Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1848, Image 2

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The official statement (hat the ex-King of
ths French end his family had tended in Eng.
lend, hee been fully Confirmed, end it now
appears that their arrival took p lnce t New
haven, on Friday, the 3d of March. The i
following details of their escape, landing,
end subsequent journey to Clateniont, will be
Interesting :
The King reached the chateau, at Drcux,
on tho night of the 24th. It was stated that
on hk arrival there he had only a solitary
firs-franc pieco in his pocket. That he had
Ten this was owing to the presence of mind
of the Queen, who, remembering in the hurry
of leaving tho chateau that they were with
out money, returned, at some risk, to a bureau
in which were few hundred francs. These,
however, scarcely ssrved to defray the expen
ses of the journey.
A letter from Dreux says " Louis Phillippe
mrrived at the chateau here. A si ppcr was
sent out for amongst the public eating housor
of the town. Ho slept at the chateau, after
having sent for the Sub-Perfect and some in
timate acquaintances. He was in a state of
complete prostration, and repeated each mo
ment ' Like ChwU-s X!' He left next morn
ings in a hired carriage, and by by-roads to
On his arrival at Versailles Louis Philippe
and his suite, not finding any post-horsos.
were obliged to ask for horses from a rcgi
. incut of cavalry. His flight had been so
rapid and unfurseen that he was forced to
make at Trianon a collection among the offi-
cers, which produced two hundred francs.
The flight, it is said, was marked by an
incident which does much honor to the feci
iugs of the Parisian population. At the mo
ment the ex-King was escaping by the little
low doorway nearly opposite the bridge,
and going into the little carriage that waited
for him, he found himself surrounded by the
people. The cuiiawiers stationed in the
Place de la Concorde niched to his .protec
tion, and this bravo regiment, without, how
ever, uting their arms, opened a postage.
An officer, seeing the danger, cried out "Mes
sieurs, spare the King !" To which a stento
rian voice replied, "We are not assassins; let
him go." "Yes, yes! let him go ; qu'il par
te," became the general cry.
Tho King was accompanied in his flight by
; the Duchess de Nemours ami three of her
children, the Duke and Duchess Aiiguste of
Saxe-Cobnrg, with their youthful family and
tho Duchess de Montpensier. The latter se
parated from the King and took their way to
After much wonder had been expressed in
K igland as to his whereabout. Louis Phillip
pe and his Queen lauded in E.igland, at New
hivnn, on tha 3d fust. At Dreuv, it npppar
a farmer procured disguises for the royal fu
gitives and suite, tha King habiting himself
in an old cbak and an old cap, having first
shaved his whiskers, discarded his wig, and
altogether so disguised himself as to defy the
recognition even of his most intimate friends.
. . The other disguises were also complete.
The King passed for an Englishman 0:1 his
travels. They proceeded in n bout from
llarfleur to Havre. In the meantime infor
mation was secretly conveyed to the Express,
Southampton steamship, that she would be
required to tuke a party from Havre to Eng
land. The fugitives embarked in the Ex
press, and at 12 o'clock on Friday landed.
. The moment the King set his foot on the
" shore he emphatically exclaimed "thank God,
I am 011 British ground." Mr. Sims, the
landing waiter, who handed them on shore,
conducted them to the Bridge Inn.
. Ouo who was present says "A crowd of
villagers had assembled near the landing
place, and when the ex-King stepped onshore
many of them pressed forward and shook
hands with the exiled Monarch. The ex
King appeared very much moved at this ex-
- hibitiou of feeling, and acknowledged the
same in a very courteous manner
The ex-King was very scantily atiired.
He wore a rough pea-jacket, which, it is said,
he borrowed of the Captain of the Express,
and grey trousers. He had 011 his h"ad a
close blue cloth cap, and around his neck he
Kore a common red and white comforter.
His apparance was not at all improved by
his beard, which was of uppaietitly about a
week's growth. In other respects, though
apparently Buffering from fatigue, the ex
Miiuarch losked pretty much like himself.
The Queen wore a large plaid clouk over her
dress, and carefully concealed her features
with a thick veil.
' p the way to the inn the King was met
!y several of the inhabitants, who offered
thir congratulations on his safe arrival, and
with whom he shook hands most cordially.
Hi Majesty looked fatigued and care-worn.
The King sent for Mr. Packhmn, who had
been a tenant of some mills belonging to liiin
in France, and who knew him intimately.
Mr. Puckhant waited on him, and it appears
that every attention was paid to his wishes
by all parties. The London Times says,
-,'Lear.-iiiig that Mr. Pack ham was at the inn,
our reporter immediately sought him out,
- yrhtn Mr. Pdckham at once introduced him
his Majesty. The King, who wasengaged
reading a newspaper, immediately rose and
said, 1 thank you, gonilenren, and all whom
I have met in England, for these kind con
gratulations, and the hospitality which hag
been show me." Hit Majesty hud changed
Ju' attire, and was dressed in a plain suit of
black. He looked well, and the marks of
anxiety which had hown themselves at his
landing had disappeared. He was quite
roerfik The Queen was in the room wri
ting a letter, and apparently buired in thought.
