERSON. An elegant volume with 18 fint Steel Plate f, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings. Thla la a anlenrtld book. A valonhls addition to the Itlit'irie LitcrnLuie of onr eonntrv. Wa are much nilMn- keii if il it'iea not take rank with the. works of Irrlnx ami Prcae,Xt."-rraiiktonl llerakl. It urt.iaarR nny aimilar wick vet otTered In tlio Amcrl- Cnn public." Nt-nl's (iaselln. "It may he property coiiftirirrtt! a popnlnrieMt Military ftlatory of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious Written." N. American. "The present work on the tt evolution and Itt Heroes, it superior, both in extent and desifrn to any that haa hereto fore come uraler ir notice.1 Inq. 1 A well connected History nf that eventful period. Led per. IJrriurniy ine neex pinilinr nimory mine war 01 me Revohiti ai nnd its IIrphm,, that lias yet been given t tire country." Ssitiinny l-.veitntg Post. IV AOKNTS WANTKU to convnua Tor Hie atwe ele. p:int V'nrk. in every County and T-ivii in the t'uited filntea, to whom the Mont liberal iuht-?uii'nts will lie oflVr. ed. Price inilv V). Address (post-paid) avm. A. I.KAltY. No. 158 North SECOND Ut. I'lIII.ADKI.l'lllA Philndelpliio, May 30, If-IP 3m JACOB KECK, WHOI.KSAI.B AND RETAIL WINK AND LIQUOR IKAI,1.R, 293 Market Street, Belmv Eighth, North tide 1'Hit.AtiaLruiA. Keept constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, vn : Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, he. Also white brandy for preser ving, Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. I'hiladelphia, June 3, 1848. ly OXYGENATED A ftOVERKIGS REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, ' PHTHISIC. AND GENERAL DEBILITY. GEORGE B. GREEN, PnoriEron. Windsor) Vermont. IS u flnvervicn remedy ftir DYSPKPA, in ninny of it form, mtch a pniu in the stomach, llearthiirii, hahiUud Costivciie, Acid Stomach, llcniluche, l.'.wiof Appetite, l'ilcHj Nij;ht Sweats, und rven Coimmnplion fDvMpeptiu Plitliuti-,) and Atliina, or Phthisic attended witii ileraime iiient of the St minrli (or Dyspeptic Aftlnun.) Diiiietilt Ilreathiii'r, which otten result from imperfect ilijiifiliou (or l)ypeptic Synjuitrn.) in relieved hy there Hitter. Itifh-nt, their ue ha been pmvitl in the relief of ahuot nil the svmptouii that proceed from a dehititaled or atmie condi tion of the S.-miach ; nlo in general dchl'itv tiriMiur from ajrenr from the eflecti of Fever, purlieu! .rly Tever and Aiie. Female uireriiifr muler tiny uterine Uerimirement iiriaiim from wenknerw, will timl the '(txYKNATKD Hit- tkh ' an excellent remedy, mid not surptuiped hy uny inetli cine in Ue. The htMtorv of this medicine i ore n liar. It ha umde it way t' pnhlie favor s ilcly hy Ihe force of it own intriimip merit. . i nrtilieial meim have lirrii med to lmvp it uo rietv mid thrust it iiuou uuhlic nttentin. It lui never iK'tore even been advertised, but having tirt hImwii it re markahle ptFiracy in the family of the proprh tir, and hy him m'terwaif! adinUutered u't hi uillieird fricndH mid ne quitintiinfert with o like rcHtlt, its reputation gradually ex tended until it t known in the mnt dintaut iturts iff the rnion, tin a medicine ot unrivalled virtue in the cure of l)ysH pia in ml it diirerent form, mid alt f-.r the cure of Asilmra or Phthi.'-ie. It only hcnild and its only nil fry h;i Smi'ii the it..- t.f il woii'liTlul etlicacy, a told froiii m-Mitli to m uth or by letter from friend to Vrirnd. In eve ry inrtanre where thee Hitler have Ucti ueil.mid the re ult nuitlc kti'iwn Ut the prprict r, they luive prnved a re niisly, Nimipmn eertiBcnte. ritletiug the singular ciriciicv of Ihe "OxvtiRiTKt Hittkhf," are in thr p m u ot' the pr iprictor ; miuiy of them Bigned hy pcrMoiiM ulready widely known t ) the public. (.TH). H. (iltMKX, lr iprictor. VIMS1U. VI., Orf.:ler:. 