Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1848, Image 1

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    ; i '' e 'V '
SI iTamfla iittospaptv 33cotct to Jjolftfcs, aftrouurf, ittornlHj?, jFowfflii an-J.Bcmestfc ltas, Scfciuc sn the Slrts, aorftttUu'rr, iftarfuts, amusements, fcc.
run AMRBICAN i pnUi'iel nhy at TWO
1)(f.l.AKiK!raninwiti I pl hall yearly in advaecu.
.V. paper dineonlimi-d mil" "rrc.'iniSrs ore p-iid.
All e.ninmnieutioiiii " tellers on hri rebuilt In Itic
piVe, to oil-"" "' '""" ' (,f?i PA1U
Tlircc copies to one address, Stf el)
.s,vni 1' l,r "l 00
Fifteen D" 90 0I1
f i e dollnrs in ndvnnce will pay for three year's sulatrip
IKii to the American.
hie Square (if 18 lines, 3 limes,
-Kverv surffcipicnt insertion,
1 (Ine fqnnre, JFtiionllis,
Six ITlolltUl.
One -ivafj- -'
PuiwicsflrijwlA o" Five lines, per annum,
Alerehnnl i and otliers. ndverlUini; by tlm
year, with tile privilege ofinscvlieg dil-
Yereiit ndverli.-emelit. weekly.
l Larger Advert iBemciits,'ns per agreement
f l on
a o
HiikIuph Mended to in the Counties of Nor
thuii'l crland, Union, Lycoming ami Columbia.
Refer to I
P. & A. PovounT,
Low eh. & Binuort,
Somkiis & 8botioabs, W'Ai'.'ai.
Rkykolrs, Mcl'xnusu & (Jo, 'joou & Co.,
corj?c J. Weaver,
Ao. 13 North Wuer Street, rtiladelphia.
STTA8 constantly on- hand, n general assort
tnent of Uordace, Seine Twines, Jcc, via :
Tar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Rope, Manil
la Ropes, Tew Lines for Cm,il Doata. Also,
complete HKsortrrtcbt of Seine Twines, vVc, nch
Hemp Sliad mi Herring Twine, Ileal I'ntfiit Oili
IS'ct Twino, Cotton ShaJ and Henin Twire, -ih f
Tliroads, &c. &c. Also, Ued CprdK, I'lnush Line.
llnltcrs.Trnces, Cotton and Linen C.irput Chains.
&c, nil of wUirh he will disposo of on inasi.n dile
I'liiladelphia, Noveml.ei 13, 1li7. ly
.jCD-O 5TJ" CP 23
Wilgltfs Indian Tcgclnbic i'iils.
Henry Muas.r, Kunbu'y.
K. Sc. J. Kauffcn in, Aiipiistn township.
John H. Vine 111, Uliillisqunquo.
Kase & Bpmlre?eer. Elyi-lurn.i
Snniiel Herli, Little Malum y,
William Depp.'n, Jnckfn.
lrrlind and Hiij nen, McEwi nivilh'.
William Hrinen & Brother, Mill. n.
I'oiiythe, Wilson & Co., Koitliuiiiltrlm I
.lames Ueed, I'ottiarovu.
O. V. Scott, Kdshville.
W, fc R. Fegely, Shamokintown.
li nodes oc. Farrow. Snyderstowii.
A inns T. Beisel1, 7,uiliutavil!e.
Hrnnevillo Hnlxhue, Upper Mahonny.
J. hn O. Konn, !o Uj.
E. L. I'i or, Walsontncn.
Wbo'eitale, at the office ni d general ih pit, lp9
Watclies Jewellery
1'ullJcwcHtd Gold Levers for f 10, Wa'rznhd
No. 240, Market ttreet, VUU.AUKW.'IH,
AS constantly on hand a large hssonment at
CioltHind Silwr Watclits, t.t the f,.lloiiig
low iirics
Full Jewelled Oold Levers, fU) 00
Silver d.i 20 00
Gold Lepines, full Jewelled, 30 00
Silver I.e incB, 13 00
Silver QuariietH, . 00 ant 10 00
Willi a large assortment of Fm Jewei.lkri,
such as car ringii, finger rintis brest pins, brace
IcU g. I.I and silver poncils, cold chains, etc. Ha
ulso nn -hand ae-impb te assoitmenl Lunelle, patent
and plain Watch glawaes, Mdin Springs, Verges,
Dials and H indof every description ; and in fuel,
a comple:e amortment of Watchmakc s' to ils and
Watch Matetials, to which he Would ejll ihe af
trntinn of the country trade in genet!.
