ITEMS ' EOITOlIit lid IILICTED. ,!. A - UUMU ROTKata. , tt M fly Jewelry Watch, Thoi. C. Garrett fc Co., No. 129 Cheuut It., Phils ' delphia, dvertite handsome assortment of all kind of Jewelry, Watches, Sic. ..' This h one of the oldest and best establish mentain the city, and one to which we can recommend our friends with the most per feet confidence. ' (t7 Ashbt & Rocap North East corner of 4th and Market St., Philadelphia, offer a handsome assortment of Hats, Caps &c, of , all kinds, which by economy, low rent, and small expenses, they offer to sell at very low rates. See their advertisement. Oy Hardware & Cutlery. John M. Coleman, Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 81 North Third st., Philadelphia, calls the at tention of purchasers, to his stock of cutlery &c, a larP assortment of which he always keeps on hand, and which he offers to sell at such terms as must induce many to call and examine for themselves. O" Bockius & BnoTiinn, No. 96 North 31st., ofiVr to purchasers visitiua; Phila delphia, Brushes, Combs, and a variety of other articles, at the lowest rates. They promise in their advertisement, to sell low er than can be purchased elsewhere. We therefore advise our friends to try them. E7" Bank Notes. Erie Bank notes are quoted at 35cts. discount. West-Chester, old issue, as uncurrent. The new issue at ' par. Relief notes 2 1-4 per cent discount. Towanda Relief notes, no sale. OT Answer to the Enigma of last week. JOHN PURSELi Solutions : Peru, Europe Nelson, Henlopen, Po, Haone, Puros, Huron, Khe, Jesso. Jft J It ft IB D, On Thursday the 25th ult., by Rev. John P. Hudson, Mr. William KisstR, of Colum bia County, to Miss Mart Jake Gray, daugh ter of the late Samuel Gray of Lewis town ship, Northumberland County. On Thursday the 25th ult., by Wm. B. Kipp, Esq., Mr. George Gearhart, of Hush township, North'd county, to Mrs. Emma Miller, of Danville. dii:i), In Delaware township, on Tuesday last, Mr. ROBERT WATSON, son of George Wat eon, aged 35 years. In Danville, on Monday 29th ult., ALEX ANDER MONTGOMERY, Esq., aged about 70 years. In Turbut township, on the 27lh ult., Mrs. M'NEAL, at an uvanced uge. In Lewis township, Lvcomin Co., on the 26ih ult., Capt. GEORGE S. JONES, ajwd a bout 50 years. PHILADELPHIA MABKET. WiDNXMiAV, June 7, ll3. Flovx Is inactive, with sales at S3 60 a S3 56 for common Penna extra S5J SdJ. Cobn Meal Will not command nunc than S2 25. Rye Flovr Is quiet at about S3 . Wheat Prime white SI S5a$l 26; red !. urnrtti 1 19 a 1 5fl I Bye Southern 73e, Penna. 75c, per bush el. Corn Yellow is worth CI a 52c; white 48c. Oats Are dull at about 36c for Pcnn.; Southern 33. Whiskey Sales in bbk at 22c, in lihds He. II briJIOHK MARKET. Cffirt of the IWi.Titsoae AutRirta, June fi. GRAIN Wheat has declined a little. The sales of Md. and Virginia reds, to-day, fair to prime, have been made at 112 to 122 cents. . No white Wheat in market. A oalo of inferior Pennsylvania red to-day at 113 conts. Sales of white corn, t 4tuJ5 cte. and of yellow at 4G a 47 cent. : Sales of Md. Rye at 73 cents. We fjimte cats at 32a34 rent. WHISKEY Sales in Ibis. J2c, hhds. 21 cents. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTV. FF.LLOW CITIZENS -Encouraged by ma ny of my friends throughout our county, I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of ItKGISTKR AKD UEtORHKIt. at the next general'tlion ShouU my Ml.iw ritizMi (avor me with a mejnrity ofthrir votes, I I;o'iU are no rxeit.ot; to filfill the li li"iol said office with fidelity an'! to the satisfaction of ult. MAUI IN IRWIN. Sunbury, June 3, 18 IS. ItEMOVAL; " KLIZABFril FOt.LMKR, RESPECTFULLY ani ounres to her friends and the public, Ibat she Las leiuuvrd tier establishment to the building recrntly oreupied by Paniel Diuckemiller. as a shoe store, nearly opposite Mrs. Bolton's Hotel, where she will be better able to accommodate her numerous friends nd customers with all kinds of Millinery, fancy articles, and other dry goods. June 3. 1848 3t. ' NEW AND CHEAT T JUST received, at the storo ol Haaat Mn sea, a choice assortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries. Liquwt. PaJmttnf and tfket hat. sTc . II of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Sunbury, Juna 3, 1848. THE GREATOTNYENTKHToP riRrnASEns or exeoant and CHEAP CLOTHING, AT PUICE EXTREMELY IOW, Is SU1I la Seaelen at tk PHILADELPHIA WARDROPE. 103 Chttnut Street, The session of tbia Convention is conducted with unparalleled harmony, and the amount of business done is immense. The President H, R V'NEILLE, assisted by numerous Vii-e Pre sidents, presides with great efficiency and the Treasurer is kept constantly busy with receiv ing money Tui Dii.otis to this Convention are in fits of deligM. and have unanimously con sented to nominal P R M'NaiLLI. aa GENERAL TAYLOK, Of iha United Statea. If eeery one of the 100,. OOO'patrensoflh I'biladelphia Wardrobe, ahnuld vote for bimP R. M'NeiH. wi moat troubleaesaa rival toother Presidential compe. titora. i We are bappy lo say Ibat at Ibia ronventioaj all eels t Deleg atea ara received, and M-paity men's money ia accounted juet aa gool aa any body'a aay. ,Thii snagaaBimity is highly si Jomi. 1S4S at - - v Jacob raexr, " k wnoitsAit 'and attiit WIN8 AWD LiqVOR DtiiLER, Ve 19 J Xatkei Strtlt, Belt Eighth, North tii PatwasLvaiA. Keep constantly on band all kind of old Li quor, via t Sapsrior old rrt whitkejrfuparlor Brandy, Gin, &e. Also whita brandy for preser ring. Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. Philadelphia, Juna 9, BASKET MANUFAOTOIlir, AV 15 South Second itrttt East tide, dvtcn tto'r. PHILADELPHIA. HENRY COULTER, RE8PEUTrl7LLY Informs bis frtrnda and lt pub ir, that bt constancy keep on band a large assortment of phi drens wil ow Coaches, Chairs. Crad ee, marktt and tiavc' ling baskets', and every variety of basket work manufactured. Country Merchant! and otheri who with to purchata auch artiea, Rood and cheap, would do well to call on him. a they are all manufac tured by him inthe best manner. I hi a'le phia, June 3, 1848. ly THE CHEAP Ifi'iisli, Comb anil Variety STOKE. HOCKIUS AND BROTHER, ORL'SH MAMFACTIUERS, AND DEALERS IX COMBS & VARIETIES A'u 93 North Thid. below Rote tt. and Surth E.tst Conner ,, Third and Market ttrttt, PHILADELPHIA. YVHEREtbey offer for u 1 1 general aajort. ment of all kindiof Biuthea. Combt and varieties which they are determined to sel. Lower thin can be purchased a sewhere. Country Merchants and others Purchasing In the abova linn wil find it to their advantage to ca' before purchasing e'sewhere as the quality and prices .will be fully guaranteed against all competition. I hiladelphia, June 3, 1818 ly. Wardrobe of Fashionable CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, So. 194 Marktt Street. Pint Clothing store be low Sixth, PuiLABILrHIA. VXHERE tbey are constantly engaged in get. ting np from the best French, Engliah and American c otb. clothing cut and made up in the moat superior and fashionable aty e. l'erioni who buy to sel', wil1 find a large and exce'lrnt stock at the 'owest city prices. C othing made up to order, ina luperior atyle at the shorteat notice. N B. Odd Fellowa Rega'ia, a large assort ment always on hand Orders from Lodges and individual promptly attended to on the most rea aonah'e terms. 