Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 06, 1848, Image 3

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rs '"' " ,, ' " "
t Jprentice to the Printing fitui
about H yeari old, would be
ihii office. One who could read
would be preferred. '
47" Press pok Sale. At we have
alarged out paper we offer for tale a good
tcond handed Washington Iron Prets, the
ime On which the American has been
tinted. The platin measure! 21 by 30 in
het full. It will be aold limply because
'e have no further uaeforiu
03 Pnmtfa Ink. We have received
fresh supply of printing ink, which will
i told at city prices, for cash 5,25 per
eg of 20 lbs. ,
A new 3 counterfeit note on the Western
ante of Baltimore has made its appearance
i that city. The note is well got up and is
ilculated to deceive, as the signature are
to similes, being engraved. It is only ne
issary, however, for the public to recollect
tat the bank has never issued a three dollar
Virginia Election. Returns from four
en counties in Virginia, show a Whig loss of
tree members in the House of Delegates, and
loss of one Senator. The House last year
ad 72 Whig and 62 Democrats.
Tut Treaty. It is said that a letter has
sen received from Gen. W. 0. Butler, now
i command of the American Army in Mex
o, stating that he has little or no expecta
on that the Mexican Congress will ratify
le Treaty of Peace which has recently been
mt out by Mr. Commissioner Sevier.
Queer. By a recent survey of Ctfester
unty, Pa., it has been discovered that Wil
am Smith, Esq., who has been for two years
member of the Legislature of Delaware,
om New Castle county, does not reside in the
ate of Delaware, his residence being about
10 yards from the State line, on the Penn
rlvania side. This fact has not heretofore
sen known to the good people of Delaware,
r even to Mr. Smith
Clay and Scott. Gen. Leslie Coombs is
t New Orleans, and the Delta says his visit
tere has some connection with Gen. Scott's
epected arrival, and the movement of the
orthera politicians, to bring out Mr. Clay
id Gen. Scott on, the same ticket, for Presi
!nt and Vice President.
Austria and its imperial family are the ob
cts of pity, not dislike. Metternich was a
ape-goat, which the Prussian dynasty had
( t. Archduke John, the old miner and iron
aster of the Styrian mountains, who waived
is right to the throne, in order to marry the
inkeeper's daughter he has raised her char
. Her he it was who sent Metternich about
V- is business, whether the great prime minis
ter would or not. The Emperor, could not
have done it. Archduke John did it, simply
by assuring the people that Metternich had
. resigned. If a German Emperor were want
ing to act as a constitutional monarch, to
watch over the industry of a country, and to
sympathise with its industrious classes, Arch
duke John would be the man. If a military
leader were wanting to defend, as the King
of Prussia said, Germany on both sides, per
haps that monarch would be the most appro
priate chief. But he is far from popular.
Where is He 1 The New York Sun in
sists upon it than an individual, supposed to
be Louis Philhppe, came out in the America.
It says :
"Just as Capt. Parks was leaving the steam
er with our files, a passenger requested the
use of a package and wrote acioss the wrap
per these words, "Louis Phillippe est a bord
sous le nom de Patterson" "Louis Phillippe
it on board under the name of Patterson." The
handwriting is evidently that" of a French
man, and we shall retain it to trace out its
anthor. Andrew Patterson is the name of
one of the passengers who arrived, but his
present whereabouts is a matter of uncertain
ty. On the arrival of the steamer at Jersey
City, a carriage, previously engaged at one of
the livery stables there by a stranger, was
drawn up, and one of the first passengers who
landed sprang into it, w,d with the stranger
was immediately driven cut of town, towards
Newark, at great speed. We have no tangi
ble reason for supposing that this Mr. Patter
son is not the ex-King of the French. If it is
him, and he is making the tour of the coun
try, we wish him a pleasant journey. We
exnress no opinion, but tell the tale as told
"Capt. Parks says that had the Egalite
been on board with his 'whiskers' and 'cross,1
he could have seen without spectacles, but
he could not prepare his mind for the ex
Monarch sans whiskers, and with a false wig,
Where's Andrew Egalite Patterson ?
. Echo answers, "Don't know !"
Old Printers. There are now in our of
fice the two oldest working printers, we be
lleve, in the United States. One of them
learned the art in Drogheda, Ireland, in the
year 1792, still "sets" a very correct proof,
and is able to work by candle-light ; having
worked at the business fifty-six years. . The
other "graduated" at Northumberland, Pa
fn 17D9. fortv-nine years since. Where is
there another office that has two as old pa
triarchs of the craft Galena Jeffcrsonian
They are mere boys to old "Daddy Kloph
for." He was put to the case when he was
seven or eight years old, by his father, who
was a printer and publisher somewhere in
Germany. When he arrived at majority, he
cam to America, and worked first in New
York, where he subsequently carried on a
' large business. But failing in business, he
went to the ease again. In 1838 he worked
in the Democratic Review office, at Wash
ington. He was then nearly eighty years of
age, having followed the business for some
aeventy years. He was a "bale,' hearty old
chap could do a full day's work, and set a
good a proof as any man in the office. He
worked late at night, and never complained
of his eyes. He never worked on Mondays,
for he always got "smashed" as soon as he
was paid off, and did not get over it until
Tuesday morning. SoutAport TlkVaPk i
DaowMtii, Swimming of th Head, roaring
noiee In the eara, hearfarh, palpitation of the
heart, kc Wright's Indisn Vegetable Pills ars
a certain ear for ths abevs unpleasant com
plaints, beciots they purge from the body thois
stagnant and corrupt humors which, when float
ing ia tbs genersl mats of circulation, ars the
canssofa rash of blood to tbs bssd, giddiness,
dimness of sight, drowsiness, psin of the bred,
sna msny other symptoms or a loaded and cor
rupt lute of ths blood.
Wright $ Indian Yegttable Fills ars also ons
of ths very beet medicines for ths cars of indi
gestion, snd therefore will not only remove the
shove unplesssnt symptoms, but will most
rsaiy rectors the body to a stats ofioond neaitn.
Caution. To avoid counterfeit, purchase from
those only who can show s certificate of agency,
representing the landing of Witliem Penn and
compare ths labela on the boi with the fae eimilra
on ths certificate. To be genuine, they mow be
exactly alike, eignature snd all. Beware of coun-
fslts and impoailion. . ,.
K"r Ths trnuins for sate by Hssav Maaaaa,
cola agent for Sunbury, and other agent, publish
d in anolhei part or I tin paper.
On Tuesday, May 2, by the Rev. L. W.
Chapman, Mr. Nathaniel Lttlc to Miss
Amelia Folk, both of Lower Augusta town-
snip. ,'-,.!, ,
Widksdt, April 90, 1848.
Wheat Rod is worth 137 a 138o; white
UO a 141c.
Rte Southern 75c, Penna. 77 a 79o per
bushel. .
Corn Penna. yellow 61e, weight; white
47 a 48o.
Oats Penna. are worth 43 a 44c; South.
ern 40.
Whiskey Dull, in bbls, at 23 ; hhda 21 ic.
Cloverseed Sales at S3) a S3; market
dull. , r ..... .
nit.ri.IOHK NlltKET. ,
Office of the IWitinurs Asianics, May 1.
GRAIN. Wheat continues scarce and
wanted. Wo note sales of Maryland reds at
35 a 140 cents for good to prime, and good
white at 140 cents. A sale of a load of very
prime Pennsylvania red at 142 cents. .
Corn has further improved. Sales of white
at 43a45 cents, and yellow at 48a49 cts. A
lot of extra prime was sold at 50 cts.
Rye is worth 75a80 cts.
A sale of 3000 bushels Md. Oats, from
store, at 40 cents, and a lot of Virginia at 42
WHISKEY. Very little doing. - Smull
ales of hhds. at 22a25l cts., and of bbls. at
3 cts.
