Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 27, 1848, Image 3

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77 JHMSESS XOTItES. , ; i, -
0!F" CiURi.ns J. PETictiwN has rntliiishf'tl
a history of the Revolution, and Hves of
the heroes of the war of Independence,
which is highly commended by tlie Tress
in the city, as will be seen by referring to
his advertisement. .
KF Potter. andCa, 131 North
3d st. Philadelphia, oiler to persons visiting
' the city, nn elegant assortment of Pateiit e
lastic, and other oilcloths, window, sliades
. carpt-ts &.C., in the purchase of which they
, say merchants can save from 1 5 to '2 " per
cent. See their' advertisement.
, . EF" Lewis Lahomis 413 and Jacob Ln
jdomus 246 Marki t st. Philadelphia, oHt to
j persons visiting the city, great inducements
; in watches and Jewelry &c.. For a list of
, , : .... . :
nrices. e?o their edvertiscnient in Mother
column. . ,
CF" Bennett &. Co., Lae removed their
clothing establishment to Town Hall No.
t 182 Market St. Philadelphia, which has
(heen handsomely fitted up, in a peculiar
. style, for. that purpose. In their advertisi.'-
' ; .' ,', .. . .. . ii ,
..rnent, tn another column, they invite ..11 to
call and examine for themselves.
It will hn pp frnm ll, follow in", wh o I
i r i '
copy from the N. 1 . lternl.l ol tins
ill2, that Gen. Scott 1ms nl leii'.'lh reached
home, where he was. received with the mo-t
, ' , , .
unbounded eiitlin.-iiism. ,
Major General Winfield N-cil and !rt 'ti.
fre.-h from the fields of srlory and the Court
of Iiupiiry in Mexico, urrive.l at tlu .(luaran-
tine nbout nine o'clock. Saturday niahl. from
, . .,,.'.'..
i Vera Cruz, whence they nailed ti the ln;r
Petersbursr, Cant. Wilson, on the x instant
' , , , . , ', .
Njoii after the arrival at tin) Quarantine, (.en.
Sott took a boat, accompanied by Major r r;i- I
ier, and lus servant, i lor fclizalieTliporr. aim
tl!i:ce' iii a carriaau w Elizubetlitowe, the
place of his residence, where lie was received
with the greatest enthusiasm. ,
, The following officers, composing Lis- slaiT.
icaiiie on to the citv, and took lo lins at the
City Hotel :
("apt. U. I.. Scott. Aid.
, Lieut. Hamilton. Aid.
'Lieut. Thomas William. Aid.
'Surrenn Charles S. Triph r. Ai I.,
("apt. O. L.Cliuejtv'ir'il'lid'aiitiv.
Surjeon John V a't-.Ts, 2 1 ISeginfent I". S.
j Gen. Seott will spend a few days with his
.family and then proced to the Court of In-
.ciuirvx which will assemble at Frederick. Ma-
i ,i ... .,'
.pylatid, on the 27th nist., to eontmue the m-
'iiiry into the charges preferri'i
. ii'aitist Gen.
;-ano"i i-.ieveiun, ronr, sicj, woiitil rcip-eiliilly
The passage from era C ruz n retnarka- : invite all perfoiu wishing to piochnse any gnnds
bly pleasant, and verv much enjoyed b.Geu. , Hnc to the followin; list of prices of
Scott, who speaks in most !l:iUeriVjvwK vf ' r"': n'ic'LVf ?" i;l,1t"l'8-
1 r r r ad .1..-wellid Cold Levers IS Karat ia
Captain ilson, Hie commander of tue . 1 14- , ics! 35 to 4ft
j Full J -welled Gold I'Epiuea 7 30
Gen. Taylor was in New Orleans 0:1 the
8th iust. The iapeM stale that he has
laid aside the military cap, mjd appear in
a large broad-brim .quaker'hat.
They ure Indeed i 'tptin xcfa -rm o not
their dignities to wealth, tjor their 1 epila
tion to dignitaries.
Mr. Kditok: As it will so m be time A r
the democratic cilieus of this county lo .-e-lect
a suitable person a.1 ta. ir candidate for
the otIice;et' Khi'iilf, ut the ensuiii'j; eleetiun,
jxv fnst -'he interest which every voter
.should feel in the election of a competent iu
jCumbeut, will be a sutiicieut apoloiry for asking
,perinissiou to recommend, throuirli the col-
Timns of your tmper, GIDKOX M. YOllk'S.
1 '
Kp, of Sutibury, to our fellow citizens as a
gentleman eminently qualified to discharge
all the duties of the ofiice and in every way
worthy of their confidence, and support.
Where Mr. Yorks is known so well ns in
this county it is wholly unnecessary for 'us !o
say one word in his favor. His intimate ac
quaintance with all the duties of th 1 ollice.
acquired by acting for several years in tlu
capacity of deputy tdieriflj his strict busine;
habile, as well as his kind and obliging dis, j
position and courteous manners are known and 1
appreciated by all, while 1 is linu and con
sistent support of democratic men aiul 1.11 a
gures has rendered him deservedly popular
with tho party in every seetion,of The county.
He is decidedly the ijlioice i f ,tur ruction
of this county and we feci au iuiest couli-
dtsnce in saying that wo do, pot think the
convention could place any one in iiouiina
liou who would receive a lurgerivqte than he.
Many Democrats of Old cuusta.'
"May S3, 184S.
"I n i .1'
Pairf'o- Distress of any kino, whether of
kgout, rheumatism, beadacb, toothach. cf '(try
other kind f , is in all rases caused by Kirt
ipur humor cf the blood, which have lodged u'
tfwsrttta parls, and which unlhiut; savo vegetable
purging (purifying) can remove, because by 110
-4tbr means can impurity be driven from the
4 Wright's Indian Vegttuble Pills bive no su
P'or, if indeed they have an equal, in removing
every description of pain; becauaa they cirry
-.y-t tuastomacb and-bowels, all morbid and
corrupt kuinors (the cause of disease) in an easy
and natural manner. Four or five of Wright's
.Ifldian Vegetabla I'illsrf takeo on. going to bet,
.vilt in short tima-drive pain or distress ol
slvery kind from the system, and restore the bo
, cy state of tonnd tualto. j ,
Cu -0i.-To avoid eouiiteifci.., psiMi ae from
tiumaonly vlxvca'n rfa a ..f chm v.
rrpiMSMaf 'the laiidint; of Wnli.m I'.Ti 11 j nid
cmnpaio the labels oil tlx box ,Uh lhe.f,.e ainulra
on lb eeetincala; Tu ho B nun,. n,., rau i,
iMlly alika, siani'ute and all. Beware ol chuik
frits and impoiiuti, t ,
(J Tb g rruin'a for sale l,y !Uai Missk
ol agent for Sutibury, and other igenla, pulili.h'
rd ia another part of this pairr.
1 i 11. ii' . mn n :.-
tVeoKMDAY, MjrS3, 1I8.
' Floi gIn a bliade lower, will talei ut f 5
87 for ponunon Henna extra fcbj t
Co. Meal Will not command more
than 2 31.
, Ryb FtoiRr-ls cjiiit it about ?3J a'fc38l.
, WlltAr Jfas lurlhei declined: sale of
red at ft 30.
Rvk Southern 7.V, IVmin. 77c, pi-r bushel.
Con n Yellow is worth 51c ; while 4fir.
welT-Tr: ... r :""- ,,
Oats Ate. dull nl about 40c for Penna.
Whiskey Sides in' bbls nt 23e, in Mil
22c. '
' , 1
Offict of the lUi.TtJSoa Am ante, May 2J.
(train. -r-Whr'nt has declined. Sales of
good to prime reds were niado to-day at lis
afl-13 i-ts. :
. Corn isiii (pod sun''?") but the dmnnd U
nrt nclive, and' prices tiro a sli:lc lower.' We
nolo suleSkOf yellow at 4(3a47 ; cenl.-, uu.l of
white at -H'ali CM. i . .
ftb-s of Oat nt .S2a33 cenN.
:.WiiikkV. prices area hale lower. SttliM
ofbh In. wrerr jendi to-day at 21iii22 t-K,
and of bbls at 22in23 cts.
All persons are hereby cautioned pur
chasing a ceitniti bnbtaile I prey hnfse belong
ing to me, now in possession of John P. Ray, of
Swibwy. ". W t'lM to mi.I l.ors.
; until hp perto-rms the cowiitions cf an nirr, eim-nt
entered into by him witn me aiiDscnoer.
Augusta May 50, ISIS--3t
I -r rjpsPECTFL'LLV inform you a, n citron
-- of Nnrth'irriberlrTid county, Hut my li
Mr) the four lower townships. made n stlifilu-
tioni cr Mi th(,,e Ihree yrs ,u ,.,, ny.(
to the citizens of our county, us a candidate lor,
till! oliice nl AHII KU Uttlli.lC,
'' '"?" "paiiie 01 Illuming iv.e cm-
Ilea ot said oftice accuiding to law. As'l am
. .i.sablnl lo do any thing else but toachina scl.inl.
which I followed seventeen years, and und.-r.
; l"h English, and O-rmar, : which is no-
i ceary, &c , JOHN HEMi Y K F E IIS.
! irrp,r Mahnnoy, May 27, 1818
j 11 5 J XT 28 V iTIHKIII,V.T
j ' ' ' l.J i i i.i yFr rnt.
, TiY purchasing, their OIL' CL'O MIS ilirrcl
from -the M.imife.'turers.
j riiltF ti C iP.VICH KT
I,' , .7,' . ' ,,1-,'V, ,
1 Have opened a erohouse, No. M, North Third
j Stm.t Hnove Kuce, second door South of he E.i-
gle llotil
rtllLAPELPHlV, .
where: th'-y will always ki-ey on h.ind n rcnplc
assortment of rulcxt KUiilic Cerrwre () I
I Chilis. 28, 30, 10, -19 and fll inches wide. l'i.
i aured, Painted, and I'l.iin. on lh inside, on Mus
) tin Drilling anu Linen. Table (Til Cloth of the
most desirable patterns, 3D, .10, fl and 01 inch, s
j wide. I'lmir () I Cloths, from inches to ','1
feet wide, well ai-asomd, and lh newest style
, of patti-rns. tll of their t .viv-innii!aeture Trims
; parent Window Shades, Curre'.i, :c. All goods
l'hila. May 27, ISIS 3m
110! ! Rill THK Ciil AT
W 11 I (! C O X V K X T 1 () V
no ! fort WATrm:s An ji-:iv:wtv.
As th.MB will bi lhoii.iudj nf persons visiting
i r. 1
"! rr'P1'14- 10 Ptic,pa e in ItieOr.-at N.Uio,,-
al " h'U I oiiveiilion. to bf. held on tfl,. 7th of
jn(. jACO r. n' fr v..
M vr.KE'P Street. b.-tow-Kiktifh,' f.r'st Moi'n. ali.l
iK'W rs r;Ar)o.L l r
.It M.VHIIET Street.
Silver Levers, l ull Jewelled ' t7 " 'iO
(Juartirr'a - 8 " 0
j All the above prices are at least 10 percent
I lower than usually sold lor the f-air.e ipianiy ar-
t c!e, and we defy coinpt-tiliuil to proilnce cheap
, er L'ondi. all we ak is a call to convince persoi.s
' of the abn'.'it ct.-. at '
j l L 'i)C..:;;s, 113 m uc. et st.
i J. LADOMCS, 2tii MA UK US tt.
