Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 17, 1848, Image 4

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Continued from first puge
horse that you will be used in drawing a bug
gy, plowing corn, hauling wagons, etc?' 'Yes,
we know this is true, our religion tells us so,
and all our people, when we in our own coun
try, tell we same thing.' Do you ever go to
church Vj 'We go some time wid we wife'
(wives). 'Do you believe what the preacher
aval' 'Preacher no speak true all time.'
"1 have only given a few of the many
questions which I asked the 'Twins' during
the night ; and during the time I was making
my questions, the wife of Chang paid the
most strict attention, and appeared tierfcctly
absorbed in deep and solemn thought. It
had no doubt occurred to her for the first
time, that she had united her destinies to
men given to superstition and idolatry, and
whose opinions and feelings on this impor
tant subject were perfectly at variance with
her own, and from whom she could receive
no kind and tender instruction upon this sub
ject, with which her soul's eternal interest
was closely connected. This to her, was no
doubt a solemn moment ; and so it would be
to all who have been taught to look forward
' by faith, to 'that city that hath foundations,
and whose mnker and builder is God.'
"The Twins nppenred well pleased to have
me stop at their house, and begged me to
stay a week with them. After supper some
two or three hours, we went to bed, they in
the 'big room,' but not in the 'big bedstead,'
and I in a little room adjoining. The I'hil
, dren were put in a trundle bed, and Mrs.
Chang of course -'took sides with her hug.
"On next morning they apologized to me
for having disturbed my rest by getting up
some four or live times. They had a girl
runaway who had the previous night been
seen in their kitchen, and they expected to
find her that night.
"The Twins dress very poorly : when I
saw them they had on pants made of country
home-spun, and cotlon osnaburg shirts. They
. always complain of being very poor, say they
must be saving, bijx family coming, etc. The
one being sick, the other is similarly affected.
The one desiring nn vlhintr, say a pipe or any
other luxury, the other also desires the same
thing. When Eng first proposed courting the
Misses Lates, 'Chang' readily consented ; but
they differed a little as to which should have
'Sarah' and which should have 'Adelaide'
" I wish the ladies distinctly to understand,
that in their courtship there were no secrets
among them ; but such as were common to
the whole. Tho Twins always selected o
place wide enough to enable their lady-loves
to get on each side.
'The ladies will also understand that they
were married on the same evening, by the
same preacher, and retired to rest about the
same hour. A disposition manifested by ono
for sleep is always readily acceded to by the
'1 asked Eng if he was not lonely of nights,
having his wife 40 miles off! Ho replied:
'That every dog had his day, and that his day
(or night) would como before long; for tlvv
intended going to 'Trap Hill' in a few days,'
remarked, 'then 1 have wife and my brotlvr
have none.' If they could sell tho 'Trap
Hill' place, tho two families would then re
side together, and the 'big bedstead' and b
cradle' would be removed to Surrey county,
for the benefit of all concerned.
"The Twins can chop wood remaikably
r,i e.,- f,.i., .k .. .!. ..,.,
.M.-..J luui ,l.llll.3 LIVIU Jll WIU AC HI 1117 pan LI
time. They also shoot mark or game with
their four hands resting on the gun. They
drive their wagon 40 miles to Wilkes them
selves, and do any kind of work about the
farm. Mrs. Eng says that her husband is
very kind to the negroes, and that Chang is
very severe with them. Mrs. Eng is also
much better disposed than Mrs. Chang, al
though Mrs. C. is much the prettiest. Mrs.
Eng is very close and saving; and Mrs.
Chang is disposed to indulge in drees and va
rious other expenses."
'The Twins rarely differ about dress : but
often differ in their ideas of purchasing tie
groes or land. Tho opinion of Eng is always
the law; and Chang readily acquiesces.
Eng does nil the writing, including tho sign,
ing of notes and other important papers.
Eng is one inch taller, than Chang, and
Chang's wife is taller than Eng's.
"Some old lady in the neighborhood a few
days ago, asked Eng which was tho oldest ?
and he replied that he was just six mon'.hs
older than his brother. 'Well,' says the old
lady, 'I thought there was about as much
difference, for you'r purly considerable big
ger than your brother.' They are both good
on a joke, and the old lady was in
TV. !... .. . I .1,
' . ? i "o meiluine rver lenived more flattering re
fitt m, and a shoemaker a shop also. 1 saw j c.uninendati.ins from .hy )rina of eminent viand
quite a good sized frame house that they Hun has test med on this,
made without an v assistance, from fomnlation
j lru. , I iu i.nvut'iMttfvnr.1, .
"At tho table they always use a Wi,
. i u i u: i :r .,.! r...i.
siiurui.ii uiid iui ma umi nuuu ouu win.
'I asked them 'il they tiotn exnectea to
die at the same time !' and they repliod 'that
it could not be otherwise ; for it the fcutno
disease did not take them both off at one
time, that the living otic would have to bo
separated from the deud body, and the net
of seperation would be bis death ;' but their
impression U that they will both die of the.
same ditcase and at the same time. Their
affection for each other i very strong
of the neighbors offering an insult lo tho oac,
the other immediately resents it; and it
would take a champion in strength to cope
wilt him in a rough mid tumble fight. To
use an expression of their neighbors, they
light like cats." . ,
"I might give a great many other particu
lara connected with them, but I have given"
already matter enough for two letters; and
will now conclude by giving a little incident
that occurred jnst previous to their engage
ment the Misses . Lates. Miss Rmoots, of
Wilkes, county, who .has-since changed her
name, fell inwove with them, and desired to
marry them both ; but . they replied that it
would not to be a 'fair shake' for ner to mar.
ry them both, when there was so many gals
about, but if she would get a partner aud fur
uish another it might answer. Sho then
rode IS or 20 miles to see a young lady of
her acqnaintaiice and proposed tho matter to
her. The young lady replied 'that she would
jiot have such an unwieldy bulk of mortality
if thev had a house full of cold.
"The 'big bedstead' and -big cradle' were
made ty iiuuig ana eng , ana me 'Dig yea
by Mrs. Sng.
QD LI Kf "O1 5X2 133 SEP .
IT hai power to chum all SORES.
POISONOU8 WOUNDS to discharge their pu
trld matter, end thin heal them.
It It richly termed All-hcaling, for there Is Mere
ly t disease, external or internet, that it will not
benefit. I have used It fir the list fourteen yrere
for all di.-easca of the chesl. consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger and re-qiot.sibilitv
anil I declare before heaven "i d man. that not in
ono singlo c ue has it fulled to benefit when the pa
tient vri within the reach of mortal meant.
I have had physician, learn d in the profession,
t have had minister of the gu'pei, judge of Ihe
bench, aldermen. lawyers, gentlemen of the high-
at erudition, and multitudes of the poor ue it in
every variety of way. and there haa been but our
voire one ip hersBl voice laying t "M'Allitter,
ycur Ointment U UOOD."
In Scmlii'a, Old 8ipe, Erysepeta. Tetter Li
vtr Complaint, Here Eves. Quin-y. Sore Throat,
Bronclii'is, Brok. n or Sore, Tiles, ai tjt.e-t
Dirsra, iucIi a Ashma. Oppressions, Pain
Ala. ., Buro l.ip-s Chipped Hum's, Turn ir. Chil
ilriti'i Cuianrnus Eruptions. Nervous Di-rara.
und of the Spine, ihrte is no nieJicine now known
ns gin d.
SCALD I1ED We have cured cases th.'t
arlonlly I'rfii il every thing known, si well a the
ability ef 16 rr 20 doctors. One mm tol.l us hi
had spent ( 300 nn hi ih 1,1 en wiihnut any be ne
fit, when a few bod's of Ointment rur.d ilii'm.
