1877. - Spring & SUMMER .Goods 1877. Arfc-2sT. EUSTEE'S, siimmi J. II; McCarty & Sons, !S. WILLIAM,' y r - MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, STROUrSBURG, PA. Practical . Undertakers, hion! if : I V - .1 Those wif.lsin.tj to purchase any thing in the above place as they will find a larger and liner Stock of than nil the rest in town put together. All wool suits as low as SS 00; the Unions as low as f j 00; Fnulifdi and Cenrtan basket ami (lingual suits from SIS 00 so p'.lb 00; the imitations t-v ntv per cent. less. They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latest My to in : . ' "White Vests" and .Alpaca Coats. (N YOUTHS', HOYS'-"AND CIIILDKEFS CLOTHING, toii enn't better voursclf as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you ci-'ii iind them any where el.se in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS ! Those wi-hins to hay a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to e:ill at the above place, as they will not Cad a more complete stock in town. The pricec are very low. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goous! You will fir.d a'l the latest novelties of the aon always on hand. Those wishing to buy any tiling in the funiishina; goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DEY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are wrv low. Always on hand a lull line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best vou will rind. A splendid line of skills and Shawls. Yon can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for To. 11. Particular attention paid to CL8TOM OKK. Good fits warranted or no sa.c. :ir motto is, we will not be undersold, so those wishing to buy for CASH .will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. . - - . .. .. PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September 3, 1S74. tf. Main .stueet; Stroudsbuug, Pa. PS E 1 m9 La AWAY AHEAD IN LOW FRIGES! Hats and Cars 45 cents up. Laiies' and Mie Hats trimmed in felts and velvets, all in the latest styles, from 73 c.-nts up. A'.-o a full line of uutrimtned Hats from -15 cents up. Furs 11 r La-iies, Gents ntsd Children. Indies good stylish s-ets from $11 00 up. Chil dren srtS 7" CelltS Up. Gents' Fur ('"liars and Gloves from $'2 oO up. Miawls, full sizj from 7" cents up. lV!t Skiits. l '.VLT"--t lot in town, (i.l cents up. II.i--ry and lriider-wear fur L.idies and Gents' at bottom price?. (ens' h.slf lb ;? " cents up. Ladies Hose 8 cents up. Shirts and drawers 45 cts. up. Y ; -k :;!,d i i 1 G'.ive.s ::r Kniic j ; ices. A larger stock than ovi-r of Ladies, two button k: !- . 'A.-- - !.' pr !. 40. ;."). S', and $1 15 the pair. '; !i -u v.-id.' ii-. .' - ::i v: v:.-i :(.-.; Ik v I'm tn cents up. ctiis ciOiii-i ;i-d paj :.-r Collars id -ron'.s a oox tin. A complete .-tuck of J,.;. lies an 1 Gents linen Collars -aud Cuffs, Xeck-tic and Scarfs atd 1 la!iuK.ere,i; iis, c!k;pest in tovrn. llibbyfiS, a'l shrtdea and . 'i :rs. lhiiiiburi; IMins atul Tn.i)n;i:i2s. 4 cents up. V." Lite and tviorc-i Prvsc Sliirts l ('0 up. ' " 15;!ie, brown and cli-.H-k FianuL-1 75 cents up. SLt.'t frotjH, O.cr-alls and S;ipeiidjrs, cheapest ia towu.. 'j ie iar-.'st asioriiiieni of Perfumed, Colognes, Toilet articles, Soaps and Jewelry ;n tr.vi). Real Hair S-.vitdp- aud Cans 61 Of) up. (,'ur.s -i from o5 cetits up. Tii-j latest' improved Bustles 40 cents up. Vmbtellas G' cents utk T:y Crowley's patent tewing and and kid glove Needles, the latest improved out. Gall and diamine the lowest prices. J. W. ANGLE, Proprietor of the Citv Hall of Fashions. S:roiiJ.sburr. S--r,t. 29,1870.-3 " SOLISTHIITO NEW ! Tin- uii.l-r-i.-:i'-? w.;:! ! t !.;! TjjTIv ':vr- n'.lic that th-v iiure .-!., .)-, at n':.ji hu'i.lia.r. f.,r- SHOE MANUFACTORY, f jr th rali'nT f all ki r.'1 of Ln-lr'y and Gentletnens ai. l C'r.i' lri ii's I'. ts and SLocs aud t j j"jrs. I'jriica lkr allciiti ju iij.il io CUSTOM WORK. p.-.-sor.s having ! f -:n J fn-t, ) immoti or corns, or rliil.ii'!-T w iili weak utik!", or erovl -au liave ! -r of ti rst ); ii:a'. ri:i! ant at roa.