Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 03, 1848, Image 2

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shamokin "Journal.
From the New YoTkHerald of Yesterday.
By the arrival of the steamship Hibernia,
"at New York, we are placed in powession of
' highly important intelligence from Europe, of
a later date by one week, than we hail pre
viously received. Its details are extremely
interesting and -important m-mn?eTcia1,
'political, a'n'd "social point of view,' 4s Mil' be
seen' by tho extracts which we 'publish bo
low. Tho latest accounts from Liverpool and
London are of tho I -lib. inst. noon.
Tho news from Franco is very important.
An order had been received at Boulogne,
from Paris, to put the whole line of coast in
a state of defence, and to mount guns on tho
detached forts, which a ro built o little way
' out at sea. The gate of the upper town are
also to be repaired anil fortified. This' looks
like a preparation for war.
Thi) triumph of ilia liberal parly isvom
pk'te, and Louis Blair; and Albert have reti
red. Several bloody conflicts have taken place
between the Poles and Prussians.
One of the most important "jints of tlitf;
news is thi declaration of war by Pope Pius
the Ninth, against Austria, and that -at 'the
last accounts the situation of. tho Austrian
army in Italy was very' perilous. "After this,
"'the electric telegraph repbrted the imprison
ment of the Pope for backing out of the war.
termus -skirmishes have 'taken place be
tween fhe Hungarians ahd the Jews.
The Danes, it appear.-, have completely
blockaded the German ports.
Th?re is nothing' important from Ireland.
Lord P.ilmort:m h;is officially announced,
under d.ite Foreign ollice, May 9th. the Da
nish blockade of Stettin, Iliilsnnml, Nortuch,
and Wismnr, from the 2d ; Pillau and Dant
;ic from the 3d, and the Elbe from the 4 th
inst. Also-, the ''blockade by Austria of port
ef Venice, from thn 2-ld ultimo.
There had r3?er a decline in the middling
and low er grades 6t cotton of one-eighth of a
penny per pound.
The corn market was inactive, r.m prices
feebly supported. Thrre had been a decline
in flour.
The blockade by tho Danes, of the north
ern ports of Germany, in some measnre in
terrupted the improvement visible the previ
ous week in the manufacturing districts, for,
under circumstances, the trade of
Germany is completely suspended. There
is 'however, reason to hope that the media
tion of England will soon put a stop to Inst ili
Sir, aid restore tlu intercourse with the
northern ports.
Tho war in Italy also operates disadvanta
geou!y, for although France and England
Ife eager to rfT.'r their good officers, there is
it complication of circumstances which render
onjecttrre as to the result ditlicult.
Notwithstanding thesis drawback, trade
continues to improve. The season promises
anoth-r nbnnt'iiut harvest ; and should this
expectation bo realized, the prices of bread
s'nfTs arc not likely to advance, ft'r another
year at leas!.
In France th-s state of trade has also im
proved, and th temporary Chancellor of the
Exchequer anticipates a surplus revenue this
year. There is no doubt that on his acces
sion to office, the financial state of tho coun
try was deplorable.
From the London Times, May 13.
The Latest Intelligence.
A military insurrection tchk place at Mad
rid on tha 7th inst., at 4 o'clock in the morn
ing, which was suppressed after a sanguinary
conflict, which lasted several hours.
Tho number of the dead was not known,
'but was considerably greater than in tho in
surrection of the 20th of March. thi killed was the Captain General
Gulgnrfifl, 'brntlvr-iii-l;iv of Maria Christina.
Thirty-four of the prisoners taken one-
half of them civilians, ih-s other half military
men were tried and sentenced to death by
n court-martial, cud were about to be shot
when the post left.
Th" Paris p ipers of yesterday announce
the formation of the new Ministry for France;
it confirc'.ti of Messrs. Bastide. Recur!. Crem-
ieux, CaVf.ot, Chauas, Flocon, Duclerc
mont, F relet, and Admiral Casy. '
It was utlpfehonded that an armed demon- '
stration in favor of the Poles would take;
place in Paris' thiVday.-
Soma of ih'J journals announced tlutt tin
Pope had been deposed, and the republic pro
claimed at Rome, tut the news seems, prema
ture. t'raac.
It is refreshing to turn from the scenes' of
iblood and warfare, to the promising attpecf of
America's younger sister, the French Re
public. In my las!, I announced the open-'
ing of the Rational Assembly. The Provi
sional Government have since resigned their
pdWrr A good deal of discussion took place
about the' new form of government. An Ex
ecutive Commimiou has been formed of five
members, as follows:
Arago, 725 Larmarline, 683
Gamier Pages, 715 Ledru Rollin, 453
Maria, 702
These five are the government, with pow-eV-io
appoint the member of the different
gavertiiii'c departments.
That LamarStio liad o few vote is to be
attributed to a spate of hi in defence of
Ledru Rollin, who would Otherw ise have been
excluded. It i reported here to-day Uiat Le
dru Rollin lias resigned.