BALDNESS It will tcslore the hair sjum i
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The salve has cured prison
of the headache of 12 year.-' standing, and who
hiil il regular rvery week, so that vomiting ofnn
took place. Df.avniss, Eta Acna. and Anns
the Face, ire cured by this Ointment with like
BURNS. It is ore nf the best thing in the
world fur L'urns. (Read it.e around the
box )
RHEUMATISM It remnvea-almopt Immedi
ately the) infl imation and smiling when the piin
coa-c. (Ilo id the Direction around the Box.)
COI. O FEE I". Consumption, Livrr Cum
t-laint, Puin in the ch'-st nr sitr, falling off "f the, one or the other always accompanies rol l
feel. (This Ointment is tho tiu- remeily.) It is
a mpc t-ign of dUrao to have cold feet.
I ET rEK. There ia nohing belter for the
cure i f Tetter.
PILES. Thousand ate yearly cured by this
CORNS. Occasion il urn1 r.f tho Ointment wi I
always keep Civna from growing. People need
never be troubled with ihem il Ihev wiM use i,
I licud the. following Communication.
R eeled linm an old. roper id MiJ well known
ntiz II of l'hi'adulpliia. and then judge for yout
i Philadelphia. 10 rm.. 13th, 1848
j To T. D, Pc'rrion, Having In en nqne-t,.l
! to cim niv ni'inion on tbc merit of M'ALLIS
TEIi'S SALVE, I am willing to f numerate some
of the bimflu winch 1 have txpeiienced in the use
nf ihe arlieb'.
In ti e sptirg of 1 84 S, I hud nn (ittark i f Erv-
! sii'tlaa ill my f ice which brrain-" very painful, am!
'Xti'tidtd into ono i f my ryes, being attended with
fi v. r, my d stiesa w is great and 1 beijan to be f-ar
ful rf l ifii g my rye.
Altl'f iig!i not n urh of a belieter in whnl is
I'Oinnionly cnlb d qneck meilii ine. I purchased a
lion and mird.' an npj lbviti.m . my fare. To my
sui nie the p iin soon ah ted, and in a we k' lime
it w as nil rely run d. nn.l I firmly believe that il
s the salve, under Providence that cmed me.
From that time to the pree- nt. I have uurd Ihe
nriiclu as occasion required, mid ii. every cse where
I Ii iv u-e I it, I have found a derided benefit
Al one limp, nn peine to bd at niwht, my ihrnat
; wnaao t htt I swillnwril with ilillirutiy. but
j hy n application cf iha I whs relieved lefo.e
I morni-.i;.
i I Inve ns.d il in rnn r.f bums, bruiwa pr:iin.
j mid tl bh rule, a'l wilh the liippip.! rflerN, axl
; ene rase ol poisoning by n uild vim- in the wood.
! In b. en dried up nd rnre I by a few ai.p'ic iiinns.
, From tny nwu eipeiienee, I would tp.
j coiim.end it to h!I, ua a cheap, convenient, family
I merlirine.
! I h ive bc.-oin n pirtiil to it, that I expect t.i
; Ue -p it c.-n-tsi.i'y in my fa.nih',
i 'J h"Ugh not iml ilir-ne to api ear In print, yet I
I rnnnot r. fue to hnvo this commnni; a'ion ina.b'
pul-lij if judged bet to serve ibe e ue of humani
j 'v
nraj ccifullv ihine,
No. 26, Old York Itoud.
CACTION. N Olr.tment will he genuine
unless the nam. a nf Jjine M'Adiner. or .l..m"
M'Aliiatrr &. Co., are written with a pen on eve
Role proprietor nf ti e a' i've mulirine.
Aoesjis : J. W. FRIMNfJ. SunbUrV.
Dr WM. M BICKI.EV, D.iivibr,
J.C.. CKOUSK 8ebnetove,
P. C. Silt 1,1 ER. LewM-urg.
" M. F. NAfJI.E. Mi!tn.
JOHX flll!l'I.E.S3, Catuwlrsa.
Fib. lOtli, 1 SI c. wlv
l AlihC COMI'OCM). fir tie cue .1
Ac. This Medicine i- oll'-rrd lo the nuhlin umler
the s-siuanee thai there is no -ni.-le in etitenre
j haiirg tronser ilaiins to II sir c n-ideinti n. Be.
i ing c mpou tided I y i it-gular (Graduate ni J. lUr
j son College, I'iiilu li Iph u, and a practising ).hv:
j ci m nf laenly years' standi' jf in Plul.idelpbl i. hi
j long ex pi rienie ban rondnned bi.n in the opinion
I th it i compound irrdiciiip am required t-i prevent
and remidy the di b lit:ition pr d-Kvd by nsi linp
ill lo-.v, iniu.-nr.lic cliiintis, mid In CJunterut the
pro trul inr; inllitcnr, s of in ny nerv ins di-oiderh
with which t tie humnn fimily ire nflliete.l.
1 1 if. A 1,1, 1" N is a will known phti-ii'i n, and
hai utc.l llii! abtive nirrlieiiie in hi' piactice fur 8
' )''' wi'b ibc most itonii-hin j ell'ect, having tes-
I le.l t's qualities in ao'o
. rf iiiio t.ii i,asr,s.
" eminent P,..f, ,
,ar. '"' "' ' person, who leu
i cnner every srdeiiisry or irregular life.
not regarded as fatal disens.' ; ye if nealrctid or
impmpeily lieared, may bring on incurable M-., Jaundice, Madness, or Veiligo, Psa
and Anoidexv. A er al ain-rnlariiv aiiiulun n.
I it i. that it may and often do. a rnntinue a iiieai
length of lime wiihnut my reniioion of the symt
! toins.
! C.M.'SK'. Grief and inn a-lnes of m'nd, in
; lenio Mudy, pr. fur evacuations, eices- in vrncry,
j i-noe.niie use uf piriitmu I quors, La, tobacco, o
I pimn. and o'her narennca, i n onib-r-ite repletion,
I nvi r iliftteiilimi nf thn .lunirt, a .li.n.Anu ,t , I.
s.creliun of the bdu or o sine iuice. exnnstus lo
i old and d imp air, aie the cUt f causes of iMsdis
8 V M PTO M S, I, ns. of spt etitp, natiiia i. ricart.
bom, aci Ijiy, and fcelid eriicutions, gnawing ol
Hie aiomncn n.'n empty, Uurmni n in ihe thro il,
paii in Ibe mle, Ciini vi ins", rhillnes. I meuor.
lowness if spirits, p ilpilations, mi dii'urbed
sleep." ...
TABLE COMPOUND hi nev. r failrj in ilW
ding immediate lelief, and ludical cuia for this
(T This Medicine can be had of H. B Mai-er.
Hnuiiury J. C. Mailin. Putt ville , Medlar 6i
uicttet, Urwigslmrg mil of Druggists genenlly,
AM. EN & WAliD, Kroprieluis..
Philadelphii, Nov. 37. 1847. rq ly
A GENTb lo canvass for soma Niwind Pom
.uit1 ia """y County throughout
Ununited bl..,.. Jl o Agents. Ib. most i.beral
.r.couragpm.nti.,ff.,d.wilh ( ,
of from 2S to 100 A ebane. i. .ff. whera-.
by an Agent cm make from la t $95 wrr
0?" For further particulars, addreia ipoal
. W. A. LEARRT, .
t. A0, 168 A'or' Snmnd Ml.
Phtlaaelphia, April 1, lt4 m.
Ttie foltowinf lit htw the rurti-nt value of all
'ennavlvanli Bank N te. The miwt Implicit re
liance may he placed npnn It. m II l et'ery wttk
utrfully compared wilh n d corrected from Biek
nell'i Reporter.
Ilruiksi In Plilla1clphln.
. Disc. t
Nitaa. I.oriTtott. pB,tn.
Bank of Noilh Ameriea .. . par
Band of the Northern Mherth-t V . par
Rommereial Bank nf Penn'!. . . par
Farmers and Mrrhanire' Bank par
Knlnirmn Bank , ' par
Philadelphia Bank . . t par
Srhnvlkill BanV , . par
Sonthwark Bank Pr
Western Bank " . ' 1 par
MeeliBiiIrs' Bank ' . par
Mannfaeriirpr' ft MpfhsnicV Il.inV par
ttank nf Penn Township . P'
rjrar t B-k .' V"
Pink nf Conimeree, lte Moyampnmng par
Hank of !,ellnvlvallia . par
Countrr Bank.
