Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 27, 1848, Image 1

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3 jTamtlg jlctospapcr-acbotca to flomccj, aruraturr, jWoralftg, jrwtim an Somatic tfrtis, Scfciue ant the arts, aarfeulture, jwartrts, amusements, c.
ft. S A Iff!
s-rt-.v , nil mm
THE AMKRICAN ia published every Sotiinlnr nt TWO
DOLLAR per annum to lie paid half yearly in advance.
No nnper itlstimrtiniHit until all arrenrnires are rwlil.
All cntntrmntatlifHi or letters on liusiiHiw rehiring to the
office, to insure attention, must lie POST l'AID.
Three copies to one aihlrciw, 8.KI0
Eleven 1 1K in mi
Fifteen Ifc IJo Simio
r ive annara in aitvance will pay for Ihrce year ssubnerio
ion to the American.
One tqittir of Id Imipk. .1 lime,
fcvery uicqciit insert iin,
(hie ftqiuire, 3 monOis,
$i month,
tttjH.nrMi CanU of Five wph. per iit.t.Hiit,
MtrrluuitH ml other, nclvrrtlslfur hy the
yenr, with the privilege of tiistrticg ilit-
tnrent ail vert im-mcntB wtvkly.
fir Larger Advertisement?, per orrt'incnl.
H. B. MASSES, """"
Business attended la in the Counties of Nor
thuipl erland, Union, Lycoming mil (Columbia.
Refer lot
P. Ar. A. HnvntTnT. "
Lowes &. Unno!.
Son mi & SnonoBASS, l'hilail.
Rktholds, Mc Fabliau iV Co.
SriaiKB.Qoou Sc. Co.,
George J. Weaver,
No. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia.
A8 constantly on band, general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, &c, vis :
Par'd Rones, Fishing Ropes, White Hopes, Manil
la Rope, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. auch
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Ileal Patent Hill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, ice See. Also, lied Cords, Plough Lines.
H altera, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain,
ate, all of which he will dispose of on mason-iba
Philadelphia, Novemlioi 13, IS 17. ly
Wrlfjlifn Indian Vegetable IM1N.
Henry Masser. Sunhury.
K. & J. KsulTm in, Augusta township,
lohn H. Vinc nl, Uliilliqunua.
Kase 61 llergxttcgser, Elyhura.
. Ksmuel Hub, Little Malionoy,
William Ueppen, Jackson.
Ireland and Haynea, McEwcnsvillo,
William Heincn & Urniher, Milion.
1'oinythe, Wilson & Co., Notlhumberlaiiil
James Reed, Poltsgrove.
i. W. Scott, Rtiahvilte,
W. & R. Fegely, Sbamokinlown.
Rhode Si Farrow, Snyderstnwn.
Amos T. Beis. ll, Turliulsville.
Bcnneville Holshue, Upper Mahonoy. O. Renn, do do.
E. L. I'ir, WaUonlown.
Wholesale, at the office and general ili'l, 10!)
Race at., Philadelphia. U c. 18, 1847. ly
" tiTeIueaTbookItore.
Cheap New & Second hand Boor Siore,
North Wett comer of Fourth and Arch Street
Law Books, Theological and Classical Books,
Scientific and Mathematical Bo.iks.
Jiiveti He Books, in grait variety.
Hymn Books and Trayer Books, Bibles, all sizes
and prices.
Ulank Booh, Writing Paper, ami Stationary,
Wholtfle and llilatl.
lir- Ot a priit are mneli lower tli:m the o" lab prires.
r- I.ilsnrirt anrt sinall ireels of l.wks plircliaiiol.
t" ttpk imnortl to isriler ironi Loinlon.
IMiilack-lphiu, April I, IMiS-y
ml Dealers III Seeds,
Constantly onliand a general assortment of
To which tbey respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Groceries or so Id on Commission.
Philad. April 1, 1818
Imi'OETERS and Dealers in
Cottons, Needles, Pins, Sewing Silk,
Steel Beads, Bag Clasps, Steel Tassels, Steel
Purs Rings, Purse Clasps, Plain and Shaded
Purse Twist, Trimmings,
Fancy Goods, &c.
Cheap for Cash to Wholesale Dealer, at tlie
New Thread and Needle Store,
No. 3 North fourth 18 Ohtttnut Street;
April S, 1848
fl'HE SUBSCRIBER has been appointee, agent
I for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this place. These Pianos have a plain, mas
sive and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth
of tone, and elegance of workmanship, are not
surpassed by any in the Uhited State.
These instruments are highly approved of by
the most emihent Professor aud Composers of
Music in this and other cities.
For qualities of tone, touch and keeping is
ton upon Concert pitch, tbey cannot be sue pas
sed by either American or European Pianos.
Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, W. V
Wallace, Vieut Temps, and hi sister, th eele
brated Pianist, and many other of the most dis
tinquisbed performers, have given these instru
snents preference over all other
Tbey bave also rceived the first notice of lbs
three last Exhibition, and tb last Silver Medal
by the Frankliu Institute in 1843, was awaided
to them, which, with other premiums from the
same source, may be seen at tbe Ware room Io
63 south Fourth st.
C7"Another Silver Medal was awarded lo C.
Meyer, by tbe Frahklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for
tbe best Piano in tha exhibition.
Acain at the exhibition of the Franklin lusti
tute, Oct. 1810, the first premium and medal was
awarded to C. Meyer for bis Pianos, although it
bad been awarded at the exhibition of lb year
betore.oo tha ground that he bad made still test
er improvements in hi Instrument wilh.o the
past 13 onon:hi.
Agaiu at th last exhibition of the Franklin
Institute, 1847, ,nc,lbr Premium was awarded
to C. Meyer, for tbe best Piano in the exhibition.
At Boston, at Ihsir last exhibition, Sept. 1847,
Ci Meyer received the fust silver Medal and Di
ploma, for tb beat square Piano in th exhibition.
1 ata Piano, will b. sold s th ntmifsctu
11 lowest Philadalphi. price., if not something
lower. Persons are renuti t n ...a ......
ine for themselves, at th rendtnc
of th sub-
Sunbury, April 8, 1648
The poems of Lamartiiie are little known
to English renders. We subjoin the following
version of one of them written on Ihe eve of
his departure for Palestine.'. It breathes the
true spirit of religious reverence tho poetry
of Christianity.
1 have not felt o'er sens of Kind'
The rocking of llio desert bark;'
Nor laved at Hebron's fount my hand.
By Hebron's palm-trees eool and dark ;
Nor pitched my teirt, at even fall,
On dust where Job of old has lain,
Nor dreamed beneath its canvass wall
The droam of Jacob o'er ngain.
One vast word-pige remains unread :
How shine tho stars in Chuldea's sky,
How sounds the reverent pilgrim's tread,
How beats the heart with God so nigh!
How round grey arch and column lotto
The spirits of tho old time broods,
And sighs on all the winds which moan
Along the sandy solitudes!
In thy tall cedars, Lebanon,
I have not heard the nations' cries,
Nor seen thy eagles stooping down
Where buried Tyre in ruin lies.
Tho Christian's prayer 1 have not said
In Tadtnoi's temples of decay,
Nor startled with my dreary tread
The waste where Memnon'sempiro lay.
Nor have I from thy hallowed title,
Oh, Jordan ! heard the low lament,
Like I hat sad wail along thy side,
Which Israel's mournful Prophet sent !
Nor thrilled within that grotto lone,
Where, deep in night, the Hard of Kings
Felt hand of lire direct his own,
And sweep for God the conscious st t ings !
I have not climbed lo Olivet,
Nor laid me where my Saviour lay,
And left his trace of tears, as yet
Hy angel eyes unwept away ;
Nor watched at midnight's solemn lime
The garden where His prayer and groan
Wrung by His sorrow and our crime,
Koso lo One listening ear alone !
I have not kissed ihe rock-hewn grot
Where in His Mothers arms He lay,
Nor knelt upon tho sacred spot
Where last His footsteps pressed Ihe clay ;
Nor looked on that sad mountain head,
Nor smote my sinful breast, w hero wide
His arms to fold the world He spread,
Aud bowed His head to bless, aud died !
It was in the month of February, 1831,
a bright moonlight night and intensely cold,
that the little brig I commanded lay cuiietly
at her anchors inside of the I look.
We had a hard time of it, beating alxjtit
for eleven days ofl' this coast, with cutting
north-casters blowing, and snow and sleet
falling for the most of that time. Forward,
the vessel was thickly coated with ice, and
it was hard work to handle her, as the rig
ging and sails were stiff', and yielded only
when tho strength of the men was exerted
to the utmost. When at length we made
the port, all hands were wornc down and
exhausted. We could not have held out
two days longer without relief.
'A bitter cold night, Air. Lurkin,' 1 said
to my mate, as I tarried Ibr a moment on
deck to finish my cigar.
The worthy Down-Easter buttoned his
coat more tiglitly-around him, looked up to
the moon and felt of his red nose before he
'It's a whistler, captain, as wc used to
say on the Kennebeck. Nothing lives com-
lortable out of blankets in such a night as
'The tide is running out swift and
strong ; it will ho well to keep a sharp look
out for this floating ice, Mr. Larkin.'
Aye, aye, sir,' responded the mate, and
I went below.
Two hours afterwards, I was aroused
from a sound sleep, hy the vigilant oflicer.
