The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, February 22, 1877, Image 2

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    i)c 3cfTcv5oniau.
The Electoral Commission after hearing
tho arguments in full on the Louisiana
ouostinn decided on last Friday to count
lir-r electoral vote for Hayes and Wheeler.
"With this result the Democracy are not
ve il j 'leased. They regard the Com mis
pi n as a bad investment for them, though
everybody knows it was their pet hobby to
get another chance at the public plunder.
They now see that they have slopped over
badly, and that their expected plunder is
floating out of reach of their virtuous
grasp. They now comprehend the serious
fact, that all their murders for political
opinions" sake, their bull-dozing, intimida
tion and frauds have all gone for naught.
Even Tilden's investment of S3, 000 in
Croniri, of Oregon, through his nephew,
Col. lMton, by which the leader of the
reformers hoped to steal one of Hayes'
electors, and thus steal into the Presidency,
now proves to be a wretched and most
debasing effort at furthering the reform
movement. The reform gun was heavily
loaded, but when it went off it bursted
and killed and wounded all its gunners.
When the Electoral Commission had
decided that the law would not allow them
to count the electors of Florida for Tilden,
his pet reformers went into fits, and while
in this condition made desperate efforts at
intimidating and bull dozing the Commis
sion. In this effort they made themselves
l eline for several days that the' had suc
ceeded, but when the Commission an
liouueed the fact that the law compelled
them to give the electoral vote of Louisiana
to Hayes and Wheeler, they were obliged
to discover their delusion, and just now,
like a used up wooden-legged soldier, are
giving us a splendid exhibition of mock
heroics, attempting to demonstrate what
liv would do if they only could.
The Joint Convention of the two Houses
resumed the counting of the Electoral
votes on Tuesday, and counted nine more
States, stopping at Nevada on account of
some trivl objection which requires but
little time to dispose of. Doubtless Oregon
has b -en reached before this, and will be
disposed of in a couple of days or so, and
v.iii undoubtedly be counted for Hayes,
jiii thus secure his election.
S:mtor Cameron.
T'li New York Trunin has said so many
r.iUL'hry tilings and said them so often that
the :' ;i!ovi:i g from that paper comes with
all the more force. Every one who knows
S -p : ,r Cameron knows the truth of what
the Tribune says :
"This story about Simon Cameron's
brrv.h r.f promise is unadulterated non
sense. The venerable Senator is no such
man. We have found many a fault in his
p:-.t career, and may have to find many
juiether yet. But in all our fault finding
we ijiwr once saw a chance to blame him
for r. t keeping his word. He is proud of
hs S.-otch traits, and fidelity is the chief
oftl; m. A hatever Simon Cameron docs,
he J ' -s not break his promises. The
widow should abate herself. She is a hum
bug, if not also a blackmailer. If Simon
( ;m -ro:i has promised to marry anybody,
he ii going to do it, or die in the attempt.
Assassination is again looming up
::s a political remedy f r troublesome Re
p".o:i. tn officials. On Thursday, while
i'i -.v. Packard was in the State House at
New Orleans, he was approached and shot
at by a man who Called himself Weldon.
S tiij one in the room shot at Weldon in
return. and wounded him in the arm.
After he was arrested Weldon said that
his motive was ''patriotism," that he was
one of a band organized for the purpose,
iml that the turn of Governor Hayes
would come next. Weldon claimed to be
a i'hihideiphiaii and a correspondent of the
IV' the last assertion being untrue. It
is possible that the man is insane, as the
Democrats allege, and on the other hand it
is not unlikely that he wished to emulate
the deed of the greater assassin Booth.
A hill is before the New Jersey Legis
lature reducing the legal rate of interest
from seven to six per cent. It is believed
that it will pass both branches by large
majorities. In past years a great deal of
luoney has been sent across the Delaware
from Pennsylvania for investment, an ac
count of the higher rate of interest allowed,
but this business will now come to an end.
Tun assurance of the Indianapolis Jour
nal is entertaining. It sa'S : "The most
surprising and humiliating feature of the
whole business is that out of seven Demo
crats on the commission not one has had
the moral courage to rise above his partisan
convictions and respond to the obligation
of his oath."
Tin: Maine Legislature is doing its best
to make the men happy by law. It has
just passed a bill abolishing lotteries, iu-
cu'dmg rattles at church fairs, and the Sen
ate has voted in favor of the bill which in
cludes elder in the list of intoxicating
drinks, the sale of which is prohibited.
