4 .." '. y- SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOTUN JOURNAL. ITEMS EDITORIAL ind SELECTED. ' aUJSlMES-S NOTICES. Messrs. J. W. & E. D. Stokes 19 Mar ket street invite the attention of purchasers to their splendid assortment of cloth ins, which are made up of the best materials, and the best and most fashionable style. To those who purchase clothih? in the city we can recommend Messrs. 'Stokes, with great satisfaction. Jacob Keck, No. 293Market street Thil adelphia, offers for sale choice old liquors, 'such as old rye Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, &.c. For particulars see his'advertisement. ' D'Aubigncs History of the Reformation. Persons who may want a copy of this ex ' cellent work can obtain one by calling on the editor. We call the attention of Merchants and others to the advertisement of Mr. Coulter No. 15, South 2d street down stairs, who "keeps on hand a large assortment ofbaskets, children's coaches, cradles, chairs, &.C., which he manufactures himself, and which by economy and small expenses, he can sell at reduced prices. The Father and Motfter of a boy who was lately drowued in the Ohio river, are daily seen in a skiff grappling for the body of their child, often ceasing from their la bor to weep. 'Secret Meetings are held in Montreal with a view to the establishment of Cana dian independence. The Sowth Carolina Delegates. -The Charleston Mercury says, the attempt of Gen eral Commander to represent nine men in the Democratic Convention, was the 'cooliest pieee of impudence it has seen sihee 1840, and thinks that he eclipses General Santa Anna in his creative talents. roa thYAmekica'n. VKOCRAPHICAL ENIGMA. lam tompostd of 10 Utters: My 5, 9, 7, 6, is one of the grand divisions of South America. My 9, 8, 7, 2, 5, 9, is one of the grand divi sions of the Globe. My 4, 9, 10, 8, 2, 4, is a River in British America. My 3, 9, 4, 10, 2, 5, 9, 4, is a Cape in the United State!". My 5, 2, is a River in Europo. My 7, 3, 2, 4, 9, is a River in France. My 6, C, 7, 2, 8, is a River in S. America. My 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, is a Luke in N. America, My 7, 3, 9, is an Island in Europe. My 1, 9, 8, 8, 2, is an Island, in Asia, i My whole is the name of a candidate fur Register and Recorder of Northumberland County. Shainukin, Pa. Answer next week. COMMUNICATION. .Mr. Editor: As it will soon bo time fir the democratic citizens of this county to se lect a suitable person as their candidate fur the olhco of SheritT, at the ensuing election, " v trust that the interest which every uter .should. feel in the election of a competent in- j cumbent will bea sufficient apology for asking j permission to recommend, through the col- j Uinns of your paper, GIDEON M. YORKS; I "Esq., of Sunbury, to our fellow citizens as u gentleman eminently qualified to discharge , all the duties of the office and in every way j worthy of their confidence and support. i Whore Mr. Yorks is known so well as in i this county it is wholly unnecessary for us to ! say one. word in his favor. Ilis intimate ac quaintance with all the duties of ths otiice, rnnirptl bv actintr for several years in Ihe , pacity of deputy sheriffhis skirt busiuej ! . u t.j. n.i nl.liiriinr ill, i ihits. as well as nts knui anu oonging mo ca habit as position and courteous manners are known and appreciated by all, whilo his firm anil' con sistent support of democratic men and mea sures has rendered him deservedly 'popular with the party in every section of thecounly. He is decidedly the choice of our section pf this county and we 'feel an honest confi dence in saying that wo do not think the convention could place any one in nomina tion who would receive a larger vote than he. Many Democrats of Old Augusta. May 23, 1848. K7-M0JT EXTRA0RDIS1HY WORt '.j THE MAHBIBD WOMAWM PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION". BY DR. A. M. MAUlllCEAU, raorEftsoB or disease or womax.. Sixth Edilion. lPmo. pp. tw. Price 81 33,000 Copies sld la Three mouths 1 " Ymre of suffering, of physical and mental anguish ti many an effeetiotiate wile, ami peruiiinry dimculliea In the husband, might have been spared by a timely posseaaioo m bit work. It is intended esswiallv fur the rmrried. or thiM con'em platiiw niarriaxe. aa it dtseloM impnuiit secrets whu h should be knnwe. to tbetn partKaatny. . ' Tcutv. knowWxtte ie aower. II w beal Blth, bappiiieas, sIBu- . MMWioia enmainad ta its iMKea have nrnved a blessing to thousands, as the iasMUacrable letters received the author will attest. Hers, six, swsry fusele the wife, the mother, the one iUMt buiMui into wnmsnltnoel of the not in the decline of 'years in whom natura enatsaapkaea an important change-, can discover the rauara, symptoms, and the most efficient stmsrliis. and swiet eeflaia swata of cure, in every curu. atainl to wtsek'herex Ueuhjeet. -feytM will el1smUirre ef passage to Ue ear. Over tea Ihousand enpiea have been aent by mii( within three mmtha, with pereel mletj and certainty. On tte receipt of One Dnlku. the "Married Womah'a Private Meuioal Cienpaniun" will be scot (suturo mi) to any part of the Vailed (Hates. U letters must be pust natd (exeent those enntaining a remittance) and addreeeed tollr. A. H Mauriceau, Box lM, New-York City. Pub tithing Ortioe, I9a laberty-at., New York. The "Married woman's Private Medirnl Cnmptiuon" u sold by booksellers throughout the t'niled States. June X IrMB- A DrrsBMiRaTiON or Blood to ts Hxad. as it is called, ran be accounted for upon.no other principle than from the presence of corrupt and stagnant bumor ia Ihe venous circulation, which prevent tberetura of the vital fiued to the heart. When the passages are choked op. and it becomes tl it were, prisoner in the head, there is a dis tension er swelling of the bloed-vessela, s pres. sure apnn (be brsir., hesdscb, giddiness palpita tion ol the heart, ipoplexy, and other dreadful results. ' Wright's Indisn Vegetable Tills sre certain to prevent . the above unpleasant complaints,' be cause they expel from the circulation .thof hu mour whictr are tbe:Cause of all disordered mo tmasof tbeWhod- Tbey als aid and improve digettioaand therefore Will most assuredly give bealib and vigor ta the body. ' ' Caut on Te avoi.l couuieiMta, purrheeef'om those only who pan ehow a 'cerlifittle of dgency. reoreeenting the tvnding of Wi'liam Penn t anil eompaie the lalele en tb bog with the fc simile aj lhaaertiAcate,' Te be genuine, they rnuel he ssetly alike, signsiuie sad all. Bewgre of eoun- eita atuJ I The grngine for sale by Hear Miasss, sole agent for beubury. end other agents, publuh- in tnotbti pit of this fipei RlLr.noHK MARKET. Office of the Daltimoiik AnssicAS, Mr 99. GRAiM.-Vcry little Maryland or Virginia Wheats arriving. We nolo small sales at 120 al30 cts. for good to prime reds. A load of Pennn. red was sold to day at 127al30 cts and another load at 131 cts. Sales ef corn, at 40a4 lets, for white, and 40 cts. for yellow, which is a slight improve ment. 1 Oats are worth 30a32 cts'., sales. WnisKcr. Sales in bbls. 23c,h1ids. 22 ets. : : t v j ptn.ABSx.vRra xa&xcb. Wid"ssdt, May St, ,1848. Wheat Prime white Jl 23atlr26; red is worth SI 20 a SI 23 Rve Southern 73c, Penna. 