SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ffiavmtvn Drpartmrnt. From the Albany Cultivator. SELECTION OF SEED COR. A writer in the American Farmer says in ths selection of his corn for seed ha always pursues the following plan, and remarks in regard to others: ,lI would advice that in cutting the tops off their corn this fall, leave the top on those stalks having two or three fine ears, and which are very forward and the shocks dry and white, thus showing their forwardness.-s-By the top, they can easily distinguish the seed corn at gathering time, and gather and house it to itself, and not rake the shock off till planting time in the spring, keeping it until then, secure from rats and vermin. And by continuing this proorss a few years, they will increase their com crops, with so little trouble that no practical farmer should' fuil to try it. I have never known one to try it, who did not acknowledge its benefits and increased yield of corn. Several have lately rode thro' my corn ctop, and every one expressed their great surprise at seeing vastly more stalks with fourorfivo large cars on each, than they ever saw before, and not one in many dozens without two or thrco fine ears on them. 1 ask all to try it a few years, and if not plensu ed with the result, to discontinue it. fly this process they materially increase its forward ness. 1 am fully satisfied from long experi ence, of the grout advantage of reserving the best of many of our products for seed, uud letting them grow fully ripe before harvest ing ; and earnestly recommend the same to all cultivators of the soil." HINTS TO FARMERS. Tomatoes make an excellent preserves. Toads are the very best protection of cab bage against lice. ' Plants, when drooping, are revived by a few grains of camphor. Pears are generally improved by grafting on the moutain Rsh. Sulphor is valuable in preserving grapes, &C-, from insects. Lard never spoils in warm weather, if it is cooked enough in frying out. In feeding with corn, 60 lbs. ground goes as far as 100 lbs. in the kernel. Corn meal should never be gronnd very line. It injures the richness of it. Turnips of small size have double the tut- tricious matter than large ones have. Ituta Baga is tho only root that increases in nutricious Qualities as it increases in sizi Sweot olive oil is a certain cure for the bite of a rattlesnake. Apply it internally and externally. Rats and other vermin aro kept nwny from grain by a sprinkling of garlic when packing the sheaves. Money skilfully expended in drying land by draining or otherwise, will be returned with ample interest. To cure scratches on a horse, wash the less with warm soapsuds, and then with beef brine. Two applications will cure in the worst case. Timber cut in tho spring and exposed to the weather with the kirk on, decays much sooner than if cut in the fall. Experiments show apples to be equal to potatoes to improve hogs, and decidedly pre ferable for feeding cattle. Wild. onions may be destroyed by cultiva ting corn, ploughing and leaving the field in its ploughed state all winter. STEALING TIUKIES. Lately two soldiers went off turkey stealing.- The turkey, roost was a half mile dis tant from the encampment, and belonging to a roan who had given umbrage to some of tho men.- The plan was that two of the men erreuUl engage him in conversation, or pretend toasaist him iu keeping the fire from reach ing his fence, while the other two should go forth on their praiseworthy errand. By some mistake ouo of the two who were to go for ward, found himself alone ; but resolved to make the most of his time, he grabbed an 'old un' firmly by its drumsticks, and put out at full speed. Ho had gone but a few steps when he fouud himself hotly pursued: Think ing to himself, 'now, legs, do your duty,' he made a desperate brush for a 'quarter' now lost in the tall grass, now enveloped in smoke and now appearing in full view again nssoine broad flame shot upward, the rapid hippity-cliji pace of his pursuers falling mora significant ly upon his ear at every step. Further suc cessful racing, carrying such weight, became extremely laborious. To drop the turkey and merely make good his individual retreat;, would scarcely do. There was but a moment left for deliberation ; he was already 'winded,' and would be a 'gone coon' in six jumps ; or what w as worse it would be a gone turkey without a cliange of tactics. Suiting the action to the thou-'ltt, he threw the turkey upon the ground, placed his foot on its neck, and squaring himself, he thou ted out to his pursuer, in a bantering lone. 'Now oomo on and if you are a better man than I am, you can tuke your old turkey !' 'Why Sam, you blam'd old fool,' cried the ouo bfhiiid, 'it's nobody but me with another ! "Doduinq a Billet." We find the fol lowing anecdote going the rounds of the pa per under tlia title of ' Dodging a Bullet." e know not how authentic it mav be : John Uuincy Adams once received the fol- luwmg challenge : Sir Your remarks in the House on Tues- day, relative to my deceased friend and relu live, I consider a personal insult. Being ut leisure lo-uuy, i imve prevailed on myfrieuit, the Hon. Mr. Jamieson, whom you will find to be a man of the tdiiotest honor, to cull n. pou you, and arrange for. a ptoper settlement oi me. iiuuier, as is customary umong gentle men. Very respectfully your ob't serv't, J. R. Sattehlee.". To which Mr. Adams made the following reply : "My Dear Sir I thank you for having af forded we an opportunity of half an hour's conversation with the agreeable unit excel lent Mr. Jainiesoti. As to the proposal which you were good enough to make and which I presume is intended as an invitation for me W set myself up as a mark to be fired at excuse me, if I decline it. I can do so con sistently, as I assure vou I have not the hon or to be a gentleman but yet I remain your h- LI I . V . J 'mioib aim on i Herrani. JtHN-QriNCY Adavs." lALLXaTEP3 CD U S2T 'OP QB 3y tP II T dm power C(0a all BSTtaitAt SORES, I scROrULOU8hamors,8KlNDI8EA8ES, OISONOU8 WOUNDS to discharge thtir pu trid matters, and than basil them. It Is rich! j termed All-healing, for thera Is sure ty disease, external or internal, that It will not benefit. I hive osrd It for the list fourteen years for all diseases of iha chest, eonaumption and liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before heaven and man. that not in one aingle cms has it failed to benefit when the pa tient waa within the reach of mortal meani. I have bad phyalciana, learned in the profession. I have