SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. ARRIVAL OF THE STE.VMS11IP - CAMBRIA. lirtH BATS LATER FROM BUROfB. THE FRENCH REPUBLIC 11 DAWOEB. PARISFILLED WITH TROOPS. DMAFFEfTION OF THE SOLDIER V. CIVIL WAR APPREHENDED. The steorashirTcambrm, Captain Harrison, from Liverpool, arrived at Boston at 7f o clock on Friday moriniig. - ' The Cambria loft Liverpool on the 17th instant, arrived at Halifax on the 28th, anil left again the same day for this port. She had passengers from Liverpool to Boston, and eight from Halifax to Boston, renimerclnl. The commercial news by this arrival is not very favorable. The cotton market con tinued dull and depressed, and on some de scriptions there had been a slight decline. Thero was no prospect of improvement. The com market was also dull and prices were receding. The weather continued fa vorable - for the growing crops, and conse quently thero was no speculation in the mar ket. The reports from the manufacturing districts of England and Scotland do not im prove, and trade there continued gloomy and discouraging. Mnnev continued abundant. First class bills now discounted at 3 per cent. The Bank of England reduced its rate from 4 to 3i per cent. From all parts of Great Britain, the accounts in relation to the growing crops are eheerin: in the hiirhest degree. The weather continued of tho most favorable char, acter, forcing them forward with great rapidi ty and luxuriance. England. Though the weather has for some time been, and still continues favorable for the growing grain crops, expectations as to the probable result r this year's harvest are cer tainly not KiiiEiiine. Even wheat, decidedly the best cron of nnv, is not very favorably sp:ken of, and nil spring corn and pulse is believed to have been so much injured by the drought in May as to render a. good yield almost impossible. Within tho hist few days there have been vague reports of the potatoes showing symptoms of disease, but as yet we have, we are happy to say, had no evidence of a character to induce us to be lieve that there is any foundation to appre hend a recurrence of the disorder by which this crop has been visited the last few years. The private letters from the United States by the Caledonia nre very discouraging, as they intimate that tho importations 'for the fall trade are likely to be very light. The nomination of General Cass, as the Democratic, candidate for the Presidency, was calculated to affect prices unfavorably, from his well known hostility to England, manifested while he was in France, and also in the United States Senate, by his motion to seize the whole of Oregon. A strong belief, however prevailed that Gen. Taylor will be success ful. The unexpected return of Prince Louis Na poleon for Paris, as well as for the depart ment of Yonne, the Sarthe, and the lower Charente, has caused great embarrassment tc the Government. Having already admitted three members of the Bonaparte family into the Assembly, it is difficult to find a decent pretext for the exclusion of a fourth, who, though a pretender against the government of Louis Phillippe, sets himself up now as a sincere Republican. The chief subject of discussion in political circles, and the source of serious alarm to the Republican parties, is the diffusion of the (spirit of imperialism throughout the country) but more especially in the army Several regiments have shouted "Vive l'Empereur!" many more have cried J'Vive Louis Napo leon !" When the name of Louis Napoleon was announced from the steps of the Hotel de Ville, the roili.; who were on the place raised their caps on the tops of their bayon ets in token of exultation. Proceedings of the Assembly Speech of M. P. Bonaparte. The President took the chair on the 12th instant. After the readiugof the process verbid, the President said that M Pierre Bonaparte had asked permission to speak. M. P. Bonaparte Citizen, I am much agi tated and annoyed to mount this tribune to bring before you a name. I only expected here to be called on to speak on principles. Thero is a name that has been in every mouth, that of Prince Louis Napoleon Bona parte. I am his relation, his friend ; but I declare here that I am wholly a stranger to the previous proceeding of my cousin. I am here a represntative of the people. I should have despised cerium reports in the journals; but these reports have become of such a na ture that a citizen who possesses honor can no longer keep silence. Whence comes these reports? I do not know. But what you all know is, that there exists at this moment par ties hostile to the Republic. They are com posed of a feeble minority, and of the least respectable of the country What then would be more probable what more natural than to see such a party make use of this name. Is that tho reason for chnrging Louis Bonaparte with the responsibility of their act i Ou going yesterday evening to the Minister of the Interior and Prefect of Police, to speak to them on the subject, the latter replied to me, "Youi cousin is altogether a stranger to what has passed, as we believe, and a fur you your name has not been men. tinned- 1 was at tho council of the Govern