Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 20, 1848, Image 1
UNBURY Ml MS- 1 vDr H. B. MASSER, EtittOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, CORNER OF CENTRE ALLEY & MARKET STREJT. EEMe-EWEEBE, MMHB HHHMHMBMMMBMMMMMMMMB' SI ama Jletospilpcr-Drtotrt to Holftfcs, llttcrnturr, JttoralHu, jF-mfott an Domestic Sictos, Scfcne an the arts, aorCculturr, Wnrltets, amusement, t. NEW SERIES VOL. 1, NO. 8. S UNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1 8 IS. OLD SERIES VOL. 8, NO. tX l 1 IV II II II II TV II II I t 1 1 I 1 1YJL JJJJ JL ll- JL V r&. ', TERMS OF THE AMERICA. THE AMERICAN it publlahed r7 Saturday at TWO DOLLARS pet annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper diacontinued until AU. arrennira are paid. Atteommnmeolionaor leMereon f dating to the office, lo inaore attnitioii, muat lie POfel PAW. TO CLUBS. in.... 1m tii nnn addrcu. 9800 F - k, 10 00 Fifteen Do Do BOW , Five dollara in advance will pay for three year'a aubacrip lioa to the American. One Square of 16 linea, 3 time, Every aubwqiient hwertion, Jhie Square, 3 month., Si monthe, BadiiaaCarda of Five linea, per annum, Marchanta and other.. Mlvertiaing by the year, with the priviUf e of inaerticg dif ferent advert incmmta weekly. tr Larger Adverliaemcnta, a. per agreement. 100 as 375 600 300 1000 E B. MASSES., ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBTJHY, PA Busineaa attended to in the Counties of Nor thutrderland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. liefer tot b J 1 Pnwntl TIT. 1 I .aw . Ar R.aaoK. Rnaiaa &. 8onA., yPhilaJ. Riikold., McFabiahd &. Co. 8pI!i,'3ood & Co., George J. Weaver, BOP8 MAKER & SHIP CHANDLER. No. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia. MAS eonstantl on hand, a ttenfml aseort ment of Cordage, 8eine Twinee. ie, m : Ropes, Fishing Ropea, White Rope. Maml. ta Ropea, Tow Line for Canal Bnata. Also, a complete aaaortmei.t of 8rine Twinea, Ac. .urh a Hemp 8had and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton 8had and Herrina. Twir.e, Sh.w Thread.. &e. &e- Also, Bed Cord.. Plnaeh Linea. II altera. Trace.. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain.. Arc, all of which he will diapoee of on r.a.nn;.l.le term.. Philadelphia, rteVember 13.1B47. lj roa Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Henry Sunhu'y. 15. A. J. Kauffman, Augusta lown.hip. lohii H. Vine nl, Chilli.quaque. Kaae & Ely-burg. S.muel HVrb, Little Mahon.iy, William Deppnn. Jack.-n. IreNnd and tlayne. McEwrnsville. William Heinrn & Brother, Milton. I'm.ylhe, Wilartn & Co., Noithumberl.nd Jamea Reed, PotKgrove. O. W. 8cott, Raohville. W. & R Frgely. Shamokinlown. Rhode. & Farrow. Snyderatown. AmoaT. Beieell, Turbut.ville. Be nneville Hol.hue, Upper Mahonny. O. Renn, do do. E. L. Pi er, Watniown. Wholesale, at the office and general depot, 169 Race at., Philadelphia. D c 18. 1847. ly TUB CHEAP BOOK STORE. D A1TIELS & SMITE'S Cheap New tc Second iiakd Booe Sioite, North Wctt earner nf fourth and Arch Streeti I'klladtlphia. Law Booka, Theological and Classical Book., MBDIOAX. BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. SciEKTiriC AKD MaTBEWATICAL BoiKE. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Booka nd Prayei Book., Bible., all aire. Blank Books, Writing Paper. andStationary, Wttml ot' a-it Httaii. rr Oca twice, are much lower than the aioixia price. LL. liberie, and amall parcel, of book, purchaaed. iV Bo k. imported to outer irom Louaun. rhiladelphi., April 1, lM8-y POETEB. & E1TGLISE, GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealer, ia Seeda, No 3. Arch St PHILADELPHIA. Con.lantly on band general ttortmeat oT GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, SEEDS. I'lQUURS. tc. To which they re.pectf-illy inite the attention r tk. nuhlie. All kind, of country produce taken in exchange for Groceriea or.aoia on voiuniai Philad. April 1. 1848 OLITffiE & XfiOL AIT, Importers and Dealee. la nmi WORSTED, cisnssBs, PATTERNS, rnnnn. Needles, Pins, Sewing Silk, . a n i- I. ('latin. Steel Tauele, Steel 8,P.. Ring.. Plain and Shaded Purae Twi.t, Trimming., Fancy Goods, &c r whnlesule Dealers, at the l. neap jot vua. v " ...u, Thread and Keedle Store, No. . K A-Hi Cnut Street.. April 8, 1848 rtmtT PREMIUM rJ"""""" - - MawaL niur KITHSCKlBttt naaoeen ,.. ...... '1 of. CONRAD .MEYERS CLLL auaTKI) PREMIUM ROSE WOUJJ rlAlvua, at ibia nlaca. These Piano, have plain, ma. .".".'nS beautiful, nni.h. and for depth oi tone, and ele.anc.of workm.r .b.p, ... not 'U!d1-,rrnt. ar. hiahly appro.ed of by -" . rt. i.