mm m E ft I C A N H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, CORNER OF CENTRE ALLEY & MARKET STREET. JTamlla fltogpapgr-artotrt to DoUtfcs, aftcrature, lttoraI, jFmt&n an aomwtfc Scfntcr an the arts, aorlculturr, iBarMis, (amusements, c. NEW SERIES VOI 1, NO. 13. SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COIJNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 34, 1845. OLD SERIES VOL. 8, NO. 30. AM TKBMS OF THE AMERICAN. THK AMERICAN it paMishsa every Satnrdar t TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontinued nntil all arrearoars are priid. All communication, or Irtters on business relming to the office, to inaure attcntioii, must be POST l'All). . .. TO CU BS. Thraf copies to one address, 500 Seven Do Do in 00 Fifteen Do Do 2000 Five dollars in advance will pay for lure year', subscrip iioa to the American. GEMS OF POESY. One Square of 10 lines, 3 time, Kvery subsequent iraertion, One Square, 3 months, -Six. months, One year, Business Cards of Five lines, per annum, Merchants and others, advertising by the year, with the privilege of inscrticg dif ferent advertisements weekly. iy Larger Advertisements, as per agreement. ft 00 SS !2.W a;s two 3 00 10 00 ATTORNEY AT I. AW, SUITBTJRY, P A. Business allrnilei to in the Counties of Nor thurplerland, Union, Lycoming nml (Columbia. Refer toi P. Sc A. RovounT, Lowed. & Barrow. SoMins 6l ftajnnoHAgft, l'hitatl. RiTiroLDt, McFahhnu & Co. Srsaias, 'Joou 6t Co., FOB.TEB. & E1TGLISH, GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers In Seeds, No. 3. Arch St. PHILADELPHIA. , Cooitantly on band general assortment of GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, SEEDS, LIQUORS, &c. To which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Groceries or sold on Commission, fhilad. April 1, 1848 THE CHEAP BOOK STORE. DANIELS & SMITH'S Cheap Nkw & Second hand Book Shirk, North Wat corner of Fourth and Arch Street? PMIadelfiMa. Lav Books. Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTOKICAL HOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, andStationary, WViolt tile and Retail, rP Otra prices are much lower thnn the KEGCt.m prices. IT Libtaries and snuill pnrccls of bonks purcliuscil. iy nooks imported to onU-r from London. l'hiladetphin, April 1, ISIS y CARD & SEAL. EXU.iVI. WM. G. MA SOX. 46 Chctnut tt. 3 oWr alm-e Srf Vhihdilphia. Engraver of HTS1.NESS A- VISITINU f 'AISI-S. Watch papers, Labels, Door plates, S nls nnd Stamp. '" - f ' ","' '" tee he Always on hand a Rnneral nam. tm-nl of Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pens of every unaloy. Doe Collars in treat variety. Kngrave.s tools and materials. . . Agency for the Manufacturer of Glazu rs Uia- " Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually attended to. . . Philadelphia, April l.l48-y MATRIMONIAL 'IFS." Dear Kate, since a husband your' a choosing, And ask my advice as a friend, I will give you some hints for refusing, Which all to safe guidance will tend. Of course, in religious pretension Your lover not wanting will be, I proceed then to call your attention To symptoms of second degree. And however, to your penetration, These "ifs'' vain or frivolous sound, Let them cast more or less condemnation On the suitor in whom they nro found. If lie fire at affronts over-keenly ; If you catch him but half in a lie ; If he shirk due gratuities meauU ; Is ho squint at your maid on the. sly ; If he lay o'er his shoulder a fiddle. And plays what he thinks very line ; If inclined to a corpulent middle, Yet loves to be asked out to dine ; If he perfume, to save himself trouble ; If he grease his long hair to excess; If his motives appear to be double ; If at home he's untidy in dress ; If he's billious, yet can't refuse sauces ; If his wine never stand in his glass ; If his fame is hunting and horses ; If he stare at each girl he may pass; If a toothpick form part of his chatties; If he finger his whiskers or hair ; If of wealthy connections he rattles, Or friends with ten thousand a year; If nu fait of the opera gabble : If frequently going to town ; If in play ho is given to dabble ; Or if at the races well known ; If in bed on morning's he's soaking; Or, ugh ! (though 'tis common enough) If the beast is addicted to smoking, Or a sneaking indulgence iu snuff. BIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL CASS. Since General Cass has become a candidate for high political station, inquiry is naturally made of his public services. The Albany Argus gives a brief biography, from which we gather the following fact ; Lewis Cass was born in 1782, nt