Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 01, 1848, Image 2

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Stven days Later News from Europe brought
by a Steamboat Express and the Magnetic
. Ttltgrafk. , ' ' "
The European Timas states that "the re
signation of Lamartiue and Ledru Rollin wm
openly talked of in Pari, and suspicion ore
expressed that Lamartiue was a party to lliS
movement of I he 1.1th of May. Caussidiere,
late-Prefect of -tho Police, charges Lamar
tiuo with having supplied the arms to Sou
Sriere, which enabled him to get up the eon
piracy.' Larhartirio's friends all allege thut
his aim was by making a popular demonstra.
ion to avoid a collision in the streets of Paris.
I. Thiers is reported as not unlikely to sup
" lant Lnmnrtine in authority." ,
alusMn The Cholera.
The cholera is again making sad havoc in
Russia. According to the Berlin papers there
wero 155 cases ill Moscow, 57 of which ter
minated fatally.
Auatrla. Continued A turner of llir Emperlnr.
; We have accounts from Vienna to the 2d
inst. " The conduct of the Emperor is cour
iered by the Viencse as most extraordinary.
A deputation of ladies to present a petition,
requesting his Majesty to return to his capi
tal, had been treated with mnrkod rudeness
Ireland. Frnlrrnlzntion of Repeal and Orange
The Repeal Association and Orange Confed
eration liave nt Inst fraternized. A new so
ciety to be formed.' It is to assume the style
Hid title of the Irish League.
' The sale of Mr. Mitchell's furniture took
.ace on the 5! Ii inst., and utlracted an im
mense attendance, mid many persons came
from forty to fifty miles in order to purchase
some relic. The furniture sold at extremely
high prices, especially the small articles, such
as books, china, irlass, &c. The books, with ,
iw.. Mti..i.,.ir .., ,i. I,,.. l.i ; ,.. I
Jul. 4.1111 m 1 1 n u ill. '.i iimij liiuiiiii ii. miiiij
iiisUuices 100 times their original cost. Tho
pike and two swords, which cost but a few
shilling each, I a! a guinea each.
I'tii a, N. Y , June 2.1.
The Convention was convened nt 8 o'clock j
this morning, pursuant to adjournment.
A number of th telegraph despatches and
letters to the President and others were re
ceived and read. Among the letters were
come from Illinois, numerously signed, one
of them closed as follows: '-We want Martin
Van Buren for our candidate. Tho slave
powers broke him down in IH'-l we will
break that power down in 18-18." Delegates
are pouring in from other States, and speeches
were delivered by several from Connecticut.
A motion was made to nominate President
and Vice President by a viva voco vote, but
the motion was amended, by recommending
the nomination of Mr. Van Buren by accla
mation, which was carried amid unusual
bursts of applause, anil without a dissenting
Henry Dodge, the United Stales Senator
from Wisconsin, was then nominated for the
Vice Presidency.
No sooner were the nominations announ
ced than a mass meeting assembled in tho
street, which was addressed bv Messrs.
Washburn, Harrison, Gen. Nye, Rathbuu and
Baily, of this State, Mr. Taylor of Ohio, Kv
Governor Morton, of Massachusetts, and dele
gates fiom Wisconsin. Indiana, Illinois and
Ohio. The assemblages exhibited the wild
est enthusiasm.
The resolutions and address were read in
the Convun'iou mid unanimously adopted. '
li. F. Butler ma le a speech in Convention
in which he declared that Mr. Van Buren
cannot and will not refuse to accept the nomi-
i 1. 1!
An exchins debate then took i.lace lmnn
the freedom of the public lands to actual set- '
tiers. - A resolution was finally adopted, de- j
daring that the price should be put down so j
low as to be to covei the ex-1
peases of tho survey, &c.
The plans for the organization of th party
and for carrying on the campaign wero then
read, considered and approved of, after which
the convention adjourned fine die.
Ohio Free Territory Convention.
Coi.UMncs, Ohio, June 23.
The Free Territory Mass Convention,
which assembled pursuant lo previous notice
in this place, adjourned last evening. There
were about 400 delegates present, who adop
ted a strong address and resolutions favoring
a separate organization and a National Con
veution to meet at Buffalo on tho Olh of Au
gust, to iiomiuete a Free Territory candidate
for tho Presidency.
An Ohio States Electoral Ticket was form
ed, pledged to the support of the Buffalo Con
vention. No nomination for Governor was
made, so that the contest will remain be
tween Ford and Weller. The Convention
resolved to support none but Wilmot Proviso
men for Congress or the Legislature.