ment to-day, and 1 can assure you that noth ing has beeu done against your relative." Reassured by these words I was astonished when some of my friends informed me to-day that a law was intended to be passed against iny cousin. I now demand of the Govern' inent an explanation to this. M. Flocon, Minister of Commerce, objected tliat the question was not in order. The order of the day was then called for. After this, a scene of great interest and ex citement occurred in the National Assembly, The order of' the day was a bill opening a credit of 25,000 francs a mouth for the use of Government, and 75,000f. for secret service money. This brought out ail attack on the Government, by M. Seraises, who declared the executive power had totally failed in the necessary energy lor the conduct of public affairs. T This attack brought Lamartine) upon the tribune, and the following scene occurred : M. Lamartine mounted tho tribune. He appeared much moved, and looked very pale. Passing by the question in deliberation, he applied himself at ence to the defence of the administration. He explained why and wherefore the Government had considered it its duty to proclaim a Republic ; but the Re public thoy wished was a Republio of order. M. Lamartine pronounced this word with emphasis. At this moment he was unable to conceal his emotion, and was requested to rest for a moment. When he resumed his countenance was more downcast than before, and just then were rumors that shots had been fired, that an officer of the National Guard had been seriously wounded. M. Lamartine himself announced, the deplorable event, and said that three shots had been fired at M. C. Thomas, the commander of the National Guard. (Here the cry was heard of "Vive l'Empereur Napoleon!" responded to by cries of "Vive la Republiqnel" "Vive la Republiqne ! but no procriptions!" cried M. Larabite. Considerable agitation pre' vailed in the hall. One of the National Guard had received a shot in the stomach and the blood was seen to flow.) I am obli- ged, said M. Lamartine, with considerable emotion, to interrupt the sjeech which I pro posed addressing to the Assembly, in order to submit a decree which onght immediately to bo passed in order to stop the movement at present going on. - A member : Lot us vote by acclamation (Cries of "Yes, yes.") The greatest agitation arose here. M. Lamartine: I have it here drawn up on the instant. It declares, considering peace had been disturbed and civil war had been commenced, though perhaps invulunta- rily, by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and that he had already twice made attempts for his own personnl ambition ; considering that the Executive Committee could not take the res ponsibility of the disturbances caused, or the attempts made now for a similar purpose, de clares the bill of 1816 ngninst the Bonaparte family; all remain in force against Louis Na poleon Bonaparte. (Tremendous applause.) The whole assembly rose with shouts of "Vive la Republique !'' This appears to have been regarded as equivalent to a vote in favor of the decree for the expulsion of the Bonaparte family; though the account is by no means clear. This vote, however, it will be seen by the next day's proceedings, was in efTect stultifi ed by a vote to allow Louis Bonaparte tojjike his seat in the Assembly on certain condi tions. After several other members had spoken, for and against the measure, M. Ledru Rol liu nddressed the Assembly : M. Ledru Rollin said This question is too important for the Government to allow the discussion to pass over without declaring its opinion. A judicial investigation has just commen ced, and it has been discovered that money has been distributed, and the house from which that money has come is known ; wine has also been distributed ; cries of "Vive Na poleon" have resounded in our ears, and the walls have been covered with seditious pla cards. Within four days three Napoleonist journals were established, preparing the can didatesship of Louis Napoleon as President. If the National Assembly thinks that no mea sure should be taken in the face of such facts, let it declare its opinion the Execu tive Committee does its duty, let the National Assembly do theirs. (Approbation.) Pros cription and the sovereignty of the people have been spoken of, and these words had no doubt their effect on us. But we are now statesmen, and reason must take the part of sentiment. (Approbation.) It has been said that Louis Bonaparte is a stranger to what is going on. That lias been the expression of every one but himself. Has he come and given his adherence to the Republic 1 I wish that those Republicans who are assem bled round the wallsof this building, and who allow themselves to be led away by generous sentiments, could hear my voice, for I would say to them, "It is a law of necessity, but which will be only temporary." As for those who have only placed themselves under this stand to work on the old souvenirs of glory against the Republic, there is no pity for them. (Approbation.) After much further discussion, and amidst great excitement, propositions for tho adjourn ment of the discussion, &c, &c, the question was put, whether M. Louis Napoleon should be, admitted to take his sent in the National Assembly ; and voted in the affirmative by a large majority. In consequence of this vote, Louis Napoleon is admitted to take his seat, subject, however, to prove that he is a French citizen. The following extracts are from the second edition of the London Times of the 16th : THE AXORICAIT. SUNBURY. KATURDAT, Jl'LY P, IS4. H. B. MASSER, E4ltr an Proprietor. E. W. CARR. Run buildiiar. N. E. Owner of M nd Dock streets, Philadelphia, is reaultirly authorized to receive advertisements and subscriptions for thia paper, and receipt lur lira mine. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. LEWIS CASS, of Michigan. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, GEN. WITT. O. SUTLER, of Kentucky. Far rannl Commissioner t ISRAEL PAINTER, of Westmoreland County. It- A number of new advertisement have crowded out other matter intended for publication, in a few weeks we shall have more room. fU Rain. We have had during the past week some very heavy rains. The earth, which had become parched by the hot weather of several weeks past, is now thoroughly saturated, and the Susquehanna and its tributaries, have become considera bly swollen. OIF" Harvest. A number of our far mers commenced harvesting a week ago, but the greatest portion of the grain is yet to be cut. The late rains have interfered with the progress of harvesting. Grain, generally looks well, and is, we believe, pretty generally free from rust, mildew, smut, &c. Our farmers will have much better crops than they had anticipated du ring the winter. From present appearances at home and abroad we think there will be a decline in the prices, but of this, of course, none can speak with certainty. There is no knowing what events may bring forth. CP The FomTir ok Jixy passed off at this place very quietly, though very pleas antly to many. There were several pic nic and other parties, and Sunday School celebrations. fD" Gen. Butler and Mr. Sevier have ar rived at New Orleans. The General met with a most glorious reception. . K7" The Cass and Butler Club, of this place, was organized in the Court House, on Wednesday evening last. A respecta ble audience was present. The meeting was addressed by C. J. Bruncr and C. W. Hegins Esq. KF Life Insurance. In another col umn, our readers will find an advertise ment of the Equitable Life Insurance and Trust Company," in Philadelphia for the purpose of insuring our lives and granting annuities. By the payment of a small sum annually, the person insured will secure at his death, a handsome sum for his family and heirs. Col. J. H. Purdy has been 'ap pointed agent at this place, to whom appli cation can be made. KF Holdens Magazine. We received the July number of this periodical, which is published monthly in New York at $1 per annum. The matter in it is equal to any of its more expensive contemporaries. !y In another column our readers will find the proceedings of the democratic meeting, held at Northumberland, on the 23d of June last. Gov. Dodge's Declination. What the 'Free Territory Party" will do for a candi date for the Vice Presidency is a puzzle. Gov. Dodge, after waiting, as he says, some days for information from the Convention of his nomination, deems it proper to delay no longer stating iiis inability to accept it. He says : "The State to which I belong was repre sented in the Baltimore Convention; the vote of that Slate was given to Messrs. Cass and nutter ; they were nominated : ana as one ol the citizens of that State, that nomination im mediately received my cordial concurrence and support, and will continue to do so." The draught of the constitution for France was said to be ready for presentation, and was referred to generally yesterday. Rumor st.ited that it would recommend a President who should hold oflice for four years, and that M. Arago would probably be selected for the post. Prince I.ouis Napoleon was also spoken of, but only it is believed, to bring him into discredit. A very strong petition to the Assembly was in course of signature, re commending M. Caussidiere for the office. "Strange to say," observes our correspondent, "neither M. Lamartine nor M. Ledru Rollin are mentioned as candidates." LATEST FROM PARIS. The DonapartUI Feeling lacreaaing I A Postscript to Willmer & Smith's Euro' pean Times, says the latest advices from Paris state that the Bouapartist excitement continues, and means are taken to keep it vigorous. Pamphlets in praise of Prince Louis Napoleon are strewed ubout the crowd' ed assemblies, and newspapers in his interest ure distributed gratis. Mrs. Polk, wife of the President, has fitted up the largest and handsomest house in Nash ville far their .reception, after the 4th of March. Having purchased (he mansion Nashville is to be their fuiuia permanent se. sulence. - KF" We presume our readers, as well as the readers of the Miltonian, will learn with the most profound grief, that the re doubtable editors of that redoubtable and most extraordinary paper, do not approve of our course in politics. Dr. Johnson once remarked to a presumptuous young