1'hi'ade phia, June 3, 1918 ly. "(i heat' n aI i oxa 77 wo r kT A History of the Revolution and Lire of the Htofs of the War of Imlrprnrirncr. BY CHARLES J. PETERSON. An elegant volume trith 18 fine Steel Plates, end nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings. 'This in a ileiilit txmk. A vulnnhie iitUiii'ii to tlic Ilixt ric Literature of our ounlry. We ore niiteli mista ken ii' it il tc ii' t fitc mnk with the wurla- ut" Irv iug uiiU Prrnm." Fr:iiiklrd iUml-l. It Ptirp.'tf-Hi-8 any similar work yet tlTcrrd t the Ainrri CJll j ul'iir.' N fill's iuzvln. I' :ii ty t r j'rrly c iihilrc1 n ptpiiliiriwil Military Hist' tr t'l tii 1U .tl-iti n, fXircuicly wt.1 aiitl judicious. Wiiitt-.i.'' N. Ainrruviii. "Th; re n work nu ttie Hw Uxtlm mtd its Ht.Tw!i, is sujm ti r, LniIIi iti Aii'iii and (Icfilmi to any Hint tins licrtio foreeime un let our ir'tire.'' Imj. A well c timueted Iliaf try ol'tlutt eventful period. IjcJ- rr- (Jf'.'t.iliy t!tr lnft popular History of the war oftho K iuti m and iln I ., that hna yet been given t1 the conirtry.1' SuturiUv Eveniiffr' 1'ost. IV" AGKNTS VANTEU t envrms for the above cli ent it W. rk, in every (Tounty mid Town in the lTniil Suites, tii wbimi the most liberal inducements will be oA.r cd. Prkc only Addre (not-iid) WM. A. I.KARY. N. 15fi North sr.roM St. PillLADKIPHIA. rhiiaddiihia, May 20, lft1&-m HO! ! FOR. THE GREAT WHIG CONVENTION IN PHILADELPHIA. IIO ! I'Un WATCHES AND JEtVELRV, Aa there will be thousands of persons visiting PbMailelphia. to participate in the Great Nation al Whig Convention, to be held on the 7th of June ipxt. JACOB LXDOMUS. No. 8t0 M RKF.T Street, below Eighth, first store, and LF.WIS LDOIU8 No 413 MARKET Street, above Eleventh, north side, would respectfully invite all n r-om wiihing to purchase any goods in our line lo Ilia (allowing list of pricra of Watchns, eke., of our own importing. . Full .Tvwi li -il CuV. Levers 18 karat ca- 33 to 27 !7 " Full J-welli d Cold I'Epines Silv.-r L'V. Full Jrwelled (Juarln-r's 8 All 111 s iilinve prices are at least 10 percent lower U,a:i ;i-u.i!ly inlil fur the um quality ar ticle, ami we dHy enmpetitiun to proiuce cheap er jionils. all we ask is a call to convince persons of the above facts at L LXDOMUS, 413 MARKET St. 1 LADOMUS. 216 MARKES St. rhiUdelphia. May 27, 1818 3t. KNOW ALL MEN THAT SENNET & CO. nVE REMOVED from 193 Maikel Street, at th"ii New Splendid and Immense Estab lishment to be known as the ToHtr kJull Clothing Ituzaar, Xo. 182 Market Street, between fifth sixth, i HILADEt.l'HIX. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration of some in ihe trade, but will beg leave to quote the following notice from one of our city papers; . One of Ihe greatest curiosities that our City alforda to the stranger, is BENNETT It CO clothing store. No, 183 Market Ctreet, be tween Fifth and Sixth, which baa been styled "I' Mill," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building ia an immense one, con taining aeveo capacious rooms, all of whir.b are stocked with every variety ol seasonable gar ments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleasure in showing their building and contents to the citia-ns, parliculaily strangers, and to those co ming ftom the eountiy we know of no place more worthy of a visit. I'biladelphia, May 37tb, 1848 3m. FRENCH REVOLUTION. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, must fall. - so must prices. That tbia is a fact can be proved by calling at No. 72 Norih 8.1 street, nbnve Arch, PHILADBLPHIA. LE I1CKAY, FINE GOLD AND 6ILVER WATCHES LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED, W'kolfmlt end Rttail, The stock consists in part of Gold and Silver Levers ; I'Epines and Quartier Watchea ; Jewel ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns SIL VEH SPOCNi. Ac Particular attention paid to these articles, tbe quail? ofwhith is So. I, and workmanship ditto. Tbe establish ment of LE HURAY has been well known FOIt roVKTY YEAHS. in SECOND Street, and has made a character which needs no puffing Silver TEASPOONS aa low as 14,50 per sett- can be mule for less if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain, lOcts; Patent, IS; Lunette. 30 els; other articles in propor lion. Htmember, you eaa buy bera below any pub lished list of prices in Ibis City or New York. Watcb Repairing particularly atleoaed to, ana warranted to give satisfaction N B Old Gold ami Silver bought for cash or taken in exchange al (doa't forget the No. 73) North bee end Street, above Arch, Philadelphia Sens. 54, IH7 lye May 6, 1848 ,-r.s ,v .l IL U Jll SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N TO TWL tLF.CTORS' tr NORTHUMBER LAND COUNT- FELLOW CITIZENS t EncourafH by mt ny of in friends, I respectfully offer my self ae candidate for the offiee of REGISTER i AND RECOKUfeif, and Clerk of the Orptoam' Court, At thai ftnnrAartsin alartlOA. Sbould I be fa vored with a maloritv of veur votes, 1 will spar to eiertions to reader general satisfaction. .. i . ' t GEORGE Delaware lownsbip, May 11, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OP NORTHUMBER LAND cuun ii.. I RESPECTFULLY Inform yo aa cititcn of Narikumhuland county, that my friends i k. rA... in.,.. lAwmliinr made a solicita- tion, or call, these three years, to offer myself to tbe cititens of our county, aa a candidate for the office ot nncisTER Aarn recoudeh, and I flatter myself capable of fulfilling the da- ties or said office according to law. as i am disabled to do any thing elie but teaching school which 1 followed seventeen years, anil under stand both English, and German, whirh is lie cesary, he , JOHN HENRY K.REBS. Upper .Mahonoy, May 37, I84 (Ol .VTKY JIi:ilCII VM S Can save from 1 to S3 per Cent. BV purchasing their OILCLOTHS direct from the Manufacturers. POTTER & CARVICHAEL Have opened a Warehouse, No. 135 North Third Street above Race, second door South of the Ea gle Hotel, I'HlLAUixrni , where they will always krey on hand a complete aisortinrnt of talent l.'titttc Uurriagc Ut Cliths 38.30. 40. 48 and Ol inches wide. Fi gured, Painted, ami I'luin on the inside, on Mus lin Drillini! ant. Luien. 76e Uil C7vAs of the most desirable patterns, 36, 40, 46 and 34 inches wide Floor Oil Cloth, from 38 inches to 21 feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style of patterns, all of their o vn tnanu'acture Trans parent Window Sbsdes. Carpets, &c All gooas warranted. Phila. May 27, 1848 3m CHEAP 1TEW GOODS. John W. Friling, , D ESPECTFl'LLY informs his fiietids and .customers, that he bas just received and opened a splendid atsortmeut of GOODS, consis ting of DRY UOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Sfc. The public are invited to call und examine for Ui-insrives. Sunhury, May 6. 18JS tf DR. TIIWXSENfl S C01P0FSD EXTRACT OF SVHSAPAI.1LLA. MMTS '. met is put up in quart bcttU. It u ns. ti lilts A clicf-l:f, rJi-.uPtl.:er, nint warrant it t fuix'ti r lo any -M. Ii curt Utwi'w witlmat Votnitiiiff, purtit):, nu'W- nr?.-. .