PiMiMsinsn Pricks. A writer in Hunt's
Magazine says, when he commenced trade
in this country, many years ago. he no, I
English chintz prints for 75 cents a yard, and
a servant girl received for wages fifty cents
per week, and paid !J fr a dress pattern .
now a girl gets $t io 2 per week, and yet
can a liist-rate article for a dress
at eighteen cents per yard; This change ha
attributes to the increase of population, ;,.
provewent in machinery, particularly the j.
venlion of the epiudles, competition, manu
facturing our own good, and substituting
capital for credit.
A Radical Party. Tho Garret Smith
party taka the ground that slavery may be
abolished by Congress, in both States and
Territories. It goes for free soil, an inalien-
ablu homestead ; against the liquor license
system, secret societies, sc. ; lor universal
suffrage' females included J for low postage,
the election of postmasters, and all other of
ficials, and against governmental interference
in support of schools, niuking roads, or doing
any thing else that the people can do without
such aid. This is covering all the disputed
topics of the 'day.1
"Tt w Wortiit of remak that women must
have ah "eye" In their dress V they' don't
10 kaVelt WtJ ' ' - - -
" ' " i . v - ,1 I'll
UTtRDAY, IVLY 1, 1848.
H. B. MAMERa, Editor and Proprietor.
K W.CARR, Rim huiMiiw, N. E.-Corner of Sri and
Piirk street, Plnlnilf Iphin. la repnilarly authorized to receive
artvarlMMmeiit and ubacrintttnis for this paper, and receipt
fur the some, i i i r
of Michigan.
of Kentucky.
ForCannl Commlaalonert
of Westmoreland County. ,
KF We refer our readers to the pro
ceedings of the Democratic Meeting, held
nt the Court House on Wednesday evening
last, to ratify the nominations of Cass and
Butler. The meeting M as got up on short
notice, and was conducted with considera
ble enthusiasm.
fly A slight break occurred in the ca
nal near Watsontown, on Wednesday night,
which detained the Packet about half a day.
OTT" A meeting was held by the citizens
of Danville, on Monday evening last, to
make arrangements to receive the Colum
bia (Juards, on their return home from
Mexico. Volunteers of the neighborins
counties are invited to attend.
We are well aware of the existenc
of the Miltonmn, but that existence has
never given us any great amount ofuneasi
nets. We believe, we never, but once,
J referred to the extent of our circulation,
and j'et the .Miltonian, which keeps a para
graph constantly Hying nt the head of its
columns, boasting of its circulation, pre
sumes to take us to task for "bragging about
our circulation." Would it not be advisa
ble to present our friends of the Miltonian
with a leather medal, for their extreme mo
desty. We do not generally make state
ments rashly, or unadvisedly.
ry Si;nbuky Faction. Do the editors
of the Miltonian suppose, that the demo
crats of the Forks are so green as not to un
derstand their objert in attempting to frigh
ten them with tha. ' . rible bug-bear, "the
Sunbury ' Faction." We should like to
know if one of the editors is not personally
interested in shielding the democrats of the
upper end from the wiles and stratagems of
this faction, or whether it is from sheer
commisseralion, under the belief that they
are not able to take care of themselves,
that they so kindly tender services.
fJov. Sih nk's health has again as
sumed an alarming aspect. The Harris.
burg Intelligencer says his friends have but
little hopes of his recovery.
AVe have since learned from th Harris
burg Union, that the Governor's health is
On our first page will be. found a letter
from the Hon. Simon Cameron, in relation
lo t,e cnarge agaif. Gen. Cass, of havin
rpihlCi,A lh nnv nf rn,h;ntr BunWBA ,
- l J o "
Volunteers, one dollar per month. The
act complained of, was, as is evident, inten
ded for the benefit of the Volunteers, in
stead of injuring them. A wrong con
struction had been put on the act, which,
no doubt, was the cause of the complaints.
We were satisfied when we first saw the
charge of Sergeant CJraef, that there was
something wrong in the matter. No one
who knew Gen. Cass, would suspect him of
such consummate folly, as to support a mea
sure which he knew must bringdown upon
his head the indignation and ill will, of the
whole Volunteer force in Mexico, as well
as their friends in this country.
Our readers will find, on our first page,
a letter from the Hon. John M. Niles, in
reply to an invitation from that portion of
the New York democracy, called the Barn
burners, in which he gives his views on the
important question of the extension of sla
very, in tho new territory ceded to us by
Mexico. The letter is clear and explicit,
and is important as containing the views of
u number of prominent democrats on the
subject of the further extension of slavery.
j Mr. Niles is now a United Slates Senator
from Connecticut. He is a practical man,
of good sound sense, and has the reputa
tion of being honest and independent in
his course. His views on the subject of
slavery, are similar to those of Mr. Van Bu
ren and other democrats of the North.