1M5. The follow hij; l ertiticnte liuve recently been receivetl t MAtiisr.Tox, 1. C, Jrxa in, Havinir made use of the ( Ixvireiuileil Hitter'1 nrcunnil hyi)r. (ieo. I. (ireen. of VYiiidorM Vt.aml from kii'w-li-djje obtained of their efficacy in other ruses, weelieerl'tilly ree iiiiiiieiid them to the pithlie, ! Relieving tluit they will fully salaiu tlie r"Miiineilation of the Propriet -r. hope that t hi valuable remedy maybe n geiiendly di tinned throughout the country tliat it iiuiy be accetihle' to nil the nrMieted. j V.RRiimtT fniiu Venn mt . JAMI-U 1 SIMMOXS, f:.S. Senat ir from K. Mini. J. T. .MORKIIKAD, I'. S. Seiiat-w und f irnurly tiovcrn or of Kentucky. It. 11. AHN'olal), MciiiIkt of Cougren am) f -n ne rly Go veritr of It. I. WM. WOtinmtlDdj'.. V. I. !cuator und foruieriy (. vernor of Michiirau. M. U. MAK'i'iX, Delegate m Cmigrcm fnu Wisc-atKin Territory. Frun llmi. II. D. Fostk. Member of CtMigTcm .iin Pennsylvania. AVAMiirmTON. U. C, Juk 10. 145. Dear Sir. I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about ten years, and liavn resorted to varioui medicine f(r relief with nit kucccm. until I uiaile use of your "Oxvjreimted Hitt-Ti-." I have uhiiI alrout two buttle, and tiiid nivnclf reorel to nrfect health. The form in which the dis inc niioweil itKt-lf, iii my ciise, were, great acidity of Ihe it Hiiaeh, l-s of appetite, extreme rlululenre, severe eonfti ptitiou of the lowels, aial violent headache. Feeling desi rous that n kiHiwledge of your valuable rnnedy may reaeh outers siuuiariy umicien. i uiKe great pleasure in record iug my leRtiui.'iuy to its puralive power; and would nls.) reinaik, that while on a visit nt home a short time since. I ndminir'terfd a part of a h ttle to a tmimVr of my afflicted friends, with great sure. They )tro dcirous that you should cKtnhlih nn agency nt l'i'ttshurt?. or inform theni where the medicine can lie oltuiiued. Wilh an mruet de sire tor your jtri'SjKrity oihI liappiiiess, I sultncrihe mvself, truly your friend II. D. KSTr.K. D'M-t. tKo. H. fiRKKi.Wiislinr, Vt. S ld Wh 'Unale and Retnil hy f.reen it Kleteher, No. jo r-Hiin rixtn wreer, I'liiinfieipma. Acent for Snnlmrv H. B. MASSKU. Agents for Milton MAL'KAY & ItAAG. April 15, 1MH riillii., Kendlno;, and PottNVllte Hall Koad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHANGE of lloun. and two Traint Daily f-ach way, except Sumlayt. On and after Monday, May lat. 18-18. two traint will run each way, daily, between Pbila and Pottsville. MORN I NO LI N E ACCOM MOD ATION . Leaves Philad.'lnhia at 7 A. M daily except Sunday!. Passet Reading at 10 4.1 A. M. Leavea Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily eicept Sundaya. Passet R. adil.g at 9 10 A M. Tbe above Line stop, at all way atationt on the road at formerly. AFTERNOON LINE F ST TR 'IN. Vp Train. Leavet Philadelphia at 2 P- M .daily except Down Train, Leaves Pottsville at 3 P. M , daily except Sundaya. bunilaya. Leaves i nd'nixviiie J Leaves Sch. Haven,) 37 " Pottttown, 4,15 " Reading. ft. 00 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading, 3 SO " Pottstown, 4 30 " Phaaixville, 5 00 rrivet at Slate Road. 3,30 " Port Clinton, a.43 " Sih. Haven, 0.10 Arrivea at I'ottt- ville. GSO The afternoon train will ttopnnly at the above named atationa. Pattengert for other point! matt therefore take the Vorning Line Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streeta. No Passengers can enter the Cart unlett provided with Tickett. NOTICE. Fifty poundt of baggage will be allowed to each pattenger in theaa linea ; and paatengert are expressly prohibited fiom taking anything aa baggage but their wearing apparel which will be at the risk of Ut owner. No freight will be taken by these lines. B order of Board of Managers 8. BRADFORD. Secretary May 0. 1818. tf KNOW ALL ME THAT BENNET & CO. HAVE REMOVED from 193 Market Street, at their New Splendid and Immense Estab lishment to be known aa tha l ower Hall I'lollilng Bazaar, No. 182 Market Street, between fifth tf tilth, I lIlLALiEbl HI . Tha I'ronrietora feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like tbe uauai Rnmhttstie eaaeeeration of soma in the Hade, but will beg reave to quote the following notice from one of our city papert; t)na nl the ereetest cariosities trial our viit affords to tbe stranger, it BENNETT & iu a i..i rlohin .tnre Na. 19 Market street, be. wmii Viilh anri rlivth. which DSS oeen eijira Tower HaM," from lb pecoliar nnisb of tba front The building ia on imnienae one, con taining uvea capacieua room, nil of wbirh nre stocked with- every trariely ol aeatonabla gar menle arrant ed in tbe moat perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleaiurt in abowing their building and content! to tbe citizens, nartienlarlv atraiiarera. and to I host co ming from the country we know of no place tore worthy ef visit. 