Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 15, 1848, Image 3

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    '7-','-r' .
Green's Oxygenated bitters roa Dy9
pETSln.1 In our advertising colums, our
readtTS'will find me certificates of the
great Taloe of thi new medicine, for the
cure -of dyspepsia. These certificates are
from the Tilghest sources, and can be relied
on as authentic
Daocbrhbotytos We refer our readers
to Messrs. Collin's advertisement. We
need say no more than that Mr. Collins
wants no dther recommendation than an
inspecfion of his rorV. It will spnak for
IE? Mrs. Follmer, in a card, calls the
attention of the public, to her Milinery
and other goods, jnst received.
ThX:. S. Senate and the French Rppubllr.
A joint resolution tendering the congratulu-
tions of (he TJnited States to the puople of
Resolved, ly ihe Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the United States of America in
'Congress assembled, That in the name and be
lialf of the American people, the congratula
tions of Congress are hereby tendered to the
people of France, upon the wiccess of their
recent efforts to consolidate the principles of
liberty in a republican form of government.
Sec. 2. And be it further resolved ,Thut the
President of the United States be, and he is
hereby, requested to transmit the resolution
1o the American minister at Paris, with in
structions to present it to the French govern
ment. The Pittsburg and Cleveland Ruilroatt.
"Besides the subscription of StOO.OOO in her
coporate capacity, the citizens of Cleveland
3iave subscribed $50:000 on their individual
"capaoity. The route from Hudson to Cleve
land is to be immediately surveyed, with a
auiew to put it under contract in 'July.
'The Number of Persons Wounded in France
in the three days of February, anil received
at the hospitals, amount to G3S, of whom tiil
were men and 17 women. Of that number
253 still remain in the hospital.
The Little Lad attached to the Model Artist
'troupe of Dr. Collyer, died at New Orleans
on tlie 29th tilt, from the effects of the fall he
received at the theatre. He was a sou of
Mrs. Monell, an aelress well known in ev
Oik; Gowl Turn Dcservs Another.
The Prussians turn'd th"ir monarch out,
And sent him to the rijjht about ;
Tho monarch in his turn turn'd, too
. First tail, tho visage Prussian blup.
The Puppet Show,
The Sew Jersey Annual Conference of the
M. E. Church opens its session this day,
. (Wednesday,) 12th iust., in Newark. Revi
vals of religion havo been quito extensive
yithin tha bounds of this conference the pre.
ifMit year: an increase of about two lluiisaiid
kouls may be reported.
ufl at Micr. A letter from Camarnvi. flit
ted 17lh nit., savs: "There was duel
fought at Micr yesterday, but wen Lieut.
Maddox and Lieut. McPhersou, bith of the
3d Dragoons. They had four rounds, then j
went out and practised for an hour, re tared, j
and fired two founds more, when McPhcron j
was killed.7'
WubNHDAt, April 13, 1848.
Wheat. Red is worth 135 J white 138 a
Rtb Is in demand at 85 a 86c per bushel.
Corn Penua. Yellow, 60 a 61c, weight!
Oats Ponna. are worth 43c a 44c.
Wiiisket Dull in bblf. at 22 a 23c; hhds
2 lie.
Clovehsef.d Sales at S3 a f4 a $4 i.
Corrected weekly by Henry Master.
Whut, . . . .
riHE tubicriber is prrpared to receive ami ac
X rummaiUte a few transient br permanent
Hoarders, at her residence in Sunbury. The lu
catinn it in a handsome and pleasant part of the
town, commanding a fine view of the Sitque han
la, Northumberland and the tcenery adjacent.
To persons from the city, who wih to spend a
few months during the summer season, Sunbury
alTurils a delightful retreat. -
April S, 1818 Cm
ILlisabet.i llcnller's Kn lalcT
TOTlCE is hereby given, that letters testa
1 mentary have been granted to the subscri
be! s.extcntora of F.litnbt th Dml If r, lale of Point
township, Northumberland County. Persons in.
debten to said estate, and those having claiini
against the lame, are requested to present them
for settlement without delay.
April 8, 1818. Ot
Time and Distance Saved t
THE subscribers hiving leased the Sunbury
Ferry, beg leave to inform tha public, that
they are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure
Carriages and Foot passengers across the river
with safety and without delay. Tbey have pro
vided themselves with new and rnmmodinut
crafts, which will always be attended with able
and careful hands.
Persona travelling to end from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburg, Hartleton
and other placet, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of the
Bridges, at they would save from two lo four
miles in distance. JOHN SPEECH.
Sunbury, April I, 1848
VM, 6. MASON. -18
Chesnut st.S d r uloveindst., Philadelphia,
Knrarrr ot Bl SINESS a.- VtSITIMJ AH1)!,
Watch papers. Libels, Poor plates. Seals and
ftnmpl for Odd Fellows, Soni of Temperance,
he., tit. Always on hand a general assortment
of Fine Fancy Goods. Gold pens of every quality.
Don Collars in great variety. Engravers tools
and materials.
Asency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Dia
monds Oiders per mail (post paid) will be punctually
attended to.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1 IS y
Wholesale Droggists and Dealers in
faints, U'.ntliw atoms, mis, fartishts,
IPlit Slult-, Ke.
A'. 132 Kurth 3- Freet, earner nf Branch,
Respectfully invite the attention of Drucgists
and Country Merchants, tn call and exatniae
their large and well selected asortmint nf the
above articles, which will be sold at the lowtst
market rates.
April 1, 1818 3t
Ti history of the late King of France j
shows a remarkablesuccpftiion of misfortunes: j
Louis XVI guilliotinecL Louiti XVII died of j
want. Louis XVlll twiced exiled- Napoleon
exiled. His son died in a foreign land. Char
les X dethroned. Henry V proscribed. Louis
Phillippe put to flight. The Count of Paris
Col. Friuont is abaut to leave, with his
family, for a residence in Oregnn.
Pvsrarsi This distressing complaint it a
wealcnese of the digestive organs, routed ay im
purity of the blood. The gastric juice, a fluid
7culiar to the stomach when aecrettd from bad
blood, jf defi. 'ut in those solvent, properties
which ar of snv.'i iiiljiortanee to digestion Con
aeqaratly the food, intteai of being dissolved,
often becomes spoiled or pulnfieJin the stomach:
tienct bat breath, sour belching, rostiveneis,
pains in the stomach, colic, dytentary, and other
dreadful complaints.
Wright's India Vegetable Pills are a certain
are for Dyspepsia, because they cleanse the
atnmach and bowels from all bilious humors, and
purify the blood. Foerer aveof said Pilla, la
ten at night ongoing to bed, will in all cases
five relief, and it conunueo tor aiiori uuic,
will make a perlect cure of Dyspepsia.
Cant on. To avoid eoouteifeits. purehaae from
those only who can ahow a certificate of agency,
representing the landing nf William Penn ; ami
compile the lahrla on ihe boi with the f..c eiroiles
on Ihe certificate. To he tmuii'O. lliev mini lie
ri .ctly alike, signtlure and all. Hen are of coun--fcils
and imposition.
rj- The genuine fur aale by lUssr Misntii,
sole agent iKunbury, and other i genta, publi.h
d in another part of this paper.
In Augusta township, on Tuesday last, Mr.
CHARLES WOOLVEHTOX, aged about 60 ,
Last Notice.
IJerfons indebted to the subscriber will please
call and settle their accounta before the last
day of April, as all accounts not settled by jhat
time will be placed in the hands at a Jntice lor
collection. J. U. PCRDV.