This subject has been agitated for a number
ofyearsbya small portion of the people.
But it has now assumed a consequence,
that will, most probably make it, hereafter,
a hinging point in the election of Presi
dent. If the Union should ever be dissol
ved, and such a result is not wholly im
probable, it will be brought about by the
agitation of this question.
E7" A telegraphic despatch announces
that Mr. Van Buren has accepted the nomi
nation of the Utica Convention. -
CT Congress will not, In all probability,
adjourn until about the middle of 'August
The Convention held at Utica, the 22d
of June, nominated Martin Van Buren as
their candidate for the Presidency by a
unanimous vate, and Henry Dodge of Wis
consin as Vice-President.
Mr. Van Buren's is called the free soil
candidate, and will be supported by the
abolitionists generally, as well as a, .large
number of others who are opposed to the
introduction of slavery into new territory)
and who contend that Congress has the
right and oughi to exercise it, to prohibl
the extension of slavery. , What the effect
of this nomination will be, is" hard to say,
at present. He will no doubt,' receive a
large vote in New York, as well as a pretty
strong support, from 6hio, and the New
England states, which may bring the elec
tion into Congress. ,
CP" The Dauphin County Democratic
Convention was held at Harrisburg on
Monday last. Judge Dock was nominated
for Congress. Simon Sallade and Samuel
Klopp for Assembly.
In regard to Senator for the district,
composed of Dauphin and Northumberland,
no nomination was made, but the follow
ing resolutions were passed :
Resolved, That this Convention will name
no candidate for Senator of this Senatorial
district, h iving full confidenco that the per
sons to b ! named as conferees, will select a
candidate acceptable to the people of the dis
Resolved, That Mercer Brown, Dr. Lewis
I leek, ami Jeremiah Ilamer, ure hereby ap
pointed conferees to meet conferees to be ap
pointed by the Democracy of Northumberland
county, to nominate a candidate for Senator
to represent tho counties of Dauphin and Nor
thumberland. CASS AND BUTLER
Pursuant to previous notice given, a large
and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy of
the Borough of Sunbury, was held at the
Court House, on Wednesday evening, June
!, 1848.
On motion, GEORGK MARTIN, Esq., was
appointed President; Jacob Cable, Geoiigf.
Lyons. John Faunsworth, and Gkorce Wei
ser, Esus., Vice Presidents, and Gideon M.
Yorks, Jeremiah Zimmerman, and Chas J.
Brunir, Secretaries. O.i motion a commit
tee of five, consisting of (Jeo. B. Vounginan,
Dr. J. B. Masser, J. Pursel, Daniel W. Shin
die and Geo. Bright, were appointed to re
port resolutions, expressive of the sense of
the Meeting. After having deliberated to
gether for a short time they submitted the
following, which were read and adopted.
WHEREAS, the great Democratic party of
the nation, by their representatives assem
bled in Convention, at Baltimore, liave placed
in nomination General Lewis Cass, of Michi
gan, as their candidate for the Presidency,
and Gen. William O. Butler, of Kentucky, as
their candidate for the Vice Presidency, in
lh? ensuing election: And whereas we are
firmly convinced both by reason and experi
ence, that upon the success of the principles
of the democratic party, depend, in a great
measure, tho permanency of our form of gov
ernment and tho safety of our institutions.
Aud whereas we have th utmost confidence
in the wisdom, patriotism and sound, un
flinching democracy of both our nominees :
Resolved, That we hereby heartily respond
to th: nominations and pledge ourselves to
give thein an undivided and cordial support.
Resolved, That in the person of GEN ERA L
CASS, the American Democracy have a lea
der of whom they may well be proud. His
acknowledged gallantry as a soldier, ubility
as a statesman, skillfulness as a diplomatist,
devotion as a patriot and honesty as a man,
stamp him the model of an American citizen,
while his success in life having risen by the
force of his own unaided exertions to the
exalted position ho now occupies in the con
fidence and respect of his countrymen af
fords a bright illustration of the happy opera
tions of our republican system of government.
Resolved, That in Gen. Wm. O. Butler,
our candidate for the Vice Presidency, we
recognize a fit associate for the illustrious
Cass, upon tho banner of democracy. In
looking at the history of this sterling demo
crat, able statesman and gallant officer, we
know not which most to admire, his efforts
in the legislative halls or upon the tented
field ; for in both, as in every other situa
tion in which he has been placed, all bis en
ergies have been directed to one end his
country's good.