75e, per bush el. Corn Yellow is worth 49 a 50c ; white 48c. Oats Are dull lit about 40c for Penn.; Southern 3). Whiskey Sales in bbls at 22c, in hhds 2 Ho. EMntc of Charles tVootvcrtoii. ' 17TOTiCE it hereby given that letters tests incutary have been f ranted to the subscri bers, executor of Charlet Woolverton, dee'd, late of Shamokin township. Northumberland county. All peraona knowing themaelvea indebted to laid eatate, and those having any claims arainst the ante, ere requested to aettle their accounts with out delay The undersigned executors will meet for that purpose at' the house ol the latedee'd, on Tuesday, the 6th day of June next, of which per sona interested, will please take notice. JOHN l. WOOLVERTON, WILLIAM REED, April 29, IS 18 Ow "Executors. FRE NC I if RE VOlXTiaS. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, must fall, so must prices. That this is a fact can be proved by railing at . v No. 72 North 2d street-rtbove Atch, FHUABIIiftlA, LB MURAY, FINE COLD AND SSLVEfe WACstfS. LOVYCR THAN EVER OFPCltSD, tVaweeoJ- mmd MsN, Tbs stock Consists in part of Gold aodSilver Levers ; I'Epine and Quartier Watches ; Jewel ry of tbs newest and most ftbiorrble'pttern. SILVER SPOONS, . Particular attention paid to these articles, the quality "vf which it No. 1, and workmanship ilifto. The establish ment of LE IIURAY has been well known FUR FOURTY YEARS, in SECOND Street, and hat made a character which needs lis) ipi'iffing. Silver TEASPOONS as low at $4,30 per aett can be made for lets if wished. WATCA GLASSES Plain. 10 ctt ; Patent, 3 ; 'Lunette. 20 cts ; other articles in propor tion. "Krhiember, you can buy here below any pub lished list of prices in this City or New York. Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and warrnnted to give satisfaction N B. Old Gnhl and Silver benight for cash or taken in exchange at (don't forget the No 72) North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. S3. 1817 ly c. May 6, 1818 Tb TliF. -ELECTORS OF "NORTH U 1 BER LAN I) COUNTY. I RESPECTFULLY inform you aa a citizen of Northumberland county, that my friends in the four lower townships made a solicita tion, or call, these three years, to olfer tnysell to the citizens of our-couuty, as a candidate for the otiice ol ItKGISTKIt AVI ftECOitDER, i and I fla'ter 'myself capable of fulfilling the du ' ties of said olKce accoiding to taw. As I am disabled to do any thing else but teaching school I which I followed seventeen years, and under ! stand both English, and German, which is ne I resry.'fcr., JOHN HENRY 1CREBS. I Upper Mahoncy, May 27, l'8l8 cou ; t it y m i : it c ii x ts fan stive from 13 to !I3 per Cent. BY purchasing their OIL CLO I'HS 'direct from the Manufacturers. POTTER & CARVICHAE'L Have opened a Warehouse, No. 133 'North Third Si reel above Race, second tfoOr South of the Ea gle Hotel, PHILADELPHIA, vbere thev will always keev onnand a complete Vasoliment of Patent Elastic Carriage O.t Clillu 2S. 80, 40, 48 and St inches wide. Fi gured, Pointed, and Plain, on the inside, on Mus lin 'Drilling and Linen. Table Oil Cloths of the most desirable patterns, 38, 40, 40 and 84 inches wide Floor Oil Cloths, from 88 inches to a 1 ., uf patterns, all of their o.vn intnu'acture. Trant parent Window Shades, Carpets, tc. All-goodt warranted. Phils. May 27, VB48 3m HO!! FORTliE GREAT "W H I G C O N VENTIOK 4N PllILADELPJIIA. Mb.' FOR WATCHES ANU JEWELRY. Ai there will be ihooiandi of persons visiting Philadelphia, to participate in the Great Nation al Whig Convention, to be held nn the 7th of June next. JACOB LtDO.MUS. No. 246 M tRKET Street, below Kighth. first Mere, and LEWIS LIDOUUS No. 41 MARKET Street, above Eleventh, north side, would respectfully invite all persona wishing to purchase any goods in our line to the following list 'of prices of Watches, &c. of our own importing. Full Jewelled Gold Levers 18 karat ca- , let. Full Jewelled Gold 1'Kpinet Silver Levers, Full Jewelled Quartier't All the above prices are at lestt 10 83 to 40 87 " 30 17 " 20 " 0 per cent lower than usually aoil lor the same quality ar ticle, and we defy competition to.produce cheap er goods, all we ask ia a call to convince pertona of tat above gACTaat L LlDOMUS, 413 MAKKF.T St. J. LADOWUS. 4 MARCES St. Philadelphia. Miy'37. 18483,. -'KKfcW ALL irtfr Ttl'ST. HATE REMOVED frtrelH Maah Street, at then Mew Brlleadid and Isawfeaigslast- litbment to be known aft the t Tawer stall Ctathlaff s4lrtLa4lkr, So. 182 JMuriei Street, 'between JlfA Jr sixth, fHfLA'DELPHIA. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul gating what In any wry might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration of soma in Ihe trade, but will beg leave to quote the following notice from one of our city papers; '. "One of the greatest curiosities thf t our City affords to the stranger, ia BENNETT fc CO I Cieat clothing store. No. 183 Market Street, be tween Fifth and Sixth, which has been styled 'Tower 'Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building ie an immense one, con taining seven cspaeiout rooms, all ei which are stocked with every variety ot seasonable gar ments, trrsnged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprietors hike great pleasure in ahowing their building end coritente to the citisen, particulaily strsngeis, slid to'thnse co ming from the country we know of no place more worthy of a visit . Philadelphia. May 37th, 1848 3m. TO THE "ELECTORS OP NORTHUMBER '. "LAND COUNTY. fTIELLOW ClTlfcEN Encoursge4 by ms 1 ny of my friends, I respectfully offer my self ss a candidate' for fh iffice of ' . REGISTEIs ANp HPCOtlt)Bll, and Clerk af the Orpliaag' Court, At the spproaehing election. Ebeuld I be fa vored with a majority af your votes, 1 will spare no txcrtiont to reader general satiefactioa. GEORGE OYSTER rtlt tretowBib!p, May 11, 18(8. CHEAP HEW GC0D3. JohhV. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that ha has iusf received and opened a splendid astortment of (3D CDS, consis ting er , mv uonos, Groceries, Hardware, Qutenswart, tee. The public ars invited to call and examine for themselves. Sunbury, Msy 8, ton tf All nersons are hereby cautioned acaintt nur- chasing a certain bob-tailed grey horse belong. ing to me, now in possession or John v. nay, or Sunbury, who has no legal right to saiJ horse, until be performs the conditions of an agreement entered into by him with the subscriber. oAtUtb SAY 1UUL, Augusts Miy 59, 1848 3t Plilla., UenttlHfr, and rottivllle Kan iioaa. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT HA'NGE of Hours, and two Trains Daily each way, except Sundays. n and after Monday, May 1st, 1848. two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila. and Pottsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia st 71 A. M. daily except Sundays. Poises Heading at 10.43 A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 71 A. M. daily except Sundays Passes Readihg at 9 10 A. M. The above Line stops at all way stations on the road a formerly. AFTERNOON LINE F ' ST TR YS. "Up Train Dowii Train. L'avet Philadefr.hla at Leave"P6ttsyille st 3 2 P M .daily except Sundays. P. W , daily except Sundays. Leaves Phrcnitvillc 3 45 " Pottstown, 4,13 Leaves Sch Haven, I 37 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Rding, 3.30 '," FoTttrnVn, 430 " P(tts)ville,3 00 IrritM at Slate Tteed. 1.80 " .Reading. 