Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 24, 1848, Image 4

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    , For th America:.
. . "There's no eonlentnwnt In world like this,
' 9svs In forgetting the Immortal drears
W may not gase opon the stare of bliss
That through the ckrod rifts radiantly stream ,
Bird-like the prisoned sonl win lift Its eye
And ptnetlU It It hooded from the Ay .'
Beautiful, joyous childhood ! Whc Je
soul fresh from Wen ho di ",on
w h the.p5rit of iti native dement
When chen face, ther round the cradle
of ihe babe, and u "
von it. eyelid whwpew of undying foun
tain fedeles. flowers, and spirit music.
What glowing vision, throng the young
heart, bounding like glad creatures through
its bright chambers, with garland, around
them their fairy-feet beating time to the
lute and viol of their own happiness.
The future is like a rainbow tinted
dream, where angels are ever ascending
and descending, and the child throws back
his clustering hair and with dimpled lips a
part and eyes wide open listens entranced
: to hope's syren song, and without a fear
drtrts along the shining treacherous path of
But a blight soon fulls upon the spirit,
the false vision soon dissolws, ami like the
mirage of the desert encoring the heart of
the traveller with deceitful views of cool
lakes, with the domes and minarets of the
far distant city mirrored upon its bosom, he
sees instead the waste alone spreading tu
round, and sinks faint and disparing in the
Phantoms crowd his pathway tempting
his untried spirit. Love with timid glance,
' and cheeks glowing as the heart of a wild
rose, her sunny curls falling in a golden
cloud around her, ."teals across his footsteps,
lie clasps to hisheart the beautiful delusion,
. and for the time a rainbow spans the earth,
a soft spirit melody plays through his heart
strings, "But as chitrin by charm unwinds
that robed his idol," it fades as the light of
day, or the gorgeous pageantry of sunset.
Or if the spell continue, death parts the
curls from the brow of his young wife,
looks into her smilink eyes, and soon he
weeps in anguish over his early dead.
Pleasure lays her caressing hand upon his
forehead, and with her basalish eyes burn
ing into his very soul whispers of forbidden
' joy?, he crouches amidst the votaries at her
feet, follow, her mad footsteps, until the
Mother who pressed kisses upon his pure
baby brow, or murmured her low lulaby
over his cradle, scarce recognizes in the
wreck he has become, the fair pearl that
slept upon her bosom.
Or the spirit of unrest flaps her broad
pinions over him, and like Noah's dove he
. goes forth upon the wide ocean, or roams in
foreign lands, bearing in his heart the
. "olive branch" of home memories, and
home affections. The noblest monuments
of art are around him. Proud palaces,
with cool di-ep wardens with fountains in
the midst sparkling in the sunlight like
"gems thrown in sport by naiad hands. He
wanders down the dim aisles of old cathe
drals, while the mystic light streaming
through stained windows, ligl'ts up his
face with spiritual beauty and
"The billowy music of the mean sweeps
Like the vast anthem of uplifting deeps"
But ho turns wearily away, und the
scene of his childhood steals like music
at night time, back on his memory. He
looks again upon the low while cottage
half covered with clinging ivy the old
trees shading it, with sunbeams hid like
barj of gold among their dark leaves the
broad lawn wherewith hoops and ball he
parsed the "fawn footed hours." The mur
muring of the little brook falls pleasantly
upon , lis ear, and he stretches forth his
: hand caressingly, as if his noble hound bent
his neck beneath it. He feels the hand of
- his Father laid in silent blessing upon his
brow, and, looks up into his Mother's face.
Steals to the rose drapined window and
looks lovingly in upon his fair young sis
ters while their low laugh and song thrill
upon his heartstrings. The shadows deep
en, and the twilight falls around, and still
' he muses with a pleasant smile playing
round his lips. But the spell dissolves' and
he starts up with a wild yearning in liis
heart to gaze upon familiar faces, and min
gle with the loved household group.
Glory with majestic mien and laurel
" wreathed brow, points to the battle field.
The youth rushes to the conflict, and, soon
his sword is bright with the blood of one
who never injured him, one for whom per
chance in a far land a wife watches and
- weeps for his coming, or a dying Mother
pines for a last look" upon the face of her
brave boy. The applause of the multitude
falls as incense around the hero, but in lite
tdill midnight, ulune with his rebuking
angel, hi. "clustering honours," press pale
like upon his npirit and he weeps for the
innocence of his guileless childhood. Ani-
bitioa turns the heart to ashes 'I'riend-t-hip
is but a. slow awaking dream.
Troubled at best "each gaud and tri
umph of earth fails to satisfy the immortal
( spirit. It still retains a sweet memory of
, holier home, and "longs to gather its wings
and like a. rushing thought, stretch on.
- ward, star by star up into heaven." We
make gods of clay, place them upon the
heart shrine and summon the dwellers of
the inner temple to fall down and worship,
when angels are beckoning them to the
alters of th celestial city. Pale spectres
glide around us and with noiseless wings
sweep way our cherished hopes, and gar
ment memories, and "happiness falls cold
and dead upon its own threshold."
But Faith gathers her white mantle a
round us, and with her meek, earnest eyes
turned heavenword points out the only re-
for the world weary spirit, while a
"still small voice," whispers "Come unto
' m a" "J,at are wpy, and heavy ladened,
? o'"- juu rosi."
M. W.
Ihdu Rubber
t'OR Riiiin.. t
v India rubber, with a mixture of metallic nub-
Itance ha. recently been brought into on
,. railroads, by being placed under tll0 bearing
of the rail hjoh the chair, and sleepers. It
is a relief to all Ihe finer parts of the nuvii
iinry ot me locomotive, and li-ssons the f,ie.
. , tlon ot the cars, i-ovi'ral inilo. of tho Stun
iiiirliin rrvi.l .. ti-bi-ra tt nr.. l 1
li-riiiiiius at I'i'oviilotice, huvo been laid in
i Hun way. i Im l,oii; Island Railroad Coin
' patty are also laying seveml miles. A'. York
jour, vom.
