Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 10, 1848, Image 1

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B N 1
THE AMERICAN 1. published every Saturday it TWO
DOLLARS per annum to b paid hair yearly in advance.
ki itaM,MitiMiiMl tttitil .t.i. arrwarnffra are naid.
' AUeommanieatlona or leltara on buainriM rrialtng to the
Office, to inaura attention, must be FUST PAID.
Thrsta eoplcs to on. address, S3 00
Beven Do Va 1000
Fifteen D Do WOO
Fiv. dollars in advance will pay ft thru year'. suUcrip
lion to die American.
'One Square of 18 tinea, 3 time.,
fcwy aubaequent insertion,
One Square, 3 montha,
Six niontha,
One year,
Business Cards of Five line a, per anmtm,
Merchants and others, advertising by the
year, with the privilege of inserucg dif
ferent advertisements weekly.
Of Larger Advertisements, aa per agreement.
1 100
Attorney at law,
sinvsvav. pa.
BudriMt iwnaM lo iB the Coontlee of Nor
tbwrltlen4, Utilan, Lycoming and Cotarpkla.
Kefer tot
1. A A. FevacwT,
Lsvataa A Btaea.
BoHSaa A , VPAifaa?.
KataoLas, Mcfiiia A Co. 1
8tiain,Oas A Ca., J
George J. Weaver,
Ab. 1 3 North Water Strut. Philadelphia.
VA8 constantly on hand, a general assort-
mit of Oonlat. 8eine Twines. &e., in
Tar'd Rope., Fiehing Ropes, Whila Ropee, Manil
la Ropca, l ow Lines for Uenal Boats. Also,
complete assortment of 8rine Twines, Ac such at
Hemp 8had and Herring Twine, Best Patent iill
Nat Twine, Cotton 8had and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threada, Ac Ac. Also, Bed Corda, Plough Lines.
Halters, Traces, Cotton and I.inen Carpet Chains,
Ac, all of wbicb he will dispose of on mason ille
Philadelphia, November 13,1847. ly
Wright's Indian Vegetable IMIU.
Henry Masser. Sunbury.
E. & J. KaufTinm, Augusts township.
John II. Vine nt, Chillisquaque.
Kase A Bptgstrescr. Elyrhurg.
Siinuel Herb, Little Mahon.iy,
William I)ppp' n. Jark n.
IrelmJ and Havocs, McErni!lf .
William lleinrp A Brother, Milton,
t'ouythe, Wilson & Co., NoithumberlsnJ
Jamrs R'ed, Polisgrove. "
G. W. Scott. Rushville.
W. & R Fegely, Shimnkintown.
Rhodes A Farrow. Snyderalnwn.
Amos T. Brisi'll, Tu.'.utsville.
Bcnneville Kolshue, Upjr Mabonoy.
J,.hn O. Rrnn. do do.
E. L. Piper, Wstsontnwn.
Wholesale, t the office and general depot, lfi9
Rare at., Philadelphia. D.c. 18. 1847. ly
Caaar Niw A Second surd BoosSioaa,
North West toner of fourth and Arth Street;
Law Books, Theological and Classical Books,
SciiNTirio Atia Mathematical Books.
Juvenile Book, in great variety.
Hymn Books andPrayet Books, Bibles, all sixes
and prices.
Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary,
Whmhonlt and lift alt.
rr Oca prices are much lower than the aaolT-ia pricea.
Xrr Libraries and aniall pareela of bonks puri-haasd.
ty Books imported to order from London.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1648 y
and Dealers In Seeds,
Constantly on hand a general assortment of
To which they respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Groceries or sold on Commission.
Philad. April I, 1B18
Imortss-s and Dealers in
Cottons, Needles, Pins, Sewing Silk,
Steel Beads, Bag Clasps, Steel Tassels, Steel
Purse Rings, Purse Clasps, Plain and Shaded
Purse Twist, Trimmings,
Fancy Goods, &c.
Cheap for Cash to Wholesale Dealers, at the
New Thread and Needle Store,
No. t Njrth fourth Aa. 178 Chestnut Streets.
April 1, 1848
m ruajro roan
f HE SUBSCRIBER basbeaa appointed agent
1 for tba sal. of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this place. These Punoa have a plain, mas
aire and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth
ol tone, and elegance of workmanship, are not
surpassed by any in the United States
These instruments are highly approved of by
tha moat eminent Professors aud Composers of
Music in this and other cities.