had miniaiere of lb go pel, judgea of the bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the bigh rat erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it in every variety of way, and there haa been but one voire one unitersal voice aaying t "M'Alliater, your Ointment is GOOD." In Scrotals, (Mil timet, Erysepetas. I eirer i.t vrr Complaint, Sore Eyra, Quinsy, 8ore Throat, Uroncliitia, Broki n or Sore Breoet, riles, all Chest Diseases, such as Asihma, Oppressions, Pain Also, Sore Lips, ChappeJ Hamle, Tumor, Chil dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine, there ia no medicine now known aa good. SCALD HEAD. Wo have cured cses that actually defied every thing known, aa well aa the ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told ua he had ipenl (300 on hia rhtldien without any bene fit, when a fpw boxes of Ointment cund them. B LDN ESS It will leslore the bail sooner than any other thing. HEADACHE The aalve has cured prisons of the headache of 12 years' standing, and who bail it regular every week, ao that vomiting often took place., Eta Acnx, and Anos is tiik Kick, arc cured ly Ihia Ointment wilh like sucreta. RURN8. It is ono of the beat things in the world for Burns. (Read ihe dirretions around the box.) RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi ately the infl imation and swilling when the piin ceases. (Read the Dirretions around the Box.) COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the ch at or side, falling off of ihe, one or the other always accompanies roll feet. (Thia Ointment ia the true remedy.) It ia a sure sign of disease to have cold feel. TETTER. There ia no.hing belter for the cure of Tetter. PILES. Thousands aie yearly cured by this Ointment. CORNS. Occasional use of Ihe Ointment will always keep Co-na from growing. People need never le troubled with them it they will use i Head Ihe fallowing Communication, Received fiom an old. respec i d snj well known citizen of Philadelphia. and then judge for your self: Philadelphia. 10 m 13lh, 1816 To T, B. Peterson, Having been requeued to cie my opinion on ihe merits of M'ALLIS TEli'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate aome of the brnrlita which 1 have experienced in the uae of the article. In the spring of 1S4S, I had an attack of Ery sipelas in my face which became very painful, and extendrd into one of my eyes, being attended with fc vi r, my distress was great and I began to be fear ful of losing my eye. Although not much of a believer in what is commonly call, d quark medicines, I purchased a box and made an application to my face. To my sui prise the piin soon ab.ited, and in a week's time it waa entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it wss ihe salve, under Providence that cured me. From that time to the present. 1 have used Ihe article as occasion required, and in every case where I have Used it, I have found a decided benefit. At oi.e lime, on going to b"d at night, my throat waa an aore that I swallowed wilh difliculiy, but ty an application or the salve I was relieved before morning. I have usod it in ease of burns, bruises, sprains. and flreh cuts, all wilh tho happiest effects, and one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods, has hi en dried up and cured by a few application. rrom my own experience, I would atroncly re commend it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family medicine. h ive become so partial In it, that I expect to keep it cnnlanily in my family. I hough not ambitious to appear in print, vet I cannot refuse to have thia communication made public if judged best lo serve ihe cause of humani ty. Respectfully ihine. WM ADAMS, No. 26, Old York Road. CAUTION. N Ointment will be genuine unless the names of James M'Alliater, or James M Allister St Co., are written with a pen on eve ry label. JAMES M'ALLISTEK, Pole proprietor of Ihe a'xive medicine. JPRICE, 25 CENTS PER BOA'..0 AotxTe : J. W. FRILLN'O. Sunhury, FORSifTH, WILSON St Co., Northumberland, Dr WM. M BICKLEY, Danville, J. G. CKOUSE. Selinagrove, P. C. 8HF.I.1.ER. Lewisburg, WM. F.NAGI.E. Milton, JOHN 8IIARPLESS, Cattawisaa. Feb. 19th, 1648. eowlv VENI, VIDI, VICI Dr. ALLEN'S VEGE? TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. cVc. This Medicine is offered lo ihe public under ihe at au ranee that there ia no article in existence having stronger rlaima lo Iheir consideration. Be ing compounded by a regular Graduate of Ji fief. son College, Philadi Iph a, and a practising physi cian of twenty years' standi g in Philadelphia, ass long experience has cnnllrmed him in Ihe opinion tn it a compound medicine was required lo prevent and remedy the debilitation pr duced by trsiding in low, miasmatic climates, ami lo counteract Ihe pin trating influence of many nervous disorders with which ihe human family are afflicted. Die. ALLbN is a well known phi eician, and has used the atwve medicine in his practice for 8 years wilh Ihe most astonishing effect, having tes ted it qualities in above r I Vri THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever leeiived more fialteiing re- commendations from physicians of eminent stand ing linn has then bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION AND IIS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Pmfes aor aiys: "It chiefly arises in persona who lead either a very sedentary nr irregular life. Although not regarded aa a fatal disease ; yet if neglected or improperly treared, may bring nn incurable Me. laneholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitlgo, Palsy and Apoplexy, A great aingularity attendant on it is, that il may and often doea continue a great length of lime without any remission of the symp toms. CAUSE-1. Grief and uneasiness of mind, in iene study, profuse evacuaiiona, exceaa in venery, excessive use of spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco, o pium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of Ihe secret ion of the tile or gistrie juice, exposure to i old and damp air, are the chief causes of Ihi dia eaae. 8 YM PTOMS. Loss of appetite, nausea. Heart- hum, aridity, and ftetid eructations, gnawing of me atnmacn wnen rmpty, uneaainesa in the throat, pain in the side, costiveneaa, ckallnees, languor, lowneas of spirits, pilnitationa, and disturbed sleep." TREATMENT. UK.- ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOVNU haa never failed in allur. ding immediate relief, and a isdical cuie fur this disease. fJC Thia Medicine can be had of II, B Maaer, ouniiuryt J. C Martin, roll ville, Medlar St. nickel, Orwigaburg ; and of Druggiat generally, ALLEN St WARD, Proprietors. Philadelphia, Nov. 87, 1847 eq ly A GENTS to canvass for soma Nawand Poru I as Woexs, in every Coi stt throughout thUmted Stales. To Agenta. the most liberal encouragement is offered with a small rapital of from fit to $100. A chance is offered, where- uy an agent ean max a irom 10 to 23 per week IL?- ror mriner particulars, address (noit !" i..Miitip A'o. 158 North Heeond SI. Philadelphia, April 1, 1818 3m. DAWK. MOTE LIST. PEWWSTlArVIA. Tbe following Bet ehowa the current value of atl Cenaaylvania Bank Notes. The moat Implicit re liance may be placed upon h, aa it is every wee larefully compared with and corrected from Bick neU'a Reporter. nanki In Philadelphia. Nats Locaxtotr. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . , par Bank of the Northern Iilwrtie ' . par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . . par Fanrtera' and Mechanics' Bank par Kensington Bank , . . par Philadelphia Bank ' i par Bchuylkill Bank . . par Snulhwark Bank par Western Bsnk . par Mechanics' Bank . par Manufacturers' ft Mechanics' Bank par Bank of Penn Township . . par Girsrd Bask . . par Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensing par Bank of Pennsylvania par Country Rnnka. Bank of Cheater County Westchester par hank of Delaware County Chester par Bank of Oermantown Oermantown par Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrristnwn par Doylestown Bank Doylestown par Eastnn Bank Eaalon par Farmers' Bank of Burks eo Bristol par Bank of Northumhciland Northumberland par Columbia Bank Sr n ridge co.'Columhia par Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancislct par Lancaster County Bank Lancaster par Lmeaater Bank Lancaster par Fnrmcrs Bank nf Reading Reading par limce of Bank of I enn a. Harriahutg" These Lancaster I offices Reading jdo not Eastnn J issue n. Office do Office do Office do NOTES do do do AT DISCOUNT. "auk nf Ihe United States Philadelphia 17 Pottsville par Lewistown failed Middletown 1 Carlisle I Pittsburg I Hollidayshurg I Harrisburg I Lebanon par Pittsburg I Pittsburg t Williamsporl Wilkcsbsrie 1 1 Allentown nn sale Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bank nf l.ewiatnwn Rank of Middletown Carlisle Bank Exchango Bank Do dn branch of Harrisburg Bank Lebanon Bsnk Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do do do Dn do do Bank of Chambershuig Bhk of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' dr. Drovers' Bunk Franklin Bank Honcsdale Bink Reading Pittsburg failed failed do brie New Briehlon Chsmhersburg Gettysburg Montrose Erie Wsynrshurg Washington Honcsdale Uro.vns f lie York do I 1 Si 3 '1 I A IJ u 1 Moimngahcla Bank of B. Vork Bank N. I). The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the exception of those which have a letter of r. ferencc. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill 8v. Ins. Kensington Ssv. Ins. A Philadelphia dn do do failed failed failed Penn Township S.-iv. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed I owanda Uanlt Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatars Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Fanners' & Metli'cs' Bunk Farmers' Si Mech'cV Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office nf Schuylkill Bank Pa. Apr. St Manuf. Dank Silvei Lake Bank Union Bank nf Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Towand Bedford no sale closed closed Beaver Ilariisburg Washington Bcllefonte failed closed Pitlsbutg Pittsburg Fayette cn. Grcencastle Harmony no sale failed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no sale I.eivistown nn sale Warren Dundaff New Ho Millon Meadtille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Union I own Greensburg failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed Wilkesbarre no sale fXj- All notes puriwrting to he on any Peunsyi vania Bank not given in the alwve list, may be set lown as frauds. HEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunswick Brunsw ick failed i par i par par i failed 1 Oelvideic Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Medford 3ommercial Bank Perth Ambny Jumlierland Bank Bridgetnn farmers' Bimk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt. Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed failed failed failed railed i failed i par no sale no sale tlolioken llKg at Uiaxing L-o llobuken lersey City Bank Jersey Cily Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freeh dd Michsnics Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jeraey City Poi-t INoiis Newark Ukg Sl Ina t'o Newark i New Hoie Del Bridge Co Lamberuville N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hotioken failed faded 4 failed i par par i par i failed lulled i par i failed N J I'roieclon St Loiniwrd bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Paierwm Bank Peterson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark Slate Bank Elitaheihtown Slate Bank Camdeu Slate Bank of Morris Morristown eUute Bank Trenton Salem snd Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bsnk New ion Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Hank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hackensack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm St Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Suiyrua Smyrna Do branch Millord Farmers' Bk of State of Dei Dovei Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington trf Under R's par par par par par par par par par dj- On all banks marked thua () there are eit I her counterfeit or altered nolea of ihe var.ous da Himiiiaiinna. in circulslinn. i Peace with Mexico ! DA1TIEL HElTIlTGEPw, Q2 "3 S3 SwQ 22 CQ? UEjt8 INFORMS the public that in order tn bring a bout a peace wilh Mexico, he manufacturea all kinds of Rifle. Double and Single Barrelled Shot Gune, and Double Barrelled Revolving Riflea, at his manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au gusta township, Northumberland county, all of which be will warrant for ail month. Those who want Dial rata article in his line, can be ac commodated at the shortest notice and on the must reasonable terms. Loves of sport, give him a call. Lower Augusta, Jan. 8, 1848 flm. O. BX2NXISXIT. BOOT MAKriR, No. 40,. South Foi stii Street, AaovcCuiwTNtT. Jan. Sfllb, 1848 DXOZCSOIT & OOm No. 80. Market Street, five doori below Third, Soulh aide, PBXX.ADBZ.rHXA, Importers Wholesale Dealers In WATCHES, Watch O lasses and Materiala. Jewelry of all descriptions, qualities and styles, cnmpiisiug all Ihe articles connected with the Trade, Clocks. Dixson V Bon's Britannia, German Silver and Silver-Plated Wares. Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Fancy Articles. Radgers St 8on'a and Wnatenholm'a Cutlery, Ra tor. BJciasors, Erasers, Deik Knites, Ac. tvory Handled Table Cutlery, of lbs finest, medium and common qualities. A large assorlmenl uf Gold Pens. Perifocal Speclaelis. Papier Mache and Japanned Trays, various shapes and qualities, sl redured rstes Gold Wstch Cast s, Dial and Silver-Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to order. DICKSON St CO., having, recently removed into the large and commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. R. Asmiuns-r & Sons, and more recently by Asnm-nsT Sf Rsmisotos. beg lesve to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants snd others, that they design having st sll times s large asoitmenl of Goods, of their nwn importa lion, which they sre determined to sell st the lowest rates. Cj" Every sttctttion will be paid to the Packing nf Goods, and in ihe execution of Orders, the quali ties andpiices will be fully guarantied against all competition. Philadelphia, June lOih, 1817. ty SIX YF IKS AGO rTME rhildrm began to cry for Sherman's Lo M. tenges. The noise was not an loud at that time, but it has kept increa-ing ever since, and now haa txcome so great that the mouths of ihe little onea can scarce he atoppod. Dr. Sherman svmpv thisea with the little suffi rers, and viry much re ire a that any of them should he disappointed Knowing ihe vast benefit which has been confer red upon the community by the introduction of his infallible WORM LOZEHOB8, be has entered into arrangements for enlarging his Manuf iclnry, by means of which bethinks he will he able to supply Ihe demand. And Ihe Fame pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lo tengea be made as they h ive slways been, in or der lhntho.e whn depend upon them, may not be ilisappmn'cd ill their hopes. He knew when h commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lozen Ifes, that th-y would supersede the use nf every other veimifuge, ss the Lozenge is t-ery pleasnnt to the taste, ticetii in it eflerts. aa well as certain. and Ihe qilnititv icquired to effect perfect cure, is very small. These proprrlies in connexion with Ihe f et that they are sold for 2ft cents per box. thus pi .ring them in the reach nf the poore.-t man in the hud, has not only caused them to tal.e the place of every other vermifuire ever nlfered, bul al so rendered them popular to tbe community. Dr. 8UerniaiiH C OUO II LOZENGES continue lo cure Coughs, ( Ids, lonsumpt'on, Asthma, shortness and ilillieully nf Breathing, and other illsea es of the I. ones, with the bum facility they did on their first introduction, and the runph have now become pcru.ided by jctuil expi nence, that on llie aceesion of a -I ght cold, they have only to step lo lillier the Dr's. i Hire, or one of the Atienis, snd obtain a box of his Cough L zei ges. which ore very convtnient In carry in the pocket, and tn lake a few through th d .y. By pursuing this course a cure is ofien effected in St hours, and ihe patient shout hia basin- s. So great is the ce lebrity of the le i' nges, that thousands of persons who have used them, and become acquainted with their ifTi cts, will never be without them. Ml HUM A VS POOH UAH'S PLASTJ3B has cutcd more case of Rheumatism, Psi i in the Bark, Solo snd Chest, Lumbago and Wtaknesr, than any application that has ever been made. As the celebrity of the Plaster has inrieisrd, hundreds of unpiincipled rs-cals have attempted to counter feii it, anil p ilm il off upon tho community as tho genuine, (jj- Bewa e uf Deception. .TX Rrmem ler that the true and genuine Plaster is spread up on rrdJiah paper made expreely for the purpose, and in every ce Ihe signature of Dr. Bhorrosn ii n iut d upon the l ack of the PI 'S'cr, and tbe whole secued by Copy Right. None other are g. nuine. Theicf ire v. t en you want a real sond Sherman'a Poor Man's Plaster, call at Ihe office, 106 Nassau street, and you wi I not lie disappointed. Remember the number, 100 Na sail st., whe e all I)', tshermari's Lozenee arc sold. Hi Agents are Mrs. Hay, 139 "Fultop street, Brooklyn j Hiueson, William-burn; and Redding ft Co., Boaton, and JOHN VOUNG, Buubury. M. A September 1 1 th. 1847. 1 v. "PUMPS i ! JPUMFS ! ! Improved Hydraulic Piimpsi, For WelU, Rolling Mills, Furnacei, or other i I'urpoe. TIIIIE subscriber iei.pectfully announces to the ! JL public that be i now prepared to supply or ders to any extent for his Patent Double action Auction and Forco Pumps. These pumps are made nf ca t iron, and the water is sucked nr for ced through lead pipe. F.-r simplicity of construc tion and durability of action, they are ratti ttipe rior to SUV now in use. Thev have msnv sdvnn. tf-oi uio voiimuui. iuui, Bulling niniu sre the following : They are a i constructed that mischievous per sons cannot spoil Ihi ir action by introducing nails or spikes or any nth- r autlam es among Ihe vulves, o is often done with other pumps, thereby render ing them us. less till overhauled. They sre war ran'ed to t-e fieifeclly secure from frost. Thry are s i airanged as to affurJ ample protec ion against Fire about Ihe p'emise no which they are erected, by simply attaching a piece uf ho-e, thro' which they will force water to any pari of, or over, a three story house. They are particularly adapted tor very deep wells, as the leverage can be so re gulated that a child uf six yeara old cun wilh the greatest ease draw water with them from Ihe dee peat wells. The objection so justly urged by ma ny, that w der is spoil, d by standing in pump logs, is entirely obviated in this pump, and fie.h water can alwaya be aa surely obtained as when drawn with a bucket. In situation where il i necessa ry lo raise or force lame qitanti ie ol water lo gical di.