Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 06, 1848, Image 2

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A M l A .
Great Chartist Meeting, and Tremendous Ex
r ttfffrunf in London and th Provinces
; Movements of the French Republic Revo
lutionary Movement on th Contintnt, and
. Continued Commercial Embarrassment!
Politic! Cotmotiotts in the United Kingdom
Bftl for Jht Protection of the . British
" 'Crown and Government Repeal Movements
in Ireland .and Progrees of Sedition in that
' Country- Alleged Disaffection of tht Army
-Protestant Repeal Association '
i The latest dates received are : From Liv-
erpool, April 15th.
.The intelligence from England is highly
favorable in a political point of view The
great Chartist demonstration at London pas
sad off without disturbance. In Ireland, how
ever, sedition was making Tearful progress,
hostilities had already broken out between
, Denmark and her revolted provinces, resul
ting thus far in favor of the Danish govern
menL Vast military preparations were in progress
., iu Russia and France. . , .
A revolution had taken place in the Hesse
. capital. The city was in the hands of the
. people, who .have declared for a Republic,
and compslled the military to retreat.
The Chartist meeting was attend by 200,
. COO souls, and passed off quietly.
. ... Before tho Chartist Meeting an immense
numb.T of special constables were sworn in.
Tho Chartist petition was sent to Tarlia
,meut by ths deputies sslected for the pur
pose. There has been a meeting of the merchants
. of Glasgow, to break down the measure pro
. posed by Lord Gray, to assimilate the law of
Great Britain and Ireland in relation to overt
acta of treason, which was carried by a larpe
t majority. N
Business is dull in tho manufacturing dis
. tricts Consols, 821 '.hey had been 831 .
At the last intelligence from Ireland the
. repeal' papers were very violent.
' John O'Connell has had an interview with
Lord John Russell, and asked large conces
. sions. Lord John declined stating what were
the intentions of the government.
The Mayor of Paris declined obedience to
the demandsof the working men for the dis
mission of the foreign operators. A proccs
, sion of the workmen iu Paris had been sup
Archduke John expects to be elected Em
peror of Germany.
. In Germany the distress was increasing.
The English Government expressed ro-
gret that King Charles Albert entered Aus
tria; If the Italians be beaten at Mincio it is
expected that France cannot preserve her
Hostilities have broken out between Den
mark and the Duchies of Sehleswig and Hol-
stein. There had been a battle fought near
Flensburg, in which the Danes were success
; ful,' arid entered the city. The Prussian
army wre ordered into the field, to. drive
tne wanes put oi me leucines, j nese events
and others have continued to produce great
excitement throughout Europe.
The Pielmontese army has been victorious
throughout Lorn bardy. The Austrian wero
fouled1 everywhere, and fled dismayed at
every point". The great battle of the cam
paign is expected to come off near Mincio.
Holland and Belgium s'ill remain tranquil.
Metternich is at the Hague,
Turkey lias finally acknowledged the French
Austria has professed its willingness to ac
knowledge the independence of Lombard)".
At last dates Madrid was quiet.
. . .
Hungary nas aeciarea us maepenuenre,
and chosen the Archduke Stephen King.
Tho King of Denmark had left Copenha
gen to put himself at the head of the army.
. .The Sicilian Parliament has commenced
its sessions. -
A revolution has occurred iu Hesse, which
his been declared a Republic.
The last news from Ireland is more unfa
vorable for the Govemmrnt.
Disturbances .at Havre have occurred a
mong the laborers.
Large bodies of troops are concentrating on
the Sardinian frontier.
Commercial aflairs wear a better aspect in
France and Belgium.
Several bankers on the continent have fail
ed. The specie in the Bank of France has de
clined four millions. There is, however, a
better feeling in the Paris money market.
Three per cents, 431,50c.
There have been serious disturbances at
Petersburg. Disturbances have also occurred
at Cologne.