-. tiMv j-rices fcli' --" 1 1 : it'.i to s'i il T ' I r i-r . !!;. ii.u a i:.r.' ('X, '-i- ni'C ir; NVw York we f.'C-I C lt'lrist t l..it ' -;i n -.ait nwnincr :i to fin;: lit ics aii'j Iri;--, a.l of our t'oo.l 1.. t ii !.:r ;-n r:.l n-1 sal. ar-' Taut-, '.i to I;.- a-; ;.r. - :.;'i Jl. in- a r.a.titi... our tn,iii ai.ii n.nt -ri;:'s - i; -i -1 i :i i.l -iuv:v, fi-iz.-.J i'ri '.va. Mat and j-'r -in-.h ";.!:' Ki J. ! ,11; y-i' l: a. j . r u -i 1 a.Titl 1 r..-.i .o.it .';);'!; vo, I r . -!( 1 ii.-.riy t;,.As u h.. .Ly .:i2i. inu-.-d;.. to Iiiak. a iiit rat v,. :;..,n- ori'i-!; vv huv.. ii; ;'.:,.: to I ...t. ... .' .. t. .r ... -.t ..r V- . r..... .... r... :.!!.. ''... 1 ...... ! r ... . T.'s.. r,;i .!! 1 I tin ir ci.ai & r..i-oiv. .'uiy , ,T0-tf i:. K. .CUOMJIIIIT i CO. ITHBEBTAIQHGi LHE L. Co. would rno t res-ppct fully an nounce that having procured an elf jrai.t HEAESE, i , ' , ! naving long iHifn tu.-usJed wit'i llif liarbaroiip twf ve furs fAiru ncf. in tiic iMidnukirf ; . ri : L; , J 1 ' ."''c ii-.t()ni (f I'lirvingc.r usin? It-e on Corpses, not fcusme. ar low prvpj . a,,Ptl(i t un. tQ s.(tak of ji)rror ( Hs Ofrt-ikMi? in aU its Li-u.ches in the- bel pos- rei'n: of barlarim i-i itlf foii.ltrred, it as t.i'ie in.intn r. olmoxioiis to i!ie heni!ilitv W reliucd as COFFINS and CASKETS of eiiv size, i Cn-niation ; and won M m-vt-r ha ve been subniit fctyle or quality, con.-1. inly (n hi;id. unil 'lf'l t" 't I'ornmitv. wliicli tlianks do the ready L-r .-iiinu e nt al hori notion. (Jr.Jt-rh "i-in-h of discovery no longer exists, for J. ly n-ui; ;;r;.ini iv mien. iffl to Our cb.irrr? II.MfCarty Sons, ha ve a reparation whicli sre rvr.cz-.iie; vv isivc no disp siti-.n it J:'-'--?: -e living or nu l!ie estates ol ihe '3:'!. i I r . -vl!?nn . --vJi IIOUSS, neatly got. " " ' ':r'j time, at tlie Vrt TT i r- Vitvtc k",Vi w'cg"W'w j H r d,N-'f--:"tri iiiO bxt i.l Uju;. lSt.Oldy i p.ice thoy ;! It; Lad ia l.jii is at t iio cur lier rUoiv. j iv tli-ciii. jiu. 3;). t '.. if. ) C. . AN!IiE&Cn. TpT'TT? T.TTrT"1TTT T71 i TUTn ' tt1':-r i i i af"! 'he preparation of the bodv for burial. 1 U-ii.o ! I- Ux--.L UrE !!;.!. h, MoCahty has ,:,df this preparation his roo Is st i.i r;g evs ry c.av h Auction priet .III 7 :i I.l In S n in f !....!.,..' t : ...!...!? fr. m i a. m.. to 'S p. m. f-vyis seilin ul half price to imU rwuui ior tb. ir new f1 tioo.ls. i a r - i i . i . . . . . I v" '-. vL.lwil .U2t5. CLOTHING LINE, will do well to call at the Clothing1 ; th$ Him SAMUEL HOOD, j r.-- Yt'hu'tjsule anl J lit nil Denier in COOK & PARLOR STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, a;d in Ieia! House Ft: ris!i i (ioo(Is. O www Roofing' and S-ionling Jotio on li;irt not i'-o, it h tJi- 'ct mri-rial, n nl :it n-asoiialilf j-ricos. lisst'U of (i.ok, l'arlorynd Otfioi-Movi-s fin'nrai;'.s itUlir t'f t vai iclifs kuun u t l.o tra-i. (';!! Tii'l 'c. Mi.r. third (.iiit'lin-r, ah,,vi: the M "tlMHiist t.'hun h. Mai:i .tr vt, Mroud 'un, rVhruary 4, in us ap, uieauon is as nanniess as water, but whicli in its latency is al!e tofrrapple witli tlie despoiler (f our mortal tortus, :md say thus far, I..., 1'. .... 1 I .. . ! .' . ' K ' ionuc..n. , i coijupun- pow ers ne stayed. Tliis preparation is m.nntifactitred. and used only by J. II. McCaktV Si Sons,, the only I'miertakers in the Co'intv, or State, tint can "! Corpse any doired length of time, for eks and montf.s, u,ul bring buck , mi the inntlow liur un.i r.-.-i! n;..r.i,. .t' IWo t.. o-j. ....... tlie grief and angui.-b of tlie bereaved, which fact can be witnessed at every funeral attended by them where they have tlie entire control, j smdy Lr over twenty y year.-, ami e; ran now otfer to'tJie puWic this preparation perft-ctcd with J . i . . . . ' out mor.f v aud without s ji-it-t to tl.,ii eintil,.v hvi them. " ' - Ku. 5. 70-tf.l J. If. JIcCARTY A SONS. . ' T " Received Last Week a THE LARGEST STOCK OF HATS & CAPS. Gents' Furnishing Goods. EVER BROUGHT TO STEOUBSBURG. Call andsse.them. Stroudsburg, October 5, 1876. JONROE CO. BANKING AND SAYIXGS fOMPAXY. Chas. W. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Chas Fetherman, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. StaudTer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lantz, will iay interest on deposits ainnuntinp: to three dollars and over, at the lollowmg ( per cent, on deposits left one year. 4 " 41 " " ' " six months : 4 " 44 on daily balance averaging live hundred dollars and over. Interest will be computed from the first of eaeli month and all deposits made previous to tlie tenth of the mouth will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth fur the security of the depositors. IURLCTORS : K. S. STAPLES, G E. STAUbTEIl. CHAS. FCT1IEJOIAX, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. officers: THOS. A. BKLL, PrewJent, CHAS. FET 1 1 EUM AN, ' V. Pres't, VM. 1. liELL, Cashier. Jan. 27, '70. T. B. HULL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Homoc Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will he found constantly on hand or niMxIc to orOei, iliOA'U.UKXTS, iiimisto.m:s, &c, of the best Italian and American Marble. . Having been in the employ of Mr. Krdninn for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. AH woi k warranted to g! ve entire satisfaction. Order bv mail promptly attended to. feb20'72-tf Don't Tall to nlleiid ,McCnrty' l'u i ii i t u re S a les e v e ry d a y." ( j rea 1 1 a rg i ns in Furniture, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Pianos, Organs, Sen., &e. Oct. 5;-176. J - McCAUTVr. Si SONS.' LA.Mh OF ALL KINDS for Sale at Ilk... I tht )Hic . Beg herewith to offer to the public as a bu siness novelty and practical convenience the following price list, of superior COFFINS and CASKETS. An examination of the liit will at once reveal the cost of articles in thU line, whether metal or wood, from the plainest to the most elabor ate finished, so that parties at a distance or at home, have but to read to find the precise ar ticle wanted, at prices much lower than" offer ed by any other house in City or Country. These goods are all of the best quality, nothing inferior" being kept in stock, and will bear the closest inspection which i.t cordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the more recent and meritorious inventions. JViVe List of Cojjlna and Cadets furnihsed by J. 11. McCartij & Sons. Xo. 1 Full size complete, r 25 CO No. 2 Full size O G top and molded base, complete -- " 30 00 No. 3 Full size, double top and mould ed base, French plate Glass, handles plated, Satin or Merino lining 35 00 No. 4 Full size, round corners, rich mountings, Merino lining, Silk fringe 40 00 No. 5 Full size, double top, full glass Octagon ends, Merino lining, com plete - " 45 00 Imitation Collins, full size $9 to 13 do do all sizes, from 20 inches to C feet, in stock , 1 50 per foot. Children' Cofl'.ins, Walnut x A $5 to $15 do White Caskets, complete, from 2 ft. G inch, to 4 ft 5 inch. $12 to $1S. Children's solid Kose Caskets, kept in stock, from 2 ft. 10 inch, to 4 ft. 10 inch, trimmed and boxed 20 and np. No. 1 Full size Casket, complete $3S 00 No. 2 do do polished, handles and plate, complete 42 00 No. 3 Full siv.e Casket, polished Wal nut, handles, plate, thumb-screws and richly trimmed," complete 45 CO No. 4 Full size beautiful Octagon or bent ends, raised double top, full glass, heavy moulded, Me rino or satin lined, complete 50 t'O No. 5 Full size (Jem Casket, in "Wal nut or I lose wood only, no sizes under 4 ft. G inch, price as trim med, from $50 to $150 00 Style A Wrought metal Iurial Caskets, full size, weight from 250 to 400 lbs. plain finish, imitation of Rose wood or Walnut, single glas. from $13 to $05 00 Style 13 Full size beautiful Cas kets, boiler iron, weight from 250 to 350 lbs. double thick plate-glass, beauti fully trimmed with satin or merino, from 575 to $150 00 Style C Full .size wrought metal Casket, glass covering, whole top, i inch thick, bar, handles, silver corner pillars, weight from 350 to 45M lbs. price from $100 to $100 00 Children's Metalie Caskets, all sizes, from 3 ft. up. Prices in proportion. No extra chargrs for attending Funerals. September 2S. 1S7(. V. jiuckai;i:llov, I. DHALin IN Keady-SIadc Clothing, fients Fur nishing (ioods, Hats & Cans, Coots & Shoes, &c, EAST- STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine goods. Prices moderate. Ma.v G,'(0-tf Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher 3? II OS Is IX If s (2 doors west of the "Jcflorsonian O.Tice,") KLIZAIJKTII ST11EET,. Sti oudIui ?, Pa., DREHER & BRO., I F.ALKUS IN Drugrs, IMlIcIiits, Perfumer and Toilet Articles. lDaints, OILS, VAKNISIIES, CLASS k PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard in nnSiK rin ssi:s iiso Ritter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATfERXS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. R. The hishest price paid for OIL of WINTERS RE1LV. may 4, '73-tf. . . CAUTION 1 All persons are hcrebv cautioned not to trespass on anv property of the undersigned, situate in Stroud township, ilimroe county, I'a. uv one violating tins notice wilj be prosecuted to the lull extent ortbc l;w. : - .1 ACOM IT. TiriTTH. Sfroudshnrg, Jnly fZ'J, i7 - - ' . 13 LAN K LIO ASKS For Sain ut this Oflicc. Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. : Located in corner bnildinfr, third door be low the Jeffersnni.in office. llom hnndsome 'y fitted np, nnd heavily stocked with the fi nest asforlnient of Clocks, "Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in thi6sectiin of countiv. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited lo all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 0OIepairinr neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully soliciied. S-.lo Aicnt for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 1868 ly. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmithing DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER ! THE Subscriber bes leave to i in r form the public that he is fully pre pared, at hi establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets in the boronjjh of Stroudsbunr, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible uotice, aud on the most reasonable terms. Car riaes repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that uoue but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders id customers The public are invited to call and ex amine his s toe's before purchasini; else where. VALENTINE IvAUTZ. September I'd, IG7.-tf. DOWN TOWN Vc (lie undersigned rcpor-t fully infi-rin the citiA:iis f Strutidsburj; and vicinity, that we have added to our large assort ment of HATS AKD CAPS, A complete and carefully selected stock ol jIcuY & Yoaths' Bcadv- nnvh Ciothksg of the latest an-1 most fashionable stylos and best (juality. AVe have also a com plete lino of GETSf FUnftlSHIKC COODS- 1 Mease rive us a call and examine out stock and prices before you purchase else where. Vic fchall soon oiler a lare assort ment of Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c. You will find us one door west of Key stone lrug Store, Main Street, Strouds burjr, l'a. X. B. Silk Nats ironed and repaired at .short notice. iive us a call. AV ALTON & AVINTEUMUTE. Strond-1 .iirir, April 20, LSTfi. i r l The undersigned takes this method of informing 'hn .nldie, tluif he still cn tin ues t he above busii)".- s in its branches at bis old if-ind, on Kranklin street. Stroudsburir. I 'a , where bo wil! he hap py to receive orders lor work in his liue, including general Wheelwrightingr, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, ol the best (juality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force ol first class workmen at all the hrauches, he flatters himsell that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Kepairin promptly attended to W.M. HUNTSMAN. July 28, 1370. a.oi bu:u TIIOPIIV "IVOX j HY THK ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These superior awl beautifully finished in struments ho far eclipsed their competitor in Tolume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of t ne, as to carry off the tirst and only premium giv en to exhibitors of reeil Organ- at tlie Monroe County Fair, held September 2o, 187-1. JtiiV only the Lett. For price list address Oia 1-tf.l . . , . J. Y. SIGAFUS, r mXNfflirBlLs For sale at this Office. jasmins: C1L 1 R TER PER PET PA L. Tlie By-Laws of this Com par, oik! regulations povern ins lusiirancc have, revutlT Ijot-n very niaterially chunked, placinir it uivn a ImisIs .fii:tl tothatofnT I- irv Insurance Company in tlie State. Important amoug these chants are the following viz: K VU ies, instea-l of being iK-rn tual, are issued fop fiv yr-ais. r AH property U cIssifiM and the rate of premium ia Bxfd a.'rordinj; to llio ri-k of th jiroiM-rty. rreniium nte5 are taken, and all assessments are made on the Tiotes. froperty is insrued for not morn than two thirds of it. aetnal r-asli valuo, nnd ih lull ant.nnil of insurance paid in eun.