Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 20, 1848, Image 2

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Progress of the FRENCii refvb
lic. Election Panrd olf Quietly.
republicansTTn Xlarg e M A JOllITY
Schlestrig takenby the Prussidns at the point
of tie bayonet.
Tho steamship Cambria, Capt. Harrison, ar
rived at Boston from Liverpool, at 101 o'clock
on Saturday night, after a passage of 14 days.
with both London and Liverpool' dates to the
2sth of April, the day of her sailing.
The news, both commercial and political,
is generally interesting and important. The
new government security bill, designated the
government gagging act, which has received
the royal assent, appears calculated rather to
increase than allay the political excitement
in Ireland ; it is calculated to sustain the
cause of the Chartists in England and Scot
- land.
The steamshin' Hermann, -hich was to
' have left Southampton on thi 2Uwi ult., was
detained for repairs, in consequence of rime
injury sustained by her, and postponed her
departure to the 13th instant, Saturday.
The French election had taken place, and
all passed off, as far ns heard from, peaceful
ly. Tho moderate republican candidates
were in the ascendant in every arronclisement
of Paris."
M. Lamartine ami the moderate party
had the lists, whilst the commissaries of M.
Ladru-Rallin ate represented asata great dis
count. Political affairs on the continent generally
continue of a exciting character, and of the
hiahest intercut to Americans. In commer
cial matters thre appears to bo a general,
though gradual improvement, notwi'hs'nml
' ing thft feverish state of affairs throughout
Europe and the piliticul ngiiation in all parts
of Great Britain and Ireland.
In Prussia public attention is absorbed in
the Schles'.vig Ilolstein war, nn.l the np-prtnu-liinsr
elections were not expected to
pnss off peaceably.
In Viennar tranquility prevailed.
Exertions were in progress to reinforce the
army in Lombardy, but the various dir-tnnt
Provinces of Austria were .ill in a slate of con
. siderable excitement.
The inconsiderate students of Germany,
who have been taken prisoners by the Danes
are now expiating their folly in cold and hun
ger, on board a D.mish man-of-war, in the
harbor of Copenhagen. The order for the
advance of the Russian troops, which had
been suspended, was expected at Kiel on the
21st, to be carried into execution in a few
days. The Consulates have issued notices,
warning all vessels of that flag of the danger
which they incur by proceeding to the North
The Elections and Confidence or tut.
People in the Government After the ex
traordinary excitement in tho Parisian capi
tal, incidental to tho prodigious display of
troops and National Guards, which took place
last week, our neighbers have subsided into
a calm. Not fewer than four hundred thou
sand armed men nssisted at tho recent great
spectacle of national fraternization, and this
demonstration with ihe introduced of a con
siderable body of troops of tho line into the
capitol, have concurred in maintaining pub
lic tranquility.
The Provisional Government did not fail to
seize this grand opportunity onco more, by
means of a public proclamation, addressed to
the people, the National Guards, and to the
army, to enforce its opinions. It declared
that order was guarantied, the security and
independence of tho national representation
secured, and gave tho assurance that family
and property are sacred, and industry is free.
Credh revives. Specie, buried by distrust
re-appears. Labor, tho property of the oper
ative, is created by government, surrounded
by institutions protective of tho rights of the
poorest, and the weakest fraternity will not
bo mere ceremony, it will be the law.
On Sunday the great event of the Elections
immediately followed the spectacle of the
Thursday previous, and fortunately all the
apprehensions entertained of the great dis
turbances during Iho progress of this formal
ity, hivo been falsified. The voters have
performed th-ir duty in Paris without any
moiit. Lord Palinerston has addressed a let
ter through Mr. Bulwer to th Spanish minis
try. It will be seen that his advice gives
such umbrage to tho Narvaeso cabinet, that
the Puke of Sotomamon scut the letter back
to Mr. Bulwer, with strong expressions of
rudeness and contempt : and there can be no
doubt that every intrigue has been set on foot
to remove Mr. Bulwer from his post at Ma
drid. The advices from Madrid indicate
that tho month will not expire before a serious
outbreak. All business is a at a stand.
Portugal, by the last accounts from Lisbon,
of the 19th, seems on the eve of some serious
movement, Publications have been recently
circulated, in which are openly canvassed
the abdication of the Queen in favor of her
son, a now dynasty, and even a Republic.
The latter form of government, after discus
sing the question in very inllamatory lan
guage, is declared to be tho best and that the
nation desires it.
Denmark and rrnasla.
A Battle The Danes Defeated. Alto
na, Monday, 24th April. By the noon train
from Roadsburg, intelligence was received or
the taking of the town of Schleswig by the
troops of the confederation, after an engage
ment which lasted from three o'clock in the
afternoon of Easter Sunday, until eleven o'
clock. The fortification called the Danne
virk, on which tho Danish artillery were
placed, was taken by the Prussians at the
point of the bayonet. After the battery had
been silenced by the field pieces of the Han
overians, Schleswig then fell into the hands
of the confederation. The conflict was a
bloody one, the Danes having a strong posi
tion, and doing great execution with their ar
tillery and rillemen before they were carried.