She scarcely noticed the presence of atran-
'(era. Several persons were introduced to the
"tiff during the day. He seemed gratified
it Ukeir calling, and poke freely and plea-
tatty to all his visitors.
Before Mr; Packiam left him, the King
gave Jiinj the whole of hi money for the
purpose of getting it exchanged for English
oin, and purchasing wearing apparel, "of
VHtoV wid 'k Kino inilnfcr " um re,y
, .ir . .
vther write says, the ex-King granted
- ,taSae to . several . infetbitaats from
uVT' They were waived most card
J .': v.'j.v-.;
Louis Phillippe, clasping his hands, ns if
overpowered by his emotions, began imme
diately to speak on the subject of the Revo
lution. "Charles X," exclaimed tho ex-King,
"was destroyed for breaking the Charter, and
I have been overthrown for defending it, and
for keeping, my oath. I wish this to be dis
tinctly understood, and 1 hope it will be made
The cx-King and Queen of the French left
New Haven in a royal carriage shortly after
nine o'clock on Saturday morning, accompa
nied by several French officers from Bright
on, and attended by the Hon. Capt. Hotham,
one of the Directors of the Brighton Railway,
and they arrived at the Croydon station
at precisely twenty minutes past twelve
The Duke de Xfmours, the Duke and Du
chess of Cobourg, and Count de Jarnac, and
two general officers, whose names we could
list learn, left London by an early train to a
wait the arrival of the royal strangers. A
large party of tht; directors wera in waiting
To receive thein.
Upon the arrival of the royal earring.', Cap
Hotham put his lraJ out, and gave a signal
to tha directors. When tho door of tho royal
carriage was opened, his Majesty stepped
out, and upon seeing him, his daughter, the
Duchess of Cohuig, g.ive a stifled scream.
He was immediately locked in the arms of
his son, the Duke do Nemour, whom he
embraced wi h great warmth, and ins'antly
after he pressed his daughter to his bosm in
the most affectionate manner. His Majesty
was overpowered, and shed tears, as did his
daughter also. The seeno was a most mo
ving one, and one not easily forgotten. The
Queen upon stepping from the carriage af
fectionately embraced her children and was
greatly agitated.
The royal party were then ushered by the
directors to tha waiting room, where they
were left to give way in private to the mi.i
gled emotions by which they were agitated.
After remaining a few minutes together, the
royal paity intimated their readiness to de
Tha Duchess de Montpensier, the innocent
cause of all the uproar, after been scared
from the palace by the inroads of the mob
wandered about th streets of Paris until five
o'clock that day, nccomiianied by on old Spa
nish servant, who knows not a word of French
She was met in the Rue du Havre, close to
the railway station, by a gentleman, who.
knowing her by sight, took upon himself to
protect her and conduct her to his house.
Hjw she managed to stray unmolested and
unrecognized so far from home, is a mystery
to this hour. She says, that seeking to avoid
th'! crowd, sin? turned down the streets which
seemed most free, without caring whither
they might lead.
The Duke de Nemours, the Dnke and
Ducht'ss of Saxe Coburg (Princess Clemen
tine.) and tha Count de Jarnac, arrived in
Loudon on Sunday the 27th. From their es
cape from the French capital having been
the act of a moment, not the slightest lug
gage was btotigh', so that in fact none of
them puss "ss a change of garment.
On taking their departure from Paris, the
Dnke de Nemouis went by one route and the
Duchess (cousin of Prince Albert ) by another,
intending to meet or join at the same road at
a place appointed. It was not discovered till
the Duke reached the coast that the Duchess
had not preceded him. It appears now that
she was unfortunately left behind.
Anothrr Horrible Murder al Philadelphia.
' A Wife Killed by her Husband, and a'temp
ted Suicide of the Murderer. On Saturday
night, between ten and eleven o'clock, a most
horriblo murder was perpetrated at the cor
ner of Schuylkill Sixth and Thompson streets
in thj district of Pent), by William Bechtel.
who, i 1 tlir lower story of his residence, cat
his wife's throat, causing her death a short
time nfterwanU. Bechtel, it app ars, h:id
returned home about Oi o'clock with one or
two companies, and his wife, with a female
relative, living up stairs, came home a few
minutes afterwards. After an inquiry by
him wh?n they hud been, and some other
conversation between them, ha went up to
his wife, who was sitting on a chair, and ta
king her by the hud with one hand, inflicted
a deep gash on h?r thraat with a largo jack
or clasp knife which In held in the other,
Tho woman ran towards the door and made
an effort to get into the street, but was pre
vented. Tlu alarm was soon given, and se
veral neighbors arrived, with Drs. Naudain
and Gardiner, but no assistance could be ren
dered by them to avert the fatal result. The
physicians discovered that several blood ves
sels had been severed, and the wound was
altogether of such a serious nature as to pre.
elude much hope of any benefits resulting
from the application of medical or surgical
skill, She was unable to speak, and lingered
for thirty or forty minutes, when she expired
While she was yet bleeding, Bechtel made
an attempt upon his own life by inflicting a
wound upon his throat with the same knife.
TI18 gash, however, was not very deep, and
the timely interference of Lewis Rice and
Mahlon Hibbs prevented him from consum
mating his suicidal design. The knife was
taken from him, and he was arrested and
conveyed to the Spring Garden watch-house.
