Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 15, 1848, Image 4

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&vmtvt Department.
' ""This moat valuable root. "Ho who has
a food bed of asparagus," says an old adage,
, b hi peas ready sown, and may pluck an
tarlier mess than ha who sows in the spring."
' The young asparagus plants are . the best
vubatiruto for green peas of which we have
'any knowledge. The cultivation of the root
is txtrernely oasy, an vast quantities are rai-
' aed annually t small expense. Being a ma
rine plant, salt is ono of the best stimulants
that can be applied. In weeding asparagus
', we never apply the hoe ; we make the weed
ing and manuring one labor, as the salt which
we applv, (in solution, very strong,) while it
acts as a healthy and invigorating stimulant
to the plants, destroys effectually by its sa
line properties, all the weeds in the bed. We
usually apply a dressing of old, well rotted
manure in the fall, and in the spring, as soon
as th5 plants make their appearance, com
mence watering, the solution, at first, being
very weak, increasing itsstrength as the
plants advance. In thisway we usually se
cure an abundance of plants, and probably
with less than one half the labor and expense
attending the ordinary method of cultivation.
Maine Farmcrt
Grafting Frvtt Tbef.s. The season of
grafting is at hand, and the work should not
Be neglected. Trees which bring not forth
Rood fruit, whether apples, pears, plums or
cherries, should be grafted with scions of
.better varieties, without unnecessary delay.
If this course should be generally adopted,
what a remarkable change would a few
years produce in the quality of the fruit.
On the subject of grafting fruit trees, a wri
ter says :
'There is probably no branch in imme
diate connection with agriculture, more in
teresting or more truly scientific, than the
art of grafting. Long as this art has been
known in its general principle, the art has
recently taken an immense advance, and is
yet but partially understood by the most
experienced practitioners. That a small
twig, or even a bud, or a small piece of the
tender bark from one tree, being inserted in
the branch or stock of another, should grow
to be a main branch of the tree, but bearing
fruit of the shape, size, color, and flavor of
that of which the bud or scion was taken,
is of itself a wonder, and would be incredi
ble if it were not common. This art is al
ready so far advanced, that a fruit-bearing
branch is grafted upon the short stump of a
nursery tree, so as to constitute a perfect
tree in miniature, bearing fruit apples,
pears, peaches or plums, though less than
20 inches high. Apples partaking of dif
ferent kinds the sweet and sour flavor, for
instance; in different parts, or opposite
sides of the same apple, may be produced
by splitting longitudinally the buds of diffe
rent kinds, and uniting parts of different
Pfftt attir junior.
A Rum Sweat. Everybody, almost, has
heard of a "rum sweat," and the ordinary
motlus operandi. It is a favorite and sover
eign remedy with many amateur practition
ers for a "bad cold." We heard lately of a
new method of getting: up the steam, which
we must tell we are bound In.
Not a hundred miles from the thriving town
of Athol, Massachnseets, there lives a ma
hogany fnced man whoso daily potations are
somewhat stronger than catnip tea. He has
been known to toddle under the extra weight
of a "stone in his hat," anv day these num-1
ber of years. Yet the man is not bereft of
all self-respect, but demeans himself as well
as he is able, "considering," and not unfre
quently indulges in tho luxury of a clean
shirt. It was to provide and army himself
with one of these useful articles one bright
Sunday morning, that this son of Bacchus
built a rousing wnnn fire in the stove, Rnd
fastened his door to promote the comfort and
security 'of tho operation. Being thus prepa
red, he leisurely stripped himself, and ta
king the primitive garment alluded to by tho
nether edges, proceeded to work himself into
it. He had managed to get one arm into the
sleeve, and was trying to discover an open
ing for the head, when he lost his perpen
dicular, and began to step back and back
he went, endeavoring vainly to stop himself,
or "see out" that hot stove being precisely
in range till his bare and shrinking calves
rame in contact, and he took a square seat
upon its top!, He roared and roasted, he
fried and baked, he screamed and "fricaseed"
'ill his door was burst from its fastening,
and he dracged from his dreadful seat, writh
ing and bellowing with agony.
Many a long night he groaned and cursed,
and many a torturing remedy did the doctors
apply before he recovered. Claremont Eagle.
.Fashion able Music. What's that! It's
music. Well, that's artificial too, it's scienti
fic, they say it's done by rule, Jist look at
that gal at the piany; first comes a little Gor
man thuuder ; good airth and seas, what a
crash ! it seems as if she'd bang the instru
ment all to pieces. I guess she's vex'd at
somebody, and is a peggin' it into tho piany
out of spite. Now comes singin ; see what
faces she makes; how she stretches her
mouth open, like a barn door, and turns up
the white of her eyes liko a duck in thunder.
She'a in a musical ecstacy, is that gal ; she
feels good all over; her soul is a goin' out a
long with that music. Oh, it's divine, and
sha'a an angel, aint bhe 'Yes, I guess she
is, and when I'm an angel, I will fall in love
with her but as I'm a man, at least w hat's
left of me, I'd jist as soon fall in lovo with
one that was leetlo, jist a leetle more of a
woman, and a leetle, jist a leetle less of an
aogel.. But hallo 1 what onder the sun is she
about I .Why, her voice is goin' down her
own throat, to gain strength, and here it
come out as deep-toucd as a man's, while
that dandy feller along side of her, is singin'
what-they call falsetter. They've actually
changed voices! The gainings like a man,
arid that screamer like a woman. This is
aeience this is taste; this is fashion; but
.hang me if it's nutur. Sam Slick.
"Bob, is thutdogof yours a pointer 4"
wNo, he is half ounter and half setUr,
2Vti jar bones wfaen ha is hungry, and
j ?he stove wti'n he's satisfied."
LF JV S3" JK 2Q w .
THIS Medicine it warranted, on oath, not to
contain pirtictr nf C,, m.l, Corroiv Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chlr'ul of Hold, or any i)lit
ton minerals.