Tho Danes had from ten thousand to twelve
thousand men ; the force of the Confedera
tion was the greatest, but was not all engaged.
Knur Prussian regiments of the Guard and
line formed the bulk of tho attacking army.
Tho loss of the Prussians, so far ns can be
gathered from th" unauthentieated accounts,
is about three hundred men killcdand wound
ed, principally of the 2d and 20;h regiments.
Up to Monday morning, one hundred and
iifleen wounded had been brought into the
Wendshurg ho.pilnl. The los of the Danes
i.-iiiot yet known, but probably, having fought
comparatively under cover, it is not great.
The fvliU-swin Ti-ritorv has been the scene
! of another action by the Free Corps, the
j bands of Prussian and other vo'.unters, which
' Vtn.'rt oriiucnrl lli.a J,-rtr iv, i.iln .nil icir .,
with the Danes on the highway, between
Kiel and Ekenforde, in the wood of Sehnell
Marker, on tha morning of the 21st inst.. find
after a battle of five hours' duration, the Free
Corps were driven back with the loss of 20
killed and .r0 wounded, but to what extent
th Danes suffered, as our advices reach us
from Hamburgh, is not known correctly, a
bout 800 men, were engaged in the actioi
supported by a small body of cavalry and a
couple of field pieces.
The regular troops of the Confederation,
Prussian und Hanoverian, do not appear to
have been engr.ged in this affair, which ap
pears to hivo been provoked by the rafh, un
disciplined courag.i of th. rniv volunteers
from various parts of Germany, who accord
ingly have suffered a defeat. The Danes, os
expected, have exercised their rights rs bel
ligerents have laid an embargo on all Prus
sien, Mecklenburg and Ilanoveran ships, in
the port of Copenhagen. Tho vessels of
Hamburg and Lubec are only respected as
long as they sbstuin from joining any attack
on Demark.
Authentic minors have been circulated in
London, of an adjustment of dispute, and the
Germans complain of the baibarious mode of
warfare adopted by the Danes, in stopping
commerce, but they forget their own unjust
ifiable commencement of tho affair. Cheva
lier Bunson tho Envoy in London, and Mr.
Orin Lehman, who reprcscntshis Danish Ma
jesty, have exchanged a not over civil corres
pondence. The disposition of Russia on the
quarrel remains a profound mystery.
Fkom Baden. We have the most deplora
ble accounts from Baden, the insurgents had
intimated that they wished to capitulate to
the force sent against th"m, but would treat
with none but the General in command, un
less General Gagern advanced from Schlien
gen, which the insurgents had evacuated to
Gaudern, which they occupied, and the Gen
eral stepped from tho' ranks to parley with
the rebels, the chivalrous warrior exhorted
the rebels to obey the voice of the law they
refused to listen to his counsels, and as ho re-
hera. On tho 18lh skirmishes had taken
place, in which the Austrian were victori
ous, and had taken possession of Trevano,
d Codroins. Reinforcements
wero coming from tho pass towards Udina,
and the steamers of the Austrian allies were
armed and placed at the disposal of Count
Tho fortunes of Charles Albert appeared to
have received a check which only an effort
of great courage can repair. Inactivity will
be almost as fatal to his army as a defeat.
It is a critical moment for his family in Sicily.
The House of Commons met on the 13th, af
ter some preliminary discussion whether it
would be expedient to call to the Throne an
Italian Prince of the families of Tuscany or
Saxony : it was at length finally decided a
midst the most enthusiastic applause, that
Ferdinand Bourbon and his dynasty had for
ever fallen from the throne of Sicily, and that
Sicily shall govern horsclf.
The Milan Gazette, not a bad authority on
such a point, although very little to be relied
upon respecting tho real incidents of the war,
hints now that the Mincio is the limit sopara-
ting Lombard)' lrom the Venetian provinces,
and that having driven the Austrians out of
Lombard)', tho mission of the Sardinians and
of the king would terminate, when Parma
and Mantua have fallen.
IIf.avt Damages. A suit for slander was
tried in the Faj-etbs Ky.) Circuit Court on
Thursday last, in which Mrs. Elizabeth
White was plaintiff, and Benjamin A. Muir
defendant, and a verdict for 6,000 in dama
ges was rendered for the plaintiff.
