Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 06, 1848, Image 4

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M to do it reverence. An occasional occur
renco may give it a temporary importance.
Some one may take hold of il, aa heretofore,
"to give himself a local popularity or a gener
al notoriety. He may be encouraged by a
recent appointment here, which aeems like a
.. reward for haring agitated this question, and
procuring the instructions by a legislature to
her Senators to vote for it in this body. But
" that wil amount to rery little in the end, and
will die forgotten aa a dream. I move that
' the Senate adjourn.
" The motion being temporarily withdrawn
7 Mr. CALHOUN said : I rise simply to state
upon what grounds 1 made the assertion that
the aot of Penns)dvania was similar to the
act of New York, but did not go so far. The
act of New York makes It penal even for the
citizens of New York to aid the federal offi
cers. The act of Pennsylvania does not, but
makes it illegal for her magistrates and citi
zens to cb-operote, except with the federal
officers. Now, the provision of the constitu-
1 tion of the United States requires an active
co-operation on the part of the State, its citi
zens and magistrates, in the delivery of fugi-
, tive slaves, and anything short of that is a
' w violation of the constitution, and calculated
: to destroy the efficiency of the law of the
.. United States in reference to that subject.
To that extent the law of Pennsylvania, as
well as that of New York, is unconstitutional.
. Mr. CRITTENDEN. What is the motion
pending 1
from Pennsylvania made a motion to adjourn
but gave way to the Senator from South
' Mr. CRITEEXDEN I intend to renew
. that motion. I think after the excitement
we have all witnessed to-day, we will bo
bettor prepared to decide with the delibara
tion which Usually marks the proceedings of
this body, at a future session. I move, there
fore, that wa now adjourn.
Mr. BENTON. Will the gentleman with
draw the motion for a moment 1 1 move
that the paper be printed.
Ordered, That the bill be printed for the
use of the Senate.
Mr. JOHNSON, of Maryland, then gave
notice, that should the Senator from New
Hampshire have leave to introduce his lill;
he would move the following resolution :
Resolved, That the committee to whom
was referred the "Bill relating to riots and
unlawful assemblies in the District of Colum
bia," be, and they are hereby, instructed to
amend the said bill by inserting a section in
the same for the effectual protection, by pen
al provisions or otherwise, of the citizens of
this District, and other citizens of the United
States, in the undisturbed possession and
- ownership of their property in slaves in such
On motion,
The Senate then adjourned.
jFrttmcrci Department.
Scalding Milk. In Devonshire, England,
where dairying is extensively practiced, the
milk intended for the churn, or for cheese is
scalded aa soon as it comes from the cow.
This process obviates most effectually the
natural tendency of the milk to sour in warm
weather, and when intended for butter ma-
king, secures the advantage of sweet milk
for family use, after the cream is removed.
Good Crops of Corn. Mr. John Miller of
Jeffersonville, Pa., raised last year, 94 bush
els of corn per acre, and that others in the
- vicinity raised from 60 to 80 bushels per acre.
He says "A spirit of emulation has been
. awakened among us, and a general benefit
- will result to the agricultural community in
this district.
, ., Ohio Stein. The Ohio Cultivator gives the
number of hogs in each county and State, nc-
" cording to the census for 1846 and 1847. In
every one of the 83 counties the number has
. increased, except in two, viz: Champaign
and Lawrence. In 1846, there were 1.405.
681. In 1847, there 1,751,318. ,
' To-Destroy Sorrel. Manure well early;
plow deep, early j harrow well j plant corn
3 or 4 feet each way ; pass the cultivator
through every ten days, till the middle of
summer; then sow 12 lbs. of clover seed per
acre, and pass the cultivator again. Clover
will take the place of the sorrel.
Quanity of Carrot Seed for an Acre. The
quantity of seed required for an acre, de
pends on the width between the rows ; the
usual width is about sixteen inches; and
when sown with a good machine, about one
pound is sufficient for an acre.
Preserving Hams. A canvass cover, for
each ham, well whitewashed, is an infallible
, protection of bams, against flies. They may I
also be well kept in dry saw dust.
t Whitewash for Fences. One ounce white
vitro, (sulphate of zinc,) 3 ounces of common
salt, to every 3 or 4 lbs. of good fresh lime,
it is said, render it very durable, exposed to
the weather.
India Rubber Horse Collar. This is a new
invention, consisting of India rubber inflated
with air. It is said to fit easier on the horse's
neek than anything yet made.
" Ji New South Kales, according to foreign
' papers, more than 350 000 cattle and sheep
have, within the last two years, been boiled
up for their tallow.
Most on Fruit Trees, may be removed by
oapsands, thin whitewash, or a mixture or
cow-dung, urine-and soapsuds.
.'! ,4s Lassb Bill for Mileaoc Yesterday
application was made to- the United States
'Circuit Court to allow mileage to Luther
Toole, who was sent here from Rio Janeiro
" as a witness in the late prosecution against
William Brown, charged with piracy. The
amount allowed witness for mileage is five
Mta per mile circular -that is, coming and
. going;. The distance from Rio Janeiro to this
. port la in the neighborhood of eleven thou-
sand miles, ntid' if the claim is sustained, the
smooat dae the witness will be over 1 1 100.
A, pretty prorltnUe voyage for a Yankee sai
. lJor. " '
- A' self-taught botanist, whose
works command ready sale. Th Cou
o Flour,
nipt liumoia srs expel ed, yon hava no more fever.
When a patient with fever sohmite 10 he bl 1, or
have bis blind poieoned with mereury, l wtikwi
hie frame In such degree that If hs survives tht
prncew, tl dwarf leaves him ul'jccl la dblreesin
chillis when timet nut nf 10 h reenrts to eaue
Kills, powder e, ot tnnie mi Ma rem thin Is going from
id lo worse, those vegetable pille. powdrra, Ae,
erw nothing hat mercury and quinine In diag ulse,
wh'ch may for s tims drive the diaraeo to far Into
lha hotly aa nut to he perceptible, but very anon h
will break nut aga'n wiih fearful violence. To cure
ague and fever, the ranee of the diaesse muat be re
moved out of the blood and body, which ran be ef
fcctoally done by using Dr. 8WEE TSER'S PA
NACEA, whirh purifiee, cleanses and strengthens,
ft contains nothing that esn possibly injure, and In
uae la always s safeguard against chilli and fever.
In Att Casr or Pitits, Dr. 8WEET8ER'8
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It re
move! from the blood, atnmach and bowel, ell
thnss foul acrid bnrning humors, which are the
eaoee nf Pi lea and Cnstivencs, and by Mrengthrn
ing the digea live organ, Improve! every part of the
entire body.