(jj- Those wishing anything in the a!ote line,
would God it to their. edvanlaga to c i l and exa
mine his slock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 246 Market street, below 8th,
Phdadclphia, fciept.25, 1R47. 6m
rnHE CHALLENGE Wehae obeervrd ve-
X ry patiently for a year past the fevered at-
temptiliy some of our fiaterni.y. to force . refta-
tmion which ih.-ir i rofeaslonal skill alone must
to give them. And we would continue our silent j
clmrvntion, under the conscinur ncss of an unbnl-
:ered merit, were it not more than ptotul.le that
.hi. specie, of fanfaronade may .live.t the public I
eve from candid enamination iiito the mcriia ol
.c. . i . . .k. n...,,...n .n I
ine mu Ul r u iiiyuBrwin ill .it v.i. . .v.. ..... ,
We would tee merit .rek an honoiah e put.lici- I
ty.Bnd thereby win for itmlf nohlen opinions; but j
we dpise that miserable chicanery by wbic'i D j
mere pretence gains an ovaiion ovor genuine 1
woit't. It is to make this vouiting amliili m over 1
le -p itself or withdraw l's spurious claims, that we
now Irr.pafS in lis lancieu secnritv ny r.irowing :
the a'nve Kii en honorable lest of ski'.!. Our
i JSOO lhat the average of a given number of da-
gncrrcnlypiM execu'rd at the DiigUCT'ean Oallcry
of M V, SIMONS, 179 Chesnut sth et, iil exni,
hit a prefer m0Unt of pirf.ction in the art than
anv similar averace number from ary o br galle- :
ry in .he U. it. d Stale,. This l no' idle I at-
we mean what we say. We are desirom iliat ihe
public fhou!d give patr.nago to not ,
reVe'a.kinve6tiBatlon. free. risU. imparli ,1 in- i
ye ligation. We hate thrown the g'ove. Wtoj
will pick it up! M. P. SIMONS,
179 Chesi:ut M., opposi'e 8;ale Hous, Philad.
N.U. It will be under-lood by our eountry
ii..iun, man Buw l.iiuiiciin nn. .ii J'1.
loen acetoted, end we alto wish it un lei.t. oJ, ;
mat we uuiQnt intend to make hy tins wager, aa
wo have already t-xprieml our intention to appro
priate the prizo t some charitablo purpose.
Philadelphia, Feb.VO 1818. 3mv
Another Farm
THE beirs of John Yoem, dec'J.. ilTer fjr sale
alt lhat Farm of llMrt ,ituatiin Shamokin
townthip, Noilhumborial county, ncur SnulC
town, and adjoining the old hM1,,,ch. stand in
said township, containing about tn hundred nrres
more or less, in a good stile nf cultivation. Thu
Rail Road from Sunbury U SliamokiMwo patlcs
through it. For particulars enquire of
HUGH H. TEATS. SmilTiowo,
Dec. 1 1, 1817. or any of the heirs.
(i RE AT BARGAINS may yet he haj at Pua
K ox's 8tobi, He .'III hs a laree aKS.-riment
olUooda, which he will sellttrs coat. IL'insde.
leimined to tlucqntiuua the business, ha will sell
very low, A saving of 25 or 80 per cent, can be
made by pnichssing at his store." Call and tiim.
I ne for yourselves, fjfj- All kind of country pm
dure taken, st the hlgheM maikt-t rieo,
S-'a.'.bu'y, DeerrJber lib, IS 17. tf
i i
,W iVr fc:
FltllM TIIF. 'J.lltN P.TS'Sr.V'
; TiiK-JLavEvri-ncfi. or si as r.uv imi envr. ' .
f I
clil IS Clffil
urns jcygmg along, the Knight ol tut; liiiul Crnmtfna'tc.o ciulravorod to
the time in conversation concerning the gr:'a! deeds v.liich ho was cvHcnily intended to
do, as far as rescuiuj the oppress:d, re'iin in"j the t!i,;!r fj.'-.l, amVnuiforiinir. voting dam
sels, W03 concerned. And this, accordinj' to tha woithr' Cid IIamet ben Exuixt, was
the substance of their conversation. . .
"Now, Simon!' said Dan Kcv IIacchtv, "ihrJ. it in a '.,nr:ii:v sh.T.n to bang a luaa up
like a dog, there can be doubt. What mht has the stale to commit murder ? Fur loolt
ye now; what is the diiTerence between choking a man to death with a hempen cord,
valued at two shillings, York currency, or cuttiiii; his weasand with a knife, worth two
levies, Maryland currency t In the one case, there is a trrcat loss of time to the officers
of the law, who must leave other business to hang the felon ; besides a great loss to the
public treasury, in the way of expense. In the other, you have no further to do, th'an
to get up a coroner's inquest, under the blessing of R.wr.o, and the thanks' of tho penny-a-liners,
and afterwards bury your victim. The balance of the account is decidedly in
favour of the throat-cuttinjr."
