Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 17, 1848, Image 2

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Resolve.!, That the American democracy
place their trust in the intelligence, the pa
triotism, and the discriminating justice of tho
American people. . ,
Resolved, That we regard this as a distinc
tive feature of our political creod, which we
are proud to before tho world as the
great moral clement in a form of government
springing from and upheld by, the popular
will ; and we contrast it with the creed and
practice of federalism, under whatever name
or form, which seeks to palsy the will of tho
constituent, and which conceives no impos
lure too monstrous for the popular credulity.
Resolved therefore,' That," entertaining
these views" the democralio party of this Uni
on, through their delegates assembled in a
general convention of the Stales, coming to
.gether in a spirit of concord, of devotion to
the doctrines and faith of free reprcs?ntative
government, and. appealing to their fellow
citizens for tho rectitude of their intentions,
renew ami reassert before ths American poo.
pie the declaration of principles avowed by
them when, on a former occasion, in general
convention, th?y presented their candidates
for ths popular suffrages.
1. That tho federal jrovcrnmetit is one of
limited powers, derived solely from tho con
stitution : mid the grants of power shown
therein ought to bo strictly construed by all
the departments and agents of the govern
ment ; and thnt it is and dange
rous to exorcise doubtful constitutional pow
ers. 2. That thconstitution does not conferupon
tha general government the power to com
mence and carry 011 a general system of in
ternal improvements.
. 3.f That the constitution docs not confer
authority upon the federal government, di
rectly, to assume the debts of the several
States, contracted for local internal improve
mcnts, or other State purposes ; nor
such assumption be just and expedient.
4. That justice and sound policy forbid the
federal government to foster one branch of
jndustry to the detriment of another, or to
cherish the interests of one portion of our
common country ; that every citizen, and
every section of the country, has a right to
demand and insist upon an equality of right's
and privileges, and to complete and ample pro
tection of p"rsonsand properly irom domes
tic violence or foreign aggression.
5. That it is the duty of every branch of
the government to enforce and practice the
most rigid economy in conducting our public
affairs, and that no more revenue ought to
bo raissd than is required to defray the ne
cessary expenses of government, and for the
gradual but certain extinction of the debt
created by the prosecution of a just and ne
cessary war, after peaceful relations shall
have been restored.
5. That Congress has no power to charter
a nationul bavk ; that wc believe such an
institution one of deadly tiostility to the best
interests of the coon'.ry, dangerous to our re
publican institutions and the liberties of tho
psople, and calculated to place the buiucss
of the country within tha control of a concen
trated money power, and above tha laws and
the will of the people ; and that the results
of democratic legislation, in this and all other
financial measures upon which issue have
demonstrated to candid nnd practical men
of all parties, their soundness, safety, and
utility in all business pursuits.
7. That Congress has no power under the
constitution to interfere with or control the
domestic institutions of the several States,
and that such States are the sole and proper
judges of everything appertaining to their
on affairs, not prohibited by the constitution ;
that all efforts of the abolitionists or others
inade to induce Congress to interfere with
questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps
in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to
the most alarming and dangerous consequen
ces; and that all such efforts have on inevi
table tendency to diminish the happiness of
the people, and endanger the stability and
permanency of the Union, and ought not to
bo countenanced by any friend of our politi-
cal institutions. Resolved, That the confidence of the dem-
8. That thy separation of the moneys of oeracy of the Union in the principles, capacity,
the government from banking institutions is j firmness, und integrity of James K. Polk, ma
indispensable for the safety of tho funds of ) ruCi-sU-d bv his nomination and election in
the government and thn rijhts of the people.
9. That tho liberal priueinlt-s embodied bv
. ,
Jeffurson in the Declaration of Independence
and sanctioned in tha constitution, which
makes ours the hud of libcity, and tho asy
lum of the oppressed of every nation, have
ever been cardinal principles in the demo
cratic faith, and every attempt to abridge the
the pi ivilege of becoming citizens and tho
Owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted
with the same spirit which swept tho alien
and sedition laws from our btatute-books.
Resolved, That the proceeds of the public
lands ought to bo sacredly applied to the na
tional objects specified in the constitution ;
and Unt we are opposed to any law for the
distribution of such proceeds among the
States, as alike inexpedient in policy and re
pugnant to the constitution.