3.0 ." PortClinten, IM8 " Bca.Hatea. I.to ArrivttVt fitts- ville, 0 Themfter'a tre'.i ilrstepoaly al the above pistoied sttitiorTs. fliteag'eta far ether aeiate est thereTbre tike the scoratag Llee Denot in PnJtadeirhla. earner af Reaad and T ne StreeH. No Fsseengere csa eater the Care unless provided with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty mauds of basrete will be allowed to each 'passenger ia theee lines; sad passengerevjre egpreeely prohibited from teking snythingtrs beggsge but their wearing apparel which will be st the risk of its owner. Ne frefght will be taken by these lines. By order of Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Seeretary May 0 1818. tf. DR. TOWXSEXD S COSPOl'XD EXTRACT 0? SAHSAPAU1&LA. f pi IIS Kxirnct ia put up in quart bottles. It ig nix timet X ciicnper, (ttninunttfr, aiHl warrantttl suptri-r v any ld. It curci ilittiiarit without Viniutinii, purging, nck nmM, cr Uoliilitatiiig the priticnt riml it purlirukirlv wtajitwl for u FA M. AM) aPKlNO MKOICINH. The great bemity ftuit auperi rity of this HtiKiptirilifi over utliur reiiietlif.it If, whilst it tnitlicutci ilimaiuo, il iilviB rtwttfi the b nly. t'oiniiinpti curetl. ricinne uiitt f. reiirtht'ii. C Mtiiutiiptioii ran be c:red. Br-Jiichiti, Coiirtutupiion, Liver C inpluint, CMr, C-iigtv, Caturrh, Astliinn, S,ntiimf of IH-khI. S imiviu niUie Cheat, Hectic Flusli, Nik lit wentrj, Dirti vult iind Profuse i:ipectiratioii, ml I'uin in the Side, Ac, Ac, liaveiiiHl Kin be cun -it. Protttbly tlicrr never wns a reiiMtly lh;it 1i:i sue ceputful in tlcaH'nile c.tucn of cHiitiiupti hi im this ; il cltrtn atjs uih! alrt:ni;i)ieiia the avHlem. unit Hpit;-ita I" licul tlte ul eeraou the Uuign, und puiieula grutttiully regain their utitHl lieullh ami Pirnmtit. CLKlot'st t'ASi: F CONr!'MPTIO. There in H-;irct:lv a l:iv miMca but there ure a number i f enm-a of c ltimiiiipti u rcjst.rtt-tl am cured by the inte ol Ur. : iwuscua aNUsu;tart;iu. The f U waa r:enU ie- ; ceived : 1 ltr. Tow.rsi Penr Sir; Ftir th Inst thro ycara 1 j nae ieiii nm let til with fceuenii ufbuity, and nervoiia ctn umpiiiHi of the lust miur, autl tlul n-it expect to evar pi in my fieulth m ull. After froiug throuftli a c mrae of nieiliciu uiutcr the enre of nue of I Tit in at (liatiii)iuilted rcyular phyMictiiui and inciiitierA of the Rtanl of UinUh iu New York mid clHcwhere, and apendiv.fi tlie til l of my cjiniutyn in ntti'iiittiiiff to reirnin my health, uutl alter rciil:ajr in a nue pit per of y.iur Niraaptirillu 1 rca lvcd to try it. After tump kix b tltlea I f uud 11 d oic lite reut g hkJ, oatl eulleii to aee you ut yoitr othee ; with yuir n.lviee I kept t n, und di iiHist heiirtily tlumk )ou lor yur advice. I pcrncvi-re in tiiaing the Sarin iinnlla, nud have Ihii able to at lend to my iimud labor f.ir the Lmtt four UMattin, audi hope by the Ueaaiuga of Gal und vour HirKtparitln to c utmuc my healih. It helped me beyond the cxnrtatirta of nit who knew my cw. CIIAKI.K3 tfl I.MUY (rnuive, Ktwcx co. N. J., Aug. 9, lr17. S:nteif Yrw Jeraet Kievx c.Kuity, aa. Charlea Quiin by being duly aworn actortimp to law, on hit aath anith, tiutt the foreg ing atateiueut ia true aecorduia; to the leat of hta knowledge and belief. (II AUI.i;S Ql 1MBV. Hworti ami aubaerilsrd to bcfire me at Orange, the 2d Auguat, 1&I7. CVRt ft IIALDWIN. Juatieeof In Peucc. WITTING Ill.01. Read the fo)!nwing, and aay that consumption ia in incu rable if ytu can : . New York, April S3, 1H7. Pr.Tnws.atND : I verily believe that your S-traapiuilb han been tlie meana, thntugh Pnvulence, of aaviug my life 1 Itave foraeverml ye;tni had a bad cough. It becaiiie w tb and Worae. At bull raianl large qiiautitiea of blond, bad night sweats and was greutly debilitated autl rMueed, and r.ia n k export to live, i nave ouiy uaeti ymr naraapunua mil auri irt nine, aiat there has a wotidertul change been wrtught in me. 1 am uow able l wulk all over the ity. I raise a i Uoud, and my c uigii hua left me. You con well imagine that 1 tun tJumkl'ul l r thcae result. Your oIhnIi enl servant. VM. ItrSMRLL, 63 Cuthunue t. IXTllKKSPKKt;il. The annexed eertiiieate tells a siimtle eiul truthful atorv of siiiferiuK and relief. There are th mxands of similar ea ses in this city ami Brooklyn, ami yet there are fh tuiuids oi parents let ttieir ciiii.tr en die lor tar ol tx-tug nmuuugged or to save a fewslit!liiujs. Itro-Tkivn. ?. pi. i;i i-w. Vt. Tiiwxhkiv: I luke plenanre in stating, fi t i he bene fit of thse whom it uvty concern, tliul my ifeughter. two years and atx m mths UI, w.n allheled with general dt, bility autl 1 ss of siieeeh. She was iriven up us iiaat ie- r tVerr by our family phykieiuu; ImiI furtimuteiy 1 was re r siumendett by a friend lo try y.ur KirHirilln. Uef tfe luiviajr used one liottle she recovered her apech and Mas 1 enabled to walk alone, to the st aiishmeiit of all v h iwere i uopmiuted with tlie circuuiMiuncea. She is now qtule well. 1 aikd in much Itetler lowllh than ttlie has lein for li m niths 1 ut. JOSKPI1 TAYI.Oli. I.N Ymk st , llnioklyii. TWO i llll.UHKN SAVKI). Vefy few families indeed in fuel We lnive h H heard tf tMie that used Ur. T twitseml'syarsapflriHa in time, tst any eluidreii the past Summer, while those that did u l, sickened a led died. The c relocate we puMish below is c aieluaive evidei.ee of Us value, and is only an rther lusianve of its saving the hvea of children : Or. Towhsbnd ltr Sir : I had two children cured by y.r Aaraaparilai of toe aummer complaint and dyaeitiaryi one was only 141 attOuta oid and tha other 3 years. They were very muck f4seed, and we expected they would die ; they were a;ivei air bff lw reapw table physsruiBe. When the eVscttsr wfotmnd-m xx weaiees lose daetn, wereaoi ved to try saaur aampmmsim-wmt hmmt m anaelrof . but had UseejsftiaNaef taawe esstssf er mmuk ataalTeniaeel that ta Woiilasss) btitwtars Uamekkful uetwt ei.lov it undosBDt-AsTed txae ifb e'bJier. 1 4rn thaw taaVtli etavaay bmilcmbunim Ynuf:aafia'aleW, . A. JQKH WtXwOM.-if. . Myruaa,.. GREAT tTEMALf: MBIMCTKC' ' -Ds . Towasaa e's aUBaav&aiu ia a asiwsiaaaapssdV cure fne iueipient enneamptioe, aiel fuv lhafeuaral atJStra. Uw nf the eyeteca ao ajaMter waeiaer laa reauK of uihe rent eaaat of eraeat, aaaaees) by irregularity, illness or ac aaeut. Nothina oan be nance surprising than its ineigoratinf af farts on he human frame. Persone ail weakness aud las- situde, frren tatetne: it at ones become Mboat and full of energy under iu uiflueucc. It immediately enunleracts the nerveiewness of the fenvUe fraiue, which ia Ins great eeuse barrenneea. It will nnrbs ezneeted of us, hi eases of so delicate a na ture, to eahihil eertihraies vi euree performed, but we can assure the arhicted that huudreds of oaaee have been rcpoc- ln io us. la. TownsaND : My wife beiruT greatly aistreseed by weaknres and general debility and Buffering enutmuelly by nsiti and wiih other dirncuaics, aiuk having ka iwn eases where ynar medicine has erfectad great eurea; and., ale hearing it reeommeteteit Tar atich eases aa I have dcerrihed, I oUained a batle of yuor Extract u Baraapariila and I J l'iwed the directhms yuu gave me. In a shirt peri "d it removed her ennilaiuta and restored her tu bealUi. Heing greatful f w the benefits 'slie rueaiveri, I take nleaanre in thus ackieiwlucWuig it, aud roBjaunendina it to the