Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 08, 1848, Image 1

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gTJFamflS iictospiTpcr-Dcbotrli to JJoUtfcs, (ttriitur'jWoralltj?, JTovttaix an ComrsUc Uttosartcnw mm the arts, SlflrfcuUurr, tfTarftets, amusements, ct.
.V : ''-.
mv x.- rr -w't Hrtnv .TW .-X &
V! K M A A
LfJL Ji-J JL vl; JUL y i.JL
TIIR AMKKICAN i published every Sriturdny at TWO
DOLL.AH3 per annum to b. paid hnlf vciirlr u advance.
No mpar diacinilnmeu until i an-ramar. are pnnl.
All eonirnunicr.tioiis ..r letter, on "Ja""8 to
ffiee, to iiiiurc attention, must be POST TA1U.
'Hire copies to cue address.
Seven lo lo
- li, Ihl
jo on
Five dollar, in .ilvanc. w ill pay lor tin t year's nulurcrip
tion to the American.
tin. Square of 10 linen. 3 liinw,
Every .ulMcqnciit Insertion,
fine Square, 3 mouths,
Ifti months,
t)ne year,
Buaincw Card, of l'lve line., fer milium,
M. reliant, ami other.. adverliMnt by Ilia
year, with the privilege uf inwrlieg !-
terent advertiK-menl. weekly.
if larger Advert ineuients, pt-r agrecnnnil.
Bulnei iileiiupJ to in the Cnuiilie uf Nor
thuipt erl.nJ, Union, LjcomiiiR and Colombia,
liefer to I
P. St. A. Kovoi'liT, 1
I,own A. Unno,
Honma & Shdiioh8,
RiTiroLnt, McKauianii & Co.
8r irirs, 3ooti & Co.,
:ro Ens f 0M11SS10N i i:uc II AM S
mill Drulera III SceiN,
No. 3, Arch St. VtilLA UliLI'lUA.
Conttantly on hand a general assortment f
L'lUUOUS, &c.
T which tbey respectful ly invite the attention
of th- public.
All kind, of country produce taken in exrliaiijje
for Groceriei or sold on Commission.
Pliilad. April 1, 1816
Cheap Nkw & Secomi iusu Hook Skike,
Iforth Weal corner cf fourth and Arch Slrccls'
Law Booka, Theological and Clnirul l imks,
Juvenile Books, in rcnl i-nrHij.
Hymn Book and Prayer liookt, Bibles, M mzi'
and prices.
Blank Booh, Writing P'T''-nl!l1 s'-';'"-"'0,r
UViohBtle ami Illicit,
tr Orm pricca arc inui li lower tlum the -!' Prl-'
yr I.iliiariea and sinull unreel, "l 1 ' purciin.d.
iy Book, imported to ord. r I'r.nll l3lid ui.
I'lilladclphiu, April 1, lMny
46 Chttnut . 3 doorr iibnvc 2nd ft . Vhitmh .phia
Engraver o( BLlE!Sj tc YIMTI.NO tAltl'S.
Watch papers. Lahels, Door plat.'s. S. nl and
Ftampi for Odd Fellows. S.n.s of
Ir.. AVe Alwava on hand a general asoi tin.-i.t
of Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pen. of every n,...,liiyM
Doe Collars in grot variety. j-,ngim ."u.'
and materials.
Arency for the Manufacturer of Glazu r Uia
monds. Orders per mail (post paid) will bo punctually
attended to.
Philadelphia, April 1, 118 y
l'n 15 Suuth Second ttreit Ens' "dc, down :n rx.
"W F.SPECTFUI.LY informs his friends end
1, the public, that he constantly keeps on
hanTa large assortment of chi drens wilnw
(loaches, Chairs, Crad es, market and tiave'.
ling baskets, and every variety of basket woik
Country Merchants and others who with to
purchase such articles, pond and chap. would
do well to call on him, as they are al manuli c
tured by him inthe best manner.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1818. ly
Can save from 1.1 to ii per lent.
BY purchasing their OILCLOTHS direct
from the Manufacturers.
Have opened a Warehouse, No. 133 North Third
Street above Race, second door South of the '.
tie Hotel,
where they will always keey on hand arnmple!
assortttient of Patent Elastic Curriute "I
Cloths, 28, 36, 40, 48 and 5t inches wide. Fi
gured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Mus
lin Drilling ant: Linen. 7'ie Oil Cloths of the
most desirable patterns, 3d, 40, 46 and 04 inch' s
wide. Floor Oil Claiht. from inches to 21
feet wide, well seasoned, and th newest style
of patterns, all of their o so inanu'acture. Trans
parent Window Shades, Carpets, &c. All goods
Phil. May 27, 1848 3m
IOJaC3E3"5Sr3Era B CL 9 jsj
WiiE 8UBSCUIUF.R has been appointeri agent
I Jor the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this lce. These Pianos have a p'.mu, mas
sive and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth
of tone, and elegance of workmar.hip, are not
surpassed by any in the United States.
