SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ITEMS EDITORIAL ind SELECTED. Those Valuable Remedies. -Green's Oxygenated bitters, a most valuable discov ery tot the cure of dyspepsia, and Dr. Os good's Indian Chologogue, a never failing cure for Fever and Ague can be had by applying to H. B. Masser, agent for the proprietors.- ' - n - . .- , i. i i , 1 1 . . ' Governor Owsley, of Kentucky, has tender ed the appointment of U, 8. Senator to Henry Clay, to fill the vaoancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Crittenden. Mr. Clay, however, has declined the .honor proposed to be conferred upon hiin. , : i .-. - ;; s : Ex-Governor Melenlt has since "been ap pointed Senator in the place of Mr. Critten den. ., , ''.'..., . Thanksoivino roa Peace. The Bishop of Pennsylvania has set forth a form of thanks giving for peace, in accordance with Canon xlvii of 1832, to be used in the churches of that diocese during the present and the en suing month. Harvest. Most of the wheat has been cut in Anne Arundel county, MJ. By the 1st of July, in Catoctin valley, Frederick coun ty, where the wheat is good, but thd oat dwarfish, harvest will mostly have finished. ; Smithsonian Institute. The length of the Smithsonian Istitute is four hundred and fifty feet. Its breadth at the towers is one hundred and fifty feet, its general breadth fifty-four feet. The corn crop of the West this year will be immense enough to feed two or throe nations. The gold mines of Mexico may be very convenient, but the world could do with out.them much better than it could dispense with our golden hills of corn. The Courrier des Etats Unis says that Gui ?.ot has not visited Louis Phillippe since their residence in England, and that he denounces him as the author of his own downfall, and that of those connected with him. The Washington brought $30,000 in specie belonging to a French gentleman, which was sent here for investment in American securi ties. He had previously sent 840,000 for the same purpose. Speculatino on the Soldier. The Wash ington Union warns the volunteers of compa nies forming in New Orleans, and in other pla ces, not to speculate on the soldier, by misre presenting the value of their land warrants, and by other foul devices. Land warrants are cw selling in Washington city from 41 15 to St 23, and treasury scrip sells forabout S95. Congress is taking further steps to protect the soldier from fraud. Will Not Stat Nominated. General Henry Dodge, who was nominated for the Vice President on the Utica ticket, goes for Cass and Butlei. The New York Tribune advises those Whigs who are determined to break with their party because of Taylor's nomination, to go for Van Buren. Recent Experiments prove that if fish cet beyond a certain depth in the sea, they die from th- pressure of the water, beyond a certain amount of which they cannot sup port. rBIZ.ASEI.rHZA 9XABKET. Wkdnkiimv, Jure 28, 18)8. Flour Is inactive, with sales at 35 37- u 85 50 for common Penna extra $5, 6. Corn Meal Is steady at S2 37 a $2 31. Rte Flour Is quiet at about S3 5G a 3 62. Grain Wheat Prime while SI 25 a St 27 ; red is worth 1 18 a $1 20. Rye Small sales Penna. at 70c, per bushel. Corn Southern yellow is worth 32, weight. Oats Are dull at about 38c for Penn.; Southern 35. Whiskey Sales in bbls at 22c, inhhds 21 a 21 te. BliriJIORK MARKKT. Office of I he Uai.tii Auaaicsa, June 62 Grain Very little Wheut arriving. A cargo of Virginia red, the only parcel in mui Icet to-day of any consequence, was sold lit 110 and 114 cts. We quotejjood to prime at 105al!5cts. No now Wheat has yet ap peared. Sales of Corn to-day at 40a4 1 cts. for white and 46 cts. for yellow. We quote Rye at 65 cts. Sales of Oats at .-3S 34 eta. Whisket. The demand is very limited, .and sales small. We quote hhds. at 21 i cts. and bbls. at 224 cU. TRIC13 CURRENT. Curreeltd weekly by Henry Matter. AVmt, .... 137, Ki, 75 Cork, .... 60 nT. . 40 UcTTsm, - . . 13 Ksas, .... .8 Pons, 5 Flush, ... . us "Tanow, Id Ussswas, S3 Tl, . . ' B HacsLS Fist. 11 Daiau Aretts, . 75 Do.. Psicuis, 160 G. M. YORKS RF.SPECTFULLY offers himself to be ebx tors of Northumberland County ss s csnJi date f. t lbs office or SHEXIXFF. And will sndeavor, if elected, to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully snd impartial- '''Sun ury, July 1, 1848. TdfrtE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER . LAND COUNTY. , ., THE'siilMerlWer offers kimsalf to Ike lectors of NorthoanberUod Cooaty, sa csadtdsto forthsoAcsof ; PROTIIONOTART, &C. Should hs U fsvd k 'jority of votes, he will MIS . MSrtioss to reader genersl ..tiafsctioV JOHN FAUNS WORTH. June 17, IIU- TO THE ELECTORS OP NnRTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fillow Cmxaa : Encouraged by many of my friends. I herewith offer myself to your, eoniiddtstio i m a candidate for the OFFICE OF SHERIFF st the tsnroachins; election- . Should 1 be so fortunate st to receive a majority of your votes. I thill .endeavor to rei der genersl sit sfactioo. , HENRY J. READER Delaware townehip, June 81, 1848. , TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY V Fsi.i.ow Citimks t Through the encourage ment of my friends, I offer myself s randi. date for the office of ' COUNTY COMMISSION It. Should I be so fortunate at to receive the of fice, I shall endeavor to jive general satisfaction. - ' - FRANCIS BOCHER. Sunhury, June 54, 18-18 TO THE ELECTORS OK IN OR THUMB Elf. LAND COUNTY. Fsi.i.ow Citizens' By the encouragement of my friends, I am induced to offer myaelf aia rnndnlnte for the office of KKGISTER fc RECOKDKK. Should I be elected, I shall make every effort to render general satiifaction. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, June 34, 18 J8. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. AT the solicitation of a number of my friends I hereby offer myself as a candidate for REGISTER & RECORDER AND Clerk or the Orphans' Court. Having had aeveral years experience in the du ties of the office in this county, I think I shall be able to discharge the duties thereof with entile satisfaction. JOHN P. PUliSEL. Sunbury, June 17, 1848. TO THE ELF.CTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS. Encouraged by ma ny of my friends throughout our county, t oiler myself to" your consideration as a etiiiuidate lor the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, at the next general Election. Should my Mlow citizen lavor me with a majority of their votes, should spare no exertion to nihil the unties of sud office with fidelity and to the satisfaction of all. MARTIN IRWIN. Sunbury, June 3, ISIS. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. ELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma ny of my friends, I respectfully offer my self as a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, and Clerk of the Orphans' Court, At the approaching election. Should I be fa vored with a majority of your votes, I will spare no exertions to render general satisfaction. GEORGE OYSTER. Delaware township, May 13, 1818. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY inform you as a citizen of Northumberland county, that my friends in the four lower townships, made a solicita tion, or call, these three years, to offer mysell to the citizens of our county, as a candidate fur the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, and I flatter myself capable of fulfilling the du ties ol said othce accoiding to law. As I am disabled to do any thing else but teaching school. which I followed seventeen years, and under stand both English, anil German, which is ne cessary. &c , JOHN HENRY KREBS. Upper Mahonoy, May 27, IS 18 CJeorRc J. Weaver, ROPE MAKER & SHIP CHANDLER. Nj. til Water Street and No. It Karth Wharves Philadelphia. f.S cona'anlly on hand, s genrr 1 asaort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines. Ac, viz: I ur'il Hopes, Fishing Hopes, While Rii;k-, M.illil- In Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Doatx. Also, s complete assortment of Seine Twinea, Ac, such an Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Dent Patent Gill Nei Twine, Cotton Shod and Herring Twii e, Shoe Thread. Ac. ike. Also, Bed Cord. Plwuuh Line. II idler, Truce. Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac, all of which he will dispose of on reason ihle trims. Philadelphia, June 81, 1848. ly E. II. SMITH, Tockct Ilouk mid Morocco Case Manufacturer, - jlas succeeded B P. SISTY, at the Old Stand I J- SI J CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia Pocket Books, linkers' Caaei and Portfolios of every description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tablets Card Cases, Dressing Cases, Segar do, Writing l.i , Backgammon Boa ids & Chessmen, Gold Pens, Snyder's, Chapman's, and Saunder's Razor Mropi; Kenny's Tally bo Razors, Rodgers's Wade & Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Egyp tain Razors, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every description, Dowie and Dirk Knives; also, s Uige assortment of Fancy Stationery, at the lowest rates. Jobbing done with neatness snd despatch. Philadelphia, June 81, 1848 3ns OAKFOllD'S GREAT BAT, CAP, 4XD FIR ESTABLISIISEM, Xo. lO I. Chestnut Street, Between Third and Fourth Sis. PHILADELPHIA. fllHE Advertiser has constantly on hand and J. manufacturing, every description ol HATS and CAPS, of the latest and most appioved fash ions, consisting of YOUTHS' HAM AND t APS, In variety, among which is new arti cle for Spring and Summer wear. MILITARY CHAPEAUX CAPS ect, made according to the Army and Navy re gulations snd for superioity ot finish uu.l mate rial, have never been auroaased THE SUMMER FASMOX For g-ntlemen, consisting of Fine Rockey Moun tain Beaver and Gossamer Hats, (veiy light,) Panamas. Leghorns, Fine Cobourgs, ret., ect. Also fine Straw, Braid, and Hair Cloib 'aps; Ladies Riding Hats snd Caps of entirely new tvle. in fact the largest assortment ever before offered to the public; being as low in price as any Establishment in th country Remember CHARLES OAKl'ORD, Ko. 104, Chetnut tlreet, be!we,n Third and Fourth tlreelt Phladelphia June 31, 1848 ly THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. IMPORTERS OF ? C2 333 t3B S3 P'aied and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, sod Fanes Goods, and Manufacturer ef Jew. elry sod 8ilei Ware, lit Cheanul street, Phila delphia; have received hy lets arrivals s large and handsome e'otk or English and French Watches, and Martde. Porcelain and Fancy Clocks. Plated Urns. Castors. Oske Baskets, High and CbsmberCandtectiek Soup Ladlae. Bosons and Fork. Alee a good assort meal of Ufiutaoia Wans and Tino Untlery. -t Thetratoekof JBWELtYle largo and oflho moat fifhionaUe kipu. snd they are well supplied with Silver Spooew. Forks, Mugs, Napkin Rings, Butter Knivea. Vs., and l boat ns-tking eny duse p'sy of pilcee in tb puMM prtnts. ibey are parsd la ssll ss low a the who do, and lntie P'isens wishing te fnrchaee to eall. Pbil'dl'h,a, Juns K, 184i.-m S. J. MEGARGEE & CO. IMPORTING AND COMMtSBIOTI MERCHANTS, j And Dealtrt in Paper, and Paper Manufactu rers' Materials. No. 39 Commerce st , PHILADELPHIA. KEEP constantly on hand large asort ment of printing and other paper. News papers in the country, can be supplied at all times, with paper of any size and quality, st the lowest prices. t . I'hiladelphia, June 17th, 1848. .) : ... Wardrobe of Fashionable . CLOTHING. ; J. W. & E. D. STOKES, J CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, i No. 194 Market Street. Fini Clothing store be ,, i OW Sixth, ,,' ... PlIILADKLrHIA, ;..-..' , i J HERE they are constantly engaged in get. ting np from the best French, English and African c'oth. c'nthing cnt and made up in the moat superior and fashionable sty e. i'ersons who buy to set', will find a large and excellent stock at the lowest city prices. C othing made up to order, ins superior style at the shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Rega'ia. a large assort, ment always on band. Orders from Lodges snd individual prompt'y attended to on the most res aonab'e terms. I'hilade'phia, June 3, 1818 lr FRENcTf RE VoiUTION TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, must fall, so must prices. That this is a fact can be proved by calling at No. 72 North 2d street, nbove Arch, PHILADELPHIA, IAZ IK It A V, FINE COLD AND SILVER WATCHES LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, , Wholesale and itetatt, The stock consists in part of Gold and Silver Levera ; I'Epinrs and Quartier Watches 1 Jewel ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns. " SILVKIt SPOCN1. .fc. Particular attention paid to these articles, the iualtu ofwhuhis No I. and workmanship ililto. The establish ment of LK HI.'RAY has been well known I'Oft FOUtiTY YE A US, in SECOND Street, and has made a character which needs no pulling. Silver TEASPOONS as low as 51,00 per sett can be ninde fur less if wished. WATCA CLASSES Plain. 10 cts; Patent, 15; Lunette. 21) cts; other articles in propor tion. ltemembn, you can buy here below any pub lished list of prices in this City or New York. Wutrh Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to give satisfaction N B. Old Cold and Silver boiiaht for rnsh or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No Ti) North Second Street, above Arch. Philadelphia. Sept. 83. 