public. , . M. D. MtlORE, Albany, Aug. IT, '4t. c r. Gland 4 Lydia Sis, . DVHI'P.rSIA. Nn fluid or meilicuu has ever been diecivered which so nearly reeemlilee the gastrui juice or wiles w decannnaing fund and sirengtheniiHi the nrrane nf dieesu ei as Uus nre- parau nf Peratparilia. It saaitively cures every ease of ayspepsia, nowever seven nr ennnie. Bank Deoartaaeia. Attaurr. May 1. tAlfi. Dr. Townaend Sir : I have been emioted far aeveral years with dyspepsia iu its worst fam, attended with a ur ness of stomach, kss nf appetite, extreme aearthura, and a greet a veraon tn all kinds "tf fit id, and f weeks, (what I e mid sal) I have been enable to retain but a small porti at on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but tbey had hut tittle or an atTact in removing the e vnplaint. I was in duced, abnit two avHilhs ainea, tn try ynar Kx treat of ear. senarilla, and I must eay with liule cmfideoce I but after awn nearly tw- aHtlae, I found aay appetite restored end the heartburn entirely renrwed : and I wnukt aarnastrv rs e enmend Iha nee nf it tn those who have been afflicted eel have been. Yuan. Ac, W. W. VAN S UKDT. Agent for fHinlmry JOHN W. KRIIJNO; Nor. thumherkaid, MARY A MeCAY I Sauivilie, WM. A MURRAY 4 Co., April K, lets ly Estate tiiIeaac Tanayckel. 1 NOTICE i thereby given, that letter ef Ad minittrstion, with the ill annexed, have been granted to the siibicriber, on the eststs of Issse Vairyxel, dee'd, Iste of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. All nersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, end such that have any claim against the tame, are herewith called fipon to settle their seeounta without delay. JOHN H ADOS CJfrOUT. Administrator, Ice. Ms IS, 1948 6t Notice Th Ihe heir of Themms Mni, bury, elet'd. BY virtue of a certain writ ol partition and valuation to me directed, en inquiaition win be held at 1 1 o'clock. A. M. on HON PAY, the 9th day of JUNK, 1818. upon the premises of a certain tract Of land tn Rush township. Nor thumberlend county, surveyed nn a warrant dsted June 33, 1773, to James Dotts adjoining lands of John Hursh, "Lewis Vastine, Benjamin Vattine and others, containing three hundred end twenty seres, more 6r lett, to inquire whether the said premises can be ao parted and divided to and a mong ail the heirs snd legal representatives of the said deceased, (to wit : inphia Jolly, Mary Ely, Charles ReK and Lyrlia P. hit wife, John Thompson Executor of Rebecca Jolly, dee'd. Re becca I.e Due, Adminis'trix nf Mary Rex. dee'd, heirs of Thomae Vaybury. dee'd, Rebecca May bury, Warren Jones ft K!iabetti hia wife, Wil- Hiam Harrison St Anna hit wife, William Harris Jt Susan his wile, John Boyd & Jane his wife, and Sarah Ann Maybury, who are the heirt of Wil. lonehby. Maybury. dee'd, who was one of Ihe heirt of Thomas viavbury, dec'tl ) at in tail! writ commanded at which time and place the aforesaid heirt are hereby warned to be ami appear if they think proper. THOS A. FILLINGTON', Slietiff. SherllTt Ollice, Snnbuiy, I April 22, 1848 J 6t OXYGENATED A SOVtRl IGN REMEDY PUR PUTWMC. ArHV GEORGE 8. G1REEN, Pomtd. Windsor, Ttmpnf. It oTereiem tcmedr for PT SPtPtW A, In xter of it f'WBta, suh aa psin' ia tat StortMsch, Heartbern. tUaaai CoMireueea, AchJ Stoarawh, Headache. Lueeo Appetite, Pi lee, Nifhi flweafli, and even ConsutupUoa rDyapeptie Phtaiaic.) and Axthioa, or Phthisic attentUd with deraiigte raent of the timarh (or Dyspeptic Aeihtisa,) Diftcult Breattiinf , which often remlta from imperfect digretioii (or Dysospttc SyaMKBa.) ia relieved by these Hiitrra. Iiiahort, their use has Iweii urored in the reiit-l" of alnioat all the vymptma that proceed from a debilitated or aumic rxtidi tiuuof the Ht'jrnach : aUao in feticnd rVbllitv viiiw frum asgeor fnin the rrTrcts of Kerer. pariicularty -Fever ad Apne. Femrdcs suflering tindfr a?iy utf-rine deraiig ctiiMit anstiisT from weakiieas, will find the 'OiTOaTNXTEi) JJit tvrs'' an excellent rruiedy, and not surpassed ty any medi cine in ue. , The hist ry of this medicine ia peenliar. It has inudc its way to public lavr a dely by tlie force oi its own iiitnnric men is. N artificial mcana have been itmxl to give it n torifty am! thrust it upon t hi I tlie alU-nti hi. It tia 'r.ever benrc even Itcen advertised, but hnvine first sh-wn its re markable clftcacy in the tHiiiily of the pr pricttir, and by liim nt'tcrwurdH adniinislercd t his Hfllk-lt-d Irinida and ac qutiintnmrs with a like rtwult, its rrpOViti mi mdutilly ex tended until it is kn ivn in the in at CNtnut jurts of the I rii in, ns n medieinc of unrivalled viruien iu the cure tif DynpepMin' :n oil its ciitnrcut f.irtnst. mul aln f.r the euro of AMtlima or l'liimsie. Its only heruM nud its oalv eul itv his lieen the at-iryof its w mdertul cflieapy, s tld fr tin in tilth t in hi lb or hy letlrr ir-'itt I r rend to -friend. In eve ry instance where thrse litt:rs have been useil, anl the re full matle kn wu to the prpriet n, they lmvc pri'Ved a rc Uietlv. . NumrrtMis certifiealea. alb-sting the ninpulnr cifiracy of lllv S IX 1 la tmTt SlLlI lalllEMSt HTCIII IOC H .cnCft-HI ) HI in1 pr iprietr ; nruiy f tliein sitfiittl by iters-ttisulrcidy widrl known to the public. OKI). It. UUKKX, Pniriet r. WIXIJPOR, Yt.t Oct dicra. No, The folluu hfjj t'rrtitirntes hove reeeiill) beeu received i Wahiunotov. I). C. Juvk 10. IMfi. ! Ilnv insr niadp nt tm!'OAVffri:itd Mitl'-rs" prepared j by Dr. t i. H. tirern, nf 'V 'ind. r . Vf.imd froiu kn w ! letijfc otuiin3d of thfir e'.Ttrpcy :ti olher f;t--. nt. t;litM.Tlii;U 1 rec iniii'-thl them t the puWu MHivine Hint ihvy will fully uus' h in tin- rc iiitn.'M'f-tii .! th. rmpri't r. We luijw ; thttt this vuhtnbtc rriit dy iiaiy b s ti ii-r. lly diiTued tlir.Kiuli ut tlie e 'initry itna it iiny be uc ckiL.t;' tJ uil the antieieo. tSAML I'.ls PIIKI.P!, r . . , . WILLI K I'HII KM I !'-MQt'ir if'n emit nt. J Am'kh P. SIMMONS, T. f. Senutir from R. Ixboid. J. T. iMOHKIIKAU, U. 8. t-Wuntor and foruasrly Uovern or ft Kentiieky. I.. II. ARNOLD, Member of Cougrcs and formerly O vani'T of H.I. W M. WOODimiDGK, ir. H. eiuit Tand larmeriy (io-vern-ir of Mietutfiin. M. I. MARTlX, Deh'itnte in Coiircwt fioin Wise naiu Territory. From H-tn. II. I. FoiTEn, MemieT of Corgi-eaa from I'einiSMvunia. WashiVuT-jn. U.'C, Jvnk in. 1M5. Dear Sir, I have been a dys-ptic siiflrrer f.r about ten years, and have res tried to vutious med:i-itifs relief wall-Hit aurcesa, until 1 inde :ie ol your "Oxveeiwted llilirrs." I have used about two bottlei, and IuhI mys It restored to perfert heullh. The fonftt in whivh the dis ease ah wed itself, in my ease, wers, irrcat aridity of the st-tnuich. I ss ot'appetitei extreme rlatt.lence.'arvere c usii pnti m of tlie bowels, and violent heaHat he Feelina; desi roiia that a kiviwietlgu of your valuable rem?dy nuiy rearh others similarly aril icted. I take (rrtut pleasure in rec.ird itiff my testnn-uiy ft its curative power; aud wouUl also renrnrk.'tliot while on a visit at home a short time since, 1 oiliuiinstereila pnrt oi a b-Ktle to a number of my attiicted friends, with great succsa. They are desiious that you ah-uUI establish an agency at Pittsburir. or mforin them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your pr asperity and happiness, I sutserike mvaeli, ttidy y.r friend 11. l. F03TK11. IVirf . iKo. B. GRKKM,"Vimla-ir, Vt. - H tkl Wh deanle and Retail bv Green ft Flacher, So. fit ft Hit h Sixth fHreet, Philadelphia. Agent f tr Hunburv II. R. MAfVKR. AjfemsforMiltoii MACKAV & ilAAO April 15. It9 In presenting the public Willi a remedy for the tnati.ienl aial cure nf Fcvta and Aol' hihI other bili ius diAiusea. no Uadogy is neeilcd. Vast iiumbera iu the I uilcd t tales, who aiitii-r from these afTcctioiiB iu their vnriiit lorum, are c-impelled to seek relief inan other s airees than the miiiie. diate unscriiiti ins ol the regular physuiian. It becinues theref it an object nf humanity, as wtltaa public inter est, to bring before them a remedy prepared not a much ex perience, and which may always be talieS apt aa tin,. aaapeteai-, asta aatavesa ao -eaar coaaeiTettsa. I net seek ia like true character of the INDIA CBOLatfUCUK, ia amply awauti by the eaivaraal esawetswith whiah it haa tteao aVsaiBtfaatL Mr Intiaet frasa a eoasaiaaiastttsi of the - Wu uaat WeoBwrhes, ef Ska iiaali, late tjeveroot of Mk-htnu. DsraeiT, Oat at, lata. Doctob Ciuslss Oeoc, Deal Su, save .ready with much iaureat, year Isttle ItuiatTisa upon tha'""caAea, treatment and tare" of the febrile diseases which have sn extensively prevailed ia ear euuiajy aWuur the last few awatltia an iatsrtat marsaaad ua dosibt, by the fact thai I have individually suSered much from them. Though 1 fast mysra very lao-eapetent to judge atfely anon a subject so aiairely arofiasiinial, yet your thay seems In me weU reaswd, and your csielu. lous just, and I Ikink withal, tttal your pamuhlet ia calcu lated In produce much practical gind. Speaking of the medicine ha says : It fully justified your natter lag expectauoaa, and aa a aafe, ervrtaeiueril, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, ao far, indtxee sue to be lieve that il will prove a great piibue benefit. I am pleaant to learn that you have recently established aeverml .agencies f ut duujoeilimi laiaifh I ragrct that, with a-view to f tunc general diaseminauon ol it, y-ai should have foend It aecesenry to remove Iran your prraent reeideikre autaa us. Wnh much respect I have the k to he, sir, Yonr nhliged servant, WII UAM WOOUUKIOGE. From Jams Giaeon, Esq., id BuflalsM. Y. Brrraie, March leth 1W9. Dr. CnABLSs OsuaoD: My Dear air, In answer to your request, I m at ratdily atuta the c ad cxperruiced in mv family by the uss of your luduji Caslag gue. ."sy wife was troubled with ths Fever and Ague neatly twelve m mthsi snd the medicine given her Invariably br ks ths chill, I Hit did not cure the di striae. I purchased for her se veral kinds of medicine, hut thev did aut raovjvs it. 1 had not at this time heard oi y jut India CWia-ajue, bus it was aa a after recommended to me by two guuilainea wtv 1 knew had beau atuTcrutr ia a similar toaunar f e me time; thev were Citpt. Robert Hart, of the eleemb-al 'Robert Fulton," and J'dw a). Ida, Ka, agent of ths Troy and Erie Ihm. 1 was then going r Detroit, and while tttore. b agnt nf yonr ageni a package of one duaen bull lea. On my return my wife commenced taking it. After Ave doses, which st pned the Ague, shs eonunued using il till she had taken twi bntUas. Ktnoe this aha had no return of either the Fever or Ague, which ie a-w seven months. Cant. Hart request me to say Ihat ha caught the FoVSS and Ague test teas by running hia beat in the Maumat and Toledo line, that a tnnk tw i b tHta ia ell, bv which ha ww entirely rest ad, and eoaautaad running taar tw ar three tamuhi sf'arwarda u perfect aaanh. Y oars vary truly, JAMES GIBSON A rent f V stannary H. MAS6UI i Northumberland, WITHINGTOM 4 Co ( MiU n, J II BASER; Seliaa grove, MAY 4 KLCE Mty t, tuta If Centre Turnpike Road jSxTOTICRlt hereby (Wen Ihst sn election will 11 be held st the house of John S Lee, in the borough nf Northumberland, en Monday, the fifth day el June, between the houit of 10 o'clock A. M and So clock P. M., lor the pnrpote of choos ing officers to serve for the entuing yesr. J. K FRIES1 LEY, Prendent. April 99, IS 18 4t Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore exitting under the firm of RrBRBAcn & Climsnt. in the Foun dry business in (bis place, hat been this day, dis sol'ed by mutual content. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm, sre requetted to cell and settle their areounlt without delay, or they will' be placed in the hands of s magietrate for collect. an. I T CLF.Mr.NT. GEO ROHRBACH. Sunhrtry, April 1, 184121 BOARDING. npE tub L cnmmi bscriber it prepsred to receive snd ac- mndate a few transient or permtnent Bnaraert, at her resilience in Sunbury. The Iu. cat ten it in a handsome snd pleasant part of the town, commanding a fine view nf the Susquehan na, Northumberland and the acenery adjacent To pertnnt from the city, who wish to spend a few months during the slimmer season, Sunbury aObrdt s delightful re'reat. ANN" C. MORRIS. April 8, IS IS. Gm , FRESH FAKCY and 8TAri,K DRY GOODS, .it th' NiiW Stork Ao 79 Arch ttrecl. btlween Sr and 37 ArM t de, PHII.AKKI.PHIA rPHE siibscriher invites particular attention to hia large ami splendid assortment ofiinu und curce n'ylttrif Dry f7.(i comprising a general variety of the most desirable kinds of Drm .Wn trrinb, Rhntxli 67rn c., lloairri. Umltriilkuble Flnnnrfs. narked ,.W,in. Cambr.e, Jarott, J Mull pitKitivik anil f-ftrnf Mtttlmt, Ijnm Cm bn'c and S.Ik Packet Vrlhjt, Vliek Hal an Cra vati. others too numerous to adveitise IRISH LINENS AND KLRISHINa GOODS. Psrtiruler attention it given to Linens snd Far nithiafUoods. generally the stork is large, end the prices will he found much lower than aaii. at, havieg been perchaaed al Auction at sacrifi ced ratee The fabrire ate warranted pure flat sad from the beat makers. t HARLES ADAMS. P. S. Persons wishing Plain and Medium tfyfce ef Drm Gtodt and Sh'iwU, will find a Choice variety Philadelphia, April 1, 1818 er ti -i clkiJ jLi L? -JZS tXJi Tit E ONLY KAIJICAL CUKE VOR CONSUMPTION ! ! rotula or Kinf's Uvil, IthiUMritimi. Cbstinlc Cil'.ine tits Kriiptiona. t'iiupl- a or Pert dm on the luce, I'.M' Iicj, bilvn. Clirouic t -re Kci. Itlng Worm Lr Tetter, Sciid Head, MnUrgciut'iit und Phui of the It -lies iohI j .iiiti. Siiihb ini l.'lcerit, !vn,i. iltie Mv uiptoina. St it'tico or Lumtoiif , discMMca itriiutr fr 'in an injudi ci 'lis use of Mcicury, l)r.p sy, Kxjvsure or l:urj dcnt.e In hit-; nts Ciir niic C iciti tuti 'II I! llii- crdLrs. In this mediiMiie several ii.n n enl but very i.Hcnt srticln nf the vcgelublc kingtl in ere umtetl, l" viiim a c .nip uiul entirely diirercnt in us character and pr .pertics fr mi sny iHher prenarethMi. eiul unrivalled in its opemti n on the system when hib vini; umkr iliacasc. Il ih mid be in the hands of every pers ai, wh , by business, or general e iree it lite, is prcdilp 'ed to the very limny viliiiicms that ren der Ihe scursc, iiinleoU of a t'cssinir. and softcii result iu death. FOR SLIIOKL'I.A. r. Drnke a Panacea ia rci-'Hnineiided aa a cerium teuinly. Not one iiiatnnceoi its failure hue ever incurred when free ly ucd ! It curea the di.