Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1848, Image 3

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07" An apprentice lo the Printing Busi
nest a lad about H years old, would be
taken at this office. One who could read
German would be preferred.
; K? Press for Salr. As we have
enlarged our paper we offer for aalea good
second handed Washington Iron Press, the
same on which the American has been
printed. The platin measures 21 by 30 in
ches full.. It will be sold simply because
we nave no lunner use lor it.
IE?" PtttNTiNO Ink.- We have received
a fresh minnlv nf nrintino Snlr. aviSirti will
XI J 1 O J . . . . r ii i
be sold at city prices, for cash $5,25 per
KCg OI XV 109.
A new Counterfeit.
. Five dollar notes, purporting to be on the
Bank of Delaware, are in circulation. Thn
vignctto is an Indian sitting on a rock, view-
Jngtho improvements of the whites ; on the
right and left cars, locomotive and canal boat.
Very pale not mentioned in the detector.
mree oi tnem were passed in Market street
'pn Frieay, 21st. Signed, S. Floyd, Cashier;
II. Latimer. President.
The Whole Family Coming. According
to me rans correspondent ot the Courier
des Etas Unis, the Duke d'Anmale and
Prince de Joinville, sons of Louis Pliillippe,
have announced their intention of remaving
to the United States, and here establishing
Col. R. M. Johnson, under dale of the
5th inst. declares himself a candidate for
Governor of Kentucky. He is against the
Wilmot Proviso, for the war, and descants
upon his political liberality.
Appropriate Present. A Mr. Tnttle, of
.'New Yorfc, has presented Queen Victoria a
splendid baby-jumper, for the use of the
royal nursery. Judging from the past, it
will be kept in pretty constant use.
Hon. James Cooper has written home,
that he will embark for this country from
Liverpool, about the last of May. lie pur
poses yet visiting France, England, Ireland
md Scotland.
The shipbuilding business is carried on
.vith great spirit at Milwaukie. Some of
he new vessels, it is said, are intended to
some round by the Canada canals to the
A Law among the Arabs permits a man
o divorce any of his wives who do not
rake good 'bread. Did such a law exist
tere, the number of divorces we fear would
e unaccountable.
The National Intelligencer intimates that
Jen. Houston will be a formidable co.npeti
ar with other Democrats, for the Presiden
ial nomination by the Baltimore Conven
C .on.
If the Speculator misses his aim, every
body cries out "he's a fool," and sometimes
"he's a rogue." If he succeeds, they be
siege his door and demand his daughter in
Service Well Paid For. The Duke of
Wellington is said to have received in sala
ries upward of nine millions of dollars; and
now receives about !$G0,0 00 yearly.
A Game at Definition. Lnnanagt. A
chain to unite man and keep mankind disu
nited. A lare issue of notes which has
often a small basis of gold.
Clald. The ever renewed hope of the
world. God's problem waiting man's solu
tion. Miser. An amateur pauper. A lover
who is contented with a look.
Politics. A national humming-top,
which spins the least when it hums the
Prison. The grave, where State doc
tors bury their murdered patienls.
' Tars. Feathers plucked from all birds
to line the nests of a few.
Amtrica. Young John Bull working
with his coat olT.
Ship. The only thief who benefits you
by robbing you.
Tyranny Knocking people on to the
knees for the crime of standing upright.
.Wirriage Love brought to trial. Going
home by daylight after courtship's masquer
ade. Iron the bones of the giant Civiliza
tion. Pawnbroker The poor man's banker.
A man who holds your coat whilst you
Fame A glass erected by public opin
ion for the better observation of its inmates.
City A human hive without its honey
comb. Coat A check "drawn on society by
your tailor.
Pauper An animal so like a man as to
make us feel uneasy.
Palace A guillotine which cuts off the
head of a nation from its body.
Soldier A live target, set up by one na
tion for another to shoot at.
Charity One whom we delight to fol
low, but dread to face.
At this place, on the 23d inst., by Christian
Bower, Esq., Mr. Hkmby Haldemas to Miss
Makv Heddincs.
n.. itio ovv, inui . .v ihfl Rev. J. P. Shin
del, Mr. Henry Batjer, to Miss Rebecca
Carman, both of Union county.
I,, iiimn on ThrkIuv the 18th inst.. bv
Rev. F. RnthrauiT, Rev. Daniel Steck, of
Pottsville, to Miss Mjsa Edwards, oi
iuir countv.
In the same place, on Thursday the 20:h
fust., by the Rev. John P. Hudson, Mr. Lewis
Hacse, of Limestone, Col. county, to Mrs.
Caromke Porter, oi iumon.
In MeEwensville, on the 28th ult., by Rev.
It. S. Dover. Mr. Jacob bensenbacm, 10
Caroline lavis, com oi
In filtnn All Warliieadav the 19th inst.,
Consumption, Mis Lvcr Ank Witter, m the
2th veur of her age.
In Lewisburg, on the 1 1th inst., Raciiaei.
t rfantrhiBr of John A. and fclixabeth
r.. ; ai eichteen months and four days
At Lancaster on the .Tth Inst , JAMES
BUCHANAN, omy tuna pi " T
Elizabrth t HUtter. agctje jrrv... -
"Waahlncton Fire Comnnt.
'THE member of th - Waahintt.m Fir. tg.
piny" ra requested ro rricet at lbs Slate
ifUBi, nn Aiunil.iy cvenini?, May. I, at 7 n'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance l required.
March. 4. SAMUEL J. YOUNU. cVe. '
"Good kntfcnt Flro Cnipnnj.)
A STATED MEETING nflht Company wit
w mm on mon.i.y evening i.e it, at 7 o clock
I the Court Houie. Punctual attrmtanra ii re
quired. . HE.NUY DON N EL.
March, 4, 1848. Secretary.
PBix.ABSi.vmA makkbt:
WkdnksdsT. April Sfl. 1848
Wheat Red is worth 8136 a 136c; white
139 al40o.
Rve Southern 75e, Penna. 77 a 78o per
Corn Penna. yellow 60 a 61c, weight;
Oats Penna. are worth 44 a 45e ; Southern
Whiskey Dull, in bbls, at 22; hhds 204
a 21.
Cloverseed Sales at $3f a S3 : markot
bttr.noRK MAnKRT.
0ffcoM niTio Amkicax, ApVil 24.
GRAIN Hlioat is scarce and wanted.
The few lots at market to-day were sold at
133al38 cts. for (rood to prime reds.
Corn is inquired for. Sales of white, to
day, at 43 cts. and yellow at 46 cts.
We quote Oats at 33a36 cts sales.
WHISKEY. Sales are limited at 23 cts.
for bbls.; hhds. arc hold at 22 cts.
Corrected weekly by Henry Master.
Whkit, IR?
Rrt, . . 75
Conn, . ... 60
OiTa. 40
Botteh, 16
Unas. 8
Pork, ... ft
Flahiiii, ... . 155
Tit low, ... 10
Dissolution of Partnership.
fhe partnership lipiptofore rxiating under the
JL firm of Rohrbacii & Ci.kment. in the Foiin-
try hininen in this place, haahpen thia ilnv. itia-
solved by mutual consent. All persona knnwinjt
hemselvpa indebted lo sain firm, are requested
to call and settletheir accounts without delny. or
ney win oa placed in the hands or a magistrate
for collection. I. T CLF.MKNT.