Louis Blano is completely cut out.
The following is the composition of the
"National Assembly, as given by the Commune
de Pari :
Members of the ex-Cuamber of Deputies 129
Magistrates and Advocates ',l
Tiiclans" 17
Manufacturers . 38
Military men 88
Municipal magistrates 39
Commissaries of government St employers 63
Literary men and journalists 31
Farmers 16
Engineers ' 8
Proprietors . 60
Unknown S42
This makes 830 in place of 900 ; but the
colonies have not yet elected their represen
tatives. ,
The speeches in the Assembly are ' well
worth your perusul. ThPrt$m$ is still as
violent as ever in its attacks on the govern,
ment." It seems to be the bctcnoire of M. de
Although tho moderate party are in pow
er, and fliefcest may bo Tibped, the ultra re- j
publicans are a powerful body, ""and will not
lose an occasion to do mischief. The very
debates in the young assembly prove the pas
sions which agitate them.
Orders have been given to arm the whole
coast of the channel ; Boulogne and Dunkirk
in particular.
Breslac, May 3, 1848. The following
paragraph appears in n paper published here,
and purports to come from a correspondent in
the city of'Vienna :
"Tho Papiil Nuncio, Viala, is still here, al
though the ambassadors and Tuscany have
been ct fid of. There is ns yet no public
manifestation of a breach with the Pope ; but
every circumstance that occurs hero tends to
A.ow that if Pius. IX. advances one -step far
ther in the affairs of Lombard)", or-if'ho in
terferes with them in anyway but as a me
diator, Ihen Austria trill separate herself com
pletely from all spiritual conaection with the
See of Rome. The example of Austria the
most powerful of the Roman' Catholic States
would lead to the emancipation of the
whole of Catholic Chrkdendom from the su
premacy of the Pope.
Correspondence of the Public Ledger!
Gmcral Cass'' Resignation General Taylor
expected at Washington Departure of the
Yveatan CommissionerThe Whigs, trc.
Washington, May 29, 1848.
General Cass resigned to-day, in writing,
as was expected. He will stay in Washing
ton till Trtan'day next, aiiti then bury himself
t'il November 7th next. He willanswer to
morrow the letter of Mr. Stevenson, announ
cing to him his nomination fur the Presiden
cy, and therein establish the platform on
which he will stand, and by which his follow
er's must be governed. It will be wide
enough for the North and the South and the
East and the West to stand upon and further
than that General Cass Avill answer no more
As an article of neirs, I will mention to you
that in a day or two we expect to see Gen.
Tai lor here in Washington, "en route," as I
think, for Frederick, Md. Ho will attend
the Court of inquiry as a witness. As 1 have
said in several of my letters, graver charges
are to bo preferred against General Scott than
letter writing, and the country may yet be
thrown into a feverish state of excitement in
regard to the Mibjeet.
Don Justo Sierra, the Viicatnneso Commis
sioner, will leave Washington to-morrow or
the day after. Ho expects nothing more
from this Congress, and told me that England
had promised aid to Yucatan, and (hat his
mission to this country was at an end. I have
no doubt whatever but that Yucatan would
willing become a British province.
The news from Mexico is, as 1 informed
you, by telegraph, of the most peaceable or-
Aar Thrt,, rat mti rnrndM ttiM T?atillfil
' Treaty of peace with the next crfival from
Vera Cruz. All rumors of marchos-aiul count
ermarches are false.
The Southern Whig members of the Hotrse
and a string of Whig Senators will attend fiio
: Whig National Convention in Philadelphia,
I to press the claims of General Taylor on the
j-attention of the Convention, as the only mail
! acceptatle to the South. Should the North-
ern Whigs prove obstinate, then they will
! submit their etreme Southern platform, and
' iu caso the North refuses to stand on it, run
' General Taylor as an independent candidate,
j Another plan of the opposition is to run
! C lay or Webster or McLean iu tho North and
' Taylor in tho South. They mean, in this
. I niannei. to secure Ohio, nnd New York, in
the North, and South Carolina, Florida, Geor
gia, and perhaps Alabama, (certainly Tenn
essee.) in the South, and to carry tho elec
tion into the House. Tho bet here are run
time high that Taylor will bo nominated.
One of tho New England States has already
gone over to him, and the strength of General
Cass in the South will inciitco other New
England 'tales' to follow the example of
It is not believed hero yet lhat the Burn-
burners mean to run an independent candi
date. They will run Taylor only if the
Whigs'do not nominate him. Their prefer
ence is John A'. Dix. 1 learn, however, tliat
General Dix refuses obstinately to lend his
name 'to such 'a proceeding, but about this I
will say more in my next. Observe.
pEKNtYLTANiA RailRoad. The Company
which' has thi great work in charge appear
to be pushing it with considerable energy.