These instruments are highly approved of by
the most emihent Professois and Lomposers ol
Music in this and other cities.
For qualities of tone, touch and keeping in
tone upon Concert pitch, they cannot be aui-pas-ed
by either American or Kuiopeau Pianos.
Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, W.
Wallace. Vieui Temps, and his sister, tho cele
brated Pianist, and many others of the most di
tinauisbed performers, have given these in.tru
ments preference over all others
Tbey have also reeived the Inst notice or tha
three last Elbihitions, and the last Silver Medal
by the Franklin Institute in 1843, was award, d
to them, which, with other premiums Imm the
ame source, may be seen at the Ware room No
02 south Fourth st.
CT-Atiotber S.Wer Medal was awarded to C
Meyer, by the) Franklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for
the best Piano in the exhibition.
Aeain-at the exhibition or the Franklin iisli
tut.. Oct. 1846, the first premium and medal was
.warded t. C Meyer for bis Pianos, all hough it
Srbeen .w.rded .t th. exh.bmon of the year
b.foon th. ground that he had made... I .real
,, in hi. Instrument, within the
Aau"l th. last exhibition of th. Franklin
tn.tita.te. 1847. another Premium was . w.rded
toO. M.y.r.for the best Piano in lb. ';'nn
At their laat exhibition. Sept. 1SI7.
C. Mf V.r we.iv.d th. Bist .liver Medal and Di.
blansa. for lb. best square Pu in th. exhibition
P The. will b. .old at lb. ir.anul.ctu.
r.r's Io.t Pbil.d.lpbia priee., if not something
luw. I P.rwns sr. requested ta nil
1211 .i ..i... .t i ha residence of th" sub-
" .. u.tcrn
ii. ... . -
From Neul'a Saturday Cinzmte.)
BV J. tl. POUTKIt.
-l wi.a n t ahrtyHN for Sf'rllve tri-'k,
N ir m:ide t court an amorous lo ni.icr.l-iK-s.M
Tlierc is no pt'riotl hi a person's lifiMinirc
awkward or iMiiharrasfiin, tlinn' wficu lin
divest hiuvspf of t!it tr.immelsand rortfinr
mnit of a nclioo '.-boy's lif'', and tukfs his
station in th? world bis own bird and
Neither my education, habits, nor lasle,
fitted me for fashionable life. "Nature bad
doim stilJ less for nip; forwliile at sl'liool,
I enjoyed t lit; reputation of bejni; called tho
ugliest looking boy in tho village. My
mother has often told ine that when a babe,
I was frightful to look upon, but she then
comfortotl herself with, tho o!;l adae,
that "an npcly child-changed to a h.indsome
man." Hut as I grow in years, the con-
racie,. leaiuresoi my u-imessexpanoec. into
nu eousness, so thai wlien llelt n.v pater-
nal roof, I was con.udere.l the eih h won-
der of the world. . !
At eighteen I obtained a luiUon in a
retail ory gootls store aim wan ifT.ui iif.iin ;
ami willing nanus, 1 engageu with niucn
assiduity in my new avocation. I had
been in T! about a month, win n one
night a I came to my boarding house, a
note was handed me by the servant. The
pink piper, the green sealing wax, and the
penentl appearance of the note, quite start
led me, and it was several moments ere I
was sufficiently composed to open it
however, I regained my self possession,
broke the peal, and read
'Mrs. Kemp requests the pleasure of
Mr. Michael S:iid.T"i company, on Wed
nesday evening, twi nti. th instant."
Tie1 Kemp family was one of the most
fashionable in the city. My father became
acquainted with Mr. K. the winter he was
sent a representative to Court,
and is said to have p.-sisfed him wry mate
rially in passing a favorite mea air through
the house,
The next morning I held a cons illation
wilh my fri 'iids, as lo the propri ty of ac
ceding or refusing the invitation. I g,ie
the note to the oldest clerk and requested
bis advice, lie read the billet very i arc
fully, then measured me with eyes from
hcml to (1 ot, he burst out into an intolera
ble fit of Jnughter.
'How like the detite von will look in a
party, Snider; why you will frighten every
lady out of the room. However, go by
all means you will make an assortment :
but t;d;e care of yourself and I will give
vou a few lessons before you make your de
but." Such was the kind advice of my friend :
and I was soon persuaded to accept the in
vitation, and retired to the desk to write an
answi r. But here was trouble. I ha.l
never written a note in my life; for iu our
village, when a parly was, to be given, one
of the house walked round and ga ve a ver
bal invilalion to the guests and made them
say whether they would come or not : as
mother said, people wanted to know how
much cake to make, and how nianv walnuts
to crack. However, an answer must be
written. In the first place I took a sheet
of foolscap paper, and with my penknife
cut an exact pattern of the note I had re
ceived ; then, ruling four lines with my
thumb-nail, 1 requested one of the clerks
to mend a pen for me, and 1 went to work.
