Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1848, Image 4

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ifarmrre Bepirlmrnt.
Wrilttn for the Gtrmantom Tllcgraph
Ctt WOR.M.
"To ths remark that "cut wotu'1 may be
destroyed by continued tillage and an open
soil.'tVfe'Wssy- that the cut worm would net
be found in torn were it not planted in award
or od land. "They are the pnxreny of a pe
cies of OMllfer othor insect which could nev
er propagate) ' without the benefit of dunp,
which is foun8 in gtws fields that have been
fed by horses or cattie, and in this they un
close thoir egg or eggs, and sink them a given
distance below the surface; hence nn au
ttftnnsi or winter plowing of such lands, des
troys them by exposure to the rains and frosts
of that inclement season a doctrine which
at last has mot with the concurrence of every
practical man among us."
The beetle which produces this destruc
tive insect, deposits its eggs in compost heaps
and animal excrement wherever it is found,
'and when these substances are conveyed to
the field of the farmer, and spread broadcast,
or deposited in the 'hills,' or furrows, no mat
ter whether on sward land or those which
have been under cultivation for a scries of
years, the progeny is developed as effectually
and surely, as when the eggs are deposited
fn excrement dropped in the fields. The
worm which proves so destructive to the cab
bage, is identic with the brown 'cut' or 'corn
worm,' and to suppose its ravages are confin
ed txchtsively to crops on 'sward or sod lands,'
is to controvert the whole tenor of practical
experience. Various causes contribute, no
doubt, to render its attacks more frequent and
fatal on such soils, but it is nevertheless a fact
well understood by most 'practical men,' I
presume, that corn an old lands, is frequently
injured by these insidious and trsublesomo
depredators, to on nlarming extent.
March 2S, 1848.
' hal mere Root thi Year.
We are sorry to record the fact, that the
farmers of Maine do not raise so many roots
of late as they used to say ten years ago.
We will excuse them as it regards the pota
to, because they are not able to counteract
the insidious rot that cuts of that particular
crop, But they ought to pay more attention
to the other varieties. Ten years ago, when
the potato could be raised successfully, and
was raised easily and abundantly, thrice as
Wiany flat turnip, ruta baga, carrots, and
sugar beets, were raised as are now. We
can not account for tho almost total disuse of
the ruta baga among us. It cerlainly is valu
able root can be raised as easily as ever is
as grateful to cattle and sheep as it ever was,
and since the failure of ths potato crop, is
much more needed. Why should it not be
as much cultivated as formerly 1 The ruta
baga and flat turnip can be raised cheaper
than any other root, tho potato excepted.
The carrot, however, so more valuable, be
cause more nutritive it is more expensive
to raise, but is nevertheless a very profitable
crop, and should bo cultivated on every farm.
Nothing mixes in so well with poor hay, or
hay of inferior quality, as a good supply of
roots, fot cattle and sheep ; and nothing pre
pares animals so well in the spring for the
transition from hay to grass, as a good supply
of roots. We hope lhat during the coming
season there will be a general return to this
kind of culture, and that an abundant harvest
will make the farmer's hearts and their cat
tle's stomachs glad. Maine Farmer.
Something Appropriate. The following
sketch of a '-Used up politician" is not inap
propriate, at this time. It is from the pen of
the late Joseph C. Neal :
Peter Brush was in a dilapidated condition
out at elbows, out at knees, out at pockets,
and out of shirts, and out in the street an
"out and outer" in every respect. Ho sat
upon the curb-stone, leaning his head upon
his hand, his elbow being placed upon a stepping-stone.
Mr. Brush had for some time
been silent, absorbed in depp thought, which
he relieved at intervals by spitting through
his teeth, forlornly into the gu Iter. At length,
heaving a deep sigh, he spoke :
"They used to tell me put not your trust
in princes and t haVnt. None of 'em ever
wanted to borrow nothing of me, and I never
sea any of them to borrow nothing of theiri.
Princes ! pooh ! put not your trust in politi
cioners! Them's my sentiments. There's
no two mediums about that. Have'nt I been
erring my country this five years, like a pa
triot ; going to meetings and huzzaing my
daylights out, and getting as blue as blazes i
have'nt I blocked windows, got licked fifty
times, carried I dou't know how many black
eye, and broken noses for the good of the
commonwealth and the purity of legal rights,
and all for what I Why, for 'nix. If any
good ha come out of it, the country has put
the whole of it in her pocket, aud swindled
me out of my earnings. I can get no office.
Republics is ungrateful ! I didn't want no
reward for my services. I only want to be
took good care of, and have nothing to do.
Being took care of wa the main thing. Re
public is ungrateful, I'am wagged if they
tint I I loved my country, and I wanted an
oflioe I didn't care what, so it wa fat and
easy. I wanted to lake care of my country,
and I want my oouutry to take care of me.
Hd Work is the trade I'am fortalk ins.
that' my line. Talking in the oyster Cellars
in the bar rooms, any where. I can taik all
day, only stopping for meals and to wet my
whistle. But partie is all alike. I'Te been
on all aide tried 'em and I know none of
'era gate me anything, and I've a great mind
to knock off and call it half a day,"
Tu cat is a democrat in New Orleans, with
whom the tv-third rult is such a favorite
measure, that whenever himself and wife
have three egg for breakfast, he invariably
chooses two of them.
v The Shandoa clock, in Limerick, jnst com'
pletedj is (he largest in the world. . It i
wetttd up on the principle of the capstan of
'fcipr sod it striking can be heard within
pf & miles,-. ... . .. , .
'flulwer said of her husband, that he
o trjtb himself, and had no rival
IT hs powr In suit all sstisbat. 80KES,
POISONOUS WOUNDS to discbirgi their pa
1 1 hi matters, snd then heals them.
It i richly termed All-healing, for there hi Bare
ly dise. external or Intertill, that it will not
benefit. I hive used It fur the let fourteen years
for all dirssnes of the sheet. eonsamitioii snd llvsr,
Involving the ntmoet dinger end reKK.ibilll,
end I declare before hreven Slid men. that not in
one tingle c.iM ties It failed in benefit when the pa
tient wan wi'hin the reach of motlel meant.
I have had physician, rrn d in the prnfeMtan.
I have had minuter uf ilie go-pel, judge of Hit
bench, aldermen, lawyer, gentlemen ol llie high
tat erudition, and multitudes nf the poor ue it in
every variety or way, snd ihrre haa been but one
voire one universal voice saying I "M'.AIIister,
your Ointment i GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Smes, Erysepelna. Teller Li
ver Complaint, Pore Eyes, Quinsy, 8ore Thrnat,
Bronchitis Broken or Bore limit, Piles, all Olte.i
Disc, men a Asbrtm. Oppression, fain
Alan, Sere Lips, Chapped Hams, Tumors, Cbil
drin'a Cutaneous Eruption, Neivnu Disease,
and of the Spins, there ia no medicine now known
at good.
SCALD HEAD. We hive eurrd eaaee that
actually defied every thing known, well the
ability of IS or 20 doctor. Ore man told ua he
had epenl (300 on hia childten without any bene
fit, when a few boiri of Ointment cur. d them.
BALDNESS It will ictture the hair aoonct
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The aalve haa cured peiaon
nf the headache of 12 yeir.' standing, ami who
hul it tegular f very week, o that vomiting nften
tonk p'neo. Df.avjsh, En Acaa. and Aovs in
mi Face, are curt J by thia Ointment with like
BURNS. It ia one nf the beat thing in the
world for Uurua. (Held the direction amund the
RHEUMATISM. Il remove almost Immedi
ately the infl imatinn and smiling when ihe pun
cei-e.. (Read the Directions erountl Ihe Box.)