( Si'iuii oi' Lkud It is well known that tai
Kur of luad, eiitein latguly into tho mauufuc
lm t of cliampafruo. A .ingle bottle of im.
r ported t-hanipagne was found to contain
l'aitciof an oinico lv a Ncw-Vuik theinit
IT hit power In ctrja. .11 extibbai SORES,
POISONOUS WOUND8 to dltchtigi thaii pu
I rid matters, and then hail. (ham. .
It it richly termed All-healing, for there i act re
ly a disease, eiternal or internet, that it will not
benefit. I hive used it for the laet fourteen years
for til diseases of the cheat, conaumplion end Hoar,
involving the Ul moat danger end responsibility,
end I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one tingle ette be. it filled lo benefit when Ihe pan
ticnl wat wilhin the reach of mortal meant.
I hive had physicians, learned in Ihe profetaion.
I have had ministeri of the gospel, judgea of Ihe
bench, aldermen, lawyert, gentlemen of Ihe high
'tl erudition, and multitude of Ihe poor use it in
every variety of way, and there hat been but one
voire one universal voire 'laving I M'Allitter,
your Ointment it GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Bores, Erytepelai, Tetter. Li
ver Complaint, 8ora Eyea, Quinsy, 8ore Throat,
Uronchius, Broken or Sore Breast, Files, all Ohetl
Disesses, such a Aaihmi, Oppressions, Pain
Alan, Bore Lips, Chapped Haiult, Tumors, Chil
dren's Culaneout Eruptions, Netvnua Diseases,
and of the Spine, there ia no medicine now known
at good.
SCALD HEM). We have cured eases thai
actunlly defied every thing known, at well at the
ability of 15 or 30 doctors. One man told us he
had spent $300 on hischMdien without nny bene
fit, when a few bone of Ointment curid them.
BALDNESS II will icaiore ihe hair loonrr
limn nny nther thing.
HEADACHE The salve has cured persons
of the headache of 12 ears' standing, and who
had it regular every week, to that vomiting often
took plncc. IIkainkss, Etn Ache, and Audi in
the Pack, are cured ly this Ointment with like
BURNS. It is one of the best things in the
world for Burns. (Read ilio directions around llie
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi
ately ihe inflamation and swelling when the pain
ceases. (Read the Direction around the Box.)
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Pain in the chest or ride, fulling ofT of the
hnir, one or the nther always accompanies cold
feet. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) It it
a sure sign of disease to have cold feet.
TET TEH. There ia no:hing belter for Ihe
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousands tie yearly cured by this
CORNS. Occasional use of Ihe Ointment will
nlw ivs keep Cm ns from growing. People, need
never he troubled wilh ihem if they will use it,
ltcnd the following Communication,
Riccived from an old, respec rd an J well known
citizen of Philadelphia, and then judge for youi-
telf :
Philadelphia, 10 mn 13lh, 1816
To T. B. Peterson, Having been requested
In cite my opinion on the merits of M'ALLIS
TER'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate tome
of the benefits which I have experienced in the use
of the article.
In the spring of 1846, I had an attack of Ery in my face which became very painful, and
extended into one nf my eyes, being attended wilh
fever, my distress was great and I began to be fear
ful nf losing my eye.
Although not much of a believer in whnt is
commonly cslb d ijunck medicines, I purchased a
box and made an application to my face. To my
sin prise the pain soon abated, and in a week's lime
it was entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it
m tlio salte, under Providence that cured me.
Prom that tiirre to the preterit, I have used the
nriiclo as occasion required, and in every case wticic
I have u-c.l it, I luvn full ml a decided benefit.
At one time, on going to l -l at night, my throat
was an sore that I mallow id with dillicultv. but
by mi application of the salve I was ralieved before
I havo usod it in caso of burns, bruises, sprains,
anil nesii ruts, all witn tlio happiest elicit, orid
one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods,
h is been dried up and cured by a few application.
Prom my own experience, I would tt.onuly re.
commend it to nil, as a cheap, convenient, family
I have become o partial In it, that I expect lo
Keep ii constantly m my lamily.
Though not ambitious to appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse to have this rommmiicaiion made
public if judged best to serve the cause of humani
ty. Respectfully thine,
No. 26, Old York Road.
tAli 1 W.N. ran Umtmcnt will be genuine
unless Ihe names of James M'Allister, or James
M'Allitter &. Co., are written wilh a pen on eve
Hole proprietor nf the s'mve medicine.
Aouts :J. W. FRIUNO. Sunbury,
FORSmi, WTL80N & Co..
Dr. WM. M RICKLEY, Danville,
J. Ii. IJKOliSK. rielinsgrovc,
P. C. SIII'.M.ER. LewUburg.
WM. K.NAfil.E. Millon,
JOHN SHAItl'l.CSS, Callowiita.
Feb. 19th, 1648. eowlv
V TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of
dee. This Medicine it offered to the public under
Ibe assurance that there it no article in riistence
having Ftronger claims to their consideiation. Be
ing compounded by a regular (iraduate ot Ji flir-
ton College, Pbilailelph a, and a practising physi
cian of twenty years' standii g in Philadelphia, his
long experience ha confirmed bim in the opinion
that a compound medicine wai required to prevent
and remedy the di bililution pr duccd by resi ling
in low, ni,j-inn:ic. clini iliti, snd lo counter ul the
pro trating ill (1 in nr. a of ni: liv nervous do-ordcr
with which li e human family are vtllicle l.
I)lt. ALLEN is a well known ph)U'i hi, and
lias use. I thu above medicine in hi practice for 8
years vi;li tho most a.tiinh-hiug elli-ct, having tes
te. I its qualitiea in abixe
No medicine ever lenived more fi iliering ro-
iiimcnd.itioiis from phynciins of eminent land-
iui! llun hai b. en best.iwed on this.