man, who, said he could not understand him, that he was not bound to furnish him with both argument and understanding, which, we presume we should have to do, if we ever expected to convince the learned edi tors of the Miltonian. They cannot con ceive how we should speak well of a po litical opponent without supporting him. There are some men who have souls so small that they might be poised on the point of a cambric needle. Such per sons always view things through the nar row medium of their own contracted little ness. No one would ever suspect the Mil tonian of saying anything in favor of a democrat, or of advocating a measure not sanctioned by their party, unless indeed it would be in behalf of Uncle John the Judge, whose interest in the establishment, may have a controlling influence. Unfortu nately for the country, there are too many editors of both parties, who think that a blind and slavish adherence to the behests of the would-be leaders of the party, is the perfection of political consistency, and whose only idea of liberty and indeiien- dence, consists in the liberty to heap abuses on their ixilitical opponents, with indepen dence enough to hold in contempt such stale virtues as candor and honesty. We can ljardly suppose that the editors of the Miltonian, believe that we fear any com ments that they or any one else may choose to make on our articles. K" The democrats of the upper end must be under great obligations to the edi tors of the Miltonian, who profess to exer cise a fatherly care over them, and enligh ten them in their ignorance of political mat ters. The Miltonian has already informed them how the 'loco focos" of the lower end are going to manage matters. Our democratic friends of the Forks are no doubt aware of, and know how to appreci ate the services of the Miltonian, without which, they must long since inevitably have been lost. The "loco focos" of the lower end would however, be glad to know how much of all this disinterested service is owing to the fact that Mr. Frick is trying to make a Senator out of himself, and which he vainly imagines he can do by creating discord ai.iuug uir. uriinicrais. i oung man I you win nave to tarry a while longer at Jericho, rC7 That Medal. We stated last week that we thought a leather medal should be awarded to the editors of the Miltonian lor their extreme modesty in boasting of their circulation, since then, however, we have read the comments of the Sunbury Gazette on the subject, and are constrained to say that our neighbors of the Gasette are fairly entitled to the medal. ttJ" Breach in the Canal. A serious break occurred in the West Branch Canal, near Watsontown, during the heavy rains a few days since. A aumber of culverts have been washed away and the banks very much injured. It will probably require a month to make the necessary repairs. joyful moment of peace by the shedding of blood. The Patricio prisoners alluded to are John Riley, John Milton, James Mills, James Kelly, Hezekiah Aides, John Chambers, Charles William!", Peter O'Brien, Thomas Cassady, Samuel N.Thomas, John Daily, Martin Miles, John Bartley, Edward Ward, James Miller and Alexander McKee. Not a stage leaves the city of Queretaro for Mexico that is not robbed. One was lately plundered, in which was one of Gen. Herrera's Cnbinent. Many robberies and other outrages were daily committed in the city of Mexico, giving the police full employ ment. Letters from Zacatecas make mention of a threatened incursion of 2000 Camanches into tho State of San Luis. This news of course excited general terror. The Mexican papers confess that various outrages have been perpetrated upon their countrywomen, suspected of too intimate in tercourse with the American troops. ' Citv or Memco, June 6, 1848. Col. Sevier has been detained hero for sev eral days, because the Mexicans have not walked up to the chalk mark at the nppoia" ted time, to receive the $3,000,000 instal ment to be paid now. DEMOCRATIC MEETING AT NORTHUMBERLAND. Agreeable to notice a large and enthusiastic meeting of tho Democratic citizens of the Borough of Northumberland and Point Town ship convened at the House of James Hilbourn, on Friday evening June 23d 1848 to' express their opinions and response to the nominees of the Baltimore Convention. On motion WM. FORSYTH, Esq., was called to the chair, John Cake, John Leisenrino, John- Hummel and Wm. E. McDonald, Esq. Vice Presidents, John If. Miles and Isaac lhitlcl. spach, were appointed Secretaries. On motion of J. H. Morrison. Eq., a com mittee of 9 was appointed by the chair to dralt a preamble and resolutions for the ac tion of the meeting the committee were J. II. Morrison, James DietTenbacher, Geo. Evererd, Jacob Leisenring, C B. Reningrr, Dr. R. 11. MeCay, H. S. Thomas, Pembrook Leighou and Joseph Davis, who retired and in a short ime submitted the following resolutions, MR. VAN HIKE:'. The nomination of Mr. Van Buren is re ceived with the most opposite expressions of opinion. The Washington Union is particularly se vere upon him. It says: "He comes forward at this agitated time, not only to take part in a paltry souablcs a bout the regularity of a party