Rank nf Cheater (lotimv Westrhcater
Hank of Delnware tonniy Cheater
Hank nf f irrmanlown fSertnantown
Bank of Montomery Co. Norria'nwn
Doyleinwn Bank Doyb-alnwri
Eaa'nn Bank Baalon
Faimer' Hank of Burk rrt Uri-tnl
Bank of Norlhnmbetbind Northumberland par
1'iiliimUa Bink A- rtridne en.(tnlumhia par
Farmer It-ink nt l.ineatei l,iinritei par
l.anrapr County B ink l.anrasler pir
I.inrntpr Ilnnk I.ancisler pat
Fnrnirra' Bunk of Reading !! ailing par
I llhre nf Hunk nf l i nn a.
I!arrishi!rg" Thee
11 Hire
N O T F. 8
I.ancajter I otTicea
Reuling plo not
Eiiton J issue n.
Unk of Ibe t'nilrd St iles
Vfiner' Itnnk nf Potlsville
Itnnk of In-wislown
Hank nf Mtddlplown
Carlile Bank
Exi baiip,!' Dank
Do do branch of
llnrrisburg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' & Maimf. Bank
B .mk of Piitsburg
West Branch U mk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bink
link Crunlv Itnk
Din. e nf Bank of U. 8.
II i do do
Do do do
H:ink of Chambershurg
Bul k ol fi'ettyaburg
Hunk of Sii-iuehinna Co.
Erie Bunk
Fimer' cV Droven' Bank
1'iankliii Bank
II. meed ..lo B.nk
ivilkeabarre IJ
Allenlmvn no .nle
Reading failed
Pillsburg fiii'ed
Erio do
New Brishtoii do
Em vnj rille
Miii.raiga'ii'la Dank uf B.
Vnrk Hank1
N. II. 'I he notes of thuso bank nn v-hich we
mil qunlntioii. and substitute a dah ( ) aro not
purrhasid hy the Philadelphia broker. wilh the
exceplion nt lli-'so wlurh liave Inter of r ference,
I'bilndelpbia 8av. Ins.
I'biht'lelphia Eo-in Co.
Srliif. Hull Snv. Ins.
Keiisinuion Sav. In. A
Prim 'J'onnnhip S.iv. Ins.
Miiiu-il Labor Buna ( I'. W
IV imIii Hank
Alieibany Bunk of Pa.
I) mk ol Denver of H alara
Hank of VVi.biiij;ton
t'entre Itnirk
City B-.i !i
Fjrniir-' c Mcrli'ea' Itnik V Mecb'ei. Bank
Frifineri' iV teeh V llnnk
ilaimonv Itii'itntc
Ilitnii.-r:!n'. Ii.nik
.It I, I'll-. I! ink
l.imilM rinen' hwrk
Northern 'i of I'a.
Ni lloi e 1) -I. B'idire Co.
Norlbiiinli'd l.nion Col. Ik.
North Western Hank of Pa.
I 111 u-e nf Sehuvlkill Bank
I'a. Acr- & M inuf. Bank
Silver I. die Bat k
f'nioii Bank uf Penn'a.
W rsimnirlanil Bunk
ilkivbarre Bridge Co.
I A N K 8.
Philarh'Vliil failed
do filled
do filled
Dyott. prop.) failed
lletlford 110 .lie
Denver closed
Ilanitburg cboe.l
Wa-ibiiiatoii tailed
!V!.r....:e il.wJ
Pili.-btitri, no ne
I'llt.biirz tailed
Fnyelle co. I'nled
Crr elii-n -t o I'rriU d
H rproitv i;o vt!p
Iltlllliii.loli no te:.le
l.ea n i s ilu
U'.irieT f.,i!el
Dumbiir no f ile
New Hope close I
M ilton no -ale
Meadrilla cloaeil
Port l.'arhoil
Carlisle failed
Monti. 0e closed
Uniiintown failed
Oreeusburg cloned
Wilkeiliarre nosnla
rjj' All iiotin purpmling lo be on any Peun-yl
raiiia Bunk tml given in the above Ii-. t . may be set
lown a- frauds.
H.inki'fNew lliuniiwick Brunswick
telviilcte Dank Dctvideio
Uiit lit, -i.m ('a, Bank Medl'ord
Jninoii'icnl Hank Penh Ainlmy
'nitibi tl.ind Driil.'
.'riinn rw Bank Mount Dully
rMinn rs' nnd Meehnnici.' Bk liahuay
r'.iu.ii r' nnd Merbanics' Ilk N. Hiuiis.virk 1
Farmrre" imd Merehanl' Bk Mid lletnAn Pi,
hianklln B ink of N.J. Jir-ev City
no sale
no sale
II il i.:en Ukg flc lusting l-o Hon iken
lervey Citv Bank Jers. y Cily
Micbairirs' B oik Patiersoii
Vaioif at turi r-.' Bank Bi llevilie
Morns County Bank Morrtstuwn
Moiiiiiuuih DkiifiN.J. Freeh aid
.Michiiiiic' Bank Wew.irk
Mi cl ai ics' and Manuf. Ilk Trenton
M or ii.- ('anil and Ukg Co Jersey City
I'n.t .N.iles
Niwark like rlt Ins t.'o .Newitik
New Dope Del Bridge Co l.aiilliertvile
N. J. Miinul.ic. oi d Bkg Co llobnhert
N .1 I'linecion A. I, bk Jewey (.'tiy
Ornnue D ink t)rnn;o
I'aicrmn Bank I'ateraon
PenpUV Dank do
Piliueion Bank Princeton
fall ni Banking Co 8dlcni
State U ink .Newark
Slaiu Dank tlizataitlilowu
ftiate B.u k Camden
Stale B ink of Morris Morrintowo Bank 'J rniion
Snlvm and Philad Manuf Co 8ab in
8uam x Bank Newton
T til loll Banking Cu 'I' run ton
l.'uioii Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hiirkensack
Bk of Wilm St Brandy wiiii: Wilmington
Bank nf Delaware Wilmington
Uank nf Smyrna Biuyina
Do branch Millnrd
Farmers Bk of Stale ul Del Dovei
Do branch Wilniinaton
Do bramh t;.iielown
Do branch Newciatla
I ..Ion l ink V. il,niIlgiul)
(J..V" l' Oder S'a
pa i
Oj On all bunks marked thus () tb,rp are ei.
i her iouiite.f.11 nr sU. red miles J ,h v..r.ou da.
lotiiiiiaiimra. in pirpiiUiim,,
Peace with Mexico !
C2 S2f 53 SXS 12 SLP tj8
BNK'nUMS the publ e ihn in order In bung H.
Ii.nii a -eu with Mexico. b mnuf .ciuri s .11
kind of Jlifl s, Double and Hingle Barrrtlp, (Jhoi
(iuna, and Double Barrelled II. volving Rifles, at
hi- manufaeioiy t Hnllowimi Hun, Lower Au
antta townahip, Nnrthuml erl mil county, all nf
which l.a will warrant s i mnmbs. 'I hose
ho want a list rata an iris in hi line, ran be ac
commodatrd at Ihe h.irte. notice and on the m wt nble leim. . I.nver ul iporl,giva hiwiesll.
Lower Augusta. Jan. 8, 1848 Bin,
" No. 40.- '-' -South
Focbtu Ktbkit, Aanva Cuunnvr.
No. 80 iMarket Street, five doors below
Third, Smith ide,
Imporler A. Wliolennle Urnlrrn In
WATCHKS. Watch nil ees anil Miiteriata.
. . Jewelry of all tlerciiptl m, qu diiie mil
s'yles, ill the irticles connorted
with theTrsde,
Cl,,rks. '
Dixon 4 8on's Brltannl i, Germnn Silver and 8d
ver-Pbitetl W.rei.