IIS CO.SEQUENCES.Au eminent Profes
sor tiys: 'It chiefly arises in persons who lead
either a very aedenlary or irregular life. Although
not regarded is a fatal disease ; yet if neglected or
improperly treared, may bring on incurable Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitigo, Palsy
and Apoplexy. A great singularity attendant on
it ia, ihal it may and often duet continue a great
length of time without any remission of the symp
CAUSE1. Grief and uneirinesi of mind, in-
iene nudy, profuse evacuations, excess in verier y.
excessive use of spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco, o-
piuin, anu oiner narcotics, Immodnrste repletion,
over distention of Ihe stomach, a deficiency of Ihe
secretion nf the bile or gisiric juice, exposuie to
iiild and damp tir.ara the cliiif causes of lis dis
SYMPTOMS. Loss of ippetite, nausea, aeart
bum, acidity, and fiEtit) eiuo-Ulions, gnawing of
the ttomacli when empty, Uneasiness in the,
pai 1 1 in Ihe side, costiveneaa, chillnest, languor,
lowness i.f spirits, pilpitations, end disturbed
TABLE COMPOUND hit never failed in aUbr.
ding immediate relief, and a radical cure for this
fr- This Medicine cm he had of H. B Mas-er,
Hunbury; J. U. Msitm, Pott-ville , Medltr &
Uickel, Orwigtburg ; and of Druggists generally.
ALI.EN cV WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27, IH47 cq ly
A GENTS toeiiivast for some Niwand Poru
!? '" every Count throughout
"aiea. To Agents, the most liberal
encouragement it oftered-with a email capital
of from .25 to a inn a .i a- j l
. , n viuinca ii ouureu, woere-
Xr?i. r?'" .''0L"1"lt ,,om o 23 per week.
For urtb.r paiticulart. address (po.t
' . " a- 1-tAKKl,
... Ao- 158 North Second .St.
Philaatlphia, Apiil 1, I.,83m
The following list thowa the current value of all
Pennsylvania Bank Note. The most Implicit re
liance may be placed upon K, a It h eeery wee
larefutly compared with and corrected from Bick
oell't Reporter.
nnnka In Pttlladelptaln.
N..; LocaTioir.
Bank of North America . , par
Bank nf the Northern Liberties , . par
Commercial Rank nf Tenn'a. . par
Farmers' and Mcchtntct' Dink . . par
Kensington Bank . . . par
Philadelphia Bank . , i par
Schuylkill Bank ... par
Houthwark Bank . par
Western Bank . par
Mechanic Hank' . pal
Manufacturers ec Mechanic Bank par
Bank of Penn Township . pir
Flirird Bank . . P
Rank nf Commerce, Isle Moyamenmng par
Dank of Pennsylvania par
Country ItnnkN.
Rank of Chester County Westchester par
Hank of Delaware County Cheater par
Bank of Oermantown (Jermantown par
Rank of Montgomery Co. iVorritiown par
Ooylcstrmn Bank Doylentown par
Easton Itank Eastnn par
Farmers Hank nf Bucks co. Bristol par
Hank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank cfc Rridge co.Columbia par
Farmers' Rank of Lancaster Lancislei par
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster par
Lancaster Bank Lancaster pit
Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading pai
nirice of Bank of reim'a. Hnrriabuig"i These
Olliee do do Lancaster 1 offices
Offiee do do Reading f do not
Office do do Eastnn J issue n.
lank of tho United States
Miners' Dank of Pottsville
Rank of Lowistnwn
Rank nf Middlotown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Harrisburg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank
Bunk of Pittsburg
Welt Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bunk
Rerks County Bank
Office of Bank of II. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Rank of Chambersburg
Biihk of Gettysburg
Hunk of iSufquclianna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' cV. Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honesdale B.nk
Mniinngahela Bank of B.
York Bank
Philadelphia 17
Pottsville par
Lcwistown failed
Middle) own
no sale
New Brighton
Browns fillet
N. K. T he notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the
exception of tboso which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
cliu Ik di Sav. Ins.
Ki'ii.-ipL'ion Suv. Ins. A
Penn Tiiwtn-bip Sav. Ins,
Manual Labor liana. ('P. W
lYwaiid.i Hank
Mli'xhauv Bank of Pa.
Rank of lleaer
Rank of Swuluru
Rank of Va.-liini;lon
Ci ntrn Bank
City Bank
Farmers' oV Mech'cs' linnk
Fariuers' & Merti'c' Itnrik
Formers' & MeehVt' Bank
Harmony Insiituio
Hunliiigdor. Bank
J unintn Bank
Lumbermen's Rank
Northern Itank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Nnrthumh'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Hank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Aur.dc Msnuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank nf Pcnn'a.
Wctiimoirland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
AN K8.
Philadelphia failed
do foiled
do - failed
Dyoti, prop.) failal
Bedford no sale
Reaver closed
Harrisburg closed
Washington failed
I'elii f.intB closed
Pittshuig no sale
Pittsburg failed
Fnyetle e.o. f illed
(rcencaslle filled
Harmony no sate
Huntingdon no sale
Lcn istoivn no sale
Warren failed
Dundaft' no sale
New Hope closed
Millon no sale
Meadtitle closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Uniontnwn failed
Grcensburg closed
Wilkesbarre no sale
dj All notes purKting lo be on any Paunsyl
vania Rank not given in the ibove lit, may be set
lowu as frauds.
Dank of New Brunswick
lielvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
'Commercial Bank
'Jumlierland Bank
Farmers' Bank
Med ford
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farniera' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biuntwick failed
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middletonn I'U 1
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City
no sale
no sale
lloliuken UKgdr. lulling Co Hoboken
lersey City Bank Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank Pitlerson
Maiiulaiiurors' Btnk Belleville
M.irrii Couniy Bank Morristown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freeh ld
MiThaiuca' Bunk Newark' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morria Canal and Dkg Co Jersey City
I'ost INotes
Newark liliR & Ins (o Newaik
iSew Hope Del Bridgu Co Lambertsville
.1. and Hkc Co Hoboken
N .1 I'lo-eelon & I.oiubard bk Jersey (,'ily
Orange Bank Orauiio
Pmen-oii Bunk Patersmi
Peoples 11111 do
Piiuceton Bank Princeton
Malein Hanking Co rlulcm
State Bank Newark
Blote Hank KlunU-ihlown
rilute Bank Caimlen
Slate II. ink nf .Morns Morristown
6'lute Bunk Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
pJussei Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Hank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackenaack
BkofWilmdt H randy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Uauk of Kiuyrua Smyrna
Do blanch Miltord
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover
Union Bank
dj- Under 5'i
0 J- On all banks marked thus () there ireei.
tiler counterfeit or altered notes of the de
nominations, in nirt-ulalion.