J will not describe the agony J suffered
during one weary hour in attempting to re
ply to this note. A dozen sheets of paper
1 defaced ere I was able to write a decent
answer. I either began too near the top of
the paper or I left out a word or in re-
, ,i .. t i- it,, , . , . "vven, ;mi. rMiiui-r, " imi is ine news in
ferriif to the dictionary I found J had mis- ' .. ' .
ii i T c iii i . ,!,., i l ..n Salem! when did vou hear from your pa
pelled; in fine, 1 had nearly exhausted all ()) '
mv paper and patience, when a version i ron !....
struck me which I thought proper- I "Oh, there is nothing new, ma'am. I
I bean asain, and wrote the following : j had a letter from father a few days since;
"Dear Madam I "-ot your nou last j he cays that Deacon Ilervy's barn is burnt,
evening, asking me to your nouse nei n eu
ivsday ; and as father told me to r-t into
good company if I could, I guess Til come.
i our mend, JMiciiabi. hxiniut."
I saw no impropriety in this dirti n so
1 folded the note, seale'd it with a v al'erand
having no one to obey my summons, I was
obliged to leave it myself on my way home
at night.
In dressing for the party, when the night
came, my knees began shaking, and my
whole hotly stiflering under such excite
ment, that one would have supposed that I
was under the operation of a galvanic bat
tery. In the act of shaving, I lacerated my
face in several places ; in brushing my teeth
I used the shaving brush instead of the pro
per implement. I washed my hands with
the tooth-powder brushed inv hair wilh
the shoe brush ; in fine, my wits were so
dNordere-d, that I was unconscious of the
office I was performing. "
After various reverses, I snccocilt d in ar
ranging mv dress to my satisfaction ; and,
us I viewed myself in the glass, 1 became
more composed feeling convinced I never
before appeared to so much advantage. My
tailor had indeed exercised to perfection
his talent in making, what he called a good
fit. My coat was of blue broad-cloth, orna
mented with brass buttons of enormous cir
cumference. The waist of the coat evin
ced a strong inclination to take us seat tie
tween my shoulders, while the top of the
collar formed nearly a dead level with the
crown of my head. The sleeve, fitted
tight to the arm, but whether from mistake
or fashion, they barely concealed tho
wrist, and loft. Ihe w hole hand exposed.
My vest was of woolen, and had a dark
ground, but stripe, of red and yellow re
lieved its otherwise null appearance. My
trousers were af red mixed color, cut after
the Turkish fashion; a nice pair of white
woollen stockings covered tha immense
length of my teet made still longer by the
prevailing fashion of having the pump an
inch longer than the foot; so that my body
rpeared ai though set upon runners. A
snow white cravat surrounded my neck,
I while the stiiF starched collar ' stood firmly
up tinder my cars, as though my head de-
peiuled upon that lor support.
, Thus equipped, I paced my chamber till
seven o'clock ; and supposing this" the pro
per hour for making my obeisaace to Airs.'
Kemp, I started for her house. The niirht
j was rainy and boisterous in the. extreme;
I and not wishing to. incur the expense of
coach hire, I pulled a pair of . woollen
stocking over my pumps, took an umbrella
and commenced my walk. The barber bad
dr.'si.'d my hair s) much to mvouiml, that
fearing to disarraiVTi it, I carried my hat iu
my hand, made the un.brella perform a
double office. During my walk, I medita
ted on the proper form of address on being
presented to the , lady of the house, and af
ter various trials, I bit upon one I thought
appropriate. '-I have thy honor of wish
ing Mrs. Kemp rrorv.l evening." This will
do, thought I, so T continued repeating it
j arrim1 al thp (loorof ,. house.
avo yon pvpr rnl,0(, f)n (l,nlKt ,
,aw yoi;r ,oo(h 0J;l.nctp(1;. if s0 ot
V0ur heart heat almost to bursting, vou
i,Mirhl.:1 t!lp filtal M1 ,hilt unnMnc,,(i v0Ur
iitit vou know- not half the ajo-
n v 1 stifl. red, as I gave a knock at the house
I where T was to puss the evening. The
j door flew open as if by magic, I was wilh
i in the house, mid my fate was sealed, lint
nil was confused: my fortitude forsook me;
I and 1 stood just like a statue.
"Walk into tho kitchen," said the. ser
vant. This aroused me.
"The kitchen, sir! T was invited to
! come and see Mrs. Kemp : is this not her
! hot:- ?"
"Oli ves, sir, I bej pardon, sir-: I really
I mistook. Flense walk into this room, sir,"
I showing me into a basement parler,
I "NV I replied. I want to take oil my
, stockings before I see the ladies."