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter.
Whsat, .... 1371
Rn, 75
Cob. . .... CO
Oats. . - 40
BcTTik, 16
Knoa, . 8
Posk, ... 5
FiAiescn, ... . 125
Tallow, ... 10
BrxswAX, . 35
Flax, ... -8
HscKtsn Flax, 10
Dai ail Arri.r.n, . - 7S
Do. Peachk, . tS'J
mm. mmmm&mm
iiiiis Yam
TL ill LnhaXMSl
n prenciUiny tho public with a remedy for the treatment
and cure ol' Fever and Aovk uid other bilious dtaeawii.
no apology ia needed. Vast numbers in the United IStatea,
wno sillier irom mewe onecuons in ineir varieu lorins, are
compelled to seek relief from other a turcea than the imme
diate prencriptiuna ot tiie regular phvsician. it beoraea
thercf re an object of humanity, aa well as of public inter
eat, to bring before them a reniudy prepared from much ex
perience, and which may alwavs be relied upon aa afk,
such is the true character of the INDIA CIIOLAGOGUH,
ia amply attested by the universal success with which it has
oeen emui"Vea,
ty La tract from a communication of the Hon. Wil
liam WoooaaiDoB, of the U. S. Senate, late Governor tf
UETROIT. UCl. iil. ltU.
DocTom Charles Osgood,
lear Bin -i nave read wi n much interest, vour nine
trie at is a upon the "causes, treatment and cure" of the
febrile diseaaea which have so extensively prevailed in our
country during the last few mntiia -an interest increased
no doubt, bv t
Uie tact truit I have individually aunerea a i
much from them. Though I feel myself very incompetent
to judfe sately upon a subject so entirely protessiJiiai, yet
your theory seems to me well reasined, and your cjucIu
sions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet is calcu
lated to prounce mucn practicui fjaoa.
Hpeaking of the medicine he says It f ully justified your
flattering expectations, and as a safe, convenient, and popu
lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces ine to be
lieve that it will pmve a grout public benefit. 1 am pleased
to leirn that you have recently eetablished several agencies
f its disposition th nnh I regret that, with a view to a
BlJie general uuwcuiiuauuu. Ul 11, y ni annuia uivi iuuhu i.
necessary to remove from your present residence am.'ing us.
vv lift mucli respect 1 nave tne mint to be, sir.
Your ohlirred servunt,
tV From the Hon. Ws, A. FLrrcutut. Chief Juili.o
Supremo Court of the Slate of Michigan, to the Agent at I
Ass Aaaoa, Feb. 17th, IRt3.
Sir. Havinz had reneated ono rtunities durintr the last
year, of witnessins; tho silutsry effectsof lr. CJng jods Indts
utiolurtngue, it an rus me gre-tt pleasure to bear testimony
in its favor, as an invaluable remedy in cases of Fever snJ
Ague and Dillius Diseases generulty. Many cases huve
come nuder my observation, of persins who iiavo euffercd
ir years, wlto nave been linmeatatcly relieved by tne use
of one or twj bottlesof Ch Uaggue ; and 1 have nit known
sinslo case where relief haa n it been obtained by its use.
Believing that the general useof this medicine must be of
the greatest importance to all ners ns living in Ih se parts
of our cmntry, which are subject to Billi ms Disease. 1
give it this general recommend.iU in. Nor is the pltxisuro
if this act diminished, by the fact that I am personally sc
quuinled with Dr. Oagoid, and that I have the in-at entire
confidence in him aa a skillful, experioneed, and judicious
I remain respectfully your most obedient servant.
17" From Hon. Sturm V. R. Taowauinoa, of Michi
gan State Senate, to the Agent at Detroit.
Birmingham, LUsxand Co., Dee. 1.1,
Sir von wish me to inform you what 1. know of Dr.
Osgood's Indis Ch dig igue, or anti-bilious medicine. 1 do
believe that if the virtue and efficacy of tliis medii'Uoe were
generally known, the rrvxa and auui would disappear in
I procured a bottla la tha spring of 1B11, and liave good
reason to believo tliat m)-self and family escaped the ague
last season in eonaequence of its use.
Perlmns in no summer since the settlement of this fins
peninsula, has the fever snd ague been so prevalent aa tha
last. 1 have recommenced this medicine in numerous in
stances, and when the disease had become fixed and banted
the skill of physicians ; and 1 have never known it fail. It
boa universally produced the m ost happy effects, and I be
lieve it has never bean exceeaea ny suy meaicuoe ui remo
Ting the bilious aisenses oi ih cunmino. - -Your,
Agent for Bunhory H. B. MASSEB i Norihumuerland,
W1TH1NGTOM k Co. ; Milton, i. H. RA8ER ; Selios.
grove, MAY KLOSB.
Mays, IB48-tf. I
Eateste f Cbavrlet. Woolvertoi.
sATnTirit ta herebv tives that letters testa
pi mentary have Wees yranted to ths subeeri.
bers, tsecotorssrChsrles Wsoltfsrtoii. dee'd. lata
of Shamokin township. Norlhoanbsrlsnd county.
All persons koowinj thswssles Indebted to ssid
ssUts, and tboss baring ssy clsims stains! the
..n. ... .Mousaiad ta attltbir accounts with
out dlsy a ths sndejei(Wti sjecutora will meet
for Ibat parpoas at tha houss l tbs ltf dee d, oa
Taesday, tbs Stb day or Juas nesi ot aveuso per
sons interested, will pleaao take notice.
Arrill9;iSH-9w ' ; Eiseuloii.
Centre Turnpike Road
TtJeJOTICE Is hereby given that an election will
y be held st the house of John 8 Lee, in the
borough of Northumberland, on Monday, tbs fifth
day ol June, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.
M. and 3 o'clock P. M., for ths purpose of ehooe
ing officers to serve for the ensuing year. - .
J. R PRIESTLEY, President.
April 89, 1848 4t
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of so order of the Orphan' Court
of Northumberland county will be exposed
to public eale, on SATURDAY, the 20th day of
MAY next, on the premisea, to wit
Tht one undivided tenth part nf a ' '
Tract of Land,
aituate in Upper Angtiata township, In said coun
ty, adjoining lands of George C. Welker, Gideon
Markle snd othera, containing in the whole about
eighty five acres. Late the eatate of Jacob Gas,
dee'd Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A' M.
of said day, when the terms of aale will be made
known by PHILIP RENN, Guardian
of Jacob k Margaret Bloom.
By order of the Court. I
Edward Oyster, Clk
Sunbury, April 83, 1848 1 ' V
AN away from the subscriber, on the 15th
mst. an indented Apprentice to the jailor
husinr-se, named JESSE AUCH MOODY.
Said boy ia about 5 feet 4 inches high, having a
full red lace, rough skin, had on when he went
away a brown cloth Coulee, chtquered summer
castimcre Pants and black-(single breasted) cas
aimere Vest, and blai'k lactd Cap All persons
are forewarned against harboring or trustint said
ranaway at thir peril Tbe above reward, but
no charges will be paid for his delivery.
Shamokin, April 29, 1818 lit
A LI. p.Tioni inlobted to the snbiciiber.
' nots or bank account, are hereby notified to
call auj setlH I lie same Without ilelnv, in onliT
to save costs. IRA T. CLE IENT
Sunbury, April 2'2, 1S49
Estate ol' ('harlcs CJearhart.
