Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 24, 1848, Image 2

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The following eloquent appeal to the Irish
people nppears in the United Irishman of May
27th, after the conviction of Mitchell. It
breathes the true spirit of a soul laboring un
der a sense of national wrong and oppres
sion. From the United Irishman of May 27.)
The Time. It is no poetic, raiiibow-hued,
Rolden age. No gentle, sweet-noiced sovec
eign roles the world. Our only king s the
sword. At the flash of the patriot's steel the
torch of freedom can alone be lit. "
This is not the timo for beggars' petitions.
No more prayers ; no more whining; no more
dying in tho ditch-side ; no more patient nnd
persevering catiabalism; no more soup-kitchen
paternity; no more of the grim fatce, in
which two millions of men, with red blood
in thein, and something resembling a soul, by
the graco of the devil and the advice of their
pastors, bid larewcll to the sun and and com
mitted suicide ; no more of that gentle "law"
which, like death, levels nil distinctions, and
places a hi-rh-souled patriot in the same lilthy
cell with a common burglar and a swindling
Jew; no more of the licensed sconndreliam
of pompons magistrates which tho other day
consigned one of our best friends to a felon's
prison, for walking through the streets of Dnb-
lin with his friends', no more of that siceursoil
mockery culled government," which Ii
IrniTinled into sterlitv every coud seed of
i ------
truth, nnd honor, and courage, which the just
(to J had planted in this land, and left it with
out fruit an I verdure. Away, away with all this
"specious fry of fraud" with English rule
and English robbery. Down to their native
hell with aristocratic plunderers and vicere
gal creen-eronivr. Their hour is come.
Willi tlirt L udii stl u'liicli will rpili1(n in !
ll,o f Il.n firt fnreir,l l.ntelier. we will !
write Finis in the book of British crime, and j
trace the titlc-paae of Ireland's new history. !
Tin people of this land have been dream- ;
ing an une-isy dream. The nightmare van- :
ishes at lust, and the blood-stream circulates ;
,,, the country once more. They can stir
i i . : ,1 ;T i'.
voice was heard, ervina in tins wilderness,
and it has arotts-d th-'-m to sense and vo'i io:..
A glorious fiut lux was re-echoed from one
en I of tho isle to the other, and tho clouds
rolled off from our horizon, and the blue sky
looked forth on us, and blessed us. A revo-
latton came unto the people, and they tell
. I. . .1 t i . - l.-lll .
ma! mey naa omy io s.-.y,
a mini:, 4tiiii ii vi i uuiic uiy it n, ...
.i . . ..,.- : ,i, ;, i.
the evorlastinrr trntli flanlmi"- in on their be-
Highted souls, that a people's will and Om-
nipotence as far as regards earth are sy
Let them come forth, then,
in the sunlight
and take the rights which have been with.
held from them so long yes! take them, for
they linvo only to stretch forth their hands.
and they will soon grasp the treasure whicli
lheydesne. Pans willed that it should, b,e
n J4urh!-ra"ifikr",r:'1 n ""Pw-
-went foul, a (r!1.
veiiimr. Si..;i .i, .
wlncn siii i ,.-,,, .... ie I i non ..i
r- .1, II n(l
I .
: iuii ari
repealed and firs first sword which glistened
in the patriot's baud cut the parchment link
that Ixiund it to a foreign country Milan--
but why multiply instances!
Is it not as
plain as that God liveth, that we have but to
ask and we shall receive, if we ask in the
commanding tones of freemen, not in
winning accents of slaves.
Come forward, then, ye suffering poor, and
prove to your oppressors that you are men
and not dogs. From the fields where on
toil in the heat of Summer and the frost of
Winter, coaxing out of the heart of earth : 'las never been imported for less than about
those hidden riches which minister to your ' $ 15 per ton, and cannot probably be im
tyrants' luxury from the lilthy lanes whom j ported now, for less than about 50 per
you cower in rags, and wet, and misery, hi- ton. This, however, is il') per ton less
ding your .hame from the eyes of your follow lan i( Mn bp namifacturcd ror at our works
m.i-ii, ami nun my juil lid IK uiinu II ij uiro
Ihe llesh of your own children, to fan tho
Dickering Hume of life within you from the
under-ground cellars, where some of yon. re.
dowed, may ha p. with high aspirations and
sunny genius, grovel, wormlike, in cold and
Hastiness, cursing the rule which has crushed
you down to dust, and extinguished the l.j,.
venly light within you from the haunts of
..riiviA utiAM a...k I.. 1. : i . . - ii
........ , n. i. , mi u.ii umii;; iif-nri", i mi sen
the beauty which was intended to adorn the
nomes ot virtue, that the Hunger-fiend which
,B i, ,uul riiiiHiis raiiy oe saiisnea
., fr,. " ... ' , ,
come forlh, ye poor! on wear tho garb of
Humanity; you have the appearanceof Men.