The cuntracls are all progressing as rapidly
as is consistent with economy, and the road
will be put in action as far as Lewistown du
ring the ensuing winter. ' The line to Hun
tingdon will be ready for the rails early next
summer. The light work between Hunting
don and Hollidaysburg will be contracted for
in time to be completed as soon as the points
now being" commenced are ready. This ar
rangement fof the werk ha been made in
order to bring capital expended into activity
with as little lo of interest as Te8il,le- 11
is expected that fh road will be -ready to
Huntingdon in the summer following the pre
sent, and to the Portage hy the opening of
navigation the ensuing spring.
Main. Dklboatw. The Whigs of Maine
have sent two Taylor delegates to the Nation
al Convention.
Gtx. Capwalade has withdrawn hit re
signation, and will probably return to Mexico.
ATI n OAT. Jl'XH S, 11.
H. B. HAMtn, Editor find Proprietor.
C W, CARR. im IniUlite, N. E. Corner of M Six)
Dnrk it reeii, Philadelphia, is rcfrularlr anlhnrized In receive
adrwiaemcuta and subscriptions for this papn, ami receipt
fur the aunt. - ,
of Michigan.
of Kentucky.
for Canal f ommlMloner
Of Westmoreland County.
G7" We are indebted to Gen. Cameron
and the Hon. Jas. Pollock for public .docu
Uev. J. E. Bradley, of Lewisburg-, will
preach 'in' the Baptist church to morrow
(Sunday) evening, at early candlelight.
subject Bible society operation.
K7 Our readers will "find an excellent
article on our last page.
O" The weather is as variable ks'in A
pril. In the beginning of the week it was
exceedingly warm. On Wednesday we
were comfortably seated, near a coal fire.
05 Appointment bt Tire Post Master
General." Abraham Lunger to be Post
Master at Pottsgrove, in this county. This
appointment supersedes the office tit "-'Bondx-
ville, Columbia county, which will be dis
continued. The appointment of Mr. Lun
ger will give general satisfaction.
"The N. Y. Herald says nn effort "will be
made to place in nomination Governor Shunk.
We fear tho people are satisfied with new
men, and predict that in such a case, the lead
ers will have no ensy task again to hoodwink
and bamboozle the jH'ople."
The above paragraph which appeared in
our paper a few weeks since, during our ab
sence at Philadelphia, has stirred up tho
ire and patriotism of several of our con
temporaries to an awful degree. The edi
tors cf-the Miltonian, under their sore af
tl:Cti6li, have devoted to this, and our no
tice of Militia trainings, two entire para
graphs, each somoft'hflt larger than a piece
of chalk, while our magnificent and mos'
valiant friend, Co!. Levi L. Tale, of the
Brigade division of the IVi'hsvlva-
nia Militia and publisher c.f tlie Columbia
. t j.:.i. . r
g.t upas man v jobs as he chooses, provided i
he stamps thorn with his own name, but, !
for ourselves, we have no desire to have
roblera or tinker attempting to 'patch our
work however "unfinished" it may n'ppear.
We acknowledge the Colonels great ver
satility of talent and promptness to turn
things to account. We were then-fore
'not surprised thai he should so readily shift
himself from one Rosinante to another.
And if, in almost the twinkling of an eye,
he has been enabled to dismount from the
Northern Nap; 18 "2, to secure an easier
sett by mounting the Southern Nag 1SIG,'
it should be attributed solely to his supoiidr
tactics and love of change. However Ws:
shall not complain, inasmuch as the para-
jrraph in question has enabled the gallant
Colonel to sing Jo paens to "the powers
that be." And if he will onlv take the
trouble to mark the article, and send the
paper to our friend Jesse Miller, Secretary
of the Commonwealth, we would almost
ItniteriaKe to guarantee mm a lonilllission
in the army, provided always, that he
would not insist going lido immediate, and
active service, or ofli r himself as an aid to
Gen. Scott.
-- ,.
)j .Tiaige poruo.i " .m. ,.ar-, .m
week is taken up with important foreign
news. The newt from Mexico' in relation
to peace is still involved in doubt. The
late accounta gay that the treaty will be
ratified, but whether the Mexican govern
ment will be able to sustain it, is a matter
of some doubt.
The last news from Mexico is less favor
able to peace.
(E?' The proceedings of the Lewi'V
Meetingcatrte tod late for this week. "
r The. Danville Democrat. This
paper published by our friend Cook, has
risen from its' ashes, and now makes its ap
pearance in a new and beautiful form. The
Democrat, judging from its columns, is a
thriving and well doing paper, and is edi.
ted with spirit and ability.
The subscribers to the Democrat have lost
nothing, but have been the gainers oy the
fire, and they should endeavor to place the
publisher in the same situation.
ry Postage bill. This bill which
ought to have been acted on and passed
three months ago, has been under consider
ation in the House, and was, reported by
the committee with ' amendments. , We
j have not seen what the amendment were.