Sunbury, April 1. 1811 22
7 the litirt nf Thoma Mabwy. du'd
BY virtue of a certain writ oi partition anil
valuation to me directed, an iiuimsitinn
will be held at 1 1 o'clock. A. M. on MONDAY,
he 5th day of J UN F 1818. upon the premises
of a certain tract ol land in Rush township, Noi-
thumhrland county, sui veyed on a warrant duted
une 22, 177J. to Jamea Dot la adjoining lands of
nhn JJurxb, Lewis Vastine, lirnjamiii Vastuie
ml olTers. contHinilig three humlred and twnity
cres, more or less, to inquire whether the mat
reniist-s can he so parted unci divuled'ln and a
mong ail tin.' heirs ami l.'al representatives ol
he sunt defeased, (lo wit : jnphia J.illy, Mary
.ly. C.Ii.ii les 15. x end Lydiii P his wile, Jnhii
tinmpon hxeciitor ol II In era Jolly, dee d. Re-
hcra I,e Due, Adminm'trix of Aliiiy Rex. dee'd.
ens of I homas Vayhtny. d ril, R-brra Atav-
luiry. Wa r. -n Jones & Kluabelli his wife, Wil-
ii m li.iuiso'i )t Ann i his wile, William lluriii
& S i-an his wi'e, John Hoy l& Jane his wile, u d
S.nuh Aon Mabury, w lmnre ihe h.-iis nf Wil.
onshtiy Vaybii-y. dii'd. who was one of ihe
e r-i or I hnuias ' aliury, dc d ) as in said writ
nmnund'-d at wljrh tme and ptiice the aforesaid
iis ar hereby warii.-d lo be ami appear il lhy
think p opr.
I I1U3 A HILLUU JO., Sheriff
Sheriff's Ofire Sunbiny, (
April 21. 18 IS JOt
BTJ F.SPF.rTFUIXV informs her customers
3fi and Ihe public in geneiat, that she Iihs inst
returned Horn I'hilad. Inbia with a splendid as
sortment ofall kinds of
BONNETS, of every description,
Ribbons. Flowers, Laces, &c tneethet with an
elegant assottini'iit ol Lawns Ginghams Chuits's,
loves. Itareirrs shawls. Starla. and a (teat va
riety of FANCY GOODS, all of which she offers
at the mo-t rediced prices'
At the old stand, opposite Eogar's & Miti r i
Sunbury, April 15,1618 3t
Estate or C'liarlcs Gcarhart.
TfOOt ICE is hereby given that letters of ad
1 ministration have been granted to the sub
sriiberson the estate of Charles Gearhart, dee'd,
ate of Rush township, Northumberland county.
A II persons having any claims on said estate, ami
hcise indebted to the same, are lequeated to set-
le their accounts without delay. The subscri
bers will meet for that purpose af the house of
the Deceased, on Monday Ihe 2'2d of May next,
of which persons interested will please take no
ne. JllrfW Cir'AliHAKr, Jr. or Hush,
WM. METTLER, Jr. of Augusta.
April 13, 1818-Ot
So. 100 CAfsiinf ulree t, 2 doors aliovt 2d. south
side, r IllLADLLr II IA.
rilllE subscribers, proprietors of Ihe oldest
JL, F.tblisbment in Ihe City of Philadelphia.
being lounued in 1810, would call the attention
of the public to their recent great and uomterful
Improvement in taking Daguerreotype Portraits.
SKI Lllitl 1 1'UK I KAl 1 S The subscribers
beg leave to subjoin a few of the notices they
nave receive'! tiom tne rresa tn:ougnout the
country. In relation to the improvement they
have made in the introduction of lights, by which
the full and clear expression of the Eye is obtain
ed more perfectly than heretofore.
IFr.'im the Nurth American 1
The neutral expresui m nl' the eye !y Mr. C itliits1 new
pnetfui ot' intr.iducuiK Uie liuht, has beeu nl ml diwinetlv
di-vel .lied, as well mm all the liehts and sliudcs iudisiicna-
nie w a pvricri iikeneM.
i'rom the Riturtlay Courier J
Ttie Mewrs. C. liave certaiiilv obuiiiieu Ihe eve.
iM-Uer rerieciU n thun we have seen it elsewhere ; and
this suueri irily, together with Ihe clearness, distinctness
and delicate liul. thev sive Uicir pictures, niake them W'jr-
thy vi admiruli mi, lut uuly as lixeuesiics, but us wjrks of
rFr.ra the llaniiiburr I'nhin.i
We examined specimens of their likenesses when in the
city the other day, and found them to peesall the beauty
ol iliadinx ond s 'Uuess ni' exnreMiioii nf the fluent steel en-
ffinving, which is swiethine; unusual in Dnfruerreutypca.
Tins is ataint(l by Uie uitriiuucuun ot iigol I root ab.ivs,
upload ol the sine ol tne gniiery.
IFrom the Baltunnre Clipper.
'The nvt imrKirUnt improveineiu in the Dsyuerruui
art, is one hy tba Messrs. Collins' Fhikuie!iiui, and e hi
lata in a different maimer of introduriiur the light, and cer
tain ad4hM of tlie inatrumriu. We have seen s ne nf
Ihe portraits, which they have executed, and they have Um
dlstiiK'tnosa and Iwauty of hue uifniviugs. They are as
peeiully roinirkatile in giving the proper natural exprea
mi m ni the eve."
From everv section of Hie cuntry where rst pictures
have In-en seen tliey have received similar AaUeriiur u Hi.
ec. Tne putsic genenuiy are inviiea v vim uur uaucnee,
rrihnbly the m wl exlenive in the world, and judge for
themaelves uie truin 01 ineae nuiic-ca.
Phiiauclphia, AU 13, 1Mb
UlUivbclh lleiille r9 IMalc.
NOTICE i hereby iriven (hat letter testa
mentarv havi heu ranted la Ihe tuhsri
beis.eief utortof F.litabrlh Ppller, Ol' Point
lowmhiPs Northumberland County. Prsohi in
debt en to said ratal, ami thoie having flaunt
attamst lha aama. ai requeaied to pieel lb em
for MttUmcnt withoui uiar.
Pictorial trillion of rf'Asiblajnc's
Breai norv on ine iiciormaiion
published or. or about the 1st of April, 1818, by
jus. A ai'f.r.1,, ino uo cherry at. above sth,
his splendid I9ma edition of the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori-
ainal designs t 4 vols in 9, bound in extra cloth
and library sheen. '
The publisher respectfully rails the attention
of the trade and the public generally, to this
worn o-ing ine only Illustrated edition published
in the United States He trust (hat the beauty
nf iti embellishments, the strong and aubslantial
manner in which it il bound, in conjunction with
the known popularity of the work itself, will be
a sure recommendation to public lsor.
JOS. A SPEEL. 86 Cherry at above 6th.
J. A S has also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly dune up in
extra cloth
Philadelphia, April I, 1848
.11 t: Niw Stork A'o 19 Arch ttrett.
between id and 3,f AWA t de,
THE subscriber invites particular attention to
hia larve and snlendid assortment of new and
choice itylt nf bry Xjiud comprising a general
variety or the most Desirable Kinds ol Drti Ma
lerinl; Hbawf$ ?, Iloiicru. Uiifhrinkuble
fhmnrh. Worked Vulliiit. Camlr.e. Jaconet,
Mull Suntnik and I'luiit Miulint, Linen Cam'
b icnudS Ik Pocktl Hilkfr, Biick Cra
till, others too numerous to adveitise.
