The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, February 22, 1877, Image 1

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H 1
Scuotcb to politics, Citcraturc, gricnliuve, Science, illovalitii, awb encral Uutelliociue.
VOL. 31.
NO. 7.
1. XI Jy
T". 'fn T-v i -1 il irs a yeur in alranco anil if not
jv.ii I '- !"" t i ':) 1 f the year, two dollars and fiftv
-:i!-i ;'i h t'lnr'.'i'l
N' -hit ii-i iTi'iiiu 'd tm'.il ill arrearages are
pal 3. x:'1 at 'It'? vit i i; of th I'M it or.
.'!, V 1 ' ri -;,ts f on- 'vnri of fei-;M l;nes or
n- r t!ir- in rt ions 1 " ). K;h nddUioiiil iu
iertii'ii, - c?nts. Fi in'r hips in rr--port ion.
Executed iu the hijhost style of th? Art, and on tho
m a reasonable tonus.
Physician and Sargeon.
O-Sic an I reiJon?2: Corner Main and Pocono Street,
.SritOL'DsRL'RO, Pa.,
O.liee lio'.irs from 7 to S a. ru., 1 to 2 and 7
to S p. m.
Oct. -3, 157G-tf.
T 22. SiSlT-L,, 51. O.
" n 1 1 '"r 1W v n irn-.-lt Tlirtse. Rosi-lmce
?:i 1 ! r w-t of Hi-'k.s;: Q.uV-r Church. OiTica
!'.ir. i ' a. :u., 1 t j p. ni., o tj y p. ui.
I'3 iici;i: zaul Surgrcoss,
'.a -
I s '
t'i-: Si
I !)
;- o.-np; 1 by Dr. Sl;;i. n-.vsiJer.oc with
;! .! ) ! v r!i J.-C-rs.jnian OSice.
.. 7 : J, u t.) au.l G t 9.
-:i T is. I. t's Ii-iI'.J-n;. no-irly oj..po site
i !,' Ila.i i. Oii a aUTtd l-r axiMtim: ',
. ' . . j
' -' fJtU.6,7C-tf. !
;):i",!''M ' e! n'p'-,Y - liT'irr'TIT
0 " ; j '. ll i'vl's Kri. nrarJy cp
-'' 'i; i -. '.'.J;J. iiiidiii:j on car;ih stitet
:. . - F.-a-i i.
A i ':!, s,'7:2-:f
One -iv.r a'wve ths "Strond.nbnrg House"
OjnxT 2J
I 1
v -z-r
ii. 3.1 ijj
if a Tn.-n".!?, Afpnt !ni
. r-.
'ieiand Cnn-ryonnnj in all it-'
. - ' ! i . . . . .1 .
,.i ...,:. y uiitfiivu iu.
tteiKieu to.
7 .
ic;iij takea for c.c
rCliir" UricU. Ruilding, near the R.R.
. M 2
r 2.. !;'-7 tf.
or, Con
Parra. Timor Lands and Town Lots
' ' i n''.ir!v or'ifj4t
a ;i ! J i I,.- !'.).? th'o Cor'
M .rr-h 2 ! 7:-t!'.
AriPilran IIouc-s
er Sti e.
D 3. J. L A N T Z,
s'j?:oat t l!2oha:::cal dentist.
' in- -):Ho on Tl iin tr.-i-f. in t'-p sifnT:d s'.iry
"i :-. S. y.t
S.r.i K';;r ;;!;:
h r :' i I i i ) u
. s.ti h. iii! - liii;-,.-i;'t:i.t by -i :1
1 j'ra-Tii'"! and Oiij ioM-carn-st siii1
' . : li i 1' i ! I V ! .i. In M Ti'inrl 'ill l.f"l It! if)M
i'i f '-- J.:it:ii liii" in ma iiu-fl carelai aud sliillful uiao-
n nr.
'.;?!-n;i i vn t -viijr th NataraJ T-''t!i;
Ni. f 'ii- i in-r! i.iri of A r! iti.'tal Tl'1";1i ii l:ui!irr.
O-j'.J, V'v.. r Cai: ti auus (iiuns, and jn.-jfcet lit iu all
jus tcr.i'.r i'i" n-:it fully acd d iii'jiT of rn
ir. i;f'i -!r'.r!: to the inexp-ru-jixi. or to tholiv
ii,'.: .i April 13, 1374. If.