"Oh, this is tie' only dressing room:
i please walk in sir."
j Jul walked, freed my feet from tin ir
i covering, and prepared to as::end into the
I parlor.
j I -peedilv arrived at the top of ihe stairs
! T opened the door walked in "T have
I the honor of wUhin;'" not a being in
the room! Had I mistaken the lions - ? hud
the servant tricked me? was I too early ?
each thourht flashed through rny mind,
when a female made her appearance from
the closet.- "I have the honor of wishing
Airs. Kemp good evenincr," I said, stalk
ing up to her wilh prodigious stride '.
"La! sir. I am not Mrs. Kemp; lam her
servant. Hut what do you want of her,
and now (hire yon come up into tl
"Ma'am, 1 am invited here. Ts not
Mrs. Kemp going to give a parly this eve
nino !" '
"Oh, then you are invited. Hut sir, the
company won't be here for these two hours :
but sit down sir, and I will speak to my
"Oh, no, I thank you: T will call a-'ain :
don't allow me to disturb Mrs. Kemp." If
I ever get out of this scrape, thought I, I
will never be caught aeain.
At this moment a lady, most superbly
dressed, entered the room. She looked
very inquiringly at me, when I informed
her "that I was Michael Snider, hut I was
very sorry Iliad como too early, and would
call again."
"Hy no means," said Mrs. Kemp. "Sit
down Mr. Snider, I want to talk with
I took a seat.
The perspiration rolled
down my face as though I was under a va
por bath.
.ir..ii nr.. c: l..- ...i.. :..
with three voke of cattht iu it, and that
widow Nisbet is dead."
"Indeed!" said Mrs. Kemp.
Hut I will not mention Ihe variety of
subjects touched upon by Mrs. Kemp, in
order to amuse me, but I will pass to the
time when the guests began to assemble.
I took my stand behind the sofa in the
corner of the room, and with mv merer
eves watched the entrance of each indi
vidual. Ladies after ladies continued to flock in
until the room was nearly crowded; but,
with the exception of some elderly gentle
men, there was not a beau in the drawing
room. Presently I observed several young
entleman standing by the door, and, after
ranninsr their fingers through their hair, ad
justing their cravats, and screwing up their
faces into a good evening' sort of a look,
tbey entered, bowed to the lady, then dis
tributed themselves among the company.
All was now noise and confusion; and
feeling a little confidence I ventured to ask
young Kemp to introduce ino to some of
the lathes. Kemp.was evidently startled at
my request, but was too much of a gentle
man to refuse. Whether he intended to
quiz me or not I cannot say, but he said he
would introduce me to Miss Scott, directing
my eyes to the lady in question.
I took his arm and we made our way
through the crowd; but, unfortunately, one
of my huge buttons came in contact with
the lace cap worn by one of the elderly la
dies, and from some cause we were bound
together. I endeavored to pass on, and the
lady attempted to free herself from such an
unpleasant union, but in vain. I saw the
difficulty. Ileing holy engrossed by the
thought of my introduction to Miss Scott, I
had recourse to uiy penknife, and the affair
was soon settled. The lady screamed
called me an impudent lellow. but 1 heard
nothing till I found myself before Miss
Scost, . . .. . . i
"Miss Scottj permit me to 'introduce to
yon Mr. Snider, on of my old country
I Throe times did I incline iny l,jjy tjthu
ground, and three, times dt.l I atteiiipt t,
speak, but my. tonjfiie cjaye t. the roof of
inv mouth and refuted utterance; I chan
ged my position from the front of the lady
to her side, and 1 -a-ied my head against the
The lady during this movement retained
the rame composure and . expression as
when I' first bowt-d. "Mirst I speak first,"
thought I. I mudtf a desperate push,
and taking bold of her, sleeve, I asked
"what she gave for this calico she bad on ?"
Misj Scott s'artid. "La! sir, I don't
know ! you must ask ma."
"I hope you won't think me impudent,
ma'am," I replied.
"Oh, by no means,-but pray, Mr. Snider,
how long have you been in town !" said
Miss Scott, thinking she would quiz me a
little. '
"I have only been iu town about a
month, ma'am, so I am not quite .so gentle
as some of of the chap here."
"Ah, you want me to flatter you," an
swered the lady; "but I won't"; but tell
me, have you seen Rob Roy," referring to
Scott's last novel..
"No, ina'aiu, is he here
"Oh, I do not mean the person himself,
but you know the work. It has come to
Yes, ma'am, I recollect now, we held a
case from New York. Capital article for
cloaks. We shall sell them at dollars
a vard: perhaps you would like a pat
tern !
"You do not .understand me," said Miss
Seotl, endeavoring to command her risibles.
"I had reference to Scott's last novel."
"A novel! Oh, I never real such
tbings, for thi-y tell me there is not a word
of truth in them."
Our edifying conversation was interrupt
ed by the arrival of some refreshments, i
which (lie servant proffered to Miss Scott.
