Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1848, Image 4

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As sung by the Eddy Family.
On a lone "barren isle where iho wild waving
Assails the item rock and the loud tempest
The hero lies still, while the dew dropping
Like fond weeping mourners, leaned over
the grave.
The lightning may flash, and the loud thun
ders rntllo
lie heeds not, he hears not, he's free from
all pain :. ' -
Ho sleeps his last deep, he has fought his
last battle,
No sound can awake him to glory ngain.
3h shade of the mighty, whero now are the
legion 1
That rushed but to conquer when thou led'st
them on,
Alas ! they hare perished in far distant re
eiotvs, .
And all save ths fame of their ttinmplt is
The trumpet may sound and the loud can
non rattle,
They heed not. they hear not, they're free
from all pain,
They sleep their lust sleep, they hare fought
their lost" battle,
No sound can awake them to glory again.
Yet spirit immortal, the tomb cannot bind
thee !
For like thine own eagle tha soared to tho
Thou snrinireBt from bondage, and leavest be
hind the,
A name, which before theo no mortal had
Though nations may combat and wars thun
der rattle.
No more on the steed wilt thou sweep o'er
me piain :
Thou sleep st thy last sleepj thou hast fought
tnv in si uauie,
No sound shall awake thee to glory ngnin.
cp S2r .acx csa tsa
THIS Mrdicina If warnnlfil, nn oath, not to
contain panic) of Calom.l, Corroalva 8uh-
limatp. Arsenic, Chloride cf Oold, or any daltla-
roua minerals. ,
The principle apod which this Mmlielns acta, la
hT assisting and harmonising with naturrl ll
ilrivrs out all foul acrimonious humor from tha
blood and hmlv, and hy aaslmilstlna; with and
trangthrninc tha t aatrie jiiica of tha stomach, It
assist, tliienion in alort trwra la not a am. arte
ry, mttecle or nrrve in Ihn human hmlv, that la
not strengthen, I hy the PANACEA, and it alao
possesses the remark alile property ar removing
mercury from the hones and joints.
Peurvv, Scortiu'ie Affections, Tnmore, rVrofula or
Kinsa Evl , White 8e!lini, Erysipelta, Ulcers.
Cancer., Running (Sore, Scabs and Site, lima
ami a ilt-tei mined perseverance in D , SWEET'
SER'3 PANACEA, will effect ( curs.
Rejection rf fnod, Nausea, Vomiting. Nervous af
tiTtinna, lSillinu- eon plaints. Heati r a. ra'enr-sa.
or Female Irregular,! ies. Dr. 8WEET8EI!'S PA
NACEA will aoon effect a enr t but if olisiipate.
or attenitetl with griping, living pains, we uose
ahnuld bo Increased, and tha cure will aoon be ef
fected. Let not the patients frighten ihemeelvee
wiih the idea that they are ton we k to lake much
mcili'-inei but bear in mind that thia mi'illy opera
ting mcil cine put not wraknesa into the frame, but
most ci'rtninly draws weakme-t out, leavee strengih
in ila place, and by giving composed a'eep at nigM.
and an appetite to relish any food, re-enimaies the
whole frame wt h vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving tho sight.
Scrofula la eiid to be hcriditary, ihn infant r'-
cciving from in parcnle lha seeds of thiadiaeas'.
which increaaia wita it. years, it neglected and
tint snhmit'ed lo frequent purine. lion with Dr.
8Wi:ETSF.U'8 PAN ACEA. The glands are pla
ced in the corner of the body, and out of the way
if direct communion on ; their real Uva l a auhjerl
on w hich nmch (Jiff-reice of opinion previila; it
suffices lis to know ih it when in diseased state,
they are ctipaMc of leing purified and elennaed hy
a lung cnur-s of Dr. SWKrJISKK'3 I'AAA
CCA, which reaioree them to sound snd pmpcr
action. Scrofub u persons can never pav ton much
attention to their blood, ita purification shnu'd Iks
their first tlwughi, for nfti r s lung course ol perse
verance, they will eer cure herediliry uiaeane,
SWEK'I'SERS PANACEA cannot he loohieh
ly extolled ; it reaichcs out the viry root of the-
It is obvious that the manuring of a farm
should be limited bv the abilit v of tho own.
or. On a plentiful surwlv of manure, is
depending the fertility of his soils, the a-
mount 01 nis crops, and consequently the mid y r.nviog it from the Dlord make.
v.xtein. to wmcn nis laoor 13 rewarded. a cure cutnin anil perm.nDiit.
There is no expenditure on a f irm. an enfc For disease of the Bladder mid Kidneys, Sine.
ma that for manure; and the labor required '"r"- nravch ,''fC,'"l'uPi'VrXJ?n
7-. . l , 31 fea? 11 SEIfS PANCEA i the beat remedy ever trad
u, c," ")an orainary snare 01 agllCUltU- it remove. Ml tl.o-c acrimnniou bumo a fr.iin the
rai Knowledge and skllj. tverr source of Dlnod which tjive r ae to the ibre diacanca, and
supply should be made available; nothing keeping l!.e blood in a pure couJi'ion, insurra
J. .. I . I I i I I , ... . I I . 1 . k.
vauauie oi leriiiizingr wionifi no ircf - n nrniiii,
farmer who takes from his soil tnnro than
lie returns to it, is surely impoverishing it ;
and if he escapes such a calamity himself,
he leaves to his successors a worn out fnv,n.
If he returns as much he receives, his farm
will retain its original fertility only ; but
the true farmer will scarcely "be content
with this. To increase its fiTtilitv anA ilm
tmriur titH of ti t Blood, Mercurial Tntnt. Wwk-
nest of the ip'.ne Flow of Bluod to the Html Gid-
dinesf, Si'iffinJ and Unzsing; Wnt in the Held
and Ears, D. liti I BKK'8 l"AS ACEA will
give cert iin relief; in all aivere and chronic caret,
the patirnta c iiimit be loo oftm reminded that ur
irtr dosn and pe nevfrnnee w ill fl".-cl a t.
In Chills and Fevers. Bilious Fi vers. Affections
of the F.tits r.nd Ears, Kpo'icy and til eding
rnpt humnra am expel'ed, you hav no more ftiver.
When patient with fever auhrnii to be l ied, or
hav hi. blond poiaoned with mercury, It weakens
hi frame to roch a degree that If he aurvWee the
proree, it always leavea him subject to dlalreasing
chllla, when time out oi IU ne reaon. id iiui
pilla. powder, oi tonic mixture; Ihl i going from
bad to worse, aa theea vegetable pills, powders, Ac,
are nothing hut mercury and quinine In di.gulse,
which may for a lima driv tha diaeaae so fur Into
Ihe body aa n.t to be perceptible, but very aoon It
will break out again with fearful violence To cure
ague and fever, the cause of ihe disease mual be re
moved nut of Ihe blood ana nony. wnicn ran ne ei
fcetually done by naing Dr. 8WEBT8ER'8 PA
NACEA, which purifie, cleanse, and elrenglhena.