" For qualities of tone, touch and keeping ia
tone upon Concert pitch, they canuot be aucpas
aed by either American or European Pianoa.
Suffice it to aay that Madame Castellan, W. V
Wallace. Vieut Temps, and bia sister, tbe cele
brated Piaoiat, and many others or the most dis
tipquished performers, have given these instru
ments preference over all others
Tney have also received the first notice of tbe
three last Exhibitions, and tha last Silver Medal
by the Fianktin Institute in 1843, was awarded
to them, wbicb, witb other premiums from tbe
same source, may be seen at tbe Ware-room No.
S3 south Fourth St.
tLAnotber Silver Medal was awarded to C.
Meyer, by the Frahklin Institute, Oct. )84S for
the best Piano in tha exhibition.
Aarain at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti.
tuta, Oi't. 1840, the first premium and medal was
awarded ta V. Meyer for bia Pianos, although it
bad been awarded at tba exhibition of tbe year
befnra.on the around that be had made still great
r improvements in bit instruments witbio the
past 13 months.
- Again at the last exhibition of tbe Franklin
Institute, 1847, another Premium was awarded
toC Meyer, for tbe beet Piano in tbe exhibition
' At Boston, at their last exhibition, Sept. 1847
C. Meyer received tbe diet silver Medal and Di
ploma, for tba best square Piauoia the exhibition
l'heea Fiaaoe svili be told al ibe manufactu
rer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not eometaing
lower. - Pereoae torn f eajajeate4 to call and exaen
ItM sat tbaaateleaa, al ike rtaitiace a the asm-1
criba. H MAY9ER
Nabsry, April IMS
B jramHg Sittogpgpcr-Brtotrt to aolmcs, atttratttrf, JKowm, ifortrflw n Domestic gtto, attm antr the arts, aflrtnilturr, mmtt amusements, fee.
0, boatman ! wind thai horn again,
For never did the list'ning air
Upon its lambent bosom bear
So wild, so soft, so sweet a strain !
What though thy notes are sad and few,
By every simple boatman blown,
Yet is each pulse to nature true,
And melody in every tone.
How oft, in boyhood's joyous day,
Unmindful of the lapsing hours,
I've loitered on my homeward way
By wild Ohio's brink of flowers,
While some lone boatman from the deck
Poured his soft numbers to the tide,
As if to charm from storm and wreck
Tha boat where all his fortunes ride !
Delighted Nature drank the sound,
Enchanted Echo bore it round
And whispers soft and softer still,
From hill to plain and plain to hill,
Till e'en the thoughtless frolic boy,
Elated with hope, and wild with joy.
Who gambolled by the river's side,
And sported with the fretting tide,
Feels something new pervade his breast,
Change his light step, repress his jest,
Bends o'er the flood his eager ear
To catch the sounds far off, yet dear
Drinks the sweet draught, but knows not
The tear of rapture fills his eye,
And can he now, to manhood grown,
Tell why those notes, simple and lone
As on the ravished ear they fell,
Bind every sense iu magic spell?
There is a Tide of feeling given
To all on earth, its fountain Heaven,
Beginning with tho dewy flower,
Just ope'd in Flora's vcmnl power
Rising creation's orders through
With louder murmur, brighter hue
That tide is sympathy ! its fbb ami flow
Gives life its hue?, its jny and wo.
Music, tho master-spirit that can move
Its waves to war to lull them into love
Can cheer the sinking sailor mid the wave.
And bid tho sailor on ! nor fear the grave
Inspire the fainting pilgrim on his road,
And elevate his soul to claim his God.
Then, boatman! wind that horn again!
Though much of sorrow mark its strain,
Yet are its notes to sorrow dear ;
What though they wake fond memory's
Tears are sad memory's sacred feast,
And rapture oft her chosen guest.