Resolved, Thnt we are decidedly opposed
to taking from the President the qualified
veto power, by which he is enabled, under
restrictions and respoiuibilities amply suffi
cient to guard the public interest, to suspend
the passage of a bill whose merits cannot se
cure tin approval of two-thirds of the Senate
and Ilouso of Representative, until the judg
mejit of th paople can be obtained thereon,
and which has saved tha American people
from tho corrupt and tyrannical domination
of the Bank of the United Slates, and from a
CJrrupting system of general internal improve
ments. Resolved, That the war with Mexico pro,
voked on her part by years pf insult and in
urjy, was commenced by her army croshiu.r
the Rio Grande, attacking thi American
troops, and iuvadiu our sister State of Texas;
and that, upon all the principles of patriotism
and tha law of nation, it is a just and ne
cessary war 011 our part, in which every A-
xncrieaii citimi should have shown hiiiiwlf
on the side of his country, and neither mo.
rally nor physically, by Word or deed, have
given ,:aid and comfort to the enemy." .
. Resolved, Thai We should be rejoioed at
sss'jranoci of a psace with Mexico, found-
ed on the just principle of Indemnity for th"
past and security for the future but that
while the ratification of the liberal treaty of
fered to Mexico remains in doubt, it is the
duty of tha country to sustain the. adminis
tration in every measure necessary to pro
vide for the vigorous prosecution of tha war,
should that treaty be rejected.
Resolved, That the officers and soldiejs
who have carried the arms of their country
into Mexico, have crowned it with imperisha
ble glory. Their unconquerable courage,
their daring enterprise, their unfaltered per
severance and fortitude when assailed on alj
sides by innumerable foes, and that more
formidable enemy, the diseases of the climate
exalt their devoted pitriotism into the high-
at heroism, and give them a right to the pro
found gratitude of their country, and the ad
miration of tho world.
Resolved. That th Democratic National
Convention of thi thirty Statescomposing the
American republic, tender their fraternal con
gratulations to the National Convention of the
republic of France, now assembled as the
fee-suffrage representatives of the sovereignty
of thirty-five millions of republicans, to estab
lish government on those eternal principles of
equal rights for which thtir Lafayette and
ourWashington fought side by side in the strug
gle for our own national independence J and
we would especially convey to them, and to
the whole people of France, our earnest wish
es for the consolidation of their liberties,
through the wisdom that shall guide their
councils, on the basis of a democratic con
stitution, not derived from the grants or con
cessions of kings or parliaments, but origina
ting from the only true source of political
power recognised in the States of this Union
the inherent and inalienable right of the
people, in thvir sovereign capacity, to make
and to amend their forms of government in
such manner ns the welfare of the community
may require.
Resolved, That in the recent development
of the grand political truth, of the sovereignty
of the people, and their capacity and power
for self-government, which is prostrating
thrones and erecting republics on the ruins of
despotism in the Old World, we feel that a
high and sacred duty is devolved, with in
creased responsibility, upon the democratic
party of this country, as tin party of the
people, to sustain and advance among us con
stitutional liberty, equality, and fraternity,
by continuing to resist oil monopolies
and exclusive legislation for th9 benefit
of the few at the expense of the many, and
by a vigilant and constant adherence to those
principles and compromises of the constitu
tion which are broad enough and strong
enough to embrace and uphold the Union as
it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it
shall be, in the full expansion of the energies
and capacity of this great and progressive
Voted, That a copy of these resolutions be
forwarded, through the Americau minister at
Paris, to th? national convention of the repub
lic of France.
Resolved, That the fruits of the great po
litical triumph of 1844, which elected James
K. Folk and George M. Dallas President
and Vice President of the United States, have
fulfilled the hopes of th.3 democracy of the
Union- ' defeating tho declared purposes
of their opponents to create a national bank ;
in preventing the corrupt and unconstitution
al distribution of the land proceeds, from the
common treasury of the Union, for local pur
poses; in protecting the currency and the la-
bar of the country from ruinous Actuations,
and guarding the money of the people for
the use of the people, by the establishment
of the constitutional treasury ; in the noble
impulse given to the cause of free trade, by
tho repeal of the tariff of 1842, and the crea
tion of the more equal, honest, and produc
tive tariff of 1846 ; and that, in our opinion,
it would be a fatal error to weaken the bauds
of political organization by which these great
reforms have been achieved, and risk them
in the hands of their known adversaries, with
whatever delusive appeals they may solicit
our snrreuder of that vigilance, which is the
(only safeguard of liberty
: if? 1 1. has risen simiallv iustified bvthe strict-
- o ' J 4
ness of his adherence to sound democratic
doctrines, by the purity of purpose, the energy
nnd ability which have characterized his ad
ministration in all our affairs at home and
abroad ; that we tender to him our cordial con
gratulations upon the brilliant success which
has hitherto crowned his patriotic efforts; and
assure him, in advance, that at the expiration
of his presidential term h J will carry with
him to his retirement the esteem, respect,
and admiration of a grateful country.