Peace with JUcxico !
cy. 2jr ea sxc ss 'a? zsi9
INFORMS Ihe publie that in order to bring a
bout a peace with Mexico, he manufactures all
kinds of Rifles, Double and Single Barrelled Shot
Guns, snd Double Bsrrelled Revolving Rifles, si
his manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au
gusta township, Northumberland county, all of
which be will warnnt for .is months. Thoss
who wmt . fitst rsts article in his line, csn be sc
commodited at the shortest notice and on the most
reasonable terms. Lovers of torl, give him a call.
Lower Augusta, Jan. 8, 1848. Bin.
No. 40.
South Fourth Stbcbt, Above CutsrimT.
, ,,,,, rUIX.ADEI.rHIA.
No. 80 Market Street, five doori below
Third, South tide, i '.
Importer fc Wholrnalo Dealers In
'VV7ATCHE8, Witch Olitet and Materials.
Jewelry of all descriptions, qualities and
iiylei, eompifsing all the articles connected
' with the Trade,
Dilson 4 Bon'a Britannia, German Silver and Silver-Pitted
Sheffield and Birminghsm Plated Fancy Artie let.
Rodgen ft Son', and Woitenholm'a Cutlery, Ha
tort, Scissors, Erasers, Desk Kniiet, dee.
Ivory Htndled Table Cutlery, of the finett, medium
and common qutlities.
A large attorlment of Gold Pen.
Perifoctl Hneclaclra.
Papier Mtche and Japanned Tray t, various shapes
and qualities, at redured rates
Gold Watch Catei, Dials and Silver-Ware, of all
. descriptions, manufactured to order.
DICK80N dc COM having recently removed
into Ihe larse and commodious warehouse formerly
occupied by Messrs. R. AsantratT dr. Sons, and
more recently by Asbhobst o RmiiioTOH, beg
leave to Inlorm Witch Dealers, Country Merchintt
nd others, that they design having at all times I
large assortment of Goods, of their own Importa
tion, which they are determined to sell at the lowest
C3 Every attention will be paid to the Packing
of Goods, and in ihe execution of Orders, the quali
ties and price! will be fully guarantied against all
Philadelphia, June 19th, 1847. ly
rrnHE rlnldren began to cry for Sherman's Lo
JL zengc. The noiso was not a.i loud ul that
time, but it has kept increasing ever since, and now
has become so great that tho months of llie little
nnes can sciree bo stopped. Dr. Sherman sympv
thises with Ihe Ii tl In sufferers, and viry much ro
are s that any nf Ihem should be disappointed.
Knowing the vast benefit which has been confer
red upon Ihe community l y the introduction of
his infallible
he has entered into srrangemenls for enlarging his
Manufactory, by means of which bethinks he will
he able to supply the demand. And Ihe same pains
and care will he taken, that these celebrated Lo-
cenges be made at they h ive always been, in or
der that those who depend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he
commenced Ihe manufacture nf the Worm Lozcn
pc, that th'y would suiiersedo Ihe use of every
other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is ttry phannnt
lo Ihe taste, tpetdii in its ellects. as well as ctrtmn
and Ihe quantity lequired lo effect s nerfrcl cure
is very simll. These properties, in connexion wilh
Ihe f.ct thst they are sold for 2f cents per box, thus
pi icing them in the reach nf the poorest man in
the Und, his not only caused them lo take the
place of every other vermifuge ever nHcred, but al
so rendered them popular lo the community.
Dr. Stterm nti'a
continue to cure Coughs, O. Ms, Consumption
Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, am
other dises-ea of the Lungs, with the same facility
they did on their first introduction, and the pioplr
have now become persuaded nv actual eipcnence,
thai on the accession of a slight cold, they have
only to step lo either the Dr's. office, or one of the
Arjenis, and obtain a box nf his Cough L-'Zengcs,
which are very convenient lo carry in the pocket,
and lo lake a few through the diy. By pursuing
this course a cure is nfien clli-etc l in 31 hours, and
the patieirt about his busin- ss. So great is Ihe ce
lebrity of ihn Lrwngci, Ihut thousand, of persons
nhobavensc l them, nud become ucipi linied wilh
their i if. els, will never be without ihem.
S3ii:ii',i ivs
has cured more cases of Khcumatism, Pai i in the
Bark, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Wtaknes-,
than ony application that has ever been made. As
the celebrity of the Plaster has inereised, hundreds
of unpiiucipled ra-cnU have ottcinplcd lo counters
feit it, and pilin it oil' up-.n ihe community a- the
genuine. (Jj- Bewa-e of Deception. ,D Reniein
her ihlt lh" true and genuine Plaster is spread u li
on red.lish paper made expres-ly for ihe puiposn,
and in every ease tho siBnalure of Dr. eihoiman i
pilot' d upon the back of the Pb s'er, and the whole
secuted by Copy Right. None others are genuine.
Therefore wl en you want a real good Sherman's
Poor Man's Plaster, call at Ihe office, IPG Nassau
street, and you wi I not he disappointed.
Rememlier the number, 106 Na sau st., nhe e
all Dr. Sherman' Lozenges are sold. His Agcnia
are Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton s'reel, Brooklyn;
Hineson, Williamshuri ; and Redding ft Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Suuburv,
M. A McCA Y, Northumheilaud.
September 1 1 th. 1847. ly.
Improved Hydraulic I'limpst,
For Wclh, Rolling Mill, Furnaces, or oih
rilHB subscriber respectfully announces to the
A public that he la now prepared lo supply or
ders to any extent fir his Patent Double-action
Suction and Force Pumpt. These pumps are
made of cs-l iron, and the w.der is sucked or for
ced through lead pipe. For simplicity of construc
tion and durability of action, they ire vaitly supe
rior lo any now in use. They have mary sdvan
tagei over the common pump, among which are
the following ;
They are s constructed that mischievous per
sons cannot spoil their setion by introducing nails
or spikes or any other substances smong Ihe vslves,
at is olten done won other pumps, thereby render
ing them utelcss till overhauled. They are war
ranted to be peifectly secure from frost. They ire
ao irranged at to iflord ample pr -tec ion against
Fire about the piemises on which they are erected,
by sinip'y attaching a piece of hose, thro' which
tl ey will force water to any pari of, or over, a
three slnry house. They, are particularly adapted
lor very deep wi lls, as Ihe leveraee con be so re
gulated that a chi'd of six years old cun with the
greatest ease draw water with them from the dee
peal wells. The objection so justly urged by ma
ny, that w .tcr is spod.d by st.iuding in pump logs,
is entirely obviatej in this pump, and fiesU water
(Hi alwsys be as sur.-ly obtained s when drawn
with a bucket. In situations where it it nece-sa-rv
to r.iise or force lame iiuantiiirs ol water lo great
distances for auppl)ing boilers in mills, furnaces.