Exeter, New Hampshire, the sou of a pillantyljj- tinormhed soldier r tmileil ... .t... Tf o io the northwestern territory, which contain ing response in the hearts of the American people, who hailed him as the champion of the freedom of the seas and of the rights of the American citizens. On receiving the news of the ratification of the Ashburton Treaty in 1842, which indirectly concedes the right of search assumed by the British, Gen. Cass resigned and returned home. The B'rongestevidence of his wide-spread popu larity my be found in the fact, that without any exertion on the part of him or his friends and spontaneously, as it were, he received in the Baltimore Convention of 1844, one hun dred and tweiily-three votes, and but for the compromise on Mr. Polk, would have roeiv ed the nomination on that occasion. On the 4th of March. 184.", Gen. Cass took his seat iu iho United Stales Senate, ns Sena te from Michigan. Ilis course nnd action since that time are well known to the Amer ican people. One of the leading spirits of that distinguished body, prominent ns an ad vocate and supporter of all the great measures of the Democintic party of the Independent Treasury, the tarill of 184fi, the vigorous pro secution of the Mexican war in every in stance ho has been found on the side of his country and in the defence of its honor. NAPOLEO.VS PROPHECY. Since the French Republic has been pro claimed, many have recorded these words : "Before fifty years Europe will be Republi. can or Cossack." It is said however that this was only a part of the prophecy, ami that M. de Las-Casas has not made public the whole of Napoleon's predictions. A foreign paper from which we translate, assures us of Ihe authenticity of the following reflections which the Emperor added to his predictions, after having enumerated the causes which had led to the fall of the cider branch of the Bourbons : "Then, if my son lives, he will be called to Ihe throne by the acclamation of the people. If he dies, France will becoirm a Republic; for no other hand will dare to seize a sceptre that it cannot maintain. The Orleans Branch, although it may be popular, is too feeble ; it resembles the other branch of the R.mrbons, and it will have the same fate, unless the members of it prefer to live as simple citizen, whatever changes his dark roa Wright' Indian Vegetable iMIIs. Henry Mmser. SunWy. E. ic J. KsutTmsn, August township, lohii H. Vine nl. Chtlliqu.que. Kase & Beigstiesser. Elybur. K.muel Herb, Little Mshon.iy, William Deppcn, ii..i .nJ H.nes.McEsensille. William Heinen & Brother, Milton. Poi.ythe, Wilson & Co., Noithutnberlsnd James Reed. Potlsgrove. O. W. 8cott. Rushville. W. 6l R. Fegely. Shsmnkintown. Rhodes & Farrow, isnyderstown. AmotT. Beisell, Turbutseille Bcnnilla Holshue, Uppet Mshonoy. O. Renn. do d E. L. Piper. Watsonlnvrn. Whole-.'., t th olnee and genersl depot, 109 Rsce St., Philadelphia. D.e.18. I847.-?1y may take place iu France." . .. . i i ' .i i '". nr.. ; Tnenl. then raisimi III nana wini t seventeen to , , :,.;.,. ,, eves slioiie wiiii m" " " siasin. he resinned iu a more nnimated tone become n Uepui' of what is now ttio most liounog wi-mm i m " .i t-..:.... T.. Qnl t,n ...a .ilp1iil !i mem- ' evainnl ... i i i... i . t. i- onil l!iii:ins. will unite wuli ber ol the Dliio Legislature, ami ui;iiieu u.- . law which arrested the traitorous designs of J her in a crusade for liberty. I liny will arm to Mr. Jef- themselves against llieir sovereigns, ..1...1K- concessions to them III oiler to ...I ol.oni 20.000 inhabitants. He was thus , p . e .1.., ,.i;r,ct Ill tlin S 1 1 leiliellt ', ' l.Cl Ff.lllCe OllCI! 1IHHT .i . n ,,i ..I ii. iho :i l ie oilier colum n s m w II1U II1IIM liuillill .. - Germans, Prussians, roles, uaiu'i-. VxaST PBBX6TITJM PIANO FO&TES. VaVi. and many other, of the most d qufsW performers, have given these in.t.u Burr, and introduced and address ferson, which was unanimously adopted, ex pressing the attachment of the people of Ohio to the constitution of the United Slates, and their confidence in that illustrious man. In 1807, ho was appointed by Mr. Jefferson, marshal of Ohio. When the war of 1812 broke out, Mr. Cass was among the volunteers who so enthusiastically rallied at Iho call of their country from Ohio, and was elected to the command of the third reuimcnt. Reach ing Detroit on the 4th of July, 1812. the otfi- j cial announcement of the declaration wns then received. Of the army there assembled I under Gen. Hull, Col. Cass was then the mas ter spirit. He urged the invasion of Canada, commanded the advaneed detachment, and was the first to land