COLD FEE P. Cmisunipuun, l.ivf dim
plaint, Pain in the chut nr side, fulling off nf the
hair, one or the other alw-iy accompaniee ml 1
fert. (Thia Ointment ia the iiu- n me.iy.) It in
turn rim nf disease In have cold fee-.
TET TEH. There ia nohtng better fir tin
cure nf Teller.
PILES. Thousands aie yrarly cured by this
CORNS. Occasion il use, nf the Ointment will
alway keep Co lt from growing. People neeil
never be troubled with ihem il II. ev ni l u-e i ,
Head the full-Ming Communication.
Riceived ftom an o'd. rexpec rd unJ w. II known
citizen of Pbiladalphta. and then judge for your-
Philadelphia. 10 mo., l.lih, 1846.
To T. B. Peterson, Having b.en r.que-ioil
tn cie my opinion on the merit nf M'Al.l.lS
TER'S SALVE, I am w illing in enumerate to i.e
of the bi m fin which I huve experienced in (lit- uae
of tho article.
In Ihe ipring of 184. I, I had nn attack nf Ery-.
sipelai in my fjee which became very painful, and
rxtcndrdint.i one nf my rye', leing altemled nith
fevrr, my distress wn great and 1 began to be fear
ful of Inning my eye.
Although not mttrh nf a believer in what i
t'Oinmonly call, d quack mi'iliiinca. I piirrhaneil a
h.ix and minis an npjilienli iii t my f.ue. Tn 'my
auipiise the p:iin mn nh te1. mid in a we. k time
I was rut rely cured, ami I firmlv b In ve Hint n
hi ihe ailvi, uniler Pri'Videnie ihui cu e.l mi'.
From that time In the pnamt. I have iinl th
nilicle na occamon ri quiri-d. ml i- evi ry nae wheie
I have u c.l it, I hivu fnuinl a ili'ci le.l d. ncfit
At ni.e lime, on gning i bd at nighi, my ihroni I allowed with ihllii'iiny. bnl
by an application of tho talve I waa ulievcJ lefo e
t hnve usnd it In rate nf buma, I riiiw epr.iina.
and fli-th ruts s'l with tho bnpiie-t rffect.'.
one case of poinoning by a vtihl vine in the. wo nl.
h ia bren dried up and i-nte.l by a fi w a plic iiinni.
From my own epein-ni-i I would at onu'ly ie
coinn.end it to all, a cheap, convenient, family
I hive become an partial In it, thit I expect t.i
keep it ennftantly in my family.
1 hough not amt ilioiie 10 apt ear in print, yet I
cannot n fufe In have thia commm ii a inn mailt
public if jui'ged beet to aerve the c u.e of humani
ly. Henpect fully 'hin,
No. 26. Old York U. id.
CAUTION. N.i Ointment will he genuine
uidi ea Ihe nam. a of Jamra M'A lii er. or .l..mi
M'AHiater & Co., are wnlien with a pen n eve
ry label. JAMES M'AI.LIsl EU.
Rule prnprii of tli . e in- dieine
Aoexts: J. W. FRIMNfi. Siini.ii-y,
Dr WM.M rtlOKI.Ey, Danvil c.
J. 3. t:ltOUSE. Set nl!inve.
P. C. Kill-LI EH. L.wil,urg.
WM. F. NAtil.K. ViUon.
Feb. 19ih, I84S. eowlv
TABLE COMPOUND, tie cine .
Ac. Thia Medicine in offered lo ihe public under
Ihe a.auraiu-e lhat there ia no article in exi.tetue
having atroneer rlaima to Ibeir eon-ideintion. Be
in J c. impounded by a tegular Graduate nf Ji tier
aon College, Philailelph a, and a practising phyai
cian nf twenty yeara' alandii g in Phil.idolphm. hia
long experience lta ennflrmed him in the opinion
Ihil a comounil medicine was required to prevent
and remedy Ihe d bilitalion pr dured by milling
in low, miairnatic clitn ili-a, ami In counter ic t Die
pro trating influenc e nf nunv nerv.nn di.oider
with which Ihe human ftmily are afflirle.l.
DR. ALLEN ii well known hi vict in, and
baa uaed tho ibeve medicine in hi practice foi 8
yean with the moat a-lnnithmg elteci, having tes
ted iu qualiiie in above
Nomciliiine ever iei ivrd more 11 mering re
cr.mmendali.ina from 1'hy.ici.n.J nf i-niini ul .lai d
ing than has bren on thia,
ITS tO.8EQUECES.A e.i i p,. f, .
lor aiyst "Il clueflv a'iai-a in pnenne h . In il
either a very sedentary r itn gulur life. A, thumb
not regarded aa a fUl dise-ai y,t u i.eglici. d ..i
imprnpeily Ireared, nia bring nn i. cur b e M .
lancholy. Jaundice, Mu.lne, nr Veit'gi, Paly
and Apoplexy. A gr it unsuUii'y ait'iulant n
it ia, that it may and ofum ilo a c nlirnie a itieai
length of lime wilhnut any ul thu aymp.
CAUSE. Grief and um a-ineaa nf m:nd, in
tene MUily, profue evacua'iona, eicea- in vei erv,
exceaaive uae nf spiriiuoUn Jiquora, tn, tohaeco.
piutn. and other nnrcotita, im innb r in irplelinn.
over diatSnlion of the ttomnh, a deficiency nf ihi
arcrelion of the t ile nr gia'nc ju;ce. rxiMwiue .
i old sod djtn air, lie lh chief cause of I'm do.
SYMPTOMS. Lnaa of apiielilc, nauas i. Aaari.
bum, sci Uty, and festid eructjiions, gnawing m
the atomach when empty, u.ieanni .a in die thro l
pai i in the aide, cnalivrni e, chillnna, I nyum.
lowni-aa i.i spirits,, and duuibe1
TABLE COUPOVM) his nev. i faib-d in all .r
ibiig immediate lelicf, and a cu for ihi.
djT Thia Medicine can he hd of II. B Mia er
Sunt.urv ( J. C. Milin. I'. tlvlle, Med .ir A
Uickel, Orwigaburg ; ano nf Drug'U g. ner II).
ALLEN St W A IIU, I ropi iclora.
Philadelphia, Nov. 97. 1847. rq ty
J, ST Oa DSD a
A GENTS to canvass for some Nkw and Porn
' a Woaxa, is every County ihroiiKbom
tb United Stales. To Agnia. the mn. liberal
er.courairment ia nflerdu'iik. . ..n ...;,ui
f from S23 to SI00 i rklm. i. .. i
by an At nl ran make from 1 10 to 31 per Week
tr c., r...ik.. ...ii.... . .
,Mnuci iviiii u.pip, aiiiireaa uoai
AuWA Second St. 4
rhilasslpkis, April 1, 1649 .
Ths Mlowlrn IN ahowi ihe current value of all
Vnnivlvania Bank N.Hei. Tbs moat lmrtr-
lienee may Hs placed upon U, se It I" every e
refully cnmparSd with eorrsetsj from BU
nill'i Reporter.
- nnnks la Philadelphia.
, t Due. tn
Nans. LeeATio. pmM.
Bank of Noith Ameia . ' P'
Bank nf the Northern I.ilrlie , psr
fjommereial Itank nf Penn'a. . . . . pi'
Farmrra' and Mechanics' Dank . P'
Kenwmrtnn Rank Pflr
Philadelphia Dnnk . . P'
Sehuvlkill Hank . . , . par
SniiihwarV Hank . Pr
Western Hank . P
Mechaiiipa' llank . par
vtarnifartiirpra Ar Mechanlca par
rtank of Penn Tnwnahlp . par
fJirard Rank . par
Rink of 4'ommerce, lale Moyameneing par
Dank of I,ennvlvania . . pir
Country nstnltn.