The following humorous sketch is from
the London Punch, who respectfully re
commends its perusal to a certain class of
writers and speakers :
"He was a wonderful hand to moralize,
my husband was, (said the widow,) 'special
ly after he began to enjoy poor health. He
made an observation once, when he was in
one of his poor turns, that I shall never
forget the longest day I live. He says to
me one evenin', as he was sittin' by the
hre 1 was a knttten, (I was always a won
derful knitter,) and he was a smokin', (he
was a master hand to smoke, though the
doctors used to tell him he'd be be better
ofTto let tobacco alone ; when he wos well
he used to take his pipe and smoke awhile
after he'd got the chores done up, and if he
wa'nt well he used to smoke the biggest
part of the time) well, he took his pipe
out o' his mouth, and turned towards me
I know'd somethin' was comin', for he had
a peculiar way o' looking round when he
was gwme to say anythin' uncommon
well, says he to me, says he, 'hilly, (my
name was Prissilly naturally, but he gener
ally called me Silly, 'cause 'twas handy,
yon know,) well, says he to me, says he,
billy' and he looked pretty solemn, L tell
you he nad a solemn countenance natu
rally after he'd got to be a deacon 'twas
more so, but since he'd lost his health he
appeared solemner than ever and certain
ly you wouldn't wonder at it it you know'd
how much he underwent. Ha was troubled
with a wonderful pain in the chest, and a
mazin' weakness in the spine of his back,
besides the pleurisy in hit side, and having;
the ager considerable part of the time, ana
bein' broke o' his rest o nights, 'cause he
was so put to it for breath when he laid
down. Why, it's an onaccountable fact
when the man died he hadn't seen a well
day in fifteen years, though when he was
married, and for five or six years after, I
shouldn't desire to see a ruggeder man than
he was. But the time I am speak in' of he
had been out o' health night upon ten
years, and, oh dear sakes, how he had al
tered since the first time I see him : l nat
was at a quiltin' at Squire Smith's, a spell
afore Sally was married. I'd no idea of
that Sal Pendegrass.
Well, that was the first time I ever saw
my husband, and if any body'd told me
that I should marry him, I should have
said but law sakes ! I most forgot, I was
gwy ne to tell you what he said that even-
in' .nil lultan n liArl.r I.A!n. li. a lltinv
I believe in finishin' on't some lime or oth
er. Some folks has a strange way of talk
in' round for ever, arid never comin to the
pint, and taking twenty words what might
be said in five. Now, there's Miss Jenkins,
she that was Polly Bingham, after she was
married she is just the teejustest individu
al to tell a story that I ever see in all my
born days ; but I was gwyn to tell wjiat
my husband said. He says to me, says he.
'Silly sayi I, "what V I didn't say 'what,
Heaekiah,' for I didn't like the name. The
first tiros J heard it I nearly killed nvatlf
,--f-J -T 4 1 B.J... J
a lauuu 'xiezejuer ocuau, tayg j( iweu
I'd rive no if Ihad tucll a Bam' but than
1 had no more idea o iwsrrjisr the teller,
than you have this minute o' marryin' the
Governor. I suppose you think it curious
that we should a named our eldest son H( in
kier. Well, we done it to please father
and mother Bcdott ; it's father Bedott's
name, and he and mother Bedott used to
think that names ought to go down from
jinncration to jinneration. But we always
called him Kier he's a blessin', aim he?
And I aint the only one thinks so, I guess.
Now, dont you never tell any body that I
said so, between you and me. 1 guess if
Keziah Winkle thinks she's a p-wrne to
ketch Bedott, she is a little out of her reck-
onnr. Uut I was p-wvne to tell vou what
my husband said : Tic savs to me, says lie,
Silly' he'd kept on sayin' Silly from time
to eternity, cause you know he wanted me
to pay particular attention to him, and I
generally did ; the woman was never more
attentive to her husband than I was.
Well, he says to me, savs he, 'Silly' says
I, 'what?' though I'd no idea what he was
gwyne to say didn't know but what 'twas
somethin' about his sufferings, though he
want apt to complain, but he frequently
used to remark that he would'nt wish his
worst enemy to suffer one minit as he did
all the time, but that can't be called grumb-
iinF mink it can; Why, I've seen him
in sitirvatlons you'd a thought no mortal
could a helped grumbling', but he didn't.
He and inc went but I was ewvne to tell
you that conversation o' hisen. Says he to
me, savs he. 'Sillv.' fl could see bv tho
light o' the fire there didn't happen to be
a candle burnin', if I don't disremember,
though my memory is sometimes forgetful ;
but I know we wan't apt to burn candles
exceptin' we had company I could see by
the light of the fire that his mind was un
common solemnised) he says to me, says
tie, 'silly -,' says J, 'what r Says he to me,
says he "He are nil poor creatures ."'
Till: I.ATLlm. GEO. Met LIXI.LW.
A thousand anecdotes are related of the
late eminent scholar, surieon and philan
thropist, Dr. l.eo. McClellen. The memo
ry ot Ins great talents and goodness lintrers
like a charm upon the public mind, and
hardly a day passes that we do not hear
soim? welcome mention of his virtues, coup
led with sincciv regret that he was not lon
ger spared to the world.