in the enemy's country. He drove the British troops from their posi tion on the river Aux Canards, near Detroit and here was shed the first blood of the war. He participated in all the events of the war on that frontier, and was a determined oppo nent of the disgraceful surrender of Gen. Hull nt Detroit. It occurred during a absence on his part- On Col. Cass returning When ordered to deliver up his sword on that occasion, stung with mortification, h i indig nantly threw it to the earth, refusing to sur render it to the enemy. Ho was a Briga dier General in the army with Gen. Harrison RRATE0 TpREVHUM ROSE WOOD PIANOS, at this Place. These Piano, have a plain, m.s Bl mis i.i.vo. ,:., fin h. and. for depth aiva anil Deauwiu. mi"" , , oMoJ. and of wo,krn.r..b.p1 are ..ot sWnassed by any in the U&Hed States. lT.rinstrument. are highly approved of by the m"t emihent Professor, and Composer, of M.isit in this and other cities. MVor qual.tie. of tone, touch and keeping , ,. . upin Concert pitch, they I"" ,ed by either American or Luropean Pianos. Suffice it to say that Madam. ;"!eJlB",.W,.X. .. ir:.. I'omM inu uw miw - W Th' rh ve'alVo r.eeived the fir.t notice of the Thames, and was highly commended in the. ihre. 1 Eahihition., and the last "warded preserve somi! iarl even of their ancient au thority; they will call themselves constitu tional Kings, with n limited power. Thus the feudal system will receive its death blow ; like a' fog in the midst of the Ocean it will disappear with the first rays of the sun of liberty. But things will not stop there; the wheel of the revolution will not cease turning nt this point ; its impetuosity w ill in-five-fuld nnd its rapidity in proportion. When a people have recovered a part of its rights, it becomes enthusiastic Dy victor , and having tasted the sweets of liberty, it grows more daring, until it obtains every thin.r. The Eniopean states will be kept du- ring several years in a condition of continual . i.i l ... n . .lm mmnoiit agitation IIKO Hie eieui.-in " preceding a volcanic, eruption ; bul the lava will at last be expanded; and peace will fol low the convulsion. The Bankruptcy of England will be the lava that will overwhelm the world, ilrrnnr- brief I i-;,r. ,; ritlncracirs. but cementiim I the interests of the democracy. Believe me ! Las-Casas, ns the vines planted in the asiies I which cover the foot of F.tna and of Vesuvius I hrmlncM the most delicious wines, so llv tree of liberty will become immovable when once lirinlv rooted in tills Revolutionary lax- bore a leading and distinguished put iu iho j ,rj-c), ,, nave avtrflami nil the monarchies. defeat of the British at the battle of the ; jtow. ;t WM flourish in future centuries t TRIAL OF MITCHELL Tlltf IRIftU PATRIOT. After reading over in the British paper, all the details of the trial, conviction and sen tence of poor Mitchel, the convicted felon" that is, the convicted republican of the United Irish men, wo rise up confirmed, and saddened, in our first impression, that his case affords nu example of governmental tyranny and cruelty nay, of monarchical brutality shocking to every sense of right and justice, an insult to the age, a dishonor and humiliation to the British nnme. British freedom, indeed! British freedom of speech British freedom of Ihe press! We can now understand what this sort of freedom menu, in Ireland, at least. We have only to follow Mitchel to the prison-hulks of Bermunda, to see him balled and chained among felons, in the dress, and enduring the treatment, of a felon a galley-slave condemned to four teen years of this horrible punishment for words, spoken in a speech nnd printed iu a newspaper, to understand what that "inesti mable privilehe or British freedom really means There is no doubt that Mitchel was one of the must ultra, daring and hot-headed of all the leaders of Irish reform. He was r veil a republican, an open and out-and-out republi can; end there was the gist of his offence. He delivered n fierce republican speech, and he reported it in his journal, the, United Irish man : nnd it was the delivery and the pub lication which, technically, formed the body of the felony, only made so by a recent act of Parliament, framed almost avowedly for the purpose of silencing Mitchel's pros, or punishing him for his audacity in expressing republican sentiments. There were circumstances at lending the sentence of Mitchell there were words spo ken by him iu Court which cannot but strike into the hearts of Irishmen, and strike like red hot iron. When the Clerk of the Crown asked Mr. Mitchel if he had any thing to say why sentence should not be passed upon him. he answered : ;I have to say that 1 have been found guil ty by a packed jury by a jury of a parti an sheritr by a jury not empanelled even ac cording to the law of England. 