Revenue Agent Meyers, who was
shot by a lawver at Warrenton, Mo., has
been taken to St. Louis. Three teeth are
shot out, his tongue is cut, and the ball has
lodged i:i the back part of Lu neqk.
According to the Army and Navy
Cif.'.ftc, recruiting ha3 been 0 brisk,
owing to general depression in all trades,
that 4io fewer than 30,000 young men
enlisted last year.
Am.vndls OitEVUS, the herdsman,
wanted to be Chief Burgess but the people
could nt see it. The Democrats went back
on him and the fusiouists would'nt touch
him with u ten -foot pole.
Mayor Sioklky was elected mayor of
Philadelphia, last Tuesday, by 2747 major
ity. The entire Republican ticket waa
Simon Gager Throop, son of Daniel and
Mary Throop, who departed this life at his
residence in this borough, on Wednesday
evening last, at the ripe old age of 87 years,
1 month and 11 days, was born at Boswcll,
Connecticut, January 4th, 1790. At an
early age his parents moved to Hudson, N.
Y. , taking the subject of this sketch with them.
Here after receiving such education as the
county afforded, and which included the
classics, he entered his fathers store as clerk
where he remained for some time, when he
entered the office of the late Hon. Elisha
Williams, one of New York's most able and
eloquent lawyers of the olden time, when
there were intellectual giants in the land and
with ex-President Van Buren as an office
mate successfully pursued the study of law.
With his parents, who followed the advance
of civilization he, upon his admission to the
Bar, settled in Oxford, Chenango county,
New York, where he followed his profession
with great zeal and success. After filliug the
office of Surrogate of the county, and several
others of minor import, Civil and Military,
he in 1816 '17 was, as a Clinton Democrat,
returned to the Legislature at Albany, where
he gave promise of more than ordinary
distinction as a debator and as a successful
legislator. His party falling into reproach
because of its steady adherence to the cause
of internal improvements he was defeated on
a re-nomination for re-election, and never
afterwards appeared as a candidate for
political office, though he always steadily
held to and maintained his adherance to his
party, and was noted through the midland
counties of New York State for the eloquence
and argumentative force of his speeches in
its behalf. In 1343 he removed to Hones
dale, Wayne county, Pa., where he for a
time engaged in the practice of his profession,
but finding the intricacies of the Pennsylva
nia practice to militate against the interest of
his clients, he measurably retired from active
work at the bar, and, at the solicitation of
the businessmen of the place he accepted
the office of Justice of the Peace, and sue
cessfully and satisfactorily filled the position
for two full terms. Iu 106, he, with his
estimable lady, who survives him at the ripe
old age of 85 years, removed to this place,
where his only surviving child, Mrs. Edward
L. Wolf, was then a resident, since wheu he
has contiuued a resident of cur beautiful
Though, Mr. Throop ranked high as a
law-er and forensic speaker-and debator, he
was most widely known for his rich fund of
humor, his sterling wit and his irrepressible
waggery. These genial qualities never
deserted him, but eveu in his ripe old age
drew towards him the genera' friendliness of
every community in which he cast his lot.
During his resi deuce in New York Slte n;s
name became a very synonym of gUod humor,
and the records of the. "TJnadilla Haut," a
Nimrodic Club, embracing many of the most
brilliant names of middle New York on the
roll of its membership, and of other
social institutions, attest the qualities of the
mau and the strength of his power in moving
to mirthfulness and rational enjoyment.
In politics Judge Throop was a staunch
Republican, as is shown by his early embrac
ing the principles of the Dewit Clinton branch
of the New York Democracy, his adhesion
to the free soil party of '4S and his support
of and action with the Republican party from
its iuception until the day of his death.
In his religious belief Judge Throop held
to the tenets of the Episcopal Church, ami
for a long time held the position of trustee
in St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Oxford,
N. Y. Though he held firm to his faith in
that denomination,- he held in liberal view
the faith of all who differed from him. Bigotry
never lor a moment succeeding in obtaining
a foot-holl in his manly heart.
During his whole life Judge Throop was
the earnest and sincere friend of a liberal
educational facilities for all ; and, as he often
expressed himself. Among the happiest
years of his life were those which he spent in
advancing the interest of Oxford, N. Y.,
Academy, and the cause of education general
ly, as oue of its active trustees.