On pne occanon he was called to ivr-
form a critical and painful operation upon
the mother of his friend, the late Dr. R.
He came a day before the appointed time.
"Well, George" said the old lady, "will
you come to-morrow ?"
L,et me see," he hastily replied, "to
morrow I shall be busy tomorrow
must go to New York great deal to do
how do you feel to-day must put this op
eration off I fear."
"Oh I am very thankful." said she. "for
I dread it."
"Pooh its nothing work of a moment
no danger let me see the breast." (It
was a cancer.)
".No, George, no ; next week."
"But I must examine it now, you know :"
"You won't hurt me."
"Certainly not."
"Let me pray first," said the old lady im
"I cannot wait come come."
"No no not one ; come, be seated,"
and in a few minutes he accomplished the
operation most successfully. "There,"
said he, "if I had permitted you to do as
you wished, you would have been pnwing
an this time."
A stranger from the South sent for him
to take a tumor from his tongue. He call
ed upon the patient at the U. S. Hotel, and
was shown to his room.
"Let me see your tongue," said the sur
f-eon. Alter a oriel inspection he said he
would call again, and wished the gentle
man good morning closing the door after
him. In an instant, however, he returned.
"Let me look at your tongue once more,"
he said, and, in a moment the tumor was
'What the deuce are you about ?" sput
tered the patient with his mouth full of
"Merely removing a large tumor," repli
ed the skillful surgeon.
"I wont be operated on to-day !"
"It's off, sir," said the surgeon.
"It is'nt off already is it I I expected
to go through a course of medicine "
"And die under the operation, perhaps,"
replied McClellan, wishing his patient a
very good morning.
A young lady of our acquaintance ran a
fine cambnek needle into her thigh, and he
was called in to extract it. She had care.
fully prepared a slit in her garments, at
which the doctor lausrhed neartilv. "Whv.
that will never do," said he, "all modesty
must be thrown aside tor this occasion !
Here doctor B. assist me," and in a twink
ling the needle was taken from its hiding
place. .
On leaving his house one morning he
saw a little boy, who was crying bitterly.
"What is the matter, tny lad don't cry,"
said the kind-hearted man "what is the
matter with you ?"
"I am blind sir I can hardly see now,
and I don't know what to do."
' "Come in my office for a minute."
In a short time he removed a cataract
from each eye, thus restoring the poor lad
to the glorious light of day, and to useful
"Docther," exclaimed a poor Irishman,
'.I am mightily troubled about that little
bill I've owed you nigh a twelve month
come Easter.
"Are you, John." he replied, laughing at
the perplexity of his debtor "well I am
not. Give your business no uneasiness a-
bout the matter or rather give the money
to Tonr wife when von ret it."
"God blew you, docther for.araa) gjutle
man but divil one of me will ever know
an hour's pace of mind unil I am able to
settle wd you. Oca, but you're tie kind
oocanr mnreiy c'tfjf ittm,
Tho annual report of the Commissioner of
, P.t ants furnishes much valuable information.
The estimated population of tho United
States is 20,756,000, and tho aggregate of
personal real property ia estimated at $8,294,
660,000. New York ia the richest State, her
property being Si, 112,000,000; Pennsylva
nia next, $850,000,000, then Ohio $740,000,
000 then Virginia, $503,000,000. Tho re
mainder of the Stales rank as follows :
N. Carolina,
S. Carolina,
New Jersey,
New Hampshire,
R. Island,
District of Columbia,
Western Ei.oqvence. The following are
extracts from the speech of ihe Rev. Mr. Ma
goone. of Cincinnati, nnule nt the anniversa
ry of the New York Baptist Society on Fri
day last :
'It semis strange to me that we srr;ipe
every cent we can reach to son.l the Gospel
to our very antipodes, and forget those xho
come to our own land lo make thrir homes.
Do the Catholics build schools mid coll. --jr?
We may do tho same. Lot u.-i meet them in
kindness, in philanthropy, in discission, nnd
win them- Should a Catholic build on one
corner of my house, an Infidel on nnother,
and u Jew iii fioet, when I came fori, from
my morning ih'votioes I would s.iy. Good
day, to each, und pray that God would bless
them all. When another sneaker tolil of ti
Persecution of Baptists by the French King,
he might have gone farther, ho might have told
how a man rose in Paris and battled nobly
nnd successfully for their cause, and that man
was a foreigner every where it was Crem
ieux, the Jew subsequently called in the
Providence of God, to be Minister of Justice.