-r ilt!'iliuiTinc the imtient. bii-1 Ij paunuiUr.y m'.intcJ (Jt a FALL AND Sl'ni.Nli Mi:i)ICI.i:. Tin crsit bomiiy iin l & uii.Ti'iruy vi tint S.irnni:iriili vvut otlf.T reiiiothru if, whilst it vrudicutuMiJiHvuH', it itivtri rattn the b n!. t.n.;uina)ti n rurcii. ( i';inr. uiiil rSiii-lltilf'll. L'fimniiitili -a cm be cure.,. IJr noliiti-. t'tii.uwi;itiuii, Liver C 'iiipiaiiit. C Mt Ouglj. i juarrii, s infri, .iitius; t tfi mit .rr-iu's muiv Ch.ii, Hivii' I iuh, .NitiM r?wc;ii, lMil,- Cil.t Mil 1I 1U1! KjL(wfnruliMl, Hi;il Puitt ill H:c Stl, At., Ae., Imvc nivl erui Ik' curc-l. I'rut ible tli'rc ncv r won n renieiJv Ihut litin l-rt-u eefriui in dtfitr.'.lf tMbn ui r"huiii1)ti'ii n Uus ; ii ncun- : illltl eitrt'iillKIH,-, llif; SJKtLlil, Uilli UU)C:H t ' liVti. tin 111 C'j.-n on i ne itiiii:!, jm-iuiiii gruiliv.liv iej,Miu tln jf us. mi lie!di unit ki n iii-il,. i'L'KiOl -J ,.ASi: CJJ- tONSVMrT:J. T:!-rr in -itnLH a iIjv uikAv-ii but th.'re urc a -i' oi en.; iiiijtri'Hi rcijrfi an enrol by the use d' Ir. i.twiiwir ftJrfiiyruLi. i uc lou wuif wan rcctJy ie- cuii-ei : lr. Tiiw.NAKMi VjfAi Sir: For the fciat ilir.v? voiin I have Imimi Mt:i.'tf with jriitTnl tlebihty, ami nerv)im coii uiniMiuii 4i the Um a'ac, uixi thti ii(t rxpect to ever ff.aii my hcjltb ut all. Alter froing Utruugli a coiirn of iiieiitctiip uii'It thu furti ol' a tine ui tTic in nt tliatinffuifhctl icuulir iVMieiuns and iiitinlt:rn nl llie H-snrrt of llndlh in New York and cJ -where, tiini aM;iHliifr the nrvt of my enrniiira i Kueiupuiifr ui n t mi uiy ueauu. uihi nncr rciuinifr 111 Mite pnier oi y nr irwirenilla I m Jvih! t- try il. After iiiin mx b tt!es I f itind it l"iie me great gd, nmJ ciil.iil t. au-e vuu at Vour oifi.-t : wiili vour ailviee 1 keirt 011. und d innttt hc;iTti'l lliHiik you lur yimr advice. 1 pencvure in itm tug me irtfiijMrtu-if ami tiave been vine lonitcnu t my i usual labors f- the but four mnih. audi ti( by the bJcaxinga of (iiid and ymr Sirieiparilia to continue my heulth. It helped me beyond the experttiti m of nil whu knew my cane. Cll lLIMUY trraiH'e, i:mhx e. . J., Aug. lc17. Stale of New J enter. Fjiaex count v. as. Clinrit Qui in. by Irciap duly awuru aocmling to law. m hit uulli anith, tnut the ftrrg ing Matrmeut i true acojnling to the beat o( hiakii iwledceandUlivt. CIlAUM QL IMUY. cvurn and auuacrud to bcr re me at uniiifc, the 2u Anguat. 1847. CYHL8 BALDWIN. J uiticc of the Teaee. spirnvo nuiou. Head the f .ll-witnr. and nv ihut eoniumnticHi ia in incu rable if y u con : Aew OTK, April i, 117. Dr. TowxriEND : I verilv tielieve that viuf tS.raaii ilia huabeen the mcum. thr tuv'h Iruvidemr, of aavinp my lit" I lyivc f r auveral years h ul a bad cough. It became w -rwe and worse. At lat I raisttl lurRe quant it kg of blud, hail n i slit awenlaund wasereitlv detiilituted and rciluecd. and di'l n expect lo live. 1 liaveotily u ed your Hara;vinUu run a stmrt time, aiiu inure tutu a wonderful cliange ten wr ntir'it in me. 1 mn u w able t walk till uver the ciiy. I rriiae n bKid, aiul my c-iuifh han left me. You eaii wrll iimfftn that 1 am tlunki'iil f r ihe- results. our ftlH.-di- cut serviuil. WM KI SSi:L 0.3 Catharine st. LOTin:it Sl'KKCIl. Th" annexed eertifiuatr telle a nininle and truthful rirv of iiiifrriiui and relief. There are in iiisniidn of Rituitir ra ses m tins eiiy an. I iiro eiiyn. ami yet there are th maui I v( pnreuis let thtir chiidr4u die lur fear tf being hutub.iTf.l fr v Stive a lew siuuiMgs. ir myn, nept. 1.1. 1M7. Dr. Tovk.knd: I tnke nSiiRiire in Ktaliiitf, fir the bene fit of (h 'se whim it uny cinet-rn. that my dutichier, two ye-irs and six in uih old, w.ih nillietetl with general ilt bilitv and I -as of swell. She w.ia iriveii im a n.ii jo- c ivery by our luiaily physiriiiu ; but fortunaUUy 1 v:ts rt cunnieiiiU'd by a frit-u 1 to try your Sarsiijiarilla. itrf re fi'ivuiK useil one Uiittlc stie rce. ivertxl ht:r speeeh nud whh eiialilin) to w-'tlk aloiit1, to the UHt-miahment of all wh were aetiuuiuted with Ihr cirruiuttaiH'eM. She in now (jniie well, ami in much twtter he ill h than site lius let ii f ir 1 miull.H past. JOSK1MI TAYI.OK, ! York st., lirK.klvn. TWO CUII.DKKN SAVKD. Very few families iudwl in fn't wa have not heard ui one that Mtted Dr. TowniMnid's Kiranpfirithi in time. I si any clulilreu the iiasl Sumiuur, .while lb am UmI thd n siekeiietj ami died, i lie rtTeihraie we tmMiFh Im iuw is c Miehusive evidence its vulue, and ia only another iiiHtaiic-e of lis saving the lives of children : ur. towsd-Dear rir : I had two children cured by your Sirsupiirillat f the nuumer eoiiiphiut und dy ntury ; mie was only Id m-mih old and tha other 3 years. . Thi y were very inueh reduced, anil we expected thty woilkl die ; tliey were yireii np by tw nupeetable phvsieiaus. When Ihedoi'tor tnforinod us that we must lose them, we resol ved tii try yur 8.imupariua we hud heard so muru of, but had little confidence, there beiiiR i miH'h siuif advert istxl that ia worthless: but we are tljinkful that we did, for it undoubtedly aavvtl tbe hvis of bth. J write this that oth ers may be iuducml to use it. Ymrs, reHHvlfullv, JtJI Wll-SoS, Jr. Mvrtle-aveaup, Hntoklm. pt. 15. 1k7. TO THK LADIKS. GREAT FEMAI.K MKD1CINK. Dr. Townsknu's S i pa kill a ia a aovereifriiaud speedy cure for incipient consumption, and for the general pr stru U hi of the aysteiu m matter whether Die result of inhe rent cause ur causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nrtthiitfr enn he m we aurprising than its Invifromtiisx ef fjcU on the human frame. kerats all weakness and las situde, from taking it at once become Mbust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately e Hint erects the uerveleaaneaa of the female frame, which is the groat cause barrenness. It will not lie expected of us, in eases of en delicate a rav ture, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the attiicted that hundreds of eaaee have been repor led to us. Da. Town sen a: My wife being greally distreaaed by weak liens and general dHiility , and suiTering cmtinually by pain and with other difficulties, and having known case where your tnedieiae baa efToeted grtoit cures; and uli hearing it recommended for such cases aa I have deecrilied, I obtained a b-mle of your Kxtract of KarsoporiUa and fil. lowed the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her eaniOaiuta and restored her to hisUih. Being greatulf'tf the beiie6u aha ruceived, I take pleasure in thus acknowledging it, and recjinmending it to the public. M. D. MOORi;, Albany, Aug. 17. '44. r. Grand k Lydw s,. DYSI'KPSIA. No fluid or inedieiiw has ever been discovered which o nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decomposing fund and atrengtbening the organs of digestion as this pre paration of Bursa panUu. It positively cure every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chrouic. Bank Department, Albany, Mav 10, HB. Dr. Townseiid Sir : I have been afflicted for several years with dystwiiaia in its worst form, attended with a ur neaa of stomach, toss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a (rrcat aversn to all kinds of food, and for weeks, (what I cxiM eat) I have beea unable to reiam but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removing