Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 13, 1848, Image 4

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    . JVom f -dmTfon ignmiiun.w. -
., ,Th cultirmtipn T potatoeehaa becoma w
preMrtMS for thn hat four or five yre,v tlat
' it way. W or aartic to publish an isocount .of
, experimeala, even if they havn frored un-
eoeeeful. 1 win therefore state) my experi
ence), each as It la, with a hope that Jt top
beofinoreorleaa benefit to theee jnpEfed
in the. wne ealling as myself. t r " j .
I hate planted on rtety of soils, inclu
ding a hear? clayey loahVgravel, black ve
getable earth) lbatn, tlch' in animal and Vege
table mayor, and, on a light, sandy loam. In
the layer, 1 have alwaya succeeded in raising
-Mtand jotatoce, and I consider such a soil the
most certain of producing i. sound, healthy
rjrop, ia w . ,v .. v ('
i': 111 1845, I. planted my potatoes ' in April,
May, June, and July. . Those planted in May,
I found succeeded best; and the vines of
those planted late decayed early in Septem-
, ber, soon after the young tubers began to
form.' ...
On the 15th of May, 1846 planted an a
ere of potatoes, on a moist loam, suitable for
growing Indian corn. One part of the field,
1 manured with newly slacked lime; ono
with Vriod ashes; One with charcoal one
with bone dust; one with poudrettej and a
nother part with plaster, lime, ashes, and salt,
mixed. The result was, that the largest
. yield and the least rot, occurred where lime
only was applied, at the time of planting, in
the run.
Observing that the two rows ot potatoes
next to the corn, which occupied a part of
the last-named field, Mere entirely free from
' disease, and produced well, last season ( 1847,1
I planted a lot, alternately, with two rows of
com, and two rows of potatoes ; also, a small
patch exclusively with potatoes, in the same
field, manuring' . the whole with lime in the
hill. Those produced between the corn were
all sound, and continue so to the present time,
and were abundant in their yield; whereus,.
the others, planted by themselves, were more
or less affected with disease. A portion of
the ground was subsoiled to the depth of 16
inches. On this part, the produce was one
third greater.
' From my experience, as above. I would re
commend potatoes to be planted among Indi
an corn, before the 15th of May, in a light,
aandy loam, or some other dry soil, sub-soiled
16 inches deep, with a gill of newly-slacked
lime, applied to each hill. D.
Orange Co. N. Y. March 27, 1848. ,
6oiU.No tn' Salt Water. Hams are said
to be better boiled in salt water ; no doubt for
the reason that in a given time they are much
better boiled. . Hams requires a long time in
boiling. Sir Humphry Davy tells us the rea
son why vegetables and fish should be plung
ed into boiling salt water is, that this solution
boils at a higher temperature than plain wa
ter, and that the sudden scalding fixes the
albumen, mucilage, and other nutritive parts
of the viand, instead of being macerated and
sodden and so partly lost in luke warm wa
ter. Keeping Beef, Fresh. Combe says the
ribs will keep longest, or five or 6ix days in
summer, the middle, of the loin next, the
rump next, the round next, and the brisket
the worst, which will not keep longer than
three days in summer.
Plants iu pots kept in rooms or conservato
ries should be watered thoroughly at least
once every day during the summer months,
and in very hot weather twice a day will
no( be found too much; and when they are
Watered, it must be observed . that a slight
Watering is not sufficient, but the pot must
be completely filled up to' the brim, and if
possible the plants should bo syringed over
head once every other day, or at least twice
a week. This syringing of the leaves .is of
the greatest importance to the health of the
plants and those that are kept in rooms should
do set in the open air and well syringed
twice a week during the summer months,
and once a week even in winter, provided
ti .1 . r
uio weuinur uo not irosiy.
. Goino to Congress. Going into a Wes
tern member's room the other day, and see
ing him with his coat off in the middle ot the
apartment, up to his middle, in documents
and speeches and letters, laboring lustily with
his franking pen, I alluded to the press of
private business. "Stranger," said he. "1
never came to Congress before, and I never
" want to come again. I tell you, that this of
fice of member of Congress is not what it is
cracked up to be. I calculated, to have hud
a good time here this winter, after racing all
over my district and making more than five
hundred stump speeches in order to get elec
ted. But the fact is, you can aee the way I
eujoy myself. It is what I call having the
-..j-i hwui uuniuir. ii iiv. air. A UC V CI utr-
gan to work in this way before in my life."
'Well, sir," I replied, "the honors of the sta
t tion undoubtedly compensate you for all your
labors." "The honors be bursted ; all I wish
is, that I was out of the scrape." I asked :
"How comes on the loan bill in your branch!"
"0, they are spouting away, spouting away,
sir, and here I am, franking the speeches.
The Lord oidy knows what is in them."
"And the Ten Regiment bill 1" "I know no
thing about it and don't want to. Look at
them are letters.'' nointhio- in a iwn Vumhnl
basket of private corrreapondenee "not One-
half of them answered ; look at these speeches
Hot Quarter of thorn franlcA1- What iiiM.
tkm can I give to" loan bills- Snd regiment
'. bHtsTKir, I must attend totny constituents."
And we left him to bis labors. Corrpod-
f of Bottom Paper. ,
. A Dr- Amderso, of Bi'rkenh'ead, Eng., re
eeutly died from, using "chloroform. ; He. was
in his usual slate of health, which was deli-
f .fni Wha-ia nMmA.i m J s
him forHhe purpose of rendering the extrica-
tlon of a tooth painless. Within forty-eight
i haum rush of blood to the lung threatened
S Instant death, and he expired pn the aecond
afterwards.- ' , ;r ;
v rr '''''!
RtfoifTei Jew, ' says a letter frpm
franen left by will a sum of three milliup
CE) IX X2T 0 SXX 323 0
BTbM power t esose all irttas.i SORES.
POISONOUS WOUNDS to oisonergs their pd
frid matters, snd then heals ibem. - ' i
. . J Is richly termed AH-heellngi for there Is scare
ly s disease, exierntl or Internal, their it will not
benefit. I have uses' It for the last fourteen TtsrS
w all dlsetsee ef the chtt,oaianp(iao ens Iw,
lhoMnt the ntnuM deaqsar and .responsibilitr.
MKT deUra beforf bvw ni sotn, thst not In
one sinita csm has U failed o benefit when the pa
timt was ariihln tha reach bf root ul toesns.
I h had nhvateUn, hamed In lbs prorVnnan.
I have has ministers of lbs f opl, jndfaS of the
bench, sMarmen, lawyers, gsndenten ef lbs btgh
rst arudlitoe, and multitudaa ss the poor van it in
every variety ef way, and there hss been hot one
voire one tthlteraat voice tajlng M'Allieter,
year Ointment It GOOD." '
In Scrofula, Old Sorea, Erysepclaa, Tsttw LI
vrr Complaint, Sort Eyes, Quinay, Bora Tbrott,
Bronchitis, Broken or Bore Breast, Piles, all Cheat
Diaeasrs, rach aa Asthma, OpprSaaiona, .Paln
Alao, Sors Up, CbappeJ Hauils, Tamoff. Ch).
drrn't Culanrons Eruptions, Narvooa DUaaraa,
and ef the Spina, there is nomedidDS now known
aa Rood. ' . 'i ' - ' '
SCALD HEAD Ws have cored ca.ea that
sctually defied evrry thinj known, ss well as the
ability of 15 nr SO doctor a. ..One mn told, as ha
hsd spent 1300 on hit chiljitn without any bene
fit, whan a few botes of Ointment ennd them.
