N.B AMEE J, . JUL 1 10 H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR' OFFICE, CORNER 01 CENTRfc ALLEY & MARKET STREET. ft jramfls flctospaprr-Pcbfttcb to aiolftfcg, aftcratttrc, jworalfis, jTorccpn an Domwtfc iletos, Scfntce an the arts, aortcurturr, tfrmets, amusements, c. NEW SERIES VOL. I, NO. 5. SUNUUHY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 89, 184S. OLD SERIES VOL. 8, NO. Ul, dsmftvs.jf rt .wrists vjfissr ea a a J2 TUItlrlS OF '11112 AMERICA. THE AMERICAN It puMished every Saturday at TWO Aflf LbAnr, per annum w uc pmu nan yearly 111 nuvance. No paper diK mtltiueu until all arreamgea are paid. All cormnunlcatiuns or Icttera on buniiicNi relating tj the office, to insure attention, must be TOST PAID. TO CLUBS. Three copie to one address, Ski 09 Hcvcn i lo vo 10 00 I-'ittc-n Di Dj so 00 Five dollars in advance will pay fur three year's sulscrip. ti n to the American. , h Squnre of 10 linn, 3 times, ' Rrerj eobBeqeenl Insertion, 'One Squnre, 3 month!:, 'Stk m mtha, t . One Tri llusuicae Cards of Five linen, per annum, Merchant, and others, advert ising by the year, with the privilege of inaerticg dif- . ferent advertiaementa weekly. 17 Larger Advertisements, aa per agreement. (100 S3 375 OtK) 300 1000 . , H.B.MASSEP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' SUTTBTJB.Tr, P V. v Rusineea attended til tn t he Covin1.. es of Nor thutrt errand, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. . heftVtoi 'P. & A. PoViil'HT, i.owm A lUnrto, foxf.Mii A SnonflBASs, ti solus, Mc Karl mi & Co fcrsatso.Oooii & Co., S-VhilaJ. 5 corse J. Weaver, BOPS MAKER & SHIP CHANDLER. No. 13 North Water Utreet.Philadelphta. HAS constantly on hnnd. Rcnernl nssrl mrnt of Cordage, Seine Twines. &.C., via: 'i ar'd Hope, Fishing Ropes, While Hopes, M.inil n Itnpes, Tow Lines for Cin.il Hosts. Aim, a Vomplete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Hhad and Hcrriiia; Twine. Hest Patent (iill .Net Twine. Cotton Sha.l and Henini Twice, Shoe Th-inib, &e. &c. Also, Bed Cords, Ploutrh Lines Halters. Tract. Cotton and Linen C-irpct Oh iii. 'ic, ait or whieh he will dispose of on ti.json .lile 'let ma. Philadelphia. November 13. 1117. !y (23- 133 E2T -CP S3 TO I, W light's I ml Inn Vegetable I'llls. Ilenre YIiss.t. Suntiipy. E St J. Kiuffmn, AltaVista township. John H Vine nt, l.'lilliiunque. K:ise ft Bcigi'i'ei'ser. Ely-hu'i). S.innol H ili. LuiIp Msiion.iy, William l)ipi n. Jnrk 'n. Iielin.l aid liny lie. MiK. nilli'. Willi.im Hpiiimi & llroilier, Milton. l'oi,)th. Wilson iV Co., .Noitliumlieilntid .dimi's ll.ed. I'olts'jmvM. O. VV. Scott. It.i-hville. W. A. II Ffi lv. Sh'm.ikinlmvri. If hoilo- & Pairow Snydrratown. Amos T. B'is.-lt, Tnilin'uvtlle tLnnpvil'e Holshue, Upper Mahonny. J. hn G. Itenn. ilo d j. E. L l'ii', W'atsontown. Whole'iilc, .it the ollu-e m il Reoer I drpot, 1 fi!) Rsce at.. PhiUdeliihia. L. e. I. IS47. ly THE CUEAP Bdllli STORK. DA1TIELS & SMITH'S CtiitAP New k Second iia.no Book Sioiik, North West corner of Fourth and Arch Stnclv Philadelphia. Law Books, Theological and Classical Cooks, MBDICAL BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL HOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Ro ki. Juvenile Books, in great vui'hiy. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all ie and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, Waal- ' anil Kit all, tV Ova pricrt ore muoh I iwer tlinn the nE'.ri.AR prices. (V l.ihrarini and sm:ill naroi''.ii of b inks puri-teiscd. If H'ika imp irterl 1 1 onlfr from ImwIjii. l'hiladdphia, April 1, If 1 y "PORTER & EXTGLISHr GROCERS COMMISSION 1 FRC'llANTS nnd Dealers in Sfeds, Ar 3. Arch dt PHILADELPHIA. Constantly on hand a general nsortinint of GROCERI ES, TEAS, WINES, SEEDS, LIUUUKS, &c. To which they respeclfiilly invite the attention of the public. AH kinds of country produce taken in exchange or Grocerii! or solo nn l ommimnn. Philad April 1. :18 OLITEBi"&lOLAXT, IxroETKBS AND DEALERS IN ZEPDVR WORSTED, CANVASSES, PATTERNS, Cottons, Needles, Pins, Sewing