Resolved, That we warmly approve of the
nomination of our candidate for Canal Com
missioners, Israel Painter, and thai having
full confidence in his democracy aud compe
tency to discharge tho duties of that respon
sible station, we will give him a hearty sup
port on the 2d Tuesday of October next.
llesolred, That tho democratic party relies
now, as heretofore, for its success upon its
unchanged aud unchangeable principles, aud
tliat emblazoning them upon its banner, it
neither seeks concealment, shuns investiga
tion, nor shrinks from a comparison.
The meeting was then ably addressed bv
John B. Packer, Esq., A. Jordan, Esq., and
jwaj. win. I-. Uewart.
On motion, John B. Packer, Charles J. Bi u
ner, A. Jordan, T. A. Billingtou and Geo. B.
Youngman, wore appoited a committeo to or
ganize a democratic Cass and Butler Club,
and appoint oificer for the permanent organ
ization thereof. On motion.
Resolved, Tliat a copy of tho resolutions
and proceedings of this meeting bo inserted
in the "Sunbury Gazette," "Sunbury Ameri
can," -'Deutscher Amerikaner" aud "Jack
souian." "
On motion adjonrned till next Wednesday
GEO. MARTIN, President.
Jacob Cable,
Geo. Lvoms, V ' . -J- -
Jq. Farmwosth, Vice-Pres'U.
Geo. WHuu,Eq!J
Attbst V r.-i iii' h t.H ..:v '.ir;'.;
J. Zimmerman,
C. J. Bruner, (
Secretaries. ....
. The following is an extract from Mr.
Van Buren's letter to the Convention of
Barnburners at Utica, N. Y., in regard to
his nomination for the Presidency. The
letter is dated at Lindenwald, June 20, 1848
Mr. Van Buren states that in 1844 he de
termined to retire from political life, and
must therefore, decline the honor of a
nomination. He condemns the proceed
ings of the Baltimore Convention in exclu
ding the New. York delegates, and considers
them of no binding 'effect. He says it is not
to be disguised, that the Barnburner delegates
were rejected on account of their views on
slavery. He then proceeds to discuss the
question of slavery, which forms the main
portion bf hi letter1, ' as follows:
You desire rIbo my views in regard to the
prohibition by Congress, of slavery in territo
ries where it does not now exist, and they
shall be given in a few words, and in a man
ner, which will 'not, 1 hope, increase, if it
does not diminish the existing excitement in
the publio mind.
The illustrious founders of our government
were not insensible to the apparent inconsist
ency between the perpetuation of slavery in
the United States, and the principies of the
revolution, as delineated in the declaration of
independence ; and they were too ingenuous
in their dispositions to attempt to conceal the
impressions by which they were embarrassed.
But they knew also, that its speedy abolition
in several of the states was impossible, and
its existence in all, without fault on the part
of the present generation. They were also
too upright and the fraternal feelings which
had carried them through the struggle for in
dependence were too strong to permit them
to deal with such a matter upon any other
principles than those of liberty and justice.
Tho policy they adopted, was to guarantee
to the states in which slavery existed, con
clusive control over the subject within their
respective jurisdictions, but to prevent, by
united efforts, its extension to territories of
tho United States, in which it did not in fact
On all sides tho most expeditious menus to
carry on this policy were adopted with alac
rity and good feeling. Their first step was to
interdict the introduction of slavery into the
northwestern territory, now covered by the
states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and
Wisconsin. This may justly be regarded as
beiiiir in the main, a Southern measure. The
subject was first brought forward in Congress
by Mr. Jefferson. Virginia made the cession
of territory upon which tho ordinance was in
tended to operate, aud the representatives
from all tho the slave holding states gave it a
unanimous support. Doubts have arisen in
the minds of some whether the ordinance of
1787 was authorized by the articles of con
federation. A bill was introduced in the
new Congress at its first session under the
constitution, recognizing and adapting it to
the organization, and it has ever since been
treated and regarded as a valid act. This
bill received the constitutional approbation of
President Washington, whoso highest and
sworn duty it was to support the constitution
under which it was enacted. Nor was the
north backward in doing its part to susta n
the pilicy which had bcn wis?ly adopted.
They assented to the insertion of provisions
iu the constitution necessary and sufficient to
protect that interest in the states, and they
did more.
Tho trouble apprehended at the commence
ment of the government from this source, be
gan to show itself as early as the year 1790,
in tho form of petitions presented to Con
gress upon the subject of slavery and the
slave trade by the Quakers of Philadelphia
ami New York ; and by Dr. Franklin as pre
sident of a society for the promotion of aboli
tion. These petitions were, in the House of
Representatives, referred to a committee of
seven, all but one of whom were Northern
members, whose report, as amended in com
mittee of the whole, affirmed "that Congress
have no power to interfere in the emancipa
tion of slaves, or in tho treatment of them
within any of the States, it remaining with
the several States alone to provide any regu
lation therein, which humanity and true po
licy might require."