BALDNESS It will restore the bsir sooner
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The salve bat cored peion
of the headache of 12 erV ataoding, Snikwho
hid it regular every week, so that vomiting often
tonk place DsirsEta, Ear Acbi, sod Aaes i
thi Kacs, are cured hy this Ointment with like
tuccrta. , .
RURN8 It one of the he it thing In the
world for Burnt. (Read the d;rretiom around the
box.) . . ,
RHEUM A'i ISM. It remnvea almoat
alely the Infl imation and an riling when the piin
cettr: (Rnsd the Direction around the Box.) ,
COLD FEET. ' Connomplinn, Liver Com
plaint, Pain in the chrat nr tide, falling off of the
buir, one or the other always accompanies col l
feet. (Thit Ointment it the true remedy.) It ii
S ure flan of diaeaae to have old feet.
TET fER. There it nothing better fur the
cure nt 1 etter.
PILES. are yrstty cured by thin
CORNS. Occasional uae uf the Ointment "ill
alwtyt keep Co nt from ginning. People neeil
never lie troubled with them il lliey will uae I.
Head lte following Communication,
Received from an otd, renpre ed an J well known
citizen or Fbiladalphu. and then judge for youi
Philadelphia. 10 mo., t3lb, 1846
To T. B. Peterton, Having been rrqutnl
to give my opinion on the merits of M'ALLIS
TER'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some
uf the benefits which I have txpeiienced in the use
nf the article.
In the spring of 184S, I hid an stuck of Ery
sipelas in my lace whieti became very pslnful, snd
extended into one of my eye, teing sttended with
fevrr, my diatrees was great sod I began to be fear
ful of luairg my eye.
Although not much of s believer in what la
commonly called quack medicines, I purchased s
box and made an application to my fare. To mv
empties the pain soon ab .ted, and in a week's time
I waa entirely cured, and I firmly believe that il
ei the aaltr, under Providence that cuied me.
From lhal time to the present, I have used the
article at occaaion required, and in every caas where
I have uted it, I have found a decided benefit.
At oi. e lime, on going to b?d at night, my throat
was to aore that I ewsllowrd with difficulty, but
by an application of the ri'vs I was relieved lefoie
I have mod it in cane of burnt, bruiere. upr.iim.
ind flrth cute, all with the happiest effect, and
one cane of poiioning hy s wild vine in the wood.
h been dried up and cured by a few application.
From my own expeiince, I would strongly re
coinriiend it to ill, it s cheap, convenient, family
. I btve become an partial In it, that I expect to
keep il constantly in my family.
Though not ami itioua lo appear In print, yet I
cannot refus to have this commm.ica'ion made
public if judged beol to servs the e.iuas of bumani
ly. Keapecl fully thine,
No. S6, Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine
uhbei the nam. a of Jamea M'Alliiter, or Jamaa
M'Alliater &. Co., are written with a pen on eve
8le proprietor f tte aNivt mnlieine.
Aosxts: J. W. FRILINO. 8unl.ury.
Dr WM. M BICKLEY, Danville.
J. O. CROU8E. 8elinagrove,
P. C. 8HFLLER. Lewuburg.
WM. P. NAGI.E. Milton,
JOHN 8HARPLESS, Csltswiats.
"Teb.l9lh.1849. euwly
W TABLE COMPOUND, for ths cure of
dte. Thii Medicine i offered to lbs public under
the SLaurant'S that there Is mi article in sxiatencs
having atrooger claims lo Ihsir eonridataliun. Be
ing compounded by a tegular Graduate of J. Her
eon College, Philadtlpb a, sod s practicing phyii
cijn of twenty yeara' atandit g in Philadelphia, hie
long experience ba coiiflimed him in lbs opinion
tb it s compound medicine wsa required to prevent
and remedy tha debilitation pr duced by residing
in low, mtarmatic climates, and lo counteract ths
pro Utling influeno t of muny nervous disorder
with which lbs human family are sfMioled.
DR. ALLEN is s well known pbtaiciin, snd
baa uaaj tho absve medicine in hi practice for 8
yeara with ths moat toninhing effect, having tea
ted ita qualitiea in above
No medicine ever teetived more flatierine re
commendaliorn from phyiieians of eminent Mend
ing thin hat (ken beatowed on thii.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profet
tor niyi: "It chiefly sritei in persons who lead
either s very sedentary or irregular life. Although
not regarded si s fatal diaeaae yet if neglected or
improperly tiesred, may bring on incurable Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Madueas, or Vsitlgo, Paley
and Apoplexy. A grest singularity sttendant on
il la, ibat il may ant) often does continue s great
length of time without soy rcmiaaion of the sy mp
tnms. -
CAUSE'. Grief snd onestioeea of mind. in.
tents study, profnas evacuations, exeest in venerv.
xcauaive uae of apiiitoona liquors, tea, tobacco, o-
pium. too otnsr narcoilcs, immoderate repletion,
over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of ths
accretion of the bils or g leirie juice, sxposuis to
rotd end dump sir, are lbs chief ceuaes of this die-
ByMPTOMS. Loaa of sppetite, nauasa, MaA
bum, acidity, aod f cat id erueUtioos, goswing of
ths stomach when empty, nosssineas m the thieaL
pain lo tha aide, eoalivenesa, cbillneae, languor,
lownsss of spirits, pvlpiuiions, and distnibsd
TABLE COPOfAD baa mv faiied in sflor.
dmg immadists islief, snd s tadkal ear far this
0? This Medicine esa be had of H. B Masesr,
Sunonryi j. v. MaiUn, rotb-vtuV, Medlar at
ickslj Orwtgaborg snd ef Druggists genera Hy.
ALLEN dk WARD, Presvleton.
Philadelphia, Nov. n I84TCO. ly
A GENI? " for sobas Nsw aod Poao.
..V.. ,;S,M' caavv throughout
sthUnited 8lstes. To Agents, the most libers!
sccoarsgeeaent is offered with a ipull capital
of from $33 lo I00. A chance is oKred. where
by s Agent esa make from 810 to $33 per week
07" For farther particulars, address (pest
Paid ) W. k. LEA RBY, ,
W, ,M Kor,h SttondSt.