Bank of Theater County Weatchcater par
Hank nf Delaware County Cheater pir
Rank of Germantown Oermanlown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrriitnwn par
Doylealnwn Bank Dnyleatown par
Eaaton Rank Eaalon par
Farmer' Rank of Buck a ro. Britol par
Brink nf Northumheilnnd Nnrthumherland par
Columbia Bank cV ttridge cn.('nlumhia par
Fnrmera' Bnttk of I.ancaater Lane t ei par
Lancaster County B.itik
Lanrnatrr Rnnk
Fnrmera' Bank nf Reading
flftiee nf Rank of Penn'a.
OfTire do do
Office do do
Office do do
l.ancaiter par
Lanrater pn
Routing par
Harriaburg" These
Lancaster I offices
He nling j do not
Eaatnn Jiaauen.
Rnnk nf lite United States
Minera' Hank of Potlaville
Philad.lphii 17
Potuville par
Lewi'town failed
Hank nf I ewielnwn
llnnk of Midillotown
Carlisle Bank
Gxi-linnge Raik
Do l branch of
llairiohmg Bank
Lrbaniin llnnk1
Merchant' & Manuf. Bank
Rank nf Pitlaburg
Weal Ilianeh II .nk
Wyoming Dank
.Virlhniiiplnn Bank
Deikr ("oinitv Hunk
Office f Baiik of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Pitta'mig 1
Wiiliamxport I J
Wilkeabarrs Ii
Alloninwn no a ile
Reading fade I
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Rruhlnn do
llnnk of ('liatiiliemburg
llnf k of fii'ttyaburg
Dunk of Sii-quehanna IO.
Kne It ink
Fiirmi r-' A Drovera' Bunk
Kianklin Bank
Hoiieril.ile ll.nk
Monnngnhrla Bank of B.
Vnik Hank
Chambered iirg
N. II. 'I he notes nf those banks on which we
mit quntniiona, and eulwtitutc daah ( ) are not
pun-hancd by the Philadelphia broker, with ths
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Pbihnlehihia Snv. Iris.
i'liiliiilelphi-t Loin Co.
"rhuv Ik ill Stiv. Iu.
KeniiiKiini Snv. Inn. A
Poiin 'l'onsl.ii Snv. Ina.
Manual Labor HntiK ( P. W
Pi'Wiindti Ittitik
Allrshnny Bank nf Pa.
II. ink of Beaver
H.itik of Swatnra
Bank nl Wnhiiigton
(''litre Rnnk
Uily llnnk
Fanner-' eV Meih'ea' Bank
Farmem' cV Meeh'r' Bank
Fiinneri.' cV Mreh'ea' Bunk
HHiinony Inaiiluto
lliiiiiing.lnr. Bnttk
.Itininla l)-ink
Luiiibrriiieii'a Bank
Northern Bank of I'a.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norihunil.'d Unbm Col. Bk.
North Weslern Bank of Pa.
Office nf Schuylkill Bank
I'a. A nr. &. M jnuf. Bank
Silver L.ike Bank
Unmn Bank uf I'cnn'a.
eaiinoielaml Bank
Dyolt, prop.)
I owning
no sale
Fayette cu.
no fle
110 rtllf
Hunting. Ion no sate
Lemi'totvn noa.ile
New Hope
no sale
no sale
Port ('arbon
Wtlkesbaire Bridge Co. Wilki-eharre nonsle
Qj All note puipoiiing to lie on any Pennyl
.anin ll n. k not given in the above list, may be sot
lawn at. frauds.
sew jcusi;v.
llnnk of New Biunswick
Perth Amboy
Bridget on
llelvideie Bunk
It u r I j 1 1 i inn I 'o. Bank
Jomu.i rcial Bank
?nimi rs Bnnk
Mount Holly
femurs' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav
fnnner' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunawick failed
Knrnier and Men bantu Bk Middlctown I'l. )
rratiKtin tinnx o: i. j. jersey Uity
no aale
no aale
HolNiKen ItKgAc inaxing Uo Hob .kon
lereey City Bunk Jerat-y Cilv
Mecliauita' Bank Patleraon
Mauufariurira' Belleville
Mnrria County Bank Mornstown
Monmuuth Bk of N.J. Freehold
Mti'liDiiuV Bank Newark
Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jeraey City
Poi-t Notes
Ni-wnk Bkg Sl Ins Co Newark
New Hope Dei Bridge Co LamberUville
N. J. Maiiulac. and Bkg l"o lloboken
N J I'lo't cion Sl Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Orange
Patvrwin Bank i'ateraon
People' Hank do
I'liiiieion Bunk Princeton
Sulrm Banking Co Salem
Stair Bnnk Newark
state B uik , Eliulwihlown
Stale Bank Camden
State Bank of Morria Morrialown
Sile Bunk Trenton
'idem and Philad Mnnuf Co Salem
Suacex Hank Newton
Prcninii Hanking Co Tieulon
I 'in. at Bank Dover
vVaiiingtmi Banking ('o. Ilai-kcnsnck
Ilk uf Y tlm & Brandy wuiis W luningUin
Bank of DeWwarr VVilniu.glon
liauk of hmyrna Soiyina
iJo branch Mdloid
Kauner' Bk of Stale nf Del Dov.-i
Do brHiicb VVilminaton
lo bianch Ueoigetown
pa i
ua nraticn KwmuiU
I'niori Bank
QJ- Under S's
OJ- on all banks maikrd thus () ihere are ei.
-ner eounieileii or altered not.
.oniinatioi.a, in eircitlaiioti.
of ih
t vjrrfHis d
Peace with Mexico !
QD- !Cy u CP 3X1,
n F 'II MS ihe puhl e ihat in order to bung a.
houi a p-aee with Mexico, he
Kind of KifiV. Double and Single Barrelled Shot
iun. snd Uoubl B.rrelled Rrvolving Ritle, at
i. maiiufaeloiy at II. Ilowin Run. Lower Au
juib lownahip, Northuml eil.nd county, ell ,f
which bs will warrant for us month. Thus
'ho Hint a fiist ile articl is hi line, can be sc
ntinmoilaird si lb .horte.i notice snd on the most
la.inhts term. Lover nl Siorl,sivs biuitcall.
Lowsr Augusta. Jan. 8. 1S48 flin.
No. 40.
Soitb Foi'stii Stssst. AsnvsCnssTMVT.
Walchen, Jcwcllrjr and Mil-
Tr Ware
Giutrantetd teller fir Ms "-ret than f n other
Store in Pkiladefphio. may bo hui,
Wkotenlt and Ptto't, e
(LatffJ mCHOEiA UHCaAT'l)
Na. 1 Nonh 8l street, itbove Arch,
WATCHES, iH kind. Mr, tow sua medium
qualliie, among which Irr,
Gold Lewrs. full jMsU'd, aul00
Irfplnea, ! td 40
Silver Uvers, do M to W
Lepb aa, da It ta IS
Qiiartlera. fine, 9 t 10
CjuartieM, Imitation, B
Jitwattnv. Dlimond. Gold Chain. Gold
Pen wl'h Gold and 8iWer hnMera, Pencils Breast
Pina. Fintfet and Eat 11ms. Bracelet. C.i.nrna
of ihell, coral and lava, with every other article of
Ji wetliy of the richest and most fashionable pal
8itvmi Vmt Pla ea, Foikt, 8poom, Cupa,
eke., of Stand nd Silver.