-a unim ta inoat eminent Prof.aaora aud vj...;, i. ,w,m and ether citiee. . Prnfaaaoia aud L'ompo.era of is.. ....lit;.. r tone, touch and keeping I ten. upon Concert pitch, they suepas ed by either American or European Piano.. . i .. .. ... ik.t Madame Cattallan, W. V and hie sitter, the cele- i ....j d..;., .nd man others ol the mo.t die- t - t,-am inatru tincwi.hed performer., bare tten lEese in.tru "J1" Pr.efe"n.e V"?"J 7... notice of the ..A. . c.tTiK.tiBna.aud the last Silver Medal L- Th. p.anktiu loetitute in 1843. was awarded to them, which. w'P'T,!"' Mof source, may b. seen at tbt are room Kio. Mr2 aZ, Silver Medal was awarded to C. tLT-Anolner Oliver Mver bv toe r ranKiin ihb"i v-- the e.l l-iano "-- , .. . r-..t,i: i.,; A..ii tho eKh.bition oi i '""ft' . 'u'"!.-., W ' . .' . .. u.k.i. f Iha vaar tir. f on tbe i Tundtbal be bad made still creat- !!fr,0.".im.tu in bis loauument. th. h. l...n awarded ""'"" . . j .1... u. k.ii rnici .tin Kraai mat 13 saonths. . .... . Tr..Lii rP?-S.rJk?KK!S3 ,U. Meyer, .. .Uhili-n. Sent. At Koatoe.St M.d.l and Di- urea io m .""7- - ---.t. . . Www, . . - " ... b.war. roraeas are v . . , ,w h. aafot th.S.I....tth.r.....n , 1 o 'l r Mever race I - r.. ik. Waal tauar Pisue i " FitHlW lb. aS...f.e- GEMS OF POESY. MAY. BT ARCHETRPAL. The flowers are up the fields are green. The sky is calm and clear, And joyful leaps the limpid stream To greet the summer here. The birds are singing merrily, Their hearts are blithe and gay, And in their sweetest melody We hear the song of May. The leaves are op'ning on the trees, The blossoms on her bough, And every softly sighing breeze Breathes sweetness o'er us now. From the icy bounds the spring is free, And as it trips along To kiss tho flowrets on the lea, We hear its gladsome song, Oh, nature ! fair and bounteous dame, How charming sweet thou art ; Thy magic awakes the flame Deep sleeping in the heart ; And hopes that there have blighted lain, Enshjined in mem'ry's urn, Thou callest into life again, And bid them fondly burn. Thou cheerost with they placid smile, And makest all things gay, The spirit crushed in woe the while Feels joy to gaze on thee. Each leaf and flower that springuth up Beneath thy watchful care, Hath power to soothe affliction's cup, And dry pale sorrow's tear. For in the smallest works we trace The promised joys, of man, In realms where all is bliss and peace, And sorrows all unknown. Soul soothing thought, where grief and pain Marks out our fated way, To feel that we a home may gain, Where it is always May. INTERESTING NARRATIVE. We are indebted to a friend at Canton, China, for the Singapore Times of the 14th January, containing the following in teresting narrative of the sufferings of a part of the crew of the American whale ship Lawrence, wrecked on the coast of Japan : Batavia, 28th December, 1847. Sir, Under the impression that it would not be wholly uninteresting to you and your readers, I take the liberty to send you herewith for publication in your paper, if you choose, a short account ol the loss ol the American whaler Lawrence, and my captivity, together with G of the crew, in Japan. The ltwrence, under command ol cap tain Baker, sailed from the port of Pough kecpsie, N. Y., on the 10th July, 1845, bound on a whaling voyage, un tne zan May, 1846, in lat.44 30 N., long. 153 E. in the vicinity of the Japan Islands we en countered a heavy gale, at which time we had a whale alongside, and kept the ship drifting free. At about 10 or 1 1 o'clock at night she struck on some rocks and imme diately fell over on her starboard side and bilged. Captain Baker then ordered his boat to be lowered, and, taking some men with him, got into the boat, saying as he left the ship's side, "each man lor himselt," or other words to that effect. It was very dark at the time, and after he left the ship j .awnothlng more of him 1 he first mate, Mr. Myers, then attempted to lower his boat with eight men in her, in doing which he accidentally slipped the bow tackle, which plunged her bows under water, and on the boat's coming up under the counter, she was stove to pieces, and all, with the exception of one man who I saved, must have perished. I could hear their cries in the water but could not see any one of them, as it was so dark I then got the remaining boat ready and left the ship with 7 men, who I think were all that were left of the crew. We took with us a little bread and water and some harpoons and cordage and steer ed about S. W. On the second day all the water and food we had were consumed and from that day to our making the land, we u.j . . .!,..:( t. ii lldU IluillllijL lj ouuaioi un. .nun ru ail the time and we had hardly any covering i....r -tL. - on our bodies to protect us lrom the pier cing cold. One of the men named Hiram Yates, who was sick when he left the ves sel, died on the 3d day and we buried him i in the sea. At last, on the M June, wc perceived land, for which we steered and entered into a larse bav where we could discover no marks of any living being. .. .