Particular attention it given to Linens and Fur
nishing Goods, generally the stock ia large, and
Ihe prieea will be found much lower than usu
al, having been puichased at Auction at sacrifi
ced tales I he lebries are warranted pure flax
and from the best makers.
P. S. Persons wishing Plain and Midium
ifyet of Drrst Goods and th'itvlt, will find a
choice variety
Philadelphia, April 1, ISIS
MHHE snberiber is prepared to receive and ac
commodate a few transient or permanent
linnrder. at her residence in Sunbury. The li.
ration is in a handsome and pleasant part of Ihe
town, rninmauding a fine view of the Susqiiehati
na. Northumberland and the scenery adjacent
To persons from the city, who wish to spend a
few months durine the summer season, Sunbury
affords a delightful retreat.
April 8. ISIS Cm
Windsor Vermont.
S a vcrricn rcmody f-r PY9PKPiIA, in mnny of in
f rmfl, iticli hk 4tin in the St mutt-h, Heartburn, liabitunj
isiivMitS!U Acid ISt inucli, lleuibcdf, 1. m ul ApiieUtc.
ikt, Niht Swi'ilH, anil even Owiiinpli n (PJtre;lic
riittiiKic.) un i AMliinn. or Phthisio itUeiwied with rterHiipe-
ment ii the St : nnnrli ( r lvnpc. tic Asthiik'i.) Ui.iicull
IirciUiiiii;, which often rtil's tr tin inincriect Uikcui t r
I)ys;M(; tu- rys,ma?:0 u relieve! ! iht-ue Bitters. In s!i -rt,
thtif use h is Ikicii fravral in the re tiff of olin t all the
(ivmpt run that pr coed tV m a dt-hilitBtvi r ot nie coiwli
ti n -f the iSt much: fi!o in ptiicral debility urifintf tr fin
opctr fr m Ihe rtl'.-f-n i" Fuver, particubily 1'ever and
Asm. Kem uci :ii:r.iitT uinlt r rtnv uterine ueruniremeni
mini fr in wcakius?, will fi.i l tiic "Uxyoknaild Bit
tfks"' um cxicili::it rc:n'!y, ujJ n t snrp:;8:stU by any mcdi
cin in iifO.
he h'K rv of (his ir.?(!trme is peculiar. It nun ma !e 1:1
vy t public tdvr It iy by the f'tre of its own iitiriiiMu
in ri s. nr:itiot:tl means hve been need to give it n
ric'.v nntl thrnht ii in n Mibiin utt :ntl -n. It Iiib ne'er
Iwi'nre even been advertised, but hnving first h wn ila re
in trkuMo etfi jaey in the family f the prpriet-r, and by
liim Hi'ttTW .sr'ta Tid.utiiiatured t hia nfflictetl frit-mi and ac-qu-iiiiinut's
with a like rcvuit, iie reju.Uiii m grji'u.illy cx
fti'li-d until if is kn .vn in the in t distant parw i' the
I ni 'ti, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cure ol
Dvcpeia in o.l its d :0V rent i.iriiia, and alsu I' r Uie cure i l
As:hna rr Phthifie. lis only hernkl nnd its -iily rid py
hue hem (he sfryof its wnderi'nl eflicacy, n lulJ fr in
m mth to m m:h r by lettnr fr-'m friend t- friend. In eve
rv instance where the-e Biltvrs liavc been nne.1,nnd the re
lit mndc kn wn to the Dronriet-jr, they liuve pr.-ved a to
me ly.
NiifnwwaceTlinenfcp. attestiuir the Niuruur ethenry o
I be ''Oxygenated Hitters," ore in thepssewi 11 l the
rr 't-riel r; nvmy of iheiu sifpiol by pern win already widely
kn -vu t the public.
WiNCSOR, Vt.t Oct cr 3, 1HW.
The following Orllfirntei bore recently been
received i
"WASfllNflTON, D. C, Jcxi 10, 1M0.
Hivinff mule use il" the Oxvajfnuled Ui iters'' prepared
by Dr. Ge B. fireen, f AViihU r., Vt.ond from kn w
IHpe "blainetl i-f their efficacy in ther nses, we cheerfully
rec -mnicnd the in t I he public, believing Mint ihey willfully
sit f t 'tin the rec umienduli ii of the Propriet r. We h pc
that this vnli table remedy maybe s geuernlly difl'iisctl
thr ncliout Uie country tliat it may be accessible u ail tne
tAMl 'EI. PIIKLrS, ) ,c
JAMF.S F. SIMMONS. U. f. tett
Scnat ir from Vermont.
ffettnt r from R. IH;md.
J. T. MORKHKAD, L S. Senator and fjimarly Govern
or of Kentuekv. -
I,. II. ARNOLD. Member of Coiiltcss and f nneilv Gj-
eruor nf R . 1 .
W.M. WiiODiiRIDGE, U. 8. Benat r and fonneny Go-
crn r of Mifhitran.
M. L. MARTIN. Deleirate in Cjiiffreas from Wisconsin
From II m. II. D. FoaTtn, Member of Congress from
Washington. D. C, Juxe 10, lMfl.
Dear Pir, I have been a dvspeptic auflen-r ..r about Irn
ears, ami have resirtctlto medicines ( r relief
Willi ut success, until I made use of your ''Oxygenated
Hitters. " 1 have used nlrmt tw.i bit ties, and Iiiid myself
restored to perfect health. The frms in which the dis
ease tih iwcd itself, in my case, were, (treat acidity of Ihe
L'tuiaeh. 1 ss ni aroet te, extreme flatulence, vere c nti-
pnli n of the b wf!, and vilcnt hetutache. l'eeliuK desi-
-tus Hint a Kit nvitnire oi y ur raiuainc remedy may reacn
Hliers siniilmlv Btilirtwl. I bike urakt pleasure in rec rd-
ntf mv tertun hiv 1 1 ila curative power: and would als
remurk, thai while on a visit at home a short time since. 1
administered a pnrt nf a b ttle t a number of my afflicted
neitds, with frreat ancx'iw. Tttev are desirous ttiut vm
sh mid CHtahlivh nu agency at Piltslmrp. or iufurin Ihem
where the titetlU-ine can be nltiaitied. With an earnest de
sire fr v Mir proepenty and happiness, I suttacribc nivself,
trulv ynitr friend H. D. K05TKR.
U eo. . (iBKKTr.wmnsir, vi.
8 ld Wh iles df and Retail by Green k Fletcher, No.
iM H aith ftixtb Htreet, Philadelphia.
Aftent f t SnnlKiry II. Ii. MAWUK.
April U. PH
Spnl and Letter-Copying PrPMes, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerators, Water Fil
tcr, Patent Portable Water Clo
sots, intended for tho Sick
and Infirm.
7fl Smith Th'riSirerl.