It is our privilege to give all men freedom to
worship God. If they are in error wo may
pity them, but should never abuse. But the
greatest ob.slacla lo be removed is defunct
Protestantism Evangelism conirenled. Some
men came to the west who had the odor of
sanctity, who had perhaps been active class
leaders on this side of tho mountains, but
they had left all the Christian heat they ever
hail behind them they were volcanoes burnt
out. They would stop in some devoted place
and settle down, the select wheal of God's
harvest, pjedestinated from all eternity to
sit iu th(ir infernal lainess while tho world
was perishing around them. They are the
fossil remains of Pharoah's lean kine ; pos
sessed of a vis inertia almost sulliei.-nt to slop
the wheels of the Almighty's chariot of mer
cy, and banish every ray of His glory from
In reference lo the kind of preachers re
ceived at the west, ho savs:
"The education soaked iu from the outside,
like a Thompsonian bath, is useless there.
There is no field for such preachers. Black
board knowledge and Lalin root, emptiness
in tho head, green glasses over the eyes, dys
pepsia in the stomach, und a diploma in his
hand, do not suit the people they want what
the Scotch call 'gumption' jhey want men
like Ringgold's flying artillery, who know
how to load and fire in the hottest of the
fight. There is no need to wait for a church
to call a pastor in (he west ; he can call his
church himself. With a log cabin for a ves
try, he can have around him a cathedral
whose arches were wrought and wreathed,
whose roof was adorned in the way the tem
ples of Greece never knew the blue sky is
visible through its dome, tho setting sun
streams in between its pillars, and there, in a
garb as simple as the sublime truths he tellsi
he can preach the Word of Life ; there is no
need of fine linon in double quantity linen
under and linen over his garment he will
not want two shirts."
Cucumbers, which will soon be iu season,
though generally eaten, are considered un
wholesome food. An analysis shows them
to be scarcely food at all. In every one hun
dred parts more than ninety-sevenare mere
water. The fact of the cucumber containing
a substance analogous to fungi, the constitu
ent which imparts a poisonous quality to some
of the mush-room tribu, ia a sullicient ex
plauatiou why this vegetable is so ofTonsive
to the stomachs of many people.
Some wag took a drunken fellow, placed
him in a coffin with the lid left so that he
could raise it, placed him iu a grave yard,
and waited to see the effect. After a short
time the fumes of the liquor left him, and
his position eing rather confined, ha tat up
right, and after looking around exclaimed :
"Well, I'm the first that' rir, or also I'm
confoundedly belated!"
For a Jit of Passion. Walk out in the open
air ; you may speak your mind to tho winds
without hurting any one, or proclaiming your
self to be a simpleton.
Tor a fit of Idleness. Count tho lickings of
a clock. Dj this for one hour, and you will
be glad to pull off your coat tho next, and
work liko a negro.
For a fit of Extravagance and Folly. Go
to tho worklious?, or speak with tho ragged
and wretched inmates of a jail, and you will
ba convinced
Who makes his bed of briar and thorn,
Must hi content to be forlorn.
For a fit of Ambition. Go into the church
yard and read the grave stones; they will
tell you the end of ambition. The grave
w ill soon be your bed chamber, the earth
your pillow, corruption your fath?r, and the
worm yonr mother and your sister.
For a ft of Repining. Look about for the
halt and the blind, and visit the bed-ridden
and afflicted, and deranged : aud they will
make you ashamed of complaining of your
lighter afflictions.
For a fit of Dopondenty. Look on the
good things which God has given you in this
world, nnd nt those which' he has promised
to his followers in the next. He who goes
into his garden to look for cob-webs and spi
ders, no doubt will find them, while he who
ljoks for a flower, may return to his house
with one blooming in his bosom.
For a fit of Doubt, Perplexity und Fear.
Whether they respect the body or tho mind,
whether they are a load to the shoulders, the
head, or the heart, the following is a radical
cure which may be relied on, for I had it
from tho Great Physician. Cast thy burden
on the Lord, for he will sustain thee."
A t ow iioctor.
We commend lo the attention of D.m Mar
ble a report in the Boston Daily AJrrrtistr
of M. Maytiurd vs. Litchfield, to recover da
mages for tho loss of a valuable cow.
'Tin; testimony of one witness (Dr. Stud,
dard.) was as follows. I live in S.-minte, and
am sixly years of cge. I am a cowdnotor.