Tho perseverance and goo.l faith with
which both branches of policy thus adopted
have, until very recently, been recognized
and carried out, are highly honorable to tho
whole country. The peculiar liability of the
subject to be converted into an element of
political agitaton, as well in the slaveholding
as in the non-slaveholding States, may have
led to occasional attempts so to employ it,
but these efforts have been very successfully
frustrated by the good sense and good feelings
of the people in every quarter of tha union.
A detailed account of the numerous acts of
the Federal government sustaining and carry
ing into full effect tho policy of its founders
upnn tho subject of slavery in the States, and
its extension to tho territories, and the steps
taken, iu the non-slaveholding States, to sup
press or neutralize undue agitation in regard
to it, would be alike instructive and honora
ble to the actors in them. But it will be
readily perceived, that this could not be giv
en within the necessary limits of a communi
cation like the present.
It must therefore suffice to say, that from
1787, tho date of tho ordinance for the pre
vention of slavery iu tho North Western Tcr
ritory down to and including 1S33, at least
eleven acts of Congress have been passed,
organizing territories which have siuce be
come States, in all of which the constitutional
power of Congress to interdict the introduc
tion of slavery into the territories of the Uni
ted States, is either directly exercised, or
clearly asserted by enactments, which, as
matters of authority are tantamount to its
exercise ; and that at the only period when
the peace of the slaveholding States was sup
posed to be seriously endangered by aboli
lion agitation, there was a spontaneous upri
sing of the people of tha North, of both par
ties, by which agitation waa paralysed and
tha South reassured of our fidelity to the com
promises e the constitution- , .', ( ..- ..
.la the laws for the organization of the ter
ritories which no constitute . the States of
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, , Illinois, Wisconsin
and Iowa, slavery was expressly prohibited .
The laws for the organization of tho territo
ries of Mississippi, Orleans, Arkansas, Ala
bama and Florida, contained enactments fully
equivalent in regard to the extent of power
in Congress over the subject of slavery in the
territories to the express exercise of it in the
other eases. These acts were approved by
Presidents Washington, the elder Adams,
Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson and my
self, all bound by our oaths of office to with
hold oar respective approvals from laws which
we believed unconstitutional. - If in the pas
sage of these laws during a period of hair a
century, and under the administration of so
many Presidents, there was anything like
sectional divisions, or a greater or less parti
cipation in their enactment on the part of tho
representatives of the slave holding or of tho
non-slave holding Stales, I am not apprised of
I believe the plan devised by the founders
of the Government, including the fathers of
our political church, for the treatment of this
great subject, and which has hitherto been so
faithfully sustained, and which has proved so
successful in preserving the union of these
States, lo be not only the wisest which the
wit of man could have devised, but the only
one consistent with the safety prosperity of
the whole country. I do therefore desire to
see it continued so long as slavery exists in
the United States. The extent to which I
have sustained it in the various public sta
tions I have occupied is known to the coun
try. I was at the time well nwaro that I
went farther in this respect than many of my
best friends could approve. But deeply pene
trated by tho conviction thut slavery was the
only subject that could endanger our blessed
union, 1 was determined that no effort on my
part within the constitution, should be want
ing to sustain its compromises as fhey were
then understood, and it is now a source of
consolation to mo that I pursued the course
The doctrine which the late Baltimore con
vention has presented for the sanction of the
nation is, in substance, that the laws I have
referred to were so many violations of the
constitution that this instrument confers no
pciwer on Congress to exclude slavery from
the territories, as has often been done with
the assent of all. This doctrine is set forth in
the published opinion of the highly respecta
ble nominee of that convention, who it is
well known received that distinction because
he avowed that opinion, and who it is equally
certain would not have received it, if he had
not done so. It is proposed to give this doc
trine the most solemn sanction known to our
political system, by the election of its do.
dared advocate and supporter to the Presi.
deney. If it receives the proposed sanction
of the people of the United States, the result
cannot be doubtful. The policy in regard to
the extension of slavery to the territories of
the United States into which it has not yet
been introduced, which has existed siuce the
commencement of the government, and the
consequences of which have been so salutary,
must cease, and every act of Congress de
signed to carry it into effect be defeated by
the veto of the executive.
The territories now owned by the United
States, and every acquisition of territory that
may hereafter be made by tho United States,
whether obtained by annexation, by cession
for valuable consideration, or by conquest,
must as long as this opinion is held, and as
far as the action of the national Legislature
is concerned be subject to the inroads of sla
very. And this consequence is to be sub
mitted to on the assumption that tho framers
of the constitution, with their attention di
rected to the subject, and with a well under
stood desire to do so, have failed to clothe
Congress with the necessary powers to pre
vent it. I cannot with my vote contribute to
this sanction. I cannot do so, because I can
not concur in the opinion which we are called
on to sustain.
