SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. OPTO rOR A SABBATH MOR1MNO. BT THOMAS BUCHANAN HtSD. Arise ye nations, with rejoicing rise, And tell your gladness to the listening skies ; Come out forgetful of the week's turmoil, From halls of mirth and iron gates of toil ; Come foith, come forth, and let your joy in crease Till one loud pten hails the day of peace. Sing, trembling age, ye youths and maidens, singj Ring, ye sweet chimes, from every belfry, ring Pour the grand anthem till it soars and swells, And Heaven seems full of great celestial bell. Behold the Morn from orient chambers glide, With shining footsteps, like a radiant bride ; The gladdened brooks proclaim her on the hills, And every grove with chdral welcome thrills. Rise, ye sweet maidens, strew her path with flower, With sacredjilies from your virgin bowers J tJo, youths, and meet her with your olive boughs, tJo, age, and greet her with your holiest vows j See where she cOmesi) her hands upon her breast, The sainted Sabbath Comes, smiling the world to rest. .. . . ifarmrro Department COn?! CtXTlRE. At the last Fair of the Susquehanne Coun ty Agricultural Society, the premium of $5 was awarded to Rodney Jewett, of Brooklyn, for the best acre of Indian conij having near ly 1 19J bushels-l Gentlemen of this $ociety In presenting my cluim beforo you again for the premium on cortl) it is with pleasure that I inform you that by the bountiful bestowments of a graci Oils Providence my expectations for my labors have been more than realized. Last year I ejected a portion of my field to compete for the premium, and the yield was at the rate of 216 bushels of ears per acre. This year I have selected another part of the same field Containing one acre and ono porch, from Which I have harvested 239 i bushels of ears of the white flint corn. Last year I manured this piece heavily from the barnyard, spread and turned under with the sward, then har rowed and planted with corn, cultivated it With the harrow and hoe, did not break up the sward in the process. This spring 1 gave it a dressing of horse stable manure well rot ted, which I spread upon the land before ploughing, about 20 cart loads to the acre ploughed it under the last week in April, har rowed the ground the second week in May, ridged it in high ridges (being careful to move all the ground under the ridge with the plough in the process, throwing the ridges about to the rod) planted across them at about the same distance (cutting the ridge down with the hoe so as to lay the corn as low as if the ground had all been harrowed level.) Soak ed the corn 12 hours before planting, in i strong solution of-copperasand vitriol. After the corn had been up a few days I gave it a dressing of ashes, plaster and lime, With some i - i i . i Done uurneu ami pulverized, as soon as it was large enough harrowed (crossing the ridges) and hoed, hilling but little, which left the surface nearly even. About a week after the first hoeing I went through it put ting on the same composition as before ; went through the corn with plough each way and hoed it the last week in June, elevating the hills considerable above the spaces between them. Sowed plaster on, broadcast, one bush el to the acre the first week in July. Cut it tip and put it in shock the last week in Sep tember, 25 hills to the shock. Finished har vesting it the 16th inst. ! am firmly of the belief that 160 bushels of shelled corn may be raised from the acre which is one bushel to the square perch, from these facts, that corn will grow and ear well, at three feet distant between hills each way, which would give 30J hills to the perch, five ears to the hill would be 151 ears. Well 120 of my full grown ears will make a bush el of shelled corn. It can bo easily tried that two ears will exceed a pint. It is not unrea sonable to calculate as much as 9 of the lar gest ears from a hill, which would give 160 bushels to the acre. The above, gentlemen, is very respectfully submitted for your consideration. Yours, Rodney Jewitt. Brooklyn, Oct. 18, 1847. Some Curious Disclosures are now being made by publications from Louis Philippe's private portfolios found at the Tuileries. A long letter relating to the Spanish marriage has been republished in the London Times, and although it was written by the ex-King to his daughter, the Queen of the Belgians part of the language is of so improper a de scription for the publio eye, that the Stand ard and several other papers have not given the passages in English. As American in Paris, writing to the New ork Tribune, says: "But one thing more ; before three months have gone we shall have war. Either Ger- many will be a Republic, and then Russia will make war against Germany and France-; or Germany will remain monarchial. and the war will be waged by Russia, England and Germany against ranee. One of the two is nevitable." From the John Donkey. Prize Csnvndriiiua. Why was Adam the swiftest runner who ever uveu Because te was first in human race. Why is a field of rye like a baby 1 t unaiuo ik luun lo vntuieu ueiore it is lre(aja. Why are the stars the best astronomers ! Because they have itudied (studded) the iWaveps ever since creation. If the muses and John Donkey were to form a co-partnership, under what name would the firm be known T ' The Aa and Nins (asinine). WTiy ia John Donkey like a Dutch parson Because he t'brayt for de people." Whv do Donkeys eat more in Ireland than where.. ik4uea there are mor oisri L-norasaes' 1'ALLX3TBP.'3 qd u sar "cp sscc na scy a? T his power to emit all xxterrai SORES, BCROFULOU8 humor., SKIN DI8EASE8, POISONOUS WOUNDS lo dischargs (heir pu IfM nutters, tntl then heals them. It is richly termed All-healing, Tor there it K a re ly discs, external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have need H fur the lst fourteen year for all disc of the cheat, eonaamption and liver, involving the ntmoet danger and responsibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that not in one eingle eat has it failed lo benefit when the pa tient within the reach of mortal meant. I have had phyticiana, learned in lha profession. I have bad minielere of the goepel, judge of the bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high est erudition, and multitudes of the poor one it in every variety of way, and there baa been but one voire one uniiersal voice aaying t "M'Allitler, your Ointment ia GOOD." In Scrofula, Old Bores, Erysepelas, Tetter Li vet Complaint, Sore