convention, and the binding force of its action ; but when the most excitiug of all subjects has set the political elements in commotion, he steps forward, not to pour oil upon its troubled waters but to excite their rage ; not to appeal to the love of the Union not to rouse the generous catholic feelings of his countrymen not to imitate the spirit of Washington, and to confirm his warning voice against all sec tional interests and geographical parties , but to build up, on the most dangerous platform which has ever been laid, the most mischie vous of all parties in a confederacy of States northern free territory party, against the slave-holding Southern party. The Charleston Mercury is even more bit ter: It announced the L'tiea Convention us follows : It is said, too, that Mr. Van Buren has ac cepted the nomination. The '-Northern man with Southern principles!" John Quincy Adams over again. From the atbes of the old hater of the South has sprung a successor. armed with the same cause of resentment. and ready to wreak it with the same intensi ty of spite. Meantime the N. Y. Evening Post publishes the following letter, written by Gen. Jackson just before his death: Hermitage, June 24, 1844, "I cannot hope to be alive and witness the acclamation with which the people of the United States will call Mr. Von Buren to the presidency, nt the expiration of Mr. Polk's term ; but you will, and I know you will re joice at it, as the consummation of an act of justice due alike to him and to tho honor and fame of the country. I nm thus consoled for what would otherwise appear a capricious change in public opinion, relying, as 1 have always done, on tho superintending care ot the Almighty in all that concerns our beloved country. "With my kind regards to your lady and children, believe me your friend. Andrew Jackson. Hon. Benj. Butler." EltO.M MEXICO. By the New Oi leans papers of the 21st and 2 2d, we have later and interesting intelligence from Mexico, brought by the mail-steamships Trent and Maria Burt. The dates are from the city of Mexico to the 13th, and from Vera Cruz to the 15ih. Gen. Worth and his division, the lust of the army left the city of Mexico on 15th, af ter exchanging salutes, which were fired by both parties, before the American (lag was taken down, and after the Mexican flag was hoisted. Gen. Butler and Mr. Sevier had left the capital for Vera Cruz. Gen. Putterson and the Pennsylvania troops left Eucero on the 14th for Vera Cruz. Gen. Butler's order, pardoning all persons under sentence of death, and prisoners in con liuement, is published. It is accompanied by a letter to the President of the Philauthro, pic Society of Mexico, who applied for the pardon. He says : It will be seen horn those orders that I have extended a free and full pardon to all Mexican prisoners, including those of the company of San Patricio, and to all Ameri cans whom our own purposes of discipline do not absolutely require to be retained for time in confinement. The prisoners senten red for murder and robbery, in whose behalf is made your appeal of May 24, will be lib erated as soon as the troops shall have evacu ted this country. Their offene was of the blackest character ; buL, even in so grave a case, I have been urfwilling to desecrate the which were unanimously adopted viz: Whereas, it is right and the duty of a free people to come together and commune with one another for the good of one country and, Whereas, believing that the administration of one government upon pine democratic principles, is the only true and sure foumlit- ion upon which all the great interests of on beloved Union, can or will be preserved. Therefore. Resolved, That we adopt cheerfully the platform set forth by the Baltimore conven turn as one Platform e will maintain iiml support the principles set forth by that body, and with the motto inscribed upon our ban ners, we will once more go forth to victory. Resolved, That this meeting heartily con cur in the choice of the Democratic National Convention for President and Vice President Gen. Lewis Cass of Michigan, and Gen. Wm O. Butler, of Kentucky. Resolved, That with such men as Cass and Butler, knowing that they are Democrats of the Jefferson School, and possessing all the nullifications for the hiirh and distinguished offices, we will irive them a good old fashion ed majority in the state of twenty thousnnd. Resolved, That our nominees are entitled to the confidence and support of the People of these United States, both Pioneers of tho West. Thev have both marshelled the hosts f American freemen in their mighty and successful struggle, for independence and both led our citizen soldiers in repulsing fo reign aggression nnd maintaining our Nation al freedom. Resolved, That we believe our principles are founded on truth and that they are caleu" lated to advance tho prosperity and happi ness of the wholu people, nnd that our candi dates are known to the whole country, as well qualified to (ill tho places for which they have been selected we have every confidence in their election by a triumphant majority of the American people. Resolved, That we will one and all give our hearty aid