&c. these pumps ire invaluable, as they can he
made i f any t ie, and capable of throwing from
15 to 1000 gallons per minute.
And to ciown all, they can he told as cheap as
Ihe cheaiiesl.
The subscriber hat .pent ihe last year in axp
inventing upon snd perfecting his pumps, and now
brings them before Ihepohl c with Ihe fullest con
fidence that they will be found lo snswer his de
scription. He takes pleasure in refi ning lo Ihe
following companies and individuals, upon whose
premises his pumpa have been creeled, and who
have cxpns-ed their sutisf .cttoii in tho highest
terms :
The Montour Iron Company, Danville, H. Bra
voort, agent the Hloomshuig Itiilroid Iron Com.
pany. Bloomshurg. Col. I'uxton. agents the Rough
and Ready Iron Works, Danville, Hancock, Foley
Si Co., proprietors ; the town Council nf Berwick;
Simon P, Ksc, Un , and John L. Watson, Esq.,
He could refer lo many others, who have tetted
their qualities, but the above lespectahle firms snd
individuals are deemed sufficionl.
j3" An assortment of LEAD PIPE8 constant
ly oil bind, which will tw told on ihe most lesson
able terms. All ordeie addressed lo Ihs subscriber,
st Moore & Biddle's Foundiy buildings, or Mon
lour House, Dsuvills will meet with prompt at
Jan. I. 1848 tf.
Another Farm
XGDER frff.dT.nfim,
THE heirs of John Yoeum, dee'd., offer for isle
all that Firm of theirs situate in Shamokin
township, Northumberland coooty, near SnutC
town, and adjoining the old Stambtch ttind in
id township, containing about two hundred acres
more or lets, in a good ttale of cultivation. The
Rtil Roid from Sunbury to Shamokintown pisses
through it. For particulars enquire of
HUGH H. TEATS. SnufflowD,
The Grand Purgative
roa the cure or
Headache, Giddiness,
Measles, 8ilt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, .
Dyspep-ti, 8cuivy,
Smill Pot, Jiundice,
Heart Barn, Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quinsey,
Whooping Cough,
Pains in ths Back.
Inward Weakness,
Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Riling in the Throat, Eriiiprlst, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthmi, Itchings of Ihe Skin,
Fevers of sll kinds, Colds, Gout, Grsvel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
next ixtroaiTisi or Tat toon, ahb ob.
Experience his proved thlt nearly every Dis
ease originates from Impurities of the Blood or de-
rtngements of the Digestive Organs t and to secure
Health, we mutl remove thote obstructions or re-
tore Ihe Blood to its ntturil state.
The aversion to taking medicine is most ifleo
tnally removed by Clickbib's Vserrism Pen
ativb Pills, being tnmplettly enveloped uiih a
coating of pure white Sugar, (which ia ss di-tinet
from the interml ingredients at a nut shell from
the kernel) abb batb wo t.sti or Mrnicins,
But are at raaily swallowed is bits of candy.
Moreover they neither nauseate or gripe in the
slightest degree, but operste rquslly on all tne dis
eased parts of the system, instead of confining
themselves to, snd ricking any particular reuinn.
Thus, if tl e Liver bo uflecled, one ingiedicnt ivill
operate on that parl colsr organ, tod, by cleansing
it of in Excess of Bile restore it toils naiurd
state. Another will operate on the B'ood. and
remove all Impuiitie-i in its circulation; while a
third will cITectually expel whatever impurities
may have been discharged into the stom ic!i. nud
hence limy stiiirk t tiik boot or msm-r., re
move ill Impure Humors from the body; opt n
the pores externally and internally; srpiral- sll
foreign and obi nxions particles from the chle, so
that the blood may be thoroughly pure thus secu
ring a fiee and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs
and Liver; and thereby they nnsTnnr. uritLTil X
van whesi all o-riim means rate
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained
by the trial of a tingle box ; and their virtues are
so positive snd certain in res'or ng Health, that
the proprietor binds himself to return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do not gte
universal silisiaclion.
Retail Price, 25 cin. per Itox.
, Principal office No. 68 Vesey si., N. Yotk.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
fj Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the in
ventor of the Sugar Coated Pills, snd t!it nothing
of the sort was ever heard of uniil he introduced
them in June, 1843. Purcbaeeis should, therefore,
always ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Pills, and
take no others, or they will be ma'e the victims of
a fraud. ccpt. 18th, 1847. ly row
Tn st
If it A sooxn nr tistTH.
4 RE YOU A MOTHER 1 Your darling child,
vonr idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined lo her chamber by a dangerous cold h. r
pain checks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell ihe
hold di-ease has already gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchral couch pieices your son!.
YOU.NU MAN, when just nli oit to enter life,
disease sheds a heart rrn-b'iig Might over the fiir
prospects of the future your hectic couub mid f- e
lile limbs tell of your loss and h"pe, but y -n need
not despair. There is a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it is
S II K n II A X ' s
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Wm. II. Attree,
Ksi. wat given up by Dr. Sewall of Wa.-hiimton,
Dis. Roe nod McCIHIan of Philad-dpbia, Dr. Roe
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends all
thought she must die. She had every appearance
nf being in consumption, and was so pronounced
by her p!u si. i ins - Sherman's Balsam was given
and it cured her,
Mrs. GARR A BRANTS!, nf Bull's Feirv. was
a'si cured nf consumption by this Balsam when
all niher remedies failed to give relief she was re
duced lo a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist,
241 Broadway, hit witnessed its effects in several
ca-es where no other medicine a (Touted relief but
the Balssm operated like a charm. Dr. G. also
witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Asthma,
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Bloo I, alar,
ming as it may be, iseflectuslly cured by this Bal
sam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood
vesu Is, ind makes the lungs sound sgain.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiehlh avenue,
was cured nf rough and catarrhal affections o 50
years s anding. The first dose gave him more re
lief than all the othei medicine he had ever taken.