Itlalliifarture and keen e instillt-
Iv vu hand, a iurse ass wlweiil of
, I rue an ve articles, I vmcr who
5ri:t their Putcnt IniprrtvedS-Uaimmilcr
,-s:.L!ls r Irtb-f HOOr SAt tlt, wuicn
ii'tt f WiJJ& or WMiairurteU us Dtci at rest
ti l?5.S C . Vki3 all maimer H d .ulH as n tm ir
Vi UjJtlZ tf lieing tt.iclly Bre-nroof, Slid that
jf f - ' . t)i,-v will rmm Ihe firv ol' ajiv
s-4Xi4Sss3? Uiilliiiff. Tha ouuiile cases irf
these Safes are irade of biiler, the inside case of s r-
sl uie, Slid between the outer cane and inner ei is a space
nl' m Hue thre niches thick, and is tilled in with indeatriw
tihle inuterisl, s i as t lukks il an imp utuuiy la buru any
of the e mteiiis iuaiile n' ihis Phcst. These S rl ne Sj-
lamunnera we are prepared and d i elwllenfre Ine w.iria ti
pf ulnce any article iu tbe shaiie Bo. 4 Sole tbut will
aland as much beat, and w h"kt ourselves ready at all
times K have tlicru luiriy trsted by public bairire. W
U i etuitinue 1 1 m9nufuf lure Innre and aencral fl-
nieul N our rremimn Air-tieht V ire rra l eaiea u wnicu
inert; are over euu u iw in use, ana iu every iiuhuiko mic
have eiveu entile aulist'actiou t- ihe mircliaacre of which
we will refer the public W a lew geuUetnea who bare
Uieiu iu use.
Ilaywual fc PuMlor. Pottsville t Joseph O. Lawtuo
P -ltsvillej Mr. Williim Curr, Dnyleslnwu, Pa.
k' t I' -T- I ,- , . I .. .. I II I . . a IL.'-. I S. SI.nh.ul
Vine st. wluirl ; Alexunlrr Carw, Coveyncer, corner of
Flllrt and ftlo Ms.; J 'lm Im. Fonl, J u xili au , nivcre
Rush. i ii rih 3d sl.i Jumcs M. Paul. 101 sniih ith as.;
Dr. David Juvne, a swih 3d St.; Mathew T. Miller, HO
s nth 111 st.; and we c ukl name s mie huadreiteof inhere
Ii it wcreneroaairy. N w we invite the attention "f the
PMhli", and parnciilarlv thnac in waut of Fire Praof Sdfea,
, . ii . .... lUfiwe nnrebssnur elsewhere, aud we
can eitisfy Ihein they will get a be" or and cheaper article
4 at anv niher establishment in the city.
We ale manufacture the ordinary Firs Proof Chests, at
st very l Mice, cheaper Uisa lhay osu be boutil al soy
vasw ewai av , . .t srv k wet
rul!a4tlph, April I, UO-ly
Important Information.
TO all purchasers of Madf mad clothing, In
formation ia hereby given that tht avail known
ami much ralebntS'l Clothing emporium, known
as tba
Philadelphia Wardrobe.
P. R. McNsiLtt, Proprietor, A'e 108 Chestnut
ttrett, ietwetn tdmdith $t.. Philadelphia,
Is astonishing th eommtinlty with his cheap and
fashionable apparel, of rrerjr deaeription and
rietjr. Vest from 80 cents to 6 dollar. Good
blark Cloth or Cassimera Pant, low is 3
dollar and upwards per pair, according to qnali.
tr. Black French loth drps Costs, as low as
8 dollar. Summer clothing cheaper, peihaps.
than trr was known heretofore ol th ssme
Wholesale dealer ara particularly invited to
call and examine the large and well got upcioth
iiig of this large establishment, i very particu
lar attention i paid to the cutting, ao that
purchaser at wholesale will be certain to eet
garment when they come to put them on their
customer, that will fit with taste anil ease, which
te a matter nf great importance. We invite one
and all to come and examine for themselves be
fore purchasing.
Philadelphia, April I, 18-18 3m
Time und Distance Saved t
fllHE subscribers having leased tbe Sunbury
JL Ferry, beg leave to inform th public, that
Ihey are prepared to convey Teams. Pli-asura
Carriages anil Foot passenger across the river
witn safety and without delay. They have pro
vided themselves with new and commodious
crafts, which will always ba attended with able
anil careful hands.
Persons travelling to and from and thronch
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburr. Hartleton
and other places, will find it greatly to their ail-
vantage to cross at this Kerry instead of the
Bridges, as they would save from two to four
miles in distance. JOHN SPF.F.CE
Sunbury, April I, IStS
CARD fc SEA'Cr.GkvrxO
48 Chesnut tt.S d wr aloveind ., Philadelphia.
Watch papers, Labels, Door plat'-s. Seals and
Stamps lor Odd Fellows, Son of Temperance,
&c, he. Always on hand a general assortment
of Fine Fancy Uooils, Gold pens of every quality.
uog Collars in great variety. Kngravers tools
and materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Dis-
Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually
attended to.
Philadelphia, April 1. 1018 y
Scrofuli or King's Evil, H hen mat
lvrn lions, rnnptrs i r reauiLS t-n ine luce, ui Hi-lies,
liiles. Cbroiiic 2 re Eyes, Iting W.trm or Totter,
tk'il.1 iluail, EiiUrtrrtntMit anJ Pain iu the
H nesajid joints. S:ubb m LUers, Syplii.
litic 9mplonis, St'iitifj r Lninbujt j,
diseases Hrisiiig fr m an injuUi
ci us use ut iMeicury, Dr jp
ay, Ex; sure tr impru
dence iii tit'e ; nls ,
Chronic C iisti
tn:i nnlJDis.
In this meJieiste several inn iceut but verv tvtcmt articVa
nf the v actable kiugtl tn m utiitel, f n-ramy a c mit)Uiid
entirely ttiiTuri tit iu its cU-irucier and t perties from unr
other prt-parati n. and itnrivulled iu I's ope rati n u the
rjybtern when lab ving under dimise. it sh uld bo in the
brsiiiltt .it nvtsrv iters n. wh bv buNiiiCKS. or eeiirTul c uirtw
of iiie, ii predisp wei to the vcrjr miny oilinients that rvn-A
tier ui a curse, uwciui ui a uicvuug, wiu s iuiicn rcsuu in
Dr. Drake's Panacea is rec rn mended as certiu remedy.
ISA uue uistanceot tuiuilure ius ever occurred when trce
ly used ! It cures the disease nuJ at thesime time imparls
vig r t j the wh tie system. Sr t"ul us per im cnu never
pny t w much nttetiti n t the state ot their bio d. Its pu
riucati u sh Hild their first aim : lor perseverance u-ill
accjtuplish a cure of bvkx iiejikditaht disease.
8urvv, Sc trbutie Aft'ecti nts, Turn -rs, White Swelling,
Kr)'sijMltts, L leers, Cuneera, Kutuitng t? res, t.'ulni und
lliics, Ir. bruke's Panartra conn 4 be too highly ext lied;
it searches out the very r jot uf the disease, aud permanent.
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
tiives s much t we t tne stomnco anu cjuscs tne Sucre-
ti in l a healthy gastric juice I j necjnip ac ine to.u as Dr.