TtfkTOTICF. is hereby given that letters of ad
i ministiation have been gran tod to the sub
sciiberaon the estate ol Charles Gr-arhait, dee'd,
ate of Rush township, Northumberland county
All pnisons having guy claims on said eatate, and
those indebted to the same, are teqneated to set
tle their accounts without delay. ,The auliarri
hers will meet for that purpose at the house of
the Deceased, on Monday the S2d of May nt-xt,
nf which person intnrest.-d w ill please take no
tice. JOHN GF.ARHART. Jr. of Rush.
WM: METTLER, Jr. of Augusta. ,
April 15. ISS3 - Ct
na. towxse'1)'s co b r o cxITextr 1 ct of
Tii:S Extract is .u( up in quart bultles. It u six limes
clieip:i-, plcas'itrur, unci warranted ntiDeri''i" l anv
s .M. It cur.Mi without v nnitiiw. Lunrinr. sick
ness, or dt'tiiliui'.itig the patient, and ia purticuUrly fulfilled
fjr a
The gre-it beauty mul superiority of this Sirnjjiarilla over
wuiw iuiiiuiii,- in, willliH II croillcaiCHaincufH:,
it inv-itf .rates the b rly.
Cviimunilinn cured.
Cleanse and Strengthen.
C.inauniDtion guii hn mirivl
Broncliiiie. Coneumpliun, Liver Complaint, Colds, Cuuirtie,
wo.n..u, n.Limw.o 'iiuiigpi jimmjii, ojrences in tno
Cheat, It eel
lie MtiKh, Night Sweats, UirTi-
cull find
find I'Mt'uw Kipoclorelicn,
and Tuin in the idc,
A:e.. Are
have and can be cured.
Probably there never was e remedy Hint hn ln
com nl in des;eratc casus of cansunipliuu as this ; it clean-
cn im nu wig i new, me nysrem, ami appears lo Heal the ul
cers ou the lunpi. and (Miicnis gradually regain their usual
health snd ntreni'th.
There is scarcely a d ly pav-ies but there ere a number of
eah s ;t c iLl.m reoried oa cured by the usa nf Vt.
T.wnjn' birmntirilN. Tne fjil 'wine Wiis recenilv ro.
eeived :
IJr.TowXHS.lD Dear Sir: For tbi, Imt tlir vn- !
tm-c been nlllicted vvi.h general debility, and nervous con
mnnptim el" the jat aupe, and did not expect to ever gain
my neuiui ai an. ai i- f .ng thMugli a ciurmj of mcliciuc
under the care of s nie of the m si lialincni'r.t rcirular
icians end niemliera of tbe Hoard of Itcallh in New
toia ana fiaevncro, ana opcitaing the m 'at i.-l mv e-iriunrra
in attempting to rcfr.un my hetillh, nnd after rending Tit
a nne injoer of your Sartciiiarillu 1 res lved to try it. After
using six bottles I found it d ine me grit good, and colled
to see you at your office ; wiih your advice I kept on, nnd
do m int heauily thank yon fur your advice. 1 persevere in
taking the Sarsararitl ', and Inve been able to attend 1 1 my
usual labors f T the last four months, and I hope by the
blessings of God and your S irsjpuritln to continue my
houlth. It helped me beyond the expectations of ail wlto
knew my cose. CHARLliS QL'IMilY
Orantjc, Krecx co. N. J., Aug. S, 1M17.
Suite of New Jeraey, Essex county, as. Charles Quim
by being duly sworn according to law, on his oath saiih,
that the foregoing statement ia true according to the best of
his knowledge and belief. CHARLES QLIMBY.
Sw orn and subscribed to bef ore me at Orange, the lid
Justice of the Peace.
Read the f .lljwing, and soy that consumption ia in incu
rable if y ou can :
New York, April 23, 1817.
Dr. Townsesd : 1 verily believe that your Sjrsaparilla
has been the means, through Providence, of saving my lite
I have for several years hud a bad cough. It become worse
and worse. At lust 1 ruisod large quantities of bioid, had
night sweats and waa prtritly debilitated and reduced, and
did not exjiect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla
but a short time, and there has a wonderful change been
wrought in me. I nm now able to walk all over the city
1 mine n o blo,;d, and my cough haa left me. Yon can well
imagine that I am thankful I T these resulu. Your obedi
ent servant. WM. RUSSELL, Si Catharine st.
The annexed certificate telle a simple and truthful story
of siiAVriug and relief. There ore thousands of simitar ca
ses hi this city and Brooklyn, and yet there ore thontnints
of parents let their children die for fear of being humbugged
or t save o few shillings.
Brooklyn, Sept. 13, Jt7.
Dr. Tow.tstMD: I take pleaiurs in stating, for the bene
fit of those whom it may concern. Hint my daughter, two
vears and six m outti
is oia
was ainicled with general de-
biuty ona i-as 01 s.icecn. ?he was
given up as past jo
fortimatelv 1 was re-
oovery by our fsmily physicinn : but
cjnimendcd by a friend to try your Sarsaparilla. Before
having used one bottle she recovered her speech and was
enaDie:i in wais aioue, tn ine aaioiiisiiment ot all wn o were
acquainted with the circumstances. She is now auite well.
and in much belter heiilth than she has been fir 18 months
past. JOMol'H TAYLOR, !!W York St., Brooklyn.
Very fow families in leed in fact we have not hoard of
one that used nr. I ownsend's barsapanlla in time, tool
onv ctiimren too past oooummer, wane tnose mat did nt.
sickened end died. The ccrcincate we publish below is
conclusive evidence 01 irs value, and is only anomer inotanco
of its saving the live of rhildren :
Dr. Tow.NiExto Dear Sir : I had two children cured bv
your Sirsiriarilla of the summer complaint and dysenarv;
me was only 15 month old and ths other 3 years. They
were very mnen rcnucen, ana we expected tney woultt die :
they were given up by tw o respectable physicians. When
the doctor informed us lhat we must lose them, we res'il.
ved to try y our Sarsaparilla we had heard so much of, but
had little'oonfidenee, ther being s much stuff sdvertised
that is wirthless: hut we are thankful that wa did. for it
uudouloledlv saved the lives of b oth. I write this that oth
ers may be induced to use it. Yours, resneciftillv.
juhv wimuA, jr.
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1M47.
DR.ToWNsRND'sSstUAFAaiLLA is a sovereign and speedy
euro for incipient consumption, and for Uie general prietr&
tion of the system no mailer whethor tho result of inhe
rent cause or cauaes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
Nolhuiff can he m ire siiroriung than lis Invigoratuur ef
fee's on the human frame. Persins all weakness ana las
situde, from taking it at once beeomo ribust and full of
euerfrv under Its influence. It immediately c ounteracts the
nurvciasniicas Uf UK leuuiie ifiuac, wnica is me Efoat eauai
it will not tie expected of ns. In ease cf so delicate a na
ture, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but wo ean
ire uie attuctoa utai nuuare:is ot cases nave been renor
led ti us.
Dr. TnTvmn Mv wire' heinr vrsAtlv dislressert bv
weakness and geaeral dehilily, and suffering continually by
pain and with other ditficull'ies, and having known cases
where y.nir modiine has efl'ectcd great cures; and also
hearing it recommended for such coses ss 1 hove described,
I obtained a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla and f ol
lowed tho directions you gave ma. In a short peri od it
rein-wed her complaints arid restored her to health. Being
gresuni lor ms benents she received, I take pleasure in
thus acknowledging it, and reaommandin it to th public.
; Albany, Aug. 17, '44. nor. Grand Lydis at.
- No fluid or medieim has ever been diseovured whieh an
nearly reseanhles the gastrio juice or saliva in decomposing
food and strengthening ths organs of digestion aa this pre
porotion of Sarsaparilla. It positively cure every case of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
v Bonk Department, Albany, Hay 10, IMS.