""""""" "Ul i date for President and Vice President.
his high horse, (the Boh-lail) but a not her, Ro-
si nante equally notorious, and wi ll known ! OIF" Tim Chops. Grain in the ground
by the length of its nuricular appendages,' generally looks well, and promises a favor
ami goes even further, by presnminz to fin- ; a,)'e yield. The grass crop will be ahuiid
ish our work by additions of his own. ' ant especially in the bottom lands. On
Now, the Colonel is perfectly welcome to I high ground, iu some places, it has sufler-
The proceeding of the 4th day of the
Convention containing the balloting we
give in lull thii week. The result has pla
ced Lewis Cass of Michigan, .before .the
democracy of the Union as tfctir cand'ate
for President, and Wm. O.' fuller of Ken-fucty?-.'tiew
Coiimander-in-Chief of our
forces in Mexico, as Vice-President. The
character of these distinguished individuals,
is so well know, that, comment by os'is
unnecessary. Gn, Cass has long Jong
been before tho public. First, as Gover
nor of Michigan, then Secretary of War
under Gen. Jackson, by whom he was ap
pointed Minister to France, where he great
ly distinguished himself in his successful
opposition to the qulhtupt treaty. On his
return home he was elected U. S. Senator
from Michigan in which body he always
maintained a distinguished position. The
National Intelligencer (Whig) speaks in
high terms of his moral and intellectual
character. 'Gen. "Butler is one of the most
popular and worthy men in the Union.
The Convention ' could have selected no
man who would have given more general sa
tisfaction. The cditoroftheXew York Tri
bune (Whig) says "we have always con
sidered him honest brave and manly, and
we know he made a capital run for Gov
ernor in 1811.
Our readers are well aware, that our
preferences have been in favor of Gen. Tay-,
lor, whose character, in many respects, is
similar to that of Gen. Butler, and for whom
we have always entertained a high and fa
vorable opinion. We had hoped - to have
seen him. brought but by ihe democracy, as
their candidate, but m this, we h'ave'Leen
disappointed- Tho ticket is -probably as
strong a one as the Convention could have
made, and will be well received, excepting,
probably, in New York and South Carolina
where both extremes, of slavery and anti
slavery, -seem to be somewhat dissatisfied.
The steamer United States arrived at
New York on the 1st, with 1 days later
news. There lias been great r infusion in
Paris. An attempt has been made to over
awe the government. The populace with
bo nners, marched in procession, and forced
themselves into the National Assembly and
declared the Chamber dissolved and a new
government was appointed. The troops of
the line and National Guard were called
out when the mob retired. Most of the
ring-leaders were arrested. A great demon
stration, in favor of Poland, was made.
Tho Austrians were defeated by the Ital
ians, in a severe battle at Verona.
Olr" The New York Barnburners, whose
delegates seceded from the Baltimore con
vention, will hold a convention at Utica,
on the "2 2d of June, to nominate a candi-
wl 'roin the drought in April. Of fruit,
ihe wm to be a fair prospr-ct, altho.i-h
in some places we understand, p-aclus
have been frost killed.
ft'7 The Treslrli-nt luic ,,nl - ...
Congress in relation to Oregon. The in
habitants are asking aid eguinst the threat
ened attacks of the Indians.
iNTElicsTlxn to FofTM'ASTElis. -Congress
has just pnssed un Act amending tho Act of
1845, relative to compensation to Postmast
ers. The new Act provides that the rates of
coinrriindoiw, authorised to be paid to Post-
Ilfaster. bv the firs! section of i!d net. J.:.ll
be allowed und p;iid to them, on the amount
of nostaac received in each unarter of ueir
1 und in duo proportion for any period less llitui
, quarter, instead of bciiijr ullowed und paid
011 ,llu i""01"'' reet-ived for a year, a was by
' ""e provided for in said Act.
ttid Lie it fmtlier enacted, -1 fiat
all Postmasters, whose commissions
have .lio.i., U1....I l.v tl.Mir li.. ll,....,.,l .l
Qn Uw amoum of . fu a
vear. instead of on llio inunni.t recii.d in
, quarter shall be permitted to resett,. and ud-
, just tlu ir accounts according to the lirst sec-
j act, and shall be ullowed and paid
sul'h kUltl n,,,y l'e JUM' ou'!u, ,heir dllB
such resettWienttf their accounts.
f . . orcjv w,
the Postmaster iVnerul be authorised to em
ploy, temporarily, SNch additional clerks as
may be fosiad. necessay for-the resettlement
of the aeooun4'6f Postmasters authorized by
this act. ' "
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That te
the Postmasters at offices where the mail is
regularly to arrive between the hours of nine
o'clock at night and live in the morning, the
commission on the tirwt hundred dollars col
'vcted in one quarter may be increased by
1 he Postmaster General to a sum not exceed
ing fifty per eout.