I'LiTrn Wn Carlnrs, CakoBivkela. Fan.
Vaat-a. Card Cases, und other Rich Fancy Goods
in great variety.
Wholesale Buyera will save money by falling
here bi f .re purchaaing.
try Keen ihis idvtrti-rment, and call at No. 72
You will be satisfied the Ooodi are really che .M r
and brtier than are offered in the city. For aale.
low. a handeomn p air of Show Caere, suitable for
a Jewellry or Fancy atore. Apply above.
Sept 85th 1847 ly
No. 80 Market Street, five doors below
Third. South nidc.
Importers & wfiolcsale Dealers In
tir A'PCHES. Waich (ila ae and Material
y V Jeoelrv of all tle-ci i ti in, qu.lnie. and
a'ylei, comuiing ill Ihe ulicles connate
with the Trade,
CI. rka.
I). i -on d; Pnn'a Brinnnii, German Silver and Sil
ver.PUletl Wnrei.
Shellii'ld ami Dirminghim Plated Fanrv Article,
It .duo. a cV. Son's and W..t-nholm'n Cutlery, Ha.
lor. He aaore. Era-, lek Knnca. &c.
Ivorv H .nd rdTabU Cudery, of ihe fin. at, medium
and coinm m qualities.
A la-Be nanonmeiii nf Gold Pens.
IVrtfoc! Sneciaeb.
Papier M icl.e and J .pinned Tray, various shape,
and on dittea. nl re.tu.-rd rate
G. l.l Wi cli Cna , Dial, mid Silver. Ware, of all
iteFcmiiioii, inannfaciiiieil to order.
DICKSON Si CO., havtnr. ncenlly removeil
tiio Ihe I irgc and etitnmndiotis w ireho-iae fiirmerly
occupied by Mesn. R. Annviiar Ax Som., urn
uioro rectillv bv AtintJiiT J- ItaMiKo roin. big
leave to inform Watch Dealer., C untrv M. n hams
ai.d others, lhat they dergn having at all time
large a -son men t ofG.-nda, nf tin ir own import
thoi, which they in determined to ell it the lowest
r tie.
Eveiy ationlion will lie piid to the Packing
of (, and in ihe execution o( Old-r. the qu ili-
tie and pticea will be fully guiranlie.l against all
Philadelphia, June 19th, IR47. ly
rTT CO 7 OS 132. gg3
rh'st rreiiiitim Writing Ink
io. K7 North Third Street,
WjlROM D'. Hare, the celebrated Pmfersnr n
Chemiatry in the Umvenilv ol IVnn a.
"Philad Ifhia. Oct. 11,1843.
"Dear Sir Having nied tour Ink. I will thank
you to send me another bottle, I find il to he
xci llerit. I am yours, Imly.
1'iibt lUai.
From Dr. Locke, nf Cincinnati, distil gunhcil
f -t his numeroita seicntifie reseniche.
.Medicnl College of Ohio, t'ii cinnati,
.Iniinny 17, I 44.
Having useil Mr. llov.rn Writing Ink, I am
-nti.fie I lhat il i the whiih ha. rver route In
m know ledue. nnil est eeiallv il inexe-llcnt for Ihe
uae nf Steel Pen, and will not currode ibeni, even
in long use.
Jiina Local. Prof, nf Chrmislrv.
From well known scientific gentleman.
-Philad. h hi-i, Feb. S7. 1846.
Mi. Jiueph E. Hover Sirs A uae of your Ce.
m. nl, and practical tall of it euperi uity
haa induced me to reco nii.end it to olber a an
inv doable article for mending China. Glaw, or
Oabincl Ware. CAMriiLi Morvit,
AnaUtie Chemist "
For rale at the Manufactory, Wholesale ind Re-
ail. No. 67 Noiith Tman Sthxit, opposite
I'lierry street, I'nilaueiphia. by
Mav 32, 147 j30 y Manufacturer
six i:ns ACio
TII'lE rhildrnt began lo cy for Shennan'i
JL xenge.. The noise wa not a.) loud u
, Lo
time, but rt ha kept increaing ever .iuce. and now
haa Income an great thai Ihe months of the linle
one ran scirce he Hopped. Dr. Sherman symna
thtsea with the little auflVrer. and virv much ra
ere that any nf them ahnnld he disappointed
Knowing ihn vaal benefit which haa been confer
red upon the community by Ihe introduction of
bis infall hie
worm: lozenoss,
he haa entered into arrangement for en ergng hia
Mauiif .ciory, by mnana f which I e think, he will
be able to eopply the demand. And ihe -a me pain
and care will be taken, lhat these celebrated Lo.
lenge be made is they hive ilways been, in or.
der lhat those who depend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he
commenced the manufacture nf ths Warm Luxen
get. that lh-y would (iipersede ihe uae of t-verv
other vermifuge, a. ihe Lozenge ii very plrainnt
to ihe t;tpcedif in it fleet, a well certain.
a id ihe qu uiniv leqnired m fleet a perfect cure.
verv in ill. Three proprrlie in connexion wi ll
the f ct ihil ihry aie sold fir 211 ei nl per box. ihua
pi ring them in Ihs reach nf the poors.! man in
the land, haa not only rauaed them lo tl v Ihe
place nf everv other vermifuse ever olT red, bui al
.o rendered them popular lo Ihe community.
Or. Ktier,niM'a
i-niitinu lo cure Coug'i. G l.'.ni.iimpl on,
stlinis, abiinneaiiiid dilficully nl Breiihins. in. I
..Iher .liaci ei of the Lung, with the si me'ilv
they did on thiir fuel inirodiicii.iii, and the liton!
have now beceane perauaded bv ictnal sip' lierice, on the acrei-ion of -I ghr eol.l, they bav
on'y lo itep lo i ither Ihe DiV . flics, or one of the
Anenii, and nbta n s Ikx of his Cough L S" se
wh ch ars very convenient lo carry in It e laickei
and to lake a few Ihrouah lh - d y. By piirauing
.his rourae a curs i. often effected in 24 hours, and
he paltenl about hia Injsin . Ho greai . Ihe ce
lebrity of Ihe Li li ngo, thai thnusanda nf p. raon
uho bav uaed them, and recoine acquainted with
ibeir iff. cu, will never le without ihi m.
iooh vza.hb plaitkb
haa cuej mot case of Rhea mil igm, P. i in ihe
Back, Bide snd Chest, Lumlsgn snd WiakiiM.
ihan any application thai haa evei he mads. A
Ihe celebrity of ihe Plaster hat Increased, hundred
ol uriptincipled ri'Cila have sitemiilcd lo counter
fi il it, snd palm il (T up n the coinanunitv s Ihe
genuine, ijj Bewa.s iifDi eeption. 3) Rrmeril
her lhatth true snd genuine I'lasler ia apread up
on red.lish paper made eiprea-ly for the puipo.
and In every ears Ihs cignalor nf Dr. Hhoiman l
p int d upon the back of the Pl a'er.and Ih whole
eecund by Copy Right. None other r g-nuine.
ThsiSfors wl sn JOii want s real (and Khcrmni'a
Poor Man's Plaster, call at lbs olJire, 106 Naatu
street, and you wi I not ha disappointed.
Remember h iuimhr, 106 Na ssa i wh
all Dr. Sherman' Loienge ax sold. Hi Agent
r Mrs. Hays, 13 Fulton at reel, Brooklyn)
Htneson, William-hurt ; and Redding St Co.,
Boston, Snd JOHN YOIJN0, Suobury,
M A McCAY, NorthunibeiUsd.
BepUmber 1 1 ah. 1847. Iv.