Silk, Steel Brails. Ba Clasps. Sieel Tnssi-li, Steel Purse Rinsi, Purse Clasps. Pla n and Shadnl Purs Twist, Trimmings, Fancy Gooils, &c, Cheap for Cash to Whdcsule Dcnlcrj, 0 the New Thread and Needle Store. No. 3 Nirth f,Ar:h fr- 179 Chestnut Street, ' n.iir. . Ur.1 nni i r'lllLAur-i.rniA. April 8, 1818 riBSF PRBMItTM PI AN J FOR i'ES. fi-llK SUUSCUIHF.R has bc-en appoihlfii agHiii r- . l. . n i hi L- V Ll r 'C I ' L r L. . IS lur me sail Ul IU.ll.iu .toil r. a ui.ui,- PRATED HREvilUvl UOSK WOOD PIANOS. Lt iki. U.. TL... D. ...... fiaud a ii'hiii mm. r. ... . - .... ..... aive aim uranium exterior iihisii. nno. iui hc nn pi tone, anil eiegdiice ot wnraiiiai.utp, aiv nui nrpated by any in Ihe UmteJ Stales ihese inslriimeiitsare htslily approved of Uy tha most eminent Professois and Composer Muain in this nnil nlher ritlel. r 0 . For Qualities of tone, touch and Beeping in tone upon Concert pilch, llo-y cannot be autpat ed by either Amxrnan fir Km oilman Pianos. , Suirica it tossy that MaiUme Caslellan, W. V Wal ace. Vieui IVrtipi. and his aiati-r, the cele bn a at I Ail Pi Atl tail ami idkuia nl I U al mntt itlM tmonisheil neifonners. have itiven these mstrii mrnta preference over ii oth-rs. , They have also r eeived th nist notice of the three lat F.xhihil ions, and ih Ust Silver Medal to mem. wn'i-i, w -. ,nV nu w sameourre. may be seen at Ihe ware room No S3 .oulh Kourlh at. t- fry A not her reiver Medal H awarded tn C Meyer, by Ihe Franklin InHut, Oct 1815 lor the best piano in lh exhiuilmn Anain at the eihilrlioil of the Franklin Intti . tnle. O.-t I81B Ihe firl piemmm and medal wa, awarded In V, Meyer for his Pianos althiiujh it hail been eerilel at the exninninii yeai ,haXV.nI before, on the irnund er improvements in b hi. Insirumeinawithinth past 13 months, i.iiu at the last exhibition of ih. Franklin In.iitnia. mif. another Premiurr. waa awarded to C Meyer, for the beat Piano in the exhibition At KjMiAat.ai their last exhibition. Spl, 1817 f. M.ver raeeived the Hist silver Medal and Hi lomt. for the beat square Piano in the e xhihitidn l'k Piaena will be sold at ihe txannUctD swr'a lowest Philadelphia prices, if not somethina- lower. Persons are requeattvi to can aoq exan. iA M ttiMI.Vta. l lb Jlltlm erlW. MASE. turbary, kf A THE GOOD BOY RECITING HIS LESSON. Mr. City. Wkll, Mastf-p. John ; now she if yot; know yoi'ji lhsson. Mister CttlhoTit. Yesmdr "Rbsolveii that to conqi'eii and hold Micxico either as a province or uy incorporating it into Tin: Union u inconsistent with, hie IN CONFLICT WITH ITS CHARACTER AND CiENlUS Mr. Clay. That's a coon coy, Johnny A YANKEE STOHY. Management. Set'i. Slok'. Ca-irlsuip. I've hcar.l folks say that tho wimmin was contrary. V ell, they is a lt'etic so : but it you nianaTC 'em r'i9;ht haul in hoiv, and let 'em out ther."1, you can drive 'em uIoiil;; without whip or ppur, jest which way you wuui t'lu 10 110. When I lived down at Elton, there was a good many fust rate gals down there, but 1 I didn't take a liktn' to any on 'em Xn j Squire Cummins cum down there to live. Hie Squire had a mighty purty darter. l sed some of the gals was fust rate, but Nan- i cy Cummins was fust rate and a leelle more. There was many dressed finer .and looked grander, hut there was something jr.,,) ai,out il a. il 1 1 .. 1 1 v. Nance, that they couldn't uold a candle to. If a fellow seed her once, he couldn't look at another gal for a week. I tuk a likin' to her rite oil, and we got as thick as as thick as thieves. We had used to sow to the same nd sot in the same pew. It took me to find sarms and hims for her : and we'd swell 'em out in a manner shockin to har dened sinners ; and then we'd mosey hum together, while the gals and lellarj kept a looking' on, as though they'd like to mix in. I'd always stay to supper; and tne way she could make injun cakes, and the way I wood slick 'em over with molasses 1 and put 'em away, was notlnn' to nobody. She was dreadful civil, tew, always gettin' somethin' nice