0 '3::iion ta Humbuagsry!
A All J
Ti M ;i 1 r-:;5R'il hTt'hy anni'iinw that he has re
f ' n i it i.:;j .. at tiu AX stand, n.'Xt door tw KuxK-r's
j. ai u j 1,-j, M.iiji i:t;v, .Mro'-i'tsliurur, Pa., uiid is
300T8 end SHOES,
mai, !n th !at"t styla and of j?m4 matcrisl. Rcpair-
r, i;;, kit.'Ltod Im. ji'i; uio m '-all.
t 1 7-.-!y.j C. 1.1-AV1.S WATERS.
BiiJ Vi y2 U W V2 Ll
rf a 41 p)
ra. Id ii ti
i; ii.
Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop,
Stroudsburo, Pa.
The undersigned wou'd respectfully in
form the citizens ol Si ro'idsburg ;md vicinity
tint he is now lully prepared lo do all kindb
ofPupor Ilunwinif (iiazing and Paintinjr,
promptly and at shorr notice, and that he
will keo coutiintly on hand a fine stock ol
fapor I fa noriiio;s of all descriptions and at
low prices. Tte oalronae of the public
13 earnestly solicted.
May 16, 1872.
1 03 PRINTING, of all neatly ex
' ecu tod ii t this office
n t A N K M 0 1 IT G A G V
F r ap hT Ofiice.
.1 !.- O 1 r
cceipis oeuI Expenditures
Monroe 'County,
January 1, 1S77.
LINFORD MARSH, Treasurer of the
County of Monroe, in account with paid
County, for Receipt ami Expenditures for
the year ending January 1, 1S77 :
Rec'd on Dupli's of 1872$ 740 13
" " " " 1873 2S2 19
" " " " 1S74 432 3
" " " " 1S75 4,'MA ol-S 6.400 20
" " " " 187G 1.812 31- 1.812 34
Arn't as'.', for 1S7G, 17,772 18- 17,772 IS
On nnx'd :mJs
Cou r. t v Ta x es 1,331 G5
Roa.l " lj.31 12
Special road 337 CO
School 1.S41 30
Iiuildin 231 37
Poor 975 95
T.ountv 2 49- 6,39157
Seated' lands Co. taxes, 180 97
P'.ad 127 90
Special road 2S 93
School 201 81
Puiiding 51 o3
Poor - 5S 01
Poun'y 10 91- CGO 24
Ilcd'tion on uns'd landj CS C2
" " 31 02- 90 61
Lonn from Stroudaburg
Rank 931 72
Rcc'dun bridge timber 2-3 55- 1,007 27
$31,215 44
-'tn.le taxes, 1S73, $ 7 90
1574, 6 95
1575, 130
1376, 4 01
Airnjr t assessed, 1876, 105 35- 215 CO
Miliiaiy tax leteiveU
frorn lale Trc:esurcr 63 04- C3 04
$31,529 03 due County $335 CI
of i r, 9 J7S S4
rxon-rati.ins 1S7S, 9i 23
j C nii:ii.v-io:i to Collectors 82 03
! l ive per cent, abatement
! tas paeM 410 73-?10,270 53
I On ciittandin;
i iaic ol 18. 0
C5 76
Con; .-illusion allowed col-
i !( ct .rs
i I i Ve per cent, abatement
! . 1
;: :,,ueii taxnavt-rrt
o - o
CO 20
IVtit tiliraud Jurors 2.521 73
O j!; : returns to Court 2 J4 12- 2,7S5 85
l!.;ki;nj- i'.lfcih.n 871 23
JUiil L-r Licetion Rooms 21S 00
1,110 23
14,224 81
S95 55
A ff-i-mer.ts
Pi in ling, A.O.Orcer.walJ
' Tiieo. S.lioch
700 37
548 05
347 50-
Ro.'ir.iin'JC Pri-oners and
c.i!ive ir.i: prisoners to
the Peniter.tiarv 5!)6 33-
Ii '-iii-iti.-ns, dead bodies 23 21
i ! x oc Vi!ii Cat pcaips
90 20
104 75
i re.-t en Co. Ponds,
)!1 u:d l.-.-vie
" l-.v.v "
3,792 00-
312 47
77 20
2,013 19
' Vi!r.(--9 on Comtnon-
wt-nlih c;is's
Pefuti.:in Checks
l-'i.el ;'; co:mty h:ii'dir:g9
Kspn-i a:;d Freight
Rooks and Stationary
Jury C!nuiiio!iers
Ti.-!ail' and attending
aj')urneii Courts as
Coiii t Crier
Clerk of Seseiona
(Jao Rill
217 3S
2 8G
173 63
50 75-
59 75
152 50
7 20
212 00
23 C5-
433 91
519.7CC 45
Fire Insurance Tax
2 CO
Commi-.-ioners Counsel
an I fees for collecting 70 00
Iistriet Attorney 70 00-
192 CO
Auditins: Protlionitary
and Recorders ro-c'ts
Checks paid late Treas.