Resolved, That this convention hereby
present to the people of the United States,
Lwis Cass of Michigan, as the candidate of
the democratic party for the office of Presi
dent ; and William 0. Butler of Kentucky,
as the candidate of the Democratic party for
1 ho office of Vice-President of the United
The Prince pe Joinville. The Prince
do Joinville keeps a diary during his present
exile, and some extracts have been published
in the French papers, which show the pue
rility of his character. He says: "Disgust
at what has taken place in France has exci
ted in me a violent irritation." A very na
tural feeling. Ho also remarks: "Every
emigrant I see arriving here, deserting his
country from fear, causes me a fit of rage."
What must be the Prince's feelings towards
his venerable father and the rest of the
royal family t
Railroad Extension. The town of Zanes
villi?, on the 3d inst., by a vote of 586 to 14,
decided to subscribe 830,000 to the stock of
the Ohio Central Railroad an extension from
Wheeling of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Windy Niohts Neves Dark. -While in the
practice of physic, and used to take uncom
fortable rides during the night, wo observed
that windy nights were much lighter, as a
general thing, than calm ones. Stage drivers,
who drive during nights, have observered the
same thing. Maine Farmer '
- . , , WATLRDAY. Jt'SB 11, I.
"T' Il7. MASS1JL, K41tor rreprUto.
iTwrCARIl. niT1bulii, N. E. Comer of M end
Dnek (trait, PhiMelphia, it rrt-ularlr aathori nd to recet v
advcrtiwuMiiti and aubacriptiona fur thia paper, and receipt
for the tame.
of Michigan.
OBW. W9rT. 6. BUTX.BB,
of Kentucky.
For Canal Cemmlealoner t
of Westmoreland County.
K7 We are indebted to Messrs.
head, Pollock, &c, for documents.
Try The letter from our Washington
correspondent, came too late for this weeks
117 The Weather. The state of the
weather is alwaysm ready topic of conver
sation, though often, apparently, without
interest. Yet there is nothing in which our
happiness is more closely connected.
There can be no doubt, but that the weath
er affects the temperament and condition
of the mind, as well as the body. Cold,
cheerless and gloomy weather, produces
like effects upon the system. Variety, even
in weather, is necessary to enable us prop
erly to appreciate its blessings. Eternal
sunshine and a cloudless sky, would soon
bring about ennui. We would soon have
enough, even to satiety. But we find that
we are writing a chapter on the weather,
which we did not intend, but merely to
say, that on Monday and Tuesday last, we
enjoyed the comforts of a coal fire with as
much zest as during the holidays.
Try The American, has now a more ex- j
tensive circulation than any other paper
published in the county. Our German pa
per, published in the same office, has a lar
ger circulatiou than any German paper in
Northern Pennsylvania. These are facts
that are important to advertisers.
Try We have a few subscribers who have
probably never been struck with the thought
that they ought, in justice to us as well as
themselves, contribute, at least something,
for the paper which they have been recei
ving lor some years, without paying us a
penny. We leuve it for them to say, if it
is not bad policy, on their part, to treat
print'-rs so shabbily. Such as those who
have not paid us anything, or do not in
tend to, unless tliey please, must not be sur
prised, if we should cut off" their supplies,
as our paper is rather too expensive since
its enlargement, to give away free-gratis
for nothinq.
HF" Mr. P. M. Deshonc, whose astoni
shing mathematical performances we allu
ded to last week, exhibits a most wonder
ful faculty in calculation. He adds trp a
a row of figures, forty or fifty in length,
and four in breadth almost as soon as men
generally would two rows of four each.
He has imparled to us some useful rules,
but none that will enable us to add as he
does. He promises, however, to send
us further instructions which will be duly
acknowledged when received.
yj- On our first page will be found the
1 f.L .. , . i .111 inn uuuuuui 01 me nrifuuiic expedition en-
nroceediners nf trip C onvention winch nnini- 1 ..)ehi..h -h
l e
nated Gen. Taylor for the Presidency. As
the struggle between the rival candidates
was expected to be a severe one, the pro-
ceedings were looked for with great in-,
tereist. The friends of Mr. Clay, it will
be seen, fought for their champion until
every vestige of hope was gone. And e-
, . , , , ,
venthen, some few declared most solemnly,
they never would support the nominee of
theConvention. Mr. Fillmore, the candidate
for Vice President, is from BufTaloe N. Y.
He represented that district in Congress,
has been Lieut. Governor, and was the
Whig candidate for Governor, when Si
las Wright was elected in 1841. He is a
man of talent and good character, and has,
for sometime, been one of the leading men
of the Whig party, in New York.
tEF This Shkit or the Times is out in a
new drew, and looks as neat and as tidy as a
Quaker belle. A few weeks since the
office was consumed by fire, which caused
a delay of 21 hours in the publication of
the paper. We found our friend Col.