1 , Philadelphia, May 37hy 1V4S Sm 3 I TUB ONLV RADICAt. CtltlP. rOR CONSUMPTION ! ! IVrofula or King's Evil, Uhennntinn, Olistlnotc rutanaoui Eniptions, Pimple or IVntuIr on the faro, Dtotchei, fines, lairomc rr rycs, nms; worm or l etter, Hrald Head. Knlnrgement and Pain of tha jlonei ami joint, StuUi mi I'lcers. ftyplu litle Symptom. Sciatica or Kmnlsiiro, u incases nnsmg irom an mjum eioii use of Meicury, Droj- ! sy, EiiMWiirc or Impru dence in Hie also, Chronic Cnustt luttiial Din- . onler. til this medicine several inn irrnt bill very potent articles of the vegetable kiugilom are united, forming a cmipomkl entirely dincrent iu its phnrapter and pfterlie front any other pre iwrn turn, and nuri-.-alleil in its op4-rntio on the system when Uriioruig under disease. It shoukl he in the Kinds of averv pers-'n, who, hy bnmnene, or general course of life, i pretitMptfsed to the very many niHineiit that ren tier life a eurne, instead nf a hksiting, and h i often result in deuth. FOR SCrTuH LA. nr. Drake's Panaern is reciiminctideil a a pertain retneilv. ! Not one instance of i!i failure ha ever occurred when free ! ly used ! It purps tie; disease and nt tlieisune time iuiparts j vigr to the wh'ile system. Scnfulon iers Mis ran never i pnv too much attention to the state of their bl'd. Its pn ! ri(icntiu h'nld be their firrU aim ; for perseverance will accomplish a cure of evrn ukhkpitaht disease. FOR EKt'PTiOXrToF TIIKSKI.X. Senn'y, Be.irlMitie AiTeetion. Turn r, While Swelling, En-sipclas, I'lcers, tanceri, Ruuuitig Son, r?(dsi nnd llifp. Dr. l)rwke' Pumicca cannot he t hitrhly exttdled ; it srurrhes out the Very ot of the disease, and permanent. IXttlr.FaSTlON fR DYSl'KIWA. No medicine rM-rlcip ha ever lieen disc vcrd which give much t uie ! the stomach and catinc the secre tiou of n healthy gastric juice to decompose the ft! a Dr. Drake's Puiiaceu I HllTKMATISM. Dr. Drake's Pwiacea is nil with the greatest sueces iu j Ithemuntic romuhiuts, especuilly such us chronic. It cures I by driving t ut nil iuipuritie and foul iuiiu airs which have nccmuuliiieti m t lie system, which ore lite cause ot Kheiv , inatim, Gout, and Swelling"! the joints. Other remedies sometime! give temporary relief; this entirely eradicates i the dixeiifelri'ui tin-kj it em, even when the limbs und Ixinei t are urwrniuny iwoiicn. COXSlMl'TIO.X. ' CoNt MrTioM c rs era eii. Coimh, Cuturrh, Ur n- . cluti. S.nJtinir ol HI ml. Aft lima. Dniieult f-r ir iuse F.x i ectorati ni. lleir'ie Fhuh, X:lit Switatt, Pain in the side tVc. have been cured, und can be with a inueli certainty us j any other dn;ae. A specJ ie has l ing tceii Might Inr, hut in "vain until Ihe disc ierv of Dr. Drake's lNuucea. It is I miht :md -ile hut certain und eiliculi'iu iu it? operation, mid cami t p'tftohly in.mre Ihe iifttt ihlintte e 'iiMitutimi. Ve would earnestly ree immetid those aillicteil t igive it a I trial and we lu tit-vc they will n t have oceasi 'ii to regret it. 1 lie flvftem i clfunscu nml r t react ucucd. the nlrrr on the lungs urc lira let I, vnd the pat i rut gradually regniu their j Ilt-illlll HIHI IXICIIIII. lIMtl IIIC 1 'UOWIIIg ; TITI.MONY. I'iitla.. Dee. 11th. 1S7. Dear Sir : In reply to your quenttt'ii respvtiug the use of Dr. Drake's panacra. I will iv. that although a perfect tli nl reliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure tor all disfapes, howevi vuliiahk: it may he iu certain c Miditioiis of the Myslem, still I have believed tliut a cure I r 0 u.uiil I it'll W'-Mild Im dine ivrred s iir or biter, und '.Mill isity led me to try your medicine in two very inveterate piiki. Tliy were pnni uihp1 hy the altendiuir physician to Ire l'tn.MONAitv cox-irMPT!o. and nhaudoiied ,by them u is- ci rhi.k. One o the per m h id lieen under the treat ment of si'Vend very uhle prat liliMteis t'ornmmiber of years, nail they said she hail .rid fash i inn I C-innmnpliou can hi ne wilh Scrofulu,'? und tliut she might linger for aome lime, but could n it Ire permanently relic veil. In Irotii cases the eltect i the liniaecn lias tmti most grut living. Only four or five b ttle were ustil by ne of the per hik 1k tore she began to improve rapidly. "The other took nhrnt ten. 1 will onlv familiar as I