Our ancestors signalized the commence
ment of this glorious government of ours by
rescuing from subjection to slavery, a territo
ry which is now covered by five great slates.
aud peopled by more than four millions of
freemen, in the full enjoyment of every bles
sing which industry nd good institutions can
confer. They did this when the opinions
and conduct of the world in regard to tho iu.
stitutiou of slavery were only different from
what they are now.
They did so before Great Britain had even
commenced those gigantic efforts for the sup
pression of slavery, by which she has so
greatly distinguished herself. After seventy,
four years enjoyment of the sacred and in
valuable right of self-government, obtained
for us by the valor and discretion of our an
cestors, we their descendants, are called upon
to doom, or if that is too strong a word, to
expose to the inroad of slavery, a territory
capable of sustaining an equal number of new
states to ba added to our confederacy a ter
ritory in a great part of which slavery lias
never existed in fact, and from the residue of
which it has been expressly abolished by the
existing government. "We are called upon to
do this at a period when the minds of nearly
all mankind have been penetrated by a con
viction of tha evils of slavery, and are uni
ting in efforts for its suppression at a mo
ment, too, when the spirit of freedom, aud
reform is everywhere far more prevalent
than it has ever been, and when our republic
stands proudly forth as the great exemplar
of the world iu the science of free govern
ment. Who can believe that a population like
that which inhabits the non-slaveholding
states, probably amounting to twelve millions,
who, by their own acts, or by the foresight of
others, nave been exempted from the evils of
slavery, cau, at such a moment, be induced,
by considerations of any description, to make
a retrogade movement of a character so
extraordinary and so painfull Such a move
ment would, iu my view of the matter, aud I
say it with uufeigned deference to the con
flicttng opinions of others, bring reproach
upon the influence of free institutions, which
would delight the hearts and excite the hopes
of the advocates of arbitrary power through
out the world. r'- , C '; ,
i Holding these opinions, you have duties to
perform li Important aa they are delicate.
In the first, place you should adhere iufloxi-
bly to your opinions, as long as you believe
them to be right, and no longer. This you
will do. , In the next place you should present
your views in regard to them, calmly and
distinctly, but firmly, to your political breth
ren of the slaveholding States, with a full
statement of the reasons on which they are
founded, that those reasons may be contro
verted if they are not sound. This you have
done. In other important respects your po
sitions are unassailable. The movement to
advance the principle you desire to promote
was commenced in the right place, though
perhaps not at the most desirable moment,
and was not accompanied by partizan mea
sures, or founded on political designs of any
description, as far as I know or have reason
to believe. If I understand your course
your delegates went to the Convention
prepared to accept the nomination of any
sound Democrat, who had actuully sub
milted to a test which implicated the well
known and repeatedly expressed opinion of
your State, without interrogating him iu re.
gard to his opinion on this particular ques.
E7"Mr.Van Buren was afterwards nomina
ted, which nomination he has since accepted
Correspondence of the Public Ledger.
Washington, June 25, 1848.
There is no doubt now but that Gen. Tay
lor will after all said done, visit tho Metropo
lis perhaps on his way to Frederick, bat
at any rate to shake hands with his friends,
aud, in spite of his ungainly person, kiss the
women and girls, after the example of his
great prototype. This will be a real Bitena
Vista (fine sight) and, should he come as far
North as Philadelphia, the finest himself ever
saw. Charles XII, if we believe Voltaire,
never retreated except before women, and it
would be a singular coincidence if tin; Ame
rican Charles XII were to surrender to them.
To quote from the Union, nous verrons !
Congress, you will perceive, by the pro
ceedings of both Houses, is really going to
work in good earnest, und exhibits tin inten
sity or legislative resolve and genius which is
almost alarming. We shall certainly have a
chenpuniform postage bill, before thettdjourn
menl of Congress, and the probability is that
the Senate bill, introduced by Mr. Niles,
be adopted in preference to that reported by
Mr. Goggin, iu the House. There is not the
least doubt that the introduction of the. cheap
postage system, though it may for tho first
six months, or perhaps year, cause a respec
table draft on the Treasury, will, in the end,
increase the revenue of the Post office De
partment, and render it in conformity with
wishes of its present head, independent of
tho Public Treasury. Whether the rate
(three cents) proposed by Mr. Niles, for all
pre-paid letters would be as convenient as
that of five cents the smallest silver coin in
the United States may be questioned ; but
that there ought to be a difference between
pre-paid letters aud those payble on delivery
and that the latter rate ought not to exceed
five cents, seems to bo pretty generally con
ceded .