Here win a chance for my gallantly. The
waiter was covered wilh ice ciranis, Ro- J
iikju punch, blanc manage, etc., etc., art i
tieles never before seen by me; however, 1
stepped forward and ar.ked the lady what
I should have the pleas of giving
"I will thank you for a little Roman
punch, Mr. Snider."
I Roman punch at this time was held in
high esteem in IS . It was sometimes
of froen champagne: souii tiiu -s of water,
spiced and iiw. n : but of this I was igno
j rant.
I "Punch !" thought I. "rather queer for a
I lady to drink punch !.'' endeavoring at the
same iiiiie to find the article on the waiter.
I 1 looked in vain : nothing resembling what
1 called punch visible: si I whispered in
I the servant's ear "Mring me a glass of p'mcll,
j waiter, quick ."' then turning to MisiSeott,
j"'.Yi!i you not have some of this! white slnff
I liiit :" referring to some delicate blanc
j "As you , Mr. S:;kle,' s n,J the !a
I dv, smiling.
I covered the plat- whh thi te.-lHons
morceati, asked the WuiLcr if If had not
got a knife and fork: he sei-.l a rpoon was
generally used, so I handed it to the lady,
and returned to my place at her side. Pre
sently 1 saw the servant approaching bear
ing on the waitera glass of punch. "Now,"
1 thought, "Mis Scott shall have a drink."
Taking the glass from tho waiter, 1 hand
ed it to the lady, informing her, that it
looked as though it might be good.
"Hut what is this, Mr. Snider .'" observed
Miss Scott.
''Why ma'am, this is the1 punch you or
dered, pray take it, no one shall see you
drink it, for I will stand before you."
Miss Scott was somewhat eni!iarrassd,
but seeing my honest, grave and anxious 1
face, she bursted into an intolerable fit ofi
laughter, and begged me to drink it for her. j
Now, I had never drank a glass of punch in j
my life, but, fearing the lady would laugh
at me, without hesitation I swallowed the
contents of the glass.
i Shortly after this I observed an unusual
degree of commotion throughout the draw
ing rooms: music, struck up,- and a dance
was called. I thought of my proficiency
in the "pigeon wing" and "double shullle,"
and was anxious for an opportunity of dis
playing my agility, but resolved to await
the second dance.
"Why they are playing psalm tunes,"
thought-1, observing none moving faster
than a walk. "I should think they were all
frightened to death; but 1 will show them
how the thing is done."
I watched every movement, and when
the first dance was completed, I requested
the honor of dancing wilh Miss Scott, she
being the only lady with whom I was ac
quainted. Ihelaily very politely consented; 1 led
her into the centre of the room, made two
slides and bows, placed myself in the third
position and awaited the call of the musi
cian. I began now to feel the effect of tho
punch dnd it wa with some dillicult v that
I was able to remain in my awkward ntti
tude. Hut the dance will make me all right," 1
thought when the musician called out,
"rigid and left." 1 started at once, eager
for the dance, but was detained by my part
ner, who informed me that my turn had
not yet come.
At the call of "side couples right and
left" I jumped three feet into the air, strain,
ed every nerve, and went to work, and
muchf to my satisfaction, lound myself in
my flaco again. Elated with my succss
ariifc excited with the punch, I turned to
Mis Scott and asked if there was not any
"down in the middle of this dance." -"No,"
she replied. ''
- "Oh, I am great in that. I wish you eould
sea me.'?. . v . .. .. . .' . .... j . . .
.i "How well you dance, Mr. Snider"."
'D6 you think so 1 ou shall see me
cut a 'pigeon wing' presently," I replied.
'"Forward mid back,1 and croiu over,"
called Ihe niusioian. ; ' " ' ' '.
Away I started, and ai 1 got opposite my
partner 'now is tho time,' thought I, 'to
take the pigeon wing." Springing from
the floor with all my strength I made a
flourish with my feet as I came down, but
the carpet proved a slippery foundation
my heels flew up I lost iny equilibrium and
fell prostrate on the floor. My feet came
in contact with those of a servant's who
was handing about ice-creams; the force of
my fall was so powerful that I upsi t the
servant, and the contents of the water came
tumbling iu my face and' eyes. Mistaking
the frigidity of the ice-creams for boiling
punch, I hollowed most lustily that I was
scalded, hut recovering my feet and obser
ving the whole assembly laughing at my
misfortune, I made a desperate push for the
A waiter was coming up stairs with
wines arid lemonades. Over him 1 tumbled,
and we both fell together lo the bottom. 1
remembered nothing more. When t woke
in the morning it was with a terrific, head
ache , and I wan told that a servant in li ve
ry had brought me home the proceeding
"Such shameful doings, Mr. Snider," said
my landlady,' "only think of getting tipsy
at your age."
Thus innocence sullers sometimes equally
with cuilt. I have never drank punch, or
gone to a party since.
JOHN VAN llt llliN S LAST Sl'V.V.I II.