Dr. Townsend Sir i 1 have been oiBieud fat aevwttl
yaars wilh dyapepsi in lu worst form, sltsnded with ur
nea nf stotmeh, loos of aneatito, aztoams aaartbura, and a
great avartaon to all kind of food, and fur wk, (waoal I
eoulc) cat) I hav been unable to retain but a small portion
on my stomach. I tried th usual remedies, but tho? bad
bat Utile cor no efleet ia rtenoving th complaint. I waa In
duced, about two month since, to try your Extract oX Bar
tananila, and I must say wilh little twofidene I bat after
using nearly two bottles, 1 found my eppetit restorsd nd
tha heartburn entirely removed t and I would earnestly re
oomtneod lb use of it to too who hava baea amicted as I
hav been. Youra, en W. W, V AN ZANDT.
Agent for Sunbury - JOHN W. FRIUNOi Mar
ihnmhofland, MARY A. McCAYi Danvula, WM A
MURRAY fcCo., , ,
, April , 1818Iy ' .
iv me neirt oj j nomas Maowy, ae o,
BY virtus of s csrtsln writ ol partition snd
valuation to me directed, an Inquisition
will be held st II o'clock. A. M. on MONDAY,
the 0th day of JUNE, 1S4 8, upon tbs premises
oft certain tract of land ia Rush township, Nor
thumberland county, surveyed oh s warrant dated
June 89, 1T7S, to James Dotts adjoining landa of
John Hursh. .Lewis Vastine. Benjamin Vaatins
and others, containing three hundred and twenty
seres, mors or less, to inquire whetser toe sain
premiaes ess bs so parted snd divided to snd s
monf all ths heirs snd legal representatives of
ths said deceased, (to wit : Sophie Jolly, Mary
Ely, Charles Rex snd Lydis P. his wife, John
Thompson Executor of Rebecca Jolly, dee'd, Re
becca Le Due, Adminis'trix nf Mary Rex, dee'd,
heirs nf Thomas Maybury, dee'd, Rebecca May
bury, Warren Jones fc Elisabeth his wife, Wil
l am Harrison at Anna his wife, William Harria
tc Susan hie wife, John Boyd k Jane his wife, and
Sarah Ann Maybury, who ars the heirs of Wil
louxhby Maybury, deo'd, who waa one of the
heira of Thomas Maybury, dee'd.) ss in aaid writ
commanded, st which time and place the aforesaid
heira are hereby warned to be and appear if they
think proper.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 1
. April 93, 1848. I Ot
Dissolution or Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing under the
firm of Roiibbach 8c Clemist, in the Foun
dry business in this place, has been thia day, dis
solved by mutual consent. All persons knowing
themselves indebted t said firm, are requested
to call and settle their accounts without delay, or
they will be placed in the hands nf a magistrate
for collection. I. T CLEMENT.
Sunbury, April 1, 181122
l7livT)cth lleatlcr's Eitntc.
"(NOTICE ia hereby (tiven that letters testa
1 mentary have been franted to the subecri
bets, executors of Elisabeth Tlentler, lata of Point
township. Northumberland County. Perrons in
debted to said estate, and those having cla'ins
against the same, sre requested to present Ihetn
for settlement without delay.
April 8. 18)8 Ct
HE subscriber is prepared to receive and ac
commodate a few transient or permanent
H'Kirdert, at her residence in Sunbury, 1 he lu
cation ia in a handsome and pleasant part nf the
town, commanding a fine view nf the Sutqtichnri-
na, Northumberland and the scenery aNiac-nt
To persona from the city, who with to spend a
Tew months during the summer season, bunbury
affords a delightful retreat,
April 8 1818 Om
city DAGUKiinr.OTVi':-;
Xo. 100 Chcsnvt strett, 2 doom above 3J. south
rHE subscribers, proprietors of the oldest
1. Kstablishment in the t'ily of Phi!adelihia,
being founded in 1810, would call the attention
of the public to their recent great and mont.'erfal
Improvement in takins Daguerrentype I'ortraits.
beg leave to subjoin a few of the notices tin y
have received fiom the Press tiVotighout the
country, in relation to the' improvement they
have made irnhe introduction of light by which
the full and clear expression of the is obtain
ed more perfectly than heretofore.
Frcm the North American J
The neutral expression of tho eye by Mr. CiUins' new
process of introducing the light, has been in st dis-.iucllv
devel iped, as well t sll the lights and shades indispensa
ble to a perfect likeness.
From the Saturday Courier.
The Messrs. C, have cor'joinlv tibiaiucd the eve. in
lietter r.crl'ectif n th;iu u'0 have teen it elsewhere : and
this snperi irilv, together wilh the clearness, distinctness
and di licslio tint, they give ihir r ieturcs, nvike thorn ovr
thy ot'aJuiiraiioii, h a only as likenesses, but as works of
Fr im the HamsNirtf T'ninn.)
We examined soeeimens of their likenesses when in the
city the other day, and found them to possess all the beauty
. r...,ni uii,i nnuivrno, iret-mon 01 inc niicni areej en-
ravlllfF, wllieh hi aoniethinif unnminl in llnvnirnitviu
1'his is obtained by the introduction of light from above,
instead of the side of the gHllery.
Lf rom tne uaitimore i.npper.
The nvost important improvement in the Daguerrian
art, laoneby the Messrs. Collins1 Philadelphia, and con
sists in a ditferent manner of intioducing the light, and cer
tain adaptions of the instrument. We liave seen some of
the portraits, which they have executed, snd they have the
distinctness and beauty of fine engravings. They are es
pecially remarkable ui giving tne proper nstural expres
sion of the eye."
From everv section of the cuntrv where our mcttires
have been aeen they have received simitar flattering noti
ce. The public generally are invited to visitour Galleries,
probably the most extensive in the work), and judge for
tneinscives ot me irutn ct tnese nonces.
Philadelphia, April IS, 1M8
CQJ cO ISd ZS2. d3 s
Windsor, Kerrnoitf . .
T9 a sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, in many of its
X lorras, such as pain In the trtoinach, lltsaitiiurii, iiaiiituui
Costiveness. Acid Stomach. Headache. loes of Aocvlite,
Piles, Night Sweats, tuid even Consumption (DC;itic
Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic otteiuled witn denote
ment of the St oniaeb (or DyspeLtic Asthma.) Diliicult
Breathing, which often results Irom iniperlect digestion (.or
Dvsttentic Svannaio.) is relieved by these Ullters. In sh rt.
their use has been proved in the relief' of almost all the
symptoms that proceed irom a aenuiiaiea cr un inc conoi
lion of the Stomach ; also in general debility arising ft .'in
aue or from tha effects of Fever, naruoul oly Fever and
Ague. Females suffering under any uterine dcranccnient
arising trora weakness, ill una ine "uxruEXAixn uit
Txas'' an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any noali
pine in una.
The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made i'a
way to pubtie favor solely by the force tot' ils own iniriusiu
merits. No artificial means have been used ti give it ifo
toriety and thrust it upon uublic attention. It has never
before even loeen advertised, but having first shown us re
markable efficacy in tit family of the proprietor, end by
llim Olterwarus auillimsicreu to aim aiuicica iiicuaa ano as-
auuiiitanceswith a like result, its reputation gradually ex.
tended until it is known ill the distant pans of Uie
Union, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cur of
uyspopsia in ail its aiuereui i.ortns, ana aiso i r uie cure oi
Astluua or Phthisic. Its only herald snd Its only eul gy
has been the story of its wonderful efficacy, as told from
mouth to mouth or By letter from irieiui m irtcna. in eve
ry iiistanoe where these Bitters have been used, and the re
sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re
Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy of
th "OxYoXNATEB Hitters," are iu the possess! n of the
pr oprietor i many of them signed by persons already widely
knowu to tne puotic.
CEO. B. CREKN, Proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, IMS.