KuiuBANTS.-Tlie uuprecedeutly large num
ber of 10,035 steerage passetigers arrived at
the Quarantine Ground, New York, on Satur
day and Sunday, .mostly Germans, and in
good health and circumstances. The vessels
iu which'fiy came uere in a very clean
state. "'floute afrventycasesof small-pox were
the whole amount of sickness amongst this
large number of passengers.
Sas Jacinto Pat. This celebrated Indian
Chief, who is oarrying sucfi terror into while
settlements of Yucatan, is of Irish descent.
The Delta says hisfather was an Irishmau of
great weight and influence with the ucate
cos, and his mother is an Indian woman. He
is. possessed ofjjreat courage, actively, and
1'rrmness, and in many respects strongly re
sembles Carrera, the Indian President of
Guatemala. .
Opening of the Chambers Ratification vf the
Treaty considered Certain The Existence
of the Qovernmcnt 'lhrfotencd by the Troops
Thi Pennsytvanin Officers Convicted nnd
Sentenced to be Hitng.
From tho Daily Picayune Extrn, S2d lust
The royal mail steam packet Tay, Captain
Sharp, from Vera Cruz, touched at Ship Is
land oh Saturday evening, 20th inst., bound
for Europe. : ' - ' v ' ' .
- Passengers by - the rteamer ,- speak confi
dently of the. ratification of the treaty by
fhe Congress at Queretaro, and state that it is
to be signed on the 25A inst. It is said also
by 'pansengers thatiferrera has been elected
President, but that he manifested some re
luctance in accepting he 'office. This reluc
tance, however, it was thought' ho would o
vercome. Pena y Puna is out w ilh a long message to
the Coiurress, in which he says that the
only salvation to the Mexican nation is in
Gen. Kearney has left Vera Cruz for the
city of Mexico. Col. Wilson is again Gover
nor of Vera Cruz, having taken command in
that capacity on the 13th inst.
Special Correspondence of the Picayune.
Mexico, May 9, 1848.
Paretics has gone to Guadalajara to join
Almonte in a promt nciamento against thn
Government the moment thti treaty is
ratified. Letters to the Occnpatioiiists hero
continue to assert that the opponents of the
treaty will break the tpinrnm whether (he
(H'"stion of ratitiuat ion comes up. All letters,
however, agree thnt Congress will take up
the treaty and atft up'in it before, proceeding
to the election of President. This will leave
Pena y Pena President during the considera-
'tion of the treat-, nnd the general belief is
ho will resort to extreme measures to secure
its ratification. "It is currently reported that
it is the intention of the majority iu Congress
to invest theTresident with full powei to
ratify the treaty himself or to reject it. Bets
of'litrge sums continue to be offered here a
gaiust peace, and are readily taken.
The Commissioners intend leaving for
Queretaro in the latter part of this week, (it
is now Tuesday.) iu case a peace is made.
Mr. Clifford remains as resident Minister,
an I Mr. Sevier will return immediately to
the United States.
A council of war has been appointed to try
the parlies accused of iuducin!; desertions
from the army.
Monday, the Nth instant, is the day lixed
upon for the discussion of the treaty.
It is presume'd, from the political division
of the Deputies, that sixty-one will vote for
peace, and fourteen for war.
Midniht. All the troops are under arms.
There is much talk of a prmvineiamcnlo by
the troops of the line ii-zaiiist the Govern
ment. Gen. Lombardini is visiting all the
prists, and is promising t!r officers that they
will receive their full pay if they do uU take
part iu this revolution.
Four o'clorl; in the Moriiimr. Th-' revolu
tion has been smothered.
Pretext for the Revolution. That the Gov
ernment has made a secret treaty with the
United Slates to leave nn armv of six thou
sand men in Mexico, to support the Govern
ment, and Consequent!) the 'Mexican army
will either be di-banded or oi-lered imme
diately to msrch to flic frontier. j
It was at lirst supposed that, in view of
this coium" beimr pursued by the opponents of
the treaty, the Government would ask of our
j riiiiiinii(.ii.T mi I' of th tim. for
! 11,0 ri""l0a,lon 01 ,h" lri?l,1.v l,,.voml ln,? 21
of Jum"' bul lls ',m v i!1 s0(! b' Ill"""Pis
! of the proceeding t (.onarew, from the
I -Mexican papers, whieh I forward you, the
majority iu Congress are preparing to adopt
stringent and extraordinary measiip-s to se
cure the jireat objects of peace.