Served him right. The value of reputation
cannot be assessed by a jury. When a wick
ed man committs an assault on your person
or injures your property, the verdict of a ju
ry may compensate you. But when the foul
slanderer has maligned and essayed to rob
yo.u that priceless jewell reputation, no
damages can form the shadow of a recom
pense. Ihe fairest, name, once touched
by the poisoned breath of slander, is stain
ed forever. There arc many who are ever
ready to believe and circulate the very
suspicion of evil, and to whom defamation
is a choice morsel, rolled under the tongue
like a perpetual cud. The people of Fay
ette county are intelligent men. We ven
ture to say there be no more slander in that
neighborhood. Their juries have a true
conception of the object of damages in such
a case, not to repay the injured party's loss,
for thnt is impossible, but to deter evil dispo
sed persons from similar outrages. If the
spirit of this jury were more widely extend
ed, slanderers would soon cease.
K7 Newspaper Postage, &c Con
gress is doing something useful at last. A
new postage bill has been reported, whose
provisions have some regard to justice.
The main provisions of the bill are these:
All newspapers not above the dimensions
of 1900 square inches, to circulate free of
postage within a circuit of thirty miles of
the place of publication. Under one hun
dred miles, and over thirty miles, one half
cent is to be charged ; and for all distances
over one hundred miles, one cent. News
papers above 1900 inches t' pay pamphlet
and magazine postage, which is two cents
II. II. MASSLK. IMitor and Proprietor.
K. W. CAItH. Sun Imil linu, N. K. "-'rni-r hi" .'lit null
I'-i-k 1r!iM!, Philadelphia, iarrfinlnrly mithoriMl Inn-reive
nilverUH-'inen-B nmt (nbripliouii l':r tins piper, nnd receipt
for the name.
For rnnnl CormiiIlairr t
Of Westmoreland Conntji.
y We nerrlected to announce (Jcorge
A. Frick as Lieut. Col. Penna. Militia, Aid
(le Camp to Governor Shtmk.
Early on Monday morning, a man
named Nohecker, while engaged in
roofing 'the bridge over the Susquehanna,
about a mile above this Borough, was pre
cipitated into the river. He sank imme
diately and was drowned before assistance
could be rendered. The deceased was a
worthy and industrious young man. His
parents reside in the borough of McEwens- j lrom Mexico. It gives, doubtless, the true
ville. IIi3 body was found a few hours nf-
who received an invitation to assist at this
interesting spectacle. After tho benediction
the national guard on service, amounting to
between two and three thousand, wero order
ed to form into two lines, leaving a vacant
space of forty feet in breadth, and extending
from one extremity of tho Place to the other.
The general-in-chief then gave the word com.
maud. Attention! Honor, to the flag of the
United States of America ! and in a moment
the entire body presented arms, and the
dense mass of spectators burst forth in the
most deafening shouts of applause, with cries
of "Long live our sister republic 1" Here fol
lowed an interesting and moving spectacle.
The people, of all classes and conditions
soldiers and civilian threw themselves in the
arms of the consul embraced him, and kis
sing the "star-spangled banner," pressed it to
their hearts, while man)-, with moistened
eyes, reaching their hands through tho dense
crowd merely to touch it, could just but arti
culate, "Vivail console! viva gli Stat i Uniti! !
viva la gran repvblica ! ! ! " Had I not been
an eye-witness of this touching scene, never
could I have imagined so thrilling a proof of
the great respect and almost adoration with
which our nation is regarded by this gener
ous and noblo-hearted people. In the even
ing, the theatre of the Fenice was brilliantly
illuminated a giorno, and filled to overflow
ing, but only with Italian beauty and fashion
for by this time all the Austrian society had
vanished, like the baseless fabric of a dream
Our nation was again destined to receive.
there, a continuation of the same spontaneous
and fervent ovations; for no sooner had Mr.
Sparks and his lady entered their Inge, than
they were greeted with the most enthusiastic
and prolonged applause, with repented cries
of '-Long live the American Republic !''
"I.MPonTAST. We learn from n good source
that an express arrived yesterday in this city
from Mexico, bruising the alarming news,
that the two Commissioners from Washing
ton, Messrs. Clifford and Sevier, were on the
eve of leaving Mexico foi this city, for the
object of intimating to our Government that
in easn the Treaty should not be ratified as
for the first ounce, nnd half of one cent for modified by the President and Senate of tin
all distances over thirty miles. Newvpa-I Fnited States, before the lOih of May next
nnvrs tint -nt from the office of tv.ihlien- ' h utilities would immediately re-commence
tioti, are subject to two cenli postage, pre
payable. Free exchanges among publish-
r -
ers remain in iorce, as now. ; . .. . r ,i o.- l ,i: i.
and Col. Duncan's battery, now coinmnnded
by Lieut. Hunt, and the lutter of the six re
giments of Kentucky, Tunnesee and Indiana
volunteers were reviewed, and tho lino, when
extended, was over a milo in length. This
is the largest review that has been had du
ring the war, and all present confessed it was
the most magnificent military display they
had ever beheld. A melancholy interest was
added to the spectacle, by tho display of the
torn and battered colors of the 4th, 5th and
6th regiments of infantry, as they marched
by the General-in-Chief. On the 24th, the
fine division of Gen. Smith was reviewed by
the General-in-Chief, and its manoeuvring
elicited the admiration of every military man
present. These reviews were in anticipation
of the possibility of a forward movement be-
ing soon required ; and you will perceive by
tho enclosed general order, that the inspec
tion of all the troops in and about the city is
ordered on the 30th inst.