and use our best efforts not only for the success ; but for an unexampled been administered on true democratic princi ples ana to tne promotion of all great inter ests, and to the honor and safety of our glo rious Union. James Dieffenbacher, Esq., offered the fob lowing resolutions which were adopted by the meeting. Whereas, the glorious 13th congressional district is at this time misrepresented by Jas. Pollock, Esq., whose election was accomplish ed bv distention in our own ranks in the neighboring counties. Therefore Resolved, That we recommend Alexander Jordan Esq., of this county as a candidate for Congress he being unconnected with any clique or faction and with him as our candi' date success will be certain. Resolved, That we will support no man for Conirress who cannot command the entire voto of his party in his own county. On motion of J. W. Miles, Esq., .a com' mitlee was appointed to adopt a constitution &c, to bo submitted at the next meeting for the purpose of organizing n club as follows. viz: J. W. Miles, J. II. Morrison, Dr. R. B McCay, Wm. T. Forsyth, Anthony Watson, Thomas J. Stamm, Richard Jones. On motion Jacob Leisenring, R. F. McCay nnd J. W . Miles were appointed a committee to procure speakers for the next meeting. On motion. Resolved, That to ensure a victorous and triumphant election "of the democratic noioiuecsat the approaching elec tion, in this district it will be necessary to be harmonious, let our motto be everything for principles nothing for men. Resolved, That the forgoing proceedings be published in all the democratic papers in th: congressional district. "Signed by the otlicers. For tub American. Mr. Editor : As tho time is approaching for the selection of good persons to fill the various offices at the coming election, for the county of Northumberland. JUysell anil neighbors have come to the conclusion to of fer the name of HENRY J. READER, as an individual they think most worthy to discharge the important duties belonging to thi ollice of Sheriff. We therefore recommend to the consideration of the Democratic Electors of Northumberland County,!! EXRY J. READER of Delaware township, for that oflice. He understands theGKRMAN well, and isn staunch Democrat, and is well qualified for the office And in accordance with the usagew of the democratic party, the other side of the river is entitled to the SherilT. It has heretofore beeu customary that this office particular lie given to the different sides of the river, ul- BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! SELLING- OFF! TUM.H,THOMP8()N, will offer for sal', at til Cbeau Store In Buntiarv. his amir lock ipf goods, bring the Urgent ami mo-t varied esenrt. mint in inia sieilon of country, at coat and under ior rasn or produce ,troro tins dste to the drat of 8eptemlr next. All peraona wishing to buy Cheap ar invited to eall. Wunbuty, July g, 184S 3t EXECUTORS SALE. Ueorge need's Estate, the 15th .i., ol 8,P.,mW , h premise. In J.cka.n ,0n.Mp NonhumbarlanJ Uuunly, the following lu,l,! rctl A tract of Land, ' conlnlning RS acres, mure i.r lees, adjoining lln,, if Michael Fetet, Peter Kiehl arid John Keefar lute the estate ol Geo. Rred, Eq., ilec'd, Tha 11 prnvrmenta . r.nneist of two Log Houaea and a good well at the do ir, a awis barn, and also, a 8 i Mi!l. Th- re iato on the premirea, a good orc'.inril containing ilifiVronl kinds of fruit. ALSO, at the .sine lime and place, a tract of of woo.ll.ind a .ljoinng lands of S imuel Mallick. F. .lomi, c.iti aning eetcmy-sii, acres, and running onto J.iroli's Mountain. About trVirtr nciea of aiid I iml cin l-e cleared and cultivated, and is well timbered with etcellent pine, chrsntif Ac. The terms nr.d conditions will he ma le kn n on the ly of a'e by PETER HEED, Ei't JacKson town-tup, Jjiy tj, 113 ts temately. Vu do hope that this rule will in ful u re he adhered to. We in this section of the County, understanding the justness of tho claims of the other side of the liver, are fully determined to jro in heart and hand for the nomination of HENRY J. READER, as an act of justice to the Forks. Henry J. Rea der is well known as an honest and intelli gent German and is just such a man as we uoght to have in the oflire of Sheriff. JACKSON. Aoticc. S hereby given to all legatees, creditors, and other persons interested in the estate of John Wilkinson, dee'd, settled bv hit Adm'r Abraham Shipman ol John KrflVr, dee'd, settled Jty hi Adm'r Samuel Kefler.of i 'hristopher Wo d dee'd settled by his Ahrn'r H. R Waggoner, of Daniel Lahr dee'd, settled by his Adm'ra Joseph Lahr and George Bronions, of Isaac Stahl, dee'd, set- nea uy his Artm'r J hn Gibson of Howell Good, rich, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r Robert David son or John Seibert, dee'd attled by his Adm'rs John Seibert and David S Mackey of John Gosh dee'd, settled by bis Adm'r Christian Gosh, Jr'. ofWm. Moiitz, dee'd, settled by hia Adm'r Jonathan P fhnltz of Frederick Tschopp, dee'd settled by his Adm'r Andrew Tschopp and Philip Ischnppof James Harret, tie M, settled by hit Adm'rs Hugh MrF.'