Florence, the proprietor, next morning in
a new office very cooly and philosophically
examining his books, which we are glad to
say were all saved by a fire proof chest, the
covers only, having become somewhat
crisped. The loss was fully covered by in
surance. Pennsylvania Law Jouknal. The June
number of this excellent publication has
been received. The number before us is
both useful and interesting. , Containing a
mong other things a Biographical sketch of
the Hon. Ambrose Spencer a review of
the decisions on the statute of, limitations.
Opinions of Judges, Lewis, Grier, Hep
burn, Kane, and Justice Coulter of the Su
preme Court. Published monthly by Ham
ersley & Co., Lancanater, and G. B. Zeiber
&Co-, Philadelphia. ; -
The valiant Colonel of the Bloomsburg
Democrat, he taken into high dudgeon the
castigation we gare him a few weeks since,
and rails at ua in his last paper, with all
(he eloquence and furor of a lUh.woman,
although, we regret to say, with a good
deal less honesty. No one can doubt the
paternity of the article. ; It is at much like
Cot. Tate himself,' as two peas, and if it
should lack the chaste and easy., style of
Addison and Irving, it should be remem
bered that military men cannot be expected
to devote much time and attention, to such
small matters as correctness of style, or a
proper const met ion of sentences. Even
Gen. Jackson himself sometimes failed in
this. But then the General would have
disdained uttering a falsehood, however
great the provocation. But, alas for poor
human nature ! the gallant colonel falls far
behind the old Hero, in this respect ! !
The colonel in his frenzy, charges us with
having defamed the character of James
K. Polk and Governor Shunk. This, no
doubt, was intended as abit of original news,
manufactured specially for the Democrat,
in advance of the Telegraph. Our readers,
certainly never yet made the discovery that
we defamed either friend or foe. The
colonel is decidedly wrong in imng;eninr
that an editor cannot be a consistent demo.
crat, without defaming 'the character of
his opponents. Even at this late day it
would be well for him to retrace his steps,
and if he should make an effort even to
"pretend to be decent" it would be a deci
ded improvement.
5v Gkn. Camf.kon and the Tariff.
The Danville Democrat, is wrong in suppo
sing that Gen. Cameron has abandoned his
views on the tariff question, because he
occupied a seat in the Baltimore Conven
tion, which passed resolutions lauding the
tariff" of 1846. Gen. Cameron we know,
has not changed his opinions on that sub
ject. It does not follow that a member
I in holding a seat must necessajily conform
! to all that is done in convention, or adopt
the opinions of the majority. Tb.ere was a
considerable difference of opinion on that,
as well as on the subject of slavery, in the
convention. And friend Cook knows full
well, how much greater this difference of
opinion, upon the same subjects, existed in
the late Whig Convention.
iC7 The Steamship America arrived at
Boston on Tuesday, in ten days and eigrht
hours, the quickest trip ever made. Mit
chell, the Irish agitator has been sentenced
to transportation- for It years, to Bermuda.
The Chartists,. ate lhoviivr in England. In
France, one chamber and a presidency has
been proposed. 1 A battle has been fought
between tho Daros and Germans and also
between the Milanese and Austrian. There
is a decline in Indian Corn.
U"" We are under obligations to friend
Bannan, of the Miners' Journal for his po
lite attention in forwarding us a despatch,
announcing the nomination of Gen. Tay
lor by the Whig Convention, by which we
were put in possession of the fact, in 8 or
10 hours after it occurred in Philadelphia.
AnjouRNMtNT or Congress. The House
of Congress has passed a resolution to adjourn
on the 17th of July next. This will wholly
explode the design of talcing a recess till the
1st of October, to allow tho members to take
the stump for their respective candidates.
Honorable Testimonial. The Council of
the Royal Geographical Society of London
have awarded one of their gold medals this
year to Capt. Wilkes, of the Uhited States
j Nav ' forlhe taU'ni n"a zea,1 he has shown
irusicu 10 nis care during live years.
Exportation or Specie. Five hundred
and forty-nine thousand dollars were expor-
ted on Sunday to Europe. The United States
ook $450,000, and the packet ship St. Ni-
cho,a9 g99.O00 for Havre-
Mortgages in Newiork. Bv the new
1 c . of POClXnre .hich ffOM :.,; ,., nn
the tst day of July in New York, all mort-
gages which have been running for twenty
years or more, must bo renewed. If not, it
will operate as an absolute bar to the pay
ment of tho same.