Th;.' New York II raid, contains a full re
nurl of the speei-b of .hihn Van Uiiien. deliv
ered al (ii'ijese. N. Y.
sereisai and of bilter
We iiiiike room fur
Tt is full i.f wit of I
Ihe 'follow ing. which I
contains useful and inteie.-ling
on nn important subject :
1'clliir Ciliicnt: A. I'oiivention of the
democrats of tlii county, having invited ine
to uddrori yo I here to-day, it (riven me irreat
pleasine to euaiply with their request. A
pre.-i.leii'iei election is uboiit approaching,
ii'c I th .' electors of this Slate will shortly be
called lip-in lo disi-bar."1 lite responsible trust
so far as devolve upon lit 'in, oT elevating to
the chief magistracy of twenty millions of
free people, one of Ihe citizens of ibis repub- !
lie. The -reat question which now ngilates
the public mind iu connection with ibis duly
is whether slavery shall be extended to ter
ritories of the United Slates that are now free.
Thomas Jeifeison, in drawing tho Declara
tion of Independence in '70, and in enumer
ating the oppressions practised upon the colo
nics by the King of Great Britain, charges
him wilh having waged a cruel war egainst
hitman nature ilself, violating its most sacred
rights of life and liberty, iu the persons of a
distant people who never olfeiided him. "This
piratical warfare, (he saib) the opprobrium
of iuli del powers, is the waiefareoflhe Chris.
linn 1,'i.Hrnf llrifii.i. flet erm illcil to
1 .1 ... .. I , 1 1. 1 1... 1.,... 1
h; , l il 111,11 ui 1 10 1, r 1,11 ii .-711. m
an 1 sold, be has proslitu.led his negative for
.imrn&sitiir onv legislative alteim.t to re-
.1.:. ..v....l,.i.l.. t.- .tlir. ' Tli
, , . . ,. ... , ,
thus employed 111 regard to the slave trade,
., . .1 .,1 , 1 ...
iit tttnviiri.r ilnoi wo nsoil tit 1li:it dav
1. ',1... di-t iJ,...l ..swell ushv
George Wushiiigiutuu, Patrick Henry, James
Madison, James Monroe. George Mason, and
the o:her slaveholding patriots of the revolu
tion, in speaking of domestic slavery ilself;
w ilh Iho single exception that the foreign
slave tra.le wns on evil which our forefathers
had it in their power promptly lo suppress,
and were therefore responsible for the con
tinuance of il, whilst domestic slavery was a
condition forced upon us by the mother coun
try, for which we were 11.1t responsible, nnd
which required time, humanity and philan
thropy In ameliorate an,' extinguish.
Those who declared and established our I
independence, like thus ! patriots who recent- i
ly overturned the French inonarohy, knew
and felt thai the basis of true freedom was
the quality of man : and to bring about this
happy result consistently with the condition j
of Ihe count i v, they adopted the following j
r .1 ... v- In t-.itnii-d lii llu Shilou u-liioH slavcrv I
I .' " '
existed, it was left to the wisdom and hu
manity of the Slatu government to escape
from the evil. The unsettled ten ilory north
and west of the Ohio, out of w hich it was con-
template.! thai future States would be formed
belonged to Virginia. This territory was
ceded lo the I lilted Nates immediately at
Iho elos- of tlf revolution. Jetfersou was
one of Iho grantors in the deed of cession ;
tho following yjn ho introduced an ordi
nance (cheers) by which it was declared,
that after 1S01I, slavery, or involuntary servi
tude, except as a punishment of crime, should
never exist in such territory, or in the States
to bo formed out of it. Three years ufler
wards an ordinance wa. passed by which
slavery was immediately and for ever pro
hibited iu said territory.
This ordinance passed tho Congress of the
cimledonitiou uiiuniuiouslv. and wud sent to
Virginia to bo ratified by the Legislature of
that Stale ; it was so ralilied almost unani
mously. The Cramers of the .constitution, at
tho same liuio and place, authorized Congress
ufter 1H0R. to prohibit the foreign slave trade.
This delay of twenty year iu a work "f hu
manity and justice was a concession wrung
from tho patriots of Virginia and of the North
by the oust iuaiicy of South Carolina and Geor
gia, which Stales, by their delegates in the
convention, refused to ooma' into the Union
unles the concession was made. The that
Cbugress under tha new constitution, in 1 78t,
to remove all doubt of ihe validity of the or
dinance of 1787,. ratified it ly a legislative
act. Edward Colesi ' most ettimable arid
intallieant citiwrj of Philadelphia-li msimlVr
of one of th strongest and moat mrluential
familien of Virginia, private secretary to Mr.
Madison during his Presidency and formerly
Governor of the Slate of Illinois informs nie
that the ordinance of 1787 uctlinlly Cnnii. ci
liated a large number of slave, who, at tho
time of its passage, were found in the territo
ry now composing the State of Illinois.