nut with c 'UMuniition bv inheritance nml by extensive trbnrrvalion ua a study, and f knowing ulsi the inutrioiiM eirects in nine canes nut ot ten t tar. iMticset, niiu otuer vegeiahie tonics, us well as ol many ot the Pxmctornntsnitd s,iivcs, I should never linve 1 rcconmieiidfd the use of Drake's I'atmceu it' 1 had not been I acq i minted with the ingredients. tnthee it Vi suy tliat these re lectriiimemieo uj tmr in-mi n rpurnr anil seienliUP pnysi ciaus, and tn their prest tit ctHulaiitAl state, I'orm probuLrly the iM-st altenitive tluit lias ever lieen nndp. The cure is in necordaiH'e wilh a lheiry of CinsuiupfiMi hrimchctl in t nuMe a lew years airo, hy one H her most ettiuieiit wri tcrs on nipilicine, and n iw establuUied by fucts winch ad mit ol no ilispilte. Very lipspepti'ully Vutin, 1,. C. filTNN. Ti use ihe Uinguaire of HinHlier, Di. Urukc's Panacea iu always salulnry in its ctTects never injurious. It is not as Opiate it is n 4 and Kxppt'mmt. It is not intenired to lull the invalid into n lata! security. It is a great remedy -a grand healing nml curative c ariptaiud, the great aivtt only reiiifdy wiiicli medical seifiice ainl skill has yet prsHlucuil for the treatment nl this hithertti nncniHiniTed malatlv. Ami no pers 'ii otHieted with this dnrul disease, will Ire just to himseli ami his friends, It he go d wn to the grave without testiuji Its virtues. A single l Mile, in mst if inert, will pri duce u lavorable cluinge iu the eonditi n ol' uny ittieiit, h iwever low. ' TO TIIK LAPli:?. Istidie of nnle pouiplexi u nnd c 'iisuuijitivp ha! tits, and such as are dcluliutcd by lli'iM uVtructioni which fenuiles nie hal'U 1 1, are restored bv the me of a In Mile or two, to blimi vigor. It is hy far the trest remedy cvrr discovpred fur wejikly children, and such ns have lud humors; being pleasant, they take it. It immediately restores the apH.ttle, strength and color. Not hiii? can be more surprising than ha invigorating ef fects on the human Ira me. JVrs -lis, all weakness and las situde before takin it. ut once Irecomo rot Hist and full of energy under its influence. It immediate count erne ta the iiervelctTuicaw ol' the leumle frame. CAVTION. He parel"ul and see that you gtt tha genu- inc. lr. Prakk's PaNack it has the signature of Obo. F. I Storks on the wrainKT nml also the nuiue n. DliAkK't I Panacea. Pun. a." blown in the glass. Prepnrei I only hy tToit rt A i'o., Druggists, Xo. itl Norlh- Kixlb M., rhilailclplna. Agent for Pualx.rv H. MA 18111 . S.ld als,i by Wit. A. Mubrax A Co.. Danville II Phaef ra, Miltou;MABv McCor, Northuinlrerland; K. P. I-itz, Bloomnbuig. April lt 1A ly THE CHEAP Itrusli, Comb and Variety STOliE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, BKI KII M AM FACT! RKRS, AND DEALERS IX COMBS & VARIETIES No 9 North Third, below Ruee St. and North E.tst can'ier nf Third und Market ttree, 7HIZ.ADBX.PHZA. AT7"IIERE they offer lor ta t a general atsort ' ment of all kinds of Brushes, Comba and varieties which tber are determined to aell Lower Iban ran be purchased e sevhere. Country Merchants anil others Purchasing in he above line wil fun! it to their advantage to call before purchasing e'sewhere aa the quality and prices will be ful'y guaranteed against ail competition. Philadelphia, June 3, 1818 ly. CHEAP 1TEW GOOES. John W. Friliag, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and euttoinert. that be haa jutt received and opened a splendid attortment of GOODS, consis ting of Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Sec. Tba public are invited to call uml examine for themselves. Sunbury, May 6, 18 IS tf Pictorial Edition or d'Aublgne'a great Work ou I lie iteforniatlon 0FM F THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER. ANY. SWITZERLAND, fcU. Will be published or. or about tha 1st of April, 1848, by JOS. A. SPEEL, No 06 Cherry at. above 61 h, hia splendid 12 mo- edition of tbe above named work, with 18 engraved illustration! from ori ginal detignt; 4 volt in t, bound in extra eletb and library theep. The publisher retpettfuliy cant tna attention of tbe trade and the public generally, to tbit work being the only illustrated edition published in tba United States Ht trustt that the beauty of ita embellishments, tbe atrong and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with tha known popularity nf Ihe work itaelf, will be sure recommendation tn public favor. J09. A. SPEEL, Cherry at. above oth. J. A. 8 haa alto lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell'a Rare Show, auitable book for children, neatly done up id estmclotb. Philadelphia, April 1, ! GIESDfeSON. Commisaion nnd Forwarding MBSOBAlCTBs Kt. 48 Commerce 8frrt iVfrntf. BALTIMORE Will receive and sell all kinds of Country Pro dure Floor, Grain, he. N. B. Particular attention given to the sate of Lumber. And canh advances maa on' con signments, when required. ApriJ 1, 1848. 