Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 13, 1848, Image 3

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. An apprentice io the Printing Bum
fed about 14 year Old, , would be
nice at thit office. One who could read
JOerroaB would he prefetted : -;"
"t&- Pixx ro Sals. A we", have
i-aadarged or paper we oiler for sale t good
wond htftded Walhtngtoa Iron Pressthe
i'fcam Oft which the AAericar. has' been
.jmhtod. , Jh platin meaiurct 2t by dO in
.tthea full. ..It will be sold amply because
i we have no further use for it . , ;
KT Panrrwa INK-We' have received
a freth supply of printing inky which will
bo aold at city prices, for cash $5,25 per
Jctg of SO lbs. : h .. .a n j i
V.t . ".'.-, J I I. t-i iK el. ,.:-t . -j-rr, tl 1
"I'm very partial to QeneralSoott. but he is
' rVflloW wrmnrr ' "WM ., ... ,
"How so l" .
"Na soldier. Ivw a fight ta compbin of hit
filtor-N.1 Yi Mai. .. ,.: r. .
t.'ftut sb afiftowaaSeotf had. ' Sttrely you
icannoi blame him for complaining of it.
'Battm Bttp-'i ' '" i.. -
'?' Certainly not irj such' a cast. This is not
he first soft pillow the hero of Luntly's Lane"
has stripped of its feathers. True Sun..
OT-This is 1he m?t ?Jni ve pillow
ffjjfie.hWe ever heard ofit has cost Un
cle Sam $100,000 already, and is not yet
A ooi pillow can not be made
WSfftl. V
witnout stripping some oira ot it
From the Buffalo Com. Adv. of Saturday.
Failvkb or thc Eait (Pa.) Bank A ru
mor is ' quite current here to-day that the
Erie (Pa.) Bank has gone by the board. The
report, is no doubt correct, as the institution
" has been tottering for months past, and the
' banks and community had lost all confidence
in tts stability, , The agent for redeeming the
bills in this city ceased receiving any more
' of its notes yesterday afternoon. The amount
. of the jssues of the bank in circulation must
be very large, as the charter was one of that
class that ' gave all manner of privileges to
those who had the control of its affairs, Such
; of our brokers as have been victimised are
offering tho notes of the bank to-day at SO
' cents on the dollar. '
, Rccomcbt or thc Monct lost the Pac
; SiacMTor thc Newark Bankinu and Ijjsu
BakceCo The whole of the Banking notes
contained in the parcel left by the Presitient
of the vbeve named Company, on the Jersey
ferry boats on the 3d inst., were recovered
on SaturJay night, being found at the resi.
dence of a colored woman named Mary Ste
wart, living at Jersey City. This woman at
tempted on Thurs lay last to exchange some
two or three S3 notes of the Newark Bank
ing Company, which led to suspicion and her
arrest, and the recovery of the bank notes to
the amount of S2 1,000. Only two or three
of the checks have been as yet recovered,
but it is believed that the whole of the notes
have been obtained. The woman had picked
up the package on board the stcon.boat
where it appears the President in the heat of
a political discussion had left it.
Thc Mexican Bunds. The Arco Irir, of
the 17th ult., contains an article concarniug
the five millions of Mexican bonds in the
possession of Messrs. Manning ami Mackin
tosh, which does not possess uy particular
interest. The New Orleans Crescent says
k the whole affair is an instance of the greatest
duplicity on the part of those astute Scotch
men and financiers. The money (8600,000)
' which was advanced by those gentlemen to
ha Mexican Government, was evidently
loaned under the conviction that through it
Santa Anna would be enabled to defeat the
Americans before the city of Mexico. The I
pcrfidity of this British agent is made evi
dent by the fact that during the continnance
of the armistice, we are informed upon the
authority of the best testimony, that Mr.
Mackintosh was in the daily habit of assur
I ing Gen. Scott that the Mexicans were ma
" king no preparations to prolong the contest,
although we all know they were at that mo
ment busily engaged erecting fortifications
and planting artillery.
Sick Haacaca. Wr ghft Indian Vtgtlablt
Pill are a certain cure lor every description of
beadach. because they cleanse the body from
those morbid humors, which, if confined in the
ttomaeb, are the cause of nausea and sickness,
want of appetite, diaagseeable tatte in the mouth
bad breath, wasting of the gun, decayed teeth,
and many other distressing complaint: and
when taken into tha circulation, and thrown
1 ijpna the varioo parts of the body, give rise to
- every malady incident to men. Four or five of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillt. ttken onca in
twen'y-four hours, will, in a thort time, put a
complete atop to Sick Headaeh at tha same
.tints the digettive organs will be restored to a
health- toad.
""Cmt'rt r-' avoi-l eouutetfrita. purchase frnm
nnfy who can ahojr a rertiftcaia of agency,
sensing the landing of W.i'liam Pmn J and
cneapsie tha lahrls the bog with In- to simitee
On the certificate. To he genuine, they mu: be
dtictlv alike, eieniiure and all. Beware of coun
cil and Impoeiilnn. . , a ,
t (Tj- The gmaine fur by Haxar Maaasa,
sole egent for Munbury. and othar agent, publish
sVta aaothei part at Ibis paper.
. ill1: 6,
I At Mauch Chunk, oa the latins., WILLIAM
HENRY MASSER, son of Dr. G. W. Maaeery
aged S months. . ,1 .:
. yVsoaasoav, May 10. ,1818,
" WhsUT Rod is worth 138 s 140o ; whito
141 a U3o. 5. ; .
Rts Southern 75, Penns. ft' t9o per
bushel. .,..,;.;., -v. . . , .
. , Corn 'Peons, ysllow 50c, weight white
" Oats Penns. sr'e worth 40 s 42c; South
ern It s 40. . .' .).- , ' ,
! Whiiest 8ale in bbls, stt3c; hhdst2e.
' CLOYissgiD Sales' st ei s S3 i nuuket
4ull. , , ' - I " 1 ' : - '
. sjicriaoBK MtsKir. ,
(jlBf aj w b 1.T1 e " rs -- j
. Gbaik. Wheat eonttnons; varj scasroo.
Some small lots p( qooi to prime reds 'were
sold to-ds at 138 s 142 els. . . . . . , -
8sles of Cora le-day st 4t 44 cU. fof white,
and 40 gts, f yellow. ... . ,
Oats are worth IS a IS cts- sales. '
WmsatY msll aalea of bbls. at M a 111
,." Currtettd Weekly by tknrj Halter.
Kta,in i!
Oat, v.: ,
Btt, (, '
; Pens, ,-i
. Pianaae,
i 'j ft iciv. 4 60
..T-f."i . ja
i: -irtii! e .
ni.Mr v b .; i tc (y "la
osaswaa, t j 3nivi !. niitov'ty '
r PSMf !' il; . ui ; ntti i.j:i. ..'
HtCKLBtl Pl4t,' -.! Hi n I .) ..'jk.ilil
TTRANTS at well at Monopotiei, ssutt fall,
M mutt price. -That Ibis it a fact caa bs
rova.-l by railing at .n .'!. v'u. . .v
No. 72 North 3d street, above Arch,
'' ' 'LB'-nVRAY,"'-" " "
,. ,y. lWMmlf'ati4''ntlmll, ,.. - !,
,Tba atoek canaitt In part, of Gold anil Silver
Lsrert j. I'Epiprs ami Quartier Watchet Jewel,
ry of the newest and HMtAjfaahionabts patternt.
SIL VEK SPOONS, 4s.T-Part.cular attention
nai.l to .theta articles,, (he yuo, aavAiVA a
AT. 1. and workmanship ililto... The eitablUh.
ment of LE HtJRAT hat been Well kndwtt FOR
FOURTY.YEAKS, in SECOND Street, and.
hat madet character which needs no., iMiffiiie-.
Siler TEASPOONS at low at tJ.fiO per tett
WAIUA ULAS5ES Plain. 10 eti; Patent,
13 ; Lunette, 90 eta; other articles in nronor-
H'mtmbtr, you caa buy hers below sny pub
lifhed lilt of prices in thit Citf or New York.