for me. I was up to the hub in love, and was goin' in f r it like a locomotive. Well, things went oa in this way for a spell, till she tho't she had me tight enough. Then she began to show oft' kinder independent line". When I'd go to meeting there was no room in the paw, I got considerably riled, and thouht I , w s i 1 . i mite as well cum to the end on it at wunst; so down I went to have it out with her , there was a hull grist of fellers there. They seemed mity quiei uit 1 went in ; men sne got talkin' all manner of nonsense 3ed aa'IIT 1 . il - i . . , , , ,. ,, . T nthin M m. nnd tiarneu IlUie Ol l at. 1 -.I.l.4 T i - i 7 i i tried to keep my dander down; but it warn t Qn,r us? j evA inovnr aoout as it I had a pin in my trows?rs, and I sweat as if I had been tnresnin.' luy conar nuns if it had been hang over my stock to dry. I cduldn't stand it ; so I cleared out as quick as 1 cooa ; lor l seca iwi no usr u j nomin' to ner; i auaic iu - thought the matter over a speit iiiiiin.3 i, .... . .n,UI lh.nl. I " that gal is jest tryin' of me : Hain't no use 0r our niavitl 0SiUm : I'll take the kink 1 , . J" ' if T . fptpL hpr out of that I " n ' ,v " , . . I heard tell of a boV WUnst. that got tO skewl late on one Sunday mornin' : master 1: , , .. ... . . i , "You'tarnalsleepin'cnttur, what kept ill an Int. a youso iatof , "'Why,' set the. boy, ut'sso evenasung slippry out, I couldn't pet along no how; -ery. - ",. I"': ' t ."j . . ',: L 71,. waU ' " " Now, that's jest my case. I have been nuttin' ater that o-al considerable time. Now, thinks I. I'll eo tother way she'd been sli'tin of me. and now I'll elite her what's saw for tha goose is sou for tha gin der. ',,.....,,. Well, I went no more to Nancy's, Next I Sunday I slicked myself up; and I dew say, j when I got my fixim' on, 1 tooVthe shine when she'd cum and she streeke off with ' V, ,'.'',',;., v r , anotlier chap, and leave me suckin' my fin-, ,f l v.e. tak,pn a, 1,lk,n tor i(.'r' mn 1 her fU ' gers at the door. Ir.Uead of stickin' to me ' .1 'f 'c've taken a l.k.n' to one another, n..h..,l r,A, .borrnt niiiin' or.-.n,l ta"1 ' your fault ; but I ain't so almighty with all the other fellers, jest as if she cared tak?n w,,h h'"r a"d l1 hpr ral a nn'-n,,,,.),,!,,,,,., nie; so you hadn't ou'httogitsivae about .,'' 1 avowed ou.iect or the war contrary to AND IN THE END MI ST HE SUBVERSIVE OF who knows r.UT what you'll de President c'.oar ofl'of any spi-cimen of luiman of Iitiinan natur, n' li;n , oil" I put j in our iiirls. Al'.i it ni.cfii toK'.th ini DjcIi-.-'s. Palienco Dxl wis 1 as nice a ia as vou'J sco 'lit iK-n? a'ui i yoiidor, any mora than she wasn't jiul like Nancy Cuaimt'i?. Epliroim M-.iis.'v h-v.l :iil tl) '1 tO S !i) 11 -r ; n ler, but lv wai ti re.i i:tl was a clover ii'lus. Wo! 1- I, 1 went to nu'tjliir witn l'a'.u'iice. anJ s t rili; '.r...v . . T .i:.i,. , 1,..- V.m nrw mtin'-. shs had n i'eller with her w)0 ha(i a blazon' red head, and less like a pjj. 0f compasses; she had a lace a i long as a thanksiiven' dinner. I knowed W10 shewas thinkin' abon-, and 'Iwasn't the c, with fte fvi heaJ mlh, Wej, j n)mill . ,mh kw 1V n M,n ., ,,,v ' , woo "i:,i,,' . uf i, ,i:,i ri,i ' 1 OtH UIV4 11). -llt, niiUlll Ml' ailV, 111 VI cut ii.,i ,tr ,i,.lr11i , thoM n-io l,r BW ,.' i. ,i iin T imj ;t till I lo liavt. ol in a lll(.ss about pati(.nCt.; -n,., .:.,. mmwld I m,in -nrtw Lor for good, and got as proud as a tame turkey. One day Ephe cum down to our place, looki.ii' r.s ralhy as a maliihy ollicer, on a trainiu'.day. ... "Look here," ses he, "hetll blokes," as lmui a3 a smull thunder clan, "I'll be darn. 0j i uTrnlln . T whni. ln-nke " ! uvuv i,., t ral,1(, fi.vn to have n slt;sfacl;mi a.)()u, pati,.nce Dodge. Here i,ve b.,pll C0I.ti:l, h,.r 0Vt.r sillc0 last vc,ar . aml shu xvaj u ,,t a. ooi as 1T,iiio till you cum a guar arier ner, and now i can't toiich her with forty foot pule." "Why," s?s I, "wln'i 0:1 carlh ore you talkin' about ? I ain't got nrfthin' to do with your gal; but s'posj I had, there's n jthiu' lor vou to git wolfy about. If the nnllllnl tiW'n u,, r-,,i,w .i.i ,i,.. dT " nil o,j ihj iiuuiu vu.im ) J nm ,h 11i,.i.