There are eau-ed by the stomach and
howela being choked op with viscid abmy mutter,
the air which enters lh m cannot e-cape until forced
by some contraction of the stomach to expel it:
hence 'he rauee nf piin. A few dose nf Dr.
8WEET8ER'S PANACEA will convince uV
eufTerer that relief ia attained.
Parente will find the PANACE A s valunh'r
medicine for their childien, keeping their bodies in
s healihy Gondii! in, thereby agisting their g owh;
children nr grown petsnns, after taking it. are not
liaMe to be attneked with nn epidemic as before, aa
it always leavr the blood in a pure cnnmtion. and
the t mire system. In strengthened elate it drive
out a'l kinda of weaknre from the body and teavca
all heal hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE ITER'S PANACEA a medi
e'no purely ed ipted to their ue. Moat ladica du
ring Hie period nf pregnancy are afflicted with pi'e,
Dr. 8weetrr' Panacea, by regulating the bowel,
will entirely obviate thin, and ila purifying proper,
tiea on Ibe blood and fluids insures to them heal
thy nfT prinfr. No one who in a mother ilioitU be
without It. and thoae who are nurairg will find il
of Rieut hi mill to the health of their infanta.
For bsrrenne and all disease of the womb, it
la without a rival in the entire hislr.iy and catalogue
of medicine by its extraordinary strengthening
power, it atimulalr and sir. ngthene the womb, a
weakneaa uf which ia the cau-e of failure to have
Under thin bead may be ct.ised Pn'pl'etnn of
the Ileait, Tic Dolnrenux or Facearhe, Neuralgia.
lndigea:i.n,Toothclie, Melniichol),Hrateriea,and
in fact, every dirae cimed hy the ahiirp, hiting
aerimonioua humors iiritating the nerve t the
nerves receive the morbid impicasinn from the An
mach, or rather from the blood through the agency
uf the etomach and diqe tiro o:gana, and although
other parte of the body are epp irently tho aeat of
the disrate, atill it ia rauaed by the morbid imp-ee
fi in conveyed from the blood bv thn nerve, to that
pait. A few of Dr. SVEETSEU'S I'A
NACEA will :on assure the patient that he lia
the cure in bis possession.
1'hia ia an itiflammaiory di-oider, alw yt attend
ed with m ir." or leas pnin. It proceeda from the
foul, aerimonioua humors lodged in the blond ami
fluids, settling nn the lim's and face, causing ex
treme pain and fevera; all nppln alioiis on the sur
fare are worse than useless, ua Ihey only I- nd to
throw the discs' 1 1 tome other part, and pprhin
cause death. Uleeding ia likewise improper. To
cuie the dii-eaee you mu t get rid of the cause ; on
ly manage t get (he foul humors out nf your hlood.
and you will be well in a day. Dr. (tWEET
8ER'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier nf the
Id io 1, will search nut every impurity in the more
remote pirta of the body anil cupel it through the
medium nf the bowels. Thrie it r.ot a vein, arte
ry, muscle or orgm of ihe entire framework nf
man, that Dr. Swe.twr's Panacea doe not im
prove. To lake it when you are weil la to keep
we J ; and when tick to Income well.
posed only ot a vegetable mailer, or medical nerba,
and watranted. nn o nh. as containing not one par
liclj nf mercurial, mineral, nr chimical substances,
i fmnd lobe perfectly harmlera tithe most tender
age, or the weakest frame, under any stage nf hu
man sufTeiine ; the mot pleat nt and benign in ita
0erlion Ihst wa eier off. red to the world; and
at the same lime the moat rrr'ain in searching nut
i he root of any complain', however deep, and of
perfi.rm:ng a c ire.
Price (I per bottle, or aix bnttlea fr $5. For
sale, wholesale and retail, at the corner nf
CHARLES u,d PRATT Wtrreta. Baltimore, nn I
Nov. 6 1847. .'y ISunbury.
ITS WOltBtS I'll IT!
Burnt, Scalds, and all hinds of Inflamed
Sorrs Cured.
the most com p'e e l!uin Antidote ever known.
It i 'Stantly, (and as if by Magic) atops pains of the
most desperate Burns and Scald'. For olJ 8 rca,
Diu'tes, Cut', Sprain, &c nn man or i
the best application that can be made. Thousands
have tried and thousands priie it. Il ia Ihe most
pttfeel master of pain ever dincnvered, All who
nan recommend it. Every family should be provi
ded with il. None can tell liotv soon tome nf the
family may need it.
fj3" O'.aerve eich box nf the genuire Ointment
has ilia name nl 8. Tocskt wrilt. n on the outside
rebel. To imitate this ia forgery.
Boitmen, I.ivrry Men, Farmers, and all who use
Horses, will find this Ointment the very best ihinp
they esn uso for Collar G ills. Scratches, Kick, Ac.
dee., on thiir animate. Surely every merciful man
would keep bh animals aa frre fioin pain aa pnati-hie-
Tousey' Universal (lintinent is all that ia rr
qu red. Try it.
BITES OF I.VSECT8. For the sling or bite
of Insects, Tousej 'a Ointment is unri
valled Hundreds h ive tried it en I found il good
PILES CURED ! For the Pile, Tousey 's U
niveraal Oin'ment is one of the best Remedies that
can be applied. All who have tried it fot the Piles
recommend it.
OLD SORE8 CURED. For old obalinate
Sout, there ia nothing io,uil to Tousey' Oint
ment. A person in Manliut had, for a number of
years, s toie leg that haflle 1 th akill of the doctors.
Tousey 'a Ointment wta recommended by one of
the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtues.)
and two boxes produced more benefit than ihe pa
tient had received from any and s'l pievious rerue
dire. Let all ir it.
of esses of Burns and rlcslds, in all parts of the
country, have been curt d by Tousey 'a Universal
Ointment. Certificates enough conlJ be had to fill
the whole of tbia aSre',
als on testimonials, in favor of Tousey' Ointment
for curing Diuitcs, hate been orT-red the propiie
tors. Hundreds in Syracuse will certify to ita great
merits in relieving the pain of the most severe Bruiae
All person should try it.
fciUALU HEAD CURED. Bore of CJsee of
Scald Head have been cured by Touey's Oint
ment. Try it it seldom fill,
SALT RHEUM CURED. Of all the remediea
ver discovered for this most disagreeable complaint,
Touaey'e Universal Ointment ia the moat complete.