- We landed and caught a seal, the meat of which we cooked and ate together with some grass we found near the beach. It was the only food We had tasfed since the . . . va than atmllwl alnno- the I , ot " T - v - - - o leavinz one man to take care of the boat, and striking inland for about a mile we came to bamboo cottage with a river runnjnz between it and us. We hailed them repeatedly but nothing made its ap- w (hen for an hour expecting to see some body go in or 4,T t l, . i,: a j , uui oi mc iwuor, um ". and it was setting dark we returned to the boat. r " " i. i a i ..u ... I he man we naa leu in nenom u that dun8 our absence he had been visited I kv iwn men wlinm he invited to come and ) " . . " . . . i ... .,;h h m h. thav roriioon in tin an. iit witn hirn but they refused to T. lhen :nquired'of him by . signs how many of us there were, and on hisiutima- ling t. tamate th.y .Prrt frightened and ran away The next morning we got into the boat and steered for the mouth of a river on one aide of the ba"y as we approached 'A, we caw what appeared to us to be a fort with spears glistering in the sun above the walla, but on coming nearer we found it was a piece of cloth extended about three rjusr ters of a mile and painted so to represent a not reply, then in French which we alio fort with guns. Here as we landed about did not understand. He then spoke Eng 60 men armed with swords and spears ran lish and said "If there arc any John Bulls towards us and motioned us to go away. We however coutinued approaching them until we got very near, when We all fell on our knees before them. One of them the circumstances relative to our ship came up to me and would have struck me wreck, &.c. &c. all which were interpreted down with his sword hut his hand was held back by an old man, who stood behind him. I made signs to them that we were harm- less people and wanted lood. After much talking amongst themselves they brought us some rice and fish which we ate. They then again motioned to us so be off. I took them to our boat and made signs to them that it was impossible for us to go to sea in such a small thing, and that if they would p-ive us the materials for building a larger one, we would go away in it. On this there was another consultation amongst in ail ol close and strict conlmement, pn them and one of them wrote something on vation, and ill-treatment, we were libera- a piece of paper and sent a man away with it. In about half an hour he returned with a letter which was read aloud by one of them, and we were then ordered to get into our boat again after being searched and de- prived of every thing about us. They then got another boat to tow ours up the river along which we proceeded in this way until wc got into a lake, on one side oi wnicn stood a house covered all round with mats, which we were made to enter, We remained in it until night, when they came again with lanterns and ordered us to follow them, motioning to us, that if we endeavored to go in any other dircc tion we would be killed. We followed them on foot for 3 or 4 hours until we came to a town where we were introduced into a brick building that appeared to be the pris- on of the town. They then locked us all up in a small cell and kepta vigilant watch over us the whole ot the night. In the U' ""S "'I wie nuuse ui tne jrut'riitjr, wnere we were i ,. , i " i , , i nnestinnpn nnri pvntninorl nrwl ncL-n1 ,F wn 1 . r. , u n , " ,, were i.niiMiiiieii, mier which mey leu us again to our prison. Not a day passed without our being examined and questioned regarding our country, religion and every other particular that could be thought of. They made themselves understood to us by sight and principally by drawing on paper, at which they were very expert. In this prison we continued for about eleven months, and not once did we set a single foot out of it during that time. Every (lay we had an allowance of rice, fish and wa ter, and once they gave us a sort of liquor called sakie. We drank it, and it naturally revived us and made us feel a little nior.' cheerful ; they then again examined us and took down our depositions in writing, think ing perhaps that tinder the influence of the liquor we would give them whatever in formation we had before endeavored to su) press. About this time all the men, to gether with myself, fell sick, and what with . i. ' l. .. . t ......1.1.. ..:.....!,... ......... In 11113, 111" IIUM-'I I1U1C MlUUUUJl H C 1U IC 111, and the bad treatment we met with from our guards, who frequently struck us and insulted us in every possible way they could, we gave up all hopes of ever getting out ot our prisons alive. Wc got better however, and were intorm- ed that we had to go on to Jeddo, where the Emperor lived. They put us on board of a Junk and stowed us all in the hold a dark, filthy place, and during the time we were in her, some