Philadelphia. Mjy 27. ISIS 3t.
r-.'Kxew . 1, Mus tiiw
' f AVE REMOVED from 103 Maiket Str.-. t,
1 ' at tliu New Splendid and Immense Estab-li-h.iiM.l
to be known as tl.c
Tower Hall Clollilu? IJ.iza'.tr,
' A'o. H2 M.r?.-t S:r--. hellion fifth .Vsr7.
1 Tha Proprietors fel a reluctance in promul
gating what in any way mijjt.l 'oppear like the
lusud Dmbastic exaaijeration ol scma' in' lie
I.. I '.Ill I . . r . It. . .
trade, but will beg leave to quote the following
notice Irotn one ol our city papers;
' One of the greatest cariosities that our City
aflrd to the stranr, is BENNETT & l.'(Vj
gieat clothing store, To. 1SJ Market H.-eet, be
tween Fifth and Sixth, v.hi.-h has been Htyled
'Tower Hall," from tl.e peculiar finish cf the
front. The building is an iiuinensu one, con
taining seven capacious rooms, all of wbKb are
stocked with every variety cl gar
meirts, arranged in the most perfect -rrJ-r and
regutcr'ity.' The proprittcr's tabo'grecl pleasure
in showing their1 building and ctntents ti the
citizens, particularly strangers, and to those co-
ming fiom the- countiy- -we know of no place
m"r.,."'0.r,.hy "i? visit-
I hiladelphia, May 57th, IS 18 3m.
j A HUtury f Hip Urvolutioii uud i,ir at lit
llrrora of the War ot lmli'iiilui''
M rlrac.nt volume with 18 fine "Slctl Vbilet
.'fori 200 bnmlifulU owl Lnirnmu
-'I'liid w a.Hil'-lKti.l tiiw.k. A Viitiiiiltle u,llili,in ti Itie
lljl-,r,t Ijti'nilure nl' our country. W'e nru i.iih-Ii 1111-1111.
k.-n il il tl-es n a tnkf nnik witli 'lite wirktf i-l'tr in uii.t
I'reiiC'itl."-rrmiklonl llr;it. t.
Il sut mtMi-s uny Kulir wimK yel olTuri d tn lm Alnt rl
vim mlmi..' e-it liiirrlle.
"Il liny tie pr,.M-rlv c itsi.t-rt-l a pnii1;irii-l Alililnry
nial.iry ,4'llie'ili 11, i-ilr.-m, ly w.-ll mill .jn.liei m'a
wrill.-n.' . A on-ri-ni .
'riiu- pn-ieiil w irk ou lit K.-vniiili-nt eiul n Jh-r.-i-M, iw
KiliKTI-ir, IkiUi ill extent mul ili'ij.'ii t, lui tliiit i n h,.-nli-l'-ire
i-tnie umli-r inir H-iice." ti.
A well UiM'U-y i tiut cvvu:fut jieri t. Led
I." r.
"llei-tilr liy (tie li.-.- iviputrir IliHlni . nf Itie V !ir oftlie
llc-'-liiti'iti itlel its II.-r,ien, llial lins yr( l.wn iv'.-ti l' Ihe
I'ltHiy.' Jitnnli) l-A-eitilir
if AIIK.NTS WANTKI) H e-uivnm I'. r Itie nluve 1 le
piim' .rk, iu every ('.unity timl T"wu in tin- I'nit.vl
Si ilt.-k to wIkmii ttie 111 mt lilicrul iiwliiei-iiii-iils w ill i,-r-eit.
I'rict- only jI. ,
A-l Meej (.n.-t-xKii.!) WM, A. I.KMIV.
Nn. 1.3s , Till slli iiMi Si.
I'lJIl.AUKi.lMll .
l'liil nl. liii.n May an, sf .tin
fTELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma
ny of my friends,-1 respectfully oiler my
self a a candidate for the otlice of
11 K ( J I ST K U AMI II i: CO II 1) i: II.
mul Clerk of the Oi phuns C'uurl,
At the approaching election; Should I be fa
vored with a majority of your votes, I will spare
no exertions tn render general satisfaction.'
Delaware township, May 13, IS 18.
Uafate of Itat-lt' Cicarliai'l.
NOTICj'. is" hereby given that letters of ad
miiiistration"lve been granted to the sub
scribers on theestate'fcU harles (Jeaihart, dee'd,
aif f R,"h ,own,hiPi forthnmberland county.
All persons having any claims on said estate, and
those indbled to the same, are requested to set
tle their accounts without delay.- The subscri
ber, will m..i for that purpose at the bouse of
the )eeased. on Monday the 82d of May- nexf,
ofwliubperjon, int re,d W1 j,lse uVe M.
J""N :ARH-ARV. Jr s,f Futh.
1" ' i . r V"o N:TTLRR, .r. of Augu.ta.
April M, ISIS-'H
THt Kxtr.itt in put tip (n.fiirf bfili 'Uk x limni
cln-ir plrtiRiiiitT, nmt wnrninttl mpi-ri t to fny
h tltl. It mni ilirtifM withmit nniHttiiff, iurgiitt. irk
iifM, or dcliilitiiling tlio pulimt, ttml la jwirtinilarly tulnpttnl
. PAlafi AT WHINO Mr.niOlNK.
Tlie IfFutity "inl wiprri'trity ol" tliin SjirmVirilrst vlret
oilier ruiiHiii' in. whilut it fntiliiiitcsiliiist,
ft itivig-irntm the It Hy.
CuiiKiiHipti hi rural.
. CIctiiifiK and tri'iigiht'it.
r i)iftuiitjiMi cim be mrp1.
MrMKtilriv rinHtimipttttn, O tupltiint, (Tnhlit t -uviiw.
t'trfftrih, Aaf liiiui. S;itti iiv nT lltil. J rciit iu thu
)U s:, lln tir 1IiihIi. .i jla Jw'itji.' Uitli
Liilt 111 id Ppii!' , l',.tHit(ritfi(iii,
fui'l 'I'niii in' the
1' ..... Ar . hr.
Imve nut) r.m lr ciirttl.
IVrtUflfy tlinrc m-Vfr fi n f ifittly tlmf -lifin m
ocwt'itl Ui m-M-rntn rapn.nir Hi-iritiii n l''"
ftt-KHii'l Kiri'iifrtliriiH tlu'tKU-in. mul apurur tit ut Ilit- nl
rrrn nn tin- liniiTfi, nntl pntKtits gnVihitiilv; ryniu thi'ir iin tl
Ifiittli nntl rtfn'iiL'ili.
JDn'ro in xfiiiri-tv if ihy -vimii 1iiJ tlin nn- u tiitmlT ff
;i-ii.H'i..MwuiiilrfI,iir.pirt'i it Hi A-n i IV.
famr,,b,- '-,,e ! Y r
' t)r. Tewx-Fiin-Pmr Fir r rir'lli lu't tliree ynri 1
l ii e )h-.-ii iitlltt-tH vih eeiieml iti-l-ilitv. nnl ii,.rv,rte
nniiit 1,-11 ut Hie l;it steue. ntut illil li a t.Mieel Ui evjr ire III
my licilih nt till,
I ,., ' 1. 1. .. .. ... i...i....
,,, ,, ,,..,,,.,,, ,. . ,.....
llnil. r tlie rure nl s-niti'
n Hit' trt '-; ili,itiiiiritiit;"il rejintiir
pl.ywi.-i-ilOT met ueintirrii ii';jie D im) !' 1 1 t:if til in. .V'v
1 ink ititil Heewlieie. mill eiMn-i rti:T lie.:n l l l'y eiirnliiL's
ill titj.-tniitiiii! ni i-j.iiti it y In-u'tli, 111-iL.nll'vr p':h
,- Mite pi 1 p, r lit' y'.t r'r":trs-iijnn '.1 I n1:- Ivil t try It
piift" r nt v.t r t :trs-iijnn '.i I iv:- Ivil t try tt Alii-r
l.inir six li 'tllt-s I t Html 11 il-ni) nn' are;rf ;..'iml, :n,iti ui.ltvl
t 1 sec ynti nl y.inr.iltiee! willi your mlvlij I kupl I'll. Hint
il l III iit In-irlily lli.-tnk y.'ii l'-ir ynnr :i,tv'ii-i.. I ..-i-v're in
t ikiivi itie i( 1 rilhi. 'mt'l li-ive lh'i-ll etile t 1 nlleiut I 1 my
it.ii il l.ilKNii'ir Hie tt I'-Mr ni'iiitlii.. mul I Intpc l ylln-lili-i..-iiiiM.
nl. li nt timl v'Mit S irin,:irill:i Ui einliiiti'. my
lli-:lllll. H tlt-llii'il Hie Ii'-V 'If! lie- eXM-'-litti"l!H .-ill wll-l
kiit e. ntV ei.e. ' CIIAKI.K I (JI;MIIIV
Orrinsii'. I'.wxi 1. . .T., Atnr. li. 17.
Slnli'i'l Ni-w .li-l.'i-y, l.--t-x r.iilnly, He.-. I 'tini-I.-. (.Jni.ii- ; iliilv i-'.v,,rn .' niliiiii .i Inu-. mi li-,. iwtlh ,-iiih. ,
tli it tin- I' ir,-tr hur slfitVn rnt 1 tritr nee intiii' l,i tin- l' l i'i I
linkii iHliilp-iirel lii-lii-t. CIM Hl.l H (Il ,VI ll j
Sw tin fiii't n.ii-M-riU-, 1, 1 l.-t' ire 111;. ill (Iriinyc llte-.i.t
Anjj'ti''. l"-ir. , -,. , CYHI S HAMiV IV ,
.1" .tiee i- tlie I'm -e.
M'r:llr; lil.dcm.
Ki--tl tin- I 'II v m. mul .iv c- iiei!i!iti n in in iiuu- I
il 11 1 111 : , 1
i-v. V.-rk. April -r,. I v t r .
Dr. Ti.y mk-sii:. I. v-ilv ti.-lvve Unit y-nir S irKiiirilln I
ll-i.-i Jii i-j.1 l!n- jiimti. tlirttiih 1''i'. nry tv iiiu m li
lri'e I r . vr:ir. h-ii: n kitl e in- 1. It tt.-r. ii:i.mi- -iye !
tlll'l w .
Al l-i-l I ni-i-il hirer nuiiteVit-t (-V'l-ii J i
inulit SH-e-i's tin I .-! (ire illy iletnliiaieil tie I li-.lrv'-' ""nt
vr,.iivlil in tn-. I mil it tv n'tle it villi nl, if 1 r iti,...iiy.
r line 11 1 I, kL timl mi- e iiil-Ii i-in k-11 me. '.,n .-., ..11
iut iini- lt.:it I iint llwikiitl I- r,lu-r e.'iili -. inir nlinli.
i-iil M-rvnnt VM' It t SM-'.l.l, ,i ia haiinc at.
I.n t iifu M'i:t. ii.
Th.. rtnn. v.i-i trlli 11 m il irntln'iil i,try
,'l' f.lll.-ri'm nil't l.-li.-l'. 'rin-rr ure III iihiiii!m t.l" nittiiini- i-.l-f-M
in thin i-ity mi l ltr,i -kli n. mi.t ,-l Ih.-ri. -n,. i tiiim!
"I" .-ntt. l.-l I li, 1. eliiMri-ii'ilie l'-ir iV-rir .if Ix-im; I. nulii ; 1
r 1 H.IV u u leu-etiillnlLn.
Itr.i .Mm. Sej.t. :. 1-17.