It never was kn wn to fail.
Tousey's Uciverssl Ointment will slways euro ilia
wor.l cast s of Chapped Haadi, Scores of peraone
will atate this.
SORE LIPS CURED. For the curs of Sore
Lip, there was uever anything made equal to Tou
sey'e Oiotraant. Il is aurs lo cure them. Try it.
It ia a scientific compound, warranted aot la con
tain any preparation of Mercury. Pries IS
cent per box. For further particulars concerning
this really valuable Ointment, lbs public sis refer
red lo Pamphlets, to be bad gratis, of respectable
D'Uggists and Merchant throughout lbs United
Prepared by ELLIOT tV TOUSEY, Druggists,
Syracuse. Par eale by -
JOHN YOUNQ, tfunbary,
M. A. McCAY, MorihssaberUod.
ept. Illh, II17, ly tew
UP . 7 X CS9 OS
THIS Medicine I warranted, nn oath, not to
contain s panicle f Calomel, Corrosive Silh
limale, Arepnic, Chloride cf Gold, or any delete
roua minerals.
The principle nprtn which this Medicine acta, is
hy ssalstlne and harmonl-ing with nature t II
drive ont sll foul aerimonioua humors from the
hlood and body, and by assimilating with end
alrengthetiing the gastric juice of ths etomach, It
seriate digeeilon In abort there Is not vein, arte
ry, mnacla or nerve in Ihe human body, that 1
not airengihened by the PANACEA, and il also
possesses the remarkable property of removing
mercury from ths bones and joints.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumor. Scrofula or
King' Evt , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers,
Cancers, Running Sores, 8cahs and Bile, lime
and s determined perseverance in D . SWEET
SER'8 PANACEA, will effect s curs.
Rejection nf f.wd, Nausea, Vomiting, Nervnue af
lection's, Billiou rorrplnints Head ache. Pa'eneaa,
or Female Irregularities. Dr. 8 WEETSEH'8 PA
NACEA will aoon effect s cure I hul if obstinate,
or attended with griping, flying paina, the done
should be increased, ami the cure will anon be ef
fected. 11 not the patienle frighten thsmaelvea
wiih Ihe idea that they are too wek to take much
mrdi ine; but bear in mind that this mi'dly opera
ting med cine put not weakness into ihe frame, but
mott certainly draws weakn s oul, leavea alrength
in it lil're, end hy givtrg enmpo'ed s'een si nigt
and an apiictite lo-relish any fond re-snimn'es the
whole frame wi h vigorous sc ion, clearing the
mind and improving the eight.
Scrofula is siid In be hcridilnry, th" inf nit re
reiving from ila parents ihe seeds of ill diseae
which ii creas-s with it years, if nenlecied snd
not snh'Titt'etl to frequent piirific rtion with Dr.
8WF.ETSF.R'S PANACEA. The gland are p'n.
ced in the comers of ti p body, and nut of the way
of direct communication ; their real u-e i a subject
nn ohich nmch dinvr.Tce of opinion prevail it
suffices ua lo know ih it when in diseased state,
they are capable nf being purified snd cleansed bv
a long course of lr. KV 1.1. 1 KCtl S l'AIA
C LA. which restores ihrm lo anund snd proper
a.-tion. Scrnfub Us persons can revet pay loo much
alti-ntioii to their b'ood, its purification sin U d be
their fir't thoughi, for aftr a lung coume l pn
veranre, ihey will ever curt herrditiry disease.
SWEKTSEifS PANAtJEA cannot beioohigh
ly extolled -, it eeairhes nut the vrrv rnot nf the, mi l Ly x m ving it from the blood makes
a cure certain and permincnt.
Fordieae nf ihe Radiler and Kidneys, Stric
tures. Gravel. .Voire, Vile. Fi'txla. Viinnru Ob
struction and Extreme Contiveness Dr. 8 WEET
S Klt'S PANCEA ia the best remrdy ever treJ;
it rrninves all iho-e acrimonious humo s from the
Blond which give r'se lo the above d.eeasca, and
by keeping the blood in a pure condition, insures
Imoiir lien nf the Rlnod, Mercurial Tuint, Wrak
nest of the Sp'ne Flow of Blood to the Heatl Gid
d-vesr. Sipping and Ruzztni; Ko'se in the Head
and Ears, U.. H VV JS BIS K K- I' At; IS A will
sive ccrtiin relief; in till seve e and chron'c cases,
the ioiients rannnt be loooUm reminded that lar
grr dunes and perseverance ill ell-el a cure.
I i Chills and Fevers. B 'tiout Frrers. Affections
of the F.itts and Ears, Swwcy nnrf ilti-ert.nq
Gums llrrinch't s and recent Vouehs and Void;
Dr. SWEE I SER'S PANACEA will u- f ,und
perfectly sure snd certain in ita effect.
Thme enmp'ain's sra generally attended with
the ni-st fatal ronsinucncea, and are seldom orne.
ver cu'ed hy the pres-nl mod'- of treatment ; Ihey
U'titby uccompany Ihe patient I the grave, after
uflring Ihe most excruciating pam and torture,
The cans:- ,f ihese cnnplairra are Ihe eame aa all
i thcrs the dm nt Ihe hlood bernim s cnrrus'ed on
the filirM narrow pasaagea, whence nr.- morbid
secretions and ttoppagieof mine. Yi.u will find
ihe in-st p-werful d un ties of no use, o tl.ey only
increase the quantity nf urine and do tint purify
and streniithen 111- parts. By purifying the Id'ntl
with Dr. SWEKTSEK'S PANACEA, ou re
movo the c.iusei j ihe disc ise, consequently it can
not exist any longer, after sulTirienl peiseieram-e
in ita use has deprived Ihe blood and body of all
acrimnniuus bumura and incrustation.
Th:a ia s very pre v, lent and fatal disease ; it re
subs ir.o-ily from neglccied cough", colds and bron
chiti, also from im onper treatment in many of er
caes, fuch o meualea, fever, inflamriiaii n and
ilial pox, and a hol of other badly treated diseases;
where the cause, instead of having l een thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only Iwcn
palliated nr removed from one pirl lo hreik out in
another. By divra'ing your bodies nf all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETfER'S
PANACEA, ihe cure is at once rendered c rtain
and permanent. Recollect, while there ia acrimo
nious humor fl .ating in the ciicu'a'.ton, il i a apt
to settle on ihe lungi s any other pari of the body ;
this is the reason that consumption ia ao prevalent,
Which you eee on th ex'erior, come from and
have Iheir source in, the inteiior, and might just as
well have rettled on your lunga, liver, nr any other
pnit ; which we know they frequently do, and pro
duce m l violent inflammatory disoidera. The
humor which occa.ione Ihese aores I of a highly
acrimoni ns burning nature. We know it from
the piin it gie in forming, end nflcrviarde ita ra
pidly u'rerj'dng and corr.iding the flesh and skin
of Ihe psit where it breaks out. This shows the
necessity nf fiequently pinifying the blood with Dr.