V US received. nan.' me lot nt Clullu. mo-
99 oimert, Calient. Cape ii dl kua-l. Cum
6ioc. for men. women end rhh,ti..n n.-....
QuttOtuar. and a Varif tv nf other art trie, rhmm. HENRY MA8SER.
anbury, Nev. ITth, l4T.
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddinsae,
Measles. Bill Rheum.
Rheumatism. PilM,
Dyepes la, 8curvv
Hmall Pox. Jaasdies,
Heart Barn. Worm)
Cholera Morbus,
Cough, Qnlney, .
Whooiilng Conih,
Consompiion, Fits, .
Liver Complaint,
EriaJpeln, Deafnia,
Itching nf ths Skin,
Old, Oorji, OrivrL
Nervous (Complaint,
Pain in ths Bek,
Inward Weahnees,
Palpitatkrn sf ths Hurt,
Rtelnsm lbs Throat.
Dropsy, Aethmit
Fever or ill Sinn.,
Pernile Complaint,
TaocTioa is ths ousaxs nr bi.
0KSTI05. '
Fxorrirnes h n'oved that nearly every Dla
ease nrisina'S. fiom Impurities nf the Blood or de.
ringemenl of the Digestive Urgini i anu 10 secure
Health, we mint removo thne oh-lructioni or re
store the IP.. od to It natural state.
The averaion to U' inc med'cino is most ?f'-'
tually removed by CtfenvrV VxotTiSH Pun
savivi Pitt, being cnmpMe h envehmed wilh I
roattng nfpure white Sugar, (which is dintinel
from the internal ingredient a nut ihell from
the kernel ann nVB so TT1 Of MVItlctsl.
But are aa wnllnweil nit or canny.
Moreover thev neither nnutenle or eripe In Ihe
aliiihtest degree, but oneiale ratiallv on all 'he dis
eased parti of the avrem, instead nf confining
themelvei lo. and racking any iiariicui-ir region.
Tbu. if tl s I.iver he affected, one inuiedicnt will
operate ort lh d Dart cnl ir org in, and, by c'eanidng
it nf an Eicei of Bile roloro It to il na'ur l
late. Another will nper its en the B ood. anil
remove all Imnu-ilie- in ita circul .ti"ii ; while
third will elTeciually exinl whatever impuriiie
mav have le. ii dinehareed into the sml
hence ihev rrniss s-r tbs boot or sinBt-s. re
move all Impure Humor from the h ly t opm
the n.-res exiernal'v and In'ernallv I epirat-' all
fore gn it'll nln nxinu paMicle. fro u the chyle, an
lh-.l the blood m iv be ibnronah v nme tliu ecn-
r.ns a fee and healthy action lo Ihe Heart Lunga
and I.ivei 1 end Iherihv ihev iwtbi mttTH B
va wn as Ait oth b MXAianavx rtitcn.
The entire Iru h of the above can be aeeitained
by the Irial of a single box S and Ibeir vir'itea are
po-iltve ami rermn in re nr ng tleatin, tnn
the proprietor bind, himself ! return ths m oiey
imiil for them in all eaaea where they do not give
universal ill action.
Itctnll Price, 35 rts. per Itox.
P.inrip.l nftli-e No (if) Ve-ev at., N. Yo k.
Sold by Jt)IIN YOUNG. Niinbury,
M. A. McCAY. N. tthumi eiland.
qj" Remem'ier Dr. O. V Clickener i the in
vi nor of ihe Sugar t'oaied Pi l. and ih.t noli ng
of Ihe a ri wa. ever rieaid f ll.i'il lie
litem in lune. 181:1. Pinch set slv u'd, th rifor..
nlway iok for Cli.kener'a Cnah-I Piil. ami
nke no nthi ra, or they w dl be ma 'e the victim, ol
a fraud. Sept, Irt'.li, l17. ly cow
nnatnri't .
tctrna abb l iiiv
Tub cni-OH or ronotrrtiit it Til
. is ir i snuBii or num.
A RE YOU A MOI'HERI Your darling child,
your ulol and earthly j iv, in now prrhnp
ronfined lo her hvmber bv a dniisernu c-dd h I
pale die. k. her t'.in shriink-n fingei. tell the
hold di ease has already gnined upon he the
round of her sepuh lira' couch icii-e your soul,
YOUNG MAN, when ju.t ah-nt lo enter life,
diaease shed, a heart eiu-h ng I lijltt over the fur
prospects of the fulu'e your l.eciic cough and foe
hie hmhs tell uf your Ins. and hope, but y ' need
not despair. There i a balm which will heal the
wnundid lung., it is
s ii r. n n a x ' s
ALL -1 1 KALI N (1 R A 1 ,S A M.
Mi. AT FREE, the wif.- of Win. II. Allree.
Esq. waa given up bv Dr. Sow ill of Wn hinu'oti,
D a. Koe ."id VrCI. Han nr Philad -India, Dr. Rue
and Dr. Mutt of New York Her friends till
thought he mast die. She had everv npiM-ar
of being in consumption, ami wn. o pionnimced
by her phi. iins Sherman Balsam wa given
ami it cured her,
Mr.. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull'. Fciry. wa.
a'ai euied of consumption by tin B ilaain when
all other remedies faded to give relief die wa re
duced to a skelelm. Dr. A. C. C icde, Dentist.
SHI Broadway, has witnessed it. eff:r' in several
ci-ei where no other medicine ilTolded relief but
lha Bslanm na-ratrd like charm. Dr. C. also
wimeraed it wonderful effects in curing tfthnrn.
which il never fails of doing, Sp'ttinu llloo I, alar
ming a it may he, iseff.-clunlly curid by ihi Unl
iirtl. It beil tbs ruptured nr wounded bluud
ve I, and make the Inna, iiiud again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eicbih avenue,
waa cuicd nf cough and cutarrhal alT. cliona . t 50
year ratnling. The first dose gave hitn m ire re
lief than all the otbei medicine he had evir inkm
Dr. L. J. B.-als, 10 De'aney strict, gave it ro a
si-l. r in-law who waa laboring under coiiumptioii,
and lo another sorely sfflct'd with lh Asthma.
In both casn it rflicl were immedia e, loon re
rtiiring lh m t eonif .riab'e healih.
Mr. LUCI1ETI A WELLS. 05 Christie meet,
uflTered fiom Asthma 43 rihetm .i' Hat
sain relieved her nt onre, and she la comparatively
well, being en bled lo aiibdue every attack by a
timely u uf thia medicine. This indeed ia the
ureal n iindy for Cougl . Cold, 8ntting Blmal.
Liver Complaint, and all the all rttona of ihe
ihrnat, and even Asthma and Cmisump ion.
Price 25 ceuta and 1 1 per bolt..
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Loxenges, and
Poor Man' I'lnaler mild a above
Dr. 8hrrinan'a flic- . at IHR Nassau t N.Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Sunhurv,
M A. M C X Y. Noril timbeiland
8eplemher llib, 1847 ly
Vrgelable Universal
TAc ony known MnVeiue that ul the enme time
purget pur jict and tlrenglhenn ihe iitltrn.
Lumiov. July 7, l''4fi
DR LE ROY'S Pill .e a new .nebcin
whiih b Jol, and ia f nt iskii c
ihe lace f all other, nf ihe .o. e rl-ia. These
pill are comioi d of many ingr.ili. nl-. Imi th.
twoprincinal one are Haraipar Hi ami Wi'd t't er
rv, ro united ihat ihey act logeibei ; the on.-.