the oomplaint. I was in duced, about two months si nee, to try your Extract of Bar anariUa, and I must say with little ermfidenee ; but after using nearly two bxtles, I fnnnd my npocliu restored and tha heart bum entirely removed; and I would earnest iy ve e. an mend the use ol" it to those who have nrn afflicted as I have been Yours, A is., W W V A V ZANDT Agent or Ru)-ury m JOHN W. FRILING i Nor thuubsrlsnd, MAKY 4- McCAYi DanvUia,, WM., A- April 99. .W vv . , OXYGENATED . A SOVEREIGN ftaXMCDY tOVL , 'i- - -AND - ' OBWWtaL BBS IL ITT. GEORGE B. GREEN, rWisTOt. ' t . - WvndtoT, Vermont. , 18 a sorerelm remedv fi DYSPEPSIA, In many of iu forms, sueli as nia ia theteaaels Heartburn, habitiiaj Cosureneas, Aoid 8tomoh, Hexlaehe, Low uf ApsSjIiw, Piles. Nifhi Sweats, and eren Cwisamptlua (DvsptpUe Pbthiskjf and A.ihme, or Phtalsie etteraM wltb draage rnent of the Stomach (or lrpejio AsUuaa,) IMSeull Breathing, which often rtmlla rrom imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Syspnosa,) is reliered by these BiUers. la short, their use baa beea proved In the mief vf ahauet all the srmptonis that proceed Crocs a debilitated or atonic eondi. lion of the Stomach; aJao in gcnrrol debility Hrimng from eee or fr-MO the effects of Fever, particularly Tcver and Ague, ri-innlus suiToring uudttr nity uterine UeronKeraent arisini from weaknrsn, will find the "OnusiitiB Bit. tj" an excellent rcinnly, and h 4 suruMl by any muV cino in use. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made its way to public I'nvor solely by the torce of iu own iniriasio merits. No nrlificinl means have been uied to give it ii.j toriety and thrust it upin public atlcnti n. It haa mn-er bclore even been ailvcrtiu-J, but having first ah vn ila re markable cilU-ncy in Uic family if tlio propriet or, and by him afterwards uiumiiistcrul t aliiicled and ai quninuiices with a like result, its reputation gra.luailv ex tended until it ia kn ivn in the moat ili.tunt parts of the Union, na a inclicinc of uniivailwl virtues in the cure of Dyipcpaia in all ila iliiTcrenl fjriii., mid id for the cure of Asthma or l'litlihic. Its only herald nml ita only eul ny haa been tha story of its vsulrful cllicncv, as told from in iuUi t) in uth or by letter Ir in friend to iriend. In eve ry iiialanee wliere these Uiliers Imvc been need, and the re sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificates, atli-sting the singular cflicacy of the "OxroENATto BiriCTs," ate iu tlic KsaeU,.u of the proprietor I many of them signed by persons already widely known to the public. C.F.O. H. crtr.F.. Proprietor. WNPPnn, Vt , Oct' her fl. h1 3. The following Crrtlfietitrs hat e rrrrntl) been received t Wasiiinoion, D. C, Jim 10, 1310. Having mnje nse of the "Oxig.-nuti-d Hitlers" prepared by Dr. Go. H. Green, of Windsor, Vt. tuid from kn ledge obtsinij of their cilicacy In other caiea, weeheerlullv rce mmend them to Ihcpiiulic, believing that tliey willfully austain the reLituimendnlijn of the Put'iriet". W'a bopo tliat thia valuable remedy may bo so gem-rally diffused throughout Uie country that it may be accvuibls tJ all Iho alllicteil. WILLIAM t;PIIAM, j L-8-Scntor frn erin mt. JASIKS K. SIMMONS, U. 8. Semtir from R. Ishnd. 1. T. MORKHEAD, U. 9. Senator and formerly Govern or of Kentucky. I.. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congresa and formerly G vernor of R. I. WM. WOODRRIDGE, V. S. Senator and formeriy Go vernor of Michignn. M. L. MARTiN, Delegate ill Congrem fr An Wiwoiwin Territory. From Id m. II. D. Fostra, Member of C'ongren tr. in Pennaylvnnift. Wahhikotom. D. C . Jtrv in tfHtl Dear Sir, I have been a dvaoCDtic autierrr for abiiul trn years, and have rcenrted to various medicines f. relief with, Hit auc-i8, until I made uae of your 'Oxygenatrd Uittera." I have used about two bottles, and fiiid myself restored to perfect health. The forms in which the di ease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity nf the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe eonsli. nation nf the bowels, and violent headache. Keeling; desi rous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly almcted. I take great pleasure in record ing my testimony 1 1 ila curative power ; and would also remark, that while on a visit at home a short lime since. 1 administered a part of a bottle to a nural-r of my aHlicted fiirud. with great niccss. They are desirous that you shi 111111 estrdiliidi an agency at Pittsburg-, ,.r inform lliem where the medicine can le obtained. With an enrncvt d sire lor your pnopcrity and liapiiiics, I aubvrilie nivrll, iiuiy j-nir iri'-iin j. 11. r usi iti. I) -el. ,eo. B. flnEX-,Wind ir, Vt. S ild Wholciule nml Retail In- tireen & I'l.ichcr, N 'jdSnllh Sixth Sireet. PhilndHpliin. A wnt f r Snuburv II. II. JI.WUIl. Ae!stV Milton MACKAY & IIAAO. April 11, ltl I a prt-nciitint: the mhhr with rrmety- fur the trr-Hnicnt tui i rtiie ui I k.. Lit and Aut z aiid oilier bill mt duwuwn, un ai.w.tiry id iiftlotL Vuitf luimben in Uia I'mtrs fc-uic. wh mitir-r from trw-w aUT'TlUHin in thrir varied f itmn, nro vwih llrd iij Buck relief from otiier Mirroa than Uie hwiit-iliutt- prt-aVTiptH'iiN of th reguiur iIibu'uii. It Uxi'iiK-t thon'f. rc mi nltjfx't of huniaiiiiy, u well on tit pullir inter est, to briiif IWnre them m rrmwly projmrtti fioiu much ex perii nft, und whieb way always be relied upon aa mfk, KFFkCTUAL, VND II A it Ml. air TO THE COMsTITSTIUK. That siK-h is tlic true i-l.u.icU-r of the 1ND1.V i:iI(iA(i()orF., is amply atteturtl liy the universal sucocsa with which it has been cmplnycil. 17 Kxtntot from a eoniniuitirateva rf the Hon. Wil Mam uoDBUibtift, of tbe I . S. St-nute. lute Oovcrn r uf M idiigrui. Detroit, Oct. ill, 1hu. Doctoii Chahi.e O;ooi, Dear Sir. I have read with much intercut, your little TkAKATUB uton the ckiusra, treatment and cure" of the febrile diseases which luive extrnaively prevailed in our country during the lust lew im-nth an iulirrerrt increajied no liouht, by the (nrt that I have individually anlferrd a much from tliem. Though I feci myself very incMiipelent to ju Jfze safely upon a hubjeet sj entirely profeainui, yet vHir theory avcui 1 1 me well rcnwuicif, and your c inclu sion just, and 1 thin wit lull, that your pumplilet is eaicu litcd to prriuT nun-h practical g x J. Speukiiit; of the medtt-ine he attys : It fully justified your Aatteruix iXMxM;iti tis, nnd an a sole, couvrnicn. sud p- pu lur renii-dy, my own experieiK'e, s far, iinhi t-s me W Le lieve that it will pr.ive a urcrit ptiMic bciiciit. 1 nm ptcaiMil to lenrn ihut you have recently established vcml nrncir r its disposition th )U:li I regret that, with a view t 0 nvirc f(Mit-ml flixw-iiiinntion (! it, y m ahuuul have f tinil it iiecettMttry to reiii MVe from your present reiiideih-v am ng us. With much renpect 1 have the h'Hinr to be, tt, Vour obiijrtM nt tv in', W'll 1,1 AM WCKlMilflDOi:. Fr un J.vMti Ontetov, Y.., oi IlittlUl , X. V. Hl'PPalo, M;ire!i iwh lctif. Pr. rfiAUL.F.4 Ov.oon: My Dear Sir. In uu-wer lo yitur re'tuest, 1 in ! riMdiiy s!ute th v-h1 rxpcrien. .l in n.y fmaily liy the un- of y.iur InMia C'h -.ic. My wiic wud tnmblfNi with the Fever and Ag-ue mwly twelve in -nllix; nud the uieiieiiie p f her invuimbly Lr ke ijte eliill. but tii J lit it cure lite iiinenKe. I pureluisd for her se veral kiin!n of iiii liri'. hut they did ut rem i-r it. 1 had 11:4 at tins time hritrd .f your hrlia t'li tlnii ue. hut ii was s ion oiler recommended l me ly two iceatlemeii wh 1 knew h:ul Ih-cu r-MiTeriiip iu it similar iiiiinner s me time; they were ('apt. Hubert Hurt, of the s'efinih -it Koltert Fulton,1 oml John 8. hie, V.k , n.