Philsdelphis; April I, J848 te(T ,
tC 1:1 PBIwinTLTANfA'.-:
; Ths following tlet shews fhs current vsM of sK
Meylvsels Bank Notes. Ths most Implicit re
liance may ha pieced npoa it, aa it ii every loet
jarefully compared with snd corrected from Blrk
sell's Reporter, -., .-. , t, ,r-n , .- - k
Danki In PkfJadelpblia.
i ,biivi - NOTES AT- PA R.s '' ;
Bank ef North Amerietsa t d ill- -vsri 'par
tfank or the PtorUistn Liberties . , par J
unmmercial Bank or t'ena'a.' t. t n H par
Farmers' snd Mechsnies Bank ... par
Kensington Bank n r par
PhitaxMphla Bank r1 t par
SchnylkUl Bank -n ; J if r '' '.' par
Senthwark Bank ' t -t i, par
Wealsm Bank ; . ; i ';. s Ii.""; psr
Mechsnies' Dsns . 1 ' . pal
Manofactorers' dr. Mechanics' Benk ! par
Bsnk of Penn Township ,. ..- par
Oirsrd Bank . par
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamrnatng par
Bank of Pennsylvania ' par
4Donntrr Banks.
"Bank of Chester County-- Westchester psr
Bsnk of Delaware County Ubeeter - psr
Bank of Germentown" " Oermsntown ' par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown ' psr
Doyleatown Bank . ' Dnyleetown' par
Eaaton Bank - ' Eastnn par
Farmers' Bank of Burks ro. Bristol ' par
Bank Of Northumberland ' Norlhumhcrland par
Columbia Bank & D ridge co.Columbia ' par
Farmers' Bnnk of Lsncastor Laneistci ; ' par
Lancaster County Bnk Lancaater , psr
Lancaater Bank Lancsater par
Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading par
(Wee of Bank or renn'a.
Office do ., do
Office do do
Office do do
Harrisburg Thees
Lancaster I offices
Rending fdo not
Eastnn J issue n.
tsnk of the United States
Phibdelphis IT
Pottaville par
Lswistown failed
Middlotown 1
Carliale I
Pittsburg- " ' 1
Hollidayahurg ' I
Harrisburg I
Lsbsnon ' ' par
Pittahurg I
Pittabuig ' - I
Wilkeibirrs . Ii
Allentown no aula
Reading filled
Pittaburg .failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chsmbersburg 1
Oettytburg I
Mootross 2J
Eris S
Wsynesburg 1 )
Wsshington I j
Hoasadale I
Browns rille ' I J
York 1
Miners' Bank of Pottaville
Bank nf LewiMowri
Dank i f Middlotown
Carlisle Bank
Exvhangs Bank '
Do do branch nf
Harrisburg Bank
lbsnon Bank
Me'cbanta St Manor. Bank
Bunk nf Pittsburg .
West Branch
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bsnk of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank'of Chsmbersborg
BKk of Gettysburg
Bank of Suequehsnns Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' dr. Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honesdale Bsnk
Monongahela Bank of B.
York Bsnk
N. B. Ths notes of those banks on which ws
imit quotations, and aubstitute s dtth ( ) srs not
purchased hy ths Philadelphia brokers, with lbs
exception of tbose wbicn have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Kensington 8sv. Ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor, Bank (T. W
IVwanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Ta.
Bank of Bearer
Bank of Sveatara
Bank of Washingtm
Centre Bank
City Bunk
Farmers' & Meth'cs' Bank
Farmer' &. Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank
llaimony Insiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumlvrmen'e Bsnk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhunih'd Uuinn Cot. Ilk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Ps. Agr. &. Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Peun's.
W estmoreland Bank
Wilkeehsrre Bridge Co.
I A N K 8.
Philadelphia faileJ
do failed
do failed
Jo -do
Dyott, prop.) failed
Bedford no tale
Reaver rinsed
Hariishuig closed
Washington tailed
llellifonle tlciscd
Pittabuig no sale
Pittsburg failed
Fayette cr. failed
Grccncast'e failed
Harmony uo sale
Huntingdon no sale
Letvhitown no sale
Warien failed
UundaAT no aale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadvillc cloaed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose ' cloaed
Uniontown failed
Greenshurg closed
Wilkeabarre no tale
dj" All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in ths sbovs list, may be set
town sa frauds.
Bank uf New Brunswick
Delvtdeie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Zoroniercial Bank
JumlcrUnd Bank
Perth Amlioy
Farmers' Bunk
Mount Holly
farmers' snd Mechaoica' Bk Rahwsv
Fsrmers' and Mechsnies' Bk N. Biunswiek failed
Farmers' snd Merchant!' Bk Middlctown Pi. 1
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City
I F . i . I r. h . . .
no sale
oo tale
nouosen Dig cb uiaxing io noooken
lertey City Bank Jersev Cit
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morrit County Bank Morristown
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Nswark
Mechanics' snd Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal sod Bkg Co Jersey City
Pot Notes '
Newark Bkg dr. Ins Co Newark
INew Hops Del Bridge Co LamborUvilte
N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Prolectoo dc Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Paterson Bank Peterson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
Slate Bank Newark
8late Bank Elizabethlown
Slate Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Morris Morristown
Stats Bank Trenton
Salem snd Pbilsil MaftufCo Salem
Sussex Bsnk Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Uuioo Bsnk Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackensack
Bk of Wilrn cfc Braodywine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna . Smyrns
Do branch Milford
Fanners' Bk of Slats of Del Dover
Do ; branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Nsweastle
Union Bank Wilmington
r Under 6's
' (X7 On sll banks marked thus () there srs ei
ther counterfeit or sllersd notes of the various de
nominations, in circa la tioo. .....
Peace xcith Mexico I
W N FORMS the snUie that In order le bring
boot s pesos with Msxlee, be manufactures all
kinds of Rifles, Double .d 8iogU Bansllsd 8bot
Oaos, aod Double Barrelled sUvgJving Rifles, st
his manufactory ot Hollowing Run, Lower A
gnals township, Northumberland county, all of
which be will warrant for six saoothe. These
who want flrss rate article la hie Uae, can he so
comaodsted at Ike shortest notice and on ths moat
raMoaaUs tarma. Low. ,1 give him s sell.
Lower Asgotts, Jin. 8, 1848 6m.
No. 40,
No. 80 Market Street, fivetloora below
, , .., t .Third, South aide, y C(; -i
- . PBIlABIXiVBIA ! ! ;
Importer J Wtoll Dcailera In
TSTfTATCHES, Watch Olssss snd Materials.
. . Jowslrf of sll deeerlptloas, anslitlea and
. styles, cempitaing . sll. lbs articles connected
with the Trede, ' '' ' 1 - ' 1
CMsetkt,-.'' .' :.! .! H fi vl. 1
Dixie 4- Son's Britsahla, Oermaa StlvSr and Bil
; ver.Plstsd Wsreev'1 ''' 1,1 mm trs i :
8hmeldsrHlBirmtrghrn PIinnI Faney Articles,
ttedgere at Sen's and Weetsnhnim't Cutlery, Rs-
' sora.slc'iaacjts. Erasers, Desk Knives, && " ' !