Tho principle upon which this Medicine act, I.
h aasistinf nnd hsrmoni-ing with n.turet li
drive out ill foul acriro mioue humors from the
blood tml luxly, ami hy assimilating with nd
'trengthenitig the gsetric juice nf the atomach, It
aeUt iliei ion in sliort there I not s vein, arte
ry, mniclu or nerve in the human body, that ie
not strengthened ly the PANACEA, end It etna
possesace the remarkable property ef removing
mercury from the hones anil jointa.
Peurvy, Scorbutic Affection, Tnmora, Scrofula or
Kina' El , White Swelling., Erysipelas, Ulcere,
t'anrera, Running Korea, Scabs anJ Bitea. time
eml a itpteimined peraeveranre in D . 8WEET
SErVS PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Fraction i t food, Nausea, Vomitings. Jfervou ef
fiction. Eilliou complaint., Head art , Palme,
or Firrnle Irregulariliee. Dr. SWEETSEK'S PA
NACEA will anon effect a cure t but if olwtinale,
or attended with ghping, flying peine, the done
should he increased, end the cure will Bonn be ef
fected. Let not the patienta frighten themaelrea
wiih the idea that they are too we..k to take much
medirine; hut bear in mind that this mildly opera
ting med cine put not weakness into the frame, but
mott certainly drawe wcakm e out, leaves atrength
in ita place, and by giving composed aleep at night,
and an appetite to relish any fond, re-anima'c the
whole frame wi'h vigorous eclion, clearing the
mind and improving the eight,
TIONS. Scrofula la said to be heriditary. the infant re
ceiving from ita parents ihe aeedn of thia diaeaee,
which incroaaea with its yenre. if neglected and
not enbmit'ed to frequent purification with Dr.
SWF.ETSER'S PANACEA. The glanJa are pla
ced in the corner of the body, and out of the way
nf direct communication ; their real use i a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevail t it
auffk-ra na to know that when in a diseased state,
they are capable nf being .ur lied and cleanaed by
a long rnur.e nf Dr. MWtiGTMER'S PANA
CEA, which rea-ore them to anund and proper
action. Scroful. u person can never pay ton much
attention to their blond, ita purification shnu'd he
their first thought, fur afti r a long course of perse
verance, they will ever curt hereditiry diaeaac.
tsWEK TfER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high
ly extolled ; it reaichea out ihe very root of Ihe
disease, and by rimming it from the Blood makes
a cure certain and perminent.
For dise'iaea of the Bladder and Kidneys, Slrie
I arm. Gravel. Slnne, Pile. F'mtula. Urinary Oh
ttructiont and Extreme Cutlivcncst. Dr. 8WEET
.SCU'S PANCEA is Ihe best remedy ever tr e I ;
it remove all thoe acrimonious humors from the
lllnnd which give riae to the above diseases, and
by keeping the blood in a pure condition, insures
Iinpur.He ef Ihe Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weal
net of the Sp've Flow of lilmdlolhe Head Gid
d ue, Singing and Buzzing Koite in the Head
and Fur; Ur. MWEETSKU'8 PANACEA will
give certain relief; in nil severs and chronic cases,
the patienta cannot be loo often reminded that lar
ger dote and pererveranct will tff-cl a cure.
In Chills anil Fever, II limn Fver. Affection
of Hie F.ijee and Eart, Spongy and Bleeding
Gum Hronelt'tit anil Cough and Cold;
Dr. SWEET8ERVS PANACEA will be found
perfectly aure and certain in ill effects.
Thnte enmp'ainte are generally attended wi'h
the most fatal (onsi quei'cea, and are aeldnm or ne
ver cured by the piem-i I mode of tieatmcnf ; th-y
upualiy accompany the patient t the grave, afnr
sutTering the most excruciating pain and torture.
The cauae cf these complairra are Ihe aame aa all
othrra, the dioss id Ihe blood becomi s encrusted on
Ihe timet nnrrow pasaagra, whence ar:sr morbid
secretions and Moppagiaof mine. You will find
the most powerful diuretics of no use, as they only
increase the quantity nf urine and do not pniify
nnil" strengthen th part. Bv purifving tho Mood
wiih Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, ou ro
move the cause of the dice ise, consequently it can
not exiet any longer, afu r aulficient perseverance
in ita uao haa deprived tho blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and incrustation.
Thia is a very prev dent and fatal disease ; it re
auba inoftty from neglected coughs, colds and bron
chitis, also from improper treatment in many other
cases, such aa meusles, fi vers, ir.fl imm.rli'ins and
small pox, and a ho-t of other hadly trealed diseases;
where the cause, instead nf having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only hi en
palliated or removed from one put to hrenk out in
another. By diveaiing your bodies of all foul hu
mors, through ihe medium of Dr. SWEETSER S
PANACEA, the cure is at once rendered certain
and permanent. K collect, while there is acrimo
nious humors fl tiling in the chcu'ation, it i as apt
to settle on Ihe lung as any otber part of the body ;
this is the reaso 1 tht consumption is ao prevalent,
Which you aeo on the, come from and
have their source in, ihe inleiinr, and might just as
well hava i el I led on your lunga, liver, or any oilier
puit; which we know they frequently dn, and pro
duce niost violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which occasiona these aorta ia of highly
acrimoni. ns burning nstu'e We know it from
the pain it gives in forming, and ufterwarda ita ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding the flesh and skin
of the part where it breaks out Thia showa the
necessity of fiequently purifying the blood with Dr.
SWEETSEK'S PANACl'.A. ond keeping euch
malignant humnrein sulj ction. Mhould you have
a bile or ulcer, be th.inkful that nature haa taken
irouhle to warn you of the danger your life and bo
ly ia in, fur it ia a warning that the blood is foul.
Had thia aims acrimony at Ire'ed the lunga imtead
cf the aurface uf your body for lla aeat, con sump
lion of Ihe lungs wou'd havj been ihe'coneequenre.
D. lay not then, to puiify and cleans with Dr.
Swettscr's Panacea.
Spinal affections, enlargement of the bones and
joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, rup
luiea, filling of the bowels and worn', disease, will
find aeptedyoqre in Dr. Slt'EETxEK S PA
RACE A. Where the disease has been of long
standing, the lime required to make cure will I
longer ; but the patient may rest sasured that s
determined perseverance will effect it.