Reiieiiiption Checks
Clcaninpr Co. building
I'ridge Views
Fence and Watpr Closet
9 00
5fi3 33
332 C6
20 13
90 51
32 70
1,792 80
446 15
934 12
Seated atid unseated land
checks 4.CC3 22-
7,231 33
Bells 5102 33
Marshall 55 73
Tobvhanna Mills 19 (3
Pocor.o 10 2C
StoHlet'fl 24 85
Smilhlield 255 32
Pushkin 36 72
Wallace 10 13
Smiley' 41 31
TunuersvIIIe 2 61
WyckofT 75
Ro-8 Common 8 80
Miller's 4 77
Deubler's 9 00
KunkleV, Shoemaker's &
Fetherman'a 31 56
Wire 5 32-
Lon? Pond 273 24
Kre.-preville 6 25
Sullivans 22 27
Stonev Run 14 00
Ilenrvviile 26 00
RanslK rrv's 5 07
Pcrrv I 'rice 75 22
Stodd irlsville & Sullivan 21 70
Tobvhanna 23 40
St(dartsvil!e&Tobyhanna 150 59
Kerr'M 4 50
Icholiod Price 453 31
roi 40
523,825 44
Peasant Valley 20143
Iir Mlhead's Creek, Iron 144 37
Prodhead's Creek, Trestle C51 10- 2,1C5 50
Note in Slrondsburg Rank 1,0C0 00
C-ountv Auditors 91 50
Commissioners Clerk, bal
ance on fiaiarv of 1875 67 51
On Salary cf 1 876 882 00- 1,B31 01
Peter S. Rdinger $240 00
Cornelius Starncr 250 00
Jacob R. Tra::ne ISO G4- C70 C4
Comiui-'sinn for receiving
S2 1,176 3 1 at 2 per ct. 4?3 52
Paying out $22,862 25 457 11- 940 76
$31,133 41
395 64
By balance duo
?3 1.529 03
Examined, pnsed and allowed this 23d day
of January, A. D., 1877.
A. A . SI NC. Fit, Auditors.
LIN FORD MARSH, Treasurer of the County
of Monroe, in account with said county on
Dog Taxes the the year ending January
1, 1S77:
On Duplicate of 1875
Amount Assessed 1S76
On Duplicate of 1870
5 13 50
151 00-$ 1C4 50
C5 50
C5 50
230 00
Outstanding Taxes on
Duplicates of 1876
Commissions to Collect's
Dog Checks p iid
$ 96 00
51 50
Commission for receiving
and paying out $130 50
at 2 pe'r cent 2 61- 159 71
Examined, pas.-:ed and allowed this 23d day
of January, 1877.
" J. E. SNYDER, "J
A. A. KINDER. j-Auditors.
STATEMENT showing the indebtedness of
the County of Monroe for the year ending
January 1, 1 877 :
Bonds, old i.-sue outstand
ing $3,015 CO
Him.!--, new i-sue for new
jail outstanding 20,200 00
Cheeks outstanding 33 30-?29,273 35
County Tax due bv Col
lectors " 9,323 49
Due by J. Frable, late
Commissioner as per
settlement of his ac
count 43 41
State Tax due by Col
li c;ors " 10S50 over asset ts 10,8o2 87- 20,273 36
Examined, parsed and allowed this 23d day
of January, A. D.. Iv77
" J. E. SNYDER, )
A. A. SIN(iKR. j-Auditors.
Statement fchowing balance dae by Collectors oa
COUNTY t.xi:s.
ISTi Parr-tt,
E. si r.i'.i lbburg,,
St mo r.dsl".'rj,
1S75 Ch'.v-;tiuU.iil,
1 ';)..! : ii.h.