Ivory Hsndted Table Cutrtry, of lbs flnrat, medium
1 snd corrrmm tjnsliiirs. ' ' ' r-!' '
A Urge assortment of Gold Pens. ' ' "; '
Pertfocal Specticht. ' '' ' ' ' ' "
Pipler Miche snd Jnpanned Trays, various shapes
-snd qoslities, st rsdoeed rsteS ' "'
Gold Witch Ctses, Diatt and Silver-Ware, of sll
"'. description manufactured to order.
' DICKSON dc CO having recently ' removed
Intotbs largs and commoJious warehouse formerly
occupied by Meisis. R. AsaiieaiT dc Boss, snd
mors rreentlf bv ' AssaeasT a RxstsoTos, beg
lesve to Inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants
sod others, thst thsy design having st sll timet s
largs assortment Of Uooda, of their own Importa
tion, which they srs determined to sell st the toweit
ratei. , r , c , - ,
; rrr Every attention will bs paid lo the Packing
of Goods, and in the execution of Orders, ths quali
ties sndpifces willbefully gujrmtisJ agsiost all
competition. t r '
rhiUtietphia, Juns tain, itn-iy , - '
mHE rhililrm began to cry for Sherman's Lo-
JL xenge. The noise was not to loud at that
lime, hut it lias kept increasing ever rinrs. and now
haa Income so great that the mouths of lbs little
ones tan scarce he stopped. Dr. Sherman eymps
thiseswlth the little sufferera, and viry much re-
ire s that any of them thnold be disappointed.
Knowing the vaat liencfit which has been confer
red upon the community by the ifatroduction of
bis infallible ' : f -' "'
he has entered into arrangements for enlsrging hie
Mann factory, by means of which bethinks he will
be aide to supply the dems d. And the came pains
and care will be taken, that tbess CilelTateU Lo
zenges be made as they have slways been, in or
der thst those who depend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their bnpee. He knew 'when bi
commenced the msnufae'ure of the Worm Lozrn
mi, that they would supersede lbs use nf every
.other vermifuge, sa ihs Lnsengs is eery pleatanl
to the taate, ipttdy in its effects, at well as certain,
and the quanlitv required to effect a perfect ture,
is very small. These properties! connexion with
the f .ct thst they ars sold fur SA e nls per box, thus
placing them in ths reach of the poorest man in
the land, has not only caused them to tal.c the
place of every other vermifuge eer' offered, but at
o rendered them popular to the community.
Dr. Sherman'e . . "
continue lo cure Coughs, O Ida, Oonsompl on,
Asthma, shortness snd difficulty of Brestbing, snd
other of the Lungs, with the ssrrls facility
ibey did on their Oral introduction, and ihs ptople
bavs now become perauadej by actual expriience.
that on the secession of s ri ght cold, Ibsy hsve
onlv lo step to either the Dr'e. office, or one of lbs
Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough L serges.
Which are very cobVrUient to carry iu ths pocket,
nil to taikc) s few through thn d -y. By pursuing
ihit course s cure is often effected in SI hours, snd
the pitient shout his busin1 ss. So great is ths ce
lebrity of the Lexenges, that thousands of persons
who have used them, snd become scquainied wiih
their rlfi ctr, will never lie without them.
haa cued more cases of Rheumatism, Pal i in the
Bark, 8. do snd Chest, Lumbegn and Weakness,
than any application that hsa ever Use i made. Aa
the celebrity of the Plaster hat inrie sed, hundreds
ofunp lnctplrd rascals have attempted lo counter
feit it, and palm il eff up n the rommunitv a the
genuine, rj Be wa e of Deception. Remem
ber that the true and genuine Plaster is spread up
on red.linh paper mada eipree-ly lor the purpose,
and in every ease ths signature of Dr. Khoiman U
p int d upon the back of the Pb s'er, and the whole
seeu'ed by Copy Right. None oil ers are genuine.
Theiefore wl en you want s real good Sherman's
Poor Man Plaster, call it the ofliee, 106 Nstssu
street, and you wi l not be dieappointed.
Remember the number, 106 Ns sau whs s
all Dr. Sherman's Lozenges sre sold. His Agents
rs Mis. Hays, 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn;
II meson, Williamhur ; and Redding dr. Co.,
Boston, snd JOHN YOUNG, Bunbury,
M.A McCAY.Norlhumbeiland.
September I lib. 1 847. 1 y.
Improved Hydraulic Pumps,
For Weill, Railing MM, Furnoeee, or other
I'urpo'Ct. . .
THE subscriber respectfully announeet to the
JL public Ibat bs is now prepared to supply or
ders to any extent fir his Patent Double action
Auction ami Fore Pumps. : These pumps srs
mads of cit lion, snd ths water is sucked or for
ced through lesd pipe. For simplicity of construc
tion sod durability or anion, they srs tatlly sups.
rior to. any now in ass. They have msry advan
taftes over ths common pump, among which sre
the following I
They srs t eonatrucled that mischievous per
sons cannot spoil their action by introducing mils
or spikes or any other tubstam e among ths valves.
as ia often dons with other pumps, thereby render
ing them useless till overhauled. Thsy are vtar-
ranted lo le perfectly securs from froat. Thry srs
a.i ai ranged aa to attord ample pr -tec ion sgainal
Firs about ths p'smisea oo which they are erected.
by slinp'y sltscliieg s piece ut bote, thro' which
tl.ey will fores water to any part of, or over, s
three story house. They sre particularly adaptej
lor very deep wells, at lbs leveisgs can be so re
gulated lhal a chi d uf six yeara old can with the
greatest esse draw water ilb ibem from Ibe dee
pest wells. The objection so justly urged by ma
ny, Ibat w..ter is poib d by standing in pump logs,
is entirely obviated in ibis pump, and fre.h water
cm always hs ss surely obtained as when drawn
with a bucket. . In situations where it is necessa
ry lo rai or fores larKs quantities of water to great
distances for supplying boilers in mills, furnaces.
cVc. these pumps ars invaluable, is they can be
made i f any s ss, sad capable of throwing from
15 lo 1000 gallons per minute.
.And lo crown sll, thsy can bs solJ as cheap as
ths cheapest.
Ths subscriber hss spent ths last year in expe
rimenting upon and perfecting his pumps, snd now
brings Ibem before lbs pubi c with Ibe fullest con
fidence that they will be foetid to answer his de
scription. Hs takes p!essa in referring le the
following companies and individuals, upon whose
premises bit pumps have been erected, snd who
have sxpnsd their sat is faction io the highest
terms t t ,.
Ths Montour Iron Company. Danville, H. Brs
voort, sganll Ihs Bfoomsuarg Railroad Iron Com
pany. Bloomsburg. Col. Paxton, agent ( ths Rough
snd Ready Iron Works, Danville, Hancock, Foley
dr. Co., proprietorti the town Council ef Berwick t
Simen P. Kane, Esq., snd John L.' Watsori, Esq.,
Danville. . . . , . , '
Ht could refer lo many others, who bivs tailed
their eaaltliss, bat tbs above teepee tabis firm inj
individuals srs dseossd sofficionl. .