Dr. L. J. D sis, 19 Delancy street, gave it to a
sister-in-law who was laboring underconsumption,
and to another aorely afflicted with the A-thma.
In both casi a its effects were immediate, soon re
storing them to comfortable health.
Mrs. LUCKETI A WELLS, OS Christie street,
tuffered from Asthma 43 y.srs. Sherman's Has
san) relieved her at once, and she is comparatively
well, being enabled to aubdue every atlsck by a
timely use of Ibis medicine. This indeed is Ihe
oresi remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaints, snd sll the all clions of the
throat, snd even Asthma and Consumption.
Price 25 cents and ft per hnttl-.
Dr. Sheiman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and
Poor Man's Plaster sold us above.
Dr. Sherman's office is al 106 Nassau st N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M. A.M. CAY, Northumberland
September llih, 1817. ly
rrQTf ? , '-r ,' rv 112. CO
Vegetable 1'iiiversal rill,
TAe only known Medicine that at the some time
purges purifies and strengthens the sytlim.
Lomioic. July 7, 1S4G.
DR. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine
which has just appealed, and it fid '"king
the placet of all others of llie san e class. These
pills are composed of many ingredients, but the
lw principal ones are Sersaparilla and Wild Cher
ry, so united that they act together; the one,
through i's admixture wilh other sub.taic. s, pu
rifying snd purging, while the other it ttren-jthen-ing
ihe system. Thus those pills are at the sain
time tonic and opening; a desideratum long and
eagerly tought for by meJical men, but never be
fore discovered. In nther words they do the work
of two medicines, snd do it much better than any
two we know of; for they remove nothing from
the system but the impurities ; so that while tbey
purge they strengthen ; and hence they cauae no
debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr.
Le Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the
blood ; they nol only purify without weakening ii,
but ihey remove all iexiut particles from the chyle
before it is converted inio fluid, and Ihut mike im
pure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no
debililition, so there is no nauset or sickness at
tending the operations of this most escellenl of me
dicines, which never strains or tortures the diges
tive functions, but ciusee them lo wmk ia a per.
racily natural manner ; and bene persons tsking
them do nol become pale and emaciated, but ths
contrary ; for while it ia Ihe properly of Ihe Sarsa
pardla, united ss it is wilh other ingredients, .to
remove all Ihal is foreign and impure, il is equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry lo retain all thai
ia natural and sound; and bancs a robust slue of
health is the certain result of their united opera
lions. Price tn cents per BOX,
Agents for La Roy's Pills,
J. W. FRII'ING, ) .
JOHN YOUNO.j8uubury
M. A. McCAY, Norlhumberl'd.
Augustus, 1847. ly
ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, by
sots or book account, are hereby notified to
call and settle the tame without delay, ia order
to aave costs. ! I 7 rMCNT
THIS Medicine is wsrranled, on osth. not to
contain particle nf Calomel, Corrotivs 8ub
limste, Arsenic, Chloride cf Gold, or any delete
roni minerals. .
The principle upon which this Medicine acts, is
by aasitting ind birmonising wilh nsture;- it
drives out sll foul scrimonious humors from Ihe
blood and body, and by assimilating with and
strengthening th gastric juice of lh ttomich, it
ssslits digettion in short there is not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or nerve In Ihe human omiy, met is
not strengthened by the PANACEA, and it also
possesses ths remirkible property or removing
mercury from th bones and joints.
Scurvy, 8corbutic Affections, Tumors, Hcrofuls or
Kings' Evb, White Swellintts, Erysipelas, Ulcers,
Cancert, Running Sores, Seibs snd Biles, limn
snd a determined perseversnee in D . 8WEET
8ER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection of food, Nsusea, Vomilinga, Nervous Af
fections, Billious complaints, Head act e, Pa'em ss,
or Female Irregularities, Dr. 8WEET8EII8 PA.
NACEA will toon effect a cure ; but if obstinate,
or attended with griping, flying paint, the dose
should be increased, and the cure will toon be ef
fected. 11 not the patients frghtcn themselves
wilh the idea thai they are ton we k tn take much
medicine; but bear in mind that tbia mildly opera
ting mcd cine put not weakness into the frune, hut
moil certainly draws weakm ss out, leaves strength
in its place, and by giving compost d s'eep ri nig .1,
and an appetite to relish any food, re-animi'es the
whole frame, wi h vigorous ac'ion, elea-ing the
mind ami improving the sight.
TIONS. Scrofula Is said to be heridilatv. th- iiifmt r -ceiving
from its parents the seeds of this diseas -,
which increases with its years, if in-ulecieil and
not submitted lo frequent purifif -tioii with Dr.
8 WEET8KR'8 PANACEA. The glands a-e phi
ced in the corners of Ihe body, and nut nf tho way
of direct communication ; their real u-e i. subject
on which much difference nf opinion rev tils; ii
suffices us to know that when in s dis.-as.-d stole,
they sre eapihle of being purified and cleansed bv
a long course nf Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which restores them to sound and plop, r
action. Scrofulous persons can never pay too much
attention to their blood, its purification should be
their first thought, for after a long course of perse
verance, they will ever curt hereditiry disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled ; it tenches out the v. ry root of the
disesse, and by removing it from the Blood makes
a cure certain and permincnt.
For disesses of the Btadtler and Kiifnrtt, Stric
tures. Gravel. Stone, Pilot, Fistula. Uiinori Oh
structvmt and Extreme Costiveness. Dr. SWEET
SEK'S l'ANCEA is the best remedy ever trel;
it removes all those acrimonious humo s from the
Blood which give rise to Ihe shove disesses, snd
by heeptng the blood in a pure condition, insures
Impurities nf the Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weak
nesi of the Spine Flow of Blood to the Head Gid
diness. Singing and Hmzing Noise in the Head
and Ears, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will
give certain relief; in all severe and chronic eases,
the patients cannot be loo often reminded that lar-f-rr
dnsrs and pf'-srrerancr will effect a cure.