Though for comparative!' but a few years
of his long life a resident of our borough, but
few of its inhabitants were better known or
more generally and highly respected than
Judge Throop. This was attested by the
zeal of the successful movement made a few
years ago to secure his appointment to the
position of Associate Judge and by the
kindly reception which every where met his
presence. On his arrival among us his in
sticts and inclination, prompted by habit in
duced him to seek and obtain admission to
the bar of our Courts, but not with a view to
practice. He had come here to seek rest,
after a rather eventful career, in his ripe old
age and it is pleasant to know that he felt
that even among comparative strangers he
found a congeniality of spirit which made
the evening of his life a season of true happi
ness and rare enjoyment. He was truly a
gentleman of the olden School and deserved
ly held the respect of all.
The last sad offices of respect to our depar
ted, and much beloved fellow citizen notwith
standing the bitter cold weather were paid
by a large concourse of friends at the lat
residence of the deceased, at the church, and
at the Cemetery. The religious services were
ably and impressively con lasted by the
Rev. A. A. Marple, of St. Lukes Episcopal
Church, Seranton, and the Rev. Dr. Carrow,
of the M. E. Church of this place, on Satur
day last; and when "earth to earth and
ashes to ashes," had been rattled upon the
lid of the coffin containing all that was mortal
of Judge Throop, all felt that the face of a
friend had been hidden forever from view,
and that the Soul of a christian gentleman and
patriarch had indeed been returned to the
God who gave it. The last intelligible word
of the deceased repeated to inquiring friends
were "I have my eye on the gun I am
prepared for the discharge."
"Requiescnt in pace" S.
At a meeting of the Bar, and Officers of
the Courts of Monroe County, held at the
office of Hon. John B. Storm, in the Borough
of Stroudsburg, Pa., on Friday eveniog,
February 16th, 1S77, to take action in
reference to the decease of Honorable Simon
G. Throop, a member of said Bar.
On motion Hon. C. Burnett was called to
the Chair and S. Holmes, Jr., esq., was ap
pointed Secretary.
Hon. J. B. Storm then presented the fol
lowing resolutions, which were unanimously
adopted as expressing the sense of the meet
ing: Whereas, It has placed God to remove
from the scenes of mortal life, our esteemed
and venerable fellow citizen, the Honorable
Simon G. Throop, therefore be it
Resolved, That we the members of the
Bar of Monroe county, and Officers of the
Courts, hereby desire to express our feelings
of sorrow and grief for the loss we have sus
tained in the death of Judge Throop. He
was esteemed by all who knew him, as an
honest man, a good citizen, a devoted friend,
and a pleasant and genial companion, in the
varied positions in which he was called to
serve his fellow man, as Counselor, Legisla
tor, and Judge, the same honorable, upright,
and courteous conduct marked his eutire
Resolved, That we tender to his afflicted
widow, and sorrowing friends, our heartfelt
sympathy for their irreparable loss.
Resolved, That we will attend the funeral
of the deceased in a body, to-morrow after
noon. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the family of the deceased, aud be
publish "d in the newspapers of the County ;
and that the same be duly entered on the
records of the Court.
Resolved, That the Chairman of this
mectinir be authorized to bring the action of
this body to the attention of the Court on
the first, day of the next regular term.
On motion adjourned,
S. Holmes, Jr., See'y.
Stroudsburg, Pa., February 16th, 1S77.
Mrs. Mary W. Lee, of Philadelphia, was
on a visit to her uncle, Hon. Wm. Davis, of
this borough.
There is no improvement in the condition
of Mrs. Sally Starrier, who was prostrated
by a stroke of palsy on the 10th inst.
Dr. A. H. Davis, of Philadelphia, spenta
few days during the past week, with his
father, Hon. Wm. Davis, of this place.
Dr. Throop and wife, and Ed. L. Wolf
and wife and family, were in attendance at
the funeral of Judge Throop, on Saturday
John F. Singer, of Jackson township, who
lost his arm by a permature discharge of his
gun, an account of which we published in
last weeks Jeff., is improving rapidly.
Mr. Thomas A. Bell, President of the
Monroe County Banking and Savings Com
pany, of this place, is off on a visit to
Chicago, aud will be absent for several days.