Drake's Panacea
Dr. Drake's Panacea is used with the arreatext success iu
Rheumatic Coinpt'-iints, especially such as clir.iuie. It cures
bv drivine; i ut ail impurities and finit humours which have
accumulated iu the stein, which are the cause of Rheu
matism, ti-mt, and Swellings nf the joints. Other remedies
imetiiiies give tein-mrurv renel ; litis entirely eruilic-ilcs
Ihe ilitieuse I r,im the system, even when the limbs and buuea
arc dreaiUully sw Ueii.
CoxeiiMSTiox can bs CURED Cmihs, Catarrh, fir m-
cliitia, Smiting of Bl sat, Asthma, Dirhcultor profuse Ki-
pect ull i, llec ic t lunn, nipu riveats, ram in me tide
Stc. have been cured, and con be with as much certainty as
any other disease. A specific bis I aig been s night fjr, but
in vain until tbe disc ivery ol' Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is
liukl and safe but certain anil ethculi ua iu ila operali 41,
sihI cuun 4 possibly injure tbe m -st delicate c msliluti n.
We would earnestly rec unmend th se attticted t j give it a
trial and we believe they will not have ocean m 1 1 regret
it. The system is cleanseil ami strengtlieued, uie ulcers on
the lungs are healed, snd the patients gruilu'illy regain their
usual beulih and strength. Read the loll-jwiug :
Piiila., Dec. I4th, 161?.
Pk Sia : In reply to your quesli n resnectins the use
nf Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will anv, that although a periect
dislielirver iu the existence of a Panacea, or cure tor all
diseases, hi.wevet valuuble it may be iu certain c uuliti ius
ol' the system, still 1 huve behevedthat a cure fir Ciiuriinip-
tl;.n w-Milu ue uisc ivereq so-aier or oner, anu cuii'vuy led
me to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases.
They were pron-Minced by the attending physicians 1 1 be
riLMONABT conscmptiu?,, anu auniKi 'lieu uy luein na IX-
rtiBABLt. Oue ol Ihe iersjus had been under the treat
ment ol several very able praciitt were lor a number of
veara. and tliev aaid ahe liud 'ild fosliiinetl Coiuuuintiiiu
c Huhine with Scrofula," and Unit she might linger for s 'ine
lime, hut eniKi n-" ne permanently relieved, in Douicases
the effect of the Panacea has been m as) gratifying. Only
four or Eve bittles were used by one of the pers ns before
she began to improve rapidly. The other tk ab ait ten.
I will mily add that familiar as I am with r wsumpti ui by
inheritance and by extensive observau u study, aud
knowing also the injurious effects iu nine coses out of leu
of tar, b meaet, and other vegetable l.iuics, as well us of
mauv of Uie expectorants and sedatives, I sh mid never have
ree munrtided the use ol Drake's lanaoos ll t hud u 4 beeu
acquainted with the ingredients. Sutiice it to say that these
are tec immetuicd by our in ait p-ipular and sciculilic physi
cians, mid in Iheir present cmililned state, firm jiT'iudbly
inC UCBl WlcraiO" ". ui.uw. .its on.
in ace irdance witn a tne ry oi c aisuinpu.m oroncucd in
France a few years agJ, by one of her ni t cuiiiirut wri-
ters on medicine, and now eeiaUisbed by facts which ad.
nut of na dupuie- .
Very ucspecu uuy ours, l, u, ui.v,
To use the huTtinge of snother, "Dr. Drakes Panseea hi
ahvaya snluUry ia ila effects never mjuri us. It is u 4 as
Opiate il is u and Expect irunt. It is ujt iiiteiuled 1 lull
the invulld into a fatal secuiity. It is a groat remedy a
grand healing and curative c impound, the great und only
reweuy wuicn iueair:u scienee wiu sain uas ei i uotj
for the treatment of this hither! i uncouuered'uialaily. And
n i pers hi allticted with this dread diseuue, will be just to
himself and his friends, if he go down to the grave with ait
testing its virtues. A single bitlle, in most cases, will pr.i
duce a favorable change iu the CJnduun of any patient,
However uw."
1 Aim nt nab eimnli-vi n and ut.iimntiV habits. Slid
such as are dobiliatcdajy Lh-sa obstruct i ns which leinalcs
aie liable to, are restored by the use ol' a bottle t Uv.s to
bltom vigor. Il is by far the beat remedy aver discovered
f. weakly clnklicu, and suca as nave lara num irs ; ocmg
pleasaiu, Ihey take it. It immediately rest ires the appuUie,
strength andcoli. , , . ,
Nothing can be more surprising then ila invigorating ef
foMe nu the human frame. Fcrs-sis, all weakw-as and auv
situde hef re taking it, at once become robust and full of
energy under ila iiilluence. It immediate tuuiiteraele tbe
uervcleasness of the female frame.
CAUTION Be careful and see that yoa get thr genu
ine Dr. DftAB s Pamacba U haa Ilia signature of Gao. F.
Stobjis ou the wrapper and alai the nans "Da. Pbase's
Pabacba, Pbila." hliwu in thsgliss. .
Praimrtd only bv Sros k pj., Drugf law, No. IU North
Sixth 8 , Philadeljaiia.
Agerf tWwry.H. VASSE.
Sild alas by Wit. A. Muaauut it Ce .Dajimlla U Ssun
sa, Milwo i Mat McCot, Notthombsrtsnd ; tf Lcn,
Bionassbaig. , ,
Apni i, me It 1
207 Main street, Buffalo, tf. Y.
Trgctable LlHiontrliitie mixture.
THIS i eolubrated remedy Is constantly increasinf iu fain
by the many cures it is mnkliij; '
It has now bee ime Ihe only inediciua f, ,.n. t.
IMtrticularty recjnuncmled i'nr '
all rtngea of this c implamt immediately rejlm-ed no
of hjw Ijng suuidiiig. Sec Fhamphlet for tcsiini on
awt all discoscs of the nrinarv onninat for ihnu Am..
'"K c implainU it stands nlone ; n other article can relieve
y .u j and the cures tuMidi-d to will convince the m .1 akep.
tical ; see paniiihlct. l.iver Cjmplnint, UtUiuus discancs!
To the Orent West especially, and wherever these com
plaints prevail this medicine is iflered.
m dcleteri us c Jinp and is a part of this mixture, It
cures theae diseases with certuintv and celerity, and does
not Icive Ihe system t jrpid. Sec Pamphlet.
piles, y
a complaint of a mst p-iinful character, is
and a euro foil iws by a few dnvs use of this article j it is
lor any other prepninti in for this diseesc, or for any
other disease originating frum impure nl jud. See pam-
weak back, weakness of Ihe Kidneys, Ac., or iiidamma
ti :n of same, is immediately relieved bv a few da use of
this medicine, snd a cure is always a result ut Its' use. It
stands as
for such comijlaiiitf, and als) for derangements of tho fe
male Iraiue.
paiiuul iiicnstruati nu. No article hos ever been oflercd
cxcspi this which wjuld t jnch this kind of dcrdiigemema.
It may t.e relied Ukjh as nture nud cllective remedy, and
did we leel permitted t d s i e mid give
as proof of curca in thia diatressing class of c nnplaints.