The military commission appointed for the
trial of the parties accused of llci burglary
and murder in the Calle de Palma adjourned
to-day sine dine, the trials having been finish
ed. I have learned that the Court has found
all parties guilty, with the exception, of
: of in" v 1,0 iHm' 'l.lence
of those who became evidence for
th" Pvution, ( AruiHtron- und llollister.) of
liutli tin; luiratary ::na niiirii.'r, ami nas sen
tenced th'Mil to he hitiiL'. It is opposed the
efiiiimancliiiL' irencral will approve the sen
tence, lint 1 much doubt it. Aside of his
character for humanity, all the men found
'tiiltv. Lieut. Il.ue, Dutton, Madden and
Tildeu, ami Sergeants Wragg and Stuart, and
rnvale wan, It liis ueen proven, sei veu meir
. mintry well in this war.
t OMill lSIO AL I'llOl I I DINGS.
U' . -ii iv. t, iv Mav 2lh.
j y;,.,, pr,.sidi.Mt laid beloni the Senate
' a communication from Geueial Cass, resiiiii-
i.ig his seat as Senator from Michigan.
j On Mr. lU.lars motion, Mr. Benton was
le . ..j.,,..,,,. o- thl Committee on
Military Affairs, in the place of Mr. Cass.
House. On motion of Mr. Vinton, tho
House resolved itself into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. King,; of Massachusetts, in tho
chair, and took up the Post-office bill. After
tome time spent iu its consideration, the com
mittee rose and reported the bill, with a
mendments, to the House. Adjourned-
! I 1
Wamiinuton, May 29.
The news from Mexico comes this time
from a most unquestiutuible source. The Ad
ministration have received desjKitchcs. The
treaty will be ratified without doubt. You
will have the news in less than a week.
1 understand tliat some churges of a rather
more serious character than those about which
the Court of Inquiry are engaged, will come
before that body, and that this is the reason
why General Scclt lias been ordered forth
with to Frederick, Obskbveb.
Geskbal Taylob has beeu so much an
noyed by letters, asking, his opinion upon al
most every question, that he has had two
thousand copies of the Allison letter struck
off, and now whenever he receives one of
those catechetical epKstles, without putting
himself to the trouble of reading it through,
he quietly' sits down, folds' up'one of the Alli
son copies' . and transmits it to his . inquiring
friend and correspondent. Pretty good in
the old hero. ' ,
The following description of a "bear
hunt" in Louisiana, is an extract from a lei"
tcr addressed to Gideon M. Yorks "Esq., hy
one whose initials will be readily recogni
zed by his numerous friends and acquain
tances, in this place:
-, This country would tickle your fancy
Doer, Bear, Fish and Alegators nre plenty
every pian has his half dozen hounds or more,
and to hear them howl and see them jump
when the horn is blown for the chase, would
set you on tiptoe- - - - -
No later than yesterday we were on a
drive. We had to row, or rather we were
rowed in boats about 3 miles to a small lake,
called "Horse Shoe Lake," it makes a circle
of about R miles and forms a kind of Island,
which is a favorite resort for doer. Two of
t)ie party went yjth the dogs and tho other
three stationed themselves in wait for the
deer, among whom was your humble servant.
It v as not long before we heard tho dogs
coming pretty close and directly came the
deer, ripely rip ! bang! bang! went the guns
of the two gentleman before me, one deer
dropped, and ns they came on t let slip at a
big Muck and kliOCked him as 'cold as a whet,
stone. I then let loose .at uutther (there
were six in the drove.) and wontuled him in
the hind leg so that he could net r in, but
I found thnt hi' could av pretty sharp when
he took me two or three over tl.e 'back and
shoulders. And as he sat on his hunkers, I
had thought of running up io him and cutting
his throat, but the first thing I knew, your
humble servant was quietly sitting on his butt
eiid nt some distance from thesceneof action.
I'm some on a bear hunt, llioush, having esta
blished my reputation the first time we went
out. In huntiiig'you- have to'riile through
cane breaks that are almost impenetrable,
except by the roads that the bear and deer
make, nnd which somewhat rem-mblo tho
entrance to a coal mine, just large enough to
admit a horse and rider. In going through,
you mit be constantly keeping off the canes
nnd vines overhead, in which cvct and anon,
you lind yourself entangled and can only ex
'iricate yourself by cutting your way through
'with yaur bowie knife, which nonu of its
sviitlimiers are ever without. Well, it fell
j to the lot of your humble servant to enter one
of these trails; I had not, however, ro.le farbe
; fore I dismounted and led my horse ns the
I under brush was too thick ami the horse too
j high to poss. I had not been on my "wind
ling wa" more than half an hour, before I
came t-.'uvire upon an old sin: bear and he'
two rubs. I had nothing to do but to shoo1
or run an I had only one load in iny gun, and
while I was halting (my first adventure mind
yon) between two opinions whether to leirve
bruin nnd her family alone, (having, always,
an e)0 simile to my own interest) or to ad
vance to the contest; when Lruin, who it ap
pears, bad been meditating upon the -same
thing, had evidently made up her mind to
pay me a visit, wheul let loose at her. the
only load I had remaining, which I soon Per
ceived had done no other hij irv than killing
ouo of her cubs mid wounding her slightly.