Mrs. Elizabeth Strouss, widow of the late
Levi Strouss, well known to many of our
readers, died at the residence of her son in
law, Peter A. G ruber, on Tuesday morning
last, at Tobyhanna Mills, aged about sixty
years. -
Valentine's day was observed in this
place, by a large number of enterprising peo
ple, mostly of the junior order. There was
probably not the usual number sent, on
account of the scarcity of small change among
the class that deal in this commodity. We
hear it reported that some persons received
an unusual number of valentines, while
many were not favored with any. These
little tokens of consideration are often not
evenly dispensed.
Lecture. We hope our readers will
make a special note of the fact that
Caroline Hayes will deliver her lecture,
which she has given much attention to,
entitled ''The Church and the Theatre." on
noxt Tuesday evening in the Court House.
The subject embraces a question that cannot
be too well understood. Come out and hear
her discussion of it, and we doubt not that
you will be paid for your money and time.
If you want to have an enjoyable time, at
tend the grand ball at the "Burnett House"
this evening, under the auspices and for the
benefit of the Cornet Band. This promises
to be the ball of the season and ail may expect
a gala time. The band is composed of
gentlemen, and their efforts to raise funds
with which to perfect their organization is
certainly deserving of a liberal patronage and
worthy of success.
Red, White and Blue. Reading, Pa.,
has small-pox, scarlet fever and diphtheria,
and the several diseases arc spreading so
rapidly that the authorities require a flag
to be displayed in front of every residence
in which are cases of cither a red flag to
denote small-pox, a white flag for diphtheria,
and a blue flag for scarlet fever.
Rev. George B. Dechant, of Catawissa,
pastor of the Reformed Church, who former
ly preached in Hamilton and for a consider
able time resided in this place, we hear
he intends preaching in the Hamilton Church
on Sunday the 4th of March next.
The fires at the Kutztown furancc were
lit up on Wednesday- afternoon, 7th inst..
at three o'clock, in the presence of a crowd
estimated to number one thousand, wh
gathered from all directions to witness the
The crop of hangings promises to be so
large in Carbon county this year, that tin
Commissioners think they can afford a gal
lows of their own, and have ordered one
with all the modern improvements.
Twenty-five years ago a Missouri bov
left his home and started out to beeomt
President of the United States. That bov
is now one of the best shoemakers in tin
Ohio State Prison.
John Myers, a resident of Centre Co.
is the father of 30 children, IS of whom
are living. Fourteen were by his first
wife, sixteen by his second.
Atples sell from 40 to 70 cents pel
bushel in the borough of York.
February has 23 days.
Washington's birthday to-day.
Six days more and then we'll March it.
Shad were offered in our market last
' Court convenes in this Borough, Monday
next, 26th.
Gray in all styles and shades will be the
spring rage.
Bad colds and sore throats are a glut in
the market.
Clarion county produces 30,000 worth
of oil daily.
m .
Don't forget the Cornet Band's hop at
the Burnett House, to-night.
It is said that SI 0,000 in spurious coin
is afloat in Philadelphia.
Shot-bags are again coming in use since
silver coin is getting so plenty.
The Grand Duke Alexis, it is reported
will visit the coal country in April.
Shad catching will soon follow the
departure of ice from the Delaware.
During the mild weather last week, bees,
flies and other insects became very lively.
Farmers are afraid that the wheat will
he damaged by constant freezing and thaw
Very little building is expected to be car
ried on in this borough during the coming
Never try to file off the edge of a sharp
Might ot steps by sliding down them on
your back.
The poodle friz, so common on the fore
head of young ladies, is fortunately going out
of date. Ex.
The cold snap of Saturday night last.
froze a scum of ice over the mill-race at the
upper end of town.
Farmers may sow flaxseed with their
wheat as a protection against chinch burs
with perfect success.
It is currently reported that there wil
be an encampment of all the State milith
at Chester, next summer.
The first gold discovered in California
was at the root of a wild onion which a
man was pulling for greens.
The warm spell of last week put an abund
ance of l,hen fruit" in market arid yet our
groccrymen a-k 20 cents per dozen !
P. J. M eeh an, Esq., has been appointed
bank assessor for Carbon and Monroe coun
ties by Auditor General Temple.
. .
Winter stiffened up its back-bone again
on Friday night, and like the Democratic
party, concluded not to be ''counted out."
A Lancaster man owns a ground hog
which on the 2d inst. left the box where it
i had laid siuce November und refused to re
William Keefe and Martin Wolf, two
of the Mollies who cut off Anthony Sweeny's
ear at Plymouth, Luzerne county, have been
On Monday we were visited with a "snow
squall," but owing to the dampness of
"mother earth," it did not remain with us
very long.