-;i M,T.r in rii,- r went t'other day to a place wher:- there , , , orth,uota or .na sueh dUeas(1 amJ they wefe gl .h;,,. Well. ther. t a th Uin' ' mf thuuderiu' bi' c ' ... ..1.:. . r 1 11 ,r -11 ,i ..r 1 1 tuii ui uraniis, mu ui utisjrtsui itui:iv, ., T KhitM if and thought T had mode a ln-l m.ifln i . u... ...l,.,,, t rtitntn Irvik nt '.mti then, warat nothin' in it worth a cent, except an old s her thimble, and that was all rusted Ulj g0 j j jt for jla3 than j gavp jljr Well, when the chap that bought It took it m,m he nearci SOmethin' rattle broke the old chist. and tound lots ol id n . m a ' r , , .. .fT taise Doitom i naan t seen, now u i naa )ase bottom 1 hadn't seen. JNow it 1 had tuk the chist hum, I'd never found that nmnpv nnr if T Ah thpv'd bin all counter- t.:. 'j tu v:. ...i .,.-i ril..Tm anA IpH m n darned fool." , 4,v , jjnne. tuai u narcj . but never you mind that -jest go on you can u and whpfl youJ dew git her, vou i1! .. a;i - u j iv : t . 1 can tile the rough edges off jest as you pjeaaew -: " . I Th ' t- . , i J j i, j-, nj ..vav t; ' Now. think. I. it's time to look after Nance, Nexl day' down V went. Nancy i was an no., laiM. sed be wasn't. 'Cattse,".sayi I, (makin' beleev I want. ed him.i "our colt sprained his foot, and I cum to see if the Squire wont lend me his nmra to go to'town." . .... . , . . She sed she euessed hi wood better sit down till the Sduire corned in. Down I ; ; sot ; she looked sort o' strange, and my hart the settled policy of our government ALL OCR FREE AND POPULAR INSTITUTIONS." one of these days? felt queer a'.l arjunJ the edgos. wliilu s.-s I : Arlcr Air you 20111' down to Uctsey Ma'in's dniliir,' 1 : she "JiJu't know firsirlin'; air you roin ? R.'d I "retkoned I wood." S:s sho, I s'paae you'd take Patience Oo:lvre.' S.'d I "mout and a'j'in I mout not." Ses she, "1 heard you're sroiu' to mar- I led." ;'s I, "shouldn't wunder a bit Patience is a nice gal." I looked at her I seed the teers cum min Ses I, "may be she'll ax you to be brides maid." She riz rit up, she did, her face as red as a biled beet. "Seth Stokes," ses she, and couldn't say any more, she was so full. "Won't you be bridesmaid ?" ses I. "No," ses she, and she bust rite out. "Well, tlien," ses t, "if you won't be bridesmaid, will you be the bride?" She looked tip .at me I rwuii to man I never se.ed anything so awful putty I tuk rite hold of her hand. ''Yes or no," ses I, "rite off." "Yes," ses she. "That's your sort," ses I, and I gin her a 1U"3 and a hug. I soon fixed matters with t'ue Squire. We soon hitched traces to trot in double harness for life, and I never had cause to repent of my bargain. ANIMAL instinct. Tlu R'-'V. Cicsar O:vay, in his recently published p iper 011 "Tha Intellectuality of Djmestie Animals," gives the follow ing anec dote, which is bv far too good not to receive ih ) benefit of a wider circulation : "At tin Hour mills ot I ubberakeena, near Clonmsl, while in the pjss3ssion of the late Mr. H 'wbald, th.'re. was a goose, which, by some accident was left solitary, wilhout rnate or offspring, gander or goslings. Now it hap pened as in common, that tho millers wife h 11 set a nimib -r of duck's eggs under a hen which in duo lima wcro incubated ; and of ccurs ) tlu ducklings as soon as they came ! r.u-'li ivni w l;li n:itiii':il iiK'iuot to th.l wntpr i ... .... , ..,. , ' ilUll. lllJ lit: 11 VU3 111 U JUJUhtT -ILVt lllillV J urv,n3 ner lonww mj orooa, ana nt?r . 'i.. .... . 1 . .. i 11 ... .1. 