I then mounted my hurst; und turned the tail
to her as I hud no desire to meet her in her
present moode with only a knile and a body
that hail a-cnwardly pair of legs to run away
with it and bark I went ns last as the horse
could cany me directly I turned niound to
see if her bearship was coining, but to my
... . . i i i- it . -
su pi tse, 1 found the old l.-llmv was md in
pursuit and probably had never started. I
then slacked mv re'ius nnd became a little
i r ,i , iv
composed, but itwas only for the moment. Ih-
rectlv I lieant Hie uol'SIii me uisiance, tniiihs
I the rest of them will no doubt have a turn
at one : but what do you think was mv as
tonishment, when just about u hundred ard
in advance of me, coming on a Vog-trot. was
another larjre grnfrmnii of (he same species
I had just left. This was a situation for a
irreen-horn. in a lear hunt, a pun but no
load in it a horse, but a poor rider a bin
knife but a weak arm to wield it, together
with a strong desire to get out of fhe way.
This was a situation not to be envied by
young funs in tho sport. About this time 1
placed my hand to tf.e ""Wt of fny inexpressi
bles to gee if there was anything wrong in
that quarter, and made a strait track throuah
tho cane break, leaving the entire road lo his
bearship with only the loss of my hat, to-
irether with a sliirht bruise in consequence of
a lame vine (vissing directly over the horse's
head and hitcliiiisr on to the saddle, curryinsr
away iron, rider, saddle und all. I was'nt
long about getting up you may be sure, and
leaving every thing behind, 1 made a strait
coat tail for the road, as 1 supposed, but had
not gone far before I met with some ef my
companions who were strangely affected
with a nervous twitching of tlio 'face, at the
ludicrous uppcHruuce wich I made, having
nothing left to my back but two strips of cloth
w hich once no iltubtj were dcsimied by my
i.iiior to represeui a coat tail, but which now
bore a stronger resemblance to the (skeleton
of a carpel in "a weaver's loom than any thing
else. However, we got two tliat day, but 1
haven't been on a i:6ar" hunt since, as
tiiojc of. ., - E. B. M.
Trinity, La., May 12, 1848.
Pittsbcrc. May 36.
The County Commissioners have been au
thorized to subscribe one million stock of the
Central Kuilroad. This banishes all doubts,
if any existed, as to the early completion of
this ureal work.
The Methodist Conference that has been
iu session iu this city for fho past two or
three weeks, will pro'oably adjourn this eve
ning. The question as to the division of tho
property, iu consequence of the separation of
I he N'orlu from the South, has be submit
ted to arbitration upon the most liberal terms.
. Fob tub American.
Mb. Editor: As the time is approaching
for the selection of good persons to fill the
various offices at the coming election, for the
county of Northumberland. Myself and neigh
bors liave come to the conclusion to offer the
name of HENRY READER, as an individual
they think most worthy to diacliarge the im
portant duties belonging to the office of
Sheriff. We therefore recommend te the
cenriilerulion of the Democratic Electors of
Northumberland County, HENRY READER,
if Delaware township, for that office. He
understands the German well, and is a staunch
Democrat, antHa well qualified for the office.
And in accordance w ith the usages of the
democratic party, the other side of the river is
entitled to the Sheriff. It has heretofore been
customary that this office in particular be
K'ven to the different sides of the river, alter
imtoly We do hope that this rule will in
future be adherod to. We, in .his secWon of
claims of the other side of the river, are fully
detemnnedtogoinhoartand hand for thi
nomination of HENRY READER, a, an act to the Forks. Henr. Rc'auer
known ns an. honest and intelligent German
and is just such a man n we ought to hava
in the office ofShcriff. JACKSON.
ELLOW ClTIZFNs.Er,coUr,grd bymt.
r.y or my hietida throughout our county I
t the next central Elrclion. Should rrr fellow
r.tizpn l.vor me with a majority of their vote..
t kho-ild par nn fxrrtioii to filfill the dutiei of
...d office win, fidelity rf , ,hf ,i,f.,ion
bunliury, June 3, 1 S IS.
f ESPECTFCLLY announces to her friends
B nd public, thnt .he has removed her
i'slnhlishinnt to th building recently occupied
hy lVnil Rriirkmiller. nt .hoe .lore, nearly
opposite Mm. Button's Hotel where (he will be
better aide to accnmmnJaie her numerous friends
ami .-intomeri with all kinds of Millinery, fancy
articles, and other dry goods,
June n. IS IS 3t.
the" great convention
im n HAsrrns of ei,koat yn
I Mill In Srs.laa at the '"'
105 Chctnut Street. '
The session of Ibis Gonvention is -conducted
withiinparelleled harmony, hd the amount of
business done is immense. . The President -P.