It contain, nothing that can pa-ilily injure, and ita
uaa ia alwaya a safeguard agaiu-t c'lillaand fever.
In ait Has i Pitts. Dr. 8WEETSER'S
PANACEA will eflVct very speeily cine. It re
move, from Ihe hlnod, atnmarh and Ii.iwoIk, nil
those foul acrid burning humor, which are the
cauae of I'ili-a and Cotivera, and by nt lengthen
ing the digraiive nigana, lmirovea every part of Ihe
entire bodv.
The-e disenaea are eiu-ed by ihe .lomach and
howela being choked op with viwld slmy matter.
he air which entrra Ihim cinnote cipe unul forced
by anme cnntrarlion nf the a omach to expel ill
herco Mie rauae of pnin. A lew u H.e nt nr.
SWEETSERM PANACEA will convince the
ufi'eier that relief ia attained.
Parent, will d id ihe PANACEA a vnnb'o
medicine for their children, keeping their bodies in
a hcahhy C'.nd', thereby a-.iating their g oib;
hililre.n or grown petanna, alter Inking it. are not
lial la lo be attacked with n epidemic a hi f.ire, as
it alwave leaves the blond in a pure condition, and
ihe i niire r-vtem in a Hreuathened .laie ; it drives
nut a'l kind, nf weaknrsa from the budv snd lesves
.ll heal hy within.
HAKKIfcl) I.AUir.n
Will find Dr. 8WEiEhVct PAN ACEA a medi-
cne purely sd ipled to their uae. Moat ladies du
ring Ihe peri -d or preiinaucy are anitctrii wun pner,
Dr. Sweeiaer'a Panacea, by reguUiing the bnwita,
will entirely obviate ihin. and it. purifying proper
lie. nn ihe blond and fluid, injures lo ihem heal
th nlT nriiur. No one who i a mother slionM be
withnnt It. and those, who are nursing will find it
of ineni h.mfit lo the health of their infanta.
Fur hurieni e-ia and all diacaoca of the womb, il
ia without a rival in the entire hiaUny and dialogue
of medicines ; by ita extraordinary ttieiiRlhamng
nowrr. it kiimulnlea and str. rglhcra lUe womb,
weakneaa uf which is the cause id failure to have
Under thie bend may be clnaned Patp'tialicn of
Ihe Heart. T c Dolorenux or Famii'lir, Neuralgia,
Ind, Mel mchol) , Hyatcriea.nnd
in fact, every disease cnun d by Ilia slurp, biting
aciituoiiioua humor, irrihit'ng Ihe nerveii ; the
nerves icccive the mot bid iirpiea.-ion from the flu
iniih, of mther from tlie blund through the agency
of the atomjeh and dige live orgaut, and ulthoiigh
other parts of the body are sppitenily t:ie of
the disease, still it i caused try ihe morbid imp ra
ti in conveyed from the Hood bv 'he nerve, lo that
pa. I. l. w d . sea of Dr. 8 WEE lEU'S PA
NACEA will aoon assure the pittrnl t'ut lie has
the euro in his m?sci'e!or.
The Grand Purcative
Headache, Gitdineas. Measles, Salt Rheom,
Rheumatism, Tile,
Dyspep la, Scurvy,
Hmall Pox, Jaundice,
Pain in th Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of th Heart,
Rising in th Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fever of all kinds, .
Female Complaints,
Heart Born, Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quln-ey,
Whooping Cough,
Conaumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint,
Erisipelas, Deafness,
Iichings nf the 8kin,
Colds, Oout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaint',
o inrDKiTics or tub a toon, a tin o.
Ot.TIO!. Exorrlcnc hsa Droved that nearly every Dis
eaae originate' fiom Impuriiiea of the Blo nl or de
rangement of ihe Digestive Organa; and to secure
Health, we muat remove those oli-lrucltom or re
store ilia Wood lo its natursl stste.
The aversion o tsLing meibcine is most efle
tnally removed by Cticsvta'a VsnnTARts Pira
stivb Pir.t., beinf completely enveloped wilh a
roatme of pure, white Sugar, (which ia aa iintlnci
from the internal ingredients ss r ui sheit fiom
Ihe kernel) and mvs "in TaTS OS MFtiirtss,
Hut are aa easily awallowcit as bits or canity.
Moreover Ihey neither nantente. or gripe In Ihe
slightest degree, but operate equally on all he dis
eased psrls of the sys'em, instead nf Confining
themselves lo, snd racking any panirultr region.
Thus, if He Liver be iilTected. one ingiedirnt tvill
operate on th t parl'-culir orgm, and, hy e'earming
it of an Eicevsnf Bile restore it lo in im'ur il
Slate. Another will onente on the U nod. ami
remove all ImnU'ilies in it circul ili'n ; while a
third will effuciually expel whatever impuritin-
may have been discharged into the a'nmic1). and
hence they arniv.1 t ths nonr or ni'S-K. re
move all Impure Humors from the body ! op n
Ihe pores externally and internally sepirat-- all
fore gn and ohi oiious particles from Ihe chyle, so
th-it the blood my be thoroughly pine thus secu
ring a fee and henlihy action to the Heart Lungs
and Liver; and thereby ihey sktiuii hkilth k whxs am. OTiun msas havs riLrn.
The entire Iru'h of ihe above ran be ascertained
by Ihe trial of a aingle box ) and their vinuea are
i i positive anil certain in re.' or ng Health, thai
Ihe proprietor binds himself to return the mmey
paid for Ihem in all ensci where they do not gie
universal s-iti action.
Itctnll Price, 25 cl. per Rox.
Piincip.l oflire No. GB Veney at., N. Yo.k
Sold by JOHN YllUNG. Sniihury,
M. A. McCAY. Noithuin' e
65 Itememlier Dr. C. V. Clickener is the in
ventor of ihe ugar Coated I'i Is, and iht itotli ng
i'f the a rt waa ever hejrd i'f until lie intiodiic.
ihem in June, 1811. Purcli iseis flvu'il. tin ri for .
riKvay ak for Cti.kener'e fugur Cnale-I Pills, and
ti kn ni others, or Ihey will he maile ihe victims nl
a fiaud. Sept. lH(h, IH17 ly eow
AVatclie, Jcwellry and Sil
ver Ware.
Guaranteed better fir the price than at any other
Start in Philadelphia, may be hod,
Wholesale and Feta l, nt
(Lnte NICHOLAS jLellUItAY'S) -No.
72 North 2d street, above Arch,
WATCHES, all kind-, fair, low and medium
anilities, among which are.
940 to $100
' S5 til 40
SO lo SO
IS to 18
0 to 10
Chuina, Gold
auilities. among which are.
Gold Levers, full jewell'd,
M Leplnns, do
Silver Levers, do
x Lepines, do
IJuartlers. fine,
(juaitier, imitation,
JrwiLuir.-Diamonds, Oold
Pens w bit Gold and Silver holders, Pencils Ureaal
Pina, Fi iger end Ear King', llracclet., t.lnens
if shell, coral and lava, wiih every ntner arum- i
,! welhy of the rictieat and m 'ft fjebionnhle pal
tern. .