-nt of the Troy un 1 Krie line. J wub then a-niii 1 1 1) iroif, uul while there. I nifrht of your npeut a pack:ijfe of one doxen l-Htlrs. On my rt iurn mv wife e iuimcneed Uikinir it. Ai'itr live d.'". wliieh stoppe-l the Acne, she rntiiineti iwinp it t.l) she luii I t:ikui twii botrlea. Since this she had no reluni tf either tin- Fever or A true, which is now Bcvcii.noiitli. Capt. Hurt request! me to say ihut he ruiight the Fever bud Affile List neuH-euhy ittiuiiiuT his Unit m the M intnee mid Tileiiti line, thut be t-k two b rttles in nil, bv which he was entirely rentired, and continued nmuuig llitie two or three months afterwardK iu perfet i hinilth. ' Yours verv tmlv, J.VMKS WBSOV. As-rut f if Simbury Ii. H. MASSKH: orthnmlerIaml, WITlllN'GTOM A r,( i Milt "it, J. Jl. HASEU : tielias grove, MAY A KMJSK. Mny6, lUu-tf. Phtla.j ltontllnpr, and TottsvIHe Kail Uoad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHANGE of Hours, and two Tiains Iaily each way, except Sundays. On and after Monday, May lt. ISIS two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila and Pottaville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 7) A. M daily except Sundays. Passes Rearlinc al 10 45 A. M. Leaves Poltsville at 7J A. M. ilaity ettrpt Sundays Passes Readih at 9 10 A M. Tbe above Line atopa at all way stations on tba road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINE F 'ST TR ' IN. Va Train. Down Tmiii, Leaves Philadelphia at 9) P M .daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 P. M , daily excepl Sonilavs Leaves Phcenixville 3 IS ' Pottstown, 4.13 " Readm. ft 00 LeavesSch Haven, 2 37 Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading, 3 50 " I'ottitown. 4 30 " I hrBsixville, 3 00 Irrives at State " Port Clinton, 5.45 " Srb. Haven, 0.10 Arrivea at Potta ville, 6 20 Road, SAO The afternoon train will slop only at the above named stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the k'.oroing Line . Depot in Philadelphia, corner of I) rue J and Vine Streets- No Passengers can euter tha Cara unless provided with Tickets. NOTI' E. Fifty pounds of bac(a(e will be allowed to each passenger ia these lines; and passengers ara expressly prohibited from taking anything as bar, gage but their wiaring apparel whieb will be at tba risk of it owner,. .Ho freight will he takaa by these lines. ,i By order of Board af Manager. S BRMTORP, Sreretaryi Mav 6 IltS-lf JOURNAL. All tiaraoiil ara herebr (autidned aeainat nur- ekaalngtcartaln bob-tailasl ref horse I io me, now in possession or John r. Kajr, or. Sunbury, wbsj hat no leftal right to aaij horse, until he perforins tha renditions of an ae; reemtnt '' into 07 bin with the eubetriber. SAMUEL 8AYIDGK. AiiguaU May 86, 1848 3t i Katatei oriiaac Vantrckel. M OTICE ia hereby Riven, that letterl of Arl. mmistralion, wilb tbe will annexed, have been uranted to the aubacriber, on tha eatata of Isaac Vansyckel, eVe'd. lata of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland rovnty. All persona knowing; tbemaelvea indebted to aaid estate, and aurh that hare any claim against the aame, are herewith called upon to settle their account without delay. JOHN II A UGH sWOUT. Administrator, gtc. Vay 19, IS 19 Ct boarding! THE subscriber is prepared to receive anil ac commodate a few transient or permanent li'iiirdirs, at her residence in Sunbury. The Iu. ration is in a handsome and plrnsant part of the town, roinmnndiiix a fine view of ihe Suoquchaii. na, Northumberland an.l tho scenery adjacent To persons from the city, who wish to spend a few month ilurinc the summer season, Sunbury affordi a delightful retreat. v ANN C M0MRI3. April 8. ISIS. Cm FRE'Slf FAXCY ana STAPLE DRV GOODS. .It th- Naw Store No 79 Arch ttrcet. btluvtn 2rf a id 37 S-rlh t de. Fill I.AlJKI.PHI A 1' HE subscriber invilps particular attention to J- his large and splendid ostortmptit of nrui nud cho'ce t'tilts nf Dry Ci.mdn comprising a general variety of the mod tl -sirablt) kitnli of Dreni Ma lerinlr, i!n tvh. fym-r., Hosiery Untkrinkuble Flanneh HVfc. .f ',; Camlr e. Jaconet, Mull SmiHrik and Pltii.t Muslins, I. in en Ccm brie ana S Ik Pockel llrt'-fs, Bhc.'t llulait Cra til, others too numerous to adveitiie IRISH LINENS AND FURNISHING GOODS. Particular altetitinn is given to Linens and Fur niching Goods, generally thusiork is large, am! the prices will be found much lower than usu al, having been pnirhesed at Auction at sacrifi ced tales The fabrics are warranted pure flax anil from the best mak-11. I1ARLKS ADAMS. P. S. Persons wishing Plain nnd Medium tlylct ot Driu Goodi and t-hwU, will lind a choice variety Philadelphia. April I, 1 949 , -V . i 'I .lA f J VrJ T THE ONLY It.MUCAL Ct ltK I OU CONSUM1TIOM! Sirfu!i r KiniT. Kvi!. H!iuin tiam. Ohstin!.' Cut 'uc Ui Fimpl-in r lttiilct u the lace. 111 ,: litf, lilies, f.'hrouir a5 r. liyt-s, i:i:i; V rm ir Tetter, !r-.i!d I le:M. Fiili:('ci.,cnt mid iiiu of thf: II n mvl i 'intSMii.h im l.'it'cis, Syphi litic Synipt-.'ihri. S;i:iiea ut 1-umlwif ilu-eiuws ai iiiijj; ii in au inj.idi ei us nne of M' .eury, Drjt ry, flxjK sure r hnprii-drii-e in til.-; rhronio C-'ns'i- - . tLiti n-.r i.l,- " - onlcfH. In several u.u t-eut hut very pjtMit articles of the vciretulile. kiiujttl iti are, I rniiii( n e mpountl entirety iluferetit ui It j character and uruuerue iruia anv other pn;parnti n. nn-1 imnvnlled iu Its uncrnri n tu the syaieni when lab iriiu; under dtsensc. It should bo iu the hands of every purs n, wh i, by business, or gonere) c jurse oi liie. is prcdikp seil to the very many niliiueuu that ren tier life a curse, iiiHtcuil of a ble sing, nud often result iu death. FOU SCKOFCI.A- Sr. Drake's pMiiaera is recommended us a eerUin remuly. ot one instance of its (hi Sure hus ever occurred when f ree ly used I It cures the disease and at thesimo lime imports viw to the wh le system. lSerlulous pers ns can never pay I'M much nttenti m t the state of their lxxl. Im pu lificftti n should he their first aim ; f r p:nevcniiice will sec 'inpiisu a cure of ivkx iiKUKuttAKV Uisuusj. FOR KIU"PTIONS fFTHEWCI. Reurvy, Scrhutic AlTeeti n. Tumors, White Swelling, i:rni!as, I leers, Cancers, Kuutiiiig 8jren, Soubs and Hiles. Dr. Drake's Panacea cannot be tou hihlv extolled ; it suarehes out the very root of the disease, and permanent. INDIGESTION Oil DYSPEPSIA. No medicine perhaps Ims ever been discovered which pives much t'ue t the st m ich ami e uuis the scere ti n it a healthy gustrie juice t - dee Jinp- c the f i Jd as Dr. Diikr's Panacea RHVEMATJSM. Dr. Drake's Paiiaea is used with the grentcsl success in Hheinnulic Coiupkiinte, especially such us ciuvnic. It cures bydriviiiK i ut nil impurities and foul hu u iirs which li;ie acta in u kite, i iu the Kystttn, which are the cause of Hheu uiatism. Gout, and S'.vclliii-rs "f the joint a. Other remediea smtiiiit'S ifive tem;rary relief; tins eirire!,- erauie.'itcs tlic dinea-e from the sytieiii, even u hen the liuila und boa --a are dreadfully swrlJcn. C'ONsr.MPTiON. rosMwirnoN c an rt t'ru.n. C 'uch., Catiirth, Dr n chitis. hiJiiiuur t-f Ut md. Asthma. Di:iice.t r t u'use Ex peet raii 'ii, !Ic:ie Fiuh, Niuht Sivi'iiH, Paiii in the H.le Ve. have hveueuie-l, r.nj can be with at much certainly s any iiht-r disuse. A ;eciiie h is I n le;n )iniit f. r, but in vain until the dim- very of J r I hake's Puiueca. It is mild nm) mile hut ccrtfiin and t.fie.iii -uh in u t.pi-rativ n, uihI cniui 't pMMtby injure the m st delicate e i.Mituti ;u. We would earnestly r.