I have followed tho business these forty
years. 1 doctor sheep, hogs, and horned
critters. I set broken bones, jinls, &c. I
never read no books on critters. I took the
business up kind of nat'ral. I doctor in Scitu
ate, Hanover, Hanson, and all about. Mr.
Maynard and Mr. Litchfield came to me
about this cow. I told them to give her a
pint and a half of caster ile and if they hadn't
got that, to give her a pint of lamp ile, or a
pound of hog's lard. I went to see her the
day afore she died. I gave her a dose of
thorough-stalk tea, strung. I went to see her
again on Saturday, and dosed her again I
thoucht if I could start her idees up a little,
and kind of jog nater, she might get along.
She revived up a little, and I left her. I
went down again. Sunday morning, got
there adotit half past ten and found her as
dead as a herrin. 1 wai mightily struck up.
We skinned her, and snaked her out upon
the snow. I then cut her open and examined
her. She had what I called tho overflow of
the gull. I found a bushel basket full of fox
grass hay, and nothiii else in her cutrils. 1
found a peck more in the manifold, all mat
ted down and dricJ on. My neighbors, use
this kind of hay. It will do for young crit
ters that browse, but I never see any living
critter touch it growing. F.ven grasshoppers
will run from it fur life. 1 took some spirits
down with me, Sunday morning. The cow
bavin? no further use for any, I took a dose
Dining the "small o:if cxcitemeiit, some
body, iu a communication sent us, remarked
that every housekeeper did not know how to
make bread. We copy, for tho benefit of
those persons as well as the rest of the com
munity, the following recipe, which the Tren
ton News says has been successfully tested
for making loal bread, hot breakfast cakes,
&c, superior to any thing of the kind before
produced :
"Mix, dry and well rubbed together, two
leaspooufuls of cream of tartar, with one
quart of flour then dissolve three-fourths of
a teaspoonful of super carbonate of soda in a
sufficient quantity of sweet milk ; mix the
whole together and bake immediately. If
water bo used instead of sweet milk, add a
little shortening. If the above directions be
strictly followed, bread will be produced of
superior lightness and whiteness and no
person having once tasted of it made in this
way would willingly resort to tho common
method of producieg the staff of life.'1
Whoever undertakes to put on the "Razor
Strop Man," is sure to get floored in the
long run. Last Monday, while selling his
strops in Plymouth, and expatiating the while
on the evils of rum drinking, a tipsy fellow
cried out, "If rum mado me lie as fast as
you do in selling your iton, I'd quit it to
day." "Very good," replied Smith ; "tho only
difference between your lying and mine, is
this; My strops enable me to lie in a good
warm bed while rum makes you lie in the
gutter." The tipsy man sloped, evidently
lying under a very great mistake, in suppo
sing that he could get the upper hand of the
"Razor Strop Man." Baton Jlouge Gazette.
Th DirrtAtHca. Tan year ago the
trad between New York and Texas was eon
flood to a tingle schooner ; now there it a
line of ahipa eenttfantly employ.
1 was at the house of Gen. Fiuley, where,
during the years I resided in Chillicoihe, 1
often visited daily, Gen. Finley spoko in the
presence of his family, of the Butlers in very
warm, friendly terms. Tha father, ho siidi
was a man of fine mathematical and mechan
ical talent and Gen. Washington had placed
him as superintendent of public arms. Tha
five sons served through ihu Revolutionary
War, with grent dis'inction as company and
field officers, and possjswl tha entire confi
dence of Osw. Washington ; as an evidence of
which he gave tin following short narrative :
After tho Revolutionary war was over.
General Washington baing President, in Phi
ladelphia, th'J seat of Government al tint
time, Gen. (then Majo:) Finley visited tha
city on business. Ollnr revolutionary officers
were there, at Ilia same time. They were
invited to dine with tho President. Gen.
Washington on that occasion, in company
with his old military companions, seemed to
relax muri more than usual generally ap-
pearing grave and reserved ns is well known,
He spoke of the war and its incidents the
officers and their particular merits. He spoke
of the Butlers in decided tonus of approba
tion and friendship. After thra cloth was re
moved, and they had filled their glasses, as
was tho custom of that day, he gave tho fol
lowing toast The Butler family, the father
and the five sons a truly estimable compli
ment, coming from sucA a man, and one who
very rarely complimented any one, and never
unless the individual possessed extraordinary
Several of the membeis of the excellent
family of Gen. Finley nre still living.