Theae dUeoset proceed from the seriosity or
corrupt humura of the blood, having ae tiled itseif on
Ihe throat and lunga, and atupped them up, ao that
they cannot draw auflloirnt air in for reapiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give inime.
diate relief, and to make the cure perfect and cer
tain, ii shonlj b com nuel some time after, to
free the system of all bad humors.
Find safe sod speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SKH'S P ANACBA. It eurre by searching every
blind vea el and artery, and driving out all impu
rniee and foul humors accumulated therein, which
' Ihe cause of rheumatism, gout and swellings of
the joints. The delelerous effects of calomel and
olher mioeral poisons, readily yield to its sovereign
influence ; indeed, when its valuable properties be
come fully known, the use of sll mineral poison will
be consigned to 'the tomb of all the Capulete,' and
only be thought of as a by-gone custom of lb dar
ker age. Dr. 8weuar'e Panacea is si so a sur
eur for dyepepeta, pile, cosiiveuess, vertigo, head
ache, pain ta the breast and liver complaint,
rver iaalwaye eauaed by s disorderly move
Mat of Ihe blood, struggling to f,M it,,r 0f .o.n.
thug that ncombw it 1 iu fcci, ,,, ,ind of fe
ver la nothing more than struggl between lb
Hood and corrupt humors, and a ooa as tlx cor
rupt humors are expe.l'ed, you have no more fever.
When patient with fever submits to be II d, or
hava his blood poieoned with mercury, it weakene
hie frame to each a degree, that if he survives the
process, it always leaves him subject 1 1 distreaaing
chills, when time out of 10 he resort to ajue
pills, powders, or tonic mhMlrea; this la going from
had to worse, as the vegetable pills, powdera, ie,
are nothing hot mercury and quinin In disguise,
which my for lim lrl the disease to far Into
the body a not to b perceptible, but very oon It
will break out again with fearful violence. To cure
afcu and fever, the cauae of the diaease muat be re
moved out of the blood and body, which can be ef
f. dually done by using Dr. 8 WEE T8ER'S PA
NACEA, which purifier, cleanaea and strengthene.
It rontnina nothing that ran pos'ibly injure, and ita
use is elway safeguard again, t chilla and fevers.
In ait Cass it Pirn, Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect a very epeedy cure. It re
moves from Ihe blood, stomach and bowels, ell
those foul acrid burning humors, which the
cauae of Pile and Coativenrs-, and by alrengthen
ing the digeailve organs, improves every part of the
entire body.
These diseases a caused by Ihe stomach and
bowel being choked op with viscid slimy maiter,
'be sir which enters them cannot e cipn until forced
by eome contraction nf the omach to expel itt
here the cause of P"in. A few doses i f lr.
SWEETSER'rt PANACEA will convinie the
sufferer that relief is attained.
Parent will find Ihe PAN ACE a vslimb'o
medicine for their rhildien, keeping their bodiea in
a healihy eondiiion, thereby assiating their g owih;
children or grown persons, after taking it, are not
liable to be attacked with an epidemic as before, as
it slwaya leaves Ihe blood in a pore condition, and
the 1 mire system in a strengthened state; it drives
out a'l kinds of weakness from the b, dy and leave
all heal hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE ITER'S PANACEA a medi
c ne purely ad ipted In thoir use. Most ladiea du
ring the period of pregnancy are afflicted with pi'es.
Dr. 8weeiaer'a Panacea, by regulating the bowels,
will entirely obviate this, and ita purifying proper
ties on ihe blond and fluids, insures In them heal
thy off pring. No one who is a mother ahonM he
without it, ard Ihoae who are nursing will find it
of gent bin. fit to the health of their infanta.
For barrenness and all disease nf the womh, it
is without a rival in the entire histoiy and citnlogtte
of medicines ; hy its extraordinary strengthening
power, it Mimulatea and alrengthen tho womh, a
weakness of which ia the caure uf failure to have
Under this heud may be classed Palpitation of
the Heart, Tic Doloremix or Faeeache, Neuralgia,
tndiges'.ion, Toothache, Melanchnl) , Hysterics, and
in fact, every diaease caused by the sharp, biting
acrimonious humors irritating Ihe nerves ; Ihe
nervea receive the morbid impreasion from the sto
mach, or rather from the blood through the agency
of the stomach and dige tive organs, and allhough
other parts of the body are appiremly the seat of
ihe disease, still it is caused by the morbid imp e
i in conveyed from the blood bv the nerves, to that
pait. A l. w donee of Dr. SWEE I'isEK'S PA
NACEA will soon assure the patient th.t he has
the cure in his possession.
This is nn inflammatory dioidcr, alw.iya at eod
id with more or leas pain. It proceeds from the
foul, ncrimnnioua humnra lodged in the hlnod and
fluids, selllii'g nn the limb and face, causing ex
treme pain ond fevers; all applications on the sur
face are worse than useless, na they only t. nd to
throw t'.e diseae in some other part, and pcrhit"
rauae de.ith. Bleeding ', likewise improper. To
cute the di-caae you mu-t get rid of ihe cause ; on
ly manage t get the foul humnrs out of your hlnod.
and vou will he well in a diy. Dr. NWEET
SEU'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier nf the
blood, will B-arch out every impurity in the more
remote p rts of the body and exp. I it through the
medium of the bowels. There is not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or organ of the entire framewo k of
man, tint Dr. aweetscr a I'anacea rtoea nnt nn
prnve. To take it when you re well Is to keep
well ; and when sick t become well.
DR. SWEETSER'S I' A VA CEA, bei m com
posed otdy ot a vegetable matter or me.licai nerbv,
and wairanted, nn oiih, as containi' g nnt nne par
ticle of merruriiit, mineral, or rhimical substances,
Is found to be perfectly harmlesa to the most tender
ege, or the weakest frame, under any ctnge of hu
man sufleiing ; the most pleasant and benign in i'a
0 enition that waa ever oil" red to the world ; and
at the aame time the moat certain in aearehing nut
ihe root of any complain', however deep, and of
perform n? a cure.