-e .rinmeud th se altln lett t give it a trial mid we believe they will U"t have ir:Mtu 'n l n jrret it. The syistein in eleane"l and streuirtheiied, the ulcers n the luiMtsare healed, nd l!ie uficn:s 'j:ni.iurdtv regain their usual health autl fc'.ri:iig'.h. 1U-4.I the f Uwtn'g : TESTIMONY. Phila., Dee. Ilth, 117. DkaR S;n : In reply f y Mir questi -n r iK- tius the use of Dr. Dnike's Panacea, 1 will s iv, that altluuh u pericet disbeliever in the existence of u Paxacka, or cure l r all diseuties, httwuvei vdaahlc it iuav Iv iu certain r aidili -us i'l the syttetn, will 1 liave U-li ved tlmt a cure fr C uiiuiUi ti 11 w hi Id be disc ivered s ncr or later, aul run- it lei in t'i Iry y.iur medicine in tw very inveterate eases Tliey were pr. n mnciM by the nttentliu phvuicians to bo PULMONAUV CONatrMfTlON. und uK'MHi iiud bv tiiein us IN cvkaiu k. One of the per ins h id been un tVr ihe teut ment of fif vend very able praetiti ueia tVr a munhrr of yeiirs. ond they said she had ld fa!ii nwl O nniiiti'n e mibine wiih Str iula," nml that khcmitfht liiict-r Ut s uie time, but c tild 11 't he pcnroinfutly relieved. In Imhe is.-s the effcet I ih Paivwea tiaa been m-M aratilyiiigr. (nly f"ur or live b ttles were iibed by Ma of ih pera 'lis bef re she hevan to improve rapidly. Th rther I "k ah ut tt u. I will only mklthat fnmili'ir as I sin with e 'iikumptiou by inlieritauee and by extensive observnti u o a htudy. mid kn whiR alsvt Uie injun us etfeets iu nine- con out of ten of tar, t-ifau-t, aud other vegetnblo tonics, as well aif many iM the exiwMt rantsriiHl setlmivcs, I th 11M never h ivu recfaiinicuiUd tue use of Dmke'i Panacr::t if J hud nut been acquainted with the ingredicnta. twttice it to aty that them are lec miinended by uur 111 st uiular and sc ientific puM ciaus, and iu their present e inlMned suite, form pr-'liahH' the best idterutiv thut haa ever been made. The cute is iu aeordaiioa witii a Ute ry of CVmitunmiiuu bnsxehed iu Krunce a few years f by oie m her m t eminent wri ters on medicine, and n w eublihcd by fuels which ad mit of uj dispute. Very Reatieetfully Vwb, L. C. GUNN. To uae the tuirunee of another, "Dr. Dnjkc's Pnnacea hi a ways adutary in its etlcets never injuri us. It i 11 t as Opiate it is n t and Eipvciurant. It is not intended to lull tho invalid int ia fatal swurity. It is a grunt remedy a gnust healing and curative c-unpouiid, the great and Oiily remedy which medic"! science and skill haa yet prKUieetl for the treatment of thia hitliert') uneontuered malady. And in pers a itiuicted with thia dread disease, will be just I t himself and his fritaals, if he dwn n tha grave without testing its virtues. A single b ltle, iu m at cases, will nn duee a favorable change ia the cuditi-u of any patieut, however low.'1 TO THeTaDIEs. Ijadica of pale mmplexi n and o-insumpiive habita, and auch as are dchili Ual by fli e obstructions which feinaies aie lislale to, are rest -red by tha uae of a bit tic or two, t bloom vifiv. It ia by far the beat remedy ever discovered for weakly children, and such aa have bad huimwa ; being pleasant, they take it. It tiiiuicdiutely restores tbe appetite, atreiHrlki and Chir. Nothiua eaa ix m tt aurphaing than ita lnvif 4ntin;r ef fects 011 the uuiuau frame, persons, all weakness ami las. situde bef ra taking it, at once beaiima robust und full ot tnargy under its influence. It immediate counteracts tha uarvUesaueca ol' Uia t'sinale fratna. CAUTIONBa earafui and aaa that yea get the stun ins Dr. Dsjlss's Pefcii haa the stf ivature of Gib. F. Sioaas na Uie wnppes ivt Ui the lauae "Pa. Esjus's P.nci, Vuas bl wa in tts (has. Prepved ulv be Broaaslt Cx, Druggists, Nj 111 North. Sixth ft., PhUadeljJiie, . , . , Aeant f,t Bunhiiry 1. MSSr.R. 6..M also be W A MvKx e. Co., Danville H ?UAir ra, Mihon; Ml MeCet, NrthanK:rlen-l ; U. F Li i, Blneeskba'C. April I, fe4 ly HLe JCFEeff rS CITY D A G U E II R KQT Y PE rSTABLISHMHNT, No. 100 Chtsnut ttreef. 2 doors above id. $3uth tide, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers, proprietors of tba oldest Establishment In tha City of Philadelphia, being founded in 1810, would call tha attention of tba public to their recent great aud wonderful Improvement In taking Daguerreotype Portraits. SKY LIGHT PORTRAITS Tbe subscribers beg leave to subjoin a lew of the notice tbey bar receive'! from tbe Press throughout tha country, in relation loth improvement they have made in tha introduction of lights, by which tha full and deer expression of the Eye la obtain ed more perfectly than heretofore. From the North American 1 The neutral expression of the eve by Mr. Collins' new process of introducing the light, hits been most dininetly developed, aa well aa all the. lights and shades indiSerss ble to a perfect likencrn. (From the Saturday Conrier.1 The Messrs. C. hsve eerlaiuiv uhtainM tha eve. In better perfection than wo have teen it elsewhere; end this sunerhrity, together with the cicarncm, distmttncss snd delicate tint, lliev give their, mike them wor thy ot sdniirstion, uot only as li'.-suctscs, but as worii of From the Harrhl nrg t'nl m . "e examined sjiccimcns of their likenesses when in the eity the othor day, and f.un.1 them to prssesaatl the bemtty of shading and a flnet of cxoreaaioii of the finest aieel en graving, which l somctMnir unu.nal in Dnimerredvpes I his i ohiaineil bv the introduction cl light from ab ive, instead of ihe side of ll.-c g -illerv. l-' tlic lliltruioro Clipper. "I hem 'iit itnpirtant impr .vement in the Daguerrian nrt, iscnel.y the Messrs. r;r.iim Philndelphin, and con soils in a link-rent manner of introducing ihe light, end cer tain adaptions of the instrument. We have seen a inc l the p-irtnuts. which tin y have executed. nm) ihcv have the distinctness and beauty of fi.jc engravings. They are especially- rcnnrk-ihle iu giving the pr .per natural' exnrcs si n of tlic eye." From every sectirn of the c nc.'ry where r ur pictures have been seen they hive teoeived 'fcimiltr tlattciiug n"ti ces. The public generally are inviieil to visit our Galleries, pr.'bably the mst ex'ensive inthewjrld, and judge f.-r themselves of the troth of tl ce n-.ticLl. Philadelphia, April 15, ISIS WKSTtit.v xi:y yukk colli: or. of nr. alt 11, 20 r Main street. Buffalo, X. Y. DU. (J.C. Y'AL'CHVS Vigdablc Litliu!itriitic Jlixturc rpJIIS celebrated remedy ia constant!)