Peo piimptilct. All br jken d nvn, debilitated c aistitutions
lro:n the iflcct 1 1 mercury, wiil find the bracing power i-f
this article to net immediately, und the puisjnous mineral
eradictttd 1'riii thcsvrlctn.
will find the nltr-intiie properties ul this article.
nnd driven such iliaeaKcs fr -m the syrtem. See pamphlet
Inr Usinnony .fcurs in all diseases, which ihe limits of
an udvel innieul will n permit to be mmcd hero. Agents
five them a way ; the;,- c ml mi 3i pages ol" ccrtiuculcs of
itgh character, nit 1 a sLr iiLr,-r
of the virtues i fa niedieine, never appeared. It is me of
the peculiar features of this article that it never f iils t-
benefit in any caKe, and ii b -ne nud muscle am left to build
upll let the vmjciated and liiKrcriur invalid
uni keep takin; the medicine us I mg as there is an im
pr ivcmcut, 'Ihe nr t,ri.:r -r would
tVLllll.N 'I HE rL BLIC
ng.iinst a iiuiubcr of articles which CJine out under Uie
u.-ud e.1
n cures t t Drotv, Gnvel, &.C.: They ore arxxl fir no-
tliinj, huJ e hic ri'.'d t pi:M tlin unwary ;
Their invent irs nevej th uijht -f curiiijr such di senses till
tliiN article hid d nu it. A punieulur study of tlie pam
phlet is e.iriN'Rily s 'Riled.
Areu1s ami nil win nt the nrticlr are
prajuitmislv. Put up in 30 02. bottles, at 8 ; 15 ot. do at
fcl each tfie larger h Miug 0 nz. more tlmn tWJ small bt
ths. l.-xik out ttitil pet imiv sc l unmi. Everv b ttle has
lVnnrttti,8 Vegetable I Mh uttriptic .Mixture," b )wn up:
tbe ttliiss, the written siunature of 'G. C. VaiiKhn'' on the
dirccii ins, ami "O. C. Yuiiplm, Huflal t,1 siamprd on the
c uk. Niie t-ther ore cruuinc Prepare! Iv ir. G. C.
Vit'irhit, and s 'Id at the Priiu-iul OrtVe, 12 7 Mniu street,
Hufljl nt wh ili.-snle and retail. Xn attenti n given to let
ters unless p'Ht uiid rdvrs I'ruiti rfjrulnrly c instituted
A (rents cxplt ; tvst paiil l-ttets, or Vfrbul cunuiunica
ti ms s lic ti ft ndviff, pruunlly attended t cntts.
OfRft'sdev tied exrlnsively t i the aile of thia artir-le .
IK m. New Y'rkeiiy; Sy" Reaex st.frd.-m, Mum.;
anl by the prinipjil DrutrgiblHtlir iuglmiittlie L'nilcd States
ami rnnadii. as Apniis.
List if Azn.ts. St -rrs k ex. WrHrsnle Aaent Philadel
phia J. W. Prilttic, Fiiiibnry Isruie Gcwrhtirt. Selniferove
C. A. Wyeih. lfwislnre II. I.S'mniVr, Milt m H.iycs
ft AlcCrmii'k, MoEwensville Mifs McCoy, Nwlhumber
lind. April 1, IBtf y
Tivxv Mpi-iii: Dry Caoodst.
No. 7J .S..' 2.. Street Philud' tytia.
TJ AVK now in the store and are daily receiv.
.1 .1 ilia in adililinn to their nsurtment as they ar
rive in tho New York and Philadelphia Matkels,
new Spring Dry (inods consisting in part of
New Styli-s Spring ,Mo. d Laints New Style
Bareges in Snipes, Plaid. &c. Choice Col
ors, modi) Bareges, New Lawns and
mode Mo, de Lainrs, Paul de
cherves. a new article, new
style T'SSlies &c, iiC.
French and Scotch GiNf-nam. In store one
of Ihe brgest astortinent in Pbilade'phia, from
the lowest price to the finest qualities, much
lower than last season
On hand at all seasons of thn year a large as
sortment, both of Linens and Muslin, at greatly
reduced prices, also Linen Damasks, Counter
panes &- Shawls. Gloves. Laces (te. High
Lust ir? lilai'k Silks, for mantillas. Visile. Dres
ses fcc Mens& llny's wear of all description
Ladies and Gentleman visiting the city ate in
vited to call and examine enr stork.
A liberal reductinn made to those who buy to
sell again.
Philadelphia. April I, 18 IS
CII A i.LEN C. Ii ! 'cii' ALLEla Off
rlHE CHALLENGE .-We have olserv.d va
JL fy patiently for a year past the fevered at
tempts by ann o nf i Ur faicrni'y. to force repu
tation which iheir i r. lej.-l .nal skill alone must fail
to give ihnni. And we would ronnnue our silent
ills, rvntion, t n 'rr il.e consciousness of n unh.d
atered merit, were it tint ninra than piobable that
this speciei of fanfironsde may diveit the publir
eye fiom eind d esanniiath n into the meme of
the mnliiiud nf rof. nrs in Ihe Uasuenein art.
We would see no iii sick an himorsh e publiri
iv, snd iheiei.y win tot it If golden opinio. ; but
e di pi-e tbut roi rble rhicsnery by which a
nurn pretriice gams an ovation over genuine
wnitS. Ii is to innke 'his v .ulting anihiiioti over
le -p iUelf or withdraw i'- s) urioua clain that we
now ttrspsr i n i's finch d si-ruriiv by lluoning
the g'nve I ai hnnorab'e test nf skill. Our cage
ia $S(ll) ihat the avrraue ut a g'nen nundx-r nf ds
gurrrrntype eiecu id nl ll 11 iguerrean Gallery
,,f M P. SIMONS. 179 Chesnut etucl, "ill exhi
bit a ure ter i tnount nf puf. ctinn in the art than
anv kitnilar averace number rr in ui y mlwr galle
ry in the Hi il d S aie'. Thia i no idle hn-i
we m an nbal ue aiv. We are diinU that ihe
public liou'd give thiir patruiiagn to meiit not
We a k investljslion. free, rigid, imparlidin
tetigitioii. Me have thrown ihe glove. Win
srillprk M. P SIMONS.
170 Clii'snut t., np;r;i 8, ale House, Phiisd.
N. U. It will I umler-lo d by our country
fneml., that Ihe above cliallenga has never yet
I n accepted, and w sl.o wish it Understood,
lhat e dnl not intend to m ike by Ibis wager, a
wo have already ixpr. a-rd ntir Intention to appro
liriaie tbe pr e to some itwrilaldii pnrpo-e,
rhi!ee! liu. Fib. 19, 1918 3 n.
illctlsEU & CSEUMli.Vai
Xo V.iH Chesnut Street,
S.ulh Butt fnrner if Eiehlh st , Philadelphia.
tlOU'l I! AI I S Iroirt the srnal .t bieasl-l in to
.. :-. -i. 1.. I.. TI..
ine larsrsi st, viniiiy in. '"ui".
V itnrielora are warranted in 'tng, Ihst their
work has gsin d a reputation second to non in
ihe world. Extracts from the Pre. t
Life-like in lbs einresaiori, chSstly correct in
lb shad'na. Ledeer
The ait ha arrive! at giast perfeeiion, and
none iitnler.Hnd ii tietter tbso McC'Ues ck. Ger-"tatiKw Iris.
"Admiiah1! ti.u''in e m eiceed theii eiquiiite
h Ii. arv" U. & Cattltt.