Price f 1 per bottle, or six botlb a f,,r JV For
sale, whohaale and retail, at ihe corner of
CHARLES nd PRATT Streets, lialiimme, nn I
Nov. 6 1847. ,'y Sunbury.
Burnt, Scalds, and all kindt of Inflamed
Sore iJitrru.
JL the mott complete Burn Antidote ever known.
It ii stanily, (and aa if by Magic) stops pains nf the
most desperate Burns end Scald. Fur olJ 8. Tea,
BiU'ses. Cuts Sprains, &c., nn man or beast, it is
the best application that can be made. Tonus .nils
have tried and thousands pnise it. It ia Ihe nvst
pei feci master of pain ever discovered. All who
use recommend it. bvery family should be prove
de.l with it. None can tell how soon some uf the
family may need it,
CTT Observe each hoi nf Ihe genuire Ointment
has the name ot 8. Totar.i written on the oulside
label. To imitate ihia ia forgery.
Boitmen, Liv ry Men, Farmers, and all who use
Horses, will find this Ointment Ihe very best thing
thiy can ue for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, A'C
ic, on their animals. Surely everv merciful man
would keep hi. animate aa free from pain ea possible-
Tnusry's Universal Ointment is all that ie re
quired. I rv it.
UH ES OF INSECTS. For the sling or bHe
or poisonous Insects, I ousey Oiniirent is unri
valled. Hundreda have tried it and found it good
PILES CURED ! Fur the Pile. Touaey'a U
niversal Oin'ment ia one of the beat liemrdiee that
can be applied. All who have tried it foi Ihe Piles
recommend it.
OLD SORES CURED. For oil nb.tinate
Sons, there i nothing equal to Tousey's Oint
ment A person in Msnlius had, for a number of
years, a sore leg that hauled Ihe skill ot Ihe doctors.
Tousey's Ointment was recommended hy on uf
the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtues.)
and two bnxe produced more benefit than ihe pa
tient had received from any and a I ptevioua retire
dies, ,at all try it.
of caaea of Burn and Scalds, in all part of the
country, have bean curid by Toueey'e Universal
Ointment, Certificates enough could be bad to fill
the wbolo nf ihia ahe.
ata on teatimonials, in favi 1 nf Tnuaey's Oiniineni
for curing Bruises, have been offered the prnptie
tot. Hundred in Syracuse will certify to ita greai
meritein relieving the pain of tho moat sever Bruise
All person should try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8...e of cse. of
Scald Head have been cured by 'I'ou.ej'a Oint
ment. Try it it seldom fai'e,
8AI.T RHEUM CURED. Ofe'lthe remedies
ever discovered for this mot disagreeable complaint,
Touaey'a Universal Ointment is the most complete.
It nevr was known t fail.
Touaey'a Universal Ointment will always cur the
worst caaea of Chapped Hands, Score of person
will state Ihia.
SORB LIPS CURED- For th cur of 8or
Lips, ther waa never anything mad equal to Tou
sey's Ointment. It ia aur 10 cur Ibem. Try it.
It i a acienlific compound, warranted not to eon
tain any preparation of Mercury. 5 p,ic 85
cent per box. For further particular a concerning
thia raally valuable Ointment, th public a refer
red to Pamphlets, to b had gratia, of reapeciable
Dioggiete and MarchanU throughout th United
Prepared by ELLIOT cV TOUSE V, Druggi-,
Syracuse. For l by
M. A. MeCA Y, NonhuojbeiUnd
ept. Ilth, IStT. ly ow
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness, Mcaale. 8alt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Pile, Heart Burn. Worms,
Dyspep la, Bcutvv, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pol, Janndice, Coughs, Quin-ey,
Pain in the Back, Whooping Cough,.
Inward Weakness, Consumption, Fit,
Pslpitstlon of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in th Throat, ( Erieipclae, Desf. es.,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of th Skin,
Fever of all kind', Colds, Omit, Gravel,
Female Complaint, Nervoua Complaint",
asd a VAVtr.TV or nrnm maiaax intaivo
raovt inrpntTia or th atoon, asn oa.
Experience hi proved that nearly every Pi
eaae originn'e fiom Impurities of the Blond or do
rangemente of the Digee'ive Organ t and to aecure
Health, we muat remove those obstruction or re
store tho Blood to its natural atato.
The verion o taling med'eine I most efle?.
Itially removed by Clicks' VotiTta Pus
oTiv Pills, being completely enveloped tvilh. a
mating of pure while Sugar, (which i s distinct
from the internal ingredient a 1 ut (hell from
the kernel) Attn ttv nn tist or Mrnictsx,
But are as easily swallowed aa bit nf candy.
Moreover they neither nautenle or gripe In the
alighiest degree, but nperate rqnally nn all the (lis
cased part of .the svs'em, instead nf confining
themselvea to, and racking any pariictilr region.
Thus, if tl e Liver tie affected, nne ingiedirnt will
nperate on thnt part'cul r orgm, and, by cleansing
it nf an Excess of Bile restore it to its naiurd
state. Another will operite nn the Bond, and
remove nil impuiities in its circulation j while a
third will effectually expil whatever impurities
may have been discharged into the aiomach, and
hence ihey htmkx at th soot or niercux, re
move ill Impure Humnrs from the body 1 op n
tho pores externally and internally; sepirsto all
fore gn and 0I11 nxioue particles fro. 11 the chyle, so
thit the blood may be. thorough 'y pure thus secu
ring fee and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs
and Liver; and thereby ihey skstohi hrlth
Th entire Iru'h of the above can be ascertained
by the trial of a aingle hoi ! and their viriuea ara
a i positive and certain in ree'or ng Health, that
the proprietor hinds himself to return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do not gi
universal a itia'ae.lion.
Itctall Price, 23 ctn. per Do.