UT'tigM 'a e.'m uure wi h other .uh lo.ra. pu
ifying i d pU girg while Ihe mhi t ia a rl n.ihe .
ing ihe svaiem. Thus those p. lis aie al ihe ram
lin-e b.nie and "p.-nini a d. ..l. ritmn long nn
sageily (oiibIiI f, r by me lic.l m-n, b n neier be
fore disc.., tisl. In . Iher wor I- ihev d i H.n wort
of iwo medii-iue. snd do it nut. h N-I'i r th in .n
iwo we know nft fr Ihe removo noihina fr .
Ihe ay. em but lbs ninuriiie i ., th.t while the.
Itirge they tinalben ; an I hence Ihey cause no
d. bihtaiinn, and are fothiw d by no re-.cii n. Dr.
irf noy s put n .ve womlrrrul influence on th.
blood; they not eady purif. wthoul weakening ii.
bui ihey remove sll Ii (i. ua panicles frmn Ihe rhy'e
ea fiiir it U 6 Mivened into flu d end ihu mak im.
purs blivod sn slier impos ibili'y. As there is n
di-Ntii.tion. .a thns is no tt'tiini nr lirkuc st
lending ths oparsiions of this mot exrell. nl of m
dieine., which never -train nr torture the dig-s-live
fuurlion, bui cau them in wik in t'
feclly natural manner and hence p.nn lakuis
Ihsin do not beennt n snd em hut ih.-
rontrary j for while il ii the property 0f th- Sra.
i. wnn inner ingrviltnli. to
remove ill lhat il foreign mil impure, il il eq ully
Ih proiieny of Ihs Wild Cherrv In all ih.i
s natursl nd ouimI' and hsos robust m i of
heslilt i Ihs certain rsaull of lhir unileJ man.
lions. rr Pries tfl cent uer BOX.
Afinu fur Ls Roy' Pdl.
JOHN YOUVII.tBu,,bu,y'
M. A. McCAY, Northumberl'd.
August lst, IS47. ly
JJjr.RSONti travelling tin iuuI sr Lerehy
in I. it mad that they can procurs "ihrouch
iicksii, by making applirstiosj st tits Hotel sf
ChMlss Weiesr, Bssbwy. A. E. KAPP.
HMtliumsnlsiMl, Jsly !, 47- tf
CP sGw S3T Ck (33 U2B
THIS Medicine Ii warranted, nn oaih. tint tn
contain s particle of Calomel, Cnrnwiv JU,.
iimate, Arernie, Chloride of Gold, or iny delete
rsus mineral. . , .
The principle! Soon which ihi Medicine set, is
by aaaistlng and harmoni.lng with nature t ti
drives out sit foul scrimnninss humors frorrt Ihe
blood snd bndv. snd bv slmititlns with and
strengthenhis Ins guttrro jnics or ihs suimacn, it
1st dlgei'ion t in khotl there i not vsin. arte
ry, muscle or nervs In ins tinman body, thit I
not ilrenglhensd by lbs PANAtlF.A. snd It ln
tassi Ihs remarkibn properly r removing
mercury from ths hone and joints. y '
curvv. Scotbn U A flection, 'I'nmor, HcMfnla or
Kins' Ei White Swelling', Ervipel i., Ulcer.
Cancei. Running Sores, Scabs and Bile time
nd a determined perneveraiiee in D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a curs,
Rejection of fond, Nnuse. Vemiiing.. Nervou f
IVctlon. Billion, con plalnts, Hend ache. Pa'en.,
nr Female Irregularities. Dr, S WEETSEIt'S PA
NACEA will soon effect cure'; Kin if nb.iinate.
nr attended with griping, flying pain, the d .so
should he increased, ami Ihn cuie will soon be i f
feeted. Let not the patient frighten ihema. Ive.
with ths idea thai ihey are ton we k In lake much
medi'-ine; but bear in mind that lids mi'il'y sii.
Sing med cine put not w. aknea into ihe frame, but
m.t certainly draws weakn- S nut, leave uretig'h
in it iihce, and bv giving comim-M-d !eep a' nig t.
and an appelits to relish sny fond, ri-nlm'ea the
whole frame wi h v'tgorou. action, clearing the
mind and improving ths tgm.
Scrofula ia i-iid In be heriditarv. lh' infmt r. .
eeiving from ila parent ihe eed of tin diseaa
which ii crea with it tern, if tietili-cted aud
not anhmit ed lo frc-ntn nt piirifie timi with Dr,
SWKETSKR'8 PANACEA. The gland .e p a.
ced in ihe corner, of I' a bodv, ai d mil nf the way
of direct cominni.ieal on ; tin ir real u-e . a subject
on hich n ni h diff r -i ce nf o.iiii.ut prevult n
nfli.-ea na lo know ih t when in a il aens d tie,
they aro cipa'.le nf being l-nr tied and rle nscd by
a lone enure of Dr. S WKE ISEIl'S FAN A
CI' A. which res oti a lln in l roiiiiiI snd . ptp.
a -lion. Scroful u. person, ran r-evi-i pav too ntiieli
attention In their blood, 'la pur fi- tion shi U d I
tln ir first t'o uch'. for aftir a b ng cur-e . f p r-i
veranrr, thi y will eve curt, heredit .ry diaease.
SWEKTSRR'8 PANACEA rsmiol be mo h'gh
ly ejlotled , it reche mil Ihe v. ry rooi .f llie
ili'".e. an I ' V r m "b t it from the Bio. d make
i core ri itain and in rm nent.
P- rdie.i-a of ihe B'nd lrr a-id K-diifun Slric
turn. Gravel Stone. I'ir h'itttiU Viinnni Oh
ttruclinnnnnd Extreme Citivenm Dr.SWEE'P.
SKU'S PAM'EA i ihe beat rem dv ever tr e I
it remove all iho-e acriiiioniou. hu-nii a fr nu lh
Blood which give r lo the above d. sense, and
by keeping ihe blood in a pure condition, insures
linpur lien nf the Blond. Mrrcunal Tumi. Wink
neat of lite Sp:ne Flmi'of Blood In Ihe Heml did
d wm, Si'ging and Buzzing A'li ae in ihe Herd
ind Eon. D-. e-WEE I SKII S PXNXCEA will
sie rertiin relief; in nil acte-e n d cbr..i4fe-asi4,
the uatients c-mnnt be loo nft. n rem uib-d thai lar
err inxm and vei Wfrancr ill i IT el a cu e,
I i (Jh llsnnd lerer IS Imm 'err. A licel nns
"f the Ejiei r.od Ears. Spnnni nnd Bliedine
Gum Brunch t nnd reeml Cimglir and Cnld;
Dr SWEEISER'S PANACEA will b. run.l
peifictly sure and certain in ita effect,'.
Tho.e romp'ain-i are geneitillv iit'einled wi h
the ninst fatal i onsi quencea. and nie si-l.loin or no.
ver ru'ed by the p. ra. nl in ub- of 1'eatniein ; lh y
u-u.l y nceninpany the patient t the ur ive, after
iilVenng Ihe mnsl excruciating pain and torture.
The caus-.1 nf three complain a ate the same ti all
. thers the dross nt the blond becnm i rncrus'ed nu
Ihe finr sl narrow passage, whence nr morbid
secretion ind sloppignof mine. Yu will find
the mot powerful d un ties of no use, a. they oi ly
increase ihe quantity nf urine and do not pi-, ify
nd strennlh' n th - part.. Bv purifying Ihn him d
with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, oti re
move Ihe cause nl ihe dise ie, conaequeni'y it cun
not exist any Innger, ifur aufficient p-is.-iemn. e
in ill use hii deprived ihe blood and body of all
crimouiou humor and incrustation.