SWEETSEU'S I' A.N AC I'. A, end keeping such
malignant humors in m j ction. Should you bav
a bilo or ulcer, be ih o.kful thst nature has taken
trouble to warn you nf the danger your life and bo
dy is in, for it ia a warning fat lire blood is foul.
Had ihia time acrimony Ire'ed the lungs in-lead
of Ihe surface nf your body for Its scat, consump
tion of ibe lunga wou d have been the'eunaequenre.
D. lay not then, lo puiify and cleanae with Dr.
Swectenr'a Panacea.
Spinal atXeetiona, tnlargemenl nf ths boea and
joints, while swelling, hip joint'aint, rup
luiea, falling of the bowels and worn disease, will
find aa(ieedyoure in Dr. Sil'E ETHER'S PA
NACEA. Where the disease l ai been of l ing
ststidiiig, ihe time require J lo make a curs will l
longer ( but tba patient may reel sssurcd that a
determined perseverance Will effect it.
Tbrea diseatei proceed from the aertosily or
corrupt humors of the blood, having s tiled itself on
Ihe throat and lunga, and stopped them up, eo that
Ihey cannot draw sufiicienl air ia for respiration.
Dr. SWEE I SER'S PANACEA will give imme
diate relief, snd to make Ihe cure perfect end cor
lain, it ahonlJ be continued soma time after, la
free ths syetem uf all bad humor.
Find a safe and apeedy curs in l)r. SWEET
SEWS PA NACEA. It cure by searching every
blood vee-el snd artery, snd driving out all impu
riliea and foul humors accumulated therein, which
is lbs cause of rh' umsliam, gout and awel lings of
Ihe joints. The deleteroos effects of calomel and
other mineral poisona, readily yield lo its sovereign
influence ; indeed, when its valuable properties be
come fully kaowo, lbs ua of all mineral poison will
be consigned Jo 'ihe tomb of all Ihe Cspolets,' and
only be thought of as a by -gone custom of lbs dar
ker ages. Dr. Sweelser'a Panacea is also a sura
curs for dyspepsia, piles, euetivwueas, vertigo, head
ache, pain ia ths breast and liver complaint.
Fever Is slways eauaed by a disorderly move
ment of the brood, struggling lofias lujelf of same
thing that encumbers it ; ia fact, every kind af fa
vr is nothing more than a struggle between lbs
blood snd corrupt humors, and a sows as lbs sot-
The. Grand Purgative
roa ths oirsa or
Headache, Giddiness,
Meeeles. Sail Rheum,
Rheumatism, Pllee, ,,
Dyspep ia, Bemvy, -Small
Pos, Jaundice,
Pains in Ihs Back,
Heart Bum. Warm,
Cholera Morhua, --
Cooghe, Quinssy, -.
' Whooping Cough, .
Conaumpikm, Fits,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of ths Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in lha Throat, Erielselas, Desfnese, ;
Dropsy, Aethm. . Itchings of the Skis,
Fevers of all kinda, . : Joms, U)t, urseet.
Female Complsints, Nerve Complemts,
saa a vaatsTt srata nisassss saistae
raear tarvamts er raa atoon,
STSDCTions ia vss oaeass ot
OtSTIO). '
Experience has proved Ihst nearly every Dis
ease originates from ImpuriHes of the Blood or de
rangements of Ihs Digestive Organ I snd lo secure
Health, ws moat remove thoea obstructions or re
store the Blood lo iie natural elate.
The sversinn to laVing medicine is moat effec
tually removed bv Clicksss's Vismiltt Pes-
otTtvt Pitts, being completely enveliped with a
roatwir of pure while Sugar, (which Is as distinct
from the internal ingredtenta aa a nut shell from
ihe kernel) tan hv so tssts or wrnictsa,
But sra as easily swallowed as hits nf csndy.
Moreover they neither nauscnte or gripe In the
slightest degree, hut operate equally nn all the die
eased parts of Ihe sys'em, instesd nf confining
themselves to, snd racking sny particular region.
Thus, if II s Liver be affected, nn ingtedient will
nprrals on th t particular organ, and, by cleansing
it nf sn Excess of Bils restore il lo it natural
state. Another will operate nn ths B'ood. snd
remove sll Impuiilies in It circulation; while s
third will rflectuelly expel whatever impurilie
may hnvn been discharged into Ihe stomach, snd
hence they am is. a t th nnnv or nittts. re
move el) Impure Humor from the bndyi open
the poree externally and internally ; aeparatn all
fore gn and obi nxioua particle from the chyle, to
that the blond m ay be thorough 'y pnre thus (ecu-
ring a fee snd healthy sction In the Heart. Lunga
and Liver; and thereby ihey kstoSs nsstrn a
Tv wain sit onus sisars aavs Vartxn.
Tlio entire tru'h nf the above can he ascertained
by the trial of a single box t end Iheir vinoes are
a i positive and certain in rea'or;ng Health, that
Ihe prnpiietor hinds himself to return ths money
I aid for them in all cane where they do not give
universal salis action.
ncinii Price, 23 eta. per Box.
P.incipal office No. 66 Vesey et, N. Yoik.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Hunbury,
M. A. McCAY. Northumlxiland
Hy Rr member Dr. C. V Cliekener ia the in
venior of the fuuar Coated Pi Is, snd ihst nn'hng
of the e rl waa ever heaid of uniil he introduced
them in June, 1843. Pureliseie should, therefore,
always ask for Cliekener' Sugar Coaled Pill, and
take no others, or they will lie made the victims of
a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847 ly cow
core a ! ts
icses as i nv
era, Til wosk or ma
dkstsotsii ha ant et-erjw,
vns couoa or cosmarTioa bits
i ar i r a sooirn nr ntT.
ARE YOU A MOTHER 1 Ynur darling child,
your idul and esrthly joy, is now perhaps
confined lo her chamber hy a dangerous cold her
pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the
hoi I di ease has already gained upon her the
sound nf her sepulchral couch pierce your eoul.