"Nothing shorter," answered Si.mon, striking liis heels against Dapple, to increase the
speed of the beast"but does not your worship thiyk that numli-r is a great crime
"Comparatively speaking it is not :'" replied the Knight. "For, nale yon thi?-. It
j has been accounted meritorious for men to f o in great number.-!, and l.iil man of the
! enemy, as has indeed been done in o'ir own time, I.y the troops ol 'his most ta'tule.ijn
j Majesty, Don James the Third of that Messed : and was done by those of his iiiti:
j Irious predecessor, Don Jambs the First, who id!i; it of little s'.alnre, hud great jiitick in
j the times of the second English war.
! "Jyst," answered Simox, "Jilte okl PnTi:n Snook's r - . IVhen I was a tyoy af
I home, going to school, our school-house was between u . ut hard;) 1' SmmiuV and
' Pcnkix Hook's. Now, PraKix used to swear awful, if he'd ketch any of us a steaUn
UW"' "V " .'" ..".... , ... . ,' -
wfe a gom to give us particular Jesse. I.ut when they'd lock penitentiary, he'd let em
oil. Sxook wouldn't say nothin ; but he'd ketch a f. llar by the scruf o the neck, and
he'd tickle him like blazes, with a lectio switch he carried. We was eternally a steal!::
from Hook ; but we kept clear of Snook and bet apole.5, von may t'dl r folks."
,S,M0X the Knight, "I have often told yen not to meddle with matters a'-ove
, -Z3 ' ... . ,
vonr comprehension. ou ore not qualified to enter the U& of nrosr.'ss, net bemi a
t . . ...... .. , .
knigtjt-errant, dubbed according to the ruh j
T 1 1 ri 11 i n g I n t ell i gc sice.
, ;
I 'J'ccn atiija later Jrom ult parts oj Europe.
r n .... . . .
oj the of Pom.
T F !1 II I H I "P, SrifIT IV nrnici
Sacking of tuu Palaces.
Closing Scenes of the Chamlxr of Peers mid
Deputies. Resignation, of the Ministers.
A Provisional (lavtrnmeut. Counter Proda-
nutUons Establishment of a llrp'tblic on
tin Model of the United States. The Troops
fratemitt with the People.
Ilevoliiliouary Klul of Europe. .
Alarming state of Affairs in England
Defeat of the Mi.mstrv, &.c.
Tlie steamthirj
lip Cambria arrived at New
lay morning lust. Her ilepui-
rpool was delayed to tha 27th
ork on Saturdii
tttro from Liverpool
ult., and she therefore brinas fifteen dave
later intelligence from Eurojie. The news is conversation which took place in tho Cham
of lha highest iniporlaucc. , - j ber l)i'putio, on loaday evening, between
Intelligence of the most exeitinir characteV Blirr0t U"d 1l'';lwl-'l1'''e4 tho people for been received from Paris.- Violent die- th'3 f,,mul Prohlblti,jn of Aa rf,"n banquet
lurbuuces have broken out, in consequence of wh'th WU!i to tllke lllucao tbo follow in;; day,
the determination of tha government to pre- : Proclamations by the preect of police, and
vont tho reform banquets. . an order of the day by the commander of the
The result of iheso disturbances was: Nat'l Guard, were published, forbidding the
i'lte abdication of Louis Phillippe, of tho banquet, and ull assemblages of people, and
throne of France, in favor of his grandson, thd) pridiibit ing the appearance of National Guards
Count of Paris. . in unfoi in, unless ordered by the chiefs. In
Tho refusal of tho people to reeomize thoco iSLqttenee of these nets of Government, tbo
('limit, thu regency of the Duke of Nemours,
or of the Pixhos t Oilcan"
V3oJi:4 VvWv tVXv -
. . ' ' . .
01 chivalry,
do we behold .'" "
The pra'oaMrt f'i'.-h' i 'he rnyal family.
The orif.niizati.m. nf a Provisional (Sovern
ei!'! th'. i.-.i--: "of proclamation to that
etrcct LyldM. )epnnt d l'l'-.u-e. Aragn. La
martin1, and o'lrT-.
Am I tha'-iiiiiiiution (if the p-.-ep'.e to e-s-tiibli:lt
n "Rept:biiean flovei-nnient tm the mo
del'nf that of the Unhid.