From the London Times of April 11
The metropolis presented yesterday a scene
of unusual excitement and alarm. The de
termination aanouueed by the members of
the Chartist National Convention to hold their
meeting and procession in defiance of the
law and the constituted authorities the mili
tary preparations, almost unparalleled for ex
tent and'comnloteness. made bv the Duke at
-. the head of the army to put down any insur-
rectionary attempts that might be made
. and the remarkable unanimity with which
tne middle ana niguer classes placed tneir
services ai ins aisnoaai oi tne uovernmeni
- ,. had each in turn contributed to interest large
1 numbers of thj population, in the results of
the day's proceedings, and to increase tho
conaral feel in of undefined apprehension
. with which the intentions' of the Chartists
- were regarded. The weather was exceed-
. ine-lv favorable for the demonstration: no
obstruction, was offered by the police to the
trades and other processions which left the
" Middlesex aide of London for Kennington-
- common : a free thorough-fare was perraUv
tad to all who wwnea to take pan ui tne pui
7 lib meeting f aud yet, instead of the 300,000
' persons who wo were told would assemble
noon Kenningtoa-eomitton, and proceed theuoa
to the House of Commous, - the most ' liberal
. estimate of tho number of persons- within
; at one time at Kennington-common does
V wch'SA,000l( and ought not probably to
30,000. . , , :
Our description of the events of the day
will perhaps most fitly oommenca with the
proceedings of the Chartist Convention. The
delegates reassembled at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning the Literary and Soientiho Insti
tute, John street, Fiteroy Square. ' ;
The Secretary (Mr. C. Doyle) said that he
had received a written communication from
the Police Commissioners of the metropolis,
stating that the national petition Would be al
lowed to be taken to the House' of Commons,
but that no procession would be permitted to
take place through the streets of London.
The delegates left the hall with Mr. O'Con
nor at their head, and took their place in the
car prepared for the delegates.
Ths Delegates' Prockssiok to Kenning
ton Common. Mr. O'Connor and the princi
pal members of the Convention were loudly
cheered by the crowd, assembled outside the
Institute as they took thir places in the car,
a large and strongly-built vehicle drawn by
six horses, sufficiently large to contain up
wards of 50 persons. The delegates' car was
proceeded by another car of the same kind,
intended to convey the national petition, and
drawn by four horses. Both cars had been
expressly constructed for the occasion, and
were gaily painted and decorated with flags,
banners and mottoes. Upon a larga banner,
at the head of the first car, in the Chartist
colors of alternate rod, white, and green, were
inscribed the' "six points" of the Peoplu's
Charter, viz: universal sufTrnge, annual Par
liaments, vote by ballot, no proper qualifica
tion, payment of members, and equal electo
rial districts.
The cars left John street nt five minutes
past 10, amid the cheers of the crowd. Mr.
O'Conner occupied a centre seat in the front
row of the delegates, and was supported by
the other members of thy Chartist executive
committee, Messrs. McGrath, president, C.
Doyle and T. Clark. Tne second car was
followed by Chartists on foo', eight abreast,
amounting to about 200 persons when the
procession left John street, but whoso num
bers received considerable accessions as they
marched onwards. Proceeding down Totten-hnm-court-road
and by St. Giles' Church,
where a considerable number of the women
of that locality had assembled, the first car
stoppsd befere tho Chartist Land Company's
oflice. Here a short delay took place while
the "national petition" was being brought
I out and lifted upon the first car. The peti
tion was rolled up into five huge bundles, re
sembling bales of cotton in size, and placed
upon a platform appointed to receive it on
the car. This having been accomplished a
mid the cheers of the crowd, the procession
was again put in motion, and slowly advan
ced along Holborn. Most of the shops at the
Western end of Holborn were closed : but ns
the procession approached Holborn Hill, the
shutters of very few were up, and no alarm
appeared to bo felt. Tho windows of the
houses throughout the line of procession were
generally filled by spectators, mostly women,
but with scarcely an exception no marks of
sympathy were exhibited in the objects of the
The cars reached the bottom of Holborn
hill in safety, nnd here a crowd were assem
bled who cheered the delegates. The Bhops
in Farringdon street were for the most part
closed. A large concourss of persons swelled
the procession at the intersection of Luclgnte
hill and Fleet street, and the spectacle when
it arrived upon Blackfriars bridge, had be
come very imposing. The narrower thorough-
tare had compressed the crowd into a vast
moving mass, and tho shifting sunlight of an
April day gave increased effect and anima
tion to the scene. By a judicious arrange
ment, a strong body of Chelsea pensioners
were drawn up on the city side of the bridge
ami stationed on the floating pier, at such a
distance from the crowd that their military
clothing and accoutrements could be discern
ed without exposing tho more feeble and su
perannuated form of the pensioners to the
criticism of the mob. On tho Surrey side of
the bridge a strong force of police was sta
tioned, and this was the first point at which
the police force presented themselves to the
notice of tho procession.
By the time tho procession had reached
the Elephant and Castle it had received great
accessions of numbers from St. George's road,
the Borough road, Newington causeway, and
other populous thorough-tares, and, as far
back as tho eye could reach uloug the Lon
don road, the footways were crowded with
persons hurrying towards the place of meet
ing, but forming no part of the procession.