'Excuse, me for disturbing you, Captain
said he, as he detected an expression of vex
ation in my face, 'but I wish you would
turn out and conic on deck as soon as possi.
'Why, what's the matter, Mr. Larkin ?'
Why, sir, I have been watching a large
cake of ice that swept by at a little distance,
a moment ago; I saw something black on
it , something that I thought moved the
moon's under a cloud and I could not sec
distinctly, but so help me God, I believe
there's a child floating out to sea, in this
freezing night, on that cake of ice.'
We were on deck before either spoke
another word. The mate pointed out with
no little difficulty the cake of ice, floating
off to the leeward, and its white glittering
surface was broken by a black spot ; more
I could not make out.
'Get the glass, Mr. Larkin," I said, "the
moon will be out of that cloud in a moment
and then we can see distinctly."
I kept my rye upon the receding mass of
ice, while the moon was slowly working
her way through a heavy bank of clouds.
The mate stood by with the glass. When
the full light fell at last upon the water,
with a brilliancy only known in our north
ern latitude, I put the glass to my eye.
One glance was enough.
Forward, there, I hailed at the top of
my voice, and with one bound 1 reached
the main hatch, and began to clear away
the little cutter which was dowed in the
ship's yawl.
Mr. Larkin had received the glass from
my hand, to take a look for himself. - My
God " he said, in a whisper, at he set to
work to aid me in getting out the boat
'my God, there are two children on that
cake ot ice !'
Two men aswered my hail, and walked
I lazily aft. In an incredibly short space of
time we launched the cmter, into which
I Mr. Larkin and myself jumped, followed by
the two men who took the oars. I rigged
the tiller, and the mate sat beside me in the
stern sheets.
'Do you see that cake of ice with some
thing black upon it, lads?' I cried ; 'put me
alongside of that, and I'll give you a bottle
of rum each, to-night, and a month's extra
wages when you are paid ofl".'
The men bent to their oars but their
strokes were uneven and feehle. They
were used up hy the hard duty of the pre
ceding fortnight, and though they did their
best, the boat made liltle more way than
the tide. . This was a losing chase, and Mr.
Larkin, who was suffering torture as he
saw how little we gained, cried out,
Pull, lads I'll double the Captain's
prize ; two Ixittles of rum and two months'
pay pull lads, for the love of God, pull!'
A convulsive effort at the oars told how
willing the men were to obey, but the
strong man's strength was gone. One of
the poor fellows washed us tw ice, in recov
ering his oar, and then gave out ; the other
was nearly as far gone. Mr. Larkin sprung
forward and seized the deserted oar.
Lay down in the bottom of the boat,'
said he to the man, 'and Captain, take the
other oar ; we must row for ourselves.'
I took the second man's place; Larkin
had stripped to his Guernsey shirt, and as
he pulled the bow, I waited for the signal
stroke. It came gently but firm, and the
next moment we were null in"; a loiiir, stea
dy stroke, gradually increasing in rapidity
until the wood seemed to smoke in the low
locks. We kept time, each by the I0112
deetl beathino' nf (lip nthne. Snrh n mill '
We bent forward until our faces almost !
touched our knees, and then throwing j 1 the Republic. trance. While 1 place
our s'.rength into the backward movement, ! tlust-' credentials in your hands, 1 nm cotn
drew on the oar until evcrv inch ol Ihe j missioned at llie same lime, to express th
space covered by the sweep had been gain- j sincere sympathy of the President in the wel
ed. Every slroke shot the boat ahead, like i fare and success of Fiance, and to comnin
an arrow discharged from a bow. Thus ,,..,. his ,..lmtst , c.ln v ihzeal
we worked at the oars lor fifteen minutes ,.. ,,. ,,. .., r..: ti 1.1 1...
it seemed to ine as many hours. The sweat
rolled oil' of me in great drops, and I was
enveloped in a steam geniTated from my
own bodv.
Are we almost up to it, Mr. Larkin !' I !
gasped out. j
'Alinost, Captain don't cive up; for
the love of our dear little ones at home,
don't give up, Captain.' ',
I he oars Hashed as their blades turned iii
to the moonlight. The men who plied
hem , were ) lathers, and had father's ' hearts ;i
the strength w hich nerved them at that mo-
ment was more thau human.