Y"e now proceed to lay before oar ree.der.i
the news i.i detail, having received files of
Liverpool and London papers ep to the l;itit
date. Further extracts tnken from the Paris
popuni, wo uro indebted to tha New York
From Smith's & Wihner'a Times of Feb. 26.
IxsvitnucTiow n nCOODSHKD IM
' a-"''
100X00 SAVei s Uwlcr Anm in and around the
i City Het'gnalhn nf Ihe Guizot .Ministry.
i We noticed in our last tbo feverish state in
uu-u poma-Ki auatrs sioou nt raris on me
night ol Thursday, thu 10th, and wo regret to
i. I-.- i ... ... ... .i
aiMiounce mat eacn day nasaude.i lo mat ex-
, i nwoont which bad increased to bueba pitch
' tlio 22nJ, the day on which it ha4 been
'xeil hulil the great reform banquet, that
the eiiiiia city vas in ontni insurrection. The
Oppo-iiion deputies met. and resolved that
- i ' : i t
ion! I not t.d.e place, l;:;:t tho
people bo entreated to submit, nnd llnil fi mo
tion for tho impeachment of minister be
made in tho Chamber of Deputies. It was
further resolved, that should this motion be
negatived, they would resign their functions
as deputies.
The army collected within Paris and tho
surrounding villrges nnd forts considerably
exceeds one hundred thousand men. This
force, unless tho soldiers sympathise with
the people, could crush the Parisian; while
the King and M. Guizot might indulge their
animosity to public meetings with perfect
safety. But if the army join the people, this
revolution would be more effectually comple
ted from the fact lhat so mnny men are con
gregated in the cepilal end its environs. Or
ders have been given to take military occu
pation of nil the points of the capital on which
the assemblage of the people might be ex
pected. As th-5 day advanced the ewiemblages in
the streets gradually increased. "until dense
crowds filled the principal thoroughfares lea
ding to the legislative chambers, and large
bodies of police and military were culled out
to preserve order. They assembled in great
multitudes round Ihe Chamber of Deputies,
and forced their way over their walls. They
were attacked by the troops and dispersed:
'but re-asNembled in various quarters. They
showed their hatred of M. Guizot by demo
lishing his windows and attempting to force
on entrance into bis hotel, but were again re
pulsed by the troops. All the military in
Paris, ami all the National Guards, were sum
moned to arms, and every preparation made
on the part of the government to e it down
the people. The latter raised barricades in
various places, and unpaved the st recti, over
turned omnibuses, and made preparations for
a vigorous assault, or a protracted resistance.
We take the following from the London
Morning Chronicle :
Pauis. Tuesday F.vening.
The accounts which I sent yon this morn
ing will prepared you for great confu
sion in the streets nf Paris, great assemblages
of the pr-ople, nnd partial disturbance, if riot
of actual insurrection. Tho result is just
what might have been expected. Immense
rnacses have paraded the public thorough
fares throughout the day. Troops in vast nam
hers were on foot, and occasionally, where the
musses became more than ordinarily dense,
charges of cavalry were made upon ihe peo
ple, and ihe streets with wonderful quickness.
The chops veto nil closed, end bus1:K-s of
every kind was suspended.
A largo body of students also parajed the
Boulevards, mixed with others of a more am
.biguons, if not a roortv rinnsmrotu. deljcrirtmn,
singing the Marseillaisi at the veiy pitch nf
their voices, mid vociferating a lus Gai::ot !
a l as Ic Ministcre ! Vive 'In refarmt ! accom
panied with groans or cheers as the case
might be;
I sluill now proceed to give, you detached
dutiiils, which it is ditucult to arrange in a
regular and connected form. I have already
said lhat, tho principal point to which the
crowd tended was the Place de la Madeli he
and the Place de la Concorde. About half-
past eleven n. regiment of infantry and seve
ral squadrons drew up neur the church of the
Madeleine, where the crowd was most dees".
A few laiiinies afterwards an iir.meii.'-e body
of persons almost all dressed in blouses, and
sniil In amount to ttnwar Is of ti(v), arpe.n-ed
from the direction of the Boulevards, but no
one could exactly say from whit place they
came. They marched in processiue, holdii u:
each other's aKis and sung the Marseillaise
in ouo general chorus. When passing Du
rand's reslurantj they gave three cheers for
reform, and then proceeded without stop
ping to the Placode la Concorde, their evi
dent intention, being to make their way to
the Chamber of Deputies. At the bridge op-,
podia tlw Chamber of Dep-. ties, however
they were siopped by a large body of cavalry
uud infantry, drawn up on the bridge. Tlcy
were then brought to a staud-s'.ill, and their
numbers were so great that they filled the
whole of th'i Place do la Concorde, one oj
ih l liugest spiares in Kurope. Just at tint
moment a portion of tho regiment of cavalry
at the bridge charged upon the mass, srpira
teTl it, and drove a considerable portion back
towards the Boulevards, while the rest was
driven into the Chumps, Fdysees. and the rest
down the Rue P.ivoli.