8heirirld and Biruilnghim Plated Fancy Article.
K.idieca cV 8on' md Wostnholm Cutlery, Ha
gor. 8e tsnr. Ere-e, Iieik Knirs. He.
Iorv H ind'ed Table Cutlery, nf ihe fimst, medium
and common qualities.
A la'ge assortment nfGuM Pen.
''cnfocal Bpeclnebl.
Papier Mnebe and J ipa"nej Trays, various ahspe
and qnililies. at re tli'fd rates
O.dd Watch Cil I, l)ils lid Silver-Wire, of ill
deseiitiiioris, msnnftetureil to order,
DICKSON & 0O' h iinr ri ceiilly removed
'tilo the Urge and commodious wireho'i' fornierlv
occupied by Messrs. R. Aniiunr & Ho, and
more recitilly by Asnaiin-T RatiaJoTos, lg
h ave lo Inborn Watch D''n'er-, C unirv M- rt hanis
and nihers, that thev ilea in havtns: it ill times
large l-S'irtment of Hood, nf their own imporl'
lion, which they ire determined to i-ell it Ihe lowest
(Jj Every attention will tie paid to the Packing
of Uji'il", and in Hie execution ol Hub rs, Hie qu in
lies and pticea will br fully gii irantie l agiinnl si
Phib.i!rlphis. June I9'h, 1R1 r tv
fllUE rhildr'ii In n In ciy for 8berman's I.o-
time, bul il ha kept incrra-ing rver -i re and n- w
haa ruC'ime an great that the mouth of the little
onei can re iree be stopped. Dr Stierman ymp-
Ibises with the little sulT rer. and virv much to
ere e thnt any of them should be disappointed
Knowing Ihe vast benefit which haa been confer.
red upon the community l y Ibe iniroduction of
bit: infallible
he ha pntered i-ito arrangement for en'arg hi"
Miniif.ctory, by tnesns nf which I elbink' he will
be able to supply the denia- d. Ami Ibe -ame tmins
and rare will be Inken, ilial llie'e c lel rited lo.
xengea be made as they It ve always been, in or
der that tho-e who i. pend upon them, mav not be
t i diHiippnin'rd in their bope. He knew when h'
commenced Ihe manufacture l Ihe nrm lt:en
gen, that ih-y would siiierde ihe use i f ivi r
other vpimifuae, a the I.?."nge is rrry ptrannnt
to ihe taste, tictrfy in it i fieri. n , certain,
and the qu itilitv lequiied to fleet a pn fret cure.
is vrrv sin ill. These prop, rues in connexion wi b
l he f ct thai ihrv ate sobl f o 2.r ci nt ner hm. ihiK
pi .ring ihem in The tench of the ponre-t mm in
Ihe land, haa not only caused them to tnl ,- the
place i f every nlhcr veiinifiie" ever offered, bul ul
o remlereil them popu ar lo the community.
Dr. tslierm !
Pontinue to cure Coiig'-a, ( I Is, Cniiiiimpt'on,
Asthma, shorinej and tlillieulty ol Breathing, nnd
other ilisea es of the Lung, with the mm fici ilj
they diJ on t'nir fuel iuiro.liieti .n, and tbc ptnph
h:ivc no become ppMunle.l bv clm1 cxp. titince,
tl .il on I'lp neces-l in of a I gh' cold, they have
on'y to slip to riiher the Dr' i (Tire, n one of the
Arenih, and nbtan A box ot hi Cnii,h 1. x i ges.
wh'ch arc very coiivmielit to carry in II c pocket,
and to lake I few through th d y. Bv pursuing
this rnutse a cure i eflertcd in 2t hour, and
i lie patient about his by -in ss. Ho greai i the ce
lebrity nf Hie l. x ngee. that thousand nf p. r"ii
who bsve used H em, nnd become acqu tinted wiih
their i IT rt, will npver lie v lb-oil ihi m.
Slir.RM l'S
pooh iiAitis xZiASTna
has cured more cases of RheU'naliani, Pnj i in ihe
Back, S de and ('hcl, I.uni' B-jo and Wi .knr
than any application that haa rver Ix-p mule. As
Ihn celebrity or ihe Planter hns ineie icd, hundreds
of unp'inripled ra-cal have aiteniiited to counter
fr it il, and p i'ir it nff up m the coinrr.nnilv a the
cenuine. jj" Bcwa e .-f 1). c. plion, jC-fi liemnn
ber thai tho true and genuine IMasier is spread up
on rid 'ii--h paper undo rupren-lv for itie purpose
r.rd rn every cm-o the si-'nani'-nf Dr. Sl.ennau i.
l ii I d upnn ihi- 1 nek or lb.- Pl.s'ct, and ibe wb.ob
fern pil bv Oopv Ilittiil. N. n- of ers r g inline,
Tliprcf oe wt pn van winl n reat UMi d Shi rman's
Poor's riater, call t Ho i lli e, 106 ias-au
streei, ni:d ynn wi I tint lip di.Hppninteil,
Itomeoilier the nnmlr 108 fit sail t., he e
all It-. Sherman I.nzenges are sold. Ilia Agent
aro Mia. Have. 139 Full s reel, Hri-klvo;
llrneson, U'illrsm-biiro ; ar d Iteibliog ck Co.,
U.iston, and JOHN VOI NO, Sunburv.
M A M.CAV Norlhuniheiland.
September I tth, I IT. tv.
Imitrovrd Hydraulic Pumps,
For Wells. Rolling Mill, Furnace, or other
rglHt' su'tsrriher f r-pPi-lfully anrmuncea 1 1 the
1 public t Ii nt br is now prepared lo aupuly or.
I'ers tosnyiji-nt fir Ip I'a'ent Dnnhle acion
uc'i 'ii nn. I Fo'ce Pinup. Tbosp pnnip are
in nh' nfca-t Won. and the In is un k- d or for.
red throuuli trail pine. I'. r pnpl riiy ol'i-.nnlruc-lion
nd durability of uiiinn, iher ara vailti tape,
rinr In anv now in ue. They h ive many mlvnn
t nver ihe c unnion pump, nht.h are
the .iiing ;
Tbey aie 1 1 rons'rurled tht iniachirvou p r
ions c innol spoil their action bv introducing nails
or Kpiku or any nih r auh-i.ini e- am nn the valvn,
as is ulten dune wi'h mher punps thereby render
ing ibemus'le till overhauled. 'I'liev sie war.
ranted to te peifecilv aerure tmui front. Tbry ire
so airanged us t alTord ample pr iec ion B.iiusi
r'tre ahriit the p'emise on which ibey ire er.cti'il,
bv r-iinp'y Kltacbing a piece uf hn-e. thin' which
tbey will force water In any pari nf, or over, a
three stoiy house. They are pinirubirly adapted
lor vi iv iVep wells, as ihe leviaje em he o re.
guhtcd lb il a chi d of six years old urn wiih the
grralest rase driw water with 'hem from the dee
pest w'll. 'I lie obj-'ctiiui aijusily urged hy ma
ny, that w .let is -i oib d by t 'iijius in pump I g.
is eiilirrly obviited in this pipnp, and fierli waier
can always be is turelv nhlalind s when ibuwo
wiih s bucket. In itustun s where it is nece-si-rv
lo r.iis. or force lane qu nli it s ol water to great
di-lance for inppli ing hoi pr in mi-Is, lurnsces,
&c. these pumps are invahnblo, s they can he
made ' f any i , and rip'bla of throwing ftuin
IS In 1000 gallunsper minute.
And to rrowu all, they can be auld as cheap as
ihe cheapest.