The news which the Acadia brings shows
a continuation of war and political insurrec
tion. France, in spito of the gloomy forebo
dings of tha English press, is steadily pursu
ing its course, and endeavoring to mould the
Republic in a form which will give it strength
and durability. There are, of course, many
difficulties lying in the wav. Such a change
us has occurred can scarcely happen in a day
and every thing be expected to move imme
diately with the order and regularity of long
established usage. Conservatism is at war
with ultratikin, and, as in all revolution, the
latter will probably have the advantage, for
where great changes are to be produced, the
former is too cautions, too fearful, performs
too little when so much is expected, ever to
be able to retain popularity. . ,
In Ireland the excitement still continues,
and it will in no wise be abated by the con
viction of Mitchell of sedition; In England
the Jewish disability bill has beou thrown out
by the House of Lords. In Austria there has
been another another attempt at revolution,
and the Emperor considered it prudent to
leave the capital for the 'benefit of his health,'
In Naples there has been a massacre, arising
from an insurrection in the city. The war in
Lombard y still languishes. The Holdstein
war, it is rumored is at an end. The state
of things in Germany is not of a nature to
stimulate Prussia to any extraordinary effort
against Denmark. Russia, Sweden and Eng
land are interested iu the return of peace.
The New York Courier and Inmtirer Ivthia)
pays tho following tribute to the character,
ability, and popularity of General Cm 5 and,
in so doing administers a cutting rebuke to
those prints, which from mere partisan ma
lignity, are attempting to asperse the charac
ter of ono of the purest Patriots and ablest
Statesman that our country has produced.
"It is too much the custom of the mere
party press to perceive nothing but what is
evil In an opponent, and only good qualities
real or imaginary in a political friend. We
accordingly find Gen. Cass spoken of as a
man without character and without political
strength. '
"This is a great error. In all the relations
of private life, General Cass has been known
to the writer for nearly thirty years, and a
more estimable father and husband, or a more
honorable and conscientious gentleman, we
are not acquainted with. Of his talents there
can be no question ; and were lie a whig in
principle, the election of 110 man to tho presi
dency would give us more pleasure. Few
men in our country have more personal
friends than Lewis Cass. The whole west
and northwest are devoted to hini ; and ujhui
the subject of the peculiar institutions of tin'
south, he is as acceptable to the southern
men ps a slaveholder would be. Add to
these sources of strength the unexceptionable
private character of Gen Cass, his admitted
talents, and the certainty that, except in this
Slate, he will poll the whole vote of his parly,
and there can be no question but that he is
altogether the strongest candidate that could
be named. They have acted wisely in pla
cing him before the public as their candi
date." Opinions or the Whig Press cpon Gf.n.
Taylor's Nomination. -General Taylor's
nomination has been received with variuvs
degrees of favor by the Whig press. In New
York city the Whig press generally support
it. In Albany the news appears to have
caused great excitement, nnd the friends of
Mr. Clay are indignant and angry. There is
as great a ferment there in the Whig ranks
as the Barnburner movement has produced
in the same city among the Democrats. The
Boston Whigs acted upon the perinature an
nouncement. The Daily Advertiser and the
Atlas yield a reluctant acquiescence in the
nomination of Gen. Taylor, but promise him
all thejr support. The Daily Advertiser qual
ifies its adhesion by stating, distinctly, that
"the news of the nomination will be far from
gratifying to a great majority of the Whigs
of Massachusetts. The Courier is still un
shaken. The Whig, which claims to repre
sent the conscience of the Whig party, indi
catet its opinion by telling the following
story :
'Doctor, afterwards Dean Maxwell, sitting
in company with Dr. Johnson, they, talking
of the violence of party, and to what unwar
rantable lengths party men will sometimes
run. 'Why, yes. sir,' says Johnson, 'they'll
do anything, no matter how odd or desperate
to 'gain their point; they'll catch hold of the
red hot end of a poker Mioncr than not art
possession of it.' "
The Newbnryport Herald takes down the
nomination as if it liked it, but the Worcester
Spy declares the '-Wilis; party has been most
grossly compromised." The disaffected Whigs
of Massachusetts call upon nil their fellow
citizens w ho are opposed to the nomination
of Cas(! !) and Taj lor, to inert in conven
tion on Wednesday, lhe 28th of this month,
to take such steps as tho occasion shall de
mand. The opposition, so far, is doubtless
but the effervescence of disappointment in a
matter of preference, which will soon wear
Rk.iments or the Army. The War Office
has issned an order directing the places to
which the volunteers shall be sent on the
withdrawal of the army from Mexico. They
are to be transported by the Government as
near to their homes as possible. The New
Voik and New Jersey regiments to Fort
Hamilton, and tho Pennsylvania regiments
one 10 Philadelphia and one to Pittsburg)
where they will be paid and regularly mus
tered out of service. Col. Crane is to Miper
intend this service. Tho new regiments of
the regular army will follow the volunteer
troops. The 11th regiment, composed of
Pennsylvanians, nearly all, will be discharsed
at Fort Hamilton New York Harbor. The
Volliguer regiment, at Fort Mi-Hen ry, Balti
more. The 1st, 3d, 3d 4th, and 5lh regi
ments of infantry will be concentrated at or
in the vicinity of Pass Christian, under the
orders of Brevet Major General Twiggs. Gen.