Sunbury, April 8, 181631
Cottons. Xeedles. Pins, Sewing Sill:,
Steel Heads. I'a Clasps, Steel TitMels, Steel
Pure Rinss, Purte Cluspt, Pla n and Siiadid
1'urse Twi-t, Trimmings,
Funcy Goods, Sic.
Cheap for Cash to Wholesale Dealers, at th."
A'eAV Thread and Needle Sloi o.
No. 3 Kjrth fourth $ iV. 17S Chetnut St eett
April 8, 1818
riaar rnEiaiiTM nn.NO roam3.
''HE SUBSCltlHF.R has been appoihteri agei.t
3 for tt.e saleof CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this place These Pianos have a plain, mas
sive and lifaiitiful exterior finish, and, for depth
ol ton-, and elegance of workmanship, oie not
siir;a4ed by any in the United States
These iinitriimeiits are highly approved of by
the uioit eminent Professors and ( omposcia of
Music in th.a mid other cities.
Fur fluidities of tone, touch and keening in
tone upon Concert pilch, they cannot be anrpas
I snl bv either American or Euinpean Pianna.
S'ltlice it to say that Madame Castellan. W. V.
VYdl aee, Vieut Temps, and his sister, the cele
brated Pianist, and many others ol the moM ilis
tiiiquUhed erformero, have (;iven tht'se instru
m'iitt prefen nee over all others
They have also riceived the first notice of ihe
thiee Uxt Exhibitions, ami the last Silver Medal
by the Franklin Iuatitute in 1813, was awarded
to them, which, other premiums Iron) the
same souice. may be seen at the Ware-room No.
02 south Fourth st.
CAmither Silver Medal was awarded to C
Meyer, by the Franklin Institute, Oct. 1813 for
the he.t Piano in the exhibition.
Axxin at the exhih tion of the Franklin Insti
tute. O-t. 1846 the firt premium and medal was
awarded to C. Meyer for hia Pianos although it
had been auardel at the exhibition of the year
befoie, on the ground that he had made still great
er impiovemeutt in hit Instruments within the
past 13 months.
Again at the last exhibition of the Franklin
(nttitute, 1817, another Premium waa awaidud
iC. Meyer, fur the best Piano in the exhibition
At Boston, at their last exhibition. Sept. 1817.
C Meyer received the fust silver Medal and Di
ploma, for the best square Piano in the exhibition
These Pianos will he sold at the rr.uimlictii
rer's lowest Philadelphia pricea, if not enmeihing
lower. Persons are request id to call and exam
ine fur themselves, at the residence of the sub
scriber. 11 B. MASSER
Sunbury, April 8. 18 IS
nnoi i;rs commission mkiiciiats
mid lleulers in Seeds,
A' 3, Arch tit PHILADELPHIA.
Constantly on hand a general assortment of
To which they respectfully invite the attention
nf the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
lor drocertes or sold on Commission.
Philad April 1 '."18
207 Main sttert, liuffalo, N. 1",
Vi gitable Llthoutriptie Kixtorr.
rpitl! celebrated remedy ia constantly incrcating its lain
A by Uie many cures it is mnkinar
It has now bee me Ihe only medicine f. r tninily use, and is
neriicuiariy recumnieiioen lor
nil ftjipii rf this n rnplnint iin mediately rtticror1, n t mutter
oi luw long nam ung. M-e riismphlet lur Uniim ny.
niifl all diwoflri if the urinirv orgranx; f"f thme clinlrrFU- . ptnfi iVc
ing ctmtpiHinia it amnna nkntc ; n i otliir unlclr can rrliev
you ; ami thccurcRteitlififtltcMvitlc inviiicrthe m-'Hl nkep
tical; ace pomplikt. lAvrr Conipltiint. Hilliuiw ditwaaea.
To the Great Wwrt eaneeiallv. ami wherever thcac c nn-
plainta prevail thia mmlicine ia cfl'errU.
m dcleterimii comivuiifl in a part rf thm mixtiirr. ft
curta theae rtiaima with certnintv ami celt riiy, ami tloca
nut le&ve tha ayatem urpm. t antpiiitt.
riL. bis,
a complaint of n ni at p tinuit charnrtor, ia
and a cure O'llwa by a i'kw rinvs line bf thifarti! ; it ia
litr before any other preparati I'tr thia diseaHe, or ti-r any
othr diaoaau origiiiuting f rom impure hlutxl. ice pent
weak Imck, wenkiK'W of the Kiihirva, ftr., or inflamum-
ti'n of anme, ia inimeliatrly relieved hy a few daya urns of
thia medicine, aiaJ a cure ia always a remit ul its uac. It
ataiiaa aa
for aiit'h coinplainla, and ala for deranjremeiita of tlie fe
male frame.
nu infill tneiiatriialioiia. Nonrticlc hna ever been offered
except this wltieh wuuld touch thia kind of deraittrenicnta.
It m:iy be relied upon aa n aure anl effective remedy, and
did we feel permitted t d i c mlU give
tin nr'iof of curea in thia ditrosinir elasa of piiinnttiiiita.
9ee wmphlet. All broken down, dehilitnted comttitutiniia
irmn the riieci 01 mercury, win nna lite Dracing power 01
thia article to act immediately, and the poiacutma mineral
crnUieattxJ irom ineavnem.
will find the nhetutive propertiea cf thia article.
and driven anch diaeurwa from the aystein. Hee imihlt
f r tcatimony of rurea in nil direnaea, which the limit f
an ttilvertiaeiucnt will not permit to he nnmed here. Apvnts
rive them away ; they cntuin &2 piiea of ccrtificutca of
iiiih cimractcr. aim a mivnger
of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It ia one of
the ptteuliur ftmturca of this article tlmt it never fa i la to
tK'ueut in any ctiae. aim 11 none nnu niuaiM are icii i uuuu
uivm let the emaciaieu ana uitfferinz invuiiu
and keep tnking the medicine aa I' tug aa there iaau im
provement. 'Hie proprietor would
npniiiKt a number ot' articles which c me out under the
head of
tin cures lor imniav, uruvel, dec: i ncy aro if J lor n
tlunir, ami c.nicnetetl t gull Ihe unwary
Their invent r never thought of curing auch d:a.iara (ill
thin artieiu hud done it. A particular etii-'y of the pnni
phh't ia enrneatly a -licited.
Agents and nil who at-ll the article ore
graMiilouxlv. Put up in .TO ox. bottles, nt r2 : 13 ox. d at
61 each the tnrger h lding 6 ox. m are thnn tw mimll l ti
tle, lwik out and get iuiwael upon. Kvery b-itile hna
"VHntfliu'a Vegetnble I.ilhontriplic Mixture," blown Utn
the glint, the written aigiiature of WS. C. Vaughn11 on the
.1.- ..A ui' r '. !...,!... n..A'..l . It ah....wl nn lha
INcw Spring Dry odd.
Ho. 1 South 1J. K(m(. rhtladttphU. ,
HAVE now In Ihe atore and art daily reeeir.
in Intildition to their astortment attheTar
rive In the New York and Philadelphia Mliketi,
new Sprinf Dry Goodt contiiting in part of
New Stylet Spring Met. deLainea. New Stylet
Dareaet in Stripes, Pleiila. 4Ve. Choice Col.
Ota, mode Bareges, New Lawns end
mnde Mot. de Lainet, Pael d
chervet. a new artirle, neW
Style Tissues he, 4C
FaaCH xd Scotch Ot!iotia. tn ttnre one
of the Uriest ttsoitment in Philadelphia, from
the lowest prire to the fiuest qualities, touch
lower than last teason.