117 ly c May 6, 1818 DR. TOW WSEN'J'S COBPOUSD EXTRACT (IF SAllSATAUILIsA. rplllS Kxinct in put up in (jiitirt Ixittlm. It ii fix times til. It rtirvB ilirifiict-a without vomiting, purjiinjf, wirk uvnf, tir dchiliuiliiig Urn pulicnt, unit is purlic ultirly mlnpttil 'rU FAI.t AND SPRING MEDICINE. Tlie grtnt lw:uity und superi'trity ui' this H:irKiiurilL-i over other ret i ut I it in. whilst it eratlii'utuiiJi.HMuiti, it iiiviptratPB the b -rly. Coiittiimpti'in rurl. Chiiiiee uml Strengthrii. Consumption cjii Ih riintl. Briirhitis. C'Miontiipiinn. IsiviT C niplmnt, Colrtu, C nifrhff, CttUrrh. Asthnw. Spittiiien' Blor1,l4'rmHWP in the Client, Hectic ritili, NikIiI Swuat, Ditii ciilt und Pm'tiKf fcxwTttirutinii, rih! Piiiu In tlin 8iile, Ac, liuve hiwI chii Ik) curnl. lrilmlly iht-rr never won n rnni'tly tluit ha wen m miN coMful in ilexpcritte rwpi ol' ctMimimptiou ui thin ; it elpjin arts ami utreittiiuiis the avutcni, awl upfeari to heul the ul cer mi the In i iff, uml pat i cilia gradimlly regain their usuul Iieullh ami ulrenuih. iM'KlorH CASK OP COXWMPTIOX. 'lliere im Kcureely a tl iy piiwcs btit there are a uuiuImt "f iMffin .h rHiKiiuiptmii reimneil am cured by the um Dr. 'INiwiswu'ii Siriitiirill:i. The foll'wiitg was recently re rei vet I : Dr. Defir Sir: For tlm birt three years I have 1ccii ut11i:teil with penenil debility, ami nervoii cm niiipti'Mt of the biMt 8i:ie, ami titl not expect to ever pun nry henllh at nil. Alter p'inK throunh n ourw? of meJieine miller the cure ol h mie o the in ni hs; iitf iiinijifl reulur phyntL'iuiis niul uieuiberB ol the IJ nirtJ ol Jliiilth lit ev Viik anil elite where, nnl ffpemling the m st of my enininus j in attempting to reuaiii my heiilth, mid nfter re uliiuf in t mie ptipiT ot' your Siricipttrill i I rea -Ived to try it. Alter ! iwiu six Intlle't I I'-iimd ir d ne me ere; it g d, ami called to nee vou at vmir otiice : with vmir advice I kept on, uml rio iivwi hiar:il llcmk you lor yur ndviee. 1 eraevere iu taking the Sannpariii-i, uml liuve Ihc uble toatleml to my til . tin I' r the hxi lour in 'utltc, nud I hope by the lileAiiiiii of 01 and your S:iriwirill:i to continue my iiexilth. It lid lied me iVvond the cx-etnf i-Mt of nil who knew my mae. IIAKM (JL IMUY Orange, Kwiex c . X. J., Auir. i, 1M7. Slatcof New Jeiaey, l'.saex county, ws. Charles Q nim by being duly sworn actmling to law, on his oath sttith, t hat the foregoing sUitement is true according to the best of hwkuowledneiiml belief. I'lIAUIsttt tl IAIBV. Sw ru iiuti suhseriliixl to before me nt Orange, the 'id Aupift, 1.7. CVKI S BALDWIN. Justice of the I'euce. HPJTT1XO H1.UOD. Hcid (he f U witigT and s:iy that c inunmtioi. is hi incu rable if y m ran : New York, April 1I7. Dr. Town-end : I verilv believe your Sursapnrilki has been the iihtiim. thrugli rrovijenee, of auviiig my lite I hnvef ir sever. 1 1 year had a hud rough. It U-cwine worse und worse. At tn'st I raised Innr o uumitities of blOJit. Iisul night swifts und wan greenly debilitated nud reiluccil, mid did n it expect to live. I have only used our S;iritapiirilla but a shirt time, nnl there bus a wonderful ehaiure been wrouirht in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I raise m Uo.xl, nud my r Migh has left nte. You cuu well imugine that I am thankful It these rcHults. Yiur obtxli cut servant. WM. HCSSEMs, 63 Catharine st. LOST 11KH tiEKCH. The annexed certilicate tells a simple and truthful story of suffering and relief. There are lh Kisuuds of si miliir ca ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are thoufniHts ot' parents let their chiklreu die lor fear of being humbugged or to save a few alulhngs. Rro klyn, ftejit. 13, 147. Dr. Towxskkd: I take pleasure in slating, for the bene fit of those whom it may eomeni, that my daughter, two years und six m oaths old, wus alflicted with general de bility nnd loss of apecch. She wus given up us past je c very by our family physician ; but fortunately 1 wus re commended by friend to try your Suraaparillu. )tel rc having used one bqUle the uncovered her speth and was euubled to walk ulotie, to the uat uishinciit of all who were an i ua inted with the cireumstuiicea. She isiHiwmiilewell, and in much In-iter health than site has beeu fur 18 mmths puat. JOSK1MI TAYIaOIt, l York at.. Ur.Joklyu. TWO nill.DKKX SAVED. Very few families indeed in fact we have nit heard of one that used Dr. Towi-send'a Snmiparilla in time, I eat any chiklreu the past Summer, while those that did not, sickened and died. The cereificute we publish beiow is conclusive eviduiico of its value, and is only another instance of its saving the lives tit' children t Dr. Towssenu Dear Sir : I hud two children cured by your 8. i ran Hir ilia of the summer complaint and dyseutary; one wus only Id mouth old ami tlw other 3 years. They wera very much reduced, uud we exvectvd they would die ; they were given up by tw rcspcrtuhle plnsicmns. When the doctor Informed us that we taunt kae them, we resol ved to try yimr HjrsjpnriUa wa had heurd ao much of, but had little cHindeuce, tliere being so umeb stud advertised that is worthlcM: but we are iliuukl'ul lliut we did, for it iitnimibtedly snvrd the lives of b th. 1 write this lliat oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, JOHN WlleSOX.Jr. ' Mvrlle-uvciine, ltriLlvu. Sept. 1.9, 147. TO THE I, AIM IS. GREAT PKMAleK MEDICINE. DR.TowisiNi,SA4tsAPAKiLi.A in u sovereign and Seedy 'itre lor incipient cimmmptioa, and lor the general pr stra I 'ii of the sviteui no matter whether the remit of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or no eileiit. othini can lie in re suritrifinn th in Us lu uroratimr ef fects on tlie Ii iu nan frame. Persons all weakness and las s tude, frtim taking it at once btx-oois r 4ust awl lull of energy under Hs luHiteiM-e. 11 limuedmlely c Miiiteracu the uervelessiuesa of the feuiale fruiue, which is the great cuuae birrenueaa. It will not be expected of us, in cases of ao delicate a na ture, to exhibit certitieates ol rures erformed, bid we can cwtiie the ftlilietixl lliut bmulretU ot' cases have been repor led to us. D. Townkm: Mr wife Witiir i?rentlv distrtwaed bv weukness and geuerul debiliiy, and atunvniig continually by puiu and with other dntivuliitia, uud having known vases where your inndieine has eft eel cd great cures; and ala hmriiur It recommended tor sueli cases aa I have described. 1 obtained a Uaile y mr Kxlruet of tSurna;Mrilla and fol 1 .wed the directions yai gave me. In a short period it reinnvert her cimpmuua mi l restored her to health. Ueiug frretitiul for the Isenetits site received, I tak nleusure in thusackuuwluilKiug it, and roeauuuenduui it to the public. M. D. MOORE, Albany, Aug. 17, '44 c r. Grand 4 Lydia ata. DYSPKISIA. So fluid or mediciiw has ever beeu diaAovarad which ao nearly resembles the gastric juice ur saliva in deconipnaiiig ftHsd and stfengthening the organs of digestion aa this pre paration Of Daraapariiw. u ptiaiuveiy euros every oaaa 01 Uyapepsia. however severe or chronic. liank Depurtiuuia, Albany, May 10, 1M5. Dr. Towiiaend Sir t I bava bean amioted for several years with dyspepsia hi ita worat form, attended with sour ness of Btsvsssch. loaa of apoetits, axtrerae heartburn, aitd a great aversion to all kind of food, and for weeks, (what 1 aouU ac) I hava been nnabla to retain but a smalt portion on niy atmnach. 