E-t ImiJibur
! i'iiii blilitliSe
.troiidsu r,
1S7J lUrivtt,
EH iv. I,
1 irotiddhur
l. .-:..: hfield,
1 crdisf,,
Si roi'rishurg,
Thy haua,
TtinkiiaLinuclf ,
I'avid fric!, $ S3 :e j
1. it x-kali-Uu-r, z: ul j
TI)..!:ia- r'rautr, V,Z j
Ja. o! SVrliiss, J3 -Vi j
J.t.iiuh !;. I'ricc, r fv) j
J.ihn K. ea. r, 1.'; M i
Ai!J:oi'iu- Sluifp, M
.1. !. nk-ikfir, . &:i '3
,F. ItuiiHV, t 8t
.'. I'. ShatVr, 3 mi 7.
1 h'."!i:is I'.-hutz, 01 1
11. Van Aaken, V.! 7
li'.i-'ori STfa.s, 277 IS
Wiu. S;;te, 4 j V)
.1 1'-uh N'.-whart, 1-IS
IM'.vin Kiher, ZZi'Z',
l'.-i .r L. Kiauey,
Ail-n I'r'tce, 101 y
A. SI; v pp. . "!; lift
Lcui- T. Siai!h, 1714:5
Aarou Trantz, 41 '! 51
. Ii yli.-r, 1 iS 'V2
('. U.'sL.o.t, i .-.; M
Thomas I'r-.uitz, ot):l 7a
U. Vim Aukrn, S.:r .--0
huiiiu. 1 llili rt. 1IC4 If.
Tln.iiitas 1".. S'hivelT, it.'
Jai dh .Sorlas, C'S 14
:tl!Uil I'fivf, 7. 17
iharl-s Km lilcr, 4.U :r;
'1 . W. binini li, 617 s,j
Anihonv Staples, 7'.f. 05
IJdwia l:'i-hr, Ct!8 f,2
Jusi-th M'Twiii?, i;io s;
Ldnia ilcrwine, . 141 7.)
$ SJea-iD
H7t Tarrftt, '
1S75 Oi il-i:iup;h,
1S7G J arr-at,
hi't nut hill.
f'oolS" .ilh,
Kst Si roudabti
M. Smith ticld,
I'O 'OUi).
lia v id Prlrrt, $ 4 SO
J. FrouafV-lkcr, 2 " '
C. l;. Sh .-iter, 91
J. S.-rf:is, 3 4r
I. 'ct win Fisher, 27 41
A1I.-U !rie, 1 20
A.sinivp, $rr.
Lew is T. Smith, 7"i
Ilvii- r, 6 4".
C. H. Sl:af.T, M'.M
II. VanAnken, 17 Ol
Tii'.tiias K. Shivclr, 1 2.'
lairoh S..Tf'a.i, " 1 95
Cino li.s Ki hlr, 2 4 )
T. W. IV.iurj'll, C i
Anlii'.ny Siiiiil'.-5, IS)
Ixlwiu l' iihcr, '-'.
108 id
187.1 M. Sinlfhfi'II,
167S M. SinitliScId,
IT. VanAiikfn,
il. VanAukfn,
T. W. Uu iiu. 11.
9 10 50
41 01
27 Oj
Miiuntu i i.
Jlui; hy .Simon J.irvvrs, lurmfr
l n-asiircr as per sulUenivnt or Lis
2 02
S tC 32
1S71 il. Exalthfic'.d, A. VanAuieu,
t 27 51
S 37 5)
COMMISSIOXrtnS of Monro County, in ncromit with
taid county, fvr iho ending January 1st, 1S77.
Petr !. KlinfTor, ai per Checks. 5 210 fV)
IJy balaucu due,
17 50 S 237 50
Pcfor S. TyHnsrr by 10" days scrri
cca, at S2.5J per day,
fornrlius Starrer 03 per Checks,
Hy tuLiucj due,
Cornelius Stnrnor, hy 110 days ser
vices, at H.tiO per day,
Jacoh 15. Tratjvae ts p?r Checks,
liy baluiicc due,
i 257 50 S2S7 50
f 251 00
25 00$ 27.1 00
3 275 00? 275 00
$ ISO t
41 io $ 225 00
Jaeob B. Trensue hy 00 days servi
ces, at SJ.'J per day, $ 221 005 225 00
Exaruiiifd, passed and allowed this 2t)d diy of Jan
uary A. D., 1S77.