Th" late debates in the Senate sutTirient!v
justify all I have recently said on the subject
of an early adjournment. The Southern De
mocratic Senators are determined to remain
here and legislate for California and Oregon,
while there is considerable willingness on the
part of tho Whigs to return as soon ns possi
ble to their families, und to let the territories
take earo of themselves till after the Presi
dential election. Tho Senate being strorgly
Domocralic will, therefore, not easily yield
to the Houspj and the 1st of July being al
ready near nt hand, I do not hesitate to say
that tho middle of August may not be consi.
dered as too remote for tho adjournment of
Congress, and Heaven grant us cool weather;
the debates will bo exciting enough without
the heat of the sun, though rather hardening
thuu melting the hearts of stout adversaries.
Secretary Walker is again indisposed in
consequence of his severe application to the
business of his department.
Fellow Citizens : As the time for the
nomination of a candidate for the office of
Sheriff, is fast approaching aud as a nnmber
of gentlemen are named for that office, we
take pride in offering to the Democracy of
the County, the name of WM. B. KlPP, Esq.
of Rush Township, ns a gentleman well qua'
ified for that office. Mr. KIPP stands high
iu the estimations of his acquaintances, as a
man, his business habits are such as to make
him a desirable candidate, one who will full
ful the duties of the office with care and equi
ty. As a democrat he stands firm and un
flinching. The forks have made the plea
of rotation in office, aud if this is to be the
doctrine of the day, why is Rush not entitled
to the Sheriff now, as they have had all the
important offices of the county iu the forks
for some time, Congressman, Senators and
members aud a full share of other ollices.
Many Voters or Siiamokin.
Fob the American.
Mr. Editor : As the time is approaching
for the selection of good persons to fill the
various offices at the coming election, for the
county of Northumberland. Myself and
neighbors have come to tha conclusion to of
fer the name of HENRY J. READER, as an
individual they think most worthy todischarge
the important duties belonging to tho otHce
of SherilT. We therefore recommend, to the
con siile ration of the Democratic Electors of
Northumberland County,HENRYJ. READER
of Dflaware township, for that office. He
understands the German well, and is a staunch
Democrat, and is well qualified for tho office-
Aud in accordance with tha usages of the
democratic party, the other sido of the river
is entitled to the Sheriff. It has heretofore
been customary that this office particular be
given to the different sides of the river, al
ternately, vve do hope that this rule will
in future be adhered to. We in this section
of the County, understanding the justness of
the claims of the other side of the liver, are
fully determined to go in heart and hand for
the nomination of . HENRY J. READER, as
sn act of justice to the Forks. Henry J. Re,
der is well known as an honest. and intelli
gent German and is just such a man aa we
ought to have in the office of Sheriff. " . " ,
' . eppA,f
For tub American,
olr candidate for congress.
Mr. Editor : I observed in the newspa
pers that a number of individuals have al
ready been recommended as candidates for
Congress, in this district. Among them, 1
was pleased to see a notice recommending
Alexander Jordan of Sunbury. I need not
say that it is incumbent on us at the present
time, to select our best and strongest man.
One whose character and qualifications are
unexceptionable, and who has not been invol
ved in the factions, that have heretofore un
fortunately cut up and destroyed the success
of the party, in this district. I have nothing
to say against the other gentleman named,
excepting that none of them would be as
likely to succeed, and none of them, I know
nre better qualified. Bsldes, the other coun
ties of the dirfl ict, viz : Union, Lycoming and
Clinton, have each, successively, had a trial.
It is now due to Old Northumberland that
she should have her turn. It is to her, that
tho democrats always have, and now must
look for the large majorities to carry the dis
AT the rirnrit solicitation of large num
ber of his friends the lubicriber hereby of.
lets himself ai a candidate for
Itegiatcr and Recorder &c.
for Northnmberland County. He promises, if
elected, to discharge the duties of the office, with
fidelity a d promptness, and he trust, with entire
satialac ion to the community.
Shamok n, July 1, 18-18.
To nil whom It may Concern.
rPIlE Subscriber has purcbaied of Isaac Moore
-1 the following property which be has left in
the pn-sestion ofadid la ac, until inch time ai
he shall see cause to remove the same, to wit :
3 head of horned Cattle.
t prHV Mare.
6 Ho'151.
1 twn-rnrse Wagon.
0 acres of Rye in the ground,
ft acres of C.-rn.
1 acres of Oats.
1 Plow.
1 wood Slpd.
1 wonden Clock.