Principal office No. Gfl Vesey at., N. Vo k.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Norlhumboilnnd.
fj Ilememher Dr. ('. V. Cliclcener I the in
vr nior of ihe Sugar Coated Pi Is. and thut noth ng
of Ihe e Tt waa ever heard of until he inlrndiici d
them in June, 1813. Poich.isers sh iu'd, ihi refor.',
always ask for Clii kener's Sugsr Coated Pills, and
tnkn no others, or they will he made the victims nf
t fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847. ly eow
Ttl IT
rormt I Tit
Lrsns 1 ? nv
or.a, th woiik nr tii
Till cni-oH or rossuMrTiu hath
l it A siiovn nr nr4T.
A RE YOU A MOTHER 1 Your darling child,
your idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold h. r
pale cheeks, her Ihin shrunken fingers, tell the
hold di ease haa already gained upon her the
sound nf her sepiilihra1 cough pietcea your soul.
YOUNG MAN, when jusl ah nit lo enter life,
disease sheds a heart rru-hing Might over the fiir
prospects of the future your hectic cough and fee
Ide limbs tell nf your loss and hope, but you need
not despair. There, ia a balm which will heal the
wounded lung', it ia
S II E n ai A X s
Mr. ATTREE, the wife of Wm. H. Atlree,
Esq. waa given up by Dr. Sewall of Wahingtnn,
D-s. Roe ami McCI.'llan of Philad-lnhia, Dr. Roe
and Dr. Mntt nf New Yolk Her friends all
thought ahe mast die. 8he had every appearance
nf being in consumption, and wn so pronoui ced
by her physicians Sherman's Balsam was given
and it cured her.
Mr. GARRARR ANTZ, nf Bull's Feiry, waa
a!s cured of consumption by this Balsam when
all other remedies faded to Jve relief ahe waa re.
duced to a ski let in. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist.
281 Broadway, haa witnessed its effects in several
ea-es where no other medicine afforded relief but
Ihe Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. V. also
wimesaed it wonderful effects in curing Asthma,
which it never fail.- of doing. Spitting Blon I, alar
ming aa ir may be, ie effectually cured by this Bal
aam. It heala Ihe ruptured or wounded tloo.1
vrasels, and tnakea the lungs sound again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue,
waa cured of cough and catarrhal aff. rliona t 50
years a ending. The firil doso gave him more re
lief than all the othei medirine he had ever takirv
Dr. L. J. Seals, I'J De'ancy street, gave it lo a
si t-r-in-law who waa laboring underconsumption,
and to another sorely effl cted with tho Ai-thm.
In both east, its rfleela were iinmedia e, soon re
storing th m tn enmf irtah'e health.
Mrs. LUCRE TI V WELLS, 95 Christie atreet.
suffered fiom Aathma 44 yeara. Sherman' Hal.
asm relieved her at onre, and she is comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue "every attack by a
timely use of ihia medicine. Thia indeed i the
great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaint, and ill the all clinn of the
throat, and even Alhna and Cnnsump ion.
Price 25 rente and ft per bottle.
Dr. Sherman'a Cough and Worm Lozenges, and
Poor Man' P latter sold a shovn.
Dr. Sherman'a office is at tdfi Nassau at. N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv.
M. A.M.C Y. Norlbumberbind
Soptemlver I lib, lt47. ly
Vegetable IJnlvcritnl Pills,
The only known Medicine that at the tnme time
furgrt purijtet anil ttrengthen the tyleia.
Loiviio. July 7, 1840.
DU. I.E ROY'S rill are new medicine
which haa juat appealed, and ia fiat taking
tbe placea uf all others of ihe same class. These
pill are composed of many ingredients, but the
two principal one ire Sarsaperilla and Wild Cher
ry, so united lhat they act together; the one,
through lie admixture with olher rublvet(, pu
rifying and purging, while the other is strengthen
ing ihe system. Thus those pills are at the earns
lime tunic and opening; a desideratum long and
eagerly (ought fur by medical men, hut never be
fore discovered. In ether words they do Ihe work
of Iwo medicines, and do it much better than any
two wo know of ; for Ihey remove nothing from
iheayetem but the intpuriiie ; so that while Ihey
purge Ihey strengthen; and hence they cause no
debilitation, and are followed by no re-sclion. Dr.
La Roy' pill have a wonderful influence on the
blood ; Ihey not only purify without weakening ii,
but they remove all uxinua particle from th chyle
before it is convened into flu'd. end thus make im
pure blood an utter impoe ibiliiy. A there ia na
debilitation, so theia i no nvusea or sickness at
tending the operalions of this moat excellent of me
dicines, which never -trains or torture th dige
live (unction, but eau-e them lo work in per
fectly natural manner; and hence peisona Uking
them do not become pale and emaciated, but the
contrary ; for while it i the properly of the 8arsa
panlla, united as it is with other ingrediente, to
remove all that ia foreign and impure, it ia equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry lo retain all lhat
ia natural and sound; tnd henee robust sis' of
heslih ia th certain rsult ef their united opera
tion, rry Price SA cent per BOX,
Agents for Le Roy' Pi I Is,
J. W. FRII.ING, 5 .
M. A. McCAY, Northumbsrl'd.
August Slit, 1847. ly
PERSONS travelling this lout r hereby
inlornwd that they can procure through
iiokate," by making application at the Hoiai
Chalk Weavsr. Sunbury. A. E. KAPP.
Northumberland, July 3 1 t. 1847 if
Watches, Jcwellry and Sil
ver Ware,
Guaranteed better fur the price than at any olher
Store in Philadelphia, may be hud,
Whnlennle and Retail, at
No. 72 North 2d gtreet, above Arch,
WATCHES, all kinds, fair, low ind medium
qualities, among which are,
Gold Levers, full jewell'd, $10 to $100
Leplnes, do 35 i i 40
Silver Lever, do SO to 30
H Leplnes, Jo IS to 18
Quarth ra, fine, 0 to 10
Quartiers, imitation, ft
Jwsti.T. Diamond, GolJ Chains, Gold
Pens wi'h Gold and Silver holders, Pencils Breast
Pin. Finger and Ear Rings, Bracelets, Ca.neos
of shell, coral and lav, with every other rttc.- of
Ji wcllry of the riches'. nd most fashionable pal
8itvx Wanx Pla'e, Foik, Spoor;, Cops,
tc of Stand aid Silver.