He, for many years, has been enjoying his
reward in a better world. A. HAYS.
Near Madison, Ia., May Is!, 1817.
Debt or Five Eikopean Nations. We
clip from an exchange the following tablt,
which will show the indebtedness, th-; popu
lation and revenue of tho live principal gov
ernments of Europe.
When th-; reader contemplates ih moun
tain load of debts tint sit upon the energies
of these countries, pressing the people into
hopeless poverty, ho canuot tie surpris ;d that
the mass have risen, and will rise agaiu.-:-l the
government which has so oppressed them with
England. Dobt, $4,000,000,000.
Revenue, 5200,000.000.
Population, 28,000,000.
matting a aeoi inirtccn limes greater than
. , . , . . ' '
the revenue, and an indebtedness equal to a -
bout $142 to every man, woman and child of
her population.
France. Debt, $780,000,000.
Population, 35,000.000.
Making a debt four times greater than her
revenue, and equal to $22 to each individual
of her population.
Russia. Debt, $300,000,000.
Revenue, $86,000,000.
Population, 50,000,000.
Debt three times over her revenue and SO
to every soul
Austria. Debt, $300,000,000.
Revenue, $100,000,000.
Population, 37,000,000.
Debt threo times ever tho revenue and $9
to every soul.
Prussia. Debt, 8100,000,000.
Revenue, $40,000,000.
Population 15,000.000.
Making a deb twice und a h.iif over her
revenue und S7 lo each soul.
The Laroest Corn-Grow th in America.
A w iiter in tho Morgan County (t.) Chro
nicle, states that he travelled, l ist season, in
company w ith William Polk. Es ., n brnth-r
of our President. He was i ifoimcd by Mr.
P. that his crop of corn fur H lli. grown on
his plantation in Arkansas, was estimated til
11)0,01)0 bushels, and that he supposed he was
the largest glower of lliis article i:i ihe V. S.
Tho writer presumes that he is tlte largest
rower of this 'rain iu the world. Ills cot
ton crop was Baid to have been a failure !u' i:i'i his ground covered either with grain
having picked "only between four and live e-njn or a heavy mat of clover and timothy
hundred bales." He kept 200 hogs on his ! u-a-s. He considers the exposure of a naked
plantation, He was selling corn iu New Or- tailow to the sun of July and August a sort of
leans from 60 to 1 10 cents p"r bushel. The tveessiry evil that the soil; to be kept strong
following is an estimate of his products: ! should b" covered.
His corn was then worth at least $70,000 . In addition to barn-yard manure, Mr M.i
His Cotton do do 16,000 ; comber applies plaster, salt and ashes broad-
HisPork do do 4,000 'cast. Although no friend to too many ex-;
i periments or theories, ho is a very decided
Making the aggregate of $90,000 ' a,vocalo fjr the union of science with ogri-
for three articles only of his products. His ; C1!trp,
whole produce is supposed lo be worth at i 0w 1 am awaro that many farmers w ho
least $100,000 per year It is stated that Mr. 1 ri,ai the foregoing will say that Macomber
Polk began poor, and made nil he possessed j muflt ei(lier llirp groa, 0f h(,?)( nt work
by his own e.xerlions ; and in conclusion it is , V(rv himself. Very true,- but has he
added: "Here, then, are two planter's sons j no,the product to pay for the labor? He
beginning the world poor ; one is the greatest , hjms(.if nverg , ha, t)lp j.ibor of harvesting ami
corn-grower in tho w orld Ihe other holds , .,..:.. , i cmn ; ,he m0i, formidable
tho highest office in Ihe world."
Salome Muller, tho German woman, whose
suit for freedom, on the ground of not being
of Afriean blood, excited so much interest
some time since, has at last established her
freedom in tha New Orleans courts, and is
now suing John F. Miller for the freedom cf
her children.
Singular Coincidence ! A contempora
ry, who eviduully is a shrewd observer, re
marks that no person who took a newspaper
regularly and paid for it like a man, was ever
convicted of a capital offence. No such per
son was ever tent to tho penitentiary, or any
other prison over committed suicide, or went
to the luwuio asylum ; and with a few ex.
Motions, longovity baa boon tbe consequence
of to upright a practie.
A large and enthusiastic mectifag of the
Democratic citizens of Lewisburg and its vi
cinity was hold in the Town Hall on Monday
evening, May 29ih, to endorse the nomina
tions mado by the Djmocratic National Con
vention for President and Vice President.