1 triad tha asusj waned Ua, baft tassy had but little or no effect in rsrnoving tha twtnnlaint. I was in duced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Har aaparuax, and I snuat amy with littla anundenr i j but atar Aen for ilrv IOHN W FR1IJNO : Nar- tkuinbssstati, MART A McCAr i Psnsius, WHt A MURRAY Co. . r : -April M, IStS ly CUTLERY. AN e xirneiva Slock of Pocket and Tsbla CUT LERY, for sale by J0H1T lei. COLSlftAlT, M. aa and 83 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Slreti, 0 mp I'ing fiOOO dosen renknlsrs, 8efaor and Alsrt, s choice s..ilmenl of Ro.lgrs ti 8nn. Wooriiho mV, Onave.', VV, eV 8. Oulcher'a and Penney s CutKrjr. - ; .Also, Hpanish, Uiik and Huntini Knieee. 0 Also, Gun, P sliits, ant Bowie Knite. - Ala't The American Rotor Strop, a saprtlot srlicle, wo tjr the attrnti.m tif Dealers i Card Dealer in Culleiy,' will find the a'lMee 8tKk worthy their at'eniin, at the SulMCrikrt' chief 1'iia nes is inij oning and wllina cutliiy, ".j rhil liia, June 10th, 1819 ly. , A TaovsABD DatL.ns 6aTss t ... ... ASHBY &ROCAP, lint nnd Cap Manufacturer, 8mlh Eatt Corner f ith and Market Street, Batrment ttory. PHIL AOSLff HI A. HAVE constant y n hand a full and ro np'ete aasorimrnt of HATS, CAPS, and FUK1. Als.i an eli-Raul aasortmiiit of mr n l hoya' Leghorn, Punaina, and P.l.n-liaf flat. All of wl.ich by a sinn of $1000 in rent, will he euld, wholesale and retail, at the very Inweat price. Counliy dealer would di well to cell, se hy e ronomy snd low rent, we am eu.ulaj lo sell at very low rates. June I0ih, 1848. ly KNOW ALL ME! THAT BENNET &. CO. TTAVE REMOVED from 193 Market StreM, at their New Splendid and Immense Estab lishment to be known as the Tower Hall Clothing Bazaar, A'o. 182 Market Street, between fifth If sixth, HILADELI'III . The Proprietor feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration of eoma in the trude, but will brg l ave to quote the following notice from one ol our city papers; "One of the greatest curiosities that our City affords to the stranger, is I1ENNETT & CO'a gieat clothing store, No. 182 Market Street, be tween Fifth and ixth, which has been styled 'Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building is an immense one, con taining seven capacious rooms, all of which are stocked with every variety ol aeasonable gar ments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprittors take great pleasure in showing their building and contenta to the citizen, particularly strangers, and In those co ming from the country we know of no place more worthy of a visit. I hiladvlph-a, May 27th, 1818 3in. I'liila., KPMdln&r, and I'ottxvlllc Hall llond. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHANCE of Hour, and two Trains Daily each way, except Sundays. On and after Monday, May 1st. 1813. two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila. and Puttsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia st 7 A. M daily except Sunday. Passes Reading at 10 45 A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily ence'pt Sundays. Passes Reading at 9 10 A M. The above Line stops at all way stations ou the road at formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FST TR MN. Up Train. I Down Train, Leaves Philadelphia stLeave Pottsville at 3) 3 P M .daily except P. M , daily except Sundays Sundays. Leaves Phrpuixville 3 t-'L-iive. Si h Haven, 3 37 Pnllstown, 4. !i Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading. 5.00 " Reading, 3 50 " I'oltstown. 4 30 " Pho-aixville, 9 00 rrives at State Road, 3,50 " Port Clinton, 3.4.1 Sch. Haven, 6.10 Arrive at I'otts ville, 6 30 The afternoon train will stupnnly at the above nameil stations, fassengeri for other points mu( therefore take the Morning Line Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. No Passengers can enter the Cars mites provided wi:h Tickets. NOTD'E. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines; and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel which will be st the risk of its owner. No freight will he taken by these lines. By order of Board of Manager 8. BRADFORD, Secretary May 0 1848. tf OXYGENATED ixi 12 1X1 53 8 A SOYEUKIGX REMEMY FUR DYSPEPSIA, . 1'IITIIISlfJ, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. GEORGE B. GREEN, Phopiktoii. W indsor, t ermont. 19 suvereieii reinwly fur A, in many nf Us I'ornui, sucb u pain 111 the tSbmuu-h, lleurtlniru, luiblluul CwliVFiiess, Acul kaiiacli, llmilurlie, 1ms of Aupetile, Piles, .NiglK Swuuts, and even CoiwuiiiuiUki (D)ilic Phthisic.) and Aillniia, ur Phlhiuc at'.eniled with tlrmiwo meiit of the ttbiunch l)yie.tiu AMhim,) Uirtti-ult Ureathing, which oi'ien results Ir.nii iuiirriict digmiuti (w ! a:ptu- fyMiiru,) is relieved by these Hitter. Iu slwit, their nw hus beeu proved ill the relief of nhlKHrt all tho sympbHiui lliHt proceed from debilitated or at"llie eiHidi turn of the Mtoinach i also in (reuend debiliiy ariainv I'nmi aire or (r un the eir.-cts of Fever, particularly Kever uud Ayue. Females siuteriilg umlvr any uterine demntfetuent arising fr.Ha wutltness, will find the '-Uxygksstkd Bit teb'v an excclleiit rauoly, and ut surixuaed by any uiedi cine in use. The hist.iry of this mnlieine is peculiar. It tins made its way to public lavor solely by the lorce of its own iniriiisic merits. No artiticial means have been used to give it u toriety and thrust it Uhii uublio attenliiNi. it has never before even been advertised, lull hitviug first showu its re inurkuble e:Hwy iu the luiiiily of the proprietor, and by him aiierwaids administered to his artlicted frieuds ami ae quuinlances wilh a like result, ils reputiiliou gradually ex temted until it is known in the most ili.uuit puru of tlie t'uttiii, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in tha cur of l)yspewia in all its diricreut forms, and ala.) for tlie uure ol Asihiui or Phthisic, lis unit' herald end it only eul igy has been tlie story of ils wiffiderful efficacy, as told from iiimth to mouth iir by letter from friend to 'friend. In eve ry instance where these timers have been uecd, and the re sult made known to the proprietor, they liuve j.rovcd a ru Nuiurrouscertifienles, attesting the singular elHcacy of IIIO -IIXTtiKTlATKD niTTBKS," U IS IDC (KUWW.IWI no Iir ipriet. r ; many of Uiem signal by pun uji ulnudy wiilely iuowu to the public. ill'.... ii. unrir..., imiiii-,-... WINDSdR, VI., Ocl iU'r il, IMS. The lulluwlug Certlticntes buve receutly beeu received i Waxiiimutox, D. C, Jux in, luid. H iving made use of the -tlxvgenuleil llillers" nreisired by Dr. (le i. H. (in-en, ol' WiixUor., Vt. und from kn iw letlge olMailied of their elliewy iu other cuima. wecherrlillly rec imilli-iKI uiem tti lliepnutie, lieiievmg lii:u nicy wiiiiuuy suatniii the rec snmeiidHlioii the Propria . We h.ipe tlwt this valuuble remedy inuy be s.i gi'iiemlly ililfuncd thr mahout the country that it imiy be accessilse to all the ultlieteil fAMt'EI. PIIKIJ'S, ) .. WM.I.IAM l l'IIAM, ( lJ JAM1.K P. HIM MdS, I'.U. f. Henal fnau Verm ut. Ren-it ir from K . lkuul. 