The paragraph in the letter relative to the
sermon of the Padre Sanchez is at this mo
ment very important. It was supposed, that
in consequence of tho amendment mado by
the Senate of the United Slates to tho clauses
of the treaty relating to the recognition of the
Mexican church, in the territory proposed to
be ceded to us, that the clergy would oppose
the ratification of tho treaty, or at least re
quire that the clause be inserted. Not so,
however. Your correspondent is risht in re.
presenting the Padre Sanchez as the organ of
the clergy, nnd a great majority of them fa
vor the ratification of the treaty us it stands.
The clergy of the city, fearing the inability
of Pcna y Pcna to raise the forced loan of
5? 150,000 to 5200,000 in Queretaro. for tho
purpose of assembling Congress and support
intr the Government, (which, when translated
means for the purpose of bribing the refrac
tory Congressmen) held meetings in the
Cathedral to-day nnd yesterday, over which
the bishop presided, for the purpose of disc-using
the propriety or expediency of advancing
the sum required by Pcna y Pena, and to
day they resolved on loaning the money from
tie- funds of tlv church. I understand the
whol.i sum will be sent to Queretaro to-morrow.
These fads to my mind, settle the ques
tion as to whether the treaty will b .' ratified
or no', in the affirmative.
Th individual referred to ns having been
The firmstone furnaces at Easton, in this
State, have yielded in one week, as follows :
The 10 feet bosh stack, 1 02 tons.
It averages, 931
The 12 feet bosh stack, 142
It averages, 126 1
Tho Lehigh Crane Co.'s 18 feet
stack, 161
It averages, ISO
It is believed that no furnaces in. Europe
have ever equalled this production- Peter
Cooper has two stacks finished, or nearly so,
in New Jersey, opposite Easton. The rich
magnetic ores of Jersey are brought to all
these works by the Morris Canal. When
their metal is for foundry purposes, one-sixth
part of this ore is used in mixture with the
leaner of the neighborhood- When forge
metal is desired, they use one-third of the
magnetic ore, which cheapens the cost of the
metal. Miners' Journal.
It seems probable now that the officers of
the Army who resigned their commissions in
the old Army in order to fill higher posts in
the new ten regiments, as well as others who
received general appointments therein, are
likely to bo relieved of the dilemma of hav
ing to return to private life. The House of
Representatives, last week, passed a bill to
repeal the law of last year, which provided
that tho number of officers should be reduced
at the close of the war to the same as it was
before tho passage of the act. It will also
probably go through the Senate.
Margaret Patterson Carr, who left Derry
township, in this county, in 1845, for Cincin
nati, St. Lous, &c, has returned to the resi
dence of her father, in Madison township. It
is but proper to say that this is the lady who
it was supposed had been murdered and con
cealed, and for which alledged offence, two
young men were arraigned before the Court
of this founty, in August, 1846, and discharg
ed, for the want of evidence against them
the Court having been satisfied that she had
actually gone west, and in all probability,
was still living. Danville Intelligencer.
Th American Star of th:; 1 till., announ
! c's tint the Court of Inquiry adjmme Ion th:
i previous day, and that the members were to
! meet on the morning of ll
upon some place to re-nssemb!e i t tlv United
The Star says: "A letter in the Monitor of
a recent date from Maznrti!, states that the
co. We give the following extract from a i ,;,,,, . piiic,, has been occupied by a
letter writer to the N. V. Express, from a , bout five hundred Americans shiee th 5 h
D-F" The fate of the treaty i3 yet in I
doubt. Conflicting opinions are expressed
concerning it bv the letter writers in Mexi-
highly respectable gentleman just arrived
! ult., win have taken no notieo of the
ter the accident occurred, a short distance
below the bridge.
(T7" The heavy rains of last week have
swollen the Susquehanna ' a "'g'1 stage.
A hrg number of rafb nad ails, which
were unable to go down with the la;!
fre.dw-t, are now on the road to market.
DJ7" The Democratic National Conven
tion meets at Baltimore on Monday next.
There will be much controversy before
they decide who is to be President. There
are two sets of delegates from New York,
The Old Hunkers and Young Democracy.
Unless these factions fraternise, not much
harmony can be expected. The N. Y.
Herald says on effort will be made to place
in nomination Governor Shuuk. We fear
the people are satisfied with new men, and
predict that in such a case, the leaders will
have no easy task again to hoodwink and
bamboozle the people.
We arc informed that a new edition of
the Democratic songs are in press, in which
all allusions to the "tariff of and "Pro
tection" are carefully expurgated.