Letthegarb have somethiiiL' within it. lei i!,.
sppearance clothe a reality. You were'.made to
Uod's likeness. Premiers and aristocrats
may deny it, but the Man-God who died for
von has said
so. ftloo.l circulates in vimr
veins, too,
vi ,
on have rights to demand, and
wrongs to avenue.
Vou have as a rich
fluid within your hearts as the 'tyrants 1,'. '
Ira nip on you. on are like th-m in physi-
cal formation. If they pii.rk you do you not j
bleed ! If they imisoii vou, do vou not die '
. . '
i "in are srronger tinu mey are. 1 liey are
few and you are many. I'p, then, grapple
with them, and try a fall or two. It is the
only way you can truly estimate thir streng'h
or weakness.
In E igland, the average cost of construct
ing railroads is laid down at 25,0(10 p"r
mile, or Si.j.oon; iii France, 100,000; jM
Belgium, SW,nnn. In some part of New
Kngland, tin cost per mile hus occwsionally
beeu from SIOO.ilOO to I.M),00(l. On the
Greenville and Charlotte railroad, (South Caro
lina) and on the West Point and Montgomery
railroad, th average cost is estimated atIO,.
"00 to? 11.000. The estimated cost of the
proposed road from Mobile to the Ohio, is per mile.
, Kewkll, rf he Picayune in a letter from
Paris, write, that the Crown Prince of Prus-f-ia
fled igiiominiously from Berlin. "Not
only di I hu drop upan his knees and beg
most lustily for his life, but the crowd even
niMwd his no in the gutter, and otherwise
jnahreated him."
Arhivalhv the President o- Libkku in
Boston. J. I. Roberts, the President of the
new H-jpyblic of Liberia, with his wife and
daughter, arrived at Ktwton on Friduy morn
ing, in the banjue Nehemiuh Rich, Cap! .
Carlton, from l-ibeikt, April 21, via St. Thoni-
and Turk I .land
- HATIHDAV, 1UNE 84, 14.
It. B. MASSEn. Eilllor an lroprlelir.
P.. W. CAltn. fnn building, N. E. Comer of M end
Dock rt reels, Philadelphia, i ri-jriilarly anthorimd to receive
ndrertincmrnts nnd mibscriptimiii fur thi puper, and receipt
I or lite wime.
of Michigan.
ron vicE.rnEWDEJiT,
of Kentucky.
Forrana! Commissioner!
of Westmoreland County.
The heavy rains of Monday, last.
completely inundated some of our streets'
Thry were much wanted, and will be of
preat service to the growing crops.
?,.'' Whst Dkam'ii IUxk Our esternv
ed friend, Hepburn MeClure, Esq., has re'
signed his situation as President ot this in
stitution ; nn ofliee he haj filled to the
entire satisfaction of the community, and
those interested. Mr. A. J. UpdegrafT has
been elected in his place.
18M. We are
pleased to sec a disposition evinced, by the
respectable portion of the Press, of both
parties, to conduct the present political
rampni,rn in n fair and honorable manner.
T,l(? cadidat,,s on both sides are men of
; chanlc,pr and 8talu,in?, distinguished
not only for their public services, but for
i J i
' their private worth. They, therefore,
! w ho would assail the character of either,
, must necessarily inflict a greater injury up-
j ,,n themselves, than upon the parly assailed
. 'j'here w ill, however, always be exceptions,
t who from nah,re Qr cdu.
are unable to indite a single para.
.... , J
seraph without resorting to scurrility and
. I J
personal abuse
T" The errors of the Press, before cor-
, rection, are often amusing. A list of them
I would be well worth publishing. In the
. account of the trial of Mitchell, our compo-
! sl(or ma(it, tle yPS s!)v (llat
Tnp snouts wen, incrrasPd and the cla-
. -.- i-rrifirv when two furkry,
i"unkcys it should V) lam holdot Mr.
I Mitchell
- j.i.u:.
to the price, for which rail road iron can
b? delivered in this country, from England.
i When they say, English iron can be deliv-
j ered in this cfniiitr-, at twenty dollars per
! ton, including dutv, freight and all other
charges, it must ho applied to pig iron,
which we believe is the fact, and which,
we regret to say, is about "20 per cent less
than a living or remunerating price, for our
manufacturers. Kail road iron, we believe
which, if we deduct one half for the supe
riority of our iron over the English, will
still Jave a difference of 7 or $S against
our own manufacturers.
I'ltToTsiAi, KnoTiiKR Jonathan.
;rent semi-annul Pirlorwl Jiroitfr
.lonolhnn for Ihe, 1h of.lii, has been sent
.... i... itr:i c . x- r 1 ...