I i Chills and Frrers. Bilious Frrrrs. AfTtrtinns
"f the Eyes nnd Ears, Spongy und lthrd,n;
Gums Itntiich t'S und recent Coughs and Ci-hh,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will b. f.un.l
perfectly sure and certain in iu iffi-cl-.
Tlne cnipp'ain's oie pi'iiet.illv el'.n-'ed wih
Ibe most f itnl .ins. tpiei.ees. a. , no -. ! I. on ... ne.
ver in rd lv in ,l ,.l rt-si.i n ; lb y
u.-u :l y uCiooi any thopon-el I tlo- j;r m-, i.b. r
sutlciing the most excruciating pain and torture.
The caus? of these complaints are the same ss all
others, the dioss ol the blood hecnmi s eneru oej on
Ihe finest narrow passages, whence nr it morbid
secretions and sloppagisof mine. Y.-u will find
the most powerful d urelic- of no use, as they only
increase the quantity nf urine and do not puiiffe
and strength) n th parts. Bv purifying the hlorrr
wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, tnu re
move the causool ihcdiseise, consequently it can
not exist any longer, after sufficient perseierance
in its use baa deprived Ihe blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and incrustation.
This it a erv prevalent and fatal disea-e ; it re
sults mostly from neglected coughs, colds and bron
chitis, alto from impioper t real men i in many of er
cases, such as measles, fevers, inflammati na and
small pox, and s host of other bsdly trested diseases;
where the cause, instead of having l-een thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only been
palliated or removed from ono part 10 break oul in
mother. By divesting y nur bodies of all foul hu
mors, through ihe medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA, ihe cure is at once rendered certain
ind ermanent. R. collect, while there it scrimo
nious humon floating in the circu'aiioo, it is ss apt
lo settle on the lungs ss sny other part of the body ,
Ihit is the reason that consumption is so prevalent;
Which you see on the exterior, come from snd
btve their tource in, Ihe inletior, ind might just ss
well hive tettled on youi lungs, liver, or my other
part; which we know they frequently do, and pio
duce most violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which occasion! these sores it of s highly
scrimniiioiis burning nature. We know il from
the pain it gies in forming, and ufterwtrds its ra
. pi.lly u'cerating and corroding the flvsb ind skin
i of the part where it brisks nut This shows the
necessity nf fieipienllv puiifying the blood with Dr,
; SWEE I SEU'S PANACEA, on.l keeping such
malignant humors in sul j ction. Should you have
a bile nr ulcer, bo thankful that naiuie has taken
trouble to warn you of llie danger your life and bo
dy is in, for it is a warning that the blood is foul.
Had this s im. Acrimony a. Irc'rd die lungs in-tcad
of the surface , f youi body for ilt seat, consump
tion of the lunas wou'd have been the 'consequent .
D. lay not then, to purify and cleanse with Dr.
Sei tser's Pan ices.
SI'INE DISEASE offec'ions, mlargement of the hot cs and
joints, white swellines, hip joint complaint, rup
tuics, fulling of the bowels ami worn , disea-e, will
And a siedy eure in Dr. SIl'EETfER S PA
NACEA. Where the disease la, been of long
standing, ihe lime required to make a cure will be
longer; but the patient may rest assured thai s
determined perseversnee will effect it.
These disease proceed from Ibe seriosity or
r- rrupl humors of the blond, having s I led itself on
the throat snd lungs, and stopped them up, so that
they cannot drsw sufficient air in for respiration.
Dr. 8WEETSER'S PANACEA w II give imme.
bate relief, and lo make Ihe cure perfect snd cer
tain, it should he continued some lime sfter, Id
free ihe system of all bad humors.
Find a safe and speedy cur in Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA. Il cures by searching every
blood vessel snd artery, and driving out all impu
rities and foul bumora accumulated therein, which
is the cause of rheumatism, goul and swellings of
ths joints. The dslelerous effects of calomel and
other mineral poisons, readily yield to lis sovereign
Influence ; indeed, when 1U valuable properties be
come fully known, ths use of sll mineral poison will
be consigned lo 'the tomb of sll lha Captilett,' and
only be thought of ss a by-gor.t custom of Ihe dsr
ker sges. Dr. Sereelser't Pantces is slso s surs
cure for dyspep.ii, piles, costiveuess, vertigo, held
iche, pain ia Ibe breast and liver complaint.
Fever is alwayi csused by disorderly move
ment of Ibe blood, struggling to fits i'aelf of some
thing that cucumbers it ; in fact, every kind of le
ver is nothing mors thin a struggle between Ihe
... -.. and as soon is Ihs car-
rnpt humon are expelled, yeu hive no more fevs
When a patient with fever submits lo be bled, c
have his blood poisoned with mereary, it weaken
bis frsme to tuch a degree that if be survives th
process, H' always loaves him subject to distressin
chills, when 9 timet out of 10 ha resorts to agu
pills, powders, ot tonic mixtures; Ibis Is going fror
bad to worse, as these vegetable pills, powdert, rkt
are nothing hut mercury and quinine in ditgulte
which mty for a lima drive the disease to far Inl
the body as not lo be perceptible, but very soon 1
will break oul sgain wilh fearful violence. To cart
stus snd fever, the cause of lha disease muM te re
moved out of lha blood and body, which esn be ef
fectually done by using Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses and strengthen!
It contains nothing that can possibly injurs, snd it
use is slways a safeguard tgiinsl chills snd feven
In all Cases nr Piles, Dr. SWEETSER'I
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It re
moves from Ihe blood, ttomich and bowel, rd
those foul acrid burning humors, which are th.
cause nf Piles snd Costiveness, and by strengthen
ing the digestive organs, improves every pert of lat
entire body.
These disesses are caused by Ihe stomach am
bowels being choked up with viscid tlimy miller
the sir which enters tbem cannot ecpe until force!
by some contraction nf lha ttomich to expel It
hence the cause of pain. A few doses nf Dr
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince th.
suffetcr Ihlt relief it attained-
Parents will And Ihe PANACEA a vsluahh
medicine for their rhiM'Pn, keeping their bodies In
a lu abhy cmliil m, thereby assisting their g-owih
children or grown petsont, after taking it, are not
Ital ic to he attacked with nn epidemic as before, as
it always leaves the blood in a pure condition, and
ihe ntire system in a strengthened slate l it drives
out a'l kinds nf weakness from the body snd leavet
all heal hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WETsER'S PANACE A a
c ne purely adapted lo their use. Most ladies du
ring the period of pregnancy are afflicted with piles.