4m SALAMANDER, FIRK AND T1IIEP PROOr dlEST. FIRE PROOF DOORS Ftm BANKS AND STORKS Seal and Lctter-Corryrnrr Prpases, Patont Slate-Lined Rpfrifjcrntora. Wafpr Fil ters, Patent PorhiMo tV'atpr Clo at'ls, intended for tlio Sick nml Infirm.' evans & w.vrsox, 76 South Ttirf Sirett, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. MannfuctPTe and keen constant "Ttt' ud. n kirgo asirtnient of ;lf;i;ir the nltove Articles, together with MyfWC their Fafent Imnnived Salamander iWVtfi KiKIvFRtKJF SAFES, which Jf4-tflp ere constructed oi to let at rest 'r wisJ.ifh all inoimeT of doubt ni to thru ifisr tn-ing strictly flre-nnof. ami that m-T will rrpisi iiiu nro n nny hnilHitttr TIim rtiitsitlp pnc of liiese Sate are made nf boiler ir.Jt, the inside nine of rwp alone, nnd letverii the outer case find inner case i a pnce of some three inches thick, nnd i filled in with indentrDe tihle inatriial,soit to make it nn imptSNibUirv to burn any in i no conieuis nisiue oi this i. iiest. These tSatipstone ?a tainander we are prepared and do ciiallenge the world to produce nny article iu tbe shape if HN'kSjfc Unit will stand a much heat, nml we h M mirelve ready nt nil time to have them fairly , tested by puhlie bonfire. We alsop intinuc to mamtfoeture a kirgnnml trencr.d nssort mcnt of onr Premium Air-tight Fire lreit Safes of which there are over WK) now in nsc, nnd iu every instance thev have given enttie sntisfaclion to the purchaser of which wc will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use. Haywood A Snvder. Pottsville: J seph O. TaUWUm Pottmlle; Mr . AViUinm Cnrr. Dn lesPmn, Pa. K. A ti. Taylor. Pin north 3d st.i A Writrht & Nephew Vine st. whart ; Alexander Canir, Convevaiicer, comer of Fillert nnd nth t; John M. F'rd. ft? n-'irth .'Id st.; Mver Hush, 9, ti -nh lst.; .lame M. Iaul. 101 .nth 4th Dr. David Jnyne, H s-uuh :itl rt.; Mathew T. Miller. 520 sMtth 3d st.; nnd wo c uH name nne hundreds of tthers It it wcrcueccKsnry. Now ve invite Ihe attention of the puhlie, nnd particularly those in want of Fire Proof Safe, to en II nt our More before purchasing elsewhere, and wp can satisfy them they will get a Iwiter nnd cheaper article at our store than at any other establishment in Ihe pity. We nhn manuiaelure the ordinary Fire Pre if t 'bests, nt nt very low prices, cheaper than they pan be bmght nt any other store in Philadelphia. DAVID EVANS, JOHANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, April 9, 1?lSly WESTERN XCH YOSK COLLECn OF IIHALTII, 207 Main street, Buffalo. jV. 1". nn. g.c. VArcnixs Vegetable Lilhonlrijitic mixture. rpjIIS celebrated remedy i consttintty iiK-ruising its fume X by the many cures it i unking A IX OVKK THK WOULD. It ha now bee urn the only im dieiue fr family uh?, und is lurlicuLirU- recLiuiuene'l ir l)KOiV: till stage of i hi cmiplaint iimuciliatcly relieved, no matter ot how long, MUtutling. See l'hainphlet for lestiui uv. CIIAVIU., and ull dicne of the itrinan organ'1 ; for these ditr rul ing con iphi i nt s it stands alone ; n other article can relieve you ; and the cure tertiflrd to wille uvinee Ihe uionI skep. ticul see inmplilet. Lirr C'liiplniut. llilli um itiecusert, FEVEH & At; UK. Tu tlic Orrnt 'r1 miH-riullv, nn,l whrrovi'r llieso iiiln- plaint prevail this ineilieine is i llVrcd. NO MINERAL AGENT, no deleterious compound is a part of litis mixture, it cures these disease with certainly mid celerity, und does not leuve the system torpid. See Vumphlet. a complaint of a most paiu.iil diameter, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cure follow by a few days use of thisarticle ; it is fur beftrra any other prcsration for this disease, tr forauy other disease originating from