11.1 uv IISOII OL j.t'W I Oik. It IS a
' ,ost splendid Pictorial sheet. Amori
f,ff,j orishhj o1her :fine,y eculpd engrav,
. ,..:ti i r i n ..i
ings will be found a Mexican Battle Piece
t . .
j C0Ver,nS A of nearly seven square
! fee, This Double Mammoth Sheetalso
contains among its principal attractions, an
engraved fac-simile of the Original Rough
DmO of th in,,,,-,,.,.,, ,.f
. . .
rt 8,li'1 "I'osuy in in way. Also eleven
n ....
uv iiieniMi, iiiu great
Fronch ar,ist ilrating recent scenes
!...:, ti. i..t.:i.. .. i .i
1 "r mumer Jonaman also
fn,a'ns a large number of beautiful Fancy
Pictures, well calculated to suit the nnhlm
. . . . .. . i
taste, a letter directed to Wilson if Co.,
Publishers, New York, enclosing a one do
lar bill will bring, by return mail, ten co
pies of this most beautiful -of Pictorial
y The Supreme Court for the North,
crn District will commence its session at
this place on the second Monday of July
next, and will continue four weeks.
O" Mr. Winthrop the Speaker of the
House of Representatives in Congress is
confined to his room by sickness. Mr.
Burt has been appointed Speaker pro tern.
XT" Daily Xkws. Our friends of the
Daily News, of Philadelphia, came out, a
few days since, in a new dress. It is now
a handsome as well as a spirited paper.
Kr" Nicholas P. Tkist who negotiated
Ihe present treaty with Mexico, upon his
own hook, has removed with hw family to
West Chester in this state.
O" Iangfold who was cenvicted of the
murder of Mrs. Rademacher, will be hung
on Friday the 20th of October next. The
Governor, in fixing the day, has given him
ample time for reflection and repentance.
We hardly know in what way to reply
to the childish effusions of the Miltonian
for some time past, nor in what spirit they
have been dictated whether from envy
or malice, or a want of proper conception
of right from wrong. We did not, of course,
consult tho redoubtable editors of the Mil
tonian, in regard to the policy we should
pursue, nor did we expect to please them
in the course we have adopted. I here is
however, a common courtesy which often
prompts editors to display something of a
liberal and honorable spirit, even when
their inclination points in a diflerent direc
tion. If the editors of the Miltonian choose
to quote from our paper, they should not
take detached sentences, and draw conclu
sions and make comments to suit their ow n
fancy. In regard to Gen. Taylor our con'
duct has been consistent throughout, and
when we once repudiate what we have
said in regard to that distinguished patriot,
or speak disparagingly ot his character, it
will be time for those who have never learn
ed to think for themselves, to carp at our
conduct. Gen. Taylor occupies a position
now, very diflerent from that which he
held some months since, when he declared
his being a candidate, should not depend
upon the result of any convention. The
Louisiana delegation, however, in the late
whig convention, stated that thev were
aulhoris-d to say that Gen. Taylor would
abide by its decisions and support the nomi
nee of that convention. These views, are
entertained by others who supported Gen.
The Philadelphia Mullet in, speaking of
the nomination, says:
"We have so frequently spoken of Gen.
Taylor, in these columns,' that it would be
superogatory to discuss his character now.
But, it must be remembered, he presents
himself t us now in a different aspect from
that he has before assumed. It was not un
til a letter from him was read in ihe Conven
tion, acknowledging himself a whig ami en
gaging not to be a candidate if any other
whig received the nomination, that no was
able ta obtain a majority of tho del-gates.
We have heretofore, spoken of him as an In
dependent candidate he is now, by his own
admission, a Whig one and, as a ti'lug, he
is to be elected or defeated !
(Dr" MiTCHRLL, the editor and publisher
of the United Irishmen, has been tried and
sentenced to transportation beyond the seas,
for fourteen years, for publishing in his pa
per, a speech delivered by him, against
Untish rule in Ireland. Mitchell is a re
publican, and is in favor of a republican
government in Ireland. He is a brave and
fenrless patriot, who will be long remem
bered. II is speech to the court, which will
be found in another column, shows with
""'iv ":V"' A invtloA (ho Judges
Vve also publish an extract of the speech
upon which he was condemned. It is bold,
eloquent and patriotic.
Sonos foii tiik Pi:oim.i:. The June
number of this handsome and popular pub
lication has been received. It contains
fourteen songs each handsomely illustrated.
Published monthly by Geo. B.Zeiber & Co.
Philadelphia at per annum.
XT IW,i;t:. In the Senate M. NileS
on Wednesday last, reported a bill to fix a
uniform rate of postage, of three cents for
letters, and one cent for newspapers. Let
ters to be prepaid, or five cents to be col
lected. Mr. Niles was formerly Post Mas
ter General. His object is nol to pass the
bill at present, but to elicit public opinion
on the subject. He should add the aboli
tion of the franking priviledge, in Congress,
and free postage on papers, under 30 miles.