Watch Repairing: par?!',iilarly attended to, and
warranted to (ive tatialai'lion
N B Old Gold and Silver bought lor raik Of
taken in eirhange at (don't forget the No 73)
North Second Street, abnee Arcb, Philadelphia.
8ept. 85. 1817 ly . May 6, 1848 ' '
Estate of CUmrlea Woolvertais.
NOTICE it hereby given that lettrrt testa
mentary bavo been granted ta the subscri
ber, executor of Char le Woolverton.dec'd. late
of Shamokin townahip. Northumberland county.
AM peraona knowing ihemelvea indebted to said
eatate. and thoie having any claim tgaintt the
for that purpose at the bouse ol the late dee'd, on
Tuesday, the 6th day of June next, of which per
sons interested, will please take notice. 1
,. April 89. 1818 Bw . . ... Executors.
Dissolution or Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing under the
Arm of RpuRaacn tt Clkmikt, in the Foun
dry business in thi place, hat been thit day, dis
solved by mutual consent. All persona knowing
themselves indebted to said firm, are requested
to call and settle their account without d-lay. or
they will be placed in the hand of a magiatrate
for cullect.on. I. T CLEMr'NT.
Sunbury, April I, 1841 93 . .
Estate of Charles Gearliart.
NOTICE ia hereby given tbat lettera of ad
ministration have been granted to the sub
criber on the estate ol t'harles Gearhait, dee'd,
late of Rush township, Northumberland county.
All pennns having any claims on said estate, and
those indebted t t the aame, are requested to set
tle their account without delay. Tha subscri
bers will meet for that purpose af the house of
the Deceased, on Monday the 92(1 of Vay next,
nf which prnn interested will pleae take no
tice. JOHN GEARHART. Jr of Rush,
WM. METTLER, Jr. of Augusta.
April 1-1 13 IS - 8t
Good Intent Fire Company.
(n motion, it was resolved tbat the Secretary
" be directed to give notice in the "Sunbury
American." that al! persona whose name are nn
the roll of the Good Intent Fire Company, and
who have not attended any dated meeting of
said Company during the six months previous,
to thi lUte, will be expelled at next stated
meeting, unless good cauae to the contrary ia
shown, and their fine placed in the handa of a
Justice nf the Peace tor collection.
Extracted from the minutes of May 1st 1818.
. Sunbury. Vay 6, 1818
Ta preventing tha publie with a remedy for tha treatment
.a. ana cure 01 r evkr and aowi ana inner Mil us at seises,
no aooloev ia needed. Vast numbers ia the United Kates.
who surfer from these aflectwua in their varied forms, are
canpeilea 10 seek relict trom other tMircee than the irome-
niaie preaeripiKina m tne regular pnyncian. it DecHnes
Iheref e aa object of humaiutv. as well aa "f eublie uitcr.
cat, to bring bel'ore them a remedy prepared from much ex
perience, and which rony always be relied upon aa ra,
srracTUaL, o basmlus to thi constitvtioh. Tliat
such ia the true chriranter of tha INDIA CHOLAGOGUK.
ia anily alteaied by the universal success with which it has
peen cmpioyeo.
IT Katruet from a eommunicatino ui the Hnn. Wil
liam Woo mutisos, of the Li. 8. rienate, hue Governor of
Detsoit, Oct. SI, 1840.
Dear Sir, 1 have read with muoh interest, your little
TEAkATisa upon the 'causes, treauueut and cure" of the
febrile diseases which have ao extensively nrevailed la our
enuntrr durine the last few m'Hiths an interest increased
no d'Hibt, by tne fuct that I have individually auflered ao
much from them. Though I feel myself very ins xnpetent
to judge safely upon a subject sj entirely profeaai.ioiu, yet
your tne iry seems m me weu reaameu, and your eaten
aiona just, aud 1 wins withal, that your pamphlet is calcu
lated to pr uduea amch practical eood.
8eaking of the medicine he says : It fully justified your
flattering ezpeetati ns, and as a aide, convenient, and popu
lar remedy, my own uperienca, a far, induces aaa to be
lieve that it will pr we a treat public benefit. I am pleased
to learn that yoa have recently est ihlished several agenciea
f iu disp-wtino th High I regret that, with a view to a
m e general diaseminatme of it, y m ah wM have found it
aeceaisiry to remove I rom your present rsatdanea among as.
tt iu mucn reapect I nave die a'ain wj oe, sir,
Your obliged servant,
rOT rrom the Hon. Wis. A. Fuicbsb. Chief Justice
Su'Tcme Court of th State of Hichigaa, to the Agent at
Drtroit. ... . ....
. irs Aaaoa. rea. ir.n. 191a,
8ir, Having had repeated oponrtunitiea duriuz the last
year, of wilneasing the salutary edeclauf Dr. Osg aids Inula
IV observaUou. of nansna
f rears, who have been inuned lately relieved by I
ef one or two holt las of Chdagogna and 1 have a 4 known
a aiagla ease where seuaf aaa uJt baea ebtsinsd by its aee.
Believing that the geHsral usaof this medioine nsmet be 01
the graatast irapnrtiinee to at para aa living in Ik w pane
of our ematry, which are aubjeet to BUU.ass Dissssrs, I
airs it this eeosral reooasayyvWrSi. Nor ia the elsasnre
Ol Mia act H1IW1.WHVU, uj tma. . ! . paaawf
quaiutad with Dr. Osgol, aud that I have the mnat entire
eoaadence ia kirn aa a skillful, expetitaeed, aud )udicioua
Irlauain respectfully your saoat obedient servant.
From Jambs Otasoa, Esq., of Buaavln N. Y.
Btstalo. March IMk IMS.
vw OaoooBt Mv Dear Kir. In answer to
your renoesT, I moat readily state the (rood experienced
my faaiuly by the aaa of your Iudie Ckotsgogue. My wi
wae troubled with the Fever end Ague nsarW twal
m tbs : and Ike medicine gives her Invariaiay a tie uae
.1.11 u. A.A . I is Akmmm r unrehasea irr aer aa-
varai kmne ef esadieiee, but IhoyCed not resaoee a. I had
eut at thie time heard of your lialm CsMsagogue, but U wae
soon after reoommeuded to ana by two gaufleiaea who I
kaaw had keen eugaring la a afmikv aatuuer rne some
tinej ikey were Oapt. Hobert Hart, of us au
"Bobert FiUton,'' end John . Ide, EsL egent of U
. 1 tr.u i.- 1 u.. .k munm So Detroit, end
Metava at ana dosen hot ties.
Oa any return my wife eneasoenesd taking U. After iye
A. uA... .k Araa. aba AOnlllUUld BaUW it llU
ahehad taken tvrabottlas. Hiuee thia aha bad ao return of
sstherthe Fever ar Arse, wkseh ia now evn asratina.
Caut. Hart reoacat sua s asy akat eaugkt the F
m IM rtJW
I Aga.
a : k.:. I A ak.
mi. llnA IW k ftnnk two buctiaS
Ctookrwo bottle. ia aS, by which
ke waa entirely restored, asal eontinued mnnuig there I we
as thna month afterward ia Berfeot kaakh.
y oura very trmiy, Aaao
for Sunbury H. B. M AtW.R ; Northumbarlaad,
HGTOM A Oa-i Mis, I. H. RASEB i Bella.
. .." .u La
A rent
gmve, MAY KLOttli.
uaoeur gua, it aa rds m great pleasure 10 near testim aiy
ta iu favor as an invaluable rems-ly ia oases af Fsver end
Ague aad JSili Mia Diseasaa gausraily. Msav eases have
nana u utter aiv oUservutiou. or nansna who have suffered
the ase
THIS tttttirt I ot p ta quart botttM. It ill tlma
hper, ilMinlrt and wmrrant1 Hpartiir 10 any
M. It orn diMMc without .vumitiug, Miraiiic. tiek
nJ orMiiUUUng th ptient, and it pviicutarly aitaptl
Tkt M tauty ud tnpcritirity uf thta Santriik DTr
othw rrnndie U, whila it eradioatmainaK. , .