YOUNG MAN. when just ahmt to enter life,
disease sheds a heart cru-hing I light over the fair
prospects of the future your hectic cough and fee
hie limbs tell of your loss and hope, hut ynu need
not despair. There ie s balm which will heal Ihe
wounded lungs, it i
Mrs. ATTREE, ths wife of Wis. H. Altree,
Esq. wss given up by Dr. Bewail of Wsshinglnn,
D.s. Roe and McClellan of Philadil.hia, Dr. Roe
snd Dr. Molt of New York. Her frienda all
thought she must die. She had every eppeeranrs
nf being in consumption, snd was so pronounced
by her ilivMans Sherman's Balsam wa given
and it cured her,
Mr-. GARRABRANTZ, nf Bull'a Ferry, wa
alai cuied of consumption by this Balaam when
all other remedies fa'led lo give relief she waa re
duced lo s akelet m. Dr. A. C. Caatle, Dentist.
381 Broidway, ha witnessed it effect in seversl
ca-ea where no other medicine afforded relief but
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. 7. also
witnessed its wonderful effect in curing Asthma,
which it never fail nf dning. Spitting Bloo I, alar
ming ae it may be, ia effectually cored by this Bal
aam. It heal ihe ruptured or wounded blood
ve ssi I. and mike the lung eound again.
Re. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiuhlh avenue,
waa cured nf cough and catarrhal aff. ction nl 60
years a'anding. The first dose gave bim mora re
lief than sll the other medicine he bed ever taken.
Dr. L. J. Seals, 1 9 De'sncy etreet, gave it lo s
si-ter in-lsw who waa laboring under con-umplion,
and to another sorely affl ct d with the Asthma.
In both cases its effects were immedia e, soon re
storing th'tn to romf rtsb'e healih.
Mr. l.UCnETI A WELLS. 95 Christie street,
tuflVred Asthma 43 yvsra. Sherman's Bal
aam relieved her al once, and aha is comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue every attack by s
timely use of this medicine. This indeed is Ihe
ereat remedy for Coughs. Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaint, and sll ths ail ction of ihe
throet, and even Asthma end Cnntomp ion.
Pries 25 rents snd $1 per bottle.
Dr. 8hermen's Cough and Worm Loxenges, sod
Poor Msn's Plaster sold s above.
Dr. Sherman's "flics i si 106 Nassso st N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG. 8unbury.
M A. McCAY, Northumberland
September Illh, 1847. ly
Vegetable Universal Pills,
Tttc only known Medicine thai at the some time
purges purifies and strengthens the system.
Loanon, July 7, 1846.
DR. I.E R0Y8 Pill ars a new medicine
which hee just sppested, snd is fast taking
the places of sll othsr of the earns class. These
pills srs composed of msny ingredients, but the
two principal one are Saraapsrills and Wild Cher
ry, so united ihst they act together; the one,
through iia sdmixtnrs with other sub-lasees, pu
rifying ind purging, while lb other I slrenetben.
ing the ryetem. Thu Ihnee pill srs st lbs saute
time tonic and opening ; a desideratum long and
eagerly sought fr by medical men, bi-.t never be
fu:e discovered. In nlher words th dn Ihe work
nf two medicine, and do it much better than eny
two we know of; for tbev remove nothing from
the system but the impuriiiee t so thst while Ibey
puree Ihey strengthen ; and bene Ihey causa no
debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Pr.
Le Roy's pills bavs a wonderful influence on the
blood ; they not enly purify without weakening il,
but they remove sll liiiuus particles from ths chyle
before it ie convened into fluid, and thus msks im
pure blood aa utter IrapnawibUtty. As there is no
debilitation, as there is no nausea or sickness st
lending ibe operations of this most excellent of me
dicines, which never streins or torture the diges
tive function, but csus them to work in a par.
feclly nslursl msnner snd hence peiaons taking
them do not become pale and emaciated, but Ira
contrary ; for while il is ths properly of the Bare
pardls, united as it is with other ingredients, to
remove sll tbst is foreign snd impure, it Is squally
Ihs property of the Wild Cherry to retain sll that
ia natural and eound; snd hence s robust etsta of
beelib i ths certain result of their united opart
lion, cry- Pries A cento per BOX,
Agents for Ls Roy's Pills,
J. W. FRll.INa.J .
U.K. McCAY, Nortkumbsrl'4
August tlsr, l47.--ly
PERSONS iravstlusfl tbia root ars hereby
inlora-hi Ihe thy aea araeeusj Uvogh a," by saakitig spesoatiaei at Mm Hetei af
Uasilss Weaver, Buakary. A. E. K AFP.
Nsnbnaiswriaad, July list, 184T af
No. 80 Market Street, fivedoorg below
Third, South aide,
Imporfen Ml Wholeaatle Dealers In
VTJTATCHES, Watch and Materials,
FT Jewelry of sll descriptions, qualities and
styles, compilsing all lha articles connected
with ths Trade, . -
Clocks. '
Dlxson r tW Britsnnit, Oersasa Silvsr and Sil-ver-Plsted
ehaffield and Birmingham Plated Fancy Arttclee,
Rodgera & Son's and Wnetrnhnhn's Cutlery, Ra-
or. ensson, Drinrri, erevx ivnivea, ate.
Ivory Hsndled Table Cutlery, of ihe flnest,ntsdiani
and common qualities.
A large snort ment of Gold Pens.
Perifocal Spectacles.
Papier Mache snd Japanned Trays, variou shspe
and qualities, si reduced rates
Gold Watch Cases, Dials and Silver-Were, of sll
descriptions, manufactured to order.
DICKSON dr. COM having recently removed
into ths large and Commodious warehouse formerly
occuvied by Messrs. R. Assiinasr dr. Sow, and
more recently by AsanosaT RsatiasTOs, beg
lesve to Inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchsnts
and otherswfhal Ihey deeign having at all ttmee a
large ascot iment of Good, of their own Importa
tion, which they srs determined to tell at Ibe lowest
Every attention will be paid to Ihs Packing
of Go d. and in ihe execution of Orders, the qua li-
tiee andpticee will be fully guarantied against all
Philadelphia, June 19th, 1847. ty
mtlE children began lo cry for Sherman'a Lo
X isniea. The noise waa not a.i loud st thai
time, hut it ha kept incres-ing ever sines, snd now
has become an great thst the months of ths little
once ren scree he stopped. Dr. Sherman sympa
thises with Ihe little aufferers, and vi ry much re
ars s that any of them should be disappointed
Knowina Ihe vast benefit which haa been confer
red npnn the community by Ihs introduction of
his infallible
lie has entered into arrangemente for enlarging hi
Manufactory, by means of which be thinks he will
he able to supply the demand. And the same paina
and csre will he taken, that these celebrated l.o
tengea be made ss Ihey bavs slways been, in or
der that thn-e who d pend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hope. He knew when he
e mmmcrd the manufne'dre nf Ibe Worm Loxen
res. that ihy would opened the uee nf every
other vermifuge, a ihe Loxengs is very pleasant
lo ihe tate, speedy in its effect. s well certain,
snd Ihe quantity required lo effect a perfect cure,
is very smsll. Theee properties. In connexion with
the f ct thst ihey srs sold for 25 cents per box. (bos
pl.ieing them in ths resch of Ihe poorest man in
Ihe land, has not only cauaed them lo tale the
place nf every other vermifuge ever offered, bul st
so rendered them popular lo the community.