-ath and John Barret of G-o. Geist dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Jacob Snyder of Sarah Osmen, dee'd. settled by her Eg'trht iiannan mrr.en ol jo a' Han Fetter, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Henry Fetter, of Jacob Welker dee'd, settled by his Adm'r John Fegely 0f Chris-' tian Sr yder, dee'd. settled by his Adm'r Jacob Snyder of Jacob Arndd, dee'd settled by his dm'trix E izabeth Dressier of James Crassley d-e'd, s ttled by his Adm'r John Crassly 'f James Lemon, senr.. dee'd. settled by his aur viving Adm'r Robert furry of Wm. L-mon dee'd, settled by one nt his E'r, Hugh MeWil'. liatns of Satathiel Koher. dee'd. settled by his Adm'trix Rachael R-pley of Jacob Obetdorf dee'd, setl'rd by his Ex'r George Weiser. The account of John PeifTer, Gnard an of Isaac Peif. f-r. The account of Peter F, Zimmerman, Guar dian of Henry Malic k. The account of ' Adam Zarlman. Guardian of Rebecca Mayantand Han nnh Rejig That the Kecntors, Administrators and Guardians of the said dee'd estates have fi ed their accounts with the Register of the County and that they wil' b preserved tn the Orphans onrt of said county, on Tuesday the gth day of August next for confirmation and MW-ane. EDWARD OYSTER, R-g. R-giter office i funbtiry, July 8, 1848 ) If .1 K I K It . In this place on Sunday the 2d inst.. by Christian Bower Esq., Mr. Wm. Heumas of this place to Miss Axnk Isabella Delano of Philadelphia; On the 25th ult.. at Auffiista, Noble county, Indiana, by tho Rev. C. H. Blanchard, Wm. F. Es;ki., Esq., formerly of this place, .to Miss Jane White, of the former place. I'quMable I.lfc Insurance, Annuity and Trust C ompany, orriCKTl WAI.NI T STItKET, rilll.AUKU'HIA. ClPITAt. PiKUKlO. OlUHTF.R I'KlirKTl'AL. riMIK I'ompmiy nre uw pr-irel to tnntMu-t ItunineM J. iiHli the ftl-wl liltt-ntl unit wlvmilflienua tt-rliin. Tlit-y are mittiorizttl liy Itieir rtmrh-r (erl. :i) to nmke all mid every insurance HpoertHininir lo lilt- ril of wlmlrvt-r Kin:l or nature, anil to receive mt:l execute truntu, nuke en-low mentM, anil lo cniul and purehaw annuities." Tlie f'oiu Miiy intimities nml emlowiuent, mul uel r-s Trustees for minors uml lieim. Table of Premium required for the Axuumuce of $100 for tlie whole t'-rm of Life. Age. l'rem. I Age. Prcm. Age. ( l'rem. Ill I M HI -2 lu 40 M 17 I SI 3i 4 15 17 3 4-1 IS I ftti : 3 -ill 4H 3 0-J In 1 5i :M 4 -J7 4 3 77 an l ihi :r a 33 fri 3 nl al 1 ft'l 30 a 411 51 4 13 aa l an 37 a 47 sa 4 :ia J3 1 0s, 3s a .'il 53 4 51 a4 i va :iu a u.-i 54 471 M 1 7(1 411 a 7U 55 4 i as 1 bi 41 a si &s 5 la a7 1 eg 4a a ua 57 a 31 as 1 ul 43 3 III 5 6 54 a 1 0 44 3 1a 5 5 7s :l a III 4.1 3 21 Ou (1 (13 Tlie premiunit nre lens tlian any other i-omiKuiy, and the rtolit-ieH nil' ait greater ailvtnituuVi'. Tulles of lialt'-yearlv I and quarterly )treuiiutuR. hall' credit rate of premium, short . It-mis. joint Ill-en. survivorehips and tndowiueuts; ills i. triumph Of the Democratic party Bt the lHllls I fonn "I AnHicali n (1 1 winch there ure Monk sheets-) are . u 1 j to be had 011 anpliruti u at the oi&ce, or by letter U the Secretary. Hate ma inhbino 100 on a single Life. iu November next, by giving an unpreceden ted majority for Cass and Butler. Resolved, That as a party of principles it is folly to talk of opposition from a party who in their National Convention abandoned nil principles. We have beat them when they professed to have something to fight for, we will defeat them worse, now when they go in merely for a man. Resolved, That as a party we have nothing to fear from our enemies, let them assume what name they may, whether Original Fed eralists, Hartford Conventionists, or Blue light men, National Republicans, or Antiinasons, or the more modern name of Whigs or Native Americans. Resolved, That we have no faith in the creeds, the measures, the professions, or the glory of the present, Whig party, being assur ed that to trust them with power, would give another example that they know 110 princi ples, would adopt 110 measures but such as would give to tha few by plundering the many, and seek no glory except at the sa crifice of the true interests and honor of their country. Resolved, That the untiring efforts of the Whig party to embarrass the action of the General Government by giving aid to the enemy, and by declaring the present war an accursed and infamous war a war against God, that our laurels won in this war were tarnished and dishonoured, and that the Mexi cans should give our troops hospitable graves, with bloody hands, have shewn themselves unworthy of the confidence of American peo ple. Resolved. That we have full confidence in the integrity and capacity of Israel Painter, Esq., of Westmoreland the democratic uomi nee for canal commissioner and that we will give him our hearty and undivided support. Resolvtd, That the administration of our governments, both National and. State, has Ape. For I year. For 1 years. 20 el nl 30 09 1,30 411 l,-.'i lot 50 I. -0 a.