1. T. MORKilKAl). I H. Kmulta and firuurly Uovern- or 01' Kentucky. 1,. Ii. AltNOI J), Mombur of Congress and ronueiiy u. vernor ol' It. 1. WM. WdOIMlRIUOK, U. H. Heual.v and f inuerly Oa. vernor of Michigan. ... M. I.. MAHT1N, Uelegnte lu Ciaigress muu ischhiu Territory. From Il'Si. II. P. Fost, Member of C-sajrea fraa Pennsylvania. Washin'otuk, 1. C , Jess 10, IMS. ium u.r 1 1 ... iwmi avMMiiAie BuflWer for abous ten years, aud bava reaorted bs. variuu medicineii for relief wilbout aueresa, until I made use of your 'Oxygei.rted Balers." I lutv used about two bottles, and fiiid wyself reslored to perioct kealtk. Th fms lu which tha di. easa showed itself, lu my ease, were, g' oir stomach, Ins of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe eniwtl patios, of thahoweJs, and violent kaadaeh. PaeJlngdesi. ITT.- ik. . k,u,ww w .Mir valuable rsoMdy may reach others similarly afflicted. I Ink gr r ' w" in my testimony W its eurmltT power I and would also remark, that wail on a vssit at aosna a an i "" admiuistarad part of a aottnjj b a aoasbar of asy amioteo friends, with gnat aiseaa. TUf are aaauoo that yo boukt ambHs aa aganey m futfnrm. at uaorsathesa .l. I..1..T... kl . IVUh aa aanksat da- IotOso B OaaaaVladsnr, t ftokt Wkdeasla aud fUtail by Orn Flaaehaf, N. W tMh saxth etoat, rJttfajiaai. Agent fur uusrw . MAs4. Aianu for Mitren-MAf-KAY HAAG Aptd 16, 1HS THE CHEAP -Brush, Comb and Variety STORE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, BRUSH MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN COMBS & VARIETIES AS DA North Third, helm Rare St. and North , E ft Conner of Third and Market tlreet, PBIZ.ASBZ.PRZA. ' tTHEREthey offer for sa's a general assort " ment of all kind of Brnshe. Comb ami varieties which they sre determined to sell Lower then rsn be purchased s sewbere. i Country Merchsnt snd others Purchasing In the above line wil find it to their advantage to call before purchasing e'sewhere as the quality and prices will be fu''y guaranteed against all competition ' " Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 ly. , , JACOB ICECK, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WlffEAXD LIQUOR DEALER, N 393 Varket Street, Below Eighth, North tide, PniLtntLrniA. Keeps eonstantly nn hand all kind of old Li quor, vis : Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, &e. Also white brandy for preser ving. Wild Cherry Blackberry brandy. I'hiladelphia, June 3, 1818. ly GREAT NATIONAL WORK. A HUtory af th ItPTolntlon nnJ Ltrra ( the Hero of th ITttr of Indpfntlrnrp. BY CHARLES . PETERSOX. An elegant volume with 18 fine Steel Plates, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings, "This in n ipu(H(l book. A vultiiihlo mltlitl-m to the Hixtoric 1itrratnrt of our country. We am mtirh mifftu ken if it (lot-a not tnkn nuik with the work of Irving ami Prrarott.' rrankfonl UrrnM, It RiirmMtpg any fliniilnr work yet offered to tlie Amcri can public." Ncal'i Oar-tti. lt may be properly c timilrrcd a popiimrlw! Ainitanr Iliitttiry i f the lttvol'iti n, extremely well and jiulicuHii writtrii." N. Amertenn. The nrriwnt work nn the Tlevolntion aini ita Hrroea, in inperior, both in extrnt nnd flcrtjfrn to any that lta herctu- li-rc e tiiif untHT our notirr. im. A well conin'ctwl UiHtor ol th:it eventful porioil. IrI ger. 'IVriilwliy Ihi boFt p pnhr History of the wur nftlio Rev ilntion mut it Her e, lltiit lum yt been given to the country." Sitnnl-tv Kventnir Port. IV AfiKNTS VA.TI.lJ t convnun f-T the nbove elo pimt Work, in every f.mnty nnd Tvn in the Unttetl Mntpf, to wlioin the in t IUntuI iiiiluciiienta will I oliVr rtl. Price onlv ffl. Adtlrew Mii-i-ic1 WM. A. I.KMtY. . SH Nirth HKt'tlNU St. Pilll.ADKI.PIIlA. Philmhlphin, May . M Hin THE ONLY llADtCAf. Cl'RK FOR CONSUMPTION ! ! iVniluhnr Kinir' Kvil, RhciimatiAm, Olwtinnte Cnt uiAoiis KriiitiiHM. Piinpli'iiir Pfrtntc in the far, Rl itclim, Hilm, Clirniiic S ire Kys. King Wurmor Tetter, Hrnltl Hrwl. Knlnri'n.t'iit iiimI Pain of the 11 w dud jointa, Slnlilitorii rtcnra, tSyplii litir Syniptoina, Hcinticri ur Leiiiiitnir'i. diffiiwHriiiii(t i'rm an iiiiudi rioim iimu ol' Mciritry, Drop sy. Kxpinurr or Impru jciKn iu lilt Hla it CI ironic Coiiitti luti ttril lit ' orders. In t!ti ititNlicint wvpitiI inn t-nl l.ut vrry xtint urtirlfs of the vr(rrtnlJe kinKii nn ar umttNl, 1'nrmiits: a sMuipaund entirely diilWriit in it cluimctrr bihI pruperlin front any other prtrrwrHtion, nml uiirivnlled in its operation on the Nyteni when luboring under dinenw-. It sltould be in the IviniU of every peri m, vh , hy bueineaa, or general eourae of life, ii pret.inyut(il to the very many ailiineiita tlmt ren der life aeurae, inntuiid of a bleiumg, and 3 often reault in death. FOH AtTuOKI-LA. Sr. DniVe' Pminreii in riviiniiiiiiilttl ua a err tain reiueily. t ine iiiNtiinrR of ilff (hi In re lrn ever oeeurreil when free ly uatxl ! It cure, tin difte.e nnd nt tliearime time iiuairtn viK'r t Hip wh 'le KHtm. S"Mful iu pern na mil never pny t n mnrli utlt iiti n ti thr mate of tlu ir M knI. Ita u-titw'Uti-'ii nh.tulil be their liM uini ; for rit4' enuiee will ai-C'impliali a cure of kvf.n hkhkditakv diawuat. FOR KRl'ITIONS OF Till? SKIN. Seitrvy, iV irbntie Atlt'tittia, Turn ira, White Hwellinir, r.ryniHliia. riccm, Ciiiieerii, Itmniin tirett, Scuba nnd Hi lea, r. I'hulte'a Punneeii nnnvrt tie tt hijihty extolktl; it auirt'liea out the very root of the diatiute, and jKTinaiicnt. 