Dr. Sweeiser's Ponacea, by regulating Ihe bowels,
will entirely obviate this, and ils purifying proper
lies on the blood and fluids, insures lo them heal
thy nff-pring. No one who is a mother should be
without it, snd those who are nursing wilt find it
of great benefit lo the health of their infants.
For barrenness and all diseases of the womb, it
is without a rival in the entire histoiy and catalogue
of medicines ; hy ita extraordinary strengthening
power, it stimulates and strengthens the womb, a
weakness of which is the cause of failure lo hive
Under this head may be classed Palpitation of
Ihe Heart, Tic Doloreaux or Faceache, Neuralgia,
Indigestion, Toothache, Melancholy, Hysterics. and
in fact, every disease caused by Ihe sharp, biting,
acrimonious humors irritating Ihe nerves ; the
nerves receive the morbid impression from the sto
mach, or rather from the blood through the agency
of the stomach and dige-tive oreans, and although
other parts of the ho ly are appirently the sent of
the. disease, still il is csused by Ihe m o'.-ij impres
sion conveyed from the blood bv the nerves, to tint
part, A lew dose, of Dr. 8 WE ti t'SE R'S PA
NACEA will soon assure the patient that he has
the cure in his possession.
This is an inflammatory disnider, slw ,ys attend
ed with more or bssjiain. It proceeds from the
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in Ihe blood and
flu.d-, settling on the limi t ind face, causing ex
treme pain and fevers; all applications nn the sul
fa: e arc worse than useless, at Ihey only tend to
throw the disea-e in some other part, am! pcrhap.
cii .si- death. Bleeding is likewise improper. To
eute llie di-ease you mu-t get rid of the cause ; on
ly manage to get the foul humors out of y mr blood,
and you will be well in a day. Dr. SWEET
Si:i('S PANACEA, a thorough purifier nf the
11 o l, will search out every impurity in the mots
remote puts of the body oud expel it firough ths
medium of the bowels. There is not s vein, arte
ry, mnsrlo r.r orpan ol the entire framt-woik of
in. m, that Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea does not im
prove. To lake it when you are well la to keep
we 1 ; und when sick to become well.
posed only ol a vegetable matter, or me.licai r.erbs,
and w a i ranted, on oith, is containing not one par
tic! nf mercurial, mineral, or chimical subslsnces,
is found to be perfectly harmless to ihe most tender
age, or the weakest frame, under my stage of hu
man suffering ; the most and benign in id
0cr ilioii that was ever offered to Ihe world; ind
at the same lime the most certain in searching oul
the root of any c implaint, however deep, and of
pcrf. rm'iiii a c -r.
Price $ I per bottle, or six bottles for fS. For
sale, wholesale and retail, at the corner of
CHARLES and PRATT Si reels. Baltimore, and
Nov. 6 1847. .y Sunbury.
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed
Sores Cured.
X the most complete Burn Antidotsever known.
Il instantly, (and ss!f by Magic) stops pains of the
mnt desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores,
Biu'ses, Cuts, Sprains, dec, on man or beast, it is
thu best spplicstion thst can he made. Thousands
have tried snd thousands praise it II is Ihs most
pufect master of pain ever discovered. All wbe
use recommend it. Every fsmily should be provi
ded with ii. None csn tell bow soon soma of the
family may need it.
dj" Olwerve each box of the genuica Ointment
has ihe name ot 8. Touset written on the outside
label. To imitate this it forgery,
lioitmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and ill who use
Horses, will find this Ointment Ihe very best thing
th. y cm use for Collar Gslls, Scrstchet, Kicks, See.
die., on their snimals. Surely every merciful man
would keep his animals as free fiom pain as possible-
Tousey's Universal Ointment is sll thlt is re
quired. Try it.
11 1'ES OF INSECTS. For the sting or bits
of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is unri
va'le.l. Hundreds have tried it snd found it good
PILES CURED ! For the Piles, Tousey's U
nhe sal Ointment ia one cf the best Remedies thai
can he applied. All who hive tried it fot the Piler
recommend il.
OLD SORES CURED. For olJ obstinate
Sons, there is nothing equal to Tousey's Oint
ment. A person in Msnlius hsd, for a number of
years, a iota leg that hallled the skill of Ibe doctors.
Tousey's Ointment wsa recommended by one of
the isiling physicians, (who knew its great virtues,)
ami two hoies produced more benefit Ihsn the pi
liem had received from my ind a'l pievioui reme
dies. Lei all try it.
of eases of Burns snd Scalds, in ill parts of lbs
country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal
Oinitnenl. Certificates enough could be bid to fil
the n hole of this sheet,
als - n testimonisls, in favor of Tousey's Ointment
for curing Bruises, have been offered the propiie
tors. Hundreds in Syracuse will certify toils great
meii's in relieving ths pain of ths most e tore Brume
All pTsoni should iry it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8ores of ciaet of
Sca'd Head have beeu cured by Tousey's" Oini-'
mem. Try il it seldom fii.
SA LT RH EUM CURED. Of a'l the
ever ditrovered for Ihit most ditagreeahle eompliini,
Touiey'a Univeml Ointment is the most complete.
Il never wis known to tail.
Tousey'i Universal Ointment will always core lha
worst cases of Chapped Hands, Oeoies of persons
will slats this,
SOKE LIPS CURED; tot fhe cars pt ffors
Lips, there was never anything made squat to To
sey's Ointment. It is surs lo cure ihem. Try If.
It is a trieniilie compound, wsrranled nol to con'
tain any preparation of Mercury. CCJ" Price 15'
ceuts per box. For further psriinitsrs concerning
this really valuable Ointment, ths public Its refer
red to Psmphlels, to be had grstis, of respectable
Druggists and Merchants throughout lha United
Prepared by ELLIOT V TO USE Y. Druggists,
Syrtcuse, For sale ky . . , -
JOHN TOUNO. Banbury,
M.A.McCA- VjUid.
gent. 1 1th. IstlT 1 s"