Dr. Tmvx.Kin: 1 Ink" pletinire In rt-ilinv. r .r th- l,..i.
I t ,, th i. . wlrap it. 111 iv e ii",-i-ii. Unit uiv ilinielil.T. i .-,i
.-ii- iiii:l nix 111 mills oiil. wis.ntllietnl v i'h ir.wrsil ik
hiliiy tm 1 I -im .. .,.fi h. jv v .is ru-i-n f.p
i- - -i;v hi imr i.miiiy .liysii-i,in ; i,.it t,nii,,.ii. u- H. ,
I- 11.11 .I.I--1 !,y :i li-i.-ti t-i try y.-ur N uxii : ri!Vi. IJ.-l r-
II t Ml".' tt.. il .tlt.',l..llllr !.':n r.-r-.tyer,-,! 1,,-r .;ir,-ri m,. v
ivirihlitl l.i Willi iil.tth . In Itie inft tli.-ti4ii.-iit !( nil At II i u .-re
in; inninti- I M it!) tlii- , HTtlliia'niiivs. ln- i: li-tw i;iii'i' i II,
llll.l ill 11 Ili-ll ltl!-l ,hy.illl, th:in I In- lt:r. I I ,r in ttttim
!. .IIICl'll 'I' AVI.UIIv l-. V.irk ft . li, . Vi.n
i i int. 111:1. ..vt:i).
Very .-v l.iniilii-e tti li-ttl 111 I ! . ,. Ii-tv.'-it'l Ii. n':.l 01
..ti- tlini us-t llr. T 'U-n.-. -'rCf riiiM;vir::l.i 1:1 In,.-. I
i"iy i-liililr.-n th.- ,-i Sim.tiw. vliile tlcire (ii il iliilii.t,
i'i"' .1 mi l ilnil. 'I he ci-n ilu-iln " iiililiMi h -l j
1' tii--l:ifi .- t--i 1-ti-- nl itii v:ihii'. nn, I it" till-, ;,n iiiin inyi n:,.,.
.-I' i i y ix i.i-j Iii.- livn M',-hil,r.-n :
In. 'r,i'. i:itl ),-ir Sir : I In, I in-1 c'.il.r... ...n, , .y
j.,.nr t ti-iM-tt ii!-i Hi" stitnni-r .-., 1 j.t tint nn I .Ivs -nl e':
t ie--. .in nlv l.i lr. i-i'h ..lit mrt th 1 nthi-r :i,-:nw. Thi-y
-. ",-,. ,-ry ttnii li r, .ini ,il. met e titl lh" w .-ttl-l tli"';
Ih.-X W'-l-i- v-ivt-u lli h Uv t ri-n,li-i-t:il.l" th; kirj.hK. V ,,
l!n- ,1 -t,.r im" Tin.-1 fS'-it u-t- must t': r'l!n-in. r i-,f t.
.-.l ,, lr- inr -ir .i;i-iril 1 .e h-j.l nivirtt-.- 1 i.,ii- n ut. hut
li t-l lil ill- r ml, I, 11. -. 111, re hnii!! 1. 1 1 h MStll .i,lv-i-:i? :.l
lint in w ifllih-sn: lutl wrrirr lh t!,k:i.l licit i .. ,!,,(, t ,,- )t
II- 1,1 llM.-.llv MV.ll lit" lil-- ft" It ,1)1. I rile thin 1 1::, I ,nl.
em in iv Ik- iiiihii.-r I t 1 tine it. Yi.nrs. r,-fii'Hi-ttiiy
.loll Wll.SDN, Jr.
M : rili'-neeii-i"' Itr i .kti n. S.-.-i -.. .;
ri i i-: i.iut:s. '
(iitKAT fi-;.i aj.i; vicdicim:.
r'l'.T.iWNSMN'j.'..ii:.-,!, mu.i intin .i..-rimi -ml
enre.l tr inrjii, , .h jii,i;,ti,Hi.' mi.t f,r th" ..,.nrr-, (,r nt .1.
ll'iiul Hie .y.ti i,,- 11 1 ni.-eier 1, h.-Hi"r I tin 11 .-.till ,,' i..
re it i tm,.o ur tvntm-f. pi Kiiiv i-ti l,- i, r- Llil II il . i!n".vn ..r nr.
N tthine e ei tn- in re Hiriri-hii ttrili itn he in -ntiin; . ".
l'.vln..n Hi" Inminii Irnni". I'linnin till u',-aknrn mill tm
nita I-. I'r.iin t ikinj; ii ,-u in.. :. r il.tiet mi l in:l ,.r
eiteiyv iln-h-r t:n inlhi -ui ". Il iiimnsli ilelv e tiinirnii'in the
ii.TV.-l wiieyn 1 - tin- iViunle I r.-ilil", wliieli i'n Hie irre it e.iuse
It trn-iui-nn.
Il i:l n-tt In-eN'"'-!r I .t" nn. in riM-n.f nl it. Ii,-it i.
litre. In extriVil .-rtilM-iite!. .i enr. y.iiv t in.l ,,,t ,. f:tll
fssil.e Ihe ;i:l iv-:.. I Ih.l !iu:it!.-e:!.i ,i i-:!ii--n ti.iyi ttren mi.
le.1 I 1 l.s. '
tin. Tiivv.i..nii : My win; Liinu; (.ritillv lUnw-Mir
V. eiiillew -III I it Ml it -l.ililv. iiii,t Hiill'.-I iriu' e 111 iiniillv hy
t;iiii mul vi!li itlleTT ilili'teitl im. nit'l li-iviittf kit wi i- i-.'i
wle-f" y iii- nn- liei'if ti.m ifl'.v:i, jri-int ,-nren: mul ,
It.-.iiiiii; il r.i I'll- n ltl i'.,r n.uvi i;ni nin I l.tiv ilfM-rittiil,
I t.tittiiii'- t 11 ll titl,-tn--'u.- r'.-.ui.-l itl Sjini'Vi'Il i i.ti.l 1 L
I tv-ej 111" nirn 11 'ii. 'ti. L-ie 1. e. ' It: 'it 'ih tt- u, m t il
.11-11. tv e I lief , .n
tfit iM'llI I -r III" I
timn t-I;:i twl.-.l-.i
,llnt.. m.'l r':.-l,ii-i .1 11", 1:1 ,n-ti!i,. U.-esy
11 -hln Mi" 1.1 ,-netl. 1 till..- iiitiimir-- in
r il, nn.J it-e iinti! -:i lii, it I 1 Ih" tti.Mi".
m. t MtMitti:.
Allunr, An-r. 17. 'It. e r. (tr.iiil ic ,v,!i.-, n'n.
i sim;isia.
1 llniil ur nn-lirin.i It in ever I I ii .vr,-...l wl i, !l n i
ne,irly r.-nftii'tlen the irmlri" ini.-e ,11 mlivti in lire .i-ittusi,,',.
I- 1 teyl i.!reiuiieiiinn the m.,'niy u' ih-.-nii m :m Ihin tn-,.-tir.i;i
.lutl' Kir.viMiilI-i. Il iunilir!v eilli-n every e.n-" . l'
ll.. n;'"-Mii. li iv, ever K.-Vrre ur i-itr'.llir.
Hunk l)e,-irtiti,-:it. Allti,,.-. Mil 10. Mi.
Dr. TtiW"iTnh-Sir : I li.-ne Ifeil lillliele,t r..r wvernt
ye ns v.-iih ity.-.teiin i it, itn w.i(n: l' .r,ii. ulirn l.-.l itii n tir-
II- ls "t SL tlll-lt II. 1 ...S ii'.-t;i,.-tit". exU'rilie lieriri 1 Hiril. llll'l II
a.i Ml ineri in I i nil kiinln i if ", mul f.r n-ei-ks. (whnt I
.. Jllhl etll) I nave Im-i ii Int.ihl" I I relliill hilt II Klttill nti'j tn
il l!" ft!i. I lrieit the n-tilliiv. lull Ihey litel
i.lil llll"- or 11 I elTe"! ill relll'ivnivr the e tilil:iint. I ,'.m ill
nil"el. nil mt Iwu lie ml Im ninre, t i Irv v.itr l'.xlriet .t' Snr
iiiimrilrl. mul I III, ml n iy with linle' e nifiilein-,. : hnl mirr
U l I It. 1 II II 1 1 IW i II .tllen. I I'.iiin.l my tipelilr rml'i'"ll III:, I
Ilia ln-.irtt.iii n eiitiretv rein-vet: r-n.l I w.ll,l t-irn. n'ly re
i Willi. Il l the line H' il I . II,. wll'i linv lieen nlMiele.1 :is I
ni'iCTi. V.nirn. W. W. VAN AMI T.
Aii-iit. .tr Stinlttirv JOtlN W. KKII.IM,: ..r
liiiiinltettiiiil. JltV A. M"C. Y : m.u.; A.
Ml lillAV A I'.i..
v.pril . ly . ......
P!illa., Itcadiim, a I'uiIniiIIc
sum : i : r. a i . r a n t : e m en t
fHANCi: of lloura. and two Trains Iuilv
J i.neli vi-Ki. pvee.,1 ,.,. ,1,...
. ,Ut." ""
('ii an l art'-r .Mnmlay, .M.iy 1st. ISIS
trains will run euih way, daily, between Phila
am. rnnnvtiie.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except
Pases'tVaMi'ng nf 10 -I") A.'M.
1. envcs' Pultjville ut 7J A. . daily e-cept
Sun. lays Ta-ises R"adil, at n U A. M.
The above Line stops at all way stations on
the mud as formerly.
Vt Train. I Down Trnia. !
E-aves Philadelphia all.tve Pottsville at
2. J P M .daily except! ?.'M, daily except
Sundays. j Sundays.
Leaves Plnunixville J L)j Leaves Sen. Haven, 2 37
l'oltbtowu, -l.l.'l
Port Clinton, 3 00
" Headiua;. A Iiu
" Porlt'lintOii, J. lo
" Sch. Haven, CIO
Arrives at l ot)
ville, 0 20
3 50
1 ottstown. -I 30
" rhir-aixville, S 00
rrives at Stale
itnad, 5,50
The afternoon train will storinnlv at tl.e above t
naiiieu siaucn. 1 assenger for other points
must llierefore lake the t oruing Linu
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Uroad and
Vine .Streejs.. JVa Pa.sengers can enter the Cars
unless pioviiied wi'rh 'lirkels. ' '
MJli illy pouiub of bagL'iiRrt v.-ill he
.11. 1 . -, ' . .
allowed lo each passenger in tlnse lines; and
passengers lire f.- prt-s.iy nrbhrbiti-J from lakim
anything as baasnge but their wearing apparel
which will be at tl.e risk of its owner. No
freight w ill be taken by these lines. .
Ity order of Board of Managers.
' ' iS. DttUH'ORD, Secretary
-fay C l:i?- tf
CHS A? 1TE77- GC CEO."
J olin , I'VHini;,
KSPK;TF1'LLY informs his friends and
rusloiiiers, that hrf'Tiai' ust'rereived' mh.I
nriied dciiv!id assortment of U0O1JS, consis
ting of
Groceries', Hardwire, iueensuvre, &-c. '
The public are invited to call'und examine for
Hunhury, May 8, 1818 tf
list I ale ofJauc Vansj tkcl.
N OTrCl'ia hereby given, that letters of Ad
iniuistr'atibq, with the will annexed, have
been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of
Isaac Vansyckel, dee'd, late of Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county. All persons
knowing themselves indebted o said estate,
and such that have any claim against the same,
are herewith called upon to settle their account
without delay. JOHN HAL'GHAWOUT.