1 have been fou n 1 guilty by a packed jury obtained by n jiiL'v.le a jury not empanelled by a sheriff, l,t !..-.. : V " - "-; - tioa of the Court ; and Baron Lefroy a kind of mild and amiable modern Jell'ivy, mild mi.! amiable i:i deportment, but resolute in ill performance of all his linn 'lions as ihe in lioiallool of t Tiiiiitv admonished ihe pri-J ,.;IKr, nnd nli'ectioiiately attempted to per Mi.i l.i him of the faini-ss of ill' trial and his own awful wHicducss: and after squab- bling with the aged and venerable, but most manly and intrepid Holme.-, his counsel, pro . " . . ' .1... .l.,,,.i-iti .ton. cee.ieil to pass upon nun no- mm. ....... - tenee of fourteen years' transportation. 1 lie following scene then occurred : ;Mr. Mitchel then spoke as follows: The law has now done its part, and the Queen of England, her Crown and Government in Ire land are now secure, pursuant to Act of Par liament. 1 have done my part also. Three mouths ago 1 promised Lord Clarendon, and hi Government in this country, that I would provoke him into his courts of justice; as places of this kind are called, and that 1 would force him publicly and notoriously to pack a jury against mo to convict me, or else iliot I would walk a free man out of this court, and provoke him to a contest iu ano ther field. My Lord, I knew I was setting my life on that cast; but I knew that iu ci ther event the victory would bu with me. and it is with me. Neither the jury, nor the judges nor any other man in this court, pre sumes to imagine tliat it i3 a criminal who stands iu this dock. (Murmur of applause v hich the police endeavored to repress.) I have shown what the law is made of iu lie laud. I have shown that her Majesty' Gov ernment sustains itself by picked join s, par tisan judges, and prejured sheritls. Baron Lefroy Ihe Court cannot sit here to hear you arraign the jurors of the country, the sheritls of the country, the administration by tn. Franklin In.titute in 1843 wa. .wardeo r' A .L:.u .:.k ftther nremiOms from the llZry U : .een the Ware-room No. orverMeda, was Meyerl by th. Frahklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for Ihe best Piano In the exhibition. Vgaint th. Mhibitton or the Franklin , nrti tut. Oet 1846. the first premium and medal was U O. Meyer J kSJfthM had been awarded at the exhibition of he je. before, on the around that h. had ma. . st l great er improvement, in hi. Instrument, within the 'PV M" KiKi.ion of the Franklin II p.. ... - ; ...,lu. Institute. 1847, another Premium was KK for h. best Pi.n. .n the .ahibmon At Boston, at their last exhibition Sept. 1817. L. .i i-l IK. first at ver Medal and ! official reports of Gen. Harrison. This battle terminated the war on the Northwestern fron tier, and on the 9th of October, If 13, Gen. Cass was appointed by President Madison, Governor of Michigan. He was aeven tunes nominated to the office by four successive " ..f instieei the tenure bv which tlie l rown 01 these wow may seem i ... ,.., .- ..... cuimtlv . .i. .. .. i i haps in my mouth : but they express, how- ever, my sincere convictions. 1 iras lorn u Republican, but destiny and the opposition of Enroll have made me an Emperor ! '. 1 wait now for the future." We offer no cominouts on this propnecy oi We cannot sit here and suffer you to proceeil tuns, neeain.n ever -" . uiuitinn bloma for tb. best square riaiio in iue . fhes. Piano, will be .old at the nr..nuf.r..i rer'. lowe.t Philadelphia price., if not w. P.r.o. ... requested . to call ,nd .,.n. it. k.m..lves at the re.inenee of the lab- ' H B' MASSER 'suntary. April . W-- . . . A : 1.. Presidents and seven times uu., of u u aW,y acuom. confirmed by the &enate, w.mou, s.t.g.o re- ? - Wait for presentation against h.m from 11... people ' y over whom he presided. His connection ,UB lu,u' f r with the Indians was one of great peril and tub House. The English tesponsibility, and during that time he form- ferm !ml8lMlup js Jerived from the Anglo ed twenty-one treaties with them, mid extin- snn word lt4 nnj ialUl which signify the guished their title to nearly one hundred mib ; l!bond of tho house auj jt wa anciently r: basket ; XXANUrACTORYf 'i'0 li South SeemditreetEasl nfe,down$talri, i " PHILADELPHIA. HENRY COULTER, . asr-sa FSPECTFULLY Informs bia friends and 11 th. pub'c. that h. constantly keep. o. ffrTa "aree assortment of chi drens wil ow Sh's, Chair.. Ctad'e... --Jji