At tho Elephant and Custla a cheer was giv
en, and from this point along the Kennington
road to the common, tho crowd presented the
appearance of a moving muss of upwards of
10,000 persons.
It proceeded almost iu silence until the
cars arrived within sight of the congregated
thousands already assembled upon the com
mon. The delegates were now surrounded
by an enthusiastic crowd, and received with
deafening and prolonged cheers, which Mr.
O'Conner and his brother delegates acknow
ledged by waving their hats. The scone
which burst upou the view of the delegates
at this point was certainly grand and impo
The procession of the various trades and
societies which had already arrived were
drawn up in military array at the outskirts
of the common with their several flags and
banners, and also formed a line, through
which the cars advanced to the place of meet
ing. The centre of the common was occu
pied by a vast assemblage, many of whom
were soon seen hurrying in rapid motion to
welcome the Chartist leaders. As the cars
advanced into the centre of the common, they
were surrounded by a crowd, which every
minute became more dense, and who rent
the air with their shouts. It was evident
that the police authorities,- having permitted
the common to be occupied by so large a
body of the Chartists, had decided upon al
lowing the meeting to be held without inter
ruption, and tliat it would be next to impos
sible to clear the common of the thousands
now congregated upon it, ,
Hero a person approached the car and ad
dressed Mr. O'Connor with a meawge from
Mr. Mayne, on of tho Curmniwiioaere of Po
lice, requesting to have, an interview with
him before the commencement of tho pro
ceedings.' Mr. Mayne announced to Mr. O'-'
Conner that the authorities would not object
to that meeting taking place, but that the pro
cession would not be permitted to pass over
the bridges, that the Government were pro
pared with means of preventing it from tak
ing place, and were fully determined to use
them if necessary. Finally, that if the pro
cession was persevereS in, he (Mr. O'Connor)
must take the responsibility of the conse
quences, whatever they might be. Mr. O'
Conner at once consented to do all that tho
Government wished, to abandon the proces
sion altogether, aid he gave -his-hand-to Mr.
Mayne as a pledged that he would do all in
his power to induce the meeting U disperse
On the motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by
Mr. Adams.
Mr. Doyle was appointed president of the
meeting, amidst ' very vociferous cheering.
He said Men of London: This is a sight
such as was never witnessed in this vast me
tropolis before. Friends, I need not ask you
to be peaceful in your conduct this day. ' I
need not ask you to conduct yourselves with
the greatest propriety j for, recollect that on
your good conduct this day, on your peace
ful but first demeanor, depends the success
of one of the most glorious causes ever agita
ted by man. (Cheers.) In that van before
you there lies a petition signed nearly 6;000,
000 of people, proving beyond tho possibility
of successful refutation that we represent the
working men at least. The delegates of the
people will do their duty, but they, will ex
pect you to do yours. (Loud cheers and cries
of "We will.") Mr. O'Connor will first ad
dress you. He will give you not only his
own opinion and advices, but tho opinion of
the gentlemen composing tho National Con
vention. Mr. O'Connor proceeded to address the
meeting, dissuading them from violent and
injudicious conduct. In tho course of his re
marks, he said Well then, we have succeed
ed in holding our meeting to-day ; but I must
tell you that the government has taken pos
session ol all the bridges. 1 have always
b.-en a man of determination, as you know,
and a man of courage too ; but how should I
rest in my bed to-night, if, through any Li
cautious advice or expressions of mine, I made
any of your wives widows. IIjw should I
rest on my bed if I made any of those chil
dren who are dependent upon your exertions
fatherless? If you have any true love for
the cause if you appreciate the trouble, the
anxibty, the loss I have sustained to secure
its promotion, I beg of you to countenance no
violence ihis day. Therefore, my friends
whit the Convention Inve decided upon is,
that wo should not attempt to cross the
bridges, which are guarded by armed forcps.
Tho huge petition which you have prepared,
will bs taken down to the House of Commons
by the executive, and 1 shall be there ready
to present i!, to protest against tho injustice
which has this day been inflicted upon yon
and to make your voice heard throughout the
length and breadih of this land. (Loud
Mr. O'Connor again exhorted th! meeting
not to damage the cause by intemperance
and folly, and before he concluded obtained)
by a show of hands, a promise not to violate
the law.
A petition to tho House of Commons, pray.
ing the rejection of the bill introduced on
Friday night by Sir G.Grny, was unanimous
ly agreed to, and tho meeting was then de
clared dissolved.