Dr. Bhermne
continue tn cure Coughs, Guide, Consumption,
Aathms, shortness end difficulty of Breathing, and
other discs ee of the Lunga, with the same facility
Ihey did on their first introduction, end the piople
have now become persuaded hy actual eipeiience,
that on the accrasion of a l ght cold, they have
only to step tn either the Dr'. office, or one of the
Asents, snd obtsin s box of his Cough Lxngcs,
which ars very convenient to carry in lbs pocket,
and lo take s few through the d y. By pursuing
this courae a cure ia nfien effected in 24 hours, and
ihe patient about hie basin ss. So great i Ibe ce
lebrity nf the Loxengee, that thousands nf persons
who have used them, end become acquainted with
their iff.cts, will never be without them.
hss cured more cases of Rheumatiem, Pai i in the
Back, Side snd Chest, Lumlgo snd Wrskness,
than sny application that hsa ever been made. Ae
the celebrity of the Plaster has increased, hundreds
of unprincipled rascals have attempted lo counter
feit it, and palm it off upn ibe community ss the
genuine. cy Bews-e nf Deception. .D Remem
ber that ths true and genuine Plaster ia epread up
on reddish paper made eipresly for ihe purpose,
snd in every ease lha aignature of Dr. Shoiman is
print, d upon the l ack of the PUeter, and Ihe whole
secured by Copy Right. None others are genuine.
Theiefore w! en you want a real good Sherman's
Poor Man's Plsster, call at ths office, 106 Nssssu
street, and you will not lie disappointed.
Remember the number. 106 Na-ssu !., wbe-e
sll Dr. Sherman'a Loxengee are sold. Hie Agent
are Mrs. Haye, 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn;
Hineeon, Williamhur ; and Redding dr. Co.,
Bueton, sud JOHN YOUNG, 8unbury.
M. A McCA Y, Nurtbumbeilsnd.
September 1 lib. 1847. ly.
Improved Hydraulic Purnpa,
For Wells, Rolling Mills, Furnaces, or other
THE subscriber respectfully snnnunces to the
public Ihst hs is now prepared to supply or
der io sny extent f r bia Patent Double aeiion
Suction snd Fores Pumps. These pump sre
msde of cst iron, and Ihs water is euckrd or for
ced through lead pipe. For eimplieit of construc
tion and durability of srtion, they sre vastly supe
rior to sny now in use. They have mary advan
tagee over the common pump, among which srs
ths following s
They are a i constructed that mischievous per
eon cannot ipoil their action by introducing nsils
or apikes or sny other substanrs among Ihs valves,
aa is often done with other pumps, thereby render
ing Ihem till overbsuled. They at war
ranted lo be petfeelly secure from frost. Tbey sis
eo arranged aa to afford ample protection egaiuat
Fire about Ihe piemise nn which Ihey are arreted,
hy simply attaching s piece uf hose, thro' which
Ibey will fores water to any part nf, or over, a
three atory bouse. They sre particularly adapted
for very deep wells, ss ths levrrage can be so re
gulated that a child of aix years old can with the
greatest eaae draw water with ihem from the dee
pest well. The objection so justly urged by ma
ny, Ibal w.iler ia spoiled hy standing in pump logs,
is entirely obviated in this pump, snd fisab wster
esn always ba a surely obtained s when drawn
with s bucket. In situstion where it is necessa
ry lo rsise or force large quantises ol water to great
distance for eoppK ing boilers in mills, furnaces,
dee., three pump are invaluable, a Ibey can b
msds of any ise, and capable of throwing from
15 to 1000 gallon per minute.
And lo crowu all, tbey can bs sold as cheap ss
lbs cheapest.
The subscriber has spent Ihe last yssr in sxp.
limenling upon and perfecting hie pumps, and now
brings Ihem before toe public with Ihe fullest eon
fidencs thai they will bs found to answer bis de
scription. Hs take pleasuis in referring lo the
following rompaniee and individuate, upon wboss
S remises bis pump bavs been erected, snd who
eve sxpris-ed their satiaLetioo ia lbs highest
terms t
Tbs Montour Iron Company, Danville, H. Bro
voort, sgent; Ihe Bloomeburg Railroad Iron Com
pany. Bloomal'org. Col. Pax too. agent I lha Rough
end Ready Iron Works, Danville, Hancock, Foley
dr, Co., prorrieUire ; lb town Council of Berwick
Simon P. Ksae, Esq., sod John L. Wstsoa, Esq ,
He could refer lo many others, who have tested
Iheir qualities, bul lbs above teepsclable firms snd
individual ars dsmsd sufficient.
fry An assortment of LEAD PIPES constant
ly on head, which will be sold on lbs inoot lesson
sble term. All orden sddieaeed loth eulweriber,
at Moor dr. Biddle'e Foundry buildings, or Mun
lour Houss, Danville will meat with prompt at
Jen. I. 1848. tf.
. Another Farm
' Sa7Ts-a3a
THE heir of John Yocom, dsa'd., otter for sale
all that Form of theirs sitosia ia Shsmokia
township, Notlhumberlaad county, near Baud
town, and adjoining tbs old Btsabsch siaad ia
aaid township, eoolsinlng about two hundred sere
more or Use, in a food stsio of onltivalioa. Tbs
Rail Road irom 8unbury to SbseaoMntowa faasss
through Ik For parlieolar enquire of
HUGH H. TEATS, Soafftown, -or
Dec. II, 1847. sesnj theirs.
Tba following Iret show th currrnt vahsa of sll
'anasvlvania Bank Notes. Tba most IfMrHcR re-
lisncs my ba pieced upon it, as It i every week
rerun compered rlt and cor reeled Irom meg
nslTs Reporter. -
la PbUadelphla.