(7 An ssaorlment of LEAD PIPES coosl ani
ls on ksnd, which wiltbe sold on Ihs moat isssoa
able asrsse. All orders sddteessd le Ihs suhaciibsr,
at Moors ek Biddle's Foundry buildings, or Moa
torn Houas, Danville will sate with oaai4 s
Jan. 1, 184S-tt
Another Farm '
rrH.?.fcl,!.r ,ofc Toeum, dae'd, eftsr for nit
"7i aa'? "aira situats io Bbaavakin
towBskip, Noajhum bee land county, near Snuff
town, and adjoining ths old Suabsch aUod ia
said township, eontsining about two hundred seeas
sTuV lTTLin aoodautea eahivsiioo. The
"sll Rosd rrem Sua bury to BbasaokiBtesra pases
through it. . Fur partienUie snauire ef ,
IIUUH H. TEATS, oafAewe,
. er JOHN FARNS WORTH, Bunbsry,
Dee. 1 1 1847; , 0r ih. beiri.
The .OrandjPiirgative
, ron rum cuxm or
Hradachs, OMdiness, Meastea, Salt Rhsum,
Rheomstlim, PHee,
' Hssrt Burn. Worms,
Cholera Morbus, , .
Coogbs, Qolnsey,
Dytpep-la, Scuivy,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Psins In ths Bsck, '
tnwird Weskoeas,
Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Hssrt, Liver Complaint.
Rising in tha Throat,'' ; Erlsipelss, Deafness,
Dropsy, Astbme, , . r, , ...llcbingt ef the Skin,
Fevers ef -il kinds, i.: UoMs, Uot, Ovsvrl,
Female Uomptints. Nervous Complalnu,'
ssa a vaaiSVT ev evash wnsasxa saistaa
rasai inroBiTist er tbs Btoon, san oa.
.' .. ' .:'.-. StlTIOS)
Exoetlenre hsa provsd thst nearly every Die
ease oriainiies from Impurities of Ihs Blood or de
rangements or tbs Digestive Urgent and lo secure
Health, ws must remove thoas obvtructiona or re
store the Blood to lis natural state.' : - ' (
Ths aversion to taking medicine is most i ffsr-
tnallv removed hv Ctiensss's VsesTSBta Poa
esTtvs Pills, being completely enveloped with
rooting of pure white Sugar, (which is as distinct
trom the Internal ingredient ss s nut sneii rrora
ihs kernel) san svs so f arra er mxdicins
But srs is essily swillowsJ it bits of candy j
Moreover they neither nitutente or gripe in the
slightest degree. Dot operste equally en sll tne a
sited ptrts of ths system, instead of confining
themwlvea to, and racking any particular region.
Thus, if tl e Liver be effected, one ingiedient will
Operate On that particular orgin, and, by elssnsing
it of an Excess of Bile restore it lo iu naiuril
elite. Another will operate nn the B'ood. and
remove all Impuiities in itt circulation! whito a
third will effectually expel whatever impurities
may have lieen discharged into ths stomach, snd
hence ihey sthiks t ths soot nr n i as v-s, re
move all Impure Humors from the body i open
the pores externally and internally 1 aeparaM all
fore gn and oln oiious particles fron the chyle1, so
that the Wood may be thorough y pure thus secu
ring s fee snj healthy sclion to ths Heart, Lungs
snd Liver; snd thereby they bsstors bsalth
vs wnsir ill utiiii nsixs bivs vsilxb.
Ths entire tru'h of ihe sbovs can be asceitsined
by the trial of s aingle bos snd Iheir virtues srs
a t positive snd cenam in res'or ng Health, thai
the propnetor bimla himself to return ths money
paid for them in all cases where they do not gis
universal titts'sciion.
Befall Price, 35 cla. per Box.
. Piincipal office No. 66 Vesey it., N. Yo.k.
Sold by JOHN VIIUNU.Hunbuny,
M. A. McCAY, Northumbeilmd.
CCy Bememher Dr. C. V. Clickener it the in
ventor of Ihe Sugar l-oated Ti ls, snd lhat noth ng
of ths Sort was ever heard of until he introduced
them in June, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore,
slwiys k for Cliekener't Sugar Coated Pills, snd
taks no others, or they wilt bs made the victims of
s fraud. Sept. 18tb, 1847. ly eow
coesa I tbs
tusoi IIS IS SAB
eta, tbs work or ths
bsitboisb bas aass aiev,
tub cocob or contiimiii bats
V IT i sodbb nr vatTB.
k your i
confined to I
RE YOU A MOTHER! Your dsrling child
idol snd earthly joy, is now perhaps
her chamber by a dangerous cold h r
Eals cbeeka, her Ihin shrunken Bngert, tell the
old di-ette hat slready gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchral cough pn ices your soul.
YOUNG MAN, when just ihul tn enter life,
disease shed a heart crushing Might over the fair
prospects of ths fuluie your hectic cough and fee
bte limbs fell of your loss and hope, but you need
not depiir. There ia a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it ie
Mrs. ATTREE, the wire of Wm. H. Attree.
Esq. waa given up by Dr. Bewail of Washington,
Dit. Roe and McClellin of Philadelphia, Dr. Rue
and Dr. Mott of Nsw York. Her friends ill
thought ihs must die. She had every appearance
of being in consumption, snd wss so pronounced
by her phyiiciant Sherman's Balaam waa given
and it cured her.
Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull's Feiry, was
la cured of consumption by thii Balsam when
ill other remedies failed to give relief she was re
duced to s skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist.
SSI Broadway, haswilnesaed Us effects in aevenl
caves where no other medicine afforded relief but
the Balsam operated like a charm. - Dr. V. also
witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Arthmi.
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Hloo I, alar
ming ss it may be, ia effect uslly cured by thia Bal
sam. It heals ihs raptured er wounded blood
vessels, snd mskes ths lungs sound again.
Kev. HENRY JONES. 108 Eisblh avenue,
wax cured of cough snd catarrhal affictiona I 60
years s anding. The first dose gave him mors re
lief thsn sll ths othsi medicine he had ever taken.
Dr. L. J. Beale, 19 De'aney street, gave it lo s
sif-ter-in-liw who wit laboring underconsumption,
snd to snotbsr tomly ifH.ctrd with lha Asthma.
In both caaes, ila effects were immsdis's, soon re
storing them to comfortable health.
Mr. LUCRETI WELLS, 85 Christie stieel,
f offered fiom Asthma 43 years. Sbstman's Bak
asm relieved ber at once, and shs ia comparatively
well, being enabled to subdus every attack by
timely use of thii medicine. Thii indeed is ths
greii remedy for Coughs. Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaiuts, and sll tbs afl ctiona of lbs
throat, and sven Asthma and Com-ump ion. .
Price 18 cents and f I per bottle.
Dr. 8herman'a Cough and Worm Lnxengea, and
Poor Msn's Plaster sold aa above.
. Dr. Sbermsn's office is at 106 Nassau st. N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M .A.M. CAY, Northumberland
September tlth, 1847. ly
Vegetable Universal rills,
TAe only known Medicine that at the tame time
purget purifict and strengthen the tytern.
