- 4 1877. FAEL-fe WINTER GOODS 1877 ! M B M PUP P. .S.; WILLIAMS,' MONROE COUNTY Slutual' Fire Insurance Cocinrv ' i . : s ' '. ! ; i . i I I .Ajfc 3ST. BUSTER'S, STE0TJISEURG, PA. national Ndll r? rr-s n ara 8 ,' ... : Ji - ! t :: J -; 4 .;! 1 !V: : i 1 -a :;1 4 Those wishinc; lo purchase any thin in lhc CLOTIIIKG LIXE, will do well to call at the above place as they will iind a larger and fir.tr Stock of thati nil the rest in town put together. All wool suits ns low a S3 00; the Unions as low a. $ 00; Eiiu'ii-h and Herman haket and diagn.il Hiits from $18 00 po .-" 00; the imitations twenty ier rent. k.es. They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latent siytes in "White "Vests and Alpaca Coats. N YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDHEFS CLOTHING, von rnn't hetter yourself a they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you tun iind iheiu any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Tho?e wi-hing to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to call at the above place, as they wiil not Iind a more complete stock in town. The pricec are very low. Ladss" and Gents' Funmhlng Goods! Yon will find all the hitest novelties of tlie season always on hand. Tho-e wishing to hny any thin. i:i the furnisldug goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a, nn.ch larger tluck than in any other place in town. DilY GOODS! Thoe wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the ahnv? place as prices arc xcrv low. Always on hand a full lineof the Capitol Alpacas which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and bhawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for SI I'K N. V Particular attention paid to CUSTOM VOKK. Good fits warranted or no .s.tle. O ir motto is we will not be undersold, so those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. IT. BUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL 0? FASHION, S.-teruber 3, 1ST. tf. DOWN TOWN 2 2 u? L Jiai U U We. llie undersigned respectfully inform' 1 1.0 L'iiiz.'US of Stl'oudsbur and vicinity, t,;:it " v' have auued to our JaJce asll- !'.j::L of II ATS AID CAPS,! A conK.lc-ie and carefully selected stock of Mens & iontiis Heady- , A, - I O j r.f. th 2 latest and most fashionable st vies an 1 b:: (UlalitV. V'e have Uti-O a CoUi- ! '. " l"-e i"'-.'! I . r-,,-.,f-fL!'-' frvri i C t J . U JUiJ- . ; "i": -.. ive is a ca it and examine our ' &-' -!' 1 ';5 KV u""rc rUKLju ! v.liCrj.' e snail sjou uilor a lare assort-1 r.i.;:t tf Umbrellas, Traveling Ea js, :c Y"-! v.-HI find us one door west of Key- Ih-.'.-z. ."itore, 3Iu:n Street, .Stroud.s- l .:, N. P. Filk Hats ironed and repaired Ct -li :;t n::ti:-f. (live us a call. vr altox & v.'ixtj:rmute. Str.-udt'.r.rv'.- April 20, ISTti. Making. tamage Tlie uTi icrsined tykes tliis method of 1 1. f i ! u it - j the ub!ic, that lie still con t i i ! i e i !.' above buine in all its In :nehes r.t'bis old Stiind. rn Franklin street, tK.utlsburt:. Pa , where he will be hny jy in i ei i ive orders lor work in his liue, ii: el : i-'j. general Who elwrightinjr, Blacksmith in?, Painting, Trimming, 5bc. liis. sti rk. ol ihe be-t ij'iaiity of reasoned J ) !ii l ei i-! -1 e and very ciuiiTlete; uri i i1so ii;:s lul! loiceol His? class W-nkuiei; at -di li e branches, he Ratters himself .5 K.i t i'C i luliy t-rejia i ed . to aeeoinodate cm who i:i vm bin." with orders, aud uurau tie entire s.it i.