The subscriber has rpent the last year in avp"
liinenl ng upnn and perleciu g his pumps stul now
liiiiiui ihem lef re tlie publ c wiih tin- fulbvt eon
fidence that thry wid be fntiiul to answer his de
scription. He tak' S p'pa-u e in n fernnii ta the
folbiwing roinpipies m il in lividual'. upon whose
pn mice. In pumps have been erected, and who
have expnetd their .:iif ciion in the highest
'I he Montour Iron Company. Dinvd'e, II. Brn
v. urt, nuenl; the Bio Mii.'img Railroad Iron C ill
pany. Blonniburir tod. Paiton. agent; the II URh
and lteady Iron Works, Darivil'e, JI u.C"ck, Foley
A Co., proprietors ; thp t wn C tine I nf Brrwir k ;
Pinion J. IC S ', Uq , si J John L. Wilson, Eq ,
Hecould rifer to m-ny i thers, who hive teiled
their ipinliii. but the ubi vp iispectahle Crins snJ
iiiiltviduati are deemed suluVlmii.
Qj" An asniimeiit nf LEAD PIPES cousUnl.
ly on band, which w II be s ild on the must less n
able terms. All orde s add eseil l.itllir iu'criler,
al Moore & Btdd'e's P. uinby buildings, or Mon
lour llousr', Danville will m ei with prmni l at
tention. HOMEli I'ARMELEB.
Jan. 1. 1849. If.
Another Farm
TH B hi irs of Jobn Voenm, dee'd . i ffer f if isle
II that Farm of theirs spuaie in riham -kin
township, Nnithumberland county, near Snuff,
luwn, ind adj. lining Ihe old Hiainbach -stand in
said luwaship. euniaining about two hundred acre
mora or leas, in a fond at Pa of cultivation. Tho
Rail R.iad from elunbury la Huimnkintowo passes
through h. For particulirs enquire of
HUGH H. TEATS. Wi.utTiown,
Dec. II, 1847. M any of iha
Tlic Grand Purgative
Headache, Oiiblma.a,
Messlee Rait tthenm,
Hen! Burn. Worms,
Oholer Morhu, ,
Coiigha, Qu in-ey,
Whooping Ociunh,
Consumption. Fill,
Rhenmaiim, Pitei,
Dypep la, Searvv,
mll Po. Jaundice,
Paine in Ihe Bu i,
Inward Wrkn-s,
Pilpllatlon of th Heirt, Mver Complaint,
Rieinc in Ihe Thron, F-risiei lis, Deafi.e,
Dnpy. Asthma, Iichinga nf ihe Skin,
Ft-veri of ll Kind, Uiiiuj, uom, ravei,
Female (Complaints, Nervous Complaint,
a nn a ristnt or other niKM astsisi
riosi mrcaiTtna or Titt htoon, nn ol.
avnocTioai is Tin oaoASi or nt-
Fxprrience his pmved that neirly every Di
case originate" ftom Imprxl'ie of the Blood or de
rangements of the Digesdve Ornans ) anil to teeure
Health, we must remove those nh tructions or re
store the Blood lo in natural stale. . '
The iveralon 'o ta'-lng meifctne I mot tlToi
tually removed by OiictcwnTa VraiTABta Pvh
nTivi 1'ii.t. being cmiplttthf tnrefnput tvi'h a
rnntme nf purr, while Sugar, (whieh is as di-tioct
from the internal inoredietit a a i-Ut ahell from
ihe kernel) n mvi in tti or atrriicisa,
But are I eaadv swallowed as bits nf Candv.
Moreover they neither nnwentf. nr gripe in the
ligh'et deeree, hut npeiate equally nu all the iba
esed parts of Ihe svs'em. iiiateml nf roiifinini
themselves lo, ard raiking any pariiculir resinn.
Tliu. if tl e l.iver be nflecled. one inaiedienl 'ill
operate on th ! part rtdir org in, ami, by cleam-ing
il nf an Eicesanf Bile restore it to il na'ur
state. Anotber will nperOe on the Bond and
remove all imroitie in it rircul .lion whilo a
third will rlTectually exl whttevrr impuritie
in iv have be -n dichrneil into the Horn id. and
hence thev stkikx t Ttta inor or riiiat-E. re.
move all Impure Itmnnii from Ihe hmlyi op-n
Ihe pores externally and in'ern illy; sepiral- all
fore B" end obi niioiia parlicle from the chyle. o
th it thp blond m ly be iborough'y pnte ihn seru
rintr a fee and heiihhv action In the Heart I. ting
am! l.iver i and thereby 'hev ar-Tntia uritTii K
sitis aii. oTitis aiisi nun uttrn.
The entire tru'h of the above ran he aeett dried
by the of single box ; and their vir'tirs nre
pn'itive and reri iin in res or ng Health, that
Ibe proprietor bind himelf I i return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do not gie
universal silis ae'lon.
Retail I'rlce, 23 t in. per Ilox.
Piincipd nlTice No. (ifi Ve-iv t., N. Yo k.
Sold by JOHN YttUNfJ, Simhurv,
M. A. McCAY. Norihumie land.
ttjT Bemember Dr. O. V Cliekener is the in
tr n'or nf ihe Suaar Coaled Pi l. ami iln.t noih tig
i f the s ri w ever heard . f limit he iniiodiiei il
ihem in lime, Pinch .ei !i"U'd. th" n low.
mIwij-a ask for Cli.kenct' 'ug ir Coste l PnU. nnd
' Like n.-i nlbi-r... nr Ihev u i
be m nte the victim ol
! a fiaud, Sept. 1847. ly eoiv
corcn ! Tits
irns na tJ Bu
sts, tiik woiik or Ttta
IiF.STIIOI in ns hun n cL ",
thi encon or cojrst seTiiis iiatu
t it a m'siimr num.
RE VOI A MOI HER1 Vour darline rbild
vnur idol and enrthlv i v, i now prrbap
confined to her rhsmbrr by a daneeroii cold tp t
pale rheek. her iSin t-hrunk' n fingeis. lell 'he
hull di ease has-already gained upon hi" -the
sound of her sepu'rhra1 couch pineea v. -sir soul.
YOUNG MAN, when jinl ah -nt to enter life,
disease shpd-t i heart mi-lims l liubt ovpr the f iir
proappcts of the fuiu e your hectic couuh nn.l b e
hie limbs lell uf your lu and h pe, I 'ill y.'ti need
not ile-piir 'I'hen' is a halm which will heal the
wounded lung, il is
S II E II M xs
ALL 1 1 K A 1 .1 N C. B A 1 S A M .
M.s. ATT It EE. the wif.i of Win. II Anree,
Fsq. was Riven tii I'V l)r. Hew ill nf Wa-biniiin,
D s. li te in d McCl-IUnnf I'iiilad-dohia, Dr. Hoe
ami Dr Mutt of New York Her friend all
thounht she nwl die. Hhe bad evrrv iiipear
of I ring in consumption, Bil l W, o proiiiiip red
by her phi si. inns Sherman's Balaam w&s given
anil it cured her.
Mr-. (JAHRAimANTZ, of Bull's Frirv, was
all i cured of rousiinip'i ui bv this lli'snn when
all oilier rem"die filled lo aive rel ef s'ip wa re
duced in a skelet n. Dr. A. C. CisMe. D mint.
2H Uioidway, has wilnesrd ilelPeis in several
ca-es where no other mi dicine alfoiiled re ief but
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also
wimesaed i'a wonderful i ff. cts in curing wthm.
which il never fails uf doimt. Sp tium Bloo I, alar
ming as ii mav be. is effectually cured by ibis Hal
sm. It heals Ibe ruptured nr wounded 1 1 ioJ
vissil. and makes the lunas sound again.
Rev. MEN RY JONES. 108 Eiahih ivcnup.
was cuied uf cough md catarrhal nil' cli ms . I 5tl
ypr ainUng, The firat ilo.e nave him m re re;
brf than all the o'l pi medirini- lie had ever tnkm
Dr. L. J. 'J at. 19 Dp nicy sin it. gave it to a
si-ti-r-in-law who was lahurint under riiii-iirn),
and In another no, 'y sdl ct- d wiih lh A-thma.