Kearney is to repair to Jefferson Barracks
with the three companies of the 1st, and be
ven companies of the 2d dragoons, now with
the main array, the mounted rifle regiment,
ami the 6th, 7th, and 8lh regiments of infan
try. These directions will not interfere with
the special instructions of May 17lh, to Major
General Butler, and of June 7th to Brevet
Major General Wool, in regard to reinforce
ments of one rpgiinent of infantry and four
companies of dragoons (old establishment) to
be sent to California, and one coinpanv of
the 3d artillery and one company of dragoons
to New M-lxico. The eight companies of ar
tillery remaining with "army of occupation"
will, according to previous instructions, take
post, for the present, on the left bank of the
Kio Grande.
The New Orleau Trlrrmpk Lin via ImMImU
ippi Valley.
Pittsbi'ro, June 13.
Despatches by lightning from Memphis,
received to-day, show that the New Orleans
Telegraph is working successfully to that point
on the Mississippi. The line runs from
Louisville, via Nashville, to Tuscumbia, Ala
bama and Columbus, in Mississippi, on its
route to Memphis. The remainder of the
line to New Orleaps has all the posts up, and
will soon be in full operation to the Crescent
city. The line now working from Philadelphia
to Memphis is about thirteen hundred miles
long, and is part of the "Atlantic, Lake and
Mississippi Lines," constructed by Henry
O'ReiUy. This New Orleans line is worked
by the" new Columbia ' Telegraph, , invented
by Zook & Barnes. From Memphis to New
Orleans despatches are at present forwarded
by steamboats thus shortening the commu
tation between New Orleans and the north
ern parts of the Union.V ; . ' , .
E3" The following is an extract from a1
sketch of the life of Lewis Cass :
"In compliance with the popular demand,
General Cass took the tour of tha States of
Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. . He every
where met with the most enthusiastic recep
tion from the people. He was hailed as the
Father of the West. But a great change had
been effected , since first he came among
them. The lofty forests which ' he then tra
versed were now trustful fields; the lonely
cabins which he protected from the firebrand
of the savage, were transformed into popu
lous cities ; tne Indian war-path was conver
ter! into the railroad ; tho harbors upon tho
lakes and rivers which he first surveyed,
were now tho seats of commerce and of
wealth ; and the scattered population which
ho governed were now a great people. The
crowds which attended his progress through
those States seemed rather the triumphal pro
cession of a conqueror than th" peaceful at
teEdants of a private citizen.
The following incidents at the public meet
ing at Norwalk, Ohio, on the 17th of Septem
ber, are taken from ths Democratic newspa
pers published at that place :
"While a number of revolutionary soldiers
were being introduced to Gen. Cass, one of
our citizens approached the General, and ask
ad if he remembered him. Upon replying
that he did not. he gave the following ac
count of their first meeting: 'In the spring of
1813, Fort Meigs was besieged by the Bri
tish and Indians, and the militia of Ohio were
called out to march to tho relief of the fort,
General Cass was appointed to the command.
Six thousand assembled at Upper Sandusky,
of whom two thousand were selected to pro
ceed on to the fort. The marshes and woods
were filled with water, makirg tho roads al
most impassible. The commanding general
had not arrived, but was daily expected Ou
the second day of the march, a young soldier,
from exposure to the weather, was taken
sick. Unable to march in the i-auks, he fol
lowed along in the rear. When at a distance
behind, attempting with difficulty to keep
pace with his comrades, two officers rode a
long, one a stranger, and the other a colonel
of his regiment. On passing him, the Colo
nel remarked, "General that poor fellow there
is sick ; he is a good fellow though, for he re
fuses to go buck ; but I fear that tho Indians
will scalp him, or the crows pick him, be
fore we set to fort Meigs." The officer halt
ed, and dismounted from his hnrss. When
the young soldier came up, he addressed
him; "My brave boy, you are sick and tired.