. , Disc, in
UcATtMr. ralM.
Bank of North America
Bank of th Northern Mbertiee
Commercial Bank of Perm's. .
Farmer' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia Bank . .
Schuylkill Bank .
Boulhwark Bank .
western Benk ,
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' dt Mechanics' Bank
Bank of Penn Township , .
Girard Bank . . .
Bank of Commerce, Ida Moyemeneing
Bsnk of Pennsylvania , .
Conntry sin tilt .
Bank of Checter Connty Weetchesler
Bsnk of Delswarr County Chester
Bsnk nf Germantown Germantown
Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrristnwn
Dnylestown Bank Doylestown
EaatonBank Eastmi
Farmers' Bank nf Bucks ro Britol
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bsnk dr rtridge co. Columbia par
r. n . . -
rsrmrr enni ot inraeter banewtet par
Lancsstor County Bsnk Lancaster par
Lancaster Bsnk Lancaster par
Farmer' Bsnk nf Reading Reading par
n at- e t . r r. . . . . '
i inire m uana ni i siin i.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
Hsrrishurgt These
Lancneter I offices
Reading f dn not
Eastnn J issue n
Rank of lha United States
Philadelphia 17
Pntisville par
Iwistnwn failed
Miners' Bank of Potleville
Bank nf Iwistown
Bank nf Middletown
Csrliale Bank
Exchange Bsnk
Do do brsnch nf
Harruburg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchsnts' dt Msnuf. Bsnk
Bank nf Pittsburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bsnk
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamberaburg
Bank of Gettysburg '
Bsnk of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' dr. Drovers Bank
Frsnklin Bank
Honeadele Bsnk
Mounngahels Bsnk of B.
York Bsnk
Allenlown no sale
Reading failed
Pitlaburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chamberaburg 1
Gettyaburg 1
Montrose 2i
Erie S
Wsynesburg 1 1
Waehington I j
Honesdale I j
Brownsville 1 J
York 1
N. B. 7 he notes of those bsnk on which we
omit qootationa, and substitute s dssh f ) sra not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the
exception of thoee which havs s letter of reference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
rtchuvlkill Sav.lna.
Kensington 8a v. Ins. A
Penn Township Ssv. In.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dynll, prop.) failed
I nwamla Hang
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8watars
Bsnk of Wsshinglnn
Centre Bsnk
Cily Bsnk
Fsrmer' dr. Mech'c' Bank
Fermer dr. Mech'c' Bsnk
Farmers' & Mech'c' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bsnk
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen'a Benk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Ps.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Ps. Asr.dc Msnuf. Bank
8ilver Lake Bank
Union Bsnk of Penn'.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbsrre Bridge Co.
Boa ver
Hell, fonle
Fayette cn.
no eale
nn sale
no sal
Huntingdon no eale
lwiatown no ajle
New Hops
M ilton
Port Carbon
no sale
no eale
Wilkeebarre no eale
All notes purporting lo he on sny Pennsyl.
vsnta Hank not given in ths slwve list, may be eel
lown aa frauds.
Bank of New Btunawick
Belvideie Bank
Burlington Co, Bank
commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
farmers' Bsnk
Perth Am'.ioy
Bridget nn
Mount Holly
farmers' and Mechanic' Bk Rshwsy
Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick tailed
Farmer and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pu 1
r rank tin Uank o: n. 1. Jersey City
nouoten BKgot Uiaxtng vo non-iken
no sale
no eale
lersey City Bsnk Jersey City
Mschsnics' Bsnk Pstleraon
Msnufscturer' Bsnk Belleville
Morris County Bsnk Morrntown
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris (.'anal and It kg Co Jersey City
Port Notes
Newsrk Bkg dt Ins Co Newsrk
New Hope Del Bridge Co Lsmberuvills
N. J. Msoufac. and Bkg Co Hobokeo
N J Protecton dr Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
I'aienun Beak Peterson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bsnk Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
Bute Bank Newsrk
Stale Bank Eltxahethlowi
8 ia la Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Morrie Morrtatown
But Bank Trenton
Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bsnk Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bsnk Deter
Washington Banking Co. Harkensack
Bk of Wltm dr. Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bsnk of Smyrus Smyrna
Do branch Milford
Farmers' Bk of Stslo of Del Dover
Do - branch Wilmington
Do brsnch Georgetown
Do brsnch Neweswl
Union Bank Wilmington
0J- Under o's
ay On sll banks marked thus () there ars ek
ar coanlsrfcil or sltered notes of ins various ds-
nnsninalinaa. In eireulslion.
Peace tcith JUexico !
c sy SaD sqcz ix scp ua9
IN FOBM8 lha public that in order to bring
bout a peace with Mexico, bs manufacture sll
kind of Riflsa, Double snd 8ingl Barrelled Shot
Gone, and Double Barrelled Revolving Riflea, at
hi aaeao factory nl Hallowing Rem, Lowsr As
gnsta towasbip, Northumlrlnd eounty, U of
which ha will warrant for six bum lbs. Those
who want a Brat rata article ia his liaa, can be sv
commodate al th shortest aotios and an lha asost
tansBBsbla taraas, Love, of apatt. giv hisas call,
Lowoy Avste,Jaa.t, lB4a.-oa. ,
o. DcrmnriT,
: No. 40.
So era rovBTfj Brmgarr, Aaova CnssrrrrvT.
J.a. Itth, l4w
T has power tn cauee all
hid mtler,nd then heals lhr.r 'fi
It Is richly termed AII-healiogtlar theraC
ly a disesas. sxtsrnsl or intern!, thst- Il wSf N
benefit. I bav need It Tor th last ronrteen y,
for sll d ires see of ths chsal, consumption and If'
involving ths atmoot danger and rspoiWf
snd I declare before besven snd men, Ihst not
on single ease hss it failed to benefit when lb j
tient wa within the reach of mortsl mssnt.
I have had phyaicisna, learned in the profess!
I hsva had ministera "of the gospel, judge of '
bench, elder men, hrwyere, gentlemen of the hi
rat srndiiion, snd multiiudee of lbs poor as il
every vsrtety of way, snd there hss been bul I
voice one unlaersal voice saying: M A III
your Ointment Is GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Bores, Erysepelns, Teller
ver Cnmpteini, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Bars Thrc
Uronebiire, Broken or Sera Bnnel, I'lM, sll Oh
i, such a Asrhm. Oppression, Psir
Also, Bore Lip. Chaniied Hand, Tumors. CI
drrn's t'titsnrou Eruptions, Nsrvotis Disref
snd of ths Spins, ihers is no medicine now kno
ts gir O.