On hand at all teatoni of the year a laic at
toitment, both of Linent and Muslins, at greatly
reduced prices, also I.inen Damasks, lounter
panel hr. Shawla. Ulovet. Lares Ke. Hien
Lust i e Ulack Silks, fnr mantillas, Viaitea. Dree.
tea &e. Mens fc Boy's wear of all descriptions
Ladies and Gentleman viaiting the city are in.
viteil tn eall and examine our ttock.
A liberal reduction made totboee who boy to
tell again.
Philadelphia, April I, 1818 '
Xo 198 Cltcantit Street,
South East Corner of Eighth st , Philadelphia.
PORTRAITS Irom tha emullerf treesl-in to
the largret aze. singly or in f roups. The
Pioprielnra are warranted in ain(, that their
work ha gain- d a leputaiion econd to norio in
the world. Extracts from the Preee t
l.ife-like in the expression, chaatly correct in
the shsdine. Ltdeer.
The ait hae arrive.l at f-eit p-rfeciion. and
none umlerstsnd it liettci than McUlree dr. Ger
nam." Haiti more Iris.
Admiialiie! notl.ine ei exceed their exquiatte
delicacy." V. S Gazette.
Exuact from the report of the Jodcea,at tha last
fair of the Frinklin Insiituta. "Daeoeireotypes
in fiia de( arlmpnt there are eoane ery excellent
epicimens in the txl il illn, and UieJile-a think
thev are a pmKreasive imuroveroent in thia branch
of ihe art They hae not recommended an a
ward in f.vor i f ant nf Ihe rompeiiioia. I ut are
ili-p' seil tn rank a yFr.l fit order, ihe cillection of
McCI.EES & GEKMON, a contaii.ii g the lar
gest number of superior specimens."
I hil .de'phiu, Vtb 19, 1818. 6m
Tbe Sesit tett a vmmm dkss JtVfasi,
tuxl pa.Mil ikf Martrfcaj lalla J
A ball a iaKsyusTtO flse Ihaii tKmsOfe.
A ha toaaltin fW osJa ti aUeft
heU by tlte Snnint aa TawrpaW C mi fmtm m.
Xegalirr$, . ' .
AriiaProx ?wao- That aJti laMai, tka)
IUuiw heii Juaseoaj asad toads araaad naanar
md ia like. Seale aiwisjailiaai iiltfi to tVs
et iaci'jspjlaaat tHae Vmik Bswnrll Caasil
Camiranf'. It nJeada tbe Ueac far I tun
yinMm tW 5Ule aaV3msjsaw IsW ri;
ud re7aiire9 Ikat tlar oCi sesaH he tVJasrlol
tsrftan the asmnmst efealed by law Ctaajat
t dail he nftud hy tlhe I
btr jJmwapl t3se Staip.
TV- Secretaire- of tbe CeEBSarimtt . pre.
naAetJ foaxr f roast taw Gwsniaur, f
twrainr tjrink kit Trio tVtswas tW bsSs to px,
ternJ lise rttarter oaT tke Baatk asT Chatttbeit
htu7, tV- cbtter aaT live FausaMaT tl M-
t&smt Bank etf fltSapaata ; tie
CE) li S2T t 12 121 ST J?
ttnatii SSOKES.
OlfeOOU8 tt OCMH akaiM itstat tm
trid tMttcns ad tllea bents slseaa. - -
It It rieMy tsraMl At biwtstia. tor ftsant ie aeaaa
ly a dktem. etwraal aw tBtonaat. iW at wH tttt
toaeCt. I baea awed atf.titeli fmsksa yearn
fj all dieaaa of the chest. Atstm atuj amc,
involving ihe tJiateet atasger saal ssnaiaaiftsftaie.
and I rftmt twwswia s 4 anaas. abet axal aa
one eWicle CMC has si fai'ol Vsaarfil obeai aW f
tienl wii wrbia the eear aawtal mmmm.
I fcsve had srsaciaae. teara 4 aa ike ;esfnaaiaa.
I have had ataMeicra.if ilta a-1'. yantje esT (l
bonds. at4eTaBass. lawyeea, atntraAeat af sxse kngh
at eraoi'snp, and semhiiaioee t siie tmar tHa it ta
very varsrty at way. asid tlatvc has tow hat msm
voire sue itereij ntre ynsitf z JaTAJ&ater,
y,r Uiamwent ' GOOU."
In Xmrfola, Old -e-. Cranetaa. Teat f Ls-
r (Jtimi-Uim, 8c Ete. Q mm. Saw Th
Bionciiiiin. Broken wr Mesc breaaa. Pile, all Ctaia
Uisraara, sack ox As bma. 0qesaiiasB. fata
Alan, thee l-ips CiiOsl Haw. Tanave. OaV
drrai'e CtfiBBtwait Eru4auBa, JC4a Uiuiaw.
and of the Sp Jte, tLcte it itm tacdstaue ttw lain
aa g.k 4.
8CA1.D HCtD We I s-e cffdwm thss
aetastty .Vfied every lling kasmr. at wvC at fk
alalrtr U IS r S dnctiaa. Ot aaaa tM mthm
had t)ieai f 300 asi hta . h Mieia wiuy m heaje- it EMnery' Bank af Wayatrsliaji axad tb
6t. wbea a frm bet re e" Itaatanrwl ran. J state,
BALDNESS It mill i Laar an.
than any ether ihing.
HKAUAUHK rbead tiaa raawi weai
of the tieadarhe a" It istf. rfniai, asal wlte
had it regular every verfc. as ttisrt aausig eatvti
toik place- Daarataa. Cta Ar awl Arc is
raa, are rtm-d ly this Osutamit amh taW
t orlheaubltcaUoBel IheSDXBl RY AMERICAX
Oreatly Enlarged and otherwise improved.
The subscriber having assumed the pub
lication and entire control of tha Sunbury
American, will commence the publication
of the same, on Saturday the 1st of April,
1 84-8, in an enlarged form and with entirely
new type. He designs to make the Ame
rican a valuable, as well as a handsome
famrlv newspaper, wormy ol me patronage Dr. invi.i jayne, a :u si.; Maiiww t. Miter, i
.i li- T "II ;. V,..,I ..Ptr ' svitti l si.; anil w e niM liami-s mio hundred, n othT.
of the public. It will De puDiunett ecry ( jt w,.rrllrw,slry. nvv invite ih Hiimti m ihe
.tiirrlnv on o-ood white paper,, nt S3 perl palJi", and pariicuinrlv Uvwe iii waiilm; Fire I'n.if Hues,
j - lo cult al our slre hcliirft purcnasmg elsewhere, and we
We make the following olTi rs:
To any person who will send us five
subscribers and $10 in advance, we will
furnish a copy of the American one year,
and also, a copy of either of the following
excellent publications:
Oanel's Illustrated ertilkw of U'Aubifriie's llirtrwy nf Ihe
Hiortnli.i, lB!Uttly bound, 4 vol. lu a, price w au i-
riUlVPROOP DOORS FOR ranks and storks,
Stsil and Letter-Copy ii iff Presses, Patent
Slate-Lined UtViy:cnitor, Water Fil
trs Patent Portablo Water Clo
wl intend'd for tho !?uk
and l ilinn.
7H finttth Third Street.