Tbe follow lug Certificates have recently been
received i
WASiniraTOlf. D. C. JuXB 10. lBia.
Having made use of tho "Oxygenated Hitters" prepared
by Dr. Geo. B.Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from kn w
ledge obtained of their efficacy in other cases, we cheerfully
recommend them to the puMic, believing tout they will fully
MiniAin th. ree. oinmemiatioD of tho Prourict r. We h pe
, that this valuable remedy may be so gjnerally ditTancd
throughout the country that it may be accessible to all the
A;V. ifcA.VtTvT' ' f V. 8. Senator from Verm ont
JAMFS V. SIMMON'S. U. S. Senator from R. Ishnd
1. T. MOREHEAD, U. 8. Senator and fornurly (iovein
or of Kentucky.
L. U. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and formerly C
vernor of R. I.
WM. WOODBRIDOE, U. 8. Senator and fornxriy C
varnor of Michiffon.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin
. J'rom Hon. II. D. Fosna, Member of Congress from
' Washimuton. D. C. Jons 10. 184S.
To, air I haw. Wmui a dvsnentia sutTsrer fior about tan
yaara, and have rsaorled to vori.ous modiciues for relief
without suaceaa. until 1 made us nf your "Oxygenated
Bitters." I have uoad about two bottles, and find myself
restored to perfect health. The forma in which tha dis
ease showed itself, ia my eaaa, wore, great acidity of th
Vomoca, Kiss ol appetite, exiremn naiuienca, ncvric ooiuu
nation of ths bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desi
rous that a krtostdttortga of your valuable remedy may reach
others similarly atHicted. I take great plaaaur in record
ing my testimony to ita curative aowar ; and would alio
remark, that whit on a visit at home e short time sine. I
ad mini stared a part of a bottle .to S Sttamber of ny afflicted
friend, with great aueosa. They are desirous that you
ahoukt svOaNiob an agency ai Pittsburg, or Inforss them
whomthe eaedieine tan bs ehostnad. With a aaraveat de
slra for your prosperity and aappinasa, I euboerih mvself,
truly yourfrieisT W " ,H. p., FOSTER. ,
Unet. Oao. B. Gaws.Whvh", wt " x 1
Hold WtKnVosaio aad Retail by Oreea 4 Fletrhor, ?.
M Sou Sixih Mtt PluWdelphis. , i .
Agent for Bcuibury II B. MASSES , . ' .. ,
ArrUts,tw-; ,r t, it , "-
RESPECTFULLY informs her customers
and the nublifl in several, that aha haa lust
returned Irom Philadelphia with a splendid as
sortment of sll kinds of
BONNETS, ol every description,
Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, ke. together with so
elegsnl assortment of Lawna Oingbama, Cbints's,
Gloves, Baregea Shawl. Scarfs, snd a treat va
riety of FANCY GOODS, all of which aha offers
st ths moat reduced prices-
At ths old Stand, opposite Bogar'a ft nstser's
Sunbury, April It, 1S8 3t
Seal and Letter-Copying Presses, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerators. Water Fil
ters, Patent Portable Water Clo
sets, intended for the Sick
and Infirm.
70 .WA Th'ni Street.
orposiTK The Philadelphia exchange.
Manufacture and keep eonstsnt-
t ly on band, a large easirtmem of
fVMji the above articles, t'fjethor with
Crfntr 1. a fc,,c,r niirriu illipni, rai uviiiniiuvr
PL::?- ' r IKE-PR OOF BAKt.8, wtllcll
are sj constructed as to set at rest
all manner of doubt as their
being strlctlv fire-proof, and that
thev will resist the firo of anv
buildinr. The outside cases of
them Safes sre made of boiler iron, the inside case of siap
stnne, and between the outer case and inner cmc is a space
of anne three inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc
tible material, u as ta make it an imp 'snibility to burn any
of tho cintnuls inside of this Chest. These S capstone Sa
lamanders we are prepared and d j challenge tha w jrld to
pnxliiee any articlo lu tha shape of B k Hafos that will
stand as much heat, and we rnld ourselves ready at all
times to have them fairly tested by publie bonfire. W
alaj continue tj niinufxclure a lartre and trer.cral nuirt
ment of out Premium Alr-tiojV.t Fire Pre if tsafea of whii'h
there are over N00 n-iw in use. mid in everv instanes thev
have piven enlite stia!acti.-)n t the parehasers of which
we will refer the public t J a few gentlemen who have
them in uee.
Itavvviod 4 Snvder. P)ttvil!e; Joseph O. Lawton
Pottaville j Mr. William Carr, Dovlestown, Pa.
N. & G. Tivljr, lSj) nuth 3J St.; A Writfht 4; Nephew
Vine s!. wharf; AlcKiirler C?rjr, Convcvancer, corner of
Filbert and n'h s:s.t J.,hn M. I'onl, 32 n jrlh !)d st.; Myers
Bush, fi n .rth 3J sl.j ,!es M. Pul, 101 suth ath si.;
Dr. Dnviu Javne, 8 seth 3d t.; Mathew T. Miller, SO
s?nth 31 t.; an l we c -uld name sima hundreds of others
If it were neesMry. N iw we invite the sttcntion of tho
putilie, end particuinrlv tlnsc i.1 want of Fire Prj"f Safes,
tcj call at our at re before purcliacing elsewhere, end we
can satiafy thein they will pet a belter and cheaper articlo
at Kir p'ore than at any other establishment in the city.
We alsi mamilticlnre the ordinary Fire Pr vif Chests, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 3, ISIS ly
,' &'-.;r'A
s;-?tV.:;. .var
;v':... IffiitrA-.TV Twr'
s f. fiSf n m
t.'ii CXVJ
Scrofula or KinR'a Kvil, Klioumstisiii, Obstinate Cutine?ua
t.rii.uons, I'liupiLBcr rcsiuit-a on mo luce, uutciitu,
B:!ci, Chronic 1? re Kyua, King Worm or Totter,
Scilsl llvad, En!arpm'iit and Tain ot tho
B iiL'iftnd j'jiutt, Stubb-ni Ulcere, Syphi
litic SymiJtoins, Sfjittticfl ur I-uruljagj,
-uh uae oi' Meicury, Drtip
v, V.xp sure ot iinpru- 1
"iienca in lil'ej a!:- .
Chrjuift Ciuti
tu.i -ipjI Liis
oMcrn. In thia me3icinft neveral i.ix. ccnl but very Detent art idea
of the vesr-Uablj kinrd m are united, firming a c mpcund
entirety diircrt'tU iu lis ciinrecter and prjperties from any
1 iuin.m?u in nn operation fn ir.e
6ycm when lah. rm un.ler uiMuse. It h Uid Lm in tua
hjnda of ivcrv' neii n. wh . bv huiiincait. or enneral cjurua
oi" lite, ia prfia.ioaed t J the ve'rv many ailimenra that ren
der Hie at curae. InMietut uf a bleeaing, tuid mj oiten ratult in
Pr. Drakf!1 Fanacea ia recommended aa a certain remedy.
Not one instance ol ita f lilure haa ever occurred when free
ly uacd ! It cures the dueave and at tlieaime time impart
vitfr to tho wh 'lc ayatem. Srjfubua pera ma can never
pay t much attenti m t the atate of their bio d. Iu pu
nficati n ah 'Uld be their firat ai.n ; for nerKCveraiico will
accjmpliau a euro of eve hekkihtahy diaeaae.
Scurvy, Scorbutic AlTcclima, Turners, White Swelling,
Kryueln, Ulcere, Uancora, Kuiming ore, bcaija and
Bilea, Dr. Draktr'a Panacea cannot bo tjo highly extolled;
it aearchca out Uie very r jot of the diaeaae. aud pcrnuuient.