- of !.., provided the los ik- eoual to th amount of insurance. "Annual avssin-nts" only arc made, except in cavs of heavy los, and where a spcvi.il ax-sMuent i neessaiy. The. Company is therefor" prepared to insure protrtr upon terms much more desiral.le than under the old system. w Applieationx may he made t aur of the Mana-'en Surveyors, or Sc-cretary. ' ' MANAGKRf. Jacob K. Chafer. .1. I( pue Ieirar R. S Stmle Silas I I ,s alee. C. 1,. P,o Ih.-ad, IW,r, J' Jaeoh Kn.y-ht John Umr, K H.-iifniian Ja4.-ob MouUcr, Thro. S h.H h, T U pho.l' "William Wallace. ' ' ',wu,f WILLIAM WALLI5E Ire't. L. H. Ur.EliFl:, Secretary nnd Trea.su ier. SfliVKVfiRs. I'or rd. n roe f'ountv : Silas L. Trake, William Cillx-rt, " f:-o. ; Shafcr T. W. t:l..i.-v. J. J, IU1U LvRar. .Iaeot Kraufl'er' Johu Ivini'er, ll'm. S h.jouover. ' i'or War ne ("ountr: F. A. Oppch, Charles" A. Masters. I'or I'ike Count v : Moas Ietrick. For Northuniptou County: Richard Camden. For Carloii County : Samu.l Zit-'ciifus. For Wyoming County : G. M. Koon, P-The M::n-i;-er meet r'd;!ar!v at the Seeretarv'i Ottiee i mmm.1 on the liiAt Tuedav ofVach month, at 2 oYl.,.-!c P. f. , Ma". j.-t NEW MACIIIisE SHOP! The euhs-criber having- started a Macliiu Siiop, ner the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch. Being fitted wiUi SPECIAL MACriERY FOR TURX AY7, SUAFTLU. AD PUL LEYS. AM) WITH IM PROVED TOOLS . .i.i .w.:.- r.1,11:?, .ii-u llfitillg a 11 exp'TlanCO ot over Thirty y-ars. in designicg-. and building- machinery for special purposes, j feel warranted iu guarauteeinfT the best of Work. Have on hand, and building, PORTABLE STs-AH EXCISES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed specially lor Farm sin-, or lor u'rii ing a ny liglit machinery. I alsu keep in clock, several lhou?and feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting; in width of H incli t. fi inches, (can obtain wuler o.i's it vt ry t-hort notice) at mauu-furturer- price.-, ah-o Lice Leather, Belt Uivets, Pui.ciie.-, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at horl notice. I3c:sil & Utibber Straisi I'acliin?. I woubl call the alter.tin n of Blackmiths, Wheel w rights, and others, to my as?ort ment of ail sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, hich I offer at New York prices. The Bdt-en.!s especially, bpiiifr tlire-i.led and fitte.l with nuts by niachineiy, enable the irackmiths to furnish bolls of any leegth, trticli cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by ha ml. Call in an! so ny stock and Machinery. C. SAN FORD. March f?, 1878 tf. r n Saddlery. OC A9 Vt The above business has nain been re -uined at the old utand, lately swept away ' y the lute flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudshurir, where will bo kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Kridies, Collars and every other article usually furnished in this line of l.usiness. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A urga assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call nnd make your own selection, and it will he furnished ini-tyleand price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in shoite&t notice. Call and ex.mine JOHN O.SAVLOK, Agent. October 6, 1870.- if rpiie Iartr st ar.l in st selected X stock of Furniture ever exhibited ni 8troud.shur.fr, cau uow be seen at the Odd Fellows rial!. Oct. 5, '70.1 MeC'AirrV & SONS. 4 'XIJK STOCK OS' ClIOICi: X Taniily fSroeeries, Qncensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at 0. Ii. ANDnn A Co. Ttrms CASH.- jau. 30, 73 tf. IT lorn i Ull 11L 7 3 I 7 1 nrt ir