So early as HPO, St. George Tucker, one
of the ablest men iu Virginia, published a
plan for the abolition of slavery in that Slntei
and in enforcing the propriety of such aboli
tion, he described shivery on an evil a thou
sand limes greater than all the others which
Great Britain had subjected us to, and ouo
from which Virginia must bo saved, or her
physical and moral prostration would be
inevitable. This glance at the early history
of our country, and at the action of the patri
ots of the revolution, satisfied me that the l'ra
meis of the constitution regarded slavery as
a moral, social, nnd political curst) that one
great object of ibe revolution was lo escape
from it and that ibey intended to inake.and
did make a government, in v. h'eb Congress
should have abolished slavery in nil the terri
tories of the Tinted Slates; that they intend
ed to form and did for.n n Union, into which
no more slave Slates should ever come, and
the members of which should, iu good faith
proceed us rapidly as possible to rid them
selves of this withering blight, and rescue
their associates from the reproach and dis
grace which its e'-tencj br at ;ht np i: i the
as-so nation and its name.
The policy of the C'Miitry, from ihe revo
lution till rreeiilJy, wilh the exceplioa of the
admission ot I exas, Louisiana ami Morula,
in nil of which in mv judgment, slavery
""V'ht to have been prohibited, (cheers) con-
.. - . 1.. l:..r ,... ..." .1... - .l.
iuilormation nnni sine in mis oenei. nn m int. .-,01111-j
western territory, ceded bv Virginia, have
been formed the Males ot (Hue, Indiana
Wisconsin, Illinois and .Michigan. These
j live States contain a population of between
1 four ami live millions, and almost exhatistless
! physical resources. They were fonned out
: of a pari of the Slate of Vi.ginia. and how re
1 maikable d.tes the condition uf Virginia;
i when contrasted w ith theirs illustrate the cf
i feet of I ho Jell'ersoiiian policy. She stands
s"".- 01' retrogrades, whilst any one 01 lliem.
with its boundless energv, rcsislle, piogivss
rapidly increasing popuiatm 1. eitu er now ex
ceods or obviously soon will outgrow the
State from which it sprun.', Who cm look at
those five lusty children, and can even be
lieve that they have ever spaing from such
an exhumated mother ? exhausted too, not iu
musing; her children, but exhausted in lying
(till and looking at them grow up after Ih -y
were born and weaned. It is as diilienll to
believe that such 11 mother should have si eh
cbildtfn, as that the great apostle of libeily
Thoma Jefl'ersan th iiild have such n re
fugee for a-disciple as Thomas Ritchie.
(Laughter and cheers.) '
Tiik You sr. Idka. The
following rich
scene occurred in one of the private schools
i in this city
I 'Ah, Pa !! Pat ' said the schoolmistress to
,.,,,,',. . , ,,
a thick-headed urchin, into whose muddy
7 J
' hnin wai attempting to beat the alpha
bet 'I'm afraid you'll never learn anything.
Now what's that letter, eh ?
'Sure, don't know, ma'am.' replied Pat.
' thought you recollect that.'
'Why, ma'am.'
'Because it has a dot over the lop of it.'
'Och ma'am ! mind it well, but sure 1 tho't
it was a fij specie !"
;Well, now remember Pat it's I.'
'Yun, ma'am !!
'No! no! not 17, but .'
'Not , but yon, ma'am how's that !'
'Not 7, but V blockhead .'
'Och, vis! faith, now have it ma'am. You
mean to say that nut 1. but yon, are a block
head !'
'Foot. ! Ko'oi, !' exclaimed the pedagogues
almost bursting with rage.
'Jist as ve plaza,' quietly replied Put ; 'fool
or blockhead it's no matter vhich, so loi g
as veer free to own if!
Facts About Dickstion. Wheat is tho
most nutritious of all substances except oil
j plaining ninety-live parts of nutriment to
j ( ( WKSto Im,tlt.r. Dtv pens, nuts and
j Kir,.y aro nmrly ,ls nutritious as wheat
,;all;u v..tables sUllu lowest oil the list
' i,,.,,,....!. as,i1,.v contain, when fresh, alarm
noitiou of water. The , mutiny ot waste
- j 1 '
matter eigbt-tetiths of Ihe w hole. Veal is tin
most nutritious, then fowls, thou beef, last
pork. The most uulririous fruit aro plums,
grapes, apricots, pi aches, gooseberries ami
melons. Of all the niticles of food, boiled
rice is digested in the shortest time, an hour.
As it also contains eight-tenths of nutritions
matter, it is a valuable bubstanco of diet
Tripu and pigs' feet are digested almost a
rapidly. Apples, if sweet and ripe, are next
iu order. Venison is digested almost as soon
lis apples. Roasted potatoes are digested in
iu half tho lime required by the same ve
table boiled, which occupy three hours aud
a half more than beef or mutton. Turkey
and goose aro converted in two hours mid a
lialf an hour and a half sooner than chicken
Roasted veul aiu' P"1' alu suUt''1 I occ"
py five hour, and a half the longest of all
articles of food. American Journal pj iign
cuffto-e oiid Science
'I Wondkb," said a woman of liuniur
why my husbaud and I quarrel so often, for
we agree uniformily in one-grand point ;
wishes to be master and so do I."