ling basket., and every variety of b.skel wora "trM.reb.nt. and other. nureh.s. .oeh art cle.. good and cheap, wouio So wetl" call on him. a. Ib.y ar. tared by bins intH. ke.t WW. Philadelphia, Juna 3, 1818. ly lions of acres, and this upon terms so just and satisfactory that no complaint was ever made by the Indians upon the subject; In 1831, Gen. Cass entered tho cabinet of Gen. Jackson, as Secretary of War. With the career and policy of that distinguished I president, he was thoroughly identified. In 1836, he was appointed Minister to France. On retiring from the war department, he re- ceived a letter from Gen. Jackson; commend ing Uia whole Conduct, and expressive of the highest personal regard. His first act as as MiuUter w as to secure the payment of the balance of the French indemnity. His career at the French Court was one of the most bril liant and useful thai it has been the lot of any American diplomatist to pursue. Hi protest against the celebrated Quintuple Trea ty, who object waa to guarantee the right of search to the British navy, elicited a glow. the trial is over. Everything you had to say previous to the judgement, tho Court was ready to hear, and did hear. e cannoi sin fer you to stand at tliat bar to repeat, 1 must say, very uea,rly a repetition ol the oll'eitco for which vou have tieen senteuceu. Mr. Mitchel I will not say any more of that kind ; but 1 say this Baron Lefroy Anything you wish to say we will heaj ', but I trust you will keep your- df within the limits which your own judg ment will suirccst to you. Mr. Mitchel I have acted all through tins business, from the first, under a strong sense .Nii. I .In not renent anything l mne done; and I believe that the course) wuic.i a eWM - Tt have ortened is only commenced. i no man trfco sat kit hand burning before the ty rant, promised that 300 sfco.ild oou wtf fcu enterprise. Can I not promise (lootting i Wis friends who aurrounded ttja dock j jor one into their chamber. The prisoner's friends, of counsel, in their forensic costume, rushed over tables and benches to bid farewell to the prisoner, who was ultimately removed. Mean while the Judges returned to the bench, Judge Moore first, and Baron Lefroy shortly after, and Mr. Mitchel having been conveyed through the underground passage to his cell in Newgate, the court began to resume some what of its ordinary appearance." Was there not something awful in those words of the Irish Matins, and in the shout tlint proclaimed the readiness of tho "three hundred" confederates to answer tho appeal of the self-devoted martyr 1 Has the Porsen na of the Ministry no heart wise enough to be struck by fear? To our mind, those were words of fire ; and Ireland is n powder-magazine. Those words were felt, at least, in Court; and the judges rode home in a carriage, preceded by the Sheriff and a po lice guard, and siirruun.led by a troop of lan cers. Tie; infamy of the day was concluded by the seizure and couliscation of Ihe office and all the property of Mitchel's paper. THK I'VHAMII) OF B A VOLTS. The oliicers as well as sub-oflicers of the Russian horse-guards are subjected to the most rigorous discipline, and are required to execute on horseback, nil Iho niauunivresof a theatrical equestrian. One day an officer of thi Lancer-Guard was going .hrough his exercise before the Grand Duke. He had performed all the usual evolutions in the most satisfactory way, until, when nt full gallop, he was suddenly ordered to turn his horse proved restive, and refused to obey either bridle or spur. Tin? command was repeated in a thunder ing voice, and the officer renewed his efforts to make llvs horse obey it ; but without ef fect, for the fiery animal continued to prance about in defiance of his rider ; who was, nevertheless, an excellent horseman. The rage of the Grand Duke had vented itself iu furious imprecations, and all present trembled for the consequences. "Halt !" he exclaimed, and ordered a pyramid of twelve muskets, with fixed bayonets, to be erected. The order was instantly obeyed. The officer who had by this sub lued the restiveness of his horse, was ordered to leap was commanded to repeat the fearful leap, n..,l i.. the nmnonicnl of all present, the no ble horse and his brave rider stood in safety on the other side of the pyramid. The Grand Duke, exasperated nt finding himself thus thwarted in his barbarous pur pose, repeated the order the third time. A General, who happened to be present, now stepped forward nnd interceded for the par don of the ollieer; observing that the horse was exhausted, and that the enforcement of Ihe order would