J- ' 1 hrr.xat the Snijjr. '
,M t'-in:..' Oonaumptlon earaS. i . i.c ' 'r. "
j.s,,f , . Ctoanae and 0tfanfthm. . .
. CofuuiMtan can ba cured.
BnaiehhM, CommibMmi, Uvar Cnmpbiint, CoHa, CbO(ha,
. Catarrh, Anhaw, SfMttint nf Bkmo4, SjntiMMi tha
An hj. -ad Na a the flidaai i n ,
I? I tf ' t
ProtaUy that mnrar araa a ramadf that faaa been an aao
eaaarul in deaperata eaaaa of anaaamptiun aa thii ( iteiaaif
aaa and atrengthena the ayateni, and appeara to heal the at
ara on the Innga, aad paiiaata fradoaitr ragaia their aaaal
mwu an siranaia.
rur nf cnMMtuvpinM
There is srarceir a day oassea but then are a number at
eaaca f annanmprion reported aa cured bv the use of Dr.
Towneen'e HanaoarlUa. - The f .M nviug waa racentljp re
ceived! 1,
Dh Towt!o Dew BlrH For th kuft three year 1
have baea aOtietert with general dcbilitr, aud nervous eon.
sumption uf Uie last stage, and did rmt ezpaet to avar gain
bit health at all. After f'ina Uiroogh a cmrae of mcdiciat
ender the care of same of the m distinguished rcgulw
nhyswiana and members of the Board of Health in New
York and eleewbere, and spending the as M of snr earnings
In attempting to reraiu. 01 jr health, and after reading in
ma paper efynor rViranparllla I res lved to try it. After
using su bmlee I f nd it d tie ma great g nd, arid called
J iv a . wiui your aavica I Kept un, and
J&flFmiS!' th1!(k J0. 'f? 1""' hie- ' persevere in
biking the MrfaptrllU, and have been able to attend to riiv
usual aiborafir the Isatfour months, and I hopebyUia
J 1 i.hi "i" .. wu.mui III.
health. It helped me beyond the expectations uf all who
ia."EeseeAff. r:"An. ."' ' ' . .
State. a MeWleraeV. rxewiittf aaCharlea Ouim-
by being duly iw m aeeording to law; en tia notb flaitb,
that the foregoing staterueol is true accurding to the best of
his IcnowHedgeknd belief. CHARLES QU1MBY.
n and subscribed to befwe me at O ranee, the ad
August, IH7.
Rand the f 4lowiinr. and aav that ajnaumntinn la In 1..,.
rabla if y ju can 1 . . '
. . New York, April S3, 1817.
Dr. TmraiMi : I verilv believe that wur flursBnarille
Has been the means, through Providence, of saving my hie
I have far several years had a bed cough. It became worse
and worse. At hist I raised large quantities uf Wood, bad
nicht sweats and waa e-rentlv debilitated and reduced, and
did not expect to lire. I have only used your Harseparilla
but a short time, and there haa a wonderful chance been
wmncht in me. I am aow able to walk all over the eitv.
1 raise n bkmd, and my eoneh has left me. You can well
imagine that I am thankful f t these results. Your nbedi
11 servant. vvm. Ku;Ki.ih 03 Catharine at.
The annexed certificate tells a eimole aud truthful atnrv
nt t.Kri,.!. a.wl ll.' T.Krm , k ...! n ...
Iwvm .., , ... -,,i.. ail,,
of parenta let their children die for
iu this city and Hroikiyn, and yet there are th wiaanda
its let tneir cniiuren aie tor tear at being humbugirol
or to save a lew auiuinaa.
Bmklvn. Sent. 13. 1AI7.
Dr. ToWKtRMB 1 I take pleasure in staiine. for the bens-
fit nf those whom it mny concern, that my daughter, two
years and six m ait ha old, waa afflicted with general de
bility and I as of speech. Shs wjs given up aa past ie
e ivery by our family physician j but fortunately I was re
emimended by a friend to try your Sarsnperitla. Bef ire
aaving usea ona notin sne reeaverea nor speecn and waa
enabled to walk alone, to the ast-aiisliment of all vh j were
acouniiited with the circumstances. She is now quite well,
and in much better health than she has been f T IB mon'.hs
past. JOSEPH TAYLOR, lsW York St., Brooklyn.
Ill SAVUl.
Very few families Indeed in fact We have not heard of
one that usea vr. 1 mnseisrs narsaieriLta in time, l-jst
any children the past Summer, while those that did not,
sickened and died. The cercibcale we publish bel-nv is
conclusive evidence nf its value, and ia only another instance
of its saving the Uves nf children :
Dr. Towxsexo Hear air : I had two children cured by
your Saraanarilla of tin summer eomolunt and drsoaearv :
one waa only IS month old and tha other 3 years. They
were very mucn reaueen, ana we expectett tney would die ;
they were given up by two respectable physicians. When
the doctor inf .wined us that we must iVse them, we resol
ved to try y.'iir Saraanarilla we had heanl ao much of, but
had Utile confidence, there beins so much attuT advaniae.1
that ia worthless : but we are thankful that we did, for it
undaiMedly saved the hvea of bxh. I write this that oth
ers may be induced to use it. Yon nr. respectfully.
junm wiLu.,jr.
Myrtle-avenue, Bn.jklyn, Sept. IS, 147. - .
T)B. Towxsknd's S iiisapabill i is a auvereiirii and snecdv
cure f r incipient c msumptlon, and fir the geuersl pr stra
ti hi of the system no mailer whether the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, pr jduced by Irregularity, illness or ac
cident. Ni.fhm Mn hj m r. m.rr i ! ,ht Mmh ! . Invi,mtl.i. f
feels on the human frame. Persona ell weakness ami las
situde, from taking it at once be?mne r ibust and full nf
enenrv under i:a tntl'ienee. It iratnMtitely cnintcracts the
nervrleasness of the fcmsle frame, which is the great cause
It will n'd be exneriej of us, in esses nf so delicate a na.
ture, to exhibit certificates f cures performed, but we can
assure the amictoci mat Hundreds ol cases have becu repor
ted 10 ns.
Da. Towxsxnd: Mv wife being greatly distressed by
weakness and general debility, and sulTcring c ttlinujlly by
pain and with other dilucultiee. and having kn wn c'-iscs
where mcdiciiie hns eucclcd great cures ; and als 1
hrtrine it recminenried lor suen com-s as I have described,
I obtained a b mle of y ur Kit met of ft.imipr.rilU and f l
I wed the directi-aia y u gnve inc. In a sh-wt Mri A it
rem'weil her cwnphints and rtt-a-ed her to health. Being
greatful f.e the benefits she received. 1 lake pleasure in
thus ackiMwmlgiiaj It, and reomuiendine; it to the putuic.
.11. U. MI-HJKt-.,
Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. nr. Grand It I.ydia sia,
No fluid or medicins has ever been discovered which so
nanrly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in deomnosing
fond ami atrenetheninc the ortrnns of dieesti m aa this nre-
naration of SaraapariUa. It pnaitively cure every ease of
dyspepsia, aowever severe or cnronie.
nana sjenanmem. Aiuanv. mav iu. iwa.
Dr. Tnwiuwisl -Sir t I have been efflieted for several
years with d)-anepsia in iu worst form, auended with aw
neas of stomach, loss nf appetite, extreme heartburn, and a
great s version In all kinda nf fmaL and f.Y weeks, (what I
e M eat) I bnve been unable to retain but a small portion
on mv stonneh. I tried the usual remedies, but tbev had
but little or no effect in removing the e-np!aint. I was in
duced, strait two months since, to try ynur Extract of Bar
einarilla, and I must my with Utile confidence ; but after
using nearly tw bHtles, I found my appetite restored and
ilia aeartnurn emireiv rem-wen; arm 1 wnuat re-
cwimend the use nf it to those who have been afflicted as I
have been. Yours, fte., W. W. VAN 7.ANDT. f a- flainlairv JOHN W. FRIIJNfl : Nor
thumberland. MARY A. McCAYi Danville, VM. A.