If any person has a flask of the "spirits
of '76" we hope he will forward it in time
for circulation among the delegates. Should
they not use it all, the remainder can be
profitably employed in the Capitol at Wash
state of the case,
'Our commissioners, the new ones, arrived
at M.-xico on the 1 lih and 17ib, Mr. Gilford
in advance. Tnr. tbeatv will ee rati fi En
with all Tin: m:i.v rno: it
I had an interview with General Mora, tin
Cm':; of th Mexican Government in
the city of Mxiee, th - day b'-foro 1 left. He
fisme.l in.1 tlnit t!r- amendments were not.
and would nrt be o!j -c'i ni;.b'e to i's ratifica
tion. Th ' elections lor Senators took place
tice, notwithstanding the protests si-,t to Gee.
Wool, wish a communication from th:? Gene- '
ral-in-chief c.l the capita', forwarded by ex-j
The Free American of the iOih says: '-A .
letter received by a friend of ours, dated 11a- ,
, I vana. April l.'r.h, says that the Snani-h Gov
ernment has it in contemplation to t.ik or at i
least, annex Yucatan," and adds:
The critical position in which th white.:
are now placed in Yucatan will fo-ee them, in
order to save their lives, to sacrifice their li-
bertv, if some means of defence is not offer-i
b :p'.ise.l with so much pomp at Queretaro.!
an I wh h id th--honor of having Pena y Pcna I
stand at the baptismal font its his godfather.
is. without a doubt, tin Li 'ttt. O'Snllivan I
have already spoken of ns having resigned
his commission in th" 3d Infantry, and gone
to Queretaro to join lh enemy. II; is not
a legal deserter, but all tin dishonor of moral !
guilt will ever attach itself to his name.
It is reported in town to-day that there is
a quorum of Congress tit Queretaro, but I can
not trace it to an authentic sourer.
Who shall be Register and Recorder
If the wishes of tho democratic Voters of
th" Mahonoys were consulted, JOHN P.
PURS ELL of Stmbury would certainly re
ceive tin nomination. Mr. Pursell is well
calculated to make a good and efficient offi
cer. His democratic principles sre well
known, ami his capability to discharge tho
hities of the office unquestioned. Wo hone
stay succeeil in obtaining the nomina
tion. MAHON'OY'S.
ies was to have taken place on tin l.V.h, and
the peace party would carry all before it.
The Mexican Congress could not oig.inise it
self before about the lt of May at most, ad
mitting no squablers among them. Its first
step will be tlm election of a President in the
person of Ilerrera, and tho next will be Ihe
reaty. The war party were not satisfied,
but tho 17th article of the armistice put a
stopper in their mouths, and they are coming
over in order to share some of the three mil-
ions. Yon or some of your friends may be
interested in this news, nnd tho facts are, I
believe known to no other person.''
creat inteiruption of Ihe public peace. In
deed the quietness which prevails, and the ! lir01 1)0 wlls treacherously shot at, and mor
naucitv of actual voters compared with Ihe 1 1;dly wounded by three balls.
number of real electors, would argue an in- Tho troops, exasperated to see their chief
ililTorence of spirit, rather than any vehement
degree of patriotism one way or the other.
As the returns would only be complete on
Friday in Paris, we shall have scarcely time
to form a deliberate opinion of the general
result of this election, upon which depends
thJ future happiness of France, and the gen
eral pence of the world.
Jil tin meantime great complaints are made
of th open bribery and corruption insepera
bio from universal suffrage. Stringent en
deavors h ive been nri le by the authorities
to prevent an abuse of the elective franchise;
but as many voters hivo each procured with
apparent facility, no fewer than seven or eight
tickets entitling ilmu to vote as many times
and us tho Provisional Government is tdiurged
with using secretly, undue influence through
iae army, a:id Louis Blanc and Albert, th-e'
ihuir pjisonod Onvrin unemployed.
Tho purity ef ( !e!ion h not altogether im
maculate or freu from suspicion. The Provi
sional Government continues its most extra-
Oidiuary svstem of arbitary decrees, not with- i
standing its first pledge that no sj stem of tux- t linked ou the river. There is evidently a
a'.ion should be imposed by ihe Provisional ' pause in the ccurago of Charles Albert.
thus slaughtered, fell upon the insurgents.
nr. 1 completely routed them, leaving a great
number of dead upon the field. Tho troops
kept up the pursuit, and encountered another
parly, headed by Strove, which they ulso at
tacked and routed ; when night came on nnd
put a stop to tho engagement. Tho troops,
which were of Baden and Hesse Cassel, hail
not one man killed, but twenty were wound
ed. "
The rebels suffered greatly. The Provi
sional Government of Franco will now dis
perse the armed bands.
Lombard)- anil Autiin.