A Sur of the foot yoo may soon recover-
but a .lip of tha feiir' you can never get
Tine 77ic Morning light is trcoiting.
Joy to till lands possessing"
Light from the Source above,
That share the gracious blessing
Of Gospel truili aud love ;
Joy that the world is waking
From its lethargic sleep,
And signs of good are breaking
Across the mighty deep.'
The rule of iron ages, ,
Of carnal power and might,
Of Kings and worldly sagei!
Is yielding to the llmn r;
Far o'er the heaving ocean,
Across the bounding sea, .
We bear the glad comotioil
Of Tuctii and LiataiTV.
While the good news doth cheer us.
O, let us not forget
The sighing millions near us,
In cruel bondage yet.
The power of Truth awaking
Hearts that are true and brave,
Shall yet succeed iu breaking
The fetters of ihe slave.'
On blood-stained fields of battle,
And 011 the surging main,
Where' like dumb, driven cattle
The sons of men tire slain,
The trumpet of Salvation
Shall sound a sweet release,
And every Cluistian nation
Shall bless ihe Piiucc of Peace.
While every heart rejoices,
The grateful song we'll raise,
Aud glad and cheerful voices
Shall hymn our Maker's praise.
The prayer of Faiih ascending
Shall till our hearts w ith love,
And mercies, richly blending,
Flow from Ihe Fount above.
.V. 1. Tribune.
The Philadelphia Bulletin relates a good
tory of Horace Greek, of the New Yolk
ribtine. The Bulletin says:
At the late Whig Convention held in this
city, ho was not only an interested spectator;
but an active, ardent participant, ndvoating
the claims of his favoiile Clay without refer
ence lo time; place, or circumstance., aud
and judging from his gesticulations, recklea
of broadcloth that is. if such a; piece ofelc
gaul supcrlluit y ever entered into the compo-
ition of one of honest Horace's coals.
As the labors of the convention drew to a
close, it became evident that General Taylor
was lo be the nominee. Gieely groaned in
spirit but, still, hope had not deserted him.
lie would not, for he could not, believe ibat
a Whig Convention would nominate any other
but Henry Clay. He waited for the fourth
balhit. TlieX'liairman announced "for Gen
eral Zachary Taylor, 171 votes." He heard
no more tho deed was done and Horace',
no doubt, mentally exclaimed, but with mote
truth than the inhospitable Scotchman, "thou
canst not say I did it !'
Late the same afternoon, Mr. Greely was
en running down Walnut street at 1. conio-
tive speedy bis coat tail standing out at an
angle of forty-live degrees. The ends of both
legs of his panls weiv concealed in his boots
the buckle of his stock un leroueof bis ears
his bat over bis eyes and bis shirt collar
no where, lie carried his carpel bag by one
of its handles, aud as il was (of course) un-
ocke.l, an opportunity was afforded trt ascer
tain the nature and extent ot the waidroue
of a man w hose name is almost daily on the
lips of every man, woman, and child iu thU
reat and growing country.
He reached the wlrarf and exclaimed, sad
ly broken in wind -
"Where -where is ihe the the New
York boat?"'
Some one informed him that the boat liad
staited an hour before.
A less determined man would nave returned
to his hotel. But when was Mr. Greely ever
known to turn his back on -a friend, fie or
journey ? He did not care a toss of a copper
for steamboats or railway car? not lie. All
that he wanted was get out of Philadelphia
to lengthen Ihe distance between himself
and the Whig Convention and to get back
again to New York. He announced his in
tention, to cross Jersey o ! The people
stared, but Horace walked tin board the
ferry boat. When last seen, by any of onr
citizens, h was making tracks out of Cam
den, the carpet bag still in his hand, and his
coat tails perfectly horizontal.
Bets wine freely tillered that he would
reach Jersey City in advance of the cars.
His backers no doubt have won, for tho lead
ing article in the Tribune of the following
morning was not only written by Horace, but
it could only have been written in his "sane
linn nt an early hour on tho same evening
he started for New York.
Sockets ov Comfobt Though sometimes
small evils, like invisible insects inflict pain,
and a single hair may !op a vast machine,
yet the chief secret of comfort lies iu not
sud'eiiug trifles to vex one, and in prudently
cultivating an undergrowth of small pleasures
since very great ones, alas '. .aro let on long
A Picktiken'T Qt'ESTtoN Somebody tried
to excuse a liar to Dr. Johnson, saying
"You must not believe more than half w hat
he says."
"Ay," replied the dor-tor, ' But which
I halt V
tunbury, April i, 148.