Thia i a 'ery prevalent end latal ili-en-e ; it re
sults n.o-ily from neglected coughs, cold and bron
chitis, also from imnioprr treatment in many nt er, such n measles, fever, ii flimtn.iii n mid
small pox, and host of ollu r bully treated diseases;
wh re Ihe cause, instead of having been thnrnngh y
einove.l from the blood and body, have only b en
palliated or rmi .ve.l from one piri lo bre k mil in
another. By dives ing y our bodies nf all foul ho
mots, through the medium of Dr. SVVEE'OEIi S
PANACEA, the rure ia at once rendered c. nam
and peiniauenl R. collect, while there n ncrim
ninua human fl utiiis in ihn ci'cu itioii, it i i apt
lo settle on the lung. ' any other part ol the body ;
ihu ii ihe reason thai consumption ia in prevalent.
Which you we o the ex'eri ir. crnne from nnd
have their source in, the inleiior, and might jo.i a
well hive eiled nn youi lung, liter, or any iher
pait; which we know they frequemly d , snd no
duce inoif vmlent inflimmaioiy di.oider.. The
humor which oi-casiom iliese con i. of a higMv
iriiinoiii ms burning ii iiu-s We know it fr on
llie pain it gi' in for .ing, and aft. rrd it ra
pidly u err ing and coir d ng the fl.-h ami ski
it the pS't wheie it br. k' nut Th show ihe
ueee,:iy ,.f fequenllv u.ifyiog I be blood w In Dr.
SWEETSEU'S PANACKA. nd keepu, site''
.naliuoaul Iiu mora ill u j cliou. Should nil have
Inle nr ulcer, be iho.kfui in it miu c h. t.ik n
rouble warn you fihe ilaonci oui hie ami .o
ly is in, for it i a wammg t at U s l ln ..I i- f..ui.
Ilad this ,iu cri ny a I c d 'he lung, iu ! ad
f Ihe urf:ice f y.iui body for ' ..-, cnusu'ftp
Hon nf the liinua W"U d bav been tlieV'.i uu. u e.
I) lay mil lien, in j u i'v and cleantu unit D i
sei isi-i l an icea.
Spin ,1 (t", clou., . iila g. inrnt ..l" the kv es n '
joints, white swrlliui.'. lip joml ioi plains 'up
utes, la'li g of 'he hits HI 'hi onm. ilise.-e. will
lint a u.e in Dr. SH EET EK S PA
NACEA. WhSie lite d-a l lue.of I ng
-laiiibuv', the inn nqttirad lo make a cure wdl tg
longer; Iu ihe p. tent unv r. si as-ured ihal
le:enniiie.l petseverame w II rlltcl it.
This diseasei prmwd fumi I be erioiy nr
eorrupt tumors nf ihe IiIimhI, having I le i il-eif on
bellir i.i mil lung, ami sl .na-il ihem uti. lottiai
.hey caooi.t d'w uffioiini lir in lor np ration.
Ur. Bwr.tsieEH'n rAm.t;CA will glvenmn.-.
bale relief and to make the cure perfect and can
ism, iisnonnrs ronnnus I souis Unas ilM, I i
tree Ihs synsm of all bsd rumor.
Find lafe and speedy curs in Or. SWEET
SEH'S PA Aj4 CEA. Ii core by searching rvi-n
blood e sl and arti-ry, and driving mu l imtm
rtiie and liiul humors accumu'iled therein, which
-s the eiuas nf rh uinalism, s 'U snd iwelliug of
the jnii'li. The lie etrroO. eflVa t of rahunsl and
Iher minsral poison, rcs.lily yield lo it sovereign
l.fluenee j indeed, when il val jbl pmperliea bs
come fully known, lh ua fall min. r p ,iaon will
i consigned to ihe tomb of all lh Cap , lei.,' ami
oily be thought of si s by-gone ru-t-ru ,,f ik .!,.
ker sge. Dr. Mwevtecr' Panacea ia lo t (ure
curs lor dypepls. pilss, enctivenea, vertigo, head
ache, pais in lbs brssst snd liver complaint. .
Fever is slwBVS eiuaed hv dianidaaU tmm.
mem of Ihs l.l.XHi. sUUIulill lo li.elf almtimm.
thing thai sntombsr H in frt, sveiy kind uf ls
vsr is nothing ssess Lkaa a aiank bstwaatw ika
blsed snd eorropl ksssses, snd ss eeaS'tl ths r-
ni t humora ars rgpel sd. jrou hsvi no me fevsr.
When s pat'isnt wild fever eahmits is hs M d, er
hivs hi tiio.) poloned with mercury, it weakens
hi frama to such a degree thai if hs snrvivs ths
prea-o. it lwy leaves him Subjsct 1 1 dl-lrssin(
ehlll, when limes nut nf It) he reenrtr to sins
pills, sowdsrs, ot tonie mMlurern Ihla is going fr-tn
bid is worse, as thee vegrnaW pills. powdWs, Aie,
are n. 'thine hnt mere at rv aaal ou'nini bt diseulee. i
which may for s lime drive the disease to far into
the Iwt-ly , , perrepiible, but very soon K
-in nreaB ntn t.n with feliful vwlsncS ToeilrS and fever, ihs rum of the diarsss must bs rs.
movm nut of ihs .nd bmly. which en beef
K finally done by us-ng Dr. SWEETSER'S PM
PJ AL.E.A, Which purines. clean and itMieihen.
It contain n.nhins tint can p,w,y miJu, and It ,
uae i alwaya a ssregusrd sgain.t chilli ind fen.
tn Attf'AaiSor PitRS. Dr. 8WEET3ER'H
PANACEA will elf et s very speedy curs. It re
move, from ihe blood, stomach ind bowel., ell
tho foul acrid Iniming humora. which ire Ihe '
e.iitia of 1'ib and Colivemi, and by strengthen
ing the dig. t ie nrgin, improve every pirt of ths
nine uouv.
The-e dip. ea e Ciu-ed bv the stomach mil
bowel, lying choke, I up with viscid il my mailer,
ne air wui n ennr. id. m cnin te cne until forced
by ome ennltai lion of it nmach lo expel ill
hei ce 'he canae of pun. A few dose., i.f Ur,
SVEEI SER'.1 PANACEA will convince tbs lint icltef ii I'tiinr-t
C .- --
Parent will fi d ihe PAN ACE i v.u,h'o
m'alii ine f ihe r chdd en, keep m lh. ir bodies in
h'.l by e ndi i .n. tharehy i-intiug their g o h;
children nr g own ai...n. ifier taking it. are not
I ia' le in he a talked with 'ti epidemic a. In fore,
it always bav. ihe blood in a pun- condition, and
ihemiir- sy-tetn in a slic gihenril slate ; it drive
out a I ktml' nf we-knna from Ihe b dy ind leivrs
II hrul hy wilt in.
Willfiul Ur 8 WE I'-KR'S PANACEA a medi
c ne purely ail ipted In t'.iir lira. Most ladies du n.e peri d nf precnancy aie afflicted with pi's..
Dr. Sweeiser'a Panacea, hy regul itina lbs bow. Is,
i!l ei li t ly nbvia r this, and it purifying proper,
lie. on lie Mood ud fluid., iusurr lo litem h. al
r h v nffpiitm. No one whn is a mother ahoul I he
wilhnut it, a' d Ihosc who are iiurni g will find it
of s Ii n.fu to ihe health of ihe r infants.