Hn had a hearing yesterday morning before
Alderman Lutz, police magistrate of Spring
Garden, and was committed to prison.
Fail is the Funds. The London Times,
of the 6th inst., speaking of the fall of the
British and French funds (as the public debt
of these countries is called) says that :
'To state the aum of this depression, it
may suffice to observe that a property, which
in all hands, in England and in France, can
not be worth leas than twelve hundred mil
lions of English pounds sterling, (equal to
5,796 millions of dollars, at $4 83 per pound,)
sank in three days to a market value of only
eleven hundred millions" (or 5,313 millions
of dollars, being a fall in value of $483,000,.
Complimemary. At a recent examina
tion of Law Students at Rochester, the
Nudge intimated that majority of them
were puraoaculia, but to spare their feelings,
he would admit them all to the bar.
"fTatuhday, april aTiftisT"
II. D. MASHER, Editor sad Praprtrtor.
E. W. CAItH, Pun buit.line, N. P.. Comer of 3d ml
D 'etc streets, Phllsdelphtn. it rcgnlurlv nulhorizcd to receive
advertisements list subscriptions fur this paper, and receipt
lur wrc hiiib.
Per Canal Csmmlaalener 1
Of Westmoreland County.
rr?" Those of our subscribers who have
changed their residence, will please notify
ui of their location.
K7" We are indebted to the Hon. G. M,
Dallas and the Hon. Simon Cameron, of the
U. S. Senate, and our representative, Geo,
A. Frick, Esq, for documents.
03?" Our packages for Paxinos and Sham-
okin, were miscarried last week, having
been accidentally placed in the wrong bag,
We shall be particular, hereafter, in secina
that our papers are regularly despatched. If
any losses occur, we shall aways be glad to
make them up to our subscribers when in
K7 Otm Paper. We issued last week
a large number of copies of our paper, over
and a'xjve the quantity required to fill our
old subscription list. But such was the de
mand by new subscribers and others, that
we have scarcely a single copy left. We
shall, again, issue an extra quantity this
week, sufficient, at least, to supply the de.
The flight of Louis Phillippe from Paris,
is one ol those extraordinary circumstances
111 the history of the world, that seldom
happens more than once in a life time.
It is but eighteen years since Louis Phil
lippe ascended the throne, not of France,
but of the French, undor circumstances that
should have enabled him, in connection
with his previous trials and experience, to
have secim-d a firm luld on the affections
of his people, and without which, the mon.
arch of the present day, find that they
hold their thrones but by a precarious te
nure. Louis Phillippe sustained thp char
acter of a mild and amiable man and an in
dulgent parent, fond of domestic enjoy,
ments. His recent flight and tho circum
stances connected with it, of which our
readers will find a full account, provesmost
conclusively that he was greatly d.'icient
in firmness and energy, as well as of judg
ment. It may be said that allowances
should be made for his advanced are, being
75 years, but we have never heard that his
mental or oven constitutional vigor had
been much impaired. 'There were, how
ever, but slight hopes, that a monarchical
form of government could be of long dura
tion in France, and the opinion has long
since been general, that at the death of Lou
is Phillippe, a Revolution of some kind was
unavoidable. Thn French people have
long been looking forward for a Republican
form of government, and had not the pre
sent Revolution occurred, it must have hap
pened under other circumstances before
long. The men now at the head of the
government, are among the best men of
France. This is the best evidenee of the
permanancy of the present Republic. They
have abolished every vestige of royalty and
are alxmt to establish a government even
more democratic than our own.
It will be seen by the proceedings of
Legislature, that the supplement to the bill
incorporating the North Branch Canal Co.,
has been reconsidered and passed. We
look upon the completion of the North
Branch Canal, as a work of great imttortance,
and hope to see the state resume possession
of this important work, at as early a day as
possible. This canal, when completed'
will open a vast trade with the interior of
the state of New York, in the exchange of
plaster, salt, &c., for the coal of the Wy
oming valley.
Gen. Taylor. On our first page,
our readers will find an excellent article on
the character of Gen. Taylor, from the
Philadelphia Bulletin. The article is well
written, and the views of the editor are en
tirely in accordance with our own, on this
subject. Also a number of other interesting
articles. Among them, one entitled "Two
scenes in Independence Hall," a graphic
sketch rom the pen of M, Noah Esq.,
C?"Mr. Clay fias been presented at
Pittsburg, with the Declaration of Indepen
dence, engraved on the smoothed face of a
silver dollar, which was 'executed by a
youth, an apprentice to an engraver, in that
TXJ" Press for Sale. A$ we have
enlarged our paper we offer for salea good
second handed Washington Iron Press, the
same on which the American has been
printed. The platin measures 21 by 30 in
ches full. It will be sold imply' because
we have no further use for it.
Pbixtinq Ixk. We have received
fresh supply of printing ink, . which will
be sold at city prices, for cash $5,25 per
keg of 20 lbs.
Elect aa4 wn la AstM Ten.
Sunbury Conrad Kerslmer.
Upper Augusta Richard Houghton.
Lower AugnttaJaoob R. Clatkes
Sftamottn Samuel Hales.