Eyea, Quinsy, 8ore Throat, Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Tiles, all Cheat Diseases, such as Asthma. Oppreeaiona, Pain Alan, Sore Lip, Chapped Hanila, Tumor. Chil drrn'a Cutaneous Eruption!, Nervoua Disease, and of the 8pine, there ia no medicine now known aa good. SCALD HEAD. We have cured ease that dually defied every thing known, aa well aa the ability oi 10 or SO doctors. One man told ua he had apent f 300 on hit children without any bene fit, when a few boxes of Ointment cund them. BALDNESS It will restore the hair aooncr than any other thine,. HEADACHE The aalve haa cured persons of the headache of IS years' standing, and who had it tegular every week, ao that vomiting often took placo. Deaf ess, Ear Achi, and Aoci in the Face, are cured by thia Ointment with tike success. RURN8. It is one of the bent things in the world for Burns. (Read the direction! around the box.) RHEUMATISM. It remove almost immedi ately the inflnmation and entiling when the piin cea-es. (Read the Directions around the Box.) COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the cheat or ride, falling off of the hair, one or the other alwiyi accompaniea cold feet. (Thia Ointment ia the true remedy.) It is a sure sign of disease to have Cold feet. TETTER. There ia nothing belter for the cure of Tetter. PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointmeni. CORNS. Occasional use of the Oinlment will always keep Corns from growing. People need never tie troubled with them if they will use it. Read the following Communication, Received fiom an old, respected and well known citizen of Philadalphia. and then judge for your self: Philadelphia, 10 mo., 13th, 1846. To T. B, Peterson, Having been requested In give my opinion on the merits of M'ALLIS TER'd SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some of the benefits which I have experienced in the use of the article. In the spring of 1845, I had an attack of Ery aipelaa in my face which became very painful, and extended into one of my eyes, being attended with fever, my distresa waa great and I began to be fear ful of losing my eye. Although not much of a believer in what is commonly called quack medicines, I purchased a box and made an application to my fare. To my aurprise the pain aoon abated, and in a week's time waa entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it was the aalve, under Providence that cured me. From that time to the present, I have used the article aa occasion required, and in every esse where I have uted it, I have found a decided benefit. At one time, on going to bed at night, my throat Waa ao aore lhat I swallowed with difficulty, but by en application of the salve I waa relieved before morning. I have uaod it in case of burns, bruises sprains, and flesh cuts, all with the happiest effects, and one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the wood, has been dried up and cured by a few applicitions. From my own experience, I would atronely re commend it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family medicine. I hive become ao partial to it, that I expect to seep u constantly in my lamuy. Though not ambitious to appear in print, yet I cannot refuse to have this communication made public if judged best to serve the c iuse of humani ty. Respectfully thine, WM ADAMS, No. 26, Old York Road. CAUTION. N.i Ointment will be genuine unices the nanu s of James M'Allister, or James M'Allister it Co., are written with a pen on eve ry label. JAMES M'ALLISTER, Sole proprietor of the a''nve medicine. UfPRlCE, 25 CENTS PER BOX.$ Aoeiits : J. W. FRILINO, Sunbury. FORSYTH, WIL80N &. Co., Northumberland. Dr WM. M. BICKI.EY, Danville, J. G. CHOUSE. Selinsgrove, P. C. 8HF.LLER, Lrwisburg, WM. F.NAGI.E. Milton. JOHN 8HARPLESS, Cattawiesa. Feb. 1 9th, 1648. eowly VENf, VIDI, VICL Dr. ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure .f DYSPEPSIA. l.IVEIt COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTION'S. Ac. This Medicine is offered to the public under the aieuraure that there is no article in eii.tenrs having ttronoer claims to their consldeiatbw. Be ing compounded by a regular Graduate nf Jeffer son College, Philadrlph a, and a practising physi cian of twenty years' standir g in Philadelphia, hia long experience has confirmed him in the opinion th it a comiound medicine was required to prevent and remedy the debilitation pr ducrd by residing in low, miamatic climates, and to counteract Hie pro trating influences of many nervous disorders with which the human family are afflicted. DR. ALLEN la a well known pbjsicnm, and as used the shave medicine in his practice for 8 years with the most axtnnishing effect, having tes ted ita qualitiea in above riVB TIIUISAND CASES. No medicine ever leetivrd more flittering re commendations from physicians of eminent stand ing than baa been bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profes aor says; "It chiefly arises in persons who lead either a very sedentary or irregular life. A llhough not regarded at a fatal disease : yet if neglecttd or improperly Ireared, may bring on incurable Mr. Itncholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitigo, Palsy and Apoplexy. A gnat aingularily attendant on it is, lhat it may and often doea continue a great length of time without any remission of the symp toms. CAUSE!. Grief and uneasiness of mind, In tense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery, excessive use of spirituous liquora, tea, tobacco, o pium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of the aeeretion of the bile or giairie juice, exposure lo cold and damp air, are lbs chief causes of ftkis dis ease. SYMPTOMS Loss of appetite, nausea, aetrt- bom, acidity, and foetid eructations, gnawing of ine etomacn wnen empty, uneasiness in lha throat Jiain in me siue, cosuveneae, dullness, languor, owneat tif spirits, ptlpitaliooa, and disturbed aleep." TREATMENT. DR. ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOUND baa never failed in affor ding immediate relief, and a ladical cure for ibis disease. tiy This Medicine can be had of H. B Master, Sunbury J. C. Martin, Pott.ville; Medlar & Uickel, Orwigaburgl and of Druggiata generally ALLEN et WARD, Proprietors. Philadelphia, Nov. 87, 1 84 7. eq, ly A GENTS to canvass for aome New and Poru. - la a Woe as, in every County throughout ethUmted States. To Agenta, (be moat liberal encouragement is offered with a small capital of rrem $33 to 1100. A chance ia offered. hra. by an Agent tan make from C10 to $33 per week. iv lurmer particulars, anurets roost ..1 J k ' 11T A V n . r. r. w T Ao. 168 North Second SI. Philadelphia, April 1, 1848 8m. BANK NOTE LIST. PEWIVSYITARTIA. The following list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re liance may he placed upon It, aa it is every toeeh arefully compared with and corrected from Bick nell's Reporter. Banki In Philadelphia. Na. L.cstior. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , , Bank of the Northern Liberties . , Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanica Bank , , Kensington Bank . , Philadelphia Bank . . I Schuylkill Bank . . . Southwark Bank Western Bank Mechanica' Bank Manufacturers' A Mechanica' Bank Rank of Penn Township . . Girard Bank , , Bank of Commerce, late Moyameneing Bank of Pennsylvania . Country Banks. Bank of Chester County Westchester Rank of Delaware County Chester Bank of Oermantow.i Gcrmantown Bank of Montgomery Co, Norristown Doylestnwn Bank Doyleatown Easton Bank Easton par Pr par par par par par par par pat par par par par par par par par par par par Farmcre' Bonk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank & tlridge co. (Columbia par par par pat Farmers Bank of Lancaster Lancistei Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Office of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do Lancaster Lancaster Reading par Harrihurg" These Lancaster I offices Reading J do not Easton J issue n. NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the United States Philadelphia 17 Potiaville par Lewistown failed Miners' Bank of Potlsville Bank nf Lewistown Dank of Middletown Carlisle Bank Middlotown Carlisle Pittshurp Ilollidoysburg Harrisburg Lebanon Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harrisburg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank nf Pittsburg West Branch Wyoming Bank par H U Pittsburg Pittsbuig Williamsporl Wilkesbarre Northampton Bank Beike County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Allentown Reading Pittsburg no sale failed failed do brie New Brighton Chamhersburg Gettystiurg Montrose Erie Weynesburg Washington Honcsdule Browns i lie York do 1 1 2J 3 H 4 i i l Bank of Chamhersburg Bunk of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bunk Farmer.' St Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank Hnneadale Bsnk Monnngahcia Bank of B. York Bank N. B. T he notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and aubstitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which havo a letter of reference. UKUKEN HANKS, Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. rVhuvlkill Sav. tna. Kemdngtou Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Fowaiula. Bank Philadelphia do do da do Dyott, prop.) Towanda Bedford Beaver Hanisburg Washington Itill.fonle Pitching Pilt.hurg Fayette co. Greeneastle Harmony failed failed failed failed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bank of 8watara Bank of Washington ("cut re Bank City Bank Farmers' Si Mcth'cs' Bank Farmers' & Merli'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'ra' Bank Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Unnk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk, North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Act. & Manuf. Dank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank no sale closed closed failed luted no sale fjiled filled fulled tiu sale Huntingdon no sale I;enistown nos.ilo Warren DuudatT New Hope Milmn Meadville Port Carbon CarlUle Monlroae Unionlown failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed Greensburg closed Wilkc.hsrre Biidge Co. Wilkesbarre nosale rrT All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vama Bank not given in the above lit, may be set Jowii as Irauus. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunawick Brunawick failed Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bnk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanica' Bk Belvidcre Medford Perth Amhoy Bridget on Mount Holly i par h par par Kahway i N. Biunawick failed Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt. ) franklin Dank o: i. J. Jersey City failed llotioken okgcz uiaxing 1.0 Hoboken failed lersey City Bank Jcraey Cily . failed Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris Coumy Bank Monmouth Bk of IS'. J. Patterson Belleville Mornstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City failed failed i failed Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co I'ot Moles Newark Bkg cV Ina Co New Hope Del Bridge Co i. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co 4 par no tale no sale Newaik LamberU villa Hoboken failed fulled i failed N J Proteclon & Lombard bk Jersey Cily Orange Bunk Orange Paterson Bank Peterson Peoples Bank do Piinceton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark Stale Bank Klizabethlown State Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morria Morristowo Slate Bunk Trenton Sulem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Harkenaack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm St Braudywine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford Farmers' Bk of Slate of Dei Dovel Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington rrT Under 6's i par par i par i fuiled failed 1 par j failed par pal par par par par par par par 4 fXJ" On all banks marked thus () there are en iber counterfeit or altered notes of die varioua de nominations, in circulation. Peace with Mexico ! DA1TISL EE1TI1TGER, IN FORM 9 the public that in order to bring a bout a peace with Mexico, he manufactures all kinds of Rifles, Double and Single Barrelled Shot Guna, and Double Barrelled Revolving Riflea, at bis manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au gusta townthip, Norlhumlerland eouniy, all of which be will warrant for sil months. Those who want a first rate article in bit line, can be ac commodated at lbs tbortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Lovers of sport, give bim a call. Lower Augusta, Jan. 8, 1848 6m. C. XSBNXSEXIT, BOOT MAK1&R, No. 40. South Fourth 8trkct, Above Cubstuvt. Jan. iib, DXC IE SON & CO.. No. 80 Market Street, five doors below Third, South side, PBIIiADBLVRIA, Importer h. wholesale Dealers In WATCHES, Watch and Materials. Jewelry of all description., qualities and styles, composing all the articles connected with the Trade, Clocks. Dixson 4 Son's Britannia, German Silver and 8il-ver-Pltted Wares. Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Fancy Articles. Kodgera cV 8on'e and Wostenhnlm's Cutlery, Ra zors, Scissors, Erasers, Detk Knit, dec. Ivory Handled Table Cutlery, of the finret, medium and common qualitiea. A large assortment of Gold Pens. Penfocsl Spectacles. Papier Mache and Japanned Trays, various ahapea and qualitiea, St reduced rales. Gold Watch Caere, Diala and Silver-Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to order. DICKSON & CO., having recently removed Into the large and commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. K. Ashhbrst dr. Sons, and more recently by AenncaaT Rexiroto., beg leave to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants and others, that they deatgn having at all times a arge assortment of Hoods, of their own importa tion, which they are determined to tell at the lowest ratea. trT Every attention will be paid to the Packing of Goods, and in the execution of Orders, the quali- tea and puces will be fully guarantied against all competition. Philadelphia, June 19th, 1847. ly SIX YFAKS ASO THE children began to cry for Sherman's Lo xenges. The nnise waa not ao loud at that lime, but it has kept increasing ever since.end now has become ao great lhat the mouths nf the littlo ones ran scarce be slopped. Dr. Sherman sympa thises with the little sufferers, end viry much re are s that any of them should be disappointed. Knowing the vast benefit which has been confer red upon the community by the introduction of his infallible W OHM LOZBHOES, he has entered into arrangements for enlarging his Manufactory, liy means of which bethink, he will he able lo supply the demand. And (he fame pains and care will be taken, lhat these celebrated Lo zenges be made as they h ive always been, in or der that those who depend upon them, may not he disappointed in their hopes. He knew when hi commenced the mnnuluc'urc oi tne Worm Unzen get, that th'y would supersede ine use ni every other vermifuge, as the Lor.enge is very ptratiimt lo the taste, theedu in its effects, as well a. certain. and the quxnlitv lequired to effect a perfect cure. it very sm ill. I bese properties, in connexion wnh the f ct that they are sold fir 2ft cents per box. thus pl.icing them in the reach or the poorest man in the laud, has not only caused them to tal.c the place of every other vermifuge ever nllereil, but al an rendered them popular to the community. Dr. Sherman's COUGH LOZENGES rontinue to cure Coughs, (. Ids, totisiimpt'on, Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, ami other ilisea es of the Lungs, with the same facility they did on their first introduction, and the pmpU have now become persuaded by actual opulence, that on the accession of a l ght cold, they have only to step to either the Dr's. office, or one of the Agents, and obtain a box nf his Cuo,h L "Xenges, wh'ch are very convenient lo carry in ti e pocket, and to lake a few through ih ' d y. By pursuing this course a cure is ofien effected in St hour., and the patient about his husin- s. So great i the ce lebrity of the Lezengea, thai thousands nf persons who have used H em, and become acquainted with their cfT cU, will never be without ihem. MIFIOI4VS FOOB MAH'S PLASTJIH has cured more rxses nf Rheumatism, Poll in the Bark, Side and Chest, Lumao and Wi.ikuess, than any application that has ever heeo made. As the celebrity of the Planter has incroard, hundreds nf unprincipled rascals hove attempted to counter feit it, and pa'm it off up n the comn. unity as the genuine, rj" Beware of lb ception. T) Remem ber that thn true anil eenuine Plaster ia spread up on reddish paper made eiprea-ly for the puipoee, and in every eae the signature of Dr. Mhoiman -print d upon the l ack of the Pb sier, and the whole secured by Copy Right. None otl ers are gr-nuine. Therefore wt en you want a real good Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster, call ot ti e effi-e, 100 Nassau street, and you wi I not be disappointed. Remember the number. 108 Na sau St., nhe e all 1)'. Sherman's Lnzenget are sold. His Agents are Mra. Have, 139 Fulton street, Drioklvn; II meson, Williamhurt ; and Redding cV Co., Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A McCA Y, Northumberland. September 1 lih, 1817. I v. PUMPS !PUXHPS !! Improved Hydraulic Pumps, For Welts, Rolling Mills, Furnaces, or other Purpose. riHE subscriber retpeetfully announces 1 1 (he 1 public that he is now prepared to supply or ders lo any extent for his Patent Double aciion Suction and Force Pumps. These pumps are made nf es t iron, nrd the w it. r is tucked or for ced through lead pipe. For simplicity of construe lion and durability nf aitinn, they are tattly supe rior to any now in use. They have many advnn taues over the common pump, among which are the following : They are a constructed that mischievous per sona cannot spoil their action by introducing nails or spikes or any other subsumes am.rng the valves, aa ia often done with other pumps, thereby render ing them useless till overhauled. They are war ranted to be perfectly secure from frost. They are ao arranged aa to afford ample pr tec ion sgainat Fire about the premises on which they are erected, by simply attaching a piece uf hose, thro' which they will force witcr to any pan of, or over, a three story house. They are particularly adapted for very deep wells, as the leverage can be so re gulated that a ehiid of six yeara old cun with the greatest ease draw water with ihem from the dee pest wells. The objection ao justly urged by ma ny, lhat w .ter ia oi. d by standing in pump logs, is entirely obvhled in this pump, and freb water can alwaya be as surely obtained as when drawn with a bucket. In situations where it ia necessa ry to raise or force Isrte qusntmes ol water to great distances for supplying boilers in mtils, furnaces, cVc, these pumps are invaluable, as they can be made of any arze, and cnpnble of throwing from 13 lo 1000 gallons per minute. , And lo crown all, they can be solj ss cheap aa the cheapeat. The subscriber has spent the last yesr in axpe. limenting upon and perfecting hia pumps and now brines Ihem before the puhl e with the fullot con fidence lhat they will be found to answer his de scription. He takea pleasu.e in referring lo the following companies and individuals, upon whose premises his pumps have been erected, and who have expne-td their satisfaction in the highest terms t The Montour Iron Company, Danville, H. Bre