The whole of the place was cleared in less
time than ca,n be concieved, but the soldiers,
though they did their duty with great deter
mination and effect, so far from using unite
ccssarily harsh means, appeared to go about
wi'h great htimitnily and even good lunuor.
The portion of the crowd driven back towards
the Boulevards, and still marching in order,
; WJ arm iu nrm; had four x;,iiowi, 0unl,ls ,
j ,hl.jr h(..,a Rrmwl witU j tho
i .,el.lc0 (U, la Madeleine an altemnt was made'
Uy ()ia troop to disperse
only partially successful,
I wavds tlwy met another L
c them, which was
and shortly ufter-
thfly met another kirge body, tho lea
ders of whom fraternally embraced tho Na
tional Guardsmen.
On arriving in front of the Hotel ties Af.
fairs Etrangeres they stopped, and sung the
Marseillaise in full chorus. Thpy then began
lo cry out ais Guizot abas le Minister,"
andTthe excitement was evidently increasuia.
At length a yery young man took up a large
stone, which he hurled against the great gate
of tho hotel, an example which was followed
by tha rest, who begun knocking against the
gate ; a shower of stones was thrown at the
same time, and broko several windows. Du
ring this time a body of the MiinicipalGuajd
(infantry.) who "were ilravu ey wilhi.i uo
gates, ilelilierately loaded their muskets, nnd
prepared for what might follow; but a body
of cavalry emerging from tho Rue des Capu
cines, at lhat moment charged, struck some
of the most active with the flat side of their
sabres, and very soon succeeded in dispersing
the crowd, and relieving tho residence of the
President of tho Council from the danger it
whs in.
At the meeting of the Chamber ol Depu
ties oil the 22nd, the deputies of tho Opposi
tion, to the nuhiber of 5.1; submitted the fol
Irrwing proposition:
::We propose to place the Minister iu accu
sation as Guilty
Of having betrayed abroad the honor
and the interests of France.
''3. Of having falsified tho principlesoftho
constitution, violated tho guarantees of liber
ty, and attacked the rights of the people.
'3. Of haitig, by a systematic corruption,
attempted to subslitnte, for the free expres
sion of public opinion, the calculations of pri
vate interest, 'and thus perverted the repre
sentative government. .
'4. Of having tra flicked for ministerial
purposes in'pufrlic offices, as well as in all the
prcrognt ives and privileges of power.
"5. For having, in the same interest, was
ted the finances of the state, and thus com
promised the forces and the grandenr of the
'fi. Of having violently despoiled tho citi
zens of a right inherent to every free consti
tion, and the exercise of which had been
iunranteed to them bv tho Charter, by the
laws, and by former prceededents.
"7. Of having, in line, by a policy eevertly
counter-revolutionary, placed in question all
the conquests of our revolution", and thrown
the county into a profound agitation.
, Paris, Wednesday, 2 o'clock.
After" t despatched my letters last evening,
events of greater importance than bad taken
place up to post hour had occurred. In sev
eral streets running into the Rue St. Denis
and the Rue St. Martin, tho people erected
barricades, by tearing up tho paving stones,
seizing carts, omnibuses, 'kc. Most of these
barricades were soon carried by the munei
pal guards o'nd troops, but at some of il? m
severe engagYmcfits took place, notw ithsiatid
ing the people were almost entirely unarmed.
Great numbers of fr-sh troops have been
marched into Paris this morning, from the
towns aniUef.irrisons whhin reach of the c.ipi-
tab "
Iu seme streets' the populaoo destroyed ihe
.electric, telegraph. . "
The.Nalional Guard, thoitgh tha rapprlxm
frequently beaten lust evening, scarcely tur
ned out all . In several places,'! Is said,' that
scarcely three persons in a whole company
answered the rappel. This morning tho m;
pcl has been again beaten with a like result.
In the districts where the National' Guards
did assemble, they cried '-Vive la Reforme !"'
and sung the Marseillaise.
Three o'clock.