J. i:. SXVDF.K. )
A. A. s NO IU, V Auditors.
K1LAS L. DliAKFt, )
JACOB K.SITAT DK. Klu riiVof the County of Monrop,
in aceouut with taid County, fur Iho year ending
January 1st. 1(77.
To Jury funds received,
L'y balance due,
By summonins "00 Jurors,
at 3t eelits !eli.
Commonwealth eosts,
AdvertLaing elottion,
t 21 Oil
63 60$ 103 50
S 90 00
17 50
2 00$ 100 50
Examined. pasfd aud allowed this 23d day of
January A. D., 1377.
A. A .Si:;r,l n, VAaditors.
Feb. 1, 1377-3t.
Tliere is a very Cores rivalry between
our two undertakers Tooiiil.j "a:i'l Sin
uickson, atnl sotuetiiuea it trouble.
Oa the Jay of Mr. Chew's funonv!,
which was con.. acted by Toombs, a eolorou
niau named lia mis was to k; buried by
kSinnk-ksoti. It to happened that t!e two
pvecsiuns rea.h-d the turnj.ike le-ullng to
the cemetery at the sam moment, ll.uh
hearses were moving at a slovv walk, but
as f-wrn as they rt.t abreast of each other
S.iuiiii ksim tuiuhed up his luirses and ruaiU
them walk raj'ulb . Tlien Toombs put on
mure .sjaed tried to drive across the
front of iimicksou's horses, iu o:k-r to
block them oil" and keep thorn iu the rear.
Whereupon Sirsuickstm remaked that if
Tootnbs didn't take that old coluti cart out
of t!ie way he'd i i) the wheels oil and bai
it into splinters.
'Ton kuop behind," sai-.l Toombs. '-I
don't 'low no ni-A-er burviu' to take the
lead of mo."
"There ain't no decent nier in the
county that kin nit dead enJu-h to be to ii Ij behind fcaeli horses as them
of yourn."
:;0h ! there hain't, hey?" refikd Toomlis.
"We;!, just b;t me tell you tiiat there's
more n.oney in the near hind leg cf my
l;or.;cs th'uti you've ever made by solliii -yalier
j i:ie ci Llnis lor nuhog any."
"If my hi.rscs v.-ertu't belter'n your'n
Ida kiLed 'cm loii arc and trot you to
bury 'cm. It's more iu your Hue than
huu.'un b: iiir.s."
"We'll see about that," said Toombs, as
he stait.'d his team at a bri.k trot.
"I'il let ve wilt !"' exclahn-d Inuickson,
whippin g his horses furi .us'y.
A e on 1 later both hearses were pdni;
t!( wn ti e t:tnipi;;o
the rate of thirty
miles an ho tr, the coxitis bouticiu about
in tintn at a furious rate, and the fii'.nds
of tie do.ea-ed pat ties loukiui; out of the
carriage windows at the race, cheer-
!:ir the undertakers, ai.d others feoHng
pretty mad about it.
1 he funeral processions, however, pro
ceeded to the cemetery, and wheu thev
reacted it the- stepped to wait for the
undertakers to turn up. It was then about
hali-j ast twelve o cluck. A little after four
som-. uooy paw a man c-tuutn-e: m the cemetery
irate with his nose bloody, his riedit eve
sw. Hen and disenbred, and his clothes
and covered with dirt. It v.'as Toombs.
He vas balantit' a cofan on the ilont
axle-tree of a vehicle ciilv two whecle of
which remained, lie limned up to the
rave jaishine; the receptacle before him,
and sliding the c-nuin oil, he said :
'Gosh ! but I'm tired ! I've run that
thiuir alon on those wheels for nearly
four miles. '
Then stepping up to Judge Pittman he
whi.-pered to him :
'Me aud fiitit.iok.son 've been playiu'
particular thunder! 1 beat him in the
race, and then be ran into me aud smashed
both hearses all into notbiii'. Then we
p ar pled and lit for about an hour, and
finally I bit him in tne stomach and curl, d
him ail up iu the corner of the fence, i'ut
when I came to look for old Chew's erfm
it was jrone. I must a dropped him out
alouir the road somewheros ; I dutino where.