voort, agent; the Bloomshwrg Railroad Iron Com pany. Bloomsburg. Col. Paxton, agent ; the Rough and Ready Iron Works, Danville, Hancock, Foley St Co., proprietors ; the town Council of Berwick: Simon P. Kaec, Esq., and John L. Walaon, Esq., Uanville. He could refei to many others, who have teited their qualities, but the above leepectahle firms and individuals sre deemed sufficionl. An assortment of LEAD PIPE8 constant ly on hand, which will be sold on the most isaa.rn able term. All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Moor St Biddle'a Foundry buildings, or Mon lour House, Danville will meet with prompt at tention. HOMER PARMELEE. Jan. 1, 1848. tf. Another Farm raiHE beira of John Yoeum, dee'd., offer for sale JL all that Farm of theira situsts in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, near 8nuf town, and adjoining lha old Sismbtcb eland in said township, containing about two hundred arret more or leas, in a good state of cultivation. Tbo Rail Road from Sunbury to Shsmokinlowo passes through it. For particulars enquire of HUGH H. TEATS. SnufBown, or JOHN PARNS WORTH, Sunbury, Dee. 1 1, 1847. or any of the heir. The Grand Purgative FOR THE CURB OF Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn. Worma, Cholera Morbus, Coughs, Qniney, Whooping Counh, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erisipelss, Deafness, Itching of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervoua Complaints, Rheumatism, Piles, Dyspep-la, Scuivy, Small Pox, Jaundice, Paina in the Back, Inward We.kness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevera of all kinds, Female Complaints, ABD A ViStETt Ot 0TSJE DISEASES AMS1SO raoar latroaiTiES ot fas blood, abd ob. STaCCTIOBS IB TUB OBOABS OS UN eXSTIOB. Experience has proved that nearly every Dis ease originates from Impurities of the Blond or de rangements of the Digestive Organa t and to secure Health, we must remove those obstructions or re store the Blood to its natural atate. The aversion to taling medicine it most effec tually removed by Clickrer a Vegetable Pur (UTivs Pills, being completely enveliipcd with a rooting of pure white Sugar, (which ia aa distinct from the internal ingredients as a nui aneti irom the kerneu abd have na taste or medicise, But are as easily swallowed aa bits of candy. Moreover they neither nauiente or gripe in the slightest degree, hut operate equally on all the dis eased parta of the system, instead of confining fhemtclvea to, and racking any particular region, Thus, if tl.e Liver be affected, one ingirdirnt will nperate on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of an Excess of Bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate on the Blood, and remove all impurities in ita circulation ; whilo a third will effectually expel whatever impurities msy have been discharged into the stomach, am hence they strike at the boot or pifeae, re move all Impure Humors from the body; open the porea externally and internally i separate all foreign and obi oxinus particles from the chyle, so thrit the blood may be thoroughly pure thun secu ring a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver; and thereby they restore health e- VS" WIIE ALL OTHER MEABS RAVE VAILED. The entire truth of the above can be aseeitained by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues are an positive and certain in res'nrlng Health, that the proprietor hinds himself to return the money paid for Ihem in all cases where they do not give universal ailia'action. Retail I'rlco, 25 c. per Box. . Principal office No. 66 Vesey st., N. York. Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. d3 Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the in ventor of the Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the s rt was rver heard nf unlit he introduced them in June, ISt.t. Purchasers should, Ihercforu, always ask for Cliekener's Sugar Coated Pills, and lake no others, or they will be maile the victims of a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847. ly eow SILENCE that nREAnrcL COl-flH 1 THE LUBOS ABE I DAB OER, THE WORK OT THE DESTROYER HAS RKEX StOUIt, the couoh or rossi'MeTi)) hath l it A incsn or death. RE YOU A MOI HER1 Your darlinechild. your idol and earthly iov, is now perhaps confined lo her chamber by a dangerous cold hi r pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingera, tell the hold di ease haa already gained upon her the sound of her sepulchral cough pieices your soul. VUUiSG MAN, when just shout lo enter lite, disease sheds a heart rru-hing t light over the fair prospects of the future your hectic cough and fi e hie limbs lell of your loss and hope, bul you need not despair. There is a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is S II E !I tX'S AL.Ia-IircAL.lN O BALSAM. Mrs. ATTREE, the wifo of Wm. II. Altree, Esq. was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Dis. Roe and McCI. linn of Philad-lnhia, Or. Roe and Dr. Mott of New York. Her friends ull thought she must die. She had every of being in consumption, and was so pronounced by her phsii iins Sherman's Balsam waa given and it cured her. Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, nf Bull's Friry, was alsi cured of consumption by thia Balsam when all other remedies foled to give relief she was re duced lo a skeleton. Dr. A. O. Castle, Dentist. SMI Bro.idway, has witnessed ilsrffecta in several ca-ea where no other medicine affoided relief but the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. G. also witnessed i'a wonderful effects in curing Asthma, which il never fails of doing. Spittinn I, alar ming as ii may be, ia effectually cured by thia Bal aam. It heala the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and conk's the lungs sound again. Rev. HENRY JONES, lt)S Eiehih avenue, waa cured nf cough and catarrhal affrcliona I 50 years s anding. The first dose gave him morn re lief than all the nthei medicine he had ever taken. Dr. L. J. B. sis, 19 De'ancy street, gave it lo s sister-in-law who wss laboring under consumption, and lo another sorely afflicted wilh the Asthma. In both casta, its effects were immedia e, soou re timing ihem In comf .rmb'e health. M rs. LUC It E I I W E LLS, 95 Christie street, suffered from Asthma 42 years. Sheimin'a lial earn relieved her at once, and she is comparatively well, being eimbled to subdue every attack try a timely use of thia medicine. This indeed ia the creal remedy for Coughs. Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaints, and sll H e all clions of the throat, and even Asthma and Cnusumpiion. Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and Poor Man's Plaster sold aa above. Dr. Sherman's office is al 106 Nassau st. N. Y. Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury. M. A.M.-CAV, Northumberland September Uih, 1847. ly Vegetable l iii Pills, The only known Medicine that at the same time purges purifies and strengthens the system. Los no, July 7, 1846. R. LE ROY'S Pillt are a new medicine which haa just appeared, and is fist inking the places of all others of the tine cluss. These pillt are composed of many ingredients, but the two principal nnea are Sarsapsrills and Wild Cher ry, so united that they act together; the one, through ia admixture with other mh-tstc.s, pu rifying ud purging, while Ihe other ia alrenutheu ing the system. Thus thnae pills are at Ihe same lime tonic and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly aought for by medical men, bul never be fore discovered. In other words they do the work of two medicines, and do it much br Iter than any two we know of; for they remove nothing frm thesys'em but the impurities; ao that while ihey purge they strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy'a pilla have a wonderful influence on Ihe blood ; they not only purify without weakening ii. bul ihey lemove all noxious parliclea from the chyle befo.e it ia convened into flu'd. and thus make im pure blood an utler impoa-ibility. As there is no debilitation, so thrie is no nausea or sickness at tending the nparationa of thia most excellent of me dreines, which never strains nr tortures the diges tive (unction, but csu-es them lo work in s per. feclly natural manner ; and hence persons taking Ihem do not become pale and emcisled, but the contrary ; for while it ia the properly of the Saras parilla, united as il ia with other ingredients, to remove all that ia foreign and impure, il is equally the properly of the Wild Cherry lo retain all that ia natural and sound snd hence a robust sts'e of health ia the certain reault of their united opera lions, fry Price 85 cents per BOX, A genu for Le Roy' Pill J. W. PRII.INO, J . JOHN YOUNG. $ 8unb"y M. A. McCAY, Norlbumberl'd. August Slst, 1847. ly A LL person Indebted to the subscriber, by i sot or book accouut, are hereby notified to call aud aettls the same without delay, in order to save coats. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, April 39, 1818 DR. SWEETSEU'S THIS Medicine I warranted, on oath, not to contain s panicle nf Calomel, Corrosive Sub limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete roua minerals. The principle upon which thia Medicine acts, Is by aasisting snd harmonising with nature; ii drives out sll foul acrimonious humors from the blood snd body, slid by sasimilsting with snd strengthening the gattrie juice of the stomach, il assists digeatfon In short there Is not a vein, arte rv. muscle or nerVe in the human hodv. lhat if not atrengthrned by the PANACEA, and it also possesses the remarkable property of removing mercury from tba bones snd joints. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE 8KIN, Scurvy, 8corbuiic Affections, Tumors, Scrofula or Kings Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Biles, time and determined perseverance In D . SWEET SER'S PANACEA, will effect s cure. FOR INDIGESTION. Rejection nf food, Nausea, Vomitings, Nervnut tf lections, tiilltoua complaints, Head ache. Paleness, or Female Irregulanlte. Ur.SWEElSEK'S PA NACEA will soon effect a cure ; but if obstinate or attended wilh griping, flying pains, the dose should be increased, and the cure will toon be ef fected. Let not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that they sre too we .k to take much medicine; but bear in mind that thia mildly opera ting med'eine put not weakness into the frame, but mott certainly draws weakness out, leaves strength in Its place, and by giving composed sleep at night and an appetite lo relish any fond, re-anima'ea ihe whole frame wi ll vigorous action, clearing the mind and improving the sight. SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. Scrofula ia said to be heriditary, the infant re ceiving from its parents the seeds nf litis disease, which increases with ita years, if neglected and not submitted to frequent purific .tioll wilh Dr. S WEET8ER 8 PANACEA. The glands are pla ced in the corners "of Ihe body, and nut of the way of direct communication ; their real use Is a subject on which much difference of opinion prevails; it suffice us to know lhat when in a diseased slate, they are capable of being purified and rleimsed by a long course nf Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA CEA, which restores them to sound and proper action. Scrofub us persons can never pav Ion much attention to their blood, its purification shou'd he their first thought, for aft. r a long course of perse verance, they will ever cure heieditiry disease. In rases of JA VNDICE. ASTHMA. LIVER COMPLAINTS, 71C DOLOREVX. RUEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOUT, Dr. SWEBTSER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high ly extolled -, it tenches out the viry root nf ihe disease, and by r moving il from the Blood makes a cure certain and permineni. For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Stric tures. Gravel. Stone, Piles. Fiftula. Uiinary Ob sfruclinnt and Extreme Costitcnrss Dr. SWEET SElt'S PANCEA is the best remedy ever irel; it removes all those acrimonious humor from the FJIood which give rise lo the above diseases, and by keeping ihe blood in a pure condition, insures health. For DROPSY, FALLING or the BOWELS, Impiir.lrc of the Blimd, Mercurial Taint. Weak nesi of the Spine Flam of Blood lo the Head Old d'tiesn, Singing and Riming Ari se in Ihe Head and Ears, Dr. et WE ETHER'S PANACEA will give cert .in relief; in all severe and chronic rases, Ihe patients cannot be too often reminded that lar ger doses snd perseverance ill effect a cuie. In Chills and Fevers, Bilious Fevers. Affections of the F.iies and Eurs, Spongy and Bleeding Gums Bronchitis and recent Coughs and Colds, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will he found perfectly sure and cert iin in its effects. GRAVEL AND URINARY COM PLAINTS Those comp'ain a are generally attended wi h the most fatal consequences, and sre seldom or ne. ver cuied by the presr-nl mode of treatment ; lhr-y uu..:y accompany Ihe pitient t r the grave, after suffering the most excruciating pain and lor, lire. The catis.' of these complain s are Ihe same as a l i thcrs. the dross i t the blood enr-rus'ed on the finest narrow passages, whence nr s morbid reactions and stoppag. a of urine. You will find the m 'St powerful diuretics of no use, as they only increase the quantity of urine and do not puify and strenclhen Ih' parts. Uv puiifving the blin d wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, mu re move Ihe cause of the ili.