VD" The list of causes in the Supreme
Court, for this district, will appear in our
"A letter from Mazatlan, on the Pacific,
representing the coast there as unhealthy,
and the uncertainty of vessels to California,
has caused that expedition to be abandoned,
and many who had enrolled themselves for
that country have transferred their names to
the ViiCAtan list. Information as to the full
object of the expedition, the character ot Ihe
country, etc., will be readily imparted by
the undersigned, at the Star ctliee.
Jno. H. Peoples."
A correspondent of the N. Orleans Cres
cent writes as follows in relation to the ex
pedition to Vuciitaii :
In my hint I wrote to you something about
an expedition to Yucatan from this quarter.
It would now be impossible to convey to you
any idea of the enthusiasm existing on the
subject, and I verily believe that if the means
were at hand, five thousand men, who would
arm and equip themselves, could be shipped
from Vera Crux in (wo weeks. They are
perfectly crazy on the biibject. The ' Star,"
whose editor is getting ,,p the expedition.
gave notice this morning that information
relative to tho nature of tho expedition, etc.
would be given on application at the publica.
tion ollioe, that establishment was crowdd
until late in tho evening by otTiceis, soldiers
and followers of the army, anxious to enrol
their names for the expedition. Two Colo
nels and one Major, of the volunteers, are
'bookuu'' already, and General Butler hav
ing expwsseil a determination to discharge
in this country any man wjto wishes to re
maiii to settle, or to join the Mexican army,
many of the volunteers have taken advantage
of ii, aud several companies, organized and
fully equipped, are now ready to be shipped.
All that is asked of Yucatan, or the friends of
Yucatan, is transportation to Campeachy, and
a small stock of provisions. The cost of this
would be trifling, aud I trust that Ike friends
of that country, in iu present distress.! con.
dition, will not suffer this formidable aid. to
fall through for the lack of the- few dollar it
will be necessary to carry it through.
For the convenience of our friends in both
parties, we have prepared the following ta
bles, showing the electoral votes at the last
Presidential elections of 183B, 1840 and 1844.
It will be found useful in making calculations
on the coming Presidential contest.
Electoral Vote of 1836.
Whole number of electors 291. Neces
sary to a choice 140.
Stales voting for I imSta1r voting for liar
Burnt. I rison.
Maine, SlVerinont,
New Hampshire, 7 Now Jersey.
Kliode island,
New York,
4 2 Ohio,
Nortn Carolina,-
7iTotal for Harrison
To'al forVaBuren 167
At the election, Tennessee (IS) and fleor
nia ( 1 1) cast their electoral votes for Hugh
White ; Massachusetts (14) for Daniel Web
ster, and South Carolina (11) for Willio P.
Mangum. ,
Khctoral Vote of 1810.
Whole number of electors 294 Neces
sary to a choice 148.
States voting for Il'tr
vi ton .
States voting for Van
No. Electors.
No. F.lectors.
New Hampshire,
Khorie Island,
South Carolina,
New York,
New Jersey
North Carolina,
a .Total for Van Burcn CO
Total for Hanison 234
Harrison'smujority 174'
Eiertoral Vote n1841.
Whole iHiinbej of Electors 275. Neces
sary to a choice 138.
States voting for Polk
No. Kleetors
Maine. f
New Hampshire, f
New York 3f
Pennsylvania. 2i
Virpinia, "i
South Carolina.
States voting for Clay
No. hleetors-
Rhode Island,
1 1
en limit.
New Jersey,
AduWilW- . uin
in Man kind.
9, North Carolina,
fi'Kontiick v,
9 Total for ( lay
Polk's majority 65
,Vrir Slates since l44.
Florida, 3llowa,
1Vxi,H 'llWiscouMii,
Present immberof electors 200 : 146 neccs-1
sjirv to a choice. Should the election go to
the House of .Representatives, 15 States have '
IVmocrats and 12 Whig delegates: A tied j
Official , ,h, nnllflniltBis of thi. Trcalr of
Fence w ith Mexico. I
The I'uion publishes the following letter!
from the Peace Commissioners: !
CirvoQi i:RKT.Rn,May26, 1848!). P.M. I
Sib: Ve have the satisfaction to inform j
you that we reached this city this afternoon j
at about 5 o'clock, nnd lhat the treaty as a- 'i
mended by the Senate of the United States, j
passed the Mexican Senate about the hour of
our arrival, by a vote of 35 lo S. It having !
previously passed the House of D.-puties. j
nothing now remains but to exchange the j
ratifications of the treaty. i
At about four leagues from this city we
were met by a Mexican escort, under the '
command of Colonel Herreia, and were es
corted to a house prepared by the govern
ment lor our reception. The Minister of
Foreign Relations, and the Governor of the
city called upon us, and accompanied us to
dinner, winch they had previously ordered.
So far as the government is concerned, every
facility and honor have been offered us and
Sr Rosa, the Minister of Foreign Relations
desire us to state that he feels great satisfac
tion in meeting the ministers of peace from
the Ciuted Slates.