The five huge bundles compromising tho
petition and its signatures were then deposi
ted in two cabs, nnd conveyed, in the charge
of the executive committe, to the House of
Commons. Tho cars were dismantled of their
trappings, and removed to a neighboring sta
ble, Thj vast assembly then quietly dis
persed, and in half an hour there were not a
hundred people left on tho Common.
The military, in accordance with" tho well
known tactics of the Duke of Wellington, re
mained invisible thioughout the day, and no
one would have dreamt that within hail al
most of the spot where the Chartist demons
tration took place there lay in ambush a little
army of disciplined troops completely equip
ped aud ready for action.
Till- ChnrlUt PetUloii.
The Chartists have certainly nothing to
complain of in the manner in which their
petition was received on Monday night. The
Marquis of Lansdowne, speaking of it the
Lords, said feelingly and emphatically.
That it had, in the other House of Parlia
ment, received that attention which all pac
tions emanating from the people were enti
tled to have.
In the House of Commons the scene was
most impressive.
Mr. Feargus O'Cotijior, amidst almost
breathless silence said Sir, I rise to present
a petition, signed by 5,760,000 persons; also
another petition, signed by 100,000 persons,
whose names are not appended to this large
muster. The petitions pray for annual par
liaments, universal suffrage, vote by ballot,
equal electoral districts, no property qualifica
and payment of members. I beg, sir, to state
tliat from tho courtesy 1 have received from
the llouso 1 shall say no more than simply
move that the petition be read by the clerk
at the table.
The petition was accordingly read by the
At the conclusien of the reading of the pe
Lord Morpeth rose amid much cheering,
and said Sir, my right honorable friend the
Secretary of State for the Home Department
would have been in his place had he not
been greatlyoccupied by the necessary busi
ness of his department this morning., (Hear,
hear.) I may, however, in his absence state,
that whatever may be his opinion of the sen
timents ooutained in tliat petition, he does
not wjsh that he should be considered by
his absence as wanting in that respect which
a petition so numerously signed was undoub
tedly entitled to. Hear hear ) ,
The petition was then removed from the
floor of the abuse by four of the messengers.
, Tobacco A tripple .momeato won dust
for the nose, ashes for the mouth, and puU
son for the stomach. -
H. B. MASSER, Editor nod Prerleter.
E. W. CABR, Pun building, N. E. Corner of 3d and
Dock Streets. Philnrlelnhia. im riviilnrlv anthnrtml In nmiM
advertisements and nibKriptioua fur this paper, and receipt
. . Far Canml CommlHloaar t :
Of Westmoreland County.
U RAir.--Qn Tuesday last, we were
blessed with a most refreshing rain, which
continued nearly all day and night. The
grain crops had already shown symptoms of
suffering, bnt since the rain, every thing
seems to be invigorated.
It'" The Mait.s. We are glad to see
that the mails from Philadelphia, by way
of Pottsville, "now arrive here at about 10
o'clock in the evening of the same day
The Northumberland and Danville line
do not connect, but run through indepen
dent of each other. The Danville line will
he extended through to Williamsport.
7 The" last foreign news is highly in
teresting. The great C harlint meeting enme
off peaceably, for which reason, it is called
by some papers, a failure The English
papers, in the language of Webster "breathe
deeper and freeer"a pretty strong evidence
of the great and fearful danger that was ap
prehended by that demonstration.
Our readers will find this week, on
me nrsi paje, on aosiraci oi an exciunj: tie-
bate in the IT. S. Senate, arising out of an
attempt to kidnap a number of 'slaves at
Washington and a riotous assemblage in
consequence thereof, in front of the "Xa.
tional Era" oflice, an abolition paper, pub
lishcd at Washington. Mr. Calhoun in the
course of his remarks, assailed Pennsylvania
for a lato act of assembly, in relation to fu
gitive slaves. Gcn'l Cameron, in reply,
vindicated the character of Pennsylvania,
declaring that although Pennsylvania was
opposed to slavery, she would sanction no
violation of the conititution, to bring about
ils abolition.
The President has transmitted to Con-
gress, a rnessaTro in relation to Yucatan.
This unfortunate Province of Mexico, has
declared her Independence, and is treated
by us as a neutral state of the Mexican Re
public. The insurrection of the Indians.
who are waging a war of e xtermination, a-
gainst the whites, or rather mixed popula
tion, must end in their total destruction.