So what did I do w hile ianicksou was
lay in' there howiiu' but rab up Sinniekson'.H
niirer and mount him on my from wheels,
aud brin; him alone;. Old Che wis people
won't know the dilierence. Less bury this
chap and lay low ab"Ut it, and Sinnicksou
can shove oil old Chew on the colored folks.
Uo'il do almost anything after the way 1
bounced him."
So the "funeral services procee.led, and
just as they ret the remains in the jrave
in came Siunicksoti, lookinir as if he had
been passed a couple of times through a
bark mill, and pretty nearly ground to
ra;rs. The first tiling he said was:
"I say hold up there ! You've trot the
wro:i;r man. Mr. Chew's laying in the
ditch about three rjuartcrs of a mile up the
pike, and this is my corpse you're u burviu-."
"Don't pay any attention to that liar,"
said Toombs, turning pale.
"Who are, you cal:i:i;r a liar ?" said Sin
r.ickson, and then he Sidled into Toombs,
and they had another tussle until Judre
Pitman separated them. Then a commit
tee of friends rot a cart and went baek for
Mr. Chew, and finally everything was pro
perly arranged. Put as the folks went
home Toombs passed Finnicksori at the
cemetery atc, and shaking his fist at him,
he said.
"Never you mind, old fellow. The nest
funeral I have 'il be yours, and I'll not
only run it, but I'il have the corpse ready ;
you see if I don't."
There is a rood opening for an amiable
undertaker in our vil Lure.
An easy method of breaking rlts to any
roquired form is by making a small notch,
by means of a file, on tho edge of a piece
iass ; then make the end of a rod of iron
red iiot in the (ire, apply the iron to the
notch, aud draw it slow ly along the surface
of glass, in rny direction you please; a
crack will be made and w ill follow the direc
tion of the iron. Round jtlass bottles and
flasks may be cut in the middle by wrap
ping round them a worsted thread dipped
in spirits of turpentine, and setting it on
fire when fastened on the trlass. This
process is familiar to old campaigners with
whom glass bottles are more plentiful than
tumblers, and the former are thus utilized
! to supply a wast cf the latter.
An Incident of Npw York City Lift
A reporter rT the New York Vrorld writ
'ircr of the crowd that m iy be seen daily at
the of v upevtutendeut of Out
door Poor, vives the lollowsn inei lent :
On Tuesday morning there was an un
usually lurL'o cnr.vd about the place. It.
huddled on the Third avenue side because
the wind euiae down Eleventh street full
of nu-dli-s.
One woman braved the side sfrect be
cause shs waitted to be alone. She kept
paeinT up and down, as if in kr-ejiin her
own blood iti cirenlativui she could keep the
biuivlle warm that she carried iu her arms.
Doubtless this was her first attempt at the
official trough. She was yonnir, :d proba
bly thought that she could keep her humili
ation to herself she selected the coldest
place to wait. So she turned up the collar
of tho thin j tcket, set her teeth atid braved
it. When anybody came down Eleventh
street she turned short about. Now and
then she jravo the bundle a shake up in her
arms, as a it were heavy. I, at it was a
eomivrt not to be notice.!
Rut .he wj.s noticed. The reporter i
this ease, b.appenod to be of her own sex,
and after watching her 1'or a few moments
crosse'S the street to speak to her.
"Why don't you iro round in t! e avenue?
ou'il iVt:eze your baby to death here."
She Sii-.l uotiiiu but deftly pulled the
covvtitt;-; a.-lde and looked in. There was
a rustic i f piper. Sue had !j;ot an inner
lavcr of n -w.-p.ipers I'.r the sake of warmth.
2uick as she was. slie was not so ouick
that the rcji.rtcr f.i'el to see the pink face
tad note the tasty bee and linen
"Sti ji a m.jui.'ijt. It's a beauty. Let
m : look at ir. Come iuto this shelter out
of the wind."
l'r.-b.ibiy the reporter, anxious to obtain
a bit of history, would have succeeded in
warming the mother into afl'-ibiiily had it
nt been for an u:ii';re-?een interru'dioti.
Talk she. would not, except by nods and
shru". nature, which di.-re.rar is lan
tru:!;e wbh a subl'mie elmiiieuee, s.ud she
! was in dire necessity, and sae made a sort
of mute yutniiiary of her wants by liliin;
it the j ink face aivl ail twiner the re
porter to caleh hold of one of the little pur
ple bands.