1 1 . . I . sellish iess disposing her to keep on dry land 1:1 ,n meanwhile up sailed Ihn goos, with a noisy gabble, which certainly (being inter- ))a.tcd,) meant leave them to my care ; she sf am up and down with tha ducklings; and WU3n they were tired with their anuatic ex. -,.;. iln ..nnai.rno,! ihm in iv, or ,.r ' O" ". lhrt k-... Tho, mnrt n ',t., the ducklings to tha pond, and thsro whs the " 'oosa wailing for them, and there stood the On this occa- , 810,1 we Bre ot at " llwt ,nB &000 mvitetl the hen, observing her maternal trou ble but it is a fact that aha being near the shore, tho hen jumped upon her back, and then) sat the ducklings swimming, and tho gooso and han after them, up and down tha pond. And this was not a solitary event day after day, the hen was seen en board the goose, attending tha duckling up and down in perfect contontodnes and good humor numbers of people coming to witness the eir cumstanoe, which continued until the duck lings coming to days of discretion, required no lunger tho joint g-uurdiuuship of the hen and goose." the Chttrck of the Pilgrims at Wrookiyri. N. Y., ha just been relieved of a debt ot SJ8,000, by subscription I MEf IIANICS' NOTE BOOK. "thfi followingconveiiiant rules for Mechanics nnd others, although not perfect in their frac tional parts', are nevertheless Correct enough for all practical purposes. Thsy were com piled by a writer in one of our exchanges : To find the area of a Triangle. Multiply thn baso by tho perpendicular height; and take half tho product for the area. To find the area of a circle. Multiply the circumference by half tho diameter, and the product will be the area. To find the cirenmferance of a circle from thediameter. Multiply, the diameter by 2 and divide by 7 or to be more exact, multi ply ihe diameter by 355 and divide by 133. To find the area of an oval. Multiply the longest diameter by thn shortest ; then multi ply th:i product by llvi decimal 7.754. To find the contents of a pyramid or cone. Find the nrea of the base, and multiply that area by the perpendicular heigh', and take one third of the product for the contents. To find the solidity of a sphere or trlobc. Multiply the surface by tho diameter and take one sixth of tho product for contents. Anf.cdotk of Mn. Adams. A correspon dent of lh'' New York Commercial Adverti ser ffives an illustration of the humorous trait in Mr. Adams diameter. Shortly after his e'ection to thn Presidency, while ho was rc ceivii g an assemblage of his fellow citi.mis at R iltimnre, a young man slightly iut briated an 1 who was known as a violent partisan of Jackson, came up to bj introduced with others. Taking Mr. A.'s hand, he said, with mauldin gravity "1 call (hie-up) to pay my respects to the President, but (hie-up) I'm a Jacksnn man, sir, and hope, sir, you'll take sood care of our rreat and tloriotis Constitu tion." ;lI will, sir," replied Mr. Adams; I'll do my best to take pood care of the Constitu tion of the United States, and 1 hope," h? added in a whisper, still holdinir the younz man's hand, ! hope you will take as good care, of yours." Confipkucf. in the Peoi'le. Wlem the Revolutionists win won the Republic for France had forced their way into tlv? Palais Royal and had reached the apartments of flen. Atlmlin, one of Louis Phillippcrs aid tie-camps, they encountered the fJetieral's lady, a woman of dignified deportment and stature, whom the geiipral had espoused for her rare beauty, being but the daughter of a p.ior!i'i'jrma'i of Granville. "My f.ijud?," she exclaimed, "I trust you have not come here to oITlt any injury to liijuulf or rny husband. I auiuiit cVieof your fine ladies, but a daugh- ter of the npnnlo'-. T throw mvself then con fidently on vour protection. But I will not ave my husband,; ho is confined to his bed by illness " . Tha band were struck with the boldness of tho appeal . They repaired to tho eneral:8 chamber,, placed him in an arm hair, and heac-'ed by this daughter of the people, thoy conveyed him toafiiend"s house i the neighborhood. On reaching his desti nation the General recollected leaving a sum f 130,000f. (5,200) in notes and gold in his desk. He handed tho kev of tho desk to working niau in a blouse, whom he did not now. An nour aner ino man rcturneu wiiu every sou ol tno money, i ins is uy no menus solitary instance of tho disinterestedness nd nobility of mind