J or 4 months, not a single moment Were allowed to step on deck, to breathe the fresh air, or1 see the light. One day we were made to wash ourselves, and clean clothes were given us & we were conducted into the cabin which was beautifully fitted up with silk and gold ornaments, they then gave us each a carpet to sit upon, and made us understand that we had arrived at a city called Mateamai where the Emperors son lived and that he was coming on board to see us. By and by we heard a great stir out side, and all the people about us fell on their faces to the ground and we were made to do the same. Shortl' after the prince entered the cabin accompanied by a numerous suit. We were then again examined before him, and this time the questions were put to us by a Japanese who spoke .Dutch and who com' municated with us through one of our men, Murphy ells, who also sixiku a little Dutch. This lasted for about an hour, af- er which the prince departed and in the evening we received a box of sweat meats which they said was from him. He was a the mass after that. The cloth is then taken gazinsr, fifty colored persons some of u horn young man of handsome appearance, and , ,he room where it js made into an infinite were nearly as white as myself. A large ma on the whole seemed kindly disposed tow- ie, of SUOl , which is adapted. The iority of the number were those who attempt- ards us. The next day we continued on day we continued on our voyage, and were again left to the mer cy of our jailors. We then arrived at anoth er city when we were each put into a box the lid of which was fastened down upon us, and in this way we were carried to the town-hall. Hefc we underwent another examination, the questions being put to us by the same in- . t . I . l . - . a. . icrpeier wno actea in mat capacity at lwai- ! aTL B,eA"Alll satnai. i neir cniei omeci in mis as in an uie examination we went mroiign was io find out whether we were not really Eng- imiiiicii auu a am ui ui'llliuil lllui uau wc confessed ourselves of that nation, we would I .hm... .n.t T . .r n,., l I .... all have heen Ulln TK. ini.ri ilrl us to beware how we tried to mislead them as they would find out Who were when we got to Nagaskie; They then brought a box from which they took out a print of the crucifixion, and told us to put our feet upon it on our nesitating to do so, tne guards drew out their swords and threatened to kill us, and so compelled every one of us . . ii . j . to trampie on uie prim, ana spu upon it. -A couple of epauletts was then shown to us. one an tngtisn naval olhcer's and one an American, and were t&ed wjiich of them belonged to our country. After this ! were again conducted to prison. One day we were again summoned to the town hall, j when we were surprised to see a roan in European dress sitting amongst our judges. He took no notice of us at first, and sat writing and talking in Japanese. At last he addressed us in Dutch to which we did amongst you, you had better not say any thing about it." He then interrogated us concerning our country, our religion, and again to the Japanese and noted down in writing by them. Ho then told us he had some hopes we should all be set at liberty The council then broke up and we were taken again to prison. At this place one of the men tried to escape from prison and was immediately murdered by the Japan, ese. He had made known his intentions to us previously, and we did all we could to dissuade him from it but to no purpose, as he would rather die than suffer so much any longer. At last after seventeen months ted and sent to the Dutch Factory. Hero we were received by the Director of the Factory, Mr. Levyssohn, in whom wc re' cognized the European who interrogated us at the town hall, and to whose active and humane exertions we were indebted for our release not only for this but also for the kind, generous and hospitable tr at- ment we met with at his hands during the rest ol our slay in Japan are we under deep and lasting obligatioas to him Ten days after we were put on board the Dutch ship Ikrtoste.nbosch here we recei ved the best possible treatment and atter tion. until our arrival here when we were handed over bv the authorities to the l S. Consul, who although in a very weak state of health extended his protection towards us, and furnished us with the few articles of clothing, &c. we were so much in need of for all which we feel extremely grateful your obedient servant, C.EORCE HOW, , . caii. ur 2nd mate of the late ship Lawrence . ' for self and lellow sufferers. FRIENDSHIP. What a blessing is friendship! It is ad mirably styled the medicine of life ; but let us recollect it is religion that gives it its most cxhilirating powers. It is this that effectual lj' links heart to heart, and holds our spirits in tree communion while we are enduring separation. And how docs the sense of distance die away, when we meet at the feet of our heavenly r ather, pour out our sorrows and enmp'aints in the s;iine car, and seek comfort Irom the smile of tho same eternal power and goodness? 