-fiu-l ion. ile'iaii in; proiurtly attended to W.ii. IlU.VTis.MAN. duly 2. 170. IT NDEBTAKING ! j, f, MeDAHTY & S95S, Li'C &. (To would mo t rp?pjrru'ly an- ... , ... .... , , i ! i . 1 naviv.2 1'iricr Ief n !i-c:"'icd with the barb-irnnc nounce (nut having procured an eleint ... . . , , ; Mri toil - r -nstiin ot iiiirvii!;; nr li.-iri- tee on ( rj:sts, not . to speak of the-burn.r .(' iV.-. .ii) th,-ilcid, r Jlj VXX SE, a relie of InrNarisn, in h,lf eod Icred. it a- -V rr.'v oimosi'nis to the irii-ilniiiv ol the rt lint'il -I (.'reiiiiition ; mimI Wdtiiil nevi r have !et ti siiiiinii tind having a person in their e-.-.ploy nf ted lo but tor im-- i!y. w!,j!i thank lo th 1 vvr! ve ;trs exi ri' ric. in t!ii uiiib ruj k'njj tn-in-h f :iMfvt-ry !io hint r exit.-, for J. busii:'. -. :iri low pif?p;uel o ;!tMiil t.i mi- 1 IcCirfy it Sons, h ue a ; ri-i;ir.itiii which ti. it ikio mi its tr.iiiClies in the bet pos- ' .1 !. i!i:i..n- r. . I (JOl'l'tNS and CASKETS of rny "size,' ty:. ..r quality, con-.ant y n h.,d. nd r-;niv tor Ii i n tii Hi -i!ori notiro. ()rilios i , . , i "J ...y ...:...... io wnr cu.irjr;g , .in- ino-ie-iiie; we have no disp .so i ,i o ; di.-tiesi the living" or rob tJio estates ol the de;l. N. H. IJpady-made ROSES, neatly g'ot. Jen up. can be hmi ut s.ny time, at tiie Wre II. mm of LEI! &. Co. . . Mav 0 l'7l. ly. BY TIIE E3TEY COTTAGE ORGANS ! Thee siperiorand beautifully finished in- Ptrumvnts so fa- eclipse 1 their comuetitor in ! J us' : A,,fi ,)!.v volu.ue, p ritv. nwewiuw and delimi-V of tone, ; I' aw t,u"f ;,,n h h l i ,,J nvu is at the cor ns lo core fiil'the lit an.l onlv oreuiium iv- !K'r 'stnn.'- 1 r-v fbt:iii. en to jxhii'Hors of reed Organs al ihe Monroe Co. I u v Katr, hebl September -r), 1.S74. lijv on!v ihe lest. I'or price list ad Iress Om l-'J'.l ' J. Y. SKiAl'U.S, BLANK DEEDS Fur ale at lliis Oi'Iice. - . Clothing; Main strei:t, Stuoudseurg, Pa. SOMETHING NEW ! il ,iiivj Ja zl A l; iiaiiw'ai. t The unlt-rM -nl n-or.M r?sn:-t fall y "iro notice that ucr of Ucorjo uu-l Xt, r.-c:s, Sirwa.ll.ur&ra., SH0S hanufaotory, rr t?r. wjn - -f ir. u i-ivUnn-i Gentisnions CUSTOM WORK. rorsfnt lnv.r)7 T -f ..vm ! f ; t, lnr.iT.s or corns, or t-ti;!'iri-! iti. weak . :..'. t::i!i. au Itavv " 1 ."a;;1 ';'"J "l '- i,riCs H:viiu i.:.t lr : . x;.. r;- h;o in '.-.v Y.rk we f-cl C-i ili :;-.-: t ! r. c vail II i l.i iii:iiiii.,- and j.ri, ..-, uii i-t 'i;r -. ,:s r .r :iTjls:r!'.-!i,- i:il sal.' ar warrai.t a ! : r -jc- - -nt.-.i fkr.so v" ' cail, i m;r .'" .j i.i.tri.iN i-.-ii -Wl ilitj 1 fiv s, 1:: .1 i- r !!!. I r ! :!i ( .-I KiJ. ion ; 'rr.i.: d. t.ru-Ii i' . K .i ;..! ! ir,.v. . t'r.mrh aii.i !!!, ull .!' v. !m.:!i will lij cinvrrcSi - ?'.:wu u t:... wu :i.ivi-a:t Iiit ii : t ii r to ci.re..!, i:h r in ,-Xc ..r i.iuk- fr .n the puUio, but wosi-a iuvij... tbi.ir tKj-si .-;-.!tin-. i:. e. t;::jMMr.TTico. A T- 'T TV ; "2 TV O T" U'iuteJcie rniiZ Rel'ul Dealer in TIN & SHEET-IHON WARE, AND IN )UU House Furnishing (iooih. lone on short notif". with tin; l.ct Tn?.t"r!?.l, nii'l n: r.:is.!Kihi,- prici-s. Iiis.-f.'-!t il'(k, I';-rlr 'n- 'uifi.'v Stoves t-tu!i ;n-.-s all I in- i).-t vyri.