They therefore call on our government to
interpose and save them. The President
says if we had troops to spare, we might
occupy the country, and protect the inhabi
tants from the merciless Indians. The fol
lowing is an abstract from the message :
'I submit for thi consideration of Congress
veral communications, received nt the De
partinent of State, from M. Justo Sierra
Commissioner of Yucatan, and also a comma
mention from the Governor of tho Slate, re.
presenting the condition of extensive Buffer
ing to which their country has been reduced
by tho insurrection of the Indians within its
lits, and asking the aid of the United
Thes9 communications present a case of
human suffering and misery which cannot
fail to excite the sympathy of all civilized
nations. From these and other sources
information, it appears that the Indians of
Yucatan are waging a war of extermination
against the white race. In this civil war they
snare neither age nor sex, but put to death
indiscriminately all who fall in their power,
The inhabitants, panic stricken and destitute
of arms, are flying before their savage pursu
ers towards the Coast, and their expulsion
from their country or their extermination
would seeirt t be inevitable, unless they can
obtain assistance from abroad.
Iu this condition they have, through their
constituted authorities, implored tho aid of
this government to save them from destruc
t ion, offering, in case this should be granted
to transfer the the "dominion and sovereign'
tV of the Peninsula" to the United States
Similar appeals for aid and protection hav
been made to ''the Spanish and English gov
Whilst it is not my purpose to recommend
the adoption of any measure with a view
the acquisition of "domain anil sovereignty
over Yucatan, yet according to our establish
ed policy we could not consent to a transfer
of this "domain and sovereignty," either to
Spain, Great Britain or any other European
power. In the language of President Mun
roe, in his message of December, 1823, "we
should consider any attempt on their part to
extend their system to any portion of this
hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and
safety." In my annual message of December
1843, I declared that nearly a quarter of
century ago, the principle was distinctly an
nounced to the world in the annual message
of one of my predecessors, that the "Ameri
can Continent by the free and independent
condition which they assumed and maintain
are henceforth not to be considered as sub-
jests for the future colonisation by any Eu
ropean power.' " - . i
K7 Louis Philufpe. The rumor that
Louis Philippe had' arrived at New York,
turns out to have been a hoar. The old
gentleman will not leave, "we presume,
without his household, and attendants, who
are, no doubt, comfortably quartered in
The Democratic National Convention
will assemble at Baltimore on the 4th Mon
day of the present month. Its proceedings
will be looked for with more interest proba
bly, than any Convention that has ever as
sembled for a similar purpose. Who the
nominee will be is even beyond conjecture.
Mr. Buchanan, Gen. Cass, Mr. Dallas and
Levi Woodbury are the most prominent in
dividuals now before the people, but such
is the state of affairs, that it is doubtful
whether either of the above candidates can
receive the nomination. Mr. Polk's name
is sometimes mentioned, but we cannot
think that his nomination can be seriously
urged. There will, no doubt, be some
trouble in selecting a proper person, and it
is all important that the nominee should be
one on whom all could unite.
The Whigs will hold their Convention
on the 9th of June, in Philadelphia. -They
will have their own troubles, and the con
test between the conflicting parties will be
severe. Mr. Clay's friends will, no doubt,
insist upon his nomination, but they con
stitute the minority of the Whig party.
He has many friends and admirers who,
nevertheless, think him unavailable. It is
rumored that on attempt will be made to
get Scott and Clay upon one ticket. There
is no doubt, but that Mr. Clay's friends
will throw their influence in favor of Scott,
especially as they have but little love for
Gen. Taylor who, we predict, will yet give
them much trouble.
ffj Tub Pennsylvania Law Journal.
The May number of this excellent pub
lication has come to hand. We have not
had time to read it, but in looking over its
pages, wc find much that is useful and in
teresting to members of the profession. It
is edited by men of ability and learned in
tljo Law, and should be in the hands of eve
ry Lawyer. Published monthly by Ilam
ersley & co., Lancaster, and G. B. Zicber
& co., Philadelphia.
OV We erroneously stated last week,
that Mr. Baily of Jersey Shore, was con
nected with Mr. Kapp, in running the mail
line from Harrisburg to Williamsport. Mr.
John O. Rockefellow, is associated with Mr.
Kapp. Mr. Frank, of Millersburg has the
mail from this place to Millersburg.
S. H. Lloyd &, Judge Schnabel, from
Williamsport to Water Street.
Sheriff & Cummings, from Williamsport
to Danville. To be run 6 times a M eek.
R. S. Bailey, from Williamsport to Lew-
isburg three times a week. Also from
Williamsport to Collumsville.