-.irc and at (i crime tune nuptiris vigor to Uus. wh. ile BVHteiu. Vvr'ifnlH'.n prraun can never pay t Imicll .itcntl n t the itale i.l tuc r Irfu-aJ. Its pu nticnti -n ah'Htel be Iheir lirt uun ; fir perccvcroncc will accjniplili a cure of xi es nui ttiiiav .limine. FOR KRl'HTIO.NS OF THE SKIN. Scurvy, Se irbutic Aflcti 'in, Tuin irs, White Swelling. Krynipclas, I leers Cinccrs, Running S Tea, Seal and Miles, Ur. Drake's Panacea entnv be Mo highly ext illedj it scurches out tlie very rj.it ui the ditnise, nud pericaneut. I.VDIOr.STIO.N OR DYSPF.I"SIA. No niedieiiie nerliaps tins ever been disco'ereil which gives siinuch Mne 1 1 t!ie et.nnach and causes the secre tion oi a healthy gastric juice u doc-juiiaae Uic fol aa Ur. Uiake's Panacea RHL'EMATISM. Dr. Drake's Panacea it utt-d witb. the greatest success in Rheumatic Coinpkuuts, esiecia!lvauchaschrmu;. It cures by driving , ui all impurities aiKl'l' ibl humours which have accuinulalwl lit the sysiciu, Inch arc Ihe cnc.se ui Rheu matism. Oiint. and Swelling.. i the tints. Other remedies s metnues give Icntnomry relief ; tins entirely eradicates Uiu ductule Irian tliesyatun, even when the hmbs and bones ire dreadiully swolicu. CON'Sl .Ml'TION. rosvMario.' cas ts irntu C msU. Ceturrh, Hr n chais. Slutting 4"Uttud, Asthuai, Uirheultor pruuse Kx neet ration. Her' in FJah, Night Sweats, Fain in the side &C. have t,-eil cured, and CHI lie ivitii lis ml:rl. j-rlMint.. n a.iy other diaraee. A simxiAi lias I ng been nght for.' but in vniu until the dijc ive. y of Ur. Drake's Panama. It is imkt and sate but cenani au.l ctli.nlloin iu l operali n, and cann n ,n,v innire Hie in in delic ilc c 'ii.iitnli ui. v e would eiiruealiv recommend those alllicteil 1 1 give it a trtal-attd we liciicve thev will n 4 have .ca.i '11 1 regrel it. The .vstein is clean,.,! and rc-,.,hc,,ed, the 'ilrSrT 0, the hmga nre healc,,i the piiiientagra.lua:v regain their usual health alid strength. Itcad the 'follow ing " TlJSTDHiNV. I'iiil.. Dee. Hilt, 117. nrsit M : In rc,ly m yur tptceii 11 rea.viingthe use I Dr. Ilmke a Paiuicea. 1 will sav, that ulin"t'4h a perfo't disla-ln ver 111 the t iiutaice. 01 a ('..nail v, 01 cure l.r all diuiiFee, la.wevet valualilc it nuiv I ,u rerbtie c iihIiii uis l the syoteiu, Mill 1 have la-ii.-vedlliiii a ti re lor Coninmo- la 11 wouai la? tiisc 1ver.1l 1.HUT or biter, and cuil. sity led nie to try your iiu-dicinc iu two very iitvctcmte cases they were pr, niuiu-cd by the alteiHlnig phvaleiuiis I ) lie ri'LMONAkv toNU)iHloN. aial alnml .ne.1 1,'v tlient as l puasBLa. (me 01 the (H-rS'iiia bid been under the treat ment uf several very able pmctiti aicrs for a tiutnlier of vaars. and tbey Bold she had "old faal.i.mnl r,n,iuu. cnitttane with Hcrofula," and that she might linger for enrne nmeviMt eiaiat not be pennauently rebeved. In both cases the slfeet U th Fsssacca has been twst gratifying. Only hotde were uardby km of the per a before " ? "PT The other took sbait ten. I will eiy add that familiar aa I am with AJnaumpUoo by ia ben lance and by extensive ubaarvetiw aa a study, and knowing- SJai the imanoat sefeeu in nine ease oat of tan of tar, buHsaat, and other vegetable banes, aa wsU da of tnany ot the expsetiaantsand sedatives, I ah-aiat never have raasBraendcd the use af Dfake'ssPaiaKea if I had not been arauanittd with the ingredients. BuAco it to say that these are lananmmded by our ruoet popular aud ecisuiiac physi. euua, and in ttudr ereatnt oooibiiied state, form probably the beat alterative that has ever heca suade. The cure it in accordance with a theory of Omsuiunuoa broached in France a few years sga, by one nf her m at etnineut wri ters on inalicuie, and now established by facts which ad mit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, U C. CUNN. To use lite language of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea hi always snlutury in its -ir-l never injurious. It ia aid ss Opiate it 11 , and Kllai-torant. It ta u H intended to lull Ina uivalid nib. a fatal security. It ia a great remedy a (rand healing aud earalive e impound, the great and only remedy which anodtaal science and ekill has yet pnaluced for the treatment oi una hnhert 1 uiKMiMjticred malady. And n' pert n arhicted with this dread disease, will be just in himself and his friends, ifhe g 1 d wn to the grave without testing its virtues. A single h Kite, in m st cases, will pro duce a favorable chtnge m the condition of auy patieut, bvwever low.' TO TIlELADIK.a. ladies of ru e omr-leii hi and e atsuaipiive habits, snd such as are debiliatrd by ih ve obstructl ne which females ate liable v, are rest srul bv the use of a houle or two, tn hi Tom vigor. , It is by far the beat remedy aver diae wared f.r weakty clnktrru, and such as havs bad humors ; being nhnsaiu. thev take it. It inmuitui.lv tkA.., 'strength and c4nr. . - ' Notbuig can be new anrpriausj than It invifaatirui af feets 0,1 the human frame. , Pars 'tut, all weakness scst Iss siturte hafore taktiar il, at once became robust arri full of energy under tie induauoe. It uumeduit eoui artcte the uervtLcasness of lUc fcoial I'nuna. . CAl'TION Bs careful and tea that vnust the gsna In Dr. Dasxa't PaSacii it has the signLnrnf Oxo F. rToaa on the wrapper and ale th tssjne 'Da DavtaS't Psaaxssja, ttWut." hi wt in the gl .ss. Prtaaaad only bv toasa 4 Co., Pruajnjjta, No. at North isth la,, ftnksrletphia. Asant rwfUabiirv H MASTER feild ahohy Wat. A Mesaai On ,)anvilla H tsusv aa, MuW; Miai McCor, NarUiiabssaad, E P Lois, fata tr April t, stZS CCD B&sftl: , CITY UAGUERUHOTYPK , ' ESTABLISHMENT, No, 100 Chctnut street, 2 doors above 3d. south side, PHILADELPHIA. fTHE tubtcribert, proprietori of the oldest A Ertabllthment in the City or Philadelphia, being founded in 1840, would call the attention ef the public toHieir reecftt.grcnr' aud wonderful Improvement In taking Daguerreotype Portraits, SKY LJGHT PORTRAITS The tubtcribert beg leave to subjoin a few of the notices they bsve received from the Press throughout the country, in relation ta the improvement they have made in Ihe introduction of lights, by which the full and clear expression of the Eye rt obtsln ed more perfectly than heretofore. Frhm the N'tlh Amcrtcnn.l The neutral ' expreim n nf tlie eye Ly Mr. Cotties' new Srieessiff iiitroducuifr tlie linlit. Ims been ni'ist Uieunetly evel -ped, an well esnU t ie light ami shiides iwlisiwrm. ble to a perfect likenca. From tlie Snlimtav Courier The Measoi. C, have certainly btniiwd the eye, in better ncrlcclk'n than ve hsve reen it eleewtit-re, snct this superiority, trfpether with the clenrm-iiK, (tialiiKtncni and delicnte tint, they give their nieiures, ninke them wor thy of adrnirntiun, nut only o.h likenejisvs, but as works of art. From the Ttafrhlmrc t iilnn a We exnmincrl Specimens of tltL-ir llkctius.-s when in the city the other Hay, anil found them in p''tertnll the bnaiily of shading end s'.ftuccB of exprvesion o kr- finest sleel rn' crnying, which is smiething uiiueiml in Pi.iri'crre itypes. This is obtained bv the inlr'ntucti'iit of licut from 'abuve, instead of the side nf Ihe cnllcry. I'nm Ihe lliiliiinorc Clipper. "Tlie m 'st imp-irtftiit imprrrin-nt in Ihe Dapiierrian art. is one by the Memra. i;ollina Philadelphia, aud c in sists in a different manner of inliialiH'inc the light, end ct-r-tun ednptionn of the iuMtrunii ut. 'e hm-e st-en s lne of the p trtraits. whieh llir-v bnvo f.e,-,it.Ml. nH ilmv ln.v th,. -dislilielncsn Y-ud Iwinty of fi,. engravings. They lire ca- periHdy reimrKat.ie in giving the proper natural cxpn s 6ion of the eye. Proni every section nf Hie e 'iiutrv where rnr pictures have hern seen they have received similar flattering n 'ti ees. 