W o will write to you again shortly, and
more at length, as the courier is on the point
ot departure.
I lie city appears to be in a great state of
exultation, fire-works going off, und bands of
music parading in every direction.
We have the honor to be,
your obedient servants,
A. H. Sevier,
Nathan Ci.ufokd,
Hon. Jams Buchanan, Secretary of State
The Taking al Ike Loam.
Washington, June 17th, 1818
A large concourse of speculators and others
interested in the taking of the sixteen million
loan were in attendance this afternoon in the
liall of the Treasury Department, to hear the
public announcement of the successful bids
The whole number of bids were upwards of
four hundred, and the oilers ranged from par
to 4.05 premium.
The following are the principal successful
John llaiuikvu. f 100,000, at t3,10J premium.
Wiiuluw Parkins, S0,UU0, 3 04 "
Henry M. Pravostf HO.OOO, 3 Ml ' '
Win. R. Murtan, 60,000, 3 IS "
Buinuel R. Htooka, UH.OUU, 3.0S "
Win. R Morgan, S50,000, 3,09
E. W. Clark fc Brother, . 00,000, 3 J
CfcuMi ft tschonck, ' 160,000, 815,
i. C. MeGuire, 730.0U0, ii.- "
Corcoran (t Rigga, for theruseves and Ba
ring & Brothers, obtain 11,097,750 at 3.0
The premium received into the) Treasury
exceeds half a million of dollars. .
The credit of the United State was never
establibhed on a beMer basis.
To such as have, for the last five years.
been writing on the subject of cheap postage
and the cluor ground of opposition, it is more
and more obvious, that there is in Congress a
determined conspiracy to defeat, if possible,
any system that would elevate the people to
a level with their public servants, as to mail
privileges, and especially electioneering privi
leges. When, four years ago, the demand became
loud from all parts of the land, a partial yield
ing of franking power, as well as a partial
reduction of postage, was granted
But when this promised favorably for still
further reduction, members became alarmed
at the growing idea of equal rights aud privi
lcjies, anil; by a very silent "act," again
greatly enlarged their franking power virtu
ally extending it, with respect to everything
in the qhape of Post-otlice burdens, through
out the year.
Moreover, as if ashamed to have it appear
in the regular bill on franking, they inserted
in an "Act to establish certain Post-router,"
(approved March 3d, 1817,) a clause ordain
ing, that '-books, procured or purchased, bu or
der of either House, shall be entitled to be f i nn
Led," by members !
In connection with this law, thus smuggled
through, (and which can be silently used for
the distribution of unnumbered volumes, to
those whom it may be expedient to conciliate
with such presents,) it appears the Senate
have recently, in a single instance, purchased
twrlec thousand copies of "Col. llickej'a' late
volume of 540 pages occasioning an expense
to tho country of about seventeen lliosnvtud
dollars !
Such impositions on nu unsuspecting peo
ple are constantly practised burdening the
daily mails from Washington with tons of
volumes, pamphlets, documents, and even n
Senatorial newspaper, printed at tha public
expense besides unnumbered large paeka-
ges of Circulars and ordinary letters, illr;.'itlly
franked and distributed by members for their
favorites !
Ktlbrts have been made in vain, by the
Post-master (ienernl (o suppress such abuses.
The result has been that the Senate, within
a few weeks, have passed u. special bill, a
dapted to perpetuate and increase this demor
alizing practice of franking for others, and by
heavy penalties to prevent !W exposure:
The truth is, that such abuses, dailv cor
rupting and hardening the consciences of
members and their friends, wvr can be sup
pressed but by the total abolition of nil frank
ing power. Ami those who hoKI this power
will not yield it up. nor grant rates of postage
on letters and newspapers that shall be al
most equivalent to it for all, till petitions from
every quarter shall show that the demand is
becoming universal, as it was in firent Bri
tain. There letters are now carri-il for a penny,
and newspapers for nothing; and yet so vast
has been the increase of mail correspondence,
that it brings in, over all expenses, upwards
of j?4. 000. 000 annually.
Ife are a much more reading and writio;;
frank no volumes or letters; and, as lUpuhli
hcans, entitled tn eijual privileges with our
rulers, we would all rejoice to try the cheap
system, even though it mii;ht, for a few
years, occasion some tax on the general trea
snrv. A'. 1" Mirror.
Dynrturc of Troops The Peace Commission
ers at Qneretaro Expedition to Yucatan.
The Steamer Water Witch arrived at New
Orleans on thu 7th inst., with late.dates from
the city of Mexico. We learn by this arrival
that the siege train and heavy artillery left
the city of Mexico on Monday Ihn 2ith ult.;
(ion. Patterson with his Division of Volunteers
was lo follow on Wednesday; after whom
comes (Jen. Marshall, of (he Volunteers. The
Regular Divisions follow in succession-- On.