impure hi rod. fVe pam phlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak buck, wenkuess of the Kidneys, Ace., or intlainmn tioii of same, is immediately relieved by a few day use of this medicine, and a cure is always a result uf its utt. It sttuids ai A CERTAIN REMEDY, for wieli poinplaiiirs, and also for dcnuigemeuti ot the IV- uiaic irami. lltKEUULAIUTI ES, SUPPRESSIONS, iHiiuful menst mat ions. No article has ever been ofl'cretl except this which would touch this kind of derangements. I It muy le relied upon as u sure and ellcclivc remedy, mid did we feel permittil to do so cmld give A THOUSAND NAMES. ns proof of cures iu this diKtresMug cbuw of p nn plaints. See inmphlet. All broken down, drbilitnted c-Hislitiitioiis from the eil'ect ol mercury, will find the bracing power of this article to act immediately, and the piisoiioua umierul erudicated from thesYstem. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the nlteintive properties of this article. PURIFY THE BLOOD. and driven such discuses frnu Ihe syMem. See jiamplili't ftir testiiiiony of cures in all ilist lines, which the limits of nn advertisement will not ptniut to be mimed here. Agents flive them uwuy ; they c uiTaiii iti jKigi-s of ccrtificotts of tigh eliaructcr. and a firougrr ARRAY OF PR(X)F of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one ol' the peculiar features of thit article tliat it ncvtir (nils to benefit in any can, nnd if hone und uuiM-le tu c left t'i build u pit i let the emaciutcd anil liageriug invalid HOPE ON and keep tnkiiur the metlicinc us ng at there is an im provement. The proprietor wouM CAUTION THE PUBLIC against a uumtrer of urticles which ciue out under thr head of SARSAPARILI.AS. SYRl PS, kC, as cures for Urtipsy, tJ ravel, tcv.i They ure go.d for no thing, and concocted to gull the unwarv ; TOUCH THEM NoT Tlieir iuvenl irs never lhoui:lit of curing such diseases till this article haddiiieit. A (urliculur ktudy of the iaui phlet is turnestly ilicited. Agcttli and utl who sell the article arc GLAD TO t lKl l'LATE gratuitously. Put up in 30 ox. botiles, at ; 12 oz. do ut ci each the larircr holtliiar li oz. more than two amull Un ties. look out und get imp 'sed upon, l'.very Kittle 1ms 'Vaughn's VcgetaUe lathontriptic Mixturp,' bltwn up-hi the iriass. the whiten hil'ii ilnre irt tt. t Vanglm" ou the direclitins, and "ti. C. Vaughn, HuiV-il stauip on the eifk. None other are Benuuie. Irepur-i bv Dr. (i. C. Vaughn, ami ld at the lriiHt;al Olfice, -7 Alain at reel, liuil'ulo, at whoU-sale und retail. No ullentnni given to k t ters unless post paid order from regularly constituted Agents exeeptetl ; post paul letters, or veruui ctuuiuuica ti nts ilieiiiii!r advice, nrmni-llv allemlcil to irnitis. Otfiees devotetl exclusively to the atle ol this ailiele I'.t-l Nassiuu st. New Yorkeitv: tfu Fjyiexst.Salcin. Mass.; atitl hv the priueii;tl l)ruirgitilhrai;liout the I'liited States ami LHiutou, as Agents. list oi Airents. Stnrrs it pi.. AVh 'h-sule A cent Philadel phia J. V. p riling, Suulairy Isaac timrhaii. St'liitrgrovH O. A. Wyeth. leewisburtr II. I. ShetiVr, Millon Hayes tx Aiefjonmi'K, ntchAveiuivilie .mim .lleLtn, Aoruiumuer kind. April I, lslf y FHKSII FAXCY and STAPLE DBY GOODS, .11 th: New SToaa A'o 79 Arch ttreet. between id and 9d North tide, Philadelphia rPHE tiibtcriber invitet narticilar attention tn A bia large and splendid assortment of nru and choice I'tlti of Dry O.wrfit romprmiig a general variety of tbe mot desirable kinds of lire it Ma teriale, Shawl; Glove; Hutieri, lmhrinkable Flannrli, Worked f ullart. Sombr e, Jaconet, Mult. Nan$mk. and Plniil Mmlint, Linen Cam' owe and Pocket Hilkfs, Black It at an Cra vol; otbera too numerous to anveinte'. IRISH LINENS AND FURNISHIXG GOODS Particular attention is given to Linens and Fur nithing Goodt, generally the etork it large, and the privet wilt be found muca- lower man u.u al. havinv been nurchated at Auction at sacrifr ced ratea. The fabric are warranted pure flax and from the beat inakere. ( rtAKLES ADAMS P. S. Peraont wishing Flain and Medium ttylet of DrtH Good and Shawb, will nnd choice variety. Philadelphia, April 1, 1818 NEAV AND CIIEAr "C9T received, at tht Hort oi Hnv Mt tit, choice Mtortment of DRY GOODS, Grdttrisa Liqtf$ Palmleif and other haU, all