1PICESTIO OU DYtPKlSIA. No medicine perluiia hna ever ben iliae.ivereil which givea i uiueh t-ne t the stmiiiteh and itiiiMH the mi-re-tion o' a hmlthy giixtriv juice ti deeouipoee the fond aa Dr. DiTike'a Punaetju KHI'KMATIMr. Pr. Drake' PuTineea ia utc-l with the rreateat aueveaa in Rlieiimutie Conipliiinta, i-ajHC i:dly such u chrome. It curea by driving nt all impuritiepmt! foul htiin nira which have ocuuiuutatnj Hi the watcm, which are the caune nt Hheu- iiiHtitmi, (ittMit, ami rwelliti.'aot the jfiinta. Other reined lea iuietiinea pive leiTtjorary relief; thia entirely erodieatea the diaMHiMe from theuyvtvin, even when the Uiuba uud buiiea are artuiiinyawiMieu. COfLaMPTION. Comm-mptio ca!i us crUKD. Chi-Ii. Cutnirh. Ur H- rhitia, SMltinff of HI m-iI, A"thuui, Diliicult or prtfuae Kx-pci-torati n, Hectic Fluhf N urht 9wenta, Pain iu the aide Jtc. have Uvncureil, and can be with aa much certainty m any other diaeaae. A aeonc Ins l ing been ught for, but in vnm until the uiacovery ol nr. Dntke'a I'anaeea. u la mild and eafe but certain and edicHlioua in ita operation, and nuinot possibly injure the inst delicate c Hiaiitiiliou. We would eurneauy reiiiuimeud thoae anlicted t mve it a trial nnd we believe they will tvtt buve ocruei n t'i nyret it. The system ia rleaiined and Rtrenthpiied, the ulcers mi the lungs are heuhil, and the itieiitn (jnulunlly regum I heir usunl health ami atmigtlt. Rcutl the folluwina; : TKSTIMONY. Phila., Pec. 14th, 1K17. Pkab Iib : In reply In vour uueaiiou rcsuccliiiz the uae of I)r, pmke'a ISnuu eji, 1 will auv, that although a perfect dislicliever iu the existence if a I'am acea or cure for all iluenMea, bowevt vuluable it umy be ui curtaiii cHwtttona nf the avHteiii. atill I have believed tluit a cure for Cotisunn- tiun would lie diaevered atoiier or later, and cuii aity led tne t try yitur inediciue in two very inveterate caaea. j hey were proti'iunced iiy the atteiHliiur ttiiVKinuna tu be tt'LoABY fossVMPTioN, and alteiidt Hied by Minn aa IN- ct'KAULK. One oi the persons bail Imnni undtsr the treat ment of aeverui very uble ractiiiotieia for a number of years, ami they said alie liad nld fnahi med Conifuuiplioti cmibiiie wilh Scrofula," and tlmt ahemiuht liiiitcrfor mie time, I Mil could iM le pennanctiUy relieved. In botbensea the I'ifcct dfllie- lunureu Jas been uinsl vrutifyiiint. Only four or five b attics wr us"d by ine of the persons ttefure she tMfzan to improve rapidly. The oilier t f k abut ten. I will "illy ad'hluil fttiitiiinr aa I am with c aiumptiHi by iiitierituucv uud by extensive olis;rvalin aa a study, ami kn win; 11U the injtiri ui tiftscts in iiiuu s lUtnfteii itt'lnr, l)iitct. ni other vecUible t mica, na well ax of many ot the expect mmtaaml setlutive, I sh -itld never havo re4Kiiiuieti(U il the iiaw ut Dnikc'a Ptuuicen if J h:ul u t Imcii iicrpunntcd witli the ingredient. Sntliee it to say that thefe are iectuinenten ny our iu w p iiiitir uml acicatitie pitysi ciiuiP, aud iu their present o hi tinned slate, onn probably the U-at Hltenttive lliut hiia ever betit uuule. 'J lie cure ia m niv Td 'iu'e with a theory f CnRumition briiuchetl in France a few venra nsr bv one ot' her m ist eminent wri ters o tiRtfheiim, und u w ttabli-bed by uita which ail- uut 01 ii i iiiituie. Very ReaiKcttully Ytmra, I. C. CL."i. To nee tli" hnuunqe of nti'ther, ! . Prukea Panacea bt alwiya stluiur) iu its el I'wtrf never injurint. it ia if it aa tlpiritc ll ix 11 -t UlHl i;Xie"l'nilH. is n uuemieu mu Hie initid into a fatal a-eurilv. Il i a arriwl remedy a gruml benlimr mid curative c nupound. the greut ami mily remeiiy winch metUiJii aciem-e unu hiu f'r the treutinent of thia hitherto uiicumiuertxl uwUidy. Ami tin perm etllicted with this dread disesse, will be just to tiimsrll l ul III menus, li lie a" " " wnir-nv I h hi nig iia virtues. A single luittle, iu imat cnaea, win pn duce a fuvoruUe change iu Um uuiKlili-41 ot any patient, h-iwever low." TO TUK LADlFeS. latlisaonalejini'leEiti and rvaiauinpttve kabita, and such as are debi listed by lhe obatriM-liojis whkh fewaka ata liable to, are reaMred bv the use of a bottle or twu, lit bkaim vigor. It u 07 lar Us beat remedy ever diaonverad ftsr weakly childruu, and eueb aa have bud huimira ; being pieaaaut, they take H. It Uuroediately real ves the appetite, strength and eotor. Nothing can tie ni ne aurpriaing tluit tta invigivalina af fect mi the human frame. Persona, all weakness andlaa aitude before lakinc it, at once beotHne robust aivd full nf energy under ita biHuenca. It immedtata oouulcrocta he ma tetuaie inuoa. CAUTION. Be careful and a that jaw get the gtuu. Has Vt. pasas'a I"acsa h has th signutura of Geo. P. Stout oa the wianew. arwl alio ah aaaae "Da. Daaaa'a sasacba, vwajl. ' invwn tu taa ataa. Fresavad only by Sloan k Co.. DrutfiaU, No. VI NocU ixth at., stnladeiplua. ' . . . . Asm fv Soabury n MAS8BR Bout ales he Wat. A Msaaii Co. Bsjmila H ax as, MUtaa ; Mast MeCev, Narthumbcruuii j t T Lvia, Bleuueuig April I, lMS-ty . CHEAP 1T2W GOODS. John W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informs his Trlends and enstomers, that ha has just received snd opened a splendid assortment of GOODS, consis ting of . . DRT GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queemware, Sec The public are invited to call nnd examine for themselves. Sunhury, May 6, 1818 tf NEW AND CIIEAp" JUST received, at tha tore ol Hsssf Mas sks, a choice assortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Liqutrt, Palmlenf 'and otlttr hot. Vc. all of which will be sold st the lowest prioes. Sunbuiy, Juns 3, 1818. COtJTItY TIi:nCIIAiTS Can aave frens MltU aer Cent. , TJY purchasing their OILCLOTHS direct from the Manufarturer. POTTER & CARVICHAF.L Have opened s Warehouse, No. 135 North Third Street above Race, second door South of the Ea gle Hotel, PHILADELPHIA, where they will always Iceev on hand a complete assortment of Patent Elatlie Carriage Oil Clotht. 58, 36. 40, 48 and St inches wide. Fi gured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Min im Drilling ant: Linen. Table Oil Cloth of the most desirable patterns, 36, 40, 46 and 34 inches wide. Floor Oil Cloth, from 88 inches to UI feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style of patterns, all of their o .vn manufacture. Tram parent Window Shade. Carpets, tee All goods warranted. Phils. May 97, 1848 3m FRKSII FAXCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS. . th- Nrw Stor ,V 79 Arch itreet. bctivrcn 2rf n, XI N:rlh i dr, Phii.aiiKi.piiu TpiIE subscriber invites paiticular attention to A hia larie and splendid assortment of neu' and elm 're t'yht of Dry r7,,?f comprising a general variety of the most desiinble kinds of t)rr., Ma terial, Sliairlt. Ulnve; Utisitru. Unshrinkable Flannrh Worked Cull,i. Comhre. Jmnnct, Mull. Niwttnk and '.. Munliiin, l.i urn Cam, biiennAS,Ik, Bl.ick Hat an Cra t it, olhera too numerous to adveitise. IRISH LINEN'S AND FURNISHING GOODS. Particular attention is given to Linen and Fur nishing Good, generally the stork is large, and the prices will be found much lower than usu al, having been purchased at Auction at sacrifi ced ratp The fabrics are warranted pure flax and from the best maker. It ARLKS ADAMS. P. S. Persons wishing Plain and Mrdiitm tlylrt ot Drett Goodt and Sh iw.'n, will rind a choice variety. Philadelphia, April 1. 1318 Pictorial Kditlois of tl'.tuklsrne's grcat Work on the Ucf'orniallwn OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY', SWITZERLAND, Wl.