Tho Guizot Ministry has resigned. A de
putation of the officers of the National Guard
went to the Tuileries to demand that it
should be dismissed, when they were told by
General Jacqueminot, commanding the Na
tional Guard, that th Ministry had given in
its resignation- '
The red urpeet of the sky in the direction
of Jhml-ValeriiMi showed that an incendiary
fire was raging there.
Four o'.-l.i. k
The inti-i'.igenco of ihe resignation (.1 Lie
Ministry is spreading like wiMlire through
the city, an I is cverv here received with
every demonstration nf joy. At this moment
there is an immense crowd on the Boulevard
shouting "Vive la Reuyme." A general com
manding ths troops exclaimed, --Yua shall
have reform." --And tho dismissal of tho
Ministry V cried tho people. "Their dis
missal and nccusa'ion, and everything,'' was
the answer, nnd it was received with shouts
of uppans!1.
The fighting in the quarter of St. Martin
Mill continues, and troops are proceeding to
if. When, however, they shall learn the
overthrow of the Ministry, it is believed that
hostilities will immediately cease.
Iu pSssiug the bunk, just now, I saw the
mob hud got possession of the guard house at
the comer. They had torn down tho llag,
and a fellow hoisted it on a large polo. There
were then shouts of "To the Tuileries! To
the Tuileries!"
Fresh troops are being summoned to Paris.
The regiment of carabineers, in garrison at
Provins, are expected momentarily. At
Cliehy, the inhabitants liave been told to pre
pare for the reception of troops.
During latit night the barricades of yester
day morning were removed. . However, this
morning, large numbers of the populaco were
underarms, and rebuilding barricades. The
streets of St. Denis, St. Martin, Rambutenti,
St. Sum ic r de Gruvillers, and all tho narrow
street adjoining, have been barricaded, aud
so well defended, that, up to eleven o'clock,
the troops had failed, in their attempts to
take possession of them. The .Municipal
Guards were repulsed to tho Rue Moutorqueil
by the firing of the populace. Tho garrison
of 30,000 troops are all emplpyed to guard
lha inmuuejiablti.aveuuea to the Place Girard.
Many of that regiments are overcome with
fatigiyo. Thj councils of ministers, and a
crowd of parliamentary dignitaries have) ta
ken refuge in tha chateau. Fresli troops are
expected every moment by railway.
Half-past Four.
" All the Government eftcials' have been or-dm-cdju
placu lhi-4n-s-U s under, aims an Na
tional Guards. The troops of the lino have
bfen provided with hatchets to cut down the
barricades. The 2nd, 4th and 'h legionn of
tho National Guard have mustered strongly
shouting "Vive le Reforme ! A brs Guizot !'!
The revolt now appears to tic? ronerntraled
iu tho St. Dennis and T?t. Martin quarters,
where a sharp fire is kept rp bet ween the in"
surgents anil that the artillery is directed to
destroy tin barricades, and that cannon Have
been fired in the streets.
lit the t'hamber of D pu'ies to-day.
M. Vavin, the deputy of the ll'h arrondis
scment of Paris, rose and i,i ihe Kimeof him
self and other deputies of Paris, addressed
some questions lo the Minister of the Interior
with respect to the recent events in Paris.
M. Guizot who had thortly before entered
the Chamber, immediati-lv ri se and said 'd
have nothing to say at the present moment
to the questions of the honorable member.
The King has sent for Count Mole, who is
empowered to form a ministry' Loud cries
of ''bravo," and cheers followed this an
nouncement, which i:pp"ared to njmny M.
Guizot. He then continued '-We are not
to be prevented by such manifestations as
those I now hear ns long as we remjiiii in of
fice, which will be till onr successors are ap
pointed, from doing ourduty. We shall con
sider ourselves nnswersible for all that may
happen. We shall act in everything we do
according to our best judgement and our con
sciences, and according to what we consider
the interests of the country."
After some interruption created by this an
nouncement. "
M. Odilon Barrot rose, and said '-In con
sequence of ihe situation of Ihe Cabinet, I
demand the adjournment of the proposition
which I made yesterday (the empeachment)
(lend cries of '-'yes yes," and "no. no.") I
will submit lo the lecl.;rn of the Chamber
on the point (no, no.)
M. DrroN then rose, and said ''The firs!
thing nnceess'ary for the capital is peace. It
must be relieved from anarchy. Every one
knows that the spirit of July exists yet. Ho
mage has been done to Ihe res' of th;' nation.
But the people must know that i is. di libera
tions must not be on the public, way. The
assemblages must cease. I do not see how
the ministry, who are provisionally charged
with th ; public affairs, can occupy themselves
at the sanio time in re- vt-ibhVhieg-rvder and
with the care of ih -ir own safety. , I de
mand the fidjonrnment of tlr; p-opo.itions
presented y.'s'erdny." 'd.i -.ui i-ri'-s of '-no.