R. S. Bailey, from Williamsport to Corn
R. S. Baily, from Northumb'd to Wilks-
K7"An accident occurred on the Reading
Railroad, a few days since, by the blowing
up of an English Locomotive, used on the
road, by some of the men superintending
the repairs. Two men were killed, and
several others slightly wounded.
fXF" Death of Senator. Ashley. The
Washington Union announces the death of
Gen. Ashley, Senator of the U. S. Senate
from Arkansas, who died after a short ill
ness of a few days. Arkansas is now with
out a U. S. Senator, Mr. Sevier having re
signed his seat after his appointment as
commissioner to Mexico.
1X7" Inpian Cholagocue. Our readers
will perceive that an agent has been ap
pointed, for the sale of this celebrated reme
dy for the Fever and Ague, in this place.
The medicine can be had, by inquiring Of
the editor.
Washington, April 29th, 1848.
In Senate. A message was received from
the President respecting furnishing aid to Yu
catan, and asking that power be given him
to send our military forces to prevent further
massacre of the white inhabitants of Yucatan
by the Indians.
Mr. Hanuegan moved that tho message bo
referred to the Committee on Foreign Af
fairs. Mr. Calhoun thought the proposition con
tained in the message, was unusual and dan
gerous. He had hoped that the Mexican war
had taught a lesson to the President to abstain
from interference with the affairs of other na
Mr. Foots said according to his understand
ing, the Senator from South Carolina had mis
understood the object of the message. He
was proceeding to explain, but gave way to
motion to adjourn, which was made and car
ried, in consequence of the decease of Mr.
Ashley, Senator from Arkansas.
Hoube or Representatives. Mr. McKay
moved to reconsider the resolution adopted
yesterday, respecting binding by contract.
He made some remarks on the subject
when, it was informally postponed to receive
the message from the President relative to
i Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusets, moved to
refer it to the Committee on Territories, and
on this motion commenced a speech upon
the annexation of new territory, to the midst
of his remarks Intelligence was received of
the decease of Mr. Ashley, and the House ad
journed. tt We publish this week an' acf in re
lation to the Common Schools, which is
important to all concerned. Children un
der 5 years -Te excluded.
E7" The Reading Railroad, now runs two
trains every day. The time, stopping pla
ces, &c., will be seen in the advertisement
in our columns. ' - , - ? r
The following is a copy of the Circular is
sued by (he American Minister in England,
upon the reception of the news of the death
of J. Q. Adams: - ': . .. . ,
"American Ligation, London.
- , : 27th March, 1848. ; J
I have this day received official intelli
gence that John Qvinct Adams, while fulfil
ling his duty amid (he Representatives of the
People of America, was 'suddenly struck by
the hand of death, and expired in the Capi
tol on the 23d of February last. ; -
So full of years that he numbered more of
them than our Republic the companion of
the Fathers of our Constitution having exer
cised the highest legislative functions hi his
native State and in the Councils of the Union
selected for employment abroad by Wash
ington assisting one administration of his
country in renewing what we may hope will
prove an ever-enduring peace, and in contri
buting toward the emancipation of interna
tional Commerce engaged under another in
extending the blessings of American Free
dom to new territories himself for four years
President of the United States he was
Fatriot, firm in his faith m Man's capacity
for self-government, and always loving his
country above all lands of the earth. '
The President, tho Departments, Congress
and the People have paid him funeral honors
I invite the American Consuls and Vice Con.
sul, and all others of my countrymen now
in tho United Kingdom, to join in the usual
manifestation of sympathy with his country,
which has lost a great and venerable citizen,
and with his family which find in his virtues
their best example, and iu his deep religious
trust their consolation. George Bancroft.
A Further Time Asked for the Ratification of
Treaty Mexicans Expecting Further
Modifications American Patrol fired upon
in the City of Mexico Charge of Murder
against Pennsylvanians.
The Court of Inquiry has adjourned to the
United States.
Special Correspondence of the Picayune.
City of Mexico, April 13, 1848.
It is reported on tho authority of the Pro
grcsso, tho ,;Puro" paper, published at Quere
laro, that Pcna y Pena has asked that four
months be now allowed him to obtain a rati
fication of tho treaty. I can learn of no other
authority for the report, and am disposed to
doubt the truth ; for Pena y Pena is desirous
of the ratification of the treaty, his only pros
pect of succeeding is by pressing the subject
upon Congress immediately.