Kearney preceding, aud (ii-ueral Worth bring
iny up the rear
Ceil. P. I". Smith arrived at Vera Crux on
the morning if the 31st of May, and the fob
lowing day entered upon ihe duties of (iov
ernor, relieving Col. Wilson.
Th-- C S. Commissioner were still at (iue
retaro, when Major Graham left the city of
.Mexico, and would probably remain there
several days longer.
Tho.-trro Ins, of Vera Cruz, is very much
incensed on account of the mercy extended
to Lieutenant Hare and his accomplices, by
Oen. Butler. It says:
"This then is a holocaust to the manes of
Alcade aud CJacia, who suffered by the. strict
application of tho laws of war." The f7ro
del Commercio, on the contrary, applauds il as
an ac( of clemency, creditable to the feelings
of the Commander iu Chief, and expresses
itself satisfied with the sense of justice
evinced by the Commission iu the conviction
of the criminals.
The Monitor Ilepublicano of tho 27th ult..
says that I.amartiue had recalled the llarou
do Ciprey, French Minister. The same pa
per learns from an American officer, that du
ring the commencement of the ensuing week
Gen. Butler would deliver possession of the
city to the Mexican Government.
The Zacetecano of Ihe loth of May, asserts
most positively, lhat Paredes, has demanded
a passport to leave the country; and further
adds, that tho nation will be benefitted by
his absence.
It will be seen by the following card, that
Mr. Peoples, the editor of the American Star
has abandoned his California expedition, and
instead will direct his steps to Yucatan :
''For Yccatan. A number of young men
belonging to accompanying the American ar
my iu Mexico, have expressed a strong de
sire to go to the assistance of the whites in
Ybctttau. With nie many have enrolled their
names, and the party of four Or five hundred
can easily be made up. Those who wish to
spend the summer in a delightful country,
rather than return home in the dull season,
can find no better place in which to do so
than in Yucatan ; whilst, at the same time,
they can assist the whites against the merci.
less Indiana, and benefit tlaemselves immeasurably.
Gbneral Scott has gone to the Shenary-bhe
doah Springs to improve his health, which is
much shattered.
Correspondence of tho Public Ledger.
Thlngii In New Vwk.
Saturdat, 4 P. M.
the Clay Whigs let off their steam in the
Park last evening, and it is fair to presume
that they "breathe freer and deeper." The
meeting was respectable in point of numbers,
and, as I anticipated, rather obstreperous.
Mr N. B. Blunt explained the course of the
Whig delegation from this city, in a very dry
speech, and the meeting visibly melted away
under the influence of his harangue.
Horace Greely spoke briefly. Thd sum of
his remarks was that he would support Tay
lor, if Taylor would promise to carry out
Whig principles ; if not, iiof. Dudley Selden
followed, and declared that he would not vole
for Taylor under any circumstance whatsoever.
lie also nominated Mr. Clay, as tho Whig
candidate for President, amidst a storm of
expletives, in which it is hard to say whether
compliments or curses predominated. K
Gov. Junes, of Tennessee, said a few words,
designed to act as oil upon the troubled wa
ters, but declined endorsing the objects of thu
meeting. Mr. Fowler, of Otsego, a delegate
to the Convention, expressed his attachment
to Mr. Clay, but at thu same time avowed
his intention to support Old Zack-
In a word, the whole thing was a failure,
aud the Clay Whigs having fired their funer
al volley over the political grave of their standard-bearer,
will go over in s iiiiils to the
Taylor camp. A few may lie down and die
on old Harry's tomb-stone ; but th-; number
will be very, very small.
Three campaign papers have been recently
started here "The UocruiV a Cass aud
Butler paper, issued weekly from the office
of th ! True Sun ; ,:Th? Crap-shot,'' a Tay
lor sheet, published by the editors of the
Courier nnd Enquirer ; and ''That Same Old
Coon," which represents the views of th.;
j "l'ia Clay men, and like Mr. Clay himself
seems to have very few constituent.
Correspondence of the Public Ledger.
Washington, Juno 18, 18 18.
Corcoran & Higgs, for themselves, Haringi
Brothers and others, offered 3.02 premium
for tho whole loan of S 10,000.000, butobiain
ed of it only 514,086,750, of which, as I am
credibly informed, twelve millions are on
foreign accounts, and may at oirce be drawn
for. The p.temium of the whole is 502. 255.
and averages three and one third per cent.