Losdoii. Julv 7. 1846.
iTjTR LE ROY'S Pilla srs s nsw medicine
F wbub has just sppsaisd, snd is fat iskmg
lbs places uf all others of ths sm.s class. Tbess
Till!. . t .iiinnrupit f Bnmnm t,.. ikn
r . 1 w- v. WHM ....'m..... w w , MV
Iwaprjnciptl od? ar 8rMpril and Wild Cher
ry, to that tbey act together the on
lltrnllavK lla m.lmai r I aa ian eaaai K .lk.. ...k. .u
""'ajaai pvsaaiiw wsiaj intlVsJ tUVrB VC, ptl
lifjring end purging, while the other ie elrengthenw
U. tk. . TPl .1 .
iiifl mv vjMvgn. 4 uu lUUM piiif BffJ ftl 10 Mine
llitntrs u.nit sinil nnanlni AaA! a s-m. Lmsi a-J
-""v g I wwva aav h isal fvuBf eniiv
eagerly sought for by medical men, but nsvsr be-
mww uiiw,riwi iu fioer worae iney oo ine wore
of two medicines, sod do il much better than any
two ws know of for thsy remove nothing from
ths system but the impurities ; so that wbils thsy
Purge they slrsagibsni and hence they cause no
dehilitftltnn Anil m,M ftnlLui ml km u il T
Le Roy's pills hsvs a wonderful Influeocsoo ths
kluJ . it . 1 ' . 1 . ...
viwwu i ,u-j uui eiuy purui wiiooui wsaxeniog II,
but they remove sll umious particles from lbs chyle,
befots it is convened into fluid, snd thus make im.
purs blood sd otter fmf osibnity,' As tbsrs is ne
debilitation, so tberS is no nguass er sickness st
tending ths operations of this saoat sicsllent of me.
iHcines, which; never sijalnt or. tonnres ,lhs diget
Uve functions, bpt causss them lo work ia a see.
bctty nstursl mannar; and hsaee psrsooa taking
them do not become sals aod emsciatsd, but the
contrary tot while il is Ihe property of ibe 8srss.
psrills, united as il is with ether IngrsdienU, to
remove all that ie foreign snd impure, h ie squally
lbs property of the WW Cherry to retain sll thai
is natural snd sound j snd hence s robust sttte of
beelik is the certain result ef ibeir united opera
tions. ' fry Price tS cento per BOX, 1 '
Agents for Le Roy's Pille, ' a ,
JOHN YOONo't wkii'T. '
M. A. McCAY, NerthumbsrrA
t August tlst, 1 84T. ly - !
A LL persons iadsbtsd to ths subscriber, by
aots or book account, are hereby aotiltd te
call and settle Ihe same without delsy, ia order
to save coats. - IRA T. CLEMENT.
8uabury, April 89, 1848v- ' j
EF X vika CS9 Jk2w
THIS Medisins Is warranted, on uatkv Wot io
contain a particle ef Calomel, Corrosrve Sub-'
innate, Arsenic, Chloiids of Gold, or any. delekV
rsos minersls. . ",li
Ths principle-upon which Ihie Medicine acts, Is
fc aaaUllne and harmaniaias? with aaatUrS I It
eVIvee out ell foul acrimonious burners afrorn tie
Mood snd body, -and by assimilation twirl snd
strengthening ths gastric jaice er ibe stttnascn.ill
etsltle digtstion In short tbsrs is not s neMK arte
ry, muscle or nerve in ths human body, thst Is
etrongiheuea' -by ibe PANACBAr end ts-alto
pfltsesass lbs. rsmsrkable eroperly ef removing
mercury from toe bones snd joints;
Scurvy, Scorbuilc Affections, Tumors, Scmfuls er
Kings' Evl White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers,
Canrertt Hurmregi Sores, -Scabs snd Biles, time
snd s determined per sever sm-e in D . SWEET
SER;S PANACEA, will effect a sure,
run inuiu&oi
Reji'ction of food, Nauseai Yomltiriga, Nervous af
lections. Billions complsint, Hesrt seAef, PaVni ss
or Femsle Irregulariliee, Dr. 8WEET8EI!'8 PA
NACEA will soon stTret s curs ( but If obstinate.
or sttended with griping, flying psins, ths doss
should be Increased, snd ths curs will son be ef-
fecteil,' tt not the patients frighten themselves
with ths lues that they are ton re;-k to lake much
medicine: but bear In mind tint this ml'dly opera
ting med cine put Wot Weakne-i Into the frame, but
moM certainty JriWi wjjrl s"mt. leavet itrcnath
in Its place, ind by giving composed iVr it ti!.'.-t.
and in appetite lo relish any food, re-anlcna'es ihe
whole frame wi h vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the sight.
-v - -i TIONS. . ,::,-
Scrofula is said tn bs beriditary, the infant re
ceiving from itv parents the seeds of this diseas-,
wbich IncraaaeS with itt yestt, if neglected and
not submitied Is frequent purification with Dr.
8 WEETSER'S PANACEA. The glands srs pit
ceil in the corners of the body, snd out nf the way
of direct communication their real ue ia a subject
on wbich much difference of opinion prevails ; ii
suffices us lo know that when in a diseased ststs.
they srs capable of being .urified and clesnaed by
a long course of Dr. 8 WEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which restores them 'to sound snd proper
Sclion. . 8erofuhus persons csn never pey loo much
mention lo their blood-, its pur.fiestion should be
their first thought, for ifter s long course of perse
versnce, ihey will ever curt hereditary ditene.
SWEKTSER'S PANACEA cinnot be loo high
ly extolleJ it rettches out Ihe vrry root of the
disease, snd hy r moving it from the Blood makes
s cure certain snd permanent.
For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneyt, Stric
turei. Gravel. Stone, Pitet, Fittula. Uiinary Ob
struction and Extreme Cotiivcnttt. Dr. SWEET
8Elt'8 PANCEA is the best remedy ever trel;
it removes sll thoee acrimonious humois from the
Blood which give rise lo ihe above diseasri, and
by keeping Ihe blood in s pure condition, injuri a
Impnr tie of the Blood, Mercurial Taint, H'enlr
netiofthe Spine Flow of Blood to the Head Gid
dim. Singing and Bmzing Noite in Ihe Head
onrffirtrs.Dr.SWEETSER'S PANACEA will
give certain relief j 'in all severs and chronic cases,
the patients cannot be loo often reminded that lar
ger dote and perteverance will effect t cure.
Li Chill and Fever. Biliou Frvert. Affection
of the Eye and Ear, Spongy and
Gum Brnnchiti and recent Cough and Cold,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be f uml
perfectly lure and certain in its effect-'.
Thaws enmp'sin's are geneially iit'ernled tail,
the moil fatal ronsi quei ces, ai d ate m l I. on ot ne
ver cured by thepiesent m.Me of tieatmcni til y
ueualiy accompany the patiunl t . the grave, slur
suffering Ibe most excruciating rain anJ lor.'ure.