Cool John C. Lebig.
RushVm. Johnson.
Upper Mahonoy Aaron HofTa.
Jattjon Daniel D. Bohner.
Little Mahonotj Isaac D. Raker.
Lower MahonoyVim. Shaffer.
Northumberland 3a. L. Fletcher.
Point Edward Grady.
Chilisquaque Hugh Caul.
Milton James Covert.
Turbuf Abraham Kissinger.
Levis Cyrenus Bomboy.
Delauart David Stahlcncckcr.
Harrisburp, March 31.
Thb Senate. Th bill to erect a new
county, to be called M lhantnngo, out of parts
of Dauphin, Schuylkill and Northumberland
was taken up, on second reading, and after
being discussed by Messrs. Gratz, Bnyer, Fox
and Frick, the question being taken on the
first section it was negatived ; therefore tho
bill was lost.
Harrisbvro, April 1st.
Senate. Mr. Overfield offered the follow,
ing resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the Mine Hill and Schnyl
kill Haven Railroad Co. be requested to fur
nish a statement to the Legislature specily
ing the amount received during the past year
for tolls and motive power respectively ; and
also tha expenses incurred for rnotive power
and the amount of net profit on tolls and mo
t!ve power respec'ivi ly ; also the objects to
which the depreeiiition fund, referred to in
their reports, have been applied, and the a
mount of such fund remaining unexpended;
also to designate the authority under which
said fund is critcd.
Mr. Brawley moved an amendment redu
cing the salaries of tha Associate Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia
to $2000.
The question being taken, the amendment
was agreed to by iM following vote. Yeas
19 Nays 11.
House. The bill supplementary to the scv
veral acts laying a duty on retailers of foreigu
merchandise was taken up in Committee of
While, reported without amendment, and
being on second reading.
Mr. Fernou moved to strike out of the di
vision $303 and insert S175 on the second
class retailers.
Mr. Myers opposed th"? amendment, on the
ground tint it would 1)3 doing injustice to the
smaller class of dealers.
Mr. Blair maintained that to raise the tax
enormously high was laying a tariff on the
consumer. Ma would be willing to raise
the tax to 50 per cent.
After a few remarks from Messr. Mye
Smith (ol Philadelphia) and Ball, the question
was taken on the amendment, which was ne
Mr. McKnight moved an amendment to
tha 23.1 division, or class of merchants, by
striking out $20, and inserting $15, which
was agreed to yens 41, nays 31. Atljuuniml
Mr. Hlair offered an amendment taxing
store boats for selling liquors or merchandise
which ' attree-d to yeas 61, nays 10.
Thj bill was then read a second time and
laid aside.
Ap il 3d.
On motion of Mr. MeKnigh, the vote by
which tha supplement ta the act to incorpo
rate the North Branch Canal Company was
negatived, was reconsidered by 34 to 31
wh mi the bill was taken up in Commit tee of
the Whole and amended, so th it any time
after seven years from the opening of the
Canal, the State may resume the work upon
paying th amount expended by the Com pa
ny, with 8 per cut. interest from the time
of its expenditure. After which.
Mr. OKviue made a few remarks to opposi
tiou to the bill, and the vote being taken on
its pissage, was determined ill the affirma
live. Yeas 60, nays 21.
On motion of Mr. Sehoanover, the vote by
which thu bill to incorporate the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was nega
tived was r 'co tsiilere 1, and then it was pas
sed, by yeas 40, nays 32.
The New Yorkers held an immense
Mass meeting on Monday last, for the pur
pose of congratulating the French on their
achievements of Freedom in France. The
papers say 100,000 persons were present
The following is an extract of a speech of
Geo. Rogers, of England :
It has been often said England is the cra
dle of liberty then rock it well until it be
comes a giant, overshadowing the length and
breadth of the land. It is only men like my
self, that, having spent years of my time un
der the rule of a monarchy, and a similar
period in this great country, can properly ap
preciate the slavery of the one, or the liberty
of the other ; and I will give you my view
of both in what I style a contrast : (quoat
ing a British author.)
"Eiigtanit, with 11 nir fault, I love the Hill."
There' mething dubi in the phmae like thii ;
Tj I ive uid hate at mice d th wild to ill,
Mingling t fellier misery am blisB,
Thit I una differ with the learned pet.
And if I'm wr ing, whjr I b mkl like to knnr it.
Can I e'er l ive the hnd th it d Kb withh M
Fr an ninit hie birthright ureeiuue more flaw f old t
That dun e infer on one the right M vote
Away an Hher'e right F
Can I u'er I we the kind that feed king
And etarvea iu aubjecta while in poeani ring
O l nv him, from titled land of runic
Nut niture'e a blemtn, a rutten plank,
Wmld add mipport, aye, In point of view.
To weakueaa, that the good they all e'er dot
Can I e'er iJve the bind that d ith beet iw
A pilae, filed with wealth, on foreign tana,
Which ga'hered from the earnings of ita low
And much neglected children of iu eartu,
To pamper pride and pomp and gilded ehow
A eorry eontraat to iu accuce of woe !
Da. J. K. Martin, who has been nomina
ted by the President as Charge des Affairs
to Rome, is a Protestant, the Journal of Com
merce say, and it believes a religious man.