This is certainly a high rale; but when one
reflects that this loan is the last which th"
United States government will be obliged to
make, that the three millions to be paid to
.the Mexicans are already provided for. with
the loan that all the liabilities of the Trea
sury are provided for, and not a dollar of the
new loan called for till the 1st of July; when 1
it is considered that the whole debt of th
United States, as it now stands, is not yet
50 ner cent, irreater than that of the State of
Pennsylvania, then the premium of :' per
cent, appears, indeed, 1110 -lerute. It is the
best investment, an. I has a loutr lime to rim.
and it is morally certain that wi:h am Ihitw
, : eel, mailt; according to the Army anrt IVavy re-
to pay off. inste-Vd'oi1'!',;'!'',,"'' "m I.'i'.i' '! I flf"j;V.'S. 1,11,1 for Prioity ot finish and male-
" " - - j full, Hdr Hrftn uc 11 sin tuar,tl
Ins also (juite relreshing to see the house j Kr gentlemen, consisting of Fine Rockey Moua
of Baring Brothers & Ce.. come forward in j lain lieaver and Gossamer Hate, (very light.)
this handsome maimer to invest once more in mn- J-iho'": Cobourna, ect., ect.
r 1 ti . , , , AIm, fine Straw, Braid, and Hair Cloth Cans:
America, funds That house has rated lis Ladies Ruling Hat. and Cap. of ent.rely neV
sufficiently for the doctrine of repudiation, un less" fact the largest assortment ever before
and its rtiiru to its legitimate affection does j "fereiWo the public; being at low in pries aa
i, , 1:, 1 . .1 . ! a,,y Kstablishment in the country
not ot h cedit to its heart, (a thing merely j h,.meiT,ber CHARLES OAKFORD
speculative iu 11 banker.) but to its under
standing. More money will iu a short time
be invested in American securities throughout
K"..... .1 : .1 1 . r ...
"'""li 11.111 is iiiougiii ior. ami 1 uo not nest-
tate to say, that the European quotations of
Ihe I . S. Loan, will noite snsi.-iiii tW ,,f
our own Atlantic cities.
To-morrow Ihe Senate will again consider
the joiut-resoitition passed iu the Hons'?, for
tho adjournment on the 17lh of July. There
seems lo be but very little concern about ad
journing in the House ; though Washington
is deserted by all the beauty and fashion
which graced it during the spring. You sel
dom see a human being iu the gallery of ei
ther House, and half the reporters themselves
lind it ion h jl and the proceeding loo uninter
esting to bn there. But let tho Territorial
Bills come up, and the heat of debate will
considerably surpass that marked by tho ther
mometer, which, a day or two past was 103 !
So we go! literally.
Kirn Pk.u-hks .vn Apflks the First or
June. A striking evidence of the vaiiety of
the climate is furnished in the -Whig,'' pub
lished at Yicksburg, Miss., from which we
learn that Mr. E. Parker, an orchardist and
gardener iu ths vicinity of place, sent to
a inoiid. 111 town, on tho 3d of this mouth, a
basket ol ripe peaches aud apples; fruit which
will not linen here in less than iv -..L
from this time, and will not ripen in the lati
tude of Boston before the 1st of September,
and hardly then iu the open air.
TflE Hon. Thomas Fitzoebai.0 has been
appointed l S. Senator, by (he Governor of
Michigan, to fill the place of (Jen. Cass.
place of (Jen. Cass
The appointment meets with much approval.
For thi: American,
oik ronitiATK on iom.ress.
Mr. Editor .I observed iu the uewspa
pers lhat a number of individuals have al
ready been recommended as candidates for
Congress, iu this district. Among them, I
was pleased lo see a notice recommending
Alexander Jordan of Snnbury. I need not
say that it is incumbent on u at tlie present
lime, to select our best aud Wrongest man.
One whose character and quaiilieations are
unexceptionable, amf who has not been invol
ved in the factions, that have heretofore un
fortunately cut up and destroyed' the success
of the party, in this district. I have nothing
to say against the other gentleman named,
excepting that none of thein would be as
likely to succeed", and none of them, ! know
are better qualified. Bsides, the" other coun
ties of the district, viz ; Union, Lycoming and
Clinton, have each, successively, had a trial.
It is now due to Old Northumberland that
Brie should have her turn It : k... .v.-.
I . ...... a, ,a iu lid, Mini
democrats always have, amf now must
. . , . ' '
look for the large majorities to carry the dis-
Fili.ow Citiziss i ThroiKh the eneoursce-
ntnt of my frtenrls, I oftVr tnystlf a rsudi.
data for tbs olfirs of
Should I bs to fortunate n to rceir tbs of.
nee, I thill endeavor to give grnenl titiiraction.
Bnnbiiry, June 84, 18(3
nflH'rnW AC'V"?'r' ,h "ncuirsneineiit
of my friend., I m, indued to offer myielf a
candidate for th office of
Should I be elected, I shall make every effort
to render general eatisfaction.' -
Upper Augusta, Jane 34, 1848.
Fki.i.ow Citizkns : Encouraged by many
fmyfricnils, I herewith offer myielf to your
co at mni candidate (or the
at the npproaching election- Should I bs ao
fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes,
I bo 1 1 rnJe.vor to rei der general Mtiifaction.