The cause of these complaints ars the lams as a'P
olbers, Ibe diosa ot the blood heciinv a enerused on
Ibe finest narrow pmagei, whence sr s- nmihid
secietiont ind stoppignof mine. You will find
the mott powerful diuretics of no use, as they only
incresss ths quantity of urins and do not pti ify
nnd strengthen th- part. By purifying Ihe Mo- il
with Dr. SWEET8ER S PANACEA, on re
move the cause ol the disease, consequently it csn
not exist any longer, sftir sufficient perseteraner
in ita use has deprived Ihe blood snd bod) of s'l
acrimonious humors sod incrustation.
' -
This is s ery prevalent' and fatal disease ; it re
suits aaorlly from neglected coughs, colds snd bron
cbilik, slso from impioper Irestment in many of er
cases, such as measles, fevsrs, inflimmaiins snd
emtlt pox, snd shoe! of other badly treated disease-,
where the cause, instead of having hern thoroughly
removed from tbs blood snd body, hsve only bren
palliated or rrmoveJ from one part lo break out in
snotber. By y sur bodies of sll foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETeER'8
PANACEA. Ihe cure is si once readersd ariam
snd permanent. -R, soiled, while there is scrimo.
nious humora A asliiig in ihs cirru'stion, il U as apt
to settle on the lungs ss any othsr part of ths body
ibis is tbs reason tbat consumption is so prevalent.
Which you see on ths exterior, corns from snd
have their aourca in, tha inleiior, and might just as
well bavs rattled on ynui lungs, liver, or sny other
petti wblcn vte know they frequently do, and pro
dues most violent innammatuty disorders. Th
humor which occasions these song ia of s highly
scrimoni-ma bumiog nature. We know it from
the pain it gtea in forming, tnd aftertaarde ita ra
pidly ulcerating and coiroding ths Arab and kii
of lbs ait where it brisks out This shows the
necessity of frequently purifying the blood with Dr.
8WEETSEKS PANACEA, snd keeping such
malignant humora in subjection. Should you bavs
s bile or ulcer, be thankful that nstuis hsi taken
trouble lo warn you of the danger your life and bo
dy ia in, fur it is s wsining tl st ths blood is foul
Had this aame acrimony s. he'ed ihe lungs inead
ul IDS sur lace ol your bod for Its seal. coneuniD
lion of the luoga wou'd bavs been the 'consequence.
u- isy not men, to purity and cleanse with D
8wettifTi Panacea.
Spieal affections, i nlargement of Ihe bones snJ
joint, whits swsllinga, bip joint compliinl, rup.
tuiee, falling of lbs bowels snd wom' disease, will
end a speedy onre in Dr. SIVEETSER'S PA
NACEA. Where the disease hsa been of long
eundiog, ihs lime required lo msks a curs will I
longer Imt lbs patient may rest esaursd Ihsl s
determined perseverance will effect rt,
Saras . . at .
jbcss OMsasa proceed Horn the seriosity or
sBMrupiuuniure ui toe wooo.oavtng willed Itself en
Ibe throat aud lunga, and stopped.them up, so thai
thsy cannot draw sufficient sir in for respiration.
l. fk W RRTatD'M Sini-vi ..u ,
.... -- aa.avjBs win give imusa.
diats relief, snd to makl ths cure nerfact and ear
tain. It should bs continued soma lims sfler, te
im iue system or all Bad bumors.
Find a safe snd. speedy cur in J. MWEET
MSsr r A NACEA. It sores by ssershlngsvery
Mood vnrei sad arjery, snd driving out sll impu
rities, and foul humors socumulaud ibaraia. whiah
is the eease of rVaouUsas, goat and swstMng of
ins joints. Tbs sWelerons eSacts or calomel snd
other enioerej ppiaooa, readily yield la its sovereign
inlnsncet ladsed, when its sasusbls proper Uesj be
eoess fully known, the use ef sll ssinsral puiaoa will
he consigned is 4 ihs tomb si all the CapllJela,, and
aoty be tb ought af aa a ay-gows cusioea of lbs dar
ker aaes. Dr. BwseUer't Panacea ts also a euro
euro for dyspspata, pi lea, sostiseuasa, vartiajo, head
aehe. psin in the assest and liver eoanpisiat. , ;
" ! ' ' l VB AND AGUE. --"
Tenet is elareye eauasd by s disorderly asove
nvsnt ut the beoed, lUugglinj to fiss itself of some.
Mttpg skat tweambers U ia fac4 every kind of sa
ver le nothing more than a struggle between the
blood and corrupt burners, sud st toen st ths cot-.
riipl numnrs sre expei ea, you nave aw.
When s pstisnt with sever swmosv s avvsr.
hsvs bit blood (loisoned with mere. Jl:4i
his frame to such s degree, lhat if be. V
precaM, it ilways leaves Mm ssbjsct is i-JWL x
chilis, when i thane sua i
tun er in as tssunt'c gs ;
'- .LI- 1 1
pills, nowdsrfc er tenia mixtures, this ta going wprn
bad to worae, as these vejjiHibUpUkpowdsri, Ike, ''
sre nothing but mercury snd quinine in dlsgo'ft
which trlsy br a tins drive the diesess se br lute
Bra body ss nor lo .bs serseotlMe, but very auna It
will break out again with fearful vialeai Taenre
sgos snd fever, the Sense sf the disease must be re
moved out of the blood and body, which csn bs sf
feeloalfy done by using Dr. SWEETSERS tA
Il contains nolhiog thst cao poaaibty inysm, snaTitt
uss It always s ssfrguard.sgaintl chills sad (rvers,
' a''iuts.'! ':".-," '
! In . ait Ce er Prtss, VH SWEETSER'8
PANACEA will eff.ct s vsry sptetly Bute. : Ks
moves from ihe blood, stomach ind bowels, sll
those foal aorid. burning : humors, .which ars the
cause of Piles and Cnativenees snd by strengtWri
ing Ihs digestive orgins, improves every part of ihs
entirs body. "- ' i
..There diseases its CsUed by hs stomach and
boWels bging chohcLuav-Wilh viscid slimy matter,
ths ait; fthiih enters hem cannot e-eipe until fbrcfd
by sbrae con'trsdion nf ths stomach, to expel It ;
her'ce the cause of psin. A few dose f )r.
8WEETSER'8 PA.NACEA. wiU senvince the
suffeier tbat relief is sttained. ..
.: ... .' M ' ! '
i aronit will find Ibe PANACEAS Vslusblo
niedii ine foi their children, keeping their bodies in
s heehhy Condition, thereby assisting their g-owth
children or grown prisons, after taking it, ars not
liaMe to be sitsckeil with in epidemic as bifore, as
it atwayi leaves the Hood in a pbre condition, and
the i nlirn fyatem n a strengthened atatc ; it drives
out e l kinds of woskntM from the body snd lesVrs
all heal hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE TSER'8 PANACEA a medi
c ne purely adapled lo their Use. Most ladies du
ring the period of pregmncy srs ifflicled with piles.