No borough tax will be collected in Wo
melsdorf, Berks count', this 'year, there
being enough money in the treasury for
current expenses.
The Kansas fever is to its highest pitch in
Stroudsburg. Quite a number of persons
of this place will start for Kausas about the
27th of next month.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Railroad Company expended the fabu
lous amount of ;JO0 in the construction of
the new depot at Manuuka Chunk.
Mrs. Wilson, who recently died in
Ilollidaysburg, in her eighty-ninth year
within the two years previous to her death.
cut over a dozen teeth of a third set.
The revival meetings that have been at
tended with considerable success at the
Water Gap M. E. Church, is still in pro
gress. On Sunday morning last fourteen
persons were taken in as members on proba
tion. How bad that wealthy young man felt on
St. Valentine's Day when he went to the
post-office with the expectation of receiving
a "beautiful one" when it turned out to bea
little wash bill that he had forgotten to settle
some time ago.
A perfectly white ink has now been
manufactured, which ffiws freely from a
fine or coarse pen, makes a delicate hair
line, and dries quickly. The ink requires
lark paper, and several styles have already
been introduced.
John Connelly, of Hamilton township,
was arrested on Monday evening last, and
faken before Enquire Fenner, of Sciota, on a
charge of high-way robbery, and in default of
'ail was committed for trial at the next term
f Quarter Sessions.
Lackawanna. Should the new county
T Lackawanna be firmed, it will contain
120 square miles and a population of 71,-
T57, according to the census of 1870.
fjuzerne, as it would remain after division,
voulil contain 9S0 square miles and 89,-
193 inhabitants.
President Sloan, of the Delaware Lack-
i wanna and Western Company, pronounces
he statement that a combination with the
New Jersey Central is contemplated by his
company "an infamous lie." The assertion
hat the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
las not paid its November vouchers as he
aid, equally . fa he. It U now paying its
December divider) Js,
Scattered to the Four Winds 1
The Lender bronglit Down!
Where's the two Kcrs of
Our Borough election on Tuesday, passed
off quietly and pleasantly though it was not
devoid of considerable animation and
interest. The net result was a rather
clean sweep for the Republicans, the Demo
crats only carrying 4 minor officers beside
the one Inspector which the law allowed
them. Some of our majorities it will be
seen were pretty heavy, we carrying our
Burgess, William Wallace, over the editor
of the Democrat by 20 majority. And
when this result was announced, our devil
being inspired, got off the following :
Ring out the loud timbrels
On Elizabeth street.
For Tilden is routed
Aud Orevus is beat.
Below we append the vote in full :
Chief Burgess
Wm. Wallace, R. 195
A. O. Green wald, D. 175
Town Council.
Garret G. Ramsey, R. 213
William Huntsman, R. 203
Daniel II. Brown, It. 201
John II. Conner, D. 190
Charles R. Andre, R. 189
Jerome S. Williams, D. 1S5
Joseph L. Bowers. D. 109
James M. Postcn, D. 153
James P. Brown, R. 101
Valentine Kautz, D. 159
Wilson Dreher, R. 155
It. S. Staples, D. 151
School Directors.
Joseph Wallace, It. 21 1
Joseph II. Shull, D. 190
Valentine Albert, R. 157
John E. Snyder, D. 115
Judge of Election.
A. A. Dinsmore, R. 105
R. E. Comment, D. 149
Lewis T. Myers, D. 42
Adison B. Melick, R. 109
Jacob L. Wyekoff, It. 20
Charles P. ML-k, D. 102
George L. Drehor, B. 11G.
Edwin Fisher, D. 221
Justice of the Peace.
M. M. Burnett, R. 202
Charles S. Detrick, 1). ICG
Overseers of the Poor.
Peter H. Robeson, R. 207
Stroud Burson, R. 15(
Joseph Matlack, R. 154
Jacob Ellott, D. 1 10
Reuben Thomas, R. CG
George C. Adams, R. 103
James T. Carmer, D. 1S3
Report of Stroudsburg Public Schools,
for 4th month.
Principal's Department.
Averages. A. Grammar 93. B Gram
mar 90. Mental Arithmetic i)0. Written
Arithmetic GO. History 1S. Geography
93. Spelling 90. Other studies not
Intermediate (Mr. Overfield's) Department.