-e isc, consequent 'y it can not exist any longer, after sufficient peiscieranee in its use lias deprived the blood and body of all acrimonious humors and incrustation. DISEASES or ths LUNGS-CONSUM PTION Thia ia a very prevalent and fatal disea-e ; it re sults mostly from neglected roughs, eolda and bron chitis, also from impioper treatment in many ut'.er cases, such aa measles, fevers, iiiflammali ns and small pox, and a host nf other badly treated diseases; where the cause, instead nf having been thoroughly removed from ihe blood and body, have only In en palliated or removed from one pirl to brerk out in another. By divesiing y iiur bodies of all fool hu mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETsER'S PANACEA, ihe cure is at once rendered criain and permanent. K. collect, while there ia acrimo nious humors d ialing in the circulation, it i ss apt lo settle on the lungs as any other part of the body ; this ia the reason that consumption ia to prevalent. BILES, SORES AND ULCERS, Which you aee on the exierior, come from ami have their aource in, the interior, and might just as well have fettled on your lungs, liver, or any other patt; which we know they frequently do, snd pro dues most violent inflammatory disorders. The humor which occasions these sores is of a highly acrimonions burning nature. W know it from the pain it gives in forming, and afterward it ra pidly ulcerating and corroding ihe flesh and skin of the part where it breaks out. This shows the necessity of frequently puiifying the blood with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, snd keeping such malignant humors in sut'jr ction. Should you have a bile or ulcer, be thankful lhat nature haa taken trouble to warn you of the danger your life and bo dy is in, for it ia a warning that the blood is foul. Had thia aame acrimony alrc'ed the lungs in-tead ut the surface of your body for its seal, consump tion of ihe lungs would have, been the'eonsequen. e. D. lay not then, to purify and cleanse with Dr. Swcitser't Panacea. SPINE DISEASE. Spinal affections, nlargernent of the bnnee ami joints, while swellings, hip joint complaint, rup. lutes, falling of ihe bowels un.l worn disease, will find a speedy nure in Dr. SIl'EETsER S PA NACEA. Where the disease ha. been of f ug standing, the lime required to make s cure will I e longer; hut the patient may rest assured that a determined perseverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA abd DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These disease proceed from lha seriosity or corrupt humors of the blood, having ar tiled itself on Ihe throat and lungs, and slopped Ihem up, so lhat ihey csnnot draw sufficient air in for respirstion. Dr. 8 WEE TSER'S PANACEA will give imme diate relief, and to make th cure perfect and cer lain, it should be continued soma lime alter, to free th system of all bad humors. RHEUMATI8M, RHEUMATIC GOUT AND MERCURIAL DISEASES Find s safe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET SElt'S PA NA CEA. It cure- by searching every blood ves el and artery, and driving out all impu rnies and foul humor accumulated therein, which s the cause of rh umatism, goui snd swellings of th joints, The delelerou effect of cslomel snd other miner! poisons, readily yield to ita sovereign influence ; indeed, when it valaable properties be come fully known, Ihe use of sll mineral poison will be consigned to lh tomb of all Ih Capoten,' and only b thought of as a by -got custom of the dar ker sges. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea is sUe a ur cur for dyspepsia, idles, costiveueas, vertigo; bb ache, psin in th breast and User complaint, FEVER AND AGUE. Fever ia always eaueed by disorderly move ment of the blood, struggling le fiee itself of some thing that ucumbr it ; in fact, ety kind of fi ver i nothing more than a struggle between lb blood and corrupt humors, aud as soan at Ih cor rupt humors are xpel'ed, yon hive no more fever. When patient wilh lever submits lo be bled, Of have hia blood poiaoned with mercury, It weaken his frsms to such degree, that if he survive! the process, it always leavet him (uhject I distrcttinf cnuit, when B limes out of 10 he retorts to ague pills, powder, or lonie mtsturem this is going from bad lo worse, aa theae vegetable pill, powder. Ac, noioing bat mercury snd quinine in disguise, which may for a lima drive th disease so far into the body aa not to be perceptible, but very oon It will break nut again wilh fearful violence. To cure ague and fever, ihe cause of the disease moat be re moved out of Ihe Mood ,nj bo,,,. which M ,f. fi-elually done by uaing Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACEA, which purifies; cleanse and strengthen. It contain nothing that can pnaslbly injure, and Ita us fat alway a tafegutrd agaihst chills and fevera, PILES. In ah Caars or- Piles, Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PANACEA will eff.ct very speedy core. It re moves from ihe blood, stomach and bowels, ell those foul acrid burning1 humora. which srs the caute of Piles and CnstiveneS, and by strengthen ing the digettive organs, improve! every part of llis entire body. FLATULENCY AND WIND. These diseasee are cau ed by ihe stomach snd bowels being choked up with viscid alimf matter, ihe air which enters th.m cannot e-cpe until forced by some eontrsction nf the stomach to eXpel it hence the cause of pain. A few doses of Dr. 8WEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the sufferer that relief is attained. GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parant will find the PANACEA a valuable medicine fir their children, kerning their bodies in healthy condition, thereby assisting their g owih children or grown pet sons, after taking it, are not liatde to be attacked with an epidemic as before, at it always leaves the blood in s pure condition, and ihe ntire system in a strengthened state ; it drive nut all kinds of weakness from the body and leave all heal by within. MARRIED LADIES Will find Dr. 8WE TSER'S PANACEA a medi c ne purely ad ipted to thoir use. M.n-t ladies du ring the period of pregnancy are afflicted with pile. Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea, by regulating Ihe bowels, sill entirely obviate this, snd its purifying proper ties on the Mood and fluids, insures lo Ihem heal thy off pring. No one who is a mother should be without it, and those who are nursing will find it of gieat bin. fit lo the health of iheir infants. For hanenriesa and all diseases of the womb, it is without a rival in theentire histoiy and catalogue nf medicines; by its exlrsordinary strengthening power, it stimulates and strengthens Ihe wnmh, a weakness uf which it the cause uf failure to have offspring. NERVOUS DISEASES. Under this head msy be classed Palpitation of the Heart, T'C DnlnreauX or Faceaehe, Neuralgia, Indigesiion, Toothache, Melauchol) , Hysterics, and in fact, every disease caused by the aharp, bitii.g, acrimonious ho nors irritating Ihe nerves ; the nerves receive the morbid impies-ion from the sto mach, or rather from the through the agency nf the stomach and dige five organs, and although other parts of the body are apparently tht seat of ihe disease, stitl it is caused by the morbid impres sion conveyed from the blood bv 'he nerves, to that part, A f. w .h.seiof Dr. SWEET.xElt'S PA NACEA will toon assure the patient that he ha the cure in his possession. ERYSIPELAS, or ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. This is an inflammatory di-o der, vr vast end ed with more or b ss pain. It proceeds from ihe foul, acrimonious humors lodged in 'he blood end flu'd-, settling on Ihe lim1 snd face, causing ex treme pain and fevers; all applications on Ihe sur face are worse than useless, aa they only I nd to throw the disea-e in some other part, and perhaps rauae death. Bleeding ia likewise Hiiprnpcr. To cure the disease you niu-t gel rid of the cause ; on ly manage to gel the foul humors out of your bloorf, and vou will he well in a day. Dr. SWEET SER'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the blnol, will 8. arch out every impurity in the more remote p.rts uf ihe body and expel ii through the medium of the hotels. There ia not a vein, arte, ry, muscle or organ of the entire frirmewoik nf man, lhat Dr. Swoetaer'a Fanners docs not im prove. 'I'o take it when you are ue'l Is to keep we I ; snd when sick to h. come well. DU. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, bcinrcom posed ut a vegetable matter, or me.lirai nerbs, and wairanted, on oath, as eontainir g not one par licl.' of mercurial, mineral, or chimical substances, is found lo be perfectly harmlrsa lo tire mn-t tender age, or ihe weakest frame, under anv sige of hu man sutler ina ; the most pleasant and benign in it 0 eration that was ever off red to the word ; snd at the same time the most rer'sin in sear. Ling nut ihe tool of any complaint, however deep, and of perform nz. a c re. Price $1 er h .lll.', or six bold, a f.r $5. For sale, whobsate and mail, at he corner uf CHARLES And PRATT !r reels Itshim ,.-, nJ also by GEORGE BRIGHT. Nov. 6 1847. .'y Sunbury. ITS AYOlTlio. nc aim: it Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamtd Snrrs Cured. rilOUSEY'3 UNIVERSAL OINTMENT. i JL ihe most crrmp'e e Burn Antidoteever known. It instan'ly, (and as if by Magic) stops pains nf the mn-t despeiate Bums ami Scalds. For old Sores, Bin ses, Cut, Sprains, Ac, on man or beast, it ia ihe beat application thai can he made. Thouaands have tried and thousands pr rise it. It ia the most ptifect master of pain ever discovered. All who use recommend it. Every family should be provj dej with il. None can lell how soon torn of the family msy need it. (jj Olrserve each box of the genuire Ointment has the name ol S. Toi'set written on the outside label. To imitate thi is forgery. Boatmen, Liv. ry Men, Farmers, and all who use Horses, will find ihis Ointment the very Ires! thing Ihey can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, Ac. Sic, on their animals. Sorely every merciful man would keep hi. animals as free from pain as poaar ble- Tuusey's Universal Ointment is all that i ro quired. 'Pry it. BITES OF INSECTS. For th sling or bite of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointrrent is unri vailed. Hundreds have tried it and found it good. PILES CURED I For the Pile, Tousey'. U niversal Oin menl is one of lb best Remedies that can be applied. All who bsv tried it foi th Pi!ee recommend it. OLD SORES CURED. For olJ obstinate Sons, there is nothing equal to Tooaey't Oint ment. A person in Msniius had, for a numlier of years, a tore leg lhal baffleJ the skill of the doctors. Tousey a Ointmeni ws recommended by on of the visiiing physicians, (who knew its great virtue,! and two botes produced more benefit Ihsn ihe pa tieni had received from any and a I previous reme dies. Lai all Iry it. ' BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. Thomrand of cases of Burn and Scalds, in all part of th' country, have been Cur. d by Tousey 'a Universal1 I liniment. Certificate enough could be bad lo filf Ihe whole nf this sheer. VIOLENT BRUISES CURED. Testirooni. alt on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's LTintrtenf for curing Bruises, have been off, red ihe prorhie tor. Hundreds in Syraru-e will certify to ita great meiita in reli Vint lb pain of the moat severe Bruise All persons should try it. SCALD HEAD CURED. 8re of eises of Scald Head have been cured by Tou y' Oint ment. Try it il seldom f.i. 8AI.T RHEUM CUBED. Ofa'l ih recrwdi ever discovered f r this most disagreeable complaint, Touaey' I'n vsr-al Ointment it ih most complete, II never was kn wn t fail. CHAPPKD HANDS CAN BE CURED. -Tousry'a Universal Ointment will alwaya cure the' worst rase of Chapped Hands, Scoict of persona will state this. SOKE LIPS CURED. For the cur of 8or Lips, there was never anything made equal ro Ton-' eey'f Ointment. It I sur lo etn rhtoi. Try it' It ia a scientific compound, warranted not to con sin any preparation of Mercury, rry Price tfP cent per bos. For further particulars eoncernins thi really vtlusbl Ointment, Ih public are refer-" red lo Pamphlet, lo be had gratia, of respectable Diuggisl sud Merchaut throughout Ih Cnitedjf Stales. Prepared by ELLIOT A. TOUSEY, Druggist, Syracuse. Pur sale By JOHN YOUNG. Sonbory, M. A. McCAY, NorthumbeilantL Sept. II ih, 1817. ly w