Adniioilitor, &c.
May 11, tsns-t)t
1 Xt4l
2b lh heirs vf Thomas Marburg, tfccVi
UT virtue of certain writ ol partition ami
valuation to me directed, an inquisition
will be held at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. on MONDAY,
the Olh day of JUNE, 1818, upon the premises
of certain tract of land in Rush township, Nor
thumberland county, surveyed nn a warrant dated
June 23, 1773, to James Dotts adjoining lands ol
John llursh,. t.ewis Vastine, Benjamin Vastine
ndotheis, confaiiiinn three hundred and twenty
acres, more or IdssJ to inquire whether the said
premises con be'-'ra parted and divided to and
mong all the heirs and legn) representatives of
the said deceitsml, (to wit : dnpjiia Jolly, Mary
Ely, Charles Rex arid f.ydia P. his wife, John
Thompson. ExocntOr'of Rebecca Jolly, ilec'd, Re
becca Le Due, Adminis'trix of Alary Rex, dee'd,
hriis t,f Thomas Vabtiry. d.-e'd, Rbecca May.,
j bury. Warren Jones f: Elisabeth his wife, Wil
; I am Ilatrisnn & Anna liis wife, William lliinis
' & SiiMtn his wifp, John CoJ'l jwiie bin wifr,
Saiah'Arlrt l-Mavl)iiry, whrtare the hfin of
' Ioi.hl.y 'V3.vdVcM,bn w. n of
j heirs ol'TiAmDl Vaybury.'iTec'il'.; as ill said t
Jane nis wile, ami
coinmaiiib-d st wl.ieh tuneaiid plii.-e the aforesa d
1 m . . u.....u 1 1. . ' . .1 .u....
iir-noaic iirieiiy nuuit'u ia ue uuu H IM'i ur it iiiit
, . . I
think prop-f.
I UUS A. I ll.l.l.Mj 1 Mirr II
1 cu-lt.iir.. rtrt:,., C....I......
April 21. IS IS fa
Co 1 1 1 10 fVi i r n ) i k ( j il o ; i ( I .
OTICE is hereby given Hint an election will
be held h". the hodse cf 'John S Lee, in the
boronah of Northumberland, 0:1 Monday, the filth
day ol Jiinj'hefWeY:i the houis of 10 o'clock A
M ami o'clock ? 'M., )w 4h,e purpose uf chnns
ing fitficers to S'.rv' for the enn-rti; yi-iir.
J. it f RII-.STLEY, President.
April CH, ffilS -1t f ,,..'! vt I'fti t iii'f.slif p.1 '
rihi' partnership hcretnforl! (-sisting under '.he
tLTiim of Rentf',:-ti '(. C1'-(m. 'itf the Eotin
diy btlsines's in this plure, ha: beeli'lhis' day, dis
solved ly nt'.itttal coiis-'iit! All persons knowing
tlH-msi'lvr iniielitiil lo sc.ttl firin nre reiiti-sli-d
to cull unit Settleth-ir aVcniriits will'ioiit dlHy. or
' 'h-V w.W'Plaee,l in the heads ,,,' s magistrate
. toi collection ( k( I I tl.EMI'NI.
Sun bK I,18i:-S2 ,
rSHE subscriber is prepared lo receive r.nd ac
a. commmlate a I'evv' tr'ansirnt nr permaiieiit
II iriidir'. at her residence in .t'liidiiry. The In
cation is in a liandnme and plenrrtnt part of the
muni is in a tiiiuiinuie ami iie:i;nni part in ine
own, coirim.iti.liii!; n fine view pf the Sus juehaii
la. Nurihiilrib-'rliind tlrlif tl:e" r'eery ailj.ici iit
I'o persons .'mm the city, 'hi wish to spend a
few mnntl-.s during t-.e summer ecront -Sunlitii v
afTirils a delightful retreat.
' - ' 'ANN MORRIS.
Arril C.'lSl0 - 5:-i
Ay. iOO CIi kiiiiI f'inl (Mii. -;,' i 1'. s b 'i
5'ie. l'lllLADEI.I'IHA. '
f JllE subscribers, prcprietors nf the o!d.t!
1 I'Ntnlilishin. lit in the City of l'hiladelthia.
b"inis lounde I in IS II), would call the attentipii
ol (he public tieir rvrei,! ifriV-jii'l r oni.'n ful
liiip;,rri!i(i:t in tukiit las;u::rrerlvpe I'mtrails.
M;V UCI1T PORTRAITS The sub.cnbers
bej I. ave to nilijuin a few of thp notices limy
have received fiom the Piess th ouliout the
country, in relation to the iiiiptoveuient th.-y
hnve made in the introduction cf lights, by wliich
Ihe full and clear expreaioii vl the . ye is obtain
ed mure pei feci ly tli.ui li'-r.'tiiluie.
! the X .rlli Alneri.iHi.l.'.
'I'.i, mi tr.n rx,rrnil tu ;he ,.e I v .nr. " .lliu-" M'-vv
jtr -i-t,n "l mtr Hln.-iiii: tin; lijhl. h:i.t l.i. ,. n. ,. I ihntinillv
ilevel i.., nn well :,nr r-ll the liitht. .ni l s!i nl. n ii!ini.i'Ki.
I't" 1 i a i'l-llrrl hk. -nt n;-.
(t-''l III.! Sit'lr.lnv I II i T.J
'!i" Mf''l.e. Il ive C"N:ii'ily !,-:,! i" I ll," rye. in
heli.-r ..-ri' eii. ii (Inn vve hive t-'-t. ii .-Iv.-vvhere ; mul
liiin n l n-ii .rilv.l i;i!her with the e i-1 -n, sn. iliiiietmnn
neil" li-il, id- y ire llnir m.-Hin-n, ui:ikn ili.-ni vv ir
I'ty t1 .t,hmi:iti -n 1 t .tjlva! I.',. ; i -s, tint fl- vv nki til'
fl-'rini the tlariml urvr tnl ili.j
. V" ex niiiii'til H,i""iiiii-iiM nl' llt.-ir lik nn.-n M !iru liilhe
rily 11 tiler il iv. llll'l ("ilntl Iheui I-1 p tnst-nntill III" 1--iii J-
itl' nliniliiii. mill n .I'lite p .H" elirbiinai utMTli fine . tile.-l
Kinvtiur, wiii.-n in tttiriliiiH; mm ni.l i.. Ilternerrt- avti.
Utilt'll l.y (,., nuj,,ULn , ,,! 1 m nl in, uhtve.
nit- ft i ji- ".ii;
I Itllll III'- iMltllll! 1
"'1 lie HI nt ltiit tilnt.t inijir.iM':
nrl, inini.-hy the .l;-snrn. r illinn
ni.-:n in :i iliir.-rent lu-tiill'-r t' inlitN
ii nl iii ih" Dne-n-ri i in
I'lni itt.-hthi't. ittnl r n-
ultl.-iln: the tlltt. llll.l eer-
I;. Ill ml iptl -mm in me lns:riliilt-iit. h Imve nt-i-ti n mi" nl
Ihe p irlr.llln, wlii.-h liny hive i-xeellletl. 1111 Kiev hnve Ihe
ilisiittrliirns nntl Iw-iiii y ul til inrnivniLin. Thev ure ,-n-
I ",-i illv- rein n kni'le in ivi.ii( llu- jtr t;-r iciiurnl ' ex.inii.
ni-tii nt Ihe eye."
l-'i'.tn every s.-t-ti--n .'I' tit, e -iintry wh.-re mir i.'tnrrn
li-tye he.-ii iw-.-ii lleit liny.- rt-.-"ivrl ,1 illei iin; u tti
een. The pnhlie liriirmlly lire inv i't"! I I V mi' "ilr IrtH.-rt.-n.
tr tlftlilv Ihe tn tsl extensiv in Ih" vv trl.t. 1 ja l"t-
lh".il"l rn 'il'lh" fetutlt in tliem ii.t:i,e,.
Vie ntteljiliin, A;-nl I., ,-,'-
a sovrr. i:k; itt:u:iiv ton
(JEOP.GR H. CIT:K, Piiuficroi:
M imh'ir, I anioul. ..
ii H'Vitrenril reiueily Hn UVSl l'SI A. in ttiinv nf ils
. I mtli. silt-U .itln lit theS titneli. ll".-i,lliu,il. I. liiitllnl
"liv-"ll"H.-.. At i.l Si ilttll. ll lleiil-ielle. . nl Aiii.elUe,
'lleti. iulll rivvcily nr, I even- C'Vtiitl.I'li 11 (, ..,.ej;ie
'lillili-ie.) nntl Asllmi'i. nr rillii.ii titleiMl.i vvilli I'leriii..'.
V '" ," ""',' ' ,""".'1' ( l'!'W- a'ib.) Luii-nli
IIii-iiII iiiv. Mllli-ll ..llt-ll r.-Hllli. lr .III lnnterl,-.-! ili .eli,ili ( .r
lVHi-;.lieSv,n.,e:i. is reliev-l l.v the," I li't..,- l .1. t
I lli"ir life Iris Ihvii ,r tv.-il iti the relief ul aim l .nil i'o;
. ti,uiir-.lll"lli:ili..H-.'ei. l.fitu.4.Jleliilll:i,l . r'lte!tle -n-li-
li'tn nl tie- -il limn li; it! .1 p. itt' i.-l.l! iv mi ij... iV m
! '.' or lent; lit- ee.-tf ttf f. .er, ')mi"lll'ir!y IV, tt mul
.Vntf. t elcilel vililerilli; llml Tie V lttlilte'il"r.lllt..-ltl"til
I uiii.iiia fl'ilii vv eakii".., will liiHl llei I1aviiknaii:ii lit r-
i:-It- ' 1:11 e.r, ri iiutly, mul 11 .t Mirtiinr-'l l,y mi) iiietli.-
j .-ill" ill lle.
I 'I'lie hint try ill' lllit lllt-ilieine it j It ll is 111-1,1" il.
, vv.iy In uililie tlely Ity llie Inree ,. il. .ivv n iiilrin n
t meriis. .Nn an iii iiil lie .1.1. I, n , l , :i i;-e M f it 111.
I iriety timl tltriifl il 11,. 11 imlilie ntl -uti .11. It mf never
; Is-mre even l-n iflvi ru,l. Im-i lan-iiii; Krat-ah-ni h-aa-'v
! linrS'itile i ll eney in Iin-i.nuiiy nl' llie ir t.-et r,. 1111,1 '.v
liiin niWvv jr.l.-i ii,teiiiiii.i."ie, 1 , In, iiilii,-u-.(.j-i. i,j, it M'..
, i'i nnl tn. eJ v.illi 11 likiTKi.ll. it ri-j'-i 1 11. nt u.;t.l,..ilty -l.-n-leil
tint,1 11 i. kniiv 11 in Hie 111 -t it- Im 1 .-trlM iii Hie
. I ui ni, im a 11, " lit ine ,a' virlnes in llie i-iuv ,,
l)vnj.i-tsi:i 111 nil itf ihli.-ienl r.iruiB, in, I nl. , 1 ,r iu, Klw, ,,(
Aslmli f of riilhi.-le. Ita only IhiimIiI uiul il. vnlv enl vy
1 Im- l.-ei ine M ir -rtf 11 ("'tKleri,il-erH,.n' nf I.H.I fr.tiii
j in 'inn In 111 ii'lli in i.y Ii li r ir un lie ml 1 1 i ul. In. ve-
rv liiutrinee w-here ih.-e liiiler. i,:., .- Iu-.,, .. I ,..,.1 .1... ....