or wbici wtu p told ! Jwt pnoet. SMburi Jun 3, U48. WW wiUGirrs Indian Vegetable Fill. Thia medicine is entnimmiiM on general priin-ijiln, fn,n the pure, uiuulnlteratn hrrlia of Ihe Indian. Atlbniifela there are rmiir meilleliies cnllrl hy the rime name, every ma Is aware that there Is a t cry troit differance among them. Trrwe of lliem Unit are ended "In Jinn," have stolen the name from us, wlw were the first to introduce a prepn red Indian medicine to Ihe American pnUie. Of ennrse a similaritr of name d ies nut errote a simitirily in tli elisr arter oClhe medicine. Wright's Indian Vegrtnlile Pills are disliupiiflml fur llielr perfnet ndnptntlon to the human b xly In their oper alion, they do exactly what n tlnre dues, and nothing irka-e. They Imre a roca-roto actios, upon the Inngr, skin, Sid neys and bowels, llenec their piwiiliar power over diacaae. By promoting perspirati m, they break upCoi.D Cofoil., RiiRratATir CoMn.iHT, Pais l!i Tna Back, CanvtLA, CtTASEors Eavrrio!!,, Pii,s, MLeTcmu, Fukcsua, KrirniPRLsa, tec. Tie ncllnn of the Pills ou Ihe kidneys mrh as to make' them a viilujiMe lillioiilrlplte. DnnpftY, RttAL, and f'A mai.r Comvuim-., arlfiing fnan oltmclioin at certain periilii, art pes!i1y ri'tnoveil by Ihelr use. A free KxrwroKATin fn.m Ihe lungs is excited l.y U:a nye of Wright's liidiim Vrjretnble Pillii, tlins temovuiei Piiliiionnry Cianpbitita, turb as A.TrtMA, nnoftcnna, A.num, An Tnn rNM or rim BrsvT, Conglu 9ro, r. Ity Ihrlr nrlion on the SroM.vcir nnd Bowr.i.., iW Pil!a enre i)TM't:riiA. I.ivkr Complaint, Palpitation op Tna IIfjrt, Fi.ati lp.xct. ro.TKHNR,-, Fehs of nil kiitila. Pleurisy. Hcndnche, (iiiklim, Dysentery, Pilca and a,t disorders of the Intivtinre. Taken in annll d is,'., Wright's Indian' Vegemlje Pille Imvoihc an Altkrxativr ine.liriiiR, of great sairrhing ef- Hcnry, for the enre of Pimm nf nil kinds, Trttrs, Tt'Mons, JAVSDICR, llVNRSOF !PIIIIT, SKt RAlBIA, RA5II, Paixs m tiik Hiink, Arc. These Pills nli Thnnaighty brink lip Ixpli-p.sra, in whieh compkiinl thry are exlrem.-ly valuable. In ItTLion. Complaint,, these Pills exercise a complete mastery. Hence Frver and Ant r is speedily cnreil hy th iifp nf them, tn Ihe Western and f uithorii Slates, where thia ilim-nw m wll- pmniUt, theaePilK-gnlike an Aviilanche. Whilellii-y are cheaper thai! the feA'er and Ague remedies in genernl, Wright's Indian Vi-gclahl, Pill, huvo liceir pr iiouni-il suiK-rior to all of them. Indeed, it w.'uld np. panr that if there is one c anplnint over which there Pint have m ire pinver Hum another, it it Feybii asp Aata. l'or destrcrj ing and exiclliiig Worma, no Vermifuge ia snpcrl T to thine Pills A lib 'Ugh we h:ive not taken pains to maki'this fact puhlie, the lnertl nf lite mnticine itself hns ncqiiireit fnr it nn extensive repntniLai nnd Kite for the re movnl of Wohma Adniinisleriil tn adults or chiklrcn, thtf effit of Ihe Pills ia cpnlly radical ati.1 decisive. Alt wht sull'iT fnm Worm, ah Milil hy all uu.-uns. use AVright's Ii. dial! Vegetal, Ie Pills. In fni-l, no one can g- niniiu? iu Ihe use nf this medicine They are ualtind to the Jmdy as fond is. A trial wilf ennvincc the skeptical that Wrighl's Indimi Vegetable Pilla fur frnin la-ing a cumnion u(U:ick ln,et ruin,'1 are decidedly the m.irt vnl'talile medicine eveni.Tcreil to Ihe public. Beware orsiignr Coated Counter fell. HcuieiiilitT tliat the oriiii'd imd iuly goniiine Indinn VcpetuMe Pills hnve the vvtittrnii?ii;i1ure of Wm. WrijfM on t)ie toplulrel uf each 1k1. rnn tTiiphC-i Indian Vegetable iMIls Henry Mssser, Sunbury, E. &. .1. KaulTiiLin, AuehsI.i township. John H. Vine nt, Cliillisquaque'. Kate Si lleigstreuer, Ely-huri;.. Sinincl Herb, Little Malum. iv, William Deppeu. Jackson. Ireliiiil ard llaynes, Mi-Eifft nvifte." William lleinen & Drmher, Millnh. t'oiyihe, Wilson & tin., "Soittiumberlartii James Heed, Pollnumvc. G. W. Scott. I'tdehvillo. W. & Il Fi Rrly, StiAmnkiiilimn. Khoileii & Farrow. SnyderKtown, AmosT. Ileiti I!, Turbutsville. Bcnueville Hul.hue, ("pper Mahonoy.