Kl'd from th report of the Judtes, at th last
fsirof iheFrmkl.n Inmiiu' Daguir'tyie
in t'tis de artmeiit there r some very eieellent
imt mens in ihe rxi il itlon. and the Judg.a Ibii.k
I'i. v sea a p.nieasiva improvameni in this branch
f tit art l liev h tve .n.t r- eomm.too n a
srd in fivor . f nv nf thn rntm)itai. t ut i
. i e se t tn ist.k firtt in order, th collection f
McCI.EF.S &. GEKMllN, a eontalnii the tx
cetlnwherof superior specimens."
I bil.dVpnu, Feb lt.ltia.tBf
Commission nnd Forwarding
iVo. 4 Cummerct Slretl IFhavf. BALTIMORE.
Will receive and sell all kind of Cotlnlrr Pro
duce Flour, Orin, ot,
N. B. Particular ttention jltren to th al
of Lumber. ' And cash advance mid on con
itnments, when required.
April 1, 1848 4m
Screfeit Wire Cloth Mauiirnctorr,
A'o. 48 North Front street, between Mar kit and
Arch streets,
fflHE Subscriber having made great improve
.1. menti In the above busineas. am now tnsnu.
fctunng. of superior quality, all kio.Nnf PLAIN
nd ORiVAMENTAL WIRE Wt)K, such as
Sieve. KiiJdles, Screen, .Ve., for alt kinds oTGrain,
Sea l. Sand, Ora, SnulT, Starch, Biii kdust, cVt.
Fouiideia' ciieves of a supertoi quality eonrtamly
nn hind. Al-o Sf s, Wiia Dish Cover, Sofa
Springs, Twilled Wiia for Spark ;tc!ier, Ac.
Ornamental Wire Works
8ueh as Cngrs, Nursery rYniler", Garden Border,
ing, Klower ards, Trainer. Trelli work Tor Orspe
Vines, &e. Also Wire Fi neingnf everv dererip
lion. fXj Order thankfully receiveil and prompt.
J egeeu'ed hy WATSON & VOX.
Feb. 19th. 1848. 3m.
Another Farm
ISODIXi E3-. Liaise
HE heirs nf John Yocum, dee'd., utTer fir sale
. all that Farm of theirs siiuiie in Sham .kin
tovii,ip, no'ihumbitlind County, mr Snuff.
'ort, and adjoining Ihe nlj Htnthb.ich stand in
said township, containing ahnnt two Inimlred srres
more or Iras, in I good sli'p of cultivation. Thu
Rail Road fmni Sunbury 1 1 Sliam.ikintnwn passes
'hroujh it. For panic, ,rs enquire of
Hrfill H. TKATS SnulTinwn.
fir J( IHX FAKNSWOU I'll, Siiiibory,
D(,e- ' l7' or any of ihe I.eiM.
Watches So .Jewellery
Full Jtwclkd (Soil Levers fur f 10, ilVtrrantrf
No. S40. Market street. PHILADELPHIA,
HAS roriBtfinily nn hand a large assortment of
Uold and S-:i!ver Watchu, at the following
low (rices-
Full JewrlleJ tio'd Lever. f40 00
Silver do 80 DO
Gold I.epines, full Jewel ed, 30 00
Silver l.e( ines, 13 00
Silver Quitiiri-, 00 sin.' 10 00
With a Isrje assortment nr l ins .ItwxLLtirir,
such as eir ring4, finger rings brrist pins, braces
lets giild and silver pencil', gold chaina. ic. Has
also nn hand a c r i 1 te a-soitment Lunette, patent
snd plain Walch classes, M iii) Springs Verge.
Dials arid H mds of every ilcscriptmn : and in f .ct,
a comple:e asortini nl i f Wnlclimake s to its and
Watch Material', to which he w ud cjII Ihe at
tention of the country iraile in genual.
fjCjT" Thoe wii-hing unyihitiit in Ihe a''ore Tne,
would find it In ihcir sdviningo toci l and exa
mine his atock btfdie ptircianing rlfwhere.
Nn. S48 Market sin el, below Sib,
Philadelphia, pt.25, 1H17. Oin
Improved Ilytlraulic Pismps,
For Wells. Rolling Mills, Furnaces, or other
riVtlE subscriber repeclfu!ly annnuncr l the
JL public that he is now prepared lo supply or
ders to any ext. nt f .r his Pat.-nt 1'nuhle action
Muciiin anil Force Pumps. Thc pumps are
made nf ca-t iron, nnd Ihe i iter is sucked or f ir
ced through lead pipe. Fur siinpl city of construc
tion end durability nf action, thri are rattlu supe
rior to any now in use. They have many advan
tages over the common pump, among which are
the f.dlouing ; tie ai constructed mischievous per
son c.tnnnt spoil Iheir union by introducing nail
or spike nr any oth r substance arm-nit the valves,
ns is often done wiih other pumps, thereby render
ing them useless till overhauled. I hey .e war
ranted to I e perfectly secure from frost, Tlicy are
at ranged u to albird ample protec ion against
Fire about ihe p-emiaea nn which they are erected;
by rimp'y attaching a piece nf lio-e, thro' which
they will lore witcr to any p.irl or, or over, a
three story h .use. They are particularly adapted
for very deep wells, ss the levctaie ran be so re
gulated ihut a chi'd of six years old run with the
greatest ease draw water with them from tha dee
pest wellr. I he objection an justly urged by ma
ny, that w .ter is spoiled by st.mdirg in pumplnga.
is entirely obviitcj in this pump, and fresh walcr
esn slwnys be i surely obtain. d as when drawn
iih bucket. In utoattni s where it is nece-sa-
rv to r.ine or force larce qnmti i of water to great
di-lancej for (itpplying bni'ers in tntila, furnaces.
Sec these pumps are invaluable, as they ran be
made f any a xe, arid expible of throwing from
IS to 1000 gallons per 'minute.
And to crown all, they can be sou as cheap a
th cheapest.
Thn subscriber ha spent irm last year in bid--
limrnling upon and perfecting hi pumps and now
Winn thini hef ire thepubl.c with the fullest con
fidence that they will be found to snswer his de
scription. He tales ptca'U e in n irrring 10 ine
follow. ng companies ami iii.hviuujK upon nnoe
pnmiseshis pumps have been erected, and taho
have expr.i-cd their satiif.ciion in th highest
I he Montour Iron Company. Dinv'lle, II. Bro-
voort. uuenl; the ulooms tig Kailrnail iron Com
pany. Ulonmsburg. Col. Paxton. agent ; the R ugh
and Ready Iron Work", Danvil'e, il inei.rk. F.'ley
& Co., proi rietors ; the town C.-nnc I of llerwick;
Sininit P: K tSt', L., ai:d Jolui I.. Y stsoll, tq ,
Obi ville.
lie could refer to miny i ther. h bare teilrd
their aital tie, but the above iri-pettable firms and
ini'ividual arc deemed sufficient.
try An assoiimetit of LE AD PIPE3 constant
ly on band, which will be a . Id on the most icas in
le terms. All nrde ad.l u.-e,l lotll.i uticrilr.
at Moore & Ui.ld'e's y buiidings, or Mon
lour House, Danville, will m-et with prrmnt at
tention. HUM F.R PAItMKLEE.
Jan. I. 1849 tf.
Eiti.llUued 15 years ag by Pr. KIXKELIX.