displayed by the peo ple during these most glorious three days. A Brvvf. Woman Homicide. An un known man demanded admittance last week nto the house of Mrs. Roberts, living near New Albany, Indiana, on the Charleston Road in tho absence of her husband. The indivi dual said that ho wanted admittance to the premises, which being refused, he attempted to enter at the front door, then attempted to force a window, stating at the same , time, ho intended to gain admittance !:at the ri-ik of his life." During this time, Mrs. R. had loaded a gun which shi had in her possession, with a heavy chirgo of buckshn', nnd taking a deliberate aim bv rs'nig tin piece upon a table when tho ruffian had forcad tin win- low in such a manner as to enable him to enter tin house, she fired, and tin whole contents lodged in the riuht side, just below the nipple, causing ulmost ii's'antaneous death. A Coto-iers inquest was h"ld. Ver dict ,:Justifiablb homicide." Be Firm. The wind and tin waves may b"at asrainrrt a rock, planted in a troubled sea but it remains unmoved. Be yon like that rock, young man. Vice may spread her net ; the mellow voice may entice, and the song and the dance may invite. Beware. Stand firmly at your post. Let your principles shino forth uncbscured. There is glory in the thought that you have resisted temptation and conquered. Your bright example will be to the world what the light house, is to the mariner upon a lee share It will guide hundreds to the port of virtue and safety. The Boston papers mention, a Penguin's egg, taken from the island of lchoboe, fifty, einht feet below the surface of Guana. A calculation bassd upon the accumulation of the guano, proves thn egg to be six thousand four hundred aiid eight years old. A perron inquired of Rothschild how he contrived to accumulate at) large fortune. "By buying," said he, "when everybody was selling, and selling when ewybody was buy- iog" . . . -' , !. . . It b proved that a pair of akarrows, during the time lAt they have their jWt to feed destroy on an average, 3380 caterpillars OUR REVOLUTIONARY MOTHER). At the lime General Green retreated before Lord Rawdon from Ninety-Six, w hen he had passed Broad River ho was desirous to nend an order to General Sumter, who was on the Wateree, to join, him, that they might attack Rawdon, who divided his force. But the General could find no man in that part of tho State who was bold enough to undertake so dangerous a mission. Tho country to be pas sed through was many miles full of blood thirsty tories, who on every occasion that of fered, imbrued their hands in the blood of the whig. At length Emily Goigcr present ed herself to General Green, and proposed to act as his messenger, and the. General, both surprised and delighted, closed with her pro posal, lie accordingly wrote a letter and delivered it, and at the fearne time communi cated the contents of it verbally, to bo told to Sumter in case of accident. Emily was young, but as to her person or adventures on ihe way, wo had no further information, ex cept that she was mounted on horseback, up. on a side-saddle, nnd on the second day of her journey she was intercepted by Lord Rawdon's scouts. Coming from the direc tion of Green's army, and not being able to tell an untruth without blushing, Emily was confined to n room; and as the officer in command had tho modesty not to search her at the time, he sent for nn old tory matron ii3 more fitting for that purpose. Emily was not wanting in expedien', and as soon as the door was closed, and the bustln a little sub sided, sho nfc up the letter piece by piece. After a while the matron arrived upon searching carefully, nothing was to bo found of a suspicions nature about llu prisoner, and sin would disclose nothing. Su-sricirm be ing thus allayed, the officer commanding tho scouts suffered Emily to depart for where she said sin was bound ; but she took a rout somewhat cireuitious to avoid detection, and soon after struck in the road to Sumter's camp where she