April S3, IMS ty
Orphans' Court Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' f'ourt
BJol ISotttibmherUml county will be exposed
to public ssle, nn SATURDAY, the 20th dy of
MAY next, on tbe premises, to wit t
,. .'
lie one u'lois oca unia pan nj m t:rl.un
Trncl of Lnnd,
ettua'a in Upper Augusta township, in laid coun
ty, adjoining land of George C. Welder, Gideon
Marble and other, conteining in the whole about
eighty live acre Late the eatate of Jacob Gas,
d-e'd Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock. A- M.
of said day, when the terms of sale will ba made
known by PHILIP KENN, Guardian
or Jacob at Margaret Bloom.
ny order or tbe court, t
Edward Oyster, ('Ik I
Sunbury, April 33. 18 18 It
rttlla., IteRdlair, and Pottsville
Rait Koad.
MHANGE of Hours, and two Trains Daily
sg eacn way, except sunuayi.
On and after Monday, May lit. 1818. two
trains will run each way, daily, between Pbila
! guc
6 Pottsville.
Leaves Philadelphia at 74 A. M daily except
Panes Blading at 10.43 A. M-
Lesve Pnttsvilla at Ti A. M, dally etcept
Sundays Paste Readihg at 10 A- M.
The above Lin stops al all way stations en
las rood as faraneyty.
Down Trail,
Leaveg Piledelphia at
Leavee Pottsville at S
l r N .daily except
P,. M a daily except
Leaves Phosnixville 3 45
Leave Sch. Haven,. 37
. " Pottetown, 4,13
" PortClinlon.S 00
" Reading, .3.80
' " Pottstown. 4 30
" Reading, fl.00
, Port Clinton, 6.43
' Sch. Haven, 8.10
" rho)iville, 8 00
Arrive at Potts-
trrivaa at Btata
villa, . ao
Road, , S.90
Tha after
traia Will Steneolg St the sbo
named sUtions. Paaaengars far other points
mut therefore t(k tL k.oraing Uae
Depot in Philadelphia, COtuer of Broad and
.. L. n ' ...
Tineatre.! ia.roaarng.rc can enter mevare
anlea provided with Ticket.
NOTIi:F.Fiftv noundaaf baeeara will be
allowed to each in tke 'line t and
I J r . a,. a . a I -
I MMtnger ar txprtsvix proaiDiiftj from iKin
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the rial or Its owner, ws
freight will bo lakea by these tine.
By order Of Soars Si Managers.
t. BRADFORD, Iscrttsry
' Msy 8 lgie.-tf
Tithi AcJyVo TAoeiai Majiury. rfee'rf.- '
RY vistu of a certain Wtlt ol rtition and
Valuer ion U en directed., efllnquisition
wut be held at II o'clock,' A. M;aa MONDAY J
tbeOthdayof JUNE, 1848. aaod the ptesslse
of a certain trad of land in Roeh townships Nor-'
tbamberltnd county , euryeyed on a warrant dated
June 99, 1773, to Jamet Dott adjoining landa of
John Hursh, -Lewis Vastine, Benjamia Vatlin
andctkersi ceataining tbree baadred aad twenty
acres, mora or less, to inqair whether the said
prtsnises can be ss perted and divided ta and a'
meng all lb beits aad legal repr esentetivea of
the said deeeasedi ( wit r--Vphk Jolly, Mary
Ely, Charles Rex and Lrdia 9 bis wife, John
Thompson Executor of Rebecca Jelly, dee'd. Re
beet a Le Due, Admiait'trix ef Mara; Rex, dee'd,
beirt of Thome Maybury. dee'd, Rebecca My
bury. Warren Joneses Elisabeth his wife, VYil
I am Harrison At Anna bia wire, William Harris
At Susan bit wife, John Boyd tt Jane bit wife, and'
Sarth Ann Maybury, who are the heirt of Wil.,
loughby Maybuiy, dee'dnwho wa on pf the.
bcirt of Thomas Vtybury, dee'd ) aa in said writ
commanded, at which time and piece 1 he aforesa'id
heirs are hereby warned Jo be and appear if they
pttink proper. , ', .
.. TH03 A. BILLING TO.-Slier ff.
SherilPt Omc Sonbury I , , , ,
.. ;.. April 99, 1848. , ., jto .' ,; ,
Centre Turnpike Road.
N&TICE it hereby given tbat an election wili
be held at the home of John 3 Xee, in the
borough of Northumberland, on Monday, toe filth
day of June, between the bouts of 10 o'clock A.
I M and 3 o'clock P. V.. lor the purpose of choos
ing officers to serve for the ensuing year.
' " ' J. R PRIESTLEY, President.
AprU 29, Igl8 It ...
Elisabeth Deliller'n Estate.
miOTlCE is hereby given that testa
mentary have been granted to Ihesuhacri-
ben, executor of Elisabeth Rentier, late 01' Point
township. Northumberland County. Persons in
debted to taid etttte.-and those having claiint
against the ame. are requested to present them
for settlement without delay.
Aprils. 181801
rpnt auoscriDer ia preparea 10 receive anil ac-
m. com mode te a few tranaient or oermanenl
BoardfTt. et her residence in Sunbury. The Iu
cation it in a handsome and pleasant part of the
' town, commanding a fine view of the Susqoehaii.
na, Northumberland and tbe Scenery adjacent
I o persons, fsrom the city, who wish to spend a
few months during the summer season, Sunbury
affords a delightful retreat., '
April 8 1818. 6m " .
aVo. 100 Chcsnut strttL 2 doors W 3(f. south
THE subscribers, proprietor of the oldest
Establishment in the City of Phi'adelphia,
being founded in 1840, would call tbe attention
of the public to their recent great aud wonderful
Imprmtmetit in taking Daguerreotype Portrait.
SKY LIGHT rUK THAI I S Tbe subscriber
beg leave to subjoin a few of the notice they
have receive'! fiom the I'res throughout th
country, in relation to the improvement they
have mane in the introduction of light, by which
th full and clear expression of the Eye i obtain
ed more perfectly than heretofore.
f From the North Americnn.l
The neutral exoresst 11 nf the eve bv Mr. Collins' new
nr.icee of intridticins' the light, lias been most distinctly
.level iped, ss well as sll the lights and shades indisjersu-
uie to e pcrreei uxencse.
rnan ine evinniny (onrier.i
The Messrs. C. have certainly obtained the eve. in
better perfeciirn than we liave seen it elsewhere; and
tnis sujien-Tity, togcuier ttn tne Clearness, aistinctneas
and delicate titit, they give their pictures, make them wor
thy of adioiration. uot oulr as likenesses, but as wrka of
From the Hnmaburg I nlon j
We examined soccimens of their likenesses when in the
city the other day, and found them to p-tsscea all the beauty
of shading and s dtnets of expression of the finest steel en
graving, which is s lnicthing unusual in Daeuerre, Hypes.
h'l,; ni..;l h. .1.. I............ r i;..i.. ,v. ,M u.
iusleud of thc side of the gallery. '
r r..iu ine iniiiiiii.c supper.
"The m at important improvement in the Datromian
art, is one try the Messrs. Collins' Philadelphia, and e in
sists in a different maimer of inli.iducine the light, and cer-
uin adaptions 01 tne instrumeut. tve nave scenaaneoi
the mrtraiu. which they have exetvted. and tbev have the
distinctness and beauty of fine engravings. They are es
pecially remarkable in givuig the proper natural expres
sion of the eve."
From every section of the country where our meturea
have been seen they have received similar flattering noti
ces. The publie generally are invited to visit our Galleries,
probably the moat extensive In the world, end judge for
themselves nf the truth of these notices.
Philadelphia, April 15, l&te
12 "OP Q 3D2d IXt 53 s,
GEORGE B. GREEN, Peopietoe.
W'iiiu'sor, Fennoitf.