8CA1.D HEXD We hsve cured cases tl
actually defied every thing known, ss well as t
ability of IS or 3D doctors. On man told as
had eiMni f 300 on his ch Idien without any be
fit. wheo a few boxe of Ointment cur. d Ibem.
BALDNESS It will testors the bair soot
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The salve hss cured prrr
nf ths headache of IS ear-' standing, and w
had il regular every week, an that vomiting nf
tn-.k place. Disrsxas, Ear Acas, snd Anus
tbs Face, sra cured by this Ointment with 1
RURNS. It I one nf the best thing in
world for Hums. (Itrad ihe d rreti ins around
KHKUJI VI ISM. It remove almost imm.
stely the Infl .metinn and eliii when the p
ce-es. (Rel the Direction around the Box.
COLD FEE I'. C'litsumptrnn, Liver t;r
idainl. Pain in the ch. et nr side, falling off nf, one or the other alwaya sccompaiiiea e
feer. (Thia Ointment ia the Iru-remedy.) I
a sum .tin nf disease tn have cold fee'.
TETTER There io nothing letter for
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousand srs yrsrly cured by t
CORNS. Occseional use of the Ointment t
slwaye keep Co-n from grov. ing. People n
never be troubled with them il Ihey will use K
, Read Ihe following Communication,
Riceived from an old. respec rd snj well kno
cilisrn of Philadelphia, and then judge far yc
Philadelphia, 10 mo., 13lb, 1846
To T. B, Peterson, Having been nquet
to cive my opinion on ihe merits nf M'ALL
TER'S SALVE, I am willing In enumerate ec
of ihe benefits which I have expeiienced in the
of ihe article.
In the epring of 1845, I had an attack of E
ailae in my face which became very painful, .
extended into one of my eyes, being attended
fev r, my diatresa ws great end I began to be f
ful of l.ieing my eye.
Although not much of a believer in whai
commonly call d quack medicines, I purchase
b rx and made an application to my face. To
aui prise the pain soon ab ted, and in a week's I
I was entirely cured, and I firmly believe Ih
w ihs salsc, under Providence that cured me
From thst time lo the present, I have used
article es occss on required, and in every case wh
I have u-ed it. I have found a decided benefit.
At nr.e lime, on going to bd st night, my th
wss eo anre that I swallowed with difficulty,
by nn application uf ihe ta've I waa relieved I
a, Ind
I have ueod it in rase nf bnrns, bruise spr
and II sh ruts, ad with the happiest effects.
i.e case of poisoning hy s w ild vine in the woods.
h is been dried up and cured by s few si plications.
From my own experience, I would strongly re
coiunend it to sll, a s cheap, convenient, family
I have become so partial to it, that I expect to
keep il constantly in my family.
Though not ambitious lo sppear in print, yet I
cannot refuse tn have this comm'inicsiion mads
public if judged best to serve the c.iuse of humani
ty. Respectfully thine,
No. 26, Old Yurk Road.
CAUTION. N Ointment will be genuine
unless the nam a of Jamee M'AHia'.er, or Jamee
M'Mtiater dc Co., are written with a pen on eve
Sole proprietor of the a'mve medicine.
Asists : J. W. FRILING. Sunhury.
Dr WM. M BICKLEY. Dar.vills,
J. G. CHOUSE. Selinagrove.'
P. C. SHKLt.ER. Lewishurg,
WM. F.NAGLE. Milion,
JOHN 8HARPLE8S, Cattawisss.
Feb. 19th, 1849. cowl
W TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure nf
dec. Thia Medicine is offered lo the public under
Ihe atauranr ths there ie nn erticle in existence
having slroneer claims to Iheir ennsideiation. Be
ing e-mioonded by a regular Graduate nf Jeffer
son College, Philadelph a, snd s practising physi
cian nf twenty year' standing; in Philadelphia, his
long experience hsa confirmed him in Ihe opinion
that a compound medicine wa required to prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr duerd by residing
in low. miasmatic climate, and lo counter set lha
pro trat'ng influences of many nervous disorder
with which Ihe human family are afllidej.
DR. ALLEN i a well known physician, snd
hs ueed the slwvs medicine in his practice for 8
yecra wi'h the moat a.lnnishing effect, having to
led ile aosliii-s in shove
No medicine ever ten ived more flattering re-enmmeiidati-
na from phv.icians of eminent stand-'
ng than bse 6. en bestowed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. Ao eminent ProtV.,
sor saysi "It chiefly siisee in persons who lead
either s very eedentery nr irregular life. Although
not regarded ea s fatal disease j yet if neglected or -improperly
trearrd, may bring nn incurable Me.
lanrholy. Jaundice, Mad lie, or Vsaltgn, 'Pslsv
and Apoplexy. A great singuUrily attendant on
it U, that it may and often dora continue a rrset
length of time without any remission of ihe symp
tom. CAUSE. Grief snd uneasiness of mind, io
tense study, profuse evacuationa. sieeaa in venei
excessive use of spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco,-o
ptum. snd othsr nercottcs, immodsrato repletion.
over distention of the atom ten, a deficiency ef the
secretion of the bile or gaeirie juice, exposure lo
old and damp air, are iba chief causes of tKis dis
ss. 6 Y M PT0M8. Iwe of sppetite, nausea, seart
Imin, aci'lity, aad foetid srucuiions gnswing of
ths etomach when emy, uuewinrs in ih throat,
pain in lha aide, coolivetv-e, cbillnesw, languor,
ktwnesa of spirits, ptlpitalioaa, snd disturbed
TABLE COMPOUND h never felled in sffor
dmg imsasdisM relief, snd s isdicsl an a Kir this
tTY This Medicine esn be bid of H. B Mas-sr.
Sunnuryt J. C. Mai tin. Pott-vdle, Mediae dr.
Bicket, Owujshurg t end of Drug gist gwierany.
ALLEN dt WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, No. 7, 1847 faj ly
AGENTS to canvas for soma Nsw aad Porn
las Woass, ia every Coustt ihroughoot
.kii.,, k:..,.. I'm IhiIl Iba oaol llBOfal
escouragemenl is oaTered with a small PJ'I
of from 88 Is $100. A chance is offered, waara-
by aa A sent raa mss from i '-r--fOT
For further rtieulare, .
paid.) w. a-
Pbilaaelphia, April I, I