Delaware tonaliip, June 34, 1848.
George J. Weaver,
Au. Ill XVuler Street and No. II North Wharves
nH constantly on hand, a general aaaort
mcnl of Cordage, Seine Twines, A., iu
I ar'il Rupee, Pieliing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Line for Canal Uoata. Alan,
complete assortment of Seine Twines, cVc. auch aa
Hemp Slind and Herring Twine, Boat Patent CS ill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Thread. &.C &.C. Also, Bed Corda. Plough Lines,
I I niters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chiinr,
-r., nil of which he will diapoea of on rnatonjhla
Philadelphia, June 2 1, 1818. ly
I'ocUct IIooK nnd Morocco Caio
Has aucceedei! B P. SISTY, at the Old Stand
fllj CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia
Pocket Books, Hunkers' Cases and Portfolios of
every description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tablets
Card' Casea, Dressing Caaea, Segar do", Writing
do., liackgammon Boaidt & Chessmen, Gold
Pens, Snyder'a, Chapman'a. and Saunder's Razor
Mrops; Fenny' Tally ho Razors, Rodgera's
Wade & Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Egyp
tain Razors, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every
description, Bowie and Dirk Knives; also, a
large assortment of Fancy Stationery, at tbs
lowest rates.
Jobbing done with r.eatness and despatch.
1'hiladrlphia, June 24, 1818 3m
,Vo. 104. Chestnut Street,
Between Thirdand Fourth Sis.
fBlllE Advertiser baa constantly on band and
manufacturing, every description ot HA IS
and CAPS, of the latest and most approved faab-
ion, consisting of
t -I I In variety, among which la new arti-
I ,"fcjh. cle for Spring and Summer wear.
Nu. 104, Chetnut ttrert. belwem
Thirdand Fourth ilreelt
June2t, 1818 ly
I . tuiitl 1 1.
JT'IIE subscriber offers himself to the lectors
J of Northumberland County, aa a candidate
; for the office of
Should he be favored with majority of votes,
he will spare 110 exertions to render general
satisfaction. JOHN FARNSYVORTH.
Jane 17, ISIS
A T the solicita'ion uf a number of my friaods
- v I hereby offer myself aa a candidate for
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
Having had several years experience in tbs du
tirs of the office in tbia county, I think I shall be
i " . - .,,tMr ,n duties thereof wah entire
tnl utHrlinn
Snnbury, June 17, 1848,
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufattur
rcrj' Materials.
No. 33 Commerce at , PHILADELPHIA.
"HjTEEP constantly on hand a large assort-
H V. mnt nf nrinfi.iv and nil... r.
I papers in the country, can be supplied, at all
I """ w"h PPr " nd quslitv. at
the lowest pricra.
I hiladelphia, June 17th, 1848.
Notice to Teachers.
' ' mice is hereby given 1h.1t acal.J mono..! .Ilk
; 1 heicceid by ihe Dneclora ol lhe Snnbury
, ' um" wedoreday lh. 28ih insl..
I tllllll l.,.rKi,I.H ilvair..,,. ,.t 1 . t
1 ........... ... uoiuimiig. wacnera in (us
aeeral acl.oeU of said di-lricl, a follows ! Qw.
ma leacher lo lake charge of the mora ajawcJi
c!i. naii Kitom No. 4. Oiutm.l. inuL...k.....
ftt second claseecbalars in K 00m, No. and'
wo font lea 10 lake chaif of ihe snaJU-r children.
111 11 noma ... 1, ana 1.
I'pusile rauM s.'ie tris cumber oS the nan
and ihe pii(r KoMb.
The School will ccmiwenea o rhs ttrst Moa,
aty of Ally nest,
(By order ofllto Board.)'
i0 FA RN8 WORTH, SeVy.
roinburr, June 10, 1848.
Pa ed aod Driraaaia Wats, Cottar, ana)
Pantr (Jooil, and Menttfaetewsre ai" Jew.
elry and film Ware, It C been ul el reel, Phila
delphia; have arorivej by lals arrive la ftUff) so4
bandaoma yiotk f English and Prana Watches,
'aud Mar Ida, I'uroalain and Fancy blocks.
Plated t'rna. Caatora. Oaks Uaaksts, Hit ne!
ChambrrCandlesiica-s Soup Ladle, Spoon and
Perka. Alaa good eeaerlmant of Bttlawaia
.Wars and Pin Cutlery.
. Tueir .Kick of JEWELRY U Ur dofthe
ovist fa-hona!U kind, and ly at wall rapplsttl
ilh hiler Spoons. Port. U uga. Napkin Kinfa,
D utter Knives, Ac, and wi houi tnkjaf any dis
play of prices ia th public prints, (key are prav
fared 10 sell as low sa (h wko at, and iavila
prisons wishing la purchaa lo as II.
f"4' A UNION PEMOCRAT.'hia,iHi , ma.