Maniuurtiirp and keep irnist nit
lv on ImikI, o laruo mm irtmritt ot
thHlive arliclrs, t eiier with
Ihoir l'iiti'iil liiMrovcdSiUmainlrr
FIR li-l'UOOF HA V KS uliich
re so const ructtxl l H ut rt4
Nil manner of t ulil a l llit-ir
lifing ktrirtly fire-protl. und tliul
tlity will ruHt the fire ol ttnv
buiMing. Tlw cuuiii rasii t'f
t!n.m; SciiVi are utatl l'b ilr iron, llir iiwidt; CiC.'f 9V
t tnf, nii'l U'tetn the otitrcnfie anil inner i Rnace
ot' i mie thn-e iui-lu-s thick, mul in filled in with iiuli'ittruo
tiM nmti'rinl,! i n t nt'tkt it hii imp- (wilnlity to lujrii nuy
of the e Jiitfti. inside of tltis Client. These ft 4tinL iiif Ki
kt tint id' rs we nre prHred nnd di ehnllenue the W'trld tt
pfjflnce any artit'lu in the nluie of It n k l4iUs that will
t:itiil na innrh heiit, ami we h ild oursclvi-s rttuly af nil
times to h:ive them fnirly tested by public bmtiro. We
nts'i c 'iititiue t iit.tiiuluetiire a birp and tft-nerul usji m1.
mtntofour I'remiiiiu Air-t'arht Fire lrejf gitrsof whieb
thrre am ivtr HiK) n-Mv in use, ami in every insUnre thev
luive irivett entire SHtisiVieti n ti the purrlituaers - m' whieti
we will ri-t'or the public lu a few grutleiuuu whu lutvo
thin in in.
IIuvwhI Sc. Huvder. I'-tttttville : J is-ph (j. Itwt a
V 't'svtlle; Mi. Wilhmn Cnrr, lyb-slown, Ih.
N. h (. Tiil"f. IJq north :M st.; A H'ritdit & Nephew
Vine si. wharf; AleLiiiJur Caror, Cmveyini'Tr, couifr nf
Filbert mt.l ih sts.; Jolm M. FiTd, : north :M -t.; Mvora
Rush, -i1! n Tib Ui t.; Jiuues M. Paul, 101 h nHh 1th
The Jiui Ifcaikey, (nna year) published weekly at 8J
t"iiy Book, (.. year) pMiAsi W olWy al W
rH!?toi lha I'oople, (oa r) P""" W
nirNmetMnth CenturV, folic year) published quarterly
at S3 per aunuia . . .
a n nenn aendinaf us net responsible
...w ho entitled to a copy of
BUUtsVI iitwf "
the American one year. -Or,
any person tending wten suh:rirK'r,
with 10 on account, shall be entitled to a
copy of the American for ona year, unci
alav a copy of cither of tho above wot ks
for the same time. p
April I, ISIS. Editor and rr-.j-ir. tor.
lo mil nt
ran wtisry them tlfey will set a belter aiul tluticr article
Ml "nr afire inau ai sny maer eroiitiiiHitnem in tin ritv.
We ls nwiiul'aL'liire the inhiinry Fire Prn.f Chests, nt
at very Vw priis, elienpf r ihun they vuu be buught at any
olhur slure ill I'liiUUIi.lua.
I'hiLidt-ljihia, April P, 1H8 ly
Chkap Nkw & Skcond hand Book Siorb,
Sitrth lVt comer of Fourth and Arch Street
Law Book, Theological and Classical Books,
Juvenile Boohs f ingr&it variety.
Hymn Books aadrrayer Books, Biblrs, all t'w
anil pnees.
liltt'ik Ftoote. U't iiin$ Pttjx rand StaUrwnjy
II V and Hftaif,
(fu u riee are min-h lower tKan the ar-.n. rftt"
( f' l.iU.tri' .t:td situtll parcrlant' b toka purchuccU.
19" llvik' i'M( t fid r ir -ui lvttdou.
Fl.iUd. l'hij, I, iMt y
Sorotnh or Kniir'n livi', Hheinn itiHtn, OlMitmtt Cut tnc him
1 rti tiun. rimpli'M i r Fentnlt n Ihe face, HMi-tu-,
Itilex, Chnmu: I r Kvvh, Worm ur 'i'ettfr,
JVhI I ilend, I jihr-'ittt iii und l'tiin of the
it iH'K.'iml joiiil. Stulili -rti I li-itrs. Syphi
litic Syni'onm, S'i.tticj or Jsnmliugo,
iii.4r;is a uitni.ipr i r in mi injuui
ei iii ns ! Meii'iiry, lr 'p
vy. lxi- anre or Itnpiu
iK nt't! in li'f ; nU ,
C!itnto C nti- lilt-
In t!u nuili-ine aevend tun trent Ui! very ptent artirl
of the vfs'i.itiit Uiiijrd tn urn iitiitt. finniiigac itiiKMiitd
entirely iitfT'nt ill Ut elutme'.er and r perties ffin nny
other iirii ir.iti ai, mi. I unriv.ilk'd in its oueruti n n the
NVMU'in when lili iriufj nnder dixfase. It sh u Ut le in the
hiiitln of everv kj. it, wli hy UiMinets, or it em nil c urM
of lite, is pri:iititii i to the very many niliitii'titw tint nan
d.T lii'c a eiirs-', inxUiiJ f a Llwiitg, und s often r.'Mt.t in
ileit h.
run scitorri.A.
Vt. lrnVes IViii.ii'Ci in rx iniiifii'hil ;is a errt:iin rs'nnily.
N -t 'ii ins' aiueif iti fiiilnrt h is ever iM-cnrred when irue
ly u?-i! ! It enrrrt tlf? (likcjM and nt t'lesuno imparts
viil r i tlte wh le HKtcin. S-i' fnl itn pt'is'i). am nevi-r
Ihv t mtieh n'ti'iui n t tlie K.iite of tht-ir hi kI. lift pu
ritir iii n nit mill Ik their firrt uim ; for scrKevenoiee will
arc mi lisli a cure ol k ks 1!KKMT.ihy ise.isc.
Sf'itrvy, Sc trlnuie AllW'ti iis. Turn r. While Sw lliiic.
KrvxiiP'toi, I kvrn, t'luicerd, Itunninx I ret. St!.ils hihI
lilies. Or. Ornkf's I'.itiiicea cum tt he t mi highly ext 'lied ;
it sri'iius uui uie vi ry t mji oi tne disease, anu pern tot nut.
o medicine Harhi(a has ever been discovered which
pives n mtii'h t uie t i the stonmeh and ciusfs the seere
ti ii I" a he-ilthy gastric juice to decinpoae the lo d s L)r.
Urake'ii l'uiuctu
I) i. Dnke's Pnimeea is lined with the fireateiit sitres in
IthiMiiimiic C ui; liiuts. fsites'iullysiiehiuit'hroiiH. It eurs
hy dri iiifz i nt nil i.iipiiriius and luul hnmonrs w hich have
aeen mil tied in tlx ittnm, waieh are the ctiine i-f Kln ti
matifin. G nt, ami Swellintrstf the j. hits. ()ther renin lies
s 'in-'iinies Hive leniporury relief; tins entirely erudieates
the diMvise tr. in the . in, even wheu the liiubs uiid lx ues
are dreadfully w Hen.
CoNMr.Mt'Ttns cax tut CL'hKn. C uylis, Oitarrh, Hr u
chitis, S.jttin f Ml msiI, Asthim. Uilfieultor pr-jfutc Ki-Met-irli
n, line ie Klueh, Nm lit Sweats, Pain in the sale
.Vc. hive Uieu eureil, an I e-ui he with aa much certainty ns
any other dim; ne. A SK'eifua hus 1 n-x Leeii s -Ufrhl lor, hut
in Vuhi nn'il Ihe ilise very of Dr. Dntke's Paiuieeu. It is
mild und " tie IhiI certain and eilientions in lis op rutiii,
nnd emu t p twiliiy injure the in at dt-lim.te c ubtituti n.