M. Guizot "As !o"g as Oi" cabinet sh.iit
be entrusted with publie. affairs, it will make
the law 1)3 respect. The cabinet sees no
rc'tison why tho chamber iiul.1 suspend its
labours. Tho crown at the present moment
is using its perogative. That perogative must
be respected. As-long as the cabinet is upon
these benches, no business need remaia sus
peaded." The President then put the question as lo
the adjournmonUof M. Odilon Il.;rrnt's prepo
sition. About ciic hundred members of Ihe
Opposition supported the adjournment ; the
whole of the conservatives were against it.
The Chamber immediately ros? in great
agitation. .
Five o'clock.
The. public joy iucrci.scs at tiij resignation
of tho iuinis'.ry. At this moment a detach
ment of the N'tilioiud Guards, followed bv a
j large 910W1I is passing'the ikiurs.', shouting
I "Vivo la Reforme."
i ILil.'-past Five o'clock. .
As the resignation of .he ministry becomes
more and more widely known the public joy
becomes greatar. It really seems as if no
ministry were ever si intensely or si univer
sally detested. ' The shops s'i'l continue to
bo closed. The fighting his ecus -A i:t th i
quarter Si. Martin, but great crowds stid til!
tho street, and the soldiers have ilidicully in
maintaining order.
A!d:cr.t!rui -f I.ouL rtitil'riir- V It-jii.'te Pm.
rlaiiii'-d- llir llnjul s itm !v I1.1. e e, Carl
Tile l.rvtitutlrtil in . e-.idtll ; !i e-ldfi:i Inst, of
J.'ff t'he i-nimuitilo-a1 i-'U .!li l!ie liCerler ent
011 The tlutn-uHil M!;:it.U). i;i p.i-se-.kioii of tlie
Louis Phillippe has ab Heated iu f.vor of
the Count de Palis.
The Duke de Nemutus j'rup is. d a. I'egeut,
and rejected.
It was proposed by Odillou Bartot that a
regency should be form-id, under the Duchess
of Orleans, until the Count de Paris should
attain his majority, but th's had been rejec
ted, aud a Republic insisted upon.
Tho Duchess of Orleans and tin Count de
Paris went to the Chamber at half-past one,
accompanied by the IJuko do Xemuurs and a
large parly of officers on hors;b.tck. The
Duchess was iu deep mourning.
Four o'clock.
Tho Dychess de Orleans, tho Count de
Paris, and the Duke do Nemours, Rave been
at the Chamber of Deputies, and have been
rejected by the Chamber, and the people who
denetrated mto tho Chamber.
Tho Chamber of Deputies has declared it
self ES PlillMENANCE. ,
The Chamber has refused to allo w 'I18 fa
mily of Louis Phillippe t0 resign the throne.
There will be' great, efforts made to support
Uio pachas de Orleans. Ths idea of a repub
lie is not agreeable to th" mas cf thedepa-
lies. -. .--
The Chamber met to-jay, but ie popukice
ovorpowercd the majority.
Tho King, at om o'cloefc, left the palaoe if
ths Tuileries, escorted by a party of Iv ca.
vahy of the National Guards, anS several re
giments of regrulat cavalry. The carriages
went 8) thi Qr.e y to tle barrier of Paf ..
The troops were all withdrawn at noon to
day. Not a soldier is to be seen. The tronrv
of Ihe lino have fraternised with the fi'ntioiir.j
guard, and the niitieiif. guard wilh Ihe. peo
ple. All lulercoiitse between. the two aides
of thu river me cut off, but I hear dis'aut .
tiring going on every infant v."hilc I write.
Gamier Pages is mayor of Paris. A strjo:g
Government w ill bo organized. A Republic,
on Ihe model of the United States, is propoi
sed .
precession of Hprsons in blouses, and ,
armed, have just passed, carrying the throw,
of ihe throne room of the Tuileries on their
shoulder-, in triumph and singing tho Mar-, "
seilhiise. -
There has bean n frightful loss of life, and -in
many instances the troops have refused lo .
net a-'Hinst iho people. The number of killed,
is said to be upwards of 300, principally iu
the in .igbboihood of the Palais Royal, and '
between lhat and Ihe Tuilleries.
An attcirgrt. was made on the Fiu;uioe,Mi
nislci's residence at eleven o'clock, which
failed. ...
Tha .Tocsin has been sounding all Ly
throughout Paris. ,
AH Paris is in the hands of Ihe National
Guards and tho peoplp.