18 a sovsreige remedy foe DYSPEPSIA, In many of iu
firms, such as paw inlhe Btuuucfa, Heunburu, habitual
c isiiveness, aciu sioinacn, Heodacne, loss ui Appetite,
Files, Might Sweats, and even Cunauuipti hi (Dyieptio
i-niaiaic,j ana Asttuns, or fmiiisioatiewicd wtthaeraiige-
meul 01 theSt amich (or Dyspelie Asthma,) Dilficult
Breathing, which often results frjm imperfect digeatiuo (or
Dyspe4ic Syspnms,) w relieved by these Bitleis.,
their use has beau proved iu the relief of alinoat all the
aytupt'4ue that proceed from e debuiuited aA-aiic caidi
Uou of the ett-jmach; also in general debility arisiug irjm
sge or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever aud
Ague. Female suffering uuder any uterine derangement
arising from weakness, will find the "Oxvobhaibb Bit-
tbbs en excellent remedy, aud out surpassed by auy wcdi,
cine in uae.
The history of thai medicine is neeuhar. It haa made ita
way 10 publie lavor solely by tha force of its own intrinsic
merits. No artificial means have been used to give it uo-
tonely end thrust it upon publie attention. It haa uevcr
before even been advertised, but having trat shown its re
markable ethoacy in tha utrnily of the proprietor, and by
aim atterwaros aamiiiisterea to Ols atllicle.1 in cauls and ac
quuintaneea with a Uke result, its reputation eruduallv ex
tended until it is known in the m-sst distant para of tha
uuiun, aaanwnicme ot unnvaueu virtues lu tas eura 04
Dyspepsia in all iu different forms, and also f Ike cure uf
Asthma or Fklhiaie. lu only herald and iu ouly cul gy
has been tbe atory of iu wonderful eAcaey, aa told from
ra nith to mowk or by letter from friend to friend, lu eve
ry instance where these Bitters have been used, and the re
sult mode known to the proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. .
Numerous certificates, attesting the singular erucacy or
the "OxroxsATae Birrxas," era iu the posseaaia of the
proprietor ; many of them signed by pers Mis already widely
Itaowu to the public.
ulu. 0. tntKr.t, rroprtctor.
WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, IMS.
The following Certificates have recently keen
received t
Wasxuboton, D. C, Jvxb 10, ISIS.
Hsvirur made use of the "Oxveenated Eli iters" nreuored
by Dr. Cel. B. Green, of Winds.-., VI. and from ku iw
ledge obtained is" their efficacy in other cases, we cheerfully
reu anmand them to the public, believuig that they will folly
eoetaia tha res aamemtstioa of the Propriet r. Ve hope
mat tma vaiuauie remeuy may oe eo generally ainuseu
throurhout the eon 11 try that it mav be aoceasibla to all tha
SAMUEL fllKWH, I - , w
WII.UAM ITHAM, J U. S. Beaator front Varmont.
IAME8 F. SIMMONS, U. S. Senat from K. Island.
J. T. MOKEUEAD. U. S. eeaasut aad funuarly Oovera-
or of Kentucky.
U 11. ARNOU. Member of Cuwneae and foraaarrv Go.
varnorofK I.
WM. WOODBRIDGE. D. B. Bsustos and ftsnaeriv Ca
vern. of Michigan. . 1
M. I.. MAftTlN. Delecate in Cotatresa front Wuwmsia
Prom Boa. II. D. Fostsb, Masaber of Congress from
, . raunayivaiua.
' " " WaaameToa, D. C , Jen 10, 181S.
IWms Sir.I have hasei a evaoeolie anattree fur about tan
yeere, end have resorted to varioua medicine. I'ut relief
without cue rasa, aatil I made use 01 your 'Oxygenated
Bittcra." I kava used abiait two bottles, and and myself
"asore 10 nartect aealta. seiorma m waica me uuv
I patkas of tae bowcK aud vioUMt bsmkiobe. Fealiug desi.
M-Ossta kuowiedeaot your valuaU. esassdy ssaynaok
I others suaitariv siSicted. 1 sake great pleasure In reenrd-
l, my testimony ti It eeretive power i and whiU auy
I raeaark, thai wail oa a nail at bans s riinet time ie. I
1 adminissarad a part of a koine so a imasber a any sjlioted
ltJ?!SJ'i?2?? JVljTrZ? .2
I Mast s-aa jwcy . .aaue.spx, t s-nm-s
I wcw It Mrtioiiigj sju bm nsMsslosxl. Witt, m
I sir for roar tsKaustiiy aad kapplasae, I suharnaa i areaalf,
r"i-6wwind.Vfc '
I Sold W.-4eale esat Rasail by Or, 4 PMener, No.
SS Boatk Suth Sweet. FhisvSernhia.
Agetsl for Bunbary-H, a. MABntSit.
Agents for MikonMAt'lUY HAAO.
AprU IS, 1S4S-
tcm ONBtSEOAR :t
RAN away from the subscriber, on the Iflth
. Inst, kn indented Apprentice to the Tailor-
ingusinets. "named JESS ktrCHVIOOPY.
said tiny is about 9 reer 4 inches nign, naving a
full t-ed fare, rough skin, bad on when he went
sway a brnwn cloth Coatee, chVtpiered summer'
caimr Panta, and blacB (single beatd) eaa
Simere Vest, and black leced Cap.. All persons
sr forewarned against harboring or trusting laid
ranaway St their peril - The Shove reward, bat
no charges will be paid for bit delivery. ii , -
.. . . .l SILAS 1 r ARROW.
Shamokin, AprH 9S, 1848 " 1 '
Seal and Letter-Copying Presses,- Patent
Slate-Lined Reft iterator. Water Fil-
tori, Patent Portable Wsret Clo- ' " ,
sets, intended for As Sick ''i,, '
snd Infirm.
.EVAMS i!.,WAT&0K,;C;i .
. Tft A)rt'A-Trst Kirrtl
orrp3it$ p& piuUceu'iua exchange. '
Mnndfacture snd keep cmtmt
ly on hand, a large ass rtment nf
,ine sows article, together with
their Patent Improved Silomsnder
FIRE-PROOF 8AFF.9, which
are s j constructed as t set at rest
all manner of doubt as ta their
bring strictly fire-proof, and that
they will resist the fire of anv
buildinv - Th m,..1.1 .... nV
these Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside case of soap,
et-me, and between the onterensa and inner tnse is a space
of time three Inches thick, and is filled in with Indestruc
tible material, so as to make it an Impssibtlitv to burn anv
,,r .1.. t. ... .1.;. clu, T, A " "
v. - ....uv wi. a mmn r pst'me OC-
uumndera we nre prepared aud do challenge the world to
produce anv article in the elnpe of Book Snfcs that mill
stand as much hent, and wo hold ourselves ready at all
times to have them fairly tested by public bonfire. We
slujcmtinue t) nuinufnc'.ure a large and treneral assort
ment of our Premium Air-titrl.t Fire Pr .f ftafus of which
there nre over MX) now in nsc, and in every Instance they
have given entiie eatisfnetion to the purchasers M whlcii
we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have
them in uso.
llaywiajd tt Rnvdcr. P.KIsvllle; Joseph 0. Lawton
Pottsville j Mr. Willhm Carr. D..ylestowu, Pa.
N. A G. Tayl r, tip n utli Dd at.: A Vrighl h Nephew
Vine St. wharf; Aleiimler Caror, Conveyancer, corner of
r ilticrt and eta r.s.; John .tt. Ford, 3i north nd at.; Mvera
Bush. 20 iirlli 3d St.: James M. Paul. 101 s aith 4th' t
Dr. David Jayne, 8 smth 3it St.; Mathew T. Miller. 30
s nith .Id st t ami we c 'nld nunc sune hundreds of ethers
11 it were necessary. N w we invite the attention of tho
pxbli-, and particularly those in wanttif Fire Proof Safes,
to call nt our store before purchasing elsewhere, and we
eon satiny them they will get a better and cheaper article
at onr store than at any other establishment hi the eitv.
We sis ) manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at
at very I f prices, cheater than they can be bought at any
other store in Phitadelphie.
uavip bv ts,
PhilAdelphia, April S, IStB ly
.yj rr
Scrofula or King's Evil, Khcoraatisra, Obstinate Cutine us
E.i,.iiis, i-iiii,i. a t-r reKvuit;a uu ine lace, litoiuics.