His brother is a Presbyterian clergyman. Dr.
M. has had much experience in- diplomatic
The following sketch of the Ministers of
the French Republic and leaders of the re
cent Revolution, will be read with interest,
at tho present time. There is probably, no
government in the world, that can boast of
a cabinet composed of so many eminent men
eminent, not only for their learning and
intelligence, but for their devoted patrio
tism. With such men at the head of the
government, and with a determination to
adopt a constitution similar to our own, we
shall never ilespair of the French Republic.
DcroitT (de t' Ei re,) the President of the
Council, is a Nestor in the public service, be
ing 81 years of age, and having been more
than 60 years in public life. His inflexible
integrity and lofty sense of duty are prover
bial. Elected a Deputy from l Eure, at the
Restoration, ho immediately resigm d a pro
fitable and highly honorable magistracy which
he hnd before enjoyed, deeming its continu
ed tenure incompatible with the proper dis
charge of the duties of his new station, and
thus administered a cutting rebuke to the
cro.vd of functionaries that then, os lately,
crowd the Chambers. He was the close
friend of La Fayette, and through the influ
ence of the latter, became thi First Minister
of Justice under Louis Philippe, who was an
xious to secure for his new administration
the benefit of his name and influence. Not
long after, Dnpont thought he discovered Ma
chiavelism in the King, and indignantly with
drew from tho Cabinet. Ho repulsed with
d is Jo in all attempts to conciliate him by of
fering him a seat on the bench of the High
Court of Appeals. Though poor, ho was no
Trojan to accept presents from tho Greeks,
and has ever since opposed the Orleans gov
ernment with the most unwavering resolu
tion. In 1842, he was elected a D.-piity by
three different colleges. His advanced age
has prevented his taking a very active part
in the late Revolution, or the acts succeed
ing it, but yet his name is a tower of confi
dence. LF.nnti Rot. lin, the Minister of the Interior
was formerly an advocate in the Court of
Cassation ; but he acquired most of his re
putation in the Chamber of D eputies. He is
a forcible public speaker, and has great bold
ness of character. He never attached him
self to any political party, but always advo
cated his own measures and opinions in per
fect independence. La Reform", one of the
ablest of the smaller Parisian journals, is
heavily indebted to his pen and purse for its
talent and success.
Cremiecx. the Minister of Justice, is a
Jew; and has acquired a national reputation
both as a lawyer and a Deputy. He former
ly practiced his profession in the South of
France, but some 18 or 20 years ago removed
to Paris. Here ho made his debut by defen
ding one of the Ministers of Charles X., im
peached at the Revolution iu July, and saved
him from death. Cremieux was a leading he
ro in the Reform banquets. He is a man of
sliinining talents; his legal superior can
scarcely bfl found in the nation.
Marie, the Minister of Public Works, has
long been known as one of the extreme oppo
sition. He is a good speaker, and u lawyer
of considerable eminence.
Goodchaux is the Minister of Finances,
and Carnot the Minister of Public I istrcc
tion, but neither is a member of tha Prov:
visional Government. The former is a Jew
ish banker, who has for a number of years
taken an active part in tho editorship of The
National, where he has displayed much ta
lent and a remarkable knowledge of financial
afTairs. The latter is a son of the illustrious
Carnot, of the other Republic, and is a ripe
scholar, of elevated and firm principles.
To siy more of Arauo than what I remark
ed in one of my last letters would bo super
fluous. His reputation as a man of science
is world-wide. As a politician he always
maintained his liberal opinions with the great
est ability and fearlessness. No man is more
independent of cliques and factions. Fran
cois Arago was never a slave t ) any:hing
mortal but once ; and then ho wasmade so
by stress of circumstances. Having been
sent to Spain to make some observations on
longitude, tho vessel in which he sailed fell
into th? hinds of the Algeriues, and for
mouths he suffered bondage. If size and
weight are a controlling element in th ) valua
tion of slave property, Arago must have been
deemed a rich prize by his barbarian masters,
for his stature is Herculean.
But after all, the great head and front of
the Administration is the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, the gifted, chivalrous I.amaktine-
His genius is visible in every measure, his
hand in every proclamation. I spoke warm
ly of him in my former letter : but he con
stantly grows in my admiration. He, indeed
is a wonderful man, whom Providence seems
to have designed for this national emergency.
With a heart to feel, a head to plan, a ton
gue to persuade, and a will to execute, he
exercises a power almost irresistible. He is
the man to inspire the heart of young France
with a generous enthusiasm and lofty purpose
that will accomplish triumphs, before which
Marengo and Austerlita will sink into obli
vion. No domagogue, no flatterer of the
crowd by the magic power of his eloquence!
he "wields tho fierce democracy" at 'his so
vereign will. His words are electric; they
thrill and melt the sternest hearts.
Conchessional. The debate upon the re
solutions tendering congratulations to F runes
upon the establishment of a Republic in that
country was continued on Friday, by Messrs.
Baldwin, Allen and Downs, without any ac
tion upon the subject.