'flie public gcm-rally nre inviteil I visit our (tallerifi, pr.ilHil.ly l.ic m l exfciisive lit the w irlil, and judge f.ir thcmsclveii t.f the fcu'.li if Iticw,1 urtk ts. l'hilailclphia, April !5, ISIS mmm WtESTEnl XEy YORK COla I. KG n OF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. G.C. VAUGHN'S Ttfttable UlhoDtrlptic Riitnrr. THIS celebrated remedy It constantly increasing its fame by the many cures it is innkiug a ALL OVER THE WORLD. It hss now become the only medicuie for family tier, snd is particularly recommended for DROPSY : all stores of thii e miplauit immediuie'y relieved, no matter of how long standing. See l'h:iniphict lor tealuu uiy. '.RAVEL, and all diseases of the tuinury organs ; for th- distress ing c implaiius it staiaia al me ; n nUier urticle uui relmve you ; Rial the cures testified to willc nvince the n:vt akcii tical j sue pamphlet. I.ivcr C iiii'luiul, B.ilious dircsscs, FEVER ciAtJUE. Tj the Great West especinllv. nml M hercvcr tle-se com plaints prevail this mclicint: ia lii red NO MINERAL AGENT, no deleteri 'tis c impound in a pint of this mixture, it cures these dim'uHi'S wuh c.-rtmnlv nud celerity, and does not leive the system torpid. See l'ani,ihl.'l. PILES. a Cjmj.Iiiint uf ii timsi p-ij:tt'ul Hrtnitr, in IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cuie.l iH nt by ii few iln)Mine of lliliHrlU'lc ; it is far belore any older prejiaruu mt'or lun diiteiiac. or iwrnny other distsax: ot-gtnatiiiK Ir.eu nnjuirc hi a tl :3ve pam phlet. DElilLlTV OK THE SYSTEM. ve!ik back, weiikueii. of tin- Kidiies Ac., or mll.-.n. ma il m ol :une. is iiiiiiniliutvi.v re .I fo! t.- a tew di'vt ue l this medicine, autl a cure i i alv. jy a result uf ui nae. It sluitds its A CERTAIN REMEDY, fr such e ui'hiiiii, mid ,(J ir iieiuinfeuwiits jf the It- Utile ttfillir-. IRREuri.ARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, t-aiulit! tiit'iistnialii-U!. .Nutrth-lt- h:. t-v:r U-tii L.U"t:ret. ext-cpt this, uiiirli w.)ii!il tu.-K thm kiivi d'-r.iiiiiifiitfi. It i tiny lw n-Ut-i! up.'ti ut a siu-c ital tciuciiv, and ad we i-;t;I p-ii:.ii!i il i il m i' ...id A THOL'SAND N AMKS. f.pr'HftH CUP'S ill tllitj slltiti-i S.-i,tifr i-M Oi' C-iIllliluiJtU. Sec i.mi;)i!et. All lir 'ken t) n, ti -t.'itint.fl c iutui i.i Inrni tlte elJV X oi mercury, u i!! ttn-1 t)if ('nirmp njt r ui llna artifle to -ict itnmetliati ly, r.uJ p it..iiuua uimerai erduatuU ir.itu the nvr in. EKL'PTIVK DLSEASES will find tlie nttr iiitivp nr-jpr-rtiffi thin rtriicle. PURIFY THE lil.(M)l). and driven such diseases from the svstcm. See pamphlet for testimony of cures In nil ilne!i. s', which the limits ol im advertisement will not permit !. U; ii tineU here. Aecn'i ive them awny ! they c .nt .in if'p ejes if ceailieulea 1 luuh cburaciCT, asuouer ARRAY ttlTTISW- of the virtues of a lllediciiic, in- ,'er Tpi cn. .-!. It is one Ihe peculiar fe.it urea of tin. am. !" tint ,l i. cur lain to benefit iu sny case, and if I. me at d milacle are left t build upon let the emaciated and l.ncrri-ia if vuliJ HOPE OS tud keep tak.nz the meili. ine ut 1 .1.1; ai there is an un prjvciuetlt. The pr inriet W011H CAUTION THE PUBLIC aguinit a uuniber uf artiilia which cuna out under llie head ot t- SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, &C, as cures f ir Dr.ipsv, Grav el, 4c: They are g.iod tor n tlimg, and cone ict''d to gull the m.wury; ; TOUCH'THEM NOT Their invent irt never lluugiit 01 curing such diseases till th.ssrticle had done it. A particular study 01 tlie pain pnlct is earnestly s licneil. Agents and all who aeU the nilicle are GLAD TO CIRCULATE grntuit'Hiely. Put up in 30 ox. b-Hilcs, at M ; ia og. do at 1 each the larger holding 0 at. in ire Hum two snuili bit lies. Iviok out mid get nnp' Srd u;ii. I'.verv b 'tile bus "Vaughn's Vegetable l.iih nttriptic Mixture."'blown upon tlie gluss, the written signature of "G. O. Vaughn" on the directions, and "0. C. Vaughn, Hiifl;iij." alninpttl on the cirk. None other are geiuiiue I're'iin-1 bv Dr. ti. C. Vaughn, and s ild at the I'i-uk-iiiuI OnVe. )7 Main street. liullulo, at wholesale und retail. No attention givtn to let- I lers unless rf 'at paid orders I'roiu regularly c 'intituled 1 j Agents cxeepletl ; piat paid I. tiers, t.r vcrlwl couuiiun.c 1- -I tious s atciiiiig oilvice. promptly iiMcr.ded 1 1 gr.iti.. 1 I OlfiCt-sdcvoted-exiMliivclv to tie Mle of tins article 1 t KM Nasaitu al, Xe-.v Vorkcitv; S" i:sex si S'aiein, Mate ; ; i siel by the primlpa! Drucijistiilhru.lioiittl.e L'u.ied Slules i j aial Cnnaite. ai Agentii. j I , " . ' "T P,"ll"W- ,VWwtt5,Hl fh ATe?' Mi'l T, ""!ls Ti, ?V . Ihur 11 ',, ' ? ' MiU "-"" i McKwtvti.e-M'ss McCoy, Nortl ju.u-r. l-ist.ol Agents M rrs V Co.. It' ilesule Agent Plitlailel- I UlhO. Apiil t, 1HU . Irtiportant Infbnnatioii. I j J O all purchasers of reai.y made clothing, in. I rmmalinn is heieby given tliat the well known! ami much ?e!ebrste l Llotlm empouutn, Know n I st the Piiiladclplittt Vardrobc, P. R McNtil.tE, Proprietor, !'o MS Chestnut. tlrtct, between 3iandAth t., rhiludrlfihim, Is astonishing the community v. illi hit cheap and fathionable apparel, of every descriptiuit and v riety. Vests from 50 cents to C dollars. Good black Cloth or Catsimero Fault, at low at 3 dollar and upward per pair, according to quali ty. "Brack Treach t-'loth drett Coat, a low a ' dollars. Summer clothing cheaper, perbap. than ever was kaowa heretjftr '( -the tame qoalitjr. Wboleiale dealer ir particularly invited te call andeiamiae the ,argeand well got upcloth ing ef thi larg fttsblishtnent, very particu lar attention is paid 'ta fhe cutting, se thst purchttert at wholesale w ill Jie certain to get garment When they come to put 'them on their customers, that will tit with taste snd ease, which i a matter of great importance. We invite one and all far com snd eiamine for themtetve be fore pti'ehaaing Philadelphia, April I, !8l3-3:n ,t y ... Pictorial Ivdlllon of d'Anblgne'ti yreut Work on tlie Uclai matloii OF THE SIXTF-F.NTH CKNTt'RV IN GER MAN V, SWHZERLA.NU. 4tU. Will be publithed or. or about th lit of April. 1818. by JOS. A SPEEL. No 06 Cherry it. above 6th, his tplemtid lSino edition of the above named work itb "18 engraved illuttra::a:ia from pel. ginal det.pi; ols in 8. bound. in vxtra elota sml library hep ' . The publithf r retpectfutly cl!s rhe attention of the trade nd Ih public generslly. lo thi work bring th only illustrated dilion published in th United fetatet lie trutt that th beauty of it embellishments, th strong end tubttantial mannsr in which it i bound, in conjunction with th known popularity of the work ileelf, will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A SPEF.L. 90 Cherry it above Ota. J. A 8 ha alto lately publmhed. a new end beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Fare Show, tuitthl book for eluldrep, iit'y dope up in Itr cloth, rkftdstph'a April t. IM s--3SrJ SALAMANDER, FtnE Awo TiitKF moor CHET. FftE-PUOOF DOOI13 FOR BANKS JND fiTORHS Seal and Letter-Copyiiifr Prrssi's, Patutil S'.atc-Linctl Rcfi'ijjiTatqrs. Water Fil ters, PatPtit Porlablo'Vr titer Clo ' sets, intended for tho Sick, and Infinn. EVANS & WATSON, r .76 South 7ird8irct OPPOfRTS TOK PHlIvADELHlJA KXCftANOK. fToVnfactare