Suddenly Mr. Larkin ceased pulling and
iny heart for a mnmenl . . ...,. r. u nS
Mi-uiing, lor the terrible thought that he 1
had given out crossed my mind. Hut I was '
directly re-assured by his voice. 1
ijently, Captain, gently a stroke or .
two more there, that will do' and the !
next moment the boat's side came in con- !
tact with something, and Larkin sprung '
irom the boat with his heavy leet upon the gratulalion, since I do it with the concur
ice. I started up, and calling to the men ,,,, f ,,- Cmemi t :m,l mv mirv
to make fast the boat to the ice, followed. M.,y , 1)(.rmiIle,i ,0 aid n.y ardent
We ran to the dark spot in the centre of , , : ,, , , ., , ,. , ,,
if j 1 .1 1 desire that when the Republic shall pass
Ihe, and found two little boys, the c , , .
head of the smaller nestling in the bosom of ('"m vm,r hl"",s 1,1,0 'T' "f ,h" Ni'."T
the larger both were fast asleep! The A""uly. r5't '""'' '.' crown Us la
lethargy, which would have been fatal but i U,ra ''J' SivS institutions lo France which
for the timely rescue, hail overcome them. ' dudl secure to her the greatest prosperity
Mr. Larkin grasped one of the lads, cut oft' and the noblest renown."
his shoes, tore oil his jacket, and then loosen- j M. Lamartiiie answered as follows, in Ihe
ing his own garments to the skin, placed name of his ussucialcs :
the chilled child in contact with his own j 'Otizkn Ambassador : Tho Provisional
warm body, carefully wrapping over him ; Government has appointed ine its repres.-i.ta-11s
great coat, which he procured from the : , , . , . . . ....
boat. I did the same with the other child
and we then returned to the boat, and
the men, now partially recovered, pulled
slowly back.
Ihe children, as we learned, when we
subsequently had the delight of restoring
them lo their parents, were playing on th
ice and had ventured 011 to the cake which !
had jammed into a bond of the river about ;
ten miles anovoew lorK. A movement ;
ofthe tide had set the ice ill motion, and !
a 1 Tar r 1 a
e little fellows were borne away on that '
11 i. , 1,1 . .. ,
cold night, anil would have inevitably
perished but for Mr. Larkiu's espying them !
as the ice was sweeping out to sea.
'How do you feel, Air. Larkin ?' I said to
the mate, the next morning after this adven- I
(tires. j
A little stiff in the arms, Captain,' the i
noble fellow replied, while the big tears of
grateful happiness gathered in his eyes 'a i
iiuie siui in the arms, caplain, out very ;
easy here,' and he laid his hand on the ,
manly heart. My quaint, brave Down-
Easter! He who lashes the seas into fury
and lets loose the temp 'sts, will care for
thee. 1 he storms may rage without, but tu
thy bosom peace and sunshine abide al way.
J . i . Vcxpatch.
Death is a mystery. We know that we
shall ere long close our eves on all sublu
nary objects, but the time aud manner of
our death can not lbrsee. Here one
falls in his full strength, while another has
been languishing for years. The aged are
passed, by, and the turf is upheaved lor tho
young and beautiful. Our neighbor falleth
by our side, just as we learned to appreci
ate his worth. A friend sinks in our arms,
as we take him to our bosom. Yet these
instances of mortality fail to leave suitable
impressions on our minds.
We follow our friends to the grave, and
turn as anxious as ever to engage in the
business and turmoil of life. To-morrow
we forget the pleasant smile and cheerful
voice, and put far away from our minds the
thought of our own mortality. Thus we
are blinded ; but little as we dwell upon it,
the dav armroachfs when our voices will
be hushed, our eyes closed, and our lips re.
luse to do their orhce. Blessed shall we be
if we live tor another world, by cherishing
right feelings of heart, and living void of
offence before God and man.
Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune
Paris, April 27, 1848.
The American Ambassador, Richard Rush)
occupies at present a very important position.
If ho has a clear vision and correct under,
standing of tho present situation of Europe,
his dispatches cannot fail lo convince the
President aud Congress of the Union, that the
time has now arrived for America :hrongh
an offensive and defei.sive alliance with
France and the maritime powers of the sec
ond rank, Sardinia, Naples, Tuscan)-, Rome'
Denmark, Holland, &c. to crush the might
of England and lake her place ntnong Ihe
governing powers of Europe to become, in
fact, the Republic of Ihe two worlds!
Mr. Iluslt appeared nt ihe Hotel do Villa
yesterday, to deliver to the Provisional Gov
ernment ihe ileliuite recognizance of the
French Republic by the American Govern
ment, and present his new credentials us Ex
traordinary Ambassador.
He was received with the highest demon
strations of honor and respect. The Guards
all presented arms and the grand march was
played by tho band. A deputation met the
Minister and accompanied him to the Hall of
the Throne, where ho found nil I lie Members
of the Provisional Government assembled.
He then addressed them as follows : (I send
you the address entire for The Tribane.)