Dr. Sweetier'i Pinsces, by regulsting lbs bowels,
will entirely nbvisis this, and ita purifying proper,
ties on ihe blood snd fluids, insures lo them heal,
thy off-pring. No one who ia a mother ehould bs
without it, snd tbose who srs nursing will find it
of gieat bmiGl lo the heslth of their infanta.
For btrrennee ind sll diseases of Ihs womb, il
is without s rivsl in the entirs history and eatalogus
of medicines; by its sxtrsordinsry strengthening
power, it atimulatea snd strengthens Ihs womb, a
weakness of which is the csue of failure to have
offspring. . . j
Under this head msy bs classed Palpitation of
the Heart, Tic Doloreaux or Faccache, Neuralgia.
Indigestion, Toothache, Melsncholj , Hysteric, ami
in fact, every disrste etused by ths sb rp, biting,
scrimonious humors irritating ths nsrves ; the
nerves receive Ihe morbid impiession from ths sto
mach, or rather from the blood through Ihe sgrncy
of Ibe stomach and dige,tivs organs, end although
other parts of tbs ho-ly srs eppirently Ihe seat of
ihe disease, atill it is reused by the morbid impies
i hi conveyed from ti e blood bv the nerve, to lhat
pait. A few dotes of Dr. 8 WEETSER'S PA
NACEA will toon asaurs tha patient that be hss
the cure in bis pivatt'o, ,i
This it an ii flammalory di-oider, alw r a at 'end
ed with more or lest psin. It proceed from the
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in th bloml anJ
fluids settling no the limbs ind face, causing ex
treme pain snd fevers ; sll ipplirstions nn tlis sur
faee are worae than useless, as they on'y I- ml I
throw the disease in some other pari, ami perham
rauae death. Bleeding ia likewise iffi f. per. , Tp'
cute Ihe disease you mu l gel rid of the r .use ; on
ly manage to get ihe foul humora out of y nr hlood,
and vou will be well in a day. Dr. WEET-
SEH'S PANACEA, a thorough pur IT r of the
bl io1, will a arch out ivery impurity in ihe moie
remote p ris of ihs b,idy and expil il t'.ioug'i the
tnnliu u of the loncls. There i not a vein, arte
ry, in:. sole or organ of the entire fia n wo k nf
man, that Dr. SMerlwr's Panacea do,' not im'.
prove, T.i take it whm you sre wel Is to kcepf
we.l ; snd when tick to b come well.
posed only ol a vegetable matter, or me teal nerlie,
and watranted, on oath, ss containing not one par
ticle of mercurial, mineral, nr chimica1 .ubetanrau,
is found to lie erleellv harmless lo the most , nd. r
sge, or the weakrat frame, under any -i igs of hu
man suffeilns ; ths mod plesaant and benign in ita
operation that viae eer off.nd til the w.w'd ; and
at Ihe aaiue time ihe most certain in se.r bii-e nut
tbs toot of sny
perfi i
Burnt, Scaldt, and alt kind of Inflamed
Sorct Cured.
lbs ntottoimp'e e Burn AntiduWSVer known.
It ii.itantly, (and ss if by Magic) stops pains of ihs
mol desperate Burns and Scald. For olJ Sorea, '
oiuisea, Cul, Sprains, etc., on man or beast, it is.
the beet application that csn bs made. Thousands
hsvs tried snd thousands praiss it It is Ihe mast'
ptifect matter of psin ever discovered. Alt who1
use recommend it. Every family should be provK
deJ with ii. None cun tell how soon some of tbs
family msy need it. '
' (J O'.oerve each bog of ths genuirs Oinlmen'
his ihs name ol 8. Tocsn written oo the outside
label. To imitats this it forgery.
Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmeit, snd sll who us
Horse, will find this Ointment the very last thing
they cm uae for Collar Galls, Smithes, Kicks, dec
&c, on their animals. Surely every merciful main
would keep hi' animals at fres from psin ss poaafe-ble-
Touaey's Uuiversal Oiutmeut is sll thai is re
quired. Try it.
BITES OF INSECTS. For the sling or bile
of poisonnm Insects, Touaey's Ointment is unri
valled. Hundreda have tried il ami found it good.
PILES CURED I For the Piles, Toutcy't U
liiveml Oin'naent it ona of ihe best Remedies lhat
can bs applied. All nho hsvs tried il for lha Pile
recommend it.
OLD 80RE3 CURED. For oil ohalinsts
Sons, tbsrs is nothing equal to Touaey's Orna
ment. A person ia Msniiua had, for s nusnbsr ef .
yssra, a sore leg ibsl baffleJ ths skill of ihfd.3C.Uw. aj
Tousey'i Ointment wsa recaosovesda by ons sf )
hs visiting physicians, f who knew ilk great virtue,) .
tnd two boxes produced more benefit thsn its w n
lienl bad received from sny snd all previous rS4Bsv
dies, Lei all try it. '
of cases of Burns snd Scalds, in all parts of ibe
country, have been curi 4 by Tooeaj VCkoissresr k
OiotmsnU- Certificstss eneagf eeultl be bsd te fill
the whole af Ibis sVot. .-.-.'
ilt nn UMtintpaiaU, in favor of Touaey's Ointment
for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprie
tors. Hundreds in Syraruss will certify to its great '
merits in rnlL ving ths pain of Ihs moat severe Bruise
All peraont ehould try it. ; a. , t
SCALD-HEAD CURED. Sores of essan of
Sesld Head bavs been cured by Touey 's Oint
ment. Try it it seblom fails. .
. SALT SHEUM CUBED. Of sll ihe vented;
svsr discovered for this most ditagreatia cuss plaint,
Touaey's Universal Oiolment is Ihs meet soninssls.
It nr was kaowa ti fciL
Touaey'e Universal Ointment niH alwsys ors th -worst
caaes of Chapped Heeds, Scores of psieone
will state this. - ,
SORB LIPS CURED- For the core of See
taipvi, ,umrm w m nr T. llifHii- w. -m wm
set's Omtnasnt ' It is sure re sure Ibem. Tr
s .1 . .LI r
Il ie e aeisniuls eoaapaund, warranted not to
tabs an Menersuon ef Mercury.- or Pried 1ft
cents psr box. - For furtbsr particulars copenruiac
rots realty vaiuaoi uinimeoi, ibe public a fefw
red te Pamphlets, le he had gratis, af rsspeetsbts "
Diuggieta end Msrthaate thmigbout the Uauitd
Stale. , , ,.. . .
Prt-parsd bf ELLIOT tV TO USE V. Deue.ia'a.
Syracuse. - For sal by --; '
. . JOHN TOUNO, vuaOnry'7
M. A, MsCA Y, NorthunttanlsnaJ.
8e.t. Illh, 1817. lyjew, '
compliin', however d-eo, sud of
nn ng a e r-. yj,
Pries $1 er b-tile, nr six bolls f.r JS. For ,
Ir, wlmbvale and mail, al ihe aurner nf V
Cll AR1.ES ai.d i'llATl' Sir. els. U..I imor..q I
Nov. 6 1847. .'y Sunbury.