In hoih raw it rllrts weie unmedia e, soon re
aloriug lip m to ronif 'Hub'e heahh.
Mrs. LUIMiETI WELLS. 05 flhri-tie 1'ieel.
ufT rnl fmm Asthma 42 yar. Sheimin's Mat.
aim relieved her at nnee, nnd she is enmparat vt-ly
will, being pn.b'ed to subdue rvery attack y a
timely use of Ihi medicine. Tiii indeed ta the
ureal reiuidv f.r Ci'Ugt'S. Ciitdi, Spitting Bl 1.
l.iver ('nniplaitti, end all t' e nil rl nn i-f ihe
ilunat, and even A-t'm a and Cnm-ump ion.
Price 25 cenis and $1 per lolte.
Dr. Sheimaii's Cough and Worm Loxpnge, and
Poor Man's I'lastpr auld is sbovo
Dr. bherinan's rTife i. al I nr. Nanau st N. Y.
Agenis, JOHN YODNO, Wunhurv.
M .M CAY, Nortbumburlind
Srptenvl-er llih, 1347 ly
Yrf;rl:ille l iiit eral li 1 1-,
TAe on knnwn Mrdieine Hint at Hit mine time
purge punfics and lrengthcn the tiitm.
Lnnu. Julv 7,
DR I E ROY'S Pills am a new me.liriu
whiih has just spatied, and ia f vt inking
the larea f all uihpr-i uf ihe enu e class Tlien
pills ara compos. d of many ingrdieiit', but the
two principal ones are Harsapardl i and Wi'd t'ber
rv, so united that they act togeiher; ihe one.
through i's admixture with other uili hir. a. pu
rifying si d iUiging. while the oihrr ia etrenjlbf".
ing ihe i-yslem. Thus those pl are al thp asm
lure liiiiic and opinion; a desideratum long ami
eagerly anught f..r by medical men, bul never be
fore discovered. In . ther word thpy do the work
uf iwo medicii es. and do il mm h bi-tn r than anv
two we know of ; for thev remnvp nothing fr ni
the sys'em but the impurities; io that while tbey
purge I bey strengthen; art I hence thev cause ni.
debilitation, and are hv nn re-aeiiun. Dr.
Le Roy's pills h ive s wonderful influenco on tin
idood ; they not only purif. without weskening it,
but they lemove all Ii -xiuiis parlielra from Ihe rbyb
befoie it i c inverird into flu d. and ihua make iui
pma blood au utter impos ibiliiy. As there is no
ili-bitiiation, tA tune ia no nausea or sickness it
tending the npmione of this most excellent of mr
dieine, which never -trains nr tori urea Iha dig- a
live unctions, hut cau-as them In work in a per
feetly natural manner ; and hence peisom lakine
Ihem do nut liecume pile and rm.ciaicd. hut tin
contrary ; for while il ii th pr.. parry of ih Harsa
panlli, uniterl as il is with other ingredients. .
remove all that ta foreign and impure, it ia equally
Iha properly of the Wild Cherry lo retain all that
a natural and sounds and hence a robut sla's ol
heahh is Ihe rerlain result of their unilej opera
lioni. P0- Pnra 3A cents per BOX.
A genu fur La Roy's Pdls,
J. W. FRII IN0.1-, .
M. A. MeCAY. Nonhumberl'd.
. August lsi,I847. Ij -
ALL permni iudabtad to Iks subscriber, by
aota or bsok account, ara hereby exxined to
rail md leltla the lima without delay, in ordei
toiavecoits. IRA T. CLEMENT.
Sanbury, April 93, 1848
CP S3T 6X C23 OS C 0
THI M. Jicln W Warr-mtid, en ruth. n.. I t
contain a pnlcle nf Cl mel, Corriwive Rut
lim.te. Arsenic, Chloride of flold, nr any oVLtc
rona minerals . ;
The principle upon which thia Medicine act.. I
bv aaslsling and hrmonl-lng wiih nature I
drives nut all foul acrimonious humors 'mm llo
hlood mil laaly. and hy aasimilalini wilh am
strengthening the gastric juice nf iha stomach, it
assi.ta ibtes inn In abort Ihera is not a vein arte
ry, muscle nr nerve in the human body, that I
not strengthenel hy the PANAt'F.A. ind il
possesses the remark side properly of removing
mercury frnn the hone anil joints.
eVnrvv, Rcorlut'lc AfTectinns, Tnmrtra. Mcrofula oi
Kines' Evl , While Swelling, Eryipels. Ulcers
Cancers, Running Horr, Mcah ami Di1 timi
and a ibleimitnd tiersevpraio-e In D . SWEET
8ER'8 PANACEA, will effect s cure.
Rejection nf food, Niiil-rea. Vrmilinu. Nrrvoui nf
l.rltona. r.illiou. con plaint-". He-.d act e. PaVme
or F.male InemiUriiie. D'. H WE ETHER'S PA
NACEA will soon efTid s cure j but if nbtinaie.
or attr nileil wilh anpint, riving pains, the dose
shuulil le Increased, and the rnre will soon be if
feeted. Lei not the patients fngMen themielvea
wnh the ides that thry are ton we k to take murh
mrdi- ine; but bear in mind ibat this mi'rHy on
ting med cine put not w,akne-a into th'- frame, bin
m.r-l certainly draws weakn a ou', leves atr-ngilt
in its pbire. and by living c unpo'i d s'eep a1 nig I
and sit nppetiie in relih anv fond, re-siiimstes th
whole frame wi h vigor. mi action, clearing tin
mind and improving the sight,
Tit )NS.
Scrofula t add to be bcrulilaiy. ih" infnit r
reiving fri m it par nla ibe seed of ilp dies .
which iierp.e wit'i it tears, il nealepird ami
not st'bm't ed to freqip til purifn- ti ui withD ,
8WRF.TsFn8 PAN ME A. Tt. giamls a.e p ..
ced in lh' cori er of II p bodv, a' tt mil nf the wav
of direct roinmin irt on ; tin ir real u e t- a aiibje. t
on which u ueh diff. r -i CP nf opinion prcvdl; r
suflip us to kn w ih t when in a il a.-in-d atatp.
they are c ipa'ile nf hems -ur fied and ele rised bv
a long mur e nf Dr. wWllE I SEIfS PAN A
CEA, which re nrilhim In sound and p-p 1
action. Scruful u prron ran pevi i pa lo.i npn b
aiteniion to their blood, it pur fi' atiori sip u d l-r
their fir-rt though', for aft' r a l. tia cour-e f pi r-i-verance,
ihey Mill ever curt hereilitiry disease.
KU EKTSER'S PANACEA cannot lietoohiuh
ly extolled , it nut the v, ry tool nf the
dis-"iisp, an l 'iy r m "ing il fmm the Illuud makes
a cure retlain nnd or rminerii,
F -r di-e 'S. of the Blndtltr and Kidney. Stric
ture's. Gravel Slnne. Pile. Fii-lula Uiinnri Oh.
ilruclinnt nnd Extreme CmlivenM Dr. 8WEET.
SEK'S PANCEA is the best renedv rver tr e I ;
it n niovps nil iho-e scriinonioua hu-uo fr.un thi
Blood which Rive r se to ibe d aeai-e. and
by keeping I lie blood in a pure condition, jn-uns
For DROPSY, FM.I.1NT. uvthp. BOWEL".
Impur Hrx nf the Blnd. Mrrc'finl Tulnt Wink
ei of tlie Sp 'ne Flmnnf lllnml In the Head Gd
d ue. Si"ging and Hmzing A'' in ihe licit
nnd Ear. D,WEE TSEIfS l'NCEA d
cie lett iin rebef; in all s. ve'C n il chmn e enp.
the patient' cnnmit be loo oft. n rein mb d lb it r
gtr dti'f anil peitrvrranee " ill IT ct cu r.