C'oatinential politics Mill continue of an ex
citing character. In Lombard)- the sceno of
war has not materially changed during tho
week. Tho army of Claries Albert, ufler
having been repulse before Preschera, which
up to tho last accounts has not been taken,
continues to maintain tho position, on the
banks of the Mincio tin King's head quar
teis having been at Volla. From all accounts
c judge Ihut the main body of troops con la lieu ot tins unquestionably
obnoxious and mischievous impost, they have
imposed a tax on tho rent of apartments, fce
and also a tax cf one per cent, on all mort
gage money, whether on funds or on the land
either held in truBt or waiting the judgment
of the law courts.
Kjinlu nj Purtujal.
lu Spain, matters aticui fuM progressing lo
ils an -outbreak, ihe utter aboence of all
wutkmtd government must soon provoke
vle to rebellion, however attached
'"'J tfu... , - , . t r
J m to ihcir present form of gcvern-
Oa ihe J9h the attempt was made to sur
pribc the advance post of the lutter fortress;
the king advanced to the dil dies, but the gar
rion kept itself vigorously within the walls,
and four men of the besiegers were killed.
Oa the following day, tho Bulletin goes cu to
say, the head quarters will be changed to
Yolta, probably to commence a new attempt
on tho Mincio.
By the officiul accounts of Padetsky,
through Yienna, on the l.Vh his position was
unaltered, and he seemed linlo to apprehend
any success of the Piedmontese against Pes-
XT" The first Ihtfallion of the 3d Re
giment of the 8th Division, Pennsylvania
Militia, parade to-day. It is astonishing
how civilized people can submit to such a
vile humbug as our militia trainings. Far
mers are forced from their fields, mechan
ics from their shops, every one from his
employment, huddled together under the
orders of company officers, who arc ununi-
firmed and unarmed, marched three or four
hours in the rain or dust, and dismissed,
twice a year. And what is the object ?
The system, as carried out, is productive
of no good and much evil. If there are
any benefits in it, they have not yet been
discovered. The expenses of these farces
throughout the State, last year, were 2S,.
000 ! ! the total of the fines collected S,
000! ! leaving a balance of tjtQO.OOO to be
paid from the Treasury to support this sv
tern which is itself intended ns a source of
revenue. Last winter the Senate passed a
bill to abolish it, but the House, containing
as usual more wind than wisdom, refused to
concur. Let the people look at the fact of
its being an annual drain of $20,000 on the
Treasury, and decide whether it ought or
ought not to be abolished. These battalion
trainings are nothing more or less than po
litical meetings, where all the office hunters
gather to canvass for votes. We leave it
to the common sense of the people to say
it its lair that tlie Mate should pay the elec
tioneering expenses of candidates, in addi
tion to supporting them in office.
XT" On our first page will be fouud an
interesting narrative ot the Shipwreck of
the whale ship, 'Lawrence.
in tin eitv on the 2nd ult.. the n?aee party
bv larire majorities. That for Oepu- ! r" 10 uwm 'v ,lie Ni",',, 1 ".v
anxious io annex imir country to ours ; nui n j
our government is not willing to listen to their ,
repented prayers, they will have to apply to
some other nation.
Our government, in our opinion, has acted
in a very illiberal manner towards that un
fortunate cnuntry.
If the people of Yucatan had united with
tho other States of Mexico in tho existing
war, Campeachy and other points would have
been occupied by our forces, and of course
would have offered an abode for the white
inhabitants to take refuge. Besides this,
the Indians would have been pursued and
certainly checked by our troops.
It would be an act of humanity, if our gov
ernment would give some assistance to the
sufferers of Yutatan and moreover, can the
United States see with indifference a foreign
nation take another foothold on this continent
when it is in their power to prevent it ?
Tho Arco Iris of the 23th doubts that the
Treaty would be ratified by tho Mexican
Congress, and publishes the following extract
of a letter from Mexico, written at the latest
hour :
Letters have just been received frqm Que-
relaro by several respectable bouses of this
city, and all agree in saying that the treaty
will not be ratified by tho 2d day of June.
Eight days ago seven dt-legntes were wanting
to constitute a quorum in the House. At pre
sent fifteen are wanting. Many more show
a disposition to absent themselves. The pre
vailing opinion among tho American officers
is that there will be no peace, and it is said
that tho American troops are making prepa
rations to march on to Queretaro, as soon as
it is ascertained that Congress will not meet.
Jaraula is in the department of Queretaro.
together with an active gnerrillero named
Vega, and Paredes is recruiting soldiers to
oppose the Americans, so soon as tho armis
tice is broken, and tho time is not far off
when this will occur.
Tho Eeo del Comereio, under ihe head of
"important and alarming," states ihat the
friends of the annexation of all Mexico to the
United States, and those who desire to see
tho end of tho Mexican Kepubliran, had des
patched agents, with large amounts of mo
ney, to Queretaro, to be used in defeating the
Gen. Almonte had been in Guanajunto and
demanded funds to reach Queretaro, having
been chosen, at the second election, Senator
from Oajaca. There seems to be some doubt
of tho validity of his election.