In the House, on Friday, a message was
received from the President, notifying the
House that he had signed the bill authorizing
the loan for sixteen millions of dollars. The
session was principally occupied in the con
sideration of private bills. The Senate was
not in session on Saturday, and the proceed,
ings of the House were devoid of interest.
Mr. Clat received a fee of eight thou
sand dollars for his service on Behalf of
Houston and others, in the mit against the
City Bank at New Orleans, wherein he
gained a favorable decision.-
S. Brisom, Presiding Elder.
Sunbury Circuit James Ewiug, J. P. Simp
son. Danville Station P. E. Reese.
Bloomsburg Circuit Q. H. Day, J. W. El
liott. Berwick A. Britain, N. S. Buckingham.
Luserne J. A. Ross.
BloomintrdaleS . W. Tongue, Wm. G wynn.
Nnrthumberland J. S. Lee, S. A. Wilson.
Milton M. G. Dill, B. B. Hamline.
Williamsport John Guyer, C. Maclay.
Lycoming John Stine, Thos. Barnhart.
Jersey Shore S. L. M. Conser, J. H. Tor-renca-
Lock Haven J. W. Hiugnwout.
BellefonteT. Milchel, J. A. Mallick.
Clearfield P. McE tally.
Smifma'ioning Mission 3. is. Gamble.
Penn's Valley D. H.irtman.
Dickison College Missionary T. Bowman,
sup. B. H. Crevcr, prin. Adt.
Gen. Scott and ' BiTTEns." Some ven
der of a nostrum which ha wished to h ive
puffed into notice, recently sent Gen. Scott a
box of "Bitters." The General was expect
ing di'spatch''s from Government, and impa
tiently directed 1I13 bax to b;s opened and its
contents read, which proved to ba an adver
tisement only of the said invigorating article.
"Well, well, sir," said the Captair, "there is
nothing in the box but 'Invigorating Bitters.' "
"And is it dire.'te.l to me?" "Yes sir."
"And what the d 1 do you suppose I want
invigorating bitters for? I have no tape
worms, sir no debility," he continued,
stretching himself to his full length, and
hurling tha box against tho wall. The Gene
ral hid recently tasted too much official bit
ters to relish those from an apothecary's sh ip.
CT'Mr. Astor's Estate. The rsthnatrsof
the value of his property are various. S.ime
placing it at S30,000,000. and others ns high
even as $50,000,000. His incomo on a mod
erate estimate, must hive b?en of late, $2,
000,000 a year, or 8166,000 a month, which
is abait $41,500 a week, S5.760, $240 an
h.iur, and S4 a minute.
To bis unfortunate son (imbecile) he gives
$10,000 n year, and a house erected for him
And if ha bo restored $1000,000.
'Ton the American."
Wlv;n Ceres first her bounteous gifts bestow
ed. And first with gold tha ripened harvest glow.
No tempered scythe flashed o'er the burden
ed land,
No ready sickle armnl tha reaper's hand ;
But slow, with tedious c;:r., tlu skillets
swa in
Plucked with his hand tlw cars of ripened
grain :
With rude contrivance shelled, the dear
boimht prif,
A scanty hoard, his wants but ill supplies.
But soon invention, spring of direst need,
Thnt only good to ml by Jove decre'd
Fashions some implement, some ill-formed
Tli weary gatherer's t-dhms toil to aid ;
Which slow improvement, i 1 h.'r progress
Y't Still rrlgr.--'V. ns ttvnn;i flow
c n mtjes and tiller?, till she can produce
Th light, keen sickle for th:? reaper's use.
O blade more honored than th-J warrior's
A' tho'.iiht of the what rural scenes appear!
Tha wide-spread field of yellow waving
Tlr! laughing damsel and tha jocund swain ;
1 1 numerous pairs their grentful task they
The while in mirth and rustic wit they vie.
And rocks, and woods, and distant hills pro
long Th' meiry rchies of the harvest seg.
Such were the scei;es that blest ihosj happy
Ere late refinement changed tha maide i's
When she po more may wield the sh"ph:rd's
Nor with her lovi r ply the reaping-hook.
But classic instrument the woik is o'er;
Thine arci"nt glory shall besui'g no more :
No more, at eve, h"ii gmtle. dews descend,
Thy graceful curve shall o'er his ehoiilder
While ilia tired reap'-r homeward wends his
To c!oo h's lab rs with tha closing day.
Nor yet th' C.a.lle shill its ho lors keep,
And cut tha yielding corn with lengthinl
sweep :
With its long lingers grnsptho precious grain,
And strew the even swath along tho plain.
1 that lair land which silvery seas enclose,
Midway where, Kalamazoo westward Hows,
And wh"re, midst waving fit 1 Is and mec
dows gav,
Th famed St. Joseph winds it devious way,
Thre is a plain pxterdirg far and wide,
Fair as Italia in her day of pride ;
Fertile as Egypt when her garnerd corn
Fed famished Israel : h'?re at early morn
fioas forth a train with banner steed and car
At armed band prepared for glorious war:
Not the fierce strife when hosts with hosts
And thousands fall to glut a tyrants rage,
But nobler far the warfare thev maintain
Of useful art upon tho rip 'ned grain.
How shall I sing how skill and art prevail
To join the sickle wi'h the fan and llail ?