be to doom both horse and rider to a horrible death. This humane remonstrance was not only disregarded, but was punished with tho im mediate arrest of the General, who had thus presumed to rebel. The word of command was given, and horse and rider for the third time cleared the glittering bavonets. Rendered furious by these repealed disap pointment, tho Grand Duke for the time 'To Ihe left about ! Forward !" The order was obeyed, and for the fourth time the horse leapt the pyramid, and then, with his rider; dropped down exhausted, i ho olticer extricated himself from the saddle, and rose unhurt, but the horse had both of Ilis fore !.fr lirntren. The countenance of the ollieer was deadly pale, his eyes stared wildly, nnd his knees shook under him. - . A deadly silence prevailed as he advanced to the Grand Duke, and laying his sword at his hi miiess'i feet, he thanked him iu a falt- m!.i.r voiee for tho honor ho had enjoyed in it... F.iimmrs service. 'I take back vour sword," said the Grand Duke, gltlomilv, '-and are vciu mil aware' of What may bo the ci)itequeuce of this unduti r .i i..'... I.. ..... 1111 l.UHIui mi.w ...w . The ollieer was sent to the guard-house. He subsennentlv disappeared, and no trace o , . li i in could be discovered. This scene took place at St. Petersbiirjrii and the facts are proved by tho evidence o credible eve-w'tllesscs: ILLINOIS AND MICniOAtt CAHAL. i A MISTERIQtS AFFAIR. This important work:, connecting Lake Mi- ' Mcn do no1 ofton ve away two hundred chigan at Chicago with the Illinois river at , thousand dollars, first by way of a fancy but, La Salle, was commenced in the year 183G, but, owing to a deficiency of funds, was dis continued in 1842. In August of 1845, most of the holders of Illinois Canal bonds, having agreed, under the large encouragement held out by the State, to furnish the necessary sum, the work was again resumed, and prose cuted until its completion in April of the pre sent year, at a cost of about $6,500,000. It is a work of the first class, and both in point of capacity nnd in the character of its workmanship, will bear advantageous com parison with any Canal of equal length in the U. States. It is 60 feet wide nt the sur face, 36 at the bottom, and 6 feel deep. The locks are 17 in number, and of the same size as those of tho "enlarged Erie" designed for boats carrying from 100 lo 120 tons. The locks, dams, piers mid abutments of the ueqtieducts and bridges are of the best description of liammere'd masonry. The bridges over the Canal, of which there are some 25 or 30, are of the kind known in New England as "Home's patent," having spans of 70 feet and upwards, and elevated ten feet above the deck of ilia boats. The trunks of the aqueducts tire supported by trussed frames of oak. constructed upon the same principle as the bridges. Tho water is supplied from six different sources, the principal one being the Calunlet River, from which tho water is conducted by a navigable feedej, 17 miles iu length. In addition to theso -sources of supply, there are two powerful pumping engines, driven by steam to raise water directly from the lake into the basin connected with the summit level, in case the supply from the feeder should become inadequate for a maxi mum trade on the canal in n season of drought. They arc of 160 horse power, pro vided with six large boilers each, and calcu lated to raise water lo a height of 7 to 9 feet, according as the height of the water in the lake fluctuates. Ojie of them drives four lifting pumps, 54 inches in diameter and six feet stroke; while the other given motion to an immense wheel. , V(''',(:,t;.,.r.'."r.ul:kets. scoop-wheel, provided v. .... - can be filled in three minutes by cither the four pumps or the wheel. A circumstance rather incidental is, that tile water raised by these means will have a fall of 60 feet in a distance of eight miles, and b distributed nt four different locks, which, ii: a country where water power is scarce, and where it is not unusual for people to haul their grain 30 or 40 miles to mill, is a matter of considerable importance. The inexaustiblo coal beds in Illinois, more than in the entire island of Great Nri- tain. ns remarked bv Mr. Lyell in his Geolo- irv of America, will d.iubtless liirnisli ono oi r j tl spelt "house-bond," rind continued to De fpelt thus in some editions of the English Bible after the introduction of the art of priut inir. A husband, then, is a house-bond the bond of a house that which engirdles the family into the union of oneness of love. Wife, and children, and "strangers within the gates"' all their interests and their hap .......... ... in l 11.11 piness are encircled m tne -nou.. . hundreds I embrace the object, of hi. protection, and U shout of exultation here rang thro' nis wie. . . usi J" this of a husband', duty, and a family', pn vilege ! Kecpino Feesu Beer. 