- increasing its I'uuie X by the inanv ctircs it i timkine ALL OVER THK WORLD. It has ti .y bec.methe only mediciiie f.r ikuiilv use, and is jiurticuljirty ri-cvitmicuded I'jr DROPSY : all stages of this c m;laiut itnnicdiut .-:)' relieved, u i matter 01 huw Ijng standing. See I'linm-ihlct I'jr tes-.iiu w, GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urimry irpuis; f-r Ihwo dialrem liiK c inplnint it stmnls i.i .no ; n . otlior arliele i-in relieve you i and Uie cures tewilietlM will,- aivineelhe m .at akep tied; aee jauiijililef. l.i--r f 1.1; -Inim. Uilli- u diseases, FEVER & AtJUE. Tj tlic Creat West espeviillv, n.l wherever these cjin plnint.' prevail this medii-inc 13 . liercd. -NO All X ERA L AGENT, n ) deleter! ua eiwupnaml i a nrt of tliin nurture, it cures tlieM? duenses with eeriiiiui ,- nnd reierity, and dues not leave the svu'ein tjrni.l S-e 'Fa:u-,!il'-t. PILES, ' u c jnlj.l.ii.i' of n m ut p 1 i 1 1 1 11 1 c!in .n -'.-r. ia J AI M EDIATELY Ii ELI EV EI). an.l 11 eur.. t" .11 -wh by n i, v ,luvs uo 01 lhi artieh-; ,t i.. i.xr iK-i-irc any other pr-p:ir:i:i nl'ir this .Iim.-um-. ur Ic.muy oihcr disedse trig limine; tr in iui:u.c hi ml. sj. e pain phlct. ' DEMLITV OF THE YSTEM. weak Ui.-k. wciiiiKts ,,' i!,c hulne' s, Ac., ..r iKlin.iiin. ti mi i.l B-iinv-. is nnn:e.ti.i'. y u-i.-i.U l,v a li-,v ila. uie i.f thu nieilie,v. iilid 11 cure is ahv. -.t, a iU.,:t . 1 lis i,st-. Il :i;i':!i i A CERTAIN REMEDY. I r .:c!i c .:i:; I UiiU:, fad .ilc. til:,!'-' fr.iVjie. IliliECrLAIUTIF.S i-ji Ut ui(,'. iii. u's -.1 t'.iit f-i.'pprasioxs. piinlul uier.vru-i-i n. N,, :ivti -h- h-.s ever l.. i-u . Il'med j e.-..-pt this whi-h w-itil.l t .u,-!, tiii- kind .1 il,r ui'.-. :i,enl8. It liny he relied uu,n us a sun- :in,t .-il,-,ne r.:..-..-,i , und 1 uid we led pi-rmr'id t . il . s 1 1. I .-it,. ' I a Tiioi'SAXD names. j r-j y.rirC ( cures in this (lis r,".i.i,i!j ,-h,i of c 'lll il.iiiitf ' l"iii'lii';l. All l.r .k.-ii , .1 hili.ate.l e .iu,;ii,i(iji.f ; lr,.iu the ,-iki-t oi inercurv, wi.I tin I the bniein'' iv.wer i f ' tluH -irtu-U- ton.-t iniineiiinu.iy 0j iH.,,..u., mincai : eradicated ir -in the Fi-strin. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will had the alteintive nniiiertiea f this nrtii-le PURIFV THE BLOOD. and driven such dinensi s tr .inihe tuirm. See lumphlet for testiui ny ,.f eurea in all hseni'; whi.-h the nni.ts.if un uTcnianiHi-ni will 11 t nrrnill to be iirin,, l...r.. A........ 1 ifive thuni ay ( they c .niiiiu iti ,astS u- certiiieatc 1 1 I hiKh character, und 11 atroiiiri-r ARRAY OF PROOF ! of the virtn. s ofa medicine, ii.-i,-rHpHur,-d. Ituonen'l iiie nneuiinr K-ailires nl tin, nrtlcle that It lien-nulls to benefit 111 any case, and it h-we mill muscle arc led Ij build upon let the emaciated and lin-rciitis invalid JIUI'K O.N and keep taking the medicine its 1 .nS tu tln're is an im-provenK-nt. The nnmriet ir mmiM CAUTION THE PUBLIC tt(rniint a number of articles which c une out under the head of SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS. ! ascun.sf.rlir.ptiy. Gravel, Ac: Tliev are exil tor iu- , l.ilng, nud conc.K-leil to ..nil ii,.-uw ir '; TOUCH THEM NOT 1 fleir inveiit jr never tii thii article had d-w it. phlet 19 enrneftlv a 'li. it" ihl I'l curing u,-li di.iiiMnes till A p:irlivtil..r tud i.f the paiu- Aireuts nu'l nil wlp. k-U the nrli ! urn fiLADTO CIRCULATE 1 (5miuit'.ily. Put up in 3 ) 07:. t,oltl.-. nt ; IS d M ; M each tho lurster h..-liiy i-z. in re th -n tw.i emuU lot- I ties. I.'v-l: ,,ut nnd B.'l ii'i;,- e..,l ;v,., v b -ttle Ims ! 'aujli!i S voluble l.lin n-ri ,,i : t- Mixture ."'hi w uo.u I the (Has, the wrille-i sin.ilar... i-l'.-u. I . Vallfilui" i-n the ' difceu .. and C. Vuii-jmh. ll.ilVal..," sf,i:in:d ai the : crs. .ne ,,.-r are r-i:mii".'r.-,r ! b l)r. t. V. V,u"-;:u- ''d "t l'ie P,iia-i,a I i Mice. M iiu Mii-ct, ' Hail .i", ill !l .h-ylt' and -1;,1. No l't''-,ti n tivi II t ' let- , t-TK mill F taU u.k-r ir.i.u re-;.t-utiv .- 4U.itdt.-d Aeeuta exeepied; t .at t :ii l I.- i.-ik. ,r v-rkd" e .maiuuic i tl i.sH.emiijr uill ice. pr.'in-tly af.-i:ih-:l t . eT.t'i. C-,r:v-'-s,h.-v 't'.ii t-X'-hi.iv.-.i-t'i llie p,:.- , tin ar:n-l- 13-; Xtneeui t. New V-rk : -.'..' I--, xnt.S.d.-tn. Mm.: r.ii'l l.v the priiteipnl l)ruut.-isu llir'aijb nil the l'iuiiiS:al. llll-l L'lilKulll. lis Ae'il!, of Am-its Si tis A ev. W!i .letnile AiT'-nt l'' I- : phi-l T. W. l-'ilii tp, Snal'lli v tiealh.irt. Selliiei-. yv : r. A. Wy.!b. t,ewis:'uru II. I.S'..-ii.-r, Mill m Haves ; e; M--C .rniieii, M''llW'-iiM i:.e .M'- .MeC " , .Norllimnb.-r- ' land. ' ! April I, If if y i Important Information. TO all pmcl.asers ol'ready made rluthirz i,,. formation is heieby given that the well kno A l and much celebrnted Cloihit.g i nipoi ium, known ui llie ; I'hllaiTcIiihia lVaitliobf. i P. R MrNaii.i.R, Proprietor, Su I n.i Cn'mit : tti eit. lelwi ei S hmdtlh .... PhiLdi IjiMh j Is atoiiihinj; the rnrnn. unity it hit cheap and ! lashionahle appaiel, of everv d -ti npliui, and vt ' riely. Vests from 50 cents to Ciiulldis. Good : black Cloth or Cassimere Pauls, us Iha- as il ; dollars and upwards P'-i pan, art-iirdtng to quali 1 tv. Black French I Inllnlre.s Coats as low a. 6 dollars Summer i-lo hing rli-'aper, peihaps. ' than ever was known h'-rrinlore cl the same I quality. Wholesale dealers are pnrlicu'ei ly invited to call and examine the Urge und w II gut npelnth- ing of this large establishment, it very pjrtiru 1 lar attention is paid In the culling, so 1 ptirrnavers at wholesal' vt ill be citam to get garments when tbey i-om to put them on their customers, that will fit with las'e and ease, which a a matter of great importaure. We invite one and all to rome and examine for themselves be fine p irchasing Philadelphia, April I, 18-IS 3m lMclorlal i:dliloii or cVAublgno Kixal Woi k oh luo ltt-ri itiuiloii OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MAN V, SWUZERLAM", &t:. Will be piibliahe.l or. or about tha l.t of April, 1818, by JOS. A SPF.EL, No tti Cherry tt. above 6th, his splendid Wmo edition of- lha above named w oi It, with 18 engiaved illutiralions ftom ori. It ina I designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth and library sheep. . v The publisher respectfully calls the attention of Ihe trade and the public generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in the United States He trusts that the beauty of ila embellikhmenta. the strong and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with tbe known popularity of the work itself, will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A SPEF.L 60 Cherry st above 6tb. J. A 8 haa also lately publithrd. a new and beautiful Edition of Serg-ant Bell's Rarea Show, a suitable book for children, neatly dona up in extra tlolh. rii.lanVlih a, April I, lfS- SALAMANDER, FIRE AIND THIEF PROOF CHESTS, TlRZ-tRbOF DOORS FOft BANKS JUfD BTOtlM Seal Slid tettor-Cobyln J Presse, Patent Slate'Lirted Refrifearatore- Water Fil lers, Patent Poriuble Water Clo sets, intended for the Sick and Infirm. EVANS & tt'ATSOfti 78 SetiM TniriStrtfl, . OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA tXCtUHttt. Manufacture and kssp eoaarwil Ir on hand, a larfa ass erment nf the ebore articles, tewlsisc