How at one stroke tha laden ears are shorn
And ready sack is filled with winnowed
corn ?
Vast the machine which wheels immense sus
tain, And twelve proud s'eeds propel along the
plain ;
H age as that fatal gift that bare concealed,
Those treacherous foes who caused proud
Troy to yield:
Or that vast car before whofecnihhing wheels
fO blind to truth ;) the Indian pagan kneels!
But not for me in tuneful verse to name
The various parts of this ingenious frame,
Which with such skill a cunning hand hath
They move consenting to the maker's thought,
And the glad fdrmer sees performed, the
By tireless hands his tedious three-fold toil.
O wonder-working art! by Heaven designed
lo bring reiiet 10 weary numan kind ;
Thn curse to soften passed on guilty man,
And e'en remove it if aught earthly cant
Since first our exiled parents learned of thre
To clothe thair naked limbs from leafy tree,
No single work of thine will farther go
To lift that curse from off the laborer's brow ;
Yet something, sober art, we lose by thee ;
Thou lea vest not the poet's fancy free;
Thy noisy progress in confusion flings
His peopled world of fond ideal things :
No mermaid haunts the steamer's dashing
To wile the sailor 'neath the briny tide,
Nor where all day thy clattering wheels have
. been
At night will fend fairy d&noe Upon tha
t. L. B.
Schtolcraft, Mick.
THE lub'Criber is prepared lo receive and se
rommnilata a few transient or permanent
B'iarders, at hsr rcsidVnct in Siinbnry. The Iu
ration is in a handsome and pleasant part of tht
town, coinms'Klin a Ane view of the Sutqtie ban
is, Nnrthnmhrlanr1 and the scenery adjacent
To persons from th. c.ty, who with to upend a
few mnnthi during the summer season, Sunbnry
afford 1 a delightful retreat.
April 8, 1818 6m
Tilisnbelh Dentler's Estate.
1VOTICE is hereby piven that letters teats
1 inentary have been granted to the. 'ibM.
heis.ex. cuti tint 1 litabi th Di tiller, late 01' Point
towmhip. Northumberland County. Peraoht in
tlebten to laid utile, and thnee havinf claims
aa nt the tame, are requested to preiont Ibem
Tar settlement without dlav.
JOHN YOCNO, f txecrs.
Aprils 1818 lit
Last Notice.
Peroni indrbtd to lb mbicrib -r will pleat
tall and arttle their accounts before tbs lat
day of April, at all account! not Settled by that
lime will be placed in Iht hand ol a .tintire for
collection. J H PL'RDY.
Sunbtiry, April 8, 1816 3t
Ihpoktkks Dealer, is
Cot'.ons, Needles, Pins, Setting Silk,
Slept Itraila. Pat Cleept, Steel TaMela, Steel
Puret Rmta, Pume Ciae a. Pla n and Shadnl
Purse Twnt, Trimmings,
Fanry Goodi, tec.
Cheap for Cash to Wholesale Dealers, at the
Nev Thread and Needle Store,
A'o. 3 Kjrlh f.unh li St. 17 Chestnut Sueete,
April 8, 1818
tj'HK bUUSCRIuEK hue been appoihtee. ant
' 1 lor tt.e ealeol tO.VRAL) MEYER'S UK LE
at 1 h i piaca Th;e I'miioj have a plain, mat'
ive and h-autilul rxtenor finish, ami, lor depth
ol loiif. and di-gaiice of wm Itinar.tbip, are not
urpaa?d by any in the Uhited btatra
These iiialimneiiti are highly approved of by
thii most einihciil Prnlessors and composers of
Mimt in this and other cities.
For q 11. 1 lif-a ot tone, touch and keeping in
tuna upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sucpas
srd by eitln-r Am. rira.i or European Pianos.
buriice it to say that M.ila'iie Castellan, W. V.
VV'il ace. Virut Tinips, and his sister, the cele
lualed Pianist and many others ol the most du
tii.quihed eiforttiHr, hnve given these instru
ments prefer, nee ovet all others
They have also leceiveil the tint notice of the
three Ut Exhibition, ami the last Silver M.-iImI
by the Fiunkliii Institute in 1813, was awarded
to them, which, with other premiums from th
tame source, may be seen at the Ware room No.
52 south Kour'h tt.
lEAnolher S Iver Medal was awarded to C.
Meyer, by the Franklin Institute, Oct 1815 for
the lie. I I'. aim in the exhibition.
Again at the exhibition or the Franklin lusti
tuie O t IS46 the first premium and medal Mas
awiMt. il in ('. M-yer for his Pntiins although it
li d been awarded at the exhibition of the year
bein e,o 1 II e around lint he had maiiestill f rest,
er i iipnnemKiits in his Instruments within the
past 1 1! moiitli.,
Ata 11 -a! the lat exhibition of the Franklin
I ar it lit t. 1817, another Premium was awarded
lo C. Meyer for the best Piano in the exhibition.
At Hoion at lh -ir List exhibition Sept. 1817,
f; Meter recived the fust silver Medal and Di.
p'O'i for the b-st .ipiare Piano in the exhibition.