We would earnestly rte nmin'nd th se titilit'ted to give it a
tri't! -md we believe they will n t have ixvusi it to regret
it. The system is eluanfed and strcinrtheunfl, the uteers n
the Inutrs are hetled. vud the untieiits ((radu:illy rtgniii their
us:ul healili and etrtuyih. lieud Uie Ulluwuig :
Piiii.a., D.T. t lth, 1M7.
I-kaR Sir In reoly (i y 'itr que ft i n nttpeetiug the use
of Dr. Drake's Paimeen, I will say, that aUliouh a perfect
disbeliever ut the existence of a Panacea, or enre for all
disertpes, btiwevei viluable it may Im in certain ondittjtis
of the sy Klein, s'ill I have bvlujved UmI a cur I'tC- nsumj
ilyu w.utld bv Uwuover.-! j vnier or later, and .rtrv ted
ine to try y..itr mUviilC 1U w9 Very inveteruta eusea.
T1' , M'erc w.(n)UneeJ l.v the Mttendiiia nhvsii-iuns fc be
PtLMONAKV roSfi'MfTioN, ami atsmd "lied by them us in-
ct ttABt'K. One of the tiers ns Ind rwn under the treat.
incut of several very able pructm uers for a uuiiilter of
years, and thev said she hid ttl tuvlii tied C uauiuntiou
e unhine with Sertiful:!," aial that shemiht linger for some
time, (vut chiI I ii 4 be M.'rm:iiH'4iUy relievnl. In bulb eases
the etfeet cfth Paiieea tins been mt Krutifyiii)t. Only
four ir five b titles were useil by one of the pera ais Ik'Iito
she ln-tpin i ininrove ripidly. The other took a If i it ten.
f will only add that familiar as I am with eoiuiuniptiou by
inheritance ami tiy exieusive olrservation as a study, and
ku'iwiiur. als tlie injurious effects in nine ohhcb nutfteii
4' tar, b 'iieart, an I thT vegetable tonies. us well as 4 if
in-uiy of the exireeuirantsniid sedatives, I should never tinve
ree siitmeihUd the use of D note's Punacm if J laid u it le
acritiiiintcd with the ingredient. Siitftee it b say tht thesa
nre let 'inme-idid by our m -at rftpuLir am) acientilic phym
eians, mid in their present e antiined state, form probably
the htjwt nlierutive thut lias ever been iiiatte. The cure ia
in ace trdmiee with a tbe ry of C.'iisumptioii bnwehed in
Pmuee a few years njt it by one f her nu-st ewiueiit wri
ters on medicine, and uw csublisihed by facta which ad
lint oi n dUnule.
Very Ileupcctfully Yihup, L. C. UCNX.
T t itsr the hnzmce of imother, '"Dr. Drake's PNiuicea in
lvu attluta,ry in its eifecu never iiguri'-ua. It is itot as
tiftutn it is iii 4 and lXDeet'nuit. It ia u 4 intended to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. It is a great remedy a
urnnn ueRiinff aim eurativa cnnnoutui, the trrent and miiv
re.imiy wnien metiiiMu acituvutt ana amii nua yet pr mtiecfi
for the Ur iMiienl of this hithert i uXiinieml And
ii il's -n HiMicted with this drend disease, will be jiit to
in nisei i ihi his irien Is. u he sri ri wii In the arrave with Mil
testing it virtues. A single b-Mtle, in m t eases, will pnt
duee h favorable thuitgu i.i the e Jiiditi a t'f uny patient,
TO TK.AIili:r.
I Jliliei rif nnle n and niKiimntive h.ihila- and
sai-h n are ili-hlliiilM by Ih m nlmtriifti.iiis which feiiwlea
nie iiubli' bi, are reMnrnl bv the use til' a bottle r two, to
W .m viior. It ie by fur the beat reomle aver dise.nrerad
f.a wenklv chlklrrn. and aueh a. have htid Luinwa : Iwiuv
pk-.niu, th. y lake it. It immediately ul .u the patiie,
N rthinir c in be in r .iiririmn than lis inviu rnling
t'nels rn Ihe buitnn Irame. Persona, all wratkiieM anffb
situde hef'irfl Mklns f, at onee become robust snd lull of
eueref tHetar iia iufliiiH. tt immediate CJUiilcm.rU the
uerveles:ie.s ul tbc luuulu Iriuua.
ral'TION "ft careful and aee that Toil set the eenu
ine Ur. Uasaa's Hi.vACKi it has tha sicnature iif P
Hrqaaa nn tha wrtiper nd alan iba luuno J)a. Daaaa'a
i'N4caa. ruiLi " laowa nitneawai.
Vfwirod only he t'roMa. tt Co.. XlrucxisU. No. lit North'
Willi H , fhiladeliihia.
t.l t rt ...luirvll H AHSER.
H 'Id al.i bv Ws A. Mi'as.i 4 C.IVnvilln ll.fir
. Mill.; MiS MiCov, .N'inhuiu4n.'ildnoi E. V Iah,
li) lllaburff.
1 ril I, ItI ly
rk. None oilier are aeiuuiie. Preuernd ly Ur. If. C
Viiiiuhu, am) sild nt the Principal llfliee, 9117 Mum alreet,
Hulliilo, nt wholesale and retnil. No attention given to lei.
Iits uidi-as post puiiV inters 1'rtnil reftularly natituled
Agents exeepti-d ; (mat inid l4tra, er verUil eiMiununiva
tions s iliritiiiff advice, promptly attended to (rnilis.
Offices dcvolfd xclusiv-lv to the telle ol this article
t: Noaauu sr. New York city; So-I Ksseaat.Kilem, Mnas.j
und by the princivil Unurirists throughout the Lulled States
and CnundH, as Agcnla.
List nt' Aneiita. f lorrs CO.. Vh 'Icmiilc Aim it PhiM'l
'ln:iJ. W. Krililifr, filnbury laane limrlmrl. rtcliui-tmve
I". A. Wyeth. j.wihlir II. I.Sheal'er, Milton Ilnycs
& McCjruuck, MiKwciisvillc Miss McCoy, Ntiriliumla-r-Lind.
Amil I, UMr v
Screen & Wire Cloth Mannractr)r,
Ko. 43 Kurth Front street, betwec Mark t mid
Areh streets,
r1H Hulitcribeia binr grast imprcree-
L nn uls iii the atota I'Ui-incs. are onar raann.
f ictunnir. 'fa mpeiior qnnliiv. all kirid" of PLAIN
Sii s, Kiildlea, Screen., it, fur all kuide ol Grsin,
See.!, Sand, OiC, SnurT, blaicb, Bii. ailusl, iu.
rou'.jria Sieees of a rrtpeitot qtialitr con.ttMly
on hsi.d Al o Safe.M'iis Dish Cover, 8.. fa
Sprints. TwiileJ Wiib for Spark Catcl.era, &c
Oruameutal IVlre Work.
Such a Oaga, Nuraert Keniler, Garden Bouler
ing. Flower aa d.. Trainer. Trellia work for Oraei
Vine. &e A!o Wira F nein; . f eeert defii-
lioh. (iy Order Ihsnllullv receieed anil prompt
y ef eru'ed by
Fed. 13th, 1818. 3m.
t-ti. aa extmnJ the claaitsrr of tJae Coftambu
Bank aaJ BoJtye Catjtptutj. Kea. aad tbea
tiil oa lite Uttar.