Ju-t then a quartet of roistering blades
i came down Eleventh street. They looked
J like vouoe; poiitl' sons. Tltey rati
j over in tlie so up .or with mmieu vitality I .
ami cus.- .i aess. J iiov llaiie: snow ut each
other. Tb. y jei.-hed each other lion u-.-n
the snow heaps. ri h y filled the street
. ith their 1 ou 1 liueh-er and jocund de
fence. They ca:n ; like a burst of skaters
and all at otiee the two shtiakiii persons
staiiiliee: th re were enveloped.
'Ilaiio I ' says one, "there's a 1
'If it aia't a cbovub I hone I
" o
may ate.
said another. '-Where's .Santa Clms ?"
There was a Ion 1 p'.-al of Imediter, and
one of tliim, a rubicund wretch, spread
out his ulster coat into wiicrs and dropped
upon the iiifoit, w-mpire li;e. ''Cooehee.
Co. cltee," said be, ehuckiire; it under the
coin with a cloved finder. -L-o!c up here
! sonny. Heir your pardon, ma'atn. i?onny,
i.-n't it ?" Without heeding the mother,
who had no answer, but. seemed to be mak
ing up her mind to cry for help, lie v.vnt
on. --Ciime here, (I is. Here's a red hot
baby. Smarter than lightning and brighter
thin the morning You needn't laugh.
I can tell ge.ibts before its six months old.
Link here, sonny, which will you have ?"
He held tip a silver half-dollar, fumbled a
moment and brought out with his other
hand a irold piece.
"Ili-ld on," cried one of his companions.
"Two to one be chooses the silver."
"i) vine,"' said the Vampire ; "live to ten;
up with your money ?"
In a twi:v;ii.ier thev bad their bills out.
They roared and shouted, "Who'll holt
the stakes? O, here, the mother holds
the bet, let her hold the stakes," and the
bills were tossed iuto the warm cavity
round the baby.
"Now then, : sonny, which is it ? Take
your j iek 1" and a little blue band went up
for the gold. As it did s one of the party
shouted, "There's our car 1" and like a
troop of wild Comanches the four of them
went tcarint; down the street to catch at
the ban ! rail of a horse car, sling them
selves i.boaid and disappear forever. S-
does cussediiiss slop over in charity wii'i
oet ever considei iag that a lark looks like
a duty.
( foe look at the woman. Her ryes were
full of water. Then the reporter helped
her gather up the money and went away,
thinking what a a splended story that would
have if it had only happened iu the
days of special providences.
. .
Ths Wealthy Appl.
This comparatively new apple has be
come exceedingly popular in the northwest
cm states during the past few years. This
variety seems to have cotitmnally gained
friends, and is now be bur extensively plan
ted in the west. It originated near St.
Paul, Minn., from seed brought from
Maine, somewhere about the year lS'JO.
The tree has proved to be very hardy and
vigorous. The fruit is medium to large.
The for iu is a roundi.-h oblate, tba color,
whi;i.ds-yel!ow ground, shad.kd with deep
rich trinison in the sun, with obscure,
broken stripes aud mottling in the shade.
Flesh white fiiie-grainc-d, stained with red,
tender, juicy, vinou, sub-acid, season De
cember to February. A most excellent
variety for cold northern localities.
Said Junes, sweopimrly, "When yon
are in Pome, do as th.. Romans du ;" and
Johnson replied: "Wheu juu arc iugiu,
do as the Injins do."
Fusil 10 a Notes.
Old-fashioned linked alecves buttons ara
in voirue aztin.
Verv ii-ht bit:-; stoekia3
are clocked
with navv blue silk.
Veils with ' dots $omo d;st.r.:c2 apart
are fashionabb.
New bracelets are very narrow an-i'da
not closely lit the arm.
Natural H wers are v.irn in the hair
when it is dressed for the eve:. hi". "
Shawls of various utiifjua styles arc to
be broULcnt out the coming spring.
Two lare, thick cutis are worn ia the
neck when the hair is d rosed I.ili.