wiUi their Patent Improved SsJamerHW FIRE-PROOF SAFES, wbiea are eu eonetnieted ae to set rest all maimer of doubt ae ! their beinc strict It Bre-oroof. and trail AVLvaaa j,. they will resist tbe fire uf sne hynm'Tit? boikline. Tbe outside eseea eC these ISafes are made of bcller iren, ths inside ease of soap-st-nie, and between the cuter ese nnd Inner ease ia a Space nl sime three inches thick, and is died in with Indeetrue til.le material, S) as to make it an imp. miuilitT to burs ff vf the contents inside ol this Chest. These Sapston Sa lamanders we sre prepared and d ehailenre the te'Vld Ii pr luce anv article in the shape of Rook Safes that will at-uid as much heat, and we h.'H ourselves ready at aU limes to l avslhem feirly terted by public bonfire. We ois-t c.ntihne t'i manufucture a brpeend reneral essirt inont of cut Premium Aii-t;e,M Fire Prifc-f efesr-f which there arc i,rer OP nw in use. and in every Instance thee have riven entno Sitisfactioti t-i the purchasers 'if which we will refer the public lo a few gentlemen who bare them ill use. Hfivwud ft SimlT. Pr.t!ville; J seph 0. Lawton P 'tts'ville; Mi. William Orr. Dcvlestown, Pa. N. 4 0. Tayl it, nnrth .Id st.i A Wright it Nephew Vine rt. vhrf ; Atexnmier Caror, Cveyrineee, corner of FilUsrt nnd yh ti.: John M. Font, ,12 north 3d st.; Mrere H is'i, i'l n rth 3J v.j .tnmes M. Paul, 101 suth 4lh SU Dr. David J:.yne, b f juth 3d Mathew T. Miller. 90 s nnh 3.1 s.; an-l wo e -u:d mine s -rue hundreds nf others tt it werenercsury. N"ir we invite the attention nf the pahlie, and partieuhrly thore in want uf Fire Proof Ssfee, t-c.ill at i-nr stnre before pitr-h:j.ine; elsewhere, and we t-,n sati.i'y them they will et a teller and cheeper erticie at nnr st"te then at rny other estol.In;hment in the city. We sis 1 inanulnctur'e the nrdiimry Fire Proof Chests, at pt ver,-1 v price., ehetper than they can be baught at snf uiher store in Philadelphis. DAVID EVAXS; JOHANNES WATSON. Pliiludulphw, April S, ISiQ I- T'rsnn nnd nistanrt Savrd! SYJNBUIUT FERRY. HjlHE suliirribers haeinj leaseil fie Sunb'urf J. Ferry, b e lea ee to inform fhe public, that thi-y nre prerel to eo-ivey Teaans. Pleasure Carriages' end Foot nassehd-ts across the river with safety and without delay. Tbey have pro vided themselves with new and commodious crafts, whii-h will always be attended with able and careful bandit Persons travelling to end frorfi ahd throujh Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburf, Ilartleton and other places, will rind it greatly lo their ad vantaee to rross at this Ferry instead of tba Bridges, as they would save from two to four miles in distance. JOHN SPEECE. LEWIS LENHART. Sunbury, April I, ISIS iew Spring: Dry Goods. VArZIlTaOlT & HALLv So. South S. Streit. Phiad, Iphim. HAVE now in the store and are daily receiv. ing in addition to their assortment as they ar rive in the New York and Philadelphia Maikets, new Spring Pry Goods consisting in part of N-w Styles Spring Mos. deLainea New Slylea Bareges in Stripes, Plaids, he. Choice Col ore, mode Rareges, New Lawns .and mode Mos. de Laines, Pad! de chcrves, a new artiMe, liew style Tissues &c, &c. Fi:knpm ,xo Scotch Gingham. In store one ot the largest assortment in Philadelphia, from the lowest price lo the finest, qualities, much' lower than last -aon FURNISHING GOODS On Ii.wmI at all seasons of Ihe year a large Is koilinei.t, both of-I.inens anil Muslins, at greatly r-itiK'rd irii-i s. a!o Linen Pamasks, Counter puiies fcr Shawls, Gloves Lares tee. tligh 1. 11. tie lllai k Silks, for muntillas. Visiles, Pres n &.c. Ah'nscc Hoy's wear of all descriptions. L lilies an J tJi-nt liMiiitn visiting the city are in viieil to call nml examine our stork. A liberal lei'ueiinn man.? to those who buy tiV sell again. Philadelphia. April !, S(P C4KI1 &. SE1I. i:GR4Vl.U. WM G MASON. 40 C!usnt.t it. 3 doit above 2nd St., Philadrtphiu. I n-ruver of ltrSIMi tc VISITI.VU CARD, Watch papers. Labels, Door plajteg. Seals ai r'lamps (or Odd Fellows. Sons of Temperance, etc.. ke. Always on hand a ene.-al assortment of Fine Fancy tiomls. Gold inns of ever V qualllv i . n 11 . . " . . ? rert A..n..,. ,r 1 r t'l tv Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaxiera Dia monds Orders per mail (post paid) will ba punctually attended to Philadelphia, April I, 148 y GIESE & SONi Cimimissioii tuid Forwarding MET CHANTS, .V. IS Cunmerct Street Whmf BALTIMOHK. Will receive and tell all kinds of Country Pio-due- Flour, Giain, &c. N R I'aitici'ar attention given to the tale ol Lumber And rah advances made On COO s aT.iiviits, w h'-n required. April I, ISIS tin Br .nccu:! .v .i:itiio'x I ) A ( ; V I : H Ii FA )T Y PE ROOM S, o Ids iiifHiiiit itlreel, N,.;.,7i Fai t Eighth it , Philadelphia. Hy ll!CTI!A! I S Iroin llie emal'est !irrasl-in to' Ihe Urges' g", uni'.lv or in groups. Th' P i -printor are wjirank-d in iing, that ilieir n.'tk tx i? i'i) d i ic iiti'ioTi .erjiid to none ia M.c t'iI. Exl-sfi-i fr'in the Press: Lift-liks in die cxpicsMun, chatly correct in i' i- S il in?. .,''' -The u t l.i r. i 1 at g-eil p if.ciioo, ami i . ic o -ilerst nvl it iutut itian Mcl'liea it Goe lil'Mi.' j'j' ,or.' Ir i. A Inn ulii.-! n l- in.- e n I'X.eeJ tlielt exq'uisiia' -I. 'i a. v."- '. S G.itelte. I x 1 Hi-.i from l'ie report of llie Judues, l the lst I 'i I he i'r.nkl n lii::u -Dagueiruotypes . in Im d.-; arm nt th. re are soma tery excellent l e in- ii- in the x il'i'i'.n, and Ihe Joilgeg think I!., v e p'orcskive inoto.'i;nient in tbia branch f fie utt Thi-t h . mn r. comme .led an a .ird in f .vor i.f anv of ihe roMpeiitoia. l ul aia i n e I i . a. fe in order, lha c.llection of Mi-CLEFrl A GEIiMDN, as eonlalnii g ihe lar. g-sl nun.her npteiniem." lul de'pliia, Feb 19. 1818. 6m Finla A I) E L P H I A MEDICAL H0TT3S, E ti.ltUlud IS years ago by Dr. KISKELIS. I he ol.iet, surest ami l-esl hand lo eur all foima' of seer-1 J isesaee, d iaeae of the shin snij snlit.rv l.aliita nf youth, ia DI. KINKELIN, .V. V turner of id and Union its., benreen Spru nndJ'iif, I) squares from th Exchange, 70UNG MEN I if you value your life oryoor1 H ha ilth, trm. p.Ur, tha delay ofa month, nay; ev.-n ck, may prove y-ur rain, both of Uxiy sd mind. 1. 1 nu false modesiy Jeier you fnun mi'kinc your ease known lo one who. Iron education md respectability,, n alone h- friend a Ha wh.. places him-alf under Ur KIN'KELIN'S t'ei.tmeni, may irli?i..ulv e mdi in hie honor ae a gen leniMi, and In ho e bosom will be locked the a rret of llie ps'irn'. To i in my ihii.k tliey will hog trie s crel to their own heirla, a d cute ihtmelv s, A las I how uf. leu t this a f 'til tlelnsii n, mid how tu.iVv a pro y.m- g man, h in ghl hta been an orn. tncnl In socirtv. h Med f.nin ih aarth, I Ol'NTRV INVALIDS, finding ii done' mem to make pa eon il appli.-s. ii n, can. l. aisilng their eipildtly, Men h i tin all tl lit y rptoma. (r I. far post-paid.) ,i.e f.irwar.U d lo ihem a i het fen'ain i.g Tj,, R', ai9. ilic-'ne- S: .i pri i e l v.-.iidiiigly.. Pa. ki:es nf M. diei... s furwanleJ . any part e lha Uiiiled States al a m.imenl'e no ice, P"t r.iu tiTTaas, to p: efi tm, Philadelphia, wi be er .iai.t'y a'hrl. t e ' : Oc. JO'h. lIT.-ly '