Biles, Chronic S re Kycs, h ing Worm ur Tetter,
Sc-jld Head. Eitltircincut and Pain of the
B ties and jjints, Stubb ini L'lcers, Hyphi
litic Symptoms, ScUlica r Lumb-igo,
diseases arising fr tn an injuui
ci us use 01 Mcicury, Dr p
ay, Exr sure or l'mpru- 1
deuce in li.c; &!s ,
Chrui.ic Cousti.
tuii 'iiiluia
onlers. In this rasdtctne asveral Inn icent but very notent arilulM
of the vegetable Wind in are nintod, firming a c m,vund
entirely diiTureut in us churnctcr and pr operties fr m any
other preparation, nud unrivalled in its operuti -n on the
sys;era when laboring under disease. It sb-Uld be in Uie
iiantiB 01 every pers 'ii, wu ', vy ouanieas, it general c jurso
of lii'e, is nreuisooied to the very minv .iliuicnts that ren
der iiie a curse, instead of a blessing, and tj often result iu
Dr. Drake's Panacen ia reooinmciided as a certain remedy.
Not me iusiajice at' its luilure has ever occurred when free
ly usodl It cures the disease and at the same time imnatcia
vigor to the wh-le system. 8-rfiUius pers ais can never
pay too much atteutiou to the state of their blood. Its pu
ri6cati n shukt be their first aim perseverance will
accmpuan a cure ui ins ucnsDiiAtT aiscaae.
r.ry,ipeuu, l tcers, taueera, numiing sxes, tcaua and
nuea, w. ireac's ranacca oann'Sj oe t w nigniy extolled i
it aearcuca am we . cxy ruus w ine aiaeuae, auu pcrmauent.
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
gives a much t e ty the at.amch and causes the secre
tion 01 a ueauny guatnc ;uicc i j accaipuee uie 10.0 aa In.
Draxe'ariuiacea ,,
Dr. Drake's Panacea ia used with the greatest success in
R heumatic Comrlaiuts, eseciaUy such as chr. wc. It cures
by driving vut ell impurilii aud foul huinjurs which have
accumulated in the system, which are the canse tf Rheu
matism, Uoul, and Swellings 1 the ioiuts. Other remedies
mcliines give temporary relief'; tins entirely eradicates
tha disease trom the system, evul when the huiLs aud bbuee
are arcouiuuy swoiteu,
Coxscxptiox cam u ci'HD C aishs. Catarrh. Br n
chilis, ripittiug i-f Blxal, A.lhnia, Dilficult or pruuse Ex-
pact .rettiai, Jlcc.ic r iusii, . lain pweats, -siu in me side
Jeo. have been cured, and oan lie with aa much certaiuty aa
any other disease. A specific his 1 aig been sought for, but
in vein until the disc .very i.f Dr. Drake's Panacea. It ta
miht and safe but certain and ciicatiiaia iu ila operatiJtt,
aiat eann'4 poasibly injure tha in na delicate e iiatituti'st.
We would earnestly rcciroinend Ib.iae aifiicted to give it a
trial -end wa believe they will not have occaeun to regret
it. The system is cleansed and strengthened, tha u!cers ou
the lungs are healed, snd the patients gradually reg&m Ihctr
usual health and strength. Read the fluowiug :
Phils.. Dee. 1 1th. 1847
Dbab Sib : In reply to your uucsti n respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will sav, that although a perfect
disbeliever ui the existence of a Panacba, or cure for iu
diseases, however valuable it may be in oeruiu e nidili ,us
of tbe system, snu I nave oeuevea that a cure lor Consump
tion WJuld be disc nrered so ner or later, end cuirsity led
me to try v.atr menicuie in two very mveterata osi
They were priurmuced by the altesKting pbciaua to be
rtrLXOSABT coMtntrios, and absnd hmx! by tbem aa in-
cvbablx. One ol the persona had been under the treat
ment of several very able prectitt mere lor a number of
years, and they said she hud "nld fashionud C.aiauinptiuu
e munne with Scrofula." and that she miirlit Uiurer for s. ie
time, but e nikl n 't be pemimienUy relieved. In both cases
the euect ol uie rsoacea tuis been mnst sTuttlyuix- unly
f'Htr or five b .tiles were used by uie of the pers uis before
the began to improve mpidly. The other tui.k ab ut ten.
I will only add tbat familwr as 1 ain with runsuuiptiou by
inheritance and by extensive observed m aa a study, end
knowing els i the injurious effeeu ui uiue casue out of ten
of tar. baieset, and other vegetable tuies. aa well aaof
many ol' Uie expectorants snd sedatives, I sh 'uld uever have
ree anmended tne use nf Drake's Panacea if I had not been
acquainted with the iugredtaiu. rkit&oa it to suy that thcae
ere recenmasieu uy our m wi piaunr sua ecieiumc puysi
eisos, and in their present e-aubined elate, form probably
the best alterative that haa ever been made. The cure is
in aocordauce with e the 'ry of Cmsumptinn broached in
France e few years g , by one of her roost eminent wri
ttrs on medicine, end now established by facta which ad-
nut of ao dispute. . . .,..,
. , very tteepecuuuy lours, tv, uvu.i.
To nee the kuwuae nf ennther, "Dr. Drake's Panacea lu
always salutary ia us effscas never injurious. It is n. as
iriaatri tt is a-e ana xuxpewraiai. m umhwu um
the invalid into a fatal aoeutiiy. It is a great raaaedy a
gasurt hwding mat euraiive e anpoand, th great and only
remedy which medical science and skill baa yet produced
lot the treatment of thia huliart i uik, oqusrod malady. Ami
no usrarn afflietad with Ikiadeeail dieses, wik be hist lo
himself and his friend, U ke go d wa to tha grave without
testing iu virtuee. A singls n tile, in m at cuaea, will pro
duce a favorable ckangs iu Ike oonditiua; of any patient,
however low. .,.,'
, t . t ' ft. iU . m- " iaaBeB. l "( .
.. . TO THE IDlF&
ldiaa of sale eomnlexi at aad e atsnraativ habits, and
such aa are debihatad by tkoaa obstmcti'ius which females
ate kabla to, era raat rad by the use of e battle ar two, o
Woue vigor. It ie by far the teat remedy ever due nrered
for weakly children, aud suck as ksva bud kumor j being
pleneaat, they take it. It immediately restores the appetite,
wrenrtk aaeerenr..' - ..... r .
Notbiae caa eeitnre sarprisiae than ksnria eatina ef
feeu on Um human frame. Pers lis. ail weakaesa and lae-
ailude bsf'KS taking it, et once bee ans mbuat and fuU of
eaasgy uaesr Ita inaueae. M Irituedaue eoaataraeu the
nerveletaneas ot tne lesusut iraiue
C AUTtON. Be careful and aes that you get the genu
tne Dr. Diiu'i Pahaoba-1 haa the sieaaiura of Geo. F
Svobmob the. wrapper--nd sis. the Bam "Da- Pbaxx's
Pamacba, Pniwi.' ksn in the glass. -Preoated
ny bv SroaU a Co., Druggist, No. St Nurth-
bixm re., rnuaoaipnie.
AiaS Da? auihurII M AMF.R
a JJ k IV a .1 . - k a. IWmhII. U mmn
SB, Minoai sgAAr kicCes. ie'arikambarlaail , t P L IS,
Aptil 1, IMS-ty
!m..k 807 Main atmt. Buffalo, Af. y '
.-re DR. O. CTAUGMN'S' 1 i
" r frpUfch Llthontfipile tll,,;; i
f I WIH eSbraAd tmA U SAnataMl. J , t b
X by the BumeureaU toarTig r " I
Jlbaenow beeogw the only medicine for family a, and hi
... , t DROPSY:'-. V'V,rr . "
e "' nlbuiil immediatery relieved, ao matter
of how king standing, ssmliiet for lesomjny.,
end till disessrs of the Urinary, organs f tdf ' trieee distress.
na BompwuiiaH siaiKis sene j 11 otacv article can relieve
y"a ( and the (Aires testified to will convince I he moat akep.
ticai aee pamphlet. Liver Complaint, iuiuua, diseases,
"r EVER et AGUE ,
Te the Brest tVcst esnrclnlly, and wherever these eonv
plainU this medicine is tiered - ' -o
.s v ..., -NO MINERAL AGENT,' V br
cures these diseaeea with eortniutv end celerity, aad doaa
not have the system torpid. See Pamjihlct. .,
' a complaint of t most pilnful ehnraeter. is ' '
and a cure follows by e lew dare nee of this article I It is
far before anv other nremmli m. r,,r It,,- rliAMM. nr l.,p anv
other disease originating from impure blood. tSee pam
phlet. IJr.blLI 1 1 Or THE 5i STEM,
week back, weekneiai of tha K utnev. Ave Uhmiu.
tbm of seme, is immediately relieved by a lew uava use of
this medicine, and a cure is always a result of its' use. It
fur mich eoinclaiiitta and kb-i fur ticmnirem.ntii nt th ft.
male frame.
painful mcnstrualims. No article has ever been oflered
rtccpt this which would touch this kind of derangements.