IltaaDtarac. April $.
Sl t rt TV Jpe-ileT of tius body, (Mr.
KalSaiiis.) ia ctxsSatsBinj witk taa? cJiiJU
practice aa ncale lake Clair a aVstr at tart) be-
armlH 1. Ilr.ia f HmJ tli. JjMU.Marjaa.1 A I 7
lMI . BaevlaaSaHIt; aiftrt tlte reaaliase af the
KHEUM TI8M. It ie alaaaal msec- rrstr-seii law pft. La tfcaog st ke nlr a.
ately tka rDflaaaatioa sm4 ea.iinx raa-si last anaa , tie W atdVlns.
cearc. (Read tbe Uumiua. tfawsi lire Bex.) jj . , . ' ' .
X)1.0 FEET. CtaaeaisnamMi. U Vmsm- j 5BBle rW at) tSae t&crm,
l lsint, Paia ia tl rkv-et . hJt. Uliaut T at" ijbr ; t?t ; saf Sjaeaker.
atir. m a tb .tber alway afctaaasara cal j U- Umaam. of AjBMStujtic, Intaaaj rrrrir-
TETTER. There at Baiarc ltei f.r Ox dertared eierted Spaaker.
cure 1 4" Tetln. : Tie fuSSamiag hSh, actecil by tiae Com-
PILE. Tboe!ls a J-rTy rare.! ly tU. mm nHCaaeamA paawdbra. tw
Ointment. 1 " . , .
CCR38. Oocaaiam.1 oaecf tW OVanl s stBltaBaI msajnrtr.
alw.ys keep C raj frma a; Pad aaaal A t3 to r-r!esj liar charter af tiae Bank of
never t irnanMia tr meia ai wary " am s . . ITaaailftiir 9 aara T
A ball tm naemi tkecaBiterof tk Tmmmf
ail Mdnaac's Bask, af Fauladjrlpeua jvaai
ii. nr
Head the fnllwtrisis CanaiBasriaafieam.
R. reived facta aa '4. re pee 1 vavOI btatarai
en ia. a ot tU aoaiitiu. 1 Urf jartjryeajs
ell: rUTaJeV- "- Ilia. 1813
Ta T. B. Petersati, Havine ai asajamael
In tii n snt eipisiiaa am (W aacrils aT MALLM
TEK'S 8ALYE, I aaa in Sa ratsearrsae saaa?
of tba btat fita wbarii I b-e s xyesiesioej tat the ner
i4 the article.
In ti e aptire of IPtS. I hmi n attack tT dry
aifcla ny fce oLicb tire aaa' ry rasrjfs4. atal
cttetid. i into one tt hit nn, 4w ( atomnltiJ trieb
ft t r. my dictreea was jrt1 axu I braa ta tn felt
fill of li''S any eye.
AttUaaah s anora aT a h-Set ia hat ia
riclorlal Utllllon of d'Aubltfnc'B
great Work on I lie Hcfbrmatlo.i
published or. or about the 1st of April. 1 fat IS. hy
JOS. A SPEEL, No 00 Cherry tt. above 6th,
hit splendid 12mo edition of the above named
woik, with IS enslaved illustrations from ori
uinul designs; -I vols in 3, bound in extra clotb
and library aheep.
The publisher respectfully rails the attention
of Ihe trade and the public generally, to thit
work b-inK the only illustrated edition published
in the United States He trusts that the beauty
of its embellishments, the atrnnt: and substantial
manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with
the known popularity of the work itaelf, will be
a sure recommendation to public favor.
JOS. A. SPEEL. 06 Chetry tt above Clh.
J. A S baa also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell't Raree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly none up in
extra cloth
Philadelphia. April I, 1818
Commission and Forwarding
Ail 48 Commerce Street Wharf BALTIMORE
Will receive and tell all kini'.s ol Country Pio
duce Flour, Giain, he.
N. B. Particular attention given to the tale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on ion
tignmentt, when requireii.
April 1, 1818 tin
. A- Naw Stob So 79 .rUcA ttreet.
bctu-cen id and 3J K-irth s di;
'T UK tnbscribrr invites paiticular attention tg
his larj; .i ni (piendiil assortment of nru and
cho'ce slyles if Dry Goods compritint: a general
variety of the most deauauie amus oi west iaa
terials. Shawls Glover, Hosiery, Vmhrinkublt
h'lnnnels. Worked Vollats. Cambr e,,
Mull. Hamo'ik and Plaid Munlins, Linen Cam.
6"eandS A Pocket Hdkfs, Biiek ltul an Cra
tilt, others too numerous to advettise.
Particular attention is fiven to Linens and Fur
nishing Goods, generally the stork It large, anri
the prices will be round mucn lower into usu
al, having been purchased at Auction at sacrifi
ced ratet The fabrirt ar warranted pure flax
and from the best makers.
P. S. Persons wishing I'farn and Medium
styles of irf 6'orft and iluwls, will nnd a
choice variety.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1848
Improved Hydraulic Pumpt,
for Wells, Rnlling Millx, Furnaces, ar other
rfHE sol'wriher rr.peclfutly announce t ibe
A public that lie ia now prepared to "ipply o-
i dera to any exient for hi Talent Double anion
Auction ami r orce rumps. I utme pump are
mule of cat iron. anJ the wler ia torked or for
ced through lead pipe. K. r .implicit of cwstruc
lion and durability of action, itiey are vattly supe
rior to any now in use. They have retry advan
laues .iter the ominon puinjs among which are
the follunini :
Tbey are tt c.ins'rurtej th.t mischietou-" per
son! Cinnol spoil ilu ir action by introducing nail
or spiket or any other aub.iuni e aamnt the vslvi-e.
at is otten done wiih oihi r pumps, thereby reiidt-r-ing
ihein utcles till oeihaultd. Tbey ie ar
ran rd lo I peifectlf secure from fioat. Tbey are
at airangrd aa to aff.l ample pr -lee-ion agaiuei
Fire about ihe cmies on which they are er.Ttct,
hy simp'y sltaehing a piece uf hoe. thro' which
tl e will forra wiler tn any part of. or over, a
three alory houae. Tbey are particularly ada teJ
lor vety I'eep wlle, a the leveiaee can be m re
gulated that a chi d of ait eara old ran wiib the
greatest rase draw water iln mem irom ine .u-e
ieat wells. "I be nljrtinn eo jolly urged ! rna
ny. that w..tei is .poibd by sUtiJing in pumpl.fa.
ia rtiiirelv obviited in ihi pump, and fih water
can alwaya l aa .ur. lv oliUinnl a wben drawa
with a bucket. Ill situationa where it M nece-s-rv
lo r.iis.- or force larve qu titi ie of water tn gteat
ili-ianre-i for au ,.l ing t..irs in milt, furnace.
4tc. ihee pumps are invaluable. a they ran tie
made f any ex, and rip .Ma of throwing from
15 to 10(10 gello p. r minute.
AnJ to nowu all, they can be told at cheap a
the cheapest.
The subscriber ha penl th last year in asp--linn
nlmg upon ami priferiing hia mmi and now
brinua ihrni lef -ie 'he pnbl e iih ibe fullest ron
fiJciice that lliev will be found to answer his rte
aeiipiion. He takap'ea.ue in referring lo the
following rompsnie nd individusl. upon hoe
pii mites his pumps hsve hrrn arreted, and sihn
liavo opr. ted tbrir aatiaf etion iu the b ghrt
terms :
1 he Montour lion Cinpiny. D.nV.l'e, It. Bri!
voort. etit Ibe llloomsl.urg Railroad Iran Cnt
pany. b' uri Col. Paitoo. agent ; the R -tifih
mul Ready Iron Works, UsnTii . Htrrori. Foley
A Co.. e'(ict,-ir the town Conned of Berwii k;
Simon T. K -t , E.q , atd John L. altun, tq .