-tances for supplying boilers in mills, furnaces. Sic, these pumps are invaluable, as they can he made of uy ze, and capable of throwing from IS to 1000 gallons per minute. And lo crown all, they can bo sold as cheap as ihe cheapest. The subscriber ha ipent the last year in expe rimenting upon and perfecting hi pump, and now brinu them before the pubi c with lh fullest con fidence that they will be found lo answer his de scription. He lakes p!eau.e in refining lo the following companies snd in lividuals, upon whose pri mises bis pumps have been erected, and who have expn id their satisf.ctiun in the highest terms : The Mnntotir Iron Company, Danville, H. Bre voorl, agent; the Ulonmaburg Railroad Iron Com psny. Blooniihurg. Col. I'aiton. agent ; the Rough and Ready Iron Works, Danvil'e, Hancock, Foley Si Co., proprietors ; the town Conned of Berwick; riimon P. K , Etq., and John L. Watson, Esq , Danville, He could refer lo miny riders, who have letted their qualities, but Ihe above lespectuble firms anJ individuals sre deemed sufficient. fX An assonment of LEAD PIPES constant, ly on hand, which will he sold on Ihe most less n able term. All oide s adjiesaed to lha subscriber, at Moore St Biddle's Foundry buildings, or Mon tour House, Dauville will meet wilh prompt at. tention. HOMER PARMELEE. Jan. 1, 1848. tf. Another Farm JCDLH aaaTTniia. TH E heirs of John Yoeum, dee'd., uffer for sal all thai Farm of theirs situate in Shamukin township, Northumberland county, near Snuff, town, and adjoining ihe old Siarobsch atand in aaid township, containing about two hundred acres mora or leas, in a good state of cultivation. The Rail Road from Sunhury to Bkamokintown passes through it. For parlirulira enquire of HUGH II. TEATS, Snufftown, or JOHN FA RNS WORTH, Hunbury, Dec. 1 1, 1847. er any t4ik Lfir. The Grand Purgative rem TBI orraa OF Headache, Giddineaa, Measles, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Dyspepds, 8cnivf , Heart Burn, Worms, Cholera Mnrhua, Coughs, Quinsey, Whooping Gough, Small Pox, Jaundice, Pains in the Back, Inward Weakness, Consumption, Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Riaing in Ihe Throat, Erisiprlas, Deafneaa, Dropsy, Asthma, Itchings of Ihe Skin, Fevers of all kind', Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Complainte, Nervous Complaints, inn s rsmsTT of oTsxa nistisxs isisisa raosi mruaiTiaa or Tn a toon, isn ns stscctios is) ths oaoass or m exsTios. Experience has proved that nearly every Dis esse nriginstes fiom Impurities of the Blood or de rangement of the Digestive Organa ; and to secure Health, we must remove those obstruction or re store the Blood lo its natural stste. The sversion to IsMng medicine is most effec tually removed by Clicks' Vsor.TASt Po. oativr Pills, being completely enveloped with a coating nf pure white Sugar, (which i as distinct from the internal ingredient sa nut shell from the kernel) ssn nav nit tast or Mtniris, But' sre ss easily swallowed as bits of randy. Morenver they neither nammte or gripe In Ihe slightest degree, hut operste equally nn sll ihe dis eased parts of the sys'em, instead nf confining themselves tn, snd racking any particular region. Thus, if II e Liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of an Excess of Bile restore it loilsnaturd state. Another will operate nn the B'ond, and remove all impuiities in it circulation; while a third will effectually expel whatever impurities may have been discharged into the stomach, and hence they struck at ths root or inszir., re move sll Impure Humor from the body; op-n the pore externally and internally ; separata all fore Rn and obi oxious particles from tho chyle, so that the blood may be thorough'y pine thus ecu ring a fee and healthy action In ihe Heart, Lungs snd Liver; snd thereby they rkstor hkalth r- VE WHZS ALL OTHSR MKASS HAT rAILKO. Ths entire Iru'h of the shove can be sseeitained by Ihe trial of a single box ; and their virtues sre so positive snd certain in restoring Health, that the prnprielor binds himself tn return the money psid for them in sll cases where they do nut give universal sitis aclion. Ilcfnll I'rlcc, 25 els., per Rox. . Principal office No. fifi Vesey St., N. Yoik. Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunhury, M. A. McCAY, Norlhumbeiland. Remember Dr. C. V. Cliekener ia Ihe in ventor of the Sugar Coaled Pi. is, and that noih ng of the a Tt was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, I H4:. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Cliekener' Sugar Coated Pills, and lake no others, or they will lie made the victims of a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1H17. ly cow SILENCE Til IT iiiiKsnrrL roriiu ! tiik n-jros itx I IIA riKn, tiik woiik nr Tim IIF.STIUITSII HAS BVEX HHUV, tiik coi (in or t oNsru mil math iv it Asousiinr pkaih. RE YOU A MOTHER! Your darling child, Xm your iiiut ami enmity yy, is now prrnaps confined lo her chamber by a dangerous cold In r pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell ihe holJ di-ease has already gained upon her the sound nf her sepuldiral cough pieires your soul. YOUNG MAN, when just shout to enter life, disease sheds s heart eru-hmg blight over Ihe fair prospects of ihe fuluie your hectic cough and fro hie limb tell of your loss and hope, but ymi need not dexpair. There is a balm which will heal Ihe wounded lungs, it is S II E ft .11 AX'S ALL-HEALING BALSAM. Mr. ATTREE, the wife of Win. II. Attrce, Esq. waa given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Di. Hoe and McClellan of Philad-lphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friend all thnught she must die. She had every appearance nf being in consumption, and was so pronounced by her physicians Sherman's Balsam was given and it cured her. Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, f Bull's Feiry, was a'si cured of consumption by this ll.ilsain when sll other remedies faded to give relief she was re duced lo skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, SSI Broadway, has witnessed its effects in several ca-cs where no other medicine afforded relief but the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. G. a ho witnessed it wonderful effects in curing .Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Itloo I, alar ming as il may be, is effectually cured by ihi Hal am. It heal the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and make the limits sound again. Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue, was cuicd of cough and catarrhal alf. cliona i t 50 years a andiug. The first dose gave him more re lief than all the nthei medicine he had ever taken. Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 Dc'anry stri ct, gave it to a si.ti r. in-law who was laboring underconsumption, and lo another sorely a (II cted wilh the Asthma. In both cast a, its ( Di ets were immedia'e, soon re storing them to enniforiuble health. Mrs. LUCUETI WELLS, 05 Christie neel, suffered from Athma 4't years. Sbeiman'i Bal sam relieved her at once, and she is comparatively will, being en.bled lo subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the ureal remedy for Cougl . Colds, Spilling Blood, Liver Complaints, end all the all cliona of ihe throat, and even Asthma snd Consumption. Price 35 rents and 1 per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Cough uud Worm Lozenges, and Poor Man's Plaster sold ss above. Dr. Sherman's office i at 106 Nassau at. N. Y. Agent. JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv. M A.M. CAY, Northumberland September llih, 1847. ly ... ... . .... Vegetable Universal rills. TAc oiy known Meilieioe that at the tame time purge punjict and tlrcngthcnt the tyltin. Loxiiox, July 7, 184C. DR. LE ROY'S P,. e new medicine which ha just appeared, and ia fis-t taking Ihe place of all others of the an.e clsss. These pill are composed of many ingredient', bul the two principal onea are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher ry, so united thai they act together; the one, through it admixture wilh other sub.Uvces, pu rifying snd purging, while Ihe other is strengthen ing Ihe system. Thus those pills sre at the ssim lime tunic and opening ; a desideratum long and eagerly aought for by inejical men, bul never be fore discovered. In other words Ihey dn Ihe work of two medicines, and do il much better than sny two wo know of; for Ihey remove nothing from thesys-em bul Ihe impurities; so that while they purge ihey strengthen ; and hence they cause nn debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy'e pill have a wonderful influence on the blood ; they not only purify without weakening il, bul they remove all n xiou particle from the chyle befoie it i convened imo fluid, and thus make im pure blood an utter impoa-ibility. As there is no debilitation, so theie is no nausea or sicktir st tending ihs operations of this most excellent of me. dicines, which never strain or torture the diges tive (unctions, but cause them la work in a per fectly natural manner; snd hence peiaons taking them do not become pale snd emaciated, but the contrary ; for while il is the properly of th 8ara. psnlla, united ss il is wilh other ingredients, lo remove sll that is foreign snd impure, it ia equally Ihe properly of the Wild Cherry to retain all ibel is natural and sound; and hence a robust state of health U the certain result of Iheir united opera, liona- ry Price g!i cents per BOX. Agent for Le Roy'a Pills, J. W. FRILING. . JOHN YOUNo! $ 8ttnbury' M. A. McCAY, Northumberl'd. August Slst, 1847. ly A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, by - note or book account, are hereby notified to call aud settle the same without delsy, in order to save costs. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, April jo, 1S48 DR. STrVEETSElT'S JJ- sssUa eVS- U. Oa EE THI8 Medicine Is warranted, on oatfl. not tn contain panicle nf Calomel, Corrosive Bub limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete, rous minerals. The principle upon which Ihis Medicine acta, is by assisting and harmonising with nature h drives out sll foul scrimonious humors from the blood and body, and by ssslmilatlng wilh snd strengthening the gastric juice of Ihe stomach, il assist digestion ; in short there is not vein, arte ry, muscle or nerve In the human body, thsl is not strengthened by the PANACEA, and it also possesses lha remarkable properly of removing mercury irons ine uonea anil joints. FOR ERUPTtONSOF THE SKIN, Scurvy, Scorbutic Affection, Tumors, Scrofula or Kins' Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcere, Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Bile, time and detei mined perseverance in D . 8WEET SER'S PANACEA, will effect cure. FOR INDIGESTION. Rejection of foot), Nausea, Ynmilings, Nervou af- lections, ISMIiou complaints, Head ache, Ptlcm ss or Female Irregularities, Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACEA will soon effect cure t but if nhstinste, or sttended with griping, flying pains, the dose should be increased, and the cuie will anon be ef fected. Let not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that thry sre ton we .k to lake much mrdii-ine; but hear in mind that this mi'illy opera ting med cine put not weakness into the frsme, bul mol certainly draws weakn s out, leaves strength in its pbice, snd by giving composed sleep st mgbt and an appetite In relish sny food, re-aniinaes the whole frame wi h vigorous action, clearing the mind ami improving the sight. SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. Scrofula is said tn be beriditsry, the infant re. ceiving from its parents the seeds nf this disease, which increases with its yeats, if neglected snd lint submitted to frequent purification wilh Dr. SWEETSER'8 PANACEA. The glands sre pis. ced in Ihe corners of the body, snd nut of the wsy of direct eommunicstion ; their real u?e is a subject on which much difference of opinion prevails ; it suffices us to know that when in a diseased state, they arc capable of being purified and cleansed by a long course of Dr. SWEETSER'S PAN A- CCA, winch reatoie them to sound snd pioper sction. Scrofub'Us person ran never pay too much ttentinn lo their blood, il purification should be their first thought, for afti r a lung course nf perse verance, thry will ever curt hereditary disease. In ease of JACNDWE. ASTHMA. LIVER COMPLAINTS, TIC nOLOREUX. RHEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOUT, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high ly extolled ; it searches out the vi rv root of Ihe disease, and by ri moving it from the Blood make a cure eeilain and ierm inenl. For diseae of tbe liladiler and Kiilneun, Slrie- lure. Gravel. Stone, Pile, Fitlula. Urinary Olf ulruclionnand Extreme Conlivenens Dr. SWEET- SEX'S PA1VCEA is the best remrdy ever tr e l ; it removes nil tho.'e acrimonious humon from Ihe lllond which give rise lo the above diseases, and by keeping the blood in a pure condition, in.iun health. For DROPSY, FALLING or th k BOWELS. loipur. lien nf Ihe Wood, Mercurial Toint, Weak nett of Ihe Spine Fiom of Rland lo the Head Gid dine, Si'iging and Ruzzing Noise in Ihe Head und Earn, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give certain relief; in all severe and chronic cases, Ihe patients cannot be loo often reminded that lar ger dimrt ami perseverance will fleet a cure. In Chills and Fevers. Bilious Fevers. Affections nf the Kites nod Ears, Sjmncfl and Bleeding Gums Bronchitis and recent Coughs and Cud; Ur. MVliiilStlCS j-AnAi;UA will lie found perfectly sure and certain in its effect. GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLAINTS Thive