arrived in safety. Emily told her adventure, and delivered Green's veib.il mes sage to Sumter, who in consequence soon af ter joined tin main army nt Orrn'rebnrg Emily Geiirer afterwards married Mr. Tbre wits a ritdi p'anter nn the Consraree. She h is b"en dead thirty-five years, bnt it is trust ed lnr name will draennd to posterity among thosi; of tho patriotic females of thn revolu tion. Whitfield's Ei.oqit.ncf. Tho eloquence of this jtis'ly celebrated man was at times rrpsistilile. The ftccomnlislvd skeptic, Ches terfield, wns present when this popular preach er presented the votnryof sin under tin fismrn of a blind bejlgar, led by a little doer. Ihe ting had broken his string.. The blind crip ple, with his staffbetsveen bothlmtid groped his way unconsciously to the side of a preci pice. As he felt along with his staff, it drop ped down tin descent, too deep to send back an echo. Ho thought it fell on the ground, and bending forward, took ono step to recov er it. But ho trod on vacancy ! (pausing for a moment.) and as he fell headlonc, Chester field sprung from his seat, exclaiming : "My heaven ! ho's gone 1" Sound Visible. In this age of wonders what will tin world think when we assure il that a method has been discovered and ma tured by which sound will be made visible to the haman eye, its various torms and waves demonstrated to sight, and ihe power to dis criminate between the tones of one musical intrument and another be as complete as lo observe tho action of water when distributed by any material caused Tho experiments, we believe, are likely to tie ere long repeated before the royal society. Tho exhibition of effects on fine sand has probably led to this astonishing issue Literary Gazette. A Cool Apology. "Oh! exclaimed a poor sufferer toa dentist, "that is the second wrong tooth you've pulled out !" "Very sorry', sir,') said the blunderinz operator, "but as there was only three wlnn 1 bgar, I'm sure to be right the next time. It is said that the owners of tha Lake stea mers, pav annually to the runners, who visit lhf hotels nnd procure passenger-, not less than $70,000. Il is now said tlutt Mons. Pag-oi, late Miaister from France in thiscatuitry, has de cided not to return to France, but to settle iu Tennessee. Fighting bv Measure. The usual place of resort for Dtiblin dnel)bts is called the Fifteen Acres. An attorney of that citv, in penny a challenge, thought, most likely, h-? was drawing a lease, and invited his antago nist to meet him at "tho place called Fifteen Acres, 6s th) same more or leu." Father Matthew says the reason why he cannot gratify his temperance fried, by vi sit irg the United Slates this spring, is, that he has been commanded by his superior to go to Rome. 1; o 'I " - rUN-cHis Is there any situation worse than that of a lawyer's clerk. Yes, that of a lawyer's client. A School m ast ca. in Vermont, lately re. commended to his pupils, a very fine edition of Comb on the Head. The i'oii.owitfo may be called a very de finite answer: "Will you apologize cr .tight" "Sir, I will." . Why is the sun lika a good loaf! Re causa tt is light when it rites. , Jfapoiton. A naugnty 'boy who wM put in a coruer booauso ho wautod the world tfeplay with. GEMS OF POESY. LINES;.., Suggested by the annouacement that "A Bill tor the Pi-electroi, cf the Property of Mar ried Woiiiati has passed both Houses" of our State Legislature. , Oh, ye who in those Houses hold . ; The sceptre of command I Thought's sceptre, sunlit, In the soul, Not golden, in the ltand 1 Was there not ono among ye all, . No heart, that Love could thrill, To move somo slight amendments there, Before you passed the bill T Ye mako our gold and lands secure ; May be you do not know, That we have other property, We'd rather not forego. ' i. There arc' such tilings in woman'3 heart, ', As fancic, tastes, affections; Are no encroachments made on these t Do they need no '-'protections V Do we not daily sacrifice, ' , To our lords and Creatioo'?, . , Some darling wish sarno