-Will be published or. or about the 1st of April, 1818, by JOS. A SPEEL. No 06 Cherry st. above 0th, his splendid 12 mo edition of the above named work, with 18 engraved illustiations from ori ginal designs; 4 volt in 2. bound in extra cloth and library sheep. I he iitibhsher respectfully calls the attention of the trade and the public generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in the United States He trust that the beauty of its embellishment. th strong and substantial manner in which it is bound, in conjunction wilh the known popularity of the work itself, will be s sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL. 06 Cherry st above 6th. J. A. S has alto lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell'a Raree Show, a auitable book for children, neatly done up in extra clolh. Philadelphia, April I, 1818 mmmmm WESTERS SEW YOltK C.OIal.EGE OF HEALTH, . 207 Main street, Bofftda, N. Y. PR. G. C. VAUGHN S Vrgttuble Lilhontriitic Mixture. rpilld celebrated reiuedy ia constantly increusiug its fame X by the many curea it ia m:iking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It Iuii itow bciim the tnily medic ins; l'.ir luniity um, uihI tu ! panicuuuiy rccniuiemia ir DROPSY : all stugc nf this eiuiplniut inunediutely relieved, no matter of how 1 mg standing. See IMinmnhlvt for testim ny. GRAVEL, and all dinenw of tlie uriimry orpiuitt; fr there iliiitrriw ing tiiiiplitint H attain. ulini'e ; n other Hrtirle can rr lieve yuu iukI ilHcurii ttatlitietitt willoiiiviii(cth wmM sket tical: ce uuuithlet. laivur Complaint. Billi hw tiitwiuieii, FEVER & AGUE. T-j the (.ret it West esttccwllv, ami wherever these cotii- ptaiiiti jMrevail this ntnliriue is cflcreit. iU MlA&KAL AH KIN 1, ivdfleteri'His coinixmiid ia m part m' this lui&ture, it cures Uieae diseuaes with certniiitv awl ffltfity, tutd dH;s iH leave the system torpid. rVe tuuihlct. a CHiipbiint of a mt rKiiuful clmniftiT, in IMMEDIATELY It ELI EV ED, aiul a cure fulhiws bv a few dav use it" Uii nrticle ; it is far Ik-Lire any other itrei-unitiii fur tin dis'tuse, r f'Wany fiher diBt-uso uriguiuting I run imjrtiru IJ.hkI. See inuu- plllc'I. aUKmLlTY UKTHKMMW1, weak hark, wrakuess of the Kitlnevi, kc, or mrUumna- timi tt ttiiM, is iimuediately rt'iie'rtl by a few tfctys use of this luetticitie, ainl a cure is aiwa- a result of its use. It BUUlds OS A CERTAIN REMEDY, for such coiunlaiiits, and uU for drmii'jeiiicaU of the fe male frau it. lUKEGULAKlTlES, SUPFHESSIONS, paiiii'ul nienstrualitiiM. No article 1ms ever been ottered except lint which would ttMu-U this kind ol' deruueiueiits. It uuty he rflird Un as a Hire aii) rl)ctive reuitnly, and did we feel iKsrinttt! I d i s i r niltl cive A THUIS.WD NAMES, as proof isf curea in this ilistresaiiiui vltn of r anit4uiiits. See pamphlet. All brkau diw n, dvUlitiled c HitUluii"iis truiu ttir fUci't oi iiteriury, wtll Uml Kit- Itntt'iug pmv-r this urlirle to art iiniueduitt-l, and the p-isuiis luiiu rttl erudiciitil ir au the svntrm. EUl'l'TlVK DISEASES will iml the alU'iiiiiv nrofM-nifS ot' ihis urtu-le. l'L'KIFY THE IILIKJI). Aud driven siu-h diseosus fnni Ihe syntfiu. rVe initupliU-l fur tmtini iny of cures in ull dirH'iiiws, which the liimls o ( an advertisement will nit pi'riuil to Im uiiued here. A mint : ive tkiu tiwuy tliuy c mt.nii itl puc tt ctjrtilieates ot iitfh cTiitracl'-r, mid a stroimtT ARRAY OF PRCXIF oi the virtues of a tnetlicine. nevr apptnml. Il is one of IJ st7.iiitsi ivwiuir ( nn rill'K lltU II 11" V -l IHI4P benehl in any cuae. and-ii lnni and muscle are left t build upt'U kt the utajciated snd liuirtring utvalid HOI'E ON and keep tnkiiig the inriuVine aa tmg" as there isau iiu pr.ivelueut. 'Hie inirii-l'v r.uM CAUTION TUK PL'BLIC against a number nf articles which e Hue nut uiuler tlie lienu tit SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, &C, a cures fur I)naiy, Gravel, Ac.: They are gnd fur rei tiling, aud unicoeled In eull the unwary ; TOUCH THEM NOT Their invent tf never th-iuglK nf curing sia-h diseaera till Uiia arli. le uod dnne il. A irlieula( study Hi aun phlet is eorueatly aihciusl. Ageiils aud all who sell the artiele are GLAD TO CIRC ULATE gratuitously. Fut up in SO na. bottles, at 8 ; IS na. A at 1 each tha larger Lading S ox. nt e tluui twu aiuall bK ties, l.'k out and get iuied uri. l'.vary b.tla has "Vanglm' Vegatabla l.illi rtnpu- Mixture," bU'Wii urj th glass, the written signature uf '(!. C. Vaughn" on tha directions, and "O. U. Vuugliu, BuffiiUi," stauied on tlie e irk. Niaia other are aenuiitt. Prepared bv Ur. O. C. Vaugha, aud s ad at lb. PruieipaJ Otkea, SUf Maiu si real, BuOolo, at wuoieoal and retail. No ouonli giraa klet tera unless pnM puid order fruiu regularly aw4tuted Aganta excepted; post paid letters, or verbal eomuuuioa iiuns aoliciuuf advaie, pnisaptly anauM u gealla. Oltee devotad (xnuaivaly u UM aa of thia artU m. m V t . v- m fLIum Maaa.: ant by ha priacipai Drugxists Maa;lstks VuitadBtaUa aaat ran, aa Afssaa. Laai of Aeasita Wum v. wasiisais Anns raa a Aeont hia J. V. Frtling, Buutauy Iseau Ousihari Zc. A. Wrath. UwMurf H F6esfr, M A MuCagfoaaa, TkcwsvTllc Ml MoC". ' eiauhart rieltnsztova !oe ilsvee Nerthuoibcr- UnS. April 1, lStfg Wife. In presenting th nuWie With a remedy tit tlie treatment ami cure nf Fkvrr asd Aui k nnd utlier Itilf'lis diaeuxv, na apology Is needed. Vnst numliers In the United Males, who sillier Irani theae aftticliwiis in their varied fornis, are eoniielleil lo svk relief iv.tin othrr e-mrees than Ihe imme diate prescript inns nf the regular physician. It become therefore nn nhjeet of huinnniu , n well o puhlic inter est, to twiner before them a ferried? prepnred frotn much ex-perieie-e, liud wltieh limy iilwnye le relied npiMi aa s.trr, aenrri aL. aid hakmi.ess to tiis coxstitction. That audi is tlie true elinrarter of the INDIA ClIOl.AljOO 1 1, ia Qtiifily olleated hy the tmiveraul suecess wilh whieh il lu been enlpl'iyed. ., , r.ff Kstraet from a enimnunicnthm or the Hon. Vii. t.u WooimainnK, of Ihc I". B. fenate, late tfuverte of Miehignn. UtIKOIT, Oct. 91, lIO. DnrTO O.oooD, tear fir. 1 have reud wilh much interest, your little takatisk upon the "raiise, treiitnent and cure" of tho fehrile diaenatv whieh hnve i cxlensively prevailefl in our' country during the Inst few in inth-sn interest iiwrensed no dtaiU, hv the f:trt lluit 1 have individually snflernt a t mneh from Ihem. Though I feel myself very incompetent Ui judge set'ely upon a stihjei-t a entirely pmfeaai'aiat, yet y,air lhe.ry apeina to me well rena.iued, and your c aielu simi just, aial 1 Ihiuk wilhnl, that your pamphlet ia culcu Riled to prialiiee mneh praelietil g mil. fpmkiug of the meilieine he Mya : It fully Justified your flattering expectations, nnd ns a mf eiaivenient, and p-pa-Inr nMneily. my own experience, a fur, iiHluees me to be lieve timl it will prove a gretit puhlic benefit. I am pleftscif to l,mrn ilwil you hnve reeently eht:ihlifiliwl ai.verni agencies' iiadiHSllion thiaigli I regret that, wilh a view to a m.'re general diHseininiil ion of it, you should hnve found it neeesMry to remove from your prmeiit residence among us. With mueh rcepect 1 have the honor to N. sir, -Vonr ol.liizwl aen-nnt, wit i .mm wooiJHmur.r..' Vfr" From Ibni. HTKruKi V. H. Trowbriiiok, (t Miehi gnn flsie stelMle. lo the Agent ot Detroit. HittMtv.iiAM. (lASt.AXD Co., Dee. 13. INI. Sir yon wii met,, mtorm you wlmt I kiviw f Dr. Oeg aal'a lielin rleil -g'nie, or niili-billnua medicine. 