"Mr. President ittid Members of ihe Provi
sional Government of the French Itepublic :
I have Ihe honor to deliver you the letter of
the President of tho United States, in w hich
I 11111 appointed Extraordinary Ambassador
""" A""'l"r 1 1'M.iix.ien.ia.y 01 our iiepi.i.ite
(.I .III. . ,11.1.-, IIIV.11.11 -.
tweeu the two Republics, whose dearest in
terests mutually bind them louether. 1 am
also empowered to declare to y.u I hat the
I resident has expreesed his entire approval
of my net, 111 acknowledging the French Re-
public at the moment when Us existence was
lirst proclaimed lo the world, in February,
iluouidi the Provisional Gom ri.nien'. This
i,1;lk nlacH mi iho third ilav niter its bind
it j w lll(. llh. ; . , ,,h f ils
lhis uhilo ,
, , , v . . , ' , . . ,
" 1 . r"""1 ""' l" ' ,u,r,m
""" 1 r,,l,t'c ,'M'"S,M 10 urn s-veresi trials ami
-1 uio 1 rovisuinul (.overnment luis
sueeeded in preservina the highest beoelits
of ijiiiet her on soil, and pence w jih forei"ii
nations. itiirv w;n ri,L.m j in jiatnieulom
this enormous work.
"I am doubly fortunate in being able lo
make use of this opportunity to oiler you 11.
gain my expressions of sympathy ami eon-
of theollicial acknowledgment of the French
Republic. France was Ihe tirst to recognize
the independency of the Republic of Iho Uni
ted States of America, w hen sho was ml ill
young, weak and surrounded with hostile
inlluences; but under Iho fructifying inllii-
once of the democratic principle, she has in half a century to the liroixn lions of
a mighty continent. As if by the ministry
of p.j,,,,, U American" Republic was
1 ... 1. . .1...,:.... .. 1 ,. , ,.
rt-.M'i vi:ii 111 uii uiu iiii, w 1111 11 iiiin m hiiim
, , , . ; '. , ,.
,ho ""w KT'"C n"ic,'
,"U!, ,"" ,,rsl wl"Vli 01 um ""'' u ""
,)f F'l,"oh D-m"acy of Euiope. Her
signature, Citizen Minister,- will bring luck
to the Republic. Notw ithstanding that in a
crisis like the present, the overthrow ofu
Government and the creation of totally didcr-
ent institutions, great tumultsand embnrruss-
nM1isare iinavoiauLK-, everything gives ns
, ll!WllrallcBmi(i J 0U lilny repeat it to Vonr
prosperity of France shall bo fullilled, uud
the Republic shall pass great and powerful
from their weak hand', to grow more gn at
and more powctful, in tho hands of iho whole
French nation. We cherish this confidence
from tho fact that tho French people are
now ripe for (heir institutionf. That which
existed fifty-live years ago, only in the heads
of great spirits, has now become a part of the
thoughts and tho uctioim of the entire people,
The Republic, which our people desire at
iho present day, is the same which they have
already established among themselves a '
Progressive Republic, with tho maintenance
of Right, of Properly, of Industry , of Trade,
of roclilude, of freedom and of the moral and
religious sentiments of its citizens. This is a
Republic, whose first eall was that of gencr
osily and brotherhood,' which at once broke
in twain the weapon of revenge and of poli
tical reaction, and instead of the fata coun
tersignof robbery and proscription, wrote a.
pon ils banners the almlition of the Pfath
Penalty and Ihe fraternization of the people.
These principles will, as we trust, be accep.
ted by the might of aU' anned citizens, and
concentrated into a powerful Representative
Unity of the Government. Thu will the
French Republic become the proud and wor
thy sister of America
"It can Ihen bo said of Franco and Amer
ca as once was said of thorn by a man whose
memory is denr to both lands (Lafayette)
they are the Republic of two words. As re
gards Ihe sentiments which the French peo
pie thankfully and ardently rlr-iish for the
people and Government of the United States,
I can give them utterance, Citizens Miuiste
in few words: Every Frenchman has for the
Americans the heart of Lafayette!''
It is asserted to-day, that tin alliance, de
fensive and ollensive, is in course of negotia
tion lH'tween the French Republic and tho
United Plates, in order to fet proper limits to
the grasping policy of England, at sea. The
marlime powers of the second rank, those of
Italy included, will be invited lo unite with
this alliance. The decree concerning Iho
dissolution of the German free troopers on
the Rhine, which appeared in yesterday's
Mtmitenr, furnishes the best answer to nil
til necttsatiousiiud slanders, w hich have been
raised against Ihe Provisional Government in
this resM-et for somo lime past. Asking ns
Ihe German legion was in Paris, or marched
unarmed through the interior of France, the
Government could do nothing, but as soon
as it formed on the frontier, armed and equip
ped, Ihe Government Imldly and feailessly
interfered, and the signatures of Ihe ruiire
lmdv of its members, attached lo th" decree
1 " '
shows that none of them had any disavowal
of the step lo make.