Count Mole was first named, and rejected
by the people. Thiers and Barrot were next
named, and the proclamations appointing
them Ministers, are torn down cverwhere by
Ihe pulilic.
General LnmnHeiere has been appointed
commander of tin; National Guard. The p!ur
card was signed by thiers.and Barrot.
It is siid General Lomoriciere is killed, or
at all events wounded.
The Palaco of tho Pa!.-is Royal has been
ta.keu possession of by the people, afler a
great deal of carnage. An altec.k wrsmade ,
at one o'clock on the Palace of the Tuileries'.
The Pa'nee of the Tuileries is in In? hands
of the National Guard and the people. They
are throwing tlm furniture out of tho win
dows, and burning it. and an attempt has been
mad to burn the Tuileries.
The people have penetrated into the cel
lars of the Tuileries, mid are distributing tlm
Th:-; people are iu possession of the railway
stations and barriers the rails removed' to
prevent the troops arriving from tho country.
Tho pa.-wr.geis from Boulogne to Paris went ,
obliged to return from Neulchatel lo Boi:-'
logiic, aa tho railway is stopped. All com
munications are cut off with Paris. The
J and passcng-ers arc returned lo Amie.u?,
Every trre 0:1 the whole line of the Boule
vard has been felled. Every one of the su
perb lamp-posts has been throws doyrrtj' end
all converted into barricades. ' -p'.'si.
At the corner of every itrer-t !tf a barricade
trentlemen, shopkeepers, clerks. worSwcn, all
labouring at tho work wilh an eagerness and
an earnestness beyond description.
At 12 o'clock M. Odillou Pnrrc'tMcconinR
nied by Heneral Lnmoriciero, repaired from
the Chamber of Deputies to ihe Ministry of
the Interior, where ho whs formally installed,
iu presence of the National Guard and a muf
lilude of ci!i:':ons, w ho filled the rurt. Short
ly afterwauls tin following proclamation was
poMed up on the. guto, amidst universal ac
clamations: My dear t" uuitides I have been invested
by Ihe ne-.v Ctlbiuet wi h tip? superior "
of tho Niilional Guard of the Depart
meht of the Seine.
By your energetic i t'i' you have a-r-led
ill triumph of liberty. You have been
and will ever be. lie; defenders of order. I
rely upon you, as yon may rely v.pj. me.
Your cjuit.i le,
(Signed) General LAMORICIEKE
(Countersigned) ODILLION BARROT.
i'Atiis, Feb. 2i: 1318.
At 2 o'clock tho folloiviug prectamatioii
was posted on tha walls of Paris:
( iiiz nis in Pa; is, The King has abdicated .'
Tho crown bestowed by ill revolution of Ju
ly is now placed on the head of a child, pro- -
tfcted by his mo h r. Tlcy are Lo h under
th 1 safeguard of the honor and college of tho
Parisian poptilnti 1:1 All cause of division
amongst 41 has ceased to exist Orders h ivo
been given to tho troops of tho line to return
to their respective quarter". Our braye army
can tre belter employed than in shedding its'
blood in so d-p'oruble a i-oll-si-n.
Mj beloved fellow ci'izous: FiO:n this
momeuMhe inaiutenaiice of order is inttust
ed to the courage and prudence of ihe peoplo
of Paris and its h"roie Nalionul Guard. Thry
have ever been faithful to onr iudile country.'
They vfii not desert it in this' grave envt
This proclamation produced a temporary
euhi). but the unfortunate occurrence at the
Foreiin Affairs km laght threatens tochan;:.
the character of ths struggle.. Large pools of
blood are still on the asj'hulte pavement of
ihe Boulevards des Cupuctiirs and the Hitv
ll.isso dn Rampart. Tho people fo.-g.:t that
the hoops only lired when their eolo:id wn
bmtally thot. They defeand ';vent-anee,o
Oa leaving io palace, tHi- King uud bis
family proceed to Noilly nnJer an f ocpit of
cuiiassieers. After lha troops rvacua'eJ tlu
palace was immediately occupied by the m- f
surgents, who dPsroyd e-refythii; in ij
viiulow, farritiww pictures, &c. Th throne
alone was left entire,' carried in procession? s.
through lh atrPl and thi Bulevjard ajuj '-,
ultimately amashed lo'pefcet.v -v.
In tha Chamber, of pepuiiss, etl o'tloik
M. Sauiet took the choir, iu preeercf 'ef ibcul
300 mi rr.b rs. i'ltt.tly an. rr.-td P v,V sla "
1 -v
i ...