Best Scholars Written Arithmetic
Addie Keller, Willie Ruster, Emma Fable,
Minnie Thompson.
Gcogrophy Ella Ransbury, Herbert
Keller, Hattie Raubenold, Arthur Dreher,
Mental Addie Keller, Clara Rees,
Phebe Palmer, Hattie Raubenold.
Grammar Clinton Baltz, Clarence
Dreher, Levy Brown, Sallie Detrick.
Spelling Jennie Drake, Eddie Depue,
Sallie Detrick, Emma Fable.
Miss Blair's Department.
Arithmetic Robert Boys, Simon Flory,
George Bates, Fannie Raubenold, Lizzie
Bush, Edith Holmes, Annie Dreher, Olivia
Gardner, Grace Palmer, Annie Wallace,
Emma Davis, Jennie Quackenbush, Annie'
Coolbaugh, Eva Peters, Mary Greenwald,
Annie M erring, Laura Albert, and Nettie
Bush, 100.
Mental Arithmetic Fannie Raubenold,
Annie Coolbaugh, Edith Holmes, Annie
Merring, Annie Dreher, Eddie San ford,
Lizzie Bush, Mary Greenwald, Geo. Bates,
and Eva Peters 1U0.
Geography Annie Coolbaugh, Eddie
Sanford, Annie Wallace, Eva Peters, Geo.
Bates, Annie Merring, Lay ton Williams,
and Lewis Wallace, l'JO.
Spelling Annie Dreher, and Mary
Greenwald, 100.
Miss Burnett's Department.
Mental Arithmetic John Ramsey, Har
ry Staples, Willie Depue, Manning Merring,
Willie Ililler, John Primrose, Paul Miller,
Dory Schoch, George Rees, Emma Kautz,
Mary Baltz, Nettie Flory, Grace Sigafcs,
Dory Dreher, Mary Keenest, Emma Wal
lace, Agnes Ililler, Let tie Posten, Willie
Thompson, Willie Gardner, Howard Mans
field, Reeves Wallace, and Bell Bowers.
Geography Emmi Wallace, Mary
Keenest, Bell Davis, Letty Posten, Walter
Michaels, Reeves Wallace, Susie Tuttle,
Susie Brown, Agnes Ililler, Chas. IaBar,
Samuel Taylor, Arthur Ruth, Hurry Staples,
Sam. h rankenfield, Willie Ihompson, Bell
Bowers, Emma Kautz, Eliza Groner, Grace
Sigafus, Mary Baltz, Paul Miller, George
Brown, George Rees, Manning Merring,
A. Mcllhaney, II. anfliet, J.Ramsey,
Nettie Flory, Geo. Hull, and Tillie Rhodes,
from 98 to 100.
Mr. Carr of Indiana, the successor of
the late Speaker Kerr, made a remarkable
ten minute speech on Monday when the
House was considering the report of the
Electoral Commission on Florida. He said
among other sharp things to those who sit
on the same side of the House with him :
I arise to remind the Democratic ma
jority that in common decency your votes
on this measure (the Compromise bill) have
stopped you from indulging in even one
word of criticism against the decision of
mat tribunal. Mrs, it is vour own nfr.
spring ; you brought it into being ; y0U
gave it life and power, and you alone, are
responsible for the result. It is no excuse
for you to assert that you did not antici
pate such a result, that you expected high
er and better things from your fuundlin"-.
You had no more right to expect a tribu
nal as constituted to produce a different re
sult than to expect a thorn-bush to briri"
forth figs. Nor will so weak an apology
save you from the just condemnation which
your betrayed and outraged constituency
will forever heap upon your treacherous
heads. Laughter and applause on the Re
publican side. No, Sirs. The wrong, the
great and burning outrage, is on your hands
and your hands alone. Nur will the Demo
cratic people be slow in ascertaining the
true source of their discomfiture and de
feat. It may subserve your purpose for a
brief time to attempt to shield yourselves
undercover of hollow denunciations of your
tribunal, as the cry of '-Stop thief!" for a
moment may delude the .fficers of the law,
but when the mad populace shall have ven
ted unmerited anger upon this tribunal for
a brief hour, it will seek the true object of
its just indignation, and the blame will at
last lie where it properly belongs. The
few only who had the moral courage to
stand here upon the floor, and amid the
derision and contumely of the Democratic
majority (hired to warn you of the inevi
table results of that da '"s work, have a
mors.l right to eotiij of the end of this
day's labor. But, Sirs, while they have
deep regrets as to the action (,f the Com
mission, they have deep and bitter denun
ciations and condemnations to heap upon
the heads of those who. e!..ini:ig to be lead-
crs of the
at IK
it ie
;rtv in
existence, havo roved themselves either
incompetent from ignorance, or unworthv
for base reasons. Renewed lau-hter and
applause on the Jlepubli.-au side Here
then, in the name of the D.-un.-r.i.-v of the
whole country, 1 ;ibs..Ive that Commission
from all charges. s(ve it may be that (fan
honest mistake, an 1 in the r.amc of the
same power I :-.. 'incc the in.j .ri:v of 1 1, is
House as being resonijsi'.Ie f.r the wronr,
a nd recreant iimrant!