In order, however, to carry the measure
into exeulion with as little severity ns possi
ble, Lamartiiie procured the naturalization of
Heir C. L. lteinays, as citizen of France, and
sent him to Strasburr and Cnrlsruhe on the
special mission of briefing about the dissolu
tion of Ihe I.eirion in a peaceable and volun
tary manner, aud to arrange affairs so that
those who wish to remain in France may do
so without hindrance, while those who pre
fer lo return to Germany singly and unarmed
may be received by the German Government
with kindness and consideration. Ilerr Iter
nays is accredited for this purpose to the
Govornmout-Comniissiiry Leilchlenlierger, in
Slrasburg. and Ihe French Minister, M. Le
fevre, in Carlisruhe.
The general statement of the result of the
elections will be taken up to-morrow at the
Hotel de Ville, with great ceremony, and
probably continue for two days. In Paris it
self, out of UtiO.nuo electors, 310,000 took
part in the election. In the lirst three Ar
roudissemeiits the result is already shown in
an enormous majority for Lumnrtiiie and his
party, while Ledru Rolliu and his followers
remain in a very marked minority. In the
other nine Arroudissemciits, the case is said
to be reversed. Tho division between the
r.-.: ; n, jlaijt d,.,.!,.,!. How long
the parly of Iimarliue win coiitmuv .
er, is another question. The most probable
solution is that from ihe new men of the
National Assembly will arise a popular party
more in accordance with ihe times, which,
will absorb the Iwo old parties. II. H.
HoniiniLK. Tin! whaling uliip James Mau
ry, at New Bedford from Honolulu, Dec. 25lhj
brings an account of one of the most horrible
occurrences in the annals of nautical suffer
incr. The whale ship Frances Henrietta,
Cnpt. Poole, of Honolulu, fell in with, at sea,
last May, lat. 42 N, lat. 150 E, 11 Japanese
junk, of 200 tons, dismasted, rudder gonei
and otherwise injured in a tynhooti sevn
Mouths previoi's. The original number of ihe
crew was seventeen, but when Cnpt. Poole
discovered them they were reduced lo four,
and in n famishing condition. The crew had
drawn lots for soinu lime pant ns lo who
should be killed and eaten ; tho one upon
whom tho lot fell, if able, fighting forhislifei
and in some instances succeeding in killing
one of the others, in which caso the murder
ed man was lirst eaten. The survivors were
shock in-rly sea rred with dirk and knife wounds,
as if Iheir lives had been often attempted by
their rntn)iiuions. ("apt. Poole kept them on
loard his ship for thirty days, and' then put
them on board somo fisliinz Mais, close in
shore, about lat. 40 N. They were exceed
ingly gratefn', and manifested much emotion
on leaving the whaler.
An Ukkohti'ntk Ki'rksion. The new
Archbishop of Canterbury, us head of the
Church of England, has drawn up a form of
prayer '-for tho muintuinancenf peace." The
worthy church dignilajy by the use of an un
fortunate, expression, has laid himself open to
a charge of apparent hostility to tho House
of Lords, by saying in hrs address to the
Doily, "In our prosperity we have too much'
forgotten Thee ; other lords besides Thee
have hivl dominion over us.'-' Iii the present
stale of popular excitement in England, this
was considered too serious a subject to joke
Di or C1.11AB. At tho head of
one of the graves in the burial ground at
"old St. Mary's," Maryland, there stands a
cedar slab, which, as iho inscription upon it
indicates, was placed there in the year 1717!
Notwithstanding it has been exposed to the
weather for so long a period, it is stiil per
fectly sound, and, if unmolested by desecra
ting hands, it- will doubtless be standing when
every man, woman, aud child that now moves
upon Ihe earth shall have gone down to "dark
ness and the worm." St. Mary's Beacon.
QeiTK a DiVreacNce. Six years ago, says
the Bangor Courier, potatoes were selling at
twenty-five cents per bushel, and it took six
bushels at that price) to pay for bushel of
corn. Now a bushel of- coin will net pay for
a biibhel of potatoes
Tb larilaa Treaty la Vsrslss.
We find in La Patria of I lie lOih lite com
plete treaty between the Indian louder, Pat,
and the Commissioners of the Spanish Gov
ernor, Barbachano, ' the terms of which have
already appeared in the Tribune. The treaty
was solemnly concluded on Ihe 16th of Aprih
at the town of Tziieaeab, and signed by Don
Canute Vela and Don Felipe Rosa, on the
part of tho Spaniards, and Captains Zel, Bank,
Cob, Yam and other Indian oflicer. The
lirst seven articles are the same in substance
as we have already slated ; the eighth de
crees the abolition of the right of distilling
spiritous liquor in all parts of Yucutan ; the
'ast provides that upon the ratification of the
treaty by Gov. Burbachaiio, iho belligerent
forces shall retire peacefully to their homes,
with the exception of the small number lie.
cessary to protect the Commissioners in car
rying out the stipulations of the treaty and
establishing ireneral neuee and order.