'n preserving beef, the ribs will keep longest, o. hve or six day . in summer ; the middle of the loin next j the .,..., ttia rniuwl nt and the shortest . l: ,v;V .mil .,,. bn lonuer laid hold of Mr. Mitchel OI ail me urisaoi, iiki. "... - - o - , " .... Ti. .l.iHira nuittcd he bench, and ik... ii,r riav in not weatner. -o . the Court, accompanied by immense cheer- ing, clapping of hands, and great majiiiesia tion. of excitement. Baron Lefroyi-Otricer! ofiicer 1 remove Mr. Mitchel. The shouts were here increased, and the clamor became terrific, when two turnkey. A ToTiiii Story. In "'""U "'" powu East, there lived a butcher who was jack ut all tr...l..a. and more particularly noted tor Ins its in animal MatruetiPm. A half cp' - witled Hlow who lived entirely upon the eharitv of the town, imagining oilo day that he was anite ill, made application to the butcher, for tt relieve l.'im from his . I . 1 .1 A.. I. tt H,t.I pants, i lie mncuer uio.ig.ii no ject for experiment, and accordingly mesme rised Him into a profound sleep. He then made and incision into h'is sto- mach and took out tho inwards and washed them, after which he laid them down, and went into tHe house to get a needle and thread in sew up the incifio'n. Bitt on re- turning, to hi. antonishment he beheld an old ww just leaving the place, having eaten thein. In this dilerrftna, he sized a Sheep, and removed h entral. to the body of the man, then closing up the orifice, he awaken ed the slumbering subject,' who was forth with "discharged eured." Meettng the same individual some day. after, the butcher having some curiosity a. to the success of the operation, aeu .u. chap how he got along. "Oh, find rate," aaya he, "only I have got tuck o infer kanker- went ing for grass." le great articles of trade "n this canal. The steamboats prefer it, at 50 per ton, to two cords of wood at the same price, because it requires much less locm. is handled with ...., nn.l venerates as much steam. .umber, corn, po't and beel, will also De come ereat articles of trade, and all the sla . t ii pie productions of the country on tne Illinois and Upper Mississippi win mm uu-.i " through this canal. Vroi.'ln boats are now running on the canal continuiillv, and the business is increasing. There lire two daily lines of packet boats al ready established, leaving each end ot the line morning nnd evening, carrying Irom lit i v to one hundred passengers each, and making the pa-sage in about f.Venly Hums. It fur nishes an expeditious and coiiitortal'te routi. from the Mississippi to the lake, and one which will probably soon become a veiy rent thoroughfare. MHItiu Trnluli.a. The Brigade Inspector of Chester, Ka iu- . . . . f i -.-.ii:.... vited on training day t'V some ot his w.m. to visit the jail, accompanied by his stall ol iicers. They did so, and were induced to look at nu unoccupied room, to see how it would answer for mi armory. While iu the room, some wag turned tlie key up on the officials, and they were kept iu 'durance vile' until 3 o'clock in the alteruot'ii. hen they were released, tite 'nation's bulwark' had returned to their homes, and the -pomp Hiid circumstance of glorious war," which was to have astonished the natives, was postponed if we may credit a Boston paper, a gentle man there has just done that wonderful thing! It seems that not many months since, a lady who resided in Providence, encountered in the railroad cars, ah old gentleman, who seemed tti regard her with an air of unusual interest. Finally, assuming Ihe privilege of age, he. ventured to accost her and they en; tered into conversation. Before parting, he begged permission to call on lier at her house. His deferential manner, his advanced nge and his frank expression of interest, though a a stranger, in her welfare were so many pleas in his favor, nnd she replied to his request, that she would be very glad to see him nnd did not doubt that her husband would al'iobe.. "What is your address?'' She gave it, and they parted. He called on her the next day, Had an iu- terview with her, in the presence of her hus band, and asked the lady's permission to send her his miniature. She turned to her "lord and master," who ut once acquiesced in tho stranger's proposal. Xot many days after wards Ihe miniature was sent an admira ble work of art, set round with costly dia monds, and accompanied