No medicine perh&pa haa over been dic ivered which
givca a much t mo t-i the attimach and cuuwa tho secre
tion of a healthy gastric juice t dccjmp;4w the fo.d aa Dr.
gjruae a t-tunceu
Dr. Drake'e Panacii ia aei wilh the trreateat auccesa in
Rheumatic Onnpiiinta, eapucialty auch aa chivmic. It cures
by driving out all impurities and fjul hunioure which have
accumulated in the ayatcra, which are the cauao of Rheu
mitiam, Gut, and Swellingaut the joiiita. Other retnediea
a metiinca give temporary reiiet'; thia entirely eradicatea
ine disow irom inc Rsicm, vvlu when me unioe tuid bonca
are dreadfully swollen.
Consumption cam aa cukso-Coush, Catarrh
chilis, Shutting of Bi ood, Asthma, Dl
or L.r'jfuac Ex-
tiect iration, lit
'ic FUihli, Night t? iv cat a. Pain in the aida
Xc. have been eurcd, and can be with as much certainty as
any other disease. A specific his 1-ong been s.iuithl for, but
in vain until lite discivcrv ot Itr. iordke's 1'aiiucea. it is
mild snd sale but certain and etficnti-ius in lis operati jn,
nnd ciuin ot p'sibly injure Uie m.-st delicale cuisutuii in.
We would earntstly recommend th se otfiicted to uive it a
trial and we beiieve they will not have occasion to regret
it. The system is cleansed uu-i strengthened, the ulcers on
the lungs aro healed, tjod the iulienis gradually regain their
uniuu ubuiin tutu aiicngia. touju mo luujwuig :
ritiLA.. Deo. 14th. 1817.
VzxH Bin : In renlv t3 vour caeni n reaoeetiuir Uie use
nf Dr. Drake Panacea, I will sav, lhat altliuugh a perfect
disbeliever in the cxiaUnca of a Panacea, or cure lor all
diw)Ke-t, however valuable it may be in certain conditions
ol the system, stilt 1 have believed that a cure fVr CJiisump-
ucn W3U1U De au-overen anor or iater, ana cuu aity im
n.e to try y ur medicine in twi very inveterate casea.
They were ir,.n 'UiioeJ by the attuivdinff uhvaicians tu be
iLi.MONAKV consumption, and aband mcd by tlitm as in
cunABtc. One ol the iH.rs3us had been under the treat
ment of several very able practiti iters fr a number of
yeara, ana incy eatci sue nau " u 1ub.11 ?nea consumpti ni
embiue with Sorriuls," and that ahe might hnctri"jr imo
timet but could n t ho pcrnuuicntJy relieved, fu hthcued
ine client cl tne rauacea nns been u?h cruttlyiug'. (July
i mr or five tKttlts were ued bv nc of the nei's .dk before
ane nctan u impr ve mpiciiy. i lie nw:cr to- K abut tui
wi:i uinv inn inm laminar urn i am wun r Hisuniniun v
inheritance and by extensive oUurvaii -n as a study, mwl
kn3wU)ir ala j tha injurious edeta in nine caaea out uf ten
of Ur. b ucsct. and other vegetable t(nua. aa well aa of
many ot the exneotoramannd Heititives, 1 ah uid never nave
rte immendt'd iht use of Drake's Punacea if I had n it bctn
acquainted with the uigredicnta. Bui tic it to siy that thwe
are iec jnmicinKM ny our rorsi p puiur ana sciuiiinc pnym.
ciaus, and in their present c miFiined state, form probably
the bent alterative trint has ever bren made. The cure is
in accordance with a tha ry of Consumption broaehed in
p ranee a low yeara ajr.i, by one oi her m-at eminent wri
ters on medicine, and n w eaiabiiihed by facta which ad
mit of n diapuie.
Very Reapcntfulty Yours, h. C. GU.NN.
Tt use the lsnirunae nf another, "Dr. Drake's ranarea in
olwnya e'dutnry in ii riTect--never injuri ua. h ia n i as
0m:-:t is n t and Lxpcctmint. It is n it mt ended ta lull
Ute invalid iutJ a futal aecurity. U ia a reak remedy a
grand heulinir and curative e mpcund, the great and only
remedy which medical acicwe and skill has yet prxlucavi
f r the treatment of thia hi'Jiert J uncnquered malaily. Aud
n wran hflHcled with thia dread diaeaae, will be juet to
hiinaeif and hia friendu, il he g i d iwn tu the grave without
icaiinK leu vinuca. a aiueie o me, in ni'i raatja, win prt-
duce a favur'tle change lu the eondituu of any patient,
aowevar low."
Iadiea of nata omoloxi n and cnaumntive habits, and
such aa are dehiiiated by th ae obstructi'ttia which femalea
ate liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle nr two, to
bloom vigor. It ta tar tha beat remedy ever discovered
for weakly children, and auch aa hava baa humore ; being
nieaaaul, they take it.
Il immediately restores the appetite,
Streng'n ana omr,
Nothinar ean be more surnriaina than ita invlgtratina ef.
facta on the human frame. Feiveva. all weakneaa aivd las-
aitnde befoie takiuf it. at onoe become- robust aud full of
energy under tie influence, it immediate oouuteracla the
nexveieeaueaa of Uie female frame .
CAUTION Be oarefui and aca that yon get the genu
tne Dr. Diuu'a Panacka It haa the signature of Geo. F
BroBB on the wrapier end ala the nam "Dm. Drau
Pamacxa. Puixa " hl iwn in the elaaa.
Prepared crily by Storm k io, Druggist, If a. 81 North
Acenl fir Bunburv H. MAMWH. ''
ftoU bv Wm A Mttakax a Ca .TMriDe H ftaiM
sm, Mdton; Mabt McCoy, NtvthoiBbefaBa4i K P Mrra,
April 1. - '-1 " '
1 '1 K
WESTERN New vnnu
207 Main street, Buffalo, tf. Y.
Trgelable Lllhontrlptle mixture.
THIS celebrated remedy ia eonstantly ineraaaiiig lu fams
by tha many cures It is making
It haa now become tha only snadieuie for family us, and ia
particularly recommended tor
all stages of thia complaint Immediately relieved, no matter
ot oow long standing. Bee rtiampniei lur testimony.
and all diseaaea of ths urinary orgsns ; for the distress,
ing complaints it stands slone no other article can relieve
you and the cures testified to willconvlnce tho most skep
tical) sea pamphlet. Liver Complaint. Billiuu diseaaea,
To tha Great West especially, and wherever these com
plaints prevail this medicine is' offered.
no deleter! ius compound is a part of this mixture, it
euros these d menses with certainty and celerity, and does
not leave the system torpid. See Pamphlet.
a eomplafnt of a most painful character, is
, and a euro follows by a few dave us of this article; it la
rar before ny other preparation tor tills disease, or for any
r disease origiusting from impure blood. 6ee pam-
week back, weskneas of the Kidneys, Ac., or inflamma
tion of same, is immediately relieved' by a few days use of
this medicine, and a cure is always a result of its use. It
stands as
for auch complaint., snd al3 fur dcrungenicnts of tbe fe
maJe frame,
painful menstruations. No article haa ever been offered
exrept thin which would touch thin kind of derangement.
ii mar oe reuea upon as a ur ana ciimivo rcincuy, aim
did we fed permitted Li d a i c ju!d jrive
an proof of euros in thia distri'Miinir chun of o m;0ointa.