Wo translate th following comments of
tho editor of La Patria on this subject :
"We believe that this treaty will not lie of
itself sufficient to put nil end lo the war,
since, while the Indians of the Southern prov
ince will lay down their arms, it is very
probable that those of the East will continue,
jti the meantime, to commit their terrible
depredations under the command of their san
guinary leader, Chi. Nevertheless, the in
terval of repose which will be obtained in
Ihe South by this treaty, will give the gover
nor opportunity to procure siiliicicnt aid lo
oppose a barrier to Ihe devastations with
which the Indians alllict the country. May
Heaven put an end to such a mournful uud
precarious situation!" X. Y. Trihnnc.
A Vetrrnn Kiegr.
We were rmtch interested in the history of
the adventures of a negro man, v ho has lately
returned from the Mexican war, ns related to
us by that accomplished olfieer, Lieut. Rains,
of Ihe Engineer Corps. Sandy ha had the
singular fortune, for a liei'ro, to have been, at
his own earnest solicitation, in nearly all the
battles in Mexico. He was nt Corpus Christi
during the encampment of our army nt that
place, and marched wilh the column to the
Rio Grande. In some of his peregrinations
around Fort Brown, lie was captured by llie
Mexicans after a stout resistance, and thus
became the first prisoner in the war wilh
The Mexicans took Sandy to Matamoras.
and treated him "with the most distinguished
consideration,", and finally offered him a
Lieutenancy in the Mexican army, -which he
indignantly declined, and escaping in a skiir,
joined his master Maj. Rains. uudVvas present
at the liombardmeiit of Fort Brown.
Hit anlM'italtnn. Sauilv was iilMwcd to join
the army at Vera Cruz, and was present
throughout the siege. He was again at ihe
Iwllle Cerro Gordo, aud joining his master's
brother, Lieut. Rains, at Pucbla, he marched
wilh the army into the valley of Mexico, and
was present in every battle beforw the capi
tal being always near to render assistance
his master in case he should require it. No
one in the whole army appeared to enjoy the
successes of our arms withy more euthnsiam,
and no one maintained a more uniformly gal
lant devotion to his duly and charge than the
negro Sandy. Having been wilh Ihe urmy
since his childhood, he well deserve the title
of the "veteran negro.'' A'. O. Delia.
Thi American Roctk to Canton If our
Congress acts upon Mr. King's bill, to estab
lish a steamship communication with China,
in connection with the line to Columbia river
Canton will be brought within eleven thou
sand miles of the principal seaportw of thu
United Slates, and wilh a moderate estimate
for time, Ihe traveller from ('anion to Loudon
will find it most advantageous to take the
American rather than the British lines. The
distance travelled in going round citlier of
the capes, is from eighteen to twenty thou
sand miles, The facilities for obtaining coal
on the Pacilic side, for the use of the steam
ships, are represented as even greater than
on the Atlantic, there being an abundance of
it in many places. This project is so feasible
that there scarcely exists a doubt that it will
be soon undertaken. What a value thu trade
of China would impart to our newly acquired
territories 011 the Pacilic, aud what nn im
pulse would be given lo American
commerce :
Slavkrs Capturko. TT.'s wlioouer I". B.
Guger, whaler, arrived at New York from
Sierra Leon, April 17, reports the arrival
there of two Brazilian slave schooners, prizes
to H. B. M. brigs Rapid aud Alert One was
fitted up forn slaver iiudtho other had 400
slaves 011 board.
Thk Ki'uiit Kind. Rev. Abel C. Thomas,
one of the most eloquent and successful
preachers of the present age, served his lime
at the printing business; and so far from
looking back wilh regret at Iho lime thus de
voted to mechanical labor, he says, in a re
cent letter to a Boston publisher, in relation
to his ministry 'I' was always independent,'
fof I was master of the printing business, and
I knew that I could earn a living at any time
by Ihe labor of my hand. So well assured
am I of the advantage to be derived from
this source, that if 1 had a thousand children,
and was worth a thousand Vnillirtn of dollars,
each of my sons should heeome proficient in
some branch of handcraft, and each of my
daughters ' should leant, practically, every
branch of housework, from the cellar to the
garret, a a condition of inheriting any of my
property '
The following beautiful Arabian legend
we copy from the "Voice of Jacob :" ,
The site occupied by the temple of Solo
mon was formerly a cultivated field, posses
sed in common by two toothers. One of
them was married' and had several children :
the other was unmarried. They lived toget
her however, cultivating, in the greatest bar-"
mony possible, the property they had inherit
ed from their father.