The.e P a o will be told at ihe manufactu
rer's lowest Philadelphia piires. if not something
lower. Persons are r"(iiestd to call and exam,
i i ( r themselves, at Ihe residence, of the -oh.
e-riWce. H B. M ASSER.
Sunbnry, April 8, 1818
S til and Letter-Copying Press?, Patent '
Slate-Lined Refrigerators, Water Fil
ters, Patent Portable Water Clo
sets, in'eudi'd for the Sick
and Infirm.
7 So , II, Th rJ s,ret!t
orros:iE the i-iiii.Ar ei.i-iiia exchange.
iM.inulurtur.. and keep i-oiirt u.
arc hi const met -d us I set .1 rett
all ni inner I il uU as t their
liemg t icily firc-pro..f, and that
t ley will ri i-l the fire of anv
bui'liua. Tha uuitle ease, .if
these iles re iiuiile 01 b iter ir n, the. uieiJr c.jee-.i s p
t ne, mul U twe 11 hioiit rcuc ihl inner c sei.aspnce
f s -me tli e iiii he. ihirW. 11ml is fillet! in witii innes.rue
tilile m.iterul, as to make it nil imp milnliiy 1 1 hum any
! tile e i,t -n.s i isitls 4 this Client. Tt.esj e a St -lie Ki
lam ind.-rs we :ire ire.arel ami u i chnllemre liew ril ti
-.rotuoe uny B'tiele in iVe sin tie of H k SilVs Out will
s'-iii l us much heiit, aiil we h'lkl ours- lves reidy al all
times to have them I'tiirly teated by public bonlire. We
aU 1 c miuue ti miiittl'.,r'ure n lurae and avnerjl assort
ment "l our Premium Air-t g' t Fire l'reol' tt ties of which
there ere nv.'T run n w in us., and in everv instance tiiev
Imve f iv 11 entiie satis urli 11 1 ihe puri-hiiiers o. which
we will refer II e public I a few giiitleiueu who have
them iu use.
I!u) wl A Hnviler. P.itisville; J a-ph O. Lawton
P.ittsiille; Mi. William Curr, D ylest iwu, Ha.
N. A (I. Tiylor, I-.1,, north al St.; A Wrurhl A Nephew
Vine at. wluiri i Aleximler Cor ir, t'onveyniu-er, corner of
Filbert anil 0 h '; J 'hu M. F"rd. ; n rlh ad ,t.; Mvera
Hii.Ii. -Jo 11 l b 3.1 Jinnee M. I'i u1, 101. ulh 4th' at '
Dr. Dnvid J.iym-, b s u h 3d MuiImwT. Millir, it)
s ulli 111 St.; ai d u e e ul I uame s me hundreds ..f others
II it wcrenec '.niry. N v we invite the altenti n -f the
I b ie, anil innirulnrly those in waul of Fire l'r.iol Holes,
to cill at our it re before urchu.ina; eltewhere, eui we
can il inly thein they will net a belter ami cheaper ankle
a' our si- re lli.'in nt any other establishment in the city.
We ills manufacture the ordnr-ry Fire Pph' chests, at
nt very low r riees. cheaper Hum lliey can tie bought al any
other store iu i'hilaitcli.lua.
Philadelphia, April 9, IMS ly
Time and Distance Saved t
riHE subscribers having letted the Sunbnry
J. rVrry.b g leave to inform Ihe public, that
they are prepared to convey Teams. Pleasure
Carriages ami Foot passengers across the river
with safety ami Without delay. They hat pro,
vule.l themselves with new and enrriiTiodiov
crafts, which will always be attended with atria
and carelul hands
Pet. ons travelling to and from and throngh
SunburylnNew Berlin. Lewisburj. Hartleton
siut other places, will And it greatly to their ad
vantage lo cross at this Feiry instead of lbs
Bruises, as they would save from two lo four
miles in distance. JOHN SPKFCE
tsunbury, April I, 1818
46 Chetnuttf.tJn f altvt tad PhiLtdrlphia
Engraver of Bl KINESIS A- VftrTIWO CARDS,
Watch papers. Libels, Door plates. Setts and
ftatnps lor Odd Fellows. Sons of Temperance,
ate. ke. Always on hand a n..l .
of Fine Fancy (Jolil pens of every qutlity.
Dog Collars 111 ltl tfariulw r-.-.u...
tnd materials.
Aency for tht Manufacturer ot Glsjiers Di-
Orders per mail (post paid) will tt njnctuall
Mended lo 7
Philadelphia, April I, l48 y
Wbolrule Dro'giali and Drilrn il
Pint; ltmd- dim, fXi-, r,Uhm,
SrsnTe, sTo.
So. I3S Snrik Frtet, tarner eBrek,
Resnectfollv invite, the attention it lir ili
and Country Merchants, to rail tnd'esaenies
their large and well selected tasortmeot ol tbs
shovt articles, whick wiH re sold at tha tew!
"tarsal rates.
jv! f?PeCiTj.,--j iy 11 11 iiiu, n 1 ir"e iu it uenl l
l!:bi;'fcKijl 1 " uh 've ""tielca, t ifellier with
Piliil.tst f'iij. V? ''" t -lit IninniveilSiluiumler
?aT! 7 iiE-PMWiKHAFKK. w
April I, lastM . .