-ii's kn'j-v.i to tin trail .::.;! i.inj Sl.rj lliir-J i.it:Miii, li..vc tin M rixrtitst ( 'iu-rji. Maia aircot, 2troadiiur, l'a. l-'cbj i y' 4 , ' J.Vt f. 1,1 Vs ai'i'iieati.m is hiirm'es a w;itr, but whii - li oi ii- j.otcn. v is .!!... toMj.jiIe with th 'l'"1'" " 'd say thus a -, ' lh-v wrrulrtlS I" w i'i :'.- . i . 1 ''is jut-p.iration is maimfaetured, ami nsel on,v j ,j ,,i fC It TV A S() the Olllv Undnt.ikers in tin.- t'o-uuy. or -Siate, that caii keep a Corpse any dc.-in-d 'length of time, for weeks and nionihs, ;md br'uur back ecru tlu nielioy tint and r. al bioo.n of life to assu.i, tlle ' ad anuiid of the bereaved, wliieh f"1 "',r ,;e witne-sed at every tunem! attended oy uiem wiure tiiev h:ie ttie entire control, and tiie prt'p:ir:Uio!i ol Jlie hoIy tor burial. J. II. Me'.'.vitTV Uj m ide ibis iireiiaration id study for over twenty year-, nod can now oiler to the public this preparation perfected, with out money and without prh e to those euiplov in ibeei. Oct. 5, '70 tf. J. II. McCARTY & SON'S. TTA5iir-.To.vs sK.ijsircss can- I 3 V I.'TlJ 'PI I . rri i i'lU' vl ANDRE Sc Co. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! Goods dlinr every dar at Auction priepp from 7 a. m., to 8 p. m. Good Mt liin nl half price to m;tki rogui for tht ir new f:tll (roid. Oct, fi, 76. . ; iJeCA nix & S)N8. Received Last Week TIIE LARGEST STOCK 0 n as 3 J & CAPS, Scnts' Forziishisg Goods, EVER BROUGHT TO Call and S33 thsm. Stroudsburg, October 5, 1876. JJONROE CO. BANKING AND SAYIKG5 C033PAXY. Gha5. W. Decker, Thos. D. St.ites, Clias. Fetherman, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. StauScr, Thos. A. Eell, W. B. Bell, J. Lant: will pay interest .on deposits amounting to three dollars aud over, at tha following rates : f per cent, on deposits left op.o year. 4 " " " " " six months. 4, " " on daily balance averaging five hundred dollars and over. Interest will he computed from the first of ?aeh month and all deposits mn.de previous to the tenth of the month will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. DIRECTORS : 11. S. STAPLES, 0. E. STATJFFER, CIIAS. FETHERMAN, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. OFFICERS : THOS. A. BELL, President, CllAS. FETHEBM AN, V. Pres't, WM. B. BELL, Cashier. Ian. 27,'TG. J. 15. IITJLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) .llonroc Co. Marble Works, Llain St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand oi made to ordei, JKIXUaKXTS, UCABSTOXCS, f;c. of theliest Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdmai for 'nearly t ten year', 1 feel confident in tbiiity to please ail that jjive me a call. Al. work warranted to give entire satisfaction. X.1 Order? by mail promptly attended to. lib -JO'72-tf Don't rail lo af (cud ItlcCnrts V FnniitureS.iIesevery hiy. Great bargin iu Furniture, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Piauos Organs, &c. Ovt. 5,.!7 1 . McCARTV & SONS. .. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at thU Office. . - i J. S.'BcCartj & Sons, ' Practical UndGrtaksrs, Beg herewith to offer to the public n a bu siness novelty and practical convenience the following price list, of superior COFFTNS and CASKETS. An examination of the list will at once reveal the cost of articles in this line, whether metal or wood, from the plainest to the most elabor ate finished, so that parties at a distance or at home, have but to read to find the precise ar ticle wanted, at prices much lower than olii-r-ed by any other house in City or Country. These goods are all of the best quality, nothing inferior being kept in Ptock, and ill bear the closest inspection, which is cordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the more recent and meritorious inventions. Price List of CojTuis and (gaskets furnihsed ly J. If. McCarty tfc Sons. No. 1 Full size complete ' $2-3 00 No. 2 Full size O G top and molded base, complete SO 00 No. 3 Full size, double top and mould ed base, French plate Gbis, handles plated, Satin or Merino lining 35 00 No. 4 Full size, round corners, rich mountings, Merino lining, Silk fringe 40 00 No. o Full size, double top, full glass Octagon ends, Merino lining, com plete A") 00 Imitation CofF.ns, full size $9 to $13 do do all sizes, from 20 inches to G feet, in stock 1 50 per foot. Children' L'oihin--, Walnut $5 to $15 do While Caskets, complete, from 2 ft. C inch, to 4 ft 5 inch. $12 to $18. Children's solid Ihwe Casket?, kept in stock, from 2 fi. 10 inch, to 4 ft. 10 inch, trimmed and boxed 520 and up No. 1 Full size L'asket, complete $33 00 No. 2 do do poIUhed, handles and plate, complete 42 00 No. 3 Full size Casket, polished Wal nut, handler, p!at, thumb-screws and richly trimmed, complete 45 CO No. 4 Full Me beautiful Octagon or bent ends, raided double top, fed I glass, heavy moulded, Me rino or satin lined, complete 50 00 No. 5 Full size Gem Casket, in Wal nut or Rosewood only, no sizes under 1 t. 0 inch, price as trim med, from S "j0 to $150 00 Style A Wrought metal Rurial Ca.-kcts. lull size, weight from 250 lo -100 Us. plain finish, imitation of Rose wood or Walnut, single glas, from $ IS to $05 00 Style H Full size beautiful Cas kets, boiler iron, weight from 250 to 350 lbs. donh'.e thick j'ate-g'ass. beauti fully trimmed with satin or merino, from 75 to $150 00 Style C Full size wrought metal Casket, g!a-- covering, whole top, i inch thick, bar, haudlf-s. ilver corner jiiii.its, weight from 350 to 450 lbs. price from $1T0 to $100 00 Children's Metaiie Ca-kcts, all sizes, from 3 ft. up. Frices in proportion. No extra charges for attending Funerals. September 2S, l7d. A. DCALCU IN Ucady-Radc nothi::, Gcals Fur p.ishig GoctSs, Slats & Caps, Kools & Shoes, &c. EAST S Til 0 UDSfi UR G, rA. (Near t lie Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine good. Prices moderate. -day 0.'(9-lf a. Ii. Drehcr. E. B. Dreiier (2 doors west of the "Je5er?onian OfHee,") ELIZABETH STREET, DRSHER 5 BRO., DELVLEUS IN Drugs, 3Ielicincs, I'crru:cry and ToIJct Aitic!es. 3?aints, OILS, VARXISIIF.S, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard It t; IS 2 Ell TRt'SSCS Also Bitter's T11USSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. The bisrliest price paid for OIL of WI NTERG REEN. ina 4, '73-tf. All persons are hereby cautioned not to res pas on any property of the undersigned, ituale in Stroud township, Monroe county, I'a. Vny one violating this notice will be prosecuted o the full extent of the law. JACOIt IT. BUTTS, itroudsburg, July 20, l.STo. TiiIvnESES For Snc .if thi? OOlco'. Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. I.ocatrd in corner building1, third door be low the Jefferson m n office. Room handsome- 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, "Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in thispoctnn of countiy. A full assortment of S pen .teles, of the beet quality, and suiied to all nges, always on pa le. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al way- on hand at manufacturers prices. 07IJepa iritis neilly executed, and char- ge.s extremely moderate. Ca lis from tl public respeci fully solicited. S..lo Ajeni for the celebrated Diamond Sp-ctac'es. November 5th, 18G8 ly. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL tt'HO WANT Carriage Work or Blaeksaithing DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! . TIIE Subscriber begs leave to iu & inform the public that he is fully pre ? pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, ii, the borough of Stroudaburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, every thing in bis line of bu stness, at the shortest possible notice, auu on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed aud paint ed in the best style of the ait. Having first class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen eugage 1, the puhlie are assured that none but first class work will be turned out u: his shop. In connection with bis Carriage Shop be has alo a Blacksmith Shop, when superior workmen will always be fun no ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite.1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September H, lMi7.-tf. Cards, Bilf Flesds, Labels, k X EAT, CAE A P A?;D QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN 3 y y ' OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Sry All Orders promptly tilled. tJive ns a call. THE UXSETTLBD AT THE Glue Front Cash Grocery Stor n OF M. R. BEOWN, Adjoining the late residence of Dr. Syd. Wal ton, Main street, smounsBUBn,, pA., I) CALEB JN Choice Family Groceries, rito visions, FLO UK, MEAL, spices, OofTees, Teas, Tobaccos, &c. r. ihhitt's hest Soap S ets. Port'o Iih:o Molas.sea CO cts. per gal. Rio Coffee L'o "lb. Alo a choice lot of CANDIES. One hundred ind twenty-eight test Coal Oil 10 rents per quart, ami other article in pro portion, (live me a call and satisfy your kcIvc of the truth of our statement, Doc. 21, 7-tf x ;'vv-.,-- - : V" 'i - - I f , CHARTER PER RE TEAL. The Py-T.a-s of tliis Compnr, r"r1-tr( t-s in iuuraiici: have, r.-.vu;!'r I ' ,"',va r!:m.THl. j!acini; it upon a 1--;m ji; a t . ;1 t r ' Firo Insnraiii-o ConiMr.nv in th .; S;ai..-. " ai!-r Important among tli.'se charges th- f,'l viz : ' ' "v'a. !Vli.-ts, instead of lhi3 perj.. tuul, ar- i.j fl All inprtv is t:iiri -1 Mi- r.T" . i,,-., fixrufpordin? t the ril: f ili.- t.i -, .-, C ' " 1 IV.-rnhnii nott-s arc taken, and all a.;"; .K uunle on tin notes. " ' ' s aT, l'r..:rty i in-t ii'-d fi.r i)'t in-!!-.. (;,.,,, ,. its a.-lual , a.-h v:.l:l;., :,,! lt!;i a: , ,u-lt .' ;. "''f l:iid in of 1.,, .rovid vl 5h? 1 l,j ,. V;'?i;'' iiMioiiiii of iiisur:iiu:.-. ' 0 lUu "Aiiiuuil a." s-.i!i :it-'' onlv art' !ii:i'l' :,. of heavy W, and wheru" a st.ci gv u", - tV5" " iifOasa.-y. ' ""' u Tlie C.mir-anr is thorof.rf .rer-nrM t'. i-iir - ,.,..,... upon t-.-rras much more d-.-siiiiole tlj:;a i:vj ... , i!. .