(P7 5fl 3,4S 3.7 For Life. 1.IWI 8,70 -To4 8,(13 KxAXPLit A person aged 30 years next birth day, by paying the Company no cents woukl secure to his family or heirs 1(10 should lie die in one year ; or for P0.9O lie Be cures to them 1000: or I'tir 613 annually for seven years he secures to litem tMtMIO sliouul he die in seven years; or for ftau.40 paid aununlly during life he secures 8UKK) to be Paid when he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, y the difl'erence in amount of premiums from tlmse charged by other nltices. K-r 4g,50 the heirs would receive 5000 shiul he die m one year. F-irms ot apiilicaU-Ht ami alt imrticubirs mav he hud at the ollice. J . W. CI.AUIIUKN, President. TKE4fBEa KavNeia W. KaH'LS. 11. a. Tuekett, Secretary. CoMi-i.TiNu l'Hu-iN lr J B. Masser, Sunbury. J. 11. I'l auy, sunbury, Agent for Northumberland coun ty. Sunl.urv, July 8, IslS Valuable fakm For Sale. NTHURSHAV. tha I Oh of AUGUST nut, at S o'clock P. M. will henu s- .l to pu'-lie sal-', al tt C-iutl Hnuie Hi the through nl eJunhwrv. a valuhle farm, located upon the bsnk of tlie 8usquehanua river, ih Nu'ih Branch ("m at, the public roaJ flora Nor'huii.t-eilaiid to Wilkeshsrra. and within four mils of ihe ft a sh ing town of Dunville, in Point Towmbip, Nor ihiui)liUnil Com. t jr. in all about 43U acres, mora or lea -of whirh there are about $00 or 859 acres jfrlearej land, and Ibe seat will limbered Tha greMet pait ia first tala botlom lain, TUe silvan lege are superior lo those of mi at fsriuj llie oil bring well adspled la either grain or graa, and ia also well wti red, having two streams of water tunning thiouiih il, ami a number i f excellent spiings upon it. Il ia in a good slate of cultiva tion anil under pretty pood fence . the improe. menieupon it consist of a lasga Iwo-al.iry FRAME HOUSE. laiia LOG BAKN. a lana Fum. Wagnn House; also,t Urge two story and a half L-t l IT n.l - . . ' ones notiaa. tiers ia also upon Itirs tract t good, si led frame House, good stable, and a Sjw Mill. Any quantity lo suit tba purchaser, uv pan or kol,wiU bea.tlu. Foaaaasion caa b obtained next epnoi. An inilisuutabl lilt will ha sisen. Forfuither particular, enquire of lae aubscu!is raewuig upon u rttuiaaa. BENJAMIN rr OUTS, JOHN rFOUTS AarinislrMara July 1, 1MI. t LIST OF CAUSES In the 8upremc Cou-t for the Northern Die. tic' o' P nnfjlvinia, which will commence i'ssn. iinunl e5i n, on the 2nd M nlayof Ju'y next, al llie C uM House in fu-ihu'. ' CHAM.ES PI.E 8 AT. Proth. C. N. D. Pr t't Office, June 14 g4s. t,!i of Cm., f r or -mem at tha Supreme (Jourt liir the Northern District, Jul Term 184. FIRST LIST. Scl.r.d rs I) -lionets!, cm-itr. i man tt right's dms. Susquehanna, Moo e Tvler, , Poml, (ii'man, & j;k y. Bel Ion & cr Wayne. Uovi-ll t, Mallti, Luierne. rnrlassnd It yen v S .r well el al, liettinlli v Priii-tilelpSin Hmk. Cmik. Anili. nv 4cm Oluisiead. Woikheiwu it limning Itoml f.ittii N-whets l'urnpiko. Ficset I vs I), inker's admra. Fiea t al vs km tie Mu-li's ad.nrs it Uu-h, CnUer vs d'omm mwes'ih. Cull r Tompkins C t. Bink, Mnoie is Taylor, Ehli r's a lmia Ni-unian, I. ill br.ilge vs S .rtwcll, Heiitii.ati vs Kert, l.ackawaxrn Itoalcomp. vs Com'wth Wjyna Wteia vs Benjimin, Luxern. I' .11 i a. ,. ..... i until iupe nnu navy vj uurungovtr, In It- an. McKes i, Luxern. Wayn-. YVvotning, Sjsq. Wyo'tiing dj Wayne. do Lux me, 8usqualianna, Luzerne, McKean, BrailfjrJ, Fre .. vs Newberry, Kill er s v Sin ril.inJ Sl co. Hi ad lord vs I'ot a, Spaulil n; s Susquehann , K lb'W vs P..I ten. VViliut n el al, vs Cjlkerl, El: iot a Ackle Hein nan v lea ner, (iilli-t vs B .ill. B istido vs Maun, Wyoming, do BrsJfjrd, do Susquehanna, Tioaa. Bradford, do do Wyoming. SSECO.ND LIST. D.innel vs Bellas. NorthumlMirl.n l - Overseers, Mill on Crowns Al Paul. Bales Appejl, Ctininiing" appeal, Itolib vs U.iwen, Gud kunat vs Jonrs, Hoaiz vs ('nlhsrieon, Uakin 6c 8 -yder vs Homer, Mutra v Murray Cunks pe tllon, Siorkhiiure vs Krcse Rw vs Chappel, Wallace adnvit, va Merrill's ex, U -ctot va baiter Aurai-d v Will,. VVaUon va Houa-1, Hnn-er n and Unvder. Ov. r-ie's Sbam kia va O wears Kugles AikmI. Knad near Feslers vs Overre, r, Willianisport. Northumberland. Id Lycoming, da do Columbia, Union Northumberland, do Columbia, Union, do Lyeorningi Union, Northumberland do North'd Union, do Wi aun. Ore i & Mitchel va H .1 nw. ll A . W.t, n va Wdlard. Ljeomint l od.n .. Pleesame. uni K cl tera Exrs. vs Sen ol Directors. do nseller ea Gundruai, do M.-Cicnahan vs Potier, j, Knot t. vs Uetnnwn, Northumberland. West Ur. vs Chester, M ins vs Lower. At Banan Parmeniier e Gillepi dr. Jonrs, Mi lei vs Miller, liuoJium vs Wsgonseller, Mtvrad va Neckiivia, "Viler v Waaonaetler. Cowden va Ples.tols, Dolls vs Ft-ixar, ltd in Ja'kaou Township Folln et'a Exra va D-lo, 8r.xy va Hew, Dyers vs I fuck Petmentier va Gillespie, Auiand'a Appeal, eihoeinskors admra a Mann, Rnytler v Balh Mans vs Hummel, Tiesnrb v Kearicha Eire. Taylor vs Baker, eihoemaker va Kellocg. Petition of George V. Walker Oyaler vs Gambsrt, Plat va Rtcburda Moutgomrry dr. Frick vs Buck,, fax ton va Henninger, eV even too va ttMetaru admta W ataoas eeaigej vs Packer, Oliver air. va West B. Bull Elitwtl va Gudyktsaas Kilter di Klin va Gwsdrvjaa Lycoming do. da da Union Lycoming Lnioa Northumberland, Northumberland, do . da do Union (yearning. Union, Lyeomink, eW Luton, da L Mating, KoKtk'd do da Lyeoraiag, Culumhi, Lyoaauag, sW ate Union, 1