T:ie crepe dresses now o popelir f r
evening wear are worn over .sutin petti
coats. Small leather!s nre m ;d i
which, wheu iUlded, look lilie. ti:;y u-nbrel-
Tho driest hair is said to be kept p;os?y
if it ree . Ives fifty strokes from the Lru,li
everv ni-'i.t.
w O
The latest in belt buckles is the E'izibe
theu style, of Russun leather, mjuuLed iu
irold and silver.
nan. s.;in is commenlv usrd f r m-.dc-
HiLC jacket books and other ariiele
lU'-roeeo leather was llruuriy rcrin
Sever d new stIes of oe: r h vo
i lately been ititrodu.-cd. Wu were tdiowu
j some very dark, almost black to be u.-.d'
witli too n.:w ic.'tu'e ink la.c'y brought out.
Shoes wi:h hirh Spa'ij'i heels are '.u.uli
worn, but are very itijurious to the l imes
of the feet as well as the spi:: .-.u 1 ,-ire
t-.?t!:uctiily condemned by the median
Elaek is the favorite color fre?oa?cs. but
fir mill weather they are mil;
shades of camels hair cloth, tri.naiei wi'
feather t;i. amine:, or the bin Is mi j wojlen,
ball or tassel friaes !iov so stv'.ish.
Caudles and candlesticks ;ire mueli use !
fir deeoratiiie; drawiui:-rooms. The c in
dies are of Wax, vari -d in style an 1 d '.-den,
some beine; colored, others beautiful y p dat
ed wreaths aril iljwer.s, in bright tints.
A new
patent in shoes revenl.s the iaerert-
l"Us invent i.,h of m .vablo heels. T.nej r
I , , , "u ,m: .' luv K' ' "a..u
h: ' hi.-li wiilsuit tho
iiv-iutu oi liie LTClllieill Ul fc:!0 IS Willi.
The "widow's can"
s no le.ij-. r wi-rn.
but instead a simple ruche of crip mm
is placed in-Me the b.em.-t. Toe wils are
not worn nearly a long as firm -rly, and
often it is of the Cue twilled guu-e instead
of crape.
Handkerchiefs are hi silk and pr.neex of
the color of unbleached musli:. w'u'i bor
ders, a monogram wrought in colors i.i i :ii
corner price one dollar and upward. Any
style or firicifui col . is couriered ciuii
in handkerchiefs n iw-a-d.tys.
The latest importations fy-ivi P.. vis for
evening dresses show that, the coml.:i;-.iio:i
suits, cither in m or coin-are. passing
by, thou rh tw- eotxtiMstiuj: shad s of th-
sane color are ahirs-iMe. The latest
caprice in finger-rings is the width, a iesh
i.mable ring now reaching nearly to the lirst
The newest Cidnvirai skirts are r f red
flannel, or felt, Ihted clos -ly around the
hips, and trimmed around '.hi; bottom v.i;!i
side platings, or three rows of pinked b-:c
plaiting of the same materials as the skirt.
These are both ponular and stylish.
sleeves are tnmmd just above the elbows
with a baud of ribbon, or galloon, accord
ing to the trinr.niux of the dress fasten
ing the bands with two loops and ends aud
a bottom
A White skirt made to wear with trained
dresses and which d ies away with the ne
cessity of a bustle, is of cambric, bus ruf
fles ail the way down the back breadth, and
four 1 tyevs of them just at the edge. The
outside lower rufde is edged with Smyrna
lace and passes around the entire skirt. It.
is starched very still" and holds out the
dress just enough to nuke it graceful and
pretty. The material used is s thhi that
this skirt is but little heavier than an or
dinary one,
A ritrtTTV young lady whose Christian
name is Anna, took a cigar from a young
man who bad not .luck enough to sav lie
wished to marry her, twirled it playfully
beneath bis nose, and looking archly at
him popped the question thus: "iLve
Auna V"
"Do you reside in this city ?" r.sked a
masked man of a masked lady at a ma?
ipierade p. t; the o Iter evening. He felt
sick when she said to him in a law voi.-e,
"Don't be a fool, John, I know you by
that wart on your thumb." It was his
An experienced lady observes that ?.
good way to pick out a husband is to seo
how patiently he waits for dinner when it is
behind time. Her husband remarks that
a good way to pick -ut a wife is to ..-;
whether a woman has dinner ready in time.
"Sir.," said one man to another, beware !
To day you have kicked me. Yesteiday
you struck me. Day before yesterday voti
pulled my nose. Take care. sir. take cure,
or you'll rouse the sleeping lion."
It is the oj it-ion of a New Ynk law
yer that bis profession contain more mean
men than any olhir four rof -s.-iuus, ui-d
! hi is eoiag to become an editor.