Special Correspondence of the Picayune
Citv of Mexico, April 20, 1848.
In my last letter I stated that Gen. Butler
was to review the volunteers in the city on
the 23d instant. The review was far more
extensive than 1 was informed it would be,
and came off on the plain fronting Molino del
Rey, The divisions of Gens Worth and Pil
low, the former consisting of five regiments
of infantry of the old line, a squadron of horse
The Hr volution lu Vrnlrr. Knprrt for the
I'nUrd SlnliN.
The Venice correspondent of tho Herald,
gives tho following sceno as having occurred
after tho proclamation by the Venetians of
tho end of Austrian rule.
Tho republic having been proclaimed, joy
and gladness beaming upon every counten
ance, a dense mass proceeded towards tho
American consulate, lo testify their admira
tion for our government. Assembled beneath
tho windows, re-iterated and prolonged cries
of '-Long live the United States of America."
' Long live our sister republic," nrose from
ihe joyous crowd, and these demonstrations
iucreas?d tenfold when tho consul, accompa
nied by several of the national guard, appear
ed in their midst, bearing in one hand the
flag of the L'nion, and in the other the tricolor
with tho winged lion, as an emblem of the
fraternity which should ever exist between
tho two govemirtcnls, based ns they now
were upon the samo just and eternal princi
ples. In responding to this outburst of a peo
ple's sympathy, Mr. Sparks thanked them for
the kind feelings they manifested for ihe gov
ernment he had the hanor to represent among
them, for the esteem they exhibited for him
personally, and expressed a hopo that, by
their dignified and tranquil demeanor, they
might give proofs to tho world that ihey were
capable of governing themselves, and that
they comprehended tho full import of ihe im
portant step they hud taken. Ho assured
them, in advance, that wh.-n the intelligence
had traversed tho Atlantic, Ihat tho ancient
queen of tho Adriatic had thrown off the
yoke of tho stranger, and again proclaimed
herself a republic, there would bo one simul
taneous outburst of joy from ono extremity
of the Union to the other. Wo wiohed them
prosperity and happiness, und trusted they
would never dement their capability of en
joying the blessings of free aud enlightened
institutions. These words were received
with immense satisfaction, and tho crowd
then quietly withdrew, giving vent to their
joy in prolonged vicars to the consnl and to
tho American republic.
The day following, the imposing ceremony
of consecrating the tri-colored banner, by the
patriarch ef Venice, took place in front of the
church of St. Mark. The French consul be
ing absent, ours was the only one of the corps
For. the Amhrican. I
aving is h're, the delicate fooled May. ;
f.s sliudtt li nirers fail of leaves and
(lowers, j
An-1 Willi it comes a llurst lo lie away.
Wasting in woott patnt its voluptuous tiostrs; j
V feeling that is like a h-hm! of wines '
licMless to soar above the p -fishing things." '
Jlow beautiful our fairy-like village appears j
in lis spting-linie nestling Hue a dove, amul
its mountain barrier.
lis loveliness steals p-i a dream of he iveu,
over the heart of the stranger, but with us j
who have dwelt here from infancy, its beau
ties are treasured in the 'dv-arls holiest rf
holies." Each scene is endeared to us, the
green bank where our little feet roamed in
our earliest years, Ihe broad clear river from
whose bed we gathered pebbles, or launched
our tiny boats, anxious for their fate, as the
Hindoo girl when she sends forth her ark of
the heart upon the Ganges.
The deep woods with thpir wealth of wild
flowers, the spring round which we sat in its
depths, and whispered with pale lips of the
fearful deeds there performed, of the babe
torn from its Mother's bosom and dashed a
gainst the trees which towered around us,
and the young maiden borne afar from her
loved home. How we started, and gazed
fearfully around as the leaves rustled above
us, dreading least a red face should peer upon
us from their branches.
Memory brings back each happy hour,
each childish haunt tho quiet grave yard,
where with hushed voices and serious brows,
we wandered many an hour, reading the in.
scriptions upon the grave stones and compa
ring the ages of those who mouldered beneath
with our own or with gay shout and merry
song bounding over the little bridgo that cros
sed tho creek beyond, filling our baskets with
berries gathered from tho hill side, or wreath
ing garlands of wild flowers through our
deshevelled hair. Or in later years the tire
somo scramble up tho mountain to Mason's
house, that wander of our childish years, the
toil well repaid by tho beauty of the scene
spreading beneath tho clear stream flowing
at its foot, the white bridges that span it
gleaming like wreaths of foam over its dark
blue waters the green island slumbering in
the sunlight and tho little town beyond with
its white cottages and waving trees. And
when the exuberent spirits of childhood have
fled, who can gaze upon its moonlight beauty
and listen to tho night wind as it rustles
through the trees in gashes of fitful melody,
and not feel an aspiration for a holier higher
Mate 1 A sweet melancholy steals over us
like the dying notes of an echo in some lone
old cavern, and we turn sick at heart from
the vanities of the world. Even if the heart
be chilled und desolate, even if the angel
which hovers round tho babe has deserted
his post, and suffered sinful thoughts and un
holy desires to sully tho purity of the soul,
communion here, with nature in her loveliest
aspect with an humble lifting of tho heart to
Nature's God, may bring back the purity of
childhood, peace be wooed to spread her
white wings again over him and hopo circle
his heart with a wreath of sunbeams.