' """'e kii'ivvu t i Hie iimjiiiet'ir, lin y hue u re-
.Niiiner.'lis eertilienl lll"etili!( llie nil, fill, ir etlie.iev nf
" (IVVIIIiXATKII UlTltUf," ure in the l h ii ol Ihe
tipittriei'iri iiiiinv- nt then, ,i,.i ,v ,.r, :, r,.j,v w j,n.,..
ktl 'Wil t i the ,ll!.lie.
ii:). 11. ;i!i:i:, i-r n-ri.-i 1.
VIft-jl)H VI ll,..,l..,:l 1-11 1
I 'fl.- fn'l 1, 1 uiit S'tir..-..... i.i.. .. -n....,i..
rei-elved : ''
, . W ..MUM T..X. J) C. J.-v: III. l-lll..
It-inns llliule IIM- n ll nxme.i.ite.l v, .,i-eiii-,1
l.v Dr. i.-l. II. lin en, , f Wltul, - . Vl.i.n.l lr.nn Li. .
I leila,- .aaaiiuil m lli.-ir eiru u y in ..ile r ei-,. e lu-nnliv
rce tlllllleiul Iheui l i Ihe pi.l.lie, 1,,-li. v Ilia lint they will fully
11- 1.1 'iii-ut-tiviiiti. ii vt Ille I'l'ti'ii' trfi. ( e It ih'
1 Hmt ihis vnlii.thie r, iiy iimv H. Vfi illy liu-J-.t
thr,.iih'iitt -le.- v ml lr
Hint i. limy be inv. iiW In ul' It
SAMI I'.I, l'llKI
i:i. l'tiiii. i-s, , .. .
lAMI I-IIAM. j 1 -l---"'t -r imn Vei
S K. SI ink. (-. ft. Sei--vr fr It. Ili
Till -III.
J. TllUJlbllUAU, I mI l ,...,!,..; .,
or nf Ki'niiu ky.
'" " "".'"',- Meiiilier.a't'-aij.riTniiiil f.rmeilv (i -verieir
ih H..
w.m. wdooiiuinui; r.s. s,ii..i .,. itu ..-
-eti. ir ol-M.eliS-Jiin.
M. I.. MAU'l'IN, De rgutc it: Caivtre.s fi n.l V. i' tie in
IV Mil II141. 1. 0. 1--O.TKB. .Mellllicl ol '.I'.vjireM fr 'III
1'eiuisvlvi.uiii. . . i
.'' Wiiiiiviiinx. I). C Ji t III, l.-llV
Deiir Mr. I luire Uvu aNlvt.H-iiie uii. rvr ..'n.iii !;,
i';ir, mul ri'urlivll'i'ii, a nieikeilles fur relief
Willi "in nu-ei'.u, imlil I lltl, 1Ull , vr ..lx( Mrii
lllUors ', I al.HH twt. Miles; llll.l hn.f UIV , ll
realoiMllriMtriiia heujlli. -,, in vvliu-li llio '.lif -
-iu. iu,l. in my ,a.., w is iiiny...! ike
rt-MiiiMli. I-... .4 aiipriiic, eilr.-iur Uiu.tu,m w-eiv cimi
sitl'il ol the Imu-fR .uiul vi"tlei ii. n.iii. Iu K.-.-liiw .lesl-i-oiis
llml tn-vvU ,l ol j our viilnable ri an-i ty iiiiiv reneli
Slier, mnai.ily urllit-te,!. I lake ureal pleiiMiru in ree .nl
litK inv timiiiMiy vt ita eu.aliv . p..w,-ri aul wiSnkl an
reiuark. Uuu w ih ul home a sftorl tinir winee- I
ailiui.ustererl a pun a a hatle (o a uuiubrr a n y atlu il
Irienls, with great niecai. Thev are dewoais liu.1 anaireiiey at Piitsbure. , nuoriii them
where the medicine can be ohtaiued. Willi an enrne.t rle.
sire lor your nr.erily and kapiaueiai, I wirwenU invsrli',
Hilly your lneiul ii jj f.-cwTKR.
lWver (.ni ), Vl
K.ld Whnleula and Ruil bv fh-oca KkncLer. No
2t S tuih Siiih hucsl, rhilaitr Iphia.
Afenl (il SinU.rvH II MAf-S-I.R.
AgemnVir Mtlinri MAl'KAV A IIA AU '
Aiuil IS. m .
rtltt-: TROOV DOfUlf? FOlt HANKS AND tTlili:f
Seul mid Letffr-Cojvyino; Prcwrn, Putciit-f-'liilp-Lincil
llcfrifrfrHlcirf". YViitr-r Fil- w
tern,' ralrntPortiibloWHtorClo
' fi'ls, intriiilcd for thu Pick
and In linn.
' - " 78 .WM"7'iiy Street,'
1 Tllmllmlle runt keeiie,tnnl mt
frt3?rt "vji ly "ii liniiil Inrue m rtineni in
f-X Uienhtive artii.ltiteetlier Willi
Jfa Krt-iHp "rr " ' etmnlrtirfi-d 111 Ui e( nt rift
UtiV-li CSV- F """itii it. nht n ti lluir rtiielly lim,n.,t', mkI t'ml
'A-J- laiiMillir. Tim ml ,te mt 1 i'
lll'-V Will n-Klnt ll.n ..r. ml ,,v
lllt se lill'en lire lirttl" m lntiler if .11. Ih" r twuf temv.
slnie. intil In I vv 11 the iiiili'" mul inner einm is a nm c 1
til's .me three ini-lli-n Ihielf. liml is lilh-it in with iiirle.ine- f
tiMe n 1 nn tn mtike it t,) Imp innjhilitv In linrn miv !
nl' the etnit'-ills iiifitle il thin Client. Mlieiie -ji 1..,, V-iTiiii-imlern
we lire prepnreil anil tin i luiUiiigf U, w.n kl I 1
tr tilnei. tiny tirlit-le in thu elulpe nt Ml't'ff Hint, vllt '
nt'inil tin liVueh ht'iit, mul Hp, nL imlil ftiti-n"lvrn rrmty nt all f
itiii.-nii, nnv i- , 111-111 leitiv n-t. r,i it, itintiie intinire. v
nln 1 c 'lrilllie t-l lieillllliielnre ff- lirrpe milt . ireil"r;ll aniv .rt . !
tiietil ,. i.iir Premium Air-hali, l-'ke Vrv if Sales 1' tvlueh 1
llirre lire over MSI II -w 111 IIIWS Itllll 111 ei-eiy IIIHl.-lltee lliry
Inve civ-en enliie ail jm'erli.iil I the pun hn.-rii 1' wtiirh
vve will I'rlrr llio pllhm;. t ) a ft-w ("lltl'Situl win lltiyc
llieill III 11. 'I-. ' .
Iliivvi sl Umilet. V'tlt- vllie" J. ""j." .' IJiwtrm I
P'.l'nville: .Ml. Williini I nrr. Ikijlentiwii. Pa.
N. ii. T.ivl tr. IJi ii 'ith :U ;.: A vinu-ht N'epli"v
Vinens. wlmri': Ah-x nulrr Citrtr, ('"uvrvtnieer, eiirins- itf J
I'ilherl flint -jlh jtsii J 'l.n .M. l-'ftni: 'tH ti-s-th :)il Myt-h;
l',il,. u'l unrtti litl .it.; .I'linea ;t. I'ltlil. .1111 n 'lllil till' .-I . .
Ilr. Dnviil anyne, H s tnth .i.1 n. .M.niii' A T. Miller.' W
s Mltli -til hi.: mill wee mltl iitntie. tine hl.iiilivttn nl i'th"rs
II it were iiiritn-irv . we ihv lie III" lilientini "f tin:
pMltli". nnil tnrlit'-iii:irlv Iti w in tv.-lll uf I'lre lnnt S.-ll'en, i
I t eill nl itur nt Te ht'i'tre piirfli-inmir t-lnt-whrVe. nilit we '
nil n il inl y tht-tll tlit-y will tfi-t H ttrtlri' mifl I llenpT lirtielc
tit nf'Te Ihnn itl r'niy nlher enlnl'lintnnri, 'lil-ifie eily. '.
We nln 1 iii-iiiiittteliii-e the ttrilinnry l-'irr I'l.sif I'lien'ln. ut
ni very I ivy tri"t-n. ehi-mier Ihuil Hk-.v enn ItJ. mclit miny
jthrr nt'tre in 1'iul tt'el' ttiii. ' . .
mm r,v vv-;.
.kiiian.i . a rn
Vhilltlrlphill, Ariil --, M;n-eiv
'-iMX S p n C h'S'
i w
''"' .ft"
ti i? vJii J . u.'i u'i
THK DM IIAIMi U. fl'lir. I'.lil
iflk or Kiii-j'i" I'.i it. l!il-mnnliiiii. (Hist' it
I'.r.r i 'ii.-t.,l'uiij:l ft . r IYMmVh n ll Uu
I'lli fhnititi "re I Aft, ; in;; I'1M'
i-M.ilit I'.-nil !; '(.'irm-'i'iit nntl nu
i' M;iiie tttH
1 tllR
II ai .ml i -hi' . ii' l) rti I 'litTi". lii
init r inj'i'tiiii'. r';i it i.Uinuii;
insum lr iit nn my.i
ifiic iii Iii'i-; til. tj
I'lir 'hit V 'iisli-
'iili 11 il (lis i. .
I N't I 'l.. ;
r.' t r il ion t -nl Imt Viry t nrt ' U'H
k.iiuil n:::!'!.1 tiinU'il t.'iii.ii:; ;i 1 tiiiiJ
III t!l!r" I) -ll
m" lie- ' 1.
i'iitii-i-!y ilii'.T"tii in it s eh inw-.t-r tni'1 pr-'! ii-s i'immi ;tiy
nilit-r iHfpim i.i'u fill inn iittl.-. in iim ttpcnti n ii tt
si. -ui ln'i. :tli Tli'ii tin r (Iis.mkc. Il l iiild Ih: III tilt
It mi !. ii" i-v't pt-i s -ii. vvli hy Inutilit y. r t:ttr-i-j u 'tirw
i in irrtiit n- t llu- vrv inmy vilinit'iiin tint r ti-ili-r
Hit- ni :u . inst-ti ! .-). lilfi .-duu. anJ k m (it ii r-sn!t in
1 Mt :
Ilr. Di.'.V" t p;i!i't i- rtv tp-ii
iUi :ih ;i rTt tin rfiiutlv.
. l in.t:;tir.' n it-1 ulii.f I; is fViT ttfi iirritl wlit-n inv-
I) 11 ! ; ll run tin- li.nsc ;inl :ii tin itiuif linn iintttrH
vi; r t l!n w ti If iHtctn. St 'i'ul iim j it -let ns run iit-vi. r
I if 1 y t intii'h :it'-ni'i.iii t-i 1 In- BFi.,1.? ut'thrir i'l-K"l. llu ni
rihfiili 11 li mltl ! Itn-ir tiivt Mini ; W iM-iA-vi'mncu w ill
JUT itllpllr-ll II tttr: Ol' VKN HI, U t-i it f VltV illMNIKt.
roit i:i;t i-i'i.i.-
, rV; irhillle Ati'.-eii n
i:tn trn. White Hui
KrVf iprlnn, ( iei.-rn, l.'niu-ei-n. ItuiiiiNi S nn. Ntiiltn nnil
llilen, Ur. ti-il- .-'n I'.-in ti
Hltl"t I-
n . ec -tt.-'i ;
il nt-irehen iint the v erv mM
inn' j.
i mt--lifiuf p.-rliijs lui ever ln t'tc i s-nvf wltn-h
ir:s' nui'ii t H' 1 ' t'u ft inri'-li :ni;l rrnirtt-s tin. ish'il1
li in fl' ti lit-Hltii;'' r: -iric Jiirv 0 !..' itijKn(; t!io u vr.