I am well and strong ; mount my horse and
ride." The soldier hesitated. "Do not wait."
said the officer; and, lifting him upon hii
horse, with directions to ride at night to the
General's tent, he proceeded on foo to join
the army. At night, tho young Soldier rode
to tho tent, where ho was if t by the general
wilh a cheerful welcome, which, ho reaid
with tears of gratitude. Tho oiHrer was
General Cass, and the young soldier was the
person addressing him. our worthy frttow
cilizen, Laylin." Then the Gen. renn-mb -r-iinr
thn circumstance, immediately recogni
zed him. Mr. I.aylin remarked, "General,
that net was not done for the world to look
upon ; it was done in the woods with but
three to witness it."
"Another: Our old friend Major Parks, on
being introduced to General Cass, exclaimed,
with much animation, 'General. I thank God
that I am able to see yon ! I fought by the
tide of your father, Jonathan Cass, and your
uncle, Daniel Cass, at the buttle of Bunker's
Hill. Your father was sergeant of the com
pany and I was a corporal. We were broth
ers together during the war. Gal bless you,
General, for his sake.' The General was
deeply affected in meeting the friend and
companion of his father ; while the old veter
an, with eyes sparkling, recounted the scenes
through which they passed together in the
days of danger and strife 'the time3 that
tried men's souls.' "
Another anecdote of General Cas, while
on hi tour through Ohio, was related, with
much spirit, by the late gallant and lamented
General Homer. The carriage containing
General Cass was one day stopped by a man
who, addressing the General saiJ : "I can't
let you pass without ' speaking to you. You
don't know me, General," General C. replied
that he did not. "Well, sir, (said he,) I was
the first man in your regiment to jump out of
the bout on the Canadian shore." "No, you
were not, (said General Cass,) I was the first
man myself on shore." "True, (said the
other,) I jumped out first into the river, to
get ahead of you ; but you hold mo back,
and got 011 chore ahead of me."
Hohridle Developments. The fate of
Miss Sarah Furber, tho factory girl of Man
chester, N. H., has been ascertained. It ap
pear that she was the victim of seduction.
She afterwards was under treatment by tho
father of her seducer, Dr. McNabb of Man
Chester, and died in consequence. The body
was then placed iu a box, while wann
brought to this city by the Doctor himself
and sold to a physician with an assurance
that all was right. When the body was ta
ken to a dissecting-room, it was ascertained
by the surgeon, from the appearance of the
body, that there was foul play in the matter,
and he ordered Dr. McNabb to take it away
immediately. The Doctor then went to the
porti;r of the Hospital and offered him five
dollars to dispose of the body, and suggested
the expediency ef cutting it to pieces and
throwing it into the vault. To this he pre
tended to consent, but embalmed the body
und informed the police. Dr. McNabb, his
son, and a porta it painter, named IugalU,
have been arrested as implicated in the af
fair The body was packed in a box two and
a half feet square, and teat sold for seven dol
lars. The porter has now in his possession
the S3 bill paid to him by Dr McNabb.
Boston Traveller.
Sepeiation or Church and State The
letter of M. Luequet, Ambassador of the
Pope to the Swiss Diet, admits that the sepa
ration of church and state is tha great ques
tion of the age ; that it is likely to be decided
in France, and in other countries nearer
Rome ; and that the Pontiff has party nearly
made up his mind to the divorce.
From the St. Louis Reveille, 3d inst.1
Unparalleled TripFisht with tht Indians
Defeat of the Camm.thet at the Mora by
Col. Gilpin.
Mr. F. X. Aubry, who left Independence
in March lust for Santa Fe, has returned to
tho former town, having sold out his entire
stock. He made the trip in eight day, and
fnoKri!a. we learn from an Expositor
extra. Left Santa Fe on the 19th May, and
arrived at Independence before sunrise ofi IHe
28ih. He killed three horses and two mule
on the trip, walked forty miles, was three
days without provisions, and slept only four
hours and ft half on the whole route ! Ha
averaged one hundred and fourteen mils pr
day. . ,
Col. Gilpin had encountered a large party
of Camanches near the Moro, who made st e
nuous resistance until the Americans charged
upon them, when they precipitately fled,
leaving many of their number dead upon the
field, and the great portion of their stock in
the hands of the Americans killed, and very
few wounded. Col. Gilpin was still on the
trail of the Indians, and, it was thought,
would soon whip them into terms.
All was quiet at Santa Fe; but on the
trace, the Indians takingadvantageof Gilpin's
pursuit of the Camanches into their on
country, were gathering for plunder. They
attacked Mr. Aubry on his route in, and he
lost most of his baggage, provisions, tec, be
sides several packages of papers letter, &c,
for persons in the States.
Arrival of the Sheamship Virginia.
Charleston, June 9 10 P. M.
The United Slates steamer Virginia, arri
ved at New Orient-.., from Vera Cruz, on the
7th instant, bringing later intelligence from
A Mexican guard was being formed at the
Capitol, to take possession on the withdrawal
of the American army.