The prospect is still favorable for a speedy
meeting of Congress at Queretaro ; and for
my own part, notwithstanding the contradic
tory rumors and reports on the subject, 1 shall
be disappointed if the treaty is not ratified
within a month or six weeks. In anticipa
tion of favorable action upon the treaty, all
the sick who can bear removal, numbering a
bout one thousand, were yesterday sent to
Jalapa, with an escort commanded bv Lieut.
Col. Preston, of the 4th Kentucky Regiment.
Section 4. That tho directors of the sever
al school districts in this Commonwealth, ex
cepting those in tho city and county of Phila
delphia, shall not be required to admit child
ren into the public schools who are under the
age of fivo years, and that so much of any
law or laws as is inconsistent with the pro
visions of this section, be and tho same is
hereby repealed.
Approved April 11, 1848.
Extract from the "Act to provide for the
ordinary expenses of the government," &c,
approved April 11, 1848.
That the Common School System, from
and after the passage of this act, shall be
deemed, held, and taken to be adopted by
the several school districts in this Common
wealth, and that the school directors of the
respective school districts from which the
undrawn school appropriations were taken,
by tho act of the twenty-ninth of April, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-four, enti
tled "An act to reduce the State debt, and to
incorporate the Pennsylvania canal and rail
road company," shall during the month of
May, of the present year levy and assess a
tax as required by existing laws to enablo
school districts to receive their portion of the
State appropriation, and each of said school
districts in which a tax shall be so levied and
assessed as aforesaid, shall thereupon receive
its portion of the aforesaid appropriation of
two hundred thousand dollars, and shall be
entitled to a deduction of twenty-five per
cent, of all moneys paid into the county trea
sury by such district, for State purposes du
ring the next ensuing school years, which
money so deduced, shall be paid to the trea
surer of the board of school directors of such
school district, aud shall be exclusively ap
propriated to the erection of school houses in
such school districts.
From the RU Grande.
Gen. Wool has ordered all the dogs in the
city of Monterey to be killed. There will be
many a tear shed among the black-eyed sen
oritas at tho destruction of their pets. This
pronounciamento against the canine legions
by the commanding oflicer may well be cal
led a general mnssacre.
The Gazette learns from its agent in Saltil
lo, who bad just . arrived from Parras, that
three Virginia volunteers had been murJered
there a short time previous. The perpetra
tors had been arrested.
TiMBEa Minino in New Jirsby. On the
north side of Maurice Creek, New Jersey,
the meadows and cedar swamps, as far up as
the fast land, are filled with buried cedars to
an unknown depth. In 1814 or 1813, an at
tempt wa made to sink a well curb near
Dennis Creek Landing, but after encounter
ing much difficulty in cutting through a num
ber of logs, the workmen were at last com
pelled to give up the attempt, by finding, at
the depth of twenty feet, a compact mass
of cedar Jogs. It is a constant business sear
Dermis Creek to "mine cedar shingles." .,
- .; -. . , , , ...
m who rwM upon yo in pros
perity wiltsurely trample upon you in adver
sity. . -.. . ;(i
Par Ik pmbllemMaa M tht SUNBl'RT AMERICAN
Greatly Enlarged and otherviu improved.
The subscriber havimr assumed the Dub-
lication and entire; control of the Sunbury
American, will commence the publication
of the same, on Saturday the 1st of April,
oo,in an enlarged lorm ana with entirely
new type. He designs to make the Ame
rican a valuable, as well as a handsome
Tlu7 new,?PP,- worthy of the patronage
cf the pubhe. . It will oe published every
Saturday on good white paper,, at $2 per
annum. r r "
We make the following offers
To any parson who will send us five
subscribers and f 10 In advance, we will
furnish a copy of the American one year
and also a copy of either of the followine
excellent publications:
tpeel'a Illiutrnted edition of D'Aubime'i Hintorr of Ika
pennim1!" Uonk " "' PWhaJ weak at
p?at!ramU,,y ( ma PuWi1' monthly t J
peSm" ,he Vtrplt' (on yMr P"b,i,iui "air
a, W p m,h C'n,Urr' (0"e
Any person sending usjive responsibie
subscribers, will be entitled to a copy of
the American one year.
Cr, any person sending us fen suhscriWa.
with $10 on account, shall be entitled to a
copy of the American for one year, and
also a copy of either of the above works
lor the same time. -. .
Editor and Proprietor.
April 1,1818.
John W. Friling,
jJB ESPECTFULLY informt bis friend sod
Btcuitomcia. that ha baa juat received and
np in (I s splenciid asioitmcnt of GOODS, colitis
I mi of
Croceria, Hardware, Queensware, Src.