Sitvra WAnt Pla ce, Foiks, Wpoona, cup,
irB n( Miami ud Silver.
PtATitn Waii. Cat-tor, Cako u iKets. rana.
Vases. Card Case, nd other Rich Fancy G.n.Ui.
in gret-t v.mely.
Wholesale lliiyers Will save muiey y railing
hern f re nurchasinz.
(TT Keep rht ailv. rlt emeni, nno can ar no. i
Ynu will bcs.iii-fied the Good- are really cheaper
snd bitter than are offered in the city. For aale,
low. a handsome pur of 8how Cnaes, suitable for
a Jewellry or Fancy atore. Apply si ubove.
Sept gSlh. 1S17 ly
amount and quality of the Crops taken from Gum Bmnch fs a nt recent Covehsand Cold;
the soil, should be the aim of the husband- Dr- 8VEET8ER't PANACEA wiil be fund
man. this done, his labor is lessened, his rei'icly sur0 cium m it. ttiecn.
profits are greater, his farm is worth more ; nn ivr.t. u-n irntTInv rnt plaints
Thoie comp'aln's are geneiallv attended wMi
the inoat futnl const quences, and me seldom or ne.
ver cured by the present mode of ticalinciit lli.y
usually accompany Ihe patient 1 1 the gruve, oftcr
sultering the most excruciating pain and torture.
1 be cauac of ibeee complam's are Ihe same aa a'l
tilers, the dio. i t the blood becomi s encrusted on
Ihe finest narrow panaagea, whence nr a nioilml
focictinns and t-ti.ppsgi s of urine. Yi u will find
the most powerful d. unties of no use. as Ihey only
increase the quintily nf urine and do not puiify
nd strengthen th" part'. UV purifying the l loi d
wiih Dr. SWEETSER S PANACEA. ou re
move the cause nl iheiliseise, consequently it can
not exist any longer, afii r sufficient piiseeranee
in its uae baa deprived the blood and body ot all
acrimonioui humors and incrustation.
nor must the pleasure aroint frnm honniii
fill fields, golden harvests, fine animals ac
cumulating prosperity, be omitted in ma
king our estimate of successful culture.
Manure may be a homely subject, but on
its preparation and use everything is de-
pemung. without it, the deep green of
ut pastures, me goiaen yellow of our corn
fields, and the fine beef Bnd white loaf of
our tables could not exist. To tho farmer,
manure mnst be the first thin?, and it must
be the last thing; with it, hecan do every
uufig ; wiinout it, nothing,
tmt aim ftumoi.
Old bct Good. Dan Marble tells the fol
lowing Btory about a Yankee who lost his
yellow dog. Approaching a wood-chopper
oy tne way-side, the ankee accosted him
"Mister, have you seen a valler dotr acoin-
along here, about a year and a hall', or two
years old : '
"Yes," replied the chopper, supposing the
Yankee was quizzing him, "yes, I saw a val
ler dog going here, about a year, a year and
a half, or two years old, about an hour, nn
hour and a half, or two hours ago ; mid you'll
find him about a mile, a mile and a half, or
two miles ahead, with a tail about an inch,
and a half, or two inches long."
. ' Hold on! that'll do, stranger! I calkilate
you are into me about a feet, a feet and
feet and a hulf, or two feet !"
Severe Sabcasm A French field-Marshal
who had obtained that rank by court favor.
ana not uy vnior, going ono evening to the
This ia s erv prev dent and fatal dt-ea-c ; it re-
sul'a ino.lly from neglected cough', colds and hrnn-
chitU, also frum imiuoper treatment in many uf er
caes, such sa meaalrs, fevers, ii flaiiunaii-'na and
small pox, ami a hot of other badly treated dise.tsea;
where the cause, instead nf having been ihnrough'y
removed from the blood and body, have only turn
palliated or remove ! from one pirt to breik nut in
another. By divea ing y our bodies of all foul hu
mnra. through ihe nied-um of Dr. SWEETfEhVS
PAN ACEA. the cure ia at once rendered certain
and lermaurnt. K collect, while there ia acrimo
nious humnra floating in ihe ci'cu'a ion, it i- as apt
to set tin on the lung j a ony other part of the body ;
this ia the reason thjl conaumption is so prevalent.
Which you see o-i the ex'erior. come from and
have their source in, Ihe inleiior, and might just as
tell havs tettbd on your lunga, liver, or any other
pjit; which we know th-y freourntly do, and pro
duca ui t violent inflinimatoiy disorders. Thr
humor which occatniis these sore, is of a highly
acrimouions burning mtuie. Wa know it from
the pain it cues in lor i.inj?, and ufierwarda lis ra
pidly ulcera ine and corroding the flesh and skin
of the nail where it bnaks out. Tbia showa the
neeea' nf riequentlv punryiug the Itlootl with Dr.
opera, forcibly took possession of the box of SWEETSEIl'S PANACI'.A. and keeping such
a respectable Abbe, who for this outrage
brought a suit in a court of honor, establish
ed for such cases under the old government.
Tho Abbe thus addressed the court ; ' I come
not here to complain of Admiral Sufiein, who
took so many shipsin the East ladies, I come
not to complain of Count de Grnsse, who
foughf so nobly in the West ; I come not to
complain of the Duke de Richelieu, w ho took
Minorca, hut I come to complain of the Mar
shal B , who took my box at Iho opera
and never took anything else." The court
paid Kim the high compliment of refusing his
suit, declaring that ho had himself inflicted
sufficient, punishment.
A Cchi fob SLNDEB.Ilowland Hill, on
being told that, it was expected he should
take notice of some unhandsome things which
had been publicly said of him, said that he
did not consider it necessary to enter into
any vindication of himself j and, he added,
'1 have now lived a great many years in the
world, and have passed through much of evil
report and good report, and I have arrived at
this conclusion, that no man can possibly do
me any harm except myself."
Bovmd to Comi OKr.-r-Somewhere in the
West, a sable knight of the lather and brush
- performing the operation of shaving a
hoosierwith a very dull razor. "Stop!' said
the booster, "that wont do." "What's de
mau bosal" "That raior pull." "Welh
nomatufordat, sah. If de handle ob de ra
zor don't break, de beard' bound to cum
..-Tt , - ...
ever Judge from manners," said Lord
''fcrJmoo Jyid my pocket picked by
't gentleman t ever met with."
malignant humors in su' j ctinn. Mhould you h.ive
a b io or ulcer, be ihmkful that nature haa taken
trouble lo wiim you nf the danger your life and ho
dy is in, fur it is s warning ll at the blood is foul
Had ihia same acrimony a. bc ed ihe lungs in teail
uf tch? surface nf your body for ita seat, conaump
tion of the lunga wou d have been ihe'cmisequenie,
D lay not then, lo puiily and cleans with Dr,
8wct-Uer' Panacea.
Spinal affections, nlargement of the hones and
joints, white swelling, hip joint complaint, rup
tures, falling of ihe bowela and worn diaea-e, will
find a epeedy ouie in Dr. SlVEETEH'S PA
KACEA. Whero the disease ha, been of long
standing, the time required to make a cure will l e
longer; but the puiieut may rest saaured lUal a
determined perseverance will effect it.
Three disease i proceed from the serioaily or
corrupt humors of the blood, having tiled itself on
the tbroal and lunga, and atopped them up, so that
they cannot draw ullivirnl air in for respiration,
Uf. qWEKIBEKS PAIN ACEA will give imme
Jiale re I u f. and to mek Ihe cure perfect and car
Kin, il should be continued om lim after, tu
free lha system of ell bid humors.
Find a aafa and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET-
SEK'S PA ,A CEA. It eurea by searching every
blood ves el and artery, and driving out all imnu
r.iiea and foul hiimore accumulated therein, which
'a th cause nf rh umatism, gout and swellings of
Ih joiiila. The de elerous enacts of calomel and
other mineral poison, readily yield lo ita sovereign
influence i Indeed, whi n it valaable properties It
com fully known, th us of ill miner poison will
be consigned to 'ih tomb of all tha Capuleis,' and
only be thought of t by-gon custom nf th dar
ker ag. Dr. Sweetser' Panacea ia elan s aura
cure for dyipepaia, pile, enativeiieaa, vertigo, head-
cbe, pern in Iba breast and liver complaint.
Fever ia alwayt caused by disorderly move
ment of lb Mood, struggling lo f e it.elf of some
thing that ucumbra it i in fact, vry kind of fe
ver i nothing mora than struggl Utweea tb
blootj and sorrupt humors, snd a soon tb cor-
nnYsirELAs.on sr. anthony's fire.
This ia an infiammaiory di'n dtfr, alvr ,ys at eml-i-d
with more ur baa pain. It proceed from ihe
fuul, ccriinonioiiB humors lodged in the blood and
fluids eeltlii'g nn the l.m' and face, causing ex
treme pain and fever; all appln slions on the sur
face sre worse than useless, :is Ihey only bnd to
throw the dnea-e in some other part, and perlrips
cause de ilh. Eteei'ing ,s likewise imi ror er. I o
cuie the di ease vou mu-t get rid nf the cause ; on
ly manaee 1 1 get the foul humors out nf y 'iir blond.
and vou will he well in s il.ty. Dr. cnt.M
SEIt'S PANACEA, s thorough purifier nf the
blood, will s sreh out ivery impurity in Ihe moie
remote p.rts of the body nn.l -i-1 it through the
medium ot the hocls. I here Is not a vein, nrle-
mi.scle nr organ of ihe entire framewo.k of
man, that t;r. ctweeiaer I snaiei roes noi im
prove. To lake it whm you sre well i to keep
wc'l ;' mid when sick to Income well.
DR. SWEETSEfl S PANACEA, beirircim-
posed tody ol a vrnital,le ntsiu r or me-licai nmba,
and wairantrd. nn onh. as rontainii g not one par-
cl.i nf mercurinr. mineral, nr Fubatances,
ia found to he i erfectlv harmless to the mo-t lender
age, nr the weakest frame, under any st ige of hu
man aufierinn; the mo.l pleasml and benign in i'.a
nieriilioii that wa eer off-red to the world; snd
at the same lime the moat certain in hing nut
he rout of any comp'.a nt, however deep, and of
perfi.rm'ng a c .re.
Price (1 per noltle, nr six lioiu.s t-,r f or
sale, wholesale and rtlail, ai 'lie corner of
CHARLES in d PRATT Streets 11 ihimore, ,n I
abohy GEORGE DliKiHT.
fNov. 8 IR47. .y Punbury.
its woitKs puaim: I I!
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed
iVrirr s l;utid.
X the most e-miu'e e Uuin Amidoteever known.
ll i stanilv, (and as if by Mngic) stops pain, nf the
most despeiale Burix and Scjld-i. For ol.l,
Bru aes. Cut', Spraina, &c on man or it
he best appl-catlun thai cin be insde. I hone, nils
have tried and thousands prdse it. It is ihe m-t
ptifect master of pain ever discovered. All who
uae recommend it- Every family should be provi
ded with it. None cm lull how soon tome of the
family msv need it.
(TT Ulerve euh box nl the genuire tlintment
ha ihe name nl S. Tocsrx written on the outside
lobel. To imittte ih't ia forgery.
Boitmen. Livi rv Men. rrrne,a, and all who use
HorBe-, will find Ihl Ointment Ihe very Iw-kI ihint
lh y ejn u-e for Collar G ills. Srrai. hes, Kick, etc.
&c, on th, ir animals. Surely every merciful man
would keep hi. animal as free fiom pain a possi
ble' TouaiyV Universal tlintment is all that i re
quired I rv it.
KITES Or iSF.CTH. Foi Ihe sling or b te
nf poiMinoii Inaeeia, Tousey a Oinlo eut is unri-v.i-le
l Humlrnla hve tried il an I found it good
PILES CURED ! For the Pile. Tousey'e II
niveraal Ooi merit ia one i f ihe best Remid:es ihal
can be applied. All who have tried il foi the Piles
recommend It.
OLD SORES CURED. For old nhslinate
Son, ihere ia nothing qu d to 'Tousey's Oint
ment. A person in Man-iua had, for a numlier of
yesra, aoie leg tint I sllle.l the akiil of the doctor.
I ousey t Ointment wc teconnnended hy on uf
the visiting physicians, (who knew it geat virtue.)
and two Une produced more benefit thin ihe pa
tient had received from any and a I pieviou rcme
diee. I-i all try it.
of ease, of Buri and Scalda, in all parte of the
country, have beon curt d by Tousey's Univeraal
Ointment. Certificate enough could he bad la fill
the whole of ibis sheer.
la en testimonial-, in favor nf Touaey'a Ointment
for curing Hiuisea, have been off, red ihe propne
toi. Hundred in Syracu-e will certify lo it great
merit, in relieving Ih pain of the rnon sever Bruise
All perun should try ll.
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8.e of eases of
Scald Head have been cured by Tou )' Oint
ment. I ry it it seiiinm rut.
8AI.T RHEUM CURED. Of all th remedies
ver discovered f -r this mot dicagreeal le complaint,
Touaey' Universal Ointment is the most complete.
Il never waa known t fail. ,
Touscy'a Univeraal Oinlmerit will alwaja cure the
worst rasea of Chapped Hands Score of person
will state thia.
SOKE LIPS CURED. For th cor of 8oi
Lip, there was never anything made equal 10 Tou
aey ointment. It I aura lo cuie Ihem. Try it-
It ic scientific compound, warranted not to con
tain any picp. ration nf Mercury. fr Price SS
cent per bos. Fur further piriicular eoncaniing
ibi raallv valuable Ointment, the public ar refer
red to Pamphlets, to be bad giatis, of reapeeiabl
D'Uggial kod Merchants throughout lb United
Prepared by ELLIOT V TO USE Y, Druggi,
eyracuae. foi aia Ay
JOHN YOUNG, Kuntuir.
M. A. McCAY, Noribumbsirand-
Spt, I Hh, HIT. ly eew
COl-lilt ! TUB
tt'sna aus l.v nv
or.n, ths wiiiik nr ml
tieTIIIITRII UK StliV man,
is Ir I sot.' mi nr lirlTlt.
RE YOUA MOTHER! Your darling child
your idol an I earthly j ty, is now perhaps
confined lo her chamber by dangerous cold h
pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingei. lell ihe
hold di-ease baa already gained upon he the
sound nf her sepulchral cough I ieieea your a-ui
YOUNG MAN, when just abiut to enter life
disease sheds a heart rru-hmg I Imht over the fiii
prospect of the future your hectic rough and fee
hie hmha tell of vol r o" and hope, but V nl neetl
not de-pair. Then' is a balm which will heal Ihe
wounded lungs, it j.
S II f. n HI A N ' s
Mm. ATTREE. the wife of Wm. II. Altree
Esq. was given up by Dr. Sewall nf Wa-hinalon.
U s. Hoe anil McClellan nl 1'hilad-li-lna, Ur. Hoe
and Dr. Mutt of New York Her friend, nil
thought ahe must die. She hud every appear jure
of being in consumption, mi l was so primoui-ee.l
l : 1 ui. llMlan.
ny ner iiiji. ,-,uw -wn..i.i.ii j j, . v h
anil it cureil her.
Mr-. GARRABRANTZ, nf Bull's Feiry, was
lat cured of conaumption bv this U.i'sam when
all other lemedies f.ided lo dive relief ahe was re-
ilueed lo a ak'let ,ii. Dr. A. C. Cts'lc. D -nlist.
28 1 Bioidway, ba witnessed ilsrffecia in several
ca-ce wher no other medicine affonled relief but
Ihe Balsam operated a charm. Dr. C. alt-o
wnnesi-d it itul i ll-cts in curing Asthma,
w hich it never fails of doing. Spitmni llloo I,
ming aa ii may be, ia eff. rlually cured hy this Hal
aim. It heals the ruptured nr wounded blood
vi ad Is. and make t' e lunga a nind agnin.
Re. HENRY JONES, IP8 Eiuhih avenue.
waa cmed of cuugh and catarrhal off- ciona . t 50
yenrs a an, hug. 'The firsi dose save him m ire re
lief than ill the otl.ei medicine he had evir inkm
Dr. L. J. 3- als, I'J De'aney street, gave it to a
aii-lt r-in-law who was laboring under rou-umpi ion,
and lo another sorely afll ct d with Ihn Athma.
In li ilh casta its rfficls were immeilia e, aoon re
storing Ih-m to rninfonab'e hejlih.
Mrs. LUCRE I I WELLS. 85 ChiMie ticet.
uff. rid from Aa'hma 4'J y-ars. hheim-n's Hal
aam relieved her nl nnce, and she is compuralively
will, being rnublej to aubdue every atlaek 'iy a
linv'ly us of this medicine. This indeed ia the
ureal remedy for CoUgt a. Culda, Spitting Blond.
Liver Complaints, and all tl-e all rtmns uf the
ihmat, and even A.-tho a and Cotn-ump inn.
Price 2D cent and M per bottle.
Dr. Sherman's Couah arid Wnrm Lozenges, and
Poor Mart'a Plnater sold .is above.
Dr. Sherman'a fne i- al IDH Nassau st N. .
A gen is, JOHN YOUNG. Nunburv.
M A.M CY, Noribumberland
September llth, 1817 ly
No. 80 iMarket Street, five doors below
Third, South side.
ImpnrlriN & WliolfNale I'HlT In
7 A TCH Ka. Wsleh e. anil siuieruu
Jonelrv of all de-cri( ll n ; qu ilttio' anil
a'y'ea, compii-ing all Ihe ailiclus cunn.'cte,:
wiih the Trade,
Dis-un it Son's Bri'ontii i, G. rm m Si'vcr snd Sd
ver-l'liled Wiires.
Shellb-ltl sod Birininghim Pluted Fnney Art rle.-
RodneiB St. Son's ai d W-ab Cutlery, Ra
sors. Se ssnrs. Ern-e-a. l'e,k Kni'is. Vc.
Ivory H nil ed Table Cilitnry, of the fin' at, medium
at d coinm quitbtiea.
A loige iiormeni of Gold Pens,
t'erifoeal Siiectjeba.
Papier and J -pit ned Trays, various shape
em! qil diliea. nl re-'li.-cil rales
Gold Wa'ch Cue s, Diula nd Sitver-Ware, of all
descriiiiiotis, in innf-ie'ured to order.
DICKSON & CO.. hiivinn reeenlly removej
inln lire I nue and commodious wireho'ise formeilv
occunied by Messrs. R. Aiiiii'iiht &. 8oi, urn!
more rec. nllv bv Aaiuif-T RsviijinTiiji, bin
leave loii l om Wntch D- n'er-, C un'ry Mi n hint
end others, that thev tie. gn having nt ttH limt
lame s-aortinenl ol Goods, of their own imporlo-
lion, which they aro detennimd t i iell al the lowest
r"i" Eerv alto:. lion will be pnid lo the Puckine.
uf (Jo iU, and in the ex cut ion ulOrd- rs, Ihe qu ii
lies nnil p, ices wiil be fully gu .l.ilita'.l ngJliu.!
Philadelphia. June 1 Oih, IS47. ly
Th following list show the current value nf all
'ennavlvania Bank N.ite. Th most Implieit re
liance may be placed upon it, a it is every week
arefully compared with nd enr reeled from Di.k-
sell' Reporter,
Itnnka In Phllndolphln.
, . Disc, t
....rax,,. nfv.Af.
Bank of Noith America' . , par
Rank of the Northern Litartic , , par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , par
Farmer and Meehaniea Uanli" . par
Kensington Bank . . , par
Philadelphia Bank' . l par
Minvlkill Bank ... par
nuthwark Bank . par
Vestcm Bank Pr
Mechanics' Bank . pi
Manufacturers fit Mechanics par
lank of Penn Township . . Pr
lirnrl Bseli . .
Blink nf Cnmmerre, I its Voyami nwrig par
Uank nf PennavlvsuU P'
C-otmlrr It si nil .
Hank nf Chester County' Weslchealer rr
Hank nf Delaware Co-.uuy Chealer par
Hank nf fiermanto'vti' tiermantown par
Monk of Monicomery Co. Norristown pai
Ooylesiown BanU DovHlown par
Kasion Bank Eaaion par
Pa triers' Pnnk of Bucks ro Bri-tol par
Itnnk of Northnmberlnnil Norlhnmberland par
t'nlnml'ia B:ink ft Ttriilee eo.('oum!iia par
Farmers' Bnnk uf Laneastei Lancitel
Drrfidttftl SUctthts.
I.anea-ter ("nunty B nik Lancaster pn
f.nneaa'rr Bank Lancaster pn
Fnrmera' Bank nf Reading R ailing par
Uflire nf Bank of Penn'a. Hnrrihuig" These
OiTiee do do Lancaster I offices
' lHce do do Reading (tin n.-l
Ifllce do do Eastnn J is.uen.
Uank of the United Utiles Philadelphia 17
Minera' Bank of Poltsville Potigville pu
Unnk nf l.ewistnwn Lewitown failet'
llnnk of Midtlletown Middloiumn 1
Crirliirle Bank Carlisle 1
Exchange Hank' Pill-burg I
Ilu do brunch of Hollidnvaliurg I
llnrrisbiitB Bank Hnrrishurg I
Lebanon llanl Lebanon par
Mcrrhanis & Mnnuf Ilarik Pittsburg 1
(t ink of Pittsburg Pitla'tuig I
Weill Huir-eh II mk Wiiliainspnrl Ii
Wyoming Brink Wilkenharre If
Vnrlhnniptnn Bank AHe.ninvvn nosde
Hoiks ('oiinty Hunt. Reading fitile
Office of Baiik.ol II. S. Pittsburg fulled
ll.i do ' do Erie do
Do do do - N Drijliton do
lbu:k of t'liainliersburg i;h:imberslmrg I
ItuKk nf Gettysburg Gettysburg I
Onnk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose
Brie Um.k Erie
Ftnmer' cV Drovers Bank Wayne.hiirg 1
l-'i.iiik'in U-ink Wjahingtun Ii
II H.nk Iloiiestl.ile 11
Mm ongnhela Bank uf B. llro-viuville IJ
Vnik liank York 1
Bonapaiite's tlxitiTS. His peculiarity for
tho b:it hr limistook for a necessity. Ilu would
usunlly rt'main in the buth two hours during
which time I used to road to him extracts
from thj journals and pamphlets of tho day,
ir ne was anxious to hear and know all that
was (roi,1(t on. while in the bmh, ho was
continually iornins on tho wa,erj o
raise the
u.i.iH'ru.ure ; m ,hnt X wa8 sometime, enve.
lop-d in such a dense vapor that I could not
soe lo read, and was obliged to open-the door.
nutmpiriu was exceerlmRly temperate, and
averse to nil excess. His flutter, probably
under tin i J,?a (hit sler-p- i, incompatible with
trreatnoss, have evinced art equal disregard
for truth in sponkinrr of his nitfln-watchintv.
B iiuiparto made others watch,' but lie him
self slept ami slept well. His orders were,
that I should call him every morning at sev
en. I was, therefore, thu first to enter his
ch imber; but very frequently, when I awoke
him, he would turn himself and say, "JTrTf
Bourrienne, let me nleep a little longer."
When Ihero was no very pressing business, t
tun not intuit) nun ngam till eiirht o'clock."
Ha in general slept seven hours out of twenty-four,
b?sidcs taking a short nap in tho
Among the private instructions which Bona
parte gave me, one was very curious : "Du
ring ths nigh," said he, "enter my chamber
as SMilom as pisstble. Dj not nu-.-ilr m
when you have any good news to communi
cate, wi:h that there in no hurry; but when
ou bung me bad news, rouse me instantly.
for there is not a moment to be lost." This
was a wise regulation, mid Bonaparte found
his advantage in it. Botirriciinr's Memoirs
of Ntpol'on.
TTSTT CO Sr OS 152. s 33
First ri'i-itiiiiii) Wi-titii Ink.
ro. S7 North Thinl Street,
STROM I)'. Hare, the celt l rabd Pr. fo-sornf
' Chemistry ill ihe lln'vei-ily nt Penn'a.
Phil id lphi.i, Oct. II. 1K43.
"Dear Sir Havina liie.l tout Ink. I will thai k
you to send me anoiher bottle, ss I fiod it lo In-
sci llelit. 1 um yours, Irulv.
Post Hbk"
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, diii- guihed
f -r his numerous aeienti!livrese,rche.
MeJieul Culieg.' of Ohio, t'i: clnna'i,
.1 um ey 17, I 'Ml
Having used Mr. Huv. r's Writing lok, I am
satisfied that it is Ihe rW whi, Ii l.a i v. r cune n,
my knot- ledve, -mil esieeia'lv il tre lii nt lor Ihe
use ,.( Steel Pin', and hull not cur-ode them, tven
in long use.
Join Locks. Pnef. rf Ch. miirv.
Fro:u a wtll kn-isn -e-eunlic giniteuoin.
"Philadel hii, Pen. 27. 1MB.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sir: A use of your Ce
nt nt, und a, imfl prnctical tetts of Ita supei.niily,
ha. induced u-e to reco no end it lo others a. an,ahte ailitle tor mend ug t'hina (ilas-t, nr
Cabinet Ware. Camfhsll Mohtit,
AuatM c t.'hi'iiiin "
For tale al the Mmuf ict-Ty, Wh-desile and Ke
I n it. No, 87 iSoiira 'Tiiihu &TUKtT, oppiisile
Cheny etrei t, Phila.le'phi -,, liy
May 'it, l47 j:i() ly Manui'aeiun r
Vejfelable I'tilvcrtinl Tills,
The anil) known Medicine that el the some time
purges purifies and ttrenirlhens Ihe siitem.
Loanov. July 7, I "40.
DR LE ROY'S Pill, ae a new medicin
which haa juat appeared, and is fivt inking
ihe placea i f all others nf ihe suite class. These
pills are composed of many ingredient-, but the
two principal nnea are tSara-ipanlla and Wild Cher
ry, so uniied that Ihey act together ; the one.
through ita admixture wuh other tub-Inns, pu
ifying snd purging, while the other is airenvihen-
ing Ihe system. I hus those pills aie at Hie ssm
ire tonic and opening ; a de.iileraturrr long and
eageily sought f-r by medical men, bill never be
fore discovered. In i Iher words ihey do Ihe work
of two medicinea. snd do ii much better thin any
o wa know nf ; tor Ihey remove nothing fr m
ihe system but the impurities! ao Ihat while thei
puran they atrenithen; and hence ihey cause no
debilitation, and are follow d hy no ra-aciin. Dr,
Le Roy a pills have a wonderful influence on the
blood; they not only purif. without weakening it.
but ihey icmove all u 'i,.ua paruclea from the chyle
befoie it ia convened into flu d. and thu. make im
pure blood aa utter Imnoa ibiliry. Aa there ia no
debilitation, n Iheis ia no nauaea or .ii-knes. al
lending ihe operoiion. of this most eiee'lent of me
dicine-, which never strains nr tortures the digea-
live (unction., but cau es them lo work in a per
fectly natural manner t and bene peisoni taking
Ihem do not become pale and rmciaied. but the
contrary fur while it ia the properly of tha Baraa-
parilla, united sa it I. with other ingredienta. In
lemov all that ia foreign and impute, it i equally
the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all ihsi
ia naiuial and sound; and hence a robust sta e of
health ia ths certain result of their uniied opera-
. : - n : aa . nnv
none. llJ rmv an crins SUA,
A genu (as Le Roy's Pills,
J. W. FRII.1NO, f .
JOHN YOUVU.8unbu,y'
M. A. McCAY, NorlhumberTd.
August lsi, 1847. ly
YAF.RtiONe ir.velliiig ibis route sre hereby
B inhaTOMal that Ibey can procure through
liclaia,'' by making spplicatioa at tha Hotel aj
Ubaikas Weaver, Bunbury. A. IS. tvAr f .
W .1 1. l ,1 t..l I laiiaj .
I'tE ehildr- n begui lo cy f ir Khermin's Lo
N. II, 'I he notea uf those banks nn which we
.in;it quotntiiina, and substitute a d:ish ( ) are not
purchased by the Piiihuli Ipliia brokers, with the
exception nl Ih- ae wtuih have a loiter ol retcrence,
uiiiik t: x i
PMIndelphin Sv. Ins.
I'hiliulelphla Loan Co,
eliii Hull 8av. Ins.
Keii-inainii Kav. Ins. A
Penn Township Sttv. Ins.
Vnmnil Labor Hunk ( T. W
Towauda Itnnk
Mleol-auy Dink uf Pa.
U . i-.k ol ISr.ner
Unnk of Su-mara
Hunk nl Washington
i'eiiire Punk
I 'it v I! o U
Par'ntcr-' & Veil.Va' P ink
Parinera' iSi. MecliVs' l!ni k
Piirniers' A MeeliVa' U uik
Hniroony Inritnte
Itiiiiiirgdor. ll.u k
Juniata li:tt,k
Luinbrrmrii'a Dunk
Voriliern Hank of I'a.
New Hope Ih I. Ilii.l;;e Co.
Noiihumh'd Union t'ut. Uk,
Ninth Western Ua.k nf Pa.
Dtlice nf Selnivlkill Unnk
I'a. Acr. & Manuf. lijnk
Silver L.ike Hank
I nion Dank of IVnn'a.
. esiinoicloiut Uank
Wilkrabarre Uii.lge Co.
fry All notes puipoiting to be on any Peuiiyl
.anij Ii:mk not given in the ulwva lit, may be sot
lown a Irauils
j'hihdelihia failed
do fniled
do f.iilcl
Dyoti, prop.) failed
lleilfonl no s.ile
Renv-r closed
Hanishurg closed
Wa-biuglon fniled
Hell fonto closed
Piti-huig no -ale
1'nti.l'urg fiiled
Fayette co. filled
(treencn-it'e tilled
11 imiony no sale
Hunting-ton no sale
l.eAi-to-Ail no s ile
W.incn failed
lliiinliir no sale
.New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadsille closed
Purl Carbon
Carlisle failed
Monti, ,se closed
Cniontown failed
Oreenahurg closed
Wilkeaiiarre no sale
rice'. I he noise win uni a i louil ut that
lime, but it ba kept increa-ing ever -i 'ie and n w
haa heme so thai the months uf the linle
tinea ran vc iree be a'opped. Dr Sherman sympa
thises with ihe I'I'I" siilT rers. and viry much ic
sre a that any of them should be ilifoi,o uteil
Knowing ihe vnai henelil which baa been conter
red upon the community by lbs introduction of
hi. infallible
he has entered into arrangeoieni. for eirara'na hi-
Manuf -c'ory, ly meana of which telhmk- he will
he able lo supi ly the dem-v d. And the -sine rains
and care will be taken, ih.1t Ihe-e c lel-r Ueil l.o-
zenges be male aa ihey h -ve always l-eeo. in or
der ihal Iho-e who d- pend upon them, may not h
disiippoined in llieir iuti. He knew when h
e iminenced the m-inuf "Cure ol the WorH Ijizcn
ires, that ih y would suiK-rnl ihe usn i f tvtr
other veiinifouH. as ihe le i- nge ia trru ph-nsnnt
'a the taste, srecrv in ita fleets. a we'l j- certain.
and the qu mlilv .equiied m t fleet a perfect cure.
i. verv sin ill. These prop, me in conn. ion wi
ihe f rt ihal ihey me s,,,l f ,r SA e m- per l x. ihu-
pi l ing ihem in the teach of the pooie-t man ii
the land, haa nnt only niused litem in l .lethe
place of every other veinnfiia" ever oll.-reil. but ul
i rendered Ihem popular to the coiiununi' v.
Or. blier. i. -...'
ennliuue lo cure l.'oiie;is, t l-'s. oiiumil nn,
Asthma, shnrinej. ami diuifiilty nf Ilreathins. an '
other .lisea es uf ihe I. onus, with Ihe same f ci il v
Ihey did on th. ii fiisi iniro.lucii ,n. and ihe piopl
have now beiorne persuaded by aeluilevp lier-ce.
thai on the scce.-ion nf e ight cold, (oev hav,
on'y lo aiep to either the Di's. t-flVe. or one of the
Alien's, and iiblam a box ot his l;, n(h I, i--i g. s
wlixh aie verv convenient to carry in it e pocket
and to take a few Ilir.'Uiih ill - d -v. Hv pursuing
this course a cure is if in effected in "t lioui", and
ilia palif nl about his loj-in so. Ho great i the ce
lebrity uf Ihn le t- ngi s. thai thousands i f p. r.,-n
who have used tl em, and l ecoine arqu tinted with
their ifl.cts, will never be w thout ihtm.
haa cu ed mote c-ses of Nheumaiiam, Pi i in ihe
Hack, 8 de and Cbesl, I.uml ago and Wtakoess, any applicaiinn thai hsa evei bee i made. As
lha celebrity of ihe Platter has incie i-r J, hiiudreda
of unprincipled ra-cala have aitenipled lo counter
feit it, and p ilm it nfl" up n ihe community a- Ihe
genuine. Bewa'S of Deception, .0 Heme ra
ber ihal ihe Irue and genuine Piaster ia spread ui
nn led lisb psper made eiprea-ly for the puipose
and in every cae the aignaiure uf Dr. pthuiman i
p int d upon the hack of Ihe PI. aiei, and Ihe whole
secu-ed hy Copy Right, None others are genuine.
Tbetef ira wl en you want a real good Khrrmau'e
Poor Man's Piaster, call at the nlRre, 106 Nassau
street, and you wi I not lie disappointed.
Remember th numlar. 106 Na aau si., who e
all D'. Hheiman'a Losengeaiesold, His Agents
are Mrs. Hays, 139 Full- s'teet, Hrfklvn;
Hineaon, William-burs ; and Redding V Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOI'NG, Sunbury,
. MA McCAY. Nurlhumbeiland.
8eplemher I lih, 1847. Iv.
Bni.knfNew Diunsvrick
lelvi.leie Dunk
lliirliiiMtoti o. Dank
Jommercial Bank
'uiuherl.iiid li uik
'arnieiB Bunk
.'nrmt ra' and Mechanics' lk
Med ford
Perth Amlioy
Mount Holly
."'armcrs' and Mechoiiica'JIk N. Hiunswick
Farmers' and Men-hunt-,' Bk Midtllctown Pt,
Franklin Bank of . N.J. Jersey City failed
Hoboken Bkg 6l Uiazing Co 1 1 oh-ken failed
leraey City Bank Jersey City failed
Mechaniia' Bunk Patterson failed
Vlauufiuluri rs' II. ink Belleville fulled
ttorria County Bank Murnstown j
ilonmouth Uk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mti-hHiili s' Bank New irk i
!, ehaiiiiV and Manuf. Bk 'Trenton par
1or.-l- t'anal and Bkg Co Jerary City no sal.
Pot Nines uo sale
Vt wark B'kb 4 In. Co Newaik i
'ew Hope Del Bridt;e Co Lsmfiertsville
N . J. Manuhic. and Bkg t'o Hoboken fiiled
. J Pioiit-ion & Lomt'sid hk Jery City billed
trnuve Hunk Orange
i'aieri-un Bank Paleraun fuile.l
IVoplea' Bank do j
I'liiieeion Bunk Princeton par
iuli in Banking Cu Ctalein si
-tun 1) ink Newark
tiaie Bunk hhtaliethlown
t.ale Brink Cumden par
il ile Bunk of Morris Morrisiown
Si;.le Bunk Trillion fnile.i
nlem ami Pliilad Manuf Co Malt in lailtit
Sun. I lisilk New Ion
Tieuion Banking Cu 'Trenton par
lim,-n Bank Dim-r j
TgT C8 ' received, a ban-t. ima lot of Cloths. I as
t)W timers. Calicoes, Caps of "II kinds. Gum
Hkott. for men, women and children. G'terie;
Queeniwart, and a vsikly f other articles, chea
per than aver, by HCNKY MAHKIEK.
Bunbury, Nov. 7th, 1147.
Washiuglun Banking Vn. Haekennck
Ilk of W ilm ft Drauil) wine Wiiiiiinglon
Dunk nf Delaware Wilmingiuu
Hunk ni Smyrna Kiuyma
Do ttianrh Miliord
Karun ra' Bk of Mate uf Del Dovel
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Cieoigt-town
Do brauib Newcisila
l-lilori Hunk Wilmington
(T'i- Under 6's
IJJ- On all hank, marked thus () there are i
her rouiileifcil or altered nolee nf ihe varKiu. di
-.niniriaiioua. in circulation.
Peace icith Mexico !
sy sr ss sxs u. a ixs8
INFORMS the puhl e that in order In bung ,e
bout a peace with Mexico, he manuf iclurea uli
kinds of Kifl-'a, Double and Single Barielled 8ho
fiuos, and Double Barrelled It. v, living Rifles, al
hi- manufacimy at Hollowint Run, Lower Au
sums town.hip, Norihuml riland county, all nl
which ba will warrant for s i months. 'Those
bo want a 6i.t rale artiele in his hue, can he ac
commodated at ihe -honest notice and on the m-wl
reasonable term.. Lovers ul .iri, live him s call.
Lower Auguata, Jan. 8, 184s Bin.
No. 40,
Jan. twin, 184
Anecdote of Jjhn Qiincv Adams. Ife
ahcait dared to do right, or what hs thought
to bo right. Whon minister at tha Nether
lands, and comparatively a you;h, ha was in
vited to join tha several ambassadors of dif
ferent nations at that Court, in a gathering
for sjcntl enjoyment, tu which cheerful con
versation, and gaming for amusement, we ba
re, b ro a part. Once they adjourned to
a S.dibath evening. Tho time came, and tho
nnibasi.ulois cullccted; but tho American
minister was nii.ssinn;. It occasioned inquiry
and dis innfjintinent ; but prcsnmius soiro
special or invincible obstncle prevented his
ittendatice, th"y ai.l little of ths circum-
s'ance, uud adjounicd niin to Sabbath even
ing. tli3 American Ambassador did not
nttetid. Tlie nt'xt miM'tiuir was on a week.
lay evntiinii, a:id tli3 American was in his
pi ic. Th-y were glad to see him, and sig
nified til ;ir (lisajipai itniimt nt his previous
ubs'Miccs. Instead of m.'iking an apology, or
assL'iiiiiir a fiolili-jus reason, he frankly s'ated
to tli-.-iii, that his jirinciples would not allow
him thus to employ any part of the Sabbath.
Hit was barn in a country settled bv Puritans.
of Puritan pirents, win regard ths Sabbath
as a divine ordinance. Us had witnessed tho
ni l influence of ita n ligims observance in
tlie greater intclU'riic, th" pure morals, tho
energy, enterprise, and orderly habits of his
caimti) men. As n friend 'of bis country,
therefore, ii1? conl 1 not pjrvert tho day, or
us:) it fur oth r purposes than those to which
In had been taught to devote it, and seen it
devoted in whatever part of the world he
might be, or by whatever different customs
surrounded !
Now to thuss who know tha '-'sneering''
cliamc'.er of most S.ibbath-breakersand think
of th"! age, high rank, and splendour of these
men in connection wi:h the youth of Adams,
it would be ditiicult to name an instance of
moral courage siiperiour to this. And it com
pletely overawed his distinguished compa
nions, and by instant and general consent
they met no more on Sabbath evenings.
This anecdote We have not derived from
uny written reminis.vnes of Mr. Adams. Wo
received it from an American, some years
aura, wha has few superiors as to his know
ledge of bath thu written and traditional his
tory of his country, and indeed of the worldf
ami of tlie characters who have figured in it.
Christian Mirror
Axecdotc ok Lord Eldp.n and Sir Geo.
Rose. Many were the squibs in prose and
verso of which tha F.ibius of Chancellors was
the subject. To one by Sir George Hose a
happy reloit was made by Lord Eldon.
My most valued and witty friend, Sir George
Rose, when ut the bar, having the note-book
of the regular reporter of Lord Eldim's deci
sions put into his hand, with a request that
that ha would take a note for him of any
decision which shauld be given entered in it
tho following lines, as a full record of all that
wag material which had occurred during tho
day :
Mr. Leach
Made a speech
Angry, neat, but wrong ;
Mr. Hart,
On ths othar part,
Was heavy, dull and long s
Mr. Parker
Mada tha cusa darker,
Which was dark enough without j
Mr. Cooko
Cited his book,
And the Chancellor said 'I doubt.'
' Thisj -i d'esprit, Hying ubout Westminister
Hall, reached tha Chancellor, who was very
much amused with it, notwithstanding the
allusion to his doubting propensity. Soon af
ter, Mr. Rose having to argue before him a
very untenable proposition, he gave his opin
ion very gravely, and w ith infinite grace and
felicity, thus concluded : ''Fur these reasons
lha judgement must be against your clients ;
and here Mr. Rose, the Chancellor doe not
Pk'UFixT Bum. -Major Bliss is railed ia
the army, "Perfect Bliss," a nick-name to
which lie has showa himself justly entitled.
At the celebration of the anniversary of
the battle of Buerw Vutit by our army at
Monterey, on the 2A1 of February, the fol
lowing significant toast was drunk :
"Lieut. Coutt of tha 1st D.agoons, pa
tha haalih of Mist. Betty Taylor, the daugh
ter of ths dislinguishud General, old ZV"""
Amendment by Adjutant Holm: MT rn'
erttoy "tcrffet Bliss" during tha buL.nca of
J her days-