or i- ri'i
;V re-
creant to the cot.ii b n -e wl,
rej'oscd in them, and iakhh-
confided in them. . pp!
It is nece.-.sarv to sav that
lias been
the trust
Carr is a
. to
D.nn Piatt's Iiifaiuy.
"Waphincton, Fed. 19. District At
torney Weils is prp:irit:-r an indictment
i'.ei I';art i.-r th.
in es-
terday's (tpit.d mi.: .resting the
tion of President elect Hayes. T
cation is indictable ;i the C'.ni
which is by an old xv-X i f Cigres
in the District of Cohimhia. i.nd v.
table under a sp.H-.i i! statute,
will, it is reported, laid belLr.- !
!:e leMi
::: n law,
s in force
-o in lic
Kvi.lence h" 1 1 :tnd
Jury to-niorrow. ami it me inoictm. i.t is
f mn 1. as it no doubt will be. t'.:e l-rosecu-
tion will be pnvecded with a- vigorously
as possible. There hive been ail manner
of stories of assassination in the ; ir f.r
several days Generally, men have pai 1 lit-
tie attention to them, tor t::e reason mat it
was not characteristic of the people ofthis
eountrv to strike i:i the dark, and, more-
over, the attempt to kill Mr. Haves
or any
of the other gentlemen wh. . lives l ave
been threatened, would be rertahi death to
the assassin. The only f ar is the.t some,
half crazy person, irrcspom-io'e, and with
out coadjutors, might be excited byjtist
scch articles as that in the C-t,n'id. to un
dertake the dastardly deed of murder. The
life of no man iu the Republic is in the
slightest danger, probably, from any or
ganized scheme of i m. but in tle.j
existing condition of ex iteriu'iit a ri t
might be incited to bloodsshed and hang-
nig to lamp post?.
A Prosperous Co il
New York. February 19. The ar.ntnl
report of the Delaware and Hudson Camd
Company was issued to-day. liiefooow-
1 T .
ing synopsis was given to the press: it
shows the profit for the year ending Decem
ber 31, lS7t', after laving ail interest.
dividends, rentals, etc.. as 83')H;0 ; also
reduction of float in-e: obligations in January
of over 6900,000, and cash and good cash
assets on hand much iu excess of all matur-
mcr obligations.
A Dead Mm Can Inherit.
The Supreme Court of this State Ttns
decided that a dead man can inherit the
insurance of his own life. A man named
Ilass insured his life in fivor of h;s wief
for 1,000; but the wife died before him.
when he married again, aud died not .oug
afterward. The second wife brought suit
for share of the SI ,000 realized from the
policy on the life of her husband, on the
ground that when his first wife died tlce
husband became from that moment oue ot
her heirs, entitled to a third of her i stattv
Supreme Court endorses this histery of the
second wife, holding that "It is not stretch
ing the construction of the statute bevetid
what is legitimate to hold that her (the fnt
wife's) estate included for purpose id' distri
bution not only what was then her own
estate, but what might become so on a
contingency thereafter happening. lh
death of her husband and the payment id
the policy on his life was such a contingency,
and his executors are entitled to one-third
of the fund thus realized.
Prof. Botsfbrd lectured in Jasper, N
Y., on phrenology, with practical illustra
tions. All went well until, in examining
the head of a popular clergyman, he said,
that the bumps indicated the mind of a,
prize-fighter. Then the entertainment end
ed in a row.
Hon. Henry Williams, L L.D.v Asso
ciate Justice of tho Supreme Court of thi
State, died at his residence, at Pittsburg, on
Monday last, aged 61 years.