R. M'NEILLE. assisted Hy numerous Vire Pre
sidents, presides with great efficiency and the
Treasurer is kept constantly busy with receiy
in money Ths Eixkhates to this Convention
are in Tits ofdeligM, and have unanimously con
sented to nominate P R M', as
(tM.llll, TAVLOK.
Of the Unite.! Jutes If every one of the 100
0H0 patronsofihe I hilailelphia Wardrobe, should
vote lor him P R. M'N'eille. will prove a most
trout tesome rivtil to oilier Presidential compe
titors. '
We are happy to say thai at this convention
all sets of O.-legjtes are received, and no.paity
men's money i. accounted just as good as any
ho ly's money. This jnagnaiiimity is highly ex
tfHoidinary dime 3. ISIS S
wixi; LiqroR oii,i:r,
iV 293 Market Street, liehw L' hlh, X,rth ,,,tt,
Keeps conMantly on hand all kind of old t.i.
j il'ior, vir : Superior old rye whiskey superior
Brandy, f.'in. &.c. Also white biandy or preser
ving. Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy.
I hilailelphia, June 3, IS IS. ly
.Y,i. 15 Sutith Stcnmlerre t Eait tide, dawn itahi
gDI'-SPE Tr'L'LI.Y inlorms his friends and
iiuu it, urn ne rontiam v Keens on
Imi-iI a arie assoitment of chi ilrens wilow
i - - ' ir, nnu wave .
ilia i,akete. and every vare.-ty of basket work
i nianulactnret!
1 LWiy MeichasMs and others who wish t
! purchase such artic es. good and cheap, would
,,0 Wl..t0 M h(n 4hi.y fe ( tn
lureii uy nun inmexeji trainer.
I'ln a ! phia. 'dune U, ISIS. ly
Krnsti, Comb and Variety
,Vu01,Yr4 T.'it'd. l,el,.u Rate St. and North
E.nt euificr nf Third und Mitrktt ttreel,
AHERE Ihey olfer lor sa a general assort
nient of ail kinds of liiushi-s, Combs anil
varieties which they ate dtteimlnrd lo sell
Lower Ihan ran be purchased sew her.
Cuunlry Merchants and others Purchasing in
the above line wil find it to their advantaea to
I " 0 , " n" q''ty
I - - ,w. j u.i.iiCCU (aiiiai sii
com peininn
I'biladelpbia, June 3, 1818 ly.
Wardrobe of FnMlilonable
J. W. & E. D. STCKES,
Sa. 191 .Market Street. Pint Clothing ttortbt
low Sixth,
PuiLtcsi raiA.
VXrilKRE they am rouataiily enjas: in jet
ting up from the best French, English and
mcriran c oth. r'othing cut and made up in, ths
most superior and fashioaable sty't. frertesja
u-hu buy to sel , wil- And a lares and sicslIsM
! stork at tba 'ovrest city prices. C otbing ssaft
j p tooider, ins superior style
at tba shtrtsst
N B Odd Fellows R'sa'ia. a lares assorr-.
mrnt always on band. !Oiilara from !LoU('ma1
individua s promptly attended tooa ths most res.
sonabl terms.
Phi ads phia, June 3, 1848 It.
JUST received, at ths store el Hissf MW
sua, a choice assortment of BUY GOODS,
Groceries tVyur, PalmUaf und tther Aolat'e-t
all of which will be sold st the lowset prices.
A llUtsry ot the ItevotutUa sm4 Lrrt el ths
llrror (the Yt'ar ! Iilrea4rslcc.
An elegiuU volume vith 18 fine Steel Plates,
and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engraving.
'This is a Bi.itmlid lk- A vsliuihie sAlilinn In th
II iM nic oor eiwitry. V ? muck snisu
kni ii it tl a mil uke rank with the work M In'Hsg and
I'tmll " r'wukfonl llorald. ,,..-.
It suriaiMi's any ii"''' work yet offcrea to luc Ameri
can nubllr " al' Oazelle. .... ....
"It nay ho"y cousidernl a pustuWnsed Military
llu.ryu( lhUiiV'iluuia, exuouwly will aud ludsciutta
wiiiimi.' .X . Aiurrlcaji.
The prewiil w.rti on lh Bevckition and its Hrmr. ta
sipen amir is awl iSrwan to any that ana hereto-
lur c n uiiuoc our msies." luq-
A well imuuccIbsI 11 usury at that cveulful pcriuel.UH-
'"brmtediy the bs rmpul' H'r rfUe ws othe
Rev jbui-w and su lienaa. taut ssta r heaa f i sa Ue
ciwitfry."turAiy feveiiitit; ruet.
! couvus f the above ele-
put wort, in fv
Hmte. lo wkKWB Ika
ery County ami Town hi the I'mted
ktiarai imtiaiwawe wui otv
Adurt-se nuat-uaal) M M A I.EAtY,
mnaovlia. May (A, Iftlf Dm
IIim, n..lw UU '