UiiiKf Punnet- - ...
Kf!l'i:M T.ST.
Or. Dnkr' P iiiu'i-i in umM wiili tin- pril't Pih-et-KH in
lth.'inivilic r-iii, tiiii!e, i;.vt'i;ilK i -li jiMflirmiic. It run
ity ilt i iny niii itl! i. ii,hii iii. p ami i ul liitinnai.- v!tu-ti h:iv'
(if'i-nnnih'fil ill I In i-rit.'iH. wliti-ti nrr Iin i-ittm i" Kh.-n-lll;itini.
I nnil Swt IlilitiH "I llu- u iiiiM. 1 Mtifi ti-in.-tlit-H
h ui : iiin-j ttMii.fniry n-li. i : tlt;n i-niiri-ly vruIii-i!(ti
thu iff iVt'iu ;h'.-lf:ii. v il vlu-ti tin liiiil-n :imJ h. ii.!
:r.t; il:i-..!i'Hllv V-'!rli.
CiSI Alt' TU.V: .
AlI'VIHN CN l-U CI LI D.- t' 'I't-llJl,
(.'ulnrrli. lie.
Iii ik. .w i:ti:iir t III
I. Allium. ;i;!l r nr nut-. '..
t-ii r:if n.-M
iMnsh. Vt;!it Svtitf. l;iin. ill tlu- tii'iy
I A.i. lcivr ln-'.t(i'rt.' -in 1 t;i In- vi Mi iii hWh iTlnlri'y
j in wiiit uii'i' ll. ' il'- 'crt hi lir. Dr' i- P;m:icc:i. It m
1 imM un4 it'i- hut nri i;i: ni I .l ivif mhi in iin npmiU -n,
' si it 1 i;iu it ii -wil'ly in inn tin- i"i dfliotti u iisiitiili-n.
i; u nll e.irm-sily ivi uiiili inl Ih w Htiiu-lnii t i nivi- il n
(nut 'tn I vv li'-Iit-v' th'-y w ill il t h:iVi- M-rftt n In nnjn-t
it. 'Hif v i fin i rl. inxi-tl iiu-l Ktmi'hrniil, llu nh-i.i k ii
tip- In it;: nri luti lit t. vii'l li- ti'Uiiin r.Hlu.illy ri-uniu th-ir
iiriitnt tic til h uud sUfiiiJlli. Ist- iil Hit t U.'Wiuji ;
tf Ihe svxein. fllll I ll:lv
Jititii a i-re f r i'jtinv.ii.
li. II vv- t'ltl I U- tli-e V"-i-t i
,.r l..t.-r ii-l (iiviiyl.d
Ille I I Irv V HII lllltllelne in tvv-.i verr ili'.. t
I'lli-V VVer.1 Itr.ill Hllie.-'l tiy ill" til leitiltt'C lillV fieimu. , I tie
ei-i.M"vav.(.-ov-tst"i-Ti..N. ut ul tiUin...iiu.l li.vili.iu u iv -
t-lltvltl.e. I 111" ..l.t'-e p. r- me u-nl I. ill llli.lfl- llie Irentf
in. ut .u sev. riii t i. v tii.le pmetiii iti'i-a fm ii niniilier of
mul the. mi!.! ' l.e h.ltl " I.I llitllt. !..-. 1 I
i .llll'ilie with llll.-..' llll'l llml ell.-llliaht litlller .lue
lime, lint e tuM n -I lie i;.-t-iiriiieiilly In It tlhi-ift-s i I Hie Pen ii.-ti litis l.i li In nl "r.itll ui.'. duly
flit.- Pen n-eri Ins I--, ii 111 sr.itii iim. (iiv
ftiir nr live Ii 'Hi" wen- ii-.l hv
the iierstii.
ulie l.-iain tn innir.iv e r.ipiilli-. 'J'tu'
ollieito..k itli m 1,11.
1 will .'inv-lultll'iiit I'uiill.rir ii. 1 inu with
illliel itf, I I e lll'tl 1V eMeliM. " ItluM-rv'lll I -II 111 11 tied
ku 'vvuiv! ati. Hie iiiiiirimirt .-ilii-ti. iii nine e.itn-H tint ni ten 4
n b 'lleei-t. Uiul iHlier Vea.'Ultile I Vliiei., .in Weil us nf !
lilniy "I Hi" eii. .-I .ninln-iii'U 'I'tiiv.-M, 1 .Ji riil.l never luire
ree .iiiin.-iiitt it tin ii;-e ' 4'v P.inne.v it' I ll'l.t n it l.i-ii j
ue pioiit.-lTw-lth Iii- ie:-'!.'.':i nl-i. inline i'.l.i -iv tlmt It,."
lire lee .1111 i.-ililett Ity 1,1 r I ,-1 p tpi I; r Nltil V ientitic phvl-
.nil, in i 1 111 In. ti I'l-e.ieii! e .iii.-.iu.-ti t;ile, l-ti 1 pi.ttxiv'v' '
III" lt.l lilt. .fllliv " tlllll ll. is ev er Iteell Int.tle. Ttie cure if j
111 nee iril.iuee with ll t y nl l'niluiilpli.. (.PKietl.-d ill.
I nun" it lew villi's im , i.v .-lie . le-r urvl eutini-iri wn
t. r. 1,11 lileilii-ili". uu.l II W e.tii!,lili, il Ity uel vvilieh ml
141 1 1 of II I i!it.pllle.
,. Very l(et.p,-.-ll'ti!ly Vmirs, I,. C. (it'W.
To 11 t ih.-! nun:
nf oil- till
Ol. I)iii!.e'n l'.iu.ieiM i-
iilwnvs i.-ilte;iiy in r eli"
Opi-iie it i.-t ii i mt I K.p
the inv llll.l ill! 1 II Itllill ne
irriuiil he.tlin uii'i etirntii'1
retllt-ilv wlli-ll ltl",ti.-.
I IlMVer iieuii II-.. It ia. II lit.
I .rii-tl -It i il ,1 iuti ii.le, t , In'
i.ty It i t -jre:.l :l
e 'iiiV 'liiul. t lie tr. itnt mul only
,- itml P'tlll 11:: vet i.r llllii'l
for Um- Ire ituesil .'Hm-. tiltleT:.e.ii--,'n,iiN-ril luittNlv. Anil
te p. rs w v ith llu iliivu. .o-tetiM., will Iv -nt '!'
l.'if -il litel hl livlcet.. II w. '. .1 i.v 11 I t llie unive - Hi' 1 .1
l"ilinu ns V irllles. A t-ittnle li till.-, In 111 td i-.u-.-f, V. ill pi'.'-
ill 1 Itiv.miltl" ,-li:.n;je in Hie C mtlili' II of iniv itii iit,
f'wvever I .vv-.-'
' Vi Tin; LADir.!
I ,ti' (w-i'e 1 iiij'li--.i -11 iiii'l e 'iisiliuplive Int.ilM, tni.l
nit li ut. :ue .l.-ltili:il-.l 'iv th " nli.lrtieti 'lis wliieh fein-ile.
me luilile I-,, ine reil tr.-.t l,v flie li-ie nf 11 h Itie or ivvn. w
I. 1 itni v ij; -r. II I-1 b' fir the Ik-si ev ep ill, tverl-il
f tr we ikly etiil-li'til. 1.11H -ttl.-li us li tve Uul liuiii ir.,; 1h-i
I'li'li. ml. thev tllVe 11 1- -lillll. lit.tely ret. irt-f th. Ul'(" ti. ,
.trenillll nisi in-l.-r. ''' '.
Nnlllilil! e ill Ih-111 in- .t.,pt. nil Ill-Ill its till I-! 'tiltllll-vf.
fii-hj. "IIJUu tlUlU HI frtltlle. I'er.- lt.. all Weukllt'i-X 1111,1 In.-.
Sltli'ie l. t-i.e t-lk'uitr it, nt nuee bei',u.i r..iin.( 1111.I lull nf
eut.i'.y iiiubtr iti imliieiieii. It inuiiiiliate (iiuiit.r,u-iM Ihe
II. -rv i-I.-viii--.-i nl Hie feliLile liiliue.
(' VI'TlllN. tte e-iiefitl nntl -lee Itml y-HI pel llie ill-till,
fie- Ilr. l.i: vttKw.l'AN v.'Ki il luu. 1 1... siKiVHilie nl liK... I'.
.-..-nliRti ,41 lie. ,-r;iiher-iiii.l Ills 1 ll-e 111111M- '-lll. la.vkli'
I' v u.'tA. I'lltt A. ' hi 'Wil ill Ihe el-lrtl.
I'r"viitl nulv hy Smiias & 1" ., l-'rllil-iisls, .No. -JI .ViUli.
Sitlb SI. 1 ritlUtl"l,Jiln.
A-"iit Siiiuwry II.
"J- tl.l iili l.v ' A Mi mux i'o .Ifcmville H. Ph vi-e
- Milimi; 'M.v.: AivCov, NoriliuiiilKilaialj li. 1. I.i'ia,
A'-.ul I, lei ly
lslato of tiliarlcsj Vuulvcrlu. '
VT OTICE ia hereby given that letters testa
imiiitary have been granted to the subcri
bers, executors oU'narlt-s Wool verlon, d.-e'd,' tae
of tUamokin lowsubip. Northuinbofland County.
All persona knowing themselves indebted to sajd
estate, and those having any claim against Ibe
same, are requested to settle their accounts with
out delay The undersigned executors will meet
for that purpose at the house ol the late dee'd, ou
Tuesday, the Oth day of June of it, of which per
son interested, will plea tk notice.
Aptil 29, 1SI8 w Fxecutor.
TliSn.MONV. . lIUIHiriUIH. IlllOnnailOn. '-'.'n tbere,criojthe,ii.l,.es,ale
. mi.. . i...-. nm. i-i,. .. . . , . . ., . . - 4 i.'irn.-..p r .-in a -n..nsiii'.:'s ".ilapcqirrJltpei -
llvtitStlt: 1,1 re t V I I .uiel . n. rii-ttiVt.' it. Til a I nut rhi.ffr- nt r..n,-w ....I.. li'.: : . ..? . ' ' '
ni Ilr. I.i.uv,- l'..,stirl I win .v. 11, .t ..:iii.., ,ft ., ..rieei i foi matioti is heiebv s-iven In-1 Ihe we I t-.TAw ' "' " ' " W 'me V " V -.-.feteA,, f.Vei -, nr' me i'.,i au. I i" i " ! t WT .i. . "I" C men in ahe . X' il.llln. vJkVP liiin
.-.-."- I" 'v. ve, i. i.y liJ etiKliti,, mcb celebrated (, lot hirg emporium, known I ,,u.v , p,,,, imi.rovetiit in Ihia bran.
207 MrinWrret, H -fT'-h;- N."Y.
DR. ('. VAf(;l!N T5 '
Vegetable Lillioiilriidic lUixlorc.