On motion, WILLIAM CAMERON, Esq.;
was called to the chair; Alexander M'Clcre,
Esq, and Dr. J. F. Grier, elected Vice
President? ; and Maj. H'm. B. Shriner and
'H'm. Frick, appointed Secretaries.
On motion, Gen. A. Geen, Charles II. Shri
ner, Joseph Glass, II inry W. Fries. John
Miller, William Adams, Maj. R. B. Green,
Henry Neitier, S mi , and II. C. Hickok, wera
appoint"d a committee to report a preamblb
and resolution expressive of th" sense of tho
The meeting was ably and eloquently ad-
dressed by H. C. Hickok and C. H. Shriner,
I Esqs.
Resolutions complementary to Pre-ident
Polk and James michannii, were passed, as
j well as the follow ing :
Resolved that we warmly congratulate tho
Democratic party; pud the whole country,
upon tho noinitiallon of the Hon. Lewis Cass,
as the Democratic Tandiclate for President of
the United States. His plendid talents, long
and brilliant public services, and spotless pu
rity of character, constitute claims to public
favor, that will unquestionably secure for him
the united, enthusiastic, and successful sup
port of the entire Democratic party through
out the whole Union.
Resolved that we highly approve of the
nomination of Kentucky's favorite Demo
cratic sop, Gen. William O.'Butler, to the
office of Vice President, and wo hereby
; pledge ours"lves to give him a full and honest
! support.
Resolved tint the Hon. Sutvm Cameron of
I the United States Senate, is entitled to great
! credit fr the remarkable tact talent, and
: efficiency he has displayed in the discharge
of his arduous oilicial duties, and for his uni
form and unswerving fidelity to the interests
oi his constituent1!, and the prosperity and
: honor of our common country. His course
in the Senale has been such as to merit and
i receive the warmest approbation of tho De
! mocracy of the Old Keystone, and in Ihoir
name we confidently bespeak for him the
, steady of that approbation and
' support of which he hr.s proved himself to be
so eminently worthy.
I Tt..k-.vl lli-it v.Mriwt llio Tin,, flnr.iA
e, i c . r r i
.Snmeoii, also a Senator from Pennsylvania,
, , a - lleman of 9lrict int is ana faith.
, fu, and worIhv Rpprt!SCntative. '
j RpsoIveJ ,. . consiJer lho war wilK
I , . i i . ,
Mexico a just and righteous war, and hope
it will bo prosecute d with the same vigor and
energy ns heretofore, and fliat our troops may
not bo withdrawn till we have conquered an
honorable peace.
Resolved that these proceedings be signed
by lho officers, and published in the Lewis
burg Chronicle, Union Times, Sunbury Amtt-
rica.n, Democratic L nion, Tho Pennsylvania!!,
Washington Union, and in the Democratic px
pers generally.
' Signed by the officers:
Tare Farming. A; Macomber of Spring
Port, Cayuga county, N. Y. has a farm of only
sixty acres. inchiiliiiL' two public reads. It
I was originally covered with oak nnd hickory
; trees the soil is a clay loam, with limcstonii
j pebble. II keeps three horses, four cows,
! ami thirty-live sheep. His crop last year,
J as C.VJ bush -!s of plump w heat 150 bushls
'ofotts :!ve acres of corn very stout few
rcres cloveis -ed between 30 nnd 40 tons of
hay, and more pasture than c in be found on
any other farm of the size in the county of
j Caynea.
i Ile always sows his corn ground with wheat
: tits! hauls oil' the corn, harrow again three
; times, and sow plenty of cloverseed in tho
spri:2. lie makes all the straw into mannn
and puts most of it on hi corn ground. Tho
.Teat secret of this mail's success is in keep-
rait of his farm labor. How much better
n - - - - t - .
thus to expend money to harvest and secure
crops, than waste money and labor in a lardy,
slovenly, ill directed course of farming wfi'ich'
gives no crops to harvest, or very poor ones.
Genesse Farmer.
The Presbyterian General Assembly,
now sitting at Baltimore, on Wednesday sus
tained the appeal of Dr. Skinner, restoring
him to his ministerial functions.
Nothing is more eaay than to magnify a
trifling circumstance into a serious misfor
tune, by suffering the mind to dwell upotl
and place it in every possible point of riei
each assuming a darker shade than th's It ia the common fault of a vivii icV
agination to exEfratc fu'hcr g"fd erf'rl-