petted whim, Ah, me! in vaiu oblations! These "cold realities" of life, These men, with their intiusious; Do they not rob us, one by one, Of all our "warm illusions?" These highway roliLeis, prowling round, Our "young affections'" stealing, Do they not take our richest store Of truth and Faith and Feeling! Our "better judgment," "liner sense," Wo yield with souls that falter, A costly, dainty holocaust, Upon a tyrant's altar We waste on them our "'golden'' hours, Our "real estate" of Beauty, The bloom of Life's young passion-flowers And still they talk of "Duty." Alas for those, whose nil of wealth Is iu their souls and faces, Whoso only "rents'' are rents in heart, Whoso only tenant" jra'ces. How must that poor protection bill Provoke their bitter laughter. Since they themselves are leased for life, And no pay-day till after! By all the rcjl yPii fcu'lly hope, When ends this lengthened session, That household peace, which woman holds; Tluv.d; Heaven ! at hor discretion; If a light of generous .chivalry, This wild appeal, aruu-jes, Present a truer, nobler bill ! . And let it pass-tii houses., Frances S. Osgood. I.OVE SICK RHYME! Was I a court-plaster, I would be A patch upon her lip : To spond a life of ecstacy, And sip, and sip, and sip ! Was I a pair of spectacles, , ilow dearly .would 1 prize, A situation on her nose, . To look her in tho eyes ! A GOOD jrKK: 1, . t We have read the following wondrous legend ; and mus,t say that we. cannot now despair of humanity any more v Tho New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, says the Mobile Her all, tells an amusing story of a new inven- y tion against rogues, called the "Cditibina tion Lock." Recently a Wall street broker, of considerable, wealth, and who lives in great style in the west end of Gotham, pur chased a beautiful (ire-proof safe, in whil to secure his valuables against the fiery elements, to which he affiled one of these beautiful pieces ol mechanism.. ( XhfJ'.arc so strangely complicated that you may Jock them, hand the key to the manufacturer; even, and the chances are as ono to ten thousand, that he .will not be able to1 bfc! them'. The wards and interior awangements of these locks are alphabetically arranged, and you select a word in the language, take the letters, one by one. Thus take .the word "chair" you lock c, then h, then a', then , then r. " Now jt must te unlocked in the same vay and unless you hit upon the esact word you will never be able to un lock it. A ell, the broker .in qaestioalo.c.kej his new safe aacording to the word "toot;, ', but after working at it for an hoar or more, tho n:xt morning, Iw could not unlock it, and gave it up in despair. . ' As his funds were all locked up, says the, letter, and he had no money with which to pay h!s nofes.atid carry 011 his business that day, but n lis credit was good, "he raised giiiPcierit for the purpose .by borrowing of the banks. The next morning thn manu facturer of the lock, according to request, called to ascertain the ditiiculty. He said he had no doubt he could unlock the stile,1 if the gentleman would tell him, tho word, to which he locked iU '89ots,', ,;as,the word, and to work he set to unlock, it to "boots." Well, he tried, sanguine of suc cess, but "boots", w.ould not unlocK the safe. He tried again and again, and was no more successful. He tried an hour, two hours, and three hours, with no success Finally a happy thought struck, htm. . Ue wiped the perspiration from his face,' tcolr a drink of water, examined the key again and looked at the broker straight . in the eye, and said: "Sir, allow, me to ati jppu how vou spill boots." "How do I, spell boots?" said the other. "Why, I spell it risht hpw do you spell ft 1" ' 0h, ne,Ver mind," said the man of epmbioation locks,' how I spell it; how do you spell it!" "B-u-t-s, to be sure,'' said tha broker.-. "The d -4 you do," said tha lockroid y "and if you spell booU butt, I will unlock;. th saf to, od ha did unlock it in tb twinkling of an tyt. v.