T 1118 tvk'bruted rHinttlj cmfttnHtlyr4ronipg iti fume
ly thu iiuiny curt r il ic in:ikinir ,
Il tins mw hoe nn" lit" mitv iticle-int fur family use, ami in
railicutarly rcctniniH-nrleit Inr j
. - . DROPSY :
all stupes nf tMn r mpl:iitit innnt ihiitely relievrat. in matter
(i lrvej nig Smiling, s-e Vliiiiiii.let lur Wdnu .iiy.
mill I'll ill leases nf the nilnirv r(.iiin: I'. r llie.-c llinlrenn
llilt C ilill'lr.llil, 11 m, .n,e . :, ,).,. Iir1i,.,. n n.,,.ve
vttn 1 anil Ihe enren tettilierlM wille invineollie III nt nkrp.
l-fliil; auu ini,hl. t. I.iver (.iiii,l;itiit, Uilli,.iu ih.,i,nrn.
fever &Hu;i'E.
T 1 Hie Cretlt West i nnreitillv. lent .win rrver llirao e tin.
pwutlts tre1lll thin ineittfttin tn i.p.-r. rt.
NO M I Elt f . UJIt'VT
ie. tt.-irieri tun ennintllii.l ia n Kil l ir I nn imilnre. il
eurm lu-ne illnfnnen Willi eerlliinlv mill eelrrily, ail il ien
H it Imve ihe nvnleui I ir,,i.. r'-e 'Vniiiithle'
. a - nilphiint of n in nl p iintill ehnriii-ler. is i
. liml a eiire I ,11 ,,,-n hy 11 evv llnvn line i. lltin nrl'iele l'in
.'J', "y itlln-r trepiiiiili. 11 lliis ilinenne, nr f. r.-inv
plile't 'J"1! '"'wniiitiiiir irnni impure hlni'il. ?lo pi.m-
wen.k liaek. wr.-iktien.,,. Kitlnem. fte.,.,r liiflniillin
SI tt njiine. In llme,liley r. lirveil hv lew ilnvn line ..f
. en ,,. tn. nie, nntl H cure in nlvyitys u rrnull .,1 its use. ll
Af'ICIiTAl"t?FMi.'.nv e'leli e 111, J iint nnitnl 1 te-'e , ,,.,- ,1.. c...
iiVil-,'is4V.. , , , . . I
n llilil'lJi r AlUTU'S,. SI. i'l'lil SHo.YS
Tiniilel"! ei:nHi:if tin. N-1 urli. le Inn evrr tn en ..t'rr.-il 1
.cept thin vlreli w liM t Hieh lliin kiml nf iltmitu" I
It HUM-I reHiil frktn 11- n nn-e' ,1,1 I ,n,-live ruliettlv, Hint
'ij V,e It'l l pitv-niilti-i) t 1 ll 1 n 1 e 'I. "tve " i
I . it.- s.THOl SAD NAMES, j
1 nt pr.v.f.,t , i,:k j liKfrenninu eltinn nf e mil 'intn. 1
ree iii p'. .i !,,. , ,.., ,,.,j.,t r .,nu-.ini,.ii I
ll-tnil Ihe ,...,. , ri irrrnrv. vv iM liml ll,e hnieii'H p"W er fl i
1 thin lirliele timet iinme1liiihH'. r.r,, ,, , , nnnu,;,! I
rril'lllMteil ir tm thenvnt.-tii .', .
Klil.l'l l E DISEASES
will fr.ltl 111" nltetiitive i.n,. rti.n.j lin iirtiek-,
l'i lill-'V THE,
' 1-tl.l ilriven ntirll ilim-rinrn l'i, in i. .' 4lei s,. ,,',,,,,,1,1,1 Ir.liiii'.iiy i. run., in till .ti-."' - v- wiii,.!, ihe limits ..f I
rtn ;(.tv-el-lfi-.llelil will II , p. null l.i I r .,,,'.( here. Av-'rllln !
4ivrt irun.vy.-iy : Ih.ty e ,. ':i, .:,.-' , -rtiliesit'es . .1
in -li 1 hnr.i' trr. mi l mr-T j -I
A RRAY )'' rifOO' . '
1 nf Ihe vtrltt s . f a ineitieine, n--er 1 jip-ir. .1. ll ,,,
t Ihe peenlinr lenllli-en Ol (lit tiiltele tnut 'i.-vrr I'niln l-t i
, lieiielit ill uny mul il Imie nntl liiusi le nn:' l-t In bilihl ;
; up 11 Irl the ml iei:ite,l ;nt t 'i t...-iin,r iny.-ilni '
i Itllll keep t.l!.il-r Ih" lllt-'li -ii,e ;,n I 11 t,s lli.TC ii u -. !.ll-
I pmv.-iiieut. 'I'lie i,r ipriei r vv ii'l'l
' nirninnl n ntimlii'r 111' m-lieli-4 vvhieh e 1.1,; nut itu,.-r Ih"
iiViur.-n f r l)r.iwy. liriv.l. ,Ve.: Tlt. v are g i il f..r 11 ' m.'tl e-im-'n-t.-it tn ttlill the iittw.ii v-;
I heir niV"i t ir never III llitllt nfenrinc nuell .linr-ises till
hin.-utna; l,:nl d inn ll. A isirlit-tir nltt'lv 1,1 the noui-
phlii'l . e;ir-;ti-.!ly r'- hnil ' '
..jr.. el- j.'.' lj vvh'i ; ell ih-nr;i, '" rire
f'.I.AI) '(),.(. ll!( I LA TV.
P niluii'Kvlv. I'm up rn :if 1 , tivtih-n. nt I-' it - m
-I en h -tie- l-trer h .I Iin!! ''. ttz. 1,1 re lit:, 11 uv.t iiut i l,.
I t- . I. 1. ik "t.l mul irel im;, n.-.l ii.tnti. -".y. ,-v I. Ille U:i
V'aii-rlin's VevreltiMe l.itli .nlripl e M,iltre "'t.l Av;i iin'ii
the jil mn. th,: wrilleil-rH.' :ture nl'.-li. .': VaV!(n"- ti the
ilireetl ill-, tm,l li. C. .11 :ilui, lilt; lit, -liimpe,: nt lie:
e ti'k. N-tle nl . er ti.i: u' -111 1 r tn-. l'i-i-;illl"il .tv Dl.U I'.
Vnn-.'hn. nn-l a ,1,1 nl he Vrineip'il (Iii; .,.. -JnJ iin nlreel.
lliilliil-i. nl wli il.-i.iil" mul rt-l-iil. N.i nttettti -u ..iyt-n t-, let.
tfin iinl.f innlpniil intern Irnni reciilmly e nntiliiteil
Atretiln e.-.-pte.l ; nnl IV11.I l.-ltrrn. nr v .-rlril' e Sllllllmic i-
ti tun n ilii itius iee. pr .iiipllv ntletuli-il 1 1 r .Iii..
(lllieenilev le, eKehiniyelv l'i III" n-tle nf thin nrti.-l,-
l;lv! Nti.w ut nt. N. vv Vnrkeitv : --V'l I'.fnex nl.S-ilelil. M:mn.:
nu t hy Ih piiii -i;ml Uriiatrintntliroil-jli'iilt l!ie l ilileil Slnli-n
llll.l riiiet.':i. nn .entn. nf Aeiiin. SI irrs r .. Wh ! -ute AtiiiI Vliil utel
thitWr. W. 1 " ri ,i iilt. Smiltiiry Istitie lienrlinrt. r'eliiinur.ive
-I". A . AVvelh. Levvinhlirt: II. I . Shi-Her, M ill HI I laves
.V .M '..iruiiek, j(i K'veunv ille Mmn .M.-f'nv, ,.iriluinili'"r
intllt. April 1, lSlf e 4
r.iXCV ami STA1M; i!lY GOODS.
til -New :, Store .V 70 Areh ttre:!,
bet wren 2d and 3 .Y.rM s de,
rHll.Al'tl.i'Ml v
HPIIE subscriber invites pailicular attention tn
his laige and cpleiidid ussortmeiit oT rifi uud
choice s'llts of Dry (tontls comprising a rjeneral
vnrie.y 01 me most tleaimble. itinils or . Mn- ,
leriuli. Shairls. Chrrri, Wi ri. Umhrinkuhlr
flannels. Warml cii, , r. t.l.
Mull. N,li,nm!t anil i'lm' l M:isin.t, Ciri,. :
i. ic and N Ih Vucktt ll'Uf, Hiirh Vol en Cm 1
vita, others too numerous tu atlveitise. I
I'arri Millar" attention is given to I iyer: and' '".-r
iiisliini; (;(T0ils. Renerfillv f')Vt :i-l: is l ir;:e, am!
Ihe I be fo -'nil rrnr '.i Invver than usu- 1
li.HviTlJ been pyrc!:jsed at Auction at sacrifi
ced teles The fabrics nre warranted pure flax
ami from the best makers.
P. S. Persons wishing I'uin and Midiiini 1
uliles ot Drtss (j'oods and .'A t-.V, il (inJ a j
choice variety
Philadelphia, April I. ISIS j
as the
I - 'PMItraitr Itsll n '?' Ifii-ni:1. '
s - '
V. V. M:?.s:;r.i.n, Prnnriet.-.r. , Iii'i Chr.-tnut
l ttreit. between 3d an J MA .. Pli-luil, In.'i.u
. . ,. , '
, " stonishiiig the cninninnity with his cheap and
' tastiionalile apparel, ol every description and va
riety. Vests from SO cents lo G dollars. Good
oiai-K uioin or Lassimere rants, as low as 3
! dollars and upward per pair, aecoidine to nunli
tv. Iltnek l-'reneh I liithilrs.. C...I. n. I.,,.. .
S ilnllnr.
Summer clothing cheaper, pet haps, ,
ever was known her. tofore of llie same '
quality. j
Wholesale il.-alers , are paitirularly invited tn j
call and examine the large '.nil 'wSf'gif iif 'iVJf.'.- '
ing nf tins Inrge eitabtish-nei-l, .8 vei y ; -a.-tirr
lar attention is paid to the rutting, so that !
purchasers at wholesale will he ceiiuin to gel !
garments when they come to put tin in on their !
customers, that will fit with tas'e and ease, which 1
is a matter of great impoi tauee. We invite one j
and all tn come and examine for thi tnst ives bi
Owe sttrtrhaeiiig .,'
i'hilaJeliiliia, .f-rihi, ' iSf i'--3;i t J
lic:orhu ' I'lilllu:. )l r i ii'lli iic'V
Ki eat Wei Ii ou llio Ut lrniaiin
OK THK SIXTKKNTil t'l-iN i rii V IN t.'KK-'
MANY, bWll.liKLA.M), pt:. Will be )
published nr. nr about the ut of Apul, S8, by
JOS A SPK1X, No 00 t herry t above 6Ui, !
his spleii.lld IWmu tdilioii of Ihe above named j
woik, with Iii ritgiared illiistialions from rri-
ginal d.-igiis; 1 vo.U in, 2, boKud, inr.tta-cl.-t'i
aiid-Jihrajy. tbfff.
The publisher ie.vici'.fu'.!y ra!is liie attention i
of Ihe Iiuul- wiij the pnhlic geueially, to this!
Br . m rt --.'. ,
woik b ing the only illtistiuted edition published
in the Umtrd States lie trusts that the beauty
of it embellishments, ihu strong and substantial
maiirer in which it is bound, in conjunction with
the known popularity ol the work itself, will be
a sure recommendation to public favor.
JOS. A SPKF.L J0 t'heny t abve: jb.'