I hu olt'e-t, auresi and leal tuinl I . cur nil foiin
of seer I diseases; d se .se, of the skin Mid
suiitiry titbits of youth, ia
D ll. KINK El IN.
V. tV. eiirne" o3rf and Union sin-, between Spruce
ond Pin, I) ii nitres from the Exchange.
TaTOUNG MEN ! if you value your life or ynu.
J ha illh. rem.-nilwr, Ihe delay of mn'ilh.nsy,
evei a week, may prove your ruin, both of hod
snd mind. Hence let no false modesty Jeter you
frnmmiktng your es" known to oho who, frona
education and resiectt.bilitv,e -n a'on b- friend von.
IU who places him elf under i KINKKLIN'S
iraalmrnt, may irligbmsU e fide in hi honor
gen leman, nd in who bosom will b forever
locked Ihe -erei nf tho pa'i i.'.
Tpo miny think they will hug tbecrM to their
own heart, and eur ihem-el a, Ala! how of
ten is this" t fatal delusinn, and how many pro
mising young man, who nvnlil h been an orn.
ment ta.soci. ty. has faded f.nm th earth.
finding it ineonv nienl lo nuke pe'nft il applica
ii n, rin. bv luting their ce eiplicitly, togaibrr
with 'll ihairsympioma, (r M'er. have
forwarded to ihein a chest roiiainit.g Dr. K ma-
.lijinAa' aofironrisleil aocorditlKtv
Patkaie of M-dicine forwardsJ (o any part of
th United Stale at a moment nojr. .
try Post tsia!d aaaorj to Dr. Kt
ma, Philsdelphia, will ba froaaptry aitanded to.
Oe. Sflih; IMT. If ..... , , -i: . ,
lK DAY LATER noM El'llorE. -
Savoy a Republic Rusau Arming Ernoulo
in Madrid Sicilian Parliament Establinlitd
French Army of Observation Addresses
; from Ireland to Lamartitie Excitement in
London The Chartist Demonstralion For-
bidiien by Government The) Chartima Do
termined to Present their Petition Tho,
Government Increasing the Garrison Ten
Thousand Troops Posted in London. r
Tho following is an abstract of the foreign
intelligence received by tho steamship Aca
dia :
The general commotion on the continent of
Europe has gone on increasing.
The intelligence respecting the insurrec
tion in Lombardy has been confirmed, with
the further importunt feature that the King of
Sardinia, at the head of an armv of 30.000
r I -
troops, crossed the Piedmontese territory into
Lombardy, issuing a declaration of war as
ho passed tho frontiers against Austria, and
marched to Milan. Tho Austrians, defeated
at every point, fled as he approached, and ha
ving successfully boon driven from Palma,
Porescia, and Delensean, endeavored to es
tablish themselves in the Nunces.
The Italian duchies have burst out into an
insurrection. Modena and Parreina are revo
lutionized, and Venice, which has beendvins
daily since the fatal 18th of January, 1798,
now just half a cenlury, when tho Austrians
look possession of that city by virtue of the
treaty of Campo Formosa, oeain shows signa
of lilt?:
In Austria proper every thing seems disor
ganized, nnd amidst tha chaotic confusion
which prevails, it is quite impossible to fix
the hourly changing scenp. It is anticipated
that tho Austrian General, Rndolsky, who is
afraid to enter Mnntua for want of provisions!
will be compelled to capitulate upon the ap
pearance of the Sardinia troops. It is said
that thn disposable force will shorlly bo at
the command of Charles Albert, of not less
than 250,000 men. With such an army not
only wrtl all Lombardy be liberated, but Aus
tria may bo threatened even at tho gates of
Savoy Ins declared itself a Republic.
I i Switzerland n strict neutrality seems to
be aimed nt, and tho levying of troops is dis
countenanced by tho aulhurities. .
All the countries on the rioht bank of the
Rhine have been violently convulsed.
At Baden, Wurtemburg and Saxony liberal
governments have been conceded to the peo
ple. In Hannover the triumph of popular feel
ing has been complete.
In Prussia, after the bloody scenes which
took place iu Berlin, the king has put him
self at th head of the German Confederation,
and promises extensive constitutional reforms.
At the same time he has plunged headlong
into a dispute with the Danes respecting tha
long contested duchies of Holland and Schel
was which by force he seems resolved to de
tach from Denmark. On tho olher hand he
is exasp!iatiig tho Autocrat of Russia to the'
highest bounds of passion by encouraging tho'
Poles to erect an independent government in
the Duchy of Posen.
All Sileih, Bresluu and Lithuani appear to
bo in an alarming state of convulsion. It ii
rumored that 30.000 Cossacks suddenly pp.
peared at Telsit; and hi the tate of excite
ment in which tho Emporor is at the mo
ment, should the king of Prussiia waver, tha
consequence may be serious. The E'.r.jerrr
himself is vigorous and decided. He:? s-i.l
to have ordered every man in Russian To"
land, between the ago of 18 and 35, to be re
moved into the interior of. Russia.
Russia is concentrating a vast army in
Southern Russia, which wo should deem sufii.
cient to crush any attempt to arrest a repub
lic in that division of tho empire. Tho Em
peror had issued a manifesto.
In Portugal matters continue tranquil at
In Sicily the Parliament is constituted, and
the separation of the Island from Naples is
It is generally believed that the King of
Naples lias altogether abdicated his rights
ver Sicily.
The advices from Athens state that the
Greek minister had resigned Conduriotli
kid accepted tho task of forming a new cabi
net. In England and Ireland the greatest excite
ment exists. Lord John Ruisel repeated in
the House of Commons on Monday last his
previous declaration ihat the whole weight of
tho Government should bo appliod ,to the
maintainaitce of order and to put down dis
satisfaction and rebellion.
Tin great demonstration of Chartists, which
was to come off in London on the 10th inst.,'
has been forbidden by tha English govern
ment. All tho arraugerrients for the process
sioA were going on satisfactorily, the carriage
for conveying the petition, and the banners
insignia, &e., decided on, when Sir V. Gray
announced to Parlinnent, en the 6th inst.,'
thd determination of Government to allow
neither th? assemblage nor procession to take
placo. A proclamation appeared, forbidding
all ptwsan from attending the meeting.
Resolution?, calling those meetings; and fo?
tw issuing of a counter 'proclamation, were)
at once agreed to. . Tha members iu the pro
cesMon are not to carry arms.' - -
Tho government has seemingly determined
on bringing Matters to an issue, and large)
bodies of cavalry, infantry and artillery have
been dratted into tha metropolis, so that it ia
thought the force in tha city cannot be lea
thin 10,000 men. .
... . reiBsuii . ,.
Prince Adam Czartoryski and other leadcra
of the lust Poluh revolution were at Colognu
on the 30th, on their way to Poland. He is-'
sued an address claiming .Poland to be free,
unprivileged and democratic t aud departed
for Poaeti. Th? same writer say that in the
journey by the railway, procttaion to thd
Church were noticed ii all parts of Ihe
country. Ihe nolo of Ilia persons employs
ed oa th) railway were armed with swur'f
and musket. It ia etated ia the .Bar f
Gazette, that 150,000 Russian! are! J
concentrated on tha Polish frontier f
command of Prinoe Paskiewilch'
repoxtad thai aO.OOO hv uddy J.
14 to th; aantsj frontier fromf j