! Ch 'll and Fere- B linn Fn-ert Aftrrl 'nn
nf the Eye r.nd Ear Shiwii and
Gum Rr-neh t and recent Cough and C.;V,
Dr SWEBISEK'S PAN At EV w,i b f.mul
perfectly sure anj certain in il - r lie
Thoe rnmp'sin"! irp geneirillv nt'r-irded ib
the mosi fatal i onu quenre. and aie ?i!im or rie
vet iu r.l l y the pie, i I m d pf t p it ru n ; th y
u-it l y ticconii any the pilii'i t t the tnvr. -.fti.r
iilTr r:im Ibe nv.t-t rxeru -iatipg pain sn I :.n lire.
The Clin: uf hi-e c irnplatli s are the same a u I
i lhei 'be d o- .1 the b'oud l ei-om s en -ru i p.1 in;
the fnii-st nrmw pa-r itt' . whenre ;.r - u-iutiit
aeeiet ori nnd -.ipiac' s of n ine Y' it "ill find
ihe in -si p werfol d nr. lie- nf no ue. ' tl ev m.U
iucri ae the qu uility uf urine nn-l do nut pu ily
lid atrenjUu n III part' Bv pmifving the bo il
with Dr. SWEEI'KER'8 PAN .CEA. oii re
move Ibe cait-e f lie diae -v, conai qiieni y can
not exist my lunger, afur itTirieiil p-rae-rian- e
in its up has deprived the blood and body of all
acrimoniou humors arid incrustation.
Th'S in erv preValrut and fatal di-ea e il re
sul's u.o-lly neglected rougha. colds and bron
clntia. also fmm imoiopcr treatment in many ut er
care, such ns measles, fevers infiainiiiaii ns and
'inai pox . and a ho-l ul other badly treated disease;
win re the cause, instead nf having bei-n ihnr mgh y
re, nove I from ibe blo.-d -ill J body, have only
palliated or rem ore I fmm one pirt in lire k out in
another. Bv dives ing y uur hnilii uf nil foul ht.
m r. through ihe medium of Dr. SWEETER S
PANACEA, the cure i al once rcndeied c nam
and permanent It collect, while there acrim k
iiinua hiiinm (1 .aliug in the rpcu s.ion, it i- a- apt
In .el lie on the lung a any utt er part ol the tnnly ,
this ii Ihe reason ih it consumption is so prcvalen ;
Whieh yoiu see o i Ihe ei'rrior. come from and
have their siiurce in, the iuleiior, and might juai a
well have .ruled nn yoiu lung, luer.or any nthei
pait; which we know they frequently do, and pro
Puce m i-t violent md imiiiaiiny d onler. The
humi-r which m-caaiopa theap son a is nl a higMv
acrinioni ni burning nilu e W e know p Ir on
the pa n il gie in tor . ing, and afii il r i
iidly u crra ing and corr d ng the fl-h ami .kn
of the put wheie it linak out Th a shows the
nec of f-eqiientlv lunifyiog ibe hloml w I'r Dr.
SWF.EOEh'S PAN AC h A. nn.l keeping aucL
maliguiiiit huim'ra in su j ctitin Stioubl vnu ti.ive
h ie nr ulcer, he ih o kfin th it na u e hi lak n
ruuhle in warn you of ihe danger yoiu life and bo
ily is in, for it is i warning I at ti e blood i- foul
Had ihi sou acrimony a I f id hi- lungs in t :nl
i.f the surface of ymn body Pa ai-a, riiiisurup
lion nf ihe lungs wuu d hav been ihe'consi-qiieii p.
D lay nol t' en, to u ilv end cleanse with Dr
Sweelfrr'. Panarea.
Spin d slT.-cnon-. . iila'geinent uf the b.- es an
juiula, while swellii Bl. I ip j out roipp'aint, lup
ilir. falo g of ihe bowels -in I worn ilie .-e. ip
fin I s enerdy ouie in Dr. S lt'EETElt S PA
NACEA. Where Ihp diaeae I a- bee ul I pg
-t.iudini!, ihe time required to make a cure will le
l.-nc" ; bui the pipient may n si 3trcJ that a
ili:ermiiied peitenranic wdl i Ificl it.
ThisJ ili-eaaei proceed from the serin-ity or
e- rrupl humor of the blond, having a tiled il-elf on
ibe siul lungs, snd a. ped ihem up, s i thai
ihev rariimi draw sulliciem air in ful n spiralum.
Dr. K WEB I'rEH's PAN ACEA will give mime,
.bate relief, and to make the cure parted an, I rer
lain, it ahoiibl he ennl lima tit. i,
Iree Ibe i-ystem of all bad l.uia ir.
Find a safe and speedy eun in Dr. SWEET
SEWS PASACEA. Il curi a by arsichlug everv
hloml sea el and srP ry, and driving nip all impu
rities and tout buinora acrumu ated therein, which
a the cause nf rh umatiam, a -ui and swelling ul
the joints. The da etfiv ts nf rilnmel and
iher mineral poUona, n a Illy yield to na .tiseieigii
lifluennei indeed, when il v.l wbU (.mperliea m
come fully knnwn. iha usenfsll min't 4p iaon will
he consigned lo 'iha lomh m all the Capnleis,' and
only Ihi tlinugbt of as a hy-gone ea-tmii uf iha iar
keragea. Dr. rlwi-ei-er's Panacea is als.i sun
cure fur dyspepsia, piles, cnanveinei, terngo, head
cha, paia io tba breast and livrr complaint
Fever is aUaa euasl by a dian-slerly move
ment of Iha blood, strugglin tof-ee iigelf of some
thing thai encumber it ; In far-4, every kind nf fe
vsr ia nothing more than a stroggla between tba
bland and corropt burners, and as eon ae tba rir
-itnt humors are expel ed, yon have n mrire fever.
When a pat ent wiih fevet submits lo hs bled, or
tsv hi bis 4 pnimneil, with merrnrjit weakens
ii irame in snrh a degree ibi if hs survives the
foie-i. it always b svsj him subject It distressing
' UK when 9 limes out nf lit he fesortr to atus
ilia, p.iwileri, cm ionic mivYurrN this ia xrlnvfrmsi
h d to worse, is these Vegstihte ptlls powders, Ae,
' n thing but merrarr and r)r)-nlna In disguise,
I V ''"ve the iltsie an far Into)
Hi'.. ? V "'' ,0 h r"ceptihli, but very soon K
ill break em again with fea.ful v olencs To eurs
satis -nd fever .ha causa of th disease must be r
nove, ,.u of ,h. blood .n,1 ssl.ich ean haf-
T- t'm Dr. RWEI5T8eR'8 PA-
lAbba, whirh purine, alcannas mil strsngthana,
U cool .in nothing that ran pos.iMv Injure, ind it
isa is slaiys i safegusrdjigain.t chill, tna fevari'.
In air. Cash of Puts. Dr. BWF.ETSF.R'S
PANACEA will eff. ct a very spredy cure. lira,
nove from ihe blooil. stomach and bowel, n(
In is foul air id burning humor, which ara Iha
i-iiiee uf I'ib s and Costivenis-, and hy strengthen.
ns the dig-s ive nrgans, impr rves every part of the
nipe bndv.
The-p disease I'l em ed by the -tomsch mi
nweU being choked up with viscid slimy matter,
be air whi h enu-r ihim emnot e eipe until fn-rH
hy some ror tr ution of tba omach to szpel it;
dpi ce rie cana uf pain. A few dose of Dr.
1H EETSEK'-t PANACEA will convince th
-uilVe er tint relief is ait lined.
Parsnta will fi d the PANACEA a valuable
n I'irine f n ihe r child en, keep'ng Iheir bodies io
hial hy c ndi'i oi. thereby a-iling their growth;
htbiren nr g-nwn peiaona, alter taking it. are not
i -a1 le io he ailar ked wilh n epidemic a before, is
i alwai leav- the blond in a pore condition, and
heitviri' y-tpmin a Fl'engthened state; it drive
in a I kind nf weakness from Ihe body snd leaves
l lieal hy wil1 in.