J. A. S has also lately publishrd, a pew and
beautiful Kdition of Setj(eavV (ie!)'''varea liliow,
a suitabje bpok for clnliVci , : e .tly ilune up iu
ixtra elntb.
I'bilrft-'eli-hla, April I, JSiS
- , - .- -
Tlr.ic nml IllKlanrc Suvfrt!
ritllE subscribers having leased the Suubury
L Terry, b"g leave lo inform the public, 'hat
tin y ; are nretiared to ciivy Team, Pleasure
Carriages ijiv Fo9tasa;rgei across, tbir river
with safety and without delay. Tliey-Hiave pro
vided then.'selvea with new and 'commodious
crailv which will always be attended wilh able
and careful. bands. . . . , ,. . ,, ,
Peisons travelling to and from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisbuig, Hartlelon
and other places, will rind it greatly lo their ad
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of tb
Bridge, as Ihey would save Iro.n two to four
mile ia distance. JOHN SPF.FCE
l-uiibury. April I, ISIS
ltv Kin-iu Dry H0orlsj.
sVo. 1 fhtllh 37. trtd VhiimI, Iph'n. '
HAVE now in tf,e store ami are daily rrreiv.
ing Inadtlitinn totrteir assortment aatheyer.
rive in Ih New-Ynrlr ami Philadelphia Maikets,
tnew Spring Pry Goods consisting in pari of
New Styles Spring Mo. deLaines NW Styles
Careers in Stripes, Maids, he. Chniee- nl.
ors, rmoiltf Pareg. s, New Lavs as anrj
moila Moa. li- Lainrs, Taul (t
chnri-j a new article, new
style'Tissnes &e., ttc,
Fbkni.ii m Scnrou (j'tMiiHsMs. In storf one
of Ihe largest assoitinent in Philaile'phia, from
the lowest prir to tKr Tint-st qualities, inurh
lower than last tfatntf. , .', -.
On hand at all seashns of the year a large as
sortment, both of Linens and Muslins,vsit greatly
reduc"'.! pYivrn;l-also I.ini-n Dama'ska, t'ojinter
panes ftp. Miawlo, '. Gloves,. Lsces iVcc- il gh
Litstie lilnck Sjl!;s,.fpr .mantillas,' Visiles, Dr-s.
ses Ike. Mens L P.ay's yifat of all di-seriptions.
Ladies and G"n; (the . tvty ere rn
vited lo call and exaini.'ie.atir stock. "
A liberal reduction maile to.'.'.ioje vhs buy tc
sell Benin.
Philadelphia. April I, 18-18
vxiiu & simi. i:UK.iritu. ..
. W'M t MASON.
WVrirlm ist. 3 rf s t ! .nd si , Diih lhlplvo.
, ljvT:rr i.f m S1NI:.SI VIKITI.NO CABUM,
Vatch papers. Ltibels, Door plates. Seals and
f lamp;. tv.r, Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance,
Sic., e-.i.- Always on hand a general assortment
of Fine Tarry O'ooils, (uild pens of every quality.
Dog Collars in great vai iety. Engravers tools
nml materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Di
Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually
attended lo
' Philadelphia, April 1, P IS y
CflESIl SON. -
Cominissicn :in:J I'Virwttr'.iin'?
MERCHANTS, X AS Commerce Sin-el Wharf HALTIMOHK.
Will receive ard fell all kintls ol Country Tio
ilitee Klonr. G ain, SiC
- B. Pattien'nr attention given to the sale
of-iLuriiber And cat.h advances made on con
siaiimer.ts, when requtretl.
ij-tiijiit !p 13. Iin
! Cir.VLK.XC.K! (.'IIAUsKNTsK;!
':jIAW,EXf!B --Wcbiive o'serv d v.
j IX ivulent'y f.f a vear paat the fevered nl
i lenijt-3'l j.ayt -nnf, iyr f a rmi'y. l i f.rca a r pti.
, t in. :;'i iVn-i.- r.nosVwjiaU UiHtftili.pi.(in(
I to give iheui. .'.n ! -. e r-i',1 rnn'i:ius.oitr silent
j lw rvi.t'o". i n'cr tic choji iiusti-. nf's.i tinh
j .:rred meiil, were it lint Inn re than ptckiltlo lha'i
' thin api-cips ef fat-f ir. nade may ilivi-it iIib. pulil"
eve fii.m a cm, I d c s: i n the uteri's of
t lie im Itiiinl" nf ruf ssnrs in the Dasiiencm art.
I We weu'd see m.rii s.ek an hunoinlie pultliei.
1 Iv , ni idetel y w in Tor itm If uithlen iij.iimii,s ; hut
'' e,lli ;ij-e, lliut nii-i rnltle chicanery ry which a
nit-r.i j-tt-tence ' g'it.rV--.t pv; over -genuinrt
i vn,it'i..Jt if-tn n"l-. .'.,ia v u'iJIBY- t)l.i!tjiill ver.
; Ip'Y. iiMtt! rr vriiltilro"' - rj-v firms' clsnts. Ihal'wa
i n-, tr. ;;iit z i n i's I'.nuiii' ner'.iiilv '. y '-''iir"iii?,
I the k'.iv.! fu an honor iltlo lcl nf skill. Our cisn
! in f .")(il) ibat il e avenge of a ei- en numb- r nf ds-
pui rr.-o-yie eiecu olut ll e U.igueriean (S.illeiy
i of M l. SIMONS, 179 L'lirsiiut, s ill eslu
j li'.l a ure ler . mount of pi if. ctimt in the nrl than
' a iv ni i I'ar avers-ss pum'ier fr in in y oth r galle
i ry in ihe Ui it d S ate. Thia ) no idle bu tet
! we m an vshat e any. We are ileithu-i that tl.e
i puliiic -linuld give tin ir iiairuiiL-e lo ::.iit not
j re'en o.
I We a 1: iiiveslijnlinn, free, rigid, imjisrli .1 in
I vet i-.t on. Wo liuve ll. town the glove. WI li
j ii; Kck it nn , , M. P. S1MONH,
'! 175 Ch't;i;U np pg"e H ate House, Philajj.
li..3;.h wil! H uinlernin d tif,Jt58r( cott-.l'rr.
f uieuili, (,.:t the a'oove ch'illtnga hr.; r.civr ;-i '
. Ic ii iu-rn-ad, and we oLn- wish il urit'ara'.. ; d,
that vp did nnl intend In m ke by Hits wnger, as
we have nlieiidy ixpr a fd our i tentinn 'o appro
priaie the f.r'ze to some ch.irital le purpose. .
PliiU.V'l Ma. IM.. 19. ISi8 3 n.
mcm i;s x, .i;kti
.o Cliesiniil Mrcol,
Si.uth Eaut Corner of Ei'ehth st , PhiluJ,lph;,t.'
&3OUTIiAll8 from the smtl'cst lireasl-in tu
(he largrgt s:ie, sinr.y or in Rtoups. The
I'liipriclors are warraiited in si) inir, that their
wmk ha fjain d a lepuiu'ion second to nous) in
ihp w..r!.t. I'xttncta fr.-in the Press :
Life-like in the expression, chastly porrect in
tl.e th nl nj. -Ledger, r
'The a t his rrrivcJ al e:it p rfeetion,
nire n ilerM n,,l ii In ner thau MclTcet & 0?r.
mn" Baltimore Irs,
"Ailmi-ahlr' noibina en px.pej lb.Ii rxquisite
i f the, nrl, .'iey hive riot ? comrr.e u:d an a
wnHin i.-.'ur .,f nv nf Ihe ro;.i iiois, I ul uih
i p i .'.l tn tank a -i Jirtt in order, the collect! in f
McOl.CBS & tiBUMll.N, as c, intuit i.,B the lar
if'tt nui-ber of frr'or site'mens."
I hil de'p'in, Fib 19, 1818. 6m
I II I I- A U K I, I IJ'I A'
E,t..bhhrd 15 yeurs rre by Dr. KlMiEUX.
I he ol.lee', surpst nml t est hand 1 1 cure nil foini
i fstc. t dis. n" , J s" sei of .he skin and
, ,. . Mibt svl'tiiM 'r.f youth', .
i) I. iv 2.;J K K I. I N.'" "
i. IV. criip of 3.1 rt-n Un'on tlx , helwcn Sinue
and Fiic; I J sijnurt from Ihe Exehange,'
v& 7rrNfi MEN! if voti value v our l.fe or y.'r.r'
J. be tlih. irirnnilt. r, llie delay of a moisfh, n.iv,
even u n k, nniy ptove ynur ruin, boih cf inidy,
ni d mind, lleuee 1. 1 no fil.c modesty .lete: sou
from ni .kiim your caso known to one ho, I'ro-n
. du. Bt uu , nil ri--.iliility,C n alone h. friend von.
IK- v. .v'l''IF',.bin,"i it.;uibler I)f KI.N'K bil.("t',
tient ni-Ttt, may i.iaiWtt,j'(foji?ktti iri'hia liouor a
a tm lemin, and in 'mun. bo fo.-cv.r
I fknl iheorrrt ol i'ia paii"ii, - t
To i many iliii.k Hiev Will hug llieaecrnt I.) their
own heartu, at d cuie tht rn civ a, Ala I bow .of
ten is this ftttil delnsii n, and bow miiiv" a, pro.
ini-ii,g you- g.iiii.t."h?i k-hf iivrwridi r -.
inrnt to soci. tv. has fa lej lu-.n ;he e.;-l .
i'oi.'rTiy ix VAi.iL,
fiiiiliiig it i, conv tiiuit lo nii'ke pe sonil applir i.
ii ii, can, lo aiming their ciaa explicitly, toae h, t
with all il-oirt-yn piom.(pprl for poal-iiii.l.) hive
f.ti.v snlitl tu ibein a chest POn'aiui.g LrT.,''i-e.
tlie tie- ii' ptii e.1 acv-ordinglv. ' '
Pis. koj "f -M. du-inr forward J, ttf apy. p-..- , f
li e 1'iiiled - tale at a moment' notice.
'tlj" rprr i tr-H. add aaf-io Kis
klii. l'hil..d. lp!.ia, will U) prompt! i'Und.-d l.i.
Oc . aOib. 1617 ly
S I B V B, ill j JD D Xi 3D,
Kt i ecu ire Ciolb Itf aniUu ioi.
A'o. 48 Kurth, Front sceU, iv'wee Mak t ami
. AfeH itr.vls,
'P1JEi.scrihera ItKving mrde great iiut'A-U'
.iUi.i.ta jn the above business. ,re no'......,,
tictriiii.'.. fa supinor q.i.'.iv. alt ki.JToi TLAIN
Si'l ' ?n?K?VKL -RB-. .'h i
l. v. .. It, I. e. Wt rn., ,.,'fa all kir,d. ul (jri,f. .
v . Xaml1 ti, SinnT, ftaith.Biiikdu!, A r
rou. d.M 6,e.p ol .H.speHUMu.lil, c,,la.,.ly
l?h,nd'...A'v?,l"' B'Wi, CWo, .f,
Mprinjs, I'wTl.ea Wi;e for Spark Calcbar. it.
Orouuiealiil Wire Hoik. '
Kuch . O.gM, Nu'iy F.n,ler-, Garden
'. Howua.rds Train. rTr. ilia work ll;,a
Viiw. &c. Also Wi,. I'.ncingi f ,rv ' '
'on. fxj 0.dM.tiikfv rereivej .0j ... ft,,.
Fih. 19th, t 3;.