The public are invited to call and examine for
Sunbury, May 6, 1818 If
THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that ba
hat purchased the following articlea. at Con
itablea aalu, on the 17th and S4th of April last,
old as the property of Adam Wolfgang an
which he has loaned to the said Adam, until h
sees proper to remove the same vir :
1 white spotted Cow.
1 lirindle Cow.
1 Heifer. "
1 Mare.
1 sett nf Harness
i otice.
31 HE subscirber gives notice that he has pur
A chased the following articles, at Constables
sale, on the 17th and 2-tih of April last, sold ss
the properly of Adam Wolfgang and which h
has loai.ed to the said Adam, until he sees prop
er lo remove the ssme vis :
1 Shnat 32,30
t do
1 do 3,3s
3 Pigs i sa
3 do ,02
1 Calf, lame 1,60
1 d 2,05
1 do 8,80
1 Waggon 14,30
4 acres Rye, more or less 473
10 do do do JO, 25
8 seres Wheat, more or less 10.50
3 ilo Rye. do 3,00
1 Wheelbarrow 40
1 Plough a- '
$ 87 90
May 6, 1848 3t. ,
Good intent Fire Company.
rn motion, it was resolved Ibat the Secretary
be directed to give notice in the "Sunbary
American." that al! persons whose names art on
the roll of the Good Intent Fire Company, and
who have not attended any atated meeting of
said Company during the six months previoos.
to this date, will be expelled at next atated
meeting, unless good causa to the contrary is
shown, and their fines placed in the hands eft
Justice nf the Peace lor collection.
Extracted from the minutes of May 1st 1818;
Sunbury, May 6, 1818
IMilla., Heading, and Pottsrllle
KallKoad. -
CHANGE of Hours, and two Trains Dail y
each way, except Sundays.
On and after Monday, May lat, 1848, two
trains will run each way, daily, between Pbila.
and Pottsville.
Leaves Philadelphia at 71 A. M daily txeept
Passes Reading at 10 43 A. M.
Leaves Pottsville st 7J A. M. daily sicept
Sundays. Pauses Readibg at 0 10 A. M.
The above Line atopa at all way stalieas on
the road as formerly.
Up Train,
Down Train.
Leaves Philadelphia at
2 P M , daily except
Leavea Pottsville at 3
r. h , daily except
Leaves Phaenixville 3 45
Leaves Sch. Haven, 3 37
" Poltstown, 4,151
" Reading. 5,00
" ron Clinton, 3 00
" Reading, 3.30
" Poltstown, 430
" Pbdaiiville.SOO
Arrives at Stats
" Port Clinton, 3,43
" Sch. Haven, 6.101
Arrivea at Potts
ville, 6 20
Road, 8,30
The afternoon train will atoponly at the above
named stations. Passengers for other points
must therefore take the Morning Lin
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vine Streets. No Passengers can enter the Cars
unless provided wiih Tickets.
NOTI' E. Fifty pounds of baggage will ba
allowed to each passenger in these lines and
passengers are expressly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the risk of its owner; Na
freight will be taken by tbeae lines.
Uy order of Board uf Managers.
S. BRADFORD, Secretary'
May 0, 1848. tf .
''TYRANTS as well as Monopolies, mast fall,
- so must price. That this is a fact csa be
proved by calling at
No. 78 Nonh 2d street, above Arch,
K.B IILR4T, , .
U'ktetml asset Met mil.
The stock consists in part of Gold and Silver'
Levers I'Epines and Qutrtier Watches t Jewel
ry of the neweat and raoel fashionable patterns.
SIL VEK SPOONS, . Psrtienlat atteatiea
paid t those articles, Iks etsadfy slavW it
No. 1, and workmanship ttUio. The establish.
ment f LE HURAY has been well known F6)t
has made character which needs Mining.
Silver TEASPOONS as low as 84,80 per sett
can he made for leas if wished.
VVATCA GLASSES-Plain, 10 els. Patent,
13 Lunette. 90 els j other articles ia prone.
tion. - . . n . - - .;
Uemtmheri yea cat key aero below any
lUhod list of prices ia this City of Nam York. . ,
; Watch Repairing particalarly attsaeM to, aad
warranted U give saUsntettoav r f , , m
N. B.-Ud Geld ana Stiver ooogkt for cask or '
taken in exchange at (don't forgot the No. 73)
North Second Street, above Arch, PhikUelpbia.
Sept. 85, 187 ly . May 8, 1848.- .