- J,hnG. Henn, ilo ir E. L. I'ii'er, Vatioiitnwrr. Wholeeiitx, st the office ainl genernl depot, 169 It ice tt Hiilicklpl.iu. July 8, 1848. ly In preactititiR the puhlie witli a remedy for tlie treatment uud cure of Fkvm anu Aiii B and otlu-r bili-Hui dixeuaeH. no UxU'i:y ii neeslcd. Vuvt iiiuiiIkth in the Tnited Mute, who Milter iroui tiune Qnectioun ui tlieir vnrteil lorinn, ure 'luiH'lled to tet-k relief lrvin other Hoiircesthun the iiuine- dinte irtnriptiou8 of the rcfrulur )liyticiun. lt Uecomeii therefore an object of Immunity, us well hi of public inter est, to uriiur, before them a remedy prepared fiom much ex- MTience, miu wiucn muy aiwm ii no reiieii upon u i afr,' KPPKCTL'AL, ANU 11 AH ML Et" TO TIIK COXBTITLTIOS. Tlml nuch ih the true cliurncter of ihe INDIA t llOl.A'KXil K, in amply uttettiett by the uuiverbsd kucc wilh which it liar been e initio, ed. ttf lsXtrt-ei i rum b Ponimmueulion i r the Hon. u il t a m V uf the L". S. iH'ii'jtt. late Governor vf .Michigsiu. PliTHOlT, Oct SI, Doc ro riiAias Osooor., Dear ir, I Imve reml with much UU' rtr. vour little Thaka tuk Uon the eiiufk'n, tretiiuieiit ;u"l cure" of tha 'brile iiiw4iH'n winch uhvp w) extcnuivi lv trpuiletl in in.r eiHintn duriiur the lust few m mthi nn interval increnueit d-mlH, hy the luel licit I have mdivtilffiily utiiiereil i imieli f rom them. Thouuli I (ed imwtf very iuc.uiiDetciit lu judtre kiifely upon a MibjePt' ai cut i My pml'i twioiiHl, yet your I heory eeuiH t me well reuamiA;, tmtl your oonelu Nioim just, tiud I lliiiik willud. tlmt your (uunphlet u culcu- luieu to pioutV'e miicii pnicuiu ifi. Sguiikuig oi the uiodu iiie he mtyti It fully jiudified your ll.'itterintf expeeUdioiiN. nml ns u wfe, convenient, and popu lar rcimtly, my own experience, a i fur, iiului f nie to be cc in.ii it will prove ti prent puisiic U-iiciit. 1 utu nVni t i It-irti lurt y.tu hnve recently ertrdilifihed nevcrtil ai;cnrua for iu disp.ition th uvli I regret tliut, with n view to a iu in tteiierul ('uMMiiiimitk-n h it, yu should lutve ft mud if n.-tis try to remove fr-mi your pre?eut residence uuioflir ita IV. i 1 ...1. I 1. tl... i I... c Your obliged yervnut. WI! MAM WooOHKIIKiE. W From Hon. Kthphkn V. K. Tuowbjiiduk.ui Michi gan Mate imte. to the Ajivnl id Detroit. IllRUlXt.llAM. A kLAXD I t l., UCP. Jl, 1811. Sir you w wh ine to inform uiu M-liui 1 kiMtw of Dr. 0f nkI's tudiu I'IhiLijt (rue, ur tinlUbili us metlieiiie. 1 du1 U-lieve tliut if the urine, and ellie.iey ofdtis medicine were (."nenilly kiK vnt the rrvnt and auix w-mUl diasipjtcnr iu .iiieiiian. I pracur d a u 'Ine in Ihe npitmr or l-4f, ami lime fond reiuton 1 1 believe that myt-li ami Immly eseupctl the ugua lust MiMRon in o 'use(ur uce ot its line. Perhups in 11 1 summer auwe the sellleinent it this fine neiimatiii, hiis the fever nnd npue been in preiniut as the' Litt. 1 h:ive ree 'imneudcd th.s iiitvliciuo m nuineroua tipv niiutees, and when the dineawe Imd become hxed und IkiAImI the akill H phvKieinAs; nud 1 have never knowii U tail. IJ hns n i nver sully produced the m t luippy cil'ccu, and I bet lieve il liu tievor been cxceedtHl by uuy luedtcinc in rem o-1 Viuif the bili'Mis d;seues of the climate. Yours, rcaiieclftillv. Fn;.'Hi: v. k. trowiiridgk. A reni f.r Hiiut.urv II. H. M AS-KR ; NorihumlterlHiMl, WrflllwroM' A'r. ; MUt n, J II. llASUitj cIimv rr .ve. MAY t KI.OK. May 6, IH)- if. Time and IMntanco S: ved I SUNEURY FERRY, rMHK subset ibera having leased tha Sunbur 1. Kerry, beg leave to inform the public, that Ihey are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure Carriages and Foot passengers across the river with safely and without delay. They have pro vided themselves with neW and commodious eraftt, which will always be attended with able and rarefut bamli. Penoni travelling to and from and through? Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburj, Hartletoiv and other placet, will rind it greatly to their adi vantage to cross tf thit Ferry instead; of tha Bridget, at tbay would save from two to four milet in distance. JOHN SPF.KCE. LEWIS LENHABT. Sunbury, April I, 1818 13 O ARDING-. riHK subscriber is prepared to receive anifao X commodata a few Iransieat or permanenr Bnardert, at her reaideace ia Sunbury. The lu cation it in a handsome and pleasant part of tn town, commanding a fioe view of the S usque hau--na, Northumberland and tba acanery adjacent To peraona ftom the city, who wish to tpend a few months during tha tummer season, Sunbury affords dalicbtfiil retreat, ANN C MORRIS. Apail 184S m 1 . 3 I Phlladalpb., June 81, !. ly