He could r fci to mmy i.thers, wh have teited
their qjal iie. but tbe t-ve teapetUtile firms anJ
iai'iidus!s aio ileemeJ sullicicnl.
frj" An a.aoiunent of LEAD PIPE3 concUr.l
lv on baud, which w.ll I- a dd no the tnot tea
able term. All orde add:traej loth au!rilr.
at Moore & Bi.ld'e'a F- undry build u ga. or Moo
lour Houae, Uauvdlr, will meal with pr. mit at
Jan. 1. IS48- If.
commonly J tjiiark aneaWttiea. I fiunhaafJ a j comImillaOBial
hoi and made aa i(i;.bftli tv faro. To Boy j XJas bail I
BUf HaaB iw l-:ai awa au. www m wmwa. '
I area etittey rtrra. asii I limey in aw se tjbat at
asi the a J.'. o.ler Pr.iT.irawie stsai coaal ate.
Froaa thai trese ta the bus. aA. I lutsc wael !W
article a ccaaio re9iei i, ni ruewtv cwraW
I havo a-ed H, I have Unl a VoVI Wtarit
At at tiane, s (tang snd at aiact. atry taViaaM
Was ao a4e that I awalUvavri wi&i aliiSioBkrr. east
A IM to rttsJ the camuT of the Colom
la Bak ami Bribe Cotnpouiy yeas II,
fat; 9.
A iZl to ril!riI tV- ciatxter of the? FaratMrTar
zai Danrers" Bami of tVajvjeatm jra Tt,
Ti? tI sir-SCTeJ, to aDthocuvd the ejection
of fTOsmttaas attnraers and iryssjj sarirry
otrs. wras lexotiiHKifTevl aai paastxl by that
jotirr yras 21, aay C.
Tbe Ha to abo&h the Iator'a Court
for th cittT of Laacatster, tfhach hatd heM
Ttr&nel by the Gotettaut, am taken ap, ra
cttmilrteiJ anal ftusej by the tcnMjtutauual
mniywity ntt ti. Bays S.
Hxrc Mr. LaJIy rnsirrekl that the taoaaaa
neearieif ul fta tike rswua satf saf tKa JWaaat Pra
b, . appUeati. 4 ibe etPwe 1 sra r4rJ tetV. ; Jp that tha
I kra wiv it ta net ef ltn.lnnt. . j Caiatgjem he o aune-e&iej tut togtre tho
snd Arab rote, al trrta the lanoe a ffneta. ar al 1 e-lnrtra ef Jiui-w to the peofae. Nu agfOOtl
case of iog f a osl siwe aa tfa 1 i, n,, 55
h.a twea dried tip mh! canod H a sw aiaaciioa j - " ' ''
Frara ny .-wa eipctctr. I wsU -totaujSj saw j ArriMOOS SctffX. )let at sW wclsck.
eoniojcud U Ij all, aa a cbraa ransMiiciU, aaaailjr j when oa tnacioo of Mr. Kerr, the bQ to
medicine. , Cdre to muurrKvI aroraea tiae rWKtt aoi rairrt-
keep it ta say f.rasle. ""- " PVTr sekotl ao
1 boaarh a t aj:riu- ia f miait, yet I autoeTD'JaaeTit cjsoai xsajtlan bill, ami passed by
cann.J rWu lo hae ts c-ova. im aaV j a of to 3. AJmttRieI. :
I li . it I...)- I l. a a. aa at a k. am - - - - .. JF
Ilr!av.;fi. v hi
M .IDIH9, ioVats.
lime Bart agaia
N- 4S. 04 Vrt CanaL Tls sLVcbirateM to the act to aacotpotate
CAITIOX. X OuitBewt arj te f'tww .1. rs -1 - ,
!., ihe ... J.k M A W. F" Company
M'.M'wier it Co, r amies w1i nt tw '. taastaie Bp anal pasarvl-
ry Ut'.
HJ tamprsitar tt Stat a'viaC etwiahiil.
Asmara . W. FRlUNfi.
ytaiialas1aol. I
Dr KM It BICKLEV. baoeatie, '
J. J. CKulVE. MaMrew,
P. C li rLI.E B. IMkars.
V M. F. N "' C tSslsao,
IllHV KMttri SJt Cnlnaaa.1
Feb. 19th, ISIS. emwly
Oa Efrjcioa of Mr. Gtaf, tass IhB to extrad
tlar rharteT of the Cllambirntituw Bank, ve
toed It the Gotretiaor, tras bkea Bp, 11 1 rani
ieiil aiad rejected by yea 19x nay SC.
The 13 to ntextj the rananai' and Dree
nriV Buvk of tTayaaeahatje, ttetoed, waa itv
cocaLltied uj irjnrted treas 18, aaya 54.
Ajoasbed. -
Imii 11 Itlt
1 Iti Jnut Tmir fli Trmat ajrist ill tsipai
VEX!, TIDI, IC1 IK s.l UEMs VEGE- pe tTrtoiae the ball to extead the charter of
TABLE CttVtrOCMl far U caaw t ,t,, J, IViaararr ; ao the btQ to iococ
VOL'S PEB1LITV. tilMOUd AFFECTIOXS, P" n! AUaette Steaya
ic TU. MUlczob 1. iiV.d ta 'ke anAia aaaier , icaSoa CotriafflT ; and att UkB kafi to tja
tbe tumin that tbore ta tw rtsra aa naateawe : oorjnIr the OrraurT Ikrlaarare aad FaUaattaJt
riavi. g ronret rlaUtw 10 rt"" ! -fci, TeV-mpa ContpaBT, all of which tte
ins e-mpoooiled bj a srsulat t.raJoaa at J-Brr-1 - - ,
. C dlege, PLila-i -Ipk . ao teadHutui 4v- ) PJ 7 ttmstitxOioaal
cian U tacMty year.' y.asxlii jf aa rtil..iWaliaa,eus ' jmi'x. '. -
buigrxp riee tia. sJ earJ him aa liatefaaaaai j Mr. MallaVanaaith, flora the EieCtftste
ih.t ae.aitina o oScUh- woa t-rot i Cawsunea. renoated CaVOnbiy to JuainvC.
and tbe o.b tasiisa pr imai tt Maaaaag ,j r . , . a. -. . , , , r
ia low. ,.-.. -, lad t. -t aw j taoatkBtaSed w lhtaJeat logger of ihe
pre trat ng of sa-at aattvaaja Jt.Mowr , Tenth Jialanal Dastract, The asTtn uiatiata, vat
with w hirls tba fcamao facaJy awe aAattei. , tLeta ep aaJ asUBUCMiIr adopted.
DR. ALLEN a w'1 kntra ;! : - rxmUn , rv
baa aeeJ ti ale anVW ia a-si ,
yrart tTl tie must -t-aiiis-t tin, lusaaajaea. j Pufree Imte of LuscastrfT, Aftr d toSaaQ eet-
ted iu f ualiii-a in Ws it tut nol etfatp, aras takea Bp aad ftateed
TAvStlltU orw atattiaa I ataara aa-aa.
Important Inforniation.
TO all purchttert of ready made clothing, in-
formation is hetebv aiven that Ihe well known
and much celebrate ! Clothing emporium, known
at lha . .