F t barieni e- and n'l diai-anea uf Ihe v.omfi, il
is v. it h in a rital iu tlieent'ne histoiy and eitsl igtie
of niedieiiie ; bv it. extrnnrdiniiry vt'ensttieoing, il aitmul ite. and air. ngtlu-i a the womb, a
iv. aknesa nf wh:Ch Is ihe riitl-e nf failure tn hivo
Ui der ibis be d inav I c classed Pa'pi'ation nf
Ii.- Hcnil, T c Doloremx or Faecache, Neuralgia,
li d ge i ui, Tooihsche, Melni chnly ,rlyateiies.nd
n I .n, ev rv d aca-e caii'ed bv the h irp, biting,
acii.uonioua hu nor Irr 1st ng Itin nerve. ; Ihe
rn rve teceive ihe mo'bid nnpiecinn from the .to
maeh, ..r rnlher ir--nt lb.- bl iod Ihrougti the au ncy
' f tr sl 'iuarh and digs tire nrcnus, and alth oigh
r.t' er part, of lbs l o ly are app renily the seat nf
-he di'e, ul. it is caitai'd hv ihe morbid imp e
ri ui conveved from I e blond bv he nerve to that
pal. i.w d. . sea uf Dr. 8 WEE I' -EK'S PA
NACE will soon assure Ihe patient th-t he ha
the cure in hia posaesn'o-.
'Phi' i an ii.fl iinmatory di o.der, nlw ysal end.
d wil l in r- nr bsa pain. It from ihe
"ill. arritiiou'iiu htitnor. lodged in ihe blood and
flu d-. seilli- g i ii ll.e I m a and fni , rao.ti g ex.
iiiiite piitinn-l fivers; all nppln a'toos nn llie sur- are w w Ihan useless, . thev only t ml to
they nnty t ml to
tier part, and perhap-aW
kew'tae improper. TiP
t'iriiw t e disea-e I -mne oihe
i in. a - ill- III. lilee.lii.a is lisewn
cute the di eise ynu mu I e.-i r'd of the rnue ; on."
Iv maiiioe t get ihe foul hum 'rs out of y .ur h'ond,
unit ton will be well ill a day. Dr. KWEBT.
SEK'S P.N('E. a thorough purifi.r i f Ihe
I.I ni-l, will a-ch nut iveiy iinpuriiy in tlm moo
remote p rts nf ihe body nnd exp I it thtniigt the
m ilium of Ihe hnxeln. Thns i' not a vein, arte
ry, mi se'e i.r nrgari of ihe entire framewo k of
man, ihnt Dr. bvi e. ta-r'a Paoacej doe not im
tuove. I'o lake it n)nu are wed I to keep
we. I ; and when tick to I" come well.
posed i.v nt s v. f.-mble miner or me-liest nerhe,
and warranted, nn o oh, ronlatni. g not one par.
t el.- nf mercurial, mineral, nr i-liisnic! ublanc,
found lobe nlerllv harmleaa to ihe mn-t tender
age, nr ihe weakest frame, under any stage of hu
man aulTe.itiB; Ihe most pleaonl spil benign in it
.er .tio.t that wa eer off red to the world; ind
nl Ihe same lime lha moat certain in searching nut
he rout uf any c unpla nt, however deep, and of
perfi rm na a c re.
Price $ I per bottle, nr six Itottlia fur $5. For
aale, whohstilii and retail, at the corner of
CHARLES il.d i'lt.VTT Street. Baltimore, an I
dohy GEORGE BRIGHT. 1847. .y Sunhury.
ITTvijKs"llwAISI2 IT!
Bin n$. Scalds, owl all kinds of Inflamed
Snrrs Cnrrd.
I the mo-tcoriip'e e Bum Antidote ever known.
It i. tau Iv, (an I a if by Magic) stop, pains nf the
inn-t desieiie Burn- un.l Scald'. Fur old Soreet
II. u sea. Cut', Sprain, Ate. on man or H
the bed appl cation thai can be made. Th- u-anda
have tried and thona.n.da pr i-e it, Ii i the in t
IHtf.ct ntiier nf pain tver disrnvereil. All who
u. ri-eommend it. Every family h..ul.l bs provj.
del with ii. N "e mn ell ho.v ao ui some of llie
f .iiulv may need it
O-eervessrh hog of ihs senuir s Ointment
ha. ihe name ol S Tnux wrntn on the outstd
'lfc-1. To iiuit te this i f.srgery.
Bo Imen. I.iv. rv M-n. F rine . and all whoue
Horse-, will find Ihi O-nim.-nt the very la-si thing
l'i- ctn u-e lo- C.Ji G-.ll Hrraii he,' Kick. oVc.
Sic., on III. ir mini u. Surely ever merciful nun
would keen Id animal fire fiom pain a pni
hie- l ouw y'. Univeisal I 'iiitineul ia ill that is re.
) red Try ir.
Ill PES OF INSECTS. For the sling or hits
of poi-on ti . Tous. y' O nt ent i unri
v le I Hun. Ir. il. h lne.1 il an I found il
PILES CURED ! Fur the Pile. Tnuey'a lj'
niie eat () men! ia one of ihe bei Kem.die lhat
cm !m aoi lied. All who have tried it foi Ihs Pilss
r c 'mo'end ir.
OLD SORES CUI1ED. Fo, oil h.,ina
Sou, ihee is nn hing iqud to Pnuaey's Oint
ment. A per-ou in Van iu h"d, fir a numlier of
w.r.. so e le4 il ai I. die I the .kill nfthsdclclofi
Pnua.y' OiHim.iii w..f r.-c .iKui'-niied hy .mo J
l-e pliysicUns, (who knew it. g eat virtue V
mil tisn l...r. t duced e benefll linn ihi pi.'
le.n h ul re. eived limn any and pisvious reins
lie Le . II irv it
o e i-'. . f Bur. and e-cald. in all pan. f ih,
eoiin-rv, hi. .e.. cur d by Tonsey', Universal'
'" Urr-ificate. , noUb eouU ls had lo fiV
ihe lde ..I ihht t -.
-Is le.n.i,.m,.l , ,., ,v. r . f l'..usey' U ntmenl
loreuiiij! B.uisf.bre len i.ffrlib laj.u'ie.'
I "S. Hun lre.1 sajnrtir w II certify lo its g.eai
neriis n re I vina t' ,.ai ,.f lnil lnun .ever Bruits'
All per-vnti should try It
HCALD HEAD CURED. 8 .re of cw. of
VsUJ Head have liee irursl by l ou sy 's dint,
asm. Trv it-ii m .loi f '. ..
8M T RHKUM CURED.. Of, ihs remedies
ever discovered I r lh.. mi-l di ur.-eat le cumplsuil. '
I' usey'a ' Mffrt Ointmeiii is ih mo.-i!eic."
It wa. k't wu I fad. .
TniiM-y' lnirsil t w ll a'wai cU'S ils
wor-t ei.. uf Cliapp. d Hands Scotrs if j-rsoi
will tle ihi .
SOKE LIPS CURED For the eur . f Ja s
L'p. there wa in vor anything nicle equal Tou.
' t liniment It U.ure tocuie lucin. Xij ii. .
It is a scteii'ttic compound, warranted no oe n
:tn an, ptep.ragofi nf Mercqiy. (rj p,ic SS
rem per box. For foilher paMrulaii ea-ceruing
In reallv va'ud'le Oint.nenl. ihs pubbe s S left-f.
r. d lo Pihiphleta, hi be h id grail, if rcavcabl
Dvcgtsisiod Menqanu ihrwughow lbs Uu ted
StllOS. ..
. Prrp,l by ELLIOT A. TOUSEY. Dru'cgV.
Syrscuse, For sal by , , ,
W. A. McCAY, NovtkssstswhpA.
apt, I Ilk, I1T If sw