I'HTin Wan. Castnra, Cake B leketa. Fana.
Vaee. Card Caaea, i nd other Rich Fency Go( d
in great variety.
V holeaale Buyer will iv money by falling
here bif .re purchaaing.
fXj" Keep 'bi advertl emeni, and call at No. 78
You will be satisfied the Goods are really cheaper
ar d belter than are offered in the city. For sale,
low, a handsome p sir of Show Caaea, suitable for
a Jewellry or Fancy store. Apply as above.
8ept 85th. 1847 ly
No. 80 Market Slieel, live doors below
Third, South side.
Importers) & WliolrHule Dealers In
WATCHES, Watch tila ees and Material
Jenelrv of all dc-cripli n, qualities and
s'y'es, comprising all the articles connected
with the Trade,
Duron it Son'a Britannii, German Silver and Sit
ver-Plated Ware.
Sheffield and Birmingham Pla'ed Fanev Article-.
Rodger cV Son' and Wost. nholm's Cutlery, lia-
lors. Sc sors, Erers, leik Knies, etc.
Ivory H mdird Table Cuilery, uf ihe fin. at, medium
nd common qualities.
A large assortment ofOulJPen.
Perifocal Hpceiarhs.
Papier Mache nd J panned Trays, varioua shspes
and qualitiea. nt relu.-ed rate
Gold W'ch Cuais, Dial and Silver. Ware, of oil
descriptions, manufactured to order.
DICKSON & CO., having recently removed
into the Urge and cummodioua wsrehoose formerly
occupied by Messrs. R. AsHiti'nsT & Sn, and
more recently by Asiihurst it Rxmihotos, beg
leave to inform Watch Dealers, C .untry Merchants
and others, lhat Ihey design having St all times a
large aorlmenl ofOooela, of their own importa
tion, which they r determined to 11 at the lowest
(Zj Every attention will l.e paid lo the Pocking
of Goi'ds, and in the execution of Orders, lb quali.
ties and price will be fully guarantied agiiustall
Philadelphia, June I9;h, 1847. ly
rr y rl ' a
lirst I'e tn in in Writing Iul
No. 7 North Third Street,
DilM n ir.-n il.n rated Pr.ife sor nf
Chemistry in th University ol I'enn'a.
"I'htbKti tpnta, ct. u, ini.i.
"Dear Sir Having died your Ink, I "ill thank
you to aend me another bottle, ss I find it to he
i xcellent. I am yours, truly,
1'onT Hanx."
From Dr. Locke, nf Cincinnati, ilisti gulrhcd
for hia numerona scientific rese.nches.
"Medical College of Ohio, Cii einnali,
January 17, IS44.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am
satisfied that it is the best whirh has ver come lo
my knowledge, and esierially it ncxe--t!tnt for the
use nf Steel Pent, and will not cor vde them, even
in long use.
Jon's Lock. Prof, nf Chemistry.
From well known scientific gentleman.
"Philad.lphii, Feb. 27. 1840.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sir : A use of your Ce.
mint, and soma practical tat of its superi nitv,
has induced me to recommend it to others as on
invaluable artiile for mending China. Glass, or
Gubinct Ware. Campiikii. MoHrtT,
AnaUt c (.'hemlsl "
For "ale at the Manufactory, Whdraale and Re
tail, No. 87 Nohtii Third Stuht, opposite
Cherry street, PhilaJe'phi'.. by
May S5, 1847. )30 ly Manufacturer
six yisa::s auo
FIIHE children Ivgan to ciy for Sherman's Lo
JL xenges. The noise waa not ao loud at that
time, but it has kept incea-ing ever eince. and now
has become an great that the mouths of ihe little
ones can scarce be Hopped. Dr. Sherman sympa
thise with Ihe little sutl rere, and viry much te
re that any nf them ahnuld be disappointed
Knowing th voat benefit which haa been confer
red upon the community by Ihe introduction of
his infallible
wo n m isozzmoxis,
he haa entered into arrangement for en'arg'ng his
Manufactory, hy means of which bethinks he will
he able to aupply the dcma d. And the same pains
and care will be taken, that these ci lei r iled l.o.
zenges be male aa they have always been, in or
der lhat tho-e who d pend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when h
commenced the mnnufac'ure nf the Worm Ijizen
get, that ih y would anpersede ihe uae of everv
olher vermifuge, as ihe Lozenge ia rery pleasant
to the taste, iieedy in its effects, aa well as certain,
nd the quantity tequired lo effect perfect cure,
iaverv am ill. Theae propr riles in connexion with
the f ct that they are od for 25 cents per box. ihu
placing them in Ihe resell of the 'poorest man in
the land, haa nnt only caused them lo take the
place nf every other vermifuge ever offered, but al
so rendered them popular to the community.
Dr, lUtrnisa'i
continue to cure Coughs, G. Ida, Gonsumpl nn,
Asthma, ahorlneaaand difficulty of Breathing, and
other diaea ea of the Lunga, with the aame facility
they did on their first introduction, and the ptopb
hav now become persuaded by actual experience,
that on the acceatinn of tghi cold, they have
only tn atep lo either the Dr's. office, or one of the
Agents, and obtain a box of hi Cough L zer ge,
which sre very convenient to carry in Ihe pocket,
nd to tl, few through ihe day. By pursuing
this course cure is ofien effected in 24 honrs, and
i ha patient about hi fc'jtin' ss. So greal is ihe ce
lehrily of the Lozenges, thai thousands of persons
who have used them, and become acquaimed with
their effects, will never he without them.
haa euird more eaae of Rheumatism, Psil in th
Back, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Wtakoess.
than any application that ha ever been made. Aa
the celebrity of ihe Plaster ha increased, hundreda
of unprincipled rascals hav iltrmpted to counter
feit it, and palm it off upon th community the
genuine, irj Bewa e of Deception. ,3) Remeui
ber that th true and genuine Plaster is spread up
on reddish paper made sxpreasly for the purpose,
end in every case Ihe aignatur of Pr. rihoimsn is
p inti d upon th back of the Plaster, and Ihe whole
ecu red by Copy Right. Nona other ire genuine.