Pblladeliiuia Harurooc
P. U, Proprietor, ft io
street, bet wee 'id ana tin St.. rnnuaeipnia.
(t astonishing th community with hit cheap anu
latbionable apparel, of every deaeription and a
iatv. Veata from SO centt to 0 dollar. Good
Mark ninth or Caeeirnere Ptntt, at low at 3
dolltrt and upwardt per pair, according to quali
ty. Black French Clolbrirete uoaia. at low at
adnllara. Sutnmtr clothing rbtaper, neihapt,
than tver wat koowo beretotore ot ma same
Wholesale dealert are particularly invited to
rail anrlcxaroint the large and well got upeiotn
..r iki. lama establishment, s very parliru
lar attention ia naid to the cutting, to that
iku.rni wholesale will he certaia to get wheu tbe coma to nut tbtm oo their
customers, that will It with last and ease, which
ia a matter of great importance. Wa invite ona
and all ta epme and examine for themtelvet he
fore purchasing
Philadelphia, April I, 1818 3i
P II I L A U E I r H I A
Eitublnhed 15 vears o?e. b) Dr. KISKELIS.
I'be ob'eal, aiireal and I eat han.l t. cure all lot ma
of iewldieeaar,dieeeool mekiaaaa
tolilsry habit of youth, I
N. W. earner of M and Vm'on sts.. Knreem sprues
and Pine, I ) squares mat fat nxcasatge.
YOUNG MEN! if you value your life or yoot
heslih. temcniU r. ilia d. lsy of a month, osy.
even a ek, may ptova your ru o. both of hodv
and mind. Heia let no raise mojesiy .iewr too
from making your rase known lo n wha. float
education snd respectability, e.n alone bcfrierid yeo,
Ha who place nimxlf ut.der ur giitkcu.t o
treatmrut, may leligioiialy e irfiJ lo hia bonne aa
a gen lemsn, and in lv bosom will be forever
locked Ihe aecrel ol Ihe patient.
T.v m.n ihink ihcv will bug tw aecm ui tnew
own haatta. and euie lhemetv.-e, A Us I how of-
ten is thit a fUl Jetiiaka. and how assay a pro
mising young man, h nvghl aao lasea aa orat-
mcnl to aocirty. ha fa.ieJ liom tne asm.
finding it inouo. oient to aasko psvtousl apolat.
li ran. bt ataliog thesr ea explicitly, luga-kit
with all thairsroiplooie. (per I. tier, post-paid.) kaao
forwarJed to iheia a rbret roniainii. Ur. K'e ato
Jmm. a.......n.iata.l ae.irilioelv-
Package of M dicine for warded to aay part af
tba United 8lalela ovooteore oo ior.
(Tr fr t-arrsaa. ada aasad to IK , B10
aitTa. PbilaoVlpt l. win ke aeom,4ty aitaaal d to.
Oc. 3llii
CAiumoilalt.H traaa y-icaasa m
tug tha La o.ea aaaUaed Uaia,
ITS ltSEQrEt'E. Aa eauiiKtat Pe-fc
3T :- diteBe aisar aa yvwai aeaa
rti bee a eery eeoeo'ecy eat rnegwioi adu raaait.a
not regarded a a fatal oWa: vt af teirVeaiw or
iatprotmty tnrarrd, av tmg a iicoa-fJas Me.
laaxholv. Jauadare. Maoueaa. aar aut-aa. t-av
aad Apoulety. A ge-aJ aosUariry au-aaxa a j
it ia, that at aaay aid of eai cwaaio a gsoat J
length of I ine wtiinj n j remie-lM at Or rjaji-
CAUSE. Crirf aid aa. a-sae-aa aarBS'ad. aa.
tease atady. pe.-fawe cvarsiaissaaa, etc, ia swaatrr.
xcoeaivo use ol snratooo- lieuara. a.-, totaarcia,
pinsa. aad enber starretira, totaaaaVrat tefiVtsao.
dastenisoo 01 toe staea ara, a vtsoanor at law
eron-itua f ihe Kle ar g .e'rtc jassr, etaaao a
uld aud d-an air. &e ditt cmic t iVa dav
Sr M PTOM Ias f aetike, ataoaos. araat-
kurvi, ari.lsiy, aod tffttd eaurtaiaeaMi. M g ot
the atM.aca whew eaaaity. a.arasaaaiwa aa Jpe lla4.
paiu iu tia eude, oastiaieavioa, rlaUaxoa, I eiajtsaa.
lowoee .1 epuAa,, ktvi ariaa
TABLE COilTOCAD has aaro.v CaaVd ia aa-
dttg iiaaaeJiate st'jsl. aid a uaLcat ess ta iaa
try Thie Me-Scin raa V h.l JH.B Mao-av.
Suabory; J. C Ma. tarn. Xe. MeaVar
BsrkoL Orwigabstrg aad saf iJrosgaos gnaw Jy.
ALLEN 4k Wtlil, I
PkiWUtAia, Nov. Tt. lea. c ly
The riasil Caxxsaoittees
arait a the GsynrnuaT aai the llusjae of Bap-.
Al IS 'ckartH, pisiatrty, the Senate ad
iocmed saac afar.
ta Pra ye by th Bar. Mr. Meek.
A bill to auchoriav the EUaxtatora of De
asifireaQr, hie af Laawajter, tlemttaed, to aeQ
aad carry cettato teal estate, waa paaaed.
Th Mtkna aa- biila irsewd by tk Governor
vrrce uavrti tp aad pmed by a CosiarfirsrtaaaaJ
To fasootpaaato the Ocvaat, PindadeJpaia and
Daaatm Trargrrph Cueapaay- Teas 4T,
at a i3.
Tis raorpiwxl the PaMaadoiphia and Atkof
tie Sarata Vavijwriina Csanpaoy. Tea) 41f
ai $1 ,
TV- ball to iracorporal the AasxrVaa Tehv
-vapih raeapaBt-. and tbe WH to iaatot potato '
liar R -wiisnf, lUfTtsbanra; aad Llaaraa Take
ymph CtftitBaanr, wetord by tk Gonm,
ame bkett ap aad rejected, tho vote beatar
tot- the crtt yeae fia, aays it; aad tor tha
It- "N ii, y 42.
Tbe Kll to awaaal tho awtrrwre Mertract be
ttreea Krara IX Todd aad Caikansar, hia
vi'e, of lltdelphsa, area ptsart.
The lira rejiaaed to praceed to the rata
aleratioa of the btll eikataiirit? tW tJtmrtor af
the FanaetV aad ieVsaaaies' Baak of Pkiiar
drua veaa Jl ; aara 7.
The Sew la iiasJsslsona tario to Bsrar
. ar tP . BB - -
mm of Jeletaua cetary, am txJaaai trp 1
t CFHniaeatrwtosssM Xewaedl
J ut Who, sa eoecy foestr laraarW
aho Uoiled Statsra. To Areola, lasassa hareal
jcroaragioiral at oaVreo with a sH eajital
f f,aa $73 to $104) A rfcaa-se ta adrVeed. waawo-resatkifritltltHrk
07"l loriaer aartara,
it W a LFAKKT.
. ... I aai
PaiUaelpkia, -
wast cat the Co is nana aad
pnae Usewa ef the IJtxaae hear; ia
to avijoora-
The Hrsate took a tooraa far tea
after which the Seamker rae aad doaToved a
very elkasto aaadaaaatraaaartw atdtilattoiy,
arao wmraauVr axaalisasaial. -
The Haaao them, otj aaeatKa ef Mr- BuA
adjoauaod, sm war.