The harvest season had arrived. . The two'
brothers bound up Iheir sheaves, rrfndi two
equal stacks of tlu-m and' Toft them on the
field. During the night the unmarried bro
ther was struck wilh an excellent thought..
My Brother said he to himself, has a wife and'
children to support ; it is not just that my
share of the harvest should be as large at hi.
Upon lhis he arose, and took from his stack
several sheaves, which he added to those otf
his brother; and this ho did with as much
secresy as if he hail been committing an evil'
action in order that his brotherly offering,
might not be refused. On the same nigh'f
the other brother awoke and said lo his wife,
"My Brother lives alone, without a compa
nion ; he has no one lo assist him in his labor '
nor to reward him for hi toils while God
has bestowed on me a wife and children ; it
is not right that we should take from our com
mon field ns many sheaves as he, since we
have already more than ho Has domestic
happiness. If you consent, we shall, by add-,
ing secretly a certain number of our sheaves,
to his stack, by way of compensation, and
without his knowledge, see his portion of his
harvest increased." This project was) ap
proved ami immediately put into execution.
In Ihe morning, each of the brothers went
to the lield, and was much surprised at see
ing the stacks still equal. During successive
night the same contrivance was repeated on'
each side ; for ns each kept adding to hi
brother's store, tfro stacks always remained
the same. But one night, both having stood,1
sentinel to divine into the cause of l'iMS-"twa-. ,
cle, they met, each bearing the sheaves, mu.
tually destined for the other. It was thus all4
elucidated, and they rushed into each other's
arms, each grateful to Heaven for having so'
good a brother.
Now, says thu legend, the place wliere so
good an idea had simultaneously occurred to '
the two brothers, and with so much pertina
city, must huve been acceptable to'8edwi
Men blessed it, and Israel chose it, there to
erect the house of the Lord ! Lumorftac.
AkTicjn rtr ok the I.' O. O. F7 We find
Ihe following in an old English paper, from a
speech delivered by Mr. Cooper, at a meet-
ing of the Order, in Greenock, Scotland. ' Mr.
Cooper said :
riiu origin r mlt!i of 'ddd Fellow is
of very great antiquity. It Was established
by the Roman soldier, in the camp, during
tho reign of Nero, in the year Mv-AVthkt'
time they were called Fellow Gtizens The
present 'name was given them by Titus Cear,
in the yenr 79, from the singularity of their"
meeting, and from their knowing each other
by night or by day, and by their fidelity to
him and their country. - He not- only, gave
them Ihe name of Odd Fellows, bill at the
same time, as a pledge of friendship, presen
tented them with a dispensation, engraven on
a plate of gold, bearingthe different emblems,
such as the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Lamb',"
the Lion ami the Dove, and other emblems of
morality. The first account of the Order be
ing spread in other countries is--in the fifth'1
century, w hen it was established iri the Span- -ish
dominions, and in Iho sixth century by
King Houry, - in Portugal, and in the twelfth
century it was established in France, and af-
forwards by John D.' Neville in England,' at
tended -by five Knights from France, who
formed a Loyal Grand Ixlge of Honor lit"
Loudon, w hich Order remained until the 11th
century, whoii a part of them began to form
themselves into a union, aud a portittrt of
them remain up to thin day thfe Lodges
w hich are now very numerous throughout the
world, and eall themselves the Ixiyal Ancient
Oild lYIIows, being a portion of the original'"'
body. The Manchester Unity is of a more
recent dale, although there is no doubt of its
emanating from Ihe same source. Its first
introduction into Manchester wa about the
year 1800 by a few individuals from the Uni
on in London, who formed thferrufelves into a
Lodge, and 'continued in connexion with
lh"in for some lime, when some difference)
caused lh"in l' declare themselves indepen
dent, and ihus have kept'their word Indepen
dent." Important Invention. Mr. David Iaham,
a machinist of Hartford Connecticut, it is sta
led, has recently invented a process by which'
cat iron can be converted aJmost instantly,
and with but slight expense and labor,' irIKr'
steel. Twenty minutes only is necessary to
convert a ton of iron into steel of tha best
quality, a process ordinarily requlriilg-'frem'
six to ten days. The inventor has been of
fered $12,000 for thj patent right for the
Slate of Pennsylvania alorte. Aft idles tnarm
faclured front steal thus prepared, have been
proved and found -equal- ts" those manafac--tured
from the best English steel. If this--invention
is really what it purports to be, it
will destroy one great branch'nf English labor
and add much to the wealth of this country.
Nation At Coca test The Montreal pa
pers slate that Ihe English government has
granted permission lor the Jefferson and Dal.
las, two sleam vessels belonging to the Rev,
nue department of the United States to de
scend by the St. Lawrence.