Happy are those who may dwell amid the
tranquil scenes of this earthly paradise, turn
ing their hearts in unison with its calm beau
ty. May their pilgrimage be pleasant, and
when the "silver cord is loosed," may they
wave their bright garlands of victory, and
strike their golden harps'amid the throng of
redeemed spirits, in the land of perfect joy.
St-ssi'RV, May 16, 184
A History of the Revolution and LUn mt the
II prom of the War f Independence
An elegant volume with 18 yinc Steel Plates,
and nearly 200 beautiful li'ood Engravings.
! '-Tlii if a Hplf-niliil Ivmk. A vatmhle UtlUiiin to the
i llii-t irio Lilrrnture of our country. We ere mtich miui-
j km i! it tl x-ti not vikc rank with 'the worlcu ui Irving and
1 l-ri-.-flt.-' Frtmlanrrl IlcruM.
It kiirinasL- any nnnljr work yet oflrcd to the Amrri-
-:in itiKlif." Neiil'M Hazctte.
-ll may l nnipr-rly cuiwidirrfl a popubriw-d Military
Ilintory i i" the Hnvolmiin, extremely well and judiciuui
writtfn." N. American.
-Tlie presi-nt w.-rk on tlie Revolution and it Hcroe. ia
rnpi-rier. Null in extent and druipi to any tliut haa hen-to-rre
v -me untlcr our mtire. Inq.
A wi-ll i- nm-.i'lwl History of that eventful period. Led-
-Deeidi-diy the tiet popular Ilietory of the war of the
llevitltilion and itK llrriteti, that hna yet been given to tlie
country. ' S;iturriv Kvcning Font.
rp-'ACir.NTi W'ANTF.D to cnnrnM for the above etc.
pint Work, in every County and Town in Ihe United
State", to whom the moat liberal inducement! will be offer,
ed. Price onlv ?3.
Addn-aa (po.t-pai.l) WM. A. LEAHY.
No. 158 North HKt'OND 8t.
Philadelphia, Muv 20, 1849 3m
IELLOW CITIZENS : EncourtfH by ma
" ny of my frirndi, I reapectfully offer my
elf as a candidate for the office of
and Clerk of the Orphans' Court,
At the approaching elertion. Should I be fa
vored with majority of your votes, I will apart
no txertioni to render general aatitfaction.
Delaware township, May 13, 1846.
Estate ofliaac Tansjckel.
N OTICE ia hereby given, that letter! of Ad
miniitration, wilb the will anneied, have
been granted to the aubicriber, on Ihe eatate (
Isaac Vat.nyckd, dee'd. lata of Upper Angoita
township, Northumberland county. All peraom
knowing Ihemaelvra indebted to said eatate,
and such that have any claim againat the tame,
are herewith railed upon to lettle their aeeounta
without delay. JOHN HAUGHAWOUT.
Adminiitrator, tee.
May 13, 1848 6t
John W. Friling,
RESPECTFULLY informs hit friends and
customers, that he has just received and
opened a aplendid assortment of GOODS, consis
ting of
Groceries, Hardware, Queentwart, 4c.
The public are invited to call und eismins far
Sunhury, May 8, 1818 tf
THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that he
has purchased the following articles, at Con
stables sale, on the 17th and W-ltb of April last,
sold as Ihe property of Adam Wolfgang an-i
which he has loaned to the said Adam, until he'
sees proper to remove the same li :
1 white spotted Cow.
1 brindle Cow.
1 Heifer.
1 Mare.
1 sett of Harness
May 6. 1818-31. JACOB SEESHOLTZ.
7T1HE subscirber gives notics that be has par.
I chased the following articles, at Coostablea
sale, on the 17lh and 84tb o April last, sold as
Ihe property of Adam Wolfgang and which ha
has loaned to the said Adam, until be seat prop
er to remove the same
1 Shoat
1 do
1 do
3 Pigs
3 do
1 Calf, lama
1 do
I do
I Waggon
4 acres Ry, more or less
in da do do
8 acre Wheat, mora or Jess 18.58
3 do Rye, o 0,0t-
1 Wheelbarrow 40
1 Plough
. 87
May 8, 1848-31.
1 58
10JI3 4