Therefore when you want a real good Sherman'
Poor Man' Plaster, call at th office, 106 Naesau
Ireel, at:d you will not b disappointed.
Remember th number, 104 N su at., wheie
II Dr. Sherman' Lozenge are sold. Hi Agenls
r Mr. Hay, 139 Fulton 'rest, Brooklyn;
Hineaon, Williamsburg r and Redding dr, Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A McCA Y. Norluuuibailaud.
September 1 1 th. 1847. Iv.
VL'S I' received, a bandeom lot of Cloth, ' a.
I timer; Calicnet, Cap of all kinds, Gum
Skoet, tot men, women and children, Cioctriet,
Queentwart, and a vsriily of other article, chs.
par thsn ve, by HENRY MAS5ER.
Hunbury, Nov, 37th, HIT,
The following list shows the current vain of U
ennsylvania Bank Note. The most Implicit re
liance may be placed upon it, as it Iseoery week
arefully compared with and corrected from Biek
nell's Reporter.
Itnnka In Phlladelphln.
M , Disc, tw
Nsms, Locatios-. pHtM.
8nk nf North America . , par
Rank of the Northern Li'tertie , , par
Commercial Bank of Penn'. . par
Farmere' and Mechanic' Bank . par
Kensington Bank . par
Philadelphia Bank . . S par
Schuylkill Bank . . . par
Snuthwark Bank ' par
Western Bank . par
Mechanics' Bank . ' ' par
Manufacturers' cV Merhanica' n.ilik pr
Hank ef Penn Township . par
Gi'aril Bank . . par
Hank nf Cnnimerce, late Mnyamcnwng par
Bank nf Pennsylvania . . par
Country Hanka.
Bank nf Chester Cnttnty' Westchester pr
Bank nf Delaware County Cheater par
Bank of Germantown Oermanlown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown par
Dnylestnwn Bank Doylestown par
Eastnn Bank Eaaion par
Farmers' Bank nf Burks eo. Bristol par
Brink nf Nnrthnmberlnnd Northumberland par
Colum'd Bank A firidge cn.'Columhia par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lanctstei par
Lancaster ('ounty Bank Lancaster par
Lancaster Bank Lancaster pat
Farmers' Bunk nf Reading Reading par
Office nf Bank uf Penn'a. Harrisburg These
Ofliee do do Lancaster ( offices
tlfllce do do Reading f rlo not
Office do do Eastnn J Issue n.
Hank of the United States Philadelphia 17
Miner' Bank of Poltsville Potiaville par
Bank nf l.ewislown Lewistown failed
Bank of Middlctown Middletown 1
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittsburg 1
Do do branch of llollidayshurg I
Uarrisburg Bank Harrisburg t
Lebanon Bank Lebanon par
Merchants' & Manuf Bank Pittsburg 1
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg I
VVcat Branch Bank Williamspnrl I J
Wyoming Bank Wilkcsharre Ii
Northampton Bink Allontown no sale
Berk County Bank Reading failed
Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erie do
Do do do New Brighton do
Bank of Chamlierrhurg Chambersbvug 1
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
Bank of Su-otiehanna Co. Montrose 2
Erie Bur.k Erie 2
I r armors at irrovera uatig waynesirurg ij
Frnnkllii Bank ' Washington 1
IIotieml..le B.lik Honewlnle Ii
Wonongahel Bunk of B. Brownaville 1 1
Ymk Bank Yoik I
N. B. 'I he notea of those banks nn which we
mit quotniions, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia hrnkers, with Ihe
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do foiled
chuvlkill Sav. Ins. do failed
Kenxinginti Suv. Ina. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins, do
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyolt, prop.) failed
I'owanda Bank Towamla
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no aale
Bunk of Beaver Heaver closed
Bank of Swalara Hsnishurg closed
Bank of Washington Washington failed
Centre Bank llelh f.mte closed
City Bank Pmhuig nn sale
Farmers' & MeehVs' Bank Pittsburg failed
Farmers' cV Mech'cs' Bank Fayette co. failed
Farmers" At .Meeh'c' Bank (ireencastle failed
llaimnny Institute Harmony no ale
Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale
Juniata Bank l,eistown no sale
Lumbermen's Bank Warien failed
orlhcrn Bank of I'a. lliindaff no sale
New Hope Del. Bridge Co, New Hope closed
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. Milton no sale
.North Western Bank nf Pa. Meadvillo closed
Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon
I'a. Acr. 6i Manuf. Bank Carlisle failed
Silver Lake Bank Montroae closed
Union Bank nf Penn'a. Uniontown failed
Westmoreland Bank ' Greenahurg closed
Wilkcsharre Bridge Co. Wilkeabarre nosale
dj" AH note purporting lo be on ny Pennsyl
vania Bank nnt given in the above lUt, may he set
Jown as frauds.
Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed
Belvidete Bank )
Burlington Co. Bank Med for J par
Jommercial Bank Perth Ainhoy j
3umlierl.tiul Bank Bridgeton par
farmers' Bunk Mount Holly par
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk liahway J
formers' ond Mechanics' ltk N. Biunswick failed
farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt. 1
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed
Hohnken Bkg& Glazing Co Hoboken failed
lersey City Bank Jersey City failed
Mcchaiiiia' Bank Pullersoii failed
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville failed
Morris County Bank Morhstown
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mechanics' Bank Newark j
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton par
Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City no aale
Pott Notea no sale
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark j
.Sew Hope Del Bridge Co Lamheiuville
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken failed
N J Proteclon dt Lombard bk Jersey Ciiy fulled
Orange Bunk Orange J
Paterxin Bank Pateraon failed
Peoples' Bank do j
Princeton Bank Princeton par
ouiern uanKing tO" Balem par
State Bank
Newark $
Elizabeihtowo I
Camden par
Morristown I
Stale Bank
Slate Bank
Slate Bank of Morrie
jtale Bank
I renion failed
Sulem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Suasex Bank Newion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co, Harkouaack
DEL. AW Alt 12.
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do luanch Miltord
Farmer' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do brunch Newcaatle
Cnion Bank . Wilmington
IT tinner a a
(XJ- On all links marked thus () ther ar eit
'tier rounlerfeil or altered mile nf die various de
nominations, in circulation.
Pence with Mexico !
anrunna in punne mat in order lo bring .
haul neaca wiih MvieA k. .c.. ,,
kind of Rifle, Douhl and Single Barrelled Shot
Gun, and Double Hsrrnlluil n..w..lw,..- u.n
. ........ mum, ii
bis manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au-
gusra townenip, rsonnumtfrland county, all of
which h will warrant for ix motitba. Tho
wha WMnl a Aral rat pi i..l i .. t,: i
- "- ,iiiv, ran am c
commodated at lb shortest notice nd on the moat
raaaonaui lerros. i.overa ol aiiorl.aive hnna mil
Lower Augusta, Jan. 8, I84S Am.
No. 40.
Soith Forum Strcgt, AitnvcCawr.nir.
:9th, 11
KEEP f'ltnt.
From Mr. Die t Poem before )h MtrcantiU
library Atsoaation, Boston.
''Keep cool ! the secret of
Lies not in hastp, rxcitemcnt, bustle, strife,
. ... uumng uinners,' hurrying to and fro
Keeping up one continued, constant go;'
Taking you pleasure juunts at railroad speed,
And never stopping aught to sec or hoed ;
This going to China just to have a chat,
Taking but otto climn dicky in your hat ;
These are tho features of the time, I own,
That give to modern life its Mst anJ ,one .
But do they bring Us real, gmiuino joy, ' .
True happiness, unmixed with base alloy !
Keep coul ! don't strive for sudden wealth loo
fust ;
Fortunes, quick made, are seldom known to
hist ;
Like wnl'ry bubble that in air revolves,
A breath but makes them and a breath dis
solves ;
Write letters, if you've any time to waste.
r . i ..."
nut (totri i pray, siibseribe yourself 'in haste
Men have been known their hopes in life to
heedless seratcinsof some .mill
ltd e'en our generals see tu ir fortunes)
lieu trusted to a hastv nlate of .mini.'
Be wise, discreet of danger take good heed,
e cautious, and yon cannot but succeed;
him all rash acts, let moderation mark
laeh enterprise on which vou mav pmWL :
And from your mind ne'r let there bo effaced
lie old yet sterling proverb ' Haste makes
A Western jury, sitting on a trial lor steal
ing a jug of whiskey, rendered tho following
''We, the jury, find the defendeiit not cuil-
li), and recommend him to meicy. The
slierin to treat the lury the attorney to nav
the eosls, and the judge to fill the jug which
the defendant drank out of, and which th''
jury have emptied during the tiial'
Loris Piiitxtrpi-: Coming to the United
Status. A letter from one of Louis I'hil
lippe's intimate friends was received hy the
steamer Washington, hy a gentleman of
New York, announcing that the px-King
has taken the resolution to come and fix
himself, with his family, in the United
States. So savs. confidentially, the C'our-
rier des Etats Unis.
"A Skcrbt Tiikatv," or atltlress, adopted
at a liritish Association meeting on Mon
day last, to he sent out by the Caledonia, j
ot winch the jew York bun gives an ex
tract, declares that the Hritish monarchy!
cannot he preserved, unless the upper clas-
sea permit the immediate adoption of men-l
stires which their personal interests will!
make them denounce as revolutionary.
A PoitTiiAtT or Di: Kai.u. The Vis
countess de Kalb d'Absac hasdenosited with
(he American consul at Paris a line and
genuine portrait of her grandfather, Major
Gener.iI Baron De Kalb, to be pre
sented tn fYnrrrpi.i. Tt will he leirve-nnTnl
to New York in one of the Havre packets.
Tm: Slaves in the French Colonies are
not to be liberated until after the nest har
vest has been gathered.
Tin-: Chops of Maryland. Throughout
the Cotoct in Valley the crops present a
most promising appearance.
De. CiNii.iririE. The last accounts from
Thomaston, say that that distinguished in
dividual was was closely applying himself
to the making of shoes.
The C'losint. Sckse or a PnspEH.tno.
dipt. Tobin, who is now at San Minguel,
thus notices the last moments of a dying
gambler a desperado from Tennessee:
He was in the last stage of galloping con
sumption, and his latest breath was expended
in blaspheming his Maker, boasting of ha
ving committed five murders, and regretting
that he could not carry his money to hell and
cheat the devil at piker! He died that night
and left S2000 in gold behind hiin '.
Santa Anna. The Arco Iris says that
Santa Anna has embarked for Antigua.
Louis Phillippe has purchased a fine es
tate in Hampshire, England, He has large
sums invested in the English funds.
Louis Napoleon Honaparte has been civ
ily requested by the Provisional Govern
ment to leave France, for a short time, un
til matters are more settled.
The actual number of lives lost by the
French revolution was one hundred and
seventy. In the three days of 1830, them
were thirteen hundred people killed..
The cost of the two new houses of Par
liament, in London, will amount to the e- .
normoussutn of seven million and a half of
Tut: Ditukss !k Monti'ensieii it is said,
is the perfect be u itlettl of a Sjmniah. beauty,
rather pet iie in figure, but with a face of
surpassing loveliness.
Li NATtr Asyli'm, The bill appropria-'
ting 50,000 for the erection of a Lunatic
Asylum at Harrisburg, has passed both
branches of the Legislature.
Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and'
Duchess of Mont pensier left England last
wet k for Ostend on their route to Germany.-
Tin: Tiiuiii: iiiAwiw days or PiuNcri
Isons Napoleon Feb. 2(ith. I left Lon
don for Paris, 27th. iVached Paris. 28th.'
I left Parts, and reached Londdfi.
Vora. I came ;. I saw ; hut somehow
did not conquer. Casar (n altered.)
TruPKNTixKs Tbe annual product of
turpentine in the Slate of North Carolina is
estimated at nptt ard of a million of tar
rest. Tut: Oi.n Vmihuxla. Louis Phillippe
leA his umbrella nt Paris. We sutor lie
had no tie for it when the 'reign hiid cenv