It may be relied upon as a sure and ellective remedy, and
did we feat permitted to d 1 coold give
SS DToOf Of Cores in this, r-L.H nr hM.bU.
See pamphlet. Ail broken dm-n, debiliuited e aisutetione
irom ine cueci 01 mercury, will find the bracing power of
this article to sot immediately, and tin pels ewua mineral
will find tha sltciative nrmertics of this uriirlc. :
k'UlilV X THIS D l.(JL) I).
end driven such diseases from the system. See pamphlet
for testimony Of cures in all dirensea, which thc limits of
an advertisement will not p-nnit to be turned here. Agents
Eive them away; they contain 32 pages cf certificates of
igh character, ami a stronger
of the virtues of e medicine, never appeared, tt it me of
the peculiar features of this article trait it never I'nils to
benefit in any case, and if bno and niusclo are left lo build
up in let tha emaciated snd lingering inralid
and keep takijnr the medicine as na there Is an Ini-
aguinat a number of articles which cure out under the
ucaa 01
as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, te. : They are g xxl for no
thing, and cuucoctcd to gull the unwary ;
Their invent ire never thought of curing such disease till
tnis erticie naa none it. a particular study 01 the pam
phlet is earnestly a diciled.
Ageate ana sii who sell the article are
gratuitously. Put up In 30 nr.. bottles, nt 82 ; 13 or d ul
PI each the larger holding 0 u. m ire thsn two small hot-
Liok out and ret initF.eed nnon. l-:verv b ttle haa
Vanchn's Veeotable IJuYmtrintic Mixture." blwn noon
the glass, the written eigmtara 01' ' O. C. Vaughn" on the
direct!, tis, and "G. C. anglm, Bud tlj," stamped tm the
e.r. none otner ere senuine t'reisirau iy ur. u. f.
Vauchn, and a dd at the Principal Orare, au7 Alain street,
Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No sUenti si given to let
ters unless p st paid orders from regularly c instituted
Agents excepted ; post paid letters, ir vcrbul conuuuuiea
tions s diciting sdice, promptly attcisbl t gratis.
lltheee devoted exclusively to lite lulu ia this article
13 Nassau St. New York eitv: 2nS Kssexst. Salem. Mass.:
and by the principal Druggists thr .ujliout the L'uitcd States
ana uannoa, as Agcms.
List of Ancnts. Starrs A eo.. AVh 'Insole Acent Philoilcl-
phil J. W. Friling, Sunbury lsanc Gearliart. Scliiigrove
u. A. vt yetn, twisiKirs II. i.Micatcr, Milton hiivcs
McCormick, McEwensviUe Miss McCov. Northumber
Aprd 1, 18tr y
.tt th' New Stobs A'o 79 Arch ttrctt.
between So and Z.I AVA Je,
THE subscriber invites particular attention to
bi laige and inlendul asiortment of nrtu oiij
cho'ce style if Dry Good comprising a genet. il
variety of tbe most desirable kinds of P e Ma
terial, irhawl. (ifut'Cs, HMifru. Lurhrnilnib'e
Flannels, Worked Coin C'amlre. Jurmel.
Mull. Jtantotk and Plaid Mu'lint. Linen Can..
o "e and S.Ik Pocket Hdkfx, BLck ltulaa Cra
fits, others too numerous to advettite.
Particular attention it giveu to Linens and Fur
lushing Goods, general!) the etock is large, and
th prices will ba found much lower thsn usu
al, baring been purchased at Auction at tacrin
ced rates Tbe fabrics are warranted pure flag
and from the best makers.
P. S. Persons wishing Plum and Medium
styles ol Dress Goods and i-h tvlt, will find
choice vsriety
Philadelphia, April I, 1818
Important Information.
' TU all purchasers ofreadr made clothing, in
lor mil ton beieby given that the well known
and much celebrated Clothing emporium, known
tl tbe
Philadelphia Wardrobe.
P. R McNtiLLt, Proprietor, A' HIS Chestnut
street, between 3d and 4 A tf . Philadelphia
It astonishing the community with bit cheap snd
lasbionable apparel, of rveiy description and vs
riety. Vests from 80 cents to fl dollars. Good
black Cloth or Cassimere Pants, a low a 3
dollars and upwards per pair, according to quali
ty. Black French Llotbdres Costs, allow as
8 dollar!. Summer clothing cheaper, peihapi.
man ever wai known Heretofore of tbe lame
Wholesale dealer! are particularly invited to
call and examine tbe large anil well got up cloth
ing oftbii large establishment, is very particu
lar attention ie paid to the rutting, so tbst
purr havers at wholesale m ill he certain to ce
garments when they com to put I he in on their
customers, tbst will fit with tai'e and ease, which
is a matter of great importance. We invite one
and all to rom and examine for themselves be
fore purchasing
Philadelphia, April I, 18.18 3m
Pictorial Edition of d' Aublprne's
arrets! work on tne ttetoi mailon
published on or about the 1st of April, IS 18, by
JOS. A 8PEEL. No 90 Cherry t above 6lh,
his splendid 1 2 mo edition of the sbove named
woik, aith 18 engraved illustrations from ori
gins! designs; 4 vols in 3, bouni in rxtra cloth
and library sheep.
The publisher respectfully calls the attention
ol tbe trade ana tne puonc generally,,, to tnis
work being tbe only illustrate Sedition published
in the United 8ttrs He trust that th beauty
of its embellishment!, the strong and substantia
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with
tha known popularity nf tb. work itself, will bs
a cure recommendation lo public favor,
v JOS. A 8PEEL. 06 Cherry at. above 6th.
J. A 8 has also lately published, a aew and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rare Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly dona up in
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April t, 1848 ,
Time mtMtt DlatastM Saved !
THE aubecribere aaving leased the Sunbury
Ferry, beg leave ta itifnrm tbe public, tbat
they ars prepared to convoy Teams, Pleasure
Carriage and Foot passengers aerate Iba river
with safety snd without delay. They have pro
vided Ihemielvet with new and commodious
eraftt, which will alwayt be attended with able
and careful hands. ' i t'
Pereon travelling- to and from and through
Sunbury t New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Hartleton
tnd other places, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to crose at this Ferry instead of tbe
Bridges, aa the Would save from Jtw t four
tiles ia ialance. . JOHN 8PEF.CE
unbury, April I, tltg
iCID V D, niDDL E,
Screen fcTTIre lot Si Maanrncfory,
No. 48 iVrf Fro ntt, btttoetm Hsrh t and
fpilE SubsarrMrs BkVrKg groat ere prose-
.1. ments in the alve boriaeea, are turn menu.
ficturm,. ra sunetior quality, all kind. nf PLAIN
8iev.-s, Kiudte rJcreen., ext., Am .11 khtds of Gfain,, ctsnd, Orv BnuR, CiarrJ,, DiiiS.luat, At.
roat,drr' Hieves of a ruperiet guelity eon.tautly
on hand AU f a, Wits Dien Covcre, Q,.f
Sprfnss. Twilled Who for ttptrk Uetcl erS, At.
Oraameotstf Wire Worn.
c,f. fsrsar P.Bdere; Garden llo.dWi
rk,w sra. de, Tratneea, Trell rework to GrapS
Vines, Also Wire Prncmgof every dcerlp
lion. CO Order thankfullf received snd ur. miH
,Hc1I,,..a WATSON ft IJOX.