and steniiHiiiftnitl yj. J5 Jy on hnnd. a Inrre mm Ttmctil t ''OF I theribrWe anjclci, teihur wiih I ,?ii FlliBeJMlOUF liAKES, hic 1 are owittnirUn t" rt it rent nil mannfT-f litrvbt tr their licinir artrictlv firc-Droefi und that tmm tl'y will rrwiat Ins fire 4 any these Safes sre made ofboi'er irtn, the inside case of s mo st one. end between Ihe ontef case ami inner eaae is a apaca of some three inches thick, and u filled ui with indoetrue tible matcris), si as t nuke it an tii:pssibtlitv to burn any if the contents inside of this Chest. These eVpstme Sal lamandcrs xve are prepared aud do cliaiieinre tlie world to produce any article in the shape of Book Safes thut will stamina much heat, ami we hold ourselves reery"at ail times to have them fairly tested ly public honfin. Va alaicontinne to rnniiuiaettire a large and general a-snrt-ineut of our Premium Air-tigl.t Fire Proof Safes of whiti. there sre over KHI now in u?e, suit In every insiunee ther have (tivett enttie'ialiei'nciinn to the purchasers of wl.k fi we will refer tin public to fiw eislcmen lu4re- Ihcin 1:1 use. ' . ' ' ' Ilavw-Kd f?nvtier. Potfvile ; .'nneph 0. Lev. .on Pottavillc; Mi. tVilltnii I'nrr. Doyleslov.n. 1'a. N. St G. Taylir. 1'Jfi north M St.; A Wright Nephew Vine .M. whsri'j Alcxsmtcr t'nror. Convevsiieer, eoriaTr tf pilliert aiid i.th sls.i John M. t'ord. 3-j n.'irth ;ld !.; Mvers Rush. SI n:!l!) J.! r : J,,,,, , M. Paul, lut s nh tth si : Ur. David Joync. 6 nith :d t. .Miilhelv 'IVMiSer..Sfl SMilh Ikl at.: mid we couid ii:iine some liiintlrctl of oiicrs Ii it were necessary. fiw we invite the ntteniion of till public, and particularly those in wnnt of I'iro Pnaif iVn'er, to c'dl nt our store before pureliaing elsewhere, and we enn silisfy them they will get K licttcr ami cheaper article nt our stole than at any otliur t-elntdinliiTif-nt in the city. We nls 1 niniitifactiir'e Hie nnlinary Tire Proof f'hests, at at very low nricc. chentier than they can be bought at any other store in Philadelphia. IIA III KV.tW, , . JOHANNES WATSOX. t'iiibd.'lpliia, April 't?J -ly Tliiif Hint lilMtaiis c'f.ii'ixt! ' i . -SUNBURY ?EH11Y. rlHK subscribers baViuK leased the Sunbury X' Ferry, beg leave tn rulorm th public,' that they are prTarerl to convey Teams, Pleature Carriaeet and foot patseng-rs teroti the rUit with safety and without delay. Tbey have tre viJed thenitelves with aew and cnmraedieue crafts, which will 1 ways be attended with ibl ami careful barMi ' Persona travelling to and from and throarh Sunbury to New Berlin. Lewitbttr;,. Tlartleton and other placet, will find it greatly to'their'sJv vantage to crott at thief' " eiry ' instead of the Bridget, at they woulJ save from two to four miltt in dittance. JOHI, SPEF.CF.. LEWIS LB'.NHART. Sunbury, April 1. 1818 i?c' Kprins Wry f.ootl. No. 7 frixA 2rf. hfmf. I'hiadrljihia. HAVE no- invthe store anil are daily receiv iaj in addition tft their assortment at they ar rive in ihe New Tn:k and Philadelphia Mai lets, new rprinir Dry Goodt consisting in part of New Styles Spring Mo. tleLainet New Style Bareget in Stripes, Plaids. &c. Choice Col on, mode Bareget, New Lawns and mode Mot. tin Laines, Paul de Chervet, a new article, new ' ttyle Tissues &c, &c. FitR.Ncii and Scotch Ginuiums. In ttore one of the brgett asjoi tmeiit in Philadelphia, from the lowest price to the finest qualitiet, much lower than lust tenon FUrA'ISHING GOODS. 1 On hand at all teitont of the year s large at- urtTiPiit. fcoth pf Liner.t and Muslim, at greatly reduced pru t s, also T.incii Dninasks, Counter I panet Ccr Shawls,. Glovet. I. aces Jtc. High j Lustte li'.ack Splits, for rnlillat, Vititet, Dret- sei S:o. Vens & Prfiy't wertr of nil drtcriptionr I.ndiestuid Gt ntlemnn viotting the city are in I viteil to rail and examine o'ur-stoclc. j A liberal reduction mi iy (l t'uote w ho buy to i sell again. ; I'hila'Jio4.ia, Apri4 1, 1018 C'IP.P'i r..GKATIC. ";VM G. MASON. 43 Chtm,l s. :l ' duoiv chore ind at, Philadelphia. Engraver nf Bt'KINSit ' TSIT1N( OrfWi, Watch papers. I.thels, Dnor plates'. Cec'D'stitl Ftartint (or Odd Fellowt, Sont of Tempurahrie, j Sec. ,vc Always on haiul a general assortment ; nf Fine Fancy (iooilt, Gold petit of every quality. Dog Collatt in great variety. Engraven tools and materials. i Anuncyjor the Mat.iifac1anr'rf TTIailersXi tnoniu Orders per mail (rost paid) will oe punctually attended to. Philadelphia, April 1, 14S y GmSE ft-tSONa ('tiininissirin :md For-.vniriJinjj MEFCilANTS, ,V. 48 Canimeree Street 'Am U.iLTlMOflH. Will receive and tell sll kinds ol Country Pro ' tlitceFlniir. Grain, ic. N R. Paitieutar attention given to the sals uf Lumber. And Ctli advances made on coo signmeilts, wh-it requirci!. , Apiil I.'lis; -In ' "Vacfiri.iijT'tV .i;i5OVS Ao it., i'ltf itaut Street, , & East C,K er af Litcllh t , 'lJf.'la'itfprAa. ORTH VI ! S lro;. Ua inai'..'t:'lirrasl- in la lue Inrgett ze 1 iii?.,v-ur .11 gitiutis, I lie P.rprirttw are v.'4ira.i;.l in inu, Ittat lliett u'i 1 a ja ii' J a icpulatiurt second lo lion ia' the v.'rld. Kit'ucta from llie Frees: t.!f.' like 111 Ihe circs':on, chattly correct In' li e elm! itg. -Ijtlcr ;. "'i ! nit hss arrived t -gieit p rfec inn, and noi.e v iler.,nd ii In lter I. ill ?U( ke tSc tier- in n."?.i',.'i,-re ir a. "Atlmi'nli'e ! noit.iiij c in rxceil ihi '.r exouhi't ,1, li.acv," U. S Cagelte. Kx'reui from the report of the Judges, at the last fair of he I'rmLl.n Institute Daguerreotypea in this department there are some very excellent siK-ctte'ris.rn tike errijil'iiinn. entjebe Judgt think tln-t ses a iregnsiaisst (Bsptotetircni ta 'this hranrb of tli rt "t bey hate xh tit zotnosaiidad n. ward in fstor of any of thf cumpetilore, hut are- 1 p aed In rank as firtt in rrZer;tbt Co Median of McCLEF.8 eY GCKMON, eoaje'imnf Ut lmr grit number f wveriar pteimens. I hiladeiphta, rb 19, 1818 8m 1 , P H I L A U B I. 1 II I A ? ' :l3:i5IC HOTJSE, ;, Eitablithed 15 ycors ago, by Dr. KISKEL1N. Th nlifl, nreal and ! hand IrfVj'mi aVfurm of tartitrlrtit,diaesie oVlhh s "n''nr , souUrv. barntts -of youth, i D It . KINK Fa LIN, 4V. IV. earner afZd and Vnlati tit., bemten Sprue,, and Pine, I) upturn from Ihe Exchange. , YOUNG MEN ! if you value vour life or yuttr ' haihh, tCmt-niW-r. the d. lay of e month, aay; .ti a Celt,-niy ptove t-uc ruin, twth-aeaajf sue mind, jlhnce lef fatse meierfc-ihjrc- y-? front making your case known lo oiw (.;. f-o,v. nlucalion snd rcsecUlii!ilv,C n alone hi friend inn. , H who places liinvelf under Ur KINKELIM'd Iteutmenl, msy teligioush e -utOJa in hie honor as sen leaisn, tnd in aho e bosom will be foravttf locked the eet rei ol the psiieni. . T01 mtny ihii.k Ihev will hug Iheeecrsl lotht'r own bearls, and cure thetaaeeVsi, A 1st! how nf. ten ia-Uie Irfel tUlusb-n, au how many pro miain; yo'jog tivi.i,'j'i4-.:tlil-ha been u orna ment t; tccietr. has ft..1ed ftnMjh earth. 1 COUNTRY I.WALIDeVv j f " . finding il iicoBvrniit t" ins' peana il grlplir . Ii n, can. I.v staling their c 10 ex4tti0y,; loga ber with all it.irsyTpioins,(perti t'cf poet-paid.) have forwarded to them a rheet eoniainli.,r.X, ate- dicme mwnie'ad alecer'iiojKyl" ' Packages nfM'CiciiMe fci'wn,tJ to any pstVi-f th United Slate at e momenl'a niwice. J Pr lus uTTti", adiese4 ts Di aft atlia. Phllsdcinhla, will ! rmtB-tly sttamsa' I Oc th, IHT.Iy i HHt a VI .1 ,1 lix i-W