1 d. b"llrve that If the virtue end rllieney of thle uieflieine.wre, genernlly kn wn, Ihe m-i:n a-ii At'.i k would rtisnppear in Miehignn. I pr-M-nred n lioltle in tlie pprinff of 141, nnd hnve gsnd rene ni t U'liee tlmt myself nnd fiuuily es?nped the ague luel aeiRon iu e ni"'iiieHee of itrt nw. lVrlnpa in n stininier sinee the settlement of this fine tieiiiiiATtln, li:is the lever nml ngiie been i i prevalent as the iial. I hnve ree .nimenil'il this medicine in numerous in alnneep. mid when lliu diaense ind become fixud and ballled the .kill of plivfiei'titM : a-id I liuve never kiniwn it fad. 1 hna iniiverajilly produced Ihe in mt hnppy effeels, and I N-l lieve it In. never been exreed.-d bv any medicine ill rein.j vitig the hili ua dia.'na. a of tlie eliinite. VourH, rea H-elfullv, fTF.I'lll'.N V. H. TKOWnRIUfiK ' Agent f r Snnburv II. M. MASSKll; Northumtieiinnil, WITIIIMiTO.M A Co i Mill -n. J. H. UASEIt : iiliiui grove. M AV fc KI.OSi:. Muy II, lrlc tf. SAIiABIANDER, rim-: .tn thikf pkoof i hfsts. FIHK-PKIIDF DiKUt Fdll HANKS AND PTORKS Si-iil nml Lrttrr-Copyiiis Preswn, Pntoiit SlalL'-Lint'il Ilrfi io;i-ialori, Water Fil-tt-r.-. l'iiti'iil Porlal.le Water Cln si'ts. iiitciiili'il for the Sick nibl Iiilinn. KVAIMS & WATSOX, 76 South Third Street, Ol'l'OHITi: THE l'lllt.ADF.I.l'HIA KXCIIANtiU. Afnuufuetiire uml kecpeHiabiiit ly ou linnd. alnrge n irtmeut the nl.n-e urlicles. together wilh Iheir Patent lnin-el S:ilaninnd,T FlKK-PltOtir SAFKl. whieh, lire s i cniistnietetl as Vt bt ret nil inniiner of doubt ns to their la-iug stririly lire-nnaii', and Hint tliey will reaist the fire of any buiiding. The outfide enses uf these Snfes nre mmle nfbiiler iron, the iliKiile eiiaeif snap rt nie, nml In tweeu Ihe outer ense nml inner cnae ia a eunef). oi'iini. three inehea Ihii k. nnd is filled in with indcKlrno tihle material, so ua to make it bii iineiaibility to burn aiSJ-. of the eonteula inaiile ol lliia L'best. These t iloue S( kununders we nre prered nnd ihi ehnlli iige the world to, r.alnee any article iu Ibe aliliW of IVaik Sites tluit will atuud ns uni-'h he-it, nud we hold uuraelvea ready lit all linens to hnve l lieul litirty teated by public bnutire. We ala.1 e mtimie lo niniiutneltire n htrfre niul eeiw nil nas Sfl luent ol' our Preiniiim Air-tiifl.t Fire l'rtmf taleatf whieli tlerre are over tx) now in use, uud ill every inatauee thev lmve given entile antialhetion t l the purrlmaere of which we will refer the public l a few geiiikuicu who have them in nue. Iluwd A Sny.ler. Potlaville; Ji.seph C. tauton' l'oltai ille ; Ah. A'illiuiil I'nrr, Dovlealowu, Fu. , X. .V Ii. Tuylor. I i!f) rorth 3d at.; A Wright A N'ephi W Vine at. wlmrf ; Alexumler Caror, Couvevuneer, corner ut I'iIIhtI end . , 1 1 ata.; John M. l'.T.I. :i- inirlh 3d si.: Mvers lluali. Hi n.irlh M at.; Jiunea il. I'niil. 101 a.ulh sth at' Dr. Ihivid Jnvue. teoilli :! si.; Mnihew T. Miller. )' ' a nith :M at.: im.l we c mid n;uiie umiu hutidn-de of other I II il Were Hiei.s:,ry. Now we invite the attention of the . nud siriieui;.rlv thohe iii want of Fire I'r-aif Safea, 1 1-iciM nl our hlore la-fore .iireh:iiiiir .-li, where, and we ! c:m e it iefy tltetn lliey will eet u Iwller uud cheaper asticHi at our atore tleiii nl liny oilier el:d.!iiliinenl in Ihe city. I We nla i tuMiiiifticluru the ordiimry l'ire lriau' t'heate, at I nt very low nrieea. che:iH.r thuu ihcy c;iu be b.uht nt any other atore iu Philadelphia. PAY ID KVAXS. JOHANNKS WATSON, rtiih.h lphia, April , 11 - I y BOARDING. v rilHK subscriber is prepared to receive ami a;-, L commnilale a few transient or permanent Biurdtrs, at her residence in Suiibury. The lt. . cation is in a hanilsome anil pleasant part of the. town, commanding a fine view of the Susqiiehaii- Northumberland and Ibe scenery ailjaceuL- Tu peisnns frnm the city, who wish to spend k few months during the summef season, Sunbury adonis a delightful retreat. . ANN C. MORKTT ' April 8, 1SI8 Cm Time nnd Ulslance saved! , SUNBURY FERKSf. , FI1HK subscribers having leaaed (he Sunbury', L Kerry, beg leave to inform the pttblic, that they are prearel to convey Teams! Pleasure Carriages anil Foot passengei across Ihe river1 with safety and without delay. They have pro' videil themselves with new anil commodiontf crafts, which will always be attended wilb sbla anil careful hands Peisnna travelling to anil from and through Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisbilrf. llarlleton and other place, will rind il greatly to their ad vantage to cross st this Ferry instead of the' Bridg-s. as th-y would save from two to' fm.f' milea in distance. JOHN SPKF.CR. I.F.W1S LENHARtV Sunbury, April I, ISIS GIESD i SON. . ' Cirtniiiisaion ii nd Fnrwiiriling' MS ECU ANTS, ,V. 48 Coatmrret Slrnl mnrf BALTIMORH Will rer. ive aril sell all kim! ol'C'ountry Piq duce Flnur. Giain, &.c. N. B. Paiticular attention given to the aare of Lumber Anil cah lvuice inude on con sijiiiments, when required. April 1, ISIS. I m Important: I rifonnntion. TO all purchasers of ready made clothing, jn, fniniaiinu is heieby given that Ihe well known and much celebrated Clothing emporium, known' at the riillndclitila Wardrobe.. P R McNsti.i.g, Proprietor, Na tO.S Ciettnat ttrtit. bttwtet 'iii and .. Philadelphia, Is a.tonithing Ihe community with hi) cheap still lashiunable apimrel, ot' every deacriptioii ana) riety, Vesls liom 51) cents to B dol.'ar. Guoil. black Cloth or Cassirner Pant, as low as 3 dollars and upwards net pair, accordihg to quali ty. Black French Cloth dress Cost, as tmw A 8 dollars. Summer clolbin cheaper, peibaruj, than ever was known heretofore of the same '"wholesale dealers are particularly invited la rail and examine the large and well got upc.ot.h.. iug of this large establishment, sa very rmttuu , lar attention is pa'"" 'he cutting, to that, purchaser at wboteaal ill be certain ta get garroeols wbn lhV cam ta pit Ibeio an tir customers, that will t with taste and eaae, v,Sitb( is S maltrr of great importance. Wa invite an ens) all ! cassa and axassine for themselves hs-' fore purchasing Philadelphia, April I, IM8 3m , ' - JUSTICES BLANKS FOR f Al.n AT THIS OFFirE: If mm