,; ..... PHI L ADEI.PtI! A
MjXDICAL house,
EttabHsktd IS, jeott dgt. by Dr. KlHKELiy.
I be oj.lesl, purest and I cat band to eura all tjtnie
of seen t tliseaeue, diee iacvof tbe skin khd
""' ' " solitary hel'ils of youS; s
' Dili KINK B Is IN',"''"
N. W. turner af 3d and Union st:. bsiuen Spnua
and Fine, I sqvurts from the Exchange.
YOUNG M EN I tr jon value your life or ytir
be-ilih. remrmbrr, the delay of a rponih, nsy(
even a wet k, may prote ynur ruin, boib on-oily
and mind. Hence let no false modesty Jetet yow
from making your case known lo one who, from
education snd respectability, e .n s!one b. friend you.
He who placet himself under Dr KISKELI.Vi
Ireatmi nt, may tcligiously ent.GJe in liia honor se
s gen leman, and in who e boeom will ba forever
locked the rrel nf tbe pei. nt, .
Too rainy iliink they will hug theeecret lo their
own hearts, end cure tbrm elv. a, Alas! bow of
ten ia tide e f.Ul di'lusl. h. and how many a pro
mising young man, ho m'glit hue lieeh an orna
ment to sociity. has faded fom the esrthi
rinding it inennvt nieni lo make pe'sotrsl appllca
li n, can, by stating their c is explicitly, together
itb all Iheir symptoms, (per 1. t er. poet-paid.) have
forwarded to them s chest eon'ainxg Dr. K's m
dicines sppr'prisieJ sccordingly. ;
rarkagee of M dicb.e lorwsrded to any part of
h United Slate sts mominl'e notice., , .
f7" Post f in ttTTras, add esse.) to D'. Kia-
ustii. PhiUdelpMa, will be promptly attended to.
Oc.30th. 1847. ly . . '- ".' . .
McCfsCES at ,KItTIO'',
Ko 19S Cliesnut Street. .
&uth East dtirner of Eighth tt , Philadelphia. ..
PORTRAI I S from the smnllct lircast-jin la
the largest site, ringly or In gioous. The
1'iopriclors ere wirranted in si) ing, thst their
v. ork has gain, d a lepniaiion' second to none in
the wnr!d. Extiact from the Press i
Lift-like in the etpresoti, thaitly Correct in
tbe slisd t -Ledger.
1 bu tit bis arriveJ al g.e it p. rfeetlop, .and
ncna nndertund It orltrr man Aid tree et tier.
awn? Dalti autre Ir.'t.
Admirable ! nothing ein exceed thrlr ef duittte
delicacy." 47. Gazette. .
t.X'iacI from the report of the Judjes, al Ine last
fair of he Frmklin Insii'uie 'Dagnrrreotypes
in t'li de ariment there are soma very excellent
pee nvns in the ition, and the Judgea think,
they see a progressive improvement io tbie biaric8-
f the art I net hive not r romme.idetl ana-
ward in fsvor of any nf the rnmpeiitoro. l ot are
i'i-p 'iw.1 1 1 tenk a- ffrtf in order, tha collect! m of
McULEF.3 &. GEKMON, as cohlmning the lor.
gist nnv ber nf luptrtortpiciment."
i nn. ae'pnia, ro i. ioib. om
THE CHALLENGE We lure observ.d ve.
rv patiently for a )ar p.iat llie fcVerJ at
tempts by son e cf ur f.s irni y. 1 1 force a rpu
talion which thi ir i rufcu-l. nol skill alone must fail
lo give il.eni. And we would continue our silent '
In' rvut.oti. i n er H e confet .uf tiess of en tuih il-
strred merit, were it not more than p'okible' that
I his species of fanfironade may divrit the public
eye from a eand.d esaininaliun into the motile of
Uie mUiiiud. of rof-'seors in the rt.,
We w. uld see mi lit silk an lionorsbe publici
ty, and ibrieby in for it If tolden opinionei hut
uedi pi c ihkt miwrable rbtcenery by which a
mere prrtence gains an ova'ion over genuine
woitS. It is to make ihie vaulting ambition over
Ic.ip itself or withdraw i'a spurious claims, that wa
nnw Irtsps.s in in fancied scenrity by throwing
the g'ora f,u an bonordile tret of skill. Oar aed'
is $501) thst th avenge of a given rjumuer 91 da.',
guerreotyprs exeeu'ed al the Dagucr'resn fjalldry .
f M t. 8IMOI.S, 179 Ubesnol slirct, will rgtlf
bit a gre .ter amount of prif.-eiioo in lb art than .
any ai.nilar avereta number any o'h'y galle
ry in the Ui it. d S atee.' Thi U no idle boast
we m en whet e eay.' We etc Jeslrou. that the'
public shoa'd g.v.' tlirtr pstruoege to mcirt not
I reietii s.
v e a k uivi-stuH..n, tree, rigid, tmpsrll l in
10 l'g4t:on, w s It roan the glove, W lo
ill (. est it M. P. 8IMONS, ,
I7U Uheai.ul .t., np;-cs' Hist House, rbllsd.'
N. B. It will bo ui.iler-lo-d by our country1
friei.d.., thst tbe shove challenge haa never yet
l e. n acceded, and we also wiab lt tinderatood,
that er did n t intend to make by this
wo have already our intention to appro
priate the pr re to some charitabla purpose.
M. r . si.viu.s.
PI ila Vidua. Feb. 19. 1818 3 n.
1 4
Commission and Forvrtling
ZrXEBCHilZrTfly '
Yi 48 Cummerce Street ll'havf BALTIMORE..
Will receive and sell all kim!s ofCountry Pio-
dure Flour, Grain, Ate.
N B. Pellicular alteution given ta tbe eale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
lignm.'i t, stben required.
Apiil I, 1818 4m t .
, 1. -
,ew Spring Jry.-4'os-
A'u. y Suulk 3.. orctf. Philadelphia.
HAVF.naw in the itoreandar receiv-.
ing insdJition to their aswrtment gs they ar
rive in the New York and Philadelphia Mat kets, t
new Spring Pry Goods consisting in part of -New
Styles Spiing Mo. deLaioes. New Styles
Bareges in Stiipei, Plaids. &e. Choice Col.
ore, mode Bareges, New Lswns sad
mode Mos. de Lsines, Paul ds
t nerves, a new article, new -' i 1
etyte.'Tissues $tc.., &C.
FrsacH no Scotch GitintiAss, In store ona ,
of tbe largest assortment iri Philadelphia, from
the lowest- price lo tb Jiiiest (uaUUca, snach
lower than last irason ' . '
On band al all tea sons of th year a large a,
soitroent, both of Linens and Muslins, el greatly
reduced prices, also Linen Damasks, Counter--'
panes fce. Shawls. Gloves. Lacea Itc. High
Lustie Black Silks, for msptillas, Tiiites, Dree- .
srs ke. Mens it Boy's wear xf all deecrirttoris.
Lsdiesand Gentleman viiiting Iba. cily are.ta- 1
vitvd le ctjl and examine eur stock.' "
A libersl reduction toad to those who y o
sell sgain. - - '
fbiladelphja.. April;, 1818 , , -,.
CARD BAls sril4TIHIsa.
. .' WM 0 MASON." - - ,' '
g CIstsaulsJIsluantdteMSslrhihsldpAiai
BaratvsrpvaiM B h VUITIXS) CfRjtWt f
Waif h papers, Lsbels, Doof nlstea;', SeAls aaa
Stamps (or Odd Fellows, Son ot Tempers'.,
lie., fce. Aiwa y en hand a gredral aMorf ey
af Fane Fancy Good., Gden af every ft;
Dog Collar in great variety. . Eiigri-:
and maleriala " Dis-
Agency for tbe Manufacturer of sSisjf . -if
mends. ' actually
Orders pel snail ( P,J V
et tended to. . .!' '
Philadelphia, April I, I --?
ets. HMs. are sesree holders ssk cts.
famjf 9t grewu-s v..