't-e All hi ilcfM. ,1 .,-. riiOiililfnil oiiutilMlinnn
from the effect i f mercury, will find the bracing power of
this article to act immediately, uid the p'As vom mineral
eradicated from the aval em.
cuur 1 1 V I'. LllAbbS
wiao find the altetutivc propcriira of this arti
and driven auch diseanea frjiii the nyttom. See pnmphlet
for tcatinuny of curca in nil diiaws, w hirh the limits of
an advertiacincnt will not permit to be nmd hero. Agents
t. f... , I,, vmaiii m .raguB ui cemncatca oi
igh character, ant) a string';.
of the virtues of a ncdicinc never appeared. It ia one cf
Uie peculiar feeturcn of thia article that it never fails to
benefit in any case, and il nnd muKcli? arc left to build
upjn let Uie emociiited and lingering invalid
anl kefp tnkivs the medicine as bng as there ia an im
prjvement. ine proprietor would
ntfiinrt a number of arliclea which cine out under the
neat ui
os cures f r Dropry, Oravol, : They are good f.T no
thing, nnd conC K'ted t' pull the unwary !
Their iuvent:ra nei!r tlnught nf enrinp mioh difsea till
this article had d mc it. A particular a'.u ly of the patn-l-'hlct
ia earnciily a licitcd.
Agents and all who snll the article nrn
glad to cincrr.ATE
grattlilouslv. Put nn in 30 nr.. boltles, ot S2 ; 12 oz. it nt
PI each tiie lorper h ol'linir 0 i7. np-re than tw i smell lut
llea. Lrvk out onrl pet impefrH upon. K.very b ttle has
"Vaughn's Vctfttablo Lith-oiitriptic Mix lure," 'hi own upon
the glass, the written sifmalure of "(. C. VaitR!mM on Ihe
directi ms, aui (. C. Vauifhn. Hufl'al o,:' stomped on tiie
cork. N'Oiie other are ceiiuiiie. l'rc-mril bv Dr. G. C.
Vantfhn, and s ld nt the Principal Office, S!i7 Main street,
BiuTtla, at vhilcsile and retail. No attention given to let
ters unlcfts p ist paid orders lro:n r-.-irulflrly c onstittitcd
Agents excepted ; p"8l paid letters, or verliul' cominiuiiea
tijns s ilicilititr advice, promptly tittctidr-d t o rratis.
Otlices dev ote 1 exclusively t o the s ite ol tliis arttide
13-2 Nossm st. New York city ; 2yS Kt-scx st.P-iiem, Muss.;
and by the principal Druggist throughout tho United States
ana tanaaa, ss Agcn'S.
List of Afrettts Starrs M co Wh olesale Acetil Philodel.
phis J. V. Friling, Stitibtiry Iniac Cicarhsrt. Seliusirrovo
C. A. WyeUi, I.ewil.itrtr H. l.Sheafcr, Mill jti Itnycs
& Mccormick, McEwccsviUe Mies McCov, Norihnmbcr-
April 1, 184r y
I'.fcSCY and STAI'I.K DK1 (iOO
th- New Stori .Vu 79 Arch street,
between 2 and 9.1 l';rli t de,
rPHE 'ilosrriber invite pnilicnlar attention to
his laieo and iplenditl asinitment of new av
eho'ie styles of Dry Goods compiisiiiif a general
variety oi me most desirable kinds ot U' f is Vl'i.
terialf, khaips Gloves, Hoiitru Vft hrinkuble
Flannels. Worked Collais. Cantbr t, J.iroi:et
Mull, Nitnioitk anil Plaid Mii'lint, Linen Cant'
b ic and lit Pocket Httttf; Black Ital an Cra
v iti. others too numerous to advettise.
Particular attention ia given to Linens and Fur-
nishing Goods, generally Ihe stork is large, and
the prices w ill be found much lower than usu
al, having been purchased at Auction at sarrifi
red rates The fabrics ore warranted pure flax
and from the beat makers.
P. S. Tenons wishing Plain and Medium
stylet ot Dress Goods and h.wlr, will find
choice variety
Philadelphia, April 1. 1318-
Important Information.
1 0 all purchasers of ready mado clothing, in-
formation is heieby given that the well known
and much relcbrute l Clothirg emporiuin, known
at the
P3tii(ltiltlil:i Vl'anlrclto.
R McKauxc, Proprietor, tin H5 Chestnut
street, between 3J and 4i st . Philadelphia,
Is astonishing tbe community witb bit cheap a)d
lashionable apparel, or ever y tlc-scription and va
riety. Vestt from SO cents to 6 dollars. Good
black Cloth or Caasimere Pants, aa low aa 3
dollars and upwards p i pair, a.'t'ording to quali
ty. Black French lltithiiress (.rata at low as
8 dollars. Summer clothing cheaper, peibapa.
ban ever wat known heretofore of the tame
Wholesale deelprt are particularly invited to
call andexamine the laigeand well got upcioth
ingoflhit large ettablishment, na very particu
lar attention ia paid to th" ratting, an that
purchasers at w holesale will be certain- to get
gurments when they rom In put tliein on their
customers, that will fit with tajte and ease, which
is a matter nf great importance. We invite one
and all tn rome nnd examine for themwivea be
fore purchasing.
Philadelphia, April I, IS IS 3m
Pictorial r.illlioii of d'Aublgne's
gn at Work on ttiv Ueforaiailon
MAN V, SWlli.ERr.ANU. ML Will be
published or. nr about tha 1st of April, 1818, by
JOS A Sl'EEL, No OU I berry at. above 6th,
hit splendid 12mo edition nf the above named
work, with IS engraven Hiiisiraiioni irom ori
ginal designs; 4 volt m 2 bound in txtia cloth
and library sheep
The publisher respctlluiiy rant tne atiennon
of tha liadi- aud the public gf-nerally, to lint
work bfing the only tllustiatedeilition pnUlistiftl ,
In the United Slates H trustt that the beauty i
of ita vrnhellishments. the stiong and tubtlantial
tnsnner in which it is bound, in foniunction witn
the known popularity ol the work itaelf, will be
a ture recommendation In public favor.
JOS. A f I'EF.L SS Cherry st above Oth
J. A 8 lias also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Uell'aRaree Show,
a auitable book for children, neatly done p In
extra elolh
r-biladflphie, April t, 1818
Tlmo and Iintanco Saved J
sunbury rcaxiir.
nriHEanbseribera having leaeed the llnl"''y
M. Ferry, beg leave to inform Ihe public, thai
they are prepared to convey Teama, Plea.""
Carriagea and Foot pataengera arroaa the river
with safety and without delay They have pro
vided themaelvet with new end enmmndtnue
cra fte. which will alwaya be mended with tbi
nd careful handa.
Petsonslravellmg to nnd from and through
Sunbury ta New Berlin, Lewlsburr. Harlleinn
end other plaeea. will Hnd It greatly to their ad.
vantage to cross at thia Ferry inttead of tbe
Bridcea. aa they would aave from wo to four
(unVury, A pill I, Utt
Screen &.VTIr Croth ffIaBurCter,
Mb. 48 tiorth Front ilreM, ht'wten Nttrk-t and
Arch ilreet.
rpHE Huhserihera having m..a Rrtt itnprasHra
I inents In the sbevs huiuees. are now aaana
f icturme;, i,f a superior qualitv. all kinds of PL Ml
and OK!t A MENTAL WR WOhlt, nehaa
8ievp, Riildle , Screen; Ac., for all kiods of Ora4n
Res Is, Band, Ore, SoutT, tJtardi, Bi trkduat, eku
Fonndera' f love of a soprrloi quslity ansleiill
on hand. Al-o fief- a, Wiie Diah Cnvera, SufS
Hpringa, Twilled Whs for Hpark Catcher. V.
OrnanientsaJ Wire Wrk. . '
Such a Cage, Nursery Fruiters, Osnlrn BrnaW
Ing, Flower ai ds, Trainers, Trellia work fof Grant!