Wdl find Dr. SWET'EU'S PANACEA a medi.
c ne purely ad ipied In ttieir ue. Most ladies dii
r ng lor peri al of pregnancy ate afflicterl with pile.
Dr. Swrrtsi r's Panaeea, by regulating iha bowels,
III pi Ii rlv "bvia e ihia. and He purifying proper,
ie- i.n he IiIihhI snd fluida, iu-iires lo them h- al
bv nfrpring. No m e who i a mother shnul l ha
vitlinut it, S' d those trim are nursing will find it
if g Put b n fp to ihe health nf ihe r infant.
F r I' irierii e-a and all di. sP of Hie womb, it
-a with iu a rival in the entire hialory and c italngue
f nirdiriries ; hy ns extrsnrdinary strengthening
pnuer, il Mimul ite and strengthens the womb, a
.veakneas uf which is the raiue of failure lo bava
Under thi he id mav be rlas-ed Palpitation of
In- Heart. T r Dolore nix or Fareaehe, Neuralgia,
Lul gee tin, Toothache, Melni chol), Hysteric. and
n f-cr, rv. ry ibsei-e caused by the eh irp, biting,
acrim minus honor irritatng the nerve; the
nerves receive the morbid itnptrs-inn from the sto
in i.-li, er nilber Imiii tlie bl through the agency
fine stomach and dine live organs, nnd although
other pari of Ibe body are nppirrmly lip- spat pf
be di asp, still it i caused bv the mnrhid imprei--i
m conveyed from tl e blond bv ihe nprvea. tn that
oa t. A I. w dosoi of Dr. 8 WEE TsEU'S PA
NACEA will soon tfaure the patient that he haa
he cure in his puss .-s-oo, ..
Thi' i an inflammatory di-o. der, slw v spend-
d wilh m re nr lis pain. It proceeds from iha
ill, ircriiiioiiinus humors lodged in ihe blond and
Ilu d-. setllii g i'ii the I m and face, cmaingex
Heine in.l fi ver; all applu snoot on Ilia sur
fi e are w rae than ueles, s ihev on'v ! nd t.
Pnow t e d aea-p io .nine mher part, and perhip
rui.i ' ile -III. Bleeding .a likewise impror. To
ine Ihe ill eaae ynu ipu t gel rid uf the rnuse ; nn
'v inansue t get ihe foul hum r out nf y air blond,
a. il ou will hp wed in a day. Dr. SVEET
sKU'S PANACEA, a thoroueh purifier of the
h,.nt, will nui i veiy impurity in Ihe more
reinoie p na nf ihe body and exp-l it t'iroiigli the
m ibuoi of the 1'ii icls. Tb.rre i not a vein, arle-
v. ui.iseio r,r nrgiij uf Ihe entiru framework nf
inan, ibnt Dr. se. iB, r'a Panarea doea not iin-
...v.-. P.i tnke il wlpn vnu re well Is to keep
I ; ;nd when sick to Ii. come well.
DR SWEETSERS I'A NA CEA, bci nrcom-po-eil
ui Iv nl a vi geiahle maner or me lien nerbe.
aim wairaineu. mi o nu. a enniHinp g not nne par-
el - uf mercnriil, mineral nr chimical substances,
s fniid to be Pre,iv hirmtpsi in the mo tender
ige nr ihe upakeat frame, under anv stage nf hu
nan siifie.iug ; Pie mo-i plesi. nt and benign in ita
iter. lion that was eier off red to the world; and
I the sain- time the most certain in se.n hing out.
he root of any c nnpla ni, however deep, and af
perf. rm ng a c re.
Puce f I per bottle, or six hotit-a f ,r f5. Far
-air. wholisaie and reiail, .at the corner of
CH ARLES .d PRATT Htrefta. Baltimore, and
Nov. 6 1847. .y Hunbury.
Trs wTmiis ik iai iti
Burnt, Scald, and nil kind of Inflamed
Snrr Currd.
i. i lie mo-tr mip e e Bum Antidoieever known.
It ii Iv, (an I as if hy Magic) stops paim of the
niii.t drapeiate Burna and Sc.dd-. Fur old S ires,
Bru se. Cuts Sprains, Ac. on man or beast, it ia
ihn liest appbraiion thai can be made. Thousand
have In. d and ihniisaiul pr dae it. It ia the most
IHifi-ct master nf pain rver discovered. All who
ii- reeoiiimend it. Every family should be provi
rle.l with it. None can tell how soon some of the
family may need it.
C7 O'nerve en h hog nf ihe genuine Ointment
ha. ibe name nt 8. Tnratt wriiti n on the outside
ahel. To unit ile lips is forgery.
Bo trnen. Liv. rv Men. F-roie s. and all who us
Horse-, will find thi Omlment Ihe vpry best Ibing
ih. v e m u-e for C.llai Gall. Bcntrhes. Kicks. Ac.
Ac., on th. ir ainm lis. Surely pvrrv merciful mm
vuuld keep ,. animals as free fiorn pain ss possl.
hie- Tnuey' Univertol I liniment is ill that ia re
qipred Trv ii.
Bl TES OF INSECT8. For the sting or b te
nfpoi-oii ua liueris, l ouvey's Ointu ent ia nnri
va le I Hun. In da h ive tried it an I found il good
PILES CURED ! Fur the Pile. Toueey'e V
uive sul Out ment is one of ibe Iwsi Iteniedie thst
can lie ippllpd. All who hive tried it foi the Piles
rec im-nend i.
OLD SORES CURED. For nil p,b.tin.t.
s i 'le e ia no hing iqu.l to Tuuspy's Oint-
menl. A rMin in Men iu had, f.,r numlwr of
vK.r.. a sine leg thai lafflel the skill nf Ihedoelori.
rousiy's tlintin. nt w s ne m n- iul. by nne ..f
be ng physician, (who knew il g eat virtues.)
md Iko I...XP pr, duced mine benefit than ihe wa
ip n h d i. . e.,d fr,n:i any ai d a I pieiiou ttmo
diea. Lei all irv it.
11 U UN'S AND fcCALDS CURED. Thousanda
uf case nf Burns and Scald, in all parts of Iha
couit ry, have been tur d by Tousev'e Universal
'iuiinei.i. Certificates enough could be bad to li
Ihe hnlo of this s'ii h'.
la . n leaiimnnial-. in fiver i f Tousey Ointment
hircuitng DiuifC. have hren nflT red the iropiie
l-a. in Myraett-v will certify to its great
neiita in reii vine the pain uf the most sever Bruise
All per..n trtmild try it
M'ALD HEAD CURED. Soresof oaee of
ScilJ Head have la-eu cured by ToUrej'e Oint
mei.i, 'I'rv it it M .loni fn'a,
SALT RHEUM (,'L'UKD. Of a'l ih remedies
ever discoyered f-rlhr mo-t disagreeaihle eomptsint,
P. usey 'a I'ii verbal Ointment is the moat complete.
Ii wa. kn -wn I fail. . ,
CIIAPPr.D HANDS CAN BE CURED.'s Univeraal On traenl will alwaya taia the
wor-l rim of Citapped Haudi, Scores uf persons
will si ile thia . f . , t ,
SOKE LIPS CURED For ibe euro of Sent
L pi. Ihera Was ui ve, anyihief snsiie equsl io Toe
') '. t tiniav eU It is sure car ihem. Try it.
! i e .cieipitic eomioiiiid, warranted not to eon?
'aia anv prrp.raiion ol Mercary. rfJ' Psiee 89
i-nts per box. For further par iculars concerning
Ins really valu .tales Ointment, Ihe puMie ae) reler-i
rd to Pampht-t. In ha bad gratis, of respeetabla
D uggwia and Merrbanl throughout Ibe United
leie. -
Pp. pared by ELLIOT A TOUSEY, Druggie's,
Syracuse. For sale by
- JOHN VOUNO, Kunbery,
M. A. McCAY, Nnrihuaibetland,
ept. I llh, 1817. ly ew - -