The wife of Paredes asks 810,000 from the
American authorities, for damages done to
the property of her husband, whilst occupied
by our forces.
Mautih Van Bcren. The New. York
Tribune has a report that Martin Van Bares
has consented to accept a nomination let
President at the hands of the Free Soil De
'1HR fuWrVoer offr, hinrlfto The etertnrs
1 of Nov'.nutiiberUntl County, ai a rndit
for the orfire of
houLI tie be favored with a majority of rates,
aw will i pare no exertiona lo rnl-r general
satiifartmn. JOHN FARNSWORTH.
June 17, 1318
V T the solicit ion of s number of my friends
1 1 hereby offer myself a a candidate for
Clerk 01' the Orphans' Court. '
Having hail several years experience, in the du
liHof ih office in I hi county, I think i (hall bo
able to ilisrharge the duties thereof wilh entito
mtinraction. JOHN V. PURSEL.
Sunb'iry, June 17, 1818. .
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
rers' Materials.
No 32 Commerce it , PHILADELPHIA.
EEP conatantly on hand a large aaeort.
mi nt 01 printing and other paper, fiewa.
panera in the country, can be supplied at all
timea, wilh paper of any sizs and quality, at
the loweat pricra.
I'hiUdelphia, June 17th, 1848.
iXotice to Teachers.
IVolice ia hereby civen that srateJ prooeats (rill
ti bo eccived by the Director of lhe Sanbory
School Diairict, until Wednesday the S(ih io-C,
from peraons itrsimuo of becoming teachers ia tho
ativeral echnoU of eaid dUirict, m follow : Ono
ina'e teacher in lake chart of the more advanced
rchul.ii in Room Ni. 4. Oaemale totihorharf
i.ftho aeriind cU arhnlaia in Room No. and
two fern: r to take charge of the ema Irr ehildresv
in Room !. I, and t.
I'rnp.w la mutt 'ale the number of the loess
ami ihiipiicepcr nmnib.
The Sehoi'l will commence ou the flrat Moa
diy of July next.
(tty rnli-roflh Brd.)
Sun'iury, June 10. 1848
A TuocaaKB DuLiiaa Havsa !
lint nnd Cap .UanuHacturer,
South East Corner nf 44 and Market Street,
Barmen! itaru.
HA VE c natatil y nn ham) a full and complete
onm.'nt of HATH. CAP.1, and FUR.
AW 1 an elegant iaariment of sueni' aal boys'
Leghorn, Pnnama, ami Pilm-lraf Hat. Alt of
w ich by a ainj of f 1000 in reel, will bo aeld,
whole -ale and mail, at lhe eery Inweat pricea.
Country dealer woul I da well to call, aa by .
ennomy and low icnl, we ar enable! lo tcH st
veiy low rale.
Jun 10th, 1848. ly
AN ex'rniv 8 lock (,f Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, aal by
Aim. 3 and 31 ARCADE, mud II Ar4.
THIRD Street,
C mp iting 3000 doxen rankniees, 8ciaoBs sad
R sors.
Also, s choice aaanitmont of Ro-lfar it Ban.
Woienho'ro', On eve', W. 4 . atuchet'ese)
Fcnney'a Cutltry.
Abo, Kpaniah. Di k and Uoolina Kaieeo,
A l-o. Guns P slots, aa I Bowie Kaieeo,
AI , The Americun Raxcu Strip, a superior
article, wo'lv In atienlioa uCUawlec.
Cib Dealer ia Cottwy, will Bod lite ehoee
Sleek worthy their t'iiw, a lb Vhcribei'
chief bo na is importing aad ellia ou tarry.
Philadelphia, Jus avth, 1M8 ly.
P'aoJ and Britannia Wie, Cutlet, and
Fn Good. and Manuf-clanara of Jew
ley and filver War. ItS Cheanul atrset, Phila
delphia; h received by lle arrival a Ug aadr
bandanm e'o. k of English and Franeh Watches,
and MartdH. I'tireolaw nd Fancy Cluck.
Plated Urne. Caelor Ck Baakete, High ad
CbambrUandleiicht 8oop Ladles, If c "
IVrk. Ala a good smrturtf ef sMtea
War and Fin Catlry.
Then uc of JEWELRY is krge aaal eCtbe
most fi-b onaU kal, aad they e wH aoswIUd
ith BiNer goaa. Forks. Meg. Nr Mac.
Buttw Kaive. exe.. and w4 hoe skiar ewy dis
play of eiioM la the ptiKhe prists, 1 bey etc
irdloell a low a the do, aad tevlH
peroon wiablif pufrhan . ' ' 1
PhilaJ.I hi. lone VI, M