-, .yst( in. c '' ' Applivatinns may ho r:ia.le t auv of thi? y.,,,.,,,,, Surveyor, or Socrciary. ' ' "c J MAXAGlT.v .T. Ivtiii- Ii r.r C. I'. Jir.jdi, John I : ii r. -r, 'I'll. . S -n,:-h AV:i;-;:in "uli::e. Jacob K. SJ'afcr. Silas t,. Prikt .I:u-i.h Knei'ht Jacob btouilcr, JI '.sap! ,. 1 ' -.'. i '.,.yt a. v.'. h;..-.jt-s wi i. t.i am vai.i.u:p,v, Drckch, S;cr tary a;..l Ti , .; r.:t l r. E. B srnvKvcjis. I'tr l.:u--i- ' ,;:i;lv Sil L. Drnlce, v. ii;;-.,,, ::;i. ' ;... c. T. V. I:1im1', J. iA-.c- L..d!ar. .1 John ljiiii.'.-r. Win. S a Hll ' I Vr Wiivue P'i;mi!v: F. A. Oppeli, ' J.a. i A. -t. r-. For I'ik-; .'(t.:i;.'v : -I'oas I:-tr;Vk. For ;"oi th.i!a;!..n Courtv : Itichard CamJcii. for Car!ji; CjuuIv i Saiautl ZiL'Cinft:.. For Wroiuin f.v..;:;r. G. M. Kciun, O'Ju-c in Sii-.Mi'-'.'.nv. mi t::'? Xir aioinh, a: J. oVt ;k I. M. "-t :". f- t- . I U. V V It MACHINE SHOP! T:ie siM.scrlber iiin-ing started a .M:.c!iia Shop, i.c..r the h'.'iid ot Main Street, Strcudcbv Fr if prernred to udd. a:id r-po r u Mac'iinery v. nh accurucyi Li.d ,.: ;.:c:i. Bcinj; titttd widi special MACfri.::ny ran rrr. 7A'fr SlAt"n.(, AMf i' f.. l.UYS. AM) WITH J v.. PROVED TUVJ.V of var:cus kinds, ar-d hnvi'. -m of over Thirty y:rs, in ::; i-; . t..;.J buiiuiny in:ic:;:i:t r; for s:cci il i' i . . a ... Work. Ibivo on h:uJ, ti;i bu; i Jul oiU.i iA;:i.'ti-.:, of from 2 to It) Hor?? Po'vc, ,!,.-.',, secia!ly tor Farm u,.-, cr tor .,ri i .,iy li,dit iiiachiii.-ry. I ulj l:tx:? , . everal tho'j.-a.id feel oi" Premium Kew York Oak Tjnncl L:kz, in widths of 1 J. inch t t inch:-. (;;:; -y : .'l wn!rr oil s id vt r y short tfif ; fietttr.T prie s, nl-o Lice I.cl"..-.-i-, L.lt liivers, Foiiciits, vl:c., steam pipes rrrnxns .if tl.r; various s'zes. Pip! cut au.i ;ir: J, at bhori r.otice. 52cmp &UuLm rSlenn; li::'.n:r. I would call the a:to;i!i n I" I Wheelwriolits, and otiier;-, t :..v ;..-..'-inent of ad eiies ot Machine Eoltc, Nuts, 7chor?, Lag Screws, and JJolt-; whicli I offer af New York pre a 'l'!;e B-dt-etii-s 'fiiocii!!v. hfn li.ruf.-l .al fitted with nuis hy machineiy,' fn-d i.- ili.' 15 aclsriiiths lo l'nrnis.'i hoi's ui any ' i, ir.ncii cheaper, ami quicker, t!:an to cut them by hani. Call in ar.d see tny stock- :uu! M rl.ui .-rv. ti. sam t;;;:;.' March r. isrntf. Harness & Saddlorv. c The nhove Sinsinrs- ha-J nsjain l re -suiiifil at t lit it!n stand, Jatciv !.'-t r-iV y the late flooii, n,';ir Jlaulwiu's 11 -u l tSlroiidsl nr', where will he k.-pt cous'utly on hai.d the li.st a.-sori im-nl ot Sadilh -s, Uridlrs, Collars, and every oth.-r article n-mdly fnnu-ci ihis line .if Miainess. V..ik "und.1 io (..; r on the shortest notice. A Lr "e ars.,it:.i''':t of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on haiul. ('ill and im he y"T fvn st h'Ciun,'iml it will he '..rn;s!ie.! in .-tyk' aal price not to he excelU'd in thi nrii k. t. Strict attention piiil to repiinnaml tloac in bhwrtesl notice. Call ami ex. mine JOHN (). SAYI.Oit, Air..;. October 0. 1S71V tf rjlhc Etir?ct ai:l hvst svlvvt- JL stock ol' Furniture ever exhil-itC'l 1:1 Stroud.ihnrir, cau uow he scon at tho Fellows II ,11. Pot. 5, 'To, 1 McCAUT'& S0NSL J-A- Faniil3' Groivrios, Queciswaic, Gkc.? ware, AVood and Willow-ware, at C. It. AN DUE & Co. Term CA SR. ja n. 30, ' tf . .5 i in