Vine, Ve Alan Wire Fencing of every deerirw
"on. rr Older thankfullf IwlsiJ and iiMennli
ly eieru.ed t, WA 1"80N dt COX.
Fel). 19th, 1848. 8m.
Ettabtithtd itl years agt, by Dr. KINKELIN.
The oldest, surest and test hand to euro sll for sad
of seen I diseases, disease) of the skin ant
solitary hshha nf youth, l
N. V. earner of 3d and Union tit., between Sprue
ana rin, t j squares jrom tne tSMhange,
YOUNG MEM If on value tour life or yoatf
ho ilth. remcnilwr, the delay of a month, oay,
even a week, may prove jour ruin, both of Sod
and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter yote
from making your rasn known to nne who, fro am
education snd rraiectnliility,e n alone hefrientj yen.
He who places him-elf nndor l)r KINKBUiVS
treatment, may religiously en fiJe in bi honor ae
a gen lemon, ami in whoe bosom viU bta forever
locked Ihe secret of the patient.
Ton msny think they will hug (he secret t.itbeir
own hearts, and cure lhem-elv., Alee I bow of
ten is this a fatal delusion, anil how Many prr'
mtKing young man, no m ghl liae been an orna
ment to eoctrty. has failed from the earth.
finding it inconvenient in pevrtl tpplira'
ti 'i, can, l.y elating their ens explicitly, together
with ell their rymplom. (per I. t er pnet-piid.) have,
forwarded to ihem a chest ron'ainir.g Dr. K's tna
dirinej appr pristed accoiilingly.
t'arkaeee of M. du'liit s forwarded to any part nf
the United Sute at a moment's notice.
try Post run tan-sea, add eased to Dr. Ki-
situs, I'hiliidilpliia, will bo promptly attended to.
Uc . UOili. 1847. ly
So 191 (jiicsnut Street,, ; j
Swlh East Corner of Eighth st , PhilaAclphid.
ORTRAT IS Irom the am attest brst- In (tr
the largrot sir.e, slnilv or In arous Tht
Finpritttora are warranted in atihiir. that their
work has guin. u a leputation second to none in
ihe world. Exl'acta from the Preset
Life-like in the expression, chestlt correct in
die shading.--'Ledger.
1 nn ait hat srriveJ at great perfection, ami
none nnrierstml il lift ter than Met Icea & Qer
mi." Baltimore Ir s.
"Ailmiiable! nothing can exceed their etqultttt
lelitaey." U. S Cazette.
Ex' 'act from the report nf the Judges, al tiie last
fair nf 'ho Frmklin Institute 'Dacnerreotvpee
n flits detartnient there are some eery eieeiletYP
sprc ni-ns in the exhibiliun, anil the Judge think
tUey see a progressive improvement III tbte braotirll
of tr.e art I he.v have not r commended an
ward in f vor of anv of the enmpetitora, bat are
i i p tc.l to rank a Jtrit in order, ihe collection at
MdM.EI'3 & GERMON, aa eontaiaing the tW
grcf tut flier of mperior specimens."
I hil .deipiiiu, i- i'b l, 1818. But
THE CHALLENGE We have obaerv.J
ry pa'lcnt'y for a vear past ihe fevered at
tornpta by ao ite nf t or fia'rrni'y. ti force a TrX!y
ta'.ion which their -rofesinnnl ekill alone must lair
to give thein. And we vtoulJ continue our ailenl'
lobs- rvntion, itri ler tie ennsci lurnesaof art unboK -tere.l
mctil, were it not more than ptohabl that
thia species uf fanftronade may Oiveit the public'
eye a candid etsminntioii into ihe merit of'
the un.ltiiud" of profi srnra in the Daguertean atU
We would see merit trek en honnreb e pttbRci.
ly, and ihere'.iy win for itself golden opinione; bill
we tH pise lhat rorrahle chicanery by which
mere p-itmce gnina an ovation over genuine
woit1.. It ie to make this vaulting ambition over
le.op it-elf or withdraw Its apurioua elaimai. Ihat WtJ.
now uespaKO un ita fancied aecurity by throwing,'
the g'nve Tot an honorable teat of skill. Oar tag '
is f 500 ihal tbe average of a given number of da
guerreotypes executed at Ihe Daguerrean OaMer
of M P. 81.MONS, 179 Cbeanut slteet, will exhi"
bit a itre .ter amount of perfection in tha art thaar
anv aiinilar average number frm any other gaile
ry in the Unittd 8 ate. Thia ia no Ml boas '
we nv'sn what ne aay. We are tleeiroos that that,
public should give their patronage to merit sni
treen. e. '
We a k investigation, free, rigid, impartial io-'
ve tigaliou. We havv thrown the glove. Wits
will pick it up t M.P.SIMONS, .
179 Chrsnut nppnai'e Slste House, rhilad.'.
N. U. It will be uiHlersto.d by our tatntMry '
friends, that the aluve challenge haa mcr- yet
le. n accepted, and we also wish h tfnderattsMt,
that ve did not intend to make hy ;.tM, wtfflreJF'
wo have abeatly txprea'ed otir i ptoptiita .Ifl frpTO
priaie the pr ie to some charitable norrtose'
IMiilailelpbia. Feb. 19, 1818. Sm.
Commission nnd Forwarding
J'.. 48 Commerce Stmt Wharf. BALTIMOBFy
Will receive and aell all kinilt of Coa'ntfy PiO
duce Flour, Grain, Ste.
N B. Particular attention given ta the aate
of Lumber And cath advancet made on con
signments, when required.
Apiil 1, 1818 4m
,ai, y -
.cr Spi'Meg Dry Gnotit.
VecvrKiuaoiT & zall,
A'i. 7 .'i-MA Stt 4fret. Philadelphia.
'ITS AYE now in the store and ate. daily- teceiv
3 J ing in addition to their assortment at they ar
rive in ihe New York and Philadelphia Markets,
new Spring Dry Goods constating in part of
New Styles Spring Mot. deLainee. New Style
Barrgea in Stripes, Plaids, lie. Choice Col.
ore. mode Borefei, New Lasrne and
mode Mos.. de Letnee-,. Paul da
cherves, a new article, neve
atylv Tistuet Vc, kc.
FaiacH and Scotch Giatonasia, In ,'tofe erje '
of the largett attortment in Philadelphia, frem
the lowest price to the D.iirtt qualitiea, rattch
lower than last seon
On hand at all seasons of the .year t hftf '
tortment, both of Linetia and Mutllnt, at great
reduced pricea, alto Linen Damatke, Counter- '
panel Vc Shawlt, Glovea. Lacee &C. High '
Luttia Black Silkt, for montillaai Vttitee. Dree-'
tea ke. . Mens & Boy'a wear of all deacripttatsa. '
Ladieeand Gentleman viaittnt tha-erff-ar la- (
vited In call and examine our (lock.
A liberal teduclioa made tolboae who buy te
ael! again.
Philadelphia. April 1. 1818
l ino sV SEAL. KKGRAf ISO.
WM G MASON. Jt. -'
48 Chesnvt sf. 9 Awt abotslnd St., PhihJerpir.
En trayer el Bl'aol-XEM tk VHITROCATCtk, '
Watch paper. Labela, Door plalVe, Majti .
Flatnnt lor Odd Fellewa, 3ona of Teaapsjraaxe.i
Jtc , kc. Alwaya on hand a general aaaartaneaf
of Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pent ceteryr tfaalfl jr. '
Dog Cnllart in great variety. Fngravstra. Mela, j'
and maisrtala , ;'.' ' a y.
Agency for the Manufacturer ef G,!aiier( XJaV -
mon'la. '
Ordere per mail (peat paid) will be ?uet
Philadelphia. Ataril I IBil-v "
"I " r " " - g