Shamokin, July 1, ISIS 3t
'T'llE undersigned appointed Auditor, by the
Orphans' Court of Northumberland County,
in the matter ( the exceptions to the account
of Catharine and Rebecca Painter, executors of
Va y fainter decM. hereby notifies a I persons
int. rested in said matter, that he will attend tr
the duties of his appointment on Wednesday, the
12th .'ay of July, at 10 o'c ock A. M. at the of
lice o Dewart & Bruner, where they may attend
iT they see proper.
Sunbury, July 1. 1848.
lo the 8npreme Cou t f..r the Northern Dis.
11 C o P. nmjlrinia, which wilt commence i's an.
unual e.i n, mi the 2nd M nlayof Ju'y nest,
at lh" C UM House in frVihury.
Proth. S, C. N. D.
Prelh Dfljpp, June tl 1848.
L!r nf Hjiisb. fir urg.iment at i'ie S ip-e-ne C,ur
fur iho iWthcrn District, Ju! Term 184.
Schr d.'r v I) -ikm el nl,
Wi man Wright idois.
M.xve vi Tler.
Brailfnrd canty,
I mill, (! man, A Ulu k Bil 'on i en Wayne,
: .veil vs M.illV, Linen e.
r .ir'.i and II ya-i v S.rwHllot nl,
lie. in. 1 1 vs Philmletp'tH Bank. Anih ny & e 1 v Olmsiead.
WtitMieisei v Helming
Itivu! f om Ni-svbe ry Turnpike.
Pre . ei I D. inker' sdmrs.
Frea- t nl same
Hugh's udmr yj Buh,
t'al.ler a t.'ornm mwealth.
Culler . Tompkins C. Dink,
Los me,
Mooie Taylor,
Ehtrr' a Imrs v Neuman,
Lill lir.dge 8 iilwell,
llrinn.aii vs Kent,
Laekawaien Rot l comp.
8upquehannt( -Luxarne,
vs Com' nth Wayne
Wilier it Uenjimin,
Tallin !pe and Bevy Burlinjovir,
Fre.. v Ne whirry,
Killer s fin'rlland St en.
Bisilford v I'm ,
M'K an.
8iulil n? vs Susquehanni,
K Hew P..-len.
Williniiin et at, v Calkert,
F.l'tol Arkle
Hein nan vsdamer,
(illlrt v. Ball,
Bxii.U v Mann,
n.mrrl t Bella. Nonhumtterrtn T,
Overseers, Miiton vs Orerrerri, Williamsnorl.
Browns Appeal,
Gale A p eat,
Comming appeal,
Rutib vs Bowen,
(Imli kunst vs Jones,
Hoaix v Cnlberiaon,
Hiki 1 & Snyder v Hoiuer,
Muna vs Murray
Conk ie tllon,
8inrkhiue v Kce
R.iw Chappel,
Wall u-e ailrnr. va Merrill' ei.
D ict.H va Baxter
Aurn d vs Will,
W ol-ou vg Houai l, B isk n and 8nvder.
Union. .
Or t i c Shsmi kia v Ovrireer
Engle Appeal.
K mil 1 car Felera
Union ,
Wis, Oreen & Mitchel v H.towell Si CO,
Hit vs Wiilvd, Ljeominav
I o 1. 11 v IMeaoan'a, Union,
R I'hicrs Esr. 8eh kI Direct. , do
Wa neeller vs Gundtmu, jo
M.-Cirnahan va Putier, ja
Kitoehle v Heiniaan, Northumberland.
Wrai III. lijuk va Cheater.
Muna vt liowtidc. Banart
Parmeittier vs Uillopi it Jones,
Viler va Miller,
Omul rum v Waqonaellrr,
AI iv r a d vs Neck' rv s,
"njder vs Wsaonselrer.
Lj coming
- Lycoming
Cowden va Ploastula,
Doll Va Frlsar,
Rosd in Ja ksott Tuwnehip
Foil 1 ei's Eir vs D.I.
8r is'v v Hcrr,
Hyeis vs Hock
Paiin 1 tier v UiMeapi),
Auis nl' A ' pi at,
eihoein kor eilmrs vs Mann,
8nyder vs Bail.
Man Hummel,
Re inch v Resrichs Esia.
Taylor vs Baker,
Mhoemakw vs K'llncg.
PsC Una ef Charge U. WsJket
Ojelef v Osrnaeit, , , .
PUU etRiehnnle
M titsomriy Jr. Friek vs Duck,
feil-MS vs HenniBgac, , . . 1 .
eventoa va giawsrU admia
WeHissasiiaM aa fMkrf,v ,1
O iwarseir. Wsst Br. Bank
ElseMI vs SsdjkeiMS .1 n
Rilla eV Klin vs UeaoVfM '
C allies ata, ..
LycoaaUi, 1
- T
1. .-. 1