complaints sre generally attended wi'h the most fatal consequences, snd are seldom nr ne ver cured by the present mode of treatment ; Ihey usually accompany the patient to Ihe grave, after suffering the moat excruciating pain snd Inrture. The cause of these eomplaima are the aama a sll others, the dross ol ihe blood been mi s encrusted on the finest narruw passage, whence ars- morbid secretions snd stoppagieof U'ine. You will find the most powerful d u relics nf nn they only increase the quantity of urine and do not pmify and strengthen th part. By purifying Ihe bio. d wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, n re move the cause ol thedisease, consequently it cun not exist any longer, after sufficient perseverance in Us use haa deprived tho blood and body of all acrimonious humors and incrustation. DISEASES or tur LUNGS-CONSUMPTION Thia is s very prevalent and futal disease ; it re subs mostly from neglected coughs, colds snd bron chitis, also from impmper treatment in many of er cases, such aa measles, fevers, inflammations and small pox, snd s hnsl of other badly treated diseases; where ihe rause, instead of having been thoroughly removed from ihe blood and body, have only been palliated or removed from ono part 10 break out tn another. By divesting your bodies of all foul hu mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S PAN At LA. ihe cure is at once rendered certain and permanent. Recollect, while there ia acrimo nious humors fl lating in the circulation, it is as apt lo settle on the lungs as any other part of Ihe body ; this is the reason that consumption i so prevalent. BILES, SORES AND ULCERS, Which you see on the exterior, come from and have their source in, the interior, snd might just as well have settled on ynui lung, liver, nr any other pail; which we know they frequently do, aud pro duce most violent inflammotoiy disorder. The humor which occasions these sores is of a highly acrimoniun burning nature. We know it from the pain it gives in forming, and uftcrwsrds it ra pidly ulcerating and corroding ihe flesh and skin of the pat where it breaks out. Thia shows the necessity of ftequently purifying the blood with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, and keeping such malignant humors in subjection. Should you have a bile or ulcer, be thankful that natue haa taken trouble In warn you nf the danger your life and bo dy is in, for it is a warning that ihe blood is foul. Had this same acrimony sclrcted the lungs in-tead nf the surface of your body for its sesi, consump tion nf ihe lungs wou'd havj been the 'consequence. U. lay lust then, lo punly and cleanse with Dr. Suci leer's Panacea. SI'INE DISEASE Spinal affections, nlargement of Ihe bone and joints, white welling, hip joint romplsint, rup- lute, falling of ihe bowels and wonv, disease, will find acpeedyoure in Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACEA. Where the disease baa been of long standing, ihe lime required to make a cure will le longer ; I ut the patient may real assured that a determined perseverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA arb DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These disease i proceed from the seriosity or corrupt humors of the blood, having tiled itself on the throat aud lungs, and stopped ihein up, so thai Ihey cannot draw sufficient sir in fol respirstion. Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give imme. diste relief, and In make Ihe cur perfect and car tain, il should bo continued some lime alter, to free the system of all bad I. u mors. RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT AND MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET SER'S PA NA CEA. It cures by searching every blood ves el snd artery, snd driving out all impu rities and fuul humors accumulated therein, which ia lha cause of rheumatism, gout and welling of th joints. The deleterous effect of ralomel and other mineral poisona, readily yield lo its sovereign influence ; indeed, when it vslasble properties be come fully knowo, tbe use of sll mineral poison will be consigned to 'the tomb of all the Capulet,' and only be thought of aa by-gone custom of the dar ker age. Dr. 8weelsr'a Panacea is also aura cure for dyspepsia, piles, cosliveuess, vertigo, head ache, pain in Ihe breast and liver complain!, FEVER aT'D AGUE. Fever is always caused by a disorderly move, meot of lb blood, struggling to fiee itself of some thing that encumbers it( in fact, every kind of fe ver is nothing mere than struggls between Ibe blood and corrupt humors, aud as soon as th cor rupt humors sre expelled, you here no more fevers When patient with fever submits to be bled, or havs hia blood poisoned with mercury, It weakens his frame In such degree that If be survives the process, it slwsys leave him subject to distressing chills, when 9 times out of 10 he resort to ague pills, powders; of tonic mixtures; this is gning from bad to worse, ss these vegetable pills, powders, Ac, are nothing but mercury and quinine In disguise, wnicn may for lime drive the disease so far Inlir " tody as not to be perceptible, but very soon it oreaw-out again with rrarful violence. To cure gu and fever, the cause of the disese must be re- moveo out or ihe Wood ,nd body, which rsn be ef 7l'Slvr. inn'hJ ": Dr. SWEETSER'S PA- n -m, wnien purines, cleanse and strengthens, II contain nothing that can possibly injure, and its, us. is slwsys s safeguard against chills snd fevers. PILES. of v V".? "I P,"i' D'' 8WEET9ER'B I AIYACbA will effect very speedy cure. It ret: move from ihe blood, .stomach snd bowels, alp those foal acrid burning humors, which are Ihe cauae of Pile and Cotivencs, and by strengthen ing the digestive organa, improves every part of the entire body. FLATULENCY AND WIND; These disstsea are caused by the stomach mil1 bowels being choked up wilh viscid slimy matter, the air which entrrsttht m cannot escape until forced by some contraction of the stomach !o expel it; hence the cause of pain. A few dose of Ds' SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince tta aufleter that rcliif is attained. GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Parents will find Ihe PANACEA a vsluabfe medicine for their children, keeping their bodie in a healihy Condition, thereby assisting their g-owth; children or grown person, after taking it. are not liable tn be attacked with an epidemic as before, sa it always leave me Mood In a pure condition, and the i mire system in a strengthened state ; it drives nut a!l kinds of weakness from Ihe body snd leaves all heal hy within. MARRIED LADIES Will find Dr. S WE ITER'S PANACEA a medi. cine purely adapted lo their use. Most ladies du ring Ihe ssriod of pregnancy are afflicted with piles. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, by regulating the bowrls, will entirely obviate thia, snd its purifying proper' lies on ihe blond and fluids, insures lo them heal thy offspring. No one who is a mother should be without it, and those who sre nursing will find it of giest hi m fit tn the health of their infants. For barrenness and sll diseases of Ihe womb, il ia without s rival in theentire histoiy and catalogue of medicine; by its extraordinary strengthening power, it stimulates and strengthens the womb, a weaknesa of which ia the came of failure to have offspring. NERVOUS DISEASES. Under ihi head may be classed Palpitation of Ihe Henri, Tic Doloreaux or Facearhe, Neuralgia, Indigestion, Toothache, Melnnchol), Hysterics, and in fact, every disease caused hy Ibe sharp, biting, scrimonious humors irritating the nerves ; tbe nerves receive the morbid impiessinn from the sto mach, or rather from the blood through the agency of the stomach and dige-tive oreans, and although other parts of the body are appireully the seat of ihe disease, still it is caused by ihe morbid impres. si in conveyed from the blood bv the nerves, tn that pait. A few doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACEA will soon assure the pntirnt tht be has the cure in bis posc.-s'on. ERYSIPELAS, nn ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. This is an inflammatory disoider, alw .va attend ed with more or leas pain. It proceeds from ihe foul, scrimonious humor lodged in the blood snd fluids, settling nn the bml s snd face, causing ex treme pain snd fevers ; sll applications on the sur face sre worse than useless, as they only lend to throw the dises-e in some other part, and perhaps cause death. Bleeding is likewise improier. To cute the disease you mu-t gel rid of the cause ; on ly manage to gel the foul humor out of y ur blood, and you will be well in s day. Dr. rtWEETs SER'S PANACEA, s thorough purtfiir of Ihe blood, w ill sesrch oul eveiy impurity in Ihe mors remote prls of ihe body snd expt l it through Ihe medium nf the bnwcls. There is nol a vein, arte ry, muscle nr organ uf the entire framework of man, I lint Dr. Sw ertset'a Panacea does not im prove. Tn lake it when you are well ia to keep wed ; and when aick to become well. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, beinceonv posed only ol a vegetable matter, or medical nerbs, and watranted, nn oath, as containing not nne par mercurial, mineral, or ehimieal substances, ia found to he ertecllv harmless In thr most lender age, or the weakest frame, under any slags of hu man suffeiimi ; the most pleas.inl and benign in its operation was ecr oil' red to Ihe world; and at the aame lime the most certain in scan hing nut he root nf any c unpla nt, however deep, snd of ierf, no n a c re. Price f I per bottle, nr six bottles for J5. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the corner of CHARLES and PRATT Street. Baltimore, and also by GEORGE BRIGHT, Nov. 6 1847. .'y Sunbury. ITS WOKKS I'KAISi; IT! Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed Sores Cured. rrvOusEY's universal ointment, i X the most complete Burn Antidoteever known. It instantly, (and as if by Msgic) stops pains of Ihe most desHiiate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores,. Biu ses, Cuts, Sprains, Sec, on man or is the best application that can be made. Thousands have tried and thousand praise iu II is Ihe most pufect master of pain ever discovered. All who use recommend it. Every family should be provi ded with it. None can tell how soon some of th family may need it. rry 01erve each box of ihe genuine Ointment has ihe name ol S. Tovasx written on the ouliide label. To imitate thia is forgery. Boitmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who uae Horses, will find thia Ointment the very best thing they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, eke ic, on their snimals. Surely every merciful man would keep his animals a free from pain aa possible- Tuusey'a Universal Ointment is sll tbst is re quired. Try it. BITES OF INSECTS. For the sling oc bit of poisonous Insect. Tousey'i Ointment is unri vailed. Hundreds have tried il anil found il good. PILES CURED I For the Piles, Tousey's U niversal Oin'ment ia one of ihe beat Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it foi th Pilsa recommend it. OLD SORES CURED.'. For elJ obstinate Sou, there i nothing equal to Tousey'i Oral ment A person in Msniius hsd, for a number of years, a soie leg tbst hauled the skill of th doctors. . Tousey's Ointment wa recommended by on of' ihe viailing physician, (who knew it great virtue,) ) and two boxes produced more benefit than the pa lieul had received from any and all previous reme dies. Lei all try it. BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. Thousands - uf cases nf Bums snd Scalda, in all parts of the ' country, have been curid by Tousey' Universal ' Ointment. Certificate enough could be had to Gil . the w hole of Ibia hre', VIOLENT BRUISES CURED. Teetimooi- .la on testimonials, in favor nf Toueey'a OintoMol ' for curing Biuises, have been offered the proprie tor. Hundred in Syracuse will certify loHs great merits tn reli ving the pain of the most u-t Bruise All persona should try il. SCALD HEAD CURED. 8.1 ol esee of Scald flead have lieen cured by Touy ' Oint ment. Try it it seldom fail." SALT RHEUM CUKED. Of all Ihe remediee . ever discovered for this most disagreeable complaint,-. ouoey's Universal Ointment 1 tbe most complete. Il never was kn wn t fail. CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CURED.- Tousey's Universal Ointment will always cure the - iir i worst rase of lHsppcu n anus, c cores ol persoue .. will state this. SOKE LIPS CURED, for lb cur of 8or Lip, ther wa uever anything made equal to Tea- sey's Oiniroenl. It ia aure lo cuie I hem. Try it. . It is s scieounc eompouna, warranted not to cost tain any preparation of Mercury. rr Price 15 cent per box. For further particulars conosroing , this really vsluible Ointment, the public are refer red to .Pamphlrl. lo be had gislis, of respectable Dtuggiit snd Men-bant throughout th United i Stales. Prepsred by ELLIOT 4, TOUSEY, Druggi.-. Syracuse. . For sale by JOHN YOUNG, Subry, . M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. v Bepulllh, 1817. Uow