1..l .1.., 1.: .1 mil un- lumin al luuuiiii ri'ii'zioii jiiM's IS derived from immortality : th'1 uisinn she forms lasts forever ; audit is a consolation that will brighten even the purling hour of those we love, when we see them leave this world, their hopes fixed on a tirm foun dation, and recollect that their lives have been an evidence of those hopes: that though possessed of many imperfections, there is no unrepented, no unlorgiven sin, to darken that horrizon which will soon open upon their view, never, never more to know a cloud ! I.ND.A RIDKER. At Harlem, near New York, there is an India Rubber manufactory where about 150 women und 50 males are employed, and where military equipments nre made in no small qualities. The raw rubber is fut cleanly washed, and after being diied, is ground between two largo cylinders; under an immense pressure, heated by steam and so hot that the rubber looks as thorgh it weie burning. While it is grinding, a preparation of turpentine is mixed with it to dissolve the rubber The rubber comes from the roller a black mass, which is transferred to rollers of still heavier pressure, where it is ground again under a strong heat ; thence it goes to fi third roller to be heated reedy to bo put upon the cloth ; this is done l y a powerful gct of rollers. The rubber thus prepared, is put upon the rollers aud distributes itM-lf evenly at any thickness doiivd ; the cluth is I J,,hn 1. Slingerlund gives the following ac theu put upon another roller that passes under I count of thu disposition of the recaptured thu rubber, which, under great pressure, isj j slaves : forced into aud through the cloth ; no matter '-Last evenins', in passing the railroad de- whether silk or tl stoutest sail duck, it goes through. A coat is put on tho other side in in the same way, and no power can generate 00jg are cut out by patterns, and after the edges are covered by rubber cement they are folded together and rubbed down closely and soon become so firmly fixed that any parj will sepcrato before the seams; there is in fact iio seams, all is rubber, without a parti- clo of other fastening. After they are all fas- tened. the whole artcle is covered with now I ' . " . . dP eJ 8l,phr, and taken to be cured , this ' ' u done by piaoin5 ,hPln upon an iron railroad ... .;,., i,.,..i:..i, ,.i,UP iI.pv Ilia I J.aur.-.-D 1MV a luigv . J Uimv-i y a, .... -' J are subjected to the action of team at a high i , . , . i . ,l temperature, which cures them and completes an Brticle that is affected by no temperature ailtl wWch oulvient iron itself. Tho Eoods taken out of the heater are boiled in strong potash lye and then washed, which leaves them ready for sale. Tho sulphate of lead and sulphlrie gases are also used to cure or vulcanize the rubber. The goods made by this machinery are elegant, and the opera tion d making them is very simple und yet complete. The invention is Yankee, and no nation can approach us in the kmd of work I yet- Favd ih Tbade- Some cases of opium were sold in Boston on Monday, at three cents per pound. The morphine had all been extracted from the drug before exportation. This fraudulent opinion was invoiced at a lower price than that of the first quality, but till greatly above it real value From the American Partizan. GEOLOGY FUn SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BV JOSIAH HOLBROOK. Geogruphy, geology, and geometry, all de rived from the Greek word g, signifying earth, or the wtirld. Graphd, meaning to write or describing jho earth. Logos, meaning word, or a discourse, added forms"geology, or a discourse about tho earth. Mctron, mean ing measure, addi'd. makes gemotry, or mea suring the earth. These threi? sister sciences then, describe, analyze, and measure the earth. Geography tells the place, and geo 'ogy the ingredients of mountains, islands, and continents. Thu one tells where the Andes mountttfns are, the other what they are. The one is, essential to a full knowledge of the other. After wilnes-sini; the great intcllignffae and interest evinced iimong the small children in the New Vurk Public Schools, the editor of the Tribune enquire 'UTxif more rational or appropriate .itartin-r point in the race after knowledge ca'i he feinted than tin elements of our gfofic." nt the same time adding, :that every person in the world evidently outrlit to know what tho woild is made of; especially as the information fan be acquired at an ear ly nge, with the greatest ease and delight. Ten simple minora!?! are the elements of nil mountains, rocks, and soils, and nre hence called the "Gkoi.ocai. Alphabet.' These minerals, variously combined, form about 25 different kinds of rocks. Both the minerals and the rocks which they compose, can be learned by any child of three years in a week, if not in a day. The knowledge thus obtained is of the most substantial, as well as interestiuu, character ; and more substantial and iulerosriiiL', because very young children, not only may, but do, both learn ami prepare this fundamental lesson of knowledge for themselves. The tirst time a little child picks up a pebble, he learns the most important lesson that ever is or can be learned in this very important science. Tho pebble is one, rind the most important letter in the Geolo gical Alphabet. It is called quartz, and is tho only mineral found every where. It en ters more largely into rocks, mountains, atld soils than any other ; and also forms, nnder different colors and textures, nearly all the gems used as ornaments and articles of com merce in all ages of the world. The twelve precious stones placed in the breast-plate of Aaron tho high priest, were varieties of quartz as wero tbos.-! named in tho book of tti volaiions, as forming the streets of the New Jerusalem. Quartz is also essential in the manufactory of g'.ass. As quartz, the first and most important let ter in the Geological Alphabet ; also one of the most instructive and interesting things in tho world, is found every where, we invite every child in every school and family to look for it, as he will most certainly lind it. It is very hard and scratches glass. It also has a great many colours, und is sometimes beauti. fully crystalized, with six sides. Frequently tho middle of the crystals, is a six3ided prism and the two ends six-sided pyramids. Great quantities of quart!! crystals are collected by children at Little Falls, New York and sold to travellers under the namo of 'Diamonds.' Rod quartz with a flno texture is called Jas per ; when purple, it is called Amithyst; if clouded, Agate ; if yellow, Cornelian, or per haps Topaz J when of a pearly lustre, it is called Opal. Every child who gets a speci men of quurz, or learns the first letter of the Geological Alphabet, will be nearly certain to procure and learn the whole, and in a short time have a beautiful and instructive Family i Museum,' for the entertainment of himself ; aiuj j,is f, jt.Uli, I . SALE OF THE recaptured SLAVES. In a letter from Washington, dated April j 22d, to the Albany Evening Journal, Mr. pot, I saw a largo number of colored peisons j gathered round ono of the cars. I found in , tho car toward which they were so eagerly j ed to ir.iiii their liberty last week, in the ! schooner Pearl. About half of them were 1 females, a few of whom had but a slight tinge of African blood in their veins; they were finely formed und beautiful. The men ! were ironed together, and the wliolo group looked sad and delected. At each end ol tne cur stood a rullian-l)okiug guard, with large canes in their hands. A clergyman, who owned one of the fugitives, was one of the first to strike, a bargain with tho slave dealer, and make merchandise of God's image. Some of the colored people outside, as well as in the car, wero weeping most bitterly. I learned that many families were separa ted." Poi'B Gregory. By the by, speaking of St. Peter, that is a good anecdote of Pope Gregory, which has been sent us by a friend: "The late Pops Gregory XVI. was rather fond of the bottle ; and after his decease, when niailo his apperauce at Saint Peter's gate the following colloquy took place : Saint Peter, with his ear against the door asks ('who's there 1" "It is I, the late Pope Gre gory." '-Well, come in, you have the key." "1 know it, but it don't fit ; I have been fum bling here for an hour er more at the key hole." Saint Peter opening the door from the inside, says, 'Let me see your key. Pahaw! you have made a grand mistake this i the key of yoiuj it'me cfflir .'" SLPERB PRESENTS FOR OEMS. TAYLOR, WORTH AND SMITH. . Messrs. Baldwin and Co.; of Newark N. J., have just manufactured a golden medal and two swords) to bo presented to theso distin. guished men, by order of the Legislature, of Louisiana. "The medal of course is of pure gold, 3 inches in diameter, and weighs about 400 pennyweights. On the obverse are the Arms of the State of Louisiana, (the Pelican feed ing her young, with the motto, "Justice, Uni cn and Confidence, with the inscription, "The State of Louisiana, to Major General Zachary Tajor.n On the reverse, is a scene in the tattle of Buena Vista, in relief, repre senting the General dismounted, in the midst of his staff", surveying the field with his glass. while Bragg's battery is coming into the ac tion to sustain the Ke.itucky and Indiana re giments. In the background are the moun tains, with the Mexican army defiling at tlieir base : the whole surrounded with the names of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Bnena Vista the latter being enclosed in a wreath. The sword for General Worth is purely classic in design, being of the exact form of the Roman broadsword. The hilt is exqui sitely modelled, representing Jupiter hurling his thunder-bolts at the Titans, underhis feet. The scabbard is in panels, and on the lower end is twined a knotted cord, emblematic of the Gordian knot. The sword for General rersifer F. Smith, who belongs to Louisiana, is by far the rich est thing of tho sort we have ever seen, and we are told that it is one of the richest spaci mens of the art ever executed in this country. The hilt represents Hercules destroying the giant Antirus. As the fable runs, he threw him three times but each time the monster touched his motlicr earth, (being the son of Neptune and Terra) he gained new strength, so that Hercules could only master by raising him from his feet and crush him to death It would seem that Santa Anna recovered fresh vigor, like the Grecian monster, after each defeat, until the gallant Smith hugged him nt Coutreras. The scabbard is in nanels : the top panel is ornamented in has relievo with the arms of Louisiana; the middle one beam the descrip tion, "The people and State of Louisiana to Brigadier General Persifer F. Smith, the hero of Contreras," and in tho lower panel are pmhlemaiic devices, and the tip and bands bear striking medallion heads of Achilles, Medusa, &c. There beat i ful testimonials of the public sense of rare public services are valued at S3000.' Bbaviuv or an Indian Woman One of the Creeks, who was at Gull Lake, had been tracked into the valley, along w ith his wife and family, by five youths of a hostile tribe On perceiving the odds that were against him, the man gave himself tp tor lost, obser ving to the woman that as they could die but once, they had better make up their minds to submit to their present fate without resist ance. Tho wife, however, replied, that as they had but one lose, they were the more decidedly bound to defend it to the last, even under the most desperate circumstances; ad ding, that as they were young, and by no means pitiful, they had an additional motive for preventing their hearts from becoming small. Then suiting the action to' tiie word, the heroine brought the foremost warrior to the earth with a bullet, while her husband animated by a mixture of shame and hope. disposed of two more of the enemy with his arrows. The fourth, who had by this time come to pretty close quarters, was ready to take venrreance on the courageous woman with the uplifted tomahawk, when he stnni bled and fell, and the dagger of his intended victim was buried in his heart. Dimnayeu by the death of his four companions, the sole survivor of tho assailing party saved himself by flight, after wounding his male opponent by a ball in the arm. Sir Simpsons Nar rative. Santa Ansa's Wife. Santa Anna's wife is particularly beautiful and facinating in . ... .... i manner. She is nis secomi cnuice una nu entering her twentieth year, though looking much younger. His daughter by the hrst marriage differs in every particOlar from her stepmother. She is neither handsome in per- son nor interesting lor accoiiiplisinneiiis. Her ag is fourteen. OfR Flao on PoPOCAT.VPr.TL. The Ameri can Hag has been unfurled' to tho breeze on tho highest pinnacle of, the North American continent, and the glorious stars and stripes have waved in triumphant folds over the e ternal snows of the "smoking mountain " Six of the parly which was reported a few days since as having failed to ascend Pocala petl, remained in camp two or three days af ter the first unsuccessful effort, to await a more favorable day for the enterprise ; fry were soon gratifijd, and again made the at empt, which was entirely successful, and !he nartv arrived Bt the highest' peak, over- looking the great crater, without accident. Here the flag of the United State was raised at an elevation of more than three miles and a quarter above the level of the ocean, and the party enjoyed a prospect of unsurpassed magnificence and sublimity. The six persons composing the party were Lieut. Stone, OrcN nance ; Lieuts. Buckner and Kirkham, etli Infantry; Lieut. Anderson, 3d Dragoons f Lt Bomford, 8th Infantry ; and Mr. Bagley, an English gentleman of this city. Thus has the American flag waved, not only over the Halls of the Montezuma, but over the highest point of the . Land of the Aztecs. American Star, April 16. ANECDOTE OF JACK HAYS, TH ttfUl RANGER. Among the many incidents in the RUf tion of which the usually taciturn young Ra gar wbs accustomed to begui'e the long and laborious night rides of Gen. Lane In pursuit of tho guerrillas, I recollect the following) which may not be uninlerestiug