with a bracelet or great value. Husband and wife were aston ished, as may be supposed. Some weeks elapsed before they lieaid again from the stranger. , A short lime since he called, and the inter tei view was to thispffert. "Have you an objection to moving to X. York 1" he asked. ' None at all, if you could bettei our situa tion. "What is your present income, Sir. Tl" A very moderate sum was named. "Hump I have a house in New York for which I want occupants. I sail for Europe next week end yon shall come and take possession." "You are very kind, my venerable friend,') said Mr. T., "bul we are very comfortable here ;, I don't know that I could afford to en ter into the arrangement vou propose." . . . - p i iitiii." to vou the sum oi i ;f ,lin. h:lr suspected they were dealing with a fugitive from some insane asylum. Hut there was no nsanity about it. The offer was made m irood faiin was accepted and has been re- leemed to the letter. Mr. and Mrs. T.have removed to Now York, and taken possession of a fine lionise in street. Their benefactor lias gone to Europe. He will probably make his newly made friends the heir'st'His large wealth. Mrs. T. was we leariuTormerly an instructress iu one . of the public schools of a neighboring city. Tho character of the parties and the history ot the affair thus far preclude the imputation of any irriprcrer motive, the cause of tho old gentleman's conduct is as much a mystery to to the lady herself as to her friends. He seems to have taken a whim, and to have carried it out. So much only is apparent. But time may throw more light upon tlio affair. to a more convenient season. Incosvknikkt ErwtKiiii Vi Boni the etiquette of the court proves how despotic' it has become. 'When I'atainanki.owe sits, all sit ; when he rises, all rise. So far, things are within reasonable bounds; Hut siwuu. ride, and fall fw.n his hors, all about him must fall from their horses likewise If he bathe; all must bath too, and those passing go into the water iu the Are, d or Dad. they may chance to haveo,..-C. Borneo mid Cehhes. lWav.No Tomatoes. -In anawer to tlie h.quily in the April number of the Cultivator a. to the best method of pre serving the ton.atoei 1 subjonithe ollown.g receipt, which I have tried aud found perfect- ly successful : The Calf's Tail and the Atct R Hole. Tho North Carolina di gits tells tho following capital story, for which it is indebted to the stump speech of a Virginia member of CrJn gress. We have read nothing tliat has called our cachinatory mii-clei more violently into play, for a long while : The proprietor of a tan yard adjneent to a certain town iu Virginia, concluded to build a stand, or a sort of store, on one of the hjaiii streets, fer tlie purpose of vending his leather; buying raw hides, und the like. After com pleting his building, he began to consider what sort of a (sign it would be best to put up for the purpose of attracting attention to his new establishment i and for days and weeks' he was sorely puzzled on this subject. Se veral devicej were adopted, and on fiirtner consideration, rejected. At last a happy idea struck him. Ho bored an augur hole through the door-post and stuck a calf's tail into itj with the bu.-hv end flaunting out. After a while he noticed a grave looking personage Manding near tho door, with his spectacles, .razing intently on the sign. And there ho continued to stand, gazing and giug until Ihe curiosity of tho tanner was greatly exci- ed in turn. He steppe" oiu uuo uuu.i-b the individual: "Good morning, ud he. "Mornin",'' a"'1' ,liu 01,ier without moving his eves from thV sign. ,, "You want to buy leather t ' said ine sioru keeper. 'Xu.'' "Do vou wish to sell hides! ' "No.'' .. "Are vou a farmer V "No."' "Are ycfl a merchant!'' "No.'' "Are you a lawyer !'' "No.'' . "Are you a doctor ?" "No." "What are you, then !' "I'm a philosophic. I have ee'n slaud- nig here for an hour, trying to see 1 I could ... . . .. r aV.t tfirn.ifh that all- ascertain now iuai . , . gur bote, and I can't make out, to save my Fife." Prpinra the Toniatdel ai for cooking (with out seasoning, &c) boil them I hour, then . tHam in. small atone jars, cork and boil ihe jars for 2 hours" take them out and seal them' air-tight; when opened, season, &c. ...,i v for half an hour. A SoascaiBEB in Sot-TH Caohn: Melt a little isinglas in spirit of wine ad ding a fifth part of water, and using a gentle heal ; when perfectly melted and inued, it will form a transparent glue, which will unite giant so fast that the fracture will be hardly4 perceived.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers