Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1848, Image 3

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Sunbury Ferry. Messerg. Speece and
Lenhart, give notice, that they are prepa
red and always ready to convey passengers,
teami &c., across the ferry at this place.
They are obliging and careful men, and
re provided with excellent crafts.
Persons in want of Fire and Thief Proof
Iron Chests, Refrigerators &c, would do
well to call on Evans Watson of Philadel
phia, who have a large assortment always
on hand. See advertisement in another
Pianos. Conrad Myer's celebrated Pi
anos, are so well and so favorably known
among musicians, that we will only say to
those who want a good instrument, to try
them, which can be done by calling on the
editor of the American who is an agent for
the sale of these Pianos. See advertise
ment. ET' The Poem, entitled the "Harvester,"
in another column, is a well written pro
duction. It is a new theme, descriptive of
a wonderful invention.
KF" Lindsay Priestly Esq., was, on mo
tion of Alexander Jordan Esq., admitted to
practice in the several courts of this district,
on Tuesday last.
K? Special Message. The President
transmitted to Congress on Monday last, a
special message approving the course a
dopted by Mr. Rush, our minister at Paris.
The language and spirit of the message will
meet with a unanimous response from the
American people. It will be found in a
nother column.
E?" The London Times speaking of Lou
is Phillippp's back door flight and the
dispersion of his pusillanimous family, who
had not even the spirit to stand by their
own wives and children, says the French
Monarchy "died of contempt" of all causes
of political extinction, the most fatal.
OP" Hon. James A. Black member of
Congress from South Carolina, died sudden
ly at Washington.
EF" Fruit trees arc groatly benefitted by
phospate of lime, (bone dust) or even whole
. hones, buried at the root, are beneficial.
For pear trees it is especially good.
K? General Scott. By late accounts
from the city of Mexico, it seems that Gen.
Worth has withdrawn his accusations a
gainst the General-in-Chief of the American
Army, and that the Court Martial had ac
cordingly suspended the examination in
his case. One despatch stales that Gen.
Scott will soon return to the United States.
The rose is sweetest when it first opens,
and the spikenard roots when the head
dies. Beauty belongs to youth, and dies
with it: but the odor of piety survives
death and perfumes the tomb.
Life is shortened by indulgence in an
ger, ill-will, anxiety, grief, sorrow, and ex
cessive care. The vital powers are wasted
by excessive bodily exercise in some cases,
and want of a due portion in others.
Modest men conceal their joys as well
as their sorrows, for they consider the one
as undeserved as the other.
Nothing is so favorable to love as a little
discord, as the frost makes the grape tende
rer and richer.
Hear not ill of a friend, nor speak of an
enemy. Believe not all you hear, nor re
port all you believe.
Religion should be the garment worn
next the heart too many people make a
cloak of it.
A Heavy Mail. The largest mail ever
received in New Orleans was from Vera
Cruz, on the 20th, by the steamship Massa
chusetts, at New Orleans. It contained no
less than forty thousand letters.
Quite PolItely. Louis Napoleon Bo
naparte has been civily requested by the
Provisional Government to leave France,
for a short time, until matters are more set
tled. Fanciful. A lively Irish writer speaks
of "a dish of potatoes, roasted on the turf
ashes, just bursting their drab surtouts, and
exposing the delicate whiteness of their
mealy bosoms."
It is said, that it has lately become a
common practice to hiss while God save
the Queen" is being performed in theatres
of Dublin.
Brewer's Yeast and cold water, with a
milk diet, is said to be a certain cure lor
the small pox.
Napoleon's prediction. "In fifty years
Europe will be republican or Cossack," said
Napoleon on the Island of St. Helena.
i4uiful Proipxt. A London paper says
Prince Albert's grandfather was the Father
oftwenty-one children
The Start and Stripes were hoisted in se
veral quarters of Pans during the late revo
' lution.
Model Artistes. The Grand Jury of
New York are attacking model artiste ex
hibitions through the lessees of the buildings
where they are exhibited. Several of the
proprietors of fashionable saloons have been
indicted for allowing such exhibitions to
take place in them. The female models
were completely naked, not even a "rag"
to cover them.
A New perfume is now extracted from
fhe rose geranium.
Why is a thought like the sea 1 Because
ittt m n'oiion.
A tiil More Grape A' Taylor cam
paign hat been started in New York, under
inr HUP Ol UIO -vimjic tuiui.
Should wi m so, Out of the 400,000
Children in Kentucky, 160,000 are wholly
without tht advantages ot school education,
Tho renort lhat Charles F. Adams is pre.
baring ibrths prew the. .writings of his ftp
Wkt Ferr. It should be remembered that
Told, coiijths, consumptions, inflammation nt
Diallings, pleurisy, anil many other fatal disor
der!, re often the remit or catching cold, in
consequence of wet feet, damp clothes, &e.
Wri if h's Indian Vegetobte TVfour undoubted
ly the best tndieine in the world for carrying
off cold, became they, puree from th system
thoe morbid humor Which, when lodged in va
rioni parts of the body live rile to every mala
dy incident to man, A few of theas Pills taken
every night on going to bed, always afford re
lief, and. if their me be perievered in, a radiral
cure will be the remit.
Caut'on Tn avoid counter feita, purchase from
th'tse only wh'i can show a certifitste of agency.
rireetiing the Innding of William Penn I and
compute the Inhrla on the box with the fac simile
on the. certificate. To be genuine, (hey must be
eticilv "like, signature and all. Beware of coun
feila and imposition.
fXj" The gmuine for eale by H tew at Masstie,
nle ngent for Sunhnrv. end nlher sgente, publish
ed in en llter part of thin paier.
tt'itnuit'OAT. April .1. ISIS
Wheat Red is worth 135; white 133 a
Rte Is in demand at 85 a 8Gc per bush?).
Corn Yellow, 5 lie. a 50c. weight; fair
Oats Are dull at 38 a 39c.
Whiskey Dull in bbls. at 22c; hhds 21.
Cloversef.d Sales at S?3', a $4 a 41-
Corrected weekly by Henry Nasser.
Wkut, - - H71
Conn, .... 60
Osts. 4"
BoTTin, IB
Knott, -8
Pork. . . 5
Fttxsrsn, ... 125
TlLLOW, ... 10
Bskswax, 2
Flax, ... -8
For the publication of llie KLMll K Y AMERICAN.
Greatly Enlarged and otherwise improved.
The subscriber having assumed the pub
lication and entire control of the Sunbury
American, will commence the publication
of the same, on Saturday the 1st of April,
184.S,in an enlarged form and with entirely
new type. He designs to make the Ame
rican a valuable, as well as a handsome
family newspaper, worthy of the patronage
of the public. It will De published every
Saturday on good white paper,, ut 2 pi r
We make the following offers:
To any pi-rson who will send us five
subscribers and 10 in advance, we will
furnish a copy of the American one year,
and also a copy of either of the following
excellent publications:
Ppeel'a IlluMniteit rilili in of D'AnliifPie'e Ilit fry "f (he
Rei' -nil iti n, flrfimtly b hiikI, 4 v.l. in 2, price ft! 60. (nee
The J 'hit D nkoy, (me year) pulilinhed weekly nl 3
per nutiuui.
O nicy's Lady IJ 'k, ( nc year) published in uillily nl ?3
per oiiiniin,
r tnfl I r the Po pte, (-me yenr) published in iiithly at S3
per annum.
The Nineteenth Century, ( me ye:ir) published quarterly
at $3 per uiinuin
Any person sending mfive responsible
subscribers, will be entitled to a copy of
the American one year.
Or, any person sendint; us en subscribers,
with $10 on account, shall be entitled to a
copy of the American for one year, and
also a copy of either of the above works
for the same time.
April 1,1S48. Editor and Proprietor.
WESTKU NEW YORK; of ii uai.tii,
207 Main street, Buffalo, ti. Y.
Figilahle Lilliniilriiitic Mixture.
Ti!! celebrated remedy ii emit mtly increJHflig its lame
by the in iiiv cures it 'is in iking
Il hit mw tec methe nnly me.ticine f.r family ute, and is
particularly tt:c mineiik-l i' t
all ft iga f Uum c 'inkblot initiu-din ely relieved, nutter
m n iv imb KaiHiuig. te nimimiuji in ic&uui ii.
and all diaennei of the urinary nrgunn ; fur thwe diareM
lug C iiiH imi ii nullum nioiie ; u mtT urueie cuii rnicvo
y u ; und tiie curt tfKlilifd 1 1 wille 'iivitit-if the m i akup
ticul; lee painiihk't. I.ivt-r C lit,. Kin, liilii ut diw;aa-K,
i.' i) l1,,
T the Grmt V-iit eiM;ciallv, mid wherever these c m-
plaint prevail this medicine i flared.
n i deleter! ua ruiiinf nnd is a part "f litis mixture, it
cures these diiujiaua with cerLuinly imJ celerity, ttitU d.u
u H leAVe the system t -rpi-1. re rami-lilet.
a complaint of n mst p liutiil charaeer, ia
and a cure full ws by a tew duvs use ni thisartiele ; it is
fur be I ire any tether pretuniti it I r this dise.iset nr I f any
iHherdiseuM urigiitatuig from impure hiuud. skc uu
phlet. UttJlLllY Uf IMLMMLiW,
weak hock, weftkness f the Ki Inevt. A-p.. r inflanimi-
ti ii t' name, is iuimetliarely relieved by a few days use f
this uiedicine. and a cure is always a reuuii d its use. It
stands us
f ir such cm.iUiuts. uird als fiH derangements of the fe-
nule Iniiue.
ni infill in nsiririti ins. N arlicle bus ever been offV-red
except this wliifh w uld t Hi(h t!iis kind 4 derumeinenls.
It m ly be relied upon us a sure and efloctive remedy, ami
did we feel permitted t d s c uhl give
as nroif of cu'ea in this distressing cl i U e moluints.
Jee p'ira;ihlet. AH broken d wii, deSilituted c uistituti nS
fr nn the'tHlect of mercury, will find the btwitig power of
tlu article to aH itninedijicly, and the puis uius lumeral
eraJicateJ foin thcBysipm
will find the ahcmlive rro erties of this article.
attd driven aueh diie weg t 'in the ytem. Bee pnm thlet
f i,nnKiiiv i if eure in all diuaics, which the umiu.if
an advertiaelllent will n permit In U lltliml here. Aftuilt
live them away ; they C illlalll e pugea m evruucaiea ui
high cliaracter, and a Mr mger
of the virtual fa medieine. never anpexred. Itl.oiieof
the peeullur fcaturea irf thu article lluil it liever fuilt 1 1
beneQl in any e;iae, and il h 'lie and muKle are lelt t i build
upju let Die emaciated mid lingering invulid
and keep takina the meiliciiia aa I ng aa there ia an iin
priventeul. The nr mriee r wonlil
g.iinit a number of articles which e mte out under the
head 01
curea t'' Dr ipay, Grtvrt, Ite. i They are xl firni
tlinig, and e Jiicorteit t fan me nnwirv ;
Their Invent ra never th wglit ia' curing aueh diienaca till
this article bud done it. A particular MDdy of the pam
phlet is e-trneslly S'dicited.
Ageuui and all wlio w ll the article are
trrmluiUHwIy. Hut up in 30 ni. bottlea, at Hi i 12 oi d i at
ftl nach llrft larirer h ililhi A na. m ire th:in IW I siiihII b It
ties. ! nut aud'gel iiu'sed upon. K.very b lle lias
"Vantrtml vegetable I JUi aiuiptlc Misture," m iwi up-ai
Ihealaaa. the wriltrn sisiulure of '-It. C. Vaiului" imi the
direct! aia, ami "II C. Vaughn, Biid di," stainped on the
en. n m osner are reiiiiine freiron w w. u.
Vaiuilui, and a 'Id at Um Fruifinul Otfice. Main street,
Hud j ., at wltolra.ile and reUll. No atlrnti n a I veil I let
ters unless post p-itd-?- drra froijl regularly e susituted
7iiiw ciwikwi i p"St pawl tellers, or vernal cNnuuuuca
tl sis a HieiLlitf h.Ivi.m nf.unn.lw MllMiittMl I . meili.
Oilii',.. rtv-v tuu exclusively It the sua 1 tbu artMe
IJ-i Nuauusr. Nsw York city; Htfi r jsci at .u-oa, Mass.;
and bv the principal OfuggtsuUirjoglwuttlM Lulled Suites
and Canada, as Aguu.
List of Agenu. Hi m fc ).. VTh 4eaaN Aeenl PhllanV-l-phinJ.
W. Pntinf, Kuubury Issue Ge-trharl, Hrlnisrovs
C. A. Wyeth, lwuburg H. I Sheeier, Milton Hayes
at .touruHcs, Mcr.vreasvuia wuat Movoy. wortnannier.
April 1, 134-y '
sv.-" aa k - 'larai - F r - -r .
ct ifuh or King's Kvi, Kheum timti, Obt-tinute d tinetua
fclru tions, rimph s or Testulea n the f ice. lHut -hea,
Hilep, Chronic t re Kyea, M ig Worm ..r Tetter.
Ho llilend, Kuhrgetmntt and Tain of tuo
D m sind joiiiw.! ubh in I k-sra, flyphi
litic 9nip oinn, Hci itiea or iimljagj,
tliw aes a.isiiig I'r m im injudi
ci ut use o Meicury, Drop,
y, f J lmpru
ticiire in d.'ef la ,
Chr ntic C iiaii
tuti inlDis-nr.k-rs.
In this medicine acveral inn -rent but very potent artiel- a
f the vepWable kingtl tn nre united, f -rrmn$ a c mp und
entirely ilitTiireiit in itscharncer mid it perties fr in any
o.her pren.iT. ti n. nnd unrivdled in its npentli n ' n tie
s.-s'.cin wtien kib iing under clise se. It sh ukt bo in the
Ikim-Ip f every pera ii, wh by business, r gtiu-ml c mrae
m' liie. is prtMiiati mc to the very m iuy tiilinvints tint ren
der lite acun, insleaJ of a bkfting, and ajuftcu result in
for scaoFrr.A.
Dr. Drake's Pniiacoi is roc immeiided as a ccrtuin remedy.
N t ime in :tn"e i its f lilure h is ever ticcurred when free
ly U8 xl ! It cu. es lite ilic ise hii I nt the a line time impttrts
Vigo, 1 1 the wh le system. &x ful us iers na can never
p ty t o nr.ieli aitniti n t the st.ite of their Wo d. Its nil-
rificviti tn sh mid be their firnt aim ; for perseverance will
acc nnpusii a cure 01 kvkx heueoitabt aisetise.
von r;urpTioxs"oF thk kin.
ftntrvy, 8i trhuric AfTeeti us, Tarn rs, White (wcllinsr,
l-'rysijM.'liiH, fleers, Cnurers, Himniug I? "res. 6vlrS and
Hi Ips, Dr. Dr tk s Piin tci'a canii i le t n highly ext lled ;
it searches out the very r tot of the disease, utid permanent.
No medicine pcrh i s hits ever lieeu disc vercil whieh
dives s ui K'li t ne t the st mnich mid c nines tin Sucre
ti ii of a lit? ilt hy g intrie juice t dec mipose the fud us Dr.
Drake's Panacea
Dr. Dr. ike's Paincen is until with the frmlcst suepeim in
Hheum-itic Com pi lints, especially such nschr 'iiic. Il cure
by drii'inir rut nil iniiui;ii s nud f.iul hum urs which huve
iimiuiul ited in the svstem, which arc the riiiiMe of Hheu-
iirttini, O ut, and SwHIiis I (he j, inis. Other reniedii
s tindiiiiL's gire It-in rniry relief; this entirely eradicates
the dUfwm; i in the system, even Utii the limbs and be net
are urcuttiuliy swi litn.
Con st? mpt mx can bk cuheo. C uphs. Catarrh, Br n-
1.1111 1. ininif t xii " il, Aailltllilt Hit i I jl--'iuri; ha-
rect 'rnti n, liir ii Kluth. Xurht Swcits. Pain in the side
tVc. have Iwncurtd. nnd can be Willi ns much ce-t anty ua
any otherdise ne. A specibe his 1 itg been s ught fur, but
in v-iiu the dnte very of lr. Dr.ikc's Pun.cea. l is
unki fiiui site but c.:rtnn min eltic.iti us in its operation,
mid cum t n SHibly injure (he m si ih-l.c.te c iibtituii 11
We w uld e.irnes ly rec aiiiiieud iImhh ut linked to jiie it u md we iM-iK ve they wilt n it Icive uccnsi n to regret
it. Tin s.-Kieai is cle insetl nnd nrrriiiliciit!, (he uIcitm . n
the luiti nre he dil, nd the Mlu n s gradually regain their
umiui iie.u it in in sirenin. lieuu tue i.iiuwuuj :
PlIILA.. D-c. lit... 1H17.
DK.tli Sir : In reply to y ur jucti n ras,.eciiiig ihe u?e
oi vt. uf,v h runuci'.i, i win siv, inai ai.n iuii a perit-ei
iiisiwiHTver in the exietence ot u Panacea, or cure l r all
didtupe, h,.wevfi v-t I liable it nmv ! in certain c luh.i tm
oi the systf'iii, s.ill 1 have Ijelieved t hat u cure I rC iiniinij
tii. Il would be disc Vi-re I s ner i r biter, and cuii sitv led
me to try y ur iiiedtcine in Iw veiv iavetcrute taut
Ury were pr ai uare I iy llie ultemliutf nhvsiciaas to !e
flLMdXAKV CON!l'MIriOX, UllU UlRUIll liC-t hV till 111 118 IN
tLUAULE. Out' oi the prrn 'im had teeu uii ler the treat
ment of several wry able pr iciu n -rs I r n uuiu'ier ot
years, nn I they n I kIi. h id II t ihui -m-d C ii-u.iiiiti ii
e inbme with St lul i," aad that Hhriirmtt I'uueri ir s me
time, (nit c mi l n t tie (wrui un-ntly relic veil, in bth casts
me euect i.t uie inn icea n is ik-cii m ft gratil nig. Unlv
f air ir live b tt:lca were m bv ne f the m rs ns bef r'e
she beinin t i im r Ve ranatlv. 'The nlher t k lib ut ten.
I will nily mid lliat 1 1. mil ir ns I am with c nsjuipti ii by
iiilierituuce nud by eX'eiiKivc beiva i;jn as u st tidy, nnd
ku iwing ul i th.' in Jti'iojH ellVits in nine cuxi'S cut often
o." (nr, Umifel, mid other v p;t hit t uics, ns well u .f
miuy oi me exn('oruuift.uiuHrtiaiive, I mi iiM inner
rec timietidtd ihe ie f Drake's Paiuicca if J I ud u t I een
aeuuainted Wltii the iiiitrcdieiits. Suliii-i; it t iv th .t ihetie
tire lec uimeudcd by our in p .pillar nnd acieutilic hvsi
ci ni. ini'l in their prcKmt c iiiltiti(d stale, firm pr Isibly
the bfsl ttltetiitive that has ever been m ale. The cure is
in ticf r tune wi:h u Ihe ry of C mtu iipiion br.nched in
I 'nn ice n ti-w years ng , by one - if her in wi eiiiin.-ui wri
ters "ii iiii-dii-iue. uuil u w es:ubluhed by fuels which a. I-
mil ) it i lllJ-l'inr.
Very Rrsjtcclfiilly Your', I. C. (iL'XX.
T i use the l uuiiaiie of an niter. "Dr. Drake's Pnuncea in
nlwtiys siliHtiry in i s elfivtH never injiiri ni. It is n 't us
i(tiaie it ih ii h aim r.xpect r.un. it i it 1 inhaKUU fi tun
the invalid into a luuil SfClintv. II in u great reiiifdy a
grund healing nnd cunilive e linn und, the irn at and only
reim-ov wiucii meiiie u science ana skin lias yet prmuruu
for the treat n tent oi this hit licit line n UTed malady. And
il pera n iiflliete.l with this dread disease, will be jiift t
mumi-it ami ins n ne s ii wn I me crave with ut
tenting i:s virtues. A Mngle b mlr, in m l!s. will pro
uiiee u lav ininie en uige in me e niun n oi uuy puiicut,
h wevcr I w.-'
TO Tllli L XDII'.S
I.'idies f itfile c jiiilei ii und c nsuinative habits, and
su -h us arc dehilt ited by th se ohtttructi lis whu h females
me liable t nre rent red bv the iibc if a b idle or iw , to
bio an vig-ir. Il is by far the best remedy rver disc vereil
r weuhiy ehikireu, ami such as hive hud humirs : U inc
pie iv mt, they take it. It immediately rest res the appetite,
sireup-n una c i r.
IS tthhiff cm lie m re surnriKinir than its invi irntme ef.
feem on the human irume. Pers lis. nil weakness Hii.riai.
siiude bet rc taking it, at once bee me r 'buK und full of
energy under i's iuttu"iice. It immediate c 'Uiiteraeu the
ue rvele sm less 1 the leuule Irmuu.
CAI.'TIOX. Tie careful and see lint v n eet the ceini-
hie Dr. Dkakk's Panacea it h -s the signature f Cxo. V.
Stoiiks the wrtvper md nls the mine D. E it he's
I ANACEA, I'lllLA." I'l Wll llltliegl'M.
Pre t ire I nK bv SroRi Co.. Draircists. No 'il X'orth
i u ni., r iiii iiiri'iuiu.
April I, imt ly
lvr llrj aooU.
7"ArKtlTr01T & HALL,
No. 7J Sunt h 2i. Hrt t Vhilod p'Ua.
AVE now in th nr and nre daily rreiv.
il A irtK in ad itiinn to their MtoittTint as they ar
rive in the New York and Philadelphia Maikets
new Sprintf Dry (inndt ronsisling in pari of
New Styles Spun Mo, d Laines New Stylet
ndrpi in mi ip-a. I'lauM & I boice i;o
ort. mode Paregi, NVw Lawns and
mod Mot d Lames. Paul da
c nerves, a new artiH. new
t le TlStlS &C, itC.
Frckch asd Scotch Gin.h am In store one
of the largest attoi tmeut in Plulade'phia, from
the lowest pi ice to the finest qualities, much
lower man last aaon
On hand at all teatoni of (he year a large at
toitment, boib ol Lineiit and .1usliiit, at greatly
reduced prices, alto Linen Uamaska, I ounter
panet tuc Shawls, Gloves. Licet &c. 1 1 f Ij
Lush Black Silks, for mantillas. Viaitet. Dret
set kc. A. ens & Uoy't wear of all iletcriptiont
Ladiet and Gentleman visiting the city are in
viled tn call and examine our I lock;.
A liberal reduction made tothoi wbo buy to
tell again.
Philadelphia, April 1, 18 13
CiiKar Nsw It Skcond hand liUoa bioaa,
A'oeM IVcti corner of r'ourlh and Arch Streeti
Law Dooki, Thralnniral and Claitiral Books,
Scikktific a Matukmaucsi. Co ki.
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn liooki and Prayet Books, Biblea, all kisM
and prirra.
thank Boola, Writing Paper, and Stationary,
l-..0l. , t amd Hilait.
IV Ora prices are much I iwac than the aantn-sa prices,
I f i .iik.ii ii aiai siiiuii arccis ui in .as purcuasaa.
- 8 k iniirnal 1 1 wrier ir nn Imdua.
I'biUdcipuia, Airil I, IMK-y
Bted UStUrs la ,.
Censtanlly on band frnsial asortinrnl vt
To wbicb ibey reciliiy tuvita lb attention
ol lbs public.
All kinds of country piodura taken io rlrbanga
lor urocc.iea or aoiw on iuinsniasioo.
Pbiltd April 9, 14I
Commission nnd Fnrwnnling
N. 48 Cummeru Slretl IVhaif BALTIMORE.
Will mtWn and Bf II mil kind of Country Pio-
ilucf Flour. Grain, ftc.
N. B. Particular attention ilvrn tn the aate
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
signments, when required.
Apnl 1, 1848. 4m
Pictorial Edition or d'Atsblgiie'r)
great Work on the lleforntntlon
published or. nr abnut the 1st of April, 1818. by
JOS. A SPEF.L. No 08 Cherry at. above 6th.
hia apleniinl 13mo edition or the above numi'd
work, with 18 eneraved illii.trations from nn.
ainal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound iu extra cloth
and library sheep
The publisher respectfully tails Ihe attention
of the trade and the public ('iieially, tn this
0'k b inf the only illnstrat. it edition published
in tht Un t il States He trusts that the beauty
nf Us embellishments, the strnnK and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction w ith
the known popularity of the wnrk itself, will be
a sure tecoinmendulion to public favor.
JOS. A SPEEL eeChrtryat above Cth.
J. A S has also lately published, a new and
beautiful Ed. lion of S-re-ant Bell's Rnree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done up in
extra clnth
Philadelphia, April t. 1848
Important Information.
TO all purchasers of ready made clothing, in
formation i hereby given that th well known
and much celebrate-l Clothing emporium, known
as the
riiilndclpltla Wardrobe.
P. R McNutr.ta, Proprietor, If ins CWnul
ifiect. between Ud and 4th it.. Philadelphia.
Is a.toni.hiiig the community with liia cheap and
fashionable apparel, nf every description and va
riety. Vesta from 50 cents to 6 dollara. Good
black Cloth or Cassimere Pdnts, as low as 3
dollars and upwards per pair, ari-niding tn quali
ty. Black French I lothdresa Coats, as low as
8 dollars. Summer clothing- cheaper, peihaps.
than ever was known heretofore of Ihe aaine
Wholesale dealer are particularly invited to
call and examine the large and well got npclolh.
ingnfthis large establishment, is very particu
lar attention is paid to the cutting, so that
purchasers at wholesale w ill be certain to get
garments when they rnme to put thun on their
customers, that will Tit with tas'e and ease, which
is a matter nf great importance. e invite one
and all to rnme and examine for themselves be
fore purchasing
Philadelphia, April 1, 1818-3in
D AG (Hi It II F.C )TY V R U( KiMS,
Ko 19S C'liCMiiiit Slrrrt,
&,uth East Corner of Eilihlh tt , Pliiladi fphi'a.
IJMK I'K AltS Irnin the nnnl e-t li-st i'i I"
Ihe largrst :z-. einclv nr in group. The
I' nprii-inr are warrnnteil in a inn, that iheir
work ha ga!n. d o leiuita'ion pciiiiI to none in
he w..rM. Exlrscl fr -m the Pre- :
l.ifi-like in the etpreedon, chnstly correct in
ilia h il ng. Lidaev
The ait hue .rrive.l xl g-eit p rf.-eiinn, and
one p ileri-liid ii lietier than Met 'lee & Ger
mnn." Bait' nutrr Ir.t.
"Adini-alit. ! n.if in? cm exceed thrii exqmsi'e
drlirary."- V. S Gazette.
lix'racl from the report of the Juiluc, t the ls-1
f&irnf ihe KrmMm lu'i u e l).iBiieireotvpe
in fun di'i anin'-nt tlfre are rnme vi'y CHeHini
iincmrm in the ex' il iii-m. and the Juiigia ihii-k
IIh v s.e a umureskivo nii.irovi'iuenl in this h
f llie art Thev hive not r comme iled ana-
ward in f ior ..f inv nf the rnmiitni. I'UI aie
i p ne.l to tank a- fint in order, il.e c.l'ecli in of
Vlct;l.tF.S St (JEU.M'lN, ontaiiiii.g the tar
get! number nf superior tptci mens."
I nil. tlelpliiM, rti 19. ISIS. sin
Screen &. Wire Cloth Manufactory,
So. 48 North Front street, be'ween Murk t ana
Arch street:
rpiIE SuhwrilxMB hxvins; in-d.-!reit iinprove
1 in th MliAVri hiiinfa. are. now msttu.
f. during,, f s tipi-rior qusliiv. all PLAIN
anil UHWAIVlt51 I AU "llirj hfiiiv, mm si
Sii-vis. Id Idle. Hrrren. Ac. for i.ll kinds of (irxin.
See '. eisiid, Oie, SnulT, Sruch, Bm kdii.t, Vc.
Foui dna' Mevrs of h upcrloi quality con-la . 1 1 y
mi hand Al o laf a, VVne His'i l.'nvere, 8 .1a
Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark t-ntc era. &c.
Ornamental M lrc Work.
Such a. Cg-s, Nu'se.v Fm-'er--, Uarden Uii ilw-
nir. FI"W.-raa d. I rsini-r. Ir. II work l.n l.rspe
v.... X. AI..,Wii. F. nciii i ( evi-rv de-crin-
. 111. v. . . - - - - - - .
on. fry Orders thsnkfuMv rcci ied nml pr mp.
y ed hy WATSON ft COX.
P..I. IQih 1014 Im
Improved Hydraulic Fiimp,
Foe Wells. H'dling Mills. Furnaces, or other
Purpo r.
THE ru'wrlher r. pvtfu'lv annuiince t th
public Ihst he is now prepured to npi-ly or.
ilers lo any ext nt f" hm Patent Unuhle adini.
-ucti m and Force Pumps. Thee pumps are
mule nf ca-t iron, nnd Ihe wter is sucked nr fr.
red through lead pit. F-r r-impl city of construe
ti"n end durahilny nf ait'mn. the. are tatlly supe
rior lo an. now in oe. They h ive msry advan.
U.cs . ver the common pump, among which are
ihe f.'llo ing j
They are a cnns'ruclej that mischievom pr
sons cinnot spoil th.-ir action by introducing nails
nr spikea or any nihn snh-iuni e-sm na the vslvi a.
aa is often done with other pnmne thereby render
ing ihem uaeles till nserhsuled. They ie war
ran'ed to I perfectly aecure from frosl. They ere
so airsngrd as tn slT.ird ample pr .tec inn xgainsi
Fire sh.-ul Ihe p emises nn Which they are ended,
by eimp'y attaching a piece nf ho-e. thin" which
tley will force water lo any part nf, or over, a
three stiiry house. They are particularly ada ltd
nr very deep wells, aa ihe leveiaie can he n re.
gnlatei that a chi d of ait yeara old can wiib lh
greateal ease draw water with ihem from ihe die.
Ist w.llr. 'I he nhjertion a i justly urged by m
ny. that m ter ia n hy atanding in pump l -gs.
is rimrely obviiled in this pump, and fre.h wsii r
ran atwaya te as surely ohtaiiu il as when drawn
with a bucket In situations where it ia nece'sa.
rv lo r.iise or force larie qunti irs ol water in giest
.Ii. lance, fur auppling hoi'era in mt'la, furnae.-a.
4c .. these pumps are invalushle, a. Iliey can h
made f any a in, and eip.Me of throwing fiom
15 to 10(10 gallons per minute.
And to eiown all, they can be aolj aa cheap as
the elieairsi.
The subar.rilier bsa penl the last yesr in axp
line nl nil upon and pei feeling his pumps and now
note Ihrm bef -re the publ c with ihe fullil rnn
fidi lice thai they w ill be Mud to answer hi de
sc..pi. n. He tak' a p'ra-u e in referring lo Ihe
follow ng enrapsniea and individual, upon whoee
pr.mise. hi pumpa have be.en errc ed. and wh
iiave eipnatd their aalisfeiion iu Ihe bighrat
terms t
The Montour Iron Oompany. Danville, II. Bro
.mrl. agent the Blnomatmrg rttdroad lnn O m
any. bloomsburg tVl. agent j the B I ugh
.ml Ready If. hi W.yk. Danvil'e. Hi.ef. Foley
St Co.. pnw riil-re the Uwii ;ui'lf Berivirk
ximoii P. K..", B.q . ud John l. Waituti, Esq .
tie could retVi lo n-.ny i there, who have lei ted
Iheir qilal lies. ImiI llie te irspectalile Arms and
individuals are deemed sufflckonl.
try An aranrimenl of LEAD PIPE9 constant
ly band, which It be e dd on the most igas n
able terms. All orde a add se.l to Ihe eu'eriher,
at Moore afc Bnld'e'e F-undiy, or Moo
lour House, Dauville, will rw hh progepi av
tenlion. HOMEH f ARM ELBE.
), I, I84B tf.
AGENTS to canvass for some New and Poru
!. Woans, in every Count1 ihioughnut
the United States.. To Agents, the most liberal
encouragement is offered with small capital
of from $23 to SI00 A chance ia offered, where
by an Agent can make from I0 to t2!5 per week
fry- For further particulars, eddresa (post
paid) W. A. LEARRY,
tin. 1R8 North Second St.
Phitadelphit, April 1, 1848 3m
W TABLE COMPOUND, for He ctpe ol
Ac. This Medicine i offered lo tho public under
Ihe tsiiranra lhat there is nn article in exietence
having stronger rls'nva to their e 'n-ideinli n Br
ing Ci mpoundril by a tegular (Jraduate of J. (Pr
snn Ci-llege, Pliiladi Iph a, end a practising physi
cian nf twenty years' sisndii s in Phihde'pliM. hi
long expinrnce l s cnnflimeil him in the opinion
ih it comiound medicine ws. required to prevent
and remnly the d h'litstion pr ducrd hy rrsbbng
in Inv, mianmille rliinstea, and In counter ict Hie
prn trsting inflmnc.a of iimny nerv mis dmoider.
with which ihe human ftoiily are sfflirlr I.
III'. ALLF.N is well known i hisici.n. and
ha usel the abeve medicine in hi" paciire f.n
yrara wi-h the most -tnnishing effect, having tee
tod its qiialiii-- in ahn-e
Nn medirine ever l en i veil more fl il rring re
ccmmei.dati ns from hyicina of imiiienl tt.ii d
ma thui hss b. on bestowed on thi.
I I'S CO.VSFQTJENCES. An end t Pr. f. s
sor i)n-"Il chiefly arise in Hiona wh IotI
either a very sedentary nr Irregular life. Aithoimh
not rrgsrdcd a fnt il disei." yei if neglect' d or
improperly Ireared, mav bring nn iicunble M-.
hin h dy, Jnundire. Mnduess, nr Veitig , Ps'y
and Apoplexy. A pr at aingu!riy att- ndarit i n
it i, ilmt il may and nfieo do a cmilp ua a sres
length of time without any rernisi-ion of ihe symp
toms. CAUSE. Grief and onrs-lne.a nf m nd. In
tense MUily, pmfue evacuaiione, exces in venery,
rxce-sive use nf ptrilunu liquor, tea, tobacco, o
piom. and oilier nnrcotic. iinmndeMte rrplelino,
over dislooiion of the ntnmirh, a ilrficiency nf the
secretion nf the l ile or giairie juice, cxpostiie to
i old and air, are the chief causes of I Ms dm
SYMPTOM:. T.oss nf sppctite.nausei, ierl.
hum, scidi'y, and foetid eructaiion, gnawing ol
the Biomach when empty, uneasinre in ihe throd
pni i in the aide, colivrns, chillm s, I nRUii'.
Inwnesii .f spirits, pilpitntions, and d a urlted
TABLE COMPOUND has nev. r failed in alb.r
dmg immediate relief, and a mdical cu e this
fCj" This Ve licine cm be hd nf II. B Msa-rr.
Sutihurvi J. t;. M.rtin. I'nlt v He , Med r At
Bickel, Orwigshurg ; am' nf Druggsts g.-ner.lly.
ALLEN & WAHD. I mp irt na.
Phila'elpliia. Nov. 27 Ifl47. rq ly
CD II 'O1 Sia S2f 3?
BT h'i power to cm all XXTtaasl SOKE
SI HOKI I.nrn hum irs. tKl.M UIBiK
l'lhOt)l Vt)j.US nt ili chmge then .u
iii.l msl'er, atnl then heals them.
Il is I'cliK le nied AH-healing, for there I r ire
ly a ilinej-e ex e nd O' irilerni1. th it it will no1
b.-mfit I hsve used it fr the I at (nu-t..ii,
fir all als ei-il if 'he the. I. Mliau " lion and lirr.
nrnlving ihe U'oiniil danger end io-poi.s Inlil v
and I ileclnr.- I f oe heaven r d llmtl. I'isl not Hi
nir sinule ciee has it f.ii'e.1 m hei efit w hen ihe p i
tient va . w bin the resell nf nioiiul menu..
I Im v.- had physiriiin, I -nin d in ihe profession.
I hve had in-nis'er of ihe gn-pet, judge of tin
bench, aldermen, lawyer., gentlemrn ol the high
at erudi i.ip, and multinidcs of ihe p ior u-e it in
every variety of wsy, w-d llnre lis-, hem but one
. in, v nor u iernl voice rn ing S 'M Al!lter.
tour Ointment i- (SOMU "
In Pcrot'u's, t !d Su e, Erysepelns. Trtt- r Li
ver t'omptaim. Sore Eyes, (j in-. Wore Throsr,
Bmnchiiis, Broken oi Sore Urensl, Piles, el Che.i
DirBia, mch n A hnm. Uppiemnon, Puio
Als , .;re l.ips Uhappal Hm . Turn r. CliiU
dri na'iiui Krupiions. Nervous Dii-rses.
and nf the K ne, there is no uudiciue now known
s go d.
SOALD HEVD We have curulossea
actually di rinl ev. rv lliiiigt known, as well a II e
ihility . f 15 or ail doctors. One mm told us In
had epeni fdllO n hi i h IJ en without any bene
fit. whe i few boxes of Uintmeiit rund Ihem.
UAl.UNE-sS It will irilore the hair aoouei
than any olhrr thing.
HEADACHE The aulve haa cured peison
if Ihe hesd.iche of 12' l-mding, and whn
had il regulir ivrry week, at lhat vomiting ofi.n
io..k p uce. lEtrntaa,Eii Ann. and Ani's i
thi Fci:, are turtd ly this Ou.tmei.t with like
uece. ,
RUItNS. It is one of ihe lest thing in the
wor'd for liurii. (Head the din etions around the
box )
liUF.l-'M V'l'ISM It rem .ve almoat I nnie U
ately ihe mfl -mation ami sMilbng when ihe p on
re i e. (U-el the Direction, i.rnui d the Box.)
COLD FEET. lJoiiump'ion, Live- t.'om
i Inint, l'.iin in I' e ih at i.r i Ir, biMinj r IT of the
h. ir. one or the i.iher alwiy aecompai ira nil
'e.i. (Thi Ointment ia the tiu r-me.'y.) Il i
A sU'ii eign of ili.rae to hve cold fee ,
TE TrKlt. I here ia no hing heiti-t for ibr
cure .f Tetter. ...
PILES. Thousanils ato yearly cured by thi,
ilintineiti. .
CORNS Oecisionil ue i f the Oin'mi til will
ilwiyi keep Co is Imm gowtng People need
never I Ir.iiit-'rd with 'hem it t'.e wi I ur i ,
Read Ihe fiUiwing Conimitiiication.
R ceived Horn an d. reepecid -nl well know-
en ii n ol Phi sJjIphu. and ll.en j-ulge for y..ui-
Phi'alelp' ia. 10 m.. IHih. 1816
T- T. B. Peter-en', Having b-en r-qnt-i1
in cie mv n inn in on ihe mem . f MLLIS
TEU't SALVE, I am willing lo enumer.le so i.e
.if the lam fits which I have ixpnieured in the use
f ihe anicb'.
In the apin g of 184S, I had an at'srk of Ery
iila ni my f.-ce which became very painful, and
xteudiii into one i f my eye. I ring stlendrd with
try. r. my d. stress wss great and I began to be f ar
ful of I -si' g niy re.
Alt' ough nol niuch of a believer in what i
roinmouly el. d qusck mrdicines. I purcjiaxed a
h..x and made an ti my face. To my
suipiise Ihe pnin soon ab te.l, and in a we. k' time
I was tut re y cured, and I firmly Iwlicve lhat il
i ihe ail.e, under Providence thai cued me.
From ihal time to the pre. nl. I have ued Ihe
uncle aa ocess-on required. nd in evrry cse whore
I have ue I it. I hve found decided benefit
At or e lime, en going to bed at night, my ihroat
was an aora iht I swallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the reive I wss rnlie.rd tefoe
iiioini g.
I have usod it in rse of horns, hruiws epr.iins,
md 0 sh cute. I with llie bappiet effect, ai d
una case of poisoning hy a wilj vine iu the wohU.
h i Ixen dried up snd cured by a few ai plic oions
From niy own experience, I would sl'onely ie
con neiid it to all, as a cheap, couvouient, family
I bse become so parliaj In it, lhat I expect to
keep. n e n-teiii'y in my family. , .
'I h 'Ugh not ro itioua to api ear in print, yet I
cannot r. fu-e to hv una commni iia ion mad.
puldic if judgej hot lo serve the e ux of buinani
iy. ftcapecifulty thine. ,
. . Jin. S6. Old Y.-rk Idwd
CAtlfMlN. K-i Omimrhi will, be gellllllli
unl'sa the narn a o J sine M'Adia'er, nt Junto.
M' iler cV Co., are. wulie(vwoi a ien on eve
ry UI'. . . JAME M.'ALLNI EK.
.. Rile prop. i. . ir wf li e e'.e m-dicina.
AesiTa i J W. FRIMNO. Hui.t.u.y.
Dr WM M BlCKI.EY.Ds.ivda,
J. (. I'KOlTrtE. 8el n.arove. .
Y. C. SH t M EB. LrwrUir(.
M M. F. NAUI.K. Milton. . .
JOHN SHABPLEeMI, Caltawlaee.
Feb. lihil4i.-uwly
Estubluhcd 1ft iMr. ag. ny Pr. KINKELIN.
The oldest, surest and hest Inind o 'cure nil forms
or ecrt I diaHtaail (JitflnMi of i he kin nd
oliliry tthiin of youlli, t
N. V. corner of 3d and Union sis., between Spntc
and Pine,.i squares from the Exchange.
YOUNO MEN I If ynu value your life or your
health, remember, the delsy of a month, nay,
even a week, may prove your ruin, both of body
and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter ynii
from making. your ease known lo one who, from
education nd reierln1iility,e n alone h-frrend von.
Ho Who plnces him elf under Dr KINKELIN'S
treatment, may religiously e infidn in hia honor as
a gen lemn. and In wlm-e bosom will be forever
locked tho errrei nf the patent.
To.t m my think they will hug thenerrel I.t their
own heart, and rure them-elv-s, Aln.l how of
ten iliia f.ittl deluaii.n, and how m my a pro
mining you"g mnn, ho nvght have I rrn an orna
ment to ancirtv. ha. faded fnm the earth.
finding il ii c-inv. n'eni tn mnke ym son l applies
ti n, can. bv stating their c rxplicitly, toce h r
with all tl eirsyoiptoms. (per I t er post-p iid.) Imve
forwarded to ihem a rhei-t roit'aimi.g Ur. K's me
dictne. a:pr. prie I sc.-ordinglv.
Parkagea .if M dici ira fn wirdfd to any part of
the United Stale nt a nvinii ftl's nn irr.
Xy PoT LVTTra. add eed lo D'. Kiv
ksliv. Phil ideln' is, will be promptly a tvnd.d to.
Oo. 30ih. 1817. ly
OF Northumberland Cuniny. for Apr. I Trrm,
A. 1). 14.
Grand Jurors.
Prtaware. etainne1 Mc'Iaity.
MiInn, John fin il sml. r.
Chillisquaque K d'er.
Pninli W Siarnm.
Nnrtliumbcinnil. Daniel Broutigam.
Sunbu y ( Markcl, John P. Puisd,
Oeorge V'eter, Enq
Upper Augusta. Samuel Huntei, John Burns,
Shamukin. (.corse Siartxel. Frederick Mutch
ler, Anron Ke lev. Win. Mc Willi on. .
Ruth. Jiico'.i Giathart, rJamuel Ely, Isaac,
Coal.VwM KeMeltrr.
1'pper Muhunoy. John Ileckmin, Edward
louver Muhunoy. Christian Albert, Benjamin
HefT ier, Josepti Trego.
Little Muhonoy -Wm Uoihermel.
Traverse Jurors.
Turbut.l intra Marr, Peter Dunkel.
Lewis Phdip R tup, John Fox.
Delaware Henry Reader. D niel Smith, Gen.
firav Molomon T-urkomiller, Hugh R ed. Hid
mi.n Ov ter, Samuel l ei. Win. Hnyrs, Robeil
H. McCormiik. Solomon Denllrr.
J,lln John W. W. od. F. W. Pollock.
Mirh.el 1. mm. J. II. McCormick.
Chillitquaque Csmuel Richelderfer, M'illism
!avnian. Hen y Slice x. Thomas Purdor.
Nnrtliumber.mitl .Charles Vau.
Sunbury. Fn-drrirk Lnttrtia. Jesse B.i'in.
Upper Aiiiiusfti. iiemc Fssntd. Ia. c Ftsh
r .1 tne t: ip ptell. Maik 8 ack. J1C0I1 Evert
Imver .tugiiita. Jo eph I i n Henry Br.twn.
Shnnwhin. John Huff. E.q., Objd'nh Camp
ell. Rush.-Robert Q il k. M'il.on Mdtler.
Cmtl Will Fegely
Upper Muhonoy. Henry Pnyder, Solomon
Folk '. .
Lower Million). Elijih Byerly. fie.itge Har
ri. Siinun l.-i k r. J 'hll Me-nrr jr.
Little Muhonoy. Jacob Rskcr, J inathun Dun
kel ergrr. Winiiel W,.gor. .
J ickstm.--k i ilisui Tmulman, Jjseph Batt . ..
I'i'lil Jurors.
Turhtt. Pnilip B'llniv r.
Lewis lohn Cl.ipp. John Wil.on.
Delaware John Mcngus, Win. B. Irwin, Sam
uel Foil ey.
;V linn. 0rar Ildmmand. ' '
Chillisqunqur.loUn Murtay, Charlea Oale,
Willi .m Moil's h.
'oiti.--Michael Bsrnhsrt. Joi n Vandevender.
Northumberland. lmn Dirffeiihaelier, Sa
muel Cm.
Sunbury. J .coh Martin, Andrew Durst, Dsn
id, (ieo ce K.diriiar'i.
Upper Ansrinla.lfhn Cooper, Robert Pursel,
8..iine Culp.
tjiwer Augunta. S ic Bastian, Teter M. Rep.
Shamohin. Da-tiel Miller. Wm O. Kse, Wm.
F-rrow, Frnlirick Adums, Henry Reply, John
Frank, Duvid Mar x.
Upper Muhonoy Samuel Res-ler.
Lower Mahonny. Jnusthan palt, John Bade-
man. '''
Jackson. Daniel Oyster, Piter Coble, John
IO It trial in the Cutiri of t.'ominon Pies of Nor
- thiim'eiland County, al April Term. 1848,
commencing ihe first Monday, being the 3d.
Re.jnniii VV Richard te FranVin W PI .M et nl
J W eSritx'mgei, alienee nl fiarver v. J (imvei'a heir
William Simeiiton va J Shiimian & E lireen iugh
P. Irr H ch'er'. eir's v Dif'ge ct llarn-t
llenj imin Robins s Valentine KI na
I. 'harte. II I'rtck William Fruk
Henry Ma.-rr vs H B Mnsaer A Jo.eph Einelj
lac-'b lie.d is D N Lake et al
Hi.lrt Smi'h v Aufiiistoa & John Huey
Fieeiimn II C'ark vs J. dm Scliriner
I) & P n vs II .y Wood (V Snyder
W,n Si It Fi go ) Sl C 1 vs (ieorga He, ken
I' II Wilson v Abraham Mlraub
iUrl.iw Prior a Hugh MrFall ,
f.iuh II Comley va Win H Frym'is ftc co
Clisr es PltuSat.U vs lewis Dewsri
Will a-i Murray v B d x r Os-nhsrt
II then D Fordsmm v Itet -j min Fordemnn
(e ige Oyster a John irnharl at al
Fl ti l er M ithewa v. Daniel We doer
l-r.el Gttieliu v John Pinter
.S.m elR.ed . vs Geo ge Ii iteilx
eteib I Comly ttsl vs David M rr dr. Isaac Blown
Wm D l.'eaihan v Charlr Ca r
Dsniel M.llrr and wife v Ph'l p Heckerl
John W Peal vs T A Billinn'on. late constaUe
8 -m va riama
Myrr & Ujfon vs l.ewia Eppleeheimer et al
Jiicob Le seining vs William Depuey
Dentler Si Montague v I'h'i-iuin (iusb jr
Hugi Be lag VS It i W Fegely
KI jah 1'isnfoid va M &. P Billmyer
Wm II F'yn.lre va S.oiuel Henderson
Wilbsm Sisrks , ve John M. Gn nis
Brautigam St Wspp'cs va C H and Wm Frick
Henry Keieer . , va Ilenry VoitSe mer
Batik of iVonhuiubeilaiid va Philip 8 sm'tacb
(iideon Market va J din J Wa.f.irJ
Urorge Hileman va Mar in St Wm Ksndtds
J.din Diehl rt al va Pi ter Lax irua Barnbart va Wm Moritx'a aJmrs
Fre-leiick Krener , va Viliism Ayr;-a
For.ythr, W1I.00 & CJ s J CJJryaul h I T Cle
ment Wm Pst'essvn'e aia.'nee a W MrC.y'a ednve eke
M iban lorSimoiit.iu a H irkriihrig dc tlisliel
Hugh IJellae. vs J m a R i's el al
Mm G rner's hf i'S va. Leah Slrq cker
Anlhonv tismer el af va 8ame
Jacob H Rtmad- St if vs Jsme V Wm Rose
R .le t M CI rk va Isssc Brown
J P ll ii kiiilieg v J iiiss ttcb
Amliew K me us' sd.nrs a Davi.l rtth hfckr
H-nrv II Huir v Wm.McCaa'a adme
D.nIUnat as U l.xer G imhari
I'h.tmaa Alen Junes Cuinin.nga
I'harl. a D n herty V Samuel Caldwell
J ho W.ilf a Chsr'e Kuaarl
Wm H Strickland va Amos E Kapp
Jacob riwenk va Samuel Henderson
Joiin McGiunia va Wiltwin Stirka
Dr. B mttam Ueaibarl a Charles Grarbait
lieorge va John L.rsK.w
l .l.n II M.Miieamer e Thoins Lltd.
smu IYouni t. as. J dr. M fcst-littler dx co
"rhool Dt ctore of Rut(t thp va MmJ fVase
Francis Gil-aon aw Jnho M Hou.el
Daniel F Caul xi Denllrr aV Montague
Piothonoury'aoffieo, 1 . truth's
Banbury, March 4, Wll -
Special message ,.'
Of the President of the U. States in Referents
to the French Revolution.
The the message of President
Polk, transmitted on Monday .to Congress, ap
prizing it of the course pursued, by Mr. Rush
in recognizing the new French Government
which the President fully approves:
To the Sena'e and House of Representatives
bflhe United States: I communicate to Con
grest, for Iheir info matior, a copy of the d s-
patch, with the. Accompanying documents,
received at the. Department of State, from tho
bnvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo
tentiary of the United States, at Paris, giving
official information of the overthrow of the
Frencli monarchy, and the establishment, lri
its stead, of a provisional government baaed
on republican principles. This; great event
occurred suddenly, and was accomplished al
most without bloodshed. The world haa
suldom witnessed a more interesting or sub
lime spectacle than the peocfablo design of
tha French people, resolved to secure for
thsmslvi's enlarged liberty, and to assert, iii
ihe majesty of Iheir strength; the great tiuth
that, in this enlightened age, man is capable
of governing himself. The prompt recogni
tion of the new government by the represen
tative of the United Stales at the French
Court, meets with my full and unqualified
approbation ; and he has been authorized, in
a suitable manner, to make known this fact
to the constitutional authorities of the French
Republic, called upon. to act upon a sudden
emergency, which could not have been ati
cipated by his instructions. He judged rightly
of tho feelinfjs nnd sentiments of his country
men, when in advance of the diplomatic reprei
sentatives of other countries, he was the first
to recognize, so fur nsit was in his power, the
free government established by the French
people. The policy of the United States has
ever been that' of non-intei ventien in the do
mestic ailairs of other coufitrtas, leaving tj
each to establish the form of government Cf
its choice. While this policy will be main
tained towards France, now suddenly trans
formed from monarchy into a republic, all
our sympathise are naturally enlisted on the
side of the great people, who, imitating our
example, have resolved to be free. That
such sympathy should exist on the part of tho
world, .and especially jn France, is not re
markable. We can never forget that France
was our early friend in our eventful revolu
tion, and generously aided us in shaking off
a foreign yoke ank becoming a freu and in
dependent people. We have enjoyed the
blessings of our system of well regulated self
government for near three-fourths of a centu
ry, and can properly appreciate its value.
Our ardent and sincere gratulations are exten
ded to tho patriotic people of France, upon
tHeir .nobb, and thus far, successful effort to
found for their, future government liberal 'in
stitutions similar to bur own. It is not doub
ted that, under the benign influence of frea
institutions, the enlightened statesmen of re
publican France will find it to be for her true
interest and permanent glory, to cultivate
with tha United States the most liberal prin
ciples of international intercourse and com
mercial reciprocity, whereby tha happineas
and prosperity of both nations will be pro
moted. . James K. Polk.
Washington, April 3, 1843.
Confirmations and AppsinlmrnU, ,
Washington, April S.
The Senate has confirmed the nominations
of Joshua L. Martin as Charge to the Papal
States, John Appleton to Bolivia, and Elijah
Hise to Guatemala.
Gen. Shields has left for the West. He haa
been appointed Governor and Commander of
, ! I ' . ,1
The ' Metidizcd India Rubber," made for
the purpose of being placed under iron rails,
wh'fre they have a bearing on iron or wood,
with a view to diminish the wear or engines
and cars, is to be tried on the Stonington
route, fuur miles of which will be laid with
by the 1st of May.
A DisursTixa Sight. A few evening!
ajro, in Cincinnati, a female, her finger
covered with gold ritiRs, and her body co
vered with a cloth cloak, was discovered
sleeping in a stable, and so drunk that sht
was unable to stand, much less to walk.
Wei.i. Said. Bishop Griswqy, an Epis
copal bishop, at an ordination, once said.
"Bretheren, when, your minister preacher .
politics, tell him he is out of his place. Jf '
he persists in it,, send him home. . Tell him
you have nothin more for htm to do."
The armies or France, including the.
National Guards, number 400,030. Th
whole passport system has been abolished
throughout tKe French Republic.
Necro Sitfraoe. The clause In the;
new constitution of Illinois, giving negroei
the right of suffrage," has been adopted by
the people, by a vote of 6,313 to 751.
FRESH ....
M the flaw Srnaa No It Arch street,
between id and id Ntrlh side,
PhilausibiiA.. , (
THE tibscriber invitee parlicilar attention to
his large and splendid assortment of new anaf
cho'es s'ytes nf Dry Goods eomprisina a general
variety of the roost desirable kinds of Dress JVn
Irrials, Shawls Chives, Hosiery.. Umhrlnluiblt
Flannels. Worked Collars. Cambrt. Jacenitf,,
.Viitt Nituiaik and Plaid Muslins, JUnesi Cam'
a icsnaSlk Pocket Hdkfs, Bpth ttal.a Crev
iki others too niim-rous io adveitiae.
Particular attention ia given to Linens and For.
nishini Gooila. cenerall) theeloek ia large, and
ihe prices will be found much lower tnaej nsit.
al, bavins; been purchased at Auction at .sacriA
cert rales i ne laortea are vjarranie.i pure
The fabrics are sTairente.1 flu re Bag
and from the best makers
P. 8
Persona atisfiirt Plain and ftrsfmn
t'y'es ol Dress Cuds mnd t-hiwln will aod
coniff varlelf . ..
Philadelphia, April 1, lo-iev .... v
rnier to (rave m booaa aital
eraelf, all peisond Sse biri.rijr'antlif
I or on my account If m ike ilato' .
aiwitlln I t i-ejr snytaing ul n
loee coespellra hy lew
. l w til
i,srwr mus mmxm. nse ve