to your rea ders. . . , "Did I ever tell you," said lie one night ai we were riding toward Matamoras, in a driz zling rain, "about my being appointed com mander of the forces for our frontier, by the Texan Congress 1?' "No how was it"' "Well, when I was about fourteen years old, I got in a habit of going with our spies' nd following trails to find the camps arid illages of the Camanchcs. In a short time, I used to go alone, when tho spies wpuld go no farthor, and sometimes succeeded in find ing the enemy and leading our Rangers to their camp. Very soon the oftilers employ- l nte as a regular trailer, and from that lime was always in the woods in pursuit of the Camanches; and for a whole year l.have not slept in a bed, and but twice in a house. Things went on in this way till I got to bo lxmt 18 or ltf years old., One day, after an absence of several months, I came into the settlement, llad'nt had on a pair of panta loons for six mouths. '' ... " v "No pantaloons what did you wearl" "Oh, moccasins' said he. "A hander- hief was tied round my head I'd lost my hat three months before -" 'Lost your hat how'd you lose it 1" "Why, six Camanches liappencd to see me ... i one day, and chased me so close my nai come off" in the race when they stop pursuit went back, but they found it. Well, when got into t!J.e settlements they gathered around and begun to tell me I had been ap pointed to command all the forces to be rain ed for the protection of the frontier. Of course I supposed they were poking fun at my looks and dress, and I was getting mad fast, wherl some one handed me a letter containing offi cial notice of the appointment." "I should'nt have been more surprised," lie modesty added, "if ld been chosen Pre sident of Texas." A PHILOSOPHER. A poor jolly weaver in this city, not many nrrn. h.-ul a fortune left him bv a distant and wealthy relative, wiio "weht bfTthe han dle" in England rather unexpectedly. When the news came to the poor fellow, as he sat click-te-clack at his loom, he stopped still and said : 'Well, 1 suppose I mWt spend this money straight." The fortune, some twenty odd thousand dollars was duly realized and duly spent. For two brief years did the poor weaver (ra vel, make merry, and riot upon the luxuries of the land. But two years did the job, and he returned to his loom as poor a a church! mouse, but merry as a cricket, and worked again for His daily bread, perfectly satisfied with the "good time" he had while his for tune lasted. His friends called him green, but he laughed at their gibes and worked tho harder. In a twelve month's time, off popped another relative, and the news, post haste, came to the jolly weaver,' tat he was again the possessor of a handsome fortune. Stopping has loom, and looking sorrowfully on the letter, he despondingly said : "Good Heavens ! is it possible I must go through all that again !" Boston Ravibler. Gin. Taylor's Personal ArrcABANCB. A correspondent of the Inquirer gives the following admirable sketch of the perfo'naf appearance of Gen. Taylor : St word of the General himself. And firjt, there is no likeness 1 ever saw of him in Phi ladelphia, that at all strikingly resembles' him. Do not think I do injustice to our ar-' tists. I would not on any account, but it is my decided judgment that they have gener ally signally failed. The high cheek bones and heavy underlip that appear in some of tlm portraits I have seen of him, are ferfect caricatures. These portraits generally repre sent l.'iiri us a plain some of them even as an ugly looking man. On the contrary, he is a good looking remarkably good looking man. Ho is no longer young, but he, has an open, pleasant countenance, to which a fine eye gives lh most lively aud varied expres sion. Nor is ho an old looking man. If you expect to see "old" General Taylor, you wilt" be very, much disappointed. Hi's carriage is erect his step firm and quick. He does not look older than many of your citizens I could name to you, w ho are now engaged in active pursuits of business, or the professions,' and whom we would never think of calling "old" men. Sad Fats or Amebic lotd'iiV A' letter from the Picayune correspondent at Vera Cruz mentions that an American soldier1 who accompanied the last train from the city of Mexico, from indisposition ragfed behind, and beinr overhauled by the diligence, he obtained a passage. The stage was soon al ter attacked by robbers, who, after plunder. iTerlng the passengers of their valuables, took out the American soldier and shot him. The correspondent could n'dt learn his name. No Respect roa Dignitt Some rascal, who was no respector of dignrfiesY